• ECD for speech development “Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Cat with kittens. Abstract of the GCD "Compiling a story based on a picture of a cat with kittens." Junior group


    Prepared by: teacher Natalya Aleksandrovna Kavylina p. Smolensk - 2018 Municipal budget preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Cockerel"

    Goal: development of coherent speech of preschoolers with the help of paintings "Cat with kittens" .

    Software tasks:


    • replenish and activate children's vocabulary
    • consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals, their cubs, and habitats
    • develop the ability to carefully examine a picture
    • continue to teach children how to write a story based on plot picture in a certain sequence
    • use means of intonation expressiveness in the communication process
    • develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, form the plural and singular form of nouns denoting baby animals.


    • develop in children: memory, attention, thinking, speech
    • the ability to make basic conclusions and inferences.
    • development of coherent speech, coordination of speech with movement.


    • encourage children to answer questions
    • cultivate feelings of empathy for all living things, teach to treat animals with care; cultivate interest in understanding the world around us; develop the ability to listen to your friend and not interrupt.

    Methods and techniques:

    Visual: looking at a painting "Cat with kittens" .

    Verbal: conversation based on the picture, questions.

    Practical: game exercises, storytelling from a picture, matching animals and their babies.

    Preliminary work: Monitoring the cat and dog on the territory kindergarten, writing a descriptive story about a toy, conversation "Pets are our friends" , looking at illustrations of pet postcards, looking at a painting "Dog with puppies" ; didactic games "Who lives where" , "Domestic or wild animal" , "Big and Small" , reading fiction V. Suteev "Who said meow" , S. Marshak "Cat house" .

    Equipment for the teacher: magnetic demonstration board, large mitten, soft toy - Mother Cat, kitten, model of a forest and model of a house, napkin, painting by S. Veretennikova "Cat with kittens" , "Domestic Animals and Their Young" .

    1. Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage- introduction to the situation)

    Guys, each of you has a mother, father, grandparents, brother or sister. It is so? Do you love them? Why do you love them?

    Do you think animals should be loved?

    What kinds of animals are there? (wild and domestic)

    Who has animals at home?

    Do you love him? (children's answers)

    I also love animals, both big and very small! And I want to tell you one story. Want to listen? So here it is. I was walking along a path, walking slowly, and suddenly... (I take off the napkin and the mitten underneath).

    "Oh! What kind of small hut is this?

    A sheepskin mitten!

    Someone is crying.

    Shouldn't you help us, friends?

    Who can cry there? (children's answers)

    (I take the kitten out of my mitten)

    Guys, who is this?

    I wonder why the kitten is crying? Ask the kitten what happened to him?

    (children ask a question)

    Guys, do you want to help the kitten? Can you?

    1. Main part (substantive, active stage)

    Updating knowledge - didactic game "Help me find my mom" .

    On the table there are models of a forest and a house, children need to find the baby animal’s mother and match it to the correct model. (wild or domestic animal).

    Guys, who do you see here? How will you help the kitten? (Children take turns performing a play action - matching a mother with her baby. The actions are pronounced in words: the mother dog has a baby puppy. This is a domestic animal. Let's place them near the house. The goat has a kid, a pet, also to the house. The cow has a calf, a pet The fox has a little fox, lives in the forest, let’s place them near the Christmas trees, a wild animal. The wolf has a wolf cub, a wild animal, lives in the forest. And you, kitten, have a mother cat. Go, kitten, to the house. . Mommy cat probably searched you, and don’t get lost again!)

    Guys, now let's relax a little!

    Physical exercise.

    Now the window has opened (hands to the side)

    The cat came out onto the ledge (imitates the graceful gait of a cat) The cat looked up (throw back your head, look up) The cat looked down (lower your head, look down) Here I turned to the left, (turn your head to the left)

    I watched the flies, (turn head to the right)

    She stretched, smiled and sat down on the ledge (appropriate movements and facial expressions)

    Guys, were you able to help the kitten? What knowledge did you need for this? Well done, you helped the kitten find its mother! And now I would like to introduce you to the family of our new friend. Want to?

    (I put a picture on the board "Cat with kittens" .) - Guys, who is depicted in the picture? (cat and kittens)

    What can you call everyone who is depicted in the picture? (Cat family)- Guys, wouldn’t you like to turn into kittens now and relax a little?

    Phonogram of a mother cat.

    She thanks you for helping her kitten.

    Do you know what she asks you? Mother cat asks you to tell about her and her kittens. She will be very interested to hear a story about her family. Well, how about making the mother cat happy? (Yes)

    Let's pay attention to the picture and look at it carefully. (I pause, the children look).

    What cat? (big, fluffy, beautiful, mustachioed, with beautiful striped fur).

    What is the cat doing? (lying, resting)

    What name can you give a cat? (Murka)- Guys, let's close our eyes and imagine that we are holding a kitten in our arms, pet it. What do you feel? What is he like? (small, soft, fluffy)

    • How do cats and kittens talk? (Meow meow)

    How do they purr? (Muur – Muur)

    How many kittens are shown in the picture? (choral responses)

    Let's count together: one kitten, two, three. The cat has three kittens. - What is this kitten doing? (plays with balls)

    What name can you give him? (Vaska)

    What is this kitten doing? (laps milk; sits near a saucer of milk)

    What name will we give him? (Fluff)

    What is the third kitten doing? (lying next to mom, resting; dozing)- Let's come up with a name for him? (Sonya)

    Where is Daddy Cat? Let's figure out where he could be (Gone hunting, hid in another room)

    Now think about where the kittens could have gotten the balls? (Grandma knitted a scarf and fell asleep, and the kittens rolled away)

    What will she tell the kittens when she returns? (What spoiled kittens, I’ll punish you, I won’t give you milk.

    In order for the story based on the picture to be interesting, without repetition, you must first tell everything about the cat, then everything about the kittens and, finally, about what we see around. What words can you use to start a story? (The picture shows, etc.)

    Guys, I will start the story first, and you will continue.

    The painting shows a cat with kittens. The cat is big, beautiful and fluffy. She has pointy ears green eyes, long mustache and striped fur. The cat lies on the rug and looks at her kittens.

    Who wants to continue and describe the kittens?

    Guys, which of you wants to tell Mother Cat about her family, looking at the picture? I will help you. (Children take turns writing 3-4 stories. I listen to the children’s stories, encouraging their attempts to tell stories).

    Well done!

    Game exercise “Choose action words”

    Guys, now I suggest you stand in a circle. I will take turns throwing the ball to you, and you will select answers to the question: “What can cats do?” The one who catches the ball gives an answer, for example: "Scratch" . We will play like this until we remember everything that a cat can do. Rule: do not repeat the answers of other children.

    3. Final part (reflective stage - comprehension (result)

    Guys, did you like our lesson?

    How should a picture be told to make the story interesting? Well done!

    Phonogram of Mother Cat.

    Guys, look who came to us! (I take it out soft toy- cat from behind the board)

    Yes, it was our cat from the picture who came to thank you for your stories. And she came not with empty paws, but with books.

    Let's thank the mother cat for the gifts. (Thank you!)

    I also liked your stories, and I decided to leave the picture in the group until the end of the day "Cat with kittens" . What if one of you pleases the cat by telling her how beautiful she and her kittens are?

    Kristina Shamonova

    Development of a direct summary educational activities, including children's perception of works of art. Looking at the painting« Cat with kittens»

    Target: develop the ability to carefully consider story characters paintings, answering questions about its content.



    Learn to name animals and their babies, the habits of cats, what animals can do;

    Teach children to compose story based on a picture, formulate answers to the question;

    Use means of intonation expressiveness in the process of communication with peers and adults.


    Develop thinking;

    Develop Creative skills in children;

    Activate in speech words denoting the actions of the animal.


    Foster mutual assistance;

    Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

    Cultivate an interest in learning about the world around us.

    Preliminary work: reading poems about pets (cat) ; singing a song "Grey cat"; telling riddles about animals.

    Individual work: teach Oksana K. to name baby animals, teach Egor E. to come up with names kittens, teach Arthur P. talk about kittens.

    Vocabulary work: bearded, funny, playing with balls, lapping up milk, housewife, hunting.

    Relationship with other species activities: cognitive development(FCCM, artistic and aesthetic development (drawing, physical development, social and communicative development.

    Demo material: painting« Cat with kittens» , Pictures animals and their young, sheets of paper with images of

    drawn cats.

    Handout: paints, brushes, brush stands, napkins, sippy cups.

    GCD move

    I. Children, let's play with you (finger gymnastics)

    Let's imagine together that we are visiting Grandma Fedora. We are playing in the yard and someone saw:

    Cat with a mustache

    Horned cow

    Bearded goat

    Shaggy dog

    Little piggy

    Let's remember once again who we saw visiting Grandma Fedora.

    II. Didactic game "Mom and Kids".

    (By pictures)

    III. Looking at the painting« Cat with kittens» .

    Who is pictured picture? (cat)

    What a cat? (big, fluffy, affectionate, beautiful)

    What kittens are they like?? (small, fluffy, funny)

    What is he doing cat? (lying down resting)

    What name can I give cat? (Murka)

    What is this kitten doing? (plays with balls)

    What name can you give him? (Vaska)

    What is this kitten doing? (laps milk)

    What name will we give him? (Fluff)

    What is the third kitten doing? (lies next to mom, rests with her)

    Let's come up with a name for him? (Sonya)

    What can you call everyone who is depicted on picture? (Cat family)

    Where is Daddy Cat? Let's figure out where he could be (Gone hunting, hid in another room)

    Now think about who could bring a basket of balls kittens? (Housewife, mother, grandmother)

    IV. Physical education minute.

    Here the window opened(hands to the side)

    It came out cat on the ledge(imitates a graceful walk cats)

    I looked cat upstairs, looked cat down

    Here I turned to the left (turn my head to the left,

    I watched the flies (turn head to the right)

    She stretched, smiled and sat down on the ledge (sit down)

    V. Compilation story based on a plot picture.

    And now we will learn to compose stories based on a plot picture, and at home tell moms about the cat and kittens.

    "On the picture shows(cat with kittens) . The cat is big...(fluffy, beautiful). Next to her… (three kittens). They… (small, funny). One kitten's name is (Vaska). He (plays with balls). The other kitten's name is... (Fluff, he laps up the milk). The third kitten's name is... (Sonya). I've already had my fill of sleep and... (lay down next to mom). Daddy cat left... (to hunt). She brought a basket of balls... (hostess). I like it painting, because the kittens turned out...(funny)».

    And now girls and boys, let’s close our eyes and let our eyes rest. We will think about how to compose story about a cat and kittens.

    The teacher listens children's stories, encouraging their attempts to storytelling.

    VI. Creative activity. Drawing on topic: "What is missing from cats

    Let's give pictures of a cat with kittens

    VII. Bottom line. Reflection of activity.

    What did we learn in class? (children answer)

    Who were they talking about? stories? (children answer)

    What did you remember most about the lesson? (children answer)

    And I want to tell you - thank you! You tried very hard in class.

    Summary of educational activities for speech development with TRIZ elements for children of the second junior group

    Subject: Compiling a story based on the plot painting “Cat with Kittens.”
    Purpose: methodological development for conducting educational activities on speech development.
    Target: development of children's speech through teaching creative storytelling based on a plot picture.
    Tasks: To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture.
    To teach mental actions leading to the listing of objects in the picture, to the transformation of the selected character in time.
    Promote elements of creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture.
    Exercise children in explaining the relationships of objects depicted in the picture.
    Develop logical thinking.
    Develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.
    Foster a culture of dialogue
    Methods and techniques: Introduction to game situation, artistic expression, questions, messages, incentives for dialogue, introduction game character.
    Materials and equipment.
    Subject picture “Cat with kittens”, magnetic board, magnets, ball

    Types of children's activities: research, educational, gaming.
    GCD move:

    1.Organizational part.

    Children stand in a circle and read a poem in chorus, holding hands.
    We put our palms together
    And they offered to be friends with each other
    We will sing, practice, play,
    To be kind. become smart.
    The teacher asks a riddle:
    At the threshold he cries, hides his claws,
    He will enter the room quietly
    He will purr and sing.( cat)
    The teacher opens the picture and offers
    do gymnastics for the eyes, and then look at the picture:

    Now the window has opened
    The cat came out onto the ledge
    The cat looked up
    The cat looked down.
    Here I turned to the left,
    She watched the flies.
    She stretched, smiled,
    And she sat down on the ledge.
    -Look and tell me who is depicted in the picture?
    Tell us about the cat? What is she like?
    Now close your eyes, take a step forward and imagine that you and I have entered the picture. Listen to what sounds you hear.( The teacher plays an audio recording of kittens squeaking and cats purring) Open your eyes. Let's take a step back and leave the picture. What did you hear when you entered the picture?
    Word game with a ball “What a cat can do.”
    Children, I invite you to stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask the question: “What can a cat do?” " The one who catches him gives an answer, for example: “Scratch.” We will play like this until we remember everything that a cat can do. Rule: do not repeat the answers of other children.

    Look at the kittens. What can you say about them? What are they?
    How are kittens different from each other? What's different about them?
    Correctly they differ in the color of their coat.
    How else are they different?
    Look what each kitten is doing?
    How are all kittens alike?
    Kittens are very different
    Let's give the cat and kittens nicknames so that you can guess from them what kind of character the kitten is.
    - Kittens sleep on the carpet,
    They don't want to wake up
    They sleep quietly, back to back,
    And they purr in their sleep.
    Here they all lay on their backs,
    They got naughty
    Paws up and everything in a row,
    Everyone is purring and playing pranks.
    Here comes the shaggy dog,
    And his name is Barbos,
    Are the kittens playing around here?
    I'll scare all the kittens-WOOF.
    How can you name everyone who is depicted in the picture?
    Where is daddy cat? Let's figure out where he could be? Now think about who could bring a basket of balls? What will she say to the cat and kittens when she returns?

    Reflection of activity.
    Children, I suggest standing in a circle. And I myself will stand in the center. I'll throw the ball and ask a question. The one who catches it gives the answer and returns the ball to me.
    - What did you study today?
    - Who were the stories about?
    - Which game did you like best?
    - Which task was the most difficult?
    (in their free evening time, children make up their own riddles about cats and kittens, rhymes, and come up with stories)

    Educational: practice solving riddles. Develop the ability to carefully examine a picture and reason about its content (with the help of questions from the teacher). Practice selecting words that are similar in meaning; choose words that denote the actions of objects.

    Developmental: develop the ability to compose a detailed story from a picture, based on a plan, clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds (s) and (z); learn to differentiate these sounds by ear,

    Educational: to cultivate moral ideas, cooperation skills, activity and initiative.


    Painting "Cat with kittens";

    Kitten toy;

    Preliminary work: conversation about pets.

    Today we will learn to write a story based on a picture about a pet. You will find out which animal you are talking about when you solve the riddle.

    (The teacher asks a riddle).



    Drinks milk

    Sings songs.

    What answer did you get? So, today we will write a story about a cat with kittens.

    Look at the cat. Describe her appearance. What is she like? (big, fluffy). Look at the kittens. What can you say about them? What are they? (small, also fluffy). How are kittens different from each other? What's different about them? (one kitten is red, the second is black, the third is motley). That's right, they differ in coat color. How else are they different? Look at what each kitten is doing (one is playing with a ball, the second is sleeping, the third is lapping up milk). How are all kittens alike? (all small). Kittens are very different. Let's give nicknames to the cat and kittens so that you can guess from them what kind of character the kitten is. Kitten: (says name) plays. How else can you say about him? (plays, jumps, rolls a ball). Kitten: (says its name) is sleeping. How else can you say? (dozing, eyes closed, resting). And a kitten named: laps milk. How else can you say it? (drinks, licks, eats).

    I invite you to stand in a circle. I will take turns throwing the ball to you, and you will select answers to the question: “What can cats do?”


    All the kittens washed their paws:

    That's it, that's it!

    We washed our ears, washed our bellies:

    That's it, that's it!

    And then they got tired

    Sweet, sweet fell asleep:

    That's it, that's it!

    Let's return to the picture. Listen to the outline to help you write the story.

    1. Who is depicted in the picture? Where does the action take place?

    2. Who could leave a basket of balls? And what happened here?

    3. What can happen when the owner returns?

    Try to use in the story the words and expressions that you used when looking at the picture.

    The teacher calls two children for a joint story and invites them to agree on who will start the story and who will finish. In case of difficulty, the teacher himself begins to tell the story - the first three sentences - or tells it completely. After three pairs of children tell the story, the teacher asks if they liked the stories.

    "One day, grandma put a basket of thread on a chair and left. There was a cat lying on the rug. She had five kittens. All kittens are very different. A white kitten with gray spots slept on a small green pillow not far from the mother cat. A gray fluffy kitten plays with the cat The red one lapped up the milk, and the white one with gray spots and the second red one, the most mischievous ones, jumped onto the chair and knocked over the basket of threads. The two kittens began to play with them and confused everything. purred softly."

    Educator: Now we will play the game “Mosquitoes and Wasps”. Children, let's divide into two teams: mosquitoes and wasps. Mosquitoes ring z-z-z, and wasps sing their song-s-s-s. I will show a card with an insect, this command makes its own sound. The teacher alternately shows the mosquito and wasp cards. Then the children close their eyes, and one child makes a sound. Children guess who it is. And both teams repeat. Let's remember what we did today.

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