• Mandatory examinations of children up to one year old. Routine medical examinations of children: age, tests and specialists


    New parents, no matter how closely they monitor their child’s health, cannot always notice a deterioration in the child’s condition in time, therefore, in the first year of life, pediatric specialists closely monitor the baby’s health and there is a special schedule for visiting doctors for up to a year.

    In the maternity hospital The newborn is closely monitored. Tests are taken from the baby, specialists conduct a full examination of the baby, and with the consent of the mother, the necessary vaccinations are given. All this time, mother and baby are under close supervision of specialists. And if the child and mother are healthy, then they are discharged from the maternity hospital within 3-5 days.

    Download the table with indicators physical development children under 1 year old, and be sure that the baby is developing according to the norms!

    After discharge Monitoring of your child continues. In the first month life, a local doctor and a visiting nurse come home to a new mother and her baby. The pediatrician should visit the newborn 2-3 days after discharge from the hospital. The health visitor will visit the mother and baby weekly during the first month of the baby’s life.

    Based on the results of the examinations and in the absence of contraindications, the baby is given routine vaccinations (re-vaccination against viral hepatitis B).

    In the second month In life, mother and baby visit only the local pediatrician.

    When the baby turns three months The pediatrician will issue a referral for:

    • orthopedist
    • neurologist

    Based on the results of the examinations, your doctor makes a decision about the baby’s readiness for routine vaccination (general vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough) and against polio.

    Fourth and fifth months The child’s life is examined only by a local doctor. At this age, the baby is given a second scheduled vaccination with DTP and against polio.

    At six months The baby is examined not only by a pediatrician, but also by a neurologist. At this age, it is recommended that the baby be introduced to complementary foods. The pediatrician will tell you all the necessary information about starting complementary feeding. After the examination, the doctor decides on a planned third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and viral hepatitis B.

    In their seven and eight months The baby is routinely examined by a pediatrician.

    Aged nine months In addition to the local pediatrician, the baby is re-examined by a surgeon. It is also necessary to visit the dentist, regardless of whether your baby has teeth or not.

    At ten and eleven months The child is examined by a pediatrician to assess his health.

    At twelve months of age The child undergoes the last comprehensive examination of early childhood. At this time it is necessary to hand over everything necessary tests and go through specialists

    • pediatrician
    • neurologist
    • orthopedist
    • surgeon
    • otolaryngologist
    • ophthalmologist
    • dentist

    The child is also vaccinated against measles, rubella, and mumps. Taking into account specialist examinations, the pediatrician will determine your child’s health group and develop a further monitoring plan for him.

    Despite the generally accepted schedule for visiting doctors for up to a year, scheduled examinations by specialists in each clinic are different and may differ slightly. Ask your local pediatrician for all the details. Try not to neglect visits to specialists. After all, timely detection of the disease and timely treatment in the first year of a baby’s life is the key to your baby’s health for many years.

    - how to survive it? Read our next article.

    Your baby was born and, if everything is in order, on the third day he can go home with you - it is at this time that he is usually discharged from the maternity hospital after an uncomplicated birth. For three days After discharge, you and your baby will be visited by your local pediatrician. The first month is the period of adaptation of the baby to extrauterine conditions, which is why regular examinations are so important during this period. Visits from specialists - a doctor and a nurse - will be carried out approximately once a week throughout the first month of the child’s life.

    During each patronage visit, specialists will carefully examine the newborn so as not to miss any congenital pathologies, as well as assess how the child is adapting to new living conditions outside the mother’s womb. During such visits, they will explain to you how to properly care for your baby: how to treat the umbilical wound, how to bathe a newborn, how to feed and swaddle him, and, if necessary, they will give recommendations for correcting feeding.

    After the baby turns 1 month old, they will be waiting for you and him at the clinic. In any children's clinic there is a “baby day” - certain days and hours set aside so that mothers with healthy babies can go through routine inspection at doctors. At this time, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist and an orthopedic traumatologist work together with a pediatrician - these are the specialists who need to show the baby when he is one month old. Now that your baby has crossed the 1-month mark - examinations are also important now, but they need to be done somewhat less frequently. It is now possible to show the baby to specialists less often, and after examination by all doctors, the pediatrician will mainly monitor the baby’s development.

    Why visit doctors so often? The answer is simple - in the first year of life, most congenital pathologies appear, which need to be diagnosed and corrected in a timely manner. In addition to examinations, the baby will need to undergo a number of studies and tests. They reveal those features of the child’s development that are not visible during a routine examination. Here's what they are for:

    • Neonatal screening of newborns – diagnostic test, allowing to identify babies at risk for various congenital diseases
    • Audiological screening – identifies abnormalities in the development of hearing organs
    • Ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) – identifies malformations of the brain, measures intracranial pressure and blood flow speed in the hemispheres
    • Ultrasound of the heart - reveals the pathology of the development of the cardiovascular system
    • Ultrasound internal organs– reveals pathology of organ development abdominal cavity
    • Ultrasound of the hip joints – diagnoses congenital dysplasia, dislocations and subluxations of the hip
    • General blood test - detects diseases of the hematopoietic organs and other pathologies
    • General urine analysis - reveals abnormalities in the functioning of the urinary organs; urine sugar test reveals a child's predisposition to diabetes
    • Stool analysis - detects diseases digestive system, infections and other disorders; stool analysis for carbohydrates diagnoses lactase deficiency

    It is not at all necessary to remember when and which doctors you need to visit - experienced specialists will remind you every time when you and your baby need to see you next time. However, it’s still worth familiarizing yourself with the Doctor’s Visit Calendar* - this will help you not worry about your baby and feel confident.

    Child's ageExaminations by medical specialistsLaboratory, functional
    and other studies
    NewbornPediatricianNeonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism,
    phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome,
    cystic fibrosis and galactosemia;
    Audiological screening
    1 monthPediatrician
    Pediatric surgeon
    Ultrasound examination of abdominal organs
    cavity, heart, hip joints
    Audiological screening
    2 monthsPediatrician
    3 monthsPediatrician
    General blood test
    General urine test
    Audiological screening
    4 monthsPediatrician
    5 monthsPediatrician
    6 monthsPediatrician
    Pediatric surgeon
    General blood test
    General urine test
    7 monthsPediatrician
    8 monthsPediatrician
    9 monthsPediatricianGeneral blood test
    General urine test
    10 monthsPediatrician
    11 monthsPediatrician
    12 monthsPediatrician
    Pediatric surgeon
    Pediatric dentist
    Children's psychiatrist
    General blood test
    General urine test
    Blood glucose test

    Immediately after the baby is born, he is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. All children need this. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the baby’s reflexes and skills. After discharge from the maternity ward, all documents for your child are transferred to the children's clinic. It is here that the baby will be monitored over the next few years. Many mothers are concerned about the question of which doctors their newborns undergo at 1 month. After all, it is at this age that the first trip to a medical institution is made.

    This article will tell you about how a medical examination occurs in the first month. Which doctors to see will be described below. You will also learn the main nuances of such medical procedures.

    Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

    The visiting nurse always tells you which doctors to go to. Before going to the clinic, your baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. After 2-3 weeks, a nurse visits. She is the one who talks about the need to see certain doctors.

    It is worth noting that both health workers must examine the child. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the lungs and heart. The nurse examines the baby’s skin, reflexes and skills. In addition, patronage notes living conditions, in which the child resides. If new parents have any questions, doctors always answer them and help with advice.

    What doctors should you see in 1 month?

    So, your baby is five weeks old. It's time to see some specialists. First, you should visit your pediatrician or go to nurse. She will give you the necessary directions for examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of receiving them in advance.

    Which doctors need to be seen at 1 month depends entirely on your baby. For healthy child this will be a neurologist, an ophthalmologist and a pediatrician. You will also have to get tested and visit the vaccination office. When a baby has congenital pathologies, the list of specialists may expand. Let's try to figure out how a child goes through the first month of life.

    Surgical office

    What doctors are examined in 1 month? One of the first on the list of specialists is a surgeon. The doctor always examines an undressed child. That is why you need to take a diaper with you to your consultation.

    The doctor examines the skin. They must be clean. After this, the surgeon palpates the baby’s lymph nodes in the armpits, groin area, neck and back of the head. There should be no increase in these areas. Next, the stomach is palpated. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic. This is noted on the map, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.


    What doctors are examined in 1 month? The child must be shown to an orthopedist. The doctor also prescribes it for all children. Depending on the work of the clinic, the diagnosis can be carried out directly by an orthopedist or another specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor’s appointment with the results of the study.

    An orthopedist examines the baby's legs and pelvis. The limbs must be the same length. The feet are also assessed in posing. However, at this age they do not focus on this indicator. An examination by an orthopedic surgeon is necessary to rule out hip dysplasia. This pathology is often found in newborn babies.

    Neurological office

    What doctors do you see in 1 month? Not the last place on this list is occupied by a neurologist. Before going to the doctor, you need a head scan, which is called neurosonography. This study allows you to evaluate blood flow to the brain and note possible pathologies.

    Neurologist evaluates motor activity baby. The doctor also checks reflexes. Quite often, neurologists prescribe a unique treatment for children. Some kids really need it. Do not refuse correction, because lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in the future.


    What other doctors are examined in 1 month? An ophthalmologist is on the mandatory list. Of course, the baby will not yet be able to name the letters and thereby show his vision. However, the doctor can measure the baby's eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

    Some babies develop problems with their eyes after birth. Pathologies such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis and so on occur. It is these diseases that the doctor can detect on early stage development. Timely correction will help avoid vision problems in the future.

    Vaccination room and first vaccine in the clinic

    If your child was vaccinated in the maternity hospital, then another one should be given in one month. This is a hepatitis vaccine. The drug is injected into the baby's muscle. For this purpose, the shin is predominantly chosen.

    Remember that before vaccination you must visit your pediatrician and get permission. The doctor must measure the baby’s temperature, examine his throat and listen to his lungs. Vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

    Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

    What other specialists do you need to see with a one-month-old baby? All children need to have their ears checked. For this, a special ultrasonic device is used. The instrument is directed into the baby's ear and receives reflection from the eardrum. This device makes it possible to detect deafness in a baby in the first month of life.

    Also, the baby needs to have an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity at one month. It will allow you to evaluate the functioning of organs and exclude possible pathologies. Diagnosis is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. Before the examination, you should not feed the child for 2-3 hours. IN otherwise the result obtained will be distorted.

    Blood and urine tests are also performed at one month of age. In this case, you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning one. Remember that the baby needs to be washed before collecting the material. Use a urine bag for convenience. Blood can also be donated after meals. Surely a child at this age eats exclusively breast milk or an adapted mixture.

    Summing up

    You now know which doctors you need to see with your baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and begin their correction as early as possible. Never refuse to go to the children's clinic. Get tested regularly and follow the recommendations you receive. Also try to adhere to the established vaccination dates. This approach will help you avoid health problems for your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and proper development!

    In the fourth month of life, examination by specialists is carried out only when indicated. Revaccination of DTP and polio is necessary. The pediatrician may prescribe therapeutic exercises to strengthen the baby’s muscles.

    By the end of the fourth month of life, most innate reflexes remain in the past. If this does not happen, disturbances in the development of the baby are possible. Timely medical supervision is very important during this period. What kind of doctors do a child undergo at four months of age?
    Examination of a child at 4 months narrow specialists shown only if necessary. Consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory. A pediatrician who cares for a child from birth knows the nuances of birth and development. Therefore, the slightest deviations will be noticed immediately. The examination includes weighing, measuring body length, head and chest circumference, and palpating the newborn's fontanelles. The open large fontanel allows, if necessary, ultrasound diagnostics heads. After its closure, only an X-ray of the head will be an available diagnosis for a four-month-old child.

    If an orthopedic examination has not taken place before four months, this gap must be filled. An orthopedic surgeon can refer the baby for ultrasound diagnostics of the hip joints.

    The procedure is necessary for the early detection of congenital developmental abnormalities such as dysplasia, dislocations and subluxations. A timely diagnosis will allow treatment with conservative methods in a short time.
    One such method is electrophoresis. Electrophoresis for a 4-month-old child is indicated for a number of diseases. These include dysplasia. The procedure consists of supplying medicines to liquid form to the diseased organ through a minimal current discharge. The method is absolutely painless. But it has contraindications in the form elevated temperature bodies, bronchial asthma and blood clotting disorders.
    Prescribing exercise therapy for a four-month-old child is also the prerogative of the surgeon. Therapeutic exercise or gymnastics is necessary for insufficient muscle development.
    According to indications, you may need to consult a neurologist, ophthalmologist and undergo tests. A general blood and urine test is required.
    A general blood test allows you to monitor the health of the baby. Hemoglobin readings, the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and eosenophils are critical when referring for routine vaccination. Deviations in readings may indicate the onset of the disease or its sluggish nature. A urine test is indicative of the absence or presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

    What vaccinations are given to a four-month-old baby?

    According to the vaccination calendar, revaccination of DTP and polio is necessary at 4.5 months. Revaccination against polio is carried out with the same type of vaccine that the child was vaccinated with for the first time. There are two types of polio vaccine. The first consists of living but weakened viruses. This vaccine is administered orally, by placing drops in the mouth. The second type of vaccine contains killed polio viruses. Vaccination is carried out using an injection.

    The first year of life is the most important stage in a baby’s life. During these 12 months, he will learn to walk, pronounce his first words and understand the meaning of adult speech. However, the health of the child is of paramount importance for every parent.

    Some pathological changes, noticed in children under one year of age and corrected in time, will remind of themselves only by an entry in the medical record. It is the planned medical examination of children that allows you to monitor their growth and development, monitor changes in a small body and prevent negative consequences diseases.

    What does medical examination consist of?

    Medical examination of infants is a monthly visit to doctors necessary to monitor the development of all systems of the baby’s body and receive answers to questions about care that interest parents.

    Dispensary observation is carried out thanks to a birth certificate - a document that is issued to a woman during pregnancy. Certification is provided for by the state project “Health”, which obliges parents and doctors to conduct a series of examinations of a baby up to one year old.

    The medical examination plan involves a monthly examination by a pediatrician, as well as some specialized specialists during a certain period of time. Let's look at everything in more detail and consider each stage of the process.

    First stage: observation in the maternity hospital

    Literally immediately after birth, the child falls into the hands of a neonatologist, who examines the mucous membranes, checks the heartbeat, listens to breathing and checks basic reflexes. If there are no pathologies, the baby is washed, the necessary treatment is carried out and swaddled.

    The fourth day of life for full-term babies (and the seventh for premature babies) is marked by taking the first test (blood from the heel) for a screening test. This test aimed at early detection of such genetic diseases in newborns, as:

    • cystic fibrosis;
    • phenylketonuria;
    • congenital hypothyroidism;
    • galactosemia;
    • adrenogenital syndrome.

    If a child is suspected of having one of these ailments, parents are notified of the need to undergo the test again to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

    Second stage: monitoring the development of a child up to one year in a children's clinic

    This stage lasts the whole year and is divided into two periods: observation up to six months and from 6 to 12 months. However, this does not mean that you only need to visit the doctor twice; examinations are carried out every month.

    After discharge from the maternity hospital, a nurse and a doctor from the children's clinic come to the newborn's home, examine him and tell the mother about the features of caring for the baby.

    1 month

    At one month, the baby and his mother go to see the pediatrician on their own for the first time. The doctor performs:

    • posture check;
    • palpation of internal organs;
    • checking the fontanel;
    • assessment of sensory organ development;
    • examination of the scrotum in boys;
    • a set of procedures that will be repeated monthly: inspection skin, fontanel, weighing and measuring height, head circumference and chest, body temperature measurement.

    In addition to the pediatrician, the baby and mother will have to go to some specialists:

    • surgeon;
    • traumatologist-orthopedist;
    • neurologist;
    • ophthalmologist

    Before visiting these specialists, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound examinations of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and hip joints.

    The surgeon performs:

    • assessment of the structural features of the skeleton and musculoskeletal system;
    • identification of pathologies: hernia, neck injuries, dislocations, etc.;
    • examination of the genitals.

    If there are appropriate indications, the surgeon may recommend that the baby undergo therapeutic massage, exercises therapeutic exercises or swimming.

    An orthopedic traumatologist, having familiarized himself with an ultrasound of the hip joints and conducted an examination, records changes in the structure and checks for the presence of dysplasia, the timely treatment of which helps to avoid problems in the future. In the absence of proper treatment, with age comes pain and gait disturbances due to limited joint movement, which can lead to disability.

    A neurologist performs a monthly examination to:

    • estimates neuropsychic development crumbs;
    • collecting information from parents and assessing the child’s behavior based on them;
    • identifying a risk group in the presence of deviations.

    It is better to visit an ophthalmologist at the turn of 1–2 months. The doctor will evaluate:

    • visual acuity, how much the baby fixes his gaze on an object;
    • condition of the muscles, lacrimal ducts, eyelids and fundus.

    2 months

    • At two months, only a standard medical examination by a pediatrician is performed.

    3 months

    At three months, the pediatrician takes the necessary measurements to assess the baby’s development, and also gives directions for a number of examinations:

    • general blood test;
    • general urinalysis;
    • examination by a neurologist.

    A complete blood count involves taking blood from a child’s finger. To obtain objective results, it is better not to feed the baby for an hour or two before taking the test.

    A urine test is usually taken in a laboratory early in the morning. You can collect the urine in a clean bowl, and then pour it into a special jar, or use a urine bag for babies.

    A neurologist examines the child to determine the level of his psychomotor development.

    4–5 months

    • At 4 and 5 months, the baby visits the pediatrician for a standard examination.

    6 months

    Six months is the next milestone for undergoing a comprehensive examination by specialized specialists, including:

    • neurologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • cardiologist.

    The neurologist once again compares the indicators of psychomotor development with the age norm.

    The ophthalmologist takes repeated measurements of the refraction of the eyes and compares them with indicators five months ago to assess the dynamics, and also identifies the presence or absence of strabismus.

    The ENT carries out the following actions:

    • examines mucous membranes and gives recommendations for their care;
    • tests hearing;
    • examines the ears to prevent otitis media.

    A cardiologist, based on an ECG and his own examination of the baby, excludes or confirms the presence of heart defects and other heart diseases. The examination is also carried out with the aim of timely detection of rheumatism, diffuse connective tissue diseases, arthritis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system in the child.

    7 and 8 months

    At 7 and 8 months, examinations by specialists are not carried out, unless, of course, there are indications and a referral from a pediatrician.

    9 months

    After a standard examination, the pediatrician sends the baby to the dentist. The doctor examines the oral cavity to:

    • detection of pathologies on the tongue, gums, uvula, frenulum of the tongue;
    • identifying irregular or delayed teeth eruption.

    The dentist also informs parents about proper care for teeth and oral cavity, gives recommendations to reduce the baby’s discomfort during teething.

    10 and 11 months

    10 and 11 months are the time for regular visits to the pediatrician to monitor the dynamics of the baby’s growth and development.

    12 months

    At one year old, the baby will have to go through the last stage of medical examination. It includes the passage of such specialists as:

    • neurologist;
    • surgeon;
    • orthopedist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • dentist;

    Also per year they rent general tests urine and blood, if necessary, ultrasound examination is performed.

    There is no need to keep in your head all the information described above about the periods of examination by narrow specialists; if necessary, such a table will come to your aid.

    Medical examination of children in the first year of life is a very important process for the health of the baby, so it should not be neglected. Even if it’s summer and you want to go on vacation with your baby, calculate the time so that you can visit the specialists on time. Remember that timely treatment of diseases identified during infancy can save the child from health problems in the future. May your children always be happy and healthy.

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