• Calendar thematic planning senior group topic dishes. Calendar plan theme “Dishes” senior group


    Oksana Arkhipova
    Calendar- thematic planning on the topic “Utensils” (preparatory group)

    Topic: "Dishes". “Together we will help our grandmother Fedora in the mountains.

    Preparatory group:


    Consolidating children's knowledge about different types of dishes and the material from which they are made



    1. Memorization finger gymnastics“The car is a mess.”

    Masha cooked porridge,

    Masha fed everyone porridge.

    (index finger right hand interfere with the left palm)

    Masha put porridge

    Cat - in a cup,

    For the bug - in the bowl,

    And for the cat - in a large spoon.

    In a bowl - for hens, chicks,

    And in the trough for the piglets.

    (bend one finger at a time on the left hand)

    Took up all the dishes

    (unclench fist)

    I gave away everything down to the crumbs.

    (blow the “crumbs” off the palm).

    2. Observation of caring for plants in the environmental museum (watering, loosening).

    3. D/i “Attention” (memorize and sketch in a notebook based on the schematic representation of the utensils).

    Situational conversation about table manners.


    "Russian Khokhloma"

    1. To develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of the Khokhloma pattern, to use the traditional range of colors for this painting.

    2. Strengthen the ability to work with gouache.

    3. To instill in children a love for folk crafts.

    Materials and equipment

    Samples of Khokhloma painting, gouache, brushes, tableware templates.

    1Conversation about dishes.

    2. Examination of products with Khokhloma painting.

    3. Examination of a sample pattern.

    4. Independent work children.

    5. Exhibition of children's works.


    1. Monitoring the snowplow.

    Expand your understanding of the role of machines in performing labor-intensive work and the features of their structure; Foster interest in technology and respect for the work of adults.

    What a daring janitor

    Did you shovel snow on the pavement?

    (Snowblower.) A snowblower has a large scraper attached to the front. Furry round brushes rotate in the middle between the front and rear wheels of the truck.

    2. Research activity

    Compare a snowplow to an ambulance.

    3. Clearing the area of ​​snow and building a labyrinth.

    To teach to act together, to bring things to an end;

    develop labor skills.

    4. P/ and “Hunters and animals”, “Don’t get caught”, “Quickly take it, quickly put it down”. Strengthen motor skills;

    5. Ind. work "Walk on the bridge." Practice balance.


    1. Organization of an exhibition of children's works on healthy lifestyle.

    2. Work on the instructions of a speech therapist - automation of the sounds “l”, “l” in phrasal speech.

    3. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in public transport.

    4. D/I. “Catch the ball, name the days of the week.”


    1. Observing the weather, how it changed with the arrival of February. Fix the name of the winter months, the sequence of seasons.

    3. Practice long jumps.



    1. Morning exercises.

    2. Did game “Funny Signs”. Reinforce the rules of behavior on the street, knowledge of road signs.

    3. Repeat the sequence of parts of the day. Did. game “The day runs by the minute”

    4 Situational conversation about good deeds.

    5. Game “One, Many, No.” Consolidate education plural. h., and noun. in R. p.


    Teach children to make a pattern based on Gzhel painting. Combine arched looped lines with strokes and dots. Strengthen drawing skills with the entire brush, its end. Continue to cultivate interest in the art of Gzhel masters.

    Materials: illustrations, products of Gzhel masters, white paper cut out in the shape of a kvass pot and a teapot, gouache, brushes, napkins.

    Image integration regions Artistic creativity, Cognition, Communication, Socialization.

    1. Examination of Gzhel dishes.

    2. Consideration of elements of Gzhel painting.

    3. Partial demonstration of drawing elements of the painting.

    4. Independent work

    5. Exhibition design.


    Watching the snow. Form ideas about the changes that occur with snow at the end of winter.

    Winter sings and echoes,

    The shaggy forest lulls

    With the ringing of pine trees.

    All around with deep melancholy

    Sailing to a distant land

    Gray clouds. S. Yesenin

    There is a sign: if crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees, there will be snowfall. 2. Research activities

    Measure snow depth in open and sheltered areas kindergarten. Answer, where is there more snow and why?

    3. Watering the ice path.

    Learn to carry cold water carefully and pour it evenly along the entire path.

    4. P/game “Two Frosts”.

    Practice orientation in space.

    Practice jumping on two legs to a certain place.


    1. Preparation for the screening of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane” - tabletop theater.

    2. Experimenting with water.

    3. Plant care work (spraying)

    4. Individual work in an art studio (coloring).

    5. Work on the instructions of the defectologist teacher.

    6. Remind children that books and toys must be kept in order. Monitor how children put away toys and tidy up activity centers.



    1. Conversations with children: “What types of dishes are there?”

    2. Reading: L. Likhacheva “Etiquette Lessons”

    3. D/games “Describe without naming”, “What for what?” (sugar bowl for sugar,

    4. Improve the ability to properly use cutlery while eating.

    5. Be interested in what responsibilities the child has around the house (cleaning up toys, helping set the table, etc.). GCD Crockery. Together we will help our grandmother Fedora in her grief

    1. Teach children to set the table for various meals, determining the intended purpose of the dishes; group and classify objects.

    2. Practice education by analogy different parts speech: nouns (sugar bowl, rusk bowl, salad bowl, etc.) and adjectives (clay, glass, wooden, etc.).

    3. Practice selecting words with the sound “s”.

    4. Develop children’s logical and mathematical skills and spatial concepts (game “Assemble the dishes”).

    5. Develop tactile sensations in children.

    6. Develop communication skills: teach children to work in pairs and subgroups, cultivate a culture of verbal communication.

    7. Continue working with colored dough, improving familiar modeling techniques: flattening, rolling, “patching”, etc.

    8. Develop creative imagination and positive emotions.

    "Integration of educational areas

    Cognition, safety, thin. literature, communication,

    Materials and equipment

    Plasticine, stacks, boards, Game “Assemble the dishes” - similar to the “Vietnamese game”;

    Chips for dividing into teams,

    Tea and tableware for table setting,

    Fabric bags for identifying products by touch,

    Boards according to the number of children, trays of colored dough (5 colors) for each child, a cassette with music.

    See summary


    1. Observation of the waxwing. consolidate ideas about birds (waxwing); Cultivate sympathy and empathy towards birds.

    Invite the children to imitate a flock of waxwings. (How they move, peck rowan berries, how they whistle, etc.)

    The waxwings have arrived

    They played the pipes,

    They whistled: “Sviri-svir!

    We'll have a feast in the forest!

    Let the leaves fall from the branches,

    The autumn rain rustles,

    We peck rowan trees -

    You won’t find better berries!”

    Labor activity

    2. Clearing paths, benches, and booms of snow.

    Cultivate hard work and friendly mutual assistance

    3. Outdoor games “Kite and hen”.

    Strengthen the ability to act together; develop speed and agility. "Don't get caught." Practice running in different directions.

    Ind. Job

    Development of movements.

    Develop your eye when throwing snowballs (balls) at a target, achieving active movement hands when throwing. Vanya, Darina, Vitya.


    1. Free communication “The history of the creation of tableware.” "Journey into the Fork's Past"

    2. Reading: K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”

    3. Outdoor games “The sea is agitated” (draw utensils)

    4. D/I “Changes” (Dishes)

    5. Compilation descriptive stories for utensils.

    6. Conversation and drawing up etiquette rules “Safety when eating”, “Use of cutlery”



    1. Preparation for the game “Cafe”: Teacher’s story “What can be cooked and how to decorate dishes in a cafe”, conversation from personal experience"If you come to the cafe."

    2. Strengthen the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word; develop phonemic awareness: Denis, Arseny, Vitya.

    3. Round dance game “The cup went out for a walk...” Kartushev

    4. Exercise for coordination of movements “Carry it without spilling the water in the spoon”

    5. Strengthen the skill of Miroslav, Anfisa, Sasha Zh.; cut circles from squares, ovals from rectangles.

    6. Free communication and conversations “Why do you need to wash the dishes?”, “Can boys wash the dishes?

    7. D/I “China shop” (composing a whole from parts).

    GCD Manual labor

    "Wicked tuesok"

    1. Learn to weave a paper base with strips of colored paper, match paper by color, make volumetric craft based on a cylinder.

    2. Train the ability to match objects to signs.


    Scissors, colored paper, sample,

    1. Examination of the craft.

    2. showing and clarifying how to do the work

    3. Himself. children's work.

    Walk 1

    1. Cloud watching

    Expand your understanding of the sky and its influence on the life of our planet; Develop a perception of the beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

    They fly without wings, they run without legs,

    They sail without a sail. (Clouds.)

    2. Raking snow under bushes and trees, clearing paths and slides. Learn to work together and enjoy the results.

    3. P/games: “The Hen and the Kite.”

    Continue to learn how to deftly dodge the catcher. "Snow Hockey"

    Learn to roll the puck into the goal.


    1. D/i "Cooks"

    Talk about objects that make a person’s work easier in everyday life (coffee grinder, mixer, meat grinder, etc., develop the ability to identify the materials from which objects are made

    2. D/I “Let’s cook lunch”

    3. D/I “Edible – Inedible”

    4. Continue to improve food culture: use cutlery (fork, knife) correctly; eat carefully, quietly, maintaining correct posture at the table; make a request, thank you

    Walk 2.

    1. Weather observation. Compare daytime and evening.

    2. P/i “Two Frosts”

    3. Ind. slave. in physical education Throwing snowballs at a vertical target.



    1. Plot- role-playing games: "Cafe"; “Preparing a festive dinner”; “We treat our guests.”

    2. D/games: “Find the extra picture” (from 7 items,

    3. Research and development activities comparing the properties of clay and sand (which is better for making dishes)

    4. Conversation and drawing up etiquette rules “Safety when eating”,

    Walk 1.

    1. Observation of a crow and a magpie

    To consolidate the idea of ​​the bird world, to know their characteristic features.

    2. Collective work on the site. Goal: to teach to work together, to receive joy from the work performed and its result.

    3. Outdoor games “Kite and hen”, “Don’t get caught”.

    Strengthen the ability to run, deftly dodge, and jump.

    4. Ind. work Throwing snowballs at a horizontal target

    2. Consideration. and composing a story based on the painting “Cook”.

    3. Compiling riddles and crosswords about dishes.

    4. D/games “Describe without naming.” “What for what?” (sugar bowl for sugar,

    5. “Cookware store” (composing parts of a whole). “China Shop” (Krostiki) Kuziner.

    Walk 2

    1. Observation of icicles.

    2. P/i “From snowdrift to snowdrift”

    3. “Find an object” Find an object by description.

    4. Talk with children about a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

    Topic of the week: “Dishes” (from November 2 to November 13)
    Subject-developing environment: Illustrations, thematic albums with images of dishes. Audio recordings of children's songs. Demonstration material: “Tea set”, “Dishes”. Stencils, strokes, coloring according to data lexical topics. Thematic role-playing game "Cafe". Using the results of children's activities in story games.
    Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”, Ural fairy tale “Zhikharka”, K. Nefedova’s “Spoon”.
    Didactic games: “Dishes shop”, “China shop”, “Make a teapot”, “What kind of tea?”, “Arrange the dishes”.

    (Crafts, drawings created by the hands of children and their parents, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles).
    November 2 Didactic game“Cookware store” - consolidate the general concept of tableware. 1. Familiarization with the natural world/Introduction to sociocultural values.
    Topic: “What kind of dishes are there?”
    Goal: To learn to distinguish and name dishes, group and combine objects according to similar characteristics. To consolidate knowledge of the general concept of “Cookware”.
    2. Physical education Watching the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh visiting the Rabbit.”
    healthy lifestyle
    Problem situation “What will happen if we don’t wash the dishes?” - form initial presentations about health, healthy lifestyle. Tuesday – November 3 Guessing riddles about dishes.
    Practical exercise
    “Handkerchief” - teach how to use a handkerchief correctly. Continue to consciously follow the rules of etiquette. 1.Speech development
    Topic: Reading the work “Fedorino’s grief”
    Goal: To help children remember the names and contents of K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales. Introduce the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”. Fix the general concept - “dishes”.
    2. Modeling
    Theme: “Cup and saucer”
    Goal: Continue to learn how to sculpt objects from several parts. Strengthen the ability to use a stack. Cultivate compassion and kindness.
    “China shop” - teach how to create dishes from Couseneira sticks according to a model.
    Patriotic education: Conversation: “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children” - Form an idea of ​​what is good and what is bad.
    Day of the week Joint activities with children. GCD Joint activities with children. Interaction with parents.
    Wednesday - November 4
    .Didactic game: “Find out by description” - learn to compose descriptive stories about dishes.
    Didactic game: “Make a teapot” - teach how to make a whole from parts. 1.FEMP
    Goal: To consolidate the ability to count within 3, to introduce the ordinal value of a number, to teach it correctly, to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?” Practice the ability to find objects that are the same in length, width, and height. Introduce a rectangle by comparing it with a square.
    2. Physical education Exercise “Our orchestra” - playing with spoons. Music E.Telicheyeva.
    Round dance game “The cup went out for a walk” by N. Kartushev. Thursday - November 5
    Didactic game: “What tea? “- expand and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Dishes”, teach them to coordinate adjectives with nouns.
    Repeat finger play
    “We cook - we cook compote” 1.Music.
    Topic: “Stripes on a cup”
    Purpose: To teach how to hold scissors correctly, cut in a straight line, decorate an object using cut strips. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS:
    Problem situation: “What if you broke the dishes?” - teach the rules safe behavior at home.
    The plot-role-playing game “Cafe” - learn to play out various situations related to the peculiarities of the work of a cook, waiter, and cafe visitors. Strengthen knowledge of norms and rules of conduct in public places.
    Friday – November 6
    Work in a creative workshop: Decorative drawing cotton swabs: “Oh yes, a spoon!” - learn to decorate the finished form with patterns. Develop Creative skills children. 1.Drawing.
    Topic: Cup.
    Goal: To teach children to draw a large object from life with a simple pencil. Outline the outline with gouache and decorate the product with dots. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.
    2. Physical education.
    The “Carry the Potatoes in a Spoon” relay race teaches how to act as a team, helping each other.
    Washing doll dishes - teach children to provide all possible assistance, consolidate children’s knowledge about different types of dishes. Topic of the week: “Dishes” (from November 9 to November 13)
    Subject-developing environment: Illustrations, thematic albums with images of dishes. Audio recordings of children's songs. Demonstration material: “Tea set”, “Dishes”. Stencils, outlines, coloring pages based on these lexical topics. Thematic role-playing game “Let’s set the table for tea.” Using the results of children's activities in story games.
    Reading fiction: “The Big Spoon” by Z. Alexandrov, “At Dinner” by L. Kardashov, “Dinner” by E. Blaginin
    Didactic games: “Cookware Store”, “China Shop”, “Make a Teapot”, “All the dishes are mixed up”, “Divide into groups”.
    Day of the week 1 half day 2 half day Interaction with parents.
    Joint activities with children. GCD Joint activities with children. Involve parents in collecting material on the topic: “Dishes.”
    Creating an album on a general theme: “Dishes”
    Learning funny and humorous poems about utensils.
    Organize a joint tea party in a group - involve parents in joint activities, show children how to brew tea, and reinforce the ability to set the table.
    November 9 Didactic game “All the dishes are mixed up” - to consolidate the ability to find objects along a contour. Develop attention. 1. Familiarization with the natural world/Introduction to sociocultural values.
    Topic: Journey into the past of dishes.
    Goal: To acquaint children with the history of dishes, with the process of their transformation by man; intensify cognitive activity; arouse interest in objects of the man-made world of the past.
    2.Physical education
    Watching the cartoon "Fedorino's grief."
    healthy lifestyle
    “Self-massage” - introduce children to new health equipment, show self-massage techniques using round hand massagers. Tuesday – November 10 Guessing riddles about dishes.
    Looking at the album with pictures “About dishes”.

    Practical exercise
    Topic: “Writing a descriptive story about utensils”
    Goal: Learn to write a descriptive story about dishes. Strengthen the ability to classify objects by quality (glass, metal).
    2. Modeling
    Topic: Decorate the jug. (Bas-relief)
    Goal: To teach children the techniques of bas-relief modeling from flagella, curls, and spherical shapes. Develop fine motor skills hands Cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine.
    Construction games:
    “Put it out of sticks” - teach how to create dishes from sticks according to a model.
    Patriotic education:
    An excursion to the kitchen - to consolidate children’s knowledge about the professions of their immediate environment. Systematize children’s knowledge on the topic: “Dishes.” Day of the week Joint activities with children. GCD Joint activities with children. Interaction with parents.
    Wednesday - November 11
    Exercises to develop auditory attention and elementary mathematical representations“There were five cups on the shelf...”
    Didactic game: “Divide into groups” - teach children to combine objects into groups (kitchen, dining, tea utensils), activate the names of utensils in speech. 1.FEMP
    Purpose: Show the formation of the number 4 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed by the numbers 3 and 4; learn to count within 4. Expand your understanding of a rectangle by comparing it with a square. Develop the ability to create a holistic image of objects from parts.
    2. Physical education
    .Musical game “Rain” - develop the ability to easily move on your toes to the music. Learn to hear changes in the dynamics of music. Thursday - November 12
    Learning a new one finger game“Teapot” - coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills. 1.Music.
    2. Application/Design
    Subject: " Beautiful patterns"(decorative)
    Goal: To train children in carefully gluing ready-made shapes onto a colored base, arranging them rhythmically. Develop children's sense of color. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.
    LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS: Game situation“Naughty Puppy” - consider situations, help draw a conclusion about why it is necessary to remember your address and who you can tell it to.
    The plot-role-playing game “Let's set the table for tea” - learn to play out various situations.
    Friday – November 13
    Work in the creative workshop: Coloring coloring books on the lexical topic: “Dishes” - learn to paint over the finished shape carefully, in one direction, without going beyond the outline. 1.Drawing
    Topic: Beautiful patterns on dishes.
    Goal: To develop in children a sense of color and a desire to decorate ready-made forms pattern. Strengthen skills in working with paints. Foster independence.
    2. Physical education.
    The outdoor game “We washed the dishes” teaches how to coordinate words with rhythmic movements.
    Washing doll dishes - teach children to provide all possible assistance, consolidate children’s knowledge about different types of dishes. Topic of the week: “Furniture” (from November 16 to November 20)
    Subject development environment: Demonstration material on the topic “Furniture”. Computer presentation “Journey into the past of furniture.” Illustrations, thematic albums with images of furniture. Demonstration material: “Furniture”, “Tools”, “Professions”. Stencils, outlines, coloring pages based on these lexical topics. Plot - role-playing game Using the results of children's activities in plot games.
    Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, “Cat’s House”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, poems about furniture, E. Uspensky “Destruction”, J. Moritz “Dwarf House, Gnome House” .
    Didactic games: “Say a word”, “Who needs what for work”, “Pick up what you need”, “Fourth odd”.
    Day of the week 1 half day 2 half day Interaction with parents.
    Joint activities with children. GCD Joint activities with children. Involve parents in the collection waste material for the manufacture of furniture.
    Bring for reading:
    Reading book “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children”.
    Complete the audio recordings with the work of S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.”
    November 16 - Didactic game “The Fourth Wheel. Furniture” - learn to combine objects into a group according to common characteristics. Introduce the general concept of “Furniture” 1. Familiarization with the natural world/Introduction to socio-cultural values.
    Topic: Concept – Furniture. A journey into the past of furniture.
    Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about furniture. Give an idea that a person creates objects for his life. Introduce the process of furniture transformation in the process of human evolution.
    2. Physical education Demonstration of the fairy tale “The Three Bears” on a flannelgraph - to teach how to convey the images of the characters.
    healthy lifestyle
    “Why does furniture have to be right?” - to form a conscious attitude towards health in children. Tuesday – November 17 Guessing riddles about furniture.
    Looking at the album with pictures “Furniture”.

    Practical exercise
    “We sit beautifully” - to form a culture of behavior at the table, teach children to sit in accordance with the rules of etiquette. 1.Speech development
    Topic: "Furniture"
    Goal: To teach children to describe the furniture that is in the kitchen, hallway, bedroom, living room, and nursery. Enrich your vocabulary with verbs, nouns, adjectives. Practice using diminutive suffixes.
    2. Modeling
    Topic: “Table and chair” (patterned).
    Goal: Learn to cut elongated plasticine columns into pieces using a stack and attach them to cardboard, depicting pieces of furniture in the form of a bas-relief.
    3.Music Construction and design games: “My Room” - Learn to construct pieces of furniture according to your own design from construction kit parts.
    Patriotic education:
    “What is good and what is bad” - reading the anthology “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children” - to consolidate the rules of behavior in kindergarten. Day of the week Joint activities with children. GCD Joint activities with children. Interaction with parents.
    Wednesday - November 18
    Didactic game: “Say a word”, on the topic “Furniture” - to develop auditory attention. 1.FEMP
    Goal: To consolidate the ability to count within 4, to introduce the ordinal value of a number, to teach how to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?” Practice the ability to distinguish and name familiar names geometric figures. Expand to specific examples the meaning of the concepts fast and slow.
    2. Physical education Musical game “Rain” - develop the ability to move easily on your toes to the music. Learn to hear changes in the dynamics of music. Thursday - November 19
    Learning a new finger game “A lot of furniture in the apartment” - development of fine motor skills, hand muscles, coordination of movements, memory, speech. 1.Music.
    2. Design
    Topic: Furniture for dolls.
    Goal: Learn to construct pieces of furniture from designer parts according to your own design, improve design skills. Develop figurative perception and imagination.
    OBZH: Reading the poem by S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” - continue to introduce such a phenomenon as fire. Develop confidence in your actions.
    The plot-role-playing game “Furniture Factory” - teach children to unite in play subgroups of 3-4 people, select objects and attributes for the game. Friday – November 20
    Work in a creative workshop: Construction of furniture items from waste materials play corner– learn to make furniture from matchboxes with the help of an adult. 1.Drawing
    Subject: Beautiful napkins on the table.
    Goal: To teach children to draw patterns on round and square shape. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts.
    2. Physical education. Games in the sports corner - “Serso” - teach how to throw a ring. Develop accuracy and eye.
    “Wipe the dust from the furniture” -
    teach children to carry out individual and collective assignments, explain the significance of their work. Topic of the week: “Transport” (from November 23 to November 27)
    Subject development environment: Demonstration material on the topic “Transport”, games with toy cars using a model of a street, house and roadway. Didactic album "Road ABC". Role-playing game: “We are passengers.”
    Reading and viewing illustrations by N. Nosov “Car”, V. Berestov “About the car”, S. Fanginshtein “Our street”. S. Volkova “About the rules of the road.”
    Memorizing S. Mikhalkov “A pedestrian must remember: intersection-transition”, guessing riddles.
    Didactic games: “Chauffeur”, “What types of transport are there?”, “Confusion” (sort out all types of transport by type).
    Day of the week 1 half day 2 half day Interaction with parents.
    Joint activities with children. GCD Joint activities with children. Family project “We are pedestrians. Transport".
    Involve parents in collecting material to create
    exhibitions of models - cars of different brands.
    Looking at family photos

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food"

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Educational areas

    all group rooms)




    Image of activity V

    modein moments



    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Greeting each child entering the group. Morning exercises to music. Five-minute speech on the topic. D/i “Bread is the head of everything.”

    Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge that bread is one of the most important food products in Russia, black bread is especially healthy and rich in vitamins. Continue to introduce the work of grain growers and transport

    D/i “I count to 10 - to form children’s understanding of counting objects up to 10, to consolidate the ability to name numerals in order, pointing to objects, to express the results of counting in speech.

    Learn with the children L. Zilberg’s quatrain “I never lose heart,

    And a smile on your face

    Because I accept

    Vitamins A, B, WITH."

    Goal: To develop memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech.

    Introducing illustrations on the topic “Food. Bakery products»

    Maintaining a nature calendar.

    Vegetable garden on the window.

    Goal: to develop observation, thinking,hard work.

    Canteen duty.

    Instill cultural and hygienic skills in children.


    Speech development

    Speech development (correctional). GCD..

    Speech development (Reading fiction)

    Artistic and aesthetic development Phys. development

    GCD. Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

    According to the plan of the physical fitness instructor.


    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Watching the wind. Wind is the movement of air; note that cold winds have begun to blow more often. Find out what other signs children know. Systematize ideas about the sequence of seasonal changes. Game "Tag"

    D/game “Speak, don’t delay.” Goal: To develop speech activity and vocabulary Zukhra, Karina, Plato

    Situational conversation with children “What is porridge made from?” - expand children’s understanding of various food products

    Labor on the site - shoveling snow to the roots of trees. Goal: to develop hard work skills. Independent play activities on site.


    before bedtime

    1. Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fictionR.s.s. "Fox and Crane"


    Waking up to calm music. Control complex In the bed. Hardening procedures. D/i "Magic words."

    Goal: To develop the ability to decipher words using the first letters of a picture. Strengthen your knowledge of letters and sounds.

    Working on expressive reading of poems for the reading competition “Winter-winter”

    Productive activity: “Drawing”. Goal: to develop the ability to create drawings about the family. Develop the ability to hold a brush and pencil correctly

    Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games.

    Independent play activities of children in employment centers. P/I "Classics"


    Observing clouds and clouds in the evening sky. Goal: to teach children to identify snow clouds. P/I

    EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

    all group rooms)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Image of activity V

    modein moments



    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Greeting each child entering the group. Morning exercises to the music of LOTTO “SHOP” -

    introduce different types shops. Introduce children to economic terminology: product, price, cost, change, profit. Develop the ability to make purchases in a store, practice mental calculation, expand your understanding of the types of stores and products. Develop thinking, attention, memory. Activating the dictionary

    Continue to reinforce proverbs about work. Goal: To develop memory, thinking, clear pronunciation, speech, and the ability to communicate with adults. Attract Sonya, Alina A

    Looking at illustrations and solving riddles about products. - Continue to introduce products, their beneficial properties, vitamins,

    Labor - duty in the dining room “Order in everything” Goal: to consolidate the ability to set the table for breakfast.

    Board game"Lacing". Strengthen children's ability to tie shoelaces in the form of a banner. Independent activities of children

    on the topic "Dishes"

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.


    Speech development

    Speech development. (Correctional)






    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Target walk.

    (according to ter-i d/s). Invite the children to note the changes that have occurred on the territory of the kindergarten with the onset of winter.

    P/I " Cat and mice» - Develop the main type of movement - running. Develop the ability to dodge. .

    Consolidating the ability to dress in the correct sequence and provide all possible assistance to peers.

    Situational conversation with children - “Bread is not a toy.” Goal: explain to children the rules of behavior at the table.

    The hard work is to clear the paths of snow.. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults.

    Independent play activity.Games at the request of children.


    before bedtime

    Strengthen the ability to quickly and accurately undress, maintaining order in your closet (putting clothes in certain places)Reading fiction: Br. Grimm "Pot of Porridge".


    Wake up to calm music. Set of exercises “Clap”. Hardening procedures. Theatricalization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Spikelet” Purpose: to teach children to expressively perform dialogues.

    Continue to develop the child’s vocabulary on the topic “Bakery Products” - Ruslan, Ulyana. Egor

    D /And “It’s possible and it’s not” Goal: to consolidate the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

    Attributes for the s/r game “Hospital.

    Independent play activities of children in employment centers: design, drawing.


    Watching the wind. How does wind affect bird flight? Purpose: to learn to draw conclusions from observations. P/I "Owl"

    EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

    all group rooms)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Image of activity V

    modein moments



    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Reception of children. Morning exercises Greeting: A ball of affectionate names. Five-minute speech on the topic Be D.I.: “What did the artist mix up” (departments in a grocery store). Goal: development of visual attention, consolidation of knowledge of food products and various departments of the store.seda “All about our dishes” - clarify the meaning and role of dishes for our health.

    Ind. work - improvement ability to compare and distinguish objects of contrasting shapes (products nutrition

    Nastya, Dasha, Lera.

    Situational conversation with children “Our hygiene” in order to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills.

    Equipping the subject-spatial environment in the group - selecting illustrations on the topic of the week.Independent activity in activity centers. Coloring pages on the topic.

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.


    Speech development


    GCD.Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject:

    Artistic creativity

    Physical development

    GCD.Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

    GCD Physical development according to the instructor's plan


    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Bird watching - crow. Purpose: expanding ideas about wintering birds; training in observation (how birds move). “The Crow and the Little Dog.” Goal: learning to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move around without interfering with each other. P/I"Knock down the pin"

    Exercise children in walking and running “snake” between objects.

    Situational conversation “How do children understand the proverb “Meet by clothes, see off by mind”?”

    Work on the site - collecting garbage Goal: to cultivate a desire to take care of the cleanliness of the environment. Independent play activities on the site. Experimental activity “How to melt snow”


    before bedtime

    Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”,


    Waking up to calm music. Control complex In the bed. Hardening procedures.

    D.I.: “Find out by the contour.” Goal: developing the ability to visually analyze the outline of an object. Repetition of songs for the new year

    D/I “Draw by dots” Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. With Karina, Alina, Dasha

    Situational conversation “Every toy has its place.” Goal: strengthen the skills of cleaning the play area..

    Role-playing game "Shop".

    Independent activity of children in creativity centers.

    Decoration of a book corner, attributes for s/r games


    Observations of the onset of evening, how birds behave when darkness falls. Purpose: to learn to draw conclusions from observations. P/I “Birds on a tree”.

    EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

    all group rooms)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Image of activity V

    modein moments



    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Greeting each child entering the group. Morning exercises to music. Five-minute speech on the topic. D/i “Guess who it is?” (based on descriptive features). Goal: consolidation of ideas about food, dishes, development of auditory attention, thinking.

    P/n "Shadow"

    D/I “Correct the mistake” Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning of possessive pronouns “my, mine, mine, mine” with Fotima, Zukhra Karina

    Learning the dynamic game “Mole” Goal: to develop hand-eye coordination. Dasha, Bogdan, Seryozha)

    Labor - preparing the workplace for educational activities Goal: to cultivate accuracy.

    Independent play activities in employment centers. Kit subject pictures on the topic, album “Dishes”.

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

    About the upcoming Christmas Toy competition


    Speech development


    GCD. Speech development (correctional) Topic:

    GCD. Cognition. FEMP Topic:


    GCD Artistic and aesthetic development (application)


    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Observation of inanimate nature - the sun. Goal: deepening knowledge about natural phenomena (sunny, cloudy weather). P/n: “Who will throw the snowball next? - practice throwing, maintain order

    Exercise children in jumping over a long rope (Katya, Lera, Lyuba)

    Cognitive and research activities: “Why do trees need snow?

    Labor - clearing the veranda of snow, putting things in order. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Independent play activities on the site. Remote materials: work equipment, balls.


    before bedtime

    Strengthen the ability to quickly and accurately undress, keeping order in your closet (putting clothes in certain places) Reading fiction: N. Nosov at the children's choice


    Wake up to calm music. Complex "Kittens". Hardening procedures.Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” Purpose: to teach children to expressively perform dialogues.

    Repeat poems and songs for the New Year

    Situational conversation with children - “We play together” in order to consolidate the ability to organize joint games

    Independent play activities of children in employment centers

    Printed board games: “Loto”, “Domino”, “Logic”

    Free activity in the art corner using stencils and coloring books.


    Wind observations. Goal: continue to teach how to determine the strength of the wind; expand children's knowledge about the inanimate nature of P/I at the children's choice. Making riddles about dishes and food with Leva, Katya, Adelina and Ruslan.

    EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

    Group: senior groupSubject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

    all group rooms)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Image of activity V

    modein moments



    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Morning gymnastics to music. Greeting: “Stand up children, stand in a circle.” Five-minute speech on the topic. Conversation with children “Health is the main wealth” Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​proper nutrition and the need to take care of your health.

    Ind. work discussion of food products from which you can prepare breakfastWith Karina P., Seryozha G.. Alina A.

    Conversation about what the chefs prepare for breakfast?

    Work on the dining room Purpose: to teach children to set the table for breakfast.

    A set of illustrations on the topic, d/i, independent play activities in employment centers. Plot - role-playing games at the request of children.

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

    “How to spend your weekend with benefit for your child”


    Speech development


    GCD ecology Topic:

    GCD. Drawing. Subject:

    Phys. Culture

    According to the plan of the physical training instructor


    Speech development


    Cognitive development

    Phys. Culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Observation: “Birch in late autumn.” Continue introducing children to various types of trees, teach them to recognize a birch by its white trunk, the shape of its branches, and name it features. Tell children about the birch tree as a symbol of Russia.. Ask you to think about why in winter the needles do not fall off like the leaves of deciduous trees.P/n: Who will run faster?”

    P/I “Get into the Hand” Purpose: to train children in throwing bags at a vertical target Emil, Lyuba, Adelina

    Did game “name it in one word”. Learn to use generalizing concepts of dishes and products in speech. Enrich your vocabulary.

    Work on the site - clearing the paths of snow. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Independent play activities on the site. Remote materials: work equipment, balls.


    before bedtime

    Strengthen the ability to quickly and carefully undress, keeping order in your closet (putting clothes in certain places) Reading fiction. Literature: V. Oseeva “Cookies”.


    Wake up to calm music. Hardening procedures. Reading fiction. Fairy tale " The Snow Queen" Conversation on reading.

    D/y “Continue the pattern” Purpose: to practice children’s orientation on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern. (Karina, Diana, Bogdan)

    Situational conversation “If a friend suddenly turns up” Goal: to teach children to find solutions to problem situations, to cultivate friendliness

    Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Health” Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the benefits of sports for health, to cultivate a desire to support healthy image life


    Footprint observations. D/I “Where are whose traces?” Goal: to develop observation, imagination, consolidate knowledge about the world around us. P/I “Who is missing”With Karina P., Dasha P., Seryozha T. consolidate the sequence of parts of the day

    Alena Vakhmistrova
    Comprehensive thematic planning for the week “Dishes. Food" in senior group

    Comprehensive thematic planning

    on the topic “Dishes. Food"

    Tasks: Continue to expand children's understanding of dishes and food.

    Develop skills of cultural behavior while eating.

    Develop and activate vocabulary.

    Development of family creativity and cooperation between family and kindergarten within the framework of the project.

    Final event: Exhibitions children's creativity. Quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky.

    Cognitive development

    Conversations: “What types of dishes are there?” Proper nutrition", "Why do we eat porridge in the morning", "Healthy and harmful foods."

    Excursion to the kindergarten kitchen. Introduction to the profession of a cook.

    Examination and compilation of a story based on the painting “Cook”.

    Making and telling riddles about dishes.

    D/games “Describe without naming”, “What for what?” (sugar bowl for sugar, “Cutware Shop” (composition of parts of a whole, “Ceramic Shop” (Krostiki – Kuziner’s sticks).

    Research activity - comparison of the properties of clay and sand (which is better for making dishes)

    Social and communicative development

    Free communication and conversations “What are the dishes made of and by whom”, “When I eat I am deaf and dumb”, “What is a colander for?”, “A beautifully set table is the key to a good appetite.”

    Didactic games: “Find the extra picture”, “Name it in one word”, “Sort it out on the shelves”, “Assemble a whole from parts”; “Arrange the dishes on the shelves”, “What does a chef need for work”, “Edible and inedible”

    Role-playing game “Family” (plot “Preparing a festive dinner”; “Treating guests”)

    Drawing up algorithms - table setting.

    Watching the cartoon "Fedorino's grief"

    Speech development

    Compilation of descriptive stories on dishes.

    Examination of illustrations, pictures depicting various types dishes.

    Speech games “Say it differently”, “Say a word”, “Which one, which one, which one”.

    Reading fiction: “The Fox and the Jug”, “The Fox and the Crane”, N. Nosov “Porridge”, “Cucumbers”, K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s Grief”, L. Likhacheva “Etiquette Lessons”.

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Drawing “Dishes” (Gzhel painting, “Vase painting”

    Modeling from salt dough “Cup and saucer”

    Using strokes and shading, patterns and stencils of dishes

    Coloring illustrations and coloring books.

    Drawing at will.

    Laying out dishes from counting sticks.

    Physical development

    Invigorating gymnastics complexes No. 3 (see card index)

    Walking barefoot on a massage mat

    Outdoor games “The sea is agitated” (draw dishes, “Guess what it is” (exercises depicting silhouettes of dishes)

    Movement coordination exercise “Carry it without spilling the water in the spoon”

    Book corner: books to read and look at: Russian folk tales“The Fox and the Jug”, “The Fox and the Crane”, N. Nosov “Porridge”, “Cucumbers”, K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s Mountain”; pictures and illustrations on the topic.

    Role-playing games center:“Preparing a festive dinner” - algorithms for preparing various dishes. “We treat our guests.” Substitute items for role-playing games.

    Center for construction and construction games: making table setting algorithms, counting sticks with diagrams.

    Productive Activities Center: coloring books on this topic, pictures of dishes, stencils, templates, shading on the topic, materials and tools for drawing, modeling, appliqué and artistic work, samples of folk craft utensils “Khokhloma, Gzhel”

    Interaction with parents:

    Recommendations for parents: Together with your child, look at the dishes you have at home, fix the names of the dishes (kitchen, tea, dining, coffee). Show your child the products from which food is prepared, fix the names of dishes that are prepared at home, as well as methods of cooking. In this case, you should ask: what is prepared from meat? From potatoes? From cabbage? What is vinaigrette made from? Show where dishes are stored at home, what foods are in the refrigerator.

    Offer parents a weekend route.

    Help with homework.

    Publications on the topic:

    Comprehensive thematic planning for the week. Senior group (part 2) Part 1 http://www..html TUESDAY Joint.

    Look at the dishes in the kitchen with your child. Check the names of the utensils. Ask your child what a cup, ladle, frying pan, saucepan, kettle, ladle, grater, colander, cutting board, plate, saucer, spoon, fork, mug, knife are for.

    Review with your child and name the parts in court: handle, lid, spout, bottom, walls.

    By purpose dishes divided into dining room, tea room, coffee room, kitchen

    Talk about what the dishes are made of (iron - iron, glass - glass, clay - ..., wooden - ..., earthenware - ...).

    Game "What are the dishes made of?"

    Spoon made of wood - wooden…
    Porcelain cup - porcelain…
    Crystal vase - crystal
    Metal grater - metal
    Glass decanter - glass
    Plastic oiler -...
    Cast iron frying pan -...
    Clay bowl -...

    Steel knife - ...

    Didactic game "Where do they put things" (dishes)

    Bread is placed in a BREAD BOX

    Sugar - to SUGAR BOWL

    Jam - in a JAM VASE

    Candies - in a CANDY VASE (candy bowl)

    Rusks - in CRUSH BOWL

    Salt - in the SALTS

    Pepper - in a PEPPERCRACK

    Fish - in a DISH FOR FISH

    Tea - in a teapot for brewing

    Milk - in a JUG

    Oil - in an OIL CAN

    Cream - in a CREAMER

    Salad - in SALAD BOWL

    Didactic exercise “What is this?”

    This is a saucepan. You can cook soup in it.
    This is a plate. You can put food in it.
    This is a spoon. You can use a spoon to scoop up food and put it in your mouth.
    This is a cup. You can pour tea into it and drink it.
    This is a knife. They can be used to cut bread.
    This is a frying pan. You can fry cutlets on it.

    Fedora did not spare the dishes, did not wash them, she beat them and the dishes ran away from her. Look at the drawing. Tell us which pieces of dishes ran away from Fedora and which parts they were left without. (The teapot ran away from Fedora. A teapot without a spout. Etc.)

    .Complete the sentences

    Let's solve riddles about dishes:

    1. Has a trunk, not an elephant,
    He bows to the cups.


    2. It is necessary for us,
    After all, we eat food from it
    Deep and shallow
    Her name is……….

    With a plate

    3. In our kitchenette
    We cook porridge in it,
    Potatoes, broths,
    Soups, pasta


    4. She is always honored in the kitchen
    She fries and bakes,
    Don't cook us food
    In the kitchen without……..

    frying pans

    5. Created only for bread,
    She takes care of him.

    bread box

    6. We take her by the hand
    We drink tea and coffee from it.


    7. I don’t eat on my own.
    And I feed people.


    8. Made of glass,
    Designed for tea, juice, milk


    9. Has four teeth
    Every day he appears at the table,
    And he doesn't eat anything


    10. New dishes, but all with holes


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