• Adults: New Year's scenario for a large company


    Roslyakova Galina Nikolaevna

    musical director

    GBOU Moscow kindergarten

    combined type No. 2001.

    New Year's party "Visiting the Snow Maiden"

    for younger children preschool age

    Children middle group They enter the hall accompanied by cheerful music, running lightly, hands on their belts.

    Performing “Round dance without singing”

    Presenter:Happy New Year,

    And with all our hearts we wish,

    Much health to you all,

    Both big and little ones!

    Children, look how beautiful and elegant our Christmas tree is!

    Let's say hello to her!

    Children:Hello, Christmas tree!

    1st childOur tree is green

    And elegant and slim.

    Thousands of lights at once

    Flashed on her.

    2nd childWe're having a lot of fun

    At your holiday.

    And a song about the Christmas tree

    We'll sing for you now.

    3rd childAnd under the tree there is a round dance

    And dances and sings,

    All friends and all girlfriends

    Invites you to join the circle.

    The round dance “Yolka-Yolochka” is performed At the end, the children sit on chairs.

    The presenter invites the children junior group . Children, to the music of “Little Christmas Tree,” run in and stop at the tree, approach it, and look at the toys. The teacher asks what toys are on the Christmas tree? The children call them.

    Presenter.In front of the elegant Christmas tree

    Get up in a round dance...

    Children get up in a round dance.

    Child.Jr. gr. Hello, Christmas tree!

    For the guys

    There is no better gift.

    Let your lights burn

    Festive and bright!

    The song “Yolka” is performed (Beads shine on the Christmas tree..)

    Presenter:Guys, who is this coming to us? Yes, this is the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost!

    Snow Maiden.(comes out and sings a song “All the animals know me, they call me Snegurochka”)

    Snow Maiden.Hello guys! How beautiful and elegant you are! And what a fluffy and slender Christmas tree you have! Did Santa Claus bring you this?

    I send winter greetings to everyone

    For adults and children,

    Dads, moms, grandmas,

    For girls and boys!

    Come on quickly, kids,

    Turn to moms

    Wave your right hand,

    Wave your left hand.

    Dads, moms, don't be bored,

    Sing along with us on the spot,

    Clap your hands together

    Have fun with us!

    “Hide your pen”

    Snow Maiden.And now everyone is in a round dance,

    Have fun in the New Year!

    My dance is very simple,

    But cheerful, mischievous.

    Is everyone ready to dance?

    So we can start.

    Children of both groups dance around the tree and perform movements as they dance.

    Snow Maiden. 1. We will now go to the right, (Saturday)

    And let's go right.

    We will clap our hands loudly - one, two, three.

    And we stamp our feet together - one, two, three.

    2. And now we will turn around,

    And let's smile at each other,

    We will never get bored - one, two, three.

    Let's start the round dance from the beginning - one, two, three.

    3. We will now go to the right,

    And let's go right.

    Come on, together, all the people - one, two, three.

    Let's say loudly: “Happy New Year!” - one two Three.

    Snow Maiden. I can’t hear you, friend!

    Children. Happy New Year!

    Snow Maiden. Well done my friends

    I'm happy with the holiday.

    Children sit on chairs on both sides.

    Presenter. On the forest edge in winter

    The forest people gathered.

    Near the New Year tree

    The animals dance in a circle.

    Presenter.poem "About the Christmas tree"

    Mittens Theater scene “The Christmas Tree Stood”

    I, the trickster Fox, will catch bunnies,

    But I won’t eat them, I’ll just play….

    Children perform a round dance "The animals went to the Christmas tree" words by M. Mikhailova, Russian folk melody, at the end of which children (3 little squirrels, 3 little mice, 3 little hares) come out and read poetry.

    First baby squirrel .

    Outside the blizzards howl incessantly,

    At the edge of the forest, animals decorate the Christmas tree.

    Second little squirrel .

    Gingerbread cookies, gingerbread cookies are hung on branches,

    Lollipops for the deer, chocolate for the bear.

    Third little squirrel .

    Stars and chains, gold beads,

    Lanterns, toys, painted balls.

    First mouse.

    We all feel very good

    Have fun today

    Because he came to us

    New Year's holiday.

    Second mouse.

    Gathered at the Christmas tree

    Mice, hares, wolves,

    They began to think and guess,

    How should they celebrate the New Year?

    The third little mouse.

    We, forest people, need

    Celebrate the New Year together!

    First little bunny.

    Well, let's remember together

    What do we need for the holiday?

    Second little bunny.

    We need laughter, fun, dancing,

    Everything is like in a good old fairy tale!

    Third little bunny.

    We really need Santa Claus,

    He is friendly with the forest people.

    He will come to our Christmas tree,

    He will bring gifts to everyone!

    Snow Maiden. Oh, it's me!

    Fox.I am a fox with a red tail.

    I came to your holiday.

    Sweet carrot

    I brought it to all the bunnies. (Hands the basket with carrots to the Snow Maiden).

    Snow Maiden. Well done, Lisa, now go play with the Little Bunnies from the younger group.

    Game "Bunnies and Fox" (lyrics by V. Antonova, music by G. Finarovsky)

    1. Along the forest lawn

    The bunnies ran away. Bunny children jump in different directions.

    These are the bunnies

    Bunnies are running around!

    1. The bunnies sat in a circle,

    They dig the root with their paw. Squat down (look for

    These are the bunnies spine).

    Running bunnies!

    1. Here the fox is running - The bunnies hide their faces in their hands, and the fox

    Red-haired sister. walks around the hall

    Looking for where the bunnies are, and is looking for children.

    Bunnies are running around!

    At the end of the song, the bunnies jump to cheerful music.

    Cheerful music is playing and the “bunnies” are jumping. Suddenly a fox runs out and has fun says: “I’ll catch up, I’ll catch up!” bunnies sit on chairs.

    When finished, the fox runs away.

    Snow Maiden.Why hasn't Santa Claus come yet?

    Children. No!

    Snow Maiden.Do you know which children Santa Claus comes to?

    Who know how to clap their hands together! Do you know how? (Children clap).

    - who can stomp their feet. Do you know how? (Children stomp).

    Who can laugh loudly. Do you know how? (Children laugh).

    Who know the song about Santa Claus. Do you know?

    The song "Santa Claus" is performed

    The exit of Santa Claus.

    DM . I am gray-haired, ruddy,

    Good Santa Claus:

    Christmas tree for your holiday

    Brought it from the forest.

    The lights sparkle:

    Red, blue.

    Good for us Christmas tree

    Have fun with you!...

    Santa Claus greets children and guests. Congratulations on the holiday. He asks the children if they liked his Christmas tree. He lights the lights on the Christmas tree and invites everyone to a round dance.

    Children stage a dramatization with Santa Claus round dance "Merry Santa Claus was walking" depicting bunnies, bears, foxes.

    1. Cheerful Santa Claus was walking,

    Father Frost, Father Frost, Father Frost,

    He raised his red nose importantly,

    Red nose, red nose.

    Everyone walks in a circle, heads held high, hands hidden behind their backs.

    2. And along the forest path,

    Through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

    The mischievous bunny jumped,

    Naughty, yes.

    Everyone jumps on two legs.

    3. The bear was chasing the bunny,

    I was catching up, catching up.

    He waddled

    He walked like that!

    All depict club-footed bears.

    4. And smart, good, good, good

    The fox walked slowly,

    Slowly, yes!

    Everyone walks on their toes, wagging their tails.

    5. Grandfather Frost has come,

    He came to us, he came to us.

    He started dancing joyfully, he went like this.

    Santa Claus is dancing in a circle, children clap their hands.

    Father Frost.

    Guys, are you afraid of frost?

    What do you do if your hands freeze?


    We clap!

    Father Frost.



    That's how. (Claps with the children).

    Father Frost.

    What if your feet get cold?


    We're stomping!

    Father Frost.



    And like this, (Stomps with the children).

    And also. Santa Claus, we are dancing!

    Father Frost.


    Snow Maiden.

    And like this!

    "Warming" is performed. Children they dance, performing the dance movements that the Snow Maiden shows.(claps - springs, stomps with one foot - circling around)

    Father Frost.Oh, how clever you guys are! I didn't freeze anyone.

    And now, mischief makers,

    Children read poetry.

    Father Frost.Well done! I really liked your poems.

    Presenter.Listen, Santa Claus, our orchestra!

    Hey guys, come out

    You'll get rattles!

    Boy. Wed. gr.We're dancing with a rattle

    Friendship, fun now.

    And we jingle with our toy -

    Look at us!

    Children Wed. groups perform the Estonian folk song “Squat” with rattles and bells with movements.

    Father Frost.Well done musicians! Now let's play. Come on, tell me, do you like to play hide and seek? But I’ll check it now!

    "Hide and Seek with Santa Claus"

    Snow Maiden.Santa Claus: one, two, three!

    Turn away and don't look.

    Don't rush to turn around.

    Hide quickly, kids!

    Children squat down at the chairs, hiding their faces in their hands.

    And Santa Claus walks around looking for them.

    Father Frost.I'm walking around the room

    I can't find anyone.

    Well, where should I go?

    Where can I find guys?

    He walks around and says: “Perhaps they hid here? Or maybe here? (to parents) “No, not them.” He approaches the kids and asks: “Where are my kids?” The children stand up, laugh merrily and shout: “We are here!”

    Santa Claus - comment...

    Father Frost.Oh, I'm tired, I'm hot!

    Snow Maiden. I'll fix this problem

    And I will help Frost.

    And my snowflake sisters

    I'll call you right away.

    Snowflakes are girlfriends,

    Fly quickly!

    Let's dance

    At your Christmas tree!

    Snowflakes (all in chorus).

    We are fluffy snowflakes

    We don't mind spinning around

    We are cheerful snowflakes,

    We dance day and night!

    Performed "Dance of Snowflakes" "Waltz" music. A. Zilina. (waving hands with ribbons and running) .

    After the dance, Santa Claus plays with snowflakes - he collects them in a snowdrift, and as soon as he tries to sit on it, the snowflakes scatter.

    Father Frost.How much snow has fallen!

    Snow Maiden.Frozen, Santa Claus? Don’t know how to keep warm? Santa Claus, dance for the guys.

    Father Frost.Well, Snow Maiden, I’m tired, I’ll sit under the tree.

    Snow Maiden.I have a magic handkerchief, whoever gets it will start dancing!

    "The Lady with a Scarf"

    Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Presenter, children, parents.

    Father Frost. Well, artists, just a miracle!

    I won't be bored with you!

    And now, baby,

    It's time to take you on a magic sleigh ride.

    Do you want to ride in Santa Claus's sleigh?

    Children sitting on the right side stand one after another, with Santa Claus in front, in his hands there is an arc with bells. And the children sitting on the left side stand behind the Snow Maiden, move in the opposite direction, to the Russian folk melody.

    Father Frost. Well, thanks, kids,

    The holiday turned out to be bright,

    And now it's time

    Children receive...

    Children. Present!

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden hand out gifts, say goodbye, their wishes and leave.


    There is music before the evening begins. The presenter comes out dressed as the Snow Maiden and sings “Ah, this evening” to the soundtrack.

    Snow Maiden: During the day, the city is like a city, and people are like people around.
    But at New Year's hour everything suddenly changes here.
    Let the candles be lit and there are no empty seats in the hall,
    And everyone is looking forward to New Year's miracles.
    Chorus: Ah, this evening, the crafty magician, forever dressed in a purple tailcoat.
    The candles will go out, love will go away,
    but in the New Year it will return to us again.
    Snow Maiden. Good evening! Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
    The beginning is like in a fairy tale, I sneak up, like shhh, quietly, don’t scare him away, do you hear? (steps in the snow), here, here it is, it will happen very soon! Like what, you don't know (sharp music), (turn around) of course a miracle!!!
    The river of time is flowing, and _____ a year has already passed... Inexorably and excitingly, a new one is coming, _________. And again, magical dreams and indescribable feelings of anticipation of extraordinary miracles and fabulous events await us. Wonderful and the most main holiday- New Year. And this holiday is always associated with hopes for miracles and magical fulfillment of desires. But your wishes can really come true. This will happen not in a fairy tale, but in reality, just as it happened and is happening to many people. And since life provides us with many opportunities every day, we just need to meet the chance halfway and not stop it from coming true. It is in the New Year that you can attract money and luck into your life or attract a loved one to you. During the New Year, the energy of desire intensifies many times over. Before the long-awaited 12 strokes strike, we will all write our wishes on pieces of paper. And believe me, they will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it very strongly.
    I greet all our dear guests - Snegurochka! I invite you all to visit me for a fun New Year's celebration! And our ___________________________ will help me guide you along the mysterious paths of music, dancing and lively entertainment!
    Dear friends, I propose to fill your glasses and empty them to the bottom for your magical performance desires.


    Dear guests! Your friends, colleagues, and loved ones are sitting next to you. Smile at each other! Smile with all your heart!
    You all know very well that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Therefore, holding our magical holiday depends on your participation. Forget all your problems for a while and give your loved ones and friends, good mood.

    Today you can and should dream. And even if it’s not winter weather outside, But looking out the window, imagine that there...0 – (Snow is spinning)

    And that at full speed...1 – (New Year is rushing towards us - disco Crash)

    And what today...2 – (New Year's - Serduchka)

    And only for you, for your wonderful team...
    3 – (A Christmas tree was born in the forest - Balagan)

    We will congratulate each other, and like making wishes in childhood, And we will have for this... 4 – (5 minutes)

    And your wonderful leaders will call on you more than once...
    5 – (Go for a walk - Karmanov)

    And they will remind you more than once...6 – (So ​​pour it - Orlova)

    One of the guests will definitely propose a toast...7 – (Let's drink to love - Nikolaev)

    And the other guest will say...8 – (I raise my glass - Kirkorov)

    And everyone will support him with pleasure, because on New Year’s Day we must definitely drink...9 – (For our ladies - Trofim)

    Then, as in the fairy tale Cinderella, when the chimes strike 12 o’clock, we will all make a wish and say to each other...10–(We wish you happiness)

    Then we will call Santa Claus and he will answer us...11 – (I hear - disco Crash)

    Then the real thing will begin...14 – (Gulyanka – Serduchka)

    And this New Year's Eve, all women will stop claiming that...
    15 – (We are all women bitches - Allegrova)

    And more than once, addressing their friends and colleagues, women will say...16 – (Little by little - Kukarskaya)

    And then they will be happy and say that everything will be fine now... 17 – (Good - Serduchka)

    And looking at each other they will see stunning...18 – (Sex bomb)

    Again the leadership will take the floor and make a festive toast, with the wish...20 – (Let there be no tears and sadness)

    And of course...21 – (So ​​that everything definitely comes true - Rotaru)

    During a friendly feast, after toasts have been made, you may have the desire to sing an old but wonderful song...
    25 – (The reeds rustled)

    And after the song is sung, someone will push the neighbor in the side and say... 26 – (And you call your friends - Suruchana)
    And there will be cheerful dancing, and faces will glow with joy. But …
    Of course, the evening is not endless, the holiday will melt away like smoke, But happy and tired, you will return home.
    And someone, waking up in the morning, may feel like this... 27 – (Hangover)

    Looking out the window, he sees that outside the window...
    28 – (Snow is falling - Uspenskaya)

    And then I will remember this holiday, and how with friends... 29 – (We walked all night until the morning)

    And suddenly he hears...
    30 – (WITH Good morning, beloved – Mityaev)

    What does he answer when he's sleepy... 31 – (Don’t rush, dear – Vaikule)
    (Life is already spinning me - Rotaru)

    And the following words will melt any, even polar, cold ice... 35 – (Get crazy)

    And in the next moments, only one song will sound for two...
    36 – (I love you to tears - Serov)

    And a new day will come, and happy man will say...
    38 – (Happy New Year - Korolev)


    Dear friends, let's spend the Old Year together with its adversities and sorrows. Let's fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope that with the last drops of the sparkling drink, all worries and grievances will leave you.

    Music pause

    Leading: Yes, the New Year is an extraordinary holiday in all respects, but you cannot go into the future without remembering the past; it is impossible to forget those warm and joyful moments that the outgoing year gave us, because for many of us it became significant both in work and in personal life. life.
    Therefore, we propose to say the main toast for the outgoing _______ year to your beloved boss and simply wonderful person __________________________.


    Leading: Now let's pay tribute to the passing year. What it was like for each of us, now we will sum up the results of the ________ year.
    Let him raise his hand
    Who experienced a career takeoff (promoted)
    Let him send an air kiss
    Who has been lucky in love all year (kiss)
    Thumbs up
    Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger OK)
    And turn your fingers down
    Who squandered the capital, (Down)
    Come on, wave your hand
    Who has acquired a grandson, granddaughter! (wave)
    And stand side by side
    Who gave birth to a daughter or a son (stand up)
    Let them clap their hands
    Who new house I bought a good one! (clap)
    Those who got married got married
    Shouts “Hurray!”, we will hear you!
    And raise your glasses up,
    Those who worked hard
    They worked without sparing effort,
    Who brought the salary to the house?
    Who's having fun at the banquet?
    In spite of all the crises in the world
    Who looks forward joyfully
    Happy good New Year!
    Toast! Over the past year!

    Musical pause.


    Characters: Christmas tree, Blizzard, 2 Snowflakes, Bunny, Wolf, Peasant

    Snow Maiden: Dear friends! New Year's evenings are always magical and fabulous, because it is in these moments that wishes are made and come true, a wide variety of miracles and transformations occur, and it is on the New Year that a FAIRY TALE comes to us. A FAIRY TALE has come to us!
    But, let's first!
    1. 2. In a clearing in the forest, almost at the edge of the forest, a small Christmas tree was born, it grew, grew, and became such a beauty that it’s impossible to tell in a fairy tale, not even to describe with a pen….
    3. Of course, the Christmas tree sometimes felt sad, especially on long winter evenings, and then the blizzard sang its lullabies to her.
    4. Sometimes the snowstorm got serious and snow fell in flakes... (Snowflakes enter) Snowflakes fell on the Christmas tree, on its branches, on the very top of the head.
    5. The Christmas tree had many friends, but the biggest friend was the hare - a long ear, he often visited the Christmas tree so that it would not be bored.
    6. And sometimes the gray wolf came running to check on the Christmas tree, the bunny, of course, hid under the branches of the Christmas tree, but the wolf had no time for the bunny, he was in love: (and here: Blah blah blah... cut for the wolf)
    7. But then one day, at such a moment, a horse’s neighing was heard through the forest, the wolf was so frightened that he also hid under the branches of the Christmas tree...
    And it turns out that a little man galloped into the forest to cut down a Christmas tree.
    Yes, and he cut down our Christmas tree, right down to the very edge!!!
    And so our decorated Christmas tree came to us for the holiday and, as usual, brought a lot of joy to the children!!!
    Round dance around the Christmas tree under Balagan.


    Ved: That’s all we have today – a Christmas tree, guests, Olivier, and music. Only there is no main New Year's hero, DM. For some reason he is late. Although you know, every year DM becomes more and more absent-minded, forgetful, and hard of hearing... He probably walks around the city and doesn’t know where to look for us. How can we help him? I suggest we greet him with fireworks. Do you agree? Then let's rehearse!
    The left side of the hall is red fireworks - you will clap your hands.
    The middle part of the hall - yellow color– you will stomp your feet loudly.
    A Right sideof blue color– you will shout “HURRAY!”
    So let's begin. Red! Blue! Yellow! Together! (game with spectators)
    Well, let's meet D.M. you are ready, all that remains is to call him. Let's call him loudly - loudly so that he can focus on the sound? Traditionally, this needs to be done three times. Let's start! (Santa Claus!)
    And now the fireworks! Red! Blue! Yellow!
    Santa Claus enters ("Santa Claus comes out")
    DM: Did you call grandpa?
    WITH: Called!
    DM: Hello, kids, girls and boys! Wow! I'm like that big boy I've never seen it before! Listen, little guy, how old are you? A? I can't hear well! Yah! Thirty? Why then did you come to the matinee without a child?
    WITH: DM! Well, every time you confuse everything! At U.S. not children's party, A new Year's Eve for adults.
    DM: What bad luck! And I was preparing, learning rhymes, songs... Well, forgive me for not wearing a tuxedo!
    WITH: So what, you only have a children's repertoire?
    DM: Well, why for children? I have every repertoire... (walks around the hall, meets girls, makes dates)
    WITH: Grandpa, come on already New Year's theme let's move on.
    DM: Come on, granddaughter. For some reason everyone is standing, not dancing... Let's dance.
    WITH: And during the dances, the one who finds himself in front of the DM bag takes out one thing from there and puts it on himself.
    "Dancing in Russian"
    DM: Oh, and we danced well! And how elegant everyone has become! Just a treat.
    WITH: Yes, Grandpa is good! And now I will ask you to take your seats. And Grandfather, sit down, are you tired?
    DM: Oh, Granddaughter, I’m tired... I’ve become old, but I’m still young in mind!
    Dancing and singing is good. However, my gifts will be received by those who are smarter and braver! I didn’t have a damn thing to do for a whole year, so I sat there, composing children’s riddles.
    WITH: For example?
    DM: Here's a riddle:

    1. I come with gifts,
    I shine with bright lights,
    Elegant, funny,
    I'm in charge for the New Year! (Christmas tree)
    2. Not porridge, but boiled;
    Not a ball, but rolling;
    Not glass, but beating. (Egg)
    3.Not a model, but slim;
    It’s not the sole, but the mark that leaves;
    Not clairvoyant, but transmits thoughts.
    4. Not a lapdog, but a curly one;
    Not a spouse, but a caring one;
    Not an artist, but soap operas participates.
    5. It’s not a cannon, but it shoots;
    Not the sea, but foaming;
    Not a clown, but gives a good mood.
    6. Not a newspaper, but opens;
    Not a spectator, but a clapper;
    It’s not the toastmaster, but the one who creates the festive mood. (Clapperboard)

    Those who answer correctly receive gifts from DM.


    DM: Oh, I'm feeling kind of hot.
    WITH: What, grandpa, should I blow on you?
    DM: No, it won’t help... But if our guests would respect the old man and sing me my favorite song...
    WITH: Friends! What do you think is DM's favorite song? Of course, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” I need 4 volunteers.
    Let's continue the competition
    We're starting the song contest.
    We sing about the Christmas tree, about the slender one,
    But everyone will sing in their own way

    We sing to the tunes: “Black Boomer”, “Vladimir Central”, “Districts, Quarters”, “Black Eyes”. We choose the best performer with applause. Reward - Say New Year's greetings.

    Game “I’ll hold on to the staff”
    The task of the participants is to come up with the most successful continuation of the phrase, naturally, holding onto... the staff of GRANDFATHER COLA.
    For example: I will hold on to the staff,
    Happy New Year to everyone, friends!
    I'll hold on to the staff
    Everyone cheer for me, etc.

    It can be carried out in several ways. Or when people actively absorb food at the table (i.e. does not leave the tables), then Santa Claus walks around the tables
    to those who want to come up with a sequel. Or (if several groups hang out in one cafe) A competition is held for the wittiest team.

    WITH: Friends! Listen, this Christmas tree invites everyone to dance.
    Let's see what tunes are in Santa Claus's bag.


    Dear guests, or rather, the true hosts of today’s wonderful holiday, dear friends! Some time ago, you and I didn’t know and didn’t know about all sorts of predictions, signs and zodiac harbingers of our immediate and boundless future. Now horoscopes are published in all printed publications and read out by special uncles and aunts on all radio and television channels. To our joy, the Symbol of the New ________ Year - the Horse! Let's meet!
    Horse enters. Under "Christmas tree and candles"
    Our dear, respected horse, tell me, what does the coming year have in store for us?
    The horse pretends to read a horoscope. (Horoscope (voiced))
    1, Aries
    2. Taurus
    3. Gemini
    4. Cancers
    5. Lions
    6. Virgos
    7. Libra
    8. Scorpios
    9. Sagittarius
    10. Capricorns
    11. Aquarius
    12. Pisces
    13. Conclusion.
    WITH: Thank you Horse for such good predictions!
    DM: Yes, I'm glad! It’s no sin to raise a glass for this!

    Toast from D.M. and Snow Maiden.

    WITH: I wish you happiness, good luck to the people, live happily
    D.M.: Happy New Year everyone!
    WITH: May the weather give you sunny days! Health and strength
    D.M.: And happy New Year!
    WITH: Love is stormy to you, like spring waters! Tender hugs!
    D.M: And happy New Year!
    WITH: Let your income be worthy! Pockets are full!
    D.M: And happy New Year!
    WITH: And it’s great for you to walk with the people! Glory to the holiday!
    D.M: And happy New Year!
    D.M.: I say goodbye to you, my dears,
    Until next year.
    I would like to wish everyone health, success,
    Less sadness, more giggles, smiles and laughter!
    Leading. Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call out the last words of the lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

    1 Christmas tree - grew - slender - was (Song “Christmas Tree”: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest...”);
    2 icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song “Winter”: “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...”);
    3me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);
    4 an elegant one - lower it - with a chocolate one - treat us (Song “Christmas Tree”: “Lower the elegant branch, lower it, treat us with a chocolate fish...”);
    5 frost - wires - blue - star (Song “Blue Frost”: “Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...”);
    6 brought - Frost - look - thank you (Song “It’s snowing”: “Probably good Santa Claus brought my love to me...”);
    7 minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);
    8 centuries – seas – bears – earth (“Song about bears”: “Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...”);
    9 young - into the distance - palm - make a wish (Song “Snowflake”: “When a young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance...”).


    The contestants go down to the audience and for 3 minutes search among them for someone who remembers the childhood New Year's poem (of course, the viewer should not be a child). Connoisseurs of rhymes gather on the podium near the Christmas tree and recite them, receiving a sweet prize from their Snow Maidens. The fur coats of the contestants who completed the task are decorated with a silver snowflake.
    A stool with a large tray is placed in front of the contestants, on which there is a saucer with unwrapped caramel. There are candy wrappers next to the saucer. The melody of the song “Chink bells” sounds, the contestants dance and at the same time wrap caramel in candy wrappers. Once the music stops, the wrapped candies are counted. The winner is the Snow Maiden, whose tray reveals greatest number caramel in candy wrappers - her fur coat will be decorated with a silver snowflake.


    Leading. Be so kind, don't leave, please. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year's ball of the 19th century. At that time, “French quadrille” was very fashionable and popular. Four pairs of dancers stood in a circle, the dance master announced one or another figure in the quadrille, and the couples, enchanted by the music, indulged in the dance.
    So, we perform “French Quadrille”, but in New Year's style! There are four figures in the dance.
    Figure one “Round dance”: stand in a circle, hold hands and move in a circle... (Participants in the game move in a circle in a round dance.)
    Figure two “Snowflake”: join your right hands in the center of the circle and continue to move in a circle... (Participants in the game move in a circle “snowflake”.)
    Figure three “Christmas trees”: break into pairs, raise your right hands up and spin in pairs... (Participants in the game spin in pairs, depicting “Christmas trees.”)
    Figure four “Blizzard”: break the circle and move like a snake one after another... (Participants in the game move around the hall like a “snake.”)
    But, be careful, during the dance the order of the figures will not be observed. Maestro, music!
    Light, simple music sounds, to which the host conducts the game “French quadrille”.
    Surprise – the game “Songs in a Hat”.

    Leading. (With a hat in his hands.) There are different words in this hat. You take them out one by one, read them, remember and sing lines from songs where these words appear. But the songs should be about winter, the New Year holiday. For help, you can contact the guests of our evening. Santa Claus begins.
    This game is no longer for the characters, but for the participants of the evening. Therefore, both Santa Claus and Grandfather Frost activate, first of all, the public. The hat contains the words: Christmas tree, round dance, frost, horse, ceiling, frost and others.





    Hello guys!

    (children answer)


    It still sounds dull...

    Come on, louder again-

    Hello guys!

    (children answer)


    Now your answer is not bad,

    It almost made me deaf!

    How you have grown, how big you have become!

    Did everyone recognize me?

    (children answer: Santa Claus)


    I guys old grandfather, I’m already five thousand years old!

    In January and February I walk the earth,

    As soon as I get out of bed, snowstorms arise!

    As soon as I shake my sleeve, everything will be covered with snow!

    But now I’m very kind and I’m friends with the guys,

    I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!

    Now give me the answer - who is not at the Christmas tree with me?

    (children answer: Snow Maidens)


    Now I will call the Snow Maiden, and you will all help me!

    (name is Snegurochka)


    This is who is calling me, who is celebrating the New Year?

    Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,

    Both big and small, nimble and remote!

    I see that you were not lazy and worked hard,

    They decorated the fragrant Christmas tree well, look how elegant and fluffy it is!

    We came from good fairy tale, today there will be games and dancing!

    Join the round dance and let's celebrate the New Year together!

    (we dance around the Christmas tree to the song)


    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

    The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance,

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

    The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance,

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

    The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

    Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance,

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

    Let's have a fun, fun New Year!


    Now let's play with you!


    To play you need 2 round sticks 25-30cm long and a string 4-5m long, to the middle of which tie a ribbon tied with a bow. Tie the ends of the string to the middle of the sticks, which are picked up by 2 players. They move to opposite ends of the room (corridor) so that the string is stretched. At the signal, the players, rotating the sticks away from themselves, try to wind the string around it as quickly as possible. At the same time, they move forward. Whoever winds up his half faster and reaches the ribbon first wins.

    Then a new pair enters the game or a new player meets the winner of the first match.

    To play, instead of sticks, you can take 2 ordinary pencils, tying a regular thread to them with a mark attached to the middle. Since pencils are thin, a special load falls on the fingers.


    SANTA CLAUS: Someone from the forest will come to our house for the New Year,

    All fluffy, covered in needles, and that guest’s name is... (Christmas tree)

    SNOW Maiden: Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully.

    Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, because it’s outside... (Frost)

    SANTA CLAUS: It’s snowing, the streets and houses are hidden under the white wool.

    All the guys are happy about the snow - it has come to us again... (Winter)

    SNOW Maiden: He comes first in the count, the New Year will begin with him.

    Open your calendar soon and read it! Written... (January)

    SANTA CLAUS: He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the Christmas tree.

    He starts a round dance - this is a holiday... (New Year)


    We will need a long rope or ribbon and cotton balls - they will be snowballs. Children are divided into 2 teams - the Santa Claus team and the Snow Maiden team. In the middle of the hall we place a rope or ribbon on the floor, dividing the room in half. Within 1 minute we throw snowballs to the enemy side. Whose half has fewer snowballs after the allotted minute wins.

    4. GAME “YES-NO”

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden take turns asking questions, and the children answer “yes” or “no”

    SNOW Maiden: Is Santa Claus known to everyone?

    SANTA CLAUS: I come exactly at seven?

    SNOW Maiden: Is Santa Claus a good old man?

    SANTA CLAUS: Do I wear a hat and galoshes?

    SNOW Maiden: Did Santa Claus come to you too?

    SANTA CLAUS: Did I bring the Snow Maiden?

    SNOW Maiden: What grows on the Christmas tree - pine cones?

    SANTA CLAUS: Tomatoes and gingerbread?

    SNOW Maiden: Does our Christmas tree look beautiful?

    SANTA CLAUS: Are there red berries everywhere?

    SNOW Maiden: Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

    SANTA CLAUS: Did I freeze all the puddles?


    (a game for attention - we also played with our parents)

    Everyone is divided into two teams - Grandfather Frost and Snow White. Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden take turns saying the phrases: “A mighty hurricane caught everyone...” and then we say some phrase, if this applies to the players, then they run over to the other side. The funniest thing here is that there may also be joke commands to test attention: “A mighty hurricane has caught everyone who likes to eat frogs,” “A mighty hurricane has caught everyone who doesn’t wash themselves,” etc. Children who are playing enough jump up without finishing listening teams, and find themselves in a funny position.

    For example:

    A mighty hurricane caught all... the girls

    A mighty hurricane caught all... the boys

    A mighty hurricane has caught everyone... who doesn’t wash their face

    A mighty hurricane caught all... adults

    A mighty hurricane caught all... the children

    A mighty hurricane caught everyone... who beats dogs

    A mighty hurricane has caught everyone... who obeys their parents

    A mighty hurricane caught everyone... who is wearing a dress

    A mighty hurricane has caught everyone... who loves ice cream

    A mighty hurricane has caught everyone... who eats snow

    A mighty hurricane has caught up with everyone... who loves cats


    Well, you did a wonderful job with all our tasks and deserved delicious candies.

    (The Snow Maiden looks for candy in the bag, turns upset to Santa Claus)


    Grandpa, we forgot the candy!


    Oh oh oh! Well, don’t be upset, granddaughter, I’ll make the sweets myself - delicious, magical! Come on, get out our magic cauldron!


    We will need a magic cauldron - we cover an ordinary plastic bucket with something shiny, decorate it beautifully with tinsel, stick on the inscription “magic cauldron”, and we also need the following ingredients: 2 small bags with polystyrene inside and the inscriptions “salt” and “sugar”, some transparent ones pebbles - this will be ice, cotton balls - this will be snow, tinsel, a card in the shape of a snowflake or a ready-made snowflake. You need to make a double bottom for the cauldron, put real candies down, cover with the second bottom, on which we will put the ingredients.

    FATHER FROST (putting in ingredients):

    Salt, sugar, ice cubes,

    A little snow, tinsel,

    I’ll add a snowflake, just a minute, friends.

    We need to mix all this, say the magic words

    (Santa Claus stirs with his staff, and the Snow Maiden turns over the second bottom, putting candies on top)


    Snow, snow, snow,

    Ice, ice, ice,

    Miracles for the New Year,

    Staff, staff, mix it all up

    And turn it into candy!


    Oh, Grandfather, what a wizard, they really turned out to be sweets!

    (shows that there is already candy in the cauldron and treats the kids)


    Now let’s all make a wish and tie our magic ribbons on your beautiful Christmas tree, then your wishes will definitely come true!

    (The Snow Maiden hands out colorful ribbons, which everyone, one by one, ties to the Christmas tree y)


    And now is the time for what, Grandfather?


    For what, granddaughter?


    Well, what for?

    (addresses the guys)


    Tell me, did Santa Claus play with us?

    (children answer: played!)


    Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

    (children answer: he danced!)


    Did he make the kids laugh?

    (children answer: he made me laugh!)


    What else did he forget?

    (children answer: gifts!)


    Where is your bag, Grandfather?


    Eh, I'm old, my head has a hole! I forgot where I left my bag! Well, it’s okay, I have a magic ball that will lead us to gifts. All you have to do is say the magic words together:


    A magical ball of wonderful yarn,

    Roll along the path only known to you,

    Run quickly, find gifts,

    Lead us to Santa Claus's bag!

    (after this, Grandfather puts the ball on the floor and hits it with his staff, rolling it around the room so that at the end it ends up at the front door. He finds the bag and carries it into the room)


    Thank you, little ball!

    Well, now tell us some rhymes!

    (children recite poems, after which Santa Claus gives gifts)


    Today, good Santa Claus brought you a bag of joy,

    Another bag of laughter, and the third with success!

    (for this we need 3 bags with the inscriptions “joy”, “laughter”, “success”. In the bag with “laughter” we put a toy that laughs, when we opened this bag, clicked on the toy, and the bag began to laugh, for children this I really like it. Santa Claus sprinkles cotton balls of different colors in each bag, one color in one bag, another color in the second bag, and a third color in the third bag, so that everyone can laugh in the new year. , success and joy)


    Exit of Santa Claus: On a well-worn ski track
    With a heavy bag on my shoulder
    We came here
    Good evening, gentlemen! Snow: Hello uncles, hello aunties!
    Welcome us, what are you waiting for?

    D.M.: Let's get acquainted, I'm glad to see you until I cry
    My name is simple: I am Santa Claus!

    Snow: Since getting to know everyone is more important
    And introduce me quickly.

    D.M.: Snow Maiden, granddaughter is with me as always
    She found the way to your mansion.

    Snow: From the New Year's Academy of Ideas
    For all guests for all friends...
    We brought a holiday,
    Gathering the joy of the entire big Earth.

    D.M.: Let's not talk much
    It's time to pour champagne (It's time to pour everyone's glasses)

    Snow: Let it rain songs over the planet!
    Let the whirlwind of dance to the stars fly away!
    Let your heart beat loudly with joy!
    May the New Year bring happiness to everyone!

    D.M.: All the people pushed their glasses
    Let's shout loudly "Happy New Year!"

    Game “Who drinks what on New Year’s Eve”

    D.M.: Probably not a single holiday
    Doesn't work without alcohol

    Snow: I just wonder what
    Do our people drink today?

    D.M.: In the festive, elegant hall, the handsome men and beauties did not hesitate at the table and drank a glass of... (vodka)

    Snow: They say, good sign, on holiday, take... (cognac)

    D.M.: Ladies, as usual, often drink on holidays... (wine)

    Snow: Someone may have swung it for a jerk today... (beer)

    D.M.: Let its appearance not be marketable
    But it’s sweet and invigorating.
    Besides, it will hit you on the head like a die
    Everyone guessed - this is... a brew.
    (Have you ever tried brew? Why try it, you have to drink it!)

    Snow: Russians have had a tradition since ancient times
    Clear and strong drink...moonshine.

    D.M.:(This is our share
    Can't live without...alcohol.)

    Snow: It is a civil duty to drink on holiday... (champagne)

    (Those who answered loudly and actively are invited to the center of the hall)

    Game for adults “Pass the champagne”

    Participants line up in a line or in a circle. The game is played according to the “play-off” principle, that is, elimination.
    Music sounds, players pass an inflatable bottle from hand to hand - having received a bottle from a neighbor, you need to turn around and pass it on. The music stops periodically. The player who has a bottle in his hands when the music stops is eliminated from the game.
    The game is played until the last player remains - that is, the winner. The prize is a bottle of champagne, the rest - a hangover potion - a bag of coffee.

    New Year's riddles from Father Frost and Snow Maiden

    D.M.: And now we're out for detente
    Let us tell you riddles.
    Let's read you poems,
    There are laughs hidden in them.

    Snow: We'll start, you continue
    Just, brothers, don’t yawn.
    Who can guess the riddle?
    Puts his hand into Santa Claus's bag
    And he receives a gift.

    Option 1

    D.M.: Who loved to the point of gorging

    Cake, sweets and jam?

    He lived on the roof, poor thing,

    His name was... No, not Cheburashka!

    That's right, Carlson!

    Snow: He plays a little bit

    For passers-by on an accordion.

    I don't get it guys

    Is it a hare or a wolf? Exactly, Gena the crocodile!

    D.M.: Two mice for a reason

    They got angry with the cat.

    Well, the cat was old and deaf,

    His name was Winnie the Pooh. That's right, Leopold!

    Snow: A riddle not for kids:

    Who is the cat afraid of? Mice?

    The correct answer is dogs!

    D.M.: He was a thundercloud,

    I went to fight with Piglet.

    He loved honey most of all,

    Tiny little... Raccoon!

    No? Winnie the Pooh!

    Option 2

    What would a holiday be without him?

    He's a prankster

    Answer this very moment

    Who is this? (Father Frost)

    How does she manage everything?

    And she jokes and laughs

    Santa Claus road

    Guess who? (Snow Maiden)

    They will gather in a round dance

    Around her under New Year

    They brought it in from the cold

    What kind of tree? (Christmas tree)

    Grandfather makes people happy

    A song and a dance for the New Year

    Grandfather doesn't waste his time

    Gets the prize out? (Bag).

    Snow: Applause to the most perceptive!

    Our astrologer, Santa Claus,

    I learned all the secrets of the stars!

    What does the New Year bring to you?

    Every sign will understand now.

    New Year's horoscope from Santa Claus

    Who was born in the year monkey,

    Will visit foreign countries.

    Many journeys await them,

    Non-hazardous incidents

    Gags, jokes, laughter are waiting

    And success in all matters!

    Cockerel all the cards in your hands!

    He will live without knowing boredom,

    A rise in business awaits him,

    He will be a leader in everything!

    Everything will be fine,

    But no need to freak out!

    You have no enemies - Dogs,

    But there is always a chance for a fight!

    The recipe for dogs is simple:

    Change everything, but be careful!

    And sometimes forgive evil,

    May they be lucky in everything!

    Congratulations, friends,

    This year the chapter is Pig!
    And although the Pigs don’t know,

    What are oranges?

    But they won’t bury your talent

    And the path to luck will be opened!

    U Mice It's going to be a great year

    A lot will happen in it:

    Will go to warm places,

    Her family will grow up.

    If this Mouse is smart,

    Can become stronger than an elephant!

    Bull carries the cart stubbornly,

    He will solve any problem

    And for bullish success

    The symbol of the year is not a hindrance!

    Move forward boldly

    And in the fire you will find a ford!

    I want you to know Tigers

    That money is a bad game.

    Although, of course, you are wise

    And be kind to your friends,

    Don't be deceived.

    Take care of your pocket!

    This year and cat

    Life isn't pretty bad

    So cats can live

    Slowly, without fuss.

    The cat can be sure -

    He will find his happiness!

    A The Dragon strong, hot,

    A flurry of luck awaits the Dragon!

    Like a bird he flies

    He only dreams of good things,

    Because in love, in work

    Will live all year on takeoff!

    For Snakes there are no obstacles,

    She has a green light in everything!

    And green bills

    That the chickens won't peck!

    If you are with us horse

    A straight and smooth path awaits you!

    But take care of your health,

    Don't run too fast

    So that the Pig doesn't lag behind

    And I didn’t forget about you!

    Well, what if you - Lamb,

    Your kind heart

    He will win all people over to you,

    And it will help in love!

    You just need to believe in yourself

    And don’t measure life by a yardstick!

    New Year's horoscope 2 – from Snegurochka
    Aries. Everything in life needs to be experienced
    Relax at the sea and experience a fairy tale.
    Calf. If you are not happy with your salary,
    It's time to go in search of treasure.
    Twins. To strive for success and happiness,
    Hurry up to fall in love in the New Year.
    Cancer. You should remember the New Year
    Whatever you dream about will come true.
    A lion. A sea of ​​smiles and kind words,
    Your success will be decorated with millions of flowers.
    Virgo. Gentlemen, it’s time for you to remember long ago:
    Life is a game! So check out the casino.
    Scales. Life will be full of fun and joy -
    The banks are jelly and the rivers are full of wine.
    Scorpion. In the coming year - this will be -
    You are destined to receive the order.
    Sagittarius. It's time for you to do physical exercise,
    Run, jump, toughen up.
    Capricorn. In the new year you will be full and drunk,
    Is there something wrong?.. You don’t care!
    Aquarius. You are destined to increase the demographics,
    Putin promised to give money for this.
    Fish. So that the year is not disgraceful for you,
    Grab more stars from the sky.

    D.M.: In general, there is something for everyone,
    And you won't be bored!

    Snow: A fun, bright year awaits you,
    Surprises and gifts await you!

    D.M.: May the stars help you
    And they protect you on the way!

    If the Christmas tree is blooming with lights, it means the New Year has come!
    If the masks stand up in a round dance, it means the New Year has come!
    If the people are cheerful and happy, it means the New Year has come!
    If the heart sings with soul, it means the New Year has come!

    Party game “Frozen Songs”

    D.M.: We are not interested in a New Year without songs.
    Everyone sings them while sitting at the table.
    About the horse from the cold, about the threats of winter,
    We sing from the heart about the Christmas tree from the forest.

    Snow: Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call out the last words of the lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

    • centuries – seas – bears – earth (“Song about bears”: “Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...”);
    • icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song “Winter”: “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...”);
    • me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);
    • frost - wires - blue - star (Song “Blue Frost”: “Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...”);
    • minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);

    Game with a staff. Show ballet of Santa Claus

    D.M.: Although I am a gray-haired grandfather, I am young at heart.
    Together with you even now
    I'm ready to start dancing.
    General dance.

    D.M.: Today you laugh, relax, entertain your friends with jokes!

    Snow: And now we invite you to a round dance, quickly! (everyone dances “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

    D.M.: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye
    But don't be upset
    Thank you all for your attention
    Accept wishes
    Snow: Let the Christmas tree sparkle with colored lights
    Let your songs and laughter sound and never stop
    And may this whole year be joyful!
    You are very kind, cheerful people!
    D.M.: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
    May bad weather pass you by
    Be happy always
    Together: Happy New Year, Gentlemen!

    Final song.

    New Year! (Verka)

    1. Are you tired of worries?

    All will pass!
    You're a little unlucky
    All will pass!
    Why does the soul sing?
    Is your body asking to fly?
    New Year (3 r)

    1. Let the New Year melt the ice in our souls,

    New Year will sweep away all sorrows
    People have no time to be bored, we will celebrate soon
    New Year (3 r)


    1. Soon the New Year will come to your doors

    The New Year will bring good luck to everyone
    Let everyone pour themselves a drink
    He will drink and sing with us
    New Year (3 r)
    New Year is rising on the threshold
    New Year is already knocking on the window
    Anything can happen in the New Year
    Let no one be lonely!
    This New Year!

    Additional materials for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for corporate events
    Snow: Dear friends, let's fill our glasses and raise them higher!

    D.M.: The wonderful New Year is knocking on our doors again.

    Snow: Let old year will take doubts with it.

    D.M.: Let's believe in the best and to spite everyone, let's spit behind our backs 3 times so that we will always be lucky (ugh, ugh, ugh!)

    Snow: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

    Let the sadness go away
    We were gathered here on a festive night... (no Christmas tree).

    Men are hungry like wolves
    They are crowding closer... to the Christmas tree... (no to the tables).

    Bring happiness to all of you
    New Year's... talisman

    I want to hear from everyone
    Who is the upcoming mascot this year? (pig)

    It's time for everyone to cheer up
    The game will help us with this... (no champagne).
    The New Year brings different things to different people.
    We’d better be more specific in our New Year’s greetings!
    New settlers - with a new entrance!
    Beekeepers - with new honey!
    Chess players - with a new move!
    Grain growers - happy new shoot!
    Detectives - with a new code!
    Fishermen - with a new bot!
    Hockey players - with a new score!
    Cosmonauts - happy new takeoff!
    And who is of a similar kind
    I couldn't congratulate you here
    Happy New Year,
    There is something in this too!

    In contact with

    What is the main attribute of the New Year? That's right - a decorated Christmas tree. But most of all, children are waiting for Santa Claus to come to them. After all, for them, Santa Claus is a wizard, a sorcerer, and simply the most beloved grandfather! And in order not to disappoint the children, Santa Claus should appear brightly and effectively, and with beautiful poems. The words of Santa Claus when entering the hall to children on New Year's holidays can be loved. You can immediately greet the children in poetry. From the very first seconds you can play with your children in a little game in the style: now I’ll freeze everyone. Or you can tell the children about yourself, thank them for the holiday and praise the Christmas tree. We have for you options for words for Santa Claus coming out. Look and choose any that suit your holiday.

    If this Christmas tree for very young children, then children are unlikely to understand poetry. They will just look at Santa Claus and they will be completely delighted. But still, even on such a Christmas tree, Santa Claus’s appearance should be bright, because parents and grandparents will listen to the poems. And I don’t want to listen to dissatisfied senior guests after the holiday.

    Even if you are organizing a New Year's party for high school students or for very adults, the appearance of Santa Claus should still be accompanied by poems in which he greets all the guests, announces who he is, and jokes a little with the guests.

    Of course, Santa Claus can just come out and that’s it. Say: hello, I'm here, let's have fun! But this will not be the case, and the guests part. So, no matter in what group and for what age you organize the New Year, Santa Claus should appear with poems.

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