• Typology of child and adolescent maladaptation, its causes and prerequisites. Social exclusion of adolescents Permanent social exclusion


    Social maladaptation as a psychological phenomenon

    Relatively recently, in the domestic, mostly psychological literature, the term "disadaptation" appeared, denoting a violation of the processes of human interaction with the environment. Its use is rather ambiguous, which is found, first of all, in assessing the role and place of states of maladaptation in relation to the categories of "norm" and "pathology". Hence, the interpretation of disadaptation as a process that occurs outside of pathology and is associated with weaning from some familiar living conditions and, accordingly, getting used to others, note T.G. Dichev and K.E. Tarasov.

    Yu.A.Aleksandrovsky defines maladaptation as a "breakdown" in the mechanisms of mental adjustment in acute or chronic emotional stress, which activates the system of compensatory defensive reactions.

    In a broad sense, social maladjustment refers to the process of loss of socially significant qualities that impede the successful adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment.

    For a deeper understanding of the problem, it is important to consider the relationship between the concepts of social adaptation and social maladaptation. The concept of social adaptation reflects the phenomena of inclusion of interaction and integration with the community and self-determination in it, and the social adaptation of the individual consists in the optimal realization of the internal capabilities of a person and his personal potential in socially significant activities, in the ability, while maintaining himself as a person, to interact with the surrounding society in specific conditions of existence.

    The concept of social maladaptation is considered by most authors: B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, T.G. Dichev, S. Rutter as a process of disturbing the homeostatic balance of the individual and the environment, as a violation of the adaptation of the individual due to the action of various reasons; as a violation caused by a discrepancy between the innate needs of the individual and the limiting requirement of the social environment; as the inability of the individual to adapt to his own needs and claims.

    Social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment.

    In the process of social adaptation, the inner world of a person also changes: new ideas appear, knowledge about the activities in which he is engaged, as a result of which self-correction and self-determination of the personality occur. Undergo changes and self-esteem of the individual, which is associated with the new activity of the subject, its goals and objectives, difficulties and requirements; level of claims, the image of "I", reflection, "I-concept", self-assessment in comparison with others. Based on these grounds, there is a change in the attitude towards self-affirmation, the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. All this determines the essence of his social adaptation to society, the success of its course.

    An interesting position is A.V. Petrovsky, who determines the process of social adaptation as a type of interaction between the individual and the environment, during which the expectations of its participants are also coordinated.

    At the same time, the author emphasizes that the most important component of adaptation is the coordination of self-assessments and claims of the subject with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment, which includes both the real level and potential opportunities for the development of the environment and the subject, highlighting the individuality of the individual in the process of individualization and integration in this specific social environment through the acquisition of social status and the ability of the individual to adapt to this environment.

    The contradiction between the goal and the result, as V.A. Petrovsky suggests, is inevitable, but it is the source of the dynamics of the individual, his existence and development. So, if the goal is not achieved, it encourages to continue activity in a given direction. “What is born in communication turns out to be inevitably different from the intentions and motives of communicating people. If those who enter into communication take an egocentric position, then this is an obvious prerequisite for the breakdown of communication, ”note A.V. Petrovsky and V.V. Nepalinsky.

    Considering the disadaptation of the personality at the socio-psychological level, R.B. Berezin and A.A. Nalgadzhyan distinguish three main varieties of personality disadaptation):

    a) stable situational maladjustment, which occurs when a person does not find ways and means of adaptation in certain social situations (for example, as part of certain small groups), although he makes such attempts - this state can be correlated with the state of ineffective adaptation;

    b) temporary maladjustment, which is eliminated with the help of adequate adaptive measures, social and intra-psychic actions, which corresponds to unstable adaptation.

    c) general stable maladjustment, which is a state of frustration, the presence of which activates the formation of pathological defense mechanisms.

    The result of social maladaptation is the state of maladaptation of the individual.

    The basis of maladjusted behavior is the conflict, and under its influence, an inadequate response to the conditions and requirements of the environment is gradually formed in the form of various deviations in behavior as a reaction to systematic, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with. The beginning is the disorientation of the child: he is lost, does not know what to do in this situation, to fulfill this overwhelming demand, and he either does not react in any way, or reacts in the first way that comes across. Thus, at the initial stage, the child is, as it were, destabilized. After a while, this confusion will pass and he will calm down; if such manifestations of destabilization are repeated quite often, then this leads the child to the emergence of a persistent internal (dissatisfaction with himself, his position) and external (in relation to the environment) conflict, which leads to stable psychological discomfort and, as a result of such a state, to maladaptive behavior.

    This point of view is shared by many domestic psychologists (B.N. Almazov, M.A. Ammaskin, M.S. Pevzner, I.A. Nevsky, A.S. Belkin, K.S. Lebedinskaya and others). The authors determine deviations in behavior through the prism of the psychological complex of the subject's environmental alienation, and, therefore, not being able to change the environment, the stay in which is painful for him, the awareness of his incompetence prompts the subject to switch to protective forms of behavior, create semantic and emotional barriers in relation to others, lowering the level of claims and self-esteem.

    These studies underlie the theory that considers the compensatory capabilities of the body, where social maladaptation is understood as a psychological state caused by the functioning of the psyche at the limit of its regulatory and compensatory capabilities, expressed in the lack of activity of the individual, in the difficulty of realizing his basic social needs (the need for communication, recognition , self-expression), in violation of self-affirmation and free expression of one's creative abilities, in inadequate orientation in a communication situation, in a distortion of the social status of a maladjusted child.

    Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, violations of morality. Adolescents experience painful growing up - the gap between adult and childhood - a certain void is created that needs to be filled with something.

    Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, create a family, and be good parents. They easily cross the border of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation is manifested in antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

    One of the activities of a social pedagogue is the prevention of maladaptive behavior and SPD with maladjusted adolescents.

    Maladaptation - a relatively short-term situational state, which is a consequence of the impact of new, unusual stimuli of the changed environment and signals an imbalance between mental activity and the requirements of the environment.

    Maladaptation can be defined as a difficulty complicated by any factors of adaptation to changing conditions, expressed in inadequate response and behavior of the individual.

    There are the following types of maladaptation:

    1. In educational institutions, a social pedagogue most often encounters the so-called school maladaptation, which usually precedes the social.

    School maladjustment - this is a discrepancy between the psychophysical and socio-psychological state of the child with the requirements of schooling, in which the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities becomes difficult, in extreme cases - impossible.

    2. Social maladaptation in the pedagogical aspect - a special type of behavior of a minor, which does not correspond to the basic principles of behavior recognized universally as obligatory for children and adolescents. It manifests itself:

    in violation of the norms of morality and law,

    in antisocial behavior

    in the deformation of the value system, internal self-regulation, social attitudes;

    alienation from the main institutions of socialization (family, school);

    a sharp deterioration in neuropsychic health;

    An increase in teenage alcoholism, a tendency to suicide.

    Social maladjustment - a deeper degree of maladjustment than school. She is characterized by antisocial manifestations (foul language, smoking, drinking alcohol, daring antics) and alienation from family and school, which leads to:

    to a decrease or loss of motivation for learning, cognitive activity,

    difficulties in professional definition;

    lowering the level of moral and value ideas;

    decrease in the ability of adequate self-esteem.

    Depending on the degree of depth, the deformation of socialization can be distinguished two stages of maladjustment:

    1 stage social maladjustment is represented by pedagogically neglected students

    2 stage represented by socially neglected teenagers. Social neglect is characterized by deep alienation from family and school as the main institutions of socialization. The formation of such children is under the influence of asocial and criminogenic groups. Children are characterized by vagrancy, neglect, drug addiction; they are not professionally oriented, they have a negative attitude towards work.

    In the literature, there are several factors that influence the process of maladaptation of adolescents:

    heredity (psychophysical, social, sociocultural);

    psychological and pedagogical factor (defects in school and family education)

    social factor (social and socio-economic conditions for the functioning of society);

    deformation of society itself

    the social activity of the individual himself, i.e. active-selective attitude to the norms and values ​​of one's environment, its impact;

    social deprivation experienced by children and adolescents;

    personal value orientations and the ability to self-regulate their environment.

    In addition to social maladjustment, there are also:

    2.. Pathogenic maladaptation - caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional-organic lesions of the nervous system (oligophrenia, mental retardation, etc.).

    3. Psychosocial maladaptation It is caused by the age and sex and individual psychological characteristics of the child, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual approach and special psychosocial and psychological-pedagogical correctional programs.

    The health, well-being and success of a person is largely determined by his ability to adapt to environmental conditions and establish relationships with people. Some people manage to do it very easily, some learn throughout their lives, and for some it turns into a real problem. Psychological maladaptation not only worsens the quality of a person's life, but can also cause the development of many psychological and social problems - from the lack of a social circle to the inability to work and support oneself.

    Desocialization or social maladaptation is the complete or partial inability of a person to adapt to the environmental conditions and society that exist around him.

    The adaptation mechanism is one of the most important conditions for the successful existence of a person, thanks to him from childhood he learns to observe certain norms, communicate in accordance with the rules existing in a particular society and behave accordingly to situations that arise. Violation of this adaptive mechanism leads to a "failure" or lack of appearance of established ties between the individual and society, a person "does not fit" into the existing framework and cannot fully interact with others.

    The reasons for social maladjustment can be different, only a part of people suffering from such a disorder have various psychopathologies, for the rest this condition occurs as a result of improper upbringing, stress or deprivation.

    Disadaptation in children

    Of particular importance is the maladaptation of children in modern society. More and more children in developed and developing countries suffer from a variety of behavioral and mental disorders. Most of them cannot adapt to society normally and, as they grow and mature, the number of problems only increases. Moreover, according to experts, only a little more than half of these children suffer from neurological diseases and psychopathologies, while others have a violation of social adaptation due to their living conditions, improper upbringing or its absence, as well as the influence of parents and the environment.

    Social maladaptation of children and adolescents can have an extremely negative impact on their development - such children cannot normally establish contacts with their peers, and then with people around them, they develop personality deformations, antisocial tendencies, a neurological disease may develop or they will not be able to achieve what or success in the future.

    Timely correction of such disorders in children and adolescents helps them quickly overcome the state of disadaptation and learn all the necessary skills. In adulthood and in older adolescents, this requires much more time and effort - this is due both to less plasticity of the psyche and to the number of “skills” that need to be replenished.

    This has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous studies and practical activities - children at an early age who were in a state of social maladaptation easily and quickly catch up and even outstrip their peers in development when they are placed in favorable conditions. But for adults who have grown up in a state of maladaptation, it is much more difficult to assimilate the necessary information and “join” a more complex society.

    Causes of maladaptation

    Desocialization or mental maladaptation can occur due to psychological, physical or social causes. The most significant, by far, are considered to be social and socio-economic reasons, and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and mental characteristics can be corrected by proper upbringing and development, but not following the rules of upbringing in society can lead to problems with social adaptation even with complete physical and mental health.

    Socio-psychological maladaptation occurs when:

    • Physical or biological disorders - brain injuries, diseases of the nervous system, infectious diseases that occur with high fever and intoxication.
    • Psychological disorders - features of the nervous system (weakness, excessive excitement, violation of volitional processes), accentuation of character, and so on.
    • Social violations - this factor is especially significant in childhood and adolescence. Improper upbringing, rejection of a child or teenager by a family or team can lead to maladjustment and the development of serious mental disorders. Adults can also suffer from socio-psychological maladaptation when they find themselves in an unusual and hostile environment, a situation of general rejection or trauma (for example, a mentally healthy, fully adapted adult when placed in places of detention or an asocial community).

    Desocialization in childhood and adolescence can also be caused by some other factors, for example, the long-term maintenance of a child without parents or a violation of communication at school.

    Hospitalism in children is a pathological syndrome that develops in children who have been in a hospital or boarding school for a long time, forcibly separated from their parents and their usual social circle. Lack of communication leads to a lag in physical and mental development, the formation of emotional disorders and social maladaptation. Such violations arise due to the lack of sufficient attention from adults, as well as the lack of positive and negative stimuli from society. A child in such conditions is left to himself and cannot fully develop.

    The syndrome of hospitalism in children develops not only when placed in a hospital, but also during a long stay in a boarding school, orphanage and other places where the child is deprived of his usual social circle.

    Adolescents are more likely to experience school maladaptation. Desocialization develops in the case of a student's "dissimilarity" to other peers, and the reason for "expulsion from society" can be any distinguishing feature: low or high academic performance, external data, individual traits, or something else. School maladjustment often occurs when a child’s familiar environment changes, a sharp change in his appearance or social factor, sometimes for no apparent reason. Rejection, ridicule from peers and lack of support from teachers and adults lead to a violation of the establishment of social ties and the loss of one's place in society.

    In addition to the above reasons, desocialization can occur due to nervous and mental disorders in children and adults:

    • autism
    • Schizophrenia
    • Bipolar - personality disorder
    • obsessive-compulsive disorder and so on.

    Symptoms of desocialization

    Social maladaptation is manifested in the impossibility of a person to fully adapt to the conditions surrounding him. Allocate full and partial social maladaptation. With partial maladjustment, a person ceases to contact or come into contact with certain areas of life: he does not go to work, does not attend events, refuses to communicate with friends. When complete - violations occur in all spheres of life, a person withdraws into himself, stops communicating even with those closest to him and gradually loses touch with the reality around him.

    Signs of social maladaptation:

    • Aggression is one of the most characteristic signs. Maladapted children become aggressive because they simply do not understand how to behave and take a defensive position in advance. Adolescents and adults also use verbal and non-verbal aggression, manipulation and lies to achieve their goals as quickly as possible. In this state, they do not make attempts to establish interaction with others and do not try to understand what norms and rules exist in this society.
    • Closeness is another characteristic feature. A person stops communicating with others, he completely withdraws into himself, hides from people, and prevents attempts to establish relationships with him.
    • Social phobia - gradually develops fear of communication, a large number of people, the need to talk to someone, and so on. It becomes increasingly difficult for a person to do something that goes beyond his daily activities, he begins to be afraid to visit an unfamiliar place, go somewhere, start a conversation with a stranger, or even leave the house.
    • Deviant behavior - the lack of social contacts leads to ignoring the norms and rules existing in society. This often results in deviant or antisocial behavior.


    Social maladaptation is characterized by the loss of ties with society and the outside world, and if this condition is not corrected in time, then complete destruction of the personality or its underdevelopment is possible.

    Correction of social disadaptation begins with the establishment of the causes of its development and depends on the age of the patient.

    For people who have a desocialization syndrome that arose in adulthood, the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist is recommended, attending trainings, making social contacts mandatory, working with their own behavior, fears, and so on.

    Maladapted children need long-term joint work of parents or educators, teachers and psychologists. It is necessary to assess the degree of developmental delay, to understand what has changed in the child's psyche due to social maladaptation, and to correct these violations.

    Prevention of school maladjustment, pedagogical and social neglect in children and adolescents today is the most important task of modern society.

    The social development of a person is a quantitative and qualitative change in personal structures in the process of personality formation as a social quality of an individual as a result of his socialization and upbringing. It is a natural and regular natural phenomenon characteristic of a person who has been in a social environment since birth 1 .

    In any society, no matter what stage of development it is at - whether it is a prosperous, economically developed country or a developing society, there are so-called "social norms" officially established or formed under the influence of social practice, the norms and rules of social behavior, the requirements and expectations that a social community imposes on its members in order to regulate activities and relations. Social norms, observance of which is a necessary condition for interaction for an individual, fix the interval of permitted or obligatory behavior of people, as well as social groups and organizations, historically established in a particular society.

    Social norms refract and reflect the previous social experience of society and the understanding of modern reality. They are enshrined in legislative acts, job descriptions, rules, charters, other organizational documents, and can also act as unwritten rules of the environment. These norms serve as a criterion for assessing the social role of a person at any particular moment and are manifested in his daily life and activities.

    In general, the behavior of the individual reflects the process of its socialization - "the process of integrating a person into society, into various types of social communities .... through the assimilation of their elements of culture, social norms and values, on the basis of which its socially significant features are formed." Socialization, in turn, involves adaptation to the social environment, taking into account individual characteristics.

    Social adaptation is considered as a dual process in which a person is influenced by the social environment and at the same time changes it, being the object of the influence of social conditions and the subject that changes them. At the same time, normal, successful adaptation is characterized by an optimal balance between the values, characteristics of the individual and the rules, requirements of the social environment surrounding him. Compliance with social norms is ensured by turning external requirements into a need and habit of a person through his socialization or the application of various sanctions (legal, social, etc.) to those whose behavior deviates from accepted social norms.

    A feature of social norms for children and adolescents is that they act as a factor in education, during which the assimilation of social norms and values, entry into the social environment, assimilation of social roles and social experience 2. .

    social deviation - this is such a social development of a person whose behavior does not correspond to social values ​​and norms accepted in society (its living environment) 3 .

    The concept of "deviant behavior" is often identified with the concept of "disadaptation".

    Violation of the interaction of an individual with the environment, characterized by the impossibility or unwillingness of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to its capabilities, is called social maladaptation.

    This includes various types of deviant behavior: alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, immoral behavior, child neglect and neglect, pedagogical neglect, violation of any social norms.

    In the light of the main pedagogical tasks of educating and teaching students, deviant behavior of a student can be in the nature of both school and social maladaptation.

    The structure of school maladaptation, along with its manifestations such as academic failure, violations of relationships with peers, emotional disorders, also includes behavioral deviations. The most common behavioral deviations, combined with school maladaptation, include: disciplinary violations, absenteeism, hyperactive behavior, aggressive behavior, oppositional behavior, smoking, hooliganism, theft, lying.

    Signs of a larger scale - social - maladaptation at school age can be: regular use of psychoactive substances (volatile solvents, alcohol, drugs), sexual deviations, prostitution, vagrancy, committing crimes. Recently, new forms of maladjustment have been observed - dependence on Latin American TV series, computer games or religious sects 2 .

    Maladapted children should be classified as children of the "risk group".

    According to the definition contained in the federal law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", children at risk these are children left without parental care; disabled children; children with disabilities in mental and (or) physical development; children - victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons; children in extreme conditions; children are victims of violence; children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies; children living in low-income families; children with behavioral problems; children whose life activity is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of the family (Article 1) 1 .

    Among children with deviations in social development and prone to maladjustment, one should especially highlight such a category as orphans and children left without parental care.

    An orphan is a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment, or cannot remain in such an environment, and is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state. The federal law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" uses several concepts of orphans.

    Orphans - persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died. (direct orphans).

    Children left without parental care persons under the age of 18 who are left without the care of a single or both parents. This category includes children who have no parents or are deprived of parental rights. This also includes restrictions on parental rights, recognition of parents as missing, incapacitated (partially incapacitated), in medical institutions, declaring them dead, etc.

    The main category of orphans in terms of number is children whose parents, as a result of antisocial behavior or other reasons, are deprived of parental rights - "social orphans".

    E.I. Kholostova distinguishes the following categories of children and adolescents that have common sources of deviations in behavior and development 2:

    • 1) difficult children having a level of maladjustment close to the norm, which is due to the peculiarities of temperament, impaired attention, insufficiency of age development ;
    • 2) nervous kids, those who, due to their age-related immaturity of the emotional sphere, are unable to independently cope with difficult experiences caused by their relationship with their parents and other adults significant to them;
    • 3) "difficult" teenagers those who do not know how to solve their problems in a socially acceptable way, characterized by internal conflicts, character accentuations, unstable emotional-volitional sphere;
    • 4) frustrated teenagers who are characterized by persistent forms of self-destructive behavior that is dangerous to their health or life (drug use, alcohol, suicidal tendencies), spiritual and moral development (sexual deviation, domestic theft);
    • 5) delinquent teenagers constantly balancing on the verge of permissible and illegal behavior that is not consistent with the ideas of good and evil.

    Speaking about the social maladjustment of children and adolescents, it must be taken into account that childhood is the period of the most intensive mental, physical and social development. The impossibility of implementation to realize their development needs. As a result, leaving a family or an institution in which it is impossible to realize internal resources, meet needs. Another way of leaving is experimenting with drugs and other psychoactive substances. And, as a result, offenses.

    Social maladjustment is generated by a violation of the interaction of two parties - a minor and the environment. Unfortunately, in practice, the focus is on only one side - the maladjusted minor, and the maladaptive environment remains practically unattended. A one-sided approach to this problem is ineffective both with a negative and positive attitude towards the maladjusted. Working with a socially maladapted minor requires an integrated approach not only to him, but also to his social environment.

    In Russia, as elsewhere in the world, children's problems are studied and solved by representatives of specific fields of knowledge: teachers, doctors, law enforcement officers, social workers, etc. All of them perform their professional functions. Their efforts, as well as the result, are aimed not at helping and supporting the child as a subject, but at solving the tasks set for them by society. For example, teachers and teachers are busy teaching children. However, they often do this without taking into account the peculiarities of their health and psyche. This leads to increased fatigue of students, overload, nervous breakdowns, deterioration of their health. And, consequently, in the most direct way, this affects the development of children, and subsequently the state of the whole society 1 .

    The position and development of children is determined by many factors. The most significant of them are: health, education, attitude towards the child in the family, material well-being and morality.

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    Social maladaptation

    • Introduction
    • 1. Maladaptation of teenagers
      • 1.1 Age and psychological characteristics of adolescents
      • 1.2 The concept and types of maladaptation of adolescents
    • 2. Social maladaptation and its factors
      • 2.1 The essence of social maladaptation
      • 2.2 Factors of social exclusion
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography


    The problems of adolescents are always relevant, but they have never been as acute as they are now in the conditions of an unstable social and political situation, an unresolved economic crisis, a weakening of the role of the family, a devaluation of moral standards, a sharp difference in material living conditions, and the ongoing polarization of the population.

    Unfavorable everyday, microsocial conditions turn out to be a source of numerous, different in strength and duration of the impact of psychotraumatic factors. Personal and mental deviations lead to disadaptation and increased criminal activity. Psychogenic depressive states in adolescents can be a cause, and in certain cases, a consequence of social maladaptation.

    Adolescence is defined as "the second birth". The birth of a social personality ready to enter into life. Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, create a family, and be good parents. At present, the system of educating children and young people has been practically destroyed, and the opportunities for a full-fledged start of their independent life are declining. There is no guarantee that children and young people will receive general and vocational education and that people will enter social and professional activities (due to unemployment). This problem determined the theme of the work: “social maladjustment of adolescents as a socio-pedagogical problem”.

    The purpose of the abstract is to study the psychological problems of adolescents, in particular, their maladjustment and social maladjustment as the most important psychological problem of a teenager.

    1. Maladaptation of teenagers

    1.1 Age and psychological characteristics of adolescents

    There are various age differences. Children are considered to be under the age of 10-11 years. The age from 11-12 to 23-25 ​​years old is considered as the transition from childhood to maturity and is divided into three stages:

    Stage I is adolescence, adolescence from 11 to 15 years;

    Stage II - adolescence from 14-15 to 16 years;

    Stage III - late youth from 18 to 23-25 ​​years.

    We will consider stages I and II.

    The transition from childhood to adolescence (in the traditional classification of psychology and pedagogy, age from 11-12 to 15 years) is called adolescence. At this time there is a transition from childhood to adulthood.

    The period of adolescence (adolescence) has long been entrenched in the concepts of "difficult age", "crisis period", transitional age. "A teenager, like a knight at a crossroads, he rediscovers the world around him, because for the first time he discovers the world in himself. Considering this period according to the rule of the "sexological triangle", i.e., in order to achieve in its consideration the unity of the biological, social and psychological aspects of human maturation, one must limit oneself to the age range from 11-15 to 17-18 years.

    Different definitions of the boundaries of this age have been proposed:

    Medico-biological criteria are based on indicators of the maturation of biological functions

    Psychological maturity (the maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain, which is associated with the planning of behavior, in women is completed by about 18-19 years, in men? by 21 years.)

    social transition from childhood to adulthood.

    The duration of adolescence often depends on the specific conditions of raising children. The period of puberty in time takes about ten years, its age limits are considered to be 7 (8) - 17 (18) years.

    During this time, in addition to the maturation of the reproductive system, the physical development of the female body ends: the growth of the body in length, the ossification of the growth zones of tubular bones is completed; the physique and the distribution of adipose and muscle tissue according to the female type are formed. The course of the physiological period of puberty proceeds in a strictly defined sequence.

    In the first phase of the pubertal period (10-13 years), an increase in the mammary glands, pubic hair growth (11-12 years) begins. This period ends with the onset of the first menstruation, which coincides in time with the end of rapid growth in length.

    In the second phase of the pubertal period (14-17 years), the mammary glands and sexual hair growth complete development, the last to end is the hair growth of the armpits, which begins at the age of 13. The menstrual cycle becomes permanent, the growth of the body in length stops and the female pelvis is finally formed.

    The onset and course of puberty is influenced by numerous factors that are usually divided into external and internal. Internal include hereditary, constitutional, health status and body weight.

    External factors affecting the onset and course of puberty include: climatic (illuminance, altitude, geographic location), nutrition (sufficient content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins in food). A large role during the puberty is given to such diseases as heart disease with heart failure, tonsillitis, severe gastrointestinal diseases with malabsorption, kidney failure, liver dysfunction. These diseases weaken the girl's body and inhibit the normal course of the puberty process.

    Puberty occurs by the age of 16-18, when the entire body of a woman is finally formed and ready for conception, bearing a fetus, childbirth and feeding a newborn.

    Thus, during puberty, there is a growth and functional improvement of all organs and systems that prepare the girl's body to perform the function of motherhood.

    The period of puberty begins in boys from the age of 10, is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the final formation of the genital organs and gonads. A more intensive growth of the body is noted, the muscles of the body increase, vegetation appears on the pubis and armpits, mustaches and beards begin to break through. Puberty occurs at the time when the sex glands begin to function, i.e. they are capable of producing mature spermatozoa. However, the body of a young man by this moment has not yet been formed either physically or mentally, he is in the growth stage. The whole organism develops intensively, all internal organs work with an increased load, the activity of the nervous system is rebuilt, the psyche changes. The disturbing novelty of changing bodily forms, the appearance of an unusual angularity and awkwardness.

    Psychologically, the psyche is not stable, inadequate nervousness, intolerance, stubbornness are characteristic manifestations of character at this age, a desire for girls in the form of respectful respect, showing signs of attention is noticeable. There is a breakdown of character, there is a so-called inconsistency between a teenager and not yet a man. This is an important social and age moment when a young man, under the influence of favorable factors (sports, art, meeting a friend, etc.), will "moor" to a socially good shore, and vice versa, the influence of the company, drugs, alcohol addiction and even worse - a meeting with a dissolute peer, and more often a much older "girlfriend" - will affect the formation of a psychological character with negative habits and life principles.

    This age is sometimes characterized by crowding, "herd" in communication, which is even more dangerous for a fragile character. Hence the increased crime at this age, bordering on the complete degradation of the individual. Sexual intercourse in such a young man may result in the conception of a new life, but the anatomical and physiological "incompleteness" of the young man threatens the inferiority of the conceived fetus.

    According to the exact remark of I.S. Kona: "Sexual development is the core around which the adolescent's self-consciousness is structured. The need to be convinced of the normality of one's development, dictated by the same anxiety, acquires the strength of a dominant idea."

    In the early 80s, A.E. Lichko noted that physical and sexual maturity are ahead of social maturity by 5-7 years. And the greater this lead, the more likely the conflict course of adolescence. Adolescents are not economically independent, they still require social protection and do not act as participants in legal relations. They are not owners, managers, producers, legislators. In a legal sense, they cannot make vital decisions; psychologically, they are ripe for them. But parents limit them. Therein lies the contradiction.

    Adolescents face worldview and moral problems that have already been resolved in adulthood. Lack of life experience forces them to make many more mistakes than adults, old people, children do. The seriousness of the mistakes, their consequences: crime, drug use, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, personal violence. Some teenagers drop out of school, as a result of which the natural process of socialization is disrupted. Lack of knowledge affects their economic situation. Experiencing obstacles from society and remaining dependent on it, adolescents gradually socialize.

    Comparing himself with an adult, a teenager comes to the conclusion that there is no difference between him and an adult. He begins to demand from others that he is no longer considered small, he realizes that he also has rights. A teenager feels like an adult, strives to be and be considered an adult, rejects his belonging to children, but he still does not have a feeling of true, full-fledged adulthood, but there is a great need for recognition of his adulthood by others.

    Types of adulthood were identified and studied by T.V. Dragunova:

    · Imitation of external signs of adulthood - smoking, playing cards, drinking alcohol, etc. The easiest and at the same time the most dangerous achievement of adulthood.

    · Equalization of teenage boys to the qualities of a "real man" - this is strength, courage, endurance, will, etc. Sports become a means of self-education. Girls nowadays also want to possess qualities that have been considered masculine for centuries. An example of this is my niece - a visit to the section of martial arts.

    social maturity. It arises in conditions of cooperation between a teenager and an adult in various activities, where a teenager takes the place of an adult's assistant. This is observed in families experiencing difficulties. Caring for loved ones, their well-being takes on the character of a vital value. Psychologists emphasize that it is necessary to include adolescents as assistants in the relevant adult activities.

    · Intellectual maturity. A significant amount of knowledge in adolescents is the result of independent work. The ability of such students acquires a personal meaning and turns into self-education.

    The modern teenager is anxious, often afraid and does not want to grow up. In adolescence, he acquires a sense of dissatisfaction with himself. During this period, a teenager seeks to gain independence, starting to re-evaluate his relationship with his family. The desire to find oneself as a unique personality gives rise to the need for isolation from one's loved ones. Isolation from family members is expressed in isolation, alienation, aggression, negativism. These manifestations torment not only relatives, but also the teenager himself.

    In the difficult period of transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents face many complex problems that they are not able to solve based on their own experience or on the life experience of adults. They need a peer group that faces the same problems, has the same values ​​and ideals. The peer group includes people of the same age who are considered quite suitable for the role of judges of those acts and actions that the adolescent performs. In a peer group, an individual tries on the social clothes of an adult. Starting from adolescence, the peer group no longer leaves a person's life. All adult life is spent surrounded by many peer groups: at work, at home, on the road.

    During this period, a teenager begins to be biased towards his peers, to appreciate relationships with them. Communication with those who have equal life experience and solve the same problems, gives the teenager the opportunity to better understand himself and his peers. The desire to identify with their own kind gives rise to the need for a friend. Friendship through trusting relationships allows you to better know the other and yourself. Friendship teaches not only wonderful impulses and service to the other, but also complex reflections on the other.

    Adolescents in the family often act as negativists, and with their peers they are often conformists. The desire to discover through constant reflections his elusive essence deprives the teenager of a calm spiritual life. It is in adolescence that the range of polar feelings is extremely large. A teenager has passionate feelings, nothing can stop him in striving for his chosen goal: there are no moral barriers for him, there is no fear of people and even in the face of danger. The waste of physical and mental energy is not in vain: now he has already fallen into a stupor, sluggish and inactive. The eyes are dim, the look is empty. He is devastated and, it seems, nothing gives him strength, but a little more and he is again seized by the passion of a new goal. He is easily inspired, but also easily cools down and, exhausted, can hardly move his legs. The adolescent "runs, then lies", then he is sociable and charming - then he is closed and aloof, then he is loving - then he is aggressive.

    Reflection on oneself and others reveals in adolescence the depths of one's imperfection, the teenager goes into a state of psychological crisis. He talks about "boredom", about the "meaninglessness" of life, about the indistinctness of the surrounding world, devoid of bright colors. He cannot feel the joy of life, is deprived of the opportunity to experience love for loved ones and dislikes a former friend. Subjectively, this is a difficult experience. But the crisis of this period enriches the teenager with knowledge and feelings of such depths that he did not even suspect in childhood. A teenager, through his own mental anguish, enriches the sphere of his feelings and thoughts, he goes through a complex school of identification with himself and with others, for the first time mastering the experience of purposeful isolation. The ability to separate from others helps a teenager to defend his right to be a person.

    In relationships with peers, a teenager seeks to realize his personality, to determine his opportunities in communication. He seeks to defend his personal freedom as a right to adulthood. Success among peers in adolescence is most valued.

    Orientation and assessments in communication, characteristic of adolescents, generally coincide with the orientations of adults. Only the assessment of the actions of peers is more maximalistic and emotional than that of adults.

    At the same time, teenagers are characterized by extreme conformism. One depends on all. He feels more confident when he acts in concert with the group. The group creates a sense of "WE", which supports the teenager and strengthens his inner position. Often, to strengthen this "WE", the group resorts to autonomous speech, non-verbal signs (gestures, postures, facial expressions). Uniting with each other, adolescents thereby seek to demonstrate isolation from adults. But these emotional urges are really ephemeral; teenagers need adults and are deeply ready to be guided by their opinion.

    Intensive physical, sexual, mental and social development draws close attention of a teenager to a peer of the opposite sex. It becomes especially important for a teenager how others treat him. First of all, self-importance is associated with this. To what extent does the face, hairstyle, figure, demeanor, etc. correspond to gender identification: "I am like a man", "I am like a woman." In the same connection, particular importance is attached to personal attractiveness - this is of paramount importance in the eyes of peers. Developmental imbalances between boys and girls are a source of concern.

    Boys of younger adolescence are characterized by such forms of drawing attention to themselves as bullying, molestation, and even painful actions. The girls are aware of the reasons for such actions and are not seriously offended, in turn, demonstrating that they do not notice, ignore the boys. In general, boys also have an intuitive understanding of these manifestations of girls.

    Relationships get more complicated later on. Disappears immediacy in communication. There comes a stage when interest in the other sex is even more intensified, but outwardly, in the relationship between boys and girls, there is a great isolation. Against this background, there is a great interest in the established relationship, in the one you like.

    In older adolescents, communication between boys and girls becomes more open: adolescents of both sexes are included in the social circle. Attachment to a peer of the opposite sex can be intense and very important. Lack of reciprocity sometimes causes strong negative emotions.

    Interest in peers of the opposite sex leads to an increase in the ability to single out and evaluate the experiences and actions of the other, to the development of reflection and the ability to identify. The initial interest in the other, the desire to understand a peer give rise to the development of perception of people in general.

    Romantic relationships can arise when spending time together. The desire to please becomes one of the significant aspirations. Touch is of particular value. Hands become conductors of internal tension associated with the physical and psychological acquisition of the body. These magnetized touches are remembered by the soul and body for the rest of their lives. It is important to spiritualize the adolescent relationship, but not belittle it.

    The first feelings have such a strong effect on the young soul that many people already in adulthood remember precisely these feelings and the object of the heart's inclination, which has long been dissolved in real life over the years.

    In adolescence, sexual desires begin to form, which are characterized by a certain lack of differentiation and increased excitability.

    At the same time, internal discomfort arises between the adolescent's desire to master new forms of behavior for himself, for example, physical contacts, and prohibitions, both external - from the parents, and their own internal taboos.

    It is in adolescence that a tendency towards personal development begins to appear, when the minor himself, reflecting on himself, makes efforts to become himself as a person. During this period, development intensifies simultaneously in two directions:

    1 - the desire to master and master the entire range of social space (from adolescent groups to the political life of the country and international politics);

    2 - the desire for reflection on one's inner, intimate world (through self-deepening and isolation from peers, relatives, the entire macrosociety).

    In adolescence, an even greater gap begins than in childhood between the path traversed by different adolescents from the natural infantilism of childhood to in-depth reflection and pronounced individuality of the individual. Therefore, some adolescents (regardless of the number of years and passport age, height, etc.) give the impression of small children, while others - intellectual, moral, and socio-politically sufficiently developed people. We observe a dilution of the range of the age spectrum into two levels, typical for our time, for our culture, where infantile children, adolescents by age, are on the lower level, and those who symbolize the potential of age with their mental and socio-political achievements.

    1.2. The concept and types of maladaptation of adolescents

    For many years, the term “disadaptation” (through e) has been exploited in the domestic literature. In Western literature, the term “disadaptation” (through “and”) is found in a similar context. What is the semantic difference, if any, in these discrepancies? And the difference is that the Latin prefix de or the French des means, first of all, disappearance, annihilation, complete absence, and only secondarily with a much rarer use - a decrease, a decrease. At the same time, the Latin dis - in its main sense - means violation, distortion, deformation, but much less often - disappearance. Therefore, if we are talking about a violation, distortion, adaptation, then we obviously should talk about disadaptation (through “and”), since the complete loss, disappearance of adaptation - this, as applied to a thinking being, should mean the cessation of meaningful existence in general, because while this creature is alive and conscious, it is somehow adapted in the environment; the whole question is how and to what extent this adaptation corresponds to its capabilities and the requirements that the environment imposes on it.

    An extremely interesting question is about the true hidden deep features of public consciousness, “mentality”, which predetermine the “reservations” uncritically accepted by the public, why, implying violations, we speak of destruction.

    In the West, destructive, self-destructive behavior is called such a form of socially passive deviations as the use of drugs and toxic substances, which leads to the rapid and irreversible destruction of the psyche and body of a teenager. Drugs and toxic substances plunge him into a world of artificial illusions. Up to 20 percent of adolescents have experience of using drugs and substance abuse. Polydrug addiction is developed in our country like nowhere else in the world. When they take heroin and alcohol, ecstasy and alcohol, etc. As a result, the illegal behavior of minors is growing twice as fast as among adults. Deviant behavior is the result of unfavorable psychosocial development and violations of the socialization process, which is expressed in various forms of adolescent maladaptation.

    The term "maladaptation" first appeared in the psychiatric literature. He received his interpretation within the framework of the concept of pre-illness. Disadaptation is considered here as an intermediate state of human health in the general spectrum of conditions from normal to pathological.

    Thus, adolescent maladaptation is manifested in difficulties in mastering social roles, curricula, norms and requirements of social institutions (families, schools, etc.) that perform the functions of sociological institutions.

    Doctor of Psychology Belicheva S.A. allocates, depending on the nature and nature of maladaptation, pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladaptation, which can be presented both separately and in complex combination.

    Pathogenic disadaptation is caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladaptation in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation can be of a stable, chronic nature (psychosis, psychopathy, organic brain damage, mental retardation, analyzer defects, which are based on serious organic damage).

    There is also the so-called psychogenic maladaptation (phobias, obsessive bad habits, enuresis, etc.), which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation. According to experts, 15 - 20% of school-age children suffer from some form of psychogenic maladaptation and need comprehensive medical and pedagogical assistance (V.E. Kagan). In total, according to the research of A.I. Zakharov, up to 42% of preschool children attending kindergartens suffer from certain psychosomatic problems and need the help of pediatricians, psychoneurologists and psychotherapists. The lack of timely assistance leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladaptation, to the consolidation of stable psychopathic and pathopsychological manifestations.

    Among the forms of pathogenic maladaptation, the problems of oligophrenia and social adaptation of mentally retarded children stand out separately. With methods of training and education adequate to their mental development, they are able to assimilate certain social programs, receive simple professions, work and, to the best of their ability, be useful members of society. However, the mental disability of these children, of course, makes it difficult for them to socially adapt and requires special rehabilitation socio-pedagogical conditions.

    Psychosocial maladjustment is associated with the age and gender and individual psychological characteristics of a child, adolescent, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual pedagogical approach and, in some cases, special psychological and pedagogical correctional programs that can be implemented in general education educational institutions. By their nature and nature, various forms of psychosocial maladaptation can also be divided into stable and temporary.

    Stable forms of psychosocial maladaptation include character accentuations, defined as an extreme manifestation of the norm, followed by psychopathic manifestations. Accentuations are expressed in a noticeable specific originality of the character of a child, adolescent (accentuations for hyperthymic, sensitive, schizoid, epileptoid and other types), require an individual pedagogical approach in the family, school, and in some cases psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective programs can also be shown.

    The stable forms of psychosocial maladaptation requiring special psychological and pedagogical correctional programs can also include various unfavorable and individual psychological features of the emotional-volitional, motivational-cognitive sphere, including such defects as a decrease in empathy, indifference of interests, low cognitive activity, a sharp contrast in sphere of cognitive activity and motivation verbal (logical) and non-verbal (figurative)! intellect, defects in the volitional sphere (lack of will, susceptibility to other people's influence, impulsiveness, disinhibition, unjustified stubbornness, etc.).

    A certain difficulty in education is also represented by the so-called "uncomfortable" students, who are ahead of their peers in their intellectual development, which may be accompanied by such traits as incontinence, selfishness, arrogance, and neglect of elders and peers. Often, teachers themselves take the wrong position in relation to such children, exacerbating relationships with them and causing unnecessary conflicts. This category of difficult students rarely manifests itself in antisocial acts, and all problems that arise with “uncomfortable” students should, as a rule, be resolved through an individually differentiated approach in the conditions of school and family education.

    Temporary unstable forms of psychosocial maladaptation include, first of all, the psychophysiological age and sex characteristics of individual crisis periods of development, of a teenager.

    Temporary forms of psychosocial maladaptation also include various manifestations of uneven mental development, which can be expressed in a partial delay or advance in the development of individual cognitive processes, advanced or lagging psychosexual development, etc. Such manifestations also require fine diagnostics and special developing and corrective programs.

    Temporary psychosocial maladaptation can be caused by certain mental states provoked by various psycho-traumatic circumstances (conflict with parents, comrades, teachers, uncontrolled emotional state caused by the first youthful love, experience of marital discord in parental relationships, etc.). All these conditions require a tactful, understanding attitude of teachers and psychological support from practical psychologists.

    Social maladaptation is manifested in the violation of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes. In social maladjustment, we are talking about a violation of the process of social development, socialization of the individual, when there is a violation of both functional, and the content side of socialization. At the same time, violations of socialization can be caused both by direct desocializing influences, when the immediate environment demonstrates samples of asocial, antisocial behavior, attitudes, attitudes, thus acting as an institution of desocialization, and indirect desocializing influences, when there is a decrease in the referential significance of leading institutions socialization, which for the student, in particular, are family, school.

    Social maladaptation is a reversible process. To prevent deviations in the psychosocial development of children and adolescents, the organization of the process of resocialization and social rehabilitation of maladjusted minors is included.

    Resocialization is an organized socio-pedagogical process of restoring social status, lost or unformed social skills of maladjusted minors, reorientation of their social attitudes and referential orientations through inclusion in new positively oriented relationships and activities of a pedagogically organized environment.

    The process of resocialization can be hampered by the fact that social maladjustment is far from always presented in its “pure form”. Quite complex combinations of various forms of social, mental and pathogenic maladjustment are more common. And then the question arises of medical and social rehabilitation, which involves the implementation of measures of medical and psychological and socio-pedagogical assistance in order to overcome social maladaptation resulting from various psychosomatic and neuropsychic diseases and pathologies.

    2. Social exclusion and its factors

    2.1 The essence of social maladaptation

    Social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment. Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, violations of morality. Adolescents experience painful growing up - the gap between adult and childhood - a certain void is created that needs to be filled with something. Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, create a family, and be good parents. They easily cross the border of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation is manifested in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

    The relevance of the problem of maladaptation of adolescents is associated with a sharp increase in deviant behavior in this age group. Social maladaptation has biological, personal-psychological and psychopathological roots, is closely related to the phenomena of family and school maladaptation, being its consequence. Social maladaptation is a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based on not one, but many factors. Some of these experts include:

    a. individual;

    b. psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect);

    c. socio-psychological factors;

    d. personal factors;

    e. social factors.

    2.2 Factors of social exclusion

    Individual factors acting at the level of psychobiological prerequisites that impede the social adaptation of an individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital deformities, disorders of the motor sphere, disorders and decreased functions of sensory systems, unformed higher mental functions, residual-organic lesions of the central nervous system with cerebrovascular disease, decreased volitional activity , purposefulness, productivity of cognitive processes, motor disinhibition syndrome, pathological character traits, pathological ongoing puberty, neurotic reactions and neurosis, endogenous mental illness. The nature of crime and delinquency is considered along with forms of deviant behavior, such as neurosis, psychoasthenia, a state of obsession, and sexual disorders. Persons with deviant behavior, including neuropsychic deviations and social deviation, are distinguished by feelings of increased anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity, and an inferiority complex. Particular attention is paid to the nature of aggressiveness, which is the root cause of violent crimes. Aggression is a behavior whose purpose is to harm some object or person, resulting from the fact that, for various reasons, some initial innate unconscious drives do not receive realization, which causes the aggressive energy of destruction to come to life. The suppression of these drives, the rigid blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, gives rise to feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socially maladaptive forms of behavior.

    One of the manifestations of the individual factor of social maladjustment is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders in maladjusted adolescents. At the heart of the formation of psycho-somatic maladjustment of a person is a violation of the function of the entire adaptation system. A significant place in the formation of the mechanisms of functioning of the individual belongs to the processes of adaptation to environmental conditions, in particular, to its social component.

    Environmental, economic, demographic and other unfavorable social factors of recent years have led to significant changes in the health of the child and adolescent population. The overwhelming majority of children, even under the age of one year, show functional-organic insufficiencies of the brain in the range from the mildest, revealing themselves only in an unfavorable environment or concomitant diseases, to obvious defects and anomalies of psychophysical development. The increased attention of the educational and health authorities to the issues of protecting the health of students has serious grounds. The number of children with developmental disabilities and poor health among newborns is 85%. Among children entering the first grade, more than 60% are at risk of school, somatic and psychophysical maladaptation. Of these, about 30% are diagnosed with a neuropsychiatric disorder even in the younger group of kindergarten. The number of primary school students who fail to meet the requirements of the standard school curriculum has doubled over the past 20 years, reaching 30%. In many cases, health problems are borderline. The number of children and adolescents with mild problems is constantly increasing. Diseases lead to a decrease in working capacity, skipping classes, a decrease in their effectiveness, a violation of the system of relations with adults (teachers, parents) and peers, a complex dependence of the psychological and somatic arises. Feelings about these changes can disrupt the functioning of internal organs and their systems. A transition of somatogeny into psychogeny and vice versa is possible, with the appearance in a number of cases of a "vicious circle". Psychotherapeutic influences in combination with other methods of treatment can help the patient get out of the "vicious circle".

    Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect), manifested in defects in school and family education. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to the teenager in the classroom, the inadequacy of the educational measures taken by teachers, the unfair, rude, offensive attitude of the teacher, the underestimation of grades, the refusal to provide timely assistance with justified skipping classes, and the lack of understanding of the student's state of mind. This also includes the difficult emotional climate in the family, the alcoholism of parents, the family's disposition against the school, school maladjustment of older brothers and sisters. With pedagogical neglect, despite the lag in studies, missed lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents do not observe a sharp deformation of value-normative ideas. For them, the value of labor remains high, they are focused on choosing and obtaining a profession (usually a working one), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, and socially significant referential connections are preserved. Adolescents experience difficulties in self-regulation not so much at the cognitive level as at the affective and volitional level. That is, their various actions and asocial manifestations are associated not so much with ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of generally accepted social norms, but with the inability to slow down themselves, their affective outbursts or resist the influence of others.

    Pedagogically neglected teenagers, with appropriate psychological and pedagogical support, can be rehabilitated already in the conditions of the school educational process, where the key factors can be “advanced trust”, reliance on useful interests that are associated not so much with educational activities as with future professional plans and intentions, as well as adjustment to more emotionally warm relationships of maladaptive students with teachers and peers.

    Socio-psychological factors that reveal the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational team. One of the important social situations for a teenager's personality is the school as a whole system of relationships that are significant for a teenager. The definition of school maladaptation means the impossibility of adequate schooling according to natural abilities, as well as adequate interaction of a teenager with the environment in the conditions of an individual microsocial environment in which he exists. At the heart of the emergence of school maladaptation are various factors of a social, psychological and pedagogical nature. School maladjustment is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - the social maladaptation of minors. Over one million teenagers wander. The number of orphans has exceeded five hundred thousand, forty percent of children experience violence in families, the same number experience violence in schools, the death rate of adolescents from suicide has increased by 60%. The illegal behavior of adolescents is growing twice as fast as among adults. 95% of maladjusted teenagers have mental disorders. Only 10% of those who need psycho-correctional assistance can receive it. In the study of adolescents aged 13-14 years, whose parents sought psychiatric help, the personal characteristics of minors, the social conditions of their upbringing, the role of the biological factor (early residual organic damage to the central nervous system), the influence of early mental deprivation in the formation of social maladaptation were determined. There are observations according to which family deprivation plays a decisive role in the formation of a child's personality at preschool age, manifesting itself in the form of pathocharacterological reactions with signs of active and passive protest, and childish aggressiveness.

    Personal factors that are manifested in the active selective attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to the pedagogical influences of the family, school, community, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate their behavior. Value-normative representations, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values ​​that perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators, include cognitive (knowledge), affective (relationships) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, the antisocial and illegal behavior of an individual can be due to defects in the system of internal regulation at any - cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral - level. At the age of 13-14 years, behavioral disorders become dominant, there is a tendency to group with older antisocial adolescents with criminal behavior, and the phenomena of substance abuse join. The reason for the appeal of parents to a psychiatrist was behavioral disorders, school and social maladjustment, the phenomena of substance abuse. Substance abuse in adolescents has an unfavorable prognosis, and 6-8 months after its onset, the signs of a psycho-organic syndrome with intellectual-mnestic disorders, persistent mood disorders in the form of dysphoria and thoughtless euphoria with increased delinquency sharply increase. The problem of maladjustment and related substance abuse in adolescents is largely determined by social conditions - family, microenvironment, lack of adequate professional and labor rehabilitation. The expansion of school opportunities for engaging in a variety of productive work, early professional orientation favorably affects the education of pedagogically neglected, difficult-to-educate students. Labor is the real sphere of application of the efforts of a pedagogically neglected student, in which he is able to raise his authority among his classmates, overcome his isolation and dissatisfaction. The development of these qualities and reliance on them make it possible to prevent alienation and social maladjustment of those who are difficult to educate in school groups, to compensate for failures in educational activities.

    Social factors: unfavorable material and living conditions of life determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. The problems of adolescents have always been relevant, but they have never been as acute as they are now in the conditions of an unstable social and political situation, an unresolved economic crisis, a weakening of the role of the family, a devaluation of moral standards, and sharply opposite forms of material support. It is noted that many forms of education are inaccessible to all adolescents, a reduction in the number of educational institutions, places of recreation for adolescents. Social neglect compared to pedagogical is characterized primarily by a low level of development of professional intentions and orientations, as well as useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and the requirements of the team, unwillingness to reckon with the norms of collective life. The alienation of socially neglected adolescents from such important institutions of socialization as the family and school leads to difficulties in professional self-determination, significantly reduces their ability to assimilate value-normative ideas, morality and law, the ability to evaluate themselves and others from these positions, to be guided by generally accepted norms in his behaviour.

    If the problems of a teenager are not solved, then they deepen, become complex, that is, such a minor has several forms of manifestation of maladaptation. It is these adolescents that make up a particularly difficult group of socially maladjusted. Among the many reasons that lead adolescents to severe social maladaptation, the main ones are the residual effects of organic pathology of the central nervous system, pathocharacterological or neurotic development of the personality, or pedagogical neglect. Of considerable importance in explaining the causes and nature of social maladjustment is the system of self-assessments and expected assessments of the individual, which refers to the prestigious mechanisms of self-regulation of adolescent behavior and deviant behavior in the first place.


    At the end of the work, we summarize the results. Based on the research done, the following conclusions can be drawn.

    It is necessary to study the individual psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of a socially maladjusted teenager. It is necessary to determine the nature and causes of deviations, to outline and implement a set of medical-psychological and socio-pedagogical measures that can improve the social situation that caused the maladjustment of adolescents, and to carry out individual psychological correction.

    It is necessary to conduct a study of the social situation that provokes the maladjustment of adolescents. The social situation is represented by unfavorable parent-child relationships, family atmosphere, the nature of interpersonal relationships and the sociometric status of a teenager among peers, the pedagogical position of the teacher, and the socio-psychological climate in the study group. This requires a complex of socio-psychological and, above all, sociometric methods: observations, conversations, the method of independent characteristics, and so on.

    In the prevention of maladjusted behavior of adolescents, psychological knowledge is of particular importance, on the basis of which the nature of deviant behavior of adolescents is studied, and preventive measures are developed to prevent asocial manifestations. Early prevention should be addressed in the following main areas:

    - firstly, timely diagnosis of asocial deviations and social maladjustment of adolescents and the implementation of a differentiated approach in the choice of educational and preventive means of psychological and pedagogical correction of deviant behavior;

    - secondly, the identification of unfavorable factors and desocializing influences from the immediate environment and the timely neutralization of these unfavorable maladaptive influences.


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