• Forms and methods of adaptation of children in the src. Education portal. Similar works to - Features of social adaptation of minors in a social rehabilitation center


    Gabaidulina Marina Akhmetovna
    Job title: teacher
    Educational institution: GBUSO RB "RSRTsN"
    Locality: Ulan-Ude city, Buryatia
    Name of material: become
    Subject:"Socio-psychological adaptation of children in a new team (environment)"
    Publication date: 06.09.2017
    Chapter: secondary vocational

    Gabaidulina M.A. Educator.

    GBUSO "Republican Social Rehabilitation Center for

    minors" Ulan-Ude

    Social and psychological adaptation of children in the new

    team (environment)

    “Socio-psychological adaptation is a process of restructuring




    multilateral, active, including the formation of funds and

    ways of behavior aimed at mastering educational activities And

    effective interaction with the new social environment.

    IN last years there is an increase in children who find themselves in difficult






    parental care. Socially created for them by the state -



    child to a social rehabilitation center - new stage in life, with

    which is associated with a change in his social development situation. From acquaintances




    the guidance of specialists will guide his future life, the role of his loved one

    the adult will be temporarily performed by strangers. Therefore, before

    teachers and psychologists of our institution are faced with the task of adapting

    children. Upon admission to a social rehabilitation center, a child

    turned out to be











    to whom



    surrounding social environment. If when working with young children





    which they did not receive from their environment (parents, relatives and


    have to








    relationships between people. The next component of adaptation is the environment



    to whom















    those around







    public relations the pupil is one of the main tasks

    social adaptation. The role of the specialist’s personality is very significant.

    The third element of the adaptation process is self-interaction

    child and environment. At the first stage of working with children, it is necessary to establish




    Carrying out



    is based


    program compiled for each child and he should not feel




    his heart and soul will be closed.


    is changing


    biologically, physiological conditions change - from the usual






    in the socio-psychological field, changes mainly concern

    such important factors development as stable emotional and personal

    attachments, primarily attachment to the mother.

    One of the main tasks of the SRCN is the restoration of a wide range of

    relationships of pupils with the world, teaching them to communicate with adults,




    Rehabilitation work begins with the adaptation of pupils to new

    u s l o v i m

    day, rules


    self-service, public life center.)




    parents leading antisocial image life, children of single mothers, children

    from low-income and large families. They are characterized by: low









    emotional instability; malfunction, etc. All this

    reduces their ability to implement constructive forms of behavior and how

    the consequence is that it makes adaptation difficult.

    In this regard, the problem of adaptation of children in the SRCN is one of the priorities




    admitted children. It is aimed at creating favorable social

    psychological and pedagogical








    pedagogical conditions for successful adaptation newly admitted children to

    conditions of the SRCN.

    Program objectives:

    Determine the level of adaptation of each child;

    Create conditions for the socio-psychological adaptation of children in the SRCN









    relationships with peers and adults;



    “difficult children”, children prone to runaways, outcast children);

    Trace sources and causes social maladjustment children;






    pedagogical support child;



    are used

    following methods

    Individual and group conversations with children;

    Diagnostics (testing, questioning, observation, surveys of teachers and

    children, studying data from personal files, results of children’s activities, etc.);

    Individual and group consultations with teachers and parents;




    having difficulties during the adaptation period;

    Role-playing games (acting out various situations offered as sketches);

    Drawing art therapy;

    Modeling behavior patterns;

    Metaphorical stories and parables.

    The program promotes the acceptance and implementation of collective norms




    relationships between children, children and adults. Active participation

    newly admitted children in the life of the institution and comfortable state

    child, satisfaction with their social status.

    Criteria and methods of assessment:

    Diagnostic cards;


    Testing, questioning.

    Class structure:

    Each lesson begins with a greeting ritual that performs the function











    children, create an atmosphere of group trust and acceptance.

    Warm-up includes exercises that help children tune in





    group cohesion.

    The main part of the lesson includes psychotechnical exercises, games

    and techniques aimed at solving the main objectives of the training. Preference

    is given




    patterns of behavior to overcome anxiety and fears.

    Discussion of the results of the lesson, or reflection, is a mandatory stage and

    involves an emotional and semantic assessment of the content of the lesson in

    during the final discussion.

    The program is designed for 10-12 lessons of 2 hours.

    It is advisable to meet 2 times a week.

    The group size should not exceed 6 people.

    Stages of work:

    Diagnostic stage:

    Compiling lists of newly admitted children.

    Familiarity with environmental factors of a child’s life (study of personal,

    child's medical record);










    Brief analysis of the state of work.

    Research methods:





    (psychologist, social educator).

    Studying the motivational sphere of newly arrived students.

    Studying interpersonal relationships child in a team (sociometry).

    Identification of children with problems in physical development.

    Study of self-esteem.

    Questionnaire for teachers.

    Organizational stage:

    Compiling lists of children in need of specialist help: children

    risk groups, “difficult children”, children prone to runaways, outcast children.

    Studying the possibility of circles and organizations dealing with problems

    education, health, leisure of children






    Monitoring newly arrived children.









    methods of working with observed children.







    adaptation (psychologist).





    mental, emotional and social status of the child (survey of teachers,





    pedagogical difficulties;

    social and pedagogical rehabilitation;




    responsibilities, rights and additional guarantees for social protection.


    guaranteed provision of children's rights provided for in Russian




    education, medical care, housing, pensions,

    benefits, alimony, judicial protection of the rights of the child (social teacher).

    Holding a consultation.

    Criteria for successful social adaptation

    Conscious acceptance and implementation of the norms of collective life.

    Adequate attitude to pedagogical influences.







    Active participation in the life of the children's team.

    Satisfaction with one's social status and relationships.

    Tatiana Sirotkina
    Development of social skills in children in a social rehabilitation center

    The process of teaching and upbringing, aimed at shaping the child’s personality and correcting developmental deficiencies, ultimately creates the prerequisites for the social adaptation of children.

    Social adaptation, i.e. active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment through the assimilation and acceptance of goals, values, norms, rules and modes of behavior accepted in society, is a universal basis for the personal and social well-being of any person.

    Each child must be helped to gain the greatest possible independence in meeting the basic needs of life and to master the necessary skills to care for and fulfill them.

    The lack of social experience and insufficient preparedness of children entering the Druzhba Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution has a significant impact on the nature of adaptation in new conditions. This manifests itself in the inability to establish personal contacts with peers and staff, in a negative attitude towards participation in labor processes, in uncertainty and ignorance of how to behave in a given life situation.

    In SOGBU SRCN “Friendship” the entire process of training and education should be aimed at ensuring the social adaptation of the child into society.

    Each of us knows that people go through steps in life: up or, unfortunately, sometimes down. And we must do everything to ensure that our students walk the ladder of success and not failure. After all, only those who are successful are happy. In order for a person to learn something in life, a certain amount of experience is necessary. Therefore, in order to successfully integrate into society, our children need to be presented with life situations that they will have to face and make decisions.

    Our center for children living in it is the main model social world, and how the upbringing process is structured depends on how children acquire social experience, the foundations of human relationships, and the skills to ensure their personal life and activities.

    The activities of students at the SOGBU SRCN “Friendship” are manifested in studies, in various forms labor activity, in organizing your free time, in behavior in in public places, as well as the ability to apply cultural, hygienic and self-service skills.

    The problem of socialization of our children is particularly complex. To become familiar with social values ​​and norms, it is necessary to work in the following areas.

    1. Social and everyday orientation.

    During the classes, children are given a certain system of knowledge and social and everyday skills begin to be formed, during which pupils in everyday life practical life repeat, consolidate and expand the knowledge acquired during the educational process, automate existing skills and organize in children useful habits, standards of behavior, and evaluative attitude towards various life situations.

    I use the following forms of teaching social and everyday orientation: subject-based practical classes, excursions, role-playing games, conversations, didactic games, modeling of real situations, works of fiction.

    The main support in mastering any educational material is visual teaching aids.

    In classes on social and everyday orientation I use various types visibility: natural objects (for example, clothing, dishes, food); real objects (for example, the center premises); toys, images (subject, subject); practical demonstration of actions.

    It is necessary to actively use the method of modeling real situations, that is, recreating certain everyday situations that people face in real life. Simulation of real situations should be used in the study of many topics, for example: “Dating”, “Behavior in public places”, “Purchasing” and so on. The plots of the situations are taken from real life, but always in accordance with the level of knowledge, experience of children and their capabilities.

    The method of simulating real situations is not only one of the most effective, but also the most difficult teaching method. Difficulties arise due to the inability of children to act as actors, their lack of self-confidence, the inability of children to independently think through and analyze the situation, due to their emotional and behavioral characteristics. In addition, it is difficult for a child to understand and correctly assess the need for certain actions or actions the first time. That is why it is necessary to consistently train children to participate in a simulated situation.

    2. Labor skills.

    When developing labor skills and abilities, the daily practical activities of children are especially important, which should be organized in the following forms: assignments, duty, collective activity.

    The task of educators is to teach children to agree among themselves about who will do what. This teaches each child to be responsible for the assigned task, not only when he does his work alone, but also when he works in a team. An important point is a report from duty officers on duty performed.

    When working with children, it is advisable to use such a method of collective activity as joint-individual: each child, although working simultaneously with others, does not experience any dependence on them. For example, putting your bedside tables, clothing shelves, etc. in order, which allows each child to act at an individual pace - this is especially important at the stage of mastering a skill. In turn, we will be able to take into account the individual needs of each child: one needs additional demonstration, another needs physical assistance (hand in hand, the third needs a hint, reminder, leading questions, the fourth needs support to act more confidently.

    To maintain the cleanliness of the group, we, together with the children, establish alternate duty, thereby giving the pupils the opportunity to master the techniques of caring for their home, creating and maintaining order, creating comfort, and mastering the skills of using household appliances.

    The knowledge and initial skills formed in the classroom require repeated, regular, systematic reinforcement in everyday activities in order to be consolidated and firmly assimilated.

    Upon completion of studying a certain topic, it is advisable to conduct classes with the children, but in the form of a competition, quiz, or celebration.

    3. A large place in the formation of social and everyday knowledge and skills is given to excursions.

    Their value lies in the fact that children, in real, natural conditions, observe the objects of the surrounding world, clarify and expand their ideas about them, consolidate the knowledge and skills developed in classes, plot - role playing games, learn to communicate with strangers, i.e., in the process of excursions, the social experience of children is formed and enriched.

    4. Social behavior skill.

    This skill must be developed by demonstrating a positive action with a preliminary and incidental explanation of its meaning. To do this, a situation is demonstrated, taking on that social role that you want to teach children (for example, a buyer in a store). Then, together with the children, a situation is played out, during which the help from the adult gradually decreases, and the children’s independence increases. When replaying a situation, it is necessary to guide the children and ensure that they correctly convey the sequence of actions and pronounce the phrases correctly.

    By playing out various stories, children thereby gain certain ideas, knowledge, practical experience of behavior in various life situations and communication with people around them.

    5. Development of emotional background.

    In the classroom, it is important to use small, interesting, emotionally vivid works of fiction that are accessible to children (for a deeper understanding of actions, actions and relationships to things and between people). The emotional factor is one of the main factors in the development of children of any age. Emotionally colored material that penetrates the child’s soul is firmly imprinted in his memory.

    Thus, the system educational work in our center should be a purposeful organization of children’s activities to acquire the social and everyday knowledge and skills necessary for them in life.

    During classes, students gain knowledge about various spheres of human life and activity, acquire practical skills that allow them to successfully adapt to the social environment.

    Publications on the topic:

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    Image library:

    The opening of a social adaptation room took place at the State Public Institution "Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors of the Vorotyn District" in the village of Krasnaya Gorka. Children's institution visited by the head of the sales department family policy, organizations social services Family and Children, Department of Family Policy, Family and Children, Ministry of Social Policy Nizhny Novgorod region S.A. Channova, head of the Vorotynsky district administration E.Yu. Gerasimov, director of the State Public Institution "Management" social protection population of the Vorotynsky district" L.N. Bragina, head of the social services sector of the USZN N.V. Savelyeva, chairman of the district Council of Veterans L.N. Trusova. First, a small meeting was held in the office of the director of the social rehabilitation center V.S. Kuznetsov. Valery Sergeevich told the distinguished guests about the program, within the framework of which the social adaptation room was opened:

    The Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, in agreement with the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations, is implementing regional program"We are like everyone else." Its main tasks are social support families with children with health problems, provision family education and development of children in such families, preparation for independent life and formation of necessary work skills. To carry out the program's activities, rural social protection institutions that organize work on the social rehabilitation of children were allocated funds, including the State Public Institution "SRCN Vorotynsky District" in the form of a grant - 300 thousand rubles. These funds were provided for equipping the social adaptation room - purchasing furniture, equipment and materials for activities with children. The “We are like everyone else” program has been implemented at the institution since 2014. During this time, a room for conducting classes was selected, repair work was carried out, the door was replaced, electrical wiring was installed for household appliances, and drainage and sewerage were installed. The room is an example of a modern kitchen. To replenish it with dishes, deputies of the Legislative Assembly V.A. Antipov and V.Yu. Shanin was provided material aid in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. To solve the set tasks for the social and everyday adaptation of pupils, a program and educational thematic plan have been developed. Classes for children are conducted in the form of master classes, workshops, and video lessons. Initially Special attention paid attention to safe handling household appliances. The program is aimed at 15 pupils, a subgroup of disabled children (5-7 people), and in the summer health period- for 30 children. Children are trained from the age of 10. Classes on cooking and table setting are provided. The content of the program also includes topics on hygiene and home cleaning, washing and ironing, etiquette in various public places, at home, and away.

    At the end of the course, children should be able to cook porridge, fry potatoes, prepare sandwiches and pastries, brew tea, set the table, use an electric stove, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, and microwave oven.

    Teacher G.V. Sadovnikova conducts educational and developmental classes with children, develops work skills and abilities, and teaches them to apply the acquired knowledge in independent life.

    Valery Sergeevich thanked S.A. for their help in such a necessary matter as the arrangement of the social adaptation room. Channov, V.A. Antipova, V.Yu. Shanina, A.V. Nazarenkova, L.N. Bragin, I.A. Chuev, D.N. Polyakov, after which, accompanied by his deputy N.I. Trusovoy gave a tour of the facility. By the way, the head of the district E.Yu. Gerasimov also presented a set of porcelain dishes for the newly opened room.

    Social teacher N.I. Isaykina showed the guests an exhibition of works made by residents of the rehabilitation center. They deserve universal praise.

    Then everyone went to the social adaptation room, where teacher G.V. Sadovnikova conducted culinary classes with the children - they prepared pastries, made hot sandwiches and brewed tea, not forgetting to wash the dishes and the kitchen table. Well done!

    The opening of such an important room for teaching children to live independently can be considered a complete success. Good feedback don't let anyone doubt it. We hope that now it will be easier for children who find themselves in difficult life situations to master very difficult adult activities!

    Sections: Social pedagogy

    Man is a social being. From the first days of his life, he is surrounded by his own kind, included in various kinds of social interactions. Being a part of society, a person acquires a certain subjective experience, which becomes part of his personality. Socialization is the process of assimilation and subsequent active reproduction of social experience by an individual. The process of socialization is inextricably linked with communication and joint activities.

    Social adaptation in the broad sense of the word means conformity, agreement, consistency of a person with the outside world. A socially adapted person is able to perform the necessary social roles and functions, he has stable connections with others, he has the skills of social coexistence in a given environment. The characteristics of children and adolescents who end up in rehabilitation institutions show how far they are from such a state and how unnatural their past life was.

    At the Social Rehabilitation Center they are offered different living conditions, a different system of relationships with people, and different value guidelines. It is clear that a child with an unstable psyche, who does not possess social and everyday skills, with a deformed system of values ​​and experience in communicating with people cannot adapt to normal life overnight, is not able to immediately master the system of requirements and norms on the basis of which life in the Center is built .

    The very first task of everyone who comes into contact with children and adolescents arriving at a rehabilitation institution is to provide them with maximum support in the process of mastering a new life. This process is complex, but experience shows that the goal is achieved if a whole complex of factors works for it: a warm, home-like environment, the condescension of others, expressing love for the child and the belief that he is capable of changing for the better, personalized attention to his personality, as well as a previously unfamiliar attitude of care.

    The most important social and pedagogical task is to give the abandoned child a new environment, new experiences, different from everything he has experienced so far. The main concern is that within the walls of the Center there is something that best satisfies the interests of children and helps them develop socially significant needs.

    A teenager is an active being. His adaptation is more successful if, from the first steps of his stay in the Rehabilitation Center, he is placed in the position of an accomplice, a creator of new conditions for his life, and not just a consumer. It is important to give children the opportunity to create their own home. Children and teenagers are involved in the repair and refurbishment of rooms. Each child creates a “design” around his bed according to his own taste, hanging posters, drawings, etc. At first, adults do not argue with him, even if the teenager’s tastes leave much to be desired. The main thing is that the child experiences the feeling of his own home. When the child’s trust in the teacher is strengthened, it will be possible to adjust his tastes and change them for the better.

    Solitude for maladjusted children is extremely important - they relieve psychological overload, comprehend the new course of their lives, and fantasize. Cozy corners are created where you can be alone. The first steps are extremely important for a child’s adaptation. It is necessary that his entry into the Center be carried out in an atmosphere of peace, without fuss and excitement.

    In a child with an autistic type of behavior, increased attention can cause a negative reaction, so the teacher should protect him, try to find something to do, and give the child the opportunity to calmly enter a new environment.

    In the life of the social rehabilitation center, a calm, even, friendly atmosphere must prevail. It allows the child to calm down, relieve tension and fear, evaluate new living conditions, and choose a line of behavior. In a group, it is important for a child to get the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of home life. It is created by everything - the tone of communication between the teacher and the children, and the presence of one’s own things, clothes, shoes, and the opportunity to arrange a corner by one’s bed in one’s own way, and the opportunity to find a favorite place in the institution.

    A necessary condition for a child’s social adaptation is a clear distinction in the life of the Center between what is permitted and what is prohibited (“possible” and “impossible”). Adolescent maladaptation is expressed in a low degree of social normativity. Understanding what life situation has led to a low level of assimilation of social norms by a teenager, one should be aware that the demands placed on him regarding the fulfillment of certain norms and routine rules must be consistent and flexible. It is necessary to exclude strict and categorical requirements from pedagogical practice. Experience shows that when a teacher tries to use his position and forces, imposes new rules of life, children not only resist, but also show aggression. This complicates the child's adaptation.

    The limits of leniency are defined specifically. There is no need to discourage those forms of behavior that are not dangerous for the child, do not harm him, and do not become intolerable to others. In the experience of rehabilitation institutions, there are three unconditional prohibitions: you cannot steal, you cannot offend the weak, you cannot leave the Center without informing the teacher. It has been noticed that children adapt to the ban the more easily, the stronger the sincere confidence of adults in its necessity and the more consistently it is implemented.

    It was said above that social maladjustment is associated with disruption of children’s communicative activities, which is a consequence of versatile socio-psychological deprivation. Experience allows us to determine the requirements for the behavior of adults in communicating with children prone to isolation. They assume: a soft style of communication without demanding, obliging intonations, eliminating what scares the child, respecting his personal space, anticipating difficulties in mastering new living conditions and helping to overcome them. Experience shows that theatrical performances and holidays help bring a child out of isolation. The child is fascinated by dramatization, he becomes more open to others.

    Opposition in communication is more common in practice. The child demonstrates disregard for the rules, for any requirement, even expressed in a friendly manner. Opposition manifests itself in the form of aggression, which is characterized by impulsiveness and irritability, when a teenager relieves internal tension in aggressive forms of self-affirmation; scolds, gets into fights, beats and breaks everything that comes to hand. Adaptation of children whose communication is dominated by an oppositional or aggressive tone is quite difficult to achieve. The role of psychotherapeutic influence is great here, and the organization of group trainings is useful.

    In order to strengthen and develop normal communication among adolescents, the teacher should very carefully build everyday communication with children, excluding cruel categorical demands, focus on the child’s positive capabilities, and restore his sense of self-worth.

    The assessments that have to be given to a teenager’s actions should be especially thorough, ensuring that the assessment is adequately perceived by other children and adults. The following statements should be the immutable rules for the teacher: “criticize the action, do not extend your assessments to the person as a whole,” “strive to notice the positive in the child and rely on it.” The success of a dialogue between an adult and a child becomes real if the adult shows a desire for empathy and adheres to certain principles: listens carefully, delicately enters the world of a teenager, tries to accept him as he is, tries not to solve the problems that arise for the child, not offers ready-made solutions, but helps him distance himself, look at the problem from the outside, so that it is easier to find the best ways out of a difficult situation.

    If an adult is guided by these principles, a dialogue with a teenager is established, as evidenced by the child’s desire to initiate contact, continue communication, and the desire to make it lasting.

    The adaptation of a teenager in a rehabilitation institution, his acceptance of new principles of life, new values, largely depends on how much the Center will help him realize his self-worth. Therefore, rehabilitation work should be focused on restoring the child’s rights, first of all, to himself, developing his self-respect, self-esteem, and confidence in his positive capabilities.

    Awareness of one’s human value, which is necessary for a child, comes when the teacher begins to notice himself and draw the attention of others to the positive qualities and properties of the teenager. We are talking about individual characteristics that are clearly not striking, especially in familiar, everyday communication, but in some new circumstances unexpectedly emerge and become something of a discovery (Igor began to help the doctor treat the children’s knees, Ira herself overcame the first a book in your life, etc.). Noticing even the smallest things in a child, the teacher helps him appear before others and in his own eyes in a new and better light.

    When teaching children new skills, it is important for the teacher to understand that the children with whom he is dealing need emotional support and with them a lot of things need to be started from scratch. Therefore, learning is based on the following logic: an adult gives the child a model of action, creates conditions for success, supports, sympathizes in a difficult situation, looks for mistakes together with the child, and rejoices at success.

    Thus, the entire system of relations towards the child should emphasize his individuality, his personal significance for others. For example, every child should feel the attention of others to significant events in his life. Every child's birthday, his first day at school, success in any activity - it is necessary to emphasize the significance of these events.

    Children who are placed in a rehabilitation institution have not seen all this in their family, but they quickly get used to good things and they learn and follow the patterns of behavior that adults teach them. However, it should be borne in mind that such positive changes entail changes, the activation of new needs in the teenager, the satisfaction of which must be prepared. The fact is that the more actively we awaken a child’s self-awareness, a sense of self-worth, the stronger he feels the thirst for personalized love, the more often he is gnawed by the worm of doubt about how strong and sincere this love is.

    Assessments should be used very carefully to encourage children to learn. At first, it is advisable to evaluate and encourage mainly diligence and attitude towards knowledge, gradually including the knowledge and skills acquired by children in the circle of assessment.

    During classes, corrective measures should be taken to develop children's logical thinking, active vocabulary, memory, and attention.

    To develop visual and effective thinking, special attention should be paid to enriching and expanding the concrete sensory experience of children. It is advisable to bring classes as close as possible to the child’s social and natural environment - to conduct them in the forest, by the river, in a store, at a post office, in a museum, in a park. Such lessons help develop children's general awareness and help develop prosocial behavior skills.

    The combination of the conditions shown above helps children and adolescents get comfortable in a new social environment, accept new rules of life and new people.

    In the process of socialization and social adaptation, pupils acquire their own individuality, because social experience is not only subjectively assimilated, but also actively processed, becoming a source of individualization of the individual. Thus, the process of social adaptation should be defined not only as actively adaptive, but as actively developmental.


    In recent years, there has been an increase in children who find themselves in difficult life situations. These are children deprived of temporary or permanent parental care. For them, the state has created social rehabilitation centers, shelters, orphanages, etc. The arrival of a child in these institutions is a new stage in life, which is associated with a change in his social development situation. From familiar home conditions, the child finds himself in a peer group, where his future life will be led by specialists; the role of a close adult for him will be temporarily filled by strangers. Therefore, before teachers and psychologists of institutions similar type challenges arise for children’s adaptation.

    Upon admission to the state-owned social service institution of the Krasnodar Territory “Kamyshevatsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors,” a child who finds himself in a difficult life situation changes his behavior in his environment: both in terms of the world of things and in terms of interpersonal relationships. When analyzing the adaptation process, the first place is taken by the child himself, who needs to adapt to the surrounding social environment. If when working with young children it is necessary to educate, compensate for the deficit of warmth, skills, knowledge that they did not receive from their environment (parents, relatives, etc.), then adolescents have to be re-educated, eliminate already acquired deviant behavior, distorted ideas about relationships between people.

    The second component of adaptation is the adaptation environment, the external environment to which you need to adapt. The micro-social environment (immediate environment) is the area of ​​interaction between the personality of each child and society as a whole. For a student of a social rehabilitation center, the microsocial environment is the space of relationships between the people around him (teachers, administration, staff). The organization of such a space as a model of the pupil’s desired social relations is one of the main tasks of social adaptation. The role of the specialist’s personality is very significant.

    The third element of the adaptation process is the interaction between the child and the environment. At the first stage of working with children, it is necessary to establish good contact with a child, a trusting relationship. Carrying out rehabilitation measures is based on an individual program compiled for each child and he should not feel surrounded by enemies. Otherwise for everyone rehabilitation programs his heart and soul will be closed.

    In a social rehabilitation center, a child’s life changes completely. In biological terms, physiological conditions change: from familiar food products to the organization of basic regime moments. In the socio-psychological field, changes mainly concern such important development factors as stable emotional and personal attachments, primarily attachment to the mother.

    One of the main tasks of the social rehabilitation center is to restore a wide range of relationships between pupils and the world, teaching them to communicate with adults and peers, to gain a sense of family and self-worth.

    Rehabilitation work begins with the adaptation of pupils to new living conditions (daily routine, rules of behavior, self-care work, social life of the center.)

    Among the pupils entering our institution there are children of parents leading an antisocial lifestyle, children of single mothers, children from low-income and large families. They are characterized by: low level of intelligence and communication skills(aggressiveness, conflict, isolation, etc.); inadequate self-esteem; emotional instability; malfunction, etc. All this reduces their ability to implement constructive forms of behavior and, as a result, makes adaptation difficult.

    In this regard, the problem of children's adaptation in a social rehabilitation center is one of the priorities.

    The program is designed to work with newly admitted children and is aimed at creating favorable social, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the rapid and successful adaptation of minors.


    create favorable social - psychological - pedagogical conditions for the successful adaptation of newly admitted children in a social rehabilitation center for minors.


      determine the level of adaptation of each child;

      create conditions for the socio-psychological adaptation of children in a social rehabilitation center for minors (creating a cohesive team, presenting children with uniform justified and consistent requirements, establishing norms for relationships with peers and adults;

      identify maladjusted pupils: (children at risk, “difficult children”, children prone to running away, outcast children);

      trace the sources and causes of social maladjustment in children;

      develop individual programs for social, psychological and pedagogical support for the child.


      individual and group conversations with children;

      diagnostics (testing, questioning, observation, surveys of teachers and children, studying data from personal files, results of children’s activities, etc.);

      individual and group consultations with teachers and parents;

      individual and group psychocorrectional work with children with

      difficulties during the adaptation period;

      role-playing games (acting out various situations offered as sketches);

      drawing art therapy;

      modeling behavior patterns;

      metaphorical stories and parables.

    The program promotes:

      acceptance and implementation of the norms of collective life by the majority of newly admitted children;

      harmonious relationships between children, children and adults;

      active participation of newly admitted children in the life of the institution;

      the child’s comfortable state, satisfaction with his social status.


      newly arrived children 3 – 18 years old.


      successful social adaptation of newly admitted minors.

    Criteria and methods of assessment:

      diagnostic cards;


      testing, questioning.

    Structure of classes.

    Every lesson startsgreeting ritual performing the function of establishing emotionally positive contact between the participants of the classes and endsritual of farewell. These procedures bring children together and create an atmosphere of group trust and acceptance.

    Warm-up includes exercises that help children get into the mood for work, increases their activity level and helps build group cohesion.

    Main part classes include psychotechnical exercises, games and techniques aimed at solving the main objectives of the training. Preference is given to multifunctional techniques, such as modeling behavior patterns to overcome anxiety and fears.

    Discussion of the results of the lesson, or reflection is a mandatory stage and involves an emotional and semantic assessment of the content of the lesson during the final discussion.

    The program is designed for 10 lessons.

    Classes can be conducted both in group and individual form.



      • compiling lists of newly admitted children;

        acquaintance with the factors of the child’s living environment (studying data from the child’s personal and medical records);

        getting to know and establishing contacts with children upon their admission to the institution;

        socio-psychological diagnostics of the qualities of a newly admitted child;

        brief analysis of the state of work.

    Research methods.

      Questionnaire "Adaptation".

      Diagnostics mental states child.

      Studying the motivational sphere of newly arrived students.

      Study of a child’s interpersonal relationships in a team (sociometry).

      Identification of children with problems in physical development.

      Study of self-esteem.

      Questionnaire for teachers.


      compiling lists of children in need of specialist help: children at risk, “difficult children”, children prone to runaways, outcast children;

      studying the possibility of clubs and organizations dealing with problems of education, health, and leisure of children;

      systematization of the results of social - psychological - pedagogical research.


      monitoring newly arrived children;

      study and analysis difficult situations, implementation of various kinds of “interventions”;

      coordinating pedagogically sound choices of means, forms and methods of working with observed children;

      counseling and providing support in difficult situations to newly arrived children:

      classes for children who have problems during the adaptation period;

      social and psychological support for the child;

      determination of the state of the mental, emotional and social status of the child;

      individual work with children to overcome social and pedagogical difficulties;

      social and pedagogical rehabilitation;

      individual and group conversations with minors about their responsibilities, rights and additional guarantees for social protection;

      assistance in protecting and protecting the rights of the child - special measures to guarantee the rights of the child provided for Russian legislation and the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (education, medical care, housing, pensions, benefits, alimony, judicial protection of the rights of the child);

      holding a consultation.


      conscious acceptance and implementation of the norms of collective life;

      adequate attitude to pedagogical influences;

      harmonization of relationships: “adult – child”, “child – child”;

      active participation in the life of the children's team;

      satisfaction with one's social status and relationships.

    Timing of the program:

    The program lasts 10 days.

    Program participants:

      minors aged 3 to 18 years;

      social teacher;

      teacher - psychologist;

      social work specialist;


      medical staff


    Before school age



    1 day

    Collecting information about the child and his family, working with a personal file, finding out the reasons for placement in a social rehabilitation center for minors.

    Adoption of internal regulations for students of the institution.

    Identifying social interaction skills.

    Identifying self-care skills.

    Lesson 1.

    Game "Dating".

    Methodology “What happened first”

    Methodology “What figure?”

    Day 2

    Diagnostics of individual personality characteristics(attention).

    Lesson 2.

    "Let's get acquainted!"

    Bender's test.

    Exercise “Charge of vivacity”.

    Methodology “Sequences in Nature”.

    Methodology “What has changed?”

    Day 3

    Diagnosis of the level of memory development.

    Maintenance trust relationships.

    Forming a sense of security.

    Lesson 3.

    "We find friends."

    Game "Unusual Greeting".

    Methodology “Does this happen?”

    “Remember the pictures.”

    4 day

    Diagnostics of the level of development of thinking.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Lesson 4.

    "Know your center."

    Methodology “Compare and complete”, “Connect the figures”.

    Methodology “The fourth odd one”, “Name it in one word”.

    5 day

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Lesson 5.

    Methodology “What objects are hidden in the drawings.”

    Tests to identify thinking operations:

    - "Who lives where?",

    - “When does this happen?” etc.

    Exercise “Sunny Bunny”.

    Day 6

    Questioning family relationships.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Lesson 6.

    “What am I afraid of?”

    Game - greeting “Gait like ...”.

    Exercise “Training emotions.”

    Day 7

    Meeting family members.

    Establishing trusting relationships.

    Increasing the social and pedagogical literacy of parents.

    Lesson 7.

    Day 8

    (level of development of communication abilities)

    Lesson 8.

    Methodology of “Understanding Stories”.

    “Make a story based on a picture, a story based on a picture.”

    Exercise "Good morning".

    Exercise “Good animal”.

    Day 9

    Lesson 9.

    The “Choose a Color” game is similar to the Luscher test.

    “Complete the sentences” technique.

    10 day

    preparation of an initial socio-pedagogical conclusion for submission to the SMPK;

    Lesson 10.

    "Set goals."

    Preparation of a conclusion based on the results of primary socio-pedagogical diagnostics, drawing up recommendations, interaction with teachers.

    Junior school age



    1 day

    Collecting information about the child and his family, working with a personal file, finding out the reasons for placement in an institution.

    Dating a minor.

    Establishing trusting relationships.

    Adoption of internal work rules for students.

    Lesson 1.

    “Introductory lesson. Creation of a group."

    Game "Dating".

    Questionnaire "Let's get to know each other."

    Questionnaire “Motivation to learn.”

    Questionnaire "Adaptation".

    Test “Are you a kind person?”

    Day 2

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Forming a sense of security.

    Lesson 2.

    "Let's get acquainted!"

    Questionnaire "Krugozor".

    Exercise “I'm glad to see you” .

    Test “My knowledge about smoking.”

    Methodology for diagnosing propensity for deviant behavior

    Day 3

    Diagnosis of individual personality characteristics (self-esteem).

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state. Forming a sense of security.

    Lesson 3.

    "We find friends."

    Exercise “Charge of vivacity”.

    4 day

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 4.

    "Know your center."

    Exercise “Relieve fatigue.”

    5 day

    Diagnosis of the level of development of cognitive processes.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state.

    Psychological support.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 5.

    “Is it easy to be a pupil?”

    Methods: “Find and cross out”, “Place icons”, dots” - attention.

    Exercise “Relieve fatigue.”

    Day 6

    (psychological atmosphere, nature of relationships)

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state.

    Psychological support.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 6.

    “What am I afraid of?”

    Conversation “My family is my wealth”

    Exercise - visualization “Journey to the clouds”.

    Day 7

    Meeting family members.

    Establishing trusting relationships.

    Study psychological climate in the family, relationships between family members, relationships with the child.

    Lesson 7.

    “Is it difficult to be a real educator?”

    Getting to know family members, finding out the family microclimate, relationships between family members, parenting style.

    Consultation for parents “How to make your child proud of his family?”

    Distribution of information and educational material.

    Questionnaire for parents “How well do you know your child?”, “Punishment in the family.”

    Day 8

    Diagnostics of the communication sphere

    Introducing a minor to a peer group.

    Establishing trusting relationships between peers and a minor.

    Lesson 8.

    “Conflict or interaction?”

    Communicative Tolerance Questionnaire.

    Questionnaire “Me and my surroundings.”

    Questionnaire “Are you a conflict-ridden person?”

    Exercise “Good animal”.

    Test questionnaire for career guidance.

    Day 9

    Diagnosis of individual - typological characteristics.

    Strengthening positive outlook for the future.

    Maintaining self-confidence.

    Enrichment of the personal sphere with positive emotions.

    Psychological support.

    Lesson 9.

    "Working with negative experiences."

    Auto-training “I am the best!”

    Questionnaire “Value orientations”. Questionnaire “How were you raised?”

    10 day

    Summarizing the results of a diagnostic examination and support during the period of adaptation of a minor to an institution;

    Planning further rehabilitation work with the minor and his family.

    Lesson 10. “Set goals.”




    1 day

    Collecting information about the child and his family, working with personal files and medical records, reasons for placement in the shelter.

    Dating a minor.

    Establishing trusting relationships.

    Acceptance of work rules.

    Identification of the general psycho-emotional state.

    Developing a positive attitude towards the current situation.

    Reducing psycho-emotional stress and anxiety.

    Diagnosis of individual personality characteristics.

    Forming a sense of security.

    Lesson 1.

    “Introductory lesson. Creating a group.

    General introductory conversation.

    Questionnaire "Let's get to know each other."

    Questionnaire “Tendency to Deviant Behavior.”

    Questionnaire "Motives for choosing a friend."

    Test “Are you a kind person”

    Day 2

    Diagnosis of individual personality characteristics.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Forming a sense of security.

    Lesson 2. “Let’s get acquainted!” Exercise “I'm glad to see you.”

    Introductory conversation “Self-esteem”.

    Test “Your street company”

    Methodology “Unfinished sentences. Diagnostics of tolerant behavior"

    Day 3

    Diagnosis of individual personality characteristics (aggression).

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Diagnosis of the level of school motivation

    Psychological support.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 3.

    "We find friends."

    Game "Barge".

    Questionnaire “You and your school.”

    Exercise “Relieve fatigue.”

    Questionnaire " Bad habits. How to deal with them?

    4 day

    Diagnosis of the level of development of cognitive processes.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 4.

    "Know your center."

    Exercise “Thinking cap”.

    Methodology B.V. Zeigarnik“Understanding the figurative meaning of proverbs and metaphors.”

    5 day

    Diagnosis of individual personality characteristics.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 5.

    “Is it easy to be a pupil?”

    Test “Are you a conflict-ridden person?” Questionnaire “Level of Education”. Questionnaire “Value orientations”.

    Consultation on diagnostic results.

    Day 6

    Diagnosis of career guidance and school motivation.

    Maintaining trusting relationships.

    Activation of self-disclosure processes.

    Lesson 6.

    “What am I afraid of?”

    Exercise “Unusual greeting”.

    Test – questionnaire for career guidance. Questionnaire “You and your school”, “Krugozor”.

    Questionnaire “Bad habits. How to resist them?

    Day 7

    Meeting family members.

    Establishing trusting relationships.

    Study of the psychological climate in the family, relationships between family members, attitudes towards the child.

    Increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents.

    Psychological support for parents.

    Diagnosis of family relationships

    (psychological atmosphere, nature of relationships).

    Maintaining trusting relationships

    Lesson 7.

    “Is it difficult to be a real educator?”

    Getting to know family members, finding out the family microclimate, relationships between family members, parenting style.

    Distribution of information and educational material.

    Questionnaire for parents “How well do you know your child?”

    Conversation “What is family for me?”

    Projective technique “Family Drawing”.

    Questionnaire “punishment in the family.”

    Day 8

    Diagnostics of the communication sphere

    (level of development of communication abilities).

    Introducing a minor to a peer group.


    Lesson 8.

    “Conflict or interaction?”

    Introductory conversation “How to gain sympathy for yourself.”

    Boyko’s questionnaire “Communicative tolerance”.

    Questionnaire “Your street company.”

    “Unfinished sentences” technique.

    Day 9

    Diagnosis of individual - typological characteristics - a tendency to deviant behavior.

    Strengthening positive outlook for the future.

    Maintaining self-confidence.

    Enrichment of the personal sphere with positive emotions.

    Psychological support.

    Lesson 9.

    “Working with negative experiences”

    Introductory conversation “Loneliness of teenagers.”

    Questionnaire “Propensity to SOP”.

    Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire.

    Questionnaire “Drugs and Adolescents.”

    10 day

    Summarizing the results of a diagnostic examination and support during the period of adaptation of a minor to an institution;

    registration of primary psychological-pedagogical conclusions for submission to the SMPK.

    Planning further rehabilitation work with the minor and his family.

    Lesson 10.

    "Set goals."

    Preparation of a conclusion based on the results of primary socio-psychological diagnostics, drawing up recommendations, interaction with teachers.

    List of used literature:

      Koblik E.G. “First time in fifth grade” - a program for children’s adaptation to high school. - M., Genesis, 2003

      Krylova T.A., Strukova M.L. “Social and pedagogical technologies in working with children and families at risk” - M., School Technologies, 2010.

      Ovcharova R.V. “Reference book of a social teacher” - M., TC, 2002.

      Prikul L.V. “Psychological workshop and training” - V., Teacher, 2009

    State government social service institution

    Krasnodar Territory "Kamyshevatsky SRCN"

    I approve

    Director of GKU SO KK

    "Kamyshevatsky SRCN"

    _________ T.L. Moskaleva

    protocol of methodological

    board of the institution

    dated "_____"______20___year No.______

    Adaptation program

    for minors

    located in

    reception department

    with quarantine block

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