• Exercise therapy during pregnancy: useful gymnastics for pregnant women. Pregnancy. physical therapy in the first half of pregnancy exercise therapy for pregnant women 1


    Modern life is a continuous movement forward. From all sides we are urged to hurry and learn everything new and unknown. When a woman learns about an “interesting” situation, the instinct of self-preservation forces her to stop and slow down. However, pregnancy is by no means a painful condition, but rather a chance to get to know your body from a new perspective. You shouldn’t give up active recreation and your favorite gymnastics activities. It is necessary to find a middle ground and get great pleasure, sharing it between two.

    Pregnancy is not a reason to give up physical activity!

    Movement is life. Exercises for pregnant women help improve general condition, increase tone and improve blood circulation. Those who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy should not stop training, citing unreasonable fears. A wise decision would be to select a suitable load. What exercises can pregnant women do?

    Get ready to exercise: morning set of exercises

    A successful start to the day will have a beneficial effect on its continuation and successful outcome. Do exercises in the morning - good habit healthy people. In fact, if the expectant mother regularly performed morning exercises before conception, then she can safely continue in the same spirit during pregnancy.

    Morning exercises for pregnant women may consist of the following exercises:

    • warming up joints and tendons;
    • turns and tilts of the body and head;
    • swing your legs and arms;
    • squats;
    • exercises with fitball.

    Pregnant women should avoid speed running, strength exercises and general overexertion. In the early stages, when implantation occurs ovum into the wall of the uterus, running can cause complications. Fast jogging can also harm those who are a few weeks away from giving birth. The result of rash actions can be placental abruption and premature birth.

    Strength exercises lead to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to cervical insufficiency and chronic miscarriage for young women. Too intense power training(with lifting heavy weights) before pregnancy also lead to insufficiency of the pelvic floor muscles. Young girls who are planning to become pregnant in the future should definitely take this circumstance into account.

    Excessively exhausting exercises lead to overwork of the body. Long-term exercise programs, too intense cardio loads and endurance exercises are not recommended. In everything you need to know when to stop. The expected effect will be achieved by proper gymnastics for pregnant women; a video on how to perform exercises at home will help coordinate movements and get rid of common mistakes.

    Positional gymnastics exercises

    Positional gymnastics for pregnant women is a set of static exercises that are performed in cycles, while the body is in fixed positions - poses. Such exercises for pregnant women are suitable at any stage. Their main feature is the presence of an initial pose and the absence of sudden movements, which makes the choice in favor of a positional type of gymnastics for pregnant women obvious. The video demonstrates the correct execution of the complex.

    Let's look at the most common poses:

    • butterfly pose;
    • cat pose;
    • frog pose;
    • tumbler pose;
    • tree pose.

    In the butterfly pose, the muscles of the pelvis and inner thighs are trained and strengthened. You need to take a sitting position, bend your knees and slowly pull your feet towards each other. Next, you need to grab both feet with your hands and pull them towards the perineum, slowly, with jerky movements. When your legs, bent at the knees, form a butterfly, you need to fix the position and make smooth swings with both knees up and down 15–20 times. While performing the exercises, you can apply light pressure to your knees, pressing them to the floor.

    The cat pose is aimed at relaxing and warming up the muscle group that supports the spine. You need to take a position on all fours, resting your palms and knees on the floor, keeping your spine parallel to the floor. Next, while inhaling, bend the spine in an arc downwards - the chest protrudes, the pelvis stretches to the top. After 2-3 seconds, exhaling, arch your back upward. In this case, the middle of the spine stretches up, and the head and pelvis go down. Repeat the exercise cycle 10 times.

    The “frog” exercise (pictured) trains those muscles of the legs and perineum that will soon take an active part in the birth process. You need to squat down, spreading your hips as wide as possible. Knees pointing towards different sides. Then they fasten their hands together, and rest their elbows on the spread knees, pressing on them, thereby spreading them wider. The exercise should be performed 10–15 times with smooth, progressive movements until slight trembling occurs in the legs.

    The tumbler pose trains the vestibular apparatus, as well as the muscles of the perineum and abdomen. To perform the exercise you will need a mat. You need to sit on the floor, straightening your legs forward and spreading them as wide as possible. Next, raise your arms up, keeping your spine straight. As you exhale, bend toward your right leg and hold for a second. Then, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the combination for the left leg. The complex can be repeated 5–10 times, without making sudden movements and monitoring uniform breathing.

    The positional tree exercise is designed to train the muscles of the back and pelvis, as well as improve body coordination. Standing on the floor, you need to spread your legs wide apart, your feet should be shoulder-width apart. The arms are relaxed parallel to the body. As you exhale, raise your left hand up and reach your knee with your right palm. Turn your head and look at your left palm for a few seconds. Inhale and return to the starting position, changing hands. The exercise cycle can be repeated 5–10 times, without making sudden movements and keeping your back straight.

    Fitness and aerobics: pros and cons

    Fitness classes are designed to correct the silhouette of the figure and increase muscle tone. Aerobics is a set of exercises to saturate the body with oxygen and improve lung ventilation. Both sports involve alternating intense and calmer movements.

    Reasons why fitness and aerobics are necessary for women in an “interesting” position:

    • strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
    • improving blood circulation;
    • saturating the body with oxygen;
    • stabilization of emotional and psychological state, stress resistance;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • improvement of metabolism and skin condition;
    • prevention of congestion, hemorrhoids and edema;
    • maintaining normal weight;
    • physical preparation of the necessary muscle groups for the upcoming birth.

    Important Areas: Abdominal Exercises and Stretching

    Abdominal exercises cause the most concern among pregnant women. This question comes up especially often from those who were constantly involved in sports before pregnancy. According to doctors and fitness instructors, if a woman has kept her muscles in good shape, then she can safely pump up her abdominal muscles even after conception has occurred. The number of approaches and intensity of the workout will differ.

    Abdominal pumping is prohibited:

    • in early pregnancy;
    • in the presence of uterine tone;
    • if there bloody issues and pain in the lower abdomen;
    • with the threat of miscarriage and pathologies of placenta previa.

    Stretching exercises have a positive effect on a woman's overall fitness. To improve muscle elasticity, positional gymnastics is well suited (we recommend reading: positional gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester). It does not include intense loads, but special poses “cat”, “butterfly”, “frog” and others that ideally stretch the desired muscle groups.

    Preparing for childbirth physically and mentally is the best thing an expectant mother can do for her baby. Trained muscles and good stretch guarantee relief of the birth process and reduce the possibility of birth injuries.

    What exercises are contraindicated for pregnant women?

    A woman’s body is controlled by hormones that affect the condition of joints, muscle tissue and blood vessels. Metabolism and water-salt balance change, heart rate and the speed of blood movement through the vessels increase. What types of exercise should the expectant mother avoid in each trimester?

    In the first trimester

    The first three months of pregnancy are the period of formation of all the vital organs of the child, fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and complete restructuring of the female body. During the 1st trimester, it is recommended to avoid the following sports exercises:

    • abdominal trainers;
    • strength training;
    • lifting loads;
    • endurance exercises;
    • long-term cardio training.

    Do not forget that during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the immune system women are going through difficult times. Implementation foreign body– the process is long and energy-consuming; you should not further deplete the body’s reserves with unjustified loads.

    In the second trimester

    The second trimester is characterized by some stabilization of the pregnant woman’s condition. Toxicosis is over, the time of intensive growth of the fetus in the mother’s womb begins. The amount of amniotic fluid increases, the placenta has formed and grows along with the fetus, the belly has become larger. The center of gravity of the pregnant woman’s body shifts, clumsiness appears in her movements. List of prohibited exercises:

    • twisting;
    • stand on one leg;
    • speed running;
    • intense high jumps.

    In the third trimester

    The last trimester is the longest and hardest for expectant mother. The time has come for swelling, back pain, shortness of breath and congestion. Exacerbation of these symptoms is an indication for exercise therapy for pregnant women. Physical therapy cannot be done at home. Most often, antenatal clinics and clinics have exercise therapy rooms, where a pregnant woman will be referred by a local therapist or an observing gynecologist.

    Most exercises for exercise, which were acceptable in the 1st and 2nd trimester, are prohibited during the last 13 weeks. Remain breathing exercises, exercises with fitball, positional and therapeutic therapy.

    When is any physical activity contraindicated for a pregnant woman?

    Performing moderate loads physical exercise during pregnancy they benefit the woman and the baby. However, physical exercise, even positional therapy and physical exercises, do not always have a positive effect on the health of a pregnant woman. Conditions and diseases in which exercise is strictly prohibited:

    • diabetes, ARVI;
    • spotting, uterine hypertonicity, threat of miscarriage;
    • low attached placenta, constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
    • severe toxicosis in the early stages and late gestosis.
    • iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women;
    • unstable blood pressure;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
    • pathological deviations in the course of pregnancy.

    Doctors recommend that women who have already had cases refrain from exercising at home spontaneous miscarriages. You cannot independently treat those who suffer from heart defects and have problems with intracranial pressure.

    Educational-research-production complex.

    Department of Physical Culture

    Physiotherapy during pregnancy

    Completed by: st-ka gr.21-TM

    Buinaya K.M.

    Checked by: Lopuseva I.V.


    The benefits of exercise therapy during pregnancy

    Contraindications to exercise during pregnancy

    I trimester

    II trimester

    III trimester

    Childbirth rehearsal

    Exercise therapy in the postpartum period

    List of used literature


    Pregnancy begins from the moment of fertilization and lasts a long time - about 270-275 days, and such a long stay in a very special state cannot but affect all aspects of a woman’s life, as well as all systems of her body and their functions.

    The changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy can be divided into two groups: changes aimed at preserving the well-being of the fetus, and changes aimed at preserving the well-being of the mother. Childbirth is not an easy task, in particular, it is inevitably associated with significant blood loss. The body must be ready to cope with such a load. Actually, the load on a pregnant woman’s body increases by leaps and bounds. Thus, by the time of birth, the weight of the uterus increases by more than 20 times, the volume of the cavity by more than 500 times. From the sixth to eighth week of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to enlarge, the function of the endocrine glands - the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland - changes. To meet the growing needs of the fetus for nutrients and oxygen, the blood volume in the mother’s body increases, reaching a maximum of 5300-5500 ml by seven months of pregnancy. The function of the respiratory system is also activated. Under the influence of placental hormones, the bronchi expand and the passage of air through them increases. Despite the fact that the enlarging uterus increasingly “props up” the diaphragm, the respiratory surface of the lungs does not decrease due to expansion chest. The respiratory rate during pregnancy does not change and is 16-18 breaths per minute, but a larger total volume of air passes through the lungs, which facilitates the elimination of fetal gas exchange products. A double burden falls on the kidneys: they remove from the woman’s body both her own “waste” and the metabolic products of the growing fetus.

    During pregnancy (especially in the second half), significant changes occur in the location of organs abdominal cavity. They are mechanically compressed, which partially impairs blood circulation (causes stagnation of blood in the pelvic vessels). This affects the function of the intestines, primarily the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal motility decreases, which leads to constipation, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and swelling of rectal tissue.

    The benefits of physical therapy during pregnancy

    It can be said without exaggeration that the only way to adapt to increasing loads is by doing physical exercise. This doesn't just apply during pregnancy; This is, so to speak, a general situation. Any person in any situation can adapt to new, additional loads only through training.

    In addition, together with the expectant mother, the future child also engages in physical education, and it has now been proven that newborns whose mothers did therapeutic exercises during pregnancy are noticeably ahead of their peers in physical development and motor skills, whose mothers preferred a sedentary lifestyle.

    There is one more important aspect. It is known that physical exercise is extremely beneficial for the nervous system, and during pregnancy it suffers almost more than anyone else. It is hardly possible to find two women who would experience absolutely the same experiences during this period, but there are some common patterns.

    For example, the first trimester of pregnancy is usually characterized to one degree or another by a sharpening of existing character traits: soft, vulnerable, insecure women become even more impressionable, sometimes excessively tearful, and experience anxiety (those women who have a history of miscarriages have already occurred or this pregnancy is not proceeding very well - in this case, the fear of another abortion can become simply obsessive). Powerful women with harsh personalities can become even more aggressive, irritable and demanding.

    The second trimester is usually the easiest in terms of psycho-emotional state. The threat of miscarriage decreases, the woman gets used to the new condition and gains some experience of how to be pregnant. In general, many women subsequently remember the fourth to sixth months of pregnancy as the happiest, most prosperous time.

    In the last third of pregnancy, emotional storms begin again. Childbirth is approaching, and with it comes fear - women who are about to experience this event for the first time are especially susceptible to it.

    Physical exercises performed during pregnancy have a beneficial effect both on the course of pregnancy itself and on the process of childbirth and the woman’s condition after childbirth.

    Contraindications to physical therapy during pregnancy

    · for acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    · in case of decompensation (“failure”) of the functions of any organ systems;

    · if the general condition is assessed as “severe” or “moderate”;

    · with toxicosis;

    · if there is even slight uterine bleeding, or if it happened during a previous pregnancy;

    · general serious condition;

    I trimester

    During this period, the connection between the embryo and the maternal body is still very fragile. Any adverse effects, including intense physical activity (for example, in athletes), can disrupt this connection, and the pregnancy will be terminated.

    The excitability and contractility of the uterus decreases somewhat only by the 9-10th week, but still, before the formation of the placenta, that is, until approximately the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus is not yet connected to the mother by the umbilical cord.

    And in the mother’s body there is still complete discord, the processes of excitation and inhibition are misregulated, the parasympathetic nervous system predominates over the sympathetic, which can result in nausea and vomiting, urinary disorders, constipation, and flatulence. Protein and fat metabolism slows down, and carbohydrate metabolism accelerates. The tissue demand for oxygen increases significantly - by the 16th week by about 2.5 times.

    In the first trimester, physical therapy helps maintain a woman's Have a good mood(after all, it is at the beginning of pregnancy that increased irritability and sudden mood swings appear). It is very important to master breathing exercises: diaphragmatic, chest, full breathing. Learn relaxation techniques (this will help a lot during childbirth). At the beginning of pregnancy, you need to be careful with the intensity of the load so as not to provoke a miscarriage. During jumping and abdominal swings, tension in the abdominal muscles can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and contribute to its contractions, which is extremely undesirable: this can terminate the pregnancy early.

    Exercise 1

    Squats (lifting on the floor with your fingers).

    Goal: To tone the entire body, but especially the legs and inner thighs. When performing, hold on to the back of a chair or wall.

    I.p. - standing, legs apart. Toes point outward, arms out to the sides. Breathing is natural.

    On the count of one or two: slowly squat down, bending your knees and spreading them slightly to the sides. Don't lift your heels off the floor. No matter how low you sit, it is important to keep your back straight and your knees as far apart as possible. Keep your back straight.

    On the count of three or four: tighten your stomach (tighten your abdominal muscles) and, pressing your heels into the floor, slowly straighten your knees. Feel the work of the muscles of the inner thighs.

    On a count of five to six: Press your toes and balls of your feet into the floor and slowly lift your heels off the floor. Use your inner thighs and abdominal muscles to keep your body balanced. Keep your back straight. Don't bend your knees. Stay in this position for a while and feel how you have grown.

    On a count of seven to eight: Slowly, controlling your stomach and inner thighs, return to the starting position, lowering your heels towards the floor. Repeat the exercise 6 times, alternating with finger lifts on the floor.

    Exercise 2

    Goal: strengthen the pectoral muscles that support the mammary glands, the mass of which at this time increases significantly.

    I.p. - basic stance, arms at chest level, palms connected. On the count of one or two: inhale and forcefully press your palms against each other. As you exhale, bring your hands inward toward your chest, keeping your hands tense, turn them inward toward your chest, and relax.

    Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 3

    Circular rotation of the pelvis.

    Goal: to tone and stretch the muscles of the whole body, improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

    Etc.. - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands on the front of the thigh. The situation is stable.

    Breathing: voluntary.

    Circular rotation of the pelvis to the right, then to the left. Perform 4 rotations. Notice the stretching of the pelvic and thigh muscles.

    Exercise 4

    Goal: strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles.

    The oblique muscles are a natural bandage that supports the growing uterus. Their training eases the load on the lumbar spine and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the anterior abdominal wall.

    I.p. - stand with your feet together, arms apart, you can use support. Standing on your left leg, cross your right leg forward, to the side, and back. Then repeat with your left foot too. Repeat this exercise 4 times with each leg.

    Breathing during exercise: voluntary.

    Exercise 5

    Prevention of the development of varicose veins.

    To improve the outflow of blood from the legs, it is necessary to perform - circular movements with the feet, rise and walk on tiptoes, toes, heels, on the outside of the foot, lift the toes from the floor small items.

    Exercise 6

    Goal: strengthen the muscles of the arms, waist, chest and back.

    etc. - sitting on the floor with crossed legs (Turkish style). Back straight, extend your arms straight so that your fingertips touch the floor. Feel that your body weight is evenly distributed between your sit bones. Inhale. Raise your left arm up, tilt your torso to the right. Place your right palm on the floor and allow your right elbow to bend. Keeping your hips on the floor, feel along the left side of your torso, from the tip of your left fingers to your waist. (don't worry if your right elbow doesn't touch the floor - it doesn't matter) Exhale: Tighten your abdominal muscles and return to the rep. Repeat 6 times each side.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, the following tasks can be solved with the help of physical therapy:

    · learn proper breathing;

    · activate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve blood supply to all organs and tissues;

    · normalize the functions of the nervous system;

    · increase overall vitality, improve psycho-emotional state.

    During this period, a woman can exercise independently, but in the first 12 weeks of the first trimester of pregnancy, strict monitoring of the woman’s condition is necessary, especially on the days corresponding to the expected period of menstruation, since it is at this time that the risk of miscarriage is increased.

    Breathing exercises.

    1. Abdominal breathing. Lie on your back, place your hands on your stomach. Inhale through the nose, the walls of the abdomen rise, hands lightly press on them.

    2. Chest breathing.Lie on your back, place your hands on the hypochondrium, fingertips touching each other. Inhale evenly through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Fingers feel how the ribs move.

    . Rapid breathing. Lie on your back, place one hand relaxed on your neck. Breathe shallowly and quickly with your mouth half open. (About how a dog breathes after a tiring run or when it’s hot with his tongue hanging out).

    .Breathing according to the yoga system.Take a long, long breath through the nose, first the chest rises, the lungs fill with air, then the stomach expands and tenses. Inhale as much as you can. Exhale through your mouth. The stomach deflates, then the chest drops. Remain without air as long as possible. Can be done standing, sitting, lying down and anywhere.

    II trimester

    In the second trimester, it would seem that a woman’s body should already adapt to a new state, but everything is not so simple. How can you adapt to something that is growing every day? The pregnancy period of 20-30 weeks is considered the most “stressful” - this is the period of maximum stress on the female body.

    Firstly, by the 20th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother has not two (like all people), but three circles of blood circulation. The third circle of blood circulation is mother - fetus. As a result, the heart has to do a lot of extra work.

    Blood pressure becomes very unstable; after 20 weeks it has a clear tendency to increase, mainly due to hormonal changes and increased tone of the now sympathetic nervous system.

    Blood viscosity decreases, capillaries become more permeable, not only for plasma (the liquid part of the blood), but also for blood cells, and this creates a threat of hemorrhage and poses a danger to both the health of the mother and the life of the fetus.

    The kidneys work for two, and the amount of urine increases, while the volume of the bladder decreases due to compression by the uterus.

    All endocrine glands are undergoing a real revolution. The pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland all increase the production of their hormones. Moreover, from the beginning of the second trimester, a woman begins to work another, new endocrine gland - the placenta. It produces additional amounts of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, necessary for the growth of the uterus, mammary glands, and for the regulation of uteroplacental circulation. The placenta also produces a substance called relaxin, which has a strong effect on the musculoskeletal system, in particular, it increases the elasticity of the symphysis pubis and the entire ligamentous system in general.

    The profile of the spine changes: lumbar lordosis increases, the angle of inclination of the pelvis increases - and all to make the fetus more comfortable in the womb. True, this also makes it easier for the mother to move around.

    The objectives of therapeutic exercises in the second trimester of pregnancy are as follows:

    · instill the skills of deep and rhythmic breathing and thereby improve uteroplacental blood circulation (both during and outside of classes);

    · strengthen the muscles that will take part in the birth process;

    · further increase the tone of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

    · prevent varicose veins of the lower extremities, as well as constipation.

    Gymnastics for pregnant women second trimester exercise No. 3.

    Tailor's pose strengthens the back and improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs:

    Sit up straight with your feet together. Grab your ankles and press your thighs toward the floor with your elbows. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Relax and repeat a few more times.

    2. If it is difficult for you to maintain this position, you can put pillows under your hips or lean on the wall. The back should remain straight.

    A cross-legged pose is also possible.

    Gymnastics for pregnant women, second trimester, exercise No. 4.

    Squats. This type of exercise strengthens the muscles of the hips and back and gives mobility to the joints. If it is difficult to do squats without support, you can lean on a chair or windowsill.

    Using a chair, stand facing it with your feet apart. Leaning on a chair, squat smoothly, spreading your hips to the sides. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat again.

    Without support. Straighten your back and slowly begin to squat, spreading your legs. Secure for a while, relax and repeat again.

    III trimester

    In the third trimester of pregnancy, the sympathetic nervous system significantly predominates, due to which the woman’s body is, as it were, in a state of constant readiness for the upcoming birth.

    The load on the heart continues to increase, and the heart itself acquires a more pronounced horizontal position. In 30% of healthy pregnant women, a functional systolic murmur is heard. The volume of circulating blood increases by the end of pregnancy by 20-30%, while the amount of plasma (liquid part) of the blood increases by 37%, and the number of formed elements (blood cells) by only 17%. This leads to physiological anemia due to blood thinning. In addition, the unborn child “takes away” all the mother’s iron reserves, which is why many pregnant women experience iron deficiency anemia.

    Due to the accumulation of products of incomplete “combustion” of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the pregnant woman’s body, the acid-base balance is disturbed (the body “acidifies”). The oxygen demand of tissues increases fourfold by the end of pregnancy.

    The lungs are “pressed” upward by the diaphragm and liver, which is why their movements are limited. Meanwhile, by the 39-40th week of pregnancy, the volume of breathing increases by 40% due to a slight expansion of the lower part of the chest.

    In this situation, with the help of therapeutic exercises you can:

    · improve blood circulation in the body, reduce congestion;

    · stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal motility;

    · if possible, expand the osteo-pelvic ring (“exit” for the child);

    · learn to tense muscles without holding your breath.

    The load - very moderate in general - should mainly fall on the arms and shoulder girdle, and to a lesser extent on the legs. The amplitude of leg movements, especially flexion at the hip joints, must be limited; bending the body to the sides and turning the body can also only be done “a little,” and bending forward cannot be done at all.

    The starting position for most exercises is lying down, sitting, and if standing, then with your hand resting on something, and in any case, neither the starting position nor the exercises themselves should cause discomfort.

    Special attention You should pay attention to exercises that will serve you well during childbirth: breathing with tense abdominals, strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor, increasing the mobility of the hip joints and lumbar spine.

    Breathing and relaxation

    Gymnastics for pregnant women (third trimester) involves performing relaxation exercises. If you learn to breathe correctly during pregnancy, this will help you maintain strength and reduce pain during childbirth. All exercises must first be learned to be performed in a calm atmosphere, where nothing distracts you. Over time, you will be able to relax in any environment.

    Gymnastics for pregnant women third trimester exercise No. 1

    Relax the body. You need to lie on your side or back, placing pillows or a blanket under your lower back. Tighten your body muscles one by one, starting from your feet and moving higher. This exercise should be performed for 10 minutes, after which the body should be allowed to relax.

    You can bend one leg under you and put a bolster or pillow under it. It is very comfortable, especially in late pregnancy, to lie on your side, bending one leg and placing pillows under it. Don't put too many pillows under your head - this will cause your back to curve.

    Gymnastics for pregnant women third trimester exercise No. 2.

    We control our breathing, learn to relax and calm down, and abstract from the world around us.

    Shallow breathing. Use this type of breathing at the peak of a contraction. Do not inhale deeply, fill only the top of your lungs, breathe through your mouth. It is necessary that breathing becomes easier with each breath.

    Use deep breathing at the beginning and end of a contraction. You need to completely relax, take a deep breath so that the air fills your lungs completely. Exhale slowly and deliberately. Now inhale as usual.

    Sharp exhalation. This type of breathing is used if pushing begins when the uterus is not fully dilated. Take two short breaths, followed by a long, deep exhale.

    Gymnastics for pregnant women third trimester exercise No. 3.

    Psychological relaxation. Try to calm down, not be nervous and distract yourself. At the same time, you need to breathe evenly and calmly, very smoothly. Remember the pleasant moments of your life, read a poem “to yourself,” mentally write a letter to your future baby.

    Childbirth rehearsal

    exercise training therapeutic pregnancy

    You can start it at different deadlines pregnancy, especially since a full rehearsal will require at least 15-20 lessons.

    Stage I.“Educating” a pregnant woman (about what she will have to do during childbirth) and developing the skills to perform movements on command, maintain correct posture, training in different ways breathing (thoracic, diaphragmatic, mixed), tension and relaxation of individual muscle groups, self-control of breathing, pulse rate, fetal movement, correct performance of simple gymnastic exercises.

    Stage II.Developing motor skills and performing simple gymnastic exercises to overcome difficulties: amplitude and coordination of movements, coordination of breathing with the activity of skeletal muscles. Explaining the meaning of relaxation in childbirth.

    Stage III.Developing motor skills in body positions that will have to be taken during childbirth. Training in complexly coordinated tension of some muscles and relaxation of others. Training in concentration; nurturing self-confidence and concentration of will.

    Stage IV.Improving exercises for coordination of movements and overcoming difficulties. No new exercises are being introduced.

    Childbirth is a physiological process in which three periods are distinguished: dilation of the cervix, expulsion of the fetus and birth of the placenta.

    The period of cervical dilatation begins with rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles (labor contractions). The first contractions are short-lived (no more than 20-30 seconds) and occur at fairly large time intervals. The body of a woman in labor seems to be training, using the last hours before labor begins. Then the duration of contractions increases to 45 seconds, and the intervals between them gradually decrease (up to 2-3 minutes). As contractions become more frequent, the cervix opens more and more. During contractions, intrauterine pressure increases. Amniotic fluid flows through the slightly opened cervix. The first stage of labor lasts 13-18 hours for first-time mothers and 6-9 hours for women giving birth again. (However, it must be said that in last years There is a noticeable trend towards a decrease in the average duration of labor by approximately 2-4 hours. This is due to psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth, improvement of methods for preventing protracted labor, the use of drugs that accelerate the dilation of the cervix and enhance the contractile activity of the uterus.) The first period ends with the complete dilation of the cervix.

    Should a woman do anything during this period, or is she destined only to “suffer in silence”? Of course, few people suffer “silently,” but is screaming really all that can be done to alleviate your condition?

    Of course not. First of all, it is necessary to relax all muscles as much as possible, especially in the intervals between contractions. You need to breathe deeply and only through your nose. From time to time you can get out of bed and walk around a little. It is necessary to empty the bladder in a timely manner, as its overflow disrupts labor and aggravates pain. In addition, it is useful to use some techniques that contribute to the correct and painless course of labor.

    First appointment:take deep breaths and exhales from the beginning to the end of each contraction.

    Second reception:simultaneously with deep inhalation and exhalation, stroke the lower abdomen with the hands of both hands. Hand movements should be directed outward and upward.

    Third trick: thumbs With both hands, press the skin to the inner surface of the iliac crest in the area of ​​both anterior superior spines.

    Fourth trick:stroke the skin in the sacrolumbar region; breathe deeply.

    Following the complete dilatation of the cervix, the second period begins - the period of expulsion of the fetus. Regular contractions are accompanied by pushing (reflexively occurring contractions of the striated muscles of the abdominal muscles). The second stage of labor lasts no more than 1-2 hours, and for some - only 15-30 minutes and ends, in fact, with the birth of the child.

    However, childbirth does not end there. The third period begins - the birth of the placenta. The placenta consists of the placenta, membranes and umbilical cord. Usually, 7-15 minutes after the birth of the child, the woman begins to experience contractions and pushing again, as a result of which the placenta is expelled. In this case, as a rule, there is no longer any pain.

    Exercise therapy in the postpartum period

    So, the woman’s body did a colossal job - it carried and gave birth to a child. Now we need to return to normal life.

    When leaving the maternity hospital, some women look as if they were not pregnant a week ago, while others look as if they still have not given birth. The secret of such inequality is very simple: the former obediently attended physical therapy classes held in the postpartum ward, while the latter did not. Objectives of exercise therapy in the postpartum period: improve blood circulation in the pelvis, abdominal and thoracic cavities and lower extremities; promote active contractions of the uterus, ensuring its correct involution; help regulate bowel and bladder function; improve the function of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems; strengthen and strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor; strengthen the musculoskeletal system, ensuring restoration of normal posture and prevention of flat feet; improve emotional state, sleep and appetite, activate metabolism.

    Contraindications to prescribing exercise therapy after childbirth: body temperature above 37.5°C; complications of the postpartum period (endometritis, thrombophlebitis, mastitis); severe anemia due to large blood loss during childbirth; bleeding after childbirth; difficult, prolonged, debilitating labor; preeclampsia or eclampsia during childbirth; suffered severe gestosis; progressive failure of blood circulation, kidneys, liver; severe subcutaneous emphysema; III degree perineal ruptures; postpartum psychosis; cardiovascular insufficiency of the third degree.

    Before starting therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the lower extremities. Varicose veins, pain, and fever require medical consultation for thrombophlebitis. For inflammatory diseases, exercises are prescribed after the condition has normalized (the temperature has dropped to normal and there is no pain).

    If there are sutures in the perineum after perineotomy or its rupture, exercises with abduction of the legs are excluded for 5-6 days. For third-degree perineal ruptures, therapeutic exercises are performed according to methods for postoperative patients.

    During the normal course of the postpartum period, classes are carried out in a group method. Complications of the postpartum period require the use of individual classes.

    Therapeutic gymnastics must begin as early as possible, since in the first days after childbirth, the restructuring of the body occurs most actively. After a relatively easy birth, therapeutic exercises can be started from the 1st day, after a difficult one - from the 2nd day after birth.

    Therapeutic gymnastics classes begin with general developmental exercises in combination with breathing exercises. They mainly use elementary exercises for the upper and lower extremities, exercises for raising the pelvis. Later, exercises are prescribed to strengthen the abdominal muscles of the pelvic floor. The load is increased gradually. Exercises are done at a calm, slow, and then at an average pace. The duration of classes in the first days is 15-20 minutes, in subsequent days up to 30-35 minutes.

    In the first 2 days, therapeutic exercises are performed while lying in bed, in the next 2 days - in a sitting position.

    On the 1st day after birth, all physical exercises are performed from the starting position lying on your back.

    Moving fingers and toes.

    Sipping. Raise your arms above your head and pull your toes inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale.

    Curling your fingers into a fist.

    Pronation and supination of the hands and at the same time rotation of the feet outward and inward.

    Bending the legs at the knee and hip joints with support on the feet.

    Raising the pelvis with support on the feet and shoulder blades.

    Deep differentiated breathing (thoracic, abdominal, mixed) with self-control.

    The entire procedure of postpartum therapeutic exercises consists of 8-12 exercises and lasts an average of 20 minutes. Massage of the limbs is indicated to improve peripheral circulation.

    On the 2-3rd day after birth, the exercise therapy complex includes exercises that enhance peripheral blood circulation, diaphragmatic breathing, reducing congestion in the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity, muscle relaxation exercises, and exercises for the abdominal muscles. These may be the same exercises that the postpartum woman performed on day 1, but their amplitude and pace increase slightly. Circular movements with your hands are useful, normalizing lactation and activating pulmonary ventilation. From the 2nd day after birth, the woman should squeeze the rectal sphincter more intensely. To activate blood circulation in the pelvic organs, outward circular movements of the hips are indicated (with straight and bent legs), but if there were no serious ruptures of the perineum.

    On the 4-5th day after birth, the load gradually increases, mainly as a result of the introduction of new exercises for the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and an increase in the number of repetitions of previous exercises. Add the starting position lying on your stomach, knee-wrist or knee-elbow position.

    In subsequent days, when the uterus decreases, most physical exercises are performed from the starting position in a standing position. These are turns and bends of the body to the sides, circular movements of the pelvis, half squats, movements of the straight leg forward, to the side and back, standing on the toes, etc. They are necessary to restore posture. When performing physical exercises, pay attention to the rhythm and depth of breathing. Postpartum gymnastics procedures are usually carried out 0.5 hours after feeding the baby. If you have pain in the muscles of the back, pelvic girdle, or a history of significant lordosis, you should be extremely careful when using exercises for the abdominal muscles with your legs raised low above the bed (for example, “scissors”, “bicycle”). Such exercises cause lordosis of the lumbar spine and its stabilization, especially with weak abdominal muscles. In addition, some straining during such exercises can increase the separation of the abdominal muscles.

    The high likelihood of injuries to the lumbar spine after pregnancy due to irrational lifting of heavy objects, including lifting a child, requires avoidance of forward bending, especially in combination with simultaneous rotation of the torso.

    To restore sufficiently full performance of the back and abdominal muscles, daily systematic training is required for 2-3 months.

    List of used literature

    Therapeutic physical culture: textbook. for university students V.I. Dubrovsky. - 3rd ed. VLADOS, 2004. - 623.

    Therapeutic physical education: Textbook for the Institute of Physics. culture Under the general editorship. S.N.Popova. Physical education and sport, 1988. - 270.

    Physical culture: Textbook for secondary professionals. education N. V. Reshetnikov, Yu. L. Kislitsyn. Mastery, 2002.

    Physical culture: Textbook for universities I.S. Barchukov. - UNITY, 2003. - 254.

    Tags: Therapeutic exercise during pregnancy Abstract Tourism

    By the end of this phase, the fetus is 14 cm tall and weighs 200 g. These are the exercises recommended in this phase.

    a) Water part -8-10 min.

    Walking in place with breathing exercises.

    b) Main part 15-20 min. Standing, arms down. Raising your arms to the sides and lowering them down, while simultaneously clenching and unclenching your fingers into fists. Breath randomly 4-6 times.

    1. Standing, tilt your torso slightly forward, arms down, freely swing your relaxed arms back and forth. Breath evenly 4-8 times.
    2. Standing, legs apart, arms to the sides. Tilt your torso forward towards your right leg, lower your arms down - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. Also to the left leg. The pace is slow. 4-6 times.
    3. Standing, legs apart, holding the back of the chair with your hands. Deep squats. When squatting, inhale; when standing up, exhale. 2-8 times.
    4. Sitting on a chair, hands on your belt. Turn the head to the sides 3-4 times in each direction.
    5. Sitting on a chair, legs straightened. Extension and reduction of straight legs. Do not hold your breath 3-4 times.
    6. Sitting on a chair, hands in front of your chest. Turn the torso to the sides while moving the arm of the same name back. When turning - exhale; return - inhale. 2-4 times in each direction.
    7. Lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternate bending and extension of legs (bicycle) 0.5-1 min. The pace is average. Do not hold your breath.
    8. Lying on your back, one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach. Deep diaphragmatic breathing.
    9. Lying on your back. Move into position using your hands. The pace is slow. Breathing is normal. 4-6 times.
    10. Lying on your back. Arms and legs are slightly bent at the joints. Breathing is uniform and free. Learning to completely relax the muscles of the body. Voluntary tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles 10-15 times.
    11. Sitting on the floor, resting your hands on the floor from behind, legs straight, heels pressed against each other. Flexion and extension of the legs at the knee and hip joints, without lifting the heels from the floor. When bending, expand your knees wider and retract your perineum; When extending, relax the perineum. The pace is slow, breathing is uniform 6-8 times.
    12. Sitting on the floor, resting your hands on the floor from behind, legs straight. Bend your torso in the chest without lifting your legs off the floor, tilt your head back and to the side. Breathing is arbitrary, the pace is slow 4-6 times. Head back - inhale, lower forward, bend over a little - exhale.
    13. Standing on all fours. Alternately moving the straightened leg back and to the side. Breathe randomly 2-4 times with each leg.
    14. Without taking your hands off the floor, sit on the right, on the floor, then to the left. The pace is average, evenly 4-6 times in each direction.
    15. Standing with your hands on your hips. Deep chest breathing 4-6 times.

    c) The final part. 5-8 min.

    Walking is normal, cross-step, on toes, on the outer edge of the foot. Relaxation, breathing exercises.

    The second phase of pregnancy is 16-24 weeks.

    The weight of the fetus at the end of the period is 600-700g. From 18 weeks there is movement. When performing exercises, watch your breathing, breathe deeply and evenly.

    a) Water part 1-2 min.

    Normal walking, walking on your toes, the whole foot, raising your knees high.

    b) Main part 15-20 min.

    1. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, fingers locked 1-2, raise your arms up, stretch, turn your palms outward - inhale, 3-4 - exhale 3-4 times.
    2. "Boxing".
    3. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands “locked” 1-2, straightening your arms up, bend to the side - inhale. 3rd position - exhale. 3-4 times.
    4. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Bending either the right or left leg, transfer the weight of the body onto it with the pelvis and return to the starting position. 6-8 times.
    5. Circular rotation of the body 2-4 times in each direction.
    6. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees to the sides. Sit down - exhale, in the starting position - inhale. 6-8 times.
    7. Standing on your knees, rest your palms on the floor, stretch, sit on your heels - inhale, and return to the starting position - exhale. 2-4 times.
    8. Sitting on your heels, hands on your knees, 1-2 hands up - inhale, back to the starting position - exhale. 4-6 times.
    9. Lying on your back. “Bicycle” - 3 min.
    10. Lying on your back, bend your knees 1-2, spread your legs 3-4 to the sides, heels to your buttocks, knees 5-6 together, straighten your legs to the starting position. 4-8 times.
    11. Lying on your back. Hands up - inhale, back to the starting position - exhale. 3-4 times.
    12. Lying on your back. Pushing off the floor with your hands, sit down - exhale, lie down - inhale. 4-6 times.

    c) Final part 5-8 min.

    Walking in a cross step with arms raised up and to the sides. Relaxation exercises 1-2 min. Breathing exercises. Tilt the torso down, arms hang freely - lightly swing them to the sides. 4-6 times.

    The third phase of pregnancy is 24-32 weeks.

    The fetus grows very quickly, the fundus of the uterus is already located above the navel, the position of the organs in the abdominal cavity changes, a tendency to constipation appears, which contributes to the absorption of toxic substances from the intestines into the mother’s blood, toxicosis, allergic conditions, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which can lead to I'll miscarry. The uterus can put pressure on the bladder and ureters, causing a frequent urge to urinate. As a manifestation of late toxicosis - swelling of the lower extremities. There is a danger of dilation of the veins in the legs. You can't stand in one place for a long time. Due to weight gain, the development of flat feet is possible. 3-4 days before birth, body weight usually drops (by 1 kg in the middle). This is due to tissue loss of water. The center of gravity of the body changes, the head and shoulders lean back so-called. “proud posture” of a pregnant woman; The load on the long back muscles increases, and lower back pain appears.

    The following set of exercises will help relieve stress from your back and legs. The exercises must be performed at a medium or slow pace, limiting body movements from a lying position to a sitting position and vice versa. It is advisable to perform leg movements with a large amplitude to increase the mobility of the pelvic bone combinations and increase the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.

    a) Water part -8 -10 min.

    Walking as usual, on toes, in a cross step, on the outer surface of the foot, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises.

    b) Main part 15-25 min.

    1. Standing, legs apart, hands to shoulders. Raising your arms up - inhale, starting position - exhale. 4-6 times.
    2. Standing, legs apart, hands on your belt. Alternately bending and straightening the legs, transferring the weight of the body to the bent leg. The pace is average, breathing is uniform 4-6 times.
    3. Standing, holding the back of a chair. Squats with the knees spread to the sides and the buttock muscles relaxed. Returning to the starting position, strain the muscles of the buttocks and retract the anus. The pace is slow. Breathing is uniform. 4-8 times
    4. Standing, hands on your belt. Circular rotations of the body 2-3 times in each direction. Breathing is uniform.
    5. Sitting on the floor, legs straight, arms in front of the chest. Turn the torso to the right with abduction of the arm of the same name - inhale, exhale to the starting position. Same to the left. The pace is slow 4-6 times.
    6. Tilt the torso to the right, lean with both hands to the right of the pelvis. Moving your hands on the floor to the left, tilt your torso to the left, leaning your hands on the left. Same thing back. The pace is average. Breath evenly 4-6 times.
    7. Sitting on the floor, resting your hands on the floor behind you. Extension and contraction of straight legs without lifting them from the floor. The pace is average, breathing is uniform 8-10 times.
    8. Lying on your back, legs secured. Go to a sitting position using your hands. Slowly 4-8 times.
    9. Lying on your back. Deep breathing exercises, accompanied by a strong protrusion of the abdomen when exhaling and retraction when inhaling. Slow pace 4-6 times.
    10. Lying on your back, hands under your head, feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately raising the straight leg up, then to the side and to the starting position. The pace is average. Breath evenly 4-6 times.
    11. Standing on all fours with a straight back. Arching your back upward (make it round) - exhale, bending down - inhale. Slowly, 4-6 times.
    12. Standing on all fours with a straight back. Alternately raising the straight leg back with arching the back. Breath evenly 6-8 times.
    13. Standing, legs apart, torso slightly tilted forward, arms down. Wide, free movements with relaxed arms to the right and left with a corresponding rotation of the torso. The pace is average. Breathing is uniform. 4-6 times.

    c) Final part -5-7 min.

    Calm walking with deep breathing. Relaxation exercises.

    The fourth phase of pregnancy is 32-36 weeks.

    All fruits are 2-2.5 kg. Its need for calcium salts, phosphorus, and vitamin D increases. The fundus of the uterus reaches the lower thighs, which makes breathing difficult and the woman’s need for oxygen increases. Walk as much as possible! Exercises during this period should reduce congestion and activate intra-abdominal circulation. Exercises for the abdominal muscles should be of a lightweight type.

    a) Water part - 5-7 minutes.

    Walking at a walking pace, clenching and unclenching your fingers into fists, bending and straightening your hands, and raising your arms to the sides. While sitting, perform breathing and relaxation exercises.

    b) Main part 15-25 min.

    1. Sitting on a bench, feet shoulder-width apart, on the floor. Hands on the belt. Bend in the chest, elbows back - inhale, slightly bend forward with relaxation - exhale. 4-6 times.
    2. Sitting on a bench, rest your hands on the bench behind you. Bend your right leg, move your knee outward, bring your knee inward, straighten your leg. Same with the other leg. Slowly. 4-8 times.
    3. Sitting on a bench. Turn the body to the right and left 2-3 times in each direction. Breathing is uniform.
    4. Exercises to relax all the muscles of the body and especially the pelvic floor.
    5. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Alternately bending your legs at the knees. Slowly 6-8 times.
    6. Kneeling, hands on the floor. Sit on your heels, relaxing the muscles of the pelvic area - exhale, go to the starting position with retraction of the anus and perineum - inhale. Slowly 4-8 times.
    7. Lying on your back. Bend your legs, spread your knees to the sides with your hands, bring your knees together, stretch your legs. Slowly. 2-6 times.

    c) Final part 5-7 min.

    Calm walking with deep rhythmic breathing. Breathing exercises.

    The fifth phase of pregnancy is 3-6 days before birth.

    The fetal head descends into the pelvic cavity, and breathing becomes easier. The fetus is “preparing” for birth. The complex is aimed at improving blood circulation, mobility of the hip joints and sacroiliac joints.

    a) Water part 1-2 min.

    Walk at a leisurely pace with your hands behind your back.

    b) Main part - 15-20 minutes.

    1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Spread your arms to the sides, bend - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. 3-4 times.
    2. Kneeling, hands on waist. Tilt your torso to the right, rest your hand on the floor - exhale. To the starting position - inhale, 2-3 times.
    3. Lying on your back, feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, “hug yourself - exhale. 2-3 times.
    4. Lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows, legs straight. Clench your fingers into fists, inhale with your feet towards you, exhale back to the starting position. 10-12 times.
    5. Lying on your back. Leaning on your elbows, bend over - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale 3-4 times.
    6. Lying on your back. Bend your knees to the sides and pull yourself up to your stomach with your hands - exhale, inhale to the starting position. 3-4 times.
    7. Diaphragmatic breathing 3-4 times.
    8. Lying on your back. Imitation of walking -8-10 times.
    9. Knees apart, feet touching 5-6 times.
    10. Lying on your back. Legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. Raise the pelvis up - inhale, to the starting position - exhale 3-5 times.
    11. Sitting, hands to shoulders. Free rotation in the shoulder joints. Lower your arms and relax 8-10 times in each direction.
    12. On my knees. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, sit on your heels, hands on your knees - exhale, 3-4 times.

    c) Final part - 2-3 min.

    Various types of walking. Relaxation exercises.

    Every woman has her own rhythm of life. It is determined by both personal character and work characteristics. Some people don’t like to make “sudden movements”, and besides, the work is sedentary and sedentary. And for some, regular exercise in the gym is a breath of fresh air, a source of vigor, without which it is impossible to imagine their life. daily life, - and the work is intense, dynamic. But then the moment comes when a woman finds out that she will soon have a baby. And any expectant mother faces the question: how much will she have to limit her physical activity, taking care of the baby’s safety?

    Is exercise harmful or beneficial during pregnancy?

    If we talk about playing sports during pregnancy, they are not completely excluded. But, along with certain restrictions, which will be discussed below, bans are introduced on all sports associated with sudden movements, running, jumping and emotional stress. Riding bicycles and other types of transport that involve vibration and shaking of the body is also not recommended. And, of course, pregnancy is not the time to set records or participate in a marathon. Remember that exercise that you tolerated well before pregnancy may now be difficult and potentially harmful to you. For example, running can be replaced by regular walking, which is quite easy to do at any time of the year. This small load improves sleep and appetite. The duration and pace of walking is commensurate with the degree of fitness, age and health status of the pregnant woman.

    As practice shows, physical inactivity (limited mobility) contributes to obesity, intestinal dysfunction (constipation), labor activity and other complications. But excessive physical stress is undoubtedly dangerous and harmful for pregnant women. During physical activity, the functioning of many organ systems changes, and these changes can adversely affect the development of the baby. For example, during intense sports activities, there is an increase in blood flow to the working muscle. As a result, blood flow to the uterus and placenta decreases, and therefore, the delivery of necessary oxygen to the developing fetus decreases.

    However, if you adhere to the principle of moderation and balance in sports activities, they will help maintain good health and increase vital energy. Correctly selected intensity of loads and a set of special exercises will help the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, muscular, endocrine and other systems, joints, and ligaments. With good physical preparation, childbirth is easier: flexible hip joints and trained muscles of the groin and buttock areas will easily allow you to take the necessary position during childbirth; strong leg muscles will ensure good blood circulation and help avoid the formation of varicose veins and complications associated with this disease. It has been noted that in women who regularly engage in physical exercise during pregnancy, childbirth proceeds faster and easier, the number of perineal ruptures is significantly reduced, and the postpartum period is more prosperous. Good physical preparation allows you to quickly get back into shape after childbirth.

    Your choice

    It is better to start exercising before your planned pregnancy, so that regular exercise becomes a habit. While you are trying to get pregnant, you should not increase your exercise or make your exercise program more complex. If you are already pregnant and your condition does not give rise to concern, then you can continue classes while you are expecting a child. To avoid excessive physical activity, experts recommend that expectant mothers reduce its level to 70-80% of normal.

    To determine whether you can exercise during pregnancy, you need to see your doctor. He will analyze how your previous pregnancies went, find out all aspects of your physical fitness and recommend exercises appropriate individual characteristics your body. Many special sets of physical exercises have been developed for pregnant women and exercise therapy (physical therapy complexes). These classes provide a calculated, moderate load and are designed to increase the physical capabilities of the body, create a feeling of vigor, improve the general condition of the woman, and create conditions for the normal course of pregnancy. Thus, they contribute to full-fledged life. Their main tasks include improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, and metabolism. In addition, they are recognized to provide the expectant mother and her baby with a sufficient amount of oxygen, teach the pregnant woman proper breathing, and strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor.

    Contraindications to physical education are:

    • acute stages of diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory disorders;
    • infectious diseases and acute febrile conditions;
    • inflammatory diseases internal organs (gastritis, pneumonia, etc.);
    • destructive and progressive forms of tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the female reproductive system;
    • severe forms of early and late toxicosis of pregnant women;
    • - a condition in which the placenta blocks the internal opening of the cervical canal;
    • pregnancy;
    • polyhydramnios;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • hypertension (high blood pressure) caused by pregnancy;
    • intrauterine growth retardation.

    Where to begin?

    Exercise therapy classes begin in the absence of contraindications, soon after the doctor establishes a normal pregnancy, but no later than the 32nd week. Typically, expectant mothers work out in a group under the supervision of exercise therapy specialists, who select a load appropriate to the age of each woman, her initial level of physical fitness, general condition, her doctor’s recommendations and the duration of her pregnancy. If you prefer to exercise at home, then you need to undergo preliminary training and regularly adjust the set of exercises performed with a specialist according to your condition and stage of pregnancy.

    It is recommended to conduct classes in the morning, 1-1.5 hours after breakfast. Initially, their duration is no more than 15 minutes, then pregnant women are allowed to exercise for 20 minutes, and in good condition - up to 30-45 minutes. The content of classes is also determined by the stage of pregnancy. But regardless of when performing exercises, the following rules must be observed:

    • increase physical activity gradually, moving from easy exercises to more difficult ones;
    • evenly involve the muscles of the torso and limbs in movement during the exercise;
    • During each exercise, maintain a calm breathing rhythm;
    • Do not perform exercises for the abdominal muscles one after another, but alternate them with exercises for other parts of the body.

    Individual approach

    Pregnancy is conventionally divided into the following periods: 1st - ; 2nd - ; 3rd - ; 4th - ; 5th - . In each of these periods, classes have their own specifics.

    During the 1st period of pregnancy Individual recommendations are developed for each pregnant woman. During this period, pregnancy is not yet completely stable, so intense physical exercise is not recommended for the woman. Throughout pregnancy, large static muscle tension and movements associated with strong shaking of the body should be avoided. It is recommended to exclude any physical activity on the days on which the first three menstruation would occur, in order to avoid pregnancy-threatening complications.

    The tasks at this stage are to teach proper full breathing, improve blood supply to organs and tissues, and increase the general and psycho-emotional tone of the pregnant woman’s body. Exercises are used to develop and train thoracic and abdominal breathing, to tense and relax the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Exercises that lead to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure are not prescribed: raising straight legs, sharp bends and bends of the body, moving from a lying position to a sitting position.

    During the 2nd period of pregnancy gradually increases and occupies the pelvic cavity. At this time, attention is paid to training the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, the mobility of the pelvic joints increases, the flexibility of the spine develops, and training of the long back muscles begins. During classes, use all positions except the prone position.

    During the 3rd period of pregnancy the uterus is already large enough to cause compression of the pelvic vessels with the subsequent development of congestion in the legs. Since during this period the work of the heart becomes more intense, the overall physical activity is reduced by reducing the number of repetitions of exercises and introducing a large number of breathing exercises and muscle relaxation training. As the fetus grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for a pregnant woman to maintain a shifting center of gravity, so the complex includes exercises that strengthen the long back muscles, as well as exercises to stretch the pelvic floor. At this stage, the skills of deep rhythmic breathing are instilled, the muscles involved in labor are strengthened, the tone of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is increased and the possible expansion of the veins of the lower extremities is prevented.

    In the 4th period of pregnancy The main objectives are to improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs and prevent venous stagnation in them, stimulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility, possible expansion of the osteopelvic ring, and instill the skills of muscle tension without holding the breath.

    In the 5th period of pregnancy even minor efforts can cause fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to perform physical exercises at a slow pace, and the volume of movement is adjusted to the capabilities of the pregnant woman. At this time, perform a variety of exercises to relax the perineum and pelvic floor, improve blood circulation, as well as breathing exercises. Before childbirth, they train pushing and develop skills for the rational distribution of efforts and movements during childbirth, and complete psychoprophylactic preparation of the pregnant woman for the birth of the baby.

    Exist general rules, which allow you to avoid the unpleasant consequences of excessive or irrational loads:
    • in the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, especially on the days corresponding to menstruation, complex exercises and excessive physical stress are excluded;
    • you should not try to perform the entire set of exercises at once;
    • during pregnancy, be careful when getting up from the floor and lying down when doing exercises;
    • after the 4th month, it is better to avoid prolonged lying on your back during exercise and rest: this can reduce blood flow to the uterus;
    • if during exercises you observe fluid discharge, blood discharge from the external genitalia, or you begin to experience dizziness, shortness of breath, or severe abdominal pain, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor;
    • if you are concerned about discomfort in the heart, increased blood pressure, have been diagnosed with endocrine diseases (such as diabetes, thyroid diseases), anemia or any other chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of physical exercise, and preferably exercise under medical supervision .

    Yulia Shtepa
    obstetrician-gynecologist, Central Customs Hospital

    Comment on the article "Physical training during pregnancy: safety rules"

    Hello. I am a future rehabilitation doctor. Now I am in practice in a maternity hospital. I need to carry out a set of physical exercises to eliminate congestion and swelling in the lower extremities for pregnant women in the sixth month, please, if it’s not difficult for you, send a set of these exercises to this e-mail
    With your help, we will help 40 pregnant women.
    Thank you in advance

    01/06/2005 12:44:30, Ksenia

    If you listen to our doctors, then it’s better to die right away and not suffer! If I had listened to Russian doctors, I would have been on some kind of disability group a long time ago. And an old Estonian doctor in my deep childhood advised me to do everything if you feel that you can do it. It’s clear that you need to listen to yourself and not go to extremes. As a result, with an operated heart, I calmly completed geological exploration, + practice in Crimea. After college - the Polar Urals, Khibiny Mountains, karate blue belt and eventually - healthy child. And all these complexes for pregnant women cause a strong association with restoration complexes after a very difficult operation, i.e. they are clearly not designed for healthy people, but for disabled people!

    05.11.2004 23:05:00,

    Total 2 messages .

    You can submit your story for publication on the website at

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    ESPECIALLY DURING PREGNANCY! it even depends on what your baby will be like - whether it’s harmonious, holistic, healthy, etc. I’m not the first pregnant woman here, and I only remember how one was allowed to go an hour early 2 times a week for physical education.

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    We take care of your waist: before and during pregnancy and after childbirth. Gymnastics. Physical education for pregnant women, exercises. Print version. 4.4 5 (135 ratings) Rate Why is it needed?

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    Physical training. Please tell me if it is possible to run during pregnancy. In fact, I’ve never been particularly involved in sports, sometimes, on occasion. And here it is summer, friends often play tennis.


    Exercise during pregnancy

    Physical exercise is indicated for normal pregnancy, as well as for pregnant women with diseases of the cardiovascular system in the compensation stage.

    Contraindications during pregnancy:

    • diseases with elevated temperature bodies;
    • pronounced toxicosis;
    • nephropathy;
    • preeclampsia;
    • eclampsia;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • recurrent miscarriage;
    • history of stillbirth with Rh-negative factor;
    • concomitant diseases for which exercise therapy is contraindicated.

    Gymnastics technique

    It is advisable to divide the entire period of study into three time periods (trimesters): 1-16, 17-32, 32-40 weeks. This makes it easier to assemble groups for classes in antenatal clinics.

    Tasks for weeks 1-16: to instill skills in regular exercise, teach how to perform physical exercises, and correct breathing. Contribute normal development pregnancy, increase the functionality of the body, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems.

    Tasks for weeks 17-32: improve conditions for the full development of the fetus, strengthen the abdominal and perineal muscles, increase endurance, improve posture, and help prevent venous stagnation.

    Classes include general strengthening exercises for the arms, legs, torso, breathing and special exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles, back muscles, feet, and increasing the extensibility of the perineum. To strengthen the abdominal press while standing, twists and bends of the torso are used. In the supine position - imitation of riding a bicycle ("bicycle"), cross movements of the legs ("scissors"), raising the leg(s), writing numbers and drawing figures with raised straight legs.

    To increase the extensibility of the perineum, exercises are used with maximum abduction, bending the legs, folding the soles together and spreading the knees. These exercises are carried out from various IPs: in a standing position - squats, legs wide apart (feet parallel); lying on your side - maximum abduction of the leg.

    Exercises are dosed taking into account the functional state of the body, using the simplest indices and functional tests. This allows patients to be divided into three groups

    Exercise therapy in the postpartum period

    After childbirth, a restructuring occurs in a woman’s body. The muscles involved in the birth act are overstretched and flabby (the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles), the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic organs is weakened, the condition of the uterus, the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the musculoskeletal system are changed.

    Contraindications to physical exercise:

    • acute thrombophlebitis;
    • mastitis;
    • endometritis;
    • preeclampsia or eclampsia during childbirth;
    • progressive circulatory failure;
    • psychosis;
    • temperature above 37.5 °C;
    • bleeding during and after childbirth;
    • III degree perineal ruptures;
    • general serious condition;
    • all diseases for which exercise therapy is contraindicated.

    Therapeutic physical culture for pregnant women is divided into five phases in accordance with physiological periods: the first phase of pregnancy up to 16 weeks, the second - from 16 to 24 weeks, the third - from 24 to 30 weeks, the fourth - from 30 to 36 weeks, the fifth - from 36 weeks before giving birth.

    Gymnastics is currently being increasingly introduced into the practice of working with pregnant women. It improves the functioning of internal organs (blood circulation, breathing, digestion) and overall metabolism.

    Particular attention is paid to proper breathing in order to improve oxygen saturation of the blood of the mother and fetus. Exercises that help strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles should help eliminate congestion in the pelvis and lower extremities, as well as improve the elasticity of the muscles and pelvic floor ligaments.

    In the first phase of pregnancy (up to 16 weeks, when the connection between the fertilized egg and the uterus is still weak), heavy loads and straining are avoided, as miscarriage may occur. General hygiene exercises should be given, alternating the load on all muscle groups, and exercises for the pelvic floor muscles should be limited. Taking into account the process of restructuring of the body occurring during this period, changes in the activity of the endocrine glands, and increased excitability of the nervous system, it is necessary to carry out gymnastics taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.

    The period from 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by the end of development of the child's place and rapid growth of the fetus. The goal of gymnastics in this period is to improve overall tone and strengthen the main muscle groups. Physical exercises are carried out with the expectation of strengthening the abdominal muscles, improving overall posture (reducing excessive deflection of the spine), strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum and increasing their elasticity. Exercises are used to stimulate breathing, especially chest breathing. All exercises are performed without straining. You can include exercises with objects (ball, stick) in your classes. Starting positions standing, sitting, lying down. If there is swelling in the limbs or dilated veins, exercises are performed in the form of shaking the legs while lying on the back, which improves the outflow of blood from the periphery.

    The third phase of pregnancy (24-32 weeks) is characterized by the fact that as the fetus grows, the uterus and abdominal organs shift somewhat, the mobility of the diaphragm is limited, breathing becomes difficult, the center of gravity of the body is moved, and concomitant phenomena such as lordosis and flat feet occur. Gymnastics in this period is carried out with a predominance of sitting and lying positions.

    The pace of classes is moderate. You should not prescribe exercises that involve straining and great resistance. It is necessary to include exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints. Exercises for the lower extremities are carried out with a large amplitude. Much attention is paid to the development of elasticity and mobility of the pelvic floor muscles. Improves chest breathing. Sudden fast movements are excluded.

    In the fourth phase of pregnancy, from 32 to 36 weeks, due to the enlargement of the fetus, the uterus presses on the diaphragm. At the same time, the work of the heart and respiratory organs becomes difficult, which, together with the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava, causes congestion in the lower extremities and in the pelvic area. The tasks of gymnastics are the same as in the third period. You should use exercises aimed at developing the ability to tense and relax the abdominal muscles. Make sure that intra-abdominal pressure does not increase significantly. Initial exercises are mainly in standing and lying positions. At least 50% of the exercises are performed in a lying position. It is recommended to perform standing exercises with support for one or both arms. Training in correct full breathing is necessary.

    In the fifth phase (from 36 weeks before birth), the uterus lowers somewhat, which creates conditions for better functioning of the heart and breathing. However, the load on the musculoskeletal system is high, and there are stagnation phenomena.

    Movements must be carried out very carefully, since the uterus is excitable and can cause premature birth. Physical exercises are best done in a lying position, the pace is slow, without much stress, emphasis on proper breathing.

    Most exercises (90%) are performed in the starting position lying down.

    E exercise. Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt. As you inhale, move your elbows back, raise your head, and slightly bend your torso. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat three to four times.

    2nd exercise. Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt. While breathing evenly, place your leg forward and to the side, then bend it at the knee, while keeping the other leg on the toe. After this, return to the starting position (keep your torso upright, back straight). Repeat alternately two to three times with each leg.

    E exercise. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the chest, elbows bent. As you inhale, turn your torso to the left, spreading your arms to the sides. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat alternately two to three times in each direction.

    E exercise. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. As you inhale, lift your pelvis and pull in your anus. As you exhale, lower your pelvis and relax the muscles of the perineum. Repeat three to four times.

    E exercise. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. While breathing evenly, raise your right leg up, bending it slightly at the knee, then return to the starting position. Repeat alternately two to three times with each leg.

    E exercise. Starting position: sitting, legs extended, lean on your hands from behind. While breathing evenly, bend your knees, then spread your knees and bring them together, and then return to the starting position. Repeat three to four times.

    E exercise. Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt. While breathing evenly, put your leg forward and to the side, bend it at the knee (keep the other leg on the toe), then straighten and return to the starting position. Repeat the same with each leg two or three times. During the exercise, keep your torso upright and your back straight.

    E exercise. Starting position: lying on your back, arms out to the sides, palms up. At the exit, turn your torso to the left (your pelvis remains in place), place your right hand on your left. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat alternately two to three times in each direction.

    E exercise. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. As you inhale, lift your pelvis and pull in your anus. As you exhale, lower your pelvis and relax the muscles of the perineum. Repeat three to four times.

    E exercise. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. While breathing evenly, raise your right leg up, slightly bending the knee, then return to the starting position. Repeat with each leg two or three times.

    E exercise. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. While breathing evenly, bend your knees, bringing them closer to your stomach, then, supporting your legs with your hands, spread your knees to the sides, then bring your knees together and return to the starting position.

    An approximate set of exercises for pregnant women (17-32 weeks)

    Starting position – standing: slow walking, uniform free breathing (2 minutes); raise your arms up through your sides, rise on your toes - exhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
    Starting position - standing, arms along the body, legs shoulder-width apart: turn the body to the right, spread the arms wide in front of the chest, inhale, return to the starting position - exhale, repeat the exercise in left side, so 3-4 times in each direction.
    Starting position – legs apart, standing by a chair. Inhale, squat, leaning on the back of the chair, then exhale. We rise - inhale, in a standing position - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times. Semicircular movements to the side, first with one leg, then with the other leg (3-4 times). Lunges forward, with alternating bending of the right and left legs (3-4 times). Shifting the center of gravity alternately to the right and left (5-6 times).
    It has been proven that physical therapy can have a significant positive effect in the postpartum period. Classes can begin two days after birth. However, exercise therapy in the postpartum period requires an individual approach and medical supervision. It is recommended to continue physical exercises at home after discharge from the hospital.

    Approximate sets of exercises for pregnant women

    Complex 1. Exercises for pregnant women (17-32 weeks, weak group)
    IP - standing
    1. Slow walking, free, even breathing (2 minutes).
    2. Raise your arms up through your sides, rise on your toes - inhale, return to IP - exhale (4-6 times).

    IP - standing, legs shoulder-width apart, arms along the body
    1. Turn your torso to the right, spread your arms wide in front of your chest - inhale; return to IP - exhale (alternately to the right and left, 3-4 times in each direction).

    IP - standing by a chair, legs apart
    1. Take a breath; sit down, leaning on the back of a chair - exhale; rise - inhale, standing - exhale (4-6 times).
    2. Make semicircular movements to the side alternately with one and the other leg (3-4 times).
    3. Lunge forward, arm forward, bending either the right or left leg (3-4 times).
    4. Shift the center of gravity of the body alternately to the right and left (5-6 times).

    IP - standing, legs apart, arms hanging freely
    1. Free breathing exercises (8-10 times).

    IP - sitting on the floor, legs straight, hands clasped
    1. Raise your hands - inhale; bend over and stretch your arms forward, turning your palms outward - exhale; return to IP - inhale; sitting, relaxing the muscles - exhale (6-8 times).

    IP - lying on your back
    1. Inhale, rise up, resting your forearms on the floor, exhale; return to IP - inhale; lying down - exhale (4-6 times).
    2. Imitation of riding a bicycle with bent legs (30 s).
    3. “Scissors” - cross leg movements (30 s).
    4. Alternately lift and move to the side one or the other leg (3-4 times with each leg).
    5. Slow deep breathing (6-8 times).

    IP - standing on all fours
    1. Raise your left arm forward and right leg back - inhale; return to IP - exhale (4-6 times).

    IP - kneeling
    1. Sit on your heels - inhale; kneel down - exhale (6-8 times).

    IP - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt
    1. Take a breath; bend to the right - exhale; straighten up - inhale; standing - exhale (3-4 times in each direction).

    IP - standing
    1. Slow walking - breathing evenly (2 minutes).
    2. Legs apart, arms along the body. Raise your arms through the front up - inhale; lower through the sides and relax the muscles - exhale (4-6 times).

    Complex 2. Exercises for pregnant women (32-40th week, weak group)

    IP - standing
    1. Walking at a slow pace, breathing evenly (2 minutes).
    2. Legs are shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your right hand up, take your left hand back - inhale; IP - exhale. Repeat the exercise, changing the direction of arm movement (3-4 times).
    3. Legs wide apart, hands on the waist. Take a breath; bend to the right, raise your right hand - exhale, return to IP - inhale (3-4 times in each direction).

    IP - lying on your back, legs bent, feet resting on the floor
    1. Take a breath; raise the pelvis and retract the anus - exhale; return to IP - inhale, lying down - exhale.

    IP - lying on your back, hands under your head, legs straight
    1. Inhale, raise your legs straight - exhale; spread your legs - inhale; bring down - exhale, lower - inhale; lying down - exhale (4-6 times).

    IP - lying on your side
    1. Retract your right arm and leg - inhale; return to IP - exhale. Repeat the exercises first on the right, then on the left side (4-6 times).

    IP - standing on all fours
    1.Take a breath; bend your back up, lower your head - exhale; bend your back down, shake your head - inhale (4-6 times).

    IP - standing, legs slightly apart, arms down
    1. Take a breath; tilt your torso and, straightening your arms forward, stretch - exhale; return to IP - inhale; standing - exhale (4-6 times).
    2. Spread your arms - inhale, return to IP - exhale (4-6 times).

    IP - standing
    1. Walk slowly, breathing evenly (2 minutes).
    2. Alternately shaking relaxed arms and legs, breathing evenly (1 min).

    Complex 3. For pregnancy up to 16 weeks

    1. Walk in cross steps for 1-2 minutes. Hands on the belt, keep the body straight, do not lower the head. Breathing is uniform
    2. Starting position (i.p.) - standing, legs together, arms along the body.
    Move your arms to the sides and at the same time put your leg back on your toes, bend over - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately for each leg 3 times.
    3. I. p. - standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms to the sides. Turning your torso to the right, touch the toe of your right foot with your left hand - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Don't bend your knees. Repeat alternately 2-3 times.
    4. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Perform alternating bends of the body with raising the arm above the head - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times for each hand.
    5. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Rotate your torso, keeping your pelvis motionless. Do not throw your head back. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat alternately in one direction and the other 3-4 times.
    6. I. p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt. Pull your elbows back and bend slightly - inhale, squat, arms forward - exhale. Return to i. p. Repeat 3-4 times. 7. I. p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt. Rising on your toes, move your arms to the sides - inhale, squat, arms forward - exhale. Return to i. p. Repeat 3-4 times.
    8. I. p. - standing, arms along the body.
    Alternately raise your straight legs to the sides, while simultaneously performing swinging movements with your arms - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat for each leg 3-4 times.
    9. I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, arms supported behind.
    Bring your knees together, contract the muscles of the perineum and retract the anus - inhale. Spread your knees and relax your muscles - exhale. Repeat 4 to 6 times.
    10. I. p. - lying on your back, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Turn your torso to the right and at the end of the turn try to touch the palms of your outstretched arms in front of you - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Do the same to the left. Repeat alternately in one direction and the other 3-4 times.
    11. I. p. - lying on your back, legs together, arms to the sides. Turn your torso to the right, touch the palm of your right hand with your left straight leg - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately for each leg 2-3 times.
    12. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise and lower straight legs. Raise your leg - inhale, lower it - exhale. Repeat for each leg 5-6 times.
    13. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, and hands at the elbows.
    Raise your pelvis - inhale, lower yourself onto your back - exhale. Repeat 4 to 6 times.
    14. I. p. - lying on the right side, one hand under the head, the other on the floor in front of the chest.
    Raise your left leg straight, raise your right leg towards it - inhale. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.
    15. I. p. - standing on all fours.
    Raise your right leg and left arm up, bend over - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately 3-4 times.
    16. I. p. - kneeling, knees turned, hands on the belt. Inhale. Sit down, arms forward - exhale. Return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
    17. Walk at a normal pace for 1-2 minutes. Breathe deeply and rhythmically.

    Complex 4. For pregnancy periods from 17 to 31 weeks

    1. Walk at a normal pace on the outer edge of the foot for 1-2 minutes. Keep your body straight, do not lower your head. Breathing is uniform.
    2. I. p. - standing, legs together. Take a stick and hold it by the ends with your lowered hands.
    Place your right foot back on your toes, place the stick on your shoulder blades - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately 3-4 times.
    3. I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, both hands rest on a vertical stick.
    Bend your legs one by one, keeping your torso straight. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times.
    4. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the stick by the ends in your lowered hands.
    Without lowering the ends of the stick, lift it behind your left shoulder with straight arms (the right end is higher, the left end is lower), while simultaneously turning your head to the left - inhale. Move the stick over your right shoulder and down, turning your head to the right - exhale. Repeat alternately 2-3 times.
    5. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Both hands rest on a vertical stick.
    Rotate your pelvis, keep your torso straight, do not lower your head. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.
    6. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick by the ends in straight hands at chest level.
    Turn your torso and head to the right - inhale, stand up straight - exhale. Do the same to the left. Repeat 2-4 times in each direction.
    7. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, the stick lies behind the back on the elbows.
    Perform circular rotation of the body alternately to the right and left 2-4 times. Do not throw your head back. The pace is slow. Breathing is voluntary.
    8. I. p. - legs together, the stick is held on the back of the shoulders. Perform bending of the torso, placing the leg to the side on the toe - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately for each leg 2-4 times.
    9. I. p. - standing, legs together, both hands resting on a vertical stick.
    Sit down, knees to the sides - inhale. Straighten up - exhale. Repeat 2-3 times. At varicose veins vein exercise is contraindicated.
    10. I. p. - lying on your back, arms to the sides. Turn on your side, put your palms together - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately 2-3 times.
    11. I. p. - lying on your back, hands on your belt.
    Perform circular movements with a straight leg in the hip joint. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg. Breathing is voluntary.
    12. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, place your right hand on your chest, your left hand on your lower abdomen. Push your stomach out when you inhale deeply and pull it in when you exhale. Repeat 4 times.
    13. I. p. - lying on your back, hands on your belt. Imitate the movements of your feet when riding a bicycle. Repeat 4-5 times. Breathing is voluntary.
    14. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale. Cross your arms over your chest - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.
    15. And p. - lying on your right side, one palm under your head, the other on the floor in front of you.
    Perform alternating movements with straight legs forward and backward (“scissors”). The same on the other side. Repeat 3-4 times.
    16. I. p. - kneeling, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale. Sit to the left with support on your hands - exhale. Repeat alternately 2-3 times.
    17. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt.
    Put your leg back (half-split position), arms to the sides, bend over - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately 2-3 times.
    18. I. p. - standing straight, arms along the body. Bring your shoulder blades together - inhale. Relax, lower your head, shoulders and arms - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

    Complex 5. From 32 weeks of pregnancy until delivery

    1. Walk for 1-2 minutes with a simple ski step, hands on your belt. Breathing is uniform.
    2. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs together, hands on knees.
    Spread your arms to the sides, squeezing your fingers, bend over - take a deep breath. Place your hands on your knees, bending your elbows, lower your head and shoulders, relax - exhale through your mouth, lips pursed into a tube. Repeat 4-5 times.
    3. I. p. - reclining on a chair, holding the seat of the chair with his hands, legs straightened.
    Raise the bent leg, straighten it, move it to the side - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat alternately for each leg 2-3 times.
    4. I. p. - sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on knees.
    Leaning your right forearm on the back of the chair, turn your head to the right, bend over, move your straight left arm back - take a deep breath. Return to i. p., lower your head, relax - exhale. The same in the other direction. Repeat alternately 2-3 times.
    5. I. p. - reclining on a chair, resting your hands on the seat, legs straightened
    Perform circular movements with your legs, do not lift your toes off the floor, and spread your knees as much as possible. Repeat 4-5 times. Breathing is voluntary.
    6. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs together, hands on knees Take your right arm and leg to the side - on your toes with your head turned to the right, bend over - take a deep breath. Return to i. p., relax - exhale (lips stretched out like a tube). Same to the left. Repeat alternately in each direction 2-3 times.
    7. I. p. - standing, holding the back of a chair with your hands, feet shoulder-width apart.
    Without lifting your feet from the floor, alternately bend your knees (keep your torso straight). Repeat for each leg 3-4 times. Breathing is voluntary.
    8. I. p. - standing, holding the back of a chair with your hands, legs together. Alternately, stand on your toes with one or the other foot, bending the knee, relaxing the leg muscles. Repeat for each leg 6-8 times. Breathing is rhythmic.
    9. I. p. - standing with your back to the back of the chair and holding your hands on it, feet shoulder-width apart.
    Bring your shoulder blades together, bend over - take a deep breath. Relax your head, shake your arms, crossing them in front of you, exhale (lips drawn out like a tube). Repeat 3-4 times.
    10. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Squeeze your fingers with tension. bending your elbows, bend your feet towards you. Relax, return to and. n. Repeat 5-6 times. Breathing is voluntary.
    11. And p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands on your belt.
    Extend your hips as much as possible - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 5 times.
    12. I. p. - lying on the right side, right hand under the head, left hand on the floor in front of the chest, legs straight.
    Bend your left leg at the knee - inhale. Straighten and move back, touch the floor with your toe, turn your head slightly to the left - exhale. The same on the other side. Repeat 3 times on each side alternately.
    13. I. p. - lying on the right side, the right hand is under the head, the left hand is along the body.
    Raise your left leg up, try to touch its toe with your left hand - inhale. Return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat alternately on each side 3 times.
    14. I. p. - lying on your side, legs slightly bent at the knees (taking pain relief).
    Place your right hand under your head, using the palm of your left hand to perform circular stroking of the lumbosacral region. Repeat 5 times. Breathing is deep and rhythmic.
    15. I. p. - lying on your back, bend your knees, pull them to your stomach, holding your knees with your hands (imitation of the position when pushing during childbirth).
    Spread your legs to the sides - take a deep breath. Bend your head, chin touching your chest, and hold your breath for a few seconds. Return to i. n. - exhale through the mouth (lips drawn out like a tube). Repeat 2-4 times.
    16. I. p. - standing on all fours.
    Raise your right leg, turn your head to the right, bend over - take a deep breath. Lower your leg and head, arch your back up, making it round, and exhale. Repeat alternately for each leg 2-3 times.
    17. I. p. - kneeling, shins spread to the sides, hands on the belt.
    Spread your arms to the sides - inhale. Sit on the floor, put your hands on your knees, relax - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
    18. Walk with a simple step for 1-2 minutes, raising your hands to your armpits - inhale, lowering them and relaxing - exhale.

    If you are afraid of long sets of physical exercises or natural laziness interferes, try to overcome it by doing at least some exercises.

    Women who have been involved in any kind of sports should know that pregnancy is not the most suitable period for full-fledged sports (for example, sports such as skating, tennis), which require good balance and sudden, impetuous movements. However, if you have been exercising regularly, you can continue until you feel uncomfortable. In other words, as long as your pregnancy is progressing normally, you can continue playing sports or other outdoor activities you feel confident in, including tennis, swimming, skiing, jogging or cycling.

    In order to avoid injury and ensure the greatest effectiveness of exercises, follow these rules:

    • Exercise regularly 3-4 times a week. Always do warm-up exercises at the beginning of classes and relaxation exercises at the end.
    • Perform exercises on a hard surface. Wear comfortable, supportive shoes.
    • Exercise using smooth movements, avoid jumping, jerking or exercises that involve hitting or pushing.
    • When performing exercises, do not hold your breath; this may increase pressure on the lower pelvis, abdominal muscles, or cause dizziness.
    • Monitor your heart rate (it should not exceed 140 beats per minute) or use the “talking test”.
    • Stop the exercise if you feel pain. Your body itself will let you know that your muscles and ligaments are tense.
    • * To avoid strain and fatigue, start with the easiest exercises, and then try others as your muscles strengthen. Start with a small number of repetitions, gradually increasing their number towards the end of pregnancy. You may need to reduce the intensity of your exercise.
    • Monitor your calorie intake and fluid intake. Fluids should be taken before, during and after exercise to compensate for fluid loss through sweat and breathing. You can take a bottle of water with you. During pregnancy, you need to eat enough to ensure you are getting the right amount of calories.
    • Avoid strength exercises in hot, humid weather or when you are sick and feverish. Body temperature should not exceed 38 °C.

    When performing each exercise, you need to relax as much as possible, but this is not gymnastics, where all muscles tense. All movements should be smooth and calm, at a slow pace. Before doing gymnastics, it is important to be in a good state of mind - talk to your child, imagine the internal state of your organs. If necessary and tired, take breaks between exercises and relax.

    It is better to relax while lying on your back (if the period is short). In the second half of pregnancy, when discomfort appears when relaxing in this position, others can be recommended.

    1. Pregnant woman’s pose - lying on her side, for example on the right, the right arm is extended, straight, the left is arbitrary, the right leg is extended, straight, the left is bent at the knee.

    2. The child's pose helps to calm the nervous system; you can give birth in it, be in contractions, pushes, and rest in between - sitting on your heels, knees spread as wide as possible to the sides. How to “fall” forward on your hands. You can rest your head on. hands or on the floor. Butt above head.

    "Butterfly"- prevention of ruptures, working with perineal tissue, stretching the tissues of the perineum and inner thigh. Starting position: spine straight, feet as close to the perineum as possible, knees as wide as possible to the sides. The body is as relaxed as possible. Imagine that your knees are the wings of a butterfly, wave them (while trying to place your knees on the floor). When performing the exercise, only the inner side of the thigh should be tense. The exercise can be performed in pairs (the husband helps hold his back and does stretching). It is better to do the butterfly several times during the day (for example, while sitting in front of the TV).

    "Twisting"- aimed at improving the genitourinary, excretory and digestive systems. (Organs: kidneys, pancreas, liver, intestines, spleen, uterus, etc.) Helps strengthen the spine. Starting position - standing, back straight, feet parallel to each other, at a distance slightly narrower than shoulder width (so that you can place your foot in the middle). Turn as far as possible to the left, right, and stretch your arms in the direction of the turn.

    "Healthy uterus"- aimed at improving the genitourinary system. Don’t forget that gymnastics is a kind of game; imagine the organs you are working with. Starting position - sit between your heels on the floor, knees as far as possible closer friend to each other, feet turned at an angle of 90 degrees. The exercise is performed in three stages. Stage 1 - kneeling, heels apart, slowly sit down, alternately transferring weight from one leg to the other. Stage 2 - rotation of the body in one direction. Stage 3 - lower yourself back, lean on the back of your head, bend your back, lower yourself onto your left or right shoulder.

    "Sun"- aimed at strengthening the spine, improving the health of all organs. Starting position - standing straight. Mentally imagine your spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, coccyx). Make circular movements, as if scrolling around each vertebra, starting with the cervical (rotating your head, increasing the amplitude). Thoracic region - lower the right shoulder, then both forward, left shoulder, stretch back (strive to connect the shoulder blades). The movements should be smooth and represent a complete circle. Lumbar - hip rotation, maximum amplitude. Repeat the exercise, but from bottom to top, from the tailbone to the cervical vertebra.

    "Karate"- aimed at strengthening the leg muscles and improving the health of the pelvic organs. Starting position - standing straight, legs as wide as possible, feet parallel, arms at random. Spring, slowly sit down, then up, repeat at least 3 times.

    "Cow"- strengthens the muscles involved in the birth process. When performing the exercise correctly, a woman should feel heaviness in the chest area (a rush of milk), a slight tingling sensation.

    This exercise is good to use instead of exhausting pumping, since excess milk flows out on its own without injuring the mammary glands. Starting position - legs wider than shoulders, lean forward and lean on your hands. Walk in this position without bending your arms and legs.

    From all sports the exception is swimming - in clean and warm enough water, slowly, you can swim throughout your pregnancy.

    Lightness, relaxation of the muscles and spine in the water, and stress relief come from swimming. Swimming classes during pregnancy are recommended and offered by almost all prenatal schools. And not by chance. In addition to the benefits for the woman’s body, the baby also benefits. During diving and holding the mother's breath, the child trains for hypoxia - lack of oxygen during childbirth. Physical activity of the mother during pregnancy provokes physical development(or maturation) of the child.

    If you swim in a natural body of water, you must be sure of the purity of the water. Running water is best, but it is colder than in ponds. After swimming, do not forget to wash yourself (warm, boiled water with chamomile infusion).

    Here are some exercises to help you prepare for childbirth.

    "Starfish". Go into waist-deep water. Take a full breath and, holding your breath, lie down on the water, spreading your legs and arms to the sides. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Complete the exercise by kneeling and exhaling smoothly. Repeat 2-3 times.

    "Float". Go into waist-deep water. Take a full breath, hold your breath and lie face down on the water. Lying on the water, tuck your legs under you, supporting them with your hands. Try to hold your breath as long as possible. It’s like you’re doing a “butterfly” exercise, “floating” in the water. Complete the exercise by lowering yourself to your feet and exhaling smoothly. Repeat 2-3 times.

    "Sea Gate". If you come to swim with your husband or friends, ask them to stand one after another, with their legs spread wide apart, thus forming a “corridor”. Take in more air, dive and swim through this corridor from beginning to end.

    It is very good to swim with fins, dive with a mask and snorkel, just lie on the water, relaxing.

    Therapeutic exercise during pregnancy. Exercise therapy

    Pregnancy causes changes in all body systems: nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and others.

    In the first half of pregnancy, there may be symptoms of toxicosis with nausea, vomiting, and perversion of taste.

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