• A set of rehabilitation exercises after a stroke. The basic principles of exercise therapy after a stroke are success rates. Restoring active movements


    For those who have suffered a stroke, there is always the possibility of partial or complete recovery. Doctors recommend carrying out rehabilitation measures for at least three years.

    Usually, it gives more hope, because. it causes less damage to brain cells. If we are talking about, then physical rehabilitation is difficult due to the period of resorption of the hematoma, the use of surgery.

    Therapeutic gymnastics after a stroke is considered one of the methods of recovery. She gives certain positive results, like medications, and physiotherapy.

    Physiotherapy exercises are very important in order to prevent complications, adapt to self-care, and help. Due to the forced regime without movement, significant problems can arise.

    Physical therapy can help prevent:

    1. the appearance of bedsores on the body;
    2. congestive pneumonia;
    3. heart failure;
    4. muscle atrophy;
    5. the appearance of blood clots;
    6. spasms of some muscles.

    Therapeutic exercise has a positive effect on metabolism and microcirculation in organs that have been impaired due to a stroke. Remedial gymnastics after a stroke at home allows you to return to active movements, with its help you can easily start writing, drawing, using dishes, etc. again.

    Through exercise internal organs function normally again, and speech is restored.

    When can you start exercising?

    Specific exercises and their duration are at the discretion of the attending physician.

    The choice in favor of gymnastics will depend on the following circumstances:

    1. how severely the brain tissue is damaged;
    2. how ready the body is for recovery;
    3. treatment and whether it was started on time.

    The first six months are considered the most problematic period. During this period, the indicators of the ischemic focus change: some cells die, while others remain able to perform functions, but they need help. For this, gymnastics is needed after a stroke. There is a certain memory at the cellular level, which is able to "remember" movements, to resume the transmission of impulses.

    If the patient is in sound consciousness, and not in a coma, then after three days he is recommended breathing exercises. It is needed to prevent congestion in the lungs. After five days, it is recommended to start physical therapy classes. Exercises should include habitual movements, taking into account the patient's condition.

    After about six months, the patient must be provided with a course of treatment in a sanatorium or a specialized institution. This course is best done twice a year.

    In addition to exercise therapy in a specialized institution, the patient will be provided with the following procedures:

    1. acupuncture;
    2. oxygen baths;
    3. massage;
    4. electrosleep;
    5. magnetotherapy;
    6. hardware electrical stimulation of certain muscles.

    Exercise therapy must also be done at home, after discharge from a medical institution. To this end, relatives should know the recommended exercises and monitor their implementation by the patient, encouraging him. You need to try as much as possible to maintain a positive mood, because. this greatly affects the rate of recovery.

    Breathing exercises

    It is necessary to take a supine position and take a few deep breaths.

    Such breaths must be repeated several times during the day and the more the better.

    As soon as the doctor allows you to sit, you will need to monitor your posture: your back should be straight so that air enters the lungs as much as possible and straightens them. Breathing exercises consist of a deep breath, then you need to hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and slowly exhale. You need to rest after performing each such exercise.

    It is necessary to control the general condition at the same time, so that there is no severe dizziness, one should not strain too much during holding the breath.

    This is important at any stage of rehabilitation

    Effective physical activities cannot be without psychic support. Muscle memory is able to give commands, including to weak cortical structures. The patient needs to accompany all his physical efforts with mental instructions to move his arms and legs.

    What exercises can be done lying down?

    If doctors have not given permission to sit or stand up, then the exercises should be performed in the supine position.

    Gymnastic exercises after a stroke

    Classes are based on movement in the joints of the limbs. First, it is recommended to perform passive exercises, which include rotations, flexions, and abductions. The amplitude is constantly increasing. You can not immediately take the maximum load. It is recommended to start with small oscillations, ten movements in each joint. It is recommended to perform such approaches three times a day.

    Do not forget about a certain order: from the center to the periphery. That is, classes for the hand begin first from the shoulder, and then to the elbow, then the hands. Also with the exercise for the legs: first the thigh, then the movements for the foot.

    A set of active movements for the hands

    Gymnastics for the hands is allowed to be performed in fifteen approaches:

    1. clenching and unclenching fingers into a fist;
    2. rotation of the arms in both directions;
    3. flexion and extension at the elbows;
    4. swing to the sides.

    A set of active exercises for the legs

    It is advisable to start gymnastics for the legs from the time of bed rest, then continue already at sitting position. Gymnastics should not be overly intense.

    Exercise should be comfortable, and repetitions should be increased gradually.

    Exercises such as:

    1. toes actively flex and unbend;
    2. socks pull on themselves and return to the opposite position;
    3. knees bend and unbend;

    How to develop the muscles of the body?

    To perform these exercises, you need to lie on your back and try to repeat ten approaches:

    1. perform rolls from one side to the other;
    2. try to raise the pelvis with the help of the shoulder blades, elbows and heels;
    3. try to lift the upper body, while tensing the abdominal muscles.

    What other movements need to be developed?

    After a stroke, it is required not only to pay attention to working with the limbs, but it is also necessary to work out the muscles of the face, in particular the eyes.

    So that the eyelids do not fall, you need to perform gymnastics in several approaches:

    1. recommended to move the eyes different sides;
    2. you can rotate your eyes in a circle, also in different directions;
    3. squeeze and unclench the eyelids.

    You also need to work on strengthening the neck:

    1. it is recommended to turn your head in different directions;
    2. press the back of the head as deep as possible into the pillow, then relax.

    After a stroke occurs, the patient loses the ability to small movements fingers. But, this is extremely necessary if a person wants to serve himself.

    To work effectively on the hand, you need to perform the following exercises:

    1. in a wide container it is recommended to fold various items: pens, erasers, pencils, felt-tip pens;
    2. the patient is advised to transfer these items from one container to another.

    In specialized institutions, lotto and mosaics can be used.

    Standing exercises

    If the patient can stand and move independently, then it is recommended that he gradually increase the number of exercises per day. You need to work with simple exercises first, and then add variety.

    Simple gymnastics can be called the following techniques:

    1. smooth sipping with breath control;
    2. turns several times in each direction;
    3. squats with tightly pressed heels to the floor;
    4. alternately raising the legs;
    5. torso tilts in different directions (while the arms are alternately above the head).

    The following exercises are considered advanced gymnastics:

    1. clasp your hands in the lock and make slow sips with them;
    2. boxing hand movements;
    3. circular rotation of the shoulder joints.

    Gymnastics must be completed with slow breathing exercises.


    Gymnastics cannot be practiced in some cases. Whether the patient will deal with it or not depends on his condition.

    Physical education is contraindicated if:
    1. the patient is in a coma;
    2. fixed some mental instability (excessive irritability, aggression, etc.);
    3. has occurred, and the patient is in old age;
    4. seizures similar to epileptic ones, as well as convulsions, were recorded;
    5. stroke occurred in a patient who suffers additionally diabetes, tuberculosis, etc.

    When performing a gymnastic complex, the patient should feel quite comfortable. If complaints are received about headache, excessive weakness (pressure dropped, etc.), then it is necessary to change the pace of physical activity and rest more.

    As soon as the doctor allows you to walk, it is recommended to walk as much as possible, spend time on fresh air. It is recommended to gradually increase the route during walks. The help of loved ones, their moral support and self-confidence will help a person cope with the disease as soon as possible.

    Useful video

    Therapeutic exercises after a stroke - a video describing the recommended exercises:

    All recommendations in the article are for guidance only. Whether to do exercise therapy and how many times a day is decided solely by the patient's attending physician! Independent appointment of physical activity after a stroke is unacceptable!

    A stroke never goes away without consequences. Due to acute circulatory disorders, massive death of brain cells occurs.

    As a result - loss of functionality of organs and limbs.

    Problems with motor activity can persist for years, but with the right physiotherapy treatment, it is possible to mitigate the effects of the disease by returning the person to normal life.

    So, what are the types of gymnastics for recovering from a stroke at home and how to do the exercises correctly?

    The main goal of all such exercises is to restore the ability to fully move.

    Moreover, such gymnastics has no contraindications as such.

    It can be practiced already 5-6 days after a cerebral hemorrhage, unless, of course, a “command” is given from the doctor.

    Exercise principles:

    • restoration of the sensitivity of the affected limbs due to constant motor activity;
    • return of activity to the affected brain cells;
    • if too many cells have died, then gymnastics is designed to “replace” them with previously inactive brain cells.

    Gymnastics is the basis of human recovery after stroke, and no additional medical procedures she does not require. All medicinal methods of recovery are allocated to another group of therapeutic measures.

    These exercises are available to almost everyone, as they do not require large physical exertion.

    A stroke never goes away for a person without a trace. and is it dangerous?

    Drugs used to treat stroke should not be ignored as they eliminate blood clots and improve memory. You will find a list of funds.

    Complex of passive gymnastics

    Passive gymnastics is not aimed at strengthening muscles and developing joint flexibility. Its task is to restore the activity of the affected brain cells. These nerve cells are delicately involved in motor activity by performing simple exercises:

    • Flexion and extension of the limbs. It is necessary to work with both the affected and the healthy side. You need to start the complex on the side of the body that was not affected by the stroke.
    • Contractions of the hands. It consists in simple squeezing and unclenching. We start with a healthy hand, then connect the patient. The doctor sometimes recommends adding to this simultaneous work with both hands.
    • Rotational movements. The limbs are twisted in a circle. In this case, the amplitude of rotation should gradually increase.
    • Leg movements. The legs are bent at the knees, after which they are retracted and brought to the stomach.

    A set of passive exercises

    The set of passive exercises also includes breathing exercises. It consists in several deep breaths, followed by a return to the normal mode of operation of the lungs.

    A person who has had a stroke is very weak. Even these simple exercises can make him severe fatigue. Try not to set too large loads.

    Gymnastics in the prone position

    These exercises belong to the "passive" complex. They are used to restore limb activity immediately after a stroke. Gymnastics is aimed at "development" of different muscle groups.

    • Neck muscles. A person fixes his gaze in front of him, and begins to turn his head in different directions as much as the body's capabilities allow.
    • Fingers. You can perform gymnastics both alternately and on both hands at the same time. Moreover, this exercise is permissible in any position, but is usually done in a prone position. After 10 finger curls, a break is taken for 10 minutes, after which the exercise is repeated. The more and more often you engage with your fingers, the faster the effect will come.
    • Lap. The person lies on his back, bending and unbending his legs 10 times per approach. Moreover, the feet should not come off the bed, it is necessary that they slide along its surface.
    • Arms and upper back. The patient takes the back of the bed with his hands, lying on his back, and pulls himself up to the first fatigue.
    • Hand joints. The person lies on his back, the left arm is slowly bent, after which it is also slowly laid on the bed. Immediately after this, the right is bent in the same way.
    • Eye exercises. First, the eyeballs alternately move up and down and left and right. After that, close your eyes and make a few rotational movements. During rest, you need to blink quickly for 7 seconds.

    The main task of this complex is to remove the fixation of muscles in a contracted position. The first results come at different times, it all depends on the general condition of the patient.

    Gymnastics in a sitting position

    These exercises are suitable for people who have already partially recovered from a stroke and can sit up on their own (with a little help). Exercise strengthens the arms and legs and prepares the person for walking.

    • deflections. You should lean on the pillow and grab the bed with both hands. The legs are extended forward and, if possible, kept on weight. First you need to slowly bend forward, throwing your head back, and then slowly return to the starting position.
    • Move your legs. Hands should firmly hold on to the edges of the bed, and stretch your legs forward. Next, the person should alternately slowly raise and lower the legs, trying to make sure that the feet are completely on the floor. You can’t hold your breath, repeat 4 times for each leg in one approach.
    • Hand motor development. For these exercises, you will need "props". We take a deep bowl and put a lot of items in it. different forms, colors and destinations. Also, they should differ in weight. For this, pencils, nuts, dried peas, coils, buttons, figures are suitable. The person will have to sort them out with his hands, and then, with his sore hand, he will individually transfer them to another container.

    These exercises may seem difficult for people who have had a stroke recently. If you have the strength, but there is no desire, then you should “influence”, but you don’t need to force it to work, it’s better to do the “lying” exercises for the time being.

    Gymnastics in a standing position

    These exercises are considered difficult for "stroke sufferers", so they should be done already in the final stages of recovery and with the consent of the attending physician. Their main task is to teach a person to fully stand and walk, as well as perform complex movements in a standing position.

    • Tilts. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, hands rest on the lower back. Slowly, a forward bend is made while inhaling, and while exhaling, you should slowly unbend. You can do up to 10 slopes in one trip. Tilts to the sides are made according to the same scheme, but in this case it is necessary to simultaneously do lunges with the legs in the direction of the declination of the body.
    • Jumping. You can jump as you like, the main thing is to keep your hands on your belt. The exercise is continuously repeated for 35-40 seconds, after which you should rest.
    • Walking in place. You can replace it with a light jog around the apartment. Perform approaches for no more than 6 minutes. This exercise well restores breathing and strengthens the lungs.
    • Squats. The peculiarity of this exercise is that one arm is extended forward, and the other is removed behind the head. After each full squat, the hands change. A break is made every 10 times.
    • Mill. Strengthens almost all muscles, activating large sectors of the brain. Legs together, one arm above the head, the other extended along the body. We count to ten, changing hands at each count. It is done 10 times per approach, but if a person is already strong enough and gets tired slightly, you can try to increase the rate to 15.

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    If it suddenly turns out that these exercises are too heavy, then they should be abandoned until the general condition of the body improves.

    Stroke survivors are often moody. For example, a person is able to perform an exercise, but does not want to, starting to refer to fatigue. You need to learn to recognize such whims and stop them.

    Recovery after a stroke is a long and complex process, fraught with many pitfalls. Gymnastics is the basis of this process. It allows you to activate the affected brain cells, and also strengthens the muscles and develops the flexibility of the joints.

    You should not greatly overload a person, forcing him to do exercises that are unbearable for his condition, everything should be in moderation. Remember that the fate of a loved one who has had a brain hemorrhage depends on your care and understanding!

    Since stroke is a very common pathology, it exists. You can familiarize yourself with the algorithm of events by reading the article.

    What is a migraine stroke and does it have anything in common with a regular stroke, you will find out.

    Related video

    A stroke is a rather complex disease, accompanied by an acute violation of blood circulation in the brain. The disease is quite serious, since its most common result is mortality or disability. But doctors are sure that if measures for the rehabilitation of the patient are started in time, then it is quite possible to restore the body's strength after a stroke. Special meaning has rehabilitation gymnastics after a stroke. Along with massage, exercises on simulators, a number of physiotherapy procedures, she can prevent many complications in patients.

    For the patient, any physical exercises and loads improve blood circulation, reduce blood stasis, enhance metabolic processes in the myocardium. It is impossible to achieve recovery with the help of drugs alone. Therefore, if the doctor has not found contraindications, then rehabilitation exercises can be started already on the 3rd-6th day.

    Before starting classes, it is imperative to consult a doctor, as he will be able to determine which complex should be performed after a stroke in the first place, what loads during the recovery period are acceptable.

    Exercises included in the complex of physical education for rehabilitation should take into account the severity of the patient's condition. Of course the most the best option to keep track of progress medical worker. Then, as the patient begins to slowly recover after a stroke, he will be able to do special gymnastics on his own.

    A set of passive exercises

    This complex begins recovery exercises, and it can be performed even by someone who is still bedridden. The patient himself cannot yet move, but, nevertheless, his body requires movement and rehabilitation. Therefore, to perform the first exercises, the patient needs help.

    1. The paralyzed arm must be constantly bent and unbent, it must be rotated. These actions must be performed daily, starting with a 10-minute session and gradually reaching its half-hour duration. During one session, every 5-10 minutes you need to take small breaks so that the muscles get a short rest.
    2. The following rehabilitation exercises put a little more stress on the arm muscles. To perform it, you need an elementary simulator-projectile - a piece of a wide elastic band 40 cm long, sewn into a ring. The simulator is put on first on both hands, and then on the legs. Slightly pulling the elastic band, they spread-bring the limbs to the sides, and then perform the same exercises, moving the limbs up and down. The ring is immediately put on the wrist or ankles, and then, changing the load, move it higher. So they train different groups muscles.
    3. Raising the patient's hands up and putting a ring on the index fingers, they take the hands to the sides, and then return the hands to their original position.
    4. Take the patient by the ankles with your hands and bend-unbend his legs alternately. These exercises are reminiscent of the well-known “bicycle”, which was easily performed before a stroke. Now it is greatly simplified, since the patient's feet cannot be torn off the bed.

    Eye exercises

    But the next gymnastic complex for recovery can be performed by the patient himself, being exclusively in a horizontal position after a stroke.

    1. Lying horizontally, move your gaze up and down and left and right. Then make rotational movements with your eyes. Perform the exercises first with open, and then with closed eyes. Each movement must be repeated 10-15 times, performing them at an average pace. After they are completed, close your eyes, hold them closed for a while, then open and blink intensively.
    2. Very intensively squeeze and unclench the eyelids. The movement must be done at an average pace of 10-15 times.
    3. Look at a point directly in front of you. Without taking your eyes off her, turn your head to the right and left. These exercises are performed 5-6 times in each direction.
    4. If the patient can raise both hands, then he will be able to perform the following exercises to rehabilitate his body. To do this, lying on your back, grab the headboard arms outstretched. Mentally pulling up, straighten your shoulders, straighten your legs and stretch your socks. This type of load must be performed 5-6 times.

    Sitting exercises

    When the patient is allowed to sit in bed, his gymnastic rehabilitation complex will become somewhat more complicated. Without forgetting about the previous exercises, he can do the following exercises, performing them at a calm pace.

    1. Leaning back on the pillow, in a semi-sitting position, grab the edge of the bed with your hands, straightening your legs as much as possible. At the expense of one or two, bend over, throw back your head and take a deep breath. Take a deep breath and relax for a count of three or four. Repeat this exercise at least 6-8 times.
    2. Sitting on the bed and straightening your legs, take hold of its edges with your hands. In turn, raise each leg low 6-8 times. Breathing during the exercise should be even and deep.
    3. But this exercise for the rehabilitation of leg muscles requires a lot of effort. The starting position is the same as for the previous exercise, only the arms are extended upwards. bend right leg at the knee and with the help of the hands bend it until it touches the chest. In this case, the head must be tilted forward. Do the same action with the left leg. Flexion of the leg is done on inhalation, extension - on exhalation. Repeat exercises 6-8 times.
    4. The last exercise that completes this complex. Sitting in bed, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and take your arms back as far as possible so that the shoulder blades touch each other. At the same time, raise your head, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 6-8 times.

    When the patient can get back on his feet and no longer be afraid of a stroke, he will need another physical education complex to recover from the disease, which the doctor will also help develop. But the main condition is that when performing exercises, strict control of breathing is necessary. And you should not overload the body that has not yet been fully restored after a stroke with heavy loads.

    Complex of rehabilitation gymnastics after a stroke

    A stroke that occurs as a result of damage to the vessels of the brain is fraught with a complex of disorders of organ systems and complications, ending in death or disability. With the timely implementation of measures for treatment and rehabilitation, the consequences of a stroke can be minimized. Therapeutic exercises after a stroke is the main factor in preventing those complications that could occur with an unfavorable course of the disease. Of course, it is necessary to supplement it with massage, physiotherapy, exercises on simulators.

    When performing physical activity in patients, blood circulation is normalized, metabolic processes in the heart muscle are accelerated, and stagnation of blood circulation does not occur. The consequences of a stroke cannot be cured with drugs alone. If the doctor finds no obstacles, rehabilitation classes should be started after 3 days. The doctor should advise relatives about what exercises should be done in the first place, what activities can be performed during this period.

    Classes are selected taking into account the age of the patient and the condition of the patient. With the initial organization of classes and a favorable prognosis of the consequences of the course of the disease, the patient himself will be able to do elementary gymnastics.

    Gymnastics for a lying patient

    Restorative gymnastics after a stroke begins in a supine position. Although the whole organism is still immobilized, some of its parts already need to be restored and moved. To do this, patients will need help from others. The ideal option will develop if the performance of classes will be controlled by a physician.

    1. Flexion-extensor and rotational movements in the joints of paralyzed limbs are provided to patients every day. The first days of the exercise are performed for 10 minutes, in the next days they increase to 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes it is worth taking a break with rest for the muscles.
    2. Further exercises are designed for a greater load on the muscles of the girdle of the upper limb and the muscles of the free upper limb. You will need a rubber ring with a diameter of 20 cm, which is worn both on the hands and, subsequently, on the legs. The movements of the limbs in the elastic band are performed in groans and up and down. At the beginning of classes, the ring is put on the wrist (ankle) area, then it is moved higher. As a result, different muscles receive training.
    3. With the help of a rubber ring, exercises are continued by putting it on the index fingers. They produce abducting-adducting movements in the hands.
    4. During "bicycle exercises" the patient's feet are manipulated without taking his legs off the bed and grasping the ankles with his hands.

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    This set of exercises is allowed for independent performance of the patient, who is in a supine position.

    1. Being in a horizontal position, the patient moves his gaze to the sides, up and down and in a figure eight. After several receptions, they begin to rotate movements: first with open, then with closed eyes. The number of exercises in one approach is up to 15 times the average pace. At the end of the exercises, they close their eyes, after which they open and blink frequently.
    2. With force to move the eyelids up and down is not very fast. The number of approaches is up to 15.
    3. Turn your head to the sides without looking away from any object or selected point. The number of head turns in each direction is up to 6.
    4. With the possibility of raising his arms up, the patient can stretch his arms and grab the headboard and imagine that he is pulling himself up. In this case, it is necessary to take a pose when pulling up: stretch the toes of the legs and straighten the back and shoulders. The number of exercises performed is up to 6.

    Gymnastics for sedentary patients

    1. Tilt your head back on the pillow in a half-sitting position, straighten your legs, pulling your socks off and taking a deep breath, bend over. Then the same time to relax. The number of repetitions of this exercise is up to 8 times.
    2. Holding hands on both sides of the bed, first raise one, then the other leg. At the same time, the position on the bed is sitting, and breathing is even and full. The number of approaches for each leg is up to 8 times.
    3. The repetition of the next exercise is the same as in the previous ones, although it is performed with a greater load for the patient. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but differs in that the arms are extended upwards, and the leg is bent at the knee joint until it touches the chest. It is recommended to move the head and body of the body forward, and help bend the knee with your hands. At the end of the exercise, the legs alternate. When performing, you need to pay attention to the fact that flexion occurs on inhalation, and extension of the legs - on exhalation.
    4. The final exercise of this complex is also performed while sitting on the bed. When straightening the back and shoulders, they try to take their hands back as much as possible so that the contact of the shoulder blades is felt. During the exercise, it is recommended to raise your head. After completion - the starting position. The number of repetitions is up to 8 times.

    Patients who are already on their feet and have a favorable prognosis for the rehabilitation of the consequences, perform gymnastics, compiled individually by the doctor. The basic rule for performing exercises is concomitant control over the patient's breathing. Overloading a fragile body with physical activity can play a role negative role in the further rehabilitation of the patient.

    Restorative gymnastics after a stroke

    June 7th, 2012 Anatoly and Irina

    Restorative success treatment after stroke depends primarily on the activity of the patient himself. He has to re-learn how to coordinate movements, roll over, sit down, stand up, walk, dress, eat, learn to talk.

    During stroke part of the brain dies. The cells surrounding this area have to take on the functions of dead cells. It is very important to start rehabilitation immediately after a stroke.

    Imposed movement treatment is applied to the affected limbs and joints with the help of massage, gymnastics, the use of special devices that affect certain joints and muscle groups.

    Massage begins on the second day: extensor muscles are massaged on the arm, flexor muscles on the leg. Start with 5-7 minutes of massage and bring up to 20-30 minutes. Massage is carried out 1-1.5 hours before gymnastics or 3 hours after it. Massage is done every day until full recovery.

    Together with drug treatment, folk remedies for stroke from the first hours of the acute period, positional treatment is used in order to avoid complications - contractures of paralyzed limbs.

    To do this, for example, when muscle tightness interferes with arm flexion, the following actions are carried out:

    The patient is laid on his back for 1.5-2 hours. The arm is straightened and taken to the side at a right angle, the fingers are unclenched. The forearm and hand are bandaged to a plywood splint. To fix the position, a bag of sand is placed on the brush.

    Positional treatment is combined with massage and passive gymnastics. Massage should be done at a slow pace, very carefully.

    By the end of the first week, they begin to do active gymnastics. They do it in isometric mode, that is, without movement in the joints. In this case, the assistant holds the raised arm or leg.

    In order to properly raise the affected arm, the patient must grasp the bottom of her elbow with the palm of a healthy hand and raise it, turning the palm up. At the same time, the assistant with one hand supports the patient by the axillary region from below, with the other - by the wrist from above. In no case should you raise or hold a sore hand only by the hand, lean in a sitting position on a sore hand. Helping the patient to rise, you can not support him from the sick side.

    Exercise after a stroke

    At first, the patient is taught to sit: they start from a reclining position for 3-5 minutes, pillows are placed under the back and head. On the 3rd-4th day, the position is changed to a semi-vertical position, then they are taught to sit with their legs down, a bench is placed under their feet.

    Then begin to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs. To do this, use an expander or "frog" to inflate rubber mattresses. In addition, in the supine position, without taking the feet off the sheet, they imitate walking by bending and unbending the legs at the knees.

    At the next stage, the patient learns to get up, holding on to the headboard. When he learns to stand confidently enough, you need to master the swaying, shifting from foot to foot. The legs are at the width of the shoulders. After this exercise is mastered, they start walking on the spot, first holding on to the table, the back of the bed, gradually refusing the help of supports and crutches. In the future, they learn to walk up the stairs, at first under supervision, taking breaks.

    Along with the exercises for the legs, the muscles of the arms begin to develop. For this it is useful:

    • assemble and disassemble children's constructors, pyramids, cubes, sculpt figures from plasticine,
    • relax muscles - in a prone position, hanging down a sore arm and shaking it,
    • join hands in the lock, lift up and tilt left and right,
    • take a stick with both hands, while the sore hand is passive, lower the stick behind the head,
    • perform flexion, extensor and rotational movements with the hands, help with a healthy hand,
    • with a sick hand, turn over the pages of books, shift objects, tighten and unscrew nuts, fasten zippers, buttons, tie ribbons. Then more complex exercises: learn to use the keys, dress yourself, brush your teeth.

    Walking is very useful, it is advisable to choose flat paths with benches for rest. First you need accompaniment, choose a slow pace, rest every 5-10 minutes. During the movement, the sick side does not need to be spared. Monitor your heart rate and blood pressure. The pulse should not exceed the original by more than 20 beats per minute.

    AT post-stroke period will worry about muscle pain. You can remove it by warming it with a blue lamp, a heating pad, or a bottle of hot water wrapped in a towel. Acupuncture sessions also help. You can relax your muscles with gymnastics and swimming in warm water, as well as physiotherapy procedures (electrical stimulation of paralyzed muscles). In a hospital or at home, you can do paraffin and ozocerite applications. To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes analgesics (tramal, pentalgin, baralgin).


    Rehabilitation after a stroke at home involves exercise, exercise (physiotherapy exercises), massage and medication.

    The list of exercise therapy exercises for stroke is selected by the doctor based on the patient's condition, however, it is possible to give approximate recovery complexes that are safe to perform at home.

    About the benefits of exercise therapy

    Gymnastics after a stroke has a lot of useful properties:

    • Physical exercise is indicated to maintain joint mobility and normalization muscle tone(with a stroke, the motor function of the arms and legs decreases).
    • Prevents the formation of bedsores in the area of ​​​​the feet, back and those places on which the pressure is greatest.
    • Helps to restore the work of the brushes.
    • Helps to relieve the symptoms of paralysis, restoring the functions of the limbs and body.
    • Removes muscle hypertonicity, normalizes the work of the affected muscles.

    Exercises after a stroke are shown to people who have had this terrible disease.

    Preparatory activities

    Before using exercise therapy, it is worth preparing the patient.

    How to do it:

    • Necessary (every 2-3 hours). Such measures are required to prevent blood stasis.
    • Then, with the same frequency, it is worth doing passive exercises: making movements with outside help. This technique allows you to relieve muscle tension.
    • After that, breathing exercises are added. They normalize gas exchange, improve muscle function.
    • At the end, they move on to physical activity of the active type. This includes walking after a stroke. They make it possible to return to a normal form and minimize the likelihood of subsequent relapses of the disease.

    Help with walking

    The rehabilitation complex is planned so that physical therapy after a stroke is the final point of the activities. It is indicated only when the patient's condition is stabilized.

    The goals of therapeutic charging

    A set of exercises for stroke is designed to achieve several goals:

    • Prevent the formation of bedsores.
    • Prevent the development of congestive pneumonia.
    • Relieve spasm of the left and right side body in stroke.
    • Stop the development of heart failure, and also prevent the atrophy of the affected muscles.

    In severe cases, a person literally has to re-learn how to walk, use household appliances, take care of yourself. The solution of these problems is designed to help exercise therapy after a stroke at home.

    A new tool for the rehabilitation and prevention of stroke, which has a surprisingly high efficiency - Monastic collection. The monastery fee really helps to fight the consequences of a stroke. Among other things, tea keeps blood pressure normal.

    Passive loads

    Before performing a set of passive exercises, the patient is shown performing a massage. In short, it is based on the following principles:

    • Physical impact is performed with light stroking circular movements.
    • Massage is done starting from the upper sections (head, collar area). Then they move on to the legs.
    • The impact on the back is carried out by tapping movements.
    • The pectoral muscles are affected starting from the center chest and moving on to the armpits.
    • Hands and feet are massaged in this sequence. Arms: shoulders, forearms, hands, fingers. Legs: buttocks, thighs, shins, feet, toes.
    • Massage begins on the healthy side (left if the right side is affected and vice versa).

    After performing the massage, you can start exercise therapy at home.


    • Take a rounded object, place it in the patient's hand. Help to hold the object in hand. Similar exercises for fine motor skills hands should be performed more often, they will help restore the work of the hand and fingers.
    • Bend and unbend your legs. It is necessary to make movements so that the limb straightens itself, having traveled along the surface of the bed. Even in passive exercises, the participation of the patient is important.
    • Squeeze and unclench the fingers of the affected hand.
    • Raise and lower your arms (movement falls on the shoulder joint).

    There is another exercise of the passive type. The leg or arm should be hung on a towel or elastic bandage. Now you need to make rotational movements, as well as move the limb to the right and left.

    Passive exercises for recovery after a stroke are designed to prepare the patient for a full-fledged physical education. They are performed 2-3 times a day (initially 2, then 3). Duration - about half an hour.

    mental training

    Treatment after hemorrhagic stroke(and ischemic "fellow") should be comprehensive and systematic. Therefore, you can not do without mental stress. They help restore damaged neurons, train memory and restore normal thought processes. Patients develop aphasia after a stroke. mental exercises with a stroke, they help normalize speech functions.

    Active physical activity

    Lying exercises

    Work begins in the acute period.

    • Grasp a distant object behind you with your hands (a headboard will do). On the count of “one”, perform a “pull-up”, straightening the legs and arms as far as possible. Then return to the original position.
    • With an effort to straighten the affected arm, starting with the fingers, then moving to the hands and forearms. With the help of a tire and an elastic bandage, fix the limb in a similar position for half an hour. This exercise allows you to restore hand function after a stroke.
    • "Slip". Done with effort. Lying on the bed, they try to alternately bend the legs at the knees so that the feet do not come off the surface of the bed. It is performed 8-12 times.
    • Make alternate turns of the head to the left and to the right. Exercise is necessary to relieve hypertonicity of the cervical muscles.
    • Lie down straight. Hands at the seams. The body is relaxed. Bend on the count of "one" right hand at the elbow, fix it in this position for a second or two. Then lower the limb onto the bed. For a count of two, bend the other arm. In addition to the above exercise for the hands, you can perform its complicated version. Suspend the limb with a bandage and perform all kinds of movements: flexion, extension, rotational movements.
    • Bend your fingers into a fist and unbend back. After a stroke, the function of the hands deteriorates sharply. Thus, fine motor skills will be restored and gradually the fingers will return to their normal state. To restore the power characteristics, it is permissible to use a ring expander.

    The specified complex of exercise therapy for hypertension and stroke should be performed with great care. However, the performance of these exercises is allowed in the acute period of the course of the disease. They are also suitable for the disabled.

    Complexes from a sitting position

    For treatment, classes are resorted to at the end of the acute period. Complex exercise therapy for the treatment of stroke includes the following payloads:

    • Sit straight. It is advisable to use a chair with a back. On the count of "one" take a breath and bring the shoulder blades behind your back. On the count of two, return to the original position. This load is designed to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
    • Rotational movements of the head. 8-10 times in each direction. When performing, it is important to adhere to safety precautions: a dislocation or fracture of the cervical vertebrae is possible, the movements are slow and smooth. The load is considered part of the vestibular gymnastics.
    • Take a stalk from a shovel or other similar stick. Place it perpendicular to the floor to form a fulcrum. Now you need to take hold of the "shell" with both hands. Leaning on a stick, make rocking movements back and forth, gradually increasing the amplitude. Breathing is even, it can not be knocked down. After a stroke, this load is designed to relieve excess back muscle tone.
    • Perform flexion and extension of the fingers.
    • Sit on a chair. Try to slowly bend back, bringing your shoulder blades together and moving your arms and head back. "Freeze" in a curved position for 2-3 seconds.
    • Take a sitting position on the bed. Legs should hang freely. Do swings with the lower limbs. You should start at a slow pace, gradually building up strength. Such exercise therapy after a stroke is necessary for the development of the lower extremities.

    Complexes from a standing position

    These exercises are ideal for the heart and blood vessels, but should be performed in the later stages of rehabilitation, due to their complexity for the patient after ischemic stroke.

    • Stand up straight. Legs at shoulder level. For such exercise therapy ( therapeutic gymnastics) you will need a fulcrum in the form of a chair back or something similar. On the count of "one" raise your leg, put it on a chair. Return to original pose. On the count of two, raise the other leg. Run 3-6 times.
    • On the account of "one", slowly raise the upper limbs above the head. Stay in this position. Put your hands down on the count of two. The rise is carried out on inhalation, lowering the arms - on exhalation. Such exercise therapy in violation of cerebral circulation is necessary for the development of hands after a stroke and the normalization of breathing.
    • False steps. Legs at shoulder level. On the count of "one" push the leg forward, making a false step, on the count of "two" put the limb back, on the count of "three" return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times for each limb, starting with a healthy one.
    • Pick up a tennis ball or other rounded object. Throw it from hand to hand. Therapeutic gymnastics of this kind with a stroke helps to restore coordination. It is better if such a load is performed in conjunction with an assistant.
    • Sipping. It is necessary to stand on your toes and stretch your arms up, as if wanting to reach the ceiling.
    • Walking in one place (30 seconds-1 minute).
    • Get up. Hands on the belt. Make a twisting turn to the right, spread the upper limbs. Repeat on the other side.
    • Doing squats. This exercise exercise therapy for ischemic stroke should be done with caution, as it increases blood pressure.
    • Get up. Hands on the belt. Make tilts to the right and left.
    • Perform forward lunges.
    • Legs at shoulder level. Raise your right leg. Do circular swings with a limb. Repeat the same with the other leg.

    Exercise with a gymnastic ball

    These exercises after a stroke can be performed at home, but it is better if the exercises are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, especially if exercise therapy is prescribed for chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system.

    Eye Complex

    Physiotherapy exercises are also shown to restore oculomotor functions in paresis of nerves and muscles.

    The complex includes the following movements:

    • Left-right.
    • Up down.
    • "Eights".
    • Intense contraction of the eyelids.
    • Circles (first clockwise, then counterclockwise).
    • Frequent blinking.

    Loads for hands

    After a brain injury, the hands are the first to suffer. To restore motor functions, a set of exercise therapy exercises after a stroke is shown.

    Among them:

    • Squeezing the fingers, followed by unclenching.
    • Free swings of the limbs (exercises, like a "mill" or "scissors" in a standing position).
    • Movements with brushes in a circle.
    • Flexion of the arms in the elbow joints, followed by extension.
    • Loads on the shoulder joints (up and down).

    Hand development

    Loads for the legs

    A set of exercises after a stroke for the legs includes:

    • Flexion and extension of the toes.
    • Abduction of the legs to the sides (movements begin with the hip joints).
    • Pulling socks towards you.
    • Flexion-extension of the lower extremities at the knees.

    These sets of exercise therapy exercises are not contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases.

    Complex for articulation

    Complex 1

    • Pulling the tongue forward. In this case, the amplitude of movement should be maximum.
    • Clicking tongue (clicking movements up and down).
    • Curling lips into a tube.
    • Alternate biting of the upper and lower lips.

    It is also necessary to lick the lips with the maximum possible amplitude, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

    Complex 2

    • Smile, hold the smile on your face for 5-10 seconds.
    • Try to roll your tongue into a tube.
    • Make circular movements with your tongue hanging out.
    • Say the alphabet in order.
    • Pronounce simple words(mom, dad, etc.).
    • Pronounce complex words and tongue twisters (in the late rehabilitation period).

    These exercises are most effective for restoring speech after a brain stroke. Speech therapy advises to perform these complexes 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes.

    Breathing exercises

    Difficult exercises are contraindicated, since the risk of an increase in blood pressure is high. The essence of the only allowable load is to make rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, change the frequency of respiratory movements, alternating abdominal breathing with chest breathing. Such breathing exercises during a cerebral stroke saturate the cells with oxygen and restore normal gas exchange. It is possible to inflate balloons.

    Stroke - dangerous disease, after which even the most healthy body needs restoration. There is a special physical therapy after a stroke, aimed at maintaining the strength and health of a person. Gymnastics contributes to a speedy recovery, bringing the body to the usual pace of work.

    Exercise after a stroke

    Gymnastics after a stroke is a great way to return the body to normal, even if the patient is paralyzed. In the absence of contraindications from the doctor, you can start performing it on the third day after the incident, according to indications, physical education can be prescribed on the 6th day. Therapeutic exercise after a stroke at first is passive, performed with the help of another person.

    First, exercises after a stroke are carried out in a lying position, then they move to a sitting position, and then standing. It is important that the patient help himself mentally, set himself up for recovery. Otherwise, therapeutic exercises after a stroke will not be able to help him overcome the psychological moment. Physical education should be carried out regularly, carried out with a smooth transition from easy to complex exercises, with a gradual increase in load and complexity of tasks.

    There are physical exercises to restore the body after an attack:

    1. Closing your eyes, try to rotate them to the right and left, repeat 10 times. Without opening your eyes, blink, and then open them, repeat the whole complex again.
    2. Bend and then unbend your fingers, repeat with the hands. When the force becomes greater, the rubber ring can be bent to enhance the effect.
    3. Lie on your back, bend your arms at the elbow joint. Repeat several approaches.
    4. In the same position, bend your legs at the knee joint, but do not tear them off the bed.
    5. Place a rubber ring on both legs, try to move it from the ankles to the knees, while spreading the legs or lifting them alternately.
    6. Gently turn your head in both directions, lingering at each turn for a few seconds, while fixing your eyes on the wall.

    Exercise therapy for ischemic stroke

    Ischemic stroke can cause brain and memory disorders, therefore, in physiotherapy after it, rehabilitation is needed - the patient should not lie down for a long time without gymnastics. At first, this will be a passive exercise with an assistant, but as the condition improves, the patient will be able to perform them independently, first lying down, then sitting and standing. Gradually, physical therapy should become more difficult. Physical therapy after a stroke should be done for half an hour a day. In addition to it, speech development will be required - talk about everything that is happening around, carefully pronouncing the words.

    To restore the body after an ischemic stroke, you can perform the following methods of physiotherapy exercises:

    1. Close your eyes, turn them in different directions, blink, open, repeat with open eyes.
    2. Take a soft tourniquet, hang your hand there, move it up and down, left and right, make a circle, try to stretch it. Repeat with the other hand. Lying on your back, bend your knees without leaving the bed.

    Stroke Recovery Exercises

    A set of exercise therapy exercises is included in physiotherapy exercises and is aimed at restoring the body in case of damage. When doing rehabilitation exercises for stroke patients, one must take into account the possibility of paralysis of one or another limb. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, the patient should be correctly rotated so that bedsores or blood stasis do not form. Even for a paralyzed arm or leg, you need to massage, rub, warm up, try to perform physiotherapy exercises.

    How to restore speech

    To restore speech after a stroke, you can resort to the services of a speech therapist or help the patient on your own. The speech therapist will use cards, a primer, associative pictures in his work, he will teach the patient to read again, first in syllables, and then in whole words. The daily work of a specialist includes teaching the language by gesture, psychological support due to the fact that the patient will experience inconvenience from manifested speech defects.

    You can also help the patient on your own. You need to talk to him, speak slowly, clearly and measuredly. Ask the victim more questions, sing songs, read poetry or prose. After reading the text aloud, persuade them to retell. In addition to texts, you can use numbers - repeat the multiplication table, count the surrounding objects, name the order of months in a year or days in a week.

    A patient after a stroke may experience a depressed state, so you need to cheer him up, talk about get well soon to rejoice at even small achievements in treatment. Do not talk to him about difficulties, but keep only on the positive. Watch TV or movies with the patient, discuss them, comment. Please note that a person may have difficulty distinguishing sounds, do this more time.

    Hand exercises

    To restore the work of the hands and fingers, you can use exercise therapy exercises for stroke:

    1. Bend, unbend your fingers into a fist, hands, elbows, shoulder joint. Perform rotations, make circular movements, lifting up and down. Gradually increase the amplitude and load. Extension and flexion of the joints increases the acceleration of blood, helps to prevent its stagnation.
    2. When achieving an excellent result, complicate the exercises by adding rubber rings, bandages or tourniquets, use an expander to recover grasping reflex development of fine motor skills and acceleration of blood circulation.
    3. Reduce, spread the shoulder blades, while inhaling - swing your arms, do inclinations.
    4. Over time, he can start writing again, use hedgehog balls, Rubik's cube and others small items allowing them to be twirled and grabbed. All this will help the stroke survivor return to normal life, restore muscle work.

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