• Family motto for kindergarten. The family's sports motto. Family motto


    Family motto

    The word “motto” takes its roots from the Latin “devidere”, which means “to divide”. The meaning of the name suggests that the motto - usually one of the components of a banner or coat of arms - was always located outside the main elements depicted on them. As a rule, a special motto ribbon (or part of it) was allocated for the motto, occupying a separate place allocated to it on the field of the coat of arms or banner.

    Concepts like family coat of arms and motto invariably take us back to History, and there is nothing strange in this: even in Ancient Rome, the motto of the family determined the foundations that guided all its members, and said a lot about the history and merits of this family. As for the Latin mottos - the maxims of the Eternal City - they subsequently became the basis for the mottos of many countries.

    Exists three varieties mottos:

    · curly mottos . Mottos of this kind are, in fact, emblems, and in some cases these are emblems of individual states or dynasties. Remember the lily - the emblem of the French royal dynasties, or the rose - the emblem of England;

    · mottos combining figurative and verbal images . Sometimes they resort to this in order to unobtrusively supplement the main motto with an auxiliary one. But quite often the figurative image simply illustrates the verbal form of the motto;

    · verbal mottos . This group of mottos is the most common and easy to understand.

    How relevant is the concept of the family motto in our time? For a huge number of families in European countries, it has never lost its relevance: in them, from generation to generation, family coat of arms the family and its motto were kept unchanged.

    If you ask why a family motto is needed at all, and what its meaning is, the answer may surprise you somewhat. A thought or word expressed out loud takes on an independent life and begins to persistently seek ways for its implementation.Repeated by someone repeatedly, they, over time, acquire the ability to largely determine the course of the speaker’s fate.

    Therefore, the family motto, passed down from generation to generation, is able to control and guide the actions and life path of each generation. It is very unlikely that a person whose family motto for centuries (even decades!) has been the words “Honor is more valuable than life” will be able to act unworthily.

    In other words, the motto gives quite deep information about the family and its members. A motto can be especially important for a young family, and this is absolutely understandable: the words they choose as their family motto will guide them through life.

    Take the time to think about what, in your opinion, best reflects the essence of your family? What image? What symbol? What phrase or word? Do you imagine your family as a united, inextricable ball? Find a motto that describes a close-knit family! Are all family members not lazy people at all, and really love to play sports? Choose a motto that speaks of a sports family!

    What if the family is both friendly and athletic? There are two ways out. Or choose one, a common family motto that reflects both features. Or choose two separate mottos: one motto - for a friendly family , and second motto - for the sports family . They can coexist perfectly together.

    If there are children in the family, it’s time to think about the family’s children’s mottos. Such mottos fall under the definition of a personal motto. All statesmen and outstanding personalities of History had and still have a personal motto.

    Personal motto can change throughout the life of its owner, and be not only permanent, but also temporary - when it is put forward only for a specific situation.

    Your family's children's motto may have a tone of joke while the baby is not yet very old, but as time passes it is better to replace it with a more serious symbol. You may like the motto “I am obligated - that means I can!”, which guided Alexander Suvorov through life.

    In addition to the motto of your family, you can come up with a name for yourself, which will also express your credo. The name and mottos of the family, designed clearly and with soul, will look appropriate in any part of your apartment. They will tell those who come that in this house there live people who protect and love their home and each other. And the family motto will simply become a silent and faithful assistant in your life.

    We offer you several mottos that you can use for sports competitions and family competitions, comic mottos for the family, as well as mottos that will take their rightful place on your family coat of arms:

    As long as we are united, we are invincible!

    Dad, mom, me - Friendly family!

    We are united - our family is indestructible!

    Our motto is always the same - we will not destroy, we will not betray!

    Our family is friendly and united, which means it is invincible!

    The motto of a happy family: Your dreams are my worries!

    FAMILY - will correct, teach, force!!!

    Our a strong family both brave and strong!

    Everything for the family, everything for the good of the family!

    Our family motto is: mutual understanding, intelligence, friendship and love!

    Let the family be happy! After all, dad, mom, sister and I are together!

    The sun always shines on us: Both in winter and in summer.

    Because we are family. We are proud of it!

    When we are united, we are invincible!

    Happiness is where there is loyalty and love!

    Our motto is to never fall down!

    WomanAdvice magazine - advice for all occasions

    They leave parents in a slight shock. Either you need to prepare a portfolio, then create a scientific project, or write an essay, or come up with a family motto. What is this? New educational programs for the new generation or imitation of the Americans?! If you remember the movies, in all sporting events entire families compete with each other, shouting their own chants and chants.

    What is a motto?

    Remember the expression: “Brevity is the sister of talent”? In this way we can characterize the term “motto”, which is expressed in short phrase, defining the main point thoughts and behavior of a specific group of people. The motto united a certain group of people. It could be expressed in writing, drawing, coat of arms, symbols, where each sign could mean something.

    Noble families had their own distinctive signs and passed on the family motto from generation to generation. In fact, he was the guide for all family members. His phrase contained a deep meaning and a characteristic feature of a whole family. For example, the Sheremetyevs had a family motto: “God preserves everything,” and the Stroganovs: “I will bring wealth to the Fatherland, I will leave a name for myself.”

    Over time, the slogan began to be used in competitions between organizations, work teams, families, children, in sports, and in children's camps. It has become a distinctive element of a certain group of people. For example, in the children's camp, the Akuna-Matata detachment chose the appropriate motto: “Live freely without worries every day.”

    Why do we need a family motto in Russia?

    In Europe, the slogan of groups, families, institutions is a completely common tradition. In Russia, such an innovation appeared recently. Initially, the motto was used in television programs, then it migrated to, and now competitions are organized on various topics with the creation of short and succinct phrases.

    Now in educational schools and kindergartens it is necessary to come up with chants for classes, institutions, and families. Why do we need a family motto? kindergarten? Typically, such a task is given on the holiday of July 8, when Russians celebrate fidelity and love. On this day, sports competitions are held for parents.

    The family motto in Russia is also used as a tool for psychologists and psychotherapists. The essence of this method is to characterize the family in different periods life with a certain sentence that can be invented or taken from proverbs and sayings. For example, the phrases “Cancer, swan and pike” and “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” certainly indicate difficulties.

    In sports you can’t do without a motto

    However, it is more common for Russians to use chants in sports. Its importance is invaluable - you need to unite different team members into a single whole, direct their thoughts and actions in the same direction, force them to think in the same direction.

    When passing tests, saying a “magic phrase” to yourself in such a group increases the chances of winning. This is due to the fact that the person who pronounces the sports motto feels how the forces of the team flow into him. This method in psychology it is called "self-hypnosis".

    In addition, at the moment of failure and failure, the team chant lifts the spirit and in the last minutes helps to snatch victory from the hands of the opponents! But this is the case if the team cares about each of its members, and everyone moves towards the same goal together.

    The effect of the motto in sports can be compared to the battle cry of primitive people hunting a mammoth, who are “infected” by courage from each other and get rid of fears. follow the same plan. Shouting the family's sports motto helps fans feel supported and empowered.

    In what competitions is a family slogan useful?

    Nowadays, kindergartens plan competitions for children and their parents for every holiday.

    Such competitions can be mobile, where all participants perform some role, or “theoretical”, where the work is done at home and the finished result is brought to the kindergarten. Thus, children usually come up with the family motto at home with their parents, and then depict it in family heraldry.

    What is the meaning of the slogan for the family itself?

    For Europeans and Americans, a family motto is a kind of unification of relatives and differentiation from other families. They even host regular family sports competitions. For Russians, family relationships come first, not public verbal descriptions.

    If you come up with a motto for competitions, then parents often put a thematic result into them. For example, “We are invincible”, “We are like a glove, always together”, “One for all and all for one”. The motto of family for children is most likely fun, when you can spend time with your parents. But over time it can carry a deeper meaning and define

    The motto can be dynamic and static. In the first case, it is compiled for a certain period of time and can reflect problems, situations, and the nature of the family. In the second, he defines life principles and principles. For example, a saying about family honor and hard work can outline the moral character of subsequent generations, but only if parents proudly talk about the family motto as a distinctive feature of their family!

    Children's motto: family as a mirror of the soul

    IN preparatory groups kindergarten, and then in schools, the psychologist conducts individual conversations with problem children, where he asks them to draw a family, characterize it, identify the characteristic features of each member, and come up with a slogan. The way the child describes the relationship with his family will indicate the real nature of communication.

    For example, a six-year-old girl can say that the man always lies on the sofa and smokes, her mother always washes, cooks and cleans for her father, and she and her sister draw and watch cartoons. But when further questioned about her future family life The girl’s answer (“I won’t have a husband, because I can lie on the couch myself, and there won’t be children, because I don’t want to be tired, like my mother”) indicates a violation in her worldview.

    Even if you ask a mother and child to create a motto in class, the psychologist will also receive a lot of information. For example, the phrase “Always at work” or the humorous expression “Work, work, work” may indicate that work comes to the fore in the family, but they do not have proper (proper) rest.

    How to better reflect the essence of your family and come up with an original chant

    1. What is the theme of the competition? The theme should be at the core of the motto and highlight the necessary qualities. For example, in psychological competition, feelings are important, in sports - physical qualities, in female competition - culinary abilities or the beauty of the fair sex.
    2. How does family fit into this competition? The motto needs to show family unity and strong qualities to “intimidate” rivals. Allegories and comparisons with natural force will help with this.
    3. The family motto should be short, understandable, congenial and memorable. Children most often start shouting their rivals' chants because of their simplicity and beautiful sound.

    You can come up with a chant yourself or use sayings and proverbs that reflect the family’s worldview. If the slogan has an ambiguous interpretation, then you can come up with a verse explaining the main features.

    Motto templates

    Many family sayings become popular popular phrases. Thus, the sun with rays becomes a stereotype in the drawing of the emblem, hands with fingers - in the depiction of the coat of arms. And “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly (athletic, interesting, smart) family” is the most popular family motto.

    Examples of the best historical family chants:

    • With work and diligence.
    • My salvation is in God.
    • We were.
    • Actions are not words.
    • Life to the King, honor to no one.

    Children's examples of mottos:

    • Without love, care and patience there will be neither happiness nor fun!
    • Not a day without work!
    • Sun, air and water are our best friends!
    • Forward to new discoveries!
    • Music is our life!

    Adult Family Templates:

    • Hold hands with God.
    • Ward number six.
    • Forever running.

    Pay attention to how the mottos differ between generations: in the nobility they determined the principles of life that the entire family had to follow; children try to highlight the meaning family competition or your life; adults put into this phrase their attitude towards each other and each family member.

    In the section for the question HELP!!! Come up with a family motto and coat of arms. In kindergarten, my daughter was given the task of drawing up a family tree with the motto and coat of arms of the family specified by the author European the best answer is Invent graffiti on the coat of arms... in the center... a letter with the surname... and around, for example... dad... the letter of the name... and the eagle... mom... the letter of the name... and.. . owl.... (wise bird)... daughter... letter of the name.. and... princess... (I can’t think of a suitable bird)))

    Answer from Sweep[newbie]
    Wonderful mottos for the family have already been invented, or rather, formulated in popular proverbs.
    Mottos about family:
    “Where there is agreement, there is victory,”
    "Family is the pillar of happiness"
    “Where there is love and advice, there is no grief”
    “A family is strong when there is only one roof over it,”
    “The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.”
    Mottos about honor:
    "The more difficult the matter, the higher the honor"
    “Where there is honor, there is truth.”
    Labor mottos:
    "The master's work is afraid"
    “Skill and labor will grind everything down.”
    “The one who walks will master the road”
    Mottos about friendship:
    “In a herd that agrees, even a wolf is not afraid”
    "There is safety in numbers".
    Mottos about defending the Motherland:
    "If the people are united, they are invincible"
    "Courage is the sister of victory."

    Answer from Dima pro[newbie]
    You can make some origami. For example, a big ball, a boat or a tree. Or you can do a PowerPoint. Personally, I did PowerPoint, and I advise you to too! By the way, the motto: Every day we get more interesting,
    We are going as a family together,
    We are not afraid of obstacles
    Friendship is above all rewards!!!

    Answer from Staff[guru]
    just download the picture of the tree and hang the photo on the branches from the bottom, all the relatives on one side, on your side, on the other side, on the husband’s side, and your common child on the very top of the head! MOTTO: WE are all a friendly family!

    Answer from Don't shoot white horses[guru]
    Wow! I wonder what they will ask you to write at school))

    Answer from August[guru]
    Start with your grandparents. If you remember, it’s better from your grandparents. Then write yourself and your husband and from you an arrow to your daughter’s name (or to your children... I don’t know if you have one or several of them).
    This is a kindergarten, so you don’t have to worry about it, the motto can be “mom, dad, me, together a friendly family.” The coat of arms can be an image of your family against the background of a flag. Or maybe some kind of heirloom.

    In this material you will see:

    Compilation rules family coat of arms

    Appendix 1. Types of coats of arms.

    Appendix 2. Composition of the coat of arms.

    Appendix 3. Options for mottos for the coat of arms.

    Appendix 7. Symbolism of flowers in heraldry and figures.

    Appendix 8. Examples of coats of arms.

    All of us now have a unique opportunity to create our own family coat of arms. But first, let's think about it “How much do you know your ancestors and are attached to your roots?” and mentally answer the following questions:

    1. Do you know your ancestors (grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, etc., who they were, their type of activity, how they lived, what they were famous for?
    2. Do you have family photographs of your ancestors hanging in your home, or are they stored in family albums?
    - Do you tell your children about your ancestry? Do you have conversations?
    3. Are there any objects in the interior of your home that migrated from your parents’ apartment or that you inherited from your grandparents?
    - Does your family have their own? family traditions?

    “Box of Wisdom” as a gift

    The more relatives you remember and include them in your “circle of trust,” the stronger you will become. You will feel it - feel a surge of strength and self-confidence.
    - Make a family photo album. Place old and new photographs in it and involve the children in this work. The connection between generations has already begun to be restored.
    - Maintain relationships with living relatives, communicate with them more often. “Blood ties” feed us with the strongest and most powerful energy.
    - Remember your ancestors (remember them, tell family stories, look for strong ancestors positive traits) - this maintains a connection with the past of the family.
    - Communicate more with your children, tell them successful family stories. Children are the successors of your family, and the future of both the children and your family as a whole depends on how close and sincere your relationship is.
    - Visit the place where you were born more often. Even if no one lives there anymore, and even if there is no home. The earth itself in this place feeds you with energy, because this is your homeland.
    - Create a family coat of arms that will cultivate the strength of your ancestors, the honor and dignity of your family.

    « Coat of arms" is a Polish word and means "heritage", "heir". The family coat of arms is not just a beautifully drawn picture, but a message encrypted in the language of symbols to society and future generations. The family coat of arms shows the past, talks about the present, predicts the future, because from the coat of arms you can learn about the values ​​of the family, its priorities in life, which have been respected throughout time.

    In the old days, our noble families also had their own family coats of arms, they were proud of them, they tried to add new signs to them in service to the Fatherland, with conscientiousness. Previously, in Rus', almost every family clan had its own coat of arms. He was tenderly guarded by his fathers and protected by his children in battles. The coat of arms was passed down from generation to generation. The coat of arms was a symbol for a person, a symbol of family, home, homeland. U ordinary people, the peasants did not have coats of arms. But in the villages they knew very well what kind of tribe you were, and they remembered the good or bad deeds of each family. The coat of arms is the distinction of your family. For example, a surname is also a difference between your family only in letter form, and the Coat of Arms is in graphic form.

    There are certain rules for drawing up a family coat of arms

    1) Before designing a coat of arms, you must learn the basics of heraldry.
    2) Gather as much knowledge as possible about your species.
    3) Remember that a single fact is not characteristic of a genus. Your justification must be objective, i.e. reflecting features.
    4) The size of the figure depicted in the coat of arms must be commensurate with the field in which it is placed. Heraldic figures are chosen randomly. If several figures are placed in one field, then the value, accordingly, becomes smaller, and homogeneous figures must be of the same size.
    5) Every figure occupies a certain place in the coat of arms. When drawing up modern coats of arms, future owners want to place as many elements as possible into the design, probably hoping to emphasize its significance.
    They forget the value of the coat of arms - not in the number of symbols drawn on them, but in the fact that these elements correspond to a single concept and can tell the history of the family. Therefore, the simpler and more concise the coat of arms, the more valuable it is. The first coats of arms generally had simple designs on their shields in the form of lines and stripes.

    Necessary equipment: kits for creativity (album sheets, pencils, markers, stencils, rulers, etc.).

    To draw your coat of arms, you need: - Study your pedigree (what professions, what they were famous for). - Decide what shape the shield will be. - What is the main color, it carries meaning.
    - And of course the motto, you can’t live without it, it should reflect your inner essence.

    For example, your great-grandfather was an excellent shoemaker, he fought in the first world war, had awards. Great-grandmother was an excellent dressmaker. All this can be depicted with conventional symbols on the coat of arms (rectangles with curves at the bottom), dividing it into several parts. For a shoemaker - boots, for a dressmaker - scissors. You can place a ribbon of the St. George's Cross along the edges of the shield (a sign that your ancestors fought with dignity).
    Professionally designed according to the laws of heraldry, taking into account individual characteristics, energy, color, the coat of arms is a powerful amulet of its owner, uniting the family and bringing it vitality and prosperity.

    Appendix 1. Types of coats of arms.

    Types of coats of arms:
    1 – natural, 2 – artificial, 3 – mythical

    Appendix 2. Composition of the coat of arms.

    Appendix 3. Options for mottos for the coat of arms.
    Bravery and justice.
    With a shield or on a shield.
    To be kind, to be known as kind.
    Do good.
    Hurry to do good.
    Live by your wits.
    He who seeks will always find.
    For a big ship, a long voyage.
    There is strength in unity.
    To live in peace is to live in peace.
    One for all and all for one.
    Diligence is the mother of luck.
    To teach is to sharpen the mind.
    Our brand.
    I have to – that means I can! (A.V. Suvorov)
    Honor is more valuable than life.

    Appendix 4. Heredity.

    Appendix 5. Symbolism of non-heraldic figures

    Leo – strength, courage, generosity
    Dog - devotion
    Cat - independence
    Bear - prudence
    Bull - fertility of the earth
    Eagle - power, generosity
    Deer is a symbol of a warrior
    Raven - longevity
    Rooster - belligerence
    Peacock - vanity
    Dolphin - strength
    Pelican - parental love
    Bees, ants - hard work
    Snake - eternity
    Oak – fortress, strength
    Olive tree - peace
    Dove – bird of peace and happiness
    Fish is a symbol of wealth and prosperity
    Horseshoe - a symbol of happiness
    Circle - unity
    The book is a source of knowledge
    Rainbow - the mercy of God and his love for people, diversity of interests
    Libra - justice
    Grapes - fertility, abundance
    Lily is a symbol of hope, peace, success
    Laurel - glory
    Oak leaves - strength, power, struggle and victory
    Water – perpetual movement, variability of the surrounding world
    Gate – power, security, reliability of power
    The star is a symbol of eternity, high aspirations, ideals
    Lotus - life or happiness
    The sun - glory and shine
    Moon - serene reign

    Appendix 6. 12 sayings about the power of the Family.

    1. Each person is part of the Family.
    2. Your life is how Rod is trying to become stronger.
    3. Your Family is a power that surpasses your personal death.
    4. We are now working for someone else’s family, forgetting that we have our own.
    5. If every person in our Family works for their strength, spirit, mind, then this will strengthen the Family - and this is our task. The genus, in turn, will strengthen everyone.
    6. He who speaks more than he does for his spirit exhausts the Family.
    7. He who doubts, hesitates, or is afraid of making a mistake exhausts the power of his action.
    8. If you make a mistake, just correct the mistake. There is no punishment other than simply not becoming stronger and weakening the Rod.
    9. There is no need to prove that you are from the Family. There is no need to doubt. Just be.
    10. There is no need to prove that you are stronger. There is no need to doubt. Just do it.
    11. There is no need to prove that you are doing the right thing, that you are thinking correctly, that you are better than others. If you become stronger, the whole Family becomes stronger. The problem is solved, the conscience is clear, the spirit is impeccable.
    12. In death you lose your body and personality. Your spirit continues to operate in the Family. Your strength, which you manage to transform into an impeccable spirit through your action, will be your immortality.

    ...Ends on next page.

    • < Тема ДНК - шедеврально и доступно (часть 1, в разделе Родологии)

    What is a family coat of arms?

    The coat of arms, along with the other components ( family tree, pedigree) forms modern concept The genealogy is a symbol of your family, and sometimes a symbol of just one person (then we are talking about a Personal Coat of Arms). The family coat of arms is a set of heraldic symbols that represent the main features of the family line. The family coat of arms used to be a privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, and become a strong link for generations.

    Family coat of arms (family coat of arms)- compiled by the whole family and reflects the essence of family life of the clan, its place in society and basic values.

    Coat of Arms Personal- describes the personality of a particular person.

    The coat of arms is an artistic reflection of the basis of a person, his set of beliefs and views on the family, the world, and life. Very often, a coat of arms is drawn up in order to better understand your family and your place in it.

    Coming up with a coat of arms is not an easy task. There is a whole science - heraldry, which knows all the rules for drawing up coats of arms. We will give just a few rules for creating a coat of arms that will help you draw the coat of arms of your family.

    Rules for creating a coat of arms

    1. Form of the coat of arms

    Any coat of arms or emblem is usually composed of certain parts.

    The main part of the coat of arms is shield. The image of a shield is intended to protect a family or a person from enemies both in ancient times and in our time. The heraldic shield was initially no different from the real shield. In ancient times, in the Middle Ages, the shapes of military shields were simply amazing in their diversity - round, oval, pointed towards the bottom, rectangular, crescent-shaped, etc. A diamond-shaped shield usually indicated that the owner of such a coat of arms was a lady.
    Suitable material for making a family coat of arms is whatman paper, cardboard from boxes, thick colored paper. Together with your child, choose the shape of the future family coat of arms and draw it on whatman paper.

    2. Color of the coat of arms

    The coat of arms could be of different colors, and each color had its own meaning. In heraldry, colors can reflect natural phenomena, the qualities of the human soul, human character, and even complex philosophical concepts:


    Name of color adopted in heraldry

    Natural phenomenon

    Qualities of character, human soul

    Philosophical concepts

    Generosity, generosity


    Moon, water, snow



    Bravery, courage, bravery

    Loyalty, truthfulness


    Youth, joy

    Education, modesty



    Nobility, dignity

    Wisdom (prudence)

    The shield can be painted in one color. If we want to use several colors, then the shield needs to be divided, for example, into two parts: vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Despite its apparent simplicity, the geometric divisions of the shield field form many options. Following these division rules, the shield can be divided into three, four or more parts.

    3.Coat of arms figures

    The figures that are placed on top of the shield field are traditionally divided into heraldic and non-heraldic.
    In turn, heraldic figures can be main or secondary.
    There are eight main heraldic figures– this is the head (occupies the upper part of the shield), the extremity (located at the bottom of the shield), the pillar (located vertically in the middle of the shield), the belt (placed horizontally in the middle of the shield), the belt (located diagonally on the shield and has two options: from left to right and from right to left), rafter, cross and border.

    Minor heraldic figures quite a lot - a square, a rhombus, a shield, etc.

    Images of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, and objects play an important role in the symbolism of coats of arms. They refer to non-heraldic figures, which are divided into natural (natural phenomena, heavenly bodies, plants, animals, humans), artificial (weapons, tools, household items) and mythical (dragons, unicorns, griffins).
    Symbolism of the figures:
    -leo - strength, courage, generosity;
    -eagle - strength, power, independence;
    -bear means wisdom and strength;
    -dog - loyalty and devotion;
    -snake - wisdom, caution;
    -the dove symbolizes peace and purity;
    - falcon - beauty, courage and intelligence;
    -bee – hard work;
    -rooster is a symbol of battle;
    -dragon - power;
    -oak means strength and durability;
    -laurel and palm branches - glory, victory;
    - olive branches - peace;
    - a torch, an open book - symbolize knowledge
    The combination of heraldic figures, symbolic images and their colors can serve as a permanent sign, a distinctive sign of a person, family, class, group or institution.

    4. Motto of the family coat of arms

    Motto- a short saying, usually written on a ribbon at the bottom of the shield. Sometimes mottos are placed in the coat of arms without a ribbon; if the shield is round, the motto is usually written around the shield. Obviously, the basis for the motto could originally have been a knightly battle cry (such as “Crom boo”, the motto of the Dukes of Fitzgerald, meaning “Crom (the old ancestral castle) forever!", but the motto could be short statement, reminiscent of some important historical event or expressing the credo of the owner of the coat of arms. The text of the motto can be encrypted and understandable only to initiates.
    Family motto passed down from generation to generation, can guide a person’s actions and model his behavior. Family motto - analogous to a surname, family business card. The verbal motto of the family briefly, in a few words, expresses the family credo, the life rules of the family.
    Wonderful mottos for the family have already been invented, or rather, formulated in popular proverbs.
    Mottos about family:
    “Where there is agreement, there is victory,”
    "Family is the pillar of happiness"
    “Where there is love and advice, there is no grief”
    “A family is strong when there is only one roof over it,”
    “The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.”
    Mottos about honor:
    "The more difficult the matter, the higher the honor"
    “Where there is honor, there is truth.”
    Labor mottos:
    "The master's work is afraid"
    “Skill and labor will grind everything down.”
    “The one who walks will master the road”
    Mottos about friendship:
    “In a herd that agrees, even a wolf is not afraid”
    "There is safety in numbers".
    Mottos about defending the Motherland:
    "If the people are united, they are invincible"
    "Courage is the sister of victory."

    DIY family coat of arms. This is how children aged 5-7 years old came up with a family coat of arms.

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    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

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