• Competition and game program for April Fool's Day. “Fun Day” or games and competitions on this fun day

    • Developed by Demerzheeva T.V.,
    • teacher MAOU secondary school No. 3 Anapa
    The song "We came to you for an hour" from the cartoon "Bremen Town Musicians"
    Computer genius Cat Basilio
    • Today, thanks to the Internet, cats will get in touch with us, and we will learn a lot about how April Fool's Day is celebrated in different countries.
    Reporter Lisa Alice
    • I will be conducting a comic report from April Fools' lessons and presenting smiley coins to students. These are the ones
    Pappy's dream
    • All my life I dreamed of being a teacher - teaching someone something! And today I had this opportunity, and it’s thanks to have a wonderful day– April 1st! Today I will conduct humorous lessons to increase smiling and laughter.
    Russian language lesson. Correct the bug and earn a reward!
    • The forester and the hare ran out of the forest and collapsed on the shore.
    • Birds, crows, and jackdaws sing in the forest.
    • A man walked in the fresh air.
    • The girl had loose hair.
    • Everywhere there was autumn impassability.
    • Fear ran down the boy's spine.
    • It was a clear, gloomy day.
    • He is so pretty, very pretty, just like scary.
    • The kitten was playing on the road with white paws.
    Where did the tradition of celebrating the first of April come from?
    • First opinion. Once upon a time in France New Year celebrated at the end of March. From March 25 to April 1, people visited, gave gifts, and had as much fun as they could. But in 1562, Pope Gregory XIII introduced new calendar- Gregorian, and the New Year was moved to January 1. However, the French were sorry to part with the “Old New Year,” so they continued to celebrate it on April 1, for which they were nicknamed “April Fools.”
    • Second opinion. The holiday originated in Ancient Rome, where they celebrated the “Feast of Stupid People.” True, this holiday was celebrated not on April 1, but on February 17.
    • Third opinion. The tradition originated in Eastern India, whose residents still celebrate “Joke Day”, but not on April 1, but on March 31.
    • Fourth opinion.“The Day of Jokers” arose at the behest of the Neapolitan king of Monterey, for whom a fish dish was prepared on one of the holidays. He liked the treat and asked to make it again. There was no such fish, and the cook “slipped” something similar to the king. However, it turned out to be impossible to deceive the king - the prank was unsuccessful, and the king did not get angry, but laughed.
    Math lesson
    • What is three times two?
    Message from Germany
    • In Germany, the Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, since, according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children also play pranks on each other: they send them to stores and pharmacies with impossible tasks, to buy, for example, a file for sharpening molars or to buy a jar of mosquito oil.
    Lesson physical culture"Archery"
    • What is an onion? This is a weapon of Indians and medieval warriors. Today, modern plastic bows are used by athletes in the Olympic Games.
    • Everything will be different for us.
    • The target is ordinary buckets;
    • Onion – ordinary onion;
    • We place the target bucket 5 m from the finish line;
    • Each participant is given an onion which he throws into a bucket. Each hit is a smiley coin;
    Message from England
    • In England, April 1 is called “All Fools' Day.” In London in 1860, several hundred people received printed invitations, which included the following words: "...to come to the annual solemn ceremony of washing the white lions, which will take place in the Tower at 11 a.m. on the 1st of April." At the appointed hour, crowds of invitees besieged the gates of the Tower, and only after some time, not seeing what was promised, they realized that they had been played. Since then, in England, April 1 is called “All Fools' Day.” From midnight to 12 noon, everyone can make fun of their friends and acquaintances. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts of "April Fool!"
    And now everyone to the dining room!!!
    • "Feed Me" Competition
    • A bib is tied to the person who will eat the porridge. Feeding players are blindfolded. A plate of porridge is placed in front of them. Objective: Feed everything you have prepared to your friend as quickly as possible.
    Message from Australia
    • Australians are a cheerful people. And April 1 begins with the laughter of the kookaburra mockingbird. Having woken up, everyone immediately begins to play pranks on each other and give unusual funny gifts. You just need to have time to do all this before lunch, otherwise the joker himself will be considered not very smart.
    • Even newspapers, radio and television take part in the draws. Agree, fooling a friend or colleague is not too difficult, but playing a prank on the whole country is no joke!
    • One day, one of the main metropolitan newspapers published a “true” story that employees of Chinese restaurants delivering food carts around the halls would now have to obtain a special driver’s license. Restaurant owners grabbed their heads - they would have to pay for the training of their subordinates! And another newspaper reported that drought had forced many freshwater crocodiles into southern rivers. Of course, no one swam in the rivers that day...
    In the medical office
    • Competition "Thermometer"
    • Two teams are created. Without using their hands, both teams quickly pass the fake thermometer so that it is always under their left hand. Smiley coins are awarded to each member of the winning team.
    Message from Armenia
    • Armenians, as you know, have always been famous for their sparkling humor. And for some time now in Armenia, April 1 is celebrated as the Day of Satire and Humor quite officially. They say that the reason for this was the vagaries of the spring weather - Armenians try to appease nature with jokes and practical jokes.
    Music lesson“Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed!”
    • Two teams are created. Students are asked to sing a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" as if they:
    • - Kindergarten Choir, - Hungry Cat Choir, - Seminary Choir, - Army Choir.
    • Perform a song “There was a birch tree in the field” as if you:
    • - African aborigines, - Indian yogis, - Reindeer herders of Chukotka, - Apache Indians.
    Big change
    • "Bumblebee Competition"
    • Who can buzz the longest in one breath? The competitors begin to buzz at the same time. The one who buzzes the longest wins.
    Message from Bulgaria
    • In Bulgaria, April Fool's Day is held in special esteem. Residents of our country are very fond of jokes and practical jokes. Children especially enjoy the holiday. Newspapers and radio are also happy to play tricks on the population, presenting simply stunning news!
    • There is a city called Gabrovo in Bulgaria. Residents of this city are famous for their unsurpassed sense of humor. There are constantly exhibitions of caricatures and humorous shows. The residents of Gabrov have a reputation for being terrible misers, and they make fun of themselves because of this.
    Drawing lesson
    • Two teams are created.
    • Draw a cow with the whole team with their eyes closed. Whoever comes up with the most believability will win smiley coins.
    Message from Romania
    • In Romania, April Fool's Day is not official holiday, but Romanians love this day very much and find a reason to make fun of someone. Romania in general is often called the country of laughter and humor, its inhabitants are so witty. They always have an anecdote, a joke or a funny story ready.
    • The main characters of jokes in Romania are Pecale and Tindale, who most often make fun of themselves. Pekale is small, cunning, but kind and honest. Tyndale is tall, rustic and roguish. Romanians' jokes are very kind and not at all offensive.
    Physics lesson"Newton's Apple"
    • If an apple fell on Newton's head, the challenge for the participants is to keep it on his head! At the signal, players place the apple on their heads and then walk to the finish line.
    Laboratory work. Experience 1.
    • Place the glass on the paper between the glasses.
    • Fold the sheet like an accordion; it will hold the glass between two.
    Laboratory work. Experience 2.
    • Climb through the postcard.
    The conclusion is:
    • Fold the card in four and cut with a snake.
    Message from America
    • In America, April 1st is a very harmless joke. Something like this: “Oh, your shoelace is untied!” or “What are you wearing?” Schoolchildren tirelessly play pranks on each other, and the one who “gets caught” is called the April Fool.
    • But on TV on this day they may announce a list of the stupidest people, and usually the most famous people. But at the same time, the announcer must first warn that an April Fool's joke will be told.
    Labor training lesson “Feel”
    • Contained in a closed box various items, which differ to the touch. Each player receives a pencil and paper.
    • Participants must put their hand into the box - without moving the lid - and feel the objects without looking at them (1-1.5 minutes). After this, the player must make a list of the items in the basket. The winner is the one who makes the most complete and correct list.
    Message from Finland
    • In Finland, April 1 is considered the Day of Jokes and Deceptions. And the Finns know how to joke! For example, for a long time, during major holidays, parents gave their children comic orders - they sent them to the neighbor’s yard to get something non-existent, for example, to get glass scissors.
    Dance lesson"Musical Touches"
    • All students play. The players choose their partners, after which they form 2 circles - one partner stands in the outer circle, and the other in the inner circle. The driver stands in the center, and someone plays music.
    • When the music starts, the circles begin to move in opposite directions. When the music stops, the circles also stop moving and the leader shouts a command, for example: “Head to head!” After this, the partners must quickly find each other and touch their foreheads. If the driver manages to press his forehead to the forehead of a player who has not yet been found by his partner, then when the music starts again, the driver becomes the partner of this player. The player left without a partner becomes the driver and gives the next command.
    Message from France
    • In France, on April 1, you can meet people with paper fish on their backs. They are called "April fish". Everyone is trying to be vigilant, “not to remain a fish,” that is, a fool.
    • The French also joke like this: they add salt to their friends’ sugar bowls and put pepper in a sweet pie. They also like to give each other meaningless tasks, such as finding and bringing sweet vinegar.
    Competition results
    • 1st place – candy necklace.
    • 2nd place – bagel necklace.
    • 3rd place – necklace made of laurel leaves.
    • 4th place – medallion with a paper fish.
    • 5th place, etc. – medallion with a smiley face.
    See you later, friends!
    • So the game is over
    • It's time for everyone to hurry home!
    • It's time to part ways
    • And on April 1st we will meet again!
    Used Books:
    • Literature:
    • L.N. Yarovaya, O.E. Zhirenko. Extracurricular activities– M.: VAKO, 2007
    • Sources:
    • http://domprazdnika.ru
    • www.prazdnik.by

    What holiday, and especially April 1, can do without funny competitions? Of course, none. Prepare everything you need for competitions, and good mood you're guaranteed.

    Get around the obstacles

    Fragile objects, crystal or porcelain cups are laid out on the floor in an intricate pattern. The participant is asked to practice carefully stepping over obstacles. During this time, the participant remembers the order of the objects. Then the player is blindfolded and asked to follow the same path, and at this time all objects are removed from the floor. The participant, straining his memory, tries to remember the location of objects and “steps over” them. He has no idea that there are no more obstacles.


    Write and then post funny advertisements. For example, you can try to sell the inheritance of Madame Petukhova, the ad may look like this: “Sale! Inexpensive! Dining set - 16 seats, living room set - 14 seats, walnut, work by master Gumbs.” Don't forget to write the name, surname and phone number of the seller, i.e. your friend or acquaintance. There are a lot of things that can be sold: an astrolabe, an organ, a yearling bull, a samovar, galoshes, also the soul, honesty, conscience, laziness.

    Theater of Paradoxes

    Put on a theatrical performance. In this case, you can combine incompatible things. For example, Shrek met Natasha Rostova and dances with her at her first ball (don’t forget about the reaction of others); SpongeBob SquarePants went for a walk and accidentally fell into the clutches of a diver. The beauty and the beast have switched places, now she is the monster and he is the handsome man; L.N. Tolstoy and Daria Dontsova decided to write a series of joint novels.


    The competition participants are divided into teams. They should turn the following aphorisms into monuments:

    1) a full belly is deaf to learning;

    2) stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut;

    3) If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

    Who is faster?

    In this competition you can offer to compete in the speed of pronouncing tongue twisters.

    1. The parrot said to the parrot: “I’ll parrot you, parrot.” The parrot answers him: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”

    2. Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni. Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Dreampapony. So their children were born: Yaktsedrak and Tsypa-

    Dripoy - Shah, Yak with Tsypa - Shah-Sharah, Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Tsypa-Dripa-Drimiapony - Shah-Sharah-Sharahsheroni.

    3. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

    4. An attraction is more interesting than an attraction.

    5. The ships tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

    6. The goat goes with the sideways goat, the goat goes with the sideways goat.

    7. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk over all the tongue twisters.

    Guess the number

    Surprise your guests! Ask everyone to think of one whole number and do the following mathematical operations with it:

    1) add the next number in order to the intended number;

    2) add another 9 to the result;

    3) divide the number by 2;

    4) subtract the originally guessed number. After the guests have counted, tell them that you know what number they ended up with. This is the number "5"!

    Sing a song

    Participants in the competition are given notes with their names in advance. It is best that these are serious people, for example, politicians (Ivan IV the Terrible) or writers (L.N. Tolstoy, V.A. Zhukovsky). Each of them must sing a given song as if his famous hero would perform it. It is best to take songs with humorous, life-affirming content (for example, “Smile” by V. Shainsky).

    Tightly tied

    This challenge requires two long ropes. Two teams with the same number of people are recruited, the team that passes the rope through the clothes of each team member the fastest wins.

    Great Chef

    Pieces of paper with the following words are laid out on two tables: flour, eggs, yeast, kerosene, salt, sugar, jam, gasoline, vanillin, cabbage, mushrooms, dog, milk, computer mouse, water. Two participants are called, their task is to choose ingredients for a sweet pie from the proposed list.

    Theatrical abilities

    For the competition it is necessary to form two teams of participants. Each participant is offered a specific role, and the teams, in turn, act out the scenes assigned to them. For example, the first team could perform a skit called “Sea Quadrille,” described by Lewis Carroll in “Alice in Wonderland.” And the second team is the trial of Quasimodo from “Notre Dame Cathedral” by Victor Hugo.

    Guess your name

    At the entrance, a sign with his new name is attached to the back of each guest, for example, an animal (hedgehog, ostrich) or a literary character (Snow White, Cheburashka). Guests see the names of all participants in the evening, except their own. By the end of the evening, they must recognize it from other guests, who can only answer “yes” or “no” in response to questions.

    Aspiring poet

    You can invite participants to try their hand at writing. You say the first line, and they have to come up with a second line that rhymes. For example: “Eccentricity Day is awesome!” Approximate continuation: “We congratulate you on this!” Offer to come up with a continuation of the following poetic lines:

    1) ram says to ram...;

    2) ran away from the hospital...;

    3) I have school tomorrow, and we...


    Two participants are called, they are offered cards with puns, their task is to unravel the words encrypted in the puns: erenva (jam), tykofen (sweets), ovmokr (carrots), ekfo (coffee), karonyma (pasta), omokol (milk), Iranabk (bagels), ftolerak (potatoes).


    Several people are called, who, sitting on chairs, must perform the “Gypsy” dance.

    At the same time, the music can be either suitable for this event or not, for example, from the repertoire of contemporary performers or masterpieces of world classics (J. S. Bach, W. A. ​​Mozart, P. I. Tchaikovsky, etc.).


    The central characters of this competition are the “riders” and their dashing “horses”. The role of the former is played by two players, and the latter are two chairs with signs “Rocinante” and “Bucephalus”. The task of the “riders” is to ride the “horses” to the opposite side of the hall, where there are vases with sweets. The competition time is limited, therefore, the higher the speed of each of the “horses”, the more sweets their “riders” will receive.

    Pop the ball

    2-3 (the more, the better) balls are tied to the participants’ feet. Players must pop balloons tied to their opponents' feet while listening to rousing music. The winner is the one who bursts the most “enemy” balloons with the least losses.

    April Fool's Day is a holiday familiar from childhood. Who hasn't tried to deceive their classmates in early childhood? And even adult uncles and aunts succumb to temptation and play pranks on friends and colleagues. But somehow the widespread celebration of April Fool's Day did not catch on. I’m not talking here about Gabrovo festivals and Odessa humors, this is a celebration on a different level. Although these holidays have now somehow subsided behind other events. But it’s a wonderful holiday!

    Proposed party script for April 1st "April Fool's Day" will help you shake off endless worries and just “have a little fun,” as Carlson used to say. Such a party can be held at school on class hour, at home in a friendly company, and even at the workplace during lunch break. Give bursts of laughter, blinding smiles, amazing mood!

    The holiday is “budget”: it will require a minimum of funds, and preparation will not take much time. Additional materials, musical inserts, tips for organizers are included.

    Required details:

    - medals-tokens “You are a fool!” - winners of competitions are awarded.

    - forfeit tokens "OOPS!" - received by losing participants of competitions. Important! The forfeits must be different, or when “distributing” they must be signed, since they will be required to play forfeits;

    - printed text of the Professor’s speech “Laughter is a serious matter” (see Appendix 1);

    - glasses, briefcase, decanter, folder with papers for the monologue “Laughter is a serious matter”;

    - “Scrabble” Quiz printed according to the number of players (see Appendix 2);

    - pairs of aces of black and red suit according to the number of players (teams);

    - Appendix 3, printed according to the number of players. Ditties - twists;

    - containers for playing forfeits: two boxes, or two caps;

    - forfeits with tasks;

    - newspaper clippings with the titles of articles for the competition “And in my pants!”

    April Fool's Day party script

    Leading: If you look at the holiday calendar, you may doubt the correctness of the proverb “time for business is time for fun.” There are so many holidays! State, World, folk, religious, unusual and simply ridiculous. We celebrate some, forget about others, and don’t know about others at all. But there is one holiday that is not celebrated on a large scale everywhere, nevertheless, both old and young remember it. And this is April 1 - April Fool's Day, or April Fool's Day.

    Why don't we celebrate this day today? We will not go deeper into remembering where it came from, especially since many countries claim primacy in celebrating this day. But let’s try to outline what needs to be done on this day. Answers from the field are welcome!

    (approximate answers: laugh, joke, deceive, play prank)

    The first competition "Beat - Undercut"

    Leading: Here comes the first competition. Let's remember the synonyms for the word "play".

    An auction of synonyms is being held.

    (possible answers: deceive, deceive, play a trick, make a joke, fool, prick, pretend, put on a mask, play a comedy, joke, pretend, play a joke, fool your brains, mystify, tease and trick)

    The participant who says the last word wins and receives a “Token Medal”. The one who spoke “Fant-token” gets its version first.

    Costume number. Monologue of Professor Goremykin

    Leading: Despite the fact that the holiday is not serious (is it possible to talk about laughter seriously?)

    The "Professor" appears. A respectable guy with glasses, a skullcap, and a briefcase, the image of a lecturer so familiar from Soviet films.

    Professor: Pa-please!

    Leading: You don't agree, dear!

    Professor: Of course not! And now I will prove it to everyone!

    Leading: Let me introduce our guest - Senior Researcher of the Research Institute HA-HA, Dean of the Department of Jokes of the Russian Academy of Laughter, Professor Goremykin.

    The presenter fussily sets up the “lectern”, a carafe of water, and a glass.

    Professor:(speaks very seriously) I would like to refute the Presenter’s statement that one cannot talk about laughter seriously. Our research institute HA-HA has been working on the problem of laughter for several years now, and I must say that laughter requires a respectful attitude. I have prepared several small theses here and ask you to treat these statements without irony.

    The professor opens a folder with papers, there are a lot of sheets, a lot! The professor looks very serious. Pausing periodically and looking around the audience, the Professor reads.

    Tip for organizers: look at the text, trim it if necessary, but maintain the tone" scientific research". In Appendix 1. Laughter is a serious matter - the text of Professor Goremykin's speech.

    Appendix 1. Laughter is a serious matter.docx


    People, gentlemen, comrades, tend to joke. The roots and origins of laughter have not been fully elucidated by science. However, studies of fossil human bones provide irrefutable evidence of the presence of laughter already in that wild time. People joke, over the past period, seismic stations on the planet have recorded thousands of bursts of laughter, the total power of which was..., which is thirteen times the power of the world's nuclear weapons. It is pleasant to note that Humo’s achievements have risen one more level: two new jokes have been invented, and one old one has been forgotten. However, some shortcomings cannot be ignored. Thus, locally there are cases of “being pierced with witticisms,” “being raised (and not lowered) by laughter,” of public “being thrown into a puddle,” and (unfortunately!) a significant number of isolated cases of “bursting with laughter.” The latter is explained by medicine as a consequence of the psychophysical weakness of the victims’ bodies caused by prolonged laughter starvation. Consequently, the reversal of the principle “A healthy mind in a healthy body” has been empirically proven. A new epoch-making result has been obtained: “A cheerful spirit in a healthy body.” From April 1 of this year, immediately after the rain (on Thursday), a network of stalls and collection points for jokes and jokes opens. In this regard, new horizons for laughter are opening up. But, unfortunately, you can still meet individuals who are not ridiculed. Some other problems have not yet been resolved. In particular, the processes of increasing humor activity during periods of increasing galactic displacements, after an increase in prices for fountain pens and the invention of Urkagan sandals, have been little studied. Neither modern science nor Mr. Petrosyan can give answers to these questions yet. These issues are not covered in the classics either, because O. Bender did not wear sandals, and E. Tucker did not need a fountain pen. So it’s too early to calm down. Laughter is a serious matter.

    Leading: Let's thank the professor, friends!


    Second competition - quiz "Erudite"

    Leading: Let's try to take Laughter seriously. I suggest you answer the questions of the quiz, which is designed for people not only with a sense of humor, but also individuals with increased intelligence. Guess the words and feel confident that you are that person (or any other part of the body). Time to solve is limited.

    For organizers: select 10-12 questions, check if you can do it in a minute. Hand out printed quizzes (see Appendix 2: Scrabble Quiz) to guests. The quiz, naturally, is a joke; the questions themselves contain the answer.

    Appendix 2. Scrabble Quiz.

    Sounds 1. Timer

    Quiz "Scrabble".

    2. The river on which the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur stands (4 letters)

    3. Eurozone currency (4 letters

    4. Regional center in the Khabarovsk Territory - (9 letters)

    5. A common insect, the hero of the saying “Hello, dear friend, baked cockroach” (7 letters)

    6. The month in which the Great October Revolution took place (6 letters)

    (for the organizers: the only answer that is not in the question: the month of the October Revolution is November according to the modern Gregorian calendar)

    7. Capital of the Smolensk Principality (8 letters)

    8. Surname of the football player, one of the Berezutsky brothers (10 letters)

    9. The surname of the main character of the novel in Pushkin’s poems “Eugene Onegin” (6 letters)

    10. The birthplace of English football (6 letters)

    11. A state (other than wakefulness) that was the starting point of the comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” once invented by Shakespeare (3 letters)

    13. Party pseudonym of Lenin’s grandfather (5 letters)

    14. Inventor of the Geiger counter - (6 letters)

    15. Last name of the Oryol Trotters breeder (5 letters)

    16. Fish soup that the host treated the guest to from Krylov’s fable “Demyanov’s ear” (3 letters)

    17. Alcoholic drink included in the surname of the Soviet artist Petrov-Vodkin (5 letters)

    18. The traveler who discovered Cape Dezhnev (6 letters)

    Leading: The first thing that comes to mind when you mention April 1 is a hoax, a deception. There is even such a sign: what more people If you cheat, so much the better. Now we will deal with deceptions and practical jokes.

    Third competition"Do you believe that..."

    Leading: The rules of the game are extremely simple: if you believe, pick up a red card, if you don’t, pick up a black card.

    Do you believe that...

    • in the Chukotka Drama Theater, Shakespeare’s text now reads like this: “A plague on both of your plagues!”?

    Leading: This is, of course, not true.

    • Do the words “space” and “cosmetics” come from the same “progenitor”?

    Leading: This is true. “Cosmos” comes from the Greek verb “cosmeo”: “to put in order,” “to arrange,” “to decorate.” The ancient Greeks believed that their world, their cosmos, was arranged intelligently and harmoniously. Cosmetics also comes from “cosmeo”: after all, it decorates our faces and brings order to them.

    • Are an ostrich's eyes larger than its brain?

    Leading: This is true. The biggest bird on Earth doesn't have much brains)))

    • Are “gossamer” scarves, which are in great demand among fashionistas, knitted from poplar fluff by zealous housewives?

    Leading: It is not true. But needlewomen create very beautiful paintings from poplar fluff.

    • in Italy does a husband have the right to demand a divorce if his wife forces him to wash dishes or do other housework?

    Leading: This is true. At least, back at the end of the twentieth century, one woman from Milan allowed herself to disagree with this reason. However, the court considered the wife’s actions a “serious violation of the law” and divorced the spouses.

    • Do people with curly hair have more kinks than people with straight hair?

    Leading: Not true. This story was made up by one inveterate liar. And he managed to upset his friend, whose hair curled only after the hairdresser’s passes.

    • What catchphrase"Elementary Watson!" the famous Sherlock Holmes never said?

    Leading: Is it true. There is no such phrase in any of Conan Doyle's stories. And it appeared in 1929, when the film “The Return of Sherlock Holmes” was filmed in England.

    • that the Ilyich light bulb was invented by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin?

    Leading: Not true. This was the name given to the first electric light bulbs that appeared in peasant houses after the announcement and implementation of the famous GOERLO plan.

    Leading: How many good and the right words said about the Truth. Lying is considered a vice, and even a sin. Sometimes we lie out of fear, and sometimes out of compassion. It’s not for nothing that such expressions as “White lies” and “Holy lies” live on. I’ll say more: psychologists believe that children’s lies are useful! It is akin to creativity, it awakens imagination. Moreover, the same experts on human souls claim that mentally retarded children never lie. So don’t really scold children who excitedly talk about their fantastic adventures. And how can you get around this useful (see above) human vice on April Fool's Day? We will not bypass, but plunge headlong into “stupid lies”.

    The fourth competition "Believe it or not?"

    Leading: Contestants tell unlikely real-life stories. The opponent is asked to answer whether this actually happened, or whether the story is a figment of the competitor’s imagination. Before starting the story, the “most truthful person” puts aside a card (black or red), which will later confirm the fiction or lie of the story told.

    The game "Believe it or not?"

    Fifth competition "Situations"

    Leading: It is impossible not to note the good preparation of our players. It is immediately clear that life experience in matters of “deception” has a fair basis. Well, let's see how they can apply this knowledge in practice. Two or three previous winners are invited. They will show how their theoretical experience can be applied in practice. Imagine the following situation:

    For woman:

    You came to work (school, college), took off your coat and discovered that you forgot to put on a skirt. Your actions?

    For a man:

    You returned home, took off your shoes, and discovered that you had different socks on your feet, and one of them was not yours. The wife also noticed this. Your explanations?

    General situation:

    Deep night. You go out into the kitchen and see a stranger. Your actions?

    Leading: Well done! We can say that all participants in the latest compositions are worthy descendants of Baron Munchausen, who enjoy the process itself.

    Sixth competition "Ditties and Twists"

    Leading: You are probably also familiar with such inveterate liars as the aforementioned baron. They juggle words so gracefully, putting forward their crazy hypotheses, savor every word so much, find unthinkable arguments with such ease that it seems that they themselves begin to believe in the reality of their words. Their confidence is so infectious that an inexperienced listener may doubt that the words of a skilled liar are not the truth. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what topic they have to fantasize about: they revel in their “lies” with the most serious faces. So now you and I will dream up our imaginations. Only our fantasies will be musical. We will compose and sing ditties. But not simple ones, but “cheating” ones. Don’t worry, you don’t need a special poetic gift, vocal abilities are also not important. You can say a little ditty. The main thing is to maintain the rhythm and not curb your imagination. And our ditties will be something like this:

    What's this? But here we have

    It happened once:

    In our bath last Tuesday

    A diver was swimming breaststroke.

    Your task, keeping the first two lines,

    come up with the last two. Two minutes to prepare.

    To the organizers: distribute to the participants (teams)

    sheets of paper with the first lines of ditties

    (See Appendix 3. Chatushki - twists).

    Appendix 3. Chatushki - lies.

    Twice Sounds 1. Timer

    There is a ditty competition.

    Seventh competition "Stupid round dance"

    Leading: So, we are convinced that laughter is present in our lives in almost all areas. Now you and I have already had time to talk, sing, we have transformed and moved our brains, it’s time to move our bodies. I invite everyone to a good old stupid round dance.

    Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands.

    Sounds 2. Lavata (minus)

    The presenter begins to sing:“We dance together, tra-ta-ta, our cheerful dance, this is Lavata.”

    After the first line, the Presenter announces: “My shoulders are good, but my neighbor is better!”

    Round dance participants place their hands on their neighbors' shoulders and continue dancing.

    On the next musical phrase Leading declares the neighbor's WAIST to be the best (you can offer to dance, holding your knees, ears, heels, etc.). In the end, the round dance falls apart. The most persistent ones are declared winners, and the first ones to leave the race receive their “Oops-candy wrapper”.

    (Instead of Lavat, you can play the dance game “Forward 4 steps”)

    Eighth competition "Stupid F A nts"

    Leading: It's time to take stock. But first, players who received the "Oops Wrapper" must work off their past failure. Please put the Oops wrappers in this container, and in this one - the tasks for the players. To avoid any discrepancies, I need an assistant. He will take a phantom out of this box, and I will tell him what this phantom should do.

    Appendix 4. Stupid forfeits.

    Ninth competition "And in my pants!"

    Leading: And now I will offer to play another phantom, or rather a task that I propose to complete for everyone present. It's very simple. In this header I have collected newspaper clippings with the names of the articles. Everyone takes turns taking out their piece of paper and reading what is written on it. BUT! Before reading, you need to say the following words: “And in my pants”... and then read the newspaper clipping.

    A competition is being held: “And in my pants!”

    Leading: Well, we have evened the odds, now we can sum up the results. The King of Laughter 20... is declared - NN, and our Queen of Smile 20... - MM.

    Finally Leading can read an excerpt from Leonid Filatov’s comedy “The Love for Three Oranges”:

    Well, is it possible to imagine a world without jokes?!
    Yes, he would be simply creepy without jokes!..
    When there is coldness, fear and darkness in the heart -
    Only humor keeps you from going crazy!

    Option for the April Fool's Day holiday scenario for schoolchildren see in the document:

    (download by clicking on the file)

    Leading. Hello guys! Do you know what day it is today and what saying should be said? (April 7 - I don’t trust anyone)

    The guys answer.

    Leading. And now I suggest you have fun and take part in competitions.

    Comic questions

    1. Which notes can be weighed? (Do-la-mi)

    2. What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)

    3. Which is longer: one year or 12 months? (1 year = 12 months)

    4. Why do some people wear boots and others wear boots? (On the ground)

    5. What is higher without a head than with a head? (Pillow)

    6. How far can you go into the forest? (Only to the middle, and then you go out of the forest)

    7. How to write “mousetrap” in five letters? (Cat)

    8. What fields should you not walk or drive through? (By the brim of the hat)

    9. Which satin stitch is not used for embroidery? (River, sea)

    10. Which island pretends to be clothes? (Jamaica)

    11. What do we eat for? (At the table)

    12. What is not in pumpkin or melon, but is in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "r")

    13. What type of fish is the most valuable? (Gold fish)

    14. Why does the heron stand on one leg? (If she picks up the second one, she will fall)

    15. To whom do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser)

    16. What needs to be done to cut off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it? (Wait for her to fly away)

    17. Three girls walked under one umbrella. Why weren't any of them wet? (It didn't rain)

    18. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One)


    The competition requires 3 teams of several people. The presenter reads the text, and the players, moving in a circle, must do what is said in the text. The team that shows the best acting qualities and causes the most laughter among the audience wins. The winners receive "Best Actor" medals.

    First team. You are a young, healthy man, you have a wonderful athletic gait. Suddenly your stomach hurts. But do not forget that you are a young, healthy man and have a wonderful athletic gait. But, quite unexpectedly, your right eye begins to twitch - this is a nervous tic. Don’t despair, because you are a young, healthy man. Of course, all this is difficult to bear when your stomach hurts, your eye twitches and the prosthesis on your left leg rubs. And you have such a beautiful gait.

    Second team. You are a little three year old child. You look at the world in an amazing and trusting way. But you are a very small three-year-old child and therefore you still cannot walk well, and your head is large, it still does not hold well on your still weak neck. But don’t forget that you look at the world in an amazing and trusting way. Suddenly you stumble and hit your foot painfully. And despite this, you remain a small, three-year-old child who is very trusting and looks at the world in surprise.

    Third team. You are young beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed. You have great makeup, beautiful shoes with thin heels. You are full of dignity and importance. But suddenly the heel on your left shoe suddenly broke. But do not forget that you are a young, beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed. Suddenly, out of the blue, the elastic on your skirt breaks. And you are still the same young, beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed, even if you are hampered by a broken heel and a falling skirt.

    Competition "Musical Break"

    The presenter offers the children summary guess popular songs:

    1. This song is about how the poultry that lived with an elderly woman behaved. ("Two cheerful geese")

    2. This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain, celebrating your birthday. (“Song of Crocodile Gena”)

    3. This song is about the tragic fate of a peaceful insect (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”),

    4. This song is about how hair color can affect people's relationships. (“Red, red, freckled”)

    5. This song is about animals who, despite their natural cowardice, went into the forest at night to mow grass. (“Song about hares”)

    Competition "Reserve"

    For the game you need: blindfolds for each player and cards on which the names of animals are written: cow, pig, rooster, etc. (one animal on several cards).

    All participants in the game go onto the stage, i.e., into the territory of the reserve. All participants in the game are animals, its inhabitants. Each player chooses a cardboard (not shown to others) with the name of the animal that he needs to voice. Everyone must have at least two relatives. Everyone is blindfolded.

    On command: “Start!” animals must find their blindfolded relatives by voice or characteristic sounds and unite, holding hands. As soon as the players are sure that they have collected all their players from the territory of the reserve, they raise their hands up. If they are the first and have not lost anyone, then they are the winners. The winners receive “Best Detective” medals.

    Competition "Gatherings"

    To play you need: stools, a towel.

    4 pairs come out to play. Players are given a towel - one for two. One end of it is placed on one stool, the other end on the other. The players sit on a towel and grab the stool with their hands to secure the towel more securely between the stool and themselves. They secure it - and on command they begin to move forward, only each in his own direction.

    The towel is first stretched, and then left with someone alone. 2 pairs are formed from the winners. The competition is repeated. Then the winner is determined from 1 pair. The winner receives the “Most Assiduous” medal.

    Rublyathlon relay race

    To play you need: coins and a glass.

    You can compete in teams. Each participant from the starting line must reach the goal (cup) and hit the target with a coin, then remove it from the cup, return to the team and pass the coin to the next player, like a relay baton.

    You need to carry the coin to the target on the toe of your foot, placing it there and not holding it with anything. You also need to throw the coin into the target (into the cup) only with your foot, without helping yourself in any way.

    If a coin falls along the way, you need to stop, put it in its original place and only then continue moving. If the coin does not hit the target on the first try, you need to put it on your toe again and then try to throw it again. The team that finishes the distance and throws before the other will win. The winners receive “Best Thrower” medals.

    Competition "Psychic"

    To play you need: a chair, a tray, peas, a handkerchief.

    A chair (or stool) is placed. There is a tray on it. There are peas on the tray, and all this is covered with a handkerchief.

    Several people come out to play. Players need to determine how many peas are on the tray. To do this, they need to sit down on a tray covered with a handkerchief, feel it, stand up and name the number.

    After the last option is named, the handkerchief is pulled off and it is determined whose guess was closer to the truth. The winner is immediately awarded the title and given the “Most Sensitive” medal.

    Competition "Taming the Balls"

    To play you need: balloons.

    Any number of players.

    The competition takes place in several stages. The task facing tamers is to cope with balloons like a juggler. First they are given one ball, then two, three, four. The interval between releases is 30 seconds. Whoever drops the ball on the floor first or holds it in his hand loses.

    It is forbidden to knock the balls into one pile - each of them must fly separately from the rest. You can help yourself with your head, shoulders and legs. Whoever lasts the longest is awarded the “Best Juggler” medal.

    Competition "Rally"

    To play you need: plastic bags, plastic bottles, stools.

    As with any rally, you will need to lay out a distance. In our case there will be two of them, and they will be identical. Bottles placed on the floor (you can go around them) and stools (you can drive between their legs) are used as obstacles through which you will need to pass or successfully bypass them.

    The game starts with the command “March!”, the athletes begin to blow on the bags, trying to cover the distance with the obstacles placed as quickly as possible. First “there”, and then “back”, but without obstacles. The bag can only be controlled by breathing; touching it is prohibited.

    In case of violation of this prohibition, the player is automatically considered a loser. Also, “going out” on the opponent’s track or any contact with him, his sports equipment or obstacles at his distance leads to removal from the race.

    The winner is awarded the “Fastest” medal.

    Competition "Mimicry"

    The number of players can be any. They are given a card on which it is written what they need to depict with facial expressions and gestures. The guys are guessing.

    For cards:

    1. Sharpen your pencil.

    2. Playing volleyball.

    4. Sad penguin.

    5. Cheerful cat.

    6. Hot iron.

    7. Cold ice cream.

    8. A person who has just eaten well.

    9. Eating grapes.

    10. Artist.

    Competition "Dragon"

    Everyone stands one after another and firmly holds on to the sides of the person in front. The first player is the head of the dragon, the last is the tail. The dragon tries to catch its tail, but it dodges it.

    Competitive game program,

    "Journey to the Land of Laughter"

    Goal: to develop a sense of humor in children

    Tasks: intensify cognitive activity children; promote the development of imagination, intelligence, ingenuity, curiosity, observation; to instill in children a desire to win and to be active among their peers.


    Progress of the event:

    Host: Hello, dear guys! Hello dear guests! I am very glad to see you all in this room. Guys, March is coming to an end and April is coming. Which one is the best? fun party Are we meeting on the very first day of April? That's right - it's April Fool's Day! April Fool's Day is world holiday, celebrated around the world on the first of April. Although the holiday is not national, it is celebrated in many countries. During this holiday, it is customary to prank friends and acquaintances, or simply make fun of them, and on this day it is customary to laugh, joke and play! So we have gathered here today to play and laugh.

    If for some reason it’s vague,
    If the day doesn't work out,
    I didn’t come to visit someone,
    Or you didn’t have time to sleep -
    Forget everything, because everything will be forgiven,
    Smile and don't be sad.
    With us on the first of April
    Jokes without embarrassment!

    Well, are you ready to play? And for every completed competition, I will give you these funny emoticons. Then let's begin!

      Competition "Granny's handkerchief"

    Guys, probably each of you has grandmothers. What do grandmothers often wear on their heads? That's right, a handkerchief! Grandmothers have a variety of scarves - red, yellow, blue, festive or everyday. Now, let's imagine that you and I have turned into our grandmothers! Amazing! And so we, grandmothers, got ready for a walk and decided to put a plateau on our heads. So, I invite 2 people. The task before you is to put a scarf on your head. But, since our grandmothers are already old and their hands do not obey well, you will do this with gloves! Who will complete the task faster! Reade set Go!

      Game "Funny Face"

    Dot, dot, comma -

    It turned out to be a funny face...

    Guys, each of you has probably made funny faces more than once. Shall we check this? Show me funny faces? Oh, how funny you are now. And I suggest you now draw funny faces and come up with names for them! We'll hang them on the stand so we don't feel sad today (I'm handing out drawing materials) Are you ready? Then let's begin!

    Guys, the faces turned out very funny! And now the next competition!

      Competition "Riddles"

    Although I’m still small, of course,
    I racked my brains for a while,
    And then she came - the answer.
    It was good... (RIDDLE).

    It's time to solve my riddles. Listen carefully and raise your pen if you know the correct answer. So let's begin.

    I open my buds
    V green leaves.
    I dress the trees
    I water the crops,
    Full of movement
    my name is...

    The river roars furiously
    And breaks the ice.
    The starling returned to his house,
    And in the forest the bear woke up.
    A lark trills in the sky.
    Who came to us?


    I may be small, so what!
    You will step over me.
    But I'll wait for the rain,
    I'll spill all over the yard!

    Walks across the sky
    Painter without brushes
    Brown paint
    Makes people beautiful.

    Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
    The first harbinger of warm days.

    Well done, you solved the riddles! Now it's time to move a little!

      Game "Hand to Hand"

    This game will help you and I become a little bit more closer friend to friend.I suggest everyone stand in a circle. Now I will call various commands, for example: “Hand to hand!” At this time, you must find a mate and touch it with your hand. The teams will be very different! So let's begin. Commands: hand to hand, knee to knee, little finger to little finger, back to back, elbow to elbow, ear to ear, back of the head to back of the head, belly to belly, etc.

    So you and I warmed up a little. Did you like the game?

    You all probably love to draw. And the next game will be very unusual. We will draw on each other's backs. I suggest you stand in a circle and turn your backs to each other. Now I will say the word to the person in front and he will draw this word on his neighbor’s back. The neighbor, in turn, does the same and so on in a circle until it is the last person’s turn. The last participant must name this word. (Sheets of paper are attached to the backs of the participants)

      Competition "Resourceful"

    Several couples are invited to participate in the competition. Each participant is blindfolded. Then several clothespins are attached to different areas of the partners' clothing. At the signal, players must remove all clothespins from their partner. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

    There lived a red-haired clown in the arena,

    It’s like it’s painted with happiness!

    Smile, colors of clothes

    He gave a rainbow of hope.

    Guys, you have all seen clowns more than once. So I invited two very funny clowns to join us here... But, unfortunately, they themselves could not come, but they sent us their photographs. But that’s not all the trouble - the March wind wanted to ruin our holiday and tousled these photographs. Let's try to collect them?

      Competition "Clown"

    The children are invited to split into two teams and assemble an image of clowns from pieces of paper.


    The whole team plays this game. The presenter explains the conditions of the competition:

    I'll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases.

    I'll just tell you the number 3 , - take the prize immediately.

    The following text is read:

    One day we caught a pike

    gutted, and inside

    we saw small fish,

    and not just one, but whole….. seven.

    When you want to memorize poems,

    they are not crammed until late at night.

    take it and repeat it at night

    once again, or better... ten.

    A seasoned guy dreams

    become an Olympic champion.

    look, don’t be cunning at the start,

    and wait for the command: one, two...... march!

    One day the train is at the station

    to me three I had to wait an hour... .(if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and ends it)

    Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,

    when there was an opportunity to take it.

    Leading: Now we're done playing with you. I hope your good mood will stay with you for a long time. See you again, guys!

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