• First trimester of pregnancy: acid in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth after eating, in the morning, constantly: causes and symptoms of what diseases in women and men? What causes a sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy? How to get rid of sour taste in the mouth: treatment. Nar


    A metallic taste during pregnancy is the result of hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, the amount of hormones progesterone and estrogen increases in a woman’s body. These hormones can affect the sense of taste.

    When does a metallic taste occur?

    A pregnant woman is advised to consult a doctor if she experiences unusual perceptions of food, smells, or deterioration in health. A metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy can be caused by pathology. To determine the disease, you will need to undergo an examination, take blood, urine and smear tests.

    If you experience a metallic taste during pregnancy, you should visit a doctor.

    Reasons why a metallic taste appears in the mouth during pregnancy:

    • fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone and other hormones, as a result of which the receptors react differently to familiar foods;
    • taking perinatal medications, vitamin complexes or anti-anemia medications;
    • bleeding wounds in the mouth, respiratory tract, digestive organs;
    • acid reflux - the entry of gastric contents into the larynx during regurgitation of food, belching;
    • vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia;
    • diseases of the oral cavity – stomatitis, glossitis, others;
    • poisoning by mercury fumes.

    Ways to eliminate metallic taste during pregnancy

    If an unpleasant sensation of iron in the mouth occurs in the 1st-2nd trimester, it is recommended to relieve it using home methods - eat it or rinse your mouth with a weak soda solution.

    You can remove the metallic taste if:

    • eat sour, spicy foods, mint candy;
    • drink lemonade or cherry compote;
    • Avoid drinking mineral water enriched with iron.

    Removing food debris in the mouth prevents the receptors on the tongue from continuing to come into contact with it, causing a lingering aftertaste. Every time after consuming foods and drinks, you should brush your teeth and tongue.

    A sour taste in the mouth is one of the characteristic signs that accompany pregnancy from early stages. The feeling of sourness appears even before the delay of menstruation and haunts the expectant mother until the very birth. A similar symptom may also be associated with pathology of the digestive tract and some other conditions that are dangerous for the woman and the fetus. Knowing why your mouth tastes sour during pregnancy, you can not only find the source of the problem, but also get rid of unpleasant sensations with minimal risk to your own health.

    Sour taste in mouth as an early sign of pregnancy

    Soon after conceiving a child, the body begins to produce increased progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the active proliferation of the mucous layer of the uterus - preparation for the upcoming implantation of the embryo. Progesterone creates the conditions for successful gestation. It relaxes the uterus, preventing miscarriage, and thereby allows you to carry the baby to its due date.

    Progesterone does not have a selective effect. Its influence extends not only to the uterus, but also to other internal organs. Together with the myometrium, the muscle layer of the digestive tract relaxes. Progesterone also affects the sphincters of the stomach, which provokes the backflow of its contents into the esophagus. Acidic gastric juice, penetrating up the digestive tract, leads to an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Often this symptom becomes one of the first in a series of questionable signs of pregnancy.

    In addition to the sour taste, other characteristic symptoms are noted:

    • heartburn that gets worse after eating;
    • belching sour and airy;
    • heaviness in the epigastrium - in the projection of the stomach;
    • pain in the hypochondrium;
    • bloating;
    • flatulence;
    • constipation

    All these symptoms indicate problems in the digestive tract associated with the excessive influence of progesterone, and may indirectly indicate the onset of pregnancy. The absence of such sensations is also a variant of the norm.

    Causes of sour taste in later stages

    There are several conditions that can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant symptom:

    • Biliary dyskinesia. Anomalies in the development of the gallbladder and ducts can provoke pathology. JVP is accompanied not only by sour belching, but also by pain under the ribs on the right. The pain occurs after eating, often at night, and can radiate under the shoulder blade. Flatulence and bloating are noted. The basis of therapy is the prescription of a diet and the use of enzyme preparations. In severe situations, surgical treatment is indicated.
    • Liver pathology. It is characterized by the appearance of a sour taste and accompanying symptoms: pain in the right hypochondrium, heaviness in the abdomen, and stool disturbances. Often accompanied by jaundice, a yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. Requires nutritional correction, prescription of enzyme preparations and other symptomatic therapy.
    • Gastritis with increased secretion, stomach and duodenal ulcers. With this pathology, a sour taste in the mouth, frequent heartburn, and aching pain in the epigastrium after eating are noted. Treatment includes taking antibiotics, enzymes, and protective agents.

    If you suspect diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist, undergo examination and treatment if necessary.

    Not only pathology of the digestive tract can lead to the appearance of a sour taste in the mouth. Often the problem is explained by much more prosaic reasons:

    • Compression of the stomach by the growing uterus. A sour taste occurs in the second half of pregnancy and is explained by the regular reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and oral cavity.
    • Sudden movements and excessive physical activity provoke pressure on the organs of the digestive tract.
    • Sleeping in an uncomfortable position, which increases pressure on the organs of the digestive tract and increases reflux.
    • Errors in diet. Eating sweet, overly salty, hot, spicy, fried and fatty foods provokes heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth.
    • Active fetal movements. The movements of an older baby disturb the stomach and lead to increased reverse reflux.

    All these are natural conditions that occur during pregnancy in a completely healthy woman. Treatment is not required - after the birth of the child the situation returns to normal.

    How to alleviate the condition and get rid of the sour taste in the mouth?

    First of all, the expectant mother needs to adhere to the following diet:

    1. Avoid foods that cause unpleasant symptoms. Fatty foods, pickles and marinades, hot seasonings and spices, sour juices, berries and fruits are prohibited.
    2. Eat often, but in small portions. The best option for a pregnant woman would be five meals a day.
    3. Drink more fluid: up to 1.5-2 liters per day (in the absence of pathology from the heart and kidneys). Plain water, herbal tea, and fruit compotes will be beneficial. It is not recommended to drink sour fruit drinks and carbonated drinks.
    4. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. The habit of eating at night slows down intestinal motility and leads to the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

    Normalizing nutrition in most cases helps to cope with the problem. A change in lifestyle will also be beneficial. It is recommended to move more: walk in the fresh air, do yoga, master breathing practices, and do not forget about gymnastics for expectant mothers. Reasonable exercise stimulates the digestive tract and reduces the likelihood of reflux. It has been observed that women who lead an active lifestyle are less likely to suffer from such symptoms during pregnancy.

    The long 9 months of pregnancy bring a woman such a flurry of emotions and sensations that she remembers this time for the rest of her life. During the gestation period, the body of the expectant mother undergoes dramatic changes and this immediately affects her well-being. Women who have given birth remember very well what morning sickness, lightning mood swings and completely crazy gastronomic cravings are like. Taking into account the complex processes that occur in organs and systems during pregnancy, such strange, at first glance, metamorphoses are absolutely normal. Today we will talk about bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy. Is this a symptom of a disease or a physiological side effect due to gestation?

    We are accustomed to the stereotype that the main symptom of an undiagnosed pregnancy is nausea. In fact, a specific taste in the mouth is the first thing that the vast majority of women feel some time after conception. It can disappear in the early stages of pregnancy, and sometimes persists until childbirth. The symptom does not cause any particular inconvenience, but naturally curious or suspicious mothers still wonder what this could mean? Women's concerns are to some extent justified: an inexplicable aftertaste may indeed indicate some internal problems in the body. Let's figure out when a strange taste in the mouth during pregnancy requires detailed diagnosis and further treatment.

    Why does a taste appear in the mouth during pregnancy?

    According to scientists, an unpleasant taste in the mouth of expectant mothers may be the result of various factors. Let's consider each of them separately.

    Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - internal physiological changes

    Pregnancy “reshapes” the body’s hormonal system at its own discretion, and this is the main reason for the development of such symptoms in expectant mothers that do not occur in non-pregnant women. You may not yet be aware of your “interesting” position, but your body will hint you about it by changing its taste. Taste in the mouth in early pregnancy is considered mainly as an addition to early toxicosis.

    As pregnancy progresses, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the taste may intensify. This happens for purely physiological reasons: the baby is actively developing and gaining weight, and the uterus presses on nearby organs and supports the diaphragm. Pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, gastric sphincters lose tone and weaken, allowing gastric juice to pass into the esophagus, which leads to a sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy. Heartburn and sore throat, especially in the later stages, are considered normal.

    After childbirth, the sour taste disappears, and while the fetus is growing, doctors recommend that women simply put up with this minor inconvenience. You can partially get rid of the problem with the help of fractional meals and eating foods that reduce acidity levels.

    In addition to “sourness,” women during pregnancy are often bothered by a bitter taste in the mouth. Experts have found an explanation for this condition: the reason lies in the functional impairment of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. Typically, bile from the liver is sent to the intestines, where it takes part in the digestion of food. If the route of the bitter substance is disrupted, and this is exactly what happens due to the increased content of progesterone in pregnant women, it is thrown into the digestive organs - first into the stomach, and then into the esophagus.

    The penetration of bile into the middle section of the digestive system is facilitated by the horizontal position of the body, so the expectant mother feels bitterness in her mouth mainly immediately after waking up. The condition does not require special or symptomatic treatment, since it is completely safe for mother and child. To get rid of the bitter taste, simply rinse your mouth with water.

    Another nonspecific sign of pregnancy is an iodine taste in the mouth. This is not a consequence of any disease or pathology - simply hormonal changes in the female body are so dramatic that they cause a dramatic change in taste preferences and the appearance of an unusual taste of iodine in the mouth during pregnancy. Everything will return to normal as soon as the baby is born.

    Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - indigestion

    An unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy can also be a consequence of various gastrointestinal pathologies, especially if the woman encountered such a problem before conception. And since all chronic diseases in pregnant women tend to become acute, a change in taste will not take long to occur.

    A sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy, caused not by physiological factors, but by the pathological state of the woman’s health, indicates the following diseases:

    • gastritis;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    In addition to acid in the mouth, a pregnant woman often encounters other signs of abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract:

    • painful discomfort, feeling of a stone in the stomach and abdomen;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • heartburn;
    • sour belching;
    • constipation

    If a bitter taste in the mouth regularly appears during pregnancy, the expectant mother should be examined for certain diseases:

    • obstruction of the biliary tract;
    • cholecystitis;
    • cholelithiasis.

    In case of exacerbation of a particular disease, pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowness of the skin and diarrhea are added to the bitter taste in the mouth. Whatever pathology of the gastrointestinal tract we are talking about, the expectant mother needs timely and adequate treatment. And only a doctor can determine the cause of her illness.

    Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - metabolic disorders

    Women with diabetes may complain of a sweet taste in the mouth during pregnancy. This condition develops due to high blood sugar levels. Note, however, that sweet notes in the mouth are a rather rare symptom of the disease. Basically, the following series of signs indicate pathology:

    • dry mouth, constant desire to drink water;
    • itching of the skin;
    • blurred vision;
    • gaining extra pounds or rapid exhaustion;
    • excretion of large volumes of urine.

    Diabetes mellitus is detected through a blood test and a glucose tolerance test.

    In some cases, a sweet taste in the mouth during pregnancy indicates the development of hepatitis or cirrhosis.

    Diabetes mellitus can also be the basis for the appearance of an acetone taste in the mouth during pregnancy. By 15-17 weeks of gestation, the level of ketone bodies in a woman’s blood increases. This change can also be caused by other factors that influence the expectant mother:

    • heredity;
    • weakened general immunity;
    • features of the daily diet;
    • presence of bad habits;
    • high levels of stress;
    • severe chronic diseases (including diabetes mellitus).

    If a pregnant woman has at least one of the listed factors, the taste of acetone in the mouth is considered a reasonable phenomenon, but only if it persists for no more than 2 - 3 days. If a symptom appears systematically and persists for a long time, it is advisable for the expectant mother to consult a specialist. Particular caution is recommended for women suffering from diabetes. In this case, you need to constantly monitor your insulin and blood sugar levels. At the slightest sign of discomfort, the doctor will select a new optimal dosage for administering the hormone.

    Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - oral diseases

    A strange taste and bad breath almost always appear when a person is diagnosed with an ENT disease or a dental disorder. Caries, stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases provoke the development of an inflammatory reaction and disrupt the receptor sensitivity of the tongue. The nature of the taste also varies depending on the disease. Thus, a sweet taste indicates the presence of a purulent focus in the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, and when a sour or salty taste appears on the tongue, inflammation of the salivary glands can be suspected.

    Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - lack of nutrients in the body

    In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may be bothered by a pronounced iron taste in her mouth. According to doctors, there are several reasons for this:

    1. A sharp decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. If a laboratory analysis confirms that the expectant mother’s body is indeed experiencing an acute iron deficiency, she will be prescribed special preparations with the necessary trace element and will be advised to supplement her diet with foods rich in iron.
    2. A persistent metallic taste during pregnancy is mainly associated with taking complex vitamins, which are usually prescribed to expectant mothers to prevent hypovitaminosis. The active components of such medicines can cause a clearly noticeable metallic taste on the tongue.
    3. We must not forget about the increased production of hormones during pregnancy, which provokes a strong change in a woman’s taste.

    If it’s just a matter of increased hormonal activity, the metallic taste that appears in the early stages of pregnancy usually disappears without a trace by 12–14 weeks of gestation. However, when the taste of iron arises due to a lack of this microelement, the condition of the expectant mother will gradually worsen. Over time, other signs of chronic anemia will appear:

    • weakness, chronic fatigue;
    • pale skin and mucous membranes;
    • brittle and brittle hair and nails;
    • atrophy of the surface of the tongue and organs of the middle part of the digestive system.

    The metallic taste of blood in the mouth during pregnancy often appears due to a serious deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body, as well as due to the particularly sensitive gums of the expectant mother, which are prone to bleeding.

    Features of the treatment of unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy

    To understand how to get rid of sour or any other notes on the tongue during pregnancy, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon, which is usually found out after a detailed diagnosis. Treatment is based on a mandatory diet and the use of medications (if a strange taste is the cause of any disease).

    Diet for an unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy

    Regular meals and a varied diet contribute to a successful pregnancy and are a reliable prevention of various diseases that affect the change in taste in the expectant mother. Nutritionists suggest: in such a situation, it is good to satisfy your hunger with slimy soups, mashed potatoes, oatmeal and rice porridge. The diet must certainly include dairy products (milk, cream), as well as homemade, moderately sweetened compotes and jelly. But it is better to avoid sweets, bread, various spices, sour and pickled foods, radishes and fatty first courses.

    Let us recall the general principles of healthy eating during pregnancy:

    1. Smoked and fried foods are only harmful, so their presence in the diet during pregnancy is unacceptable.
    2. Cabbage and legumes can only be eaten in very modest portions.
    3. Vegetables, herbs and fresh fruits should always be present on the expectant mother's plate.
    4. Lean varieties of meat and fish are a priority.
    5. You can’t give up buckwheat, apples, seaweed, pomegranate seeds and liver. These are rich sources of iron.

    Medicines for bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy

    Depending on what disease is causing the change in taste in the expectant mother’s mouth, the doctor may decide to use the following groups of medications:

    • vitamins;
    • antiseptics;
    • antibiotics;
    • iron-containing preparations;
    • enzymes;
    • antisecretory drugs;
    • prokinetics;
    • drugs that regulate blood sugar levels;
    • anti-inflammatory.

    It is possible to understand what caused the unusual taste in the mouth only after a comprehensive examination of the pregnant patient. Practice shows that this condition is not always a consequence of any pathology. In this way, the female body reacts to bearing a child, and after giving birth the new mother’s well-being quickly improves.

    Causes of sour taste in mouth.

    Many of us put off going to the doctor for various reasons. Most often this is due to a lack of funds and time. Accordingly, many diseases can develop into a chronic phase and provoke serious health problems in the future.

    If this phenomenon haunts you after eating, then this is quite normal. Typically, a sour taste occurs after sour or very sweet foods. After rinsing your mouth or after some time, this taste should disappear. If it bothers you constantly, regardless of the food you eat, you should consult a doctor.


    • Stomach problems. This is observed with gastritis, ulcers, or during the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus.
    • Liver disorders. This taste is an early symptom of cholecystitis and pancreatitis. This may indicate a blockage of the bile ducts.
    • Dental problems. This often happens with caries and periodontal disease.
    • Taking medications. Some medications cause a sour taste in the mouth. These are drugs based on metronidazole.
    • Increased acidity. This is one of the options for problems of the digestive system.
    • Diaphragmatic hernia. In the presence of such a hernia, stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus.

    Sour taste is a common problem during pregnancy. This is due to the rise in the level of the uterus. It rises and promotes the displacement of internal organs.


    • Increased concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone promotes muscle relaxation. Accordingly, the intestinal muscles do not work well. As a result, gastric juice may reflux into the esophagus.
    • Increase in the size of the uterus. The growing uterus can put pressure on the liver, causing problems in its functioning.
    • Dietary disorder. Frequent overeating and abuse of sour and salty foods leads to increased acidity of gastric juice.
    • Increased estrogen concentrations in early pregnancy. This hormone can change taste preferences and enhance taste.

    This often happens with ARVI. Oddly enough, a white coating is visible on the sides of the tongue, and you feel a soreness in your nose and throat. This soreness provokes drying of the mucous membrane. But a white tongue and dryness with a sour taste do not always indicate ARVI. If a white coating is observed in the area of ​​the root of the tongue, then this is associated with gastrointestinal diseases. This usually happens with gastritis and cholecystitis.


    • Drink plenty of fluids and take antiviral medications
    • Gargling and mouthwash with Dekasan or Miramistin
    • Using Orasept or HappyLor sprays
    • If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate

    This does not necessarily indicate illness. It is worth watching your diet. Often we ourselves are to blame for the appearance of a bitter-sour taste.


    • Overeating. This happens with constant consumption of fried and fatty foods. Liver diseases may soon arise.
    • Smoking. A bitter-sour taste often accompanies smokers. This occurs due to taste distortion.
    • Taking antibiotics. After using such medications, the liver may fail. That is why take hepatoprotectors along with medications.
    • Alcohol. After a holiday with a large amount of alcohol, a specific taste may appear in the mouth.


    • First of all, go on a diet, eliminating boiled and fatty foods
    • Take hepatoprotectors
    • You can drink lactobacilli to normalize the gastrointestinal tract

    This sensation may indicate the development of sialadenitis. This is a disease in which the salivary glands become inflamed. But most often its cause is not so unusual. It often appears with prolonged sinusitis, crying, and otolaryngological pathologies. There may be a more rare cause - Sjögren's disease. During the course of the disease, saliva is produced, which has such a taste. This pathology affects the lacrimal and salivary glands. The disease is chronic.

    In this case, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. After all, diseases are different and require correct diagnosis. You should not take anything without a doctor's prescription.

    A rather unusual combination that can indicate serious health problems.


    • Chemical poisoning
    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Oral diseases
    • Taking certain medications
    • Depression and stress

    Rule out poisoning. Medicines for diabetes can only be prescribed by a specialist. To treat oral ailments, use special pastes and rinsing solutions.

    There are many reasons for this taste and they are all different.


    • Hormonal imbalance
    • Gingivitis or periodontitis
    • Installation of metal crowns or dentures
    • Initial stage of diabetes mellitus
    • Anemia

    Start with rinsing with antiseptics. You can purchase the solution at the pharmacy. Happy Lore or Stomatofit will do. Of course, such drugs will not help get rid of the taste caused by anemia or diabetes. But for diseases of the oral cavity, such rinses will help.

    Take care of your health and if you experience a sour taste, consult your doctor.

    VIDEO: Sour taste in mouth

    Many expectant mothers experience a sour taste in the mouth. Should you worry about this illness or wait until the baby is born and everything will go away on its own? It all depends on the true cause of the symptom. It can be associated both with natural processes of change in the body, and with serious diseases that did not make themselves felt before pregnancy.

    Causes of acid in the mouth during pregnancy

    The expectant mother experiences a large number of new emotions and experiences. Some are pleasant and others are not. Many women complain to their obstetrician-gynecologist that they have a sour mouth. The problem appears at 1-2 months and disappears at 8-9. Sometimes during a consultation, a woman remembers that she experienced these sensations earlier, but did not attach any significance to them. The doctor must find a reason that will eliminate the unpleasant taste, and the woman, relying on her feelings, can help him with this.

    Hormonal disorders

    The appearance of acid is facilitated by hormonal changes - an increase in estrogen levels, which leads to changes in the functioning of taste and olfactory receptors. An unpleasant taste is accompanied by a dislike of strong odors or certain foods.

    Another reason is an increase in the amount of progesterone, which affects muscle tone and contractility of the uterus. The hormone relaxes these organs and the digestive system. As a result, the sphincters do not retain the contents in the stomach, and it enters the esophagus and causes this symptom.

    Changing the menu

    Excessive acidity, gases and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion appear when the usual diet changes. This is caused by the consumption of products:

    Eliminating this food from the diet helps some women completely get rid of the unpleasant taste in the mouth. Following a light diet has a positive effect on your general condition.

    Liver dysfunction

    The fetus is developing rapidly, so the uterus begins to occupy more and more space and oppress the abdominal organs. This disrupts the functioning of the liver, kidneys and stomach. This problem can be recognized by the appearance of not only acid, but also heartburn, nausea and constipation. At the same time, the color of the mucous membranes and skin changes.

    Increased secretion of bile leads to increased acidity. This occurs after the 10th week of pregnancy, is associated with hormonal changes and is often accompanied by this symptom. If the problem worsens, the doctor diagnoses biliary dyskinesia and prescribes medication.

    Other reasons

    When a taste in the mouth occurs after waking up or eating, with sudden movements, increased activity of the embryo, it indicates that gastric juice is penetrating into the esophagus (we recommend reading: why can a woman’s mouth be sour?). This occurs from excessive pressure on the stomach of the enlarged uterus.

    A sour taste can occur when the content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice increases. This problem is common during pregnancy. But, unlike ordinary heartburn, it can lead to serious consequences, such as gastritis or ulcers.

    Oral diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis or caries - cause discomfort in the mouth. This is due to the growth of bacteria and changes in the microflora of the mucous membranes. When sour taste is mixed with sweet, the symptom may indicate hidden diabetes.

    What to do to get rid of an unpleasant symptom?

    If you are concerned about a sour taste in your mouth, follow the recommendations of specialists. They will not help get rid of the problem, but they will significantly ease its manifestation:

    • exclude chocolate, caffeine, fried foods, sour foods, tea, coffee from your diet;
    • eat small meals at intervals of 2-3 hours;
    • the last meal should be no later than 6-7 pm;
    • in between meals, drink milk, jelly or fennel decoction;
    • Chewing dry oatmeal, fresh carrots, almonds or hazelnuts will help ease the discomfort.

    Some expectant mothers noted improvements after eating a handful of seeds or a crust of black bread. Each organism is unique, so finding a solution to a problem can only be done through trial and error.

    When do you need to consult a doctor?

    It is important to report any changes that occur to your doctor during your pregnancy. Collecting an anamnesis and tests will help establish a diagnosis. Based on this, the doctor will prescribe medication and give advice on prevention. Only a doctor should prescribe medications, and the woman should observe her feelings during use.

    Effective medications include:

    • iron supplements;
    • vitamin complexes;
    • prokinetics;
    • gastric enzymes;
    • antisecretory substances;
    • sugar-lowering agents;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs.

    If during the diagnosis it turns out that the cause is diseases of the teeth or ENT organs, local treatment is carried out. Taste sensations may change throughout pregnancy. If you want to get rid of unpleasant tastes in your mouth as quickly as possible, consult a specialist.

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