• How to make a beautiful photo frame from cardboard with your own hands? How to make a tabletop photo frame from cardboard How to make a photo frame from cardboard


    Without any doubt, you have a lot of photographs stored at home and most are hidden in albums, since you can’t have enough photo frames for all the pictures.

    Now it is fashionable to decorate walls with entire photo collages, multiple frames on the fireplace, chest of drawers or display case. In this regard, today we propose to look best ideas DIY photo frames 2019.

    Making a beautiful and original photo frame with your own hands is quite simple. You will need any available materials for decoration and a photo frame base made of cardboard or wood.

    A self-made photo frame will definitely take place of honor in the house, and can also become an original gift for a loved one.

    We offer you the most original ideas DIY photo frames 2019 and ways to decorate old and boring photo frames.

    We make beautiful photo frames with our own hands - creative ideas and photos step by step

    Let's start with the simplest way to make a photo frame with your own hands from cardboard. Cardboard can be used to make two types of frames - three-dimensional and flat.

    Step-by-step photo tutorials on do-it-yourself frames made from cardboard will show you how quickly and without special skills you can make a beautiful photo frame, which you just need to decorate.

    DIY photo frames 2019 made from knitted twigs look unusual and new. In this form, you can also connect planks, and it will turn out quite interesting.

    Do-it-yourself photo frames in the form of canvas will look no less original. All you need is a small piece of cardboard, wrapped in fabric or paper of your choice, and two small clothespins glued on as a photo holder.

    A real find for large photographs will be a window frame, which can perfectly serve as an original DIY photo frame.

    A window frame can become the basis for a photo collage if you string several dense threads and secure the pictures with clothespins, as can be seen in the example.

    A DIY wall photo frame consisting of a number of elements looks very nice. A similar photo frame can be created in any style: children's, romantic, family, bright or minimalist.

    Decorating a photo frame - original do-it-yourself photo frame decor

    Do you have any old photo or painting frames at home? Don't rush to throw them away, give them new life and turn it into a designer masterpiece, revitalizing your own interior.

    Use any materials as decor for a DIY photo frame 2019: beads, sequins, pebbles, buttons, artificial flowers, small construction sets and puzzles.

    Photos from a holiday at sea will look very cool in a DIY photo frame decorated with shells and pebbles collected on the beach.

    A family photo framed with coffee, peas or cereals will harmoniously fit into the kitchen interior.

    Do-it-yourself photo frames in the quilling style look very stylish and original. Paper colored patterns and flowers look attractive and unusual.

    For a fashionable interior in eco style, do-it-yourself photo frames 2019 decorated with wooden stumps and twigs, cork circles, and flat stones are suitable.

    It is no less original to decorate a photo frame with your own hands in the form of a mosaic. Broken glass or a mirror will do here, maybe you still have some old broken ones Christmas decorations, which are also suitable for decoration.

    To decorate a photo frame with your own hands in mosaic style, you can use eggshells, pre-colored.

    One of the most simple ways To decorate a photo frame in an original way with your own hands is to take multi-colored threads and wrap them around the frame.

    More cool and unusual ideas For a DIY photo frame, look in the gallery.

    Beautiful DIY photo frames – decor ideas, step-by-step photo tutorials, new items for 2019

    A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

    Greetings to everyone on the blog! Many of us love to give gifts (I think you too). But ordinary gifts quickly become boring and you want something warmer, more soulful, and attractive. One of these gifts is DIY photo frames, which we will be making in large quantities today

    I decided to write this post because a long time ago I made my first soft photo frame, and more recently I repeated the experiment and the result was more than pleasing to me. Today I will share with you the secrets of its creation, and also show you what other types of photo frames you can make yourself using improvised materials.

    How to make photo frames with your own hands: master classes

    Children's photo frame "Totoro" ("PhotoFrame")

    We’ll start with a cute children’s photo frame inspired by the wonderful anime “My Neighbor Totoro” (if you haven’t watched it, be sure to check it out, you won’t regret it).

    You will need:

    • soft stretch fabric (fleece (example - green fabric in the photo), minky fleece, velsoft, thick knitwear, etc.)
    • thin fabric for the backdrop (cotton, fleece, etc.)
    • padding polyester (canvas)
    • plastic base (from under equipment, sweets, etc.)
    • threads, needles, scissors, accessories for decoration.

    There should be enough plastic base to fit three pieces the size of the desired photo frame.

    First of all, you will need to cut out a plastic base (round, square, triangular - whichever you like best) similar to the one shown in the photo. IN in this case It's a flat bagel. Cut out several parts from padding polyester of the same shape. I will show a master class using a circle as an example.

    You will also need 1 more piece made of soft stretch fabric, but with large seam allowances.

    Attention! Do not skimp on fabric allowances; they should be approx. 2/3 from the width of the ring so that the fabric is evenly distributed at the back.

    We immediately proceed to the most important part - stitching the front part. To do this, make small cuts on the inside of the circle (in the area of ​​the allowances) and sew the edges, pulling them with threads as close to each other as possible. (I specifically chose a contrasting thread color so that it would be noticeable).

    Advice. If you have chosen a rectangular shape, then you are unlikely to need cuts; you can try making them without them.

    This is what the ring looks like from the front. If desired, you can hide the seams at the back using a lining made of thin fabric(I’ll show you how to do this a little later).

    Set the ring aside. Cut two circles from thin fabric and plastic (you won't need one yet). Make the fabric circles a millimeter or two larger than the plastic ones.

    Sew the fabric circles together, leaving room for turning and inserting the plastic backing.

    After stitching, turn the fabric part inside out, insert a plastic circle and sew up the remaining hole.

    We received the back of the photo frame.

    If desired, sew a loop of thread or ribbon into it so that you can hang the photo frame on the wall.

    This is how I masked the back of the fluffy bagel. To do this, I cut out the same element from thin fabric as from stretch fabric, but now I made smaller seam allowances and hid them inside, sewing the disguise with a hidden seam. Sew the back with the same seam.

    Sew the backdrop so that later you can insert the last plastic circle and photo on top.

    Try to make small stitches so that they are not noticeable after sewing the parts together.

    Sewn back:

    Front view:

    Now insert the plastic circle into the photo frame.

    Ready! All that remains is to insert beautiful photo and add decor)

    In my case, this is a themed nigella, felted from wool, with felt leaves sewn on. Photo corresponding You can see the work in more detail in this section (in the “Souvenirs” tab).

    Great minky fleece you can buy in this shop. I haven’t seen anything like this in our woven stores, but if you want to make a thing no worse than purchased, then this material will be very useful to you (the seller is trusted, I myself have ordered from him more than once).

    DIY photo frames made of cardboard and paper

    The method described above is far from the simplest possible method of creating a photo frame. Now you will see this

    Photo frame made from... box lids

    In fact, you can use regular cardboard if you fold it into the shape of a lid like this. As you can see, the creation process is simple: just take the lid and cover it beautiful paper for scrapbooking.

    It is convenient to fasten such frames together, resulting in a whole set. They can be glued together to make a panel. It turns out to be an excellent option for both children and adults.

    Cardboard and clothespins

    These two elements will be needed for the next type of photo frame. Cut out a circle like what we did in the first master class and glue clothespins around it. We get a simple frame for several photos.

    We use fabric and threads

    Continuation of the first master class. Here I have included all those frames that can be knitted or sewn (at least use ideas for decoration).


    A cute idea for a photo frame in the shape of a flower, and it’s convenient to make these for several photos at once. The photograph can simply be glued to the back, covering it with some dense material.

    From threads

    Everything is simpler here: take a frame, threads and glue and wrap the first one, securing it along the way. Thus, it is easy to turn even very large frames into a work of art.

    Shabby chic style

    The method of creation is very similar to the very first one, with the exception of a couple of differences: here the basis is pressed cardboard (I think you can take a ready-made frame of a simple shape) and this souvenir has a leg, rather than a hinged mount.


    Take a simple wooden frame as a base and decorate it with felt flowers. By the way, you can read other articles on my blog about creating flowers (including from ribbons and paper).

    From scrap materials or how to decorate a photo frame


    An interesting idea is to use pecan (if I'm calling it correctly) for the finish. In our area, it is quite possible to replace them with ordinary walnuts.

    Stop the traffic jam!

    For the next two types you will need a lot of plugs from wine bottles. In the first case, it is proposed to prime a simple wooden photo frame, and then cut out floral patterns from the corks.

    But in the second case everything is much simpler - you just need to glue the plugs along the edge. An excellent gift option for, say, dad on February 23rd.

    Polymer clay and just little things

    Sculpt well from polymer clay? Or do you just have a lot of beads, buttons, etc. accumulated at home? Then feel free to put them to use - glue them to a frame of a simple shape.

    The same applies to stones, shells, etc.

    Natural style

    Roughly speaking, to do this beautiful frame, you will need one long log. This can easily be built at home, if you dry the wood properly before doing so.

    Popsicle sticks

    The hardest thing here is keeping them together. This can be done using glue, thread, or a thick base.

    Plaster castings

    Find suitable form and plaster. Once my brother experimented with a plaster panel - it turned out quite well, but it lasted a long time.

    From thermobeads

    I don’t know exactly their scientific name, but if you lay them out on a special surface and then iron them, you get a dense fabric. You can see an example of a funny frame made in this way below.

    On this, Dear friends, I am finishing this large review of various kinds of photo frames. I think you found what you were looking for, if not, write in the comments. And share with your friends not only cool handmade gifts, but also useful information using buttons social networks. Goodbye!

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

    We probably all have photos that we want to keep forever. It is for such photographs that you can make a beautiful photo frame with your own hands.

    You can decorate your home with a frame made by yourself or simply give it to loved ones.

    How to make a photo frame from cardboard

    1. Cut a rectangle of any size from cardboard.

    2. In the middle of the cut out rectangle, cut out another rectangle. Its size should be slightly smaller size photos.

    3. Decorate the frame however you like.

    You can use stickers and/or draw something.

    You can also draw animals on colored paper, for example, then cut them out and glue them to the frame.

    4. Prepare another sheet of paper and cut out a rectangle from it. Its size should be equal to the size of the frame.

    5. Glue this rectangle to the back of the frame, leaving one side open so you can insert the photo through it.

    6. All you have to do is insert a photo!

    DIY photo frames. Frame from magazine pages.

    This frame not only looks original, but you also won’t have to pay a penny for it, since its main element is the pages of a magazine, any kind that you can find at home.

    You will need:


    Old (unnecessary) magazines

    Sewing thread

    PVA glue


    Stationery knife (or scalpel)



    1. Prepare a sheet of thick paper or cardboard measuring approximately 20x25cm. Measure 5cm from the edges of the sheet and draw a “window” measuring 10x15cm in the middle.

    2. Cut out the "window" using a utility knife.

    3. Start rolling up the magazine pages as tightly as possible. To secure them and prevent them from unwinding, use glue.

    4. Get some colored sewing thread ready and start winding it around the rolled up magazine pages. Continue until you have many similar blanks.

    5. When the blanks are made, start bending them at an angle of 90 degrees in the right places and using glue to attach them to the cardboard frame.

    6. Prepare a small piece of cardboard for the leg. Also cut out two cardboard strips and glue them to the back of the frame so you can insert a photo between them.

    How to make a beautiful frame. Frame as a gift.

    You will need:

    Simple Inexpensive Wooden Frame

    Piece of cloth

    PVA glue


    Glue brush


    1. Prepare a piece of fabric on which to place the frame. Cut as much fabric as you need to cover the edge of the frame on the front and back.

    2. Now you need to cut out the excess fabric from the middle of the sheet.

    3. Place your frame on a rectangular pattern and cut out squares from the corners, thereby ensuring neat corners.

    4. Carefully, using PVA glue, glue the fabric onto 4 sides of the frame, but just be careful not to wrinkle it. This must be done on both sides of the frame - front and back.

    5. Now make diagonals in the corners of the frame. To do this, cut each corner inside your photo frame. Next you need to fold the fabric and glue it to the inside.

    * There is an option to cover it with fabric reverse side framework.

    When the frame is dry, you can decorate it with ribbon.

    How to beautifully make a spring-themed frame

    This frame has a spring theme. She looks gentle and romantic.

    You will need:

    Simple frame

    Artificial flowers

    Glue gun (can be replaced with PVA glue).

    1. Divide the flowers into inflorescences.

    *If you wish, you can make your own flowers. To find out how, take one of our master classes:

    2. This example uses small petals that were cut out of colored paper. These petals need to be glued to the frame using glue gun or PVA glue.

    * To make it more convenient, try starting to glue the petals from the corner of the frame. Next, gradually fill the frame with petals.

    * It is worth noting that the petals need to be glued tightly to each other, so your flower bouquet on the frame will seem more magnificent.

    3. Use ribbon, lace, or pretty paper to cover the edge of the frame.

    How to make photo frames. Picture from photographs.

    If you have a lot of favorite photos, but you just don’t want to buy a separate photo frame for each, then this project You'll like it.

    Just one large photo a frame that can accommodate several photos at once (the size of the frame depends on the number and size of photos)

    You will need:

    Large picture frame (wooden or plastic; choose the size yourself)

    * In this example, the frame size is 40x50cm.

    Small nails (can be replaced with push pins)

    * You can choose a set of multi-colored push pins.


    Jute (or any rope to which you will attach photos)

    Measuring tape


    * You can look for sets of small multi-colored decorative clothespins, or use regular ones, as in this master class.

    1. In this example, space was measured out for 5 rows of small photos, similar to those taken using Instagram. You measure the distance you need between the photos, both vertical and horizontal.

    2. After you have measured everything, nail the nails in the right places of the frame on the right and left (or insert push pins) and pull the rope.

    3. Collect your favorite photos and attach them to a string with clothespins.

    Photo frame is ready!

    DIY frames. Flower photo frame.

    You are free to choose the color and shape of the flowers, just use your imagination.

    You will need:

    Simple photo frame

    Acrylic paint


    Thick material (fabric) from which you will cut flowers

    Multi-colored buttons, thread, needle



    Super glue

    1. Prepare the frame and paint it with two layers of acrylic paint. Choose the color yourself.

    2. Using a pen or pencil, draw flower shapes on thick fabric and cut them out. You can decorate them with colored thread and sew a button on top.

    3. Now all that remains is to glue all your blanks to the frame using superglue.

    4. Add a photo!

    DIY photo frames. Frame wrapped in thread.

    Another option for a beautiful and inexpensive photo frame.

    You will need:

    Simple photo frame with straight sides

    PVA glue

    Several threads of different yarn colors


    1. Prepare the frame and apply some glue to it. This needs to be done in parts, i.e. Apply a little glue to a small part of the frame and then wrap this part with thread.

    2. Start gradually wrapping the frame with multi-colored threads.

    3. Add a photo!

    Children's photo frame. Carousel.

    You will need:

    5 disc cases

    10 photos measuring approximately 12x17cm

    10 unnecessary disks

    PVA glue




    Scotch tape (preferably duct tape)

    CD stand

    Decorating tools (stickers, colored paper, sparkles, etc.)

    1. Remove the disc from the case.

    2. Insert 2 photos into the case on the left and right. If necessary, trim the photos so that they fit and look good in the disc case.

    3. Using electrical tape or tape, connect several cases as shown in the picture.

    4. Prepare your scrap discs and place them on the stand (or rather on its stem), shiny side up, to create a slippery surface for your photo cases.

    5. All that remains is to put a “flower” from cases with photographs on the rod of the disc stand.

    DIY photo frames. Ideas.

    How to make a photo frame with your own hands (video)

    How to make a frame with your own hands

    How to make a frame out of paper

    DIY paper frame

    DIY children's photo frame

    Frames for photographs, paintings or various panels are important decorative elements design of any interior. After all, the paintings and photographs placed in them turn into works of art and influence general form premises.

    Frames focus attention on the individuality of the image, give it completeness, and emphasize the composition.

    Principles of using frames

    First of all, they must be in harmony with the rest of the interior elements in color, size, and material.

    It is important that the frame emphasizes the features of the photo and connects it with the surrounding space, and at the same time they must be made in the same style and complement each other.

    Thus, a thin, laconic baguette without relief patterns will give a large picture a modern feel, while a wide one will give it antique notes and luxury.

    In this case, the frame should be matched to the picture, and not to the surrounding objects, for example, to the color of the walls. And its size should match the width of the photo, and the color should contrast with the prevailing tone of the picture.

    However, not only in order to bring the interior of the room into an aesthetic appearance, it is worth mastering the art of creating picture frames from cardboard with your own hands. Perhaps there are special pictures in your family photo album that you would like to look at every day and relax your soul after a busy day at work. But due to the lack of a suitable frame, you cannot hang them on the wall or put them on a shelf.

    Wait, don’t rush to hide the pictures, because you can easily make wonderful frames from scrap materials.

    DIY cardboard photo frame: preparation of materials and progress of work

    Making the basis for framing a photograph is as easy as shelling pears and does not require any special skill, a lot of time, or special materials.

    You will only need to prepare for work:

    • cardboard (it is best to take corrugated one);
    • paper or fabric for decoration (optional);
    • beads, buttons, shells, rhinestones and other decorative accessories for decoration;
    • glue, a brush for it, scissors, a stationery knife, a simple pencil and a ruler.


    1. place the photo in the center of a piece of cardboard, outline the photo with a pencil;
    2. draw 1 more rectangle inside the resulting one, with sides 1 cm smaller (this will be a window for the photo);
    3. draw a rectangle outside the circled photograph - these will be the margins of the frame, they need to be made equal in width;
    4. cut out the front part of the craft;
    5. circle it on another sheet of cardboard;
    6. draw a rectangle inside the resulting one, with sides 2 cm smaller respectively - this will be the back part;
    7. cut it out;
    8. measure how much paper or fabric you need to decorate the product, and cut it enough to fold the edges inward;
    9. Apply glue to the front of the photo frame and attach the prepared fabric or paper to it, let the glue dry;
    10. Glue the back part of the frame to the folded edges of the decorative material (do not glue the top or side sides - you will be putting your photo there);
    11. decorate ready-made craft by gluing the prepared decorations;
    12. make a stand or loop for hanging the product on the wall.

    If you don't have enough cardboard, you can also use plain paper for the back of the photo frame or stick it with back side on the “window” two cardboard strips (in extreme cases, you can use plain paper, glued in several layers for strength, or even fabric), which will hold the photograph.

    It is not at all necessary to frame rectangular photographs: oval, round, irregular shape, with uneven edges, curves and curls, frames look stylish and original. Here you can safely let your imagination go on a grand voyage. For children's portraits, for example, a frame in the form of a recognizable toy or animal, cartoon character, etc. will look funny. In short, we offered a master
    The class is about creating the base of the frame with your own hands, and you can already complement and modify it the way you want.

    To make a stand for a photo frame, cut a cardboard strip at least 2 cm wide (at corrugated cardboard the strip should be placed along the folds - this will make the stand more stable).

    Then roll this strip into a triangle with a base of 3 centimeters or more and glue it to the back of the photo frame. If you plan to hang the craft on the wall, take 10-15 centimeters of strong thread (no thinner than No. 10 for sewing thread) and a square of thick paper (such as glossy paper) measuring 5x5 cm.

    Apply glue (PVA is possible) to the place where you want to place the loop, fold the thread in half and glue the edges. Glue a paper square on top to better secure the loop.

    Using the principle of a photo frame, you can make a cardboard frame for a picture with your own hands.

    1. You can decorate the front side of the product in a spring theme. She will look very gentle and romantic. Select small artificial flowers in pastel colors, divide them into inflorescences and glue them to the frame using a glue gun or just PVA glue.

    It is more convenient to start gluing the petals from the corner. The petals need to be placed closer to each other, this will make your flower bouquet visually more magnificent. It is better to cover the edge of the product with beautiful paper, braid or lace.

    If you want, you can create flowers with your own hands - master classes are available.

    And if you are a fan of the quilling technique, decorate the frame using this wonderful technique.

    1. It would be beautiful to make a frame wrapped in thread. To do this, apply a little glue to the base frame and gradually begin to wrap it with multi-colored threads. At the same time, apply glue as the thread approaches. Come up with an algorithm for alternating threads of different colors and follow it as you work.
    2. Crafts decorated with pasta look unusual different forms, grains and cereals. Separately in this row it is worth placing the use of coffee beans - such a finish looks especially exotic. To perform this decoration, use “Titan” or “Master” glue to glue grains and pasta. Ready product can be painted acrylic paints or from a can.

    To make a three-dimensional cardboard frame with your own hands, you can glue one or more cardboard rectangles of the same size or successively smaller ones around the perimeter to the front part of the product (after point No. 5).

    Behind last years The trend of decorating the home with handmade items that look original in any room, and most importantly - exclusive, has increased significantly. These can be hand-embroidered paintings, boxes, vases, photo frames and much more. etc. There are many reasons not to waste time and effort making decorations yourself, because it is much easier to purchase decor in a store. However, the process itself self made will bring a lot of fun, and a frame with a picture dear person will look much more impressive compared to the “factory” one. It is very easy to make a photo frame from paper or cardboard, and the result will exceed all expectations.

    DIY photo frame made of paper: master class

    You can make an original photo frame if you have the following materials and tools on hand:

    • Scissors;
    • Unnecessary piece of wallpaper;
    • Whatman;
    • A sheet from a sketchbook;
    • Ruler;
    • A simple pencil.

    The sheet is placed on a vertical surface, on each side it is necessary to draw four stripes, spaced one and a half centimeters apart from each other. As a result, all drawn lines should have a point of intersection with each other in each corner of the sheet (4 squares are obtained).

    The resulting side of the square is 6 cm; the squares should be cut out. Next, you need to step back one and a half centimeters from the outer edge in the place where the second line is drawn, and cut off the corners. The next step is to draw a line vertically and draw diagonal stripes to it on 2 sides to form a trapezoid. The figure is cut out on one side.

    The final stage is to fold the sheet along the drawn lines so as to form a frame. In order for the structure to be more durable, the corners must be inserted one into the other. The frame can be painted with your favorite colors and decorated with paper or cardboard ornaments. It is not recommended to apply heavy decorative elements.

    DIY cardboard photo frames

    It is best to use cardboard to create photo frames, as it is more durable than paper. To create a wall option for back wall material, you need to attach a loop, and for a table frame you will need to cut a footrest. All cardboard products have the same manufacturing principle, the only difference is decorative design. Basic tools that will be useful are scissors, simple pencils, cardboard itself, any decor and PVA glue.

    The initial stage is tracing the outline of your favorite photo on cardboard. Then on each side you need to add an extra few centimeters and cut out the resulting workpiece.

    An interesting option is to decorate a cardboard frame with fabric, as in the photo below.

    You can decorate it using gouache, special varnish, or covering it with a layer of fine decorative sand. Beads and small shells work well. The back part is a regular rectangle cut out of cardboard, which must be glued to the workpiece. It is worth remembering that at this stage you need to leave a small gap between the parts so that you can insert a photo later.

    Creative photo frames

    Making an original photo frame is quite easy, the main thing is to show your imagination and have a set of beautiful ones on hand decorative ornaments. Products made from colored paper (or wallpaper) of the same color look creative.

    Based on origami, you can create incredible frames from several sections that are interconnected.

    In addition, do not rush to get rid of old newspapers. Using knitting needles, you can twist this paper into a tube, and then weave a base frame, forming a frame of any shape. If you need to change the color, the material can be painted with gouache.

    On a note! You can cut out a lot from paper of different colors interesting jewelry for the frame: leaves, animal faces, hearts, berries, flowers. To create decor, you should stock up on stencils.

    Options made from festive look original. wrapping paper, the plus is that there is no need to paint or sculpt decorations on it. Your favorite photos look beautiful in frames decorated with sequins, multi-colored buttons, small figures, beads, coins and even puzzles and bottle caps. Don’t be afraid to fantasize and invent something new; the main thing in work is accuracy and a creative approach.

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