• Crafts from corn leaves instructions. Original ideas for crafts made from corn. Crafts from talash. DIY doll


    The birthplace of corn is America, but since the 17th century this plant has been known in European countries. But in our article we will not talk about the nutritional properties of this cereal, but about that part of it that is usually thrown away - the corn leaves. This waste material opens up a huge field for the imagination of needlewomen. Talash is the name given to the leaves that are used to wrap an ear of corn. A variety of products and crafts made from corn leaves look very original and natural, as they have a corrugated-striped structure.

    Talash is practically not used in industry, but in many African tribes Girls are taught from childhood how to weave baskets, trays, and mats from corn leaves. The cost of such products is practically zero, and they are always useful in the household. And you can try making crafts from corn leaves, especially since talash is perfectly stored and can be prepared for future use during the season.

    Flower from talasha

    If you decorate a bouquet of fresh flowers with a small flower from talasha, it will take on an unusual look. Flowers made from corn leaves are a great decoration for or. In this case, you can use both fresh and dry talash. Shall we try?

    We will need:

    • dry corn leaves;
    • glue;
    • scissors.

    This is how you can decorate an ordinary, inconspicuous box by attaching a hand-made flower from corn leaves to it.

    Corn "miniature"

    A flower made from talasha can also be an “independent” craft if you place it in a decorative glass bottle. The structure of corn leaves allows them to be painted in any color. Food coloring is also suitable for this purpose. After you have gone over the sheet with a brush or cotton pad, let it dry thoroughly. Then cut out 5 petals and two or three leaves. Attach them with a thin wire to the core twisted from a strip of talasha and secure the flower to the stem. Place some dried flowers or beautiful stones on the bottom of the jar, close it with a cork and tie it with a corn leaf.


    You can make a doll out of corn leaves in 5 minutes! All you need are the leaves, three cotton pads, thread, scissors and one toothpick. We form the doll’s head from the disks, wrap it in a sheet and secure it in the neck area with a thread. Don't cut the ends! Then attach a toothpick to the ends of the leaves with threads, and wrap a strip of talasha on top of it. These will be wide sleeves. Next, tie strips of leaves to the belt, and trim the bottom of the resulting skirt evenly so that the doll can stand. Braid the doll's hair. One more strip on the belt, hiding the threads, and the doll is ready!

    Features of the material

    Appliques and weaving from corn leaves are not a difficult task, but some nuances must be taken into account. Talash dries very quickly. At the same time, it is impossible to guess the nature of the deformation of the corn leaf. It may remain straight or curl into an unattractive shape. If you want to make a craft, you should first boil the corn leaves and then dry them naturally. To make it easier to work with dry corn leaves, lightly moisten them. This is especially true for craftswomen who weave dolls from corn leaves. If, after drying, the talash decreases in size, then the doll may simply crumble!

    Beautiful lilies. Master class with step by step photos creating a composition with lilies from corn wrappers.

    Target: studying the technology of creating flowers from corn wrappers and compositions with them.
    - master the techniques of working with corn wrappers;
    - study algorithms for creating flowers and wall compositions from natural materials;
    - develop Creative skills and imagination;
    - expand and deepen knowledge of floristry;
    - cultivate love for the nature of the native land, teach respect for it;
    - instill skills of hard work, accuracy and precision in execution.
    Type of lesson: individual.
    Form of conduct: practical work.
    Class organization method: Master Class.
    Equipment and materials used: glue gun, scissors, PVA and silicone glue, iron, polystyrene foam, wooden skewers (or thin sticks), curved twigs, corn wrappers, small cones for the centers of lilies, lichen, dry ficus leaves (or magnolia, or oak, or reed panicles), various dried flowers for decorating the composition, leftover polystyrene foam.

    Methodical and didactic materials: illustrations, work samples.
    Description of the event.
    The master class is designed for students and adults aged 6 years and older. Working time is two blocks of 45-60 minutes. Focused on studios and sections of floristic and arts and crafts, but can be conducted as an elective lesson at school
    A master class completed by a child, which allows teachers not only to study the technology, but also to assess the level of difficulty of students performing this work, taking into account their age characteristics and level of training.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Word to Tanya.

    It was different before. I didn’t like walking in the park in the fall, especially when the leaves had fallen off and the trees were without leaves. Damp, ugly. And I didn’t like to go into the forest. Mom liked it, but I would rather sit at home with a tablet. In winter, when the snow falls, yes, it’s fun, but just walking along the hills was boring. There are fallen leaves all around, the ground is damp, there are clouds in the sky. But now everything is somehow different. It became interesting. After all, we don’t just walk, we are always looking for something, collecting something, finding something unusual and looking at it, and figuring out what composition to put it in, where to glue it, what to decorate. Here we collected acorns, you know, they are all different. Each tree has its own special ones. Either long and narrow, or round like barrels. And sometimes they are simply huge, and when they dry out, they ring like rattles. Or we collected leaves in the fall and dried them for postcards. How many beautiful leaves were found? I never thought that acacia leaves are like silk, and figs are like velvet. And when they collected gray lichen, they saw a hare. When we collect all these berries, seeds and cones, it’s like we’re playing a game. Who will find it more interesting? And then we look at it and come up with stories. Yes, and I didn’t know before how to use all this. It’s clear with beads, but what to do with this garbage. It turned out that all these twigs, thorns, small cones, leaves, seeds and even orange peel are not garbage. Now we collect it, dry it, put it in boxes with my mother and sister. We actually compete with her to see who has the most treasures and argue over a glue gun. When I see a branch on the road, I think whether it will be used for my work or whether to leave it and let it lie there. I like that I make toys, collages, compositions from something simple, very, very ordinary in class.
    Here are the flowers made from corn wrappers. This is food for rabbits. When corn is sold, these leaves are torn off and thrown out in bags or taken for rabbits. We were told that we would make lilies. And I couldn’t even imagine how these lilies are made from corn. Actually, at first I thought it was from corn seeds. And then these leaves showed up still crumpled, on the cob, dark. Well, how do they make flowers from them? In summer and autumn the leaves are green, and then they dry out and become gray, ugly. But it turns out that they are only gray on the outside, the inner leaves are light, pink, coffee, milky, greenish-white. And they make very beautiful lilies. And not only lilies. They are not at all complicated, you just need to carefully smooth them out and glue them.
    It also turned out that flowers can be made not only from corn leaves. Bamboo grows near the sea. It grows quickly and also sheds its wrappers. On one side they are gray with dark spots, like a leopard, and silver on the inside. And they make beautiful lilies. You can also collect flowers from magnolia leaves, from pumpkin seeds, from cedar “roses”, from maple and ash wings, from willow twigs, from chestnuts and beans, from bay and oak leaves, from tangerine peels. It seems to me that anything is possible. We put everything into action. You just need to dream a little, and you get such beauty...
    Today I will tell you how I made a composition with lilies from corn wrappers.

    1. Iron several leaves of corn wrappers. The main thing is not to hold the iron for too long; the leaves can be burned.

    2. Attach a cardboard template cut out like a lily petal to the sheet. But you can do it without a template; corn leaves cut very well. We cut out different templates ourselves. Only cut along the leaf veins and never across.

    3. Set aside six petals for the flower. Select approximately the same ones.

    And glue it to the stick with a gun.

    First we glue three, as if in a triangle.

    And then there are three more underneath them. We place the petals like a lily flower.

    Glue a cone or seed into the middle of the flower with a gun.

    You need to make seven to nine of these flowers for the composition. I had three large lilies and four smaller ones. And the colors are different. For the central ones I took light petals, and those on the sides had dark petals.

    5. A hemisphere base was cut out of foam plastic. I stuck curved branches into it. One branch is one quarter or third longer than the other. The branches were cut obliquely with pruning shears so that they fit well. We glue on PVA.

    6. Stick in dry ficus leaves (or whatever dried flowers you have). We also glue it on PVA. The shape should be a crescent, but it can also be a triangle or an oval. Then we stick the largest lilies into the center. Don’t forget to cut the sticks at an angle, otherwise you won’t be able to stick them into the foam.

    7. Cover the foam with lichen or moss.

    8. Cut out cubes from polystyrene foam and place them on skewers or twigs. The main thing is to secure the top one with glue so it doesn’t fall. Waste from construction materials should not just be thrown away and pollute the world around us, let it serve our work.

    9. Place smaller flowers on the sides of the composition. Stick skewers with cubes and add dried flowers.

    Hello again, fans of our handmade resource. I decided to continue the recently started topic of making useful and beautiful things from vegetables and fruits and tell you what corn crafts You can create it at home with your own hands. The article is of an overview nature, all the specifics with instructions will be later. So let's get started.

    Corn crafts for home and comfort

    I open my review with crafts that are made from leaves or stalks of corn and that will be useful for housekeeping or home decoration. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, various water brooms and brushes made from corn stalks and leaves. Here is an example of large brooms for sweeping the floor:

    And here is a small brush, also made from corn, which will be very useful for getting rid of crumbs on the kitchen table:

    Brooms are easy to make. It is enough to stretch the corn stalk so that it separates into strips, then collect everything into bundles, tie it up and secure it to a handle. If necessary, you can also trim our corn broom evenly.

    The next homemade item made from corn is original country style candles. Although, it should be noted that this is still more of a decorative item than a household item.

    You can also note this designer creation that will be a pleasant addition to the decor of your kitchen or dining room.

    The next idea is slippers woven from corn leaves and stalks. And what, after all an extra pair It’s nice to have slates, and such unusual ones at that!

    You can also build simple garden lamps using corn kernels as a decorative element. In the photo you can see what this craft looks like.

    Well, the last type of corn crafts for comfort that I would like to mention is various wicker rugs and mats. It will definitely come in handy on the farm!

    Homemade corn toys

    It turns out that corn is an excellent material for making a variety of toys and souvenirs. In a couple of minutes you can make a funny figurine of a man from corn leaves. Look at the photo. You like?

    If you put in a little more effort, you can make more complex and beautiful toys, such as the examples shown in the photographs.

    I really like wicker toys made from corn stalks and leaves. Found a photo funny people, as well as a swan.

    Homemade corn jewelry

    Corn kernels can be the base for your homemade decorations. For example, you can easily make yourself a corn bracelet, fortunately, working with corn is easy. It can easily be pierced with a needle and thus strung on a thread. You can see photos of the process below.

    Also, corn kernels can be used to make homemade earrings. In the very simple version such crafts will look something like this:

    Here are some more cool hangings that use corn as a material.

    Don't forget that everything is in your hands. Come up with new forms and compositions. Be creative and don't mark time!

    Corn pipes

    If you've read the book about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, you probably remember that poor people in America made smoking pipes from corn cobs. After all, it is very simple, and most importantly cheap.

    Of course, such homemade pipes were not very beautiful. However, nowadays such crafts are also made. Not because of the cheapness, of course, but simply because the master likes it. Here, look at what masterpieces you can get from corn:

    Perhaps it is necessary to put an ellipsis on this and say goodbye to you. After all, these are not all corn crafts that are worth writing about. Therefore, we will definitely return to this topic in the future!

    Making corn from your own hands is not difficult and a lot of fun. Therefore, every child will take on such work with pleasure. You can create with him wonderful crafts from corn for the holiday. The photo shown in our article will help you cope with this task.

    What can you use as a basis for crafts:

    • fresh corn cob, you can immediately peel it - separate the stigmas and peel;
    • a sprig of rowan or viburnum (with berries and leaves), you can also take cranberries or lingonberries;
    • a couple of dried physalis fruits;
    • dried flowers (dead wood);
    • fresh flowers with flexible stems (for example, cornflowers, oaks, rudbeckia, yarrow or clover);
    • dark beads, buttons or berries (for example, chokeberry);
    • glue;
    • some thin wire or tailor's thread.

    First, we'll take all the corncob wrappers and put them together by folding the edges.

    Wrap the folded wrappers around the core of the cob and secure it with wire or thread. You will get a fluffy skirt.

    Let's disguise the wire with flowers. We use white and blue tint. We lay out the white waistband of the skirt.

    We place the blue ones on top of it, forming the bodice of the dress. A little blue flowers distribute along the hem.

    Decorate the hem with viburnum or cranberries. We glue them with polymer glue or sew them with threads. The result is a figurine of a doll in a fluffy elegant dress.

    We use corn silk to create a fluffy hairstyle for the doll.

    We give the hairstyle beautiful shape, throwing individual strands back or combing them forward in the form of bangs.

    Now we begin to weave a wreath from flowers with flexible stems - just as we weave a wreath from dandelions in the summer.

    To make the wreath large enough, we take as its basis the flower with the longest and strongest stem.

    Gradually weave it into a wreath different types flowers and berries. The more of them are used, the more interesting it will turn out. You can complement the wreath with beautiful autumn leaves, beads, ribbons or paper figures.

    We make eyes from dark berries, beads or buttons. And we make large beautiful earrings from physalis.

    We decorate the head with a wreath. Cut out a smiling mouth from any red fruit and glue it on.

    Our corn craft is ready!

    This corn craft is well suited for kindergarten and schools.

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