• Can a person after a stroke be trusted to drive a car? Life after a stroke: is it possible to work after a stroke?



    Higher education:


    Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky (SSMU, media)

    Level of education - Specialist

    Additional education:

    "Emergency Cardiology"

    1990 - Ryazan Medical Institute named after Academician I.P. Pavlova

    Representing a serious damage to the blood vessels of the brain, a stroke leads to certain irreversible negative consequences, which cause not only a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, but also cause negative manifestations in the functioning of the circulatory and vascular systems. The brain after a stroke of any nature (hemorrhagic or ischemic) feels a pronounced weakening in tissue conductivity and the functioning of nerve fibers. For the speedy rehabilitation of the victim, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician, who, when taking into account individual characteristics his body and the specifics of the current pathological process in the brain tissue will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment regimen. However, you should also know the contraindications for stroke - these measures can reduce the degree and intensity of negative manifestations, and will also help you quickly return to your normal lifestyle.

    Modern medicine continues to search for means to quickly eliminate the manifestations and consequences of such a condition of the body as a stroke, and also offers standard recommendations and advice to help quickly return to normal. To increase the effectiveness of the proposed measures, you can first undergo a full examination of the patient’s body, which will help identify existing current pathological processes in the body, detect the consequences and, taking into account the tolerability of the prescribed therapeutic effect, make the necessary adjustments to it.

    Why is rehabilitation carried out after a stroke?

    Having a stroke damages the blood vessels and large arteries in the brain. In this case, their blockage may occur, which impairs blood circulation processes, reduces the degree and quality of tissue nutrition with oxygen and essential nutrients. And since this entails a significant decrease in the quality of the body’s functioning and a noticeable deterioration in the patient’s well-being, during the rehabilitation period it is recommended to first eliminate the consequences of a stroke.

    Many people who have suffered a stroke wonder whether and how quickly they can return to their normal lifestyle, restore their usual pace of work and rest? The answers to these questions can only be given by the attending physician, who carries out the treatment and at the same time constantly monitors the patient’s condition. This takes into account factors such as the patient’s body’s susceptibility to the effects therapeutic effects, the duration of the rehabilitation process, the presence of parallel ongoing chronic lesions of the body.

    The following recommendations for recovery and a list of contraindications during this period will allow not only to eliminate negative changes in the body’s functioning, but also to return to normal activity, body mobility and return a positive attitude to the successful completion of the rehabilitation process. However, it is necessary to remember the need to constantly monitor one’s own condition, since if rehabilitation is accelerated, it is possible that one may not receive high positive results from the treatment, but a deterioration in the patient’s condition and a slowdown in the rate of his recovery.

    Due to the sharply negative impact of a stroke on the general condition of the body, the patient is prescribed to follow certain recommendations that should be considered mandatory to speed up the recovery of the most important functions. Taking into account the characteristics of the body makes it possible to minimize both restrictions and excessive activity of the therapeutic manipulations being carried out, which determine the effectiveness of the recovery process.

    Tips for spending rehabilitation time with minimal negative consequences can be considered control of the physical activity received and the choice of its type, complete exclusion bad habits that occurred in the period before the stroke occurred, regulation motor activity V Everyday life, regular passage medical examination in order to identify changes in general health, blood test indicators that provide the most full information about changes occurring in the body.

    Considering the fact that the consequences of a stroke that are not completely cured can significantly shorten the victim’s life and reduce its quality, it is necessary to understand that the tips and recommendations given below make it possible to eliminate the consequences of a stroke and speed up the recovery process. Therefore, observing them and following the doctor’s advice will minimize the likely negative consequences for the life and health of the victim and bring the final recovery closer.

    Physical activity control

    After a stroke, the doctor recommends avoiding stress of any kind - both physical and psychological, as well as mental and emotional stress. And since at this time the victim is predominantly in a lying position due to a sharp limitation in movements or complete immobility that has arisen, it is necessary to combine a state of complete rest with the necessary minimum of physical activity, which is prescribed by the doctor during this period.

    Limited physical activity necessary for the following reasons in the process of rehabilitation of the patient after suffered a stroke:

    • During the course of a stroke, there is a high probability that the patient will completely or partially lose mobility. This requires rest during the first period of rehabilitation, as it allows the self-healing process to occur;
    • restriction in movement is required to prevent premature deterioration in the patient’s health. Even with relatively stable good health, too early active movement may cause worsening of the condition;
    • with a prolonged lying position, there is a high probability of the formation of bedsores, as well as the development of pneumonia, which lead to deterioration of tissue regeneration and the manifestation of stagnation in the upper layer of the epidermis;
    • Based on an analysis of the patient’s current condition, the doctor draws up an approximate diagram of physical activity, which involves the gradual inclusion of a certain sequence of exercises in the daily regimen physical therapy. These exercises do an excellent job of normalizing blood circulation, which is inevitably disrupted during prolonged immobile lying down.

    Physical therapy is necessary during the rehabilitation period after a stroke. This helps to relearn how to control your own body, eliminates problems with orientation in space due to the normalization of physical skills. Such moderate activity makes it possible to subsequently improve the patient’s self-care skills, which he needs in everyday life.

    However, physical therapy exercises imply a gradual increase in the load received, since when it is forced, there is a high probability of obtaining a negative result due to the body’s unpreparedness. Completely unrestored basic functions, increased weakness and a high possibility of a recurrent stroke if the load received exceeds the norm - all this should be considered likely consequences of an excessive amount of physical activity received after a stroke.

    Bad habits

    Since even for a healthy person, any bad habits become common cause not only a temporary deterioration in health, but also a serious danger to life, they should be completely abandoned in the period after a stroke. Alcoholic drinks, smoking and taking drugs significantly undermine health, aggravate the residual manifestations of a stroke, and can also provoke its recurrence. Smoking promotes the gradual formation of plaques in the blood vessels, the rupture of which leads to a stroke.

    Taking narcotic drugs overloads the nervous system, which is also fraught with the appearance of negative health effects. The most powerful impact is exerted by the use of narcotic drugs, which often cause a recurrent stroke with more extensive negative consequences for the body.

    Therefore, the complete elimination of the listed bad habits should be made one of the most important conditions for the speedy recovery of the body after a stroke, which will quickly eliminate its consequences and completely restore the victim’s body.

    Regulating activities in daily life

    After a stroke, physical activities such as sudden bending, lifting, and heavy lifting should be avoided. They can provoke overexertion and a subsequent pronounced deterioration in general condition, causing an increase in blood pressure, which can cause not only a general deterioration in health, but also serve as an impetus for a recurrent stroke.

    The same rule applies to psychological stress: during the rehabilitation period after a stroke, a patient should not be nervous or experience severe stress, since these conditions can also cause disturbances in the blood supply to brain tissue. A calm environment, the absence of sudden movements, and a measured pace of life should become the rule for the speedy rehabilitation of the patient and restoration of all his functions.

    Application of health procedures

    Since in the period after a stroke the body is very weakened, it is susceptible to any minor negative impact, at this time it is recommended to use certain health procedures that will help eliminate the consequences of a stroke, improve the general condition and normalize all processes occurring in the patient’s body.

    For example, a trip to the bathhouse should be considered as an excellent rehabilitative and restorative tool that contributes to the speedy rehabilitation of the patient. However, you can go to the bathhouse only if the most important health indicators have already returned to normal. Good, stable health, absence of sudden changes in pressure, readiness to receive average physical activity can be considered as indicators of readiness to visit the bathhouse.

    When answering the question of when you can visit the bathhouse after a stroke, the doctor proceeds from health indicators and general well-being sick. Also, when visiting the bathhouse during this period, you should follow the following simple rules:

    • do not force the degree of load received;
    • constantly monitor your well-being;
    • rest more often and take breaks between visits to the steam room;
    • drink more water.

    The listed rules are easy to use and will help prevent the possible negative consequences of visiting a bathhouse after a stroke. After all, staying in a bathhouse is one of the most effective health-improving activities that can be recommended to everyone who seeks to maintain their health and prevent deterioration of blood circulation in the tissues of the brain.

    The combination of all of the listed rehabilitation methods, taking into account contraindications, will allow you to quickly restore normal well-being, return to high activity and quickly return to your usual lifestyle.

    Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11

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    Stroke working as a driver

    The father suffered an ischemic stroke. 4 months have passed. Worked as a driver in fire service, pensioner 60 years old. The hand doesn't work well. Now on sick leave. The doctor says I need to undergo a disability examination. What will happen next? What if they give you disability? And if they don’t give you disability? Will you be fired from your job? Can sick leave be extended? What will the situation be in general?

    Hello, dear visitor to the site, if they are diagnosed with a disability and the father does not pass the medical test. inspection, they may be given another vacancy or fired.

    My dad worked as an ambulance driver for 16 years, then after a stroke he was transferred to security guards on an ambulance, well, he was unable to work and quit his job. at will, but for some reason the payment was not made on the same day, but was issued only today, and he quit on 01/17/18. Do we have the right to sue them? and for what years are the calculations carried out?

    Hello, Margirita Alexandrovna. In accordance with Art. 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Upon termination of an employment contract, payment of all amounts due to the employee from the employer is made on the day of the employee’s dismissal. If the employee did not work on the day of dismissal, then the corresponding amounts must be paid no later than next day after the dismissed employee submits a request for payment.. When calculating, unpaid wages, compensation for unused vacation, and other payments provided for in the employment contract, collective agreement and other local regulations are taken into account. In accordance with Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: If the employer violates the established deadline for payment of wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments and (or) other payments due to the employee, the employer is obliged to pay them with interest ( monetary compensation) in an amount not lower than one hundred and fiftieth of the key rate of the Central Bank in force at that time Russian Federation from amounts not paid on time for each day of delay starting from the next day after the established payment deadline up to and including the day of actual settlement. In case of incomplete payment of wages and (or) other payments due to the employee on time, the amount of interest (monetary compensation) is calculated from the amounts actually not paid on time. The amount of monetary compensation paid to an employee may be increased by a collective agreement, local regulation or employment contract. The obligation to pay the specified monetary compensation arises regardless of the employer’s fault. Your father can file a lawsuit to recover monetary compensation for violation of dismissal payments.

    I had a stroke, now I’m on sick leave and they offer group 3, I work as a boiler room operator + forklift driver. Does an employer have the right to dismiss someone from their position?
    Should I agree to form group 3?
    And if I don’t file, can my employer fire me for long sick leave and diagnosis?

    You have the right not to register for disability. They cannot fire you for taking long sick leave. With a diagnosis it’s already more difficult. To begin with, you may be sent for a medical examination at the expense of your employer. Further - according to the conclusion of the medical commission. In accordance with Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who needs to be transferred to another job in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, with his written consent, the employer is obliged to transfer to another job available to the employer , not contraindicated for the employee for health reasons. If an employee who, in accordance with a medical report, needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of up to four months, refuses the transfer or the employer does not have the corresponding job, then the employer is obliged to suspend the employee from work for the entire period specified in the medical report while maintaining his job ( positions). During the period of suspension from work, the employee’s wages are not accrued, except in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, collective agreements, agreements, and employment contracts. If, in accordance with a medical report, an employee needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of more than four months or a permanent transfer, then if he refuses the transfer or the employer does not have the corresponding job, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with paragraph 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation . So it goes.

    I have 8 years of experience, I work as a driver of a UAZ Bukhanka. A year and a half ago I had a simple stroke. My arms and legs are all intact and working. After treatment, I was treated for 3 months and returned to work. I have group 3 after a stroke. At work, we are cleared by a doctor’s card and we go through a medical examination at work every year; the authorization to work is signed. Now they are demanding my dismissal, is this legal? Can I be fired?

    No, it is not legal if you are able to work. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 83. Termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties 5) recognition of the employee as completely incapable of working in accordance with a medical report issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation; best wishes.

    I worked as a truck driver, got a stroke, the category was taken away, I had to quit, they don’t give me a disability group.

    Hello, what is your question? Look for another easier job; this condition happens to many people as they age. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V. :sm_ax:

    Issues of assigning disability groups are dealt with exclusively by MSEC doctors; if you do not agree with their decision, you can appeal it.

    Good afternoon Here doctors can decide this issue, if you do not agree with the conclusion of the ITU medical commission, you can appeal to judicial procedure.

    Disability and its group are determined by a special commission of the MES; your attending physician should give you a tape on it at your request.

    My father wasn’t given a group after a stroke, but he can’t work as an ambulance driver either, should he be offered another job or will he be fired!

    He can be fired only if he refuses the work offered to him, which he can perform for health reasons or if the employer does not have such work.

    My father works as a driver in the state. institution. In the winter I had an ischemic stroke, I was on sick leave for 4 months, a stent was placed in the carotid artery, upon discharge the doctor gave a referral to VTEK, at work they wrote a description (working conditions, loads, drainage standing and sitting, etc.) with this description we went to the commission, the commission allowed us to work as a driver, the group was not given, then we passed the driver's examination at the clinic, everything was fine, my father drives himself, everything is fine, at work in the personnel department everything is fine, but the doctors got involved and demanded a certificate from a neurologist! Whether their actions are legal or whether they are playing it safe is unclear!

    Hello! NO, not legal - THERE IS a conclusion from the DRIVING COMMISSION. GOOD LUCK TO YOU

    Can a person work as a driver after a second stroke?

    The driver, after a stroke (now in rehabilitation), plans to return to work. Should he bring a certificate from a neurologist that he can drive a vehicle?

    Good afternoon I definitely have to provide a certificate.

    After a stroke, he can work as a driver or not.

    These are medical issues, not legal...

    My dad works as a bus driver. Then he had a stroke. The employer does not pay sick leave, saying that he is not officially working, and does not give the work book. says it is necessary to pay a fine for speeding (3 fines of 500 rubles each and a 50 ruble commission for the fact that the employer paid the receipts). what to do?

    Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office and labor inspectorate.

    I work as a driver, I had a stroke and can’t work. What should the enterprise administration do?

    You need to register for disability

    My husband worked as a driver on a regular city bus. He had a stroke, as a result of which he was given working group 3 disability. The left hand did not regain sensitivity. As a result, he cannot be allowed to work on the route. Is the employer obliged to provide him with another job? And can the employer refuse him another job, citing the fact that there are no vacancies?

    Is the employer obliged to provide him with another job? And can the employer refuse him another job, citing the fact that there are no vacancies? YES, I am obliged to provide light labor. Good luck to you

    Is the employer obliged to provide him with another job? And can the employer refuse him another job, citing the fact that there are no vacancies? ---V in this case. the employer does not owe your husband anything. This is not a work injury, but a common illness. this also applies to the provision of light labor

    My father works as a truck driver for a transport company, and on his last trip he suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with group 3 disability. What payments should I require from the company?

    Good evening! Payments are due, be sure to write a statement to the employer. Good luck, write if you have any questions.

    After the stroke, I was in the group for a year, and a year later my disability was removed for my profession as a driver and I was banned from working. Was the group legally removed?

    only ITU decides, if you do not agree with the ITU decision, appeal in court. A citizen (his legal representative) can appeal the bureau’s decision to the main bureau in month period on the basis of a written application submitted to the bureau that conducted the medical and social examination, or to the main bureau.

    The bureau that conducted the medical and social examination of the citizen sends it with all available documents to the main bureau within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application.

    The Main Bureau, no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the citizen’s application, conducts a medical and social examination and, based on the results obtained, makes an appropriate decision.

    If a citizen appeals the decision of the main bureau, the chief expert on medical and social examination for the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, with the consent of the citizen, may entrust the conduct of his medical and social examination to another group of specialists from the main bureau.

    if there is an order to transfer while maintaining the previous salary, then everything will be legal. According to Part 1 of Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, transfer to another permanent job in the same organization at the initiative of the employer is allowed only with the written consent of the employee. Regardless of the reasons why the employer offered the employee a transfer, obtaining the employee’s written consent is mandatory, as well as drawing up an additional agreement to employment contract. So, even if the employer offers the employee a transfer to a higher position or a more paid job, the employee’s consent is still necessary. The procedure for making and processing a transfer depends on the HR system adopted by the organization. The employer issues an offer for transfer. The proposal, as a separate document, can be drawn up without prior correspondence with the employee’s immediate superiors - based on the results of oral consultations with management. Upon receipt of the employee’s consent to the transfer, the employer issues an order to transfer the employee in the T-5 form. An entry about the transfer is made in the employee’s personal card and work book.

    Women are transferred to light work (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says nothing about transferring disabled people to light work. The salary will be for the time actually worked (Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013) Article 254. Transfer to another job of pregnant women and women with children under the age of one and a half years Pregnant women in accordance with a medical report and according to At their request, production standards and service standards are reduced, or these women are transferred to another job that eliminates the impact of unfavorable production factors, while maintaining the average earnings for their previous job. Women with children under the age of one and a half years, if it is impossible to perform the previous job, are transferred at their request to another job with wages for the work performed, but not lower than the average earnings for the previous job until the child reaches the age of one and a half years Article 132. Wages based on work The salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended, and is not limited to a maximum amount.

    An employee suffered a spinal cord stroke, he works as a driver for us, will this be considered an occupational disease?

    This question is solely at the discretion of the physician.


    A stroke is a sudden cessation of blood supply to the brain, as a result of which the patient experiences obvious neurological disorders and negative changes in motor functions. The disease affects patients depending on age and general health, and the consequences reach varying degrees of severity - from minor disorders to disability and even death. Any patient needs a job after a stroke, since work for a person is not only a means of earning money, but also a way to feel in demand and self-realization.

    But not every patient who has survived a brain catastrophe will be able to rehabilitate within a few months, get rid of negative consequences illness and return to full-time work. Next, we will talk about what are the criteria for permission to go to work, what consequences interfere with the previous type of activity, and whether the patient will be able to return to driving a car.

    Consequences of a stroke

    Negative influence stroke on the patient’s condition depends on how severe the circulatory disturbance in the brain was during the stroke and on the lesion - the larger the affected area of ​​the brain, the more pronounced the disturbances in emotional, intellectual, motor and motor functions will be.

    There are two types of stroke:

    • ischemic – occurs due to blockage of brain capillaries with thrombotic plaques;
    • hemorrhagic - hemorrhage, as a result of which brain neurons die.

    The risk group includes not only older people, but also young patients who suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Stroke is dangerous for smokers, overweight people and alcohol abusers.

    Patients who have suffered a brain stroke suffer from the following dangerous consequences:

    • disturbance of speech perception, when a person does not understand phrases addressed to him, although he hears, the inability to speak clearly himself, loss of the skill of reading and writing;
    • loss of coordination and spatial orientation;
    • motor dysfunction;
    • absent-mindedness, inattention;
    • hearing or vision loss;
    • difficulty swallowing food and water;
    • decreased tactile sensitivity.

    As you can see, after a stroke a person literally begins a new life, in which he re-learns to master the skills of speaking, walking, writing and reading. In the absence of radical consequences of the stroke, the patient recovers within 3-6 months and returns to work. The ability to work fully in patients with severe disabilities is assessed by a medical labor examination.

    Why is it important to work after a stroke?

    Patients who have experienced cerebral hemorrhage rehabilitation period prone to depression and apathy due to the inability to cope with things that they could easily do before. Worrying about one’s own uselessness does not in any way help speed up recovery; on the contrary, the patient gives up and thinks that he will not return to what he loves. For this reason, the patient’s loved ones must create conditions in which he can restore confidence in his own abilities, remember and consolidate lost motor skills.

    This could be a favorite hobby related to knitting, embroidery, design, or simple help with housework, in accordance with the person’s functional capabilities. Rehabilitation after a stroke and returning to work in the same place is a long process, which sometimes drags on for years - to return to full-time work, you need to restore cognitive and motor abilities as best as possible.

    A new remedy for the rehabilitation and prevention of stroke, which is surprisingly highly effective - Monastic Collection. The monastic collection really helps fight the consequences of a stroke. Among other things, tea keeps blood pressure normal.

    Passing a medical labor examination

    The examination is carried out with the aim of preparing a medical report on whether the patient can work after a stroke, under what conditions he will have to work, and whether it is possible to recognize him as incapacitated.

    During the medical commission, the following is assessed:

    • How much have you recovered? mental capacity sick;
    • mental condition;
    • whether there are speech, vision and hearing impairments and what their degree is;
    • level of muscle tone;
    • criteria for behavior and communication skills;
    • condition of the heart and blood vessels;
    • the presence or absence of coordination and spatial orientation disorders.

    With minimal consequences of a brain stroke, a medical examination signs permission to return to work. If there is a pronounced degree of residual impairment, but vital functions are preserved, the patient is recommended to have one of the options for lighter work - reducing working hours, working according to an agreed (individual) schedule, and working from home.

    Criteria for assignment of disability

    In order to determine the degree of impairment in a patient after a stroke, assign him a certain disability group and determine the amount of disability benefits, there are complex assessment systems, the essence of which boils down to the following:

    1. The most severe disability group I is assigned to patients with a chronic form of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain, aggravated by severe disorders of the cerebellar and motor functions. These are speech disorders, parkinsonian syndrome, altered mental state (development of dementia) - in general, those conditions in which the patient is not able to care for himself and needs constant supervision.
    2. Disability group II includes residual effects in the form of vascular diseases in a progressive form, a combination of high blood pressure with atherosclerosis, chronic coronary and heart failure, as well as disorders of motor, vestibular, visual or auditory functions. An indication for assignment to group II is also the risk of recurrent stroke due to the alternation of mild and severe hypertensive crises.
    3. Group III is assigned to patients with symptoms of persistent arterial hypertension, insufficiency of blood supply to the brain of the second degree, as well as with mild residual effects of central nervous system disorders - moderate psychoorganic or neurasthenic syndrome.

    How can a disabled person who has received group III earn money? Even with high professional qualifications, after a stroke a person will not be able to fully perform his or her activities, which will greatly affect the level of earnings. Such patients are offered a transfer to a similar place of work, but with a lower qualification level and a shorter day, or work from home. To return to his previous job, the patient must continuously undergo maintenance therapy, and after a year he will have the opportunity to prove his full working capacity.

    Working conditions provided for disabled people

    If a medical examination has recognized the patient’s limited ability to work and he has been asked to work from home or under easier conditions, then they should be as follows:

    • the work place should be located away from temperature changes and strong vibration;
    • during the working day, the patient should not remain in one position for a long time - the place should be comfortably equipped;
    • activities should exclude excessive stress on the emotional, mental and physical sphere;
    • no contact with household toxins.

    With severe financial difficulties, many patients earn money not only at their main job, but also at home, completing simple orders according to their profile, taking advantage of a reduced working day. This is a natural need for a person, but it is better to undergo a full rehabilitation course and prove your ability to work after VTE in a year, than to expose yourself to the risk of another stroke due to overwork and stress.

    Back behind the wheel

    Patients ask whether they can work as a driver after a stroke, if this occupation was the only source of income before the brain stroke. The decision is made by a medical commission that evaluates the patient’s reaction speed and movements, level of brain activity, vision and memory indicators.

    Since there are stressful and conflict situations, and they are contraindicated for a patient in the rehabilitation period; before returning to the wheel, the driver must undergo a full examination by a neurologist.

    Some people, having not received permission from a medical board to drive a car, get behind the wheel contrary to prohibitions, thereby endangering themselves and others. Not everyone can make such a decision; it rather depends on the moral qualities of the person and his ethical standards.

    The desire to quickly return to full activity after a brain accident is natural, but for this you need to go through a long period of rehabilitation and medical procedures. The more carefully the patient follows medical recommendations and works on lost functions, the faster he will be allowed to return to his favorite activity, earn decent money and feel in demand.

    Drawing conclusions

    Strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blocked arteries in the brain. And the very first and main sign of vascular blockage is a headache!

    Blockage of blood vessels results in a disease known as “hypertension”, here are just some of its symptoms:

    • Headache
    • Increased heart rate
    • Black dots before the eyes (floaters)
    • Apathy, irritability, drowsiness
    • Blurred vision
    • Sweating
    • Chronic fatigue
    • Swelling of the face
    • Numbness and chills in fingers
    • Pressure surges
    Attention! If you notice at least 2 symptoms, this is a serious reason to think about it!

    The only remedy that gave significant results...

    Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11

    The call is free

    Work after a stroke

    I am disabled for 2 groups and I don’t work anywhere after the stroke, I’m already adjusting more than a year 50% of my pension is withdrawn from me and...

    According to Article 99 Federal Law dated October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings” have the right to recover half of the income within the framework of enforcement proceedings. The fact that there is no work is not an obstacle to this.

    By law, they can withdraw no more than 50 percent from their pension. But if your pension is small and you have nothing to live on, then you can apply to the court to reduce the percentage of deductions from your pension. In practice, you can reduce the amount of your pension by up to 10 percent through the court in this case. Article 99 of Federal Law No. 229-FZ of October 2, 2007 “On Enforcement Proceedings” Or you can get an installment plan or deferment of collection under Article 203 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

    Hello dear site visitor, collector, debtor, The bailiff has the right to apply for a deferment or installment plan for the execution of a judicial act in the amount of no more than 25% of salary or other income (part 1 of article 37 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, part 1 of article 358 of the CAS RF, part 1 of article 324 of the Arbitration Procedure Code RF). The application is submitted to the court that considered the case in the first instance and issued the writ of execution, including in the case of cancellation (change) of a judicial act and the adoption of a new judicial act by a court of appeal, cassation or supervisory authority. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

    Regulatory legal acts allow debt collection: from an old-age pension; With pension provision, accrued for disability; from urgent pension payments. Most pensioners belong to the category of borrowers from whose pensions money can be collected into the debt fund. Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2018) “On Enforcement Proceedings” Article 101. Types of income that cannot be levied.

    The retention percentage is correct. Up to 50% can be withheld from old-age pensions and disability pensions in enforcement proceedings. An installment plan or deferment of execution of a court decision or court order must be requested in court. Article 203 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 99 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”. Find out the reasons for deduction from the FSSP (or from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, if you receive your pension in cash at the post office and the deduction is made by the Pension Fund of Russia).

    If I work in trade, how long can I stay on sick leave after a hemorrhagic stroke?

    This is decided only by your attending physician.

    After a stroke, speech is impaired and does not work right hand, capable, adequate, the notary refused to issue a power of attorney from him. Is this legal?

    Hello! Contact another notary. It's easier than arguing or going to court. Notaries have different approaches to determine legal capacity, the ability to understand the meaning of one’s actions.

    Will the commission let me through after? ischemic stroke brain to work as a duty officer at a railway station with night shifts.

    This is not a legal, but a medical issue, ask for a referral to the commission, you should write the application in two copies, and the receiving party must sign yours.

    Father after a stroke, he needs round-the-clock care. I work and can’t constantly ask for time off. And you can’t quit your job either, since you’re dependent on a young child. There is not enough money for paid transactions, I work alone. Maybe there is some way out? Care for your father without losing your job?

    I’m not sure of the answer, but first, try contacting social security and find out how to register a visiting social worker, at least in your absence during the day.

    I am a 61-year-old pensioner, group 3 disabled, after two strokes. What are the benefits for major repairs? I do not work. Owner.

    Today there was information in the legal news that the President of the Russian Federation has exempted non-working disabled people and pensioners from the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs, but I have not yet seen the legal act.

    After a stroke, my father is incapacitated and does not work. There is an extract from the hospital, he has a debt to the Post Bank, they do not have an insured event. There must be a disability group, but no one will issue it for us right away. They came to my father’s house from the bank and talked about debt regulation. They don't offer us any options. As soon as we arrived, our blood pressure increased and things got worse. What should we do? God forbid, they will lead him to a second stroke.

    Marina, hello! If after your father there is something to inherit, then it is better for you to pay off the debt, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, since in the event of his death, you will have to inherit the debt along with the property. And since the father is incapacitated, it is necessary to arrange guardianship over him in order to receive his pension.

    To do this, call doctors, get an opinion, and then formalize guardianship through the court.

    Discharged from work after a stroke. What are the restrictions at work?

    Hello. Unfortunately, a stroke imposes a number of restrictions on many types of activities; such prohibitions greatly complicate the patient’s life and negatively affect his emotional background. The ability to engage in one or another type of activity again depends entirely on the individual state of the body. Therefore, your doctor should give you his recommendations. After a stroke, how and where can I find a job? Left-hand side

    doesn't work well.

    Hello Irina. The site's lawyers do not provide employment services. It would be more advisable for you to register for disability and contact the employment center, perhaps they will find a vacancy for you.

    How to achieve disability after a stroke, lost ability to work. Temporarily not working. The therapists remain stubbornly silent, a vicious circle.

    First, you need to go to an appointment with your attending physician, explain your problem to him and tell him that you are going to get a disability. Your doctor should record everything in your outpatient record and write you a referral to professional specialists. After which you will have to undergo examination in a hospital. You should not hide your illness or injury that causes you to be disabled. Also explain to the doctors why you have all this, as well as how you can work at the moment. Doctors must record all this information in your outpatient record. When you undergo MSE (Medical and Social Examination), defend your rights. You will have to prove that your illness prevents you from living a full life. Therefore, take all documents that can confirm your illness to the ITU.

    How to achieve disability, lost ability to work after a stroke, temporarily did not work. I asked the therapists and they said I didn’t understand anything, it’s a vicious circle.

    Good afternoon Sergey, your doctor should have recorded everything in your outpatient card and written you a referral to professional specialists. After which you will have to undergo examination in a hospital. You should not hide your illness or injury that causes you to be disabled. Also explain to the doctors why you have all this, as well as how you can work at the moment. Doctors must record all this information in your outpatient record. When you undergo MSE (Medical and Social Examination), defend your rights. You will have to prove that your illness prevents you from living a full life. Therefore, take all documents that can confirm your illness to the ITU. If you need detailed consultation, you can contact me via messages, consultation is free.

    How to achieve disability, lost ability to work after a stroke, temporarily did not work at that time. Worked as a driver for 20 years.

    Contact your local doctor for a referral to MSA. Only ITU specialists, based on examinations, make a decision on assigning a disability group.

    My dad worked as an ambulance driver for 16 years, then after a stroke he was transferred to ambulance security, well, he was not able to work and quit of his own free will, but for some reason the payment was not made on the same day, but was issued only today, and he quit on 01/17/18. Do we have the right to sue them? and for what years are the calculations carried out?

    Hello, Margirita Alexandrovna. In accordance with Art. 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Upon termination of an employment contract, payment of all amounts due to the employee from the employer is made on the day of the employee’s dismissal. If the employee did not work on the day of dismissal, then the corresponding amounts must be paid no later than the next day after the dismissed employee submits a request for payment. The calculation takes into account unpaid wages, compensation for unused vacation, and other payments provided for in the employment contract, collective agreement and other local regulations. In accordance with Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: If the employer violates the established deadline for payment of wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments and (or) other payments due to the employee, the employer is obliged to pay them with interest (monetary compensation) in the amount of not less than one hundred and fiftieth of the current this is the time of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on amounts not paid on time for each day of delay starting from the next day after the due date for payment until the day of actual settlement inclusive. In case of incomplete payment of wages and (or) other payments due to the employee on time, the amount of interest (monetary compensation) is calculated from the amounts actually not paid on time. The amount of monetary compensation paid to an employee may be increased by a collective agreement, local regulation or employment contract. The obligation to pay the specified monetary compensation arises regardless of the employer’s fault. Your father can file a lawsuit to recover monetary compensation for violation of dismissal payments.

    I am disabled. After. Stroke.3.group. Work. I can not. I have. Duty. on.loans. Cry. I can not. Please advise. I.tell me. Where can. Design. Bankruptcy. For free. A.the.money. To pay. A lot of. No. very much. Ask. Help.

    Hello. Bankruptcy is possible by filing a petition in court. It won't be free. You need to pay a state fee of 300 rubles and make a deposit of 25,000; you can ask for a deferment or installment plan.

    Have a nice day. No one will file bankruptcy for free; such benefits do not exist for anyone. The loan may be collected from you in court; you will pay from your pension.

    Good day to you. No one will file your bankruptcy for free. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue and all the best.

    Good afternoon, Olga Nikolaevna! No one will file bankruptcy for you for free; it is a long and expensive process. Creditors will go to court and collect the pension from the court.

    Every problem has a solution, the main thing is to be able to find it. Thank you for using the site's services!

    Good afternoon, dear Olga You won’t file bankruptcy for free, wait for the trial and then apply for interest reduction. Good luck to you and your loved ones! Today, there are several effective legal ways to avoid collection under a loan agreement. These include termination of the contract, declaring it invalid, declaring the citizen bankrupt and ending enforcement proceedings. There are also some legal tricks that will allow you not to lose your property and income in a dispute with creditors (banks). A credit lawyer will help you do all this correctly, write to the email below.

    Sincerely, credit lawyer – Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

    I work and take care of my bedridden mother after a stroke. Can I leave work a few minutes early according to the law?

    Hello! You can resolve this issue only by agreement with the employer, outlining the reasons for leaving work early.

    You cannot make such a decision on your own. This is a violation of the employment contract and internal labor regulations. You need to draw up an agreement with the Employer to the employment contract to establish a working time schedule specifically for you. Then everything will be fine.

    How can I pay child support if I have a stroke, they don’t grant me disability, and I won’t get me a job?

    If arrears for alimony payments accumulate, then you have the right to apply to the court for exemption from payment of arrears or a reduction in its amount.

    Is sick leave issued at the place of work for caring for bedridden patients? My uncle was hospitalized after a stroke. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624 n (as amended on July 2, 2014) "On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 07.07.2011 N 21286) V. Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for caring for a sick family member " "34. A certificate of incapacity for caring for a sick family member is issued one of the family members (guardian, trustee, other relative) who is actually providing care. 35. A certificate of incapacity for work is issued to care for a sick family member. Sick leave can be issued to you after your uncle is discharged from the hospital, if your uncle is a member of your family, that is, he lives with you

    Wanted to know. Mom after a stroke. I'm looking after her. I am still filing for disability. If I don't work and look after my mother. What documents need to be collected? If you take out guardianship over her or whatever it is called correctly. And in what case they can refuse. And if possible, find out the amount that is paid.

    The guardianship and trusteeship authority can appoint you as a guardian if your mother is declared legally incompetent. How much do you expect to be paid? Guardianship is free of charge. As a guardian, you will receive the ward's pension.

    When can I apply for disability after a stroke if I have not officially worked anywhere recently?

    ---on determination or refusal, in the disability group, ONLY ITU doctors decide, To establish the disability group (or strengthen it), you need to contact your attending physician and ask to fill out a mailing list on the ITU form Form No. 080/u. You receive this sheet and visit all the doctors listed on it, and then go through the ITU, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of February 20, 2006 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.” Form No. 080/u-06 is signed by the head of the department, as the chairman of the Medical Commission. And if you refuse to establish a disability group, you will appeal the refusal in court within 3 months from the date of receipt. The court will appoint a commission examination and make its decision. Good luck to you and all the best.

    Good afternoon The fact of work does not affect this in any way; you need to contact your doctor and get a referral to undergo an ITU medical commission, they will be the ones who will determine the disability.

    My husband worked in IK-17, and he had a stroke while on duty. He was on sick leave for 3 months, after which they called him and asked him to resign on his own. Out of his stupidity, he did this. Was he entitled to any sick pay and is it possible to do something now?

    Hello, depending on how much time has passed since that “stupidity”. We don't guess. And the question should be asked correctly, more fully. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

    Hello. If you quit voluntarily, of course no payments are provided. However, if no more than 1 month has passed since the dismissal or you have been on sick leave all this time, you can try in court to restore the deadline for filing a claim and demand that the dismissal be declared illegal.

    A man worked in a budget organization.. he had a stroke.. half a year after the stroke the contract was terminated.. he was fired under clause 5.. part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.. Tell me, for how long should the paycheck and the last sick leave be issued?..?

    Good afternoon On the day of dismissal, a full payment must be issued for all days before the dismissal, including payment of sick leave.

    I am now 53 years old, I don’t work because I am caring for a patient (semi-paralyzed after two strokes, as well as with a hip fracture. Plus mental problems) 83 summer mom. Can I retire early?

    There is no reason for early exit on retire. Apply for retirement in the Pension Fund, receive compensation, this period will be counted towards the length of service when assigning a pension.

    I work under a contract, but I haven’t seen the contract, they didn’t give it to me, I’m on sick leave after a stroke, the employer doesn’t want to pay because I work under a contract. What to do?

    Galina, do you work under a civil contract or an employment contract? If according to the GPA, then you will not receive any payments, alas. Article 62. Issuance of documents related to work and their copies [Labor Code of the Russian Federation] [Chapter 10] [Article 62] Upon a written application from the employee, the employer is obliged, no later than three working days from the date of filing this application, to issue the employee a work book for the purpose of his mandatory social insurance (security), copies of documents related to work (copies of orders for employment, orders for transfers to another job, orders for dismissal from work; extracts from the work book; certificates of wages, about accrued and actually paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, about the period of work with a given employer, etc.). Copies of work-related documents must be properly certified and provided to the employee free of charge.

    Contact the labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office and the court. Article 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Your labor rights are being grossly violated. Good luck to you and all the best.

    Hello, Galina! You need to receive your contract in hand, and after that it will be clear what rights you have. With respect and readiness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

    Hello. You need to look at what kind of contract: civil or labor. If you don’t have a contract in hand, it means your employer most likely doesn’t make any contributions and hasn’t officially registered you. Contact the labor inspectorate.

    I am not working because I have been caring for my mother after a stroke for a year now, I have 2 minor children and 2 adults, 23 and 24 years old (the older children live in another city). We live only on our mother’s pension and alimony of 2,500 rubles, we cannot receive benefits since I do not work and according to the law of the Russian Federation there is no provision for caring for a patient after a stroke (after a stroke: walking, visually impaired, dementia (does not call objects by their proper names) I am mentally unstable from time to time (registered with a psychiatrist). How can I pay the holiday tax in such conditions? Or do my children not want to go on vacation at sea? their vacation during the holidays? The cost of a ticket to the sea is 100-180 rubles, depending on the distance. Previously, before the mother’s illness, there was an emergency (we had to close the emergency and transport all the remaining goods home. All the children and I are registered in the apartment. The mother is registered at a different address, but lives with us, since her living area and conditions do not allow it.

    The bill “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory” was approved by the Russian government at the end of April. The document assumes the introduction of a resort fee from January 1, 2018 on an experimental basis. The regions were asked to set the amount of the fee themselves, but it should not exceed 100 rubles per person per day. Heroes of the USSR and Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory, participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, disabled people of groups I and II, children under 18 years of age and students, as well as those who permanently live and work in the specified areas are exempt from the fee. regions or have their own housing there. The list of beneficiaries can be expanded by regional authorities.

    Can a teacher continue to work at school after a stroke? The teacher periodically during the school period goes to the hospital in "neurology", continues to teach lessons, behaves absent-mindedly, sometimes it seems that he forgets what was covered in the lesson. Can a person continue to work as a teacher and generally work with children after such an illness?

    Hello. A teacher can continue to work at school after a stroke if he has no medical contraindications for this.

    After a stroke, my wife cannot walk, her right arm does not work and she does not speak. Can a husband get sick leave to care for a sick person?

    Hello, Unfortunately, it can’t, but you can invite a notary, she will write out a notarized power of attorney for you in the clinic using this power of attorney. You can start registering for disability, then get a certificate from the attending physician about the need to care for her, and then you will be issued a sick leave.

    Will you be granted disability after an ischemic stroke if your arms and legs work normally and there are no problems with your head?

    Hello Yuri. A lawyer cannot know this. Disability is determined by a special medical examination, which you can contact and find out everything.

    Good day! There is such a possibility, but we can only guess. Only ITU can determine disability, based on the results of a comprehensive examination. I wish you good luck and all the best!

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