• Material (middle group) on the topic: Scenario of the New Year's party in the middle group. New Year's holiday scenario for the middle group


    Progress of the event

    Features: During the matinee, the children of the middle group are around the Christmas tree, poems that the children tell to Santa Claus, learned independently short quatrains about the New Year.

    Children sit on chairs. . Walks around the Christmas tree with a dancing step.

    Snow Maiden.

    Hello guys!

    Snowflakes and wolf cubs,

    Squirrels and bears,

    Christmas tree and cones!

    Oh guys, why is it so dark here? And why is the Christmas tree so sad? And the toys don’t sparkle on her? After all, today is New Year. Let's fix the situation.

    There is a fluffy Christmas tree around

    Join the round dance

    Let's make it sparkle

    May the New Year be merry.

    Children stand around the Christmas tree.

    Snow Maiden. For the Christmas tree to sparkle, you need to clap your hands together and say: “One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!”

    The children, together with the Snow Maiden, “light the Christmas tree.”

    Snow Maiden. That’s how festive everything immediately became around. Look how elegant the tree is. How many decorations are hanging on it? What's hanging on the tree, please answer. If what I name is hanging on the Christmas tree, you spin around and say “Yes!”, If I’m wrong, you stomp your feet and say “No!”

    Game "What's hanging on the Christmas tree?"

    Cones and needles? (Yes)

    Beads and lanterns? (Yes)

    And colored balls? (Yes)

    Books and notebooks? (No)

    Rolls, grapes? (No)

    Shoes and boots? (No)

    Forks and spoons? (No)

    Maybe crocodiles? (No)

    Pandas and gorillas? (No)

    Stars, candy? (Yes)

    Pies, omelettes? (No)

    Tinsel, firecrackers? (Yes)

    Bright toys? (Yes)

    That's what a Christmas tree is

    A prickly needle.

    Snow Maiden. Yolochka really likes to listen to songs to herself and watch the children dance in circles. Hold hands and let's make our Christmas tree happy.

    There is a round dance song about the Christmas tree.

    During the chorus, children repeat simple dance movements after the Snow Maiden.

    Snow Maiden. I completely started talking to you. I forgot to tell you about my problem. Grandfather Frost and I walked to you from afar. They were afraid to be late. But on the way we encountered winter troubles: Slush and Blizzard, which blocked our path. I was able to escape from them, but Grandfather was not. I need to go help him so that he comes to you and the holiday becomes real. See you soon!

    The Snow Maiden leaves, Slush bursts into the hall.

    Slush. Why are you all gathered here so smart and clean? Ah-ah-ah, you are waiting for that old man in felt boots who was in a hurry to visit the children for the holiday. Wait, wait, he won’t come to you soon, because he’s stuck in my puddle. Ha ha ha.

    There is dampness everywhere in the yard,

    Puddles, moisture, squishiness.

    The children immediately equipped themselves:

    Without galoshes - nowhere.

    Adults don't like me

    Everyone is scolding me.

    The sun is not friends with me.

    Did you find out? I'm a slob.

    Slush. I took my best friend with me. This is dirt.

    Slush shows a container with a spray bottle and water.

    Slush. I really like to play pranks. Who doesn't want to be dirty and wet - watch out!!!

    The slush tries to catch up with the children in order to splash them.

    Slush. Well, that's it, I had fun, I was tired. You can relax and sing songs. Come on, get into a round dance and we’ll sing about the New Year. Just don’t forget to sing along with the chorus: we sing “slap-slap” and stomp loudly with our left foot, “splash-plop” - we stomp loudly with our right foot.

    A rhythmic round dance song sounds.

    Slush. Now it's time to frolic and fool around while the adults don't see us.

    I suggest the game “Straight through the Puddles”.

    Children are divided into two teams. Wearing galoshes (felt boots with galoshes or rubber boots), the guys must reach the finish line, stepping on puddles of paper. Note: For safety reasons, puddles should be taped to the floor.

    The sound of a blizzard is heard.

    Slush. Oh, what a sound that is. Somehow I felt a little scared, it was time to leave so that it wouldn’t get worse, but I’ll definitely come back.

    The slush leaves, the Blizzard comes in in white long skirt with a fan in his hands. He goes around the children, waves the hem of his skirt and fan, imitating the wind, and sings: “U-U-U.”


    I'm sweeping everything around

    I lift up the snow in a pillar.

    And I also howl loudly

    And I make friends with the evil blizzard.

    Who will catch my eye -

    I'll have to fight that.


    Snowstorm. Are you afraid of the Blizzard?

    Children. Yes!

    Snowstorm. Be afraid, be afraid, you can’t joke with me, I can capture you and settle you in my snowy kingdom.

    Snowstorm. Oh, I completely forgot to ask you the name of that old man with a bag and a beard, who kept rushing to see you for the holiday.

    Children. Father Frost!

    Snowstorm. Father Frost? Phew, I didn’t like it right away, and I decided to cover it with snow. It was fun! Therefore, he will not come to you soon. It will take him a long time to overcome the snowdrifts. In the meantime, I'll have some fun with you here. Hold my snowball and pass it to each other while playing music. Whoever has a snowball in his hands when the music stops, I will cover him with snow. Go!

    Game "Pass the Snowball"

    Children pass a snowball to music. The blizzard sprinkles white confetti on the one left with the snowball.

    Snowstorm. How fun, how fun! And now I want to rest my soul. I have one weakness: I love pies. Will you help me bake them?

    Children. Yes!

    Game “Bake pies in the oven”

    Children are divided into two teams. Each team has an improvised spatula, a tray of pies and a stove ( cardboard box with holes suitable for the oven).

    Target: whose team will bake pies faster? You need to take the pie from the tray, put it on a spatula and bring it into the oven.

    Snowstorm. It's great here. And you are all so kind and sweet. I don’t want to do dirty tricks anymore, so I’ll let Grandfather Frost go. May the holiday come to you quickly and become real!

    Wind, my friend, spin.

    Let go of Santa Claus!

    Let's all call Santa Claus together.

    Children. Father Frost! Father Frost! Father Frost!

    The blizzard leaves unnoticed, and Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

    Father Frost.

    Hello my friends,

    I came to you today.

    The Snow Maiden came with me,

    Bringing joy to all of us.

    Although my path was not easy,

    But he didn’t dare turn off the path.

    We overcame the slush and the Blizzard,

    Even the gifts in the bag survived.

    And now we are together with you,

    With my kind kids.

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, look, the guys are already waiting for us. Let's celebrate the New Year soon.

    Father Frost. Come on, granddaughter. Just first let’s laugh loudly and loudly in a festive way. When I wave my staff, the boys will laugh like, “ha ha ha.” When the Snow Maiden raises her hand, the girls say “hee-hee-hee.”

    Game "Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee."

    Snow Maiden. Now solve mine trick riddles about the New Year, just be careful.

    Fun, noise and commotion on the ice

    And the New Year is getting closer.

    I'll go to the skating rink with dad

    And there I will shoe... (skates).

    New Year's beauty

    We all like her.

    Visited Santa Claus

    Our slender... (herringbone)

    We made a snow woman together.

    What kind of nose do you need to come up with?

    Who guessed it - well done,

    Let's take a vegetable... (carrot).

    A steam locomotive is rushing along the rails,

    Riding in the carriage... (passenger).

    Wider the circle, wider the circle.

    Hold your hand my friend.

    Children are dancing merrily

    There are Christmas trees around... (round dance).

    Made mommy cry

    Bitter in the kitchen... (onion).

    A whole platoon of kids

    They began to dance together.

    There's a buzz around the Christmas tree,

    What a holiday... (New Year).

    At school for any question

    He will answer me... (teacher).

    Father Frost. There are a lot of different Christmas trees growing in the forest: high, low, wide and narrow. When I say narrow trees, you come as close to our tree as possible, wide ones - move apart, high ones - raise your hands up, low ones - squat down, hands down.

    Game "Christmas trees"(movements speed up as the music increases).

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather, look how many different animal toys we have at our holiday today. They all prepared poems for you.

    Father Frost. I really love poems. Now I’ll sit back and listen.

    Come on, little bunnies (snowflakes, parsleys, etc.) jump (run, fly, walk, etc.) quickly,

    Tell me the verse quickly.

    Children recite poems.

    Father Frost. What would New Year be without a round dance?

    In a round dance, in a round dance,

    Become honest people.

    Snow Maiden.

    Dear, Grandfather Frost,

    You brought a cartload of gifts.

    Give it away quickly

    Wish you happiness and goodness.

    Father Frost. Yes, Snow Maiden, only Slush and Blizzard took all the gifts from me, there was only one left.

    Takes 1 gift out of the bag.

    Snow Maiden. It’s okay, Grandfather, because the New Year is a time of miracles. You wave your staff, and the guys will blow on your gift in unison. Then from one gift there will be enough for all the children. Come on in unison:

    So that no one is offended,

    You, gift, swell.

    The lights in the hall go out. A large gift is brought in, containing many small gifts. The Snow Maiden and Father Frost are distributing gifts.

    The guys read all the poems,

    And we gave out gifts.

    It's time to get ready for the road.

    Before next year we'll have to say goodbye.


    A. Marshalak

    Beautiful elegant Christmas tree. The hall is decorated with snowflakes. A large snowman cut out of thick cardboard stands in the center. To prevent it from falling, they make a stand in the form of a cross. Having made slits in the longitudinal strip, secure the snowman and attach a spacer at the bottom at the back - this way the snowman will not fall.

    Lyrical music sounds. The Snow Maiden comes out.

    Snow Maiden.

    Hello! You guys probably recognized me? Who am I? Of course, Snow Maiden! And I recognized you all right away too. How you have all grown, I wonder! After all, a whole year has passed without us seeing each other. I'm in such a wonderful mood today! New Year is my favorite holiday! What about you?.. How I want to sing and dance!

    Spins and sings in dance.

    Snow Maiden.

    I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Grandfather,

    Cheerful, restless.

    I am always friends with you,

    I’m coming to your holiday!

    How nice it is in winter! How much fun do children have in winter!? I love ice skating, and you? And tell me what others there are winter fun? That's right, skis, sleds, and more... Tell me, moms, snowballs? Who likes to play in the snow? What all? Then let's all play in the snow. We make snowballs and throw them: you throw them at me, and I will defend myself by throwing them at you.

    If there are few children, foam snowballs are poured out for them, and if there are many children, they play with conventional props. In order to easily collect all the snowballs, you need to play the game “Snow Basketball”; you can count as you go how many snowballs you threw into the basket in order to collect everything.

    Snow Maiden.

    Stop! I'm a little tired, I can't fight back yet.

    Did you know that you can play winter basketball with snowballs? Now you will collect 2 snowballs and throw them into the basket, and I will count how many snowballs you collect. (The game is in progress.)

    Well done! Oh, I'm hot, guys! Are you all feeling hot too? No?

    I'm used to cold and frost, and so is Grandfather Frost. Oh! Where is Grandfather Frost? Maybe he's nearby somewhere? Well, let's call together! Grandpa, ah..! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!..

    I'm afraid that it will melt, it's hot here, but let's cool down our hall, make a blizzard and a blizzard while Grandfather Frost is away. Let's imagine that we are in a winter forest.

    Have you been to the forest in winter?

    Haven't you been caught in a snowstorm?

    We became trees, we raised our branches, our hands.

    The sun hid in the snow clouds.

    The forest sways and cracks,

    And the blizzard is humming and whistling!

    So... The trees bend, sway,

    They crack, but don't break!

    Spun like snowflakes!

    Well, my ears are freezing,

    Is your nose cold? —

    So, Santa Claus is nearby!

    Grandpa, ah! Awww!

    This is me calling you!

    No, Santa Claus doesn't hear. Let's try again, loudly, together with our parents - Santa Claus!

    Snow Maiden.

    I heard... Oh, thank you. Guys, what if we play a prank on my grandfather now? I'll hide and let him find me. He won't be offended. He himself likes to joke... Yes, but where can he hide? Tell me guys!.. Here? Just don't give the Snow Maiden away. You won't give it away, will you?

    Father Frost.

    I'm coming, Snow Maiden! I'm coming, granddaughter! Ooo! How many kids!..

    Was it you who called me? Thank you! Happy New Year, my dears! I wish you all to be healthy, obedient, and not too naughty... And where is my granddaughter? Where is the Snow Maiden?

    Snow Maiden.(Hiding.)

    Grandpa, ah!..

    Father Frost.

    Snow Maiden.

    Find me!

    Father Frost.

    Ah, minx! Ah, spoiled girl! Well, wait a minute... I'm going to freeze my grandfather... (He rummages through his pockets.) Where are my glasses?

    The trouble is, I got lost in the forest... (Grabs some girl.) Gotcha? (Looking closely.) Not her... Yeah, here’s my Snow Maiden! (Grabs another.) Another mistake...

    (Meanwhile, the Snow Maiden is hiding again.)

    Snow Maiden.

    Grandfather Frost, oh!

    Father Frost.

    Ay-ay-ay-ay! Well, wait a minute...

    Snow Maiden.

    Are you angry, grandpa?

    Father Frost.

    Not really! What, I don’t understand jokes? Am I old, or what?

    Snow Maiden.

    Grandfather, the guys here are whispering to each other now. So, they say, it would be nice if we had games on the Christmas tree today! You can create such miracles! You freeze the rivers with frost, you cover the earth with snow fluff...

    Father Frost.

    Okay, okay, tell me what game you want to play. And I will clap my hands three times, and, like in a fairy tale, everything for the game will appear in front of us.

    Snow Maiden.

    Let everything for the game “Three Bears” appear now

    Santa Claus claps his hands three times.

    The props appear and the game is played.

    Three Bears

    Pictures of three bears are placed in front of the children: a large one (Papa Bear), a medium one (Mama Bear) and a small one (Mishutka). Children are told that each bear has its own spoon. The big bear has a large one, the medium one has a medium one, the small one has a very small one. Your own cup, your own plate, your own high chair, your own crib (the number of items must correspond to the number of children playing). But the bears got everything mixed up, and now the guys will help them figure it out. Each child is given three cards with pictures (pictures can be drawn or cut and pasted). One child has 3 cups of different sizes, another has 3 spoons, a third has 3 plates, etc. (differences in magnitude should be pronounced). Children take turns placing their cards in front of the bears. Parsley looks with the children to see if the cards are laid out correctly, helps correct mistakes, and at the end of the game praises all the children.

    And this is how several games are played. This can include any New Year's games for children of this age.

    Snow Maiden.

    Look, Grandfather, how well done the guys are, how friendly and fun they played the games.

    Father Frost.

    Granddaughter, do you hear? Someone is screaming!

    Snow Maiden. (Looks for the place where they are shouting.)

    It seems to me that they are shouting from here.

    Yes, guys?

    (A scream is heard again. The Snow Maiden approaches the bag with gifts, unties it and takes out a glove doll, the boy Stepashka.)

    Oh, this is my Stepashka! How did he get here? We’ll ask him now, and he’ll tell us everything, only for this I have to put it on my hand... like this! As soon as you put it on your hand, it immediately “comes to life” and starts playing pranks.

    (Stepashka hides behind the Snow Maiden, looks out and hides again - a playful picture of the relationship between the Snow Maiden and Stepashka.)

    Snow Maiden.

    Stepashka, where are you?


    Snow Maiden.

    Stop being naughty! Come here where you are!


    Yes, here I am! It’s no longer possible to indulge... They went to the guys for the holiday, but they left me at home... As if I didn’t want to go to the guys for the holiday...

    Father Frost.

    So, it turns out you climbed into the bag yourself to get to the guys?


    It turns out, himself. It’s so unfair, I spent a whole week teaching riddles to the kids, preparing...

    Snow Maiden.

    Why didn’t you tell us that you were going to the holiday?


    And you were busy all the time, preparing gifts for the guys. So I decided to give the guys a gift.

    Father Frost.

    So give it. And I, the old one, like riddles. But I can't always guess...

    Snow Maiden.

    And I suggest that the guys help you, Stepashka prepared these riddles for them.


    And we’ll ask the guys if they want Santa Claus to solve riddles too?

    Snow Maiden.

    Okay, what are your riddles about?


    Not about what, but about whom! About fairy-tale heroes who, like me, love the New Year holiday more than anything in the world.

    Father Frost.

    Well, ask your riddles, I’m ready, and if I don’t answer, will you guys help me? (Children answer.)


    Iron teeth, bone leg,

    Everyone knows her, it's...

    Father Frost.

    Meat grinder!


    No, you guessed wrong.

    Snow Maiden.

    Who is this, guys?.. That's right, Baba Yaga. Grandpa, listen carefully.


    A girl appeared

    From the petals of a flower.

    How tall is this girl?

    A little bigger than a marigold.

    Father Frost.

    I don’t know such a girl, I’ve never seen her.

    Snow Maiden.

    The guys know

    They all read fairy tales.

    Well, who is the riddle about? (Children answer.)

    That's right, guys, Thumbelina.


    Unusual, wooden,

    And also a little strange,

    But the father loved his son,


    Father Frost.

    I know I know! Cipollino!


    No, you don't, Santa Claus.

    Snow Maiden.

    And we have the answer ready! Wooden Pinocchio. Yes, Stepashka?



    Father Frost.

    Well done, Stepashka - a bright shirt.

    Snow Maiden.

    Grandfather Frost, it's time!

    All the kids are tired of waiting!

    Lighting up the Christmas tree -

    Green needles!

    Father Frost.

    Let's just rock together.

    We all repeat after me:

    Let different dreams

    Ours all come true

    The lights of a decorated Christmas tree -

    Light up brightly!

    Snow Maiden.

    Christmas tree with bright lights

    Shines and smiles!

    Father Frost.

    We will join you in a round dance -

    The holiday continues!

    Children dance around the Christmas tree. The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays.

    Snow Maiden.

    Santa Claus, don't stand by the Christmas tree

    And don’t hide your laugh in your mustache,

    Even Christmas tree needles

    They looked into our bag.

    Open the bag quickly

    And don’t regret gifts,

    I brought gifts for everyone,

    The kids will be happy!

    They give gifts to children. It is better if the gifts are signed; children sometimes ask:

    “How does Grandfather Frost know my last name?” The Snow Maiden usually answers that she wrote down the names when she came to them with her grandfather last year.

    Winner of the all-Russian competition "The most popular article of the month" DECEMBER 2017

    Nuriakhmetova Alsu Firdusovna, teacher, MBDOU No. 10 "Chishma" , Menzelinsk city, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


    We stand in a semicircle.

    Poems 1st batch.


    They are waiting near the Christmas tree
    we have miracles today.
    They come alive here today
    Good fairy tale voices.

    (Lights go out)

    Hush, hush, the lights have gone out.
    The desired hour has arrived.
    Fairy, come visit us!
    Fairy, start a fairy tale for us! (Lights on)

    The FAIRY appears:

    Magic, New Year's power
    Today she turned me into a Fairy.
    And you all dressed up in masks,
    And everyone turned into someone.

    Everyone is so beautiful, I'll look at you
    Now I will show you a miracle!
    With your magic wand
    I will light thousands of lights.

    Magic wand spin
    Christmas tree, light up quickly.
    Green beauty light the lights
    The guys will shout together...

    Fairy: What happened to the Christmas tree, what suddenly changed? Maybe the tree is thirsty, should we water it?

    Fairy: Oh, guys, blow on the Christmas tree!

    Fairy: What should we do, what should we do, how should we treat the Christmas tree?

    Fairy: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly needle,

    Get your ears ready and listen to our song!

    Let's stand in a circle "Hey buddy become"

    The music plays and the lights come on.

    Fairy: It was not in vain that we tried with you - the Christmas tree burst into flames! We will now read poems for the beauty’s Christmas tree.

    Children sit on chairs and read poems and go to the tree. (Part 2)

    Aunt Zhmotya appears.


    Oh, the light is on! How much money will come in!
    And the outfits, the outfits are straight out of stage artists:
    All rich and luxurious
    Oh, and I feel sick, oh, and I feel sick!

    FAIRY: What kind of guest? That's it! Did Santa Claus send you here?

    Cheap. Grandfather took a taxi, this is just nonsense.

    But I don’t like to spend, I save and save money...

    FAIRY. - And yet we really ask you, quickly tell me, who are you?

    Cheap. I am Grandma Yozhka’s sister, in general, we are a little related.

    They call me Aunt Zhmotya, I came to your house...

    not in old bots,

    The new ones are terrible, because it’s a long way to get to you.
    Would I wear down all the new ones and then walk barefoot?

    (looks around, examines the tree)

    But are you being chic or mischievous?
    There are lights here and lights there! They are not needed at all!
    I’ll do some magic here now, blow out the lights on the tree:
    Shurum-burum, burum-shurum, passion-faces,

    All the lights on the tree - go out!

    (lights go out)

    All! The ball is over, the candles have gone out!
    It's time everyone, it's almost evening.
    FAIRY. - Why did you put out our Christmas tree?

    What are you, what are you, Aunt Zhmotya, it’s better to sing with us!

    Have fun and play, don't chase anyone away!

    SMEAT. - Well... I like to have fun. I even know the song.

    Oh, and that song is good. Her brother Koscheyushka about me

    composed and recorded.

    Look and listen, people!
    Aunt Zhmotya will rock it!
    And you help
    and repeat everything after me!

    GAME DANCE in a circle "I HAVE ONE AUNT"

    FAIRY: - Aunt Zhmotya, look how happy the guys are. Light up our Christmas tree

    Soon Santa Claus will come and bring gifts!

    Cheap. - Oh, gifts? Which ones? Imported? Expensive?

    Fairy - For us they are the most desirable, so long-awaited!

    Cheap. - Eh-heh-heh, Frost will arrive, and he won’t forget the gifts...

    I need to catch up with Grandfather and pick up the gifts!
    I’ll lie to him about something...
    Oh, it's time, it's time for me to go.

    (goes to the door, stops, looks intently at the chandeliers)

    Look, everyone is sitting in the lights like royal majesties!
    Where are the electricity savings?

    (turns off the light and leaves)

    FAIRY: - The guest is so strange, and so greedy.

    Here devilry- she turned off the lights on the tree,

    And without light we are dark...

    Magic wand, spin! Turn on the lights in the hall quickly!

    (light comes on)

    We turned on the lights in the hall, but the Christmas tree still doesn’t light up. Children, we need the help of Santa Claus. He will help us light the Christmas tree.

    (suddenly remembers)

    Yes, guys, we need to help Grandfather out, but where to look for him?

    Bunnies, bunnies, run out, help out quickly,

    Find your grandfather and tell him everything.


    FAIRY: Tell me, bunnies, have you seen Santa Claus?

    Hares Radmir: - We didn’t find Frost, even though we went everywhere!

    Fairy: - Who will help us? Let's ask the candies to help us.

    Sweet girls come out.

    Aliya: We are funny candies, hurry up, look!
    Very bright on the outside, very sweet on the inside.
    Elvina: Caramels, marmalades, chocolates, lollipops.
    We are funny sweeties - oh, what good fellows!

    G. Amilia: Well, what’s fun without candy, friends?

    On New Year's and Birthdays you can't live without sweets!


    FAIRY: Tell me, sweeties, have you seen Santa Claus?

    Sweets: No, no, no, sweets give you the answer.

    Fairy: - Find Santa Claus, who will help us? Maybe the snowmen will help us.


    Fairy: Tell me, snowmen, have you seen Santa Claus?

    Ruzal: We didn’t find Frost, even though we went around all the parks!

    Fairy: - What to do? Here's the problem... Someone is coming here for us


    Father Frost. Hello, kids!
    Girls and boys.
    The New Year is knocking on us with a ringing song
    And there is no more wonderful holiday in the world

    Guys, are you happy to see me?...
    Why is your Christmas tree so sad? Not in order!
    We will correct the mistake here,
    And we'll amuse the kids

    You guys help,
    And repeat after me:
    Don't blow, blizzard, don't spin,
    Our Christmas tree lights up.

    Repeat everything together. The lights on the tree light up to the music.

    Fairy: Let's, kids, read poems for Santa Claus

    3rd party read poetry

    Santa Claus: Our Christmas tree is sparkling
    Golden lights.
    Get started, kids.
    Round dance quickly!

    Round dance in a circle “Here comes Grandfather Frost”

    Santa Claus: I come to the children’s Christmas tree,
    I'll start the games right away!
    There are a lot of games in the world,
    Do you want to play, children?

    Fairy: Of course, Grandfather Frost, our children love to play.

    Game with Santa Claus "I'll freeze it"

    Santa Claus: Oh, kids, I'm tired, I'll sit down.

    Fairy: Kids, let's read poems for Santa Claus.

    4th party read poetry

    Santa Claus: Where is my granddaughter? (He approaches the house and knocks on the door.) Snow Maiden, come out!

    Baba Yaga comes out of the house

    Baba Yaga: Here I am! Hello, Grandfather!

    Father Frost: (backs away) God! Holy! Holy! You are not my Snow Maiden!

    Baba Yaga: Yes, Grandfather, wipe your eyes! Why am I not the Snow Maiden? My house? My! So, I am the Snow Maiden!

    Santa Claus: Well, I already said it - Snow Maiden! Why don’t I know my granddaughter?

    Baba Yaga: I am the Snow Maiden! All!

    Santa Claus: Why are you scaring me, it’s even getting hot. Guys, blow on me, otherwise I'll melt!

    (The children blow on Santa Claus. He turns to them, first one side, then the other, and commands: “Blow harder! Even stronger! )

    Santa Claus: Something doesn’t help. I was so nervous that the heat was radiating from me.

    Fairy: You, Grandfather, call the snowflakes. They are cold and will cool you down quickly.

    Santa Claus: Snowflakes - fluffs, fly to me,

    Spin and dance in the silence of the forest!


    Santa Claus: It became a little bit cooler. But it's still hot! (Fans himself with his hands)

    Baba Yaga: (Hands out a ladle to Santa Claus) Here, Grandfather, drink some ice-cold water. You'll immediately feel better.

    Santa Claus drinks from a ladle. Disturbing music sounds. Santa Claus runs around the tree several times. The lights go out. At this time, a circular screen is brought out. Santa Claus hides behind her and puts a bibabo toy on his hand. When the lights come on, Little Santa Claus appears on the screen.

    Little Santa Claus: Oh, what's wrong with me? Why did I become small?

    Baba Yaga: You didn’t recognize me as the Snow Maiden, so I gave you some swamp water to drink, enchanted by the way.

    Little Santa Claus: What should we do now?

    Fairy: Let's call the real Snow Maiden to help

    The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

    Snow Maiden: Aw-ay! I'm coming!

    Children: Who made your white outfit, Snow Maiden?

    Snow Maiden: I sewed a white dress for me because of the winter snowfall.

    Children: Who sang songs to you in winter, Snow Maiden?

    Snow Maiden. The forest breeze sang songs to me tenderly!

    Children: Who, Snow Maiden, gave you beads made of stars?

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost gave me bright beads!

    Snow Maiden: Grandfather, where are you? (Notices Little Santa Claus) What's wrong with you, Grandfather Frost, what happened?

    Little Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, help me break the spell.

    Snow Maiden: Who are you?

    Little Santa Claus: Baba Yaga!

    Baba Yaga: Yes - yes, it's me!

    Snow Maiden: Please, Baba Yaga, give Santa Claus some living water to drink. Without him, the New Year will not come.

    Baba Yaga: What will this New Year benefit me? Either way Old year! I am very glad to still live in the Old Year. He was so wonderful.

    Snow Maiden: I wonder why this year was wonderful?

    Baba Yaga: And I took first place in flying on a broom at the Sochi Olympics. Would you like to see? (takes a broom and "flies around" there is a Christmas tree around it.)

    Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga, maybe you can teach our guys to fly the same way?

    Baba Yaga: Yes, easily! Place the stumps.

    Relay race “Who can fly faster on a broom between the tree stumps?” .

    Two teams of three people each participate. In front of each team, 3–4 stumps are placed at a distance of 50–60 cm from each other. The first participants sit astride their brooms and, on command, run around the stumps and run back to their team, passing the broom to the next participant. The team that completes the task first wins.

    Baba Yaga: You see how wonderful it is to fly on a broom.

    Snow Maiden: Perhaps you will now break the spell of Grandfather Frost?

    Baba Yaga: Well, they amused me. I've even gotten better. (Hands out a ladle to Santa Claus.) On Santa Claus, drink some living water.

    He takes out a flask. Pours it into a ladle "living water" . Santa Claus drinks it and, together with the screen, begins to run around the tree. The lights go out. At this time, Santa Claus hides the screen and little Grandfather Frost to the Snow Maiden's house. The lights come on, big Santa Claus stands in front of the tree and examines himself from all sides.)

    Santa Claus: Oh, no way I’ve grown up again. And I, Baba Yaga, will freeze you.

    Santa Claus touches Baba Yaga with his staff. She freezes in place.

    Snow Maiden: Defrost her, grandfather. There is no need for anyone to feel bad at the holiday.

    Santa Claus: So be it.

    Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff 3 times. Baba Yaga unfreezes and runs away from the hall.

    Fairy: There were songs, games, dances, we all visited a fairy tale.

    May I ask you a question?

    Where are the gifts, Santa Claus?

    Santa Claus: I didn’t forget about the gifts, I put them all in a bag.

    Hey, bag, come to me, stop riding on your back!

    To the hall "enters" a bag tied at the top with a bright ribbon. Aunt Zhmotya hid in it, she dances and sings "Jangle Bells" .

    Fairy: Wow, what a smart bag, he came on his own! There are so many gifts, probably enough for everyone! (Knocks on the bag - he answers "ding" )

    What is that ringing there? (Knocks again - Aunt Stingy says in an angry voice “Ding! Ding!” )

    Grandpa, he’s angry about something...

    Santa Claus: Come on, little bag, don’t be capricious, treat the kids with gifts.

    Aunt Zhmotya: Maybe it’s not necessary... Your teeth will hurt, your tummy will ache...

    Santa Claus: I’ll stop talking to you, I’ll untie you now...

    (Unties the bag, Aunt Zhmotya appears from there, puts herself in order). Aunt Stingy! And how did you end up here?

    Aunt Zhmotya: Ugh, that bag was so dusty when you washed it...

    Santa Claus: Don't talk to me, just talk. Where did the gifts go?

    Aunt Zhmotya: I won’t tell!

    Santa Claus: Then I will turn you into an icicle. One, two, three, freeze! (knocks with his staff, Aunt Zhmotya freezes in a comical pose)

    Aunt Zhmotya: Oh, she's frozen! My little hands are numb, my feet are frozen to the floor! Forgive me Santa Claus! I'll tell you where the gifts are if you play with me. Otherwise everyone is having fun, but I’m still alone, and alone... (pretends to cry)

    Santa Claus: Okay, die! (Knocks with his staff, Aunt Zhmotya falls helplessly to the floor). Guys, play with Aunt Zhmotya, respect her request.

    A game "Paravoz"

    Aunt Zhmotya: Ugh, I’m hot. I'll go! Well, thank you (bows). I'll go, I have things to do...

    Santa Claus: Stop! Freeze! (Knocks with staff). Gifts, return!

    Aunt Zhmotya freezes in an uncomfortable position.

    Aunt Zhmotya: Yes, what are you doing, old man! All my bones hurt. I distributed your gifts to other children, they need it too!

    Santa Claus: Well, that's right, other children also need gifts. I will now make gifts in front of the guys.

    He knocks with his staff. The Snow Maiden brings in a large saucepan decorated with tinsel and snowflakes. It contains gifts and a water container.

    Santa Claus: Put down the oranges, followed by the tangerines.
    And a little serpentine and golden nuts.
    The gingerbread cookies are crispy and the ice cubes are clinking.
    New Year's stars, cold snowflakes.

    And delicious chocolate, I’m happy to give it to the kids!
    Everything seems to have been put down
    Where are the gifts? (looks inside) Oh, I forgot.
    You need to water them with water

    Not just a key one.

    The fairy gives a beautiful jug of water, Santa Claus pours it into a hidden container in the vat.

    Eniki, beniks, gingerbreads, brooms,
    Undi, fundi, chundy - gay,
    Brew us a pot,
    Gifts soon!

    You can hear the sound of a pot boiling

    Grandfather: Look, Aunt Zhmotya, is it ready?

    Aunt Zhmotya: No! Cook a little more! (The pot is boiling again).

    Santa Claus: That's it! Ready! Take it out! Leave it to the kids!

    Fairy: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday.

    The kids brought us a lot of joy and fun!

    Santa Claus: Although we don’t want to leave, 2015 is calling us to go!

    There's a song in the circle "New Year's"

    Scenario New Year's party V middle group


    To the music, children enter the music room and stand near the chairs.

    Presenter: With blizzard, wind and frost, the winter holiday is coming to us.

    And, of course, Santa Claus will bring us all gifts!

    Tell me, guys, what kind of holiday awaits us all?

    Answer amicably, loudly, we meet...

    All: New Year!

    Presenter: The Christmas tree is visiting the guys today,(points to the tree)

    Very beautiful outfit for the Christmas tree!

    There are a lot of different toys on the Christmas tree,

    Balls of bright paper crackers!

    1st child: Green, fluffy, in a snow coat

    The Christmas tree came for the holiday in the frosty winter.

    2nd child: Silver snowflakes shine on the branches,

    And the pieces of ice, like little bells, ring quietly!

    2nd child: Oh, what a Christmas tree! The Christmas tree is beautiful!

    We really, really like her today!

    Presenter: Children, grab your hands and join in the round dance!
    Let's go around the Christmas tree and sing a song together!

    ISP. SONG “WE CAME TO VISIT THE TREE”sl. and music T. V. Bokach

    1. Our feet walked merrily along the pathThey dance around the tree.

    And we came to visit the elegant Christmas tree.


    2. Everyone wants to dance under the elegant Christmas tree.“Springs”

    The Christmas tree waves its branches, making the children happy.

    CHORUS: Oh-oh-oh, ah-ah-ah, big Christmas tree,

    Oh-oh-oh, ah-ah-ah, what a beauty.

    3. We will pet you all, just don’t inject yourself.Hand movement ↓

    With bright lights, Christmas tree, light up.“Lanterns”

    CHORUS: Oh-oh-oh, ah-ah-ah, big Christmas tree,

    Oh-oh-oh, ah-ah-ah, what a beauty.

    Presenter: They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you want,

    Everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

    They say that on New Year's Eve a fairy tale will come to every home.

    Adults and children love to plunge into this fairy tale.

    They decorate the Christmas trees together and express their faith in fairy tales.

    We will not disturb them, we will quietly observe.

    Guys, don't make noise and sit quietly.

    Hear, the snow is crunching, someone is in a hurry to visit us!

    The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music, holding toys in her hands: a bear cub, a doll, a fox.

    Snow Maiden: I hurried to you guys, rushed through the forest without looking back.
    She wanted to see you so much that she flew to you like a bird.
    I drove my horse quickly, the children were waiting for me?
    Or maybe they didn’t wait?

    Children: We waited, waited, really waited!

    Snow Maiden: And I didn’t come alone, I brought you toys.
    Whole year They were all asleep, but they were tired of sleeping.

    And today, on New Year’s Day, a miracle will happen here.
    I brought a doll, a bear, and a very cunning fox.

    (Snow Maiden puts toys on chairs near the Christmas tree).

    Snow Maiden: Snow - snowball fly, fly.... and bring the bear to life!

    (The Snow Maiden takes the “snow blanket” and walks around the tree, behind the tree the Baby Bear hides behind the blanket and quietly sits on a chair instead of a toy; the toy is quietly removed)).

    Presenter: Hello, teddy bear!

    Bear: Hello, hello! (waves hand)
    It's good that we didn't forget
    I was invited to the holiday.
    I just really like to sleep...
    And please don't disturb me!
    (Wags finger)

    The bear sits on a chair under the Christmas tree and snores.


    1. A cheerful bear lived in the forest(Children walk around the hall like “bear cubs”)

    Yes Yes Yes!

    He was a cheerful little naughty boy

    Yes Yes Yes!

    He didn't know how to stomp(Shakes head)


    (Stomp) He didn't know how to clap


    2. Clap-clap-clap!And the kids came to the forest

    Yes Yes Yes!

    (Slowly approach Mishka)Target was found in the forest

    Yes Yes Yes!

    (Snow Maiden takes Mishka by the hand and leads him into a circle)


    Taught to stomp ̶

    Taught to clap ̶

    3. Clap-clap-clap!(Clap)

    Bear, Bear, don’t yawn,(They threaten Mishka with their finger)

    Catch up guys!

    Presenter: (Children run on chairs, Mishka catches them).

    Children remain sitting on chairs. After the game, Mishka sits on his chair and “sulks.” What happened, Mishenka?

    Presenter: Bear:

    Children remain sitting on chairs. After the game, Mishka sits on his chair and “sulks.” I got kind of bored.
    How to help your trouble?

    Presenter: All the guys run away as if they don’t know me.
    It was in vain that I came to the holiday, because I didn’t find any friends here.
    Bear, bear, don’t bother,

    Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden, help Mishka!

    (Addresses the Snow Maiden)

    (takes the “snow blanket”)

    Snow - snowball fly, fly.... bring our doll to life! (He walks around the tree, behind the tree a child doll hides behind a blanket and quietly sits on a chair instead of a toy (the toy is quietly removed)).

    Presenter: I live in your group, you play with me.

    Snow - snowball fly, fly.... bring our doll to life! I'm called Masha the doll, you all know me.
    Doll Masha, help, Mishutka amused us.

    Let's dance together And the guys should help.


    1. Record Sl. and music Maria Kachurbina, translation by N. Naydenova
    Hands on the belt, stomp
    They clap

    Mishka is having fun, Mishka is having fun, Mishka turns his head;
    2. The doll is having fun, it’s also fun, oh, how fun, oh, oh, oh!Record
    The bear and the doll are stomping smartly, stomping smartly, look!
    And they clap their hands loudly, clap loudly, one, two, three!
    They clap
    We'll try to dance this little dance, this little dance,
    “Boat”, they walk in a circle

    Mishka is having fun, Mishka is having fun, Mishka turns his head;

    Presenter: How can we, how can we, how can we lag behind! gu step by step
    Snow Maiden, brought a doll with a bear to life,
    Bear, bear, don’t bother,

    Snow Maiden: (speaks to children)
    Have you forgotten about the fox?

    I'm still so young - I never forget.

    Presenter: Snow - snowball fly, fly.... And bring the fox to life!
    (The action with the blanket is repeated)

    What miracles! The fox suddenly came to life! Hello, red-haired cheat, we are glad to see you!

    Presenter: I am a fox, I am a cheat, a golden head.
    I really love bunnies, but I see only guys here.

    Snow Maiden: What's the matter? No problem! Come here, Snow Maiden.
    Swipe the blanket and turn the kids into bunnies.
    Snow - snowball fly, fly.... Turn the guys into bunnies!

    (He passes the blanket around the children, the teacher puts bunny masks on everyone).

    What miracles! The fox suddenly came to life! Whoever comes to play with me, come forward boldly.

    We need to run around the Christmas tree and knock on the drum!

    (We need to go around the tree and bring us a snowball).


    or “Who can roll a ball around the Christmas tree faster?”

    A drum is placed on a chair in front of the Christmas tree, 2 children stand near the chair with their backs to each other. At the leader’s signal, the children run around the tree in the opposite direction from each other. The first person to come knocks on the drum.

    After the game, the children sit on chairs.

    Presenter: Answer from the heart, are all the toys good?(Addresses the children, points to Teddy Bear, Doll and Chanterelle)

    Children: Yes!

    Toys: And now, kids, it’s time for us to go home!(Sit on chairs)

    Snow Maiden: Snow - snowball fly, fly.... Turn animals into toys!

    (The action is repeated,the heroes leave, toys appear under the tree).

    Presenter: And now I want to tell you guys a riddle!

    Walks, shakes his white beard,

    He stomps his foot - only a crash comes!

    Frost scatters on the branches of birch trees...

    Who walks like that?

    Children: Grandfather Frost!

    Presenter: Only he's not there. Gone! Didn't make it onto our tree.

    Apparently something happened. He should have come a long time ago.

    Are you really lost and can't find us?

    Snow Maiden: I know where Santa Claus is! He was bringing gifts for you.

    I drove a long way and was apparently a little tired.

    I sat down under the tree to rest and dozed off a little...

    Presenter: We need to shout loudly and call Santa Claus to come to us!

    The children call Santa Claus.

    Children: Grandfather Frost, Hey!

    Santa Claus comes out to the music.

    Father Frost: Hello my dears! Hello, my beautiful ones!
    Oh, how smart you are, all rosy, oh well!
    And the costumes are a sight to behold, the Christmas tree surprised everyone!
    Everyone, quickly stand in a circle and sing a loud song!

    Presenter: Hello Dedushka Moroz. Beard and red nose.
    We've been waiting for you for so long, kind Grandfather Freezing.
    But wait with the song, look at the Christmas tree!
    The tree is sad, for some reason it doesn’t shine?

    Father Frost: So that the fun doesn’t stop, so that we don’t get bored,

    We will all light the festive tree together!

    Come on, beautiful Christmas tree, light your lights, look at the kids with your colored eyes!

    (Touches the tree with a staff, the lights on the tree do not light up)

    Father Frost: (addresses children)

    Let's shout together: "One! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree, shine!"

    (Children repeat the words of Santa Claus, lights are lit on the Christmas tree).

    Snow Maiden: It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree flashed with lights.

    And we invite all the people to the New Year's round dance!

    Leading: The guys gathered here to play and have fun,
    And they will sing their song to you, Santa Claus.
    Hold hands, children, join in a round dance.


    sl. L. Kirillova

    1. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, pink cheeks. They clap.

    Look, Grandpa, we have some boys.

    Santa Claus, Santa Claus, sly eyes,“Springs”

    Look, Grandfather, our miracle is dancing.

    2. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, there are snowflakes on the nose,They covered their eyes with their palms and hid.

    Look, Grandfather, children are invisible.

    Father Frost, Father Frost, hat on top.Heel, toe, 3 stomps.

    Look, Grandfather, our stompers.

    LOSS: They spin around in place “Boat” while skipping.

    5. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, red gloves,“Lanterns.”

    Look, Grandpa, baby squats.

    Santa Claus, Santa Claus with a long beard,“Springs”
    Dance, grandpa, have fun with me.


    LOSS: They spin around in place “Boat” while skipping.

    Father Frost: Well done, kids. They made the old man happy. I will not remain in debt.

    I can make you happy.(Takes out snowballs and scatters them on the floor)

    The yard is white and white, all the paths are covered with snow.

    I suggest you, friends, to play with the snow!

    GAME “SNOWBALLS” music and words by M. Kartushina

    1. There was a lot of snow in the white winter,(circular movements in different directions)

    We will play snowballs in the yard with you.(picks up snowballs from the floor)

    2. We sculpt, we sculpt snowballs, we roll them in our hands.(making snowballs)

    And then we take aim - we throw them accurately. (take aim and throw at D. Moroz)

    Father Frost: We had a lot of fun playing. Are you not at all tired?

    Now I’ll give the command to everyone: “Get to your places quickly!(Knocks staff on the floor)

    Children sit on chairs.

    Who will respect Grandfather and tell him poetry?

    Children recite poems to Santa Claus.

    1st child: The snow is swirling outside the window, we brought the Christmas tree into the house,
    ↓ We hung the balls - it immediately became fun!

    2nd child: And behind the Christmas tree, Santa Claus brought me a bag of sweets.
    We will sing and dance and celebrate the New Year!

    3rd child: We gathered at the Christmas tree today
    And children's laughter is heard everywhere,
    Happy magical holiday, New Year
    Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

    4th child: Santa Claus, although old, plays pranks like a little one:
    It stings your cheeks, tickles your nose, and wants to grab your ears.
    Santa Claus, don’t blow in your face, that’s enough, do you hear?
    Don't spoil!

    5th child: Children dance in a circle and clap their hands.

    Hello, hello, Santa Claus! You are so good!

    6th child: We're having fun today! It's such a good day!

    Everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree and clapping their hands!

    7th child: Santa Claus celebrates the New Year with us,

    He leads a friendly round dance near the Christmas tree.

    8th child: Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree and lit the lights on it.
    And the needles shine on it, and there is snow on the branches!

    9th child: Santa Claus goes to the holiday in a red fur coat, felt boots,
    He brings with him gifts for small children!

    10th child: I'll tell Grandfather Frost a poem,
    I will proudly show off my beautiful outfit.
    I'll get a lot of candy for this.
    For me there is no better gift in the world.

    11th child: I'm sitting, waiting for a gift, behaving well...
    Santa Claus, look, keep in mind: I’m almost no longer naughty.

    12th child: New Year! New Year!We've been waiting for him all year.
    The lights sparkle brightly,Our Christmas tree is being decorated.
    Soon Santa Claus will come,will bring gifts to everyone,
    We'll tell him a poemLet's dance around the Christmas tree!

    13th child: Grandfather Frost is handsome, very kind, very sweet,
    He comes to every house and lights the Christmas tree in it!

    14th child: The Christmas tree is shining brightly, inviting us to a holiday,
    We all love the New Year and a merry round dance!

    15th child: Happy New Year. I wish magic to everyone
    Joy, good luck. Cheers to all of you!

    Father Frost: Thank you, friends! They amused me.

    And now, hold hands tightly, let’s stand together in a round dance,

    And let's celebrate the New Year together with a cheerful ringing song

    ISP. SONG “YOLOCHKA”Music etc. N. Veresokina

    1. Santa Claus came to us, came, came.They dance around the Christmas tree
    He brought a Christmas tree for the children, and brought it, and brought it.

    CHORUS: “Lanterns” “Springs”

    2. Little children's legs don't stand, they don't stand.Putting out socks one by one
    Everyone wants to dance at the festival, everyone wants to.

    CHORUS: The stars on the Christmas tree are good, good.“Lanterns”
    Children and children are dancing near the Christmas tree.

    3. Let's all stand at the Christmas tree in a round dance, in a round dance,They dance around the Christmas tree
    To have a fun New Year, New Year.

    CHORUS: The stars on the Christmas tree are good, good.“Lanterns”
    Children and children are dancing near the Christmas tree.

    Children sit on chairs to the music.

    Presenter: Children! Santa Claus played snowballs? All: Played!

    Presenter: Did you dance near the Christmas tree? All: Danced!

    Presenter: Did you sing songs and make children laugh? All: Made me laugh!

    Presenter: What else did he forget? All: Gifts!

    Father Frost: Yes! Now! I carried them, I remember...

    I don’t know where the bag went! Or did you put it under the tree?(looks under the tree)

    No, I don’t remember, I forgot...

    Presenter: Grandfather, how can this be? The kids are waiting for gifts!

    Father Frost: I have a magic ball, and there is great power in it.

    Where the gifts are - he will indicate and show the way to them. (takes out a big lump)

    Here it is, my magic little bundle!(Santa Claus rolls the ball past the children, around the Christmas tree, and rolls up to the snowdrift where the gifts are hidden)

    Father Frost: Found, found, here they are, gifts! (D.M. distributes gifts to children)

    Snow Maiden: Now it’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday.
    We wish you a lot of joy today, children,
    So that you grow up big, so that you don’t have worries!
    Well, Santa Claus and I will return to you in a year!!!

    (D.M. and Snegurochka leave)

    New Year's holiday for children 4-5 years old. Scenario

    Festive tree for middle group children. Scenario


    Presenter, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga - adults.

    Snow Maiden, Snowflakes, Hare, Bunnies, Bear, Parsley - children.

    Children run into the hall to the sound of cheerful music and stand around the Christmas tree.


    Here comes the Christmas tree, guys.

    Come to our kindergarten for a holiday.

    There are so many lights and toys!

    How beautiful is her outfit!

    Happy New Year,

    May fun come to you

    I wish you happiness and joy

    For both the guys and the guests!


    The Christmas tree visited

    Kindergarten today

    And spends with us

    New Year's holiday!


    I want the guys

    Look at the toys

    Look at the whole tree -

    From bottom to top!

    The “New Year’s Round Dance” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volchina.


    Our tree is big

    Our tree is tall!

    Taller than dad, taller than mom -

    Reaches to the ceiling!


    How her outfit shines,

    How the lanterns burn!

    Our tree Happy New Year

    Congratulations to all the guys!


    Let's dance merrily

    Let's sing songs

    So that the tree wants

    Come visit us again!

    The New Year's round dance “Beauty Christmas Tree” is performed, music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by I. Chernitskaya.


    The Christmas tree is lit with lights,

    Beneath her are blue shadows,

    Spiny needles

    They sparkle and sparkle with frost.


    Multi-colored toys

    She hung it up for us,

    And everyone is looking at the Christmas tree,

    And everyone has fun today!

    The “New Year's Round Dance” is performed, music by I. Veresokina. After the round dance, the children sit down. The lights are turned out, the tree is burning. The Bunnies run out to her and squat down, and Mother Hare approaches the Bunnies. The Snowflake girls become closer to the Christmas tree, and the Bear is near the opposite wall.


    A small house stands on the lawn,

    A hare lives in it, and with her there are baby bunnies.

    It became quiet everywhere

    The bunnies fall asleep.

    Their mother is Hare

    He hums a song...

    The hare hums “Lullaby”, music by T. Lomova.


    Baby bunnies are sleeping,

    Mother Hare is dozing.

    Don't bother them!

    Quiet, quiet, quiet...

    Executing. “Dance of Snowflakes”, music by T. Lomova. After the dance, the Snowflakes run away to their seats.


    Morning has come

    On the edge of the forest.

    Mother Hare came out

    From my hut.

    She ran quickly

    Along the forest path

    Brought carrots

    A complete basket!

    The hare runs behind the tree, brings a basket of carrots and treats the bunnies.


    We ate all the carrots

    We went out onto the lawn,

    Under the fragrant spruce

    The bunnies danced!

    “Dance of the Bunnies” is performed, music by T. Lomova. Loud music “Bear” by T. Lomova is playing. The Bear comes out swaying. The hares run behind the tree and take children's musical instruments. The bear stops in front of the Christmas tree.


    Come out, bunnies!

    Will you play

    Well, the bear is small -

    Have fun dancing!

    The bunnies “play” the Russian folk melody “Oh, you, canopy” (in a low register) on instruments, and the Bear dances awkwardly. All the children applaud the artists. The bunnies and the bear go to their places.

    Presenter(to children).

    I'll tell you a riddle -

    Who is this?

    We won't see him in the spring,

    He won't come even in the summer,

    But in winter, for adults and children

    He comes every year.

    He has a bright blush,

    Beard like white snow

    Interesting gifts

    He will cook for everyone.

    Happy New Year,

    He will light a lush Christmas tree,

    Amusing the kids

    He will dance with them.

    We meet him together

    We are great friends with him,

    But drink hot tea

    Guests are not allowed to do this.

    Who is this guest?

    Children. Father Frost!

    Presenter. Let's call Santa Claus together, guys!

    The children call Father Frost, he enters the hall with the song “Father Frost”, music by V. Vetlyn, lyrics by S. Pogorelovsky.

    Father Frost.

    Hello Hello!

    Happy New Year,

    I wish you all good health!

    Last year I was with you,

    I haven't forgotten anyone.

    Here are Marina, Valya, Kolya,

    Here are Seryozha, Tanya, Olya.

    Did you recognize me?

    Children. Yes! Father Frost!

    Children perform the song “Father Frost”, music by V. Semenov, words by L. Dymova.

    Father Frost.

    I'm still the same gray haired

    And just like young.

    And I'm ready to dance

    Right now!

    Just don’t spare your hands -

    Clap your hands harder!

    Santa Claus dances a cheerful polka (Ukrainian folk melody). The presenter invites Santa Claus to relax on a chair and listen to poetry. Children read poems to Santa Claus.

    Father Frost.

    Well read!

    How long have you been playing?

    Children. Yes!

    Santa Claus scatters cotton wool snowballs from a bag.

    Father Frost.

    Here are the cold snowballs,

    Here are the baskets. Here are the scarves.

    Need to blindfold

    And quickly collect snowballs!

    S. Podshibyakina

    The game “Who can collect the most snowballs” is played. Santa Claus praises the children and offers another interesting game. He places a large drum in front of the tree and shows two sticks.

    Father Frost.

    Who will play with me?

    Come forward boldly.

    We need to run around the Christmas tree,

    Knock on the drum!

    S. Podshibyakina

    Santa Claus calls one child and plays with him, cunningly - he comes back and knocks on the drum. The presenter notices the trick and playfully shakes her finger at Santa Claus.


    Near the Christmas tree at the edge

    Parsleys are dancing merrily.

    With a rattle in hand,

    In a bright red cap!

    “Petrushka’s Dance” is performed, music by F. Flotov.

    Father Frost.

    And now, my boys,

    I'll tell you riddles.

    You guys don't yawn,

    Answer in unison.

    1st riddle.

    Everyone is singing and having fun,

    They lead a noisy round dance,

    Because today is a holiday.

    What kind of holiday? (New Year.)

    2nd riddle.

    Oh, it's snowing!

    I'm bringing out my friend horse.

    For the rope-rein

    I lead my horse through the yard. (Sled.)

    3rd riddle.

    What kind of asterisks are they through?

    On a coat and on a scarf?

    All through - cut-out.

    Will you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes)

    Father Frost.

    Well done you guys

    We solved all the riddles!

    And now - dance again,

    Let's celebrate the New Year!

    The song-game “Snow-Snowball” is performed, music and lyrics by E. Makshantseva. At the end of the song, Santa Claus pours cotton snowballs from a bucket onto the children and begins a snowball fight. After the game, the presenter invites the children to collect snowballs. Two children with buckets are collecting.

    The presenter notes who collected the most snowballs.


    Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

    Did you bring us gifts?

    Father Frost.

    Santa Claus hasn't forgotten you

    And he brought a cartload of gifts!

    (Looks around.)

    Oh! Where are they, the gifts?

    I put them here...

    Where is the beautiful, bright bag?!

    Apparently someone stole it?

    S. Podshibyakina

    Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, contented laughter and chomping can be heard behind it. Santa Claus comes out from behind the Christmas tree in confusion.

    Father Frost. Yes... You can’t even see the gifts, but there is such a written beauty sitting there behind the tree, such a beauty that it’s scary to look at!

    Baba Yaga comes out from behind the tree, licking her lips. He strokes his belly and looks intently at Santa Claus.

    Baba Yaga. Whose are you scared to look at? Ass? I am still a beauty (preening) at the level of world standards!

    Father Frost. Yes... You are beautiful, of course... Well, did you eat all the gifts or did you leave them for the guys?

    Baba Yaga. Why, I left it... I ate it all! And if you left a little, it was for your own use! Here! But I won’t give it to you! (Turns away.)

    Father Frost. That's harmful! You won't give it back, you say? And we'll see this now! Come on, cold snowflakes, take your magic bells and play louder!

    Snowflakes with bells stand closer to the tree, and Baba Yaga looks at them in bewilderment. The phonogram of “Children's Polka” sounds, music by M. Glinka, snowflakes play on bells, and Baba Yaga begins to involuntarily jerk one or the other leg.

    Baba Yaga(scared).

    I don't want to dance with you,

    Frankly speaking.

    Legs themselves, themselves, themselves

    That's how they spell pretzel!


    Oh sorry! Help!

    Stop the dancing!

    Oh, I can't do it anymore!

    Oh, now I'm going to fall! (Falls.)

    Father Frost. Well, Yaguska, will you give me the gifts?

    Baba Yaga. I'll give it back! I'll give it back! I'll bring them myself! (Runs away.)

    Baba Yaga brings gifts, and Santa Claus distributes them to the children.

    The new sleds squeak in the snow,

    The children were invited to the nursery for the Christmas tree.

    The guys stood in a wide circle,

    Someone lit candles on the Christmas tree.

    Olenka boldly steps forward,

    The little white bunny gives her a doll.

    Everyone is happy with a good gift,

    Our children have fun in the nursery!

    Father Frost.

    Well, friends,

    You need to say goodbye.

    I wish you from the bottom of my heart

    Have fun, life is not boring,

    Grow up, kids!

    In a year I will come to the holiday,

    Wait for me to visit you.

    I'll bring different gifts,

    Now is the time, friends!

    S. Podshibyakina

    Santa Claus waves goodbye to the children and leaves.

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