• Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents. Model of psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents. Methods and techniques of therapeutic influence


    Methods of psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior

    Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to point out various types of concepts, as well as methods and methods of educational actions. The problems of psychological and pedagogical correction of deviant behavior were dealt with by such scientists as E.K. Gracheva, V.P. Kashchenko, G.I. Rossolimo, G.Ya. Troshin, A.F. Lazursky, A.V. Vladimirsky, N.V. Chekhov and others

    The choice and expediency of using one or another correction method are determined by the age characteristics of the correction object and the factors prevailing in each specific case aggressive behavior.

    Smirnova T.P. highlights the basic directions for correcting aggressive behavior:

    1. Consultative work with parents and teachers aimed at removing provoking factors of aggressive behavior in children.

    2. Teaching the child constructive behavioral reactions in a problem situation. Removing destructive elements in behavior.

    3. Teaching your child techniques and ways to manage their own anger. Developing control over destructive emotions.

    4. Reducing the level of personal anxiety.

    5. Formation of awareness of one’s own emotions and the feelings of other people, development of empathy.

    6. Development of positive self-esteem.

    7. Teaching the child to express his anger in an acceptable way that is safe for himself and others.

    Whatever the reason for the development of aggressiveness in a child, psychologists and teachers must have at hand real tools to eliminate the causes and consequences of a child’s aggressive behavior. One of the models of such a tool was proposed by a group of psychologists, based on the characterological characteristics of the behavior of an aggressive child. This model (Semenyuk L.M.) is presented below.

    Table 1.1 Methods of psychological and pedagogical work with aggressive children

    Characteristic features of the child

    Directions of correctional work

    Methods and techniques of therapeutic influence

    1. High level of personal anxiety. Hypersensitivity to negative attitudes towards oneself.

    Reducing the level of personal anxiety

    1) relaxation techniques: deep breathing, visual imagery, muscle relaxation,

    2) working with fears;

    3) role-playing games

    2. Weak awareness of one’s own emotional world. Low level of empathy

    Forming an awareness of one’s own emotions, as well as the feelings of other people, developing empathy

    1) working with photographs reflecting various emotional states;

    2) inventing stories that reveal the cause of the emotional state;

    3) drawing, sculpting emotions;

    4) plastic depiction of emotions;

    5) working with emotions through sensory channels;

    6) depiction of various objects and natural phenomena, inventing stories on behalf of these objects and phenomena;

    7) acting out scenes reflecting various emotional states;

    8) technique - “I am sad (happy, etc.) when...”

    9) role-playing games reflecting a problematic situation where the “aggressor” plays the role of the “victim”

    3. Inadequate self-esteem. Pre-prepared for negative perceptions of oneself by others

    Developing Positive Self-Esteem

    1) exercises aimed at positive perception of the image of “I”, activation of self-awareness, actualization of “I-states”;

    2) development of a system of incentives and rewards for existing and possible successes;

    3) inclusion of the child in the work of various (based on interests) sections, studios, clubs

    4. Emotional “stuck” on the situation that is happening now. Inability to foresee the consequences of one's actions

    Corrective work aimed at teaching the child to respond to his anger in an acceptable way, as well as to respond to the entire situation as a whole.

    1) expressing anger in a safe way externally;

    2) plastic expression of anger, reaction of anger through movements;

    3) repeated repetition of a destructive action in a way that is safe for oneself and others;

    4) drawing anger, as well as modeling from plasticine or clay, discussing in what situations he experiences such anger;

    5) “letters of anger”;

    6) “gallery of negative portraits”;

    7) the use of techniques of art therapy, gestalt therapy, emotional-imaginative therapy in order to more fully respond to feelings and their positive transformation

    5. Poor control over your emotions

    Corrective work aimed at teaching a child to manage his anger

    1) relaxation techniques - muscle relaxation + deep breathing + visualization of the situation;

    2) translation of destructive actions into a verbal plan;

    3) introducing the rule: “count to 10 before you take action”;

    4) role-playing game, which includes a provoking situation to develop control skills;

    5) writing a story on behalf of your anger and then reflecting this feeling in your movements;

    6) awareness of one’s anger through sensory channels;

    7) awareness of your anger through bodily sensations

    6. Limited set of behavioral reactions to a problematic situation, demonstration of destructive behavior

    Behavioral therapy aimed at expanding the range of behavioral reactions in a problem situation and removing destructive elements in behavior

    1) work with pictures reflecting problem situations;

    2) acting out scenes reflecting fictitious conflict situations;

    3) the use of games that include elements of competition;

    4) use of games aimed at cooperation;

    5) analysis with the child of the consequences of various behavioral reactions to a problematic situation, choosing a positive one and consolidating it in role-playing play;

    6) introduction of certain rules of conduct in classes using a system of rewards and privileges in case of compliance with them;

    7) introducing a notebook to the child in order to teach self-observation and behavior control;

    8) introduction by the child, together with the teachers, of a behavior card containing personal rules of behavior for a particular child with the use of rewards and incentives if these rules are followed;

    9) inclusion of the child in sports team games

    7. Work with parents and teachers

    Advisory and correctional work with parents and teachers aimed at removing provoking factors of aggressive behavior in children.

    1) informing teachers and parents about individual psychologist. characteristics of an aggressive child;

    2) training in recognizing one’s own negative emotional states that arise when communicating with aggressive children, as well as techniques for regulating mental balance;

    3) training teachers and parents in “non-violent” communication skills - “active” listening; exclusion of judgment in communication; saying “I-messages” instead of “You-messages”, eliminating threats and orders, working with intonation;

    4) developing skills for positive interaction with aggressive children through role-playing play;

    5) assistance to the family in terms of developing uniform requirements and rules of education;

    6) abandonment of punishment as the main method of education, transition to methods of persuasion and encouragement;

    7) inclusion of the child in the work of various sections, clubs, studios.

    Conclusions on the first chapter

    In the first chapter, an analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out, during which it was possible to formulate the basic characteristics of the manifestation of aggression in adolescents.

    Aggression is understood as motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms of coexistence of people in society, harms the targets of attack, causes physical harm to people or causes them psychological discomfort. Among the factors that provoke the development of aggression are biological and environmental factors - the influence of society on human development.

    The age most susceptible to the development of aggression is adolescence. It is in adolescence that the characteristics of a child’s psychophysiological maturation encounter the active influence of the social environment and an increase in the level of social expectations from the child.

    The basis of psychological and pedagogical work with aggressive teenagers is their active involvement in activities that are socially approved and attractive to them.

    Levandovskaya Lina Vladislavovna,

    4th year student, Faculty of Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk [email protected]

    Annotation. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of aggressive behavior in late adolescence, a description of the psychological and pedagogical program for this age. The phenomenon of aggressive behavior, forms of aggression, features of the manifestation of aggression in older adolescence, and a description of older adolescence as an age period are considered. Key words: psychological and pedagogical correction, aggressive behavior, older adolescence, forms of aggression.

    Section: (02) complex study of man; psychology; social problems medicine and human ecology.

    In the modern world, the topic of aggressive behavior is very relevant. Many researchers are developing this problem, and many students also take it as the basis for their coursework. This is because society has recently experienced increasing exposure to violence and cruelty. We can say that violence has become one of the characteristic features of the present time and penetrates into many areas of life. In the study of this type of violence, special importance is given to the study of aggressive behavior of a person.

    The study of aggressive behavior is especially relevant in relation to adolescents due to their enhanced psychophysical development and active assimilation different forms behavior, as well as a high probability of situational behavior. Another alarming symptom is the increase in the number of teenagers with deviant behavior, which manifests itself in antisocial actions such as alcoholism, drug addiction, hooliganism, disorderly conduct, vandalism and much more. In older adolescence - 13-16 years old - a person takes great pleasure in immersing himself in himself, exploring his thoughts, actions and feelings. In such solitude, an internal experience of what a teenager encounters in reality occurs, and this contributes to the development of his emotional sphere, which largely determines the child’s growing up.

    If we are talking about aggressive behavior, then, first of all, we should clarify the very definition of aggressiveness, which is understood as a personality trait, since it is an acquired quality, a product of socialization and is based on biologically adaptive mechanisms (Bandura A., Walters R., Furmanov I. A. and others). In many sources and studies, aggression is considered as behavior that is contrary to the norms and rules of the existence of people in society, which harms the targets of attack, causes physical harm to people and causes them psychological discomfort. We can say that human aggression is a behavioral response characterized by the manifestation of force in an attempt to cause harm or damage to an individual or society. Therefore, our study is devoted to solving the problem of correcting aggressive behavior specifically in late adolescence and analyzing the effectiveness of the correction program.

    Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior in late adolescence

    scientific and methodological electronic journal

    Levandovskaya L.V. Psychological and pedagogical corps

    rection of aggressive behavior in older adolescence // Concept. - 2015. - Special issue No. 01. - ART 75039. - 0.4 p.l. - URL: http://e-kon-cept.ru/2015/75039.htm. - Mr. reg. El No. FS 7749965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

    There are studies in which the authors develop various classifications of types of aggressive behavior. The most detailed and understandable classification of aggressive behavior is the classification developed by A. Bass, who identified three main parameters by which forms of aggressive behavior are characterized: physical - verbal aggression, direct - indirect aggression, active - passive aggression. Combining these forms gave him the opportunity to identify 8 types of aggressive behavior (Rean A. A., Trofimova N. B., Semenyuk L. M.). When creating their questionnaire differentiating manifestations of aggression and hostility, A. Bass and A. Darkey identified the following types of aggressive reactions:

    1. Physical aggression - considered as the use of physical force against another person.

    2. Indirect is aggression directed in a roundabout way at another person or not directed at anyone.

    3. Irritation - means readiness to express negative feelings at the slightest excitement. May manifest itself in rudeness and hot temper.

    4. Negativism is an oppositional manner of behavior from passive resistance to active struggle against established customs and laws.

    5. Resentment is envy and hatred of others for real and fictitious actions.

    6. Suspicion - seen as ranging from distrust and wariness of people to the belief that other people are planning and causing harm.

    7. Verbal aggression is the expression of negative feelings both through form (screaming, screeching) and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats).

    8. Feelings of guilt - expresses the subject’s possible conviction that he is a bad person, that he acts badly, as well as the remorse of conscience he feels.

    Factors that increase a person’s aggressiveness include high population density, noise levels, and many others. The main psychological features of older adolescence are that almost every child at this age becomes relatively difficult to educate in comparison with himself at an earlier, stable age. This happens because changes in the pedagogical system applied to adolescents do not keep pace with the rapid formation and development of personality.

    Materials and methods

    The study of the level of aggressive behavior was carried out on the basis of MBOU gymnasium No. 63. At the present time, on the same research basis, psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents is being carried out. The main purpose of this study is to theoretically describe the results of diagnosing aggressive behavior in late adolescence. Based on these results, a correction program is carried out. At the same time, I assume that the level of aggressive behavior of older adolescents should change during the implementation of a psychological and pedagogical correction program.

    In this paper, we present the results of the initial diagnosis of aggressive behavior in older adolescents, which will be the basis for a correction program.

    The effectiveness of the correction program will be checked by the primary

    scientific and methodological electronic journal

    Levandovskaya L.V. Psychological and pedagogical corps

    rection of aggressive behavior in older adolescence // Concept. - 2015. - Special issue No. 01. - ART 75039. - 0.4 p.l. - URL: http://e-kon-cept.ru/2015/75039.htm. - Mr. reg. El No. FS 7749965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

    diagnostics before carrying out a correction program and diagnostics after a completed correction program. Then the results will be compared, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis will be applied, and thus we will identify the effectiveness of the correction program.

    Our psychological and pedagogical correction program is designed to expand the basic social skills of children with aggressive behavior. Psychological and pedagogical correction is a system of measures aimed at correcting shortcomings in psychology or human behavior using special forms of psychological influence. Since teenagers do not always know how to cope with negative emotions that arise in them difficult situations, therefore, it is important to carry out targeted psychological and pedagogical correction, during which the teenager should be taught to work on himself, manage and own his negative emotions. The program uses psychological and pedagogical methods that help reduce the overall level of aggressiveness of adolescents and teach them how to manage themselves in critical situations (G. E. Breslav).

    Aggressive teenagers, with all the differences in personal characteristics, are distinguished by some common traits. Many authors include poverty of value orientations, in general, and value orientations of education, in particular, narrowness and instability of interests, lack of hobbies, lack of spiritual needs (Dolgova V.I., Niyazbaeva N.N.). Such children, as a rule, have increased suggestibility, imitation, and underdeveloped moral ideas. They are characterized by emotional rudeness, extreme self-esteem, the predominance of defensive mechanisms of behavior (Dolgova V.I.), base or perverted needs, embitterment, fear of wide social contacts. In order for a child to show aggressive forms of behavior less often, it is necessary that he have a certain level of social intelligence, that is, be able to cope with social conflicts in a constructive way. In addition, it is necessary that he is aware of the feelings that cause aggression in him and knows how to express them in other ways. It also assumes the presence of well-developed self-control.

    The main new development in adolescence is a new level of self-awareness, that is, interest in one’s own inner world. One of the principles for drawing up psychocorrection programs is the principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics teenagers The revealed high results of aggressive behavior make it possible to conclude that our teenagers are not well aware of their feelings and it is necessary to build a correction program in this direction.

    Goals of the correction program:

    1. Establishment of trusting intra-group relationships.

    2. Finding socially acceptable ways to satisfy one’s own needs and interact with others.

    3. Psychological and pedagogical correction of children's grievances.

    Program objectives:

    1. Responding to negative emotions.

    2. Learning how to regulate your emotional state.

    3. Formation of adequate self-esteem.

    4. Training in methods of internal self-control and curbing negative impulses.

    scientific and methodological electronic journal ser^gi/2°15/75°39£^0t. - State reg El No. FS 77 ART 75039 UDC 159.9. - .

    5. Formation of a positive moral position, life prospects and planning for the future.

    The subject of correction is not only the aggressive behavior of children, but also the emotional, motivational, moral and volitional components of self-regulation. Therefore, the techniques used in my correction program are mainly aimed at teaching adolescents to use refusal of unwanted behavior instead of their usual methods of aggressive response. Also on learning to assess social situations, forming more adaptive behavioral reactions, and minimizing anxiety.

    Techniques used: role-playing life situations, corrective psychological exercises, psychotechnical exercises, discussions, projective drawing.

    Empirical: observation, conversation, pilot study, experiment.

    Theoretical: modeling, systems approach and innovative technologies (Dolgova V.I., Tkachenko V.A.).

    Psychodiagnostic: “Bass-Darki Aggression Questionnaire” method, “Aggressive Behavior” method E. P. Ilyin, P. A. Kovalev; test “Assessment of Aggression in Relationships” by A. Assinger.

    Methods of formative experiment (complex interaction with students as part of psychological and pedagogical correction).

    Results and discussion

    Let us dwell on the results obtained using diagnostic techniques at the initial stage of the study. I have identified four levels of aggressive behavior according to methods and are reflected in the table.

    A low level indicates that the child’s behavior indicates the absence of a tendency to consolidate situational and personal reactions of aggression as pathocharacterological. In general, the child is able to independently master his own aggressiveness.

    The average level indicates that the child’s behavior indicates the presence of a slight tendency to consolidate situational and personal reactions of aggression; the teenager is not able to master his aggressiveness.

    A level above average may indicate the danger of consolidating aggressive reactions as pathocharacterological. The child may need help in managing his or her own destructive behavior.

    A high level characterizes the child’s behavior as pathological, which implies the need to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to the child in mastering aggressiveness as a disorder of behavior and emotions.

    Indicators of levels of aggressive behavior in older adolescents

    before the experiment

    Group Number of people High Above average Average Low

    Col. % Col. % Col. % Col. %

    Before the correction program 30 18 60 9 30 3 10 0 0

    scientific and methodological electronic journal

    Levandovskaya L.V. Psychological and pedagogical corps

    rection of aggressive behavior in older adolescence // Concept. - 2015. - Special issue No. 01. - ART 75039. - 0.4 p.l. - URL: http://e-kon-cept.ru/2015/75039.htm. - Mr. reg. El No. FS 7749965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

    Analysis of the data shown in the table allows us to determine whether it is sufficient high level aggressiveness of older adolescents before a correction program. So you can see that 60% of students have a high level of aggressive behavior, 30% of adolescents showed a level of aggression above average, only 10% of students showed an average level, and not a single subject was identified at a low level of aggressiveness. These results indicate that working with adolescent aggression is extremely important. Our goal for the period of the correctional program is to reduce the high level and the level above average, to increase the groups of children with average and low levels of aggression.

    The conducted research makes it possible to assume that correctional psychological and pedagogical interaction with aggressive teenagers can be effectively organized on the basis of targeted work and a comprehensive correction program. A purposefully organized correction program can significantly reduce the aggressiveness of adolescents.

    A correction program can have different aspects of practical application, because it allows you to operate with pedagogical means and transform aggressive manifestations of adolescents into socially approved forms of behavior.

    Summarizing this study, it can be noted that aggressive behavior is motivated deviant behavior that contradicts the norms of existence and communication of people, harms the targets of attack, causes physical and moral harm to people and causes them psychological discomfort. Aggression can also be considered both constructive and destructive. Constructive aggression manifests itself when a person defends his rights and at the same time knows how to control his emotions. But in most cases we are faced with destructive aggression. At the same time, a person does not know how to manage his emotional state. Teenagers in in this case fall into the risk zone. This occurs due to the instability of their hormonal and emotional background. A teenager’s aggression manifests itself to us in the form of behavioral problems.

    Aggressive behavior of adolescents is a rather complex process that requires careful study and research, the result of which is the development of correctional programs that reduce the level of aggression. The increase in aggressive reactions in adolescence reflects one of the important social problems modern society, since for last years Alcoholism, drug addiction, and youth crime increased sharply.

    Senior adolescence covers the period of life from 13 to 16 years. It is characterized by rapid growth of the entire organism as a whole, the beginning and end of puberty, changes in hormonal levels, increased self-awareness and the formation of a person’s personality. Therefore, it is important to provide adolescents with the necessary psychological assistance, diagnose and correct their unstable conditions.

    Diagnostics revealed high levels of aggressive behavior in adolescents, and we make the assumption that a correction program will help reduce this level.

    Levandovskaya L.V. Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior in older adolescence // Concept. - 2015. - Special issue No. 01. - ART 75039. - 0.4 p.l. - URL: http://e-kon-

    scientific and methodological electronic journal cept;|u/2015/75039ihtm. - reg El No. FS 77

    Aggression in children and adolescents: Tutorial. / Ed. N. M. Platonova. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006. -336 p.

    Anastasi A. Psychological testing / 7th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 688 p. Bandura A., Walters R. Teenage aggression. - M.: Eksmo - Press, 2010. - 512 p. Breslav G.E. Psychological correction of child and adolescent aggressiveness. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. - 97 p.

    Dolgova V.I., Arkaeva N.I. Meaningful orientations in life: formation and development (monograph) - Chelyabinsk: Iskra, 2012 - 229 p.

    Dolgova V.I., Niyazbaeva N.N. The value content of modern education: an empirical study // Bulletin of the National University named after. Abaya. Series “Pedagogical sciences. No. 2 (42). 2014. Almaty, 2014. - pp. 29-32.

    Dolgova V. I., Ordina I. P. Formation of a positive self-concept of senior schoolchildren [Text] / V. I. Dolgova, I. P. Ordina // Bulletin of the Oryol State University. Science Magazine. - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 63-65 (0.5 p. l. /0.25 p. l.).

    Rean A. A., Trofimova N. B. Gender differences in the structure of aggressiveness in adolescents // Current problems in the activities of practical psychologists. - Mn.: University Education, 2012. - 288 p.

    Semenyuk L. M. Psychological features of aggressive behavior of adolescents and conditions for its correction. - M.: Education, 2003. - 38 p.

    Formation of psychological safety of communication in adolescence and youth / materials of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the field of "Pedagogy and Psychology", (March 28-29, 2008) / Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation, State. higher educational institution prof. education "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University; [compiled by: Dolgova V.I., Dolgov P.T., Kryzhanovskaya N.V.]. Chelyabinsk, 2008.

    Lina Levandovska, issn 2304-120х

    fourth-year student of the faculty of psychology, Chelyabinsk State-Hydrated Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk [email protected]

    Psychological-pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior in late teen age Abstract. The article presents the analysis of the characteristics of aggressive ? 177231m 12U159 behavior in late teen age, description of psycho-educational programs for this age. Examines the phenomenon of aggressive behavior, forms of aggression, particularly aggression in late teen age, description of older adolescents as age period.

    Key words: psycho-pedagogical correction, aggressive behavior, senior adolescence, forms of aggression. Recommended for publication:

    Gorev P. M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Concept”; Utemov V.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences

    Zyatkova Ekaterina Leonidovna

    Omsk State Pedagogical University

    Romanenko Irina Gennadievna, senior lecturer at Omsk State Pedagogical University


    This article reveals the essence of the concept of aggressive behavior and identifies the characteristics of aggressive behavior in younger children. school age. Teaching younger schoolchildren the skills of self-regulation, relaxation and adequate behavior in conflict situations will help reduce the manifestation of aggressive reactions.

    In this article, the essence of the concept of aggressive behavior is revealed and the characteristics of aggressive behavior of children of primary school age are revealed. Teaching younger students the skills of self-regulation, relaxation and adequate behavior in conflict situations, will help reduce the manifestation of aggressive reactions.


    aggressive behavior; aggression; aggressiveness; correction

    aggressive behavior; aggression; aggressiveness; correction

    UDC 159.99

    Relevance The study of aggressive behavior in children of primary school age is determined by problems both in the sphere of education and in society as a whole. A aggressive behavior reflects the realities occurring in our society. INbitterness and detachment in relationships is increasing, there is no stable social and economic situation, which creates the ground for various deviations in personal development and behavior of the growing generation. R ost of manifestations of aggression by younger schoolchildren in everyday life aboutidentifies the need to study the causes of aggression and ways to correct it

    When considering the problem of aggressive behavior of younger schoolchildren with speech impairments, it is necessary to first determine the theoretical justification of basic concepts, such as: “aggression”, “aggressiveness”, “aggressive behavior”.

    In science, there are different interpretations of aggression.

    The word aggression comes from the Latin aggredi, which means to attack. Previously, any active behavior, both benevolent and hostile, was considered aggressive. Later, the meaning of this word changed, took on a scientific character, and became narrower. Aggression began to be understood as hostile behavior towards other people.

    In the explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova deciphers the word “aggression”: “Open hostility, causing hostility”, and “aggressive” as offensive - aggressive; hostile, defiant; having a harmful effect.

    A. Bass understands aggression as any behavior that threatens or harms others. E. Fromm interprets aggression as actions that cause damage not only to living beings, but also to any inanimate object. He distinguishes two types of aggression: defensive “benign” aggression, which is necessary for human survival. The second type of aggression is “malignant”, this is human cruelty, which is determined by psychological and social factors. The author of the frustration theory of aggression, L. Berkowitz, suggests that frustration activates bitterness and emotional readiness to react aggressively.

    In Russian psychology, the problem of aggressiveness was dealt with by V.G. Leontyev, A.A. Rean, Yu.M. Antonyan, Yu.B. Gippenreiter, T.M. Trapeznikova, Yu.B. Mozhginskiy, I.A. Kudryavtsev, and many others.

    N.D. Levitov notes that “aggression” is understood as harmful behavior. By the concept of “aggression” he defines various forms of behavior. This can include cutting jokes, gossip, destructive forms of behavior, even criminal behavior.

    L.M. Semenyuk argues that there are several interpretations of this concept: aggression is an opportunity for self-affirmation; and according to Yu.B. Mozhinsky, these are actions that are destructive in nature; they cause harm to another person or an inanimate object. V.V. Znakov also distinguishes between several types of aggression, “initiative” and “defensive”. Initiative aggression occurs when the aggressor is the instigator, and defensive aggression occurs when aggression is only a reaction to aggression.

    If a person expresses himself aggressively, in reaction to various life situations, and aggressive actions are systematic, then we should talk about aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior includes: 1) a hostile attitude - the individual’s perception of a real or imaginary threat from the situation or other people; 2) aggressive emotions - anger, resentment, hatred; 3) aggressive actions and violence.

    Most scientists share the concepts of aggression and aggressiveness. Aggressiveness is a personality trait that manifests itself in readiness for aggressive behavior, or even a certain predisposition to aggressive behavior. Scientists say that children learn models of aggressive behavior from birth.

    The most common types of aggression found in the literature are:

    Physical - expressed in physical actions that can be directed against a person or even an object;

    Verbal - manifests itself in verbal form;

    Indirect - indirect aggression.

    In addition, auto-aggression is distinguished; it is expressed in causing harm only to oneself.

    There are many reasons for aggression.

    N.A. studied the influence of cognitive processes on the manifestation of aggressiveness. Dubinko. ON THE. Dubinko points out that younger schoolchildren can act aggressively for several reasons, for example, as a result of poor development of social-cognitive skills, i.e. differences in the level of aggression in children of a given age may be associated with the child’s ability to decipher and interpret social signs, as well as with the choice, evaluation and implementation of a behavioral reaction by him (the child).

    The relationship of a child in his family is largely determined by his personal qualities, the formation of which occurs already at early stages personality formation. In every family there are conditions that lead to the consolidation of aggression in behavior.

    E.I. Rogov identifies the following as the main conditions for consolidation of aggression:

      The aggressive behavior of the parents, which the child tries to imitate, is “infected” with aggressiveness. This is because
      the child’s emotional self-regulation system is built according to the type
      emotional self-regulation of his parents;

      Parents show and demonstrate in every possible way dislike for the child, because of this he lacks a sense of security, and alienation from the world around him develops;

      Prolonged and frequent frustrations, the source of which are
      parents or any circumstances;

    4. Constant humiliation and insult of the child by the parents.

    One of the main reasons for aggressive behavior is the family situation; upbringing plays a huge role from the first days of life. American anthropologist M. Mead, through her research, proved that abrupt separation of a child from mother's breast and reducing their contacts to a minimum, subsequently the child develops such personal qualities as restlessness, callousness, contempt, selfishness and aggression. A child will not have such qualities if he is surrounded by attention and care.

    Self-control in younger schoolchildren develops through the process of identification, because children always try to act like an adult who is significant to them and strive to adopt his habits and behavior. By imitating, a child hopes to receive praise from an adult, but adults do not always do the right thing. Often parents highlight in their children’s behavior what is characteristic of themselves. Moreover, parents may not be aware of the shortcomings of their behavior, but they pay attention when they observe it from the outside.

    Aggressive behavior in children with speech disorders can be provoked by: a small vocabulary, lack of communication skills, low self-esteem, problematic relationships in a team, insufficient development of intelligence and a low level of self-control. Until now, scientists have not studied which psychological characteristics have a greater influence on the development of aggressive behavior. An aggressive child is characterized by such qualities as suspicion, wariness, envy and vindictiveness. In addition, it is very easy to anger an aggressive child; they are easily wound up if something irritates them.

    In school life you can often encounter forms of aggressive behavior. Often this behavior is defined as “cockiness”, “pugnaciousness”, “bitterness”, “cruelty”. Aggression can be confused with hostility. A state that is narrower in its focus is hostility; it always has a specific object.

    Aggressive behavior is characteristic of all children, but some children show a more frequent tendency to aggression, and physical aggression predominates in them. Usually such children children's team constitutes from 15 to 30% of the total number of group members.

    In a peer group, such a child waits for the attack and often feels humiliated. The child is fixated on himself or his defect; because of this, the child does not know how to adequately interact with others. Awareness of one's inferiority in communication leads to changes in character: isolation, negativism, violent emotional breakdowns. Therefore, such children often do not know how to show sympathy, empathy and assistance, because of this they feel lonely.

    At primary school age, the initiator of aggressive behavior is a group, not one person. Being in a group makes children feel protected, and the fear of punishment disappears; they are confident that they are right, often this helps them establish themselves in the group. Children also seek help from adults less and less and solve their problems on their own. People around them more often observe the aggression of boys, because it is noticeable, as it manifests itself publicly and sharply. Girls are more impressionable; they learn to control their behavior much earlier, so expressions of anger are not typical for them. Girls show their aggression verbally, most often through irony and sarcasm.

    Boys are aggressive in school, sports, and when faced with personal threats. Girls in situations where there is psychological pressure and underestimation of their external data. In group conflicts, girls more often act as ringleaders and instigators, and boys often act as performers.

    What do children achieve with their aggressive behavior? Freedom is an end in itself for such children; they want to be left alone. Such children are rarely expected to achieve any achievements and are less often required to fulfill responsibilities. If there are more children in families, then parents entrust most of the chores and concerns to more obedient children, and the aggressive child receives more freedom. And subsequently, an aggressive child socializes worse because he has no experience in family matters and concerns that contribute to growing up.

    In every school you can always meet children with clear signs aggressive behavior. Such a child deliberately uses obscene language, beats and humiliates his peers, and often he has no objective reasons for this. Such a child eventually takes the position of a negative leader in the class, but often he has no friends and is avoided by his peers.

    Teachers and parents consider such a child a source of resentment and disappointment. At this age, an aggressive child blames others for his mistakes and often argues with adults. It seems to such a child that everyone around him is against him and wants to harm him. A child at this age is not yet able to independently evaluate his behavior and therefore does not understand that he himself instills fear and anxiety in those around him. With aggression, the child tries to defend himself and defend his place in this world.

    Let us consider the main directions of psychological and pedagogical correction to overcome the aggressive behavior of younger schoolchildren with speech impairments.

    To this day, the interpretation of the term “psychological correction” is ambiguous in psychological practice. Let's consider a more general concept, this is “directed psychological influence on psychological structures in order to ensure the full development and functioning of the individual.” Therefore, correctional influences interact with psychotherapeutic, advisory, and educational ones. Because of this, the problem of specifying the content of the concept of psychological correction becomes acute.

    When carrying out psychological and pedagogical correctional work with a child of primary school age, a specialist must focus on the age, sociocultural and individual norms of the child’s development. Corrective influences are implemented in the context of one or another leading activity. Corrective work should be proactive in nature, and is structured as a psychological activity aimed at the timely formation of psychological new formations. Carrying out correctional work, the psychologist must also be involved in the prevention of deviations and the subsequent creation of conditions for harmonious development child's psyche. Parents and significant others around the child are the connecting link in the implementation of correctional work between the child and the psychologist. Only by working in the system can one contribute to the effectiveness of ongoing corrective measures.

    The implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction requires constant monitoring of personal changes, the emotional states of the child in the process of work and vision in general. Such control is necessary, as it allows you to make adjustments
    in the program of psychological and pedagogical correction, for example, timely change and supplement methods and means of psychological influence.

    Psychological and pedagogical correction is a form of joint, professional activity teacher, psychologist and parents based on a system of psychological influences in order to correct violations mental development child based on knowledge of age, sociocultural and individual development norms. Corrective work is also aimed at creating conditions for the full mental development of each child in educational institution and family.

    Among the methods in modern psychological correctional practice, such as play therapy, art therapy, psycho-gymnastics, music therapy, etc. are successfully used.

    One of the most effective correction methods in world psychological practice is the method of play therapy. The game as a method of psychological correction began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century. The founder of this method is psychologist and sociologist Ya. Moreno.

    The method of play therapy is a universal means of correcting and preventing deviations and difficulties in the development of both children and adults. The peculiarity of this method is that if a child cannot express something in words, he expresses it through his own play. Play for a child is a form of self-therapy, thanks to which various conflicts and troubles can be responded to.

    Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy based on art, primarily visual and creative activity. The term "art. therapy" was introduced in 1938 by A. Hill.

    The goal of art therapy is that through self-expression and self-knowledge, personality harmonization occurs. Also, art therapeutic work uses not only artistic techniques and creativity, such as drawing, but also modeling, music, singing, photography, films, books, acting skills, creating stories and fairy tales, and much more. Modern art therapy includes the following varieties: music therapy, vocal therapy; kinesitherapy - dance therapy; bibliotherapy - corrective reading, fairytale therapy, story writing; imagotherapy - influence through an image, theatricalization: puppet therapy, image-role dramatization, psychodrama; isotherapy is a corrective effect using the means of fine art: drawing, modeling, arts and crafts, etc. Art therapy allows you to give vent to negative feelings, express internal conflict with the help of visual images, and also obtain material for interpretation and diagnostic conclusions. It is important for every person to creatively both self-realize and express themselves. By creating something new, a person feels inner satisfaction and finds harmony within himself.

    Psychogymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at developing and correcting both the cognitive and emotional spheres of the child. The purpose of this method is to know yourself. Psychogymnastics is based on the methods of the Czech psychologist G. Unova.

    Psycho-gymnastics is a non-verbal, group method of work, during which participants can express their experiences and emotions, as well as express themselves through movements, facial expressions, and pantomimes; participants learn to communicate without words. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, understand themselves and others, relieve stress and anxiety, and express themselves. The child realizes that there is a connection between behavior, thoughts and feelings and learns to manage it. It is recommended to use psycho-gymnastics in psychoprophylactic work with healthy children for psychophysical relaxation.

    Music therapy is a method of psychological correction that involves the use of musical works and instruments.

    The purpose of this method is to relieve emotional stress, which allows you to regulate your emotional state, increase social activity and learn new ways of expressing your feelings and emotions.

    The music therapy method is defined as creative, therefore it is widely used not only in music classes, but also in all other types of activities. With the help of music therapy exercises, they develop musical and motor abilities, and are also used as a means of developing cognitive processes: attention, will, memory, imagination and fantasy as game training.

    When carrying out correctional work with children of primary school age, it is advisable to use all of the above methods.

    Thus, the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correctional activities orients the psychologist towards cooperation with all participants in the educational process. It is important to strictly follow the goals and objectives, rely on the results of a psychodiagnostic examination and knowledge age characteristics the child and the social situation of his development.


    1. Kalinina E. A. Aggression and aggressiveness in adolescents 14-15 years old / E. A. Kalinina // Social sciences and modernity / E. A. Kalinina. – 1993. - No. 3. – P.183-190.
    2. Kuzchenko O. A. Pedagogical conditions for the prevention and correction of deviant behavior of children at the stage of transition from preschool to primary school age. - Volgograd, 2006. - 90 p.
    3. Lorenz K. Aggression (so-called evil). - M.: RIMIS, 2009. - 352 p.
    4. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. - St. Petersburg : Speech, 2010. - 136 s.
    5. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Mir and Education, 2014. - 976 p.
    6. Rogov E. I. Handbook practical psychologist. T. 1. – M.: Yurayt-Izdat OOO, 2016. - 412 p.
    7. Skotareva E. M. Psychological and pedagogical correction: theoretical and methodological aspect: textbook. aid for students psychol. specialist. / Saratov: Publishing house. Center "Science", 2007. - 72 p.


    12/24/2017, 14:27 Ershtein Leonid Borisovich
    Review: Well, I don’t understand how you can write an article on this topic and not mention Lorenz (at the same time, for some reason you indicate him in the list of references), well, it’s also impossible, similarly to psychoanalytic theories. This is an abstract, not a scientific article. Because there is no indication of the problem that the author solves, there is no indication of how others solve this problem, and there is no description of why it is bad and what the author proposes to make it better. If the author adds all this, then it can be published. Needs improvement.

    12/25/2017, 10:03 Nazmutdinov Rizabek Agzamovich
    Review: The abstract to the article shows: Teaching primary schoolchildren the skills of self-regulation, relaxation and adequate behavior in conflict situations will help reduce the manifestation of aggressive reactions. Therefore, I would like to see the results of the author’s independent empirical research, and not a simple statement of the effectiveness of various methods. Not recommended for publication.

    12/26/2017, 9:36 Koltsova Irina Vladimirovna
    Review: The topic is relevant at all times. I completely agree with the opinion of Rizabek Agzamovich. The author describes methods of psychological and pedagogical correction that are not confirmed by the results of empirical research, which is more consistent with the abstract rather than the article. Also, the text lacks many footnotes to literature sources. The author presents interpretations of the concept of “aggression” by various scientists (L.M. Semenyuk, N.D. Levitov, Yu.B. Mozhinsky, V.V. Znakov, etc.), without citing sources. I recommend that you revise the article.

    Lidiya Bulatovna Tropina, master's student, Faculty of Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk [email protected]

    Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents

    Annotation. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of aggressive behavior of older adolescents. A model of psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents is revealed. Key words: aggression, aggressiveness, adolescence, psychological and pedagogical correction. Section: (02) complex study of man; psychology; social problems of medicine and human ecology.

    The relevance of the work is caused by the need to determine the psychological causes of aggressive behavior, uncover the mechanisms and psychological-pedagogical correction of the aggressive behavior of older adolescents. Aggressiveness is an intention, a state that precedes aggressive action. And aggressive behavior itself is hostile actions with the aim of causing physical or moral harm to another person. The aggressive state is accompanied emotional states anger, hostility, hatred, misunderstanding, destructive psychological defense, addictive behavior (V.I. Dolgova, R.D. Dorofeeva, V.L. Yuldashev, A.F. Amirov, A.N. Martynov, E.G. Kapitanets , O. A. Kondratieva). The purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate and experimentally carry out psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents. Subject of research: psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents. Methods and techniques: A. Bass A. Darka’s method allows one to determine typical forms of aggressive behavior for subjects. Applying this technique, we can be convinced that in different categories of adolescents aggression has different qualitative and quantitative characteristics. At the same time, this technique allows us to obtain data on children’s readiness to act in a certain direction. In addition, the results of the application of this technique allow us to draw some conclusions about the content of the child’s motivational sphere, since the choice of methods of behavior from among the forms of response habitual for the subject is associated with actually operating meaning-forming motives. To obtain reliable data on aggressive behavior during the study, a questionnaire was also used G. Eysenck. G. Eysenck's questionnaire includes a description of various mental states, the presence of which the subject must confirm or refute. The questionnaire makes it possible to determine the level of anxiety, frustration, aggression and rigidity. The questionnaire is designed to study individual psychological personality traits in order to diagnose the degree of expression of properties put forward as essential components of personality: neuroticism, extraversion, introversion and psychoticism. The technique makes it possible to accurately identify features predisposing to suicidal behavior. Projective techniques are techniques aimed at studying personality and developed within the framework of a projective diagnostic approach. Based on the interpretation of the subject's projections onto the stimulus material. Traditionally, projective tests are considered among the most reliable, but their scope of application is not as wide as that of personality questionnaires. The projective method was carried out using the drawing technique “Non-existent animal”. Let us further discuss the distribution of research results using the BassaDarki method. The aggressiveness index is the total index of physical aggression, indirect aggression, irritation and verbal aggression. High level 72.72% (16 people). Teenagers note that they feel a desire to harm others, and also use physical strength against another person. Teenagers express their negative emotions through quarrels, shouting, and threats to their opponent. We observe indiscipline, which manifests itself as a deliberate violation of generally accepted social norms and rules of behavior, ignoring requests. Average level 18.18% (4 people). Teenagers with this level of aggressiveness note that they find constructive solutions to problem situations. They indicate that they are not capable of hitting a person, because they are confident that any dispute can be resolved without disputes and conflicts. In problematic situations they behave adequately and can defend their point of view without resorting to violent methods. Low level 9.1% (2 people). Teenagers note that they do not feel irritated. They do not express their negative feelings through rudeness. They are capable of using physical force against another person. As diagnostic results show, adolescents with low levels of aggressiveness have low motivation, which can subsequently affect interpersonal communication. Four levels of aggressiveness were identified in older adolescents. High level 9.1% (2 people). Teenagers note that they often interrupt their interlocutor during a conversation, feel a desire to be an authority for the people around them, prefer to lead than to obey, and raise their voices. In an argument, they cannot keep their feelings under control, which leads to raising their voices and being rude to other people. Easily excitable and irritable. The level is above average 54.5% (12 people). Teenagers with a level above average note that sometimes it is difficult for them to restrain themselves in an argument, sometimes they are easily excitable and irritable. The average level is 31.9% (7 people). Teenagers note that in an argument they behave with restraint and do not experience feelings of irritation towards the people around them. When resolving any conflicts, they behave adequately, think about every action and deed. Low level 4.5% (1 person). Teenagers with a low level of aggressiveness note that they prefer to obey than to lead and do not enter into conflicts. They are difficult to upset or anger. In any matter they show passivity and are content with little. They believe that they are not able to organize even a small team. High level 54.5% (12 people). In the drawings of participants at this level, aggressiveness is manifested in the depiction of a mouth with teeth, this indicates that adolescents snap, bully, and are rude in response to addressing them with a negative quality, but in most cases this occurs as a defensive reaction. Additional details are also sometimes located on the head: horns, in combination with other signs - claws, bristles, needles - the nature of this aggression: spontaneous or defensive response. Big eyes a sign that teenagers experience uncertainty, fear, fear in relation to others. The general energy of the drawings has a sharp aggressiveness, this is evidenced by sharply pressed lines, visible even on back side sheet (convulsive, high tone of the muscles of the drawing hand). A high degree of aggressiveness is expressed by the number, location and nature of the angles in the drawing, regardless of their connection with one or another detail of the image. Particularly significant in this regard are direct symbols of aggression - claws, teeth, beaks. Average level 41% (9 people). At an average level of aggressiveness in adolescents, details that carry little aggression can be seen in their drawings. Angles are not used in the drawings. Small claws and a mouth without teeth or fangs are noted. Changeable pressure is a sign that adolescents are able to adapt to changing conditions and are flexible in their activities. Minimal shading indicates the relative calm of older adolescents. Drawing and darkening the lower contours of the figure indicates that adolescents of this level use aggressive behavior as a defense against ridicule, lack of recognition from younger ones, and fear of condemnation. Low level 4.5% (1 person). In the drawings of adolescents at this level there are no signs indicating an aggressive tendency. Showing small eyes is a sign that the child often withdraws into himself and is very shy. Mainly such details as changeable, varied strokes are used. From this we can conclude that the teenager lacks perseverance and perseverance. There is no security. After carrying out the projective technique “Drawing of a non-existent animal”, it was revealed that 54.5% (12 people) noted a large number of details in their drawings indicating aggressive behavior. 41% (9 people) in their drawings indicate a minor manifestation of aggressive behavior. And only 4.5% (1 person) do not note details indicating aggressive tendencies; the drawings are relatively calm. Thus, summing up the results of this method, we can say that there is a high level of aggressive behavior in this class. As a result of the ascertaining experiment, it was revealed that 13 adolescents needed psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior. There were 11 people with a high level of aggressiveness and 1 person with a low level of aggressiveness. For adolescents with a high level of aggressiveness, a psychological and pedagogical correction program is designed to reduce the level of aggressive behavior. For adolescents with a low level of aggressiveness, psychological and pedagogical correction will help them gain self-confidence and increase self-esteem. To correct the aggressive behavior of older adolescents, a program of psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior was drawn up. The program consists of ten sessions aimed at reducing the level of aggressive behavior of older adolescents. This correctional program will help teenagers believe in their positive traits, the ability to come out constructively conflict situation. After completing the correctional work, we re-measured the level of aggressive behavior. Based on the results of testing students, we determined the level various types aggression after a correctional program. In older adolescents, after correctional classes, the hostility index revealed two levels of aggressive reactions. A high level of 46.15% (6 people). Teenagers continue to show isolation in behavior, demonstrate hatred towards others, and tension is felt in their behavior. Teenagers also note that in class they are often overcome by a feeling of rage and are easily irritated. Average level 53.85% (7 people). Teenagers continue to note that on rare occasions they experience hatred and envy of other people. Teenagers have learned not to give free rein to their emotions in problematic situations and react adequately to others. They are not irritable and have no enemies. Able to control their behavior. In older adolescents, after correctional classes, according to the aggressiveness index, two levels of aggressive reactions were identified. A high level of 61.54% (8 people). Teenagers still note that they feel the desire to harm others, and also use physical force against another person. Teenagers continue to express their negative emotions through quarreling, screaming, and threatening their opponent. Average level 38.46% (5 people). 38.46% of teenagers in the class do not experience feelings of anger, envy and irritability. They indicate that they are not capable of hitting a person, because they are confident that any dispute can be resolved without disputes and conflicts. Teenagers note that in problematic situations they behave adequately and can defend their point of view without resorting to violent methods. Conclusions: After the correctional program, everything indicates that before correctional classes, 92.3% of adolescents had a high level, and after correction, this level of aggressive reactions decreased to 61.54%. This suggests that for four adolescents, the correction of aggressive behavior was of great importance. We can also observe that the number of teenagers with an average level of aggressiveness has increased markedly. Before the correction, there were initially 0% of teenagers who had an average level of aggressiveness, and after the correction the number of people increased by 38.46%. This allows us to judge that the correction of aggressive behavior was useful and produced results. After the correctional classes, none of the students reached a low level of aggressiveness. This suggests that adolescents may have acquired motivation for activity and are later able to reconsider their emotions and behavior. In older adolescents, after correctional classes, two levels of aggressive reactions were identified.

    Links to sources 1. Dolgova V. I. Correctional development work with adolescents left without parental care (monograph). – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house “ATOKSO”, 2010. –124 p. Dorofeeva R. D., Dolgova V. I., Yuldashev V. L., Amirov A.F., Martynov A.N. Risk factors for the formation of addictive behavior in students according to anonymous survey data // Questions of Narcology. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 26–31.3. Dolgova V. I., Kondratyeva O. A. Psychological protection: monograph. –M.: Pero Publishing House, 2014.–160 p. 4. Dolgova V.I., Kapitanets E.G. Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents (monograph).–Chelyabinsk: ATOXO Publishing House, 2010.–110 pp. 5.Batarshev A.V. Temperament and character: Psychological diagnostics. –M.: Vladospress, 2011. –334 p.

    Lydia Tropina, graduate student in the psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, [email protected] correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescentsAbstract. The article presents the analysis of the characteristics of the aggressive behavior of older adolescents. Disclosed model of psychologicalpedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older adolescents.Key words:aggression, aggressiveness, adolescence, psychologicalpedagogical correction.

    Dolgova V.I., Doctor of Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

    Municipal treasury educational institution

    Kuibyshevsky district

    "Verkh-Ichinskaya basic secondary school"

    “Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of students”


    Margarita Ivanovna Smolina

    class teacher of grades 7-8

    Verkh-Icha village


    The problem of aggressive behavior in children is very relevant these days. The trend of growth in childhood crime and an increase in the number of children prone to aggressive forms of behavior highlight the task of studying psychological - pedagogical conditions preventing these dangerous phenomena.

    Teachers at school note that the number of aggressive children is increasing every year, it is difficult to work with them, and, often, they simply do not know how to cope with their behavior.

    Research shows that aggression is quite stable over time, and it is likely that aggression in childhood can develop into persistent asocial or antisocial behavior in adolescents and young men. A child who was assessed by peers as aggressive in childhood will most likely be assessed by others in the same way as an adult. It is obvious that the causes of children's aggressiveness originate in the family, since it is in the family that the child undergoes primary socialization. For families, conflictual relationships between spouses, parents and children have become more typical. This led to a decrease in the educational potential of the family and its role in the socialization of children.

    Most children are characterized by forms of aggression.

    Aggression (from Latin aggressio - attack) - individual or collective behavior or action aimed at causing physical or mental harm or even destroying another person or group.

    Aggressiveness – a personality trait, purposeful destructive behavior, consisting in the presence of destructive tendencies, with the aim of causing harm to a particular person. This is any form of behavior aimed at insulting or harming another living being who does not want such treatment (R. Baron, D. Richardson).


      INSTRUMENTAL AGGRESSION (the person does not set out to act aggressively);

      DELIBERATE AGGRESSION (actions that have a conscious motive).






    Reasons for aggressive behaviorare:

    - constant aggressive behavior of parents, whom the child imitates and who are “infected” with their aggressiveness. This is due to the fact that the child’s emotional self-regulation system is built according to the type of emotional self-regulation of his parents;

    - manifestation of dislike for the child, the formation in him of a feeling of defenselessness, danger and hostility of the surrounding world;

    - humiliation, insults of the child from parents, teachers;

    - interaction during games with peers who show aggression, from whom children learn about the benefits of aggressive behavior (“I am the strongest - and I can do anything”);

    - scenes of violence shown on television screens , contributing to an increase in the level of aggressiveness of the viewer, and primarily children..

    Diagnostic criteria for aggressiveness for children of senior preschool and primary school age

    1. Often (more often than the behavior of other children around the child) they lose control of themselves.

    2. They often argue and quarrel with children and adults.

    3. Deliberately irritate adults and refuse to comply with adults’ requests.

    4. They often blame others for their “wrong” behavior and mistakes.

    5. Envious and suspicious.

    6. They often get angry and resort to fights. .

    A child who has consistently exhibited 4 criteria simultaneously for 6 or more months can be said to have aggression as a personality quality. Such children can be called aggressive.

    Characteristics of aggressive teenagers.

    • poverty of value orientations,

      lack of hobbies,

      lack of spiritual needs,

      narrowness and instability of interests,

      low level of intellectual development,

      increased suggestibility,


      underdevelopment of moral ideas,

      emotional rudeness, bitterness,

      extreme self-esteem

      increased anxiety,



      inability to find a way out of difficult situations,

      the predominance of defense mechanisms over other mechanisms regulating behavior.

    Aggression is a means of raising prestige, demonstrating one’s independence and maturity.

    Psychologists have found thatboys There are two peaks of aggression: 12 years and 14-15 years.

    Ugirls highest level of aggressive behavior

    observed at 11 years and 13 years.

    Psychological correction of aggressive behavior in children

    In order for the result of working with aggressive child was stable, it is necessary that the correction be systematic, comprehensive, providing for the elaboration of each characterological feature of a given child. Otherwise, the effect of correctional work will be unstable.

    T. P. Smirnova identified 6 key blocks - 6 key areas within which it is necessary to build correctional work.

    1. Reducing the level of personal anxiety.

    2. Formation of awareness of one’s own emotions and the feelings of other people, development of empathy.

    3. Development of positive self-esteem.

    4. Teaching the child to respond (express) his anger in an acceptable way that is safe for himself and others, as well as to respond to a negative situation in general.

    5. Teaching your child techniques and ways to manage their own anger. Developing control over destructive emotions.

    6. Teaching the child constructive behavioral reactions in a problem situation. Removing destructive elements in behavior. She highlighted as a separate block consultation work with parents and teachers aimed at removing provoking factors of aggressive behavior in children.

    The number of classes with aggressive children should be at least 1-2 times a week. Duration of classes with older children preschool age- no more than 40 minutes, primary school age - no more than 60 minutes.

    In order to carry out successful correction, the following principles can be identified in contact with the child; respectful attitude towards the child’s personality; positive attention to the child’s inner world; non-judgmental perception of the child’s personality, acceptance of him as a whole; cooperation with the child - providing constructive assistance aimed at responding to problematic situations and developing self-regulation and control skills.

    Exercises aimed at teaching the child acceptable ways to discharge anger and aggressiveness, as well as to respond to a negative situation in general.

    For the first stage of anger response, the most effective and widely used by psychologists in working with children are the following methods and techniques:

    1) crumple and tear paper;

    2) hit a pillow or punching bag;

    3) stomp your feet;

    4) scream loudly using a “glass” for shouting or a “pipe” made of whatman paper;

    5) kick a pillow or a tin can (from Pepsi, Sprite, etc.);

    6) write on paper all the words that you want to say, crumple and throw away the paper;

    7) rub plasticine into cardboard or paper;

    8) use a water gun, inflatable batons, a trampoline (in home situations).

    Psychological methods, techniques, exercises aimed at teaching children the skills of managing their own anger (self-regulation skills) and controlling it

    Aggressive children have poorly developed control over their emotions, and often simply do not have it, so it is important in correctional work with such children to develop skills in managing and controlling their own anger, to teach children some self-regulation techniques that will allow them to maintain a certain emotional balance in a problematic situation. It is also important that children learn relaxation techniques, since in addition to managing a negative state, relaxation techniques will help them reduce the level of personal anxiety, which is very high in aggressive children.

    Corrective work in this direction consists of;

    1) in establishing certain rules that will help children cope with their own anger;

    2) consolidation of these rules (skills) in a role-playing game (provoking game situation);

    3) teaching relaxation techniques using deep breathing.

    The goals and objectives of the correctional direction of work with aggressive children are to teach the child to see various ways behavior in a problem situation, and also help the child develop skills constructive behavior, thereby expanding the range of his behavioral reactions in a problem situation and minimizing (ideally removing) destructive elements in behavior,develop positive self-esteem

    For the correction to be effective, it is also necessary to work with the parents of an aggressive child, since the psychological background of relationships in the family is mainly negative in nature and largely provokes the child to aggressive behavior. Parents of aggressive children need a positive experience of communicating with their children; they lack constructive, conflict-free interaction with children and with each other. Developing such skills and teaching specific techniques for constructive communication may be the main content of a psychologist’s work with the parents of an aggressive child. During the period of restructuring of the child’s behavior, psychological support for the family of an aggressive child is necessary, since the whole family as a whole needs support, a psychologist can help parents understand why certain difficulties arise and what exactly needs to be corrected.


    1. Gippenreiter, Yu. B. / Yu. B. Gippenreiter. - M.: CheRo, 2002.

    2. Psychological Dictionary / Under general. ed. Yu. L., Neimera. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003.

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