• Are many boys born for war - a folk sign or a scientific fact? Why are more boys born than girls?


    There is a superstition that more boys are born before a war. Few people think about this, attributing this statement to women’s signs that have nothing to do with reality. But recently, many have begun to pay attention to population growth and wonder, is it true?

    Interest in this maxim also arose among pundits, doctors and pediatricians who even conducted scientific developments and research on this topic. The influence of the country's military situation on its natural growth has been studied repeatedly and thoroughly.

    What is the result of these studies?

    It turned out that the sign had some real basis, but in a slightly different way. Scientists were able to find out that boys were actually born in large numbers, but not before the war, but during the war and shortly after it. Doctors became interested in this pattern even before the First World War, but at that time there was not enough data, and what was available turned out to be not particularly suitable for any serious conclusions.

    Immediately after the end of the war with Hitler, a work by the pediatrician Novoselsky was published in Leningrad, highlighting the dependence of the birth rate on military operations. The countries of Europe and Russia were analyzed in the period from 1908 to 1925.

    Statistics cited in the work of a pediatrician indicate that there was a surge in the birth of male newborns during and after the war, and before the start of the war everything was as usual. Novoselsky believes that the reason for this can be attributed to a decrease in fetal mortality during pregnancy. He says that during the war the number of conceptions fell sharply, since all the men were at the front. The female body rested from pregnancy, restored the required amount of vitamins, and increased its resistance to infections. Therefore, pregnancies that occurred against this favorable background were characterized by a regular and easy course, and miscarriages occurred less frequently.

    Novoselsky claims that the normal natural proportion at the time of conception looks like this - approximately 130 boys to 100 girls. The male fetus is less hardy than the female, therefore, in the first months of pregnancy, it is mainly male fetuses who die during miscarriages, the proportion is 170 boys per 100 girls. When a woman’s body is in good shape, saturated with vitamins and microelements, and has a stable, strong immune system, then all this allows it to successfully bear male fruits and give birth to healthy boys. Another factor speaking in favor of birth large number boys are first-time young women whose bodies have not yet weakened under the influence of many and frequent pregnancies.

    Since people are still natural organisms, nature very wisely takes care of balance. For example, scientists at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution are inclined to argue with reason that, for example, when dogs or other animals are destroyed in a region, a surge in their increased birth rate can be observed. If you follow this maxim, then the appearance of many boys after wars becomes clear. After all, wars take away a huge number of men, and nature immediately responds to war with a desire for balance.

    But today, in our modern times, this fact cannot be explained only by natural wisdom. For example, in China there are up to 123 boys per 100 girls, and this is much higher not only than post-war indicators, but also global ones. China is known in the world for its demographic policy, the essence of which is to reduce the country's population. This is done by getting rid of female fetuses, because now you can find out who will be born in the first weeks of pregnancy. Chinese families strive to raise even one child, but a son, so that he will be a breadwinner and helper in old age. Nature cannot prevent such a policy.

    In our country, the sex ratio is within the normal range - for every 100 girls there are 105 boys. In this regard, we do not lag behind other countries. Statistics data are taken at the beginning of 2007.

    Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that folk sign about the dependence of boys and war is nothing more than a superstition, devoid of any real basis.

    A slight excess of newborn boys may depend on many reasons - country politics, some natural circumstances, the presence of military operations, poor ecology, contamination of the atmosphere with toxic substances. Therefore, there is no need to engage in terrible predictions of war, guided by the birth of beautiful, healthy boys.

    Who is born more? Girls or boys?

    1. Are more boys or girls born?

      It may seem strange, but according to statistics, about 3-5% more boys are born than girls. This is primarily due to the fact that sperm contains significantly more boys (carriers of the male Y-chromosome gene) than sperm girls (carriers of the X-chromosome). It turns out that the words of the famous song are because according to statistics, there are 9 for every 10 girls Guys, is this not true? Pure truth! And there are indeed more women in our society than men. But, mind you, it is women, and not girls. The fact is that 103-105 boys are actually born per 100 girls. And the conception rate is even higher, 125-132 boys per 100 girls. But, alas and ah, at the stage of gestation, the stronger sex turns out to be not so strong, the mortality rate of male fetuses is almost twice as high as the mortality rate of female fetuses. More to come. Boys more often end up in bad stories, die in accidents, from various diseases, and the like. And, as a result, girls are forced to stand on the sidelines and fiddle with their handkerchiefs, since by the time they reach puberty there are already more of them than boys. By the way, the age at which the number of boys and girls equalizes is considered one of the indicators of the development of society. The older you are, the better the society. And if in Russia this age is approximately 15-18 years, then in Western European countries it is close to 30, and in Japan it even exceeds 50. So, dear girls, do not miss your chance to give birth to at least someone! Remember, the older you get, the less chance you have of meeting your One.

    2. 1% more guys.
    3. I think it's a girl)
    4. There are more boys
    5. in our maternity hospital approximately equally
    6. Boys. There are now many more boys in our kindergartens. than girls
    7. a year ago, 4 of my friends and I gave birth to girls! and there are only girls in the maternity hospital.
    8. boys
    9. More boys are usually born. But they survive worse and die more often. The male advantage persists until the age of 33, then there are more and more women every year.

      Secondary sex ratio (Sex ratio at birth) is the ratio of boys and girls among newborns. Approximately 512 boys per 488 girls, or 1049 boys per 1000 girls, or 105 boys per 100 girls.

      According to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, in the first six months of 2009, 408.2 thousand boys and more than 380 thousand girls were born in Russia. Such data were obtained as a result of the birth certificate program.

      In Karelia:
      Year Girls, % Boys, %
      2005 48,7 51,3
      2006 46,8 53,2
      2007 48,9 51,1
      2008 48,4 51,6
      2009 48,7 51,3

      If you believe our statistics, the number of births in the Russian Federation in 2007 was:
      girls -781350
      boys - 82877

    10. But it seems to me that there are more girls! Among my friends there are 3 boys, and there are more than 20 girls!!!
    11. There are more boys.
    12. There are always more boys born.
      Men live less, so more of them are born.
    13. It also seems to me that more girls are being born, my granddaughter has 2000 years of age for 21 girls in the class, there are only 4 boys, in a parallel class there is a similar situation, the same situation was in kindergarten, and when I studied in 1956, we had 19 boys in the class and 8 girls. Of course this is a special example
    14. Among my friends there are only boys, and so do I)
    15. Who - the Galkins?
    16. first boys but they die more often and there will be more females left
    17. but it seems to me there are more girls!!!
    18. There are more girls than boys in our maternity hospital)
    19. and we all have the same amount
    20. now-boys

    The study by scientists from the Fresh Pond Institute from Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, turned out to be rich in results. Researchers tried to find an answer to the question that haunts many - why more boys are born than girls all over the world (the proportion is 51 to 49). The findings of a group of institute employees led by Stephen Orzack were somewhat unexpected.

    Firstly, scientists have found that, contrary to popular belief, the number of embryos of boys and girls at conception is equal. Secondly, another widespread, but as it now turns out, erroneous belief has been refuted, which states that the mortality rate among male embryos is higher than among female ones. It is precisely because of his fallacy that more boys are born than girls.

    American scientists came to these conclusions after analyzing a large database of American children who were conceived in 1995-2004. Scientists wanted to determine the relationship between the sexes at the time of conception and at the time of birth.

    Stephen Orzack and colleagues analyzed data on different stages pregnancy and found that boys do not have any advantage during conception and that during pregnancy, not more of them die, as was previously thought, but less. The ratio between embryos of different sexes differs by different dates pregnancy. There are even two periods: the first week and the period between 28 and 35 weeks of pregnancy, when the mortality rate among male embryos is actually higher than among female ones. However, in general, by the time of birth, the number of boy embryos is slightly, but still consistently higher than the number of girl embryos.

    With the results of a study that could force a number of changes important principles demography, can be found in the authoritative journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

    Not all of their colleagues agree with the conclusions of American scientists. Fiona Matthews from the British University of Exeter devoted a lot of time and effort to the issue of gender relations during pregnancy and childbirth. World statistics say that on average, for every 100 girls, 105-106 boys are born. In her opinion, there is some relationship between the sex of the embryo and what the mother ate before conception. Fiona Matthews analyzed data from 740 British women who were asked to talk about their diet before conceiving. It turned out that those who ate higher-calorie foods were slightly more likely to have sons than daughters.

    Fiona Matthews explained this finding by saying that male embryos develop faster and require more calories to develop. Fiona is also supported by supporters of the theory that claims that more girls are born in times of famine. This was clearly noticeable in 1959-61 in China, when there was a great famine.

    An intriguing question for scientists remains why the gender balance persists. Men produce a huge number of sperm, while women produce a limited number of eggs. As for evolution, then main question- Why can’t humanity get by with fewer men and more women?

    The internationally accepted answer to this question was given by Ronald Fisher, a famous evolutionary biologist who worked in the first half of the 20th century. According to Fisher's principle, differences in sex ratios will tend to decrease over time due to the reproductive advantage automatically accrued to the minority sex.

    Suppose, for example, that the number of newborn boys were much smaller than the new girls born. If this were actually the case, then newborn boys would have higher prospects for reproduction in the future than newborn girls, thereby the number of offspring would be greater. Parents who are genetically more inclined to give birth to boys will have more grandchildren, thus their gene responsible for "producing" men will spread more and more. Gradually, the population will achieve gender balance.

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    Fertility is of great importance for every country. If this indicator is low in a state, then a threat is created to the territorial integrity of the country. High and low birth rates improve and guarantee the preservation of the nation. Fertility statistics allow you to track the necessary indicators.

    Fertility is also an indicator of a country's level. In poor countries where people earn little, it is usually high level, few children are born. IN developed countries, Where good conditions for living, the population is not afraid to give birth to several babies.

    Population dynamics in the Russian Federation

    The table shows birth rate statistics in Russia by year. It can be used to judge how natural population growth has changed:

    Year Number of children born Total population
    1927 4 688 000 94 596 000
    1939 4 329 000 108 785 000
    1950 2 859 000 102 833 000
    1960 2 782 353 119 906 000
    1970 1 903 713 130 252 000
    1980 2 202 779 138 483 00
    1990 1 988 858 148 273 746
    2000 1 266 800 146 303 611
    2010 1 788 948 142 865 433
    2015 1 940 579 146 544 710
    2016 1 888 729 146 804 372

    To find out which gender of children are born more, there are statistics on the birth rate of boys and girls. Let's look at the indicators for the city of Novopolotsk. In 2014, about five hundred female children and almost six hundred male children were born. 2015 was marked by the birth of 595 boys and 537 girls. In other settlements the situation is approximately the same.

    Girls Fertility Statistics and boys means that more male babies are being born.

    However, by middle age the number of representatives of both sexes is approximately equal. Whereas in old age it remains more women. Representatives of the fairer sex live longer.

    There are also statistics on the birth rate of children with disabilities. Quite a lot of them are born on the territory of Russia. More than 50% of babies are born with mental disorders. This is due to heredity, with a lot of stress in parents. Plus, there are few good doctors who can provide qualified assistance in a timely manner. Every year approximately 2 thousand children are born with Down syndrome. About 30% have genetic disorders. No more than 20% of healthy babies are born in Russia every year.

    Fertility and mortality in 2016

    Fertility statistics for last years in Russia decreased slightly. Fewer children are born than in the USSR. However, population growth remains positive. Due to the fact that mortality has decreased, there has been an influx. In 2016 (from January to August), 1,275 thousand children were born. While during the same period in 2015 the increase was 2 thousand more people.

    What are the fertility and mortality statistics in Russia? In some localities of the country, the mortality rate is lower than the birth rate. The remaining regions can be considered gradually dying out. The highest population growth is observed in the following:

    1. Chechen Republic.
    2. Ingushetia.
    3. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

    The worst indicators are:

    1. Tyumen region
    2. Pskov region
    3. Tula region

    The total number continues to decrease, despite the fact that mortality did not exceed the birth statistics in Russia in 2016. At the same time, the state has reached a higher level. Fertility statistics for 10 years show that Russia ranked 63rd in the world (data for 2016) in terms of natural population growth. The table shows the main reasons why Russians died (from January to August 2016):

    Number of people (in thousands)
    Infections 21,8

    Fertility statistics for 2016 show that the population density in the Russian Federation is 8.6 people per 1 m². This is one of the lowest rates in the world. Huge areas are simply empty. Villages and small towns have died out over the past 20 years, and some areas have never been inhabited.

    The situation in the world at the beginning of 2017

    According to statistics for the first quarter of 2017, the world birth rate increased by almost 50 million people. Every day several hundred thousand babies are born in the world. E this fact can be checked using the earth's population counter in mode.

    Fertility and mortality rates for 2017 in Russia

    Russia has always been the largest territorial state in the world. However, the population here is inexorably declining. The country is experiencing a demographic crisis. According to fertility statistics in Russia, at the beginning of 2017, fewer children were born compared to the previous year.

    Population growth in Belarus and Ukraine

    Fertility statistics by year in Ukraine:

    Year Number of children born Total population
    2000 no data 48 663 600
    2005 426 100 47 100 462
    2010 497 700 45 782 592
    2015 411 800 42 759 300

    Below is a diagram with fertility statistics in Ukraine, as well as mortality by year (over the last 25 years). It clearly shows in which years the country's population grew and in which it decreased.

    Fertility statistics in Belarus by year:

    Year Number of children born Total population
    2000 93 691 9 988 000
    2005 90 508 9 664 000
    2010 108 050 9 491 000
    2015 119 509 9 481 000

    Boy Birth Statistics in the Republic of Belarus is given in numbers in the graph below. Slightly more male babies are born than female babies. But recently the number of boys born has decreased slightly. As for the size of the male and female population, judging by the table, there are more men than women in Belarus.

    In recent years, the population in the Russian Federation and Ukraine has decreased, while in Belarus it has increased; birth and death statistics in Russia confirm this fact.

    What do the study results say about the difference in the number of newborn boys and girls? The reason for the surge in births of boys is a decrease in miscarriages.

    There is a popular saying: if more boys are born in a country than girls, this is a harbinger of war. When I myself became the mother of a wonderful boy, and the families of my acquaintances and friends were joined by boys, this question began to bother me. Really - to war? Why? What do the statistics say? What connection can there be between tiny, helpless babies and a terrible disaster that takes and breaks many lives?

    It turned out that this topic worries not only me. Medical scientists asked the same question, and even serious research was conducted on the impact of wars on the sex ratio of children born. What do their results say?

    Are there more boys?

    It turns out that scientists talk about a greater number of newborn boys not before, but during and after wars. Such studies were carried out for a long time and repeatedly, but before the First World War of 1914-1918 there was too little statistical data, and they were too inaccurate for clear and unambiguous conclusions. In 1946, in the collection of works of the Department of Health Organization of the Leningrad Pediatric Institute, “Issues of the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood,” the work of S.A. Novoselsky, “The Impact of War on the Sex Composition of Children at Birth,” was published. The author took for the study data on fertility in England, France, Germany and individual cities of Russia in the period from 1908 to 1925. That is, several years before the First World War of 1914, the years of its course and several years after.

    According to the statistics presented, it is clearly seen that in the last years of the war and after it, there was a surge in the birth of boys - 106-108 boys per 100 girls born, with a ratio of 103-105 boys per 100 girls born in peacetime. However, in the years preceding the war, no more boys were born than in normal peacetime.

    The reason for the surge in births of boys is a decrease in miscarriages

    The author suggests that the reason for the increase in the number of boys being born is a decrease in intrauterine mortality. The absence of men who went to war leads to a decrease in the number of conceptions. The woman’s body rests, the necessary supply of microelements and vitamins is restored, which leads to an easier course of subsequent pregnancy and a decrease in the likelihood of pregnancy.

    According to S.A. Novoselsky, the sex ratio is 125-130 boys per 100 girls. Many male fetuses die in 1-3 months after conception, and in subsequent months the mortality rate of male fetuses is 160-170 per 100 female fetuses. Thus, a female body that is rested and prepared for conception has high probability successful course and resolution of pregnancy, which allows more boys to be born safely. There is also a factor of a large number of marriages and the birth of children among young primiparous women, in whom the likelihood of miscarriages and intrauterine death of infants is much lower compared to multiparous women.

    Natural balance...

    Man is a child of nature, a part of it. And nature carefully and carefully maintains its balance. For example, scientists have proven (in particular, in the course of a study by Moscow biologists within the framework of the “Animals in the City” program, under the leadership of Andrei Dmitrievich Poyarkov, Ph.D., Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as research by foreign specialists ), that if dogs or other animals are shot in any territory, this leads to an increase in their birth rate. Perhaps the increase in the number of boys born is also a kind of nature’s response to their destruction - after all, during wars, the male population dies many times more than the female population. Men fight and die. This means that more men should be born. To maintain balance.

    Or a political factor?

    However, with the current level of development of technology and science, it is not always correct to nod to nature. For example, in China, 116 and even 123 boys are born per hundred girls. This figure is much higher than both the global ratio and the post-war surges. The reason is this big difference is the demographic policy pursued in China ("One family - one child"), the desire of most families to have a son-heir and breadwinner in old age, as well as such a level of development of medicine when the sex of a child can be determined long before his birth. Unwanted girls are getting rid of, the gap between the numbers of boys and girls born is growing, and even nature, defeated by modern equipment, is unable to reduce it.

    What do we have?

    According to the data provided Federal service State statistics at the beginning of 2007, in Russia, for every 3,708 boys under the age of four, there are 3,515 girls of the same age. Simple mathematical operations allow you to determine the sex ratio. There are 105 boys for every 100 girls. This is a completely normal sex ratio for peacetime, corresponding to the indicators in most countries (105-107 boys per 100 girls).

    Thus, this sign has nothing in common with reality. The difference in the number of newborn boys and girls can be influenced by demographic, and not only demographic policy of the state, natural factors, an ongoing or already ended war, and even, according to the results of a number of studies, it can be influenced by environmental pollution with certain harmful substances. Even in peacetime, slightly more boys are born than girls. Sometimes the difference is greater, sometimes less. But future wars should not be predicted in this way - it is not true. And mine little son- not the cause or harbinger of war, but just a child, just like other boys.


    I am engaged in determining the sex of children before birth.
    I determine the gender from a photograph of the parents.
    I have a VKontakte group for this.
    The community is called the gender of the child based on the photo of the parents.

    06.12.2013 15:21:33, valersh

    I read somewhere the opposite sign - if boys are born, this is like a sign of war, i.e. replenish the male population; if there are an abnormally large number of girls, this means global disasters, i.e. to provide the opportunity for more people to give birth later, it means that the number of people will greatly decrease: (Although, if you believe the statistics given, not everything is so scary.

    09/08/2008 17:13:11, Irakez

    in my environment, this is what happens: - in 2007, for every 4 boys, one girl was born, in 2008. - for 5 boys there is one girl. I myself am pregnant with my son. My friends and I also discussed this topic... I live in St. Petersburg

    All of our friends and neighbors are mostly girls, there are few boys

    And all around us, only girls are born.

    04.09.2008 14:17:21, Marina

    Indeed, more boys are always born adolescence their number and the number of girls of the same age are approximately equal. And somewhere around 30 years old, there are more women.
    I don’t understand about sex determination long before birth. Ultrasound is not so informative, it can be more or less accurately determined at 22-24 weeks - it’s somehow too late to interrupt, the tables are different according to the day of conception, according to the length of the cycle and other guesswork is complete nonsense, and various interventions with determining the chromosomal composition very expensive and far from safe. Or does China not care about this, and such research is mandatory?

    but it seems to me that the omen is correct.
    before the war more boys are born. for now they are helpless and sweet, but in 15-20 years they will grow up, fight and take up arms. that is more men- more aggression.

    04.09.2008 10:39:21 Dain

    Comment on the article "Many boys are born for war - a folk sign or scientific fact?"

    What is the most powerful laser in the world? Japanese? American? No, everything is not the rule. Recently, scientists say that they have successfully tested a new super laser, which they claim is 10 times more powerful than any other 10,000 mw laser pointer, its average power is 1,000 watts, and the cost reaches 48 million dollars. If you know about the existence of a super laser from Japan, which has an output power of 1 trillion watts, then you might think...

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    I only learned how to get pregnant quickly from the company [link-1]. I don’t argue that a lot of information can be found on this subject on the Internet, but only in the above company all materials are collected in one place. My husband and I have already begun to prepare for conception. Refused bad habits, went to see the doctors. I hope that conceiving a child will not be difficult)

    How is this “nothing”? Firstly, you need to drink it once a day. Secondly, in the morning, not after lunch. Thirdly, it costs half as much. Fourthly, it is better tolerated. In my opinion, these differences are quite enough :)))

    Do not buy anything for your baby in advance, because this Bad sign! Have you heard that, right? Of course, there are many myths associated with the birth of a child. Let's put aside prejudices and think logically about when to buy things for a newborn and whether it is worth doing this in advance. When to buy things for a newborn BEFORE OR AFTER - THAT IS THE QUESTION All pregnant women are very sentimental. Expectant mothers excitedly enter a children's store, look at tiny clothes with emotion, touch cribs, and push strollers. It's like that...

    Nowadays, in order to understand something, some of us, as a science, turn to the Internet on this issue, and there, thanks to one or another thematic or informational blogs, portals or resources, they open fascinating pages, news, and so on. In general, in the world that surrounds us there is a lot of fascinating, unknown and something that can interest any of us. So, if you want to read interesting publications, news, and so on on such topics...

    On my own behalf, as best I could, I collected and FORMULATED for your Website on this Very Important for All Slavs from the Beginning - TOPIC (I checked for a very long time and Believe and Better Check it!!..) - - Shock-Facts of the FIRST-INITIAL and BEST IN THE WORLD Slavic - Longevity and having many children (and MUCH MORE!!..) - LET'S REMEMBER At least To Survive for the BEGINNING?!.. - on - [link-1] - Where and from myself more About - Resurrection - Certificates of the Slavs, Culture and Civilization - The First Beginnings of Humanity or the C-Beginning - Love and...


    But the main thing here, of course, is -

    The Hunza bathe in icy water even at 15 degrees below zero, play outdoor games until they are a hundred years old, their 40-year-old women look like girls, at 60 they maintain a slim and graceful figure, and at 65 they still give birth to children. In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, in winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, sheep cheese.
    The Hunza River was a natural barrier for the two medieval principalities of Hunza and Nagar. Since the 17th century, these principalities were constantly at odds, stealing each other’s women and children and selling them into slavery. Both of them lived in fortified villages. One more thing is interesting: the residents have a period when the fruits have not yet ripened - it is called the “hungry spring” and lasts from two to four months. During these months they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink made from dried apricots once a day. Such a fast has been elevated to a cult and is strictly observed.
    The Scottish doctor McCarrison, who first described the Happy Valley, emphasized that protein consumption there is at the lowest level of the norm, if it can be called normal at all. The daily calorie content of Hunza averages 1933 kcal and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 carbohydrates.
    The Scotsman lived in close proximity to the Hunza Valley for 14 years. He came to the conclusion that diet is the main factor in the longevity of this people. If a person eats incorrectly, then the mountain climate will not save him from illness. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Hunza neighbors, living in the same climatic conditions, suffer the most various diseases. Their lifespan is half as long.
    Mac Carrison, returning to England, staged interesting experiments on a large number of animals. Some of them ate the usual food of a London working-class family (white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned and boiled vegetables). As a result, a wide variety of “human diseases” began to appear in this group. Other animals were on a Hunza diet and remained absolutely healthy throughout the experiment.

    In the book “The Hunza - a People Who Know No Diseases,” R. Bircher emphasizes the following very significant advantages of the nutrition model in this country:
    - first of all, it is vegetarian;
    - a large number of raw foods;
    - vegetables and fruits predominate in the daily diet;
    - natural products, without any chemicals and prepared preserving all biologically valuable substances;
    - alcohol and treats are consumed extremely rarely;
    - very moderate salt intake; products grown only on domestic soil;
    - regular periods of fasting.
    To this must be added other factors that contribute to healthy longevity. But the method of nutrition is undoubtedly very significant and decisive here.

    In 1963, a French medical expedition visited Hunza. As a result of the population census she conducted, it was found that the average life expectancy of the Hunzakuts is 120 years, which is twice as high as that of Europeans. In August 1977, at the International Cancer Congress in Paris, a statement was made: “In accordance with the data of geocancerology (the science of studying cancer in different regions of the world), the complete absence of cancer occurs only among the Hunza people.”
    In April 1984, one of the Hong Kong newspapers reported the following amazing case. One of the Hunzakuts, whose name was Said Abdul Mobut, who arrived at London Heathrow Airport, bewildered the emigration service workers when he presented his passport. According to the document, Hunzakut was born in 1823 and turned 160 years old. The mullah who accompanied Mobud noted that his ward is considered a saint in the country of Hunza, famous for its long-livers. Mobud has excellent health and sound mind. He remembers events well since 1850.

    Local residents speak simply about their secret to longevity: be a vegetarian, always work physically, constantly move and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years. Distinctive features of the Hunzas as a people with “full health”:
    1) High ability to work in the broad sense of the word. Among the Hunzi, this ability to work is manifested both during work and during dancing and games. For them, walking 100–200 kilometers is the same as for us taking a short walk near the house. They climb steep mountains with extraordinary ease to convey some news, and return home fresh and cheerful.
    2) Cheerfulness. The Hunzas laugh constantly, they are always in a good mood, even if they are hungry and suffering from the cold.
    3) Exceptional durability. “The Hunzas have nerves as strong as ropes, and thin and gentle as a string,” wrote McCarrison. “They never get angry or complain, do not get nervous or show impatience, do not quarrel among themselves and endure physical pain with complete peace of mind, troubles, noise, etc.”

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    As soon as a preschooler becomes a first-grader, he seems to slip out of our hands. There was Vanechka, Sashenka, Zhenechka - he became a student. It was yours, personal, it became “public”. And this is a difficult moment for both moms and dads. First, the child is separated from his parents, and we need to accept this as an inevitable fact. School is not just a teacher and a class where a son or daughter is sent. These are also new requirements, these are new, social relations; and to understand them (the intricacies of these relationships and...

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    I’ll probably be right if one of the first questions a woman asks herself when she learns about pregnancy is: is it a boy or a girl? Of course, ultrasound will help us, but it’s a long wait:) they say there are all sorts of folk signs...


    I have different sexes.
    Both pregnancies were very easy, and so were the births.
    With my son, I didn’t feel sick; in the first months I craved meat, in the last months I craved sweets. I looked great (maybe because I was 21 years old))). He moved moderately. When I was giving birth, they said “contractions are for a girl” - if she gets sick, she will go away.
    With my daughter, I felt a little nauseous at the beginning, I was drawn to tangerines. She looked good, but her appearance was “soft”, slightly blurry. She moved actively.
    Both times the bellies were small, the shape was the same. The skin was good both times, mine and adolescence there were no acne...
    My mother did not change at all in appearance, when she carried me, she was drawn to apples and felt sick until 3 months)))
    I wanted more sex with my daughter, maybe because the man changed))))
    Signs don't work at all, I don't believe in them)))

    I know only one relatively true sign: mothers of girls seem to have blurred facial features - nose, lips. So far I have always guessed who my friends will have :). I myself have not changed at all, and throughout my pregnancy they told me: “probably a boy?”, starting from relatives and ending with salespeople in stores :).
    But at 4 weeks I myself very clearly felt that it could only be a boy, although developed intuition never different :).

    1. Real woman does not pursue happiness. She's not chasing anything at all. Running for happiness is the most popular and stupidest sport. We are all running somewhere. Towards a brighter future, to tomorrow, to next year etc. A real Woman does not engage in this sport. She's not running anywhere. She floats through life, always being in the present day. Today is the most interesting and important thing that occupies her attention. One day is one little life. A Real Woman has...

    You will accept it upon birth >. They fought and separated, but the girls will think a lot, take revenge for years and organize serpentariums. Once you have a boy, you won’t have to buy a second set of toys.


    It's difficult for me to be objective, because... I don't have daughters, but:
    1. According to observations, boys love their mothers more unconditionally, but girls from a certain age still try to compete.
    2. Boys can be dressed up or not, it’s optional. And girls, IMHO, must be dressed up, especially for pretentious events like graduations.
    3. From a certain age, it is the mother who needs to raise girls (housekeeping, needlework, makeup, hygiene, etc.), in the case of boys, this can be transferred at least partially to the father.

    I wish you health and an easy birth!

    You'll get used to it. You will accept it based on the fact of birth - whichever one they give you, you will love it :) It is not the gender of the child that brings diversity, children are all unique. Now just calm down and get through your pregnancy normally.

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