• Family coat of arms drawings for school. How to draw a family coat of arms for kindergarten and school with your own hands: samples and mottos


    Features of creating a family coat of arms and flag in pencil according to assignments from school or kindergarten.

    The baby adapts to society through interaction with other children and adults. The latter, in turn, try to transfer knowledge to him and support his creative abilities.

    A school or kindergarten assignment to create a family coat of arms and flag is interesting from different perspectives:

    • child - how to transfer their feelings and creativity onto paper
    • educators/teachers - to deepen the understanding of each child
    • parents - to unite the family, add new traditions to everyday life

    In this article we will talk about the nuances in creating family heraldic attributes and the meaning of their constituent elements.

    How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil step by step?

    three different coats of arms of families drawn by children for school

    Drawing the family coat of arms is a collective creativity.
    Gather a family council in the evening or on a common day off and devote time to this task for your child. Perhaps you yourself dreamed of creating a similar attribute for your family.

    To draw a family coat of arms with a pencil, consider a number of points:

    • Collect information about relatives up to the fifth generation or at least up to the third. It will give you the opportunity to systematize the lifestyle, talents, and characters that prevail in the family.
      On the other hand, a child of early school age may wish to depict the coat of arms of the family with reference to the traditions that have developed in it, personal creative perception.
    • Pay attention to your last name. If it clearly indicates an occupation, a natural phenomenon and similar things, they can be depicted schematically on the coat of arms. For example, for Tkachenko - a piece of fabric, for the Morozovs - a snowflake.
    • Geometric shape of the coat of arms.
      Heraldry was most clearly represented in the Middle Ages, the time of chivalry. Perhaps for this reason, the shape of family coats of arms was akin to the geometry of shields.

    As an example, look at these...

    • Presence/absence of divided areas inside the coat of arms. These are wide stripes at different angles that share the values ​​that the family honors.

    For example, the stripes are arranged like this

    arrangement of stripes on the shield of the coat of arms at different angles
    • Animals, objects, symbols different types activities. The main thing is to follow the rule of conciseness so that the coat of arms does not turn out to be oversaturated with symbols and drawings.

    If you decide to insert silhouettes of animals and birds, then consider their meaning:

    the meaning of some animals that are depicted on coats of arms

    the meaning of trees, animals and birds that are used in the painted coats of arms of the family a series of symbols used in creating a family coat of arms, with meanings
    • Presence/absence of space for the family motto. A child understands a saying in his native language more clearly, although a number of them are in Latin. catch phrases easy to learn and remember.

    The topic of family mottos will be discussed in more detail in a future article, but now we will give a few examples.

    a selection of mottos for use when drawing a family coat of arms by a child

    If it is possible to color the family coat of arms with felt-tip pens/paints/pencils, consider the meanings of the colors, for example, yellow emphasizes generosity as a quality of the family’s character and justice as a core value, and red emphasizes courage, bravery and love, respectively.

    the meaning of the colors used to color the shield of the family coat of arms

    The process of drawing a family coat of arms looks like this:

    • prepare whatman paper, several simple pencils of different hardnesses, a ruler, an eraser,
    • use light lines to mark the inscriptions into equal sectors,
    • draw a shield of the chosen shape in the center,
    • add the rest of the attributes of the coat of arms - signs, symbols, animals, birds,
    • draw clearer contour lines of the shield and zone boundaries,
    • if there is space for the motto, write it in with a soft pencil,
    • erase the markings,
    • If desired, let the child color the finished drawing.

    How to draw a family flag?

    painted colored family flag

    It’s easier to draw a family flag after working on the idea and depicting it in the form of a coat of arms.

    Pay attention to the following details:

    • color scheme. Ideally, it should be repeated with the one on the coat of arms,
    • the presence of a letter, symbol, sign, animal. Place any of the listed options, for example, in the center of the canvas or in the upper/lower free corner,
    • think over the form. There are flags in the form of a rectangular canvas, with a jagged free end, and triangular.

    For example, these flag options:

    child's drawing of a knight and a row of flags of different families

    Family coat of arms for school and kindergarten: drawings with descriptions

    ready-made drawings of family coats of arms on the blackboard at school

    Below we will look at several options for family coats of arms, which were drawn by schoolchildren and younger.

    image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 1

    image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 2

    image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 3

    image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 4 image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 5

    image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 6

    image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 7

    So, we looked at the nuances of drawing up a family coat of arms and flag, and depicting them using a pencil. Helped the child choose attributes and colors to complete this task.

    If your child has not yet brought home a similar request from a teacher or educator, be proactive. Then the child will have more time for flights of fancy, and you will have more time to buy beautiful frame for a family heraldic attribute and choice of place on the walls of the house.

    Inspiration to you and fruitful family advice!

    Video: how to draw a family coat of arms for school?

    What is a family coat of arms?

    The coat of arms, along with the other components ( family tree, pedigree) forms modern concept The genealogy is a symbol of your family, and sometimes a symbol of just one person (then we are talking about a Personal Coat of Arms). The family coat of arms is a set of heraldic symbols that represent the main features of the family line. The family coat of arms used to be a privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, and become a strong link for generations.

    Family coat of arms (family coat of arms)- compiled by the whole family and reflects the essence family life gender, its place in society and basic values.

    Coat of Arms Personal- describes the personality of a particular person.

    The coat of arms is a reflection in an artistic form of the basis of a person, his set of beliefs and views on the family, on the world, on life. Very often, a coat of arms is drawn up in order to better understand your family and your place in it.

    Coming up with a coat of arms is not an easy task. There is a whole science - heraldry, which knows all the rules for drawing up coats of arms. We will give just a few rules for creating a coat of arms that will help you draw the coat of arms of your family.

    Rules for creating a coat of arms

    1. Form of the coat of arms

    Any coat of arms or emblem is usually composed of certain parts.

    The main part of the coat of arms is shield. The image of a shield is intended to protect a family or a person from enemies both in ancient times and in our time. The heraldic shield was initially no different from the real shield. In ancient times, in the Middle Ages, the shapes of military shields were simply amazing in their diversity - round, oval, pointed at the bottom, rectangular, crescent-shaped, etc. A diamond-shaped shield usually indicated that the owner of such a coat of arms was a lady.
    Suitable material for making a family coat of arms is whatman paper, cardboard from boxes, thick colored paper. Together with your child, choose the shape of the future family coat of arms and draw it on whatman paper.

    2. Color of the coat of arms

    The coat of arms could be of different colors, and each color had its own meaning. In heraldry, colors can reflect natural phenomena, the qualities of the human soul, human character, and even complex philosophical concepts:


    Name of color adopted in heraldry

    Natural phenomenon

    Qualities of character, human soul

    Philosophical concepts

    Generosity, generosity


    Moon, water, snow



    Bravery, courage, bravery

    Loyalty, truthfulness


    Youth, joy

    Education, modesty



    Nobility, dignity

    Wisdom (prudence)

    The shield can be painted in one color. If we want to use several colors, then the shield needs to be divided, for example, into two parts: vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Despite its apparent simplicity, the geometric divisions of the shield field form many options. Following these division rules, the shield can be divided into three, four or more parts.

    3.Coat of arms figures

    The figures that are placed on top of the shield field are traditionally divided into heraldic and non-heraldic.
    In turn, heraldic figures can be main or secondary.
    There are eight main heraldic figures– this is the head (occupies the upper part of the shield), the extremity (located at the bottom of the shield), the pillar (located vertically in the middle of the shield), the belt (placed horizontally in the middle of the shield), the belt (located diagonally on the shield and has two options: from left to right and from right to left), rafter, cross and border.

    Minor heraldic figures quite a lot - a square, a rhombus, a shield, etc.

    Images of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, and objects play an important role in the symbolism of coats of arms. They refer to non-heraldic figures, which are divided into natural (natural phenomena, heavenly bodies, plants, animals, humans), artificial (weapons, tools, household items) and mythical (dragons, unicorns, griffins).
    Symbolism of the figures:
    -leo - strength, courage, generosity;
    -eagle - strength, power, independence;
    -bear means wisdom and strength;
    -dog - loyalty and devotion;
    -snake - wisdom, caution;
    -the dove symbolizes peace and purity;
    - falcon - beauty, courage and intelligence;
    -bee – hard work;
    -rooster is a symbol of battle;
    -dragon - power;
    -oak means strength and durability;
    -laurel and palm branches - glory, victory;
    - olive branches - peace;
    - a torch, an open book - symbolize knowledge
    The combination of heraldic figures, symbolic images and their colors can serve as a permanent sign, a distinctive sign of a person, family, class, group or institution.

    4. Motto of the family coat of arms

    Motto- a short saying, usually written on a ribbon at the bottom of the shield. Sometimes mottos are placed in the coat of arms without a ribbon; if the shield is round, the motto is usually written around the shield. Obviously, the basis for the motto could originally have been a knightly battle cry (such as “Crom boo”, the motto of the Dukes of Fitzgerald, meaning “Crom (the old ancestral castle) forever!", but the motto could be short statement, reminiscent of some important historical event or expressing the credo of the owner of the coat of arms. The text of the motto can be encrypted and understandable only to initiates.
    Family motto passed down from generation to generation, can guide a person’s actions and model his behavior. Family motto - analogous to a surname, family business card. The verbal motto of the family briefly, in a few words, expresses the family credo, the life rules of the family.
    Wonderful mottos for the family have already been invented, or rather, formulated in popular proverbs.
    Mottos about family:
    “Where there is agreement, there is victory”
    "Family is the pillar of happiness"
    “Where there is love and advice, there is no grief”
    “A family is strong when there is only one roof over it,”
    “The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.”
    Mottos about honor:
    "The more difficult the matter, the higher the honor"
    “Where there is honor, there is truth.”
    Labor mottos:
    "The master's work is afraid"
    “Skill and labor will grind everything down.”
    “The one who walks will master the road”
    Mottos about friendship:
    “In a herd that agrees, even a wolf is not afraid”
    "There is safety in numbers".
    Mottos about defending the Motherland:
    "If a people is united, it is invincible"
    "Courage is the sister of victory."

    DIY family coat of arms. This is how children aged 5-7 years old came up with a family coat of arms.

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    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    Coat of arms template download

    One of the main educational tasks of education is to instill love and respect for loved ones. Creative projects at school they help to attract the attention of children to the genealogy. Such a task could be drawing up a family coat of arms. Of course, kids can’t do this without the help of adults, so parents should learn some features of the process in advance to help their child draw the symbol correctly.

    The history of the creation of family coats of arms

    The first mentions of family coats of arms as an identifying symbol in knightly duels appeared in the 12th century in Europe. At this time, the link between generations was the prerogative of the nobility and nobility. In Russia, this heraldic insignia appeared in the 17th century and was largely predetermined by Polish influence due to the political relations of the states that had developed by that time. The coats of arms acquired their originality during the reign of PeterI, who founded the Department of Heraldry at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. And decades later, the coat of arms of the clan became an artistic reflection of the place of a particular clan in society and its values. Today the family insignia symbolizes:

    • the significance of the family in the course of historical events;
    • respect for cultural traditions;
    • national identity and pride.

    It is also important to note that family heraldry is passed down from generation to generation along with the family name and property.

    Photo gallery: Coats of arms of noble families

    The heraldic sign of the Russian noble family of the Pushkins. This was the coat of arms of the Sforza family - one of the ruling dynasties of Italy. And this is the symbol of the Sivers, the count and noble Danish family. The coat of arms that belonged to the boyar family of the Romanovs

    Rules for creating a family coat of arms for a school

    Before you start drawing a family coat of arms, you need to think about its meaning. It is best if each point of the semantic content of the symbol is discussed at family council in the presence of representatives of several generations.

    1. You will need to do the following:
    2. Write down in a few sentences the history of all family members.
    3. Find out the common character traits of ancestors and contemporaries.
    4. Explore the hobbies and professions of your relatives.

    Identify objects and places that are significant to the family.

    To facilitate the work of collecting information, it can be carried out in the form of a “brainstorming”: all the data is recorded, from which the significant ones are then selected.

    After this, you can begin to develop the design of the coat of arms, and then, combining content with form, complete the heraldic sign with an appropriate color design and motto.

    Making a symbol with your own hands (with drawing samples)

    Drawing a heraldic insignia of a clan is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There should be no random elements in it: all details, inscriptions and colors must be carefully thought out and justified by the general concept of the symbol.

    A diamond-shaped shield in the Middle Ages indicated that the heraldic symbol was passed down in the family through the female line, which means that the owner of the coat of arms was a woman.

    First you need to decide on the shape of the heraldic sign. She may be:

    • national (inherent in the coat of arms of a particular country);
    • geometric (more universal).

    Any coat of arms consists of several parts:

    • crest (feathers or other helmet decorations);
    • helmet (a sign of protection of the family coat of arms);
    • mantle (decorative elements that serve as decoration for the shield);
    • shield (the main part symbolizing the protection of the clan from enemies);
    • motto (life credo of family members).

    There are two types of figures that fit into the shield:

    • main heraldic designs (placed in different parts of the shield, which differ as follows: head - a strip running in the upper part; tip, located below; belt - in the middle of the shield, pillar - vertically in the center; left or right band; rafter - a kind of arrow in lower third of the shield);
    • secondary figures (square, rhombus, rectangle inside the shield).

    There are such ways of placing the main heraldic designs on the shield

    The symbolism of the heraldic sign is the element that is placed in the center of the shield. Most often these are images of representatives of the animal world or natural phenomena. Here are the meanings of some of them:

    • eagle - the personification of power;
    • a dog is a sign of fidelity;
    • the snake indicates the wisdom of the family;
    • dragon is a symbol of power;
    • the bear shows that the family is strong in its unity;
    • palm branch - victory in any endeavor;
    • the book represents outstanding mental capacity representatives of the clan.

    The color scheme of the family coat of arms is selected in accordance with the meaning of a particular shade:

    • yellow (in heraldry it is called “gold”) indicates that the representatives of the clan are fair, generous and honest;
    • white (“silver”) symbolizes innocence and purity;
    • red (“scarlet”) shows courage, bravery and courage of the family;
    • blue (“azure”) is evidence of loyalty and honesty;
    • green (“green”) reflects the youth of the family;
    • black (“rabble”) is considered a symbol of modesty and education of family members;
    • violet (“purple”) indicates the nobility, dignity and wisdom of the representatives of the clan.

    Based on a combination of symbols, colors and shapes, heraldic insignia suitable for the family are created.

    The work ends with the inscription of the motto - a saying that is located on the tape under the shield. This is a kind of business card, no less important for each family member than the surname. As a suitable statement, you can choose a popular proverb:

    • “Family is the pillar of happiness”;
    • “The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary”;
    • “The master’s work is afraid”;
    • “Skill and labor will grind everything”;
    • “In a herd that agrees, even a wolf is not afraid”;
    • "There is safety in numbers";
    • “Courage is the sister of victory” and so on.

    Photo gallery: Templates with which you can draw a sign

    A knight in armor behind a shield seems to be protecting the family. The shield can be divided into 4 parts and each with a separate symbol. The heart in the center of the shield indicates that family relationships are built on the basis of love. The helmet on the coat of arms should be symbolic.

    They have certain symbols of their people, by which other tribes recognize them. However, many people do not perceive the coat of arms as a symbol of the state, as something important not only for every patriot of their country, but also for the entire people as a whole. People in this simple drawing see just a picture, on the creation of which a huge number of people worked.

    Symbols of the children's team - school coat of arms

    Recently, creating for school has become very fashionable and current trend. There is nothing illegal in creating such symbols for a small group; in Russia and other countries only territorial coats of arms are regulated.

    First of all, check whether there were persons in the family who had the official right to hold such an honor. Even if you haven’t found such people among your distant relatives, you can always use your imagination and make family coat of arms with your own hands.

    Skillful hands and a flight of imagination are all you need to create a coat of arms

    To create a specific picture (it doesn’t matter what meaning the image will have in the future), you need to decide on the background. It refers to the outline or field of the drawing itself. For the background you can choose:

    • clouds;
    • field;
    • outlines of leaves, etc.

    It doesn't matter what the background is. It could be ordinary thing, which just caught your eye, or a little thing dear to your heart. The most elementary contours are geometric shapes.

    Next, you need to decide on the color palette that will be present in your coat of arms. Don't copy similar works other groups. Only your own imagination and a little drawing skill will help you answer the question of how to make a family coat of arms. The classic coat of arms has only 7 colors, but in the family coat of arms you can use at least all color palette, the main thing is that you like it.

    If you have already decided on a color palette and clearly defined the contours, start thinking through the small details. For example, birds, fish, horses can be depicted inside. You don’t have to depict animals, but rather draw a weapon or your own dream. Do you want to combine several images in one drawing? There is nothing unnatural about this either. Visually divide the field of the coat of arms into 2-4 parts and in each draw an image that is not related in meaning to the other. There is no clear indication of how to draw a family coat of arms. No one will tell you that it must have clear lines and real characters. Even if the outline is a cloud and someone sits on it, it is still considered to be your family coat of arms.

    Selecting background and colors

    When drawing a family coat of arms for school, it is worth considering whether there will be any figures supporting it on the sides; these could be people or animals.

    When choosing a color, think about its meaning:

    • white - denotes purity, frankness, nobility and service to truth;
    • yellow, orange, gold - wealth, power, Christian virtues (mercy, justice, faith, independence);
    • blue - loyalty, trust, faith in the best, beauty, the will to move forward;
    • black - wisdom and constancy;
    • red - courage, bravery, courage and love;
    • green - freedom, abundance, prosperity.

    If you want to depict an animal that characterizes your family, then keep in mind that each of them has its own meaning:

    • Leo - courage, strength;
    • phoenix - immortality;
    • snake - wisdom;
    • eagle - fertility;
    • dragon - integrity and inner kindness;
    • dolphin - strength;
    • bee or ant - hard work;
    • griffin - mercilessness and rage.

    Presentation or motto for the coat of arms

    It doesn’t matter whether you are drawing a family coat of arms for a school, kindergarten, or just for your collection, the main thing is that this image has its own meaning. Not every person can understand what you wanted to say with rays of sunshine and a lot of toys in your drawing, so it’s worth preparing a presentation or motto.

    Write a short story about why you chose these particular colors for the drawing. What do those little images in the very center mean to you, and why did you choose them and not something else? If there were great personalities in the family with a family coat of arms, then tell this story: who were your ancestors, why did they receive such honor and awards.

    Don't forget the motto. It should not look like an essay on a free topic. You can write 5-10 words on the coat of arms, but these will be the main words that everyone will remember, these will be the words that characterize you and yours can be written:

    • on the coat of arms itself;
    • at the top of the picture;
    • at the bottom of the picture.

    It would be useful to write a little about the owner of this coat of arms, to give him a short description.

    Before you start drawing, think about what you will depict. Do not immediately take up paints or markers, make sketches with a pencil. You can always erase a simple pencil with an eraser, but a sheet of paper damaged by paint will have to be thrown away.

    Draw what is really dear to you at the moment. If you think that there is nothing more expensive than Vaska the cat, let him be. If you want your family crest to represent your mother's portrait, that's also a good idea.

    The description of the family coat of arms must correspond to the drawing itself. Agree, it sounds very stupid: “I love my mom and my dad, but in the picture I have a cat Vaska and Teddy bear" Nobody forbids you to draw mom, dad, teddy bear, cat and a bunch of other things.

    High technologies of the modern world will also help

    The task of a school teacher is not always perceived with a great desire to immediately run and complete it. If you don’t want to invent and fantasize, then it will do it for you computer program or specialists of an entire science - heraldry.

    In fact, when creating a family crest for a school, you won't notice anything complicated. It is not necessary to sit in splendid isolation on a task until late at night and draw out every stroke. Gather your friends, parents, call your neighbors. The more people there are, the more fun the drawing and the process of creating it will be.

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