• Successful adaptation to kindergarten: basic principles and criteria. Principles of teaching preschoolers in kindergarten



    Why did you choose this profession?

    A child is a restless nature: he is constantly on the move, in search of answers to his questions, he is a researcher exploring the world. Just like a child, I can’t sit still: I want to create, invent something new, comprehend the unknown. I like to be in the world of childhood, where I have the opportunity to create a fairy tale for a child, immersing him in an atmosphere of goodness, love, and miracle.

    What do you consider your greatest achievement in working with children?

    I consider my main achievement in my work to be the emergence of mutual understanding with children and the trust of my students.

    Your basic principles of working with children

    Naturally, the main principle in the work of a teacher is: “Do no harm.” It is very important to adhere to it, because... A child's soul is very vulnerable; any careless, thoughtless action of a teacher can lead to irreversible consequences and ruin a little personality.

    I also adhere to the principle: “Every child is a unique personality” and try to create conditions for the development of everyone’s abilities.

    The next principle in my work is: “Do not allow the child to remain idle.” I believe that a child’s interests need to be developed, stimulated to be busy, and not allow laziness and apathy to creep into the child’s soul.

    I would like to try my hand, to get confirmation that I am on the right path.

    How, in your opinion, can a preschool educational institution solve the problem of shortage of kindergartens in the region:

    How do you imagine the ideal kindergarten of the future:

    IN kindergarten future, the child himself decides what he will do today. Teachers adjust their work to meet the child's needs. Children grow up in an atmosphere of creativity, love and care. Only caring people work in the kindergarten. There are 10-15 children in groups, and the teacher has enough time to work with each individual individually.


    I approach raising children guided by the principles of humanistic pedagogy. My little work experience led me to the idea that children need to be loved and accepted for who they are, and everyone’s uniqueness should be recognized. You should not demand the impossible from them, but it is necessary to create conditions for them under which the child himself would come to an understanding of any requirement for himself and would want to fulfill it.

    I am an adherent of a person-centered approach to raising children and the main requirement for my work is the organization of the educational process based on deep respect for the child’s personality, taking into account his individual characteristics, and treating him as a full participant in the educational process.

    As you know, the basis of personality-oriented education is freedom. I try to adapt to the child’s development process and do not interfere with its course. But it is important not to let the education process take its course. It is necessary to create conditions for the child’s self-development, organize the entire educational process in such a way that, seeing the child’s difficulties, we can help him in a timely manner.

    Now I work in the first younger group. Being a teacher is a big responsibility, and even more so in a group. early age. Joint activities should not only be interesting to children and give them emotional pleasure, but also be aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. That is why my tireless students, led by their senior friend and mentor, come up with something new and exciting every day.

    “We play and develop” - this is what I call my photo report on the methods of educational work with young children.

    I regularly work with my students on sensory development: we learn to examine objects, highlighting their size, shape, color. This work promotes the development of perception and thinking, coordination of hand and eye movements.

    I pay special attention to the development of physical qualities and enrichment of children’s motor experience. Thanks to this work, children master age-appropriate basic movements, show a desire to play outdoor games, and develop physically and spiritually.

    Children learn to play together, imitate the actions of each other and adults, thereby becoming participants in a system of social relations.

    The development of children's creativity is given a special place in my work. I believe that work in this direction contributes to knowledge of the world around us, teaches the child to feel and love its beauty.

    Head of kindergarten:

    During her work, teacher Onoprienko Natalya Anatolyevna showed herself to be a creative person. I would like to note the following professional qualities of the teacher: love for children, hard work, efficiency, discipline, fairness. Personal qualities that should be noted are humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, respect for people, morality, goodwill, and emotional sensitivity.

    Although she is a young teacher, she has been working in kindergarten for 8 years. She went from a kindergarten cook to a teacher, having at one time also been a junior teacher. Natalya Anatolyevna carried out and continues to carry out her work with great responsibility. I notice that children happily come to her group, because the teacher never deprives anyone of his attention, and has his own approach to everyone.

    The teacher found her own forms of interaction with parents: visiting and questioning families, setting up photo stands with reports on working with children in the group, organizing exhibitions of joint creativity, corresponding with parents by e-mail.

    The teacher constantly improves his professional level by attending methodological associations and seminars among urban educational institutions.

    I would like to note the teacher’s creative approach to work. The children of her group are constantly involved in a variety of activities: play, motor, work, etc.

    I think that Natalya Anatolyevna Onoprienko should try her hand at the regional competition “Leaders of Preschool Education”. I think that she will have many worthy opponents, but she is no less worthy of victory, thanks to her approach to work, inexhaustible energy and creativity.


    During her time working in the first junior group, teacher Natalya Anatolyevna Onoprienko showed herself to be a knowledgeable, creative person, capable of finding mutual language with kids. Carrying out the educational process, the teacher is guided by modern requirements in the field of education. Her work is aimed at protecting and strengthening children's health, developing and supporting children's cognitive and creative initiative.

    Natalya Anatolyevna’s classes are distinguished by their focus, variety of methods and techniques, they are interesting and educational. The teacher uses a variety of didactic, visual and handout materials, and computer presentations.

    Natalya Anatolyevna organizes the life activities of children in kindergarten in accordance with the principles of harmonious education: accounting psychological age children, opening prospects, equivalence of the main spheres and free choice. Each child gets the opportunity to master the main spheres of life (“nature”, “society”, “self-knowledge”), he has the right of self-determination, free choice (what, how and with whom he will do). The completion of one or another act of activity should open up new horizons of activity and carry within it an incentive to set a new goal and task.

    Natalya Anatolyevna - creative teacher, an open and friendly person. She is the one who deserves to win the competition, because... her professionalism and responsible attitude to her work help our children grow and develop in accordance with their capabilities and needs. Children feel the comfort of the group, the location of the teacher, no one feels left out.


    My child attends the group in which Natalya Anatolyevna Onoprienko works. I think that we were very lucky that we ended up with her.

    I would like to note such professional qualities of the teacher as attentiveness, patience, and a person-oriented approach to the child. Personal qualities worth highlighting are kindness, calmness, sensitivity, balance, willingness to help, desire to cooperate, and sociability. The teacher fully copes with his job: he knows how to use playful moments when organizing and conducting classes, he knows how to convey complex concepts to the consciousness of children in a form accessible to them.

    I think that if Natalya Anatolyevna wins, she will be happy to share her experiences in the field of raising and developing children with everyone. Winning the competition will give the teacher confidence in the correctness of his actions and will give impetus to improving his professional qualities.

    Secrets of the profession

    “Each profession has a special smell...”

    Gianni Rodari

    Why did I choose this profession?

    My whole life is a search. And this search led me to the profession of a teacher - a speech therapist.

    Having worked as a teacher and speech therapist for 20 years, I never cease to rejoice that I chose such a relevant and humane profession that harmoniously combines the compassion of medicine, the wisdom of pedagogy and the insight of psychology.

    I love my profession because it gives me the opportunity every day to come into contact with the world of childhood, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day,see the smiles on children’s faces when they succeed and rejoice with them even at the smallest success,for what my profession has been and will always be.

    And if children's speech suffers,

    There is no harmony in the pronunciation of sounds,

    I will come to their aid

    After all, I am a teacher - a speech therapist!

    What do I consider the highest achievements in working with children?

    The highest reward for me is when a child learns to speak beautifully and express his thoughts correctly. So that the child’s speech gurgles like a stream, which ultimately connects with the ocean of high thoughts, ideas, and a unique personality. Overcoming a speech disorder,his views on the world, his relationship with others change, he becomes more open to establishing contacts with other people, more receptive to new knowledge, feeling like a full-fledged person.What happiness you feel when you hear the grammatically and phonetically correct speech of the children whom you taught, with whom you went through all the difficulties and achieved what you wanted.

    If you teach baby talk,

    He will tell you about what is happening in life.

    How the sun rises and how it sets……………..

    Basic principles of working with children?

    My pedagogical principle is to help the child open up, instill confidence in him, and make him feel his self-worth. educational activities. My Golden Rule: speech therapist's office - cooperation between a child and an adult! I choose the syllable SO:Empathy, Assistance,CREATION,Creation,Sympathy.

    Why did I decide to participate in the competition?

    First of all, the desire to talk about such a significant, interesting and necessary profession as,teacher speech therapist.

    For me, participation in the competition is a new stage in my professional growth, going up one step. Overcoming each step is an impetus for a new start. Forward and only forward! Participation in the competition gives me the opportunity to open up, express myself, and realize my creative potential. This is an incentive for self-analysis and self-education.

    Profession teacher - speech therapist - this means

    Be an example everywhere, in everything!

    And I can’t live any other way,

    And the competition is a “new testing ground”.

    How, in my opinion, can a preschool educational institution solve the problem of the shortage of kindergartens in the region?

    In order to implement “pre-school education” provided for by the Federal Development Program in the Saratov Region and solve the problem of lack of places in kindergartens, for 6 years (since 2006) a group has been working at the MADOU “CRR-Kindergarten No. 13” short stay. Every year, 20 girls and boys attend this group, which is open to children who do not attend preschool educational institutions. The purpose of the work of this group: Realization of the right to education of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions; Providing children aged 5–6 years with the necessary developmental preparation on the eve of school; (over the years, 106 children received pre-school training and were sent to school.

    How do I imagine the kindergarten of the future?

    The kindergarten of the future must be unique. To become a second home: good, bright, kind, not only for the child, but also for his family, with a rich content - play and subject-spatial environment (the speech therapist’s office is large, equipped with information and communication tools: a computer, an interactive board, a thematic library of discs with game computer programs, relaxation corner). Create a health-saving space for preschool educational institutions. Take into account the needs of parents and form a close connection: children-parents-teachers - science - the public - in conditions of confidential communication and constructive dialogue. The kindergarten of the future must be able to build this Future. In his hands are the sprouts of this Future!

    My approach to working with children

    It all starts with love.....

    They say:

    “In the beginning was the Word.”

    And I declare again:

    It all starts with love!

    Both insight and work.

    Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child -

    It all starts with love.

    With love!

    I know that for sure.

    Then I start creating!

    I take the white cup of patience,

    I pour there a full heart of love

    I throw two handfuls of generosity there

    And I'll sprinkle a bag of kindness there

    I will mix all this thoroughly

    And I offer it to everyone who comes my way.

    Patience and creativity, perseverance and victory -
    Here are the main stages in the work of a speech therapist.
    All Nadi, Vani, Vitya must speak,
    And it depends on me whether to be one or not.

    And if children have problems with speech,

    Then I give practical advice:

    The solution to the problem will be provided

    Only a professional teacher - a speech therapist.

    I work with preschool children

    I develop hearing and speech with them,

    I consider the main concern:

    Protect children's health.

    I teach speech communication

    Grammar and vocabulary are my subject.

    Breathing, phonation, articulation

    I will teach with knowledge of the matter, the teacher is a speech therapist.

    I work subtly, patiently,

    Adding up the result from small victories,

    I work skillfully and efficiently

    I am a qualified master, a speech therapist.

    And... sounds suddenly appeared, syllables appeared,
    And then the words will go along the right path.

    At the very first meeting I often hear: “Datte”
    And at parting, a clear: “Health and happiness to you!”

    I love my job selflessly

    And for me there is no better job.

    I dedicate my aspirations to children

    I am proud of my profession - a speech therapist teacher!

    I confidently walk along the most necessary and important planet in the world - the planet of childhood, on which I live and work, I constantly step forward along the chosen path, develop professionally, get to know the world around me, get to know myself. And thanks to everyone who empathizes, helps, inspires, understands and even walks alongside: my senior colleagues, parents, relatives, friends and.. of course children!

    Any of us came into this world

    Do good, hope, love.

    Laugh, cry, but at the same time

    We must speak clearly and beautifully!

    The learning process carried out in kindergarten is an integral part of the educational process and is aimed at the overall development of the child’s personality. The purpose of teaching preschoolers is to convey to children the socio-historical experience of humanity.

    For two centuries, the main thing in working with preschoolers was their upbringing, which, of course, included training, but it was not in the first place.

    The introduction of preschool education instead of preschool education is not an empty formality. Under this they are drawn up state standards. But when creating educational programs for preschoolers, a close connection with all areas of development and education of preschool children is imperative.

    To carry out any activity it is necessary knowledge, more precisely, a body of knowledge, including knowledge about methods of activity. However, for the normal implementation of activities, knowledge alone is not enough.

    You can know what needs to be done, know the methods of activity, but not be able to carry them out. In other words, for any activity (intellectual, practical) you need skills. For example, a child has seen and knows: in order to lace boots or sneakers, you need to thread the laces into the holes in a certain way, but if he has never done this himself, he will not develop the necessary skills and will not be able to lace the shoes himself.

    It follows that important components learning experience are skills and abilities, which the child also receives during the learning process.

    Another component of the experience of human activity, which is not given in a ready-made form for assimilation and which is not exhausted by knowledge and skills, does not coincide with them, is experience of creative activity.

    Creative activity is characterized by a number of features that do not appear by themselves; they must be purposefully formed.

    And finally, one more (fourth) element of social experience stands out - experience of a person’s emotionally integral relationship to the world and to people.

    The mastery of the selected elements of social experience purposefully begins in a preschool educational institution. And it happens like this Everyday life, and in the process of targeted training, organized and carried out by educators and kindergarten teachers.

    Principles of teaching preschoolers

    The educational activities of preschool children are systematic and purposeful. Education of children fulfills the tasks of developing the child’s personality, his abilities, mastering initial concepts and basic knowledge from various areas of human life.

    The organizational form of education in kindergarten is classes, which differ from lessons at school in structure, less stringent requirements and duration, and a greater degree of cooperation between the teacher and children.

    The main feature of educational sessions with preschoolers is that cognitive activity is based on based on the child’s practical, mental actions and mental actions with prompts, as well as on sensory images. However, the general patterns and principles of teaching preschool children and primary schoolchildren are the same.

    Knowledge of these principles ensures the productivity of solving educational, educational and developmental problems.

    The principles of teaching are the starting points that determine the activities of the teacher and the nature of the cognitive activity of students. Ignorance of the principles or their inept application hinders the success of learning, complicates the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of the child’s personality traits.

    The set of principles allows us to characterize the entire educational process, all aspects of the activities of teachers and cognitive activity children.

    Knowledge in the experience of mankind is located in a certain system. They cannot be absorbed chaotically, in disorder. This side of learning is reflected principle of systematicity. Sometimes it is called the principle of systematic and consistent teaching, meaning by sequence the arrangement of material in accordance with the age-related developmental capabilities of children.

    The educational process loses its meaning if its content is inaccessible to assimilation. It follows from this accessibility principle educational material.

    Sensory images and children’s ideas about the world around them are necessary components of any learning. This side of the educational process led to the justification the principle of visibility.

    Knowledge must be realized by children, and this requires high cognitive activity. IN otherwise the material is quickly forgotten and becomes an episode in the children’s lives. Hence the need the principle of consciousness and activity in children's learning.

    Knowledge, abilities and skills must be strong to ensure high overall development and the opportunity to learn at a higher level. Principle of learning strength reveals this side of children's development.

    In kindergartens and schools, a group form of organizing educational classes has been adopted.

    However, the child thinks, experiences, and works in accordance with his personal characteristics of character, temperament, and mind. An individual approach increases the effectiveness of learning, which has long been noticed in the practical activities of educators and teachers. This feature of the pedagogical process is reflected in the principle of individualization of children's development V learning process.

    Famous teacher and psychologist L.V. Zankov proposed four principles in relation to the initial stage of children’s acquisition of educational material: high level difficulties, the leading role of theoretical knowledge, the rapid pace of learning the material, children’s awareness of the results of learning. These principles represent a further, deeper development of the principles mentioned above. Research by L.V. Zankov and his followers revealed great potential for the overall development of children.

    The principle of scientific teaching

    The process of cognition of the surrounding world is complex, contradictory, and includes various stages, forms, types. The scientific nature of knowledge lies in moving from phenomenon to essence, from the external description of an object to its internal structure. If educational material allows us to imagine only the external, observable properties of objects, then such knowledge will be pre-scientific. They are used in teaching in order to create the basis of scientific knowledge and give an idea of ​​the diversity of the surrounding reality.

    Scientific knowledge leads to an awareness of the laws of the theory of science. Certain sciences emerge, on the basis of which the selection of educational material is carried out.

    The scientific principle determines the place of scientific knowledge in pedagogical process.

    Initial scientific knowledge arises on the basis of a child’s diverse ideas about the world around him. The process of transition of a child’s thoughts from his usual sensory cognition to conceptual forms of thinking is complex and contradictory. The success of teaching preschoolers largely depends on how the teacher or educator organizes the mental activity of children.

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the totality of sensory images that form the basis of the original concept. Then generalize and systematize ideas so that the child can imagine that side of reality that is characterized in the concept. Next, the teacher identifies the available scientific signs of concept formation.

    The principle of scientific teaching imposes certain requirements on the organization of children’s cognitive activity.

    When starting to learn, you need to understand well and correctly build the process of transition of thought from phenomenon to essence, from external, observable properties to internal ones.

    The program educational material should contain the possibilities of various approaches to explaining reality. This provides the basis for a creative search for a teacher, for an individual approach to students.

    The teacher must know ways to systematize and generalize the child’s ideas in the process of forming initial scientific concepts.

    The principle of systematic training

    This principle includes the following basic provisions:

    1. Educational material as a reflection of aspects of the surrounding reality is a system of knowledge. This system arises on the basis of knowledge of the relationship between objects of reality.

    2. The teacher must know the primary source of educational knowledge in order to convey to the child’s consciousness real relationships, connections between objects and phenomena.

    3. Children’s learning of educational material depends on the teacher’s explanation. The level of training of the teacher, his creativity and skill ensure a deep and systematic assimilation of knowledge by children. The same content can be studied in different ways, methods, and means.

    Educators and teachers conducting classes with preschoolers must find a system for explaining the material that is reasonable for the given specific conditions.

    4. The system for studying educational material must correspond to the age capabilities of children.

    5. The knowledge system should involve the development of logical thinking - operations of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, development of deductive (transition from a single or less general to more generalized conclusions) forms of thinking, etc.

    6. Each lesson in the educational system should be productive - children must understand program material, be able to carry out logical operations, etc. The goal of training should be the development of attention, memory, imagination, feelings, and the development of character traits that help overcome difficulties in the learning process.

    Accessibility principle

    This principle is based on the ability of educators and teachers to correlate the educational process with the level of development of children, their personal experience, with the knowledge, skills and abilities that they possess. If these connections cannot be established, the knowledge is considered inaccessible.

    Teachers’ understanding of the peculiarities of the connection between the new and the known in the child’s mind also helps to increase the degree of accessibility of knowledge.

    Domestic psychologist L.S. Vygotsky put forward the idea of ​​accelerated development of the child’s mental powers in the educational process. Education, he believed, should precede and lead development. The process can be built on thinking mechanisms that have not yet been fully formed, but are already sufficient to assimilate new content. Under these conditions, a higher intellectual level of development of children will be intensively formed.

    Reliance on developing, but not yet perfect, mechanisms of cognitive activity accelerates the development of children and increases the accessibility of learning.

    The accessibility of education increases if teachers strive to cultivate curiosity in children and develop cognitive interests.

    Thus, the principle of accessibility places the following requirements on the educational process:

    The teacher must know the level of development of cognitive mental processes, those types and operations of thinking that are formed in children and which are being formed;

    A condition contributing to the accessibility of education should be the formation of children’s cognitive interests;

    The teacher must understand the importance of educational material for solving the problems of the overall development of children.

    The principle of visualization of learning

    For the first time in pedagogy, the theoretical justification for the principle of visual teaching was given by Ya.A. Komensky in the 17th century. The very title of his book – “The World of Sensibly Perceptible Things in Pictures” – shows a path that facilitates the cognitive activity of children. Drawings and paintings are means that allow a child to imagine the objects, phenomena, and events being studied.

    In teaching practice, long before Ya.A. Comenius used visual images in the process of studying book material in schools in China, Greece, and Rome.

    Significantly enriched the method of visual teaching by K.D. Ushinsky. He developed a number of ways and techniques for working with visual aids.

    The principle of visual learning is implemented with the help of special aids. Visual aids are divided into natural, pictorial, schematic, volumetric, planar, etc.

    Essential features of a visual aid:

    Any material or symbolic model can be a visual aid;

    A visual aid is always a means of cognition, not a goal;

    Visual aids are the basis for the formation of a sensory image, a representation, from which a generalizing conclusion is drawn using inferences. . ‘

    There are three things to keep in mind when working with visual aids:

    Possibility of feedback;

    The connection between emerging ideas about real objects, phenomena, and events with the content of visual material.

    The principle of consciousness and activity in teaching children

    This principle is aimed at developing in children a conscious understanding of the material, a conscious attitude to learning, cognitive activity. Currently, the process of acquiring knowledge is becoming creative. More and more attention is focused on the child’s attitude towards the activity. If a child wants to learn, it is easier for him to master educational material.

    It is possible to master educational material only with sufficient activity of cognitive mental processes. The latter is an expression of the child’s internal state, his cognitive powers and properties.

    For each child, the activity of cognition is determined by the difficulty or ease of mastering educational material, the ability to fulfill the requirements of the teacher or educator, and the development of educational skills.

    The task of the educator and teacher is to create conditions for increasing the general cognitive activity of children, to form a positive attitude towards educational activities, and to cultivate independence and efficiency. . . . —

    Principle of learning strength

    The strength of knowledge is the result of many factors, the most important of which are pedagogical skill and the child’s desire to learn.

    Basic requirements of the learning strength principle:

    1. Identification of the main idea in the educational material, reflecting its essential features, the main provisions that subordinate other parts of the educational material.

    2. Connection of the main idea of ​​the educational material with the child’s existing knowledge. The main thing should be related to what children know about the issue. Otherwise, the main position becomes isolated and loses its subjective significance in the child’s mental activity.

    3. Knowledge must be included in the child’s system of views and reasoning, then it becomes his internal property and he does not forget it.

    4. Knowledge becomes strong if it is connected with the feelings, emotions, and experiences of children. If studying educational material causes a child to feel joy or grief, or experience success, then the knowledge is retained for a long time.

    5. Inclusion of the studied phenomena in the practical activities of children. Related educational material practical actions and exercises, is permanently fixed in the child’s memory.

    The principle of individualization of training

    Group forms of learning educational material are based on general psychological and pedagogical principles age development children. You need to know the level of personality development of children in order to explain new things and be sure that children will be able to understand and assimilate the content of the lessons.

    However, each child, in addition to general properties, also has individual qualities that can positively or negatively influence the progress of learning.

    Individualization of learning involves taking these features into account and organizing the educational process accordingly.

    An individual approach allows you to set and solve various specific tasks:

    Constantly study the characteristics of the child’s personality, identify the factors that have the most significant impact on him;

    Look for means of an individual approach and a system of individual pedagogical influences.

    The above-mentioned principles of education impart unity to the practical activities of educators and teachers and the cognitive activity of children.

    Tasks for independent work

    1. Expand the concept of the principles of teaching preschool children.

    2. The principle of accessibility of training and its implementation in kindergarten classes.

    3. How do you understand the principle of systematic teaching of preschool children?

    4. Ways to implement the principle of visibility in the educational process.

    5. Give an analysis of a training session on one of the program topics, in which the problems of children’s mental development were solved.

    Preschool education of children includes several different areas. On the one hand, this is the formation universal human values necessary for a child to grow up tolerant, self-confident and sociable. On the other hand, this is the time when it is necessary to prepare him for school, to lay down basic skills and concepts.

    Basic principles of preschool education of children

    With the changes taking place in society, the approach to raising children also changes. If earlier children were influenced by imposing a feeling of guilt on them, instilling correct habits through coercion and prohibitions, today modern children actually do not respond to such methods. That is why psychologists and progressive teachers believe that the basic principles of raising preschool children should be revised taking into account the changes that have occurred in society.

    At the core modern methods education lies in mutual respect and cooperation between adults and children, while the necessary trust and openness of relationships requires great dedication from adults, who also for successful preschool education children need to change their own stereotypes.

    We can highlight the basic principles on which the upbringing of children is based today:

    • A respectful attitude that does not allow humiliation, violence and authoritarian pressure;
    • Freedom of choice, which allows the child to fully reveal his inherent abilities. At the same time, we are not talking about complete freedom without adult control. It is necessary to create the conditions necessary for the comprehensive development and preschool education of children, allowing them to acquire knowledge and skills as easily and simply as possible in a safe environment;
    • Help in decision making, which is to show the advantages, disadvantages and possible consequences from certain actions;
    • Explanation of your requirements and actions. This will allow the child to understand that the adult is not putting pressure on him, but is trying to protect him from danger or teach him the discipline necessary in life;
    • Constant communication, which allows not only to establish a trusting relationship between parents and child, but also contributes to the development of correct speech;
    • Supporting any endeavors and encouraging initiative, which will allow you to develop self-confidence and responsibility for your actions;
    • Showing feelings towards the child. It seems to many parents that the child a priori knows that he is loved. However, this is not true, and the baby needs daily confirmation that he is truly loved. Love can be expressed different ways– with kind words, time spent together and approval.

    Parenting and preschool education of children

    The principles of raising preschool children determine the work of a teacher preschool and are necessary for successful learning and the child’s complete assimilation of the necessary knowledge.

    During preschool education of children and organization of the learning process, the task of the educator and teacher is to create the necessary conditions for increasing the general cognitive activity of children, forming a positive attitude towards educational activities, nurturing independence and performance.

    One of the basic principles of preschool education of children and the formation of a child’s personality traits is systematicity and consistency. Thanks to this, all the necessary skills and knowledge are presented depending on age with gradual complication.

    Systematic training includes the following concepts:

    • The provided educational material must reflect various aspects of the surrounding reality and be generalized into a unified system of knowledge;
    • The teacher's qualifications should allow him to convey the necessary knowledge as complexity increases, taking into account what the child can understand depending on age and ability;
    • The curriculum should promote gradual development logical thinking and include its various components - comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, development of deductive forms of thinking;
    • The ultimate goal of the lesson should be understanding and assimilation of new material, as well as the development of feelings, attention, imagination, memory and the formation of character traits such as determination and perseverance in overcoming emerging difficulties.

    In addition, another a necessary condition To build the correct learning process is the availability of educational material. The pedagogy of M. Montessori is based on this principle, who believed that for the comprehensive development of a child it is necessary to provide him with all the necessary aids and teaching materials. Activities with children should stimulate cognitive activity.

    Any material or iconic model can serve as a visual aid. However, you need to understand that this is just a tool of knowledge, not a goal. Therefore, when using them, you need to take into account its content and the possibility of feedback.

    The upbringing and preschool education of children should be based on an individual approach, taking into account the personal characteristics of the child’s character, his temperament, inclinations and abilities. An individual approach to training and education significantly increases the effectiveness of classes and allows you to more fully reveal talents at an early age.

    Thanks to an individual approach to preschool education of children, the teacher can fully study the personal characteristics of the child and identify the factors that have the most significant impact on him.

    The principle of scientific teaching lies in the transition from the external description of an object to its internal structure, from knowledge of a phenomenon to its essence. Taking into account these requirements, educational material should be built, which will allow the child to get an idea of ​​​​the diversity of the external world around him.

    Another necessary principle in preschool education of children is the strength of acquired knowledge and skills. To do this, the teacher must:

    One of the tasks of upbringing and preschool education of children is the correct construction of cognitive activity, which will stimulate the development of logical and imaginative thinking. Therefore, the teacher must be able to explain processes from various points of view and form the child’s initial scientific concepts.


    Determining the principles of teaching preschool children

    1 Scientific principle

    2 The principle of visibility

    3 Principle of accessibility

    4 The principle of activity and consciousness

    5 The principle of systematicity, consistency and gradualism

    6 The principle of developmental education

    7 Accounting principle age characteristics and an individual approach to children in education

    Foreign experience teaching preschool children


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    Bringing to the fore social function modern education forces us to take a fresh look at the problems of selecting content and organizing the processes of upbringing and teaching preschool children.

    The well-known isolation of the preschool institution from real world, the strict scientific-systemic principle of selecting and structuring the content of education and training programs, far from the specific interests of children, makes the processes of a child’s appropriation of cultural and historical experience, development and self-development in meaningful activities difficult.

    Modern active searches in the field of preschool pedagogy, reflected mainly in the creation of numerous programs, indicate attempts to overcome the above contradiction.

    Personally oriented educational activities are based on a new understanding of the function of a preschool institution as an open social and educational institution that provides pedagogical assistance and support to the families of its students, as well as compensating for existing problems in their behavior and development. The latter is possible only if there is trust, partnership and cooperation with the parents and relatives of the children. This work reveals the ways and means of “cultivating” the joint existence of adults who are significant for the child - educators and parents, as well as the possibility of involving in the learning process in kindergarten the holistic social space of children’s lives, events and situations that have personal meaning for them. At the same time, we turn to the analysis of both domestic and foreign modern theory and practices in early childhood education.

    1. Determination of the principles of teaching preschool children

    Preschool education is an integral part and the first link in a unified system of lifelong education, where the formation of the foundations of personality occurs. In accordance with the generally accepted age periodization of human development, preschool childhood covers the period from birth to 6 years, when the active formation of the motor, sensory and intellectual spheres of the child, the development of his speech and basic mental processes occur. The high intensity of the process of personality formation during preschool childhood makes it possible to especially effectively carry out pedagogical interaction with the child and solve the problems of his development, education and training.

    At the same time, children develop a more loyal attitude towards work, an interest in labor activity adults, hard work. Teaching and upbringing are usually in one whole: by teaching, we educate, and by educating, we teach.

    At the same time, training and education, as unique aspects of a single process, have their own composition, their own specific methods, their own material and psychological prerequisites. On early stages In the lives of children, education and upbringing appear in a closer unity, and it is difficult to differentiate them, but as the child grows up, upbringing and education become more clearly differentiated. But this does not mean at all that teaching loses its educational power, and education ceases to be educational. Education at all stages of child development remains educational, and education remains educational.

    The principles of teaching are the starting points that the teacher uses when selecting the content, organization and methods of teaching. They reflect the internal natural aspects of the activities of the teacher and the child, determine the effectiveness of learning at various age stages with various forms of educational organization.

    The principles of learning are not once and for all accepted categories. As psychological and pedagogical science develops, they are improved, acquiring a deeper justification (the principle of active learning, developmental learning, etc.).

    The organizational form of education is classes that differ from lessons at school in structure, less stringent requirements, and a greater degree of cooperation between the teacher and children. The main feature of educational classes with preschoolers is that cognitive activity is built on the basis of the child’s practical, mental actions and mental actions with prompting. However, the general patterns and principles of teaching preschool children and primary schoolchildren are the same. Knowledge of these principles ensures the productivity of solving educational, educational and developmental problems.

    The success of the learning process largely depends on the principles that guide the teacher in his organization. These provisions or laws of teaching are called in pedagogy - didactic principles of teaching.

    The principles of teaching are the starting points that determine the activities of the teacher and the nature of the cognitive activity of students. Ignorance of the principles or their inept application hinders the success of learning, complicates the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of the child’s personality traits.

    The set of principles allows us to characterize the entire educational process, all aspects of the teacher’s activity and the cognitive activity of children. The following principles of teaching preschool children are used in practice.

    1.1 Scientific principle

    Its essence lies in the fact that real knowledge that correctly reflects reality should penetrate into the child’s consciousness. In the classroom, the teacher definitely forms in children specific ideas and knowledge about the world around them, which do not conflict with what the school will teach. A schoolchild’s initial scientific knowledge does not arise out of nowhere, but on the basis of real ideas acquired by children in kindergarten. Thus, a deeper scientific knowledge of reality arises on the basis of a less profound one. Undoubtedly, it is not easy to adhere to this principle when explaining the simplest things to preschoolers. Didactics is designed to prepare educational material in such a way that, on the one hand, it correctly reflects the surrounding reality, and on the other hand, it would be understandable and accessible to children. The scientific principle ensures the formation in preschool children of elements of a dialectical-materialistic understanding of the world around them.

    Scientists have thought about this problem more than once. Where is the age limit, pointing to which we could confidently say: this is the time when we need to begin forming the elements of a materialistic understanding of the reality surrounding the child. Many who understood the importance and relevance of this problem gave up in indecision when opponents cried out: is it possible to solve this problem regarding preschool age?

    .2 Principle of visibility

    training education preschool

    The importance of this principle is determined by the specific thinking of a child in kindergarten. The principle of visibility is not new. At the same time, it is possible that in the process of a child’s development, qualities are formed in him that are directly opposite to those that we would like to see.

    The period of preschool childhood - favorable time for the gradual formation in the child of the foundations of a scientific worldview, that the knowledge, experience of activity, attitude, behavior acquired at this age stage - all this, taken together, prepares in the child that qualitative leap that occurs in the process of formation of the worldview at a later age stage - schooling.

    It is no coincidence that children strive to convey any story in figurative language, to imagine it in the form of some kind of visual picture or event. The most complex mental skills - reasoning, counting, proving, analyzing and comparing - come from initial external actions, from working with specific objects. To learn to count in your head, you need to work hard, counting real objects. Real objects and visual images help proper organization mental activity of children. The importance of visual learning is convincingly confirmed by studies that show that basic information is acquired by a person through visual and auditory perception. Visual information is perceived instantly. Auditory information enters our brain sequentially and takes much longer.

    Implementing the principle of visibility in the pedagogical process of kindergarten means enriching and expanding the child’s direct sensory experience and clarifying his empirical knowledge.

    In preschool institutions, the following types of visual aids are used in the learning process:



    .conditionally - symbolic clarity.

    Using object visualization, I show children natural objects of the outside world, three-dimensional images (toys, models, models of vegetables, fruits).

    When using figurative clarity, I show children pictures, illustrations, and slides.

    When using conditionally symbolic clarity, mathematical signs, diagrams of words, sentences, and tables for studying the composition of numbers are demonstrated.

    In teaching children in the classroom, visualization is used, first of all, in connection with imparting new knowledge to children, as well as when consolidating it, when organizing children’s independent activities.

    The following requirements are imposed on the visuals used in the classroom: they must fully reflect everything around them, correspond to the level of development of preschool children, be highly artistic in content and design,

    .3 Principle of accessibility

    What the child educator teaches must be understandable to him and also definitely correspond to the child’s development.

    There is nothing that educators and psychologists argue about more these days than accessibility. What knowledge, at what age and under what conditions can be given to children? About 15 years ago, they still respected the traditional prohibition: you cannot start learning to read and write before the age of five. Today it is allowed to teach a child even earlier, as long as the rule is sacredly observed: to arouse interest, to encourage the child himself to expect the next “lesson”. If only there was no forced learning, teach with play, with passion.

    To master literacy, a child must learn to distinguish the phonetic side of the text. In addition, children at this age are characterized by physiological tongue-tiedness (they do not know how to pronounce hissing, whistling sounds, etc.), which means that it is impossible to prepare them for direct learning to read and write.

    An essential feature of the principle of accessibility is the connection of the acquired knowledge with that which has already been formed in the child’s mind. If such a connection cannot be established, then knowledge will be inaccessible to children.

    However, what is accessible in teaching children cannot be used as an example of what is easy. Easy training does not cause any mental effort or tension in children, and therefore does not contribute to their development. Accessible learning always involves setting children such tasks, such tasks, the solution or implementation of which would be feasible for children and at the same time cause some strain on their mental powers.

    .4 The principle of activity and awareness

    Experimental data show that if children do not show interest in learning, then the information coming from the teacher to the child is not perceived by them. Even with neutral mental state child, information coming from outside is not perceived by the child’s brain.

    The practice of kindergarten shows that many children are intellectually passive due to the fact that the teacher, when explaining educational material, does not provide in advance techniques that activate the child’s cognitive abilities, thinking and behavior, when he “chews” everything down to the smallest details himself, without relying on activity and independence of the child, who has no choice but to “swallow” the next dose of material.

    The meaning of this principle lies in the fact that the more a child solves practical and cognitive problems on his own, the more effective his development is. The most important indicator of the effectiveness of learning is the manifestation of cognitive activity and independence by children. The basis of this reaction is the indicative-exploratory reflex. The development of the child’s cognitive abilities and creative powers depends on the teacher and the methods and techniques he uses.

    .5 Principle of systematicity, consistency and gradualism

    This means that the composition of the training and the specific tasks for its assimilation meet all didactic rules: to go in training from easy to more difficult, from what children already know to the new, unknown, from simple to complex, from close to distant.

    Consistency involves studying educational material in such a way that the assimilation of new things is based on the children’s existing knowledge and prepares a further stage in children’s cognitive activity. Based on the program, the teacher determines and prepares the next “dose” of educational material for learning. Each such “dose”, part of the educational material, is presented in conjunction with the previous ones, in complication.

    The principle of connection with life follows from the dialectical-materialist law of the unity of theory and practice. Of course, the connection with life for young children is limited by their capabilities. Their life is play, work, activities. The acquired knowledge should be used in the specified activities.

    .6 Principle of developmental training

    This reveals the dialectical nature of the learning process. Amazing things happen to a child. Yesterday he still couldn’t do something, but today he learned. What seemed difficult yesterday has already been mastered and become simple today. Children gradually become aware of their own growth and become interested in learning. In order for learning to be an exciting, inspired work for children, it is necessary to awaken in children and constantly support the desire to learn, the desire to learn new things. It is this desire that is the emotional stimulus for the child’s independent and active thought. The secret of developing interest in educational activities lies in the child’s personal successes, in his feeling of growth in his capabilities, in mastering educational material. This means that the more success a child has in knowledge and learning, the higher and more stable his desire to acquire new knowledge.

    .7 The principle of taking into account age characteristics and an individual approach to children in education

    Children of preschool age differ from each other in everything, including speed of thinking, behavior, etc. Individual differences in children are explained by various natural characteristics, as well as different conditions life and education.

    The main way to study the characteristics of preschool children is systematic observation of the child; individual and group conversations; assessment of the results of their tasks, etc. The purpose of the study is to, based on positive traits personality, to prevent and overcome existing deficiencies in mental and moral development child.

    The teacher must know what each child is capable of. Some of the 25 - 30 children quickly grasp the educational material, and some - slowly. You cannot demand the impossible from a preschooler. It is necessary to study the child’s personality, take a closer look at him, and identify his character.

    An individual approach is used to create conditions for the comprehensive development of each child and prevent the influence of unpleasant circumstances on his development. Thus, children with impaired vision and hearing during classes are seated closer to the teacher, closer to visual aids so that they can better hear the explanation and clearly see the display of the sample and demonstration material.

    The teacher restrains impulsive children with weak inhibitory reactions by developing their will. Some children, especially those who have just come to kindergarten, often have slow speech and an insufficient vocabulary. Such children should not be rushed when answering or telling stories. It is necessary to cultivate a favorable attitude towards them on the part of their comrades.

    In kindergarten there are children who do not have the habit of mental work; they love to play, but are reluctant to do so. It is these children who need to be given the opportunity to experience the joy of success, which will increase their interest in the content of the lesson and in mental work.

    The teacher’s work takes into account the following parameters of the child’s individuality:

    1.the nature of switching mental processes;

    2.level of knowledge and skills;


    .level of independence and activity;

    .attitude towards learning;

    .level of volitional development.

    Guided by didactic principles, you can achieve better results in teaching preschool children.

    Thus, the above principles of teaching impart unity to the practical activities of the teacher and the cognitive activities of children. The methods, content, and organization of educational sessions with preschool children are significantly dependent on the teacher’s understanding of the principles of teaching and the ability to apply them in their activities.

    2. Foreign experience in teaching preschool children

    In foreign pedagogy, the solution to the problem of interaction between family and preschool institution differs significantly from the solution to the same issue in Russian pedagogy. There, the focus is on the child and his family, and the interaction of the preschool institution with parents is seen as helping parents in raising a child, and not as teaching parents what teachers know.

    This approach is determined by differences in public policy in Russia and abroad, where preschool institutions, in contrast to former USSR, are not controlled by the state, that is, they are not institutions designed to provide public education. Therefore, when organizing the activities of preschool institutions in other countries and determining their goals, they take into account, first of all, the position of the family, both parents and children.

    In England there are public (free) and private preschool institutions. They are subordinate to the authorities in charge of primary and secondary education. Official instructions regarding the content of work or programs does not exist. Employees of preschool institutions draw up programs independently, taking into account the recommendations given at special conferences and courses. The guiding principles in the work of preschool institutions are the child’s self-expression in activities such as the best means identifying abilities and setting for their spontaneous, spontaneous development.

    In the United States, there is also no single preschool education program, no single state system, no general laws, so work in each state is structured differently. In the USA, preschool institutions are different: public kindergartens at public schools, universities, colleges, private kindergartens and children's centers. The concept of preschool education is largely based on the pragmatic pedagogy of J. Dewey. In accordance with it, independent activity of children predominates in preschool institutions, and games with building materials are widely used. Much attention is devoted to teaching children the ability to independently plan their work, carry it out carefully, and bring it to the end. Children are taught to be leaders.

    France also has public and private preschools. They were included in the public education system in 1982, while the state ones are free and secular, and the private ones, which are attended by children of wealthy parents, work on various educational programs.

    The abundance of educational programs and the focus of preschool education primarily on the family, and not on society as a whole, are expressed in different pedagogical approaches to the interaction between family and preschool institution. The following models of interaction with parents can be distinguished: Adlerian model, educational theoretical model, sensory communication model, model based on transactional analysis by E. Berne, group consultation model by X. Ginota, etc.


    Thus, in order for the education of preschool children to be effective and bring good results, it is enough to follow the basic principles of education:

    The principle of learning in gaming activities. Play activities in preschool age is the leading activity. Therefore, it is most effective to conduct training sessions in game form.

    Classes should be conducted in an interesting way for children and active form. If the classes are interesting to the child, he actively takes part in them and thereby knowledge is acquired faster and more reliably.

    The principle of visibility. When working with children, this teaching principle is one of the leading ones. In preschoolers, visual-figurative thinking still predominates. This is why it is so important to provide your child with clear example and material.

    The principle of consistency. Training must be sequential, that is, knowledge is given from simple to complex, and not vice versa.

    The principle of accessibility and individuality. This means that knowledge and skills should be given to the child taking into account his age and individual characteristics.

    Compliance with these principles will help the baby develop harmoniously and effectively.

    List of sources used

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