• When can you show rattles to a newborn? Rattles for newborns. After the baby has learned to reach out to the rattle while lying on his back, then offer to reach for a nearby toy from a position lying on his stomach, which is more difficult.


    Newborn babies develop rapidly. During the first year of his life, a little man masters most of the necessary skills. Surely, before the baby was born, parents and compassionate grandmothers purchased a whole arsenal of all kinds of rattles. But at what age does a baby need them? At what months does a child begin to hold a rattle, become interested in it, and pick it up independently?

    When can a newborn be given rattles?

    They can be given precisely from the neonatal period, that is, in the first weeks of life. Of course, the baby is not yet able to examine the object and consciously take it, but he is already reacting to the sounds emanating from the rattle. In addition, a newborn has a developed grasping reflex, so he will grab everything that touches his palms: toys, mother’s finger, hair or nose. But this grasping is reflexive, unconscious. That is why the baby will not be able to give away the object himself: he also does not yet know how to unclench his fists. Mom will have to do this. Having grabbed it, the baby will hold the toy in his hand, if it is light enough, until the mother pulls it out of her fist. But just hold on, nothing more. Manipulation with objects is not yet available to a newborn. The first weeks of his life are spent at the mercy of reflexes. As they fade, the baby will acquire conscious skills.

    For the baby to grasp, the most convenient are small bright rattles in the form of an oval or a ring, on which small parts are hung that make sounds when they collide.

    At about 3 weeks, the baby begins to follow a toy located a short distance in front of him. If you move an object slowly in front of a child’s eyes, he will have time to catch and follow it with his gaze. That is, the baby begins to respond to rattles not only as a source of sound, but also as a moving object.

    When does a child begin to control his hands?

    It is not so easy for a baby to control his own hands. To begin with, he will learn to grab one of his hands with the other, clench and unclench his fists. This happens around the beginning of the second month. But at this time the child has not yet realized that he has such wonderful devices as hands and fingers. Now the hypertonicity of newborns has not yet subsided (although, perhaps, it has already become less noticeable), which is why it is impossible for him to independently raise his hands to his eyes and look. But it will happen very soon - around the end of 2 months.

    If musical mobiles are hung in the baby's crib, it is from this moment that he begins to reach for the toys on him and push them. At first, this will most likely happen by accident. The baby will hook a small object with its handle and it will make a sound. The baby tries to repeat the procedure, reaches for the toy, pushes it to hear the sound again.

    At this age, it is especially important to give the baby toys in his hands.

    Gradually, as reflexes fade and hypertonicity decreases, the child will more and more actively study his hands, learn to understand that with their help you can not only push or touch objects, but also grab them, hold them, shake them, etc. The process of developing small skills begins motor skills and coordination of movements using new tactile sensations.

    By about 3 months, the baby will begin to study hands for a long time: examining, touching fingers, sucking them, exploring not only with his eyes, but also with his mouth. He also quite consciously pulls objects that fall into his hands into his mouth to explore.

    By 4 months, the child begins to consciously hold the rattle placed in his hand. If he is already teething at this time, he is quite capable of understanding how to use a cooling teether.

    Do not wean your baby from sucking on anything and everything: this is not a bad habit, but an important life stage, an experience in learning about the world around him in ways accessible to him. It is better to ensure the cleanliness of those subjects that he constantly studies.

    When does a child become interested in toys?

    In order for a child to begin to be interested in toys as objects for performing all kinds of manipulations, several important things must happen:

    • The level of intellectual development should be such that the baby develops an interest in learning about the things around him. This requires developed vision, hearing, the ability to control the actions of the hands with the help of the eyes, as well as an understanding that the world is not limited to what is directly in front of the eyes, and objects have different purposes that need to be understood experimentally.
    • To explore the surrounding reality you need certain physical skills. The child must become more mobile: learn to roll over, lie on his tummy, and sit. This makes it possible to look around and take out objects of interest.
    • Handles should be able to take the thing of interest, hold it, shake it, and move it.

    Only under these conditions will the child be able to play with rattles, become interested and take them out, and not just hold in his hands what his mother put in them.

    Usually all this comes to the child around six months. The baby becomes interested not only in what rattles, but also in what rustles, crunches, makes musical sounds, and lights up when pressed. He learns to perform all kinds of manipulations with an object, and not just take it. Now the baby can give the item back if asked.

    Give your baby a piece of polyethylene - it will captivate him for a long time. Just don’t leave your baby alone with the bag – it’s unsafe. A stream of water from the tap will arouse the same interest in him.

    How to teach a child to pick up a toy?

    If the baby is a little behind these conditional requirements and does not hold the object at 3 months, do not panic: everything has its time. Each baby has its own pace of development. You can help him master important, but still difficult skills.

    How to teach a child to hold a toy and take it if he still can’t? Break down the action into several simpler ones and teach your child sequentially:

    1. Clutch the handles. This is the movement that accompanies the child’s first attempts to grab an object: he pulls his hands forward and clasps them together. You can connect the arms during feeding, or when the baby is in the mother's arms.
    2. Place the rattle in the handle. First, you need to move it in front of the baby’s eyes, shake it so that he becomes interested in a moving object that makes a sound. Now you need to put the toy in the child’s hand. At first he will hold it for only a short time, gradually increasing the time interval.
    3. Strengthen the skill of holding. When the child learns to confidently hold the rattle, the adult needs to start pulling it towards himself so that the little one responds in kind. This way he will learn to correlate muscle tension with holding an object. Gradually he will begin to reach for the toy himself.

    In order for the baby to begin to grab objects on his own, sometimes he also needs to be encouraged to do this by simple actions:

    1. touch the back of his hand so that he opens his fingers;
    2. draw attention to the object (shake it, move it in front of your eyes);
    3. wait until the baby himself wants to take it and reaches out towards him;
    4. if he doesn't show interest, you can replace the item with another and try again.

    During such games, it is important to constantly talk to the baby, smile, and praise if he succeeded in doing something.

    How to choose a rattle?

    In order for rattles to stimulate a child’s development and not cause harm, they must be chosen thoroughly, examining many criteria.

    What should rattles be like?

    • Eco-friendly: do not release toxins, do not cause allergies.
    • Safe: no sharp or loose parts.
    • Durable: withstand many impacts and falls.
    • Varied in color, texture, sound effects: bright, having different shapes, made of various materials, emitting various sounds (ringing, crackling, rustling, crunching, rustling).
    • Practical: withstands frequent cleaning, washing, washing, boiling.

    A rattle is one of the first objects that helps a little person explore the world and acquire the necessary skills. With its help, the child learns not only to grab, knock or shake. By stimulating the baby with a bright toy, he is taught to roll over, crawl and even walk. But at first he still learns to hold it. Therefore, its quality and purity should be under special control of parents.

    Immediately after the birth of the baby, parents try to provide him with rattles. The choice of such products is large in any children's store, so there are no problems with the purchase. However, not all mothers and fathers know what a rattle for a newborn should be and how to choose it. You should approach the process of selecting a toy for a baby especially carefully, because this is where the process of developing cognitive skills begins.

    Toys for little ones

    A rattle for a newborn is not just an object, it provides tactile sensations, visual and acoustic. All rattles can be divided into types:

    1. Hanging rattles. They can be placed above the baby's stroller or crib. Moreover, they can be the most ordinary or with a music and moving module. Rattles on a crib for newborns allow the baby to concentrate attention on an object, be distracted from external stimuli and respond to sound.
    2. Rattles in the form of a ring. Their advantage is a comfortable grip and the ability to put it on a baby’s hand.
    3. Bracelets - rattles for newborns. The difference lies in the material used. They are sewn from soft fabric and equipped with Velcro. This item is easy to put on a baby’s arm or leg.
    4. Rustles. Another type of fabric toys are products with different fillings that make a rustling sound when moved.
    5. Sling toys. Fans of this movement often make such rattles themselves. Particularly popular are beads that the baby touches during feeding or gets distracted while in the sling.
    6. Teethers. To facilitate teething, special rattles have been developed that are comfortable for sore gums to chew on. As a rule, they are filled with water or gel filler. It is important that the surface of the teether is soft so as not to injure the gums, but also moderately hard so that a piece of the toy does not accidentally end up in the baby’s mouth.

    A rattle for a newborn can be made from one material (plastic, fabric) or a combination of them. This option is interesting for the baby and more educational.

    Rules for choosing a rattle

    When choosing a baby's first toy, consider the following criteria:

    1. Product safety and environmental friendliness. A rattle for a newborn must have a certificate of conformity and be made from safe materials. It is important that the paint is not peeling, that the product does not have sharp edges, and that it is durable enough to withstand drops and knocks.
    2. Brightness, varied texture and geometric shapes. A newborn is interested in bright and varied toys.
    3. Type of filler. It is important to have rattles with different sounds. It may be ringing, rustling, crackling, or crunching. The acoustic effect produced by the toy attracts the baby's attention, he learns to respond to sound, looks for its source and rejoices when he finds it. However, when choosing, you need to make sure that the filler is reliably protected and will not fall out under any circumstances.
    4. Easy to care for, can be boiled or washed. The rattle often ends up in the child's mouth and then flies to the floor. Therefore, it is important that it withstands repeated cleaning procedures. It is necessary to pay attention to the markings. There should be a mark on plastic ones that says they can be boiled, and on fabric ones - washable.

    It is necessary to provide the baby with different types of toys. To develop eye contact, you will need rattles for your newborn crib. To develop grasping movements, you will need objects in the form of a ring. Musical products are recommended to impact the infant's hearing.

    When is a rattle needed?

    A baby needs a rattle literally from birth. Starting from two weeks of age, the baby is able, while in his mother’s arms or in his crib:

    • follow a moving object;
    • concentrate on sound;
    • calm down when hearing sounds.

    At this age, it is highly developed. Therefore, if you put a rattle in a child’s hand, he will hold it. For this, the most convenient are rings or ovals, with filler or pendants. But you should be prepared for sudden movements.

    To prevent the baby from dropping the item, he will need a rattle bracelet for the hand for newborns. Soft Velcro does not cause discomfort, and bright colors and unusual sounds attract the baby's attention, force him to look for the source of the sound and concentrate his attention on the object.

    When to give a rattle to a newborn? Pediatricians advise starting at the age of two weeks. By this time, the baby is able to hold an object for a short time and respond to sound.

    How to play with him

    A newborn cannot yet interact with an object independently. Therefore, to attract attention, you should hang pendants on a stroller or crib. For the baby to be able to focus his gaze, the distance from the face to the rattle should be within 40-60 cm.

    Despite your young age, in the first month you can already try to play with the baby. To do this, the toy is held in front of the baby's face, stimulating him to move his eyes. The distance must also be at least 40 cm, otherwise the child may develop strabismus.

    In order for your baby to be able to manipulate the object, you will need a rattle bracelet. It does not fall out of the handle, and the child watches it with interest.

    Once the child reaches the age of 6 months, heavier and more functional items are required. For these purposes, wooden rattles for newborns have been developed. They promote the development of fine motor skills and strengthen the baby's hands and fingers. The most interesting, in this regard, are toys in the form of beads. Each can have different filling inside. Kids love to move the balls with their hands and at the same time they watch their actions very carefully.

    Rattles, depending on age

    Rattle toys for newborns come in a wide variety. Their choice depends on the age of the baby. For children just born, hanging toys are required. They cannot yet contact an object or hold it for a long time, but they are able to fix their gaze on a bright object and respond to sound.

    You can hang a regular stretcher on the crib and attract the child yourself. To provide mom with a free minute, you can install a music mobile. Such toys develop a child’s hearing and teach him to fix his gaze.

    Rattles at two months

    By this time, the pendant should be lowered to the level of the baby's arm length. Waving his arms chaotically, the child will touch them and gradually there will be a desire to grab the rattle. Coordination of movements and, through tactile sensations, motor coordination gradually develops.

    The baby is already three months old

    Parents are often interested in the question of when the baby will be able to hold an object, and which rattle to choose for a newborn. At the age of about three months, the child already consciously grabs the toy, confidently holds it in his fist and drags it into his mouth. Therefore, a ring-shaped rattle is recommended so that it is easy to grasp. It is important that there are no small objects.

    At this age, the baby is already reacting to multiple factors. He is interested in bright objects, different sounds, and differences in fillers. Parents may notice a baby's special love for a certain rattle. A variety of toys, differing in color, shape, material and filling, promotes the development of coordination, mental and emotional development and muscle activity.

    From 3 to 6 months

    Children from three months to six months are very actively growing and developing physically and emotionally. For many, teething can begin as early as four months, so they will need teething rattles. The baby actively chews it, moves it in his mouth, thereby relieving inflammation in the gums.

    For a five-month-old baby, rustling toys are of great interest. The baby interacts with them, plays with them and is surprised when different sounds are heard. This lays the foundation for the development of the development of the cause-and-effect relationship.

    A child can independently interact with a rattle by the age of six months, most often by the time he masters the skill of sitting. At the same time, the child waves the object, knocks it, tests it, examines it. But my favorite activity is throwing a rattle from a stroller or crib. If mom picks her up, the activity turns into an exciting game. If parents don't pay attention, the baby gets upset and cries.

    Attention to material

    The most famous are plastic rattles. The best rattles for newborns should be colorful, easy to clean, lightweight and produce a melodious sound. The plastic version supports all these criteria. Transparent toys have become especially popular. At the same time, the internal filling is visible to the child, and he becomes interested in the movements of the internal filling.

    Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the plastic and compliance with safety requirements. A conscientious seller is always ready to provide certificates of conformity.

    Fabric rattles

    These rattles are pleasant to the touch and, thanks to their different textures, guarantee tactile variety. Toys can be made of cotton fabric, velor, flannel, fleece. Knitted rattles with bells and bells placed inside are popular.

    Sound diversity is provided by various rustling sounds. They are pleasant to touch with your hands, squeeze and squeeze. However, different parts of the rattle may differ. On the one hand, it is soft, on the other, rough. Such objects develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills.

    To ensure hygiene, fabric rattles must be washed. In this case, all plastic elements must be removed. It is not recommended to purchase rattles with small parts and glued decorative elements.

    Wooden rattles

    Wooden toys are environmentally friendly and imbued with the aroma of real wood. The following materials are used to make rattles: linden, birch, juniper, beech and maple. There are options in the form of balls or beads. They are hollow inside, where bells or peas can be placed. Kids really like to chew them, hold them in their hands, shake them, causing a sound, or stroke them. There are deaf options that knock with each other.

    You can choose an unpainted option. However, in order to attract a baby, such a toy must have the potential to rattle, rustle, ring. There are colored rattles. In this case, safe paints are used, only water-based. For the safety of the child, they are resistant to children's teeth, which must be confirmed by a certificate. You can try scratching such a toy in the store. If the paint is peeling off, then you should refrain from purchasing. It is also worth paying attention to the absence of nicks.

    In conclusion

    Rattles are an important part of a baby's development. However, many young parents are confused by their diversity. To make the best purchase and promote interesting games, you need to choose the right toy based on the baby’s age.

    Every child should have a set of newborn rattles. They must differ in the material of manufacture, method of application, filler and texture. Each rattle has its own potential. Musical ones develop hearing, rustling ones promote tactile sensations, teethers are so pleasant to chew on, and bright ones are interesting to watch.

    Children show interest in rattling and bright toys from the first months of birth. Rattles develop hearing, attentiveness, visual and tactile perception. With their help, you can distract the baby and teach him to concentrate on the subject. In addition to playing, such accessories help the baby cope with itchy gums and prevent him from crying. At what age can a child be given rattles, the employees of the Daughters-Sons online store will tell parents.

    At what age does a child pick up a rattle?

    Plastic and rubber toys should be easy to hold and fit comfortably in a small, fragile hand. From birth, a baby can grab objects that are directly near the palm (the grasping reflex is innate); in the third month of life, he begins to consciously reach for bright toys. To begin with, you can offer him trinkets made from hypoallergenic soft textiles.

    For example, the Tomy brand offers rustling toys and a squeaky rattle in the shape of a funny ostrich. This rag bird is easy to hold in a tiny palm. Safety is guaranteed by the absence of sharp parts.

    Up to 3 months, toys that fit on the baby’s leg or arm are an excellent option. By making voluntary movements, the baby will entertain himself. His attention will be focused on the colorful, interesting little animal for some time. Such products do not develop motor skills, but are excellent for developing a child’s visual sensitivity, attentiveness and concentration.

    In addition, the first rattles calm the baby. The noise they make switches the baby's attention, forces him to stop screaming and listen, and then look at a new unusual object.

    Table 1. Types of rattles for babies and their purposes
    Type of rattles Material Peculiarities Main brands
    Musical Eco-friendly plastic, textiles They play cheerful melodies and lullabies upon contact with water or by gently pulling the rings. Develops sound perception and helps you fall asleep. Chicco, Ouaps, Happy Baby, Leader Kids
    Squeaker Textile Makes a squeak when you press a part of the toy. Promotes the development of finger muscles and hearing organs. Helps form images. K's Kids, Tomy, Fehn
    Stationary Textile, silicone, plastic Placed on the child's limb. It rattles quietly when moving its arms and legs. The bracelet is used for constant concentration on one subject. Well calms down. Tomy, "Giraffes", 1 Toy
    Teether Food grade rubber, thermoelastomer, silicone, plastic For children after 3 months who are starting to teethe. Designed to stimulate and massage the gums. Excellent replacement for a pacifier. Tiny Love, Dr. Brown's, Pigeon, Canpol, "Yum-Yam"
    Developmental Plastic, textile Indicated for children from 6 months. Develops imaginative and logical thinking. After a year, he learns to count and add parts by color. Leader Kids, Ibb, Fisher-Price, Chicco


    The first toys should be bright, embossed and have clear contours for the baby to correctly form his first images. Every month you can increase the number of elements and gradually complicate the toy.

    At what age does a child play with rattles?

    The baby begins to actively play with attractive objects at about six months. At this time, he prefers multi-component rattles that can be studied, folded, moved along the surface, and pressed on to listen to sounds and melodies. From 12 months, children already have their own preferences and likes, so they can choose their favorite toys themselves.

    Expert opinion

    “Manufacturers offer a variety of products that promote intensive development of logical thinking, memory, and attention. Our store consultants will tell you at what age rattles are needed to stimulate the mental development of babies. We advise parents to pay attention to the most interesting samples, for example, the educational set from Leader Kids for boys and girls from six months. With each new toy, the child gains a new experience and takes a step in development.”

    Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
    Leonovich Yulia


    Babies need rattles from the first weeks after birth. They are great for helping to get acquainted with the sounds and pictures that appear before the baby’s eyes. After strengthening the grasping reflex, toys improve motor skills. After 6 months, modern rattles develop logic and correctly form figurative perception. Musical toys are good for lulling, and teethers help with itching and swollen gums.

    Do you know at what month a baby starts holding a rattle? This toy is quite safe for the baby, even despite its loud sound. They say that there is nothing easier than giving a baby a rattle to calm him down from crying for a long time. But if you hand this thing to a one-month-old baby, he will not understand what they want from him. Maybe there are special age limits when exactly the baby will begin to accept rattles?

    When does a child begin to hold a toy in his hand?

    The toddler's first acquaintance with an unusual sound occurs after 1.5 months. Already at such an early age, the child begins to hold toys and understands that they can be twirled and simply held. The main thing here is to choose the right thing so that it is as comfortable as possible for tactile perception and does not create discomfort.

    How many months does a baby hold a rattle? At two months of age, the child begins to hold a rattle in his hand. There is an acquaintance with sensations, with the fact that you can not only observe toys, but also touch them.

    During this period, the baby does not show his curiosity; he does not yet know how to do this. But in fact, internally the child is very interested in the toy that he holds tightly in his hands. For him this is something new and unknown.

    From three months, the newborn begins to hold the rattle more confidently. There is an interest in where this strange rumbling sound is coming from. Subsequently, the baby will definitely find out that it’s all about the filler of the rattle. In the meantime, let him twist, twirl and throw on the floor - the kids love it.

    How to teach a child to hold a toy?

    In order for the little one to pay attention to the rattle, you need to show it, it is best to do this several times. Then, the baby will understand that the thing can be picked up, touched, twirled and played with.

    Algorithm for developing the skill of holding a toy in your hand:

    • try to put your finger in a newborn’s hand, he will immediately squeeze it. The same thing happens if the baby starts holding toys and a rattle. As soon as you see that the baby is actively looking at the thing, is interested in it, studying it, this means that the baby has begun to develop;
    • the child should hold the toy, let him get used to the fact that he can feel it consciously, without anyone’s help. To do this, show your little one the same rattle more often so that he remembers it. After a couple of months, the baby himself will reach for that toy that was often in front of his eyes;
    • Another good way to teach holding a rattle is to place everything around the baby. Let him take the one he likes best.

    What to do if a 4-month-old child does not hold a toy well. The first thing to do is stop panicking. Not all children develop quickly, some do it more slowly. But this does not mean at all that the baby is growing up with disabilities.

    Types of rattles for babies photo:

    What to do if a 5-month-old child has difficulty holding a toy. Maybe he doesn't like the shape or color of the rattle? This happens, children refuse to even pick up something that repels them. For example, it is unlikely that a baby will touch something that is black and unpleasant to the touch; it may frighten him.

    The child begins to hold the rattle confidently and firmly from four to five months. So, don’t be upset, all you have to do is wait until the baby decides to pick up the toy himself.

    A child should be able to hold a toy in his hands by 5 months - this is the same motor skill that is important for every baby. Try purchasing several types of rattles at the store to find out which one your baby will definitely like. Sooner or later he will still begin to hold it well.

    The age of four to five months is the most optimal when children begin to hold a rattle in their little hands. Of course, you can’t do this without the help of a parent; the baby needs help. So, time after time, the little one will understand that toys are interesting things that can not only be observed with the eyes, but also held close to oneself.

    In the first 2-3 weeks, the newborn practically does not react not only to toys, but also to his mother. He does not rejoice at her appearance, does not look into her eyes, does not look for her when she leaves. But a loving mother, despite such inattention, not only feeds and clothes, but also actively communicates with her precious baby. At first glance, all this may seem meaningless - he still doesn’t understand anything. But in fact, such maternal activity has a deep creative meaning. It is thanks to her that, somewhere in the third week of life, a concentrated look into the eyes appears, and then a wide, full-mouth smile. This smile is clearly addressed to an adult and expresses joy from the presence of a loved one. Over time, such a smile appears more and more often, accompanied by joyful chaotic movements of arms and legs and happy baby humming.

    The main and only need of a baby is the need to communicate with the closest adult, for his attention and goodwill. The child still needs nothing from an adult except his presence and his attention. The only thing he protests against is his “invisibility.” He strives with all his might to attract attention, to evoke and express attitude. He expresses this attitude in his own way - with the help of glances, smiles, movements of his arms and legs.

    During this period, the baby does not yet respond to the content of the adult’s requests. In the first half of the year, the baby still does not distinguish between the positive and negative influences of an adult: he responds to all his words and intonations (even angry and rude ones) with bright positive emotions.

    Doll like a person

    The first thing a newborn baby perceives and reacts to is a person’s face. Obviously, no toy can replace a close adult. At the same time, from the age of 2 months onwards, it is possible and very beneficial for an infant to interact with a human “substitute”. A face does not always and does not necessarily have to be real, alive. Toys that reproduce a real face also arouse the baby's keen attention and pleasure. If possible, this person should be expressive and attractive. First of all, this is the doll's face.

    For babies who do not yet know how to crawl or sit, but can only look, fairly large dolls are needed (at least 40-50 cm). with distinct linden features. These could be:

    • Big tumbler. This is a very important toy for a baby. She has huge, expressive eyes and a cheerful face that kids love to look at. In addition, it can be placed in a baby's crib, and his random movements will set it in motion and cause a pleasant chime.
    • Naked doll. With her entire appearance she resembles a baby. Looking at such a toy, the baby seems to recognize himself.
    • Rag or plastic dolls. They are flexible, soft, they can be given different poses, placed closer or further away from the baby’s eyes, they can dance, tumble or jump in the hands of an adult. All this pleases and occupies the baby.
    • Porcelain doll in clothes. Such dolls are very beautiful, their faces exactly reproduce a real face, and they are very similar to a little person. Meeting the gaze of such a doll, babies express their joy especially vividly and violently, which can last for quite a long time. It has been noticed that such dolls do not get boring for the baby - they can joyfully meet with a familiar toy for 2-3 months.
    • Kolobok - a ball with a picture. This is also a very good toy for a baby. It can be hung above the crib for your baby to watch as it rocks, or displayed on a rod for your baby to watch as it moves.
    • Toys depicting the appearance of an animal or bird (dog, cat, cockerel, etc.). It is important that the “beast” has an expressive “face” with large eyes. It will be especially interesting if it is a toy with a sound effect: the unexpected appearance of a sound (of course, as pleasant as possible and not too loud) will attract the baby’s attention, surprise and delight him.

    As you can see, already in the first three months the child will benefit from a variety of dolls and imaginative toys. Of course, babies don’t yet play with dolls in the literal sense of the word and don’t even pick them up, but they look at them with pleasure, and such contemplation of the doll’s face brings them obvious pleasure - they concentrate, smile, perk up, hum excitedly and walk around, etc. All this certainly contributes to their social and emotional development.

    It is very important that the doll, as well as any other toy, is first shown by an adult. The presence and participation of an adult makes the doll attractive, enlivens and animates it. The doll seems to “absorb” the image and attitude of the beloved adult. Subsequently, when the doll has already become meaningful and real, the baby will be happy to look at it on his own, although it is always important for him to share his impressions with mom or dad. When a child experiences intense joy or, conversely, when something upsets him, he needs the presence and complicity of a close adult. It is impossible to deny a small (as well as a large) child this natural need.

    Concentration toys

    When describing the behavior of a baby, the expressions “the child observes, understands, recognizes,” etc. are often used. However, in relation to a 2-3-month-old child, such words can only be used conditionally, since they endow the baby with psychological capabilities that he does not yet possess. We seem to attribute our view of the world to the baby. But a small child is not yet able to perceive individual objects and their properties, think about them or imagine them. His perception is not yet dissected: it is difficult to distinguish individual aspects of cognition in it - such as attention, perception or thinking. The perceived world of a baby in the first half of the year consists of changing impressions that turn out to be more or less interesting. His eyes are attracted to shiny, colorful, moving objects, his ears are attracted to the sounds of music, human speech. The baby rejoices at everything he perceives. If, for example, a baby in a stroller sees a tree with moving leaves above him, he will watch them with delight and demand that he be shown this exciting spectacle again and again. In such delight, the infant’s cognitive activity manifests itself - the forerunner of all human mental abilities. New objects are of particular preference: if you place a new one next to familiar objects, the baby will look at it. Visual and auditory impressions bring joy and pleasure to the baby. The infant’s cognitive activity in the first half of the year is manifested in interest in various phenomena of the still small world around him, in concentrated examination of objects and in emotional involvement in the examination process.

    In the first half of the year, an extremely intensive development of all sensory systems and sense organs of the child occurs; the baby learns to see, hear, recognize familiar images and sounds - in a word, perceive the world around him. Interest in objects first manifests itself only in visual and auditory concentration, then children begin to examine and trace the movement of objects in space.

    The most important task of a baby’s cognitive development in the first months of life is to teach him to focus on perceived impressions and to induce visual and auditory concentration. Starting from two months, a child must be given “food” for vision and hearing, and his life should be enriched with sensory impressions. This, of course, is facilitated by certain toys - bright, dynamic objects that evoke visual concentration, surprise, and interest.

    In the first months, when the baby still does not know how to use his hands, these can primarily be hanging toys. Among them, the following are especially good:

    • Musical carousel with 3-4 different figures. Such a carousel is mounted on a bracket above the child’s crib so that he can see all its parts. Its rotation in front of the baby's eyes, accompanied by a pleasant melody, causes visual and auditory concentration.
    • Bells and bells, which swing over the crib and make melodious sounds. An adult can play with a bell, ringing it from right to left. In this game, the baby learns to focus on the sound and turn his head in the direction of the sound.
    • "Turn-up bar" with hanging toys. These toys can spin, swing, and move, so your baby will have something to look at.
    • Glowing or mirror toys. They will undoubtedly attract the baby's attention and cause visual concentration.
      First, the baby carefully examines these objects and listens to their sound. At 4-5 months he will begin to reach for them and cause them to move or make a sound. It is as if he discovers his ability to influence accessible objects and willingly uses it.
    • Rattles. To develop visual and auditory concentration, you can use not only hanging objects, but also ordinary rattles. Rattles are the most important and traditional toys for babies. First, an adult demonstrates the rattle to the child. You should interest your baby in the sight and sound of the toy and encourage him to follow its movements. The baby quickly establishes a connection between the sound and the appearance of the rattle. He rejoices and smiles as soon as he hears a familiar sound, because for the baby this toy is connected with the loved one who shows it. But the main purpose of the rattle is so that the baby can “rattle” it, i.e. hold it in your hands and act independently. However, such actions do not occur immediately.

    Learning to grab

    About three months of life, you can teach your baby to independently grasp and hold objects. The first such items are again toys.

    Preparation for independent actions occurs in two directions: on the one hand, the child begins to feel his actions and their results, and on the other, sensorimotor coordination develops, i.e. consistency of perception and action.

    The feeling of one's movement develops in the first months of life, thanks to the constant collision of the baby's arms and legs with surrounding objects. Adults can help the baby by enhancing the sound or visual effect of his movements.

    For example, a small bell or bell can be sewn to a special cuff (made of soft fabric or knitwear), which is placed on the child’s arm or leg. This will help the baby master his movements and produce melodic sounds himself. Later, the baby will learn to independently control the bells and will “ring” on his own, which will bring him great pleasure.

    You can also tie one of the musical carousel figures to the child’s hand with a soft ribbon. He will immediately understand that by moving his hand, he causes the entire carousel to move and rumble, and will take advantage of this discovery with pleasure.

    All these simple activities are very useful because they teach you how to control your movements and control your body.

    At the same time, you need to develop coordination between the hand and the eye and prepare the baby’s hand for purposeful grasping of objects. A universal means of such preparation is the most traditional infant toy - a rattle.

    Already at 2 months you can put a rattle in the baby’s hand - he will wave it, knock, and shake it. For such simple actions, you need very light rattles that are easy to grip and hold - preferably in the form of a mace or dumbbell. Having learned to hold a toy in his fist, the baby will look at it, move it away and bring it closer, and of course pull it into his mouth. The first rattles should be as bright and attractive as possible. However, we must remember that the attractiveness of a toy for a baby depends primarily on the presence and actions of an adult close to him: the child is most attracted to those toys that his mother shows. In the first half of the year, a close adult remains a central figure for the baby, who opens the way for him to the wide world.

    Elena Smirnova,
    Doctor of Psychological Sciences,
    head of educational and methodological
    Moscow Game and Toy Center
    city ​​psychological and pedagogical university
    Article provided by the magazine "Pregnancy. From conception to childbirth" No. 08, 2007

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