• Visit to the clinic at 2 months. Routine medical examinations of children: age, tests and specialists


    Umbilical cords neonatologist will clear the child’s airways, put special drops into the eyes, weigh him, measure his head circumference and body length. After these manipulations, the newborn will receive the first mark in his life - assessment of general health using the Apgar scale. In the maternity hospital, at the request of the parents, the baby will be given first vaccinations- against tuberculosis and hepatitis B.

    First home inspection

    The day after discharge from the maternity hospital, the child will be visited by a visiting nurse, and then by a pediatrician. The purpose of the visit is to find out how the mother is feeling and to examine the newborn. The pediatrician will draw up a report on your health status little man, and will give the mother recommendations on the daily routine, feeding and caring for the child, and will also help create a vaccination calendar.

    1st month of life

    At the end of the first month of the child’s life, a major examination awaits. You can take it at a children's district clinic or any paid clinic, or you can invite specialists to your home. Except pediatrician, the child is examined neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon. Specialists will assess the condition of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems and rule out some surgical diseases. In boys, the doctor will definitely check whether both testicles are in the scrotum. This is the time for booster vaccination against hepatitis B.

    2nd month of life

    A routine appointment with a pediatrician includes measuring the child’s weight, height, and head volume. Additionally they can assign Ultrasound of the hip joints to ensure they are formed correctly. The doctor will tell you whether there is a need to start preventing a disease such as rickets, and will also discuss with you the possibilities of early hardening of the baby. The pediatrician will also suggest an appointment with ophthalmologist. At two months this visit is of a preventive nature.

    3 - 4th months of life

    At this stage of life, the child makes enormous strides in development. Along with the usual monitoring of weight, height and head circumference, checking motor functions is in the foreground. Special attention is paid to whether the child can follow the toy with his eyes; the child's hip joints are checked. If nothing in your baby’s behavior causes concern, you can safely go home. At this age (3.5 months) the first vaccination is given against whooping cough, tetanus (DTP vaccine), and polio.

    5th month

    If the baby is healthy, then you will only meet with the local pediatrician. Starting at this age, it is worth thinking about introduction of the first complementary foods. The doctor will tell you which products are best to start with and what to pay attention to during this important period for the child’s life. Time for the second vaccine and revaccination against polio.

    6th month of life

    Six months is a very important period in the life of a little man. And there will be many meetings with various specialists. In addition to the pediatrician, you will need to visit neurologist, ophthalmologist and orthopedic surgeon. At six months, doctors will check the ability of a baby, laid on his back, to roll over on his side, stomach, change the position of his body, hold his head well, lean on straightened palms of his hands when lying on his stomach, and accurately grasp various objects; make sure the baby is able to sit with support from the sides. The following vaccinations are on the agenda: the third DTP vaccine, the third polio vaccine, the third vaccine against viral hepatitis B.

    7th month

    At this age, experts will pay Special attention checking the baby’s senses, and will also pay attention to speech development child (walking, babbling), reaction to addressing him. If the pediatrician does not detect any abnormalities, you will not be prescribed any additional examinations by other specialists.

    8th month

    A mandatory part of the examination program at this age is examination by a surgeon and orthopedist. They will rule out diseases such as inguinal and umbilical hernias, and will also ensure the correct formation of the skeleton and muscle development. At the end of the day, the mother will receive recommendations from specialists regarding the need for a massage course.

    9th month of life

    At 9 months, in addition to the pediatrician, mother and baby will visit for the first time pediatric dentist, even if the baby still doesn’t have a single tooth. It is at this age that it is necessary to monitor the eruption and growth of baby teeth and evaluate the correct formation of unerupted teeth.

    1 year

    Now it's time to celebrate first birthday. However, in the bustle of preparing for the holiday, do not forget about a large medical examination. At this age you will need to visit again pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, ophthalmologist and ENT specialist, dentist, cardiologist. The neurologist will evaluate the skills acquired over the year, speech and psychomotor development, and muscle tone. An orthopedist will monitor the child’s physical development, the correct development of the spine and feet. The pediatric dentist will examine the teeth and make conclusions about whether the bite is formed correctly. An ENT doctor will examine the ears, nose and throat, and an ophthalmologist will check for deviations in visual acuity from the age norm. The following vaccines are recommended: rubella, mumps, and booster vaccination against hepatitis B.

    If the examination carried out at the end of the baby’s first year of life did not reveal any diseases, then your next visit to the clinic will be only in three months! From now on, visits to doctors will become increasingly rare. And large clinical examinations will be carried out in accordance with the periods established by health authorities: at 3 years, 5 and 6 years.


    The neurologist prescribes a rendezvous for us every month...

    Yeah, and a pediatric orthopedic friend of mine told me that they had received an order according to which routine examinations of the child will now be at 3 months, and then at 7 years! It won't even be in front of the garden. Somehow I can’t even believe it...

    Comment on the article "Pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist... When should I show my child to the doctor?"

    Pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist... When should I show my child to the doctor? A routine appointment with a pediatrician includes measuring the child’s weight, height, and head volume. From now on, visits to doctors will become increasingly rare.


    This is legal, but your demands on the doctor are completely unfounded. For a long time (several years) there have been regulations in force according to which pediatricians are prohibited from signing prescriptions for dairy products without seeing the child. It is not at all necessary for a doctor to examine the child. If you, as a parent, are against the examination, it is only easier for the pediatrician, but the doctor is obliged to make sure that the child for whom the prescription is written exists at the time the prescription is issued.

    I don’t know what the point is in immediately calling the Ministry of Health to ask about nutrition; at one time we visited the pediatrician once every six months, then we freely received our food. What a problem. No one will force you to get vaccinated. The health protection law has not been repealed.

    #ASK_ADVICE Question from a group member: “What does it mean to feed on demand?” In our group, every mother can receive information on breastfeeding and baby care. “Good afternoon, please tell me, this is my first child and I’m confused. Our pediatrician says that the baby needs to be fed on demand. Those. As far as I understand, I offer the breast to the child at the first request? What does it come from? next question, should I apply it to one breast each time? Or every...


    I remember how my first child almost died because my mother-in-law insisted on breastfeeding. There wasn’t enough milk, the baby was losing weight, screaming, and broke out in a rash. It was scary. Everything improved when the mixture was introduced. Now the same mother-in-law is teaching another daughter-in-law to “feed on demand” and only with milk. It has gotten to the point where a two-year-old girl sleeps between her parents and cannot sleep without her breast. You can talk a lot about the benefits of breastfeeding, but within reason. If a woman doesn't want sexual relations with a husband, then covering it up with a child in bed is not normal. I am a psychologist and I see such stories very well. After 6 months of guards - only convenient way feed the child. There is no benefit anymore. You can throw rotten eggs at me. Now I have my second child and I see that a whole industry has appeared that makes money on anxious mothers - a doula visit costs 6 thousand, and a mammologist for pumping costs about 10-12 thousand. Stay-at-home mothers are proud of breastfeeding, this is wonderful, but there is no need to impose their point of view, believe me, we are all victims of pressure and propaganda. If society were not biased towards feeding, many women would not suffer from lactostasis and mastitis, and children would sleep peacefully. And men would not seek solace on the side. The main thing is comfort.

    04/04/2017 09:34:03, SvetlanaKr

    For me, breastfeeding on demand for the first month and a half helped me produce the required amount of milk. If I applied it on a schedule with a night break, the milk would completely disappear.

    I had a baby at the beginning of the year! And of course the question arose in choosing a pediatrician to whom we would entrust our child. I chose I.I. Susenkova as a pediatric neurologist. from CTA. I really liked the doctor! The first appointment was held at our home and lasted 1.5 hours) I didn’t even think that there were such pleasant, high-quality and meaningful appointments with doctors. This is the case when we unexpectedly receive more than we expected. Irina Igorevna examined the baby very carefully and attentively and asked...

    According to MIG, on May 18, 2016, a global press conference was held, which discussed the availability of children's medical care. It featured the presentation of the “Children’s Doctor” insurance policy, which was provided by VTB Insurance Company and the online project “Pediatrician 24/7” (founded with the support of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology under the leadership of L.M. Roshal). Oleg Merkulov (First Deputy General Director of VTB Insurance): “For the last few years we have been engaged...

    Pediatrician and other doctors in Filatovka. Medicine/parents. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families. It seems that they all remained in place. Needed: pediatrician, neurologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, ultrasound.


    Everything is like everyone else)
    Pediatrician - Volodina, orthopedist - Lazovaya, neurologist now Goeva (before that I also saw Lomaga), endocrinologist - Bloch (I really liked her).
    The ultrasound scan was directed to, they did the head, thyroid gland and abdominal cavity, all the ultrasound specialists are very good.

    Orthopedist Lozovaya, pediatrician Volodin, neurologist Goeva (Lomaga seems to now only accept for a fee, her local mothers especially praised her), cardiologist Gagarin, allergist Maslennikov. I’m very pleased with everyone, no conversations that are not on point, all tests are prescribed, they look attentively.

    What to do if your child starts having nightmares? If he wakes up in the middle of the night for several nights in a row, screaming loudly, choking in tears? Hoping that everything will work out on its own and continue to calm the baby half the night, tearing his heart apart with torment? Listen in horror to quiet sobs, realizing that the child is again in the grip of night terror? Faced with the problem of children's nightmares, parents are ready to take the most radical measures. Someone is rushing to...

    The lecture is given by Belousova E.D. prof., doctor of medical sciences Federal State Institution "Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of Rosmedtekhnologii"

    List of doctors for kindergarten. Kindergarten. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Our list was as follows: pediatrician, orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist.

    pediatrician, orthopedist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT, neurologist, dentist + blood-urine tests, NSG of the head, ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys 03/26/2012 13:11:04 and a pediatrician once told me this, looking at my babies with feigned sympathy ..well, finally show your children to the doctors...


    Since we try to appear at the clinic only when absolutely necessary, we safely skipped this examination. I don’t see the point in getting on my nerves and putting my child’s health at risk.

    what a horror) just in case - the list of specialties is not limited to speech therapist, including)))
    What, are you cooking for the child in the nursery? why all these ridiculous movements)

    Chief physician of the Detka company, pediatric surgeon of the highest certification category Lyubov Trofimovna Popova. Today, surgical care for children is provided mainly in hospitals of specialized clinics. Children are hospitalized even when it is quite possible to get treatment at home or in a clinic. The main reason for this, in our opinion, is insufficient funding for the outpatient department and, as a consequence, extremely low salaries for doctors, staff turnover (and hence...

    Our daughter Angelina was born on August 20, 2006. Height 50cm. weighing 2,900. Eye color is gray, hair is dark, almost black. When we arrived from the maternity hospital, my friend Nelya, a practicing pediatrician, arrived. She showed how to handle it, bathe it, feed it, etc. Angelyosha very calm child, but mobile. Wakes up in good mood, if you wake him up he doesn’t cry. She sleeps well, is calm, we have no problems with her, she doesn’t cry at night, she wakes up, eats and sleeps again. She's sleeping...

    The first message was about equinus, that is, placing the feet on the toes with truly non-functional and pathological neurogenic muscle tone. In some situations, we can talk about “pseudoequinus,” when similar attributes occur in children in completely normal or standard situations. A few words about them. 1. If you take infant who does not yet walk and does not stand on his feet by the hands and try to lead him, then the baby will reflexively or intuitively try...


    The phenomenon of “walking on tiptoes” has recently attracted serious interest not only from parents and pediatricians, but also from many “grandmothers in our yard”, who confidently and constantly suggest: “The child clearly has something wrong with his nerves. You should consult a doctor!”
    The article describes in accessible language the entire nature of this phenomenon. The information presented allows the parent to objectively assess the characteristics of their child and determine the correct strategy for behavior with him (as well as with the “grandmothers of our yard” and other “pseudo-do-gooders”).
    The article is interesting and useful.
    Thanks to the author.

    On January 1, 2018, a new order “On conducting preventive medical examinations of minors” No. 514n dated August 10, 2017 came into force. It replaced the order of 2012, in which, for each age of the child, a list of doctors and additional tests was prescribed that should be done for the child free of charge. Today we compare tables with this data from two orders and pay attention to the differences between them and innovations.

    The first examination of a newborn is a traditional examination of the baby by a pediatrician. Important: screenings are “timed” for this examination: neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome, cystic fibrosis and galactosemia, as well as audiological screening. All these screenings are usually carried out for the baby in the maternity hospital. If they were not done in the maternity hospital, then neonatal screening for five hereditary syndromes should be done within 1 month of the baby’s life, audiological screening - in the first three months.

    IN 1 month The child should first be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, or ophthalmologist. Now an examination by a pediatric dentist has been added to this list. The list of studies remains unchanged, it includes ultrasound abdominal cavity, kidneys, heart, hip joints and neurosonography.

    IN 2 months The baby is examined by a pediatrician (no changes have occurred). Now at this age, the clinic will still do a general blood and urine test - these are innovations for 2018.

    IN 3 months now there is no mandatory consultation a neurologist (but a pediatrician and an orthopedic traumatologist remained). General analysis blood and urine were also excluded - they were postponed to the second month of the child’s life.

    IN 4 and 5 months Both according to the old and new standards, the baby must be examined only by a pediatrician.

    Now the pediatrician will be the only one who will examine children in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months. Consultations with a pediatric surgeon and neurologist at 6 months, general blood and urine tests at 6 and 9 months are excluded from this year as mandatory.

    IN 1 year Previously, children were examined by a whole team of specialists: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric surgeon, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist. Starting this year, consultations with a dentist, ophthalmologist and psychiatrist are not required every year, but an orthopedic traumatologist has been added to the mandatory list of doctors. The list of tests included general blood and urine tests and an ECG. Glucose level testing has been removed as mandatory since 2018.

    IN 1 year 3 months an examination by a pediatrician is mandatory (nothing has changed here).

    IN 1 year 6 months— the baby is also examined only by a pediatrician. A general blood and urine test has become optional.

    IN 1 year 9 months from 2018, children for preventive purposes will not undergo examinations at all.

    IN 2 years The list of examinations includes: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist and a child psychiatrist. The child also undergoes a general blood and urine test.

    IN 2 years 6 months Medical examinations are now also cancelled.

    IN 3 years children are again examined by a team of doctors: pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, pediatric dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, urologist or gynecologist. Examination by a child psychiatrist at this age is now excluded. Among the tests: general blood and urine tests remain, and glucose level tests are no longer on the mandatory list.

    IN 4 years Previously, children were examined by a pediatrician and a surgeon; now the surgeon has been replaced by a pediatric dentist and general blood and urine tests have been excluded.

    IN 5 years The child will also be examined only by a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist, and will not undergo any tests.

    IN 6 years— future schoolchildren will be examined by a huge team of specialists: a pediatrician, neurologist, surgeon, dentist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, psychiatrist, gynecologist or urologist. Half of these specialists are new in 2018. In addition to the tests that 6-year-olds had previously undergone (general blood and urine tests), almost the entire range of ultrasound examinations have been added: abdominal organs, kidneys and heart. An ECG was also added, and the study of glucose levels, on the contrary, was excluded from this year.

    IN 7 years On the contrary, the number of specialists has decreased. Now children will be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, dentist, ophthalmologist and ENT doctor. Among the studies: a general blood and urine test remains, all ultrasound and ECG will be done a year earlier.

    IN 8 and 9 years old The medical examination now only includes a consultation with a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist. There will be no further examinations or consultations at this age.

    IN 10 years the child will be examined by: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric dentist, an endocrinologist, an orthopedic traumatologist and an ophthalmologist. Consultations with an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist “went away,” as did an ECG and a study of blood glucose levels. All that remains is a general blood and urine test.

    IN 11 and 12 years old Only a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist are waiting for children for a medical examination. All tests from the medical examination at this age were also excluded.

    IN 13 years Previously, children were examined only by pediatricians. Now they have added consultations with pediatric dentists and ophthalmologists. On the contrary, all analyzes were excluded.

    IN 14 years Previously, a team of doctors during a medical examination included 8 specialists. Now there are 4 of them left: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist, a urologist or gynecologist and an adolescent psychiatrist. All tests and studies, including ultrasound, are now canceled at the age of 14 during medical examinations.

    IN 15, 16 and 17 years old children will be examined by a full list of specialists, which has remained virtually unchanged compared to previous years. These are a pediatrician, surgeon, dentist, urologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor and adolescent psychiatrist. Only the number of studies has changed. At 15 years old: general blood and urine tests, as well as EC, to which was added an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys. At 16 years old: only general blood and urine tests remained, at 17 years old - the same plus an ECG without testing the glucose level, which was done before.

    Summing up the material, we noted that now medical examinations of children are even more “concentrated” in certain years, much more attention will be paid to dental problems in the development of children, and children will undergo tests less often for preventive purposes.

    New parents, no matter how closely they monitor their child’s health, cannot always notice a deterioration in the child’s condition in time, therefore, in the first year of life, pediatric specialists closely monitor the baby’s health and there is a special schedule for visiting doctors for up to a year.

    In the maternity hospital The newborn is closely monitored. Tests are taken from the baby, specialists conduct a full examination of the baby, and with the consent of the mother, the necessary vaccinations are given. All this time, mother and baby are under close supervision of specialists. And if the child and mother are healthy, then they are discharged from the maternity hospital within 3-5 days.

    Download the table with indicators physical development children under 1 year old, and be sure that the baby is developing according to the norms!

    After discharge Monitoring of your child continues. In the first month life, a local doctor and a visiting nurse come home to a new mother and her baby. The pediatrician should visit the newborn 2-3 days after discharge from the hospital. The health visitor will visit the mother and baby weekly during the first month of the baby’s life.

    Based on the results of the examinations and in the absence of contraindications, the baby is given routine vaccinations (re-vaccination against viral hepatitis B).

    In the second month In life, mother and baby visit only the local pediatrician.

    When the baby turns three months The pediatrician will issue a referral for:

    • orthopedist
    • neurologist

    Based on the results of the examinations, your doctor makes a decision about the baby’s readiness for routine vaccination (general vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough) and against polio.

    Fourth and fifth months The child’s life is examined only by a local doctor. At this age, the baby is given a second scheduled vaccination with DTP and against polio.

    At six months The baby is examined not only by a pediatrician, but also by a neurologist. At this age, it is recommended that the baby be introduced to complementary foods. The pediatrician will tell you all the necessary information about starting complementary feeding. After the examination, the doctor decides on a planned third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and viral hepatitis B.

    In their seven and eight months The baby is routinely examined by a pediatrician.

    Aged nine months In addition to the local pediatrician, the baby is re-examined by a surgeon. It is also necessary to visit the dentist, regardless of whether your baby has teeth or not.

    At ten and eleven months The child is examined by a pediatrician to assess his health.

    At twelve months of age The child undergoes the last comprehensive examination of early childhood. At this time it is necessary to hand over everything necessary tests and go through specialists

    • pediatrician
    • neurologist
    • orthopedist
    • surgeon
    • otolaryngologist
    • ophthalmologist
    • dentist

    The child is also vaccinated against measles, rubella, and mumps. Taking into account specialist examinations, the pediatrician will determine your child’s health group and develop a further monitoring plan for him.

    Despite the generally accepted schedule for visiting doctors for up to a year, scheduled examinations by specialists in each clinic are different and may differ slightly. Ask your local pediatrician for all the details. Try not to neglect visits to specialists. After all, timely detection of the disease and timely treatment in the first year of a baby’s life is the key to your baby’s health for many years.

    - how to survive it? Read our next article.

    In this article:

    From the first moments of life, a newborn is faced with many medical procedures. Even a healthy baby is not spared this fate - from birth he is constantly monitored, body parameters are measured, and the development of organs and systems is studied. Doctors try to identify all pathologies in a child’s 1 month of life. children's body: birth defects development and incipient diseases. Many problems diagnosed on initial stage, are easier to treat.

    After leaving the walls of the maternity hospital, the newborn comes under the close attention of a pediatrician and a local nurse at home. The first examination of the child at 1 month will take place in the children's clinic. The pediatrician will not only examine the little patient, but will also tell the young parents which doctors their newborns need to see at 1 month.

    Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

    The newborn's first visit to the doctor occurs the day after discharge from the hospital. The pediatrician will come without a special call: the medical staff of the maternity hospital will report the arrival of the newborn at the place of residence at the clinic. In the first month of life, a specialist will visit the baby once a week. If the child’s condition causes any concern (for example, the baby has a cold or does not latch well), visits will be more frequent. Also, the newborn will be visited by a local nurse - also up to 4 times a month.

    You need to prepare in advance for the pediatrician’s arrival, write down all the questions that interest the young mother at the moment, so as not to forget anything. The doctor should be comfortable examining the child. As a rule, during the examination the baby should be completely undressed, since the specialist needs to assess the condition of his skin and mucous membranes, heart rate and breathing, muscle tone and reflexes.

    During the visit, the doctor advises the young mother on nutrition and baby care. Later, the specialist will invite the parents and the baby to the clinic for a routine examination of the child at 1 month.

    The first examination by a pediatrician in a clinic is most interesting for young parents. During it, the doctor will not only examine the baby, but will also carry out control measurements and weigh the child. Most often, in the first month of life, babies gain 500-700 grams and add 2-3 cm in length. After the examination, the local nurse writes out referrals for consultations with specialists, tests and additional examinations, as well as to the vaccination office.

    What doctors should I see?

    The list of doctors that a newborn needs to see at 1 month is not small.


    The main task of a neurologist is to monitor the neuropsychic and mental development child, as well as control over his motor activity. At 1 month, the child's neurologist checks for the presence innate reflexes and their gradual decline. The baby may have an increased or, on the contrary, decreased tone muscles, which will be the basis for prescribing a baby massage.

    If in doubt, the doctor will write a referral for an ultrasound scan of the brain. You need to undergo an examination immediately, while the child’s fontanelle remains open. In the future, the doctor will evaluate the baby’s development of new skills, for example: the ability to smile, roll over, sit, get up on all fours, and much more.


    For the first time, an ophthalmologist will examine a newborn in the maternity hospital for congenital eye pathologies. Scheduled inspection a child at 1 month will allow a specialist to examine the baby’s fundus, the condition of his lacrimal glands and assess the tendency to strabismus and other visual impairments. The doctor will check whether the baby can focus his gaze on a separate object. During the examination, the eyelid and obstruction of the tear ducts are most often diagnosed.

    Often the diagnosis of a neurologist depends on the diagnosis of an ophthalmologist - in last years Many children in the first year of life have certain problems with the vessels of the brain and fundus of the eye.


    A child's medical examination at 1 month necessarily includes a visit to an otolaryngologist. A child at this age will undergo otoacoustic testing for the first time. It is not painful at all and is safe for the baby. A specialist will use a special device to check the child’s hearing and also examine the tonsils and nasal passages.

    During an examination, an ENT doctor can identify the following problems in a baby::

    • hearing impairment, complete absence of any reaction to sound stimuli;
    • sulfur plugs;
    • difficulty or absence of nasal breathing;
    • ear pain, otitis media;
    • foreign bodies in the ENT organs.

    A specialist can also advise a young mother about why her baby is having trouble or refusing to suckle from a bottle: it may be due to ear pain. If everything is in order, then the next examination by an ENT doctor will not be coming soon - at 12 months.


    The surgeon evaluates the child’s reflex development, the presence of hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscles, and diagnoses umbilical and inguinal hernias. In male infants, the external genitalia are carefully examined to exclude such pathological conditions, such as cryptorchidism, dropsy and non-descent of the testicles into the scrotum, hypospadias.

    The surgeon may also note abnormalities in the structure of the newborn’s body. Most often, anomalies such as lymphangioma, vascular lesions and internal organs. If necessary, the specialist gives a referral to baby massage or explains how to work out with a child at home, which muscle groups are important to pay attention to.


    An orthopedist examines a 1-month-old child in the clinic, assessing the development of his musculoskeletal system. The doctor may detect diseases such as clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip joint, dysplasia or underdevelopment of the hip joints. Dysplasia needs to be identified as early as possible, before the baby learns to stand on his feet. To exclude this diagnosis, almost all children are prescribed additional ultrasound of the hip joints.

    During the examination, the orthopedist will carefully examine the newborn, actively bending and spreading his legs to the sides and performing other manipulations. The baby may not like this approach, but this is important, since the doctor can detect a variety of pathologies in the development of the musculoskeletal system. For example, torticollis, in which the child can only turn his head in one direction. The specialist will also give recommendations on home exercises and the treatment of dysplasia, which must be followed.

    Vaccination room

    If a newborn has received all the necessary vaccinations in the maternity hospital, then at 1 month he needs to receive another one - against hepatitis. The vaccine is injected into the baby's large muscle - the buttock or lower leg. Before visiting the vaccination office, you must show your child to your local doctor. The pediatrician will assess the body’s readiness for vaccination and rule out the presence of infections. Vaccination can only be carried out if the newborn is in absolute health.

    Additional examinations

    Newborns must undergo tests at 1 month of age. As a rule, this is a general blood and urine test. To conduct tests for a newborn at 1 month, you need to collect any portion of urine, preferably the first morning.

    Unfortunately, this is not always possible with such young children, since newborns urinate more often than adults. Therefore, it’s okay that the portion of urine for testing in newborns at 1 month will not be the first, no. The most important thing is to wash your baby well before collecting urine. For convenience, you can use a special urinal. Blood for analysis of a 1-month-old newborn can also be donated at any time, regardless of food intake.

    As an additional examination of a newborn at 1 month, the doctor prescribes an ECG (electrocardiogram), the purpose of which is to diagnose diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular, to exclude heart defects, cardiopathy and much more.

    Screening of a child at 1 month necessarily includes an ultrasound examination of the brain and hip joints.

    Prescribed to all children over 1 month of age to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. The first ultrasound examination is mandatory; in the future, they can be prescribed by a neurologist at his own discretion.

    Ultrasound of the brain is most relevant in patients after complicated pregnancy and childbirth, with low results, with neuropsychic and physical developmental delays, with hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscular system.

    Ultrasound examination of the hip joints is also mandatory for all newborns. The study helps to diagnose congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia in a timely manner. Treatment of these pathological conditions is effective only in the first year of life, while the baby has not yet begun to stand up and walk independently.

    Of course, observation of a newborn in the first month of life and his first visit to the clinic to the pediatrician and narrow specialists is very important point in the life of the baby and his parents. The latter can once again make sure that their child is growing and developing according to his age.

    If any deviations are detected, there is no need to panic or sound the alarm. Most pathological conditions can be successfully treated in the first year of life; the main thing is not to delay the prescribed treatment and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

    Useful video about examining a baby by a pediatrician

    The first year of a child’s life is perhaps the most important stage. The maturation of organs and systems occurs, and the “foundation” of health for life is laid. To assess the development of the baby, promptly identify deviations and diseases on early stages, scheduled preventive examinations are carried out.

    Medical examinations: what do the regulations say?

    The procedure for conducting mandatory preventive examinations for children of all ages is established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 514n dated August 10, 2017.

    The document came into force on January 1, 2018. The order regulates the timing of completion, the minimum list of studies and examination by specialists at all stages of growing up.

    We will talk in more detail about monitoring the baby.

    Medical observation of a child in the first year of life


    Doctors specialists

    Research and analysis


    * Neonatal screening is carried out to identify pathologies: congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, galactosemia and adrenogenital syndrome

    * Audiological screening

    1 month

    Ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist)

    Pediatric surgeon

    Pediatric neurologist

    Pediatric dentist

    * Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys

    * Ultrasound of the hip joints

    * Echocardiography

    * Neurosonography

    * Audiological screening

    2 months

    * Complete blood count (CBC)

    * General urinalysis (UCA)

    3 months


    Audiological screening

    From 4 months to 11 months

    Pediatrician - once a month

    Research and analysis are not carried out

    12 months

    Pediatric surgeon


    Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)


    KLA, OAM, electrocardiography (ECG)

    Inspections by specialists

    In the first year of life, the baby is under the close attention of doctors: development is monitored, nutritional recommendations are given, treatment is prescribed if diseases are detected, etc.


    He is the main doctor in the life of every child.

    In the maternity hospital

    The baby is examined by a neonatologist immediately after birth, then every day throughout the entire period of stay in the maternity hospital. The doctor monitors the baby’s adaptation to new living conditions, excludes congenital or hereditary diseases, and prescribes treatment if necessary.

    After discharge from the maternity hospital, the pediatrician monitors the child:

    * in the first month of life, the doctor examines the baby at home;

    * starting from the age of 1 month, you and your child visit the doctor at the clinic every month.

    Examinations by a pediatrician at home in the 1st month of life

    The doctor assesses the baby’s general condition and determines his health group. The doctor gives advice on breastfeeding, hardening and hygiene procedures, and conducts talks on breastfeeding. If diseases are detected, treatment is prescribed.

    Monthly visit to the pediatrician at the clinic

    During each preventive examination, the child’s height and weight, head and chest circumference are measured, and the condition of the large fontanelle and cranial sutures are assessed.

    Pediatrician examining skin, using a phonendoscope, listens to the baby’s lungs and heart. Determines health group, compliance of physical and mental development baby's age. Identifies the likelihood of a child developing certain diseases.

    The pediatrician evaluates the skills acquired by the child in the first year of life: the ability to hold the head, sit, crawl and walk, walk, pronounce syllables and words, and eat independently.


    Checks how the child focuses his gaze on objects, the patency of the nasolacrimal ducts and examines the fundus of the eye.

    Pediatric surgeon

    Timely diagnoses inguinal or umbilical hernia, hip dysplasia.

    Examines the genitals. Detects certain diseases in boys: phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin - folds of skin covering the head of the penis), cryptorchidism (undescended testicle into the scrotum) and/or testicular hydrocele.

    Pediatric neurologist

    Tests the baby's reflexes and acquired skills, determines muscle tone and identifies possible motor disorders.

    Evaluates the condition of cranial sutures, large and small fontanelles, compliance neuropsychic development the age of the child.


    Monitors the development of the baby's musculoskeletal system. Excludes or identifies hip dysplasia, congenital muscular torticollis, clubfoot and other pathologies. When diagnosed early, these conditions usually respond well to non-surgical treatment.

    Pediatric dentist

    Checks the condition of the frenulum of the tongue - a fold of the oral mucosa that serves as an addition to attach the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Sometimes the frenulum is shortened, which can lead to problems with sucking, swallowing, chewing, pronunciation and diction. If the bridle is shortened, it is trimmed.


    Examines the child to identify congenital anomalies of the nasal and oral cavity, pharynx, auricle, external and middle ear.

    Research and analysis

    They are carried out to diagnose many diseases in the early stages and congenital anomalies.

    General blood analysis

    Helps identify anemia, inflammation in the body, blood clotting disorders.

    General urine analysis

    Allows you to evaluate kidney function, detect inflammation in urinary tract, suspect certain diseases (for example, diabetes).

    Audiological screening

    Hearing is examined using a special device. It is performed in the maternity hospital on the 3-4th day of life or before discharge.

    If for any reason the screening was not completed in the maternity hospital or hearing impairment was detected, the child is discharged with recommendations for audiological screening in the clinic.

    If hearing impairment is repeatedly detected, the child is sent to the audiology center for additional examination and treatment (hearing aids, classes with a teacher of the deaf). Goal: to carry out correction in time to prevent the baby from lagging behind in speech and mental development.

    Neonatal screening

    Blood is collected from the heel on the 4th day of life in full-term infants, and on the 7th day in premature infants. If for some reason screening was not carried out in the maternity hospital or there is no data, the test is performed in the clinic until the age of 1 month.

    The study allows us to diagnose five serious diseases: congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, galactosemia and adrenogenital syndrome.

    If illnesses are detected in a timely manner and treatment is prescribed (medicines, diet), children develop normally.


    The brain is examined using an ultrasound machine through the large fontanel. Painless and safe method helps identify brain cysts, intracranial injuries, cerebral hemorrhages, brain development abnormalities.

    Ultrasound of internal organs and kidneys

    The method makes it possible to look inside the body. The liver, spleen, pancreas are examined, gallbladder and its ducts, kidneys and bladder. The study helps to determine the size, assess the function and identify congenital anomalies of the development of internal organs.

    Ultrasound of the hip joints

    Conducted for timely diagnosis hip dysplasia - abnormal development that can lead/has led to dislocation or subluxation of the femoral head (congenital hip dislocation).


    Allows you to record impulses that arise during the work of the heart, which are recorded on paper in the form of a gear graph.

    Using an ECG, it is possible to detect disturbances in heart rhythm, formation and conduction of impulses.

    Monitoring a child in the first year of life: where is it better?

    Routine medical examinations are carried out free of charge at the clinic at your place of residence - an undeniable advantage.

    However, you and your child will have to stand in line for hours, even if you pre-register.

    In addition, not only healthy, but also sick adults/children visit the clinic. Your baby may encounter, for example, viral infection, and the next monthly preventive examination risks resulting in the child developing a fever, runny nose and cough.

    When visiting a private medical center, discomfort for the baby and parents is minimized, there are no tiring queues, and you can choose a convenient time for visits.

    Based on a standard observation program, an individual approach to each child is developed. The baby receives a personal pediatrician who can be consulted 24 hours a day.

    P.S. The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regulates the mandatory minimum of medical examinations. If deviations are detected, additional studies and consultations with specialists not included in the generally accepted observation scheme are prescribed.

    resident doctor of the children's department

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