• How to determine a person’s character by handwriting: the science of graphology. What does the slant and type of handwriting, writing letters, connections between letters, pressure say about a person’s character: definition with examples. Determining character by handwriting: test. The character of a person according to


    At the end of the 19th century, the name of Nikolai Chizhov, who had the ability to recognize people by their handwriting, thundered throughout St. Petersburg. While in Kyiv on business, he went to see the Reverend Theophilus and found with him the members of the pedagogical council of the Theological Academy, who were in great difficulty. Three graduates scored an equal number of points, and only one had to be chosen...

    Chizhov looked at the essays of these students and said: “The author of this one is blond, reckless, thin... This one is nervous, selfish... And the third one is a handsome, lively, energetic brunette. So give him the championship, he’s worth it.” Amazed by the accuracy of the characteristics, members of the teachers' council began asking Chizhov how he managed to see from his handwriting not only a character trait, but also appearance. “I don’t know myself,” he answered, “I see, and that’s all…”

    Much later, scientists will determine that the psychomotor movements of our fingers during writing are guided by electromagnetic impulses coming from the brain. Graphology data will be used in psychology for research individual characteristics character. In forensic science they will begin to be used for psychological diagnostics. In medicine, they will make it possible to identify early stages Parkinson's disease.


    The science of handwriting and the reflection in it of the character traits of the writer arose almost simultaneously with the creation of writing. Its scientific foundations were laid by Plato’s student, the ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus. The term “graphology” itself was introduced in 1872 by the French scientist Jean Michon. At the same time, graphology emerged as a special discipline.

    With the development of technology, the possibilities of graphology have greatly expanded. In the USA in the 80s of the XX century it was created computer program to determine the business qualities of applicants for vacant positions in institutions and companies. It is based on data from a study of the handwriting of 500,000 people. The computer almost instantly produces a person’s psychophysical characteristics based on 130 parameters.

    Businessmen are very interested in how, judging by their handwriting, a person copes with overload, whether it is easy for him to bear the burden of responsibility, whether he has secret doubts about his competence - that is, those factors that cannot be revealed during a conversation when hiring a person.

    Graphology is now taught in American universities. More than 3,000 American, 80% of German, more than half of large Swiss firms and companies conduct graphological analysis of handwriting when hiring or appointing to responsible positions.

    So, graphology can do much more than just distinguish between two people based on their handwriting. An experienced graphologist will determine with a high degree of accuracy whether you are an optimist. this person or a pessimist, which sciences he is more suited to - the humanities.


    Graphology is not so much a dry science as an art. No computer can capture information that can be easily deduced by an experienced graphologist. A written piece of paper seems to radiate the energy of the writer and even conveys his appearance. Extrasensory perception of handwriting is similar in nature to the ability of some people to make a medical diagnosis or determine the location of a person at a given moment from a photograph or personal belongings of a person.

    In the December supplement to the magazine Nature and People for 1896, the story of the murder of lawyer Bernay in Brussels was published. There is no trace of the killers. We only managed to find out that he used the fictitious surname Vaughan, and to find a piece of paper written in his hand. We turned to a graphologist, and he gave the following conclusion:

    “The temperament is hot, ardent, the character is bilious, the bones are wide, the muscles are developed, the age is average, the treatment is unfriendly. Tendency to anger and misanthropy. He turns pale when angry, has a regular gait, and does not like arguments. He has more arrogance than pride, he counts well and loves order in everything. Selfish, proud, ambitious, speaks little, subtle diplomat. He understands art and is devoid of any religious feelings. The face is dark, the eyes are most likely gray, the nose is slightly humpbacked, the hands are small with thin fingers, the teeth are good. He narrows his eyes, his pronunciation is not entirely clear. On right hand middle finger phenomenally developed."

    In 10 days according to these exact signs the criminal was detained. Needless to say, computer graphology could provide only half of the listed signs. A graphologist from God is always also a psychic!

    Here are examples from the recent past. One automobile company, which was suffering millions in losses from theft, having exhausted all funds, turned to a graphologist for help. After reviewing samples of the employees' handwriting, he stated that the company's vice president was involved in the crimes. They put him under surveillance and he was caught. Indeed, he led a criminal gang.


    In pre-revolutionary Russia, so little attention was paid to graphology that this term was not even included in the 82-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron. In 1925, all Russian graphologists were registered. And they either stopped their legal activities or moved to the secret departments of the NKVD and then the KGB.

    Soon all references to the work of graphologists disappeared from the Soviet press. The idea of ​​graphology as a pseudoscience began to be cultivated in society. Meanwhile, graphologists-chekists determined from the ballot papers which of the deputies of the XIII Congress of the RCP (b) and the XVII Congress of the CPSU (b) voted against Stalin. A few years will pass, and all the “Protestants” will receive a bullet in the back of the head...

    By the way, one of the most prominent Soviet graphologists, Semenov, a few days before Yesenin’s mysterious death, on behalf of the authorities, studied his handwriting and made a conclusion about the poet’s mental imbalance. Later, the same graphologist conducted an examination of Maxim Gorky’s handwriting.

    The most famous graphologist who worked in the NKVD was Zuev-Insarov. While examining the autograph of the famous Soviet writer Vsevolod Ivanov, he wrote the following conclusion:

    “An inquisitive and restless thought. Tendency to reflection and introspection. When decisive measures are required, he does not hesitate to take them, but is familiar with great hesitation. Many things, often fearing to remain completely misunderstood, are not expressed. Proud and capable of becoming stubborn. At times irritable and picky. He can do a lot of things at once, but he works unevenly. At moments he is highly gifted, at times he becomes apathetic. He does not lose self-control in serious moments of his life. He rarely gets along with people deeply: he loves the company of people of the same mood. In personal relationships, he has a rather soft-spoken nature, although at times difficult person. Impressive. Attacks of fears that often have no basis in reality. It is difficult to fit into the framework of everyday life. The complexity of personal experiences, sometimes expressed in the form of internal contradictions. Obsession of individual ideas."

    Vsevolod Ivanov responded to this character study as follows: “Your characterization shocked me like a breath of enormous talent!”


    Before the invention of the typewriter, manuscripts were the source material for reproduction. Therefore in primary schools ah was given great attention Calligraphy is the art of writing beautifully and legibly. Handwriting lessons disappeared from our elementary school curricula in the 1950s. And now, when computers have replaced typewriters everywhere, no one remembers beautiful handwriting, and most people write like a chicken with its paw.

    Handwriting deteriorates sharply in moments of haste, from which writers of the last century suffered, trying not to miss inspiration. Victor Hugo's manuscripts resemble a battlefield, where fallen (crossed out) words are replaced by new warriors, not in battle order.

    Typesetters agreed to work on Balzac's manuscripts only for an increased fee, and even then no more than an hour a day. The French philosopher Montaigne had such illegible handwriting that he had to hire a secretary to write his Essays in a form acceptable for printing. The great economist Charles Dickens wrote in microscopic letters, very sloppily and, in addition, with blue ink on blue (the cheapest) paper.

    Currently, a large amount of handwriting has been preserved by doctors, and their handwriting has become the subject of jokes. Despite, however, the progress of typewriting technology, two types of handwriting have been preserved - autographs and signatures on documents. They lift the veil over the secrets of a person’s character. Graphologists say that a signature is a mirror of the soul. The more pretentious it is, the more a person’s opinion about himself deviates from reality.

    Character in handwriting can be studied using the science of graphology. A professional graphologist can learn a lot about a person's personality from the way they write.

    However, ordinary people, having familiarized themselves with the key points of graphology, will be able to generally determine character from handwriting.

    Graphology - the science of definition personal qualities a person by his handwriting.

    Determining the character of people by handwriting

    Graphologists, as a rule, study several sheets of paper written by a person for serious analysis.

    It is believed that a person writes less naturally on the first sheet than on subsequent ones. Therefore, the last pages of long texts are of greatest interest in order to study character in handwriting.

    How to determine character by handwriting? Before studying the character by handwriting, carefully look at the piece of paper itself on which the text is written.

    A leaf can tell a lot about its owner:

    • For example, small leaf paper with torn edges, traces of grease or dirt indicates that its owner is most likely a slob, a bungler and, possibly, a greedy person.
    • A large, neat, blank piece of paper often suggests generosity and neatness, but can also be evidence of extravagance.


    When determining character by handwriting, consider the size of the letters. Size changes with age and also depending on current physical condition.

    • For example, with age and fatigue, the writing of words becomes larger. It is believed that handwriting between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five provides the most reliable information.
    • Medium sized letters are the most common. If you come across such letters while studying character in handwriting, know that they do not provide any specific information about its owner.
    • Largely written symbols indicate that their owner has leadership abilities. Such people are emotional and easy to communicate with. They meet and establish new connections without any problems.
    • Small letters speak of a person’s determination and restraint. Sometimes they are a sign of a hidden and withdrawn personality.


    To find out the character by handwriting, carefully examine the fields:

    • People who leave narrow margins often have qualities such as thrift. Sometimes narrow margins can indicate pettiness of the author. The narrower the fields, the more pronounced the quality of frugality, sometimes it can reach the point of stinginess.
    • Wide margins, on the contrary, indicate the author’s generosity. The wider the fields, the more likely that a person will turn out to be not only generous, but also wasteful. Excessively wide brims can also speak of vanity, desire for luxury and boasting.

    Pen pressure

    By studying pressure, you can find out not only the character of the handwriting, but also emotional condition person at the time of writing. The stronger the emotions, the stronger the pressure.

    • Strong pressure is typical for energetic people and workaholics. Such people easily establish contact with others and have a low degree of isolation.
    • Light pressure, on the contrary, is typical for people who prefer loneliness and tranquility to communication. Such natures are often romantics.

    Line direction

    When studying character by handwriting, carefully consider how the lines are written:

    • People prone to frequent mood swings and adventures often have “wavy” lines when writing. In some cases, such lines indicate the author’s penchant for deception and resourcefulness.
    • Straight lines, written as if using a ruler, reveal people who are reasonable and restrained. Often such people have adequate self-esteem and soberly assess their capabilities.
    • A line going up indicates that its author is .
    • The line goes down - the author is probably a pessimist or has low self-esteem.

    Connectivity of letter elements

    When determining character by handwriting, study the connectedness of the elements of the letter:

    • The handwriting of a person who writes all the symbols together indicates that he is a straightforward person with predominant logical thinking. Often such people are enterprising and prone to criticism.
    • People with well developed imaginative thinking Often all letters are written separately.
    • If a letter contains strings of two or three letters, this indicates the author’s balance.

    Letter form

    Determining character from handwriting includes studying the shape of letters:

    • Angular and sharp symbols. If you come across this style of writing while studying character by handwriting, know that it is often a sign of selfishness.
    • Round and smooth - characteristic feature compliance and pliability. Such people can be too loyal; it is usually difficult for them to achieve their goals.

    Letter slant

    To recognize the character of handwriting, pay attention to its slope:

    • A slight slant to the left indicates that the author tends to criticize others. Such a person often puts his own interests above the interests of others.
    • If the letters lean strongly to the left, then this indicates the author’s stubbornness and tendency to consider his point of view the only correct one.
    • When determining character by handwriting, most often you will have to deal with a slight tilt to the right. Such a tilt, as a rule, does not say anything about the writer. This is how they teach you to write in school.
    • If the letters lean very much to the right, then the author is . He is purposeful. Often this inclination is found among jealous people and people who are capable of falling very much in love.
    • Symbols without tilt indicate a stubborn cough. Such people usually think through their actions well, assess the state of things and act with confidence.


    Studying character from handwriting, Special attention pay attention to the signature. The signature gives a lot of information about the character of its owner:

    • If, when determining character from a letter, you come across a regular signature, that is, it does not have any additional elements, then this speaks of the courage and confidence of its owner.
    • The signature contains an underline - the author is an enterprising person.
    • The signature has loops - the author is an observant person.
    • The signature is crossed out - the author is an impulsive and active person.
    • Circled signature - the author is a coward or.
    • Pay special attention to the capital letter when studying character in handwriting:
    • The more intricately decorated the capital letter, the stronger the author's need for recognition and attention from others.
    • If, when studying the character of the handwriting, you see a small capital character, then perhaps the lines belong to a squeezed person.

    Temperament by handwriting

    Graphologists believe that you can not only study character from handwriting, but also find out temperament. Each temperament has its own writing characteristics:

    • Choleric. This type is characterized by a tilt to the right. The signs are wrapped up and confused. The pressure is strong. The spacing between words is not the same.
    • Phlegmatic person. Letter spacing is different. The letters themselves are bold, but their thickness is inconsistent.
    • Sanguine. Sanguine people often have beautiful handwriting. The letters are running and sweeping. The lines are uneven.
    • Melancholic. Uneven fields are typical. The letters are dancing and have long strokes and dashes.

    Personal qualities in handwriting

    By determining character by handwriting, you can also identify some qualities of a person:

    • Hot temper. Hot-tempered people are characterized by symbols that rise above the line. The hooks of the last letters of the word are lowered below the lines.
    • Sensitivity. Often there are unfinished characters, the pressure is uneven, there is a slant, the letters are pale.
    • Mind. Letters have no decorative elements, there is little or no slope. The distance between words is the same. The letters are medium size, round.
    • Stupidity. Availability unusual hooks. Different distance between words, uneven pressure. Capital letters are drawn with great care and originality. The letter seems pretentious.
    • Will. The letters are connected to each other. The pressure is uniform. The number of strokes is small. The letters are clear, the letter contains very few decorations, and is round.
    • Coolness. With uneven lines, as a rule, the last word is written exactly in its place. The letters are neat, the distance between words is different.
    • Equilibrium. It gives the feeling that all the symbols are “intertwined”. The handwriting is beautiful, but may initially appear illegible. The lines are straight.
    • Cruelty. Sometimes letters have underlines. They are usually carefully rendered, hooked, flattened, but look rough and bold.

    When determining character by handwriting, remember that it is common for a person to have several qualities at once.

    Appearance by handwriting

    You can determine not only character by handwriting, but also appearance:

    • Short stature. The writing of words has strokes, the letters are elongated. The letters seem sweeping and trying to “grow.” Letters ending words are often not fully spelled out.
    • High growth. The letters, as in the previous case, have strokes, but are not stretched. They walk in even rows, looking like a fence. It doesn’t look ornate, but it’s not solid. The pressure may be uneven.
    • Average height. The letters at the beginning of the line are characterized by condensation. Towards the end of the line the letters become rarer. The last characters may be written below the line.
    • Slenderness. Punctuation marks appear small. Letters can be elongated.
    • Completeness. The pressure on the same letter is uneven. More often, the second part of the letter has stronger pressure. There may be unfinished characters.
    • Blondes. Blonde-haired people tend to have a legible writing style. Toward the end of the line, the letters may become narrower. As a rule, the symbols are not large.
    • Brunettes. The letters are raised above the line. Capital letters may have decorations. All elements are carefully produced and have beautiful shape. The lines often go up.

    Occupation by handwriting

    Handwriting character and appearance are not the only things that can be learned about a person from the way he writes:

    • Uneven, sloppy. Characteristic for pharmacists and businessmen.
    • Jerky, galloping. Characteristic for people studying and working with languages.
    • With lots of touches. People who do mental work often have professors.
    • Descending. A characteristic feature of poets, dreamers, philosophers.
    • Vertical, simple. Feature of mathematicians and engineers.
    • Wavy. Characteristic of creative people, artists, sculptors.


    Graphologists claim that handwriting helps to determine distinctive character traits. To understand character, you need to know the signs of writing letters. It has been noticed that people's handwriting, like their character, is different.

    What is graphology and who are graphologists?

    Graphology is a science that studies handwriting, as an example - a graphological analysis of a person’s character based on his handwriting. Graphologists, as follows from the definition, are people capable of performing such analysis. Although until the middle of the last century the methods of this science were considered to be those that help to study the characters of people in psychology, in our time this doctrine of the inextricable connection between character and handwriting is considered pseudoscientific, it is classified as proto-scientific thinking. In medicine, this term is found in the form of the possibility of studying handwriting as an auxiliary element for monitoring diseases of the brain and central nervous system.

    Modern scientists are skeptical about graphology, despite the past achievements of science.

    The scientific community questions the reliability of graphology. A considerable number of researchers graphology is recognized as a pseudoscience. The British Society of Psychologists puts graphology on a par with astrology. Despite the fact that the science of studying handwriting and character analysis initially found support in scientific circles, and despite the fact that some studies support the validity of such a theory, most scientists are confident that graphology has no predictive ability.

    But there are still many who believe in the ability of graphology to determine the main character traits. Of course, no one guarantees 100% probability and accuracy in judgments, but approximate characteristics of a person will be indicated by handwriting.

    Why do you need a psychological analysis of personality based on handwriting?

    It is worth immediately noting that the description of handwriting makes it possible to make probable conclusions, but not exact statements. In addition, analysis of human handwriting in psychology with examples is common and is considered to provide general characteristics human psychology, but not accurate. In addition, graphologists require at least a page of text that is handwritten, and also better pair, which were written in dissimilar situations.

    Why is analysis needed? Often personnel workers it is required to identify the main personality qualities, character traits and mental state of the applicant. This will make it possible to more accurately determine its suitability for the job. In addition, knowledge of graphology will help an individual decide when choosing or changing a field of activity. Remember that every sign should not be considered as an absolute dogma. It needs to be compared with other features.

    Handwriting analysis will allow you to find the main character traits. Sometimes this is important when applying for a job.

    An interesting discovery was made by Western scientists. It turned out that people who have lost their arms are trying to write the same letters with their feet and mouth as they wrote earlier. It turns out that we write like this: as the brain tells us, and the hands only follow orders.

    For this reason handwriting is a mirror of a person. This fact was also proven by the biologist Preyer. He conducted an experiment using hypnosis. The person was told that he was angry or boastful, while at the same time a text was dictated to him. As a result, the handwriting turned out to be different, with characteristic features.

    What does handwriting depend on?

    Many people are interested in the question what does our handwriting depend on? If you believe the observations of scientists, our handwriting depends not only on age, but also on profession and position. Moreover, each of us has several handwritings. One is for personal notes, another is for important statements, the third is for congratulations and letters to friends.

    But for graphologists they are all the same; even parsing crooked handwriting (for example, as a result of illness or stress) is not difficult. In all handwritings of one person, only the size of the letters and quality are changed, the internal structure does not change. It would seem, what is the dependence of character and these scribbles? Developed by scientists system of signs, which explains the features of a person’s handwriting and his character.

    Some of them are immediately visible, others - if you look closely, but still others are in no way connected with experience. There are many dark spots in this science, or as scientists are sure, pseudoscience, but this does not prevent people from using graphology in practice.

    Determining character from a person’s handwriting with examples

    So let's consider signs for graphological analysis and find out what a person’s handwriting says using examples:


    20-30 degrees in right side . This is the most popular slope. Such people can be called open-minded, but they cannot be said to be impulsive. A person is characterized by the ability to control emotions in tense, emergency situations.
    If the slope is stronger, 50-60 degrees to the right– an indicator of the desire for communication and love. These people will most likely try to show their feelings. A person with a similar style is receptive to everything new. At the same time, owners of this inclination have developed possessive instincts.
    Slight tilt to the left speaks of the predominance of reason over emotions. Such people are secretive and rational.
    Large tilt to the left more common in left-handed people. There is great control of emotions, secrecy combined with sensuality.
    If no tilt– balance of emotions and rationality.


    Nowadays, when many varieties of pens have appeared, it is sometimes difficult to determine the pressure. But if you can take it apart, it will help a lot.

    Strong pressure- evidence of perseverance, energy, and ability to work. They are sociable individuals who love their work and people.
    If the pressure is superficial and light, then such individuals are distinguished by sensitivity and subtlety of nature. These are often introverts whose self-control helps them cope with important tasks.
    If average pressure force, then such a person is more predictable, she likes to explore the outside world.

    Combination of pressure and other characteristics

    Even letters and light pressure – rationality of thoughts, high morality, discipline. Large round letters and light pressure – weak will, non-conflict, altruism. Strong emphasis on capital letters - energy, leadership and creativity.

    Line arrangement

    If the lines remain horizontal to the end of the sheet, there is balance in everything. Such people carefully think through all their actions.
    If the handwriting goes up, you have an optimistic nature. In a career - purposefulness.
    The lines go down - a skeptic, realistically assesses events.
    An uneven line means mood swings and poor adaptability.

    Roundness of letters

    Decoding round letters in a person’s handwriting indicates the individual’s readiness to cooperate. Such a person is not persistent; he is open to others. But he is worse at doing things that require perseverance.

    Remember that all these qualities must be analyzed together. Separately, it is impossible to create even an approximate portrait. Everything must be double-checked in comparison with other features.

    Space between lines and words

    Often, the density of words is an indicator of frugality. The further the distance, the more wasteful a person is.

    Margin size

    This is an indicator that helps identify the level of waste. Vast fields everywhere - excellent taste, craving for art. If they are rational, it is an indicator of prudence. Narrow, even on the sides - a tendency towards frugality. If the text occupies the entire sheet, and the margins are very small, the desire to get the maximum.

    Letter size

    How to understand a person's character by small or large handwriting?

    Small letters indicate the ability to concentrate in one direction. These are non-aggressive individuals. If the capital letters are also too large - courage and pride. If they are too small, there is a lack of courage. Small handwriting with small distances - a secretive nature, a person who loves solitude.
    Large letters found in expansive, somewhat aggressive natures. If capital letters graceful - the ability to attract people to oneself, romantic nature.
    Middle letters occur in many people, so they cannot be taken as a separate indicator for analysis.

    Printed letters

    What does printed handwriting mean? The nature of such a letter is to write block letters where written letters should be - which means that the person seeks to replace his outdated views on life with modern ones.


    How does curly handwriting characterize a person? Availability in letter various decorations(curly “lid” on the letter “th”, curls, vignettes, etc.) indicates a person’s desire to attract attention and the superficiality of his thinking.


    If no bottom loops, then the person is distinguished by independent thinking and prefers the search for simple explanations. They are inventive and adaptable.
    The loops at the bottom are narrow- an indicator of caution, spirituality, love for family. Wide extended lower loops - the desire to satisfy material needs. Too large loops at the bottom - a person does not like to be tied to something.
    Loops too small at top and bottom- indecision to take the path of independence.

    Breaks in words

    If breaks are located in every word, then the person is inclined to believe in intuition. This sign is correlated with another. If there are no breaks in the words, this is a sign of logic.

    Letter sizes

    If words begin with capital letters and then decrease, the person is in a position where strict secrecy is very important. Words begin with small letters and then increase in size - a person does not know how to keep secrets.

    Graphology and signature

    A special place in this science is given to signature analysis. It takes us a long time to come up with and model an autograph. For this reason, it is believed that the writing of the text determines the personality of a person, what he is, and the signature - what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting changes in personality and character, in fate.

    We choose the signature for ourselves, it contains important information about our goals and aspirations.

    Signatures, like handwritten text, are examined according to parameters, which include the length and sharpness of the letters, interesting characters and the unity of the letters, the distance between them and the pressure force, dots, hooks, etc. Let's consider some characteristics:

    direction. Here, take a look at where the tip of the signature is pointing. If up - optimistic nature, energy, desire for goals. Direct – balance in personality. Down – pessimistic moods;
    length. Long signatures speak of thoroughness, slowness, and perseverance. Short – a person is constantly in a hurry, takes things lightly;
    letter size. If the first letter is noticeably different from the rest, then the person is capricious and overly demanding of others. With a slight difference from other letters - modesty. Small letter sizes – rationality, economy, concentration. Capital letters - dreamy nature, trusting, impractical;
    breaks and connection. If all the letters are connected - evidence of logic and consistency, conservatism of views. If noticed small number gaps – adaptability and flexibility of thinking. A large number of breaks - daydreaming;

    decorations. If a person likes to brag and embellish himself, then this is immediately noticeable in the signature, because it is also decorated: with ribbons, curls, etc. The number of curls shows the level of insincerity of the personality, secrecy. But jewelry is found among creative individuals: actors, musicians. A testament to the richness of imagination then. Mathematicians' signatures are often “naked.” The letters seem to be losing some parts;
    letter spacing. This sign determines the level of generosity: at a great distance - high level. If the letters are almost on top of each other - stinginess and frugality;
    ponytails, underlining. If the signature is underlined at the bottom, then the person is characterized by pride, touchiness, and is interested in the opinions of others. If the line is on top - pride, vanity, desire for something new. But the length of the host at the end of the signature speaks about people’s reaction to interference in their affairs. The longer the tail, the less people tolerates comments and decrees. If the signature is crossed out - evidence of self-dissatisfaction, self-criticism, hesitation;
    dot. This is a positive sign. If there is a dot in the signature, this is evidence of discipline, the desire to finish what you started. If it stands at the end, a person finishes what he started under any circumstances. At the beginning of the signature - the desire to obtain complete data before starting work;
    repetition of elements. Identical signs indicate obsessiveness in actions and thoughts, and established habits. Along with this, this sign is an indicator of perseverance and the ability to easily cope with monotonous work.


    This article discusses the most important criteria, the so-called key points for working with handwriting and analyzing its elements that can shed light on the personal characteristics of its owner. But there are still many nuances that help determine the character by signature. If you wish, it is possible to master such skills on your own, but to do this you will have to analyze a lot of handwritten texts of closely acquainted people, whose character is known to one degree or another.

    January 19, 2014

    Handwriting can be very different: neat, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless, and so on. Each person has a special, individual handwriting. As a rule, handwriting is formed at the age of 10-11 years. But it finally develops around the age of 20. However, in some cases, handwriting changes throughout life.

    A person's handwriting can tell about its owner. Scientists have been able to prove that a person’s character and his handwriting are somehow connected. This will be discussed in our material.

    How to determine a person’s character by handwriting: the influence of character on handwriting, the science of graphology

    Graphology- a science that studies the dependence of handwriting on a person’s character. Graphological analysis is carried out due to certain parameters. An important role is played by the direction of each line, the peculiarity of the writing of a particular letter, the inclination of the letters, location on the sheet, and so on.

    Thanks to the combination of such parameters, the characteristics of an individual person are formed. If the analysis was carried out correctly, you can easily find out your personality growth, ability to sexual preferences, and tendency to drug addiction.

    Currently, many companies use the services of professional graphologists. Thanks to them, characteristics of people who are hired are compiled, plus an assessment of the characteristics of competitors is made.

    Don't be alarmed if, when applying for a job, they offer you a blank piece of paper, a simple pencil, and tell you to write a few random sentences. You cannot fool a graphologist, but you can artificially distort your own handwriting. In return, you will receive a personality profile that may not be suitable for the position you have chosen.

    What does the slant of handwriting say about a person’s character: description with examples

    The characteristics of handwriting can tell us about the level of emotional reaction and the degree of understanding of other people. It is very difficult to find people who have perfect calligraphy.

    But before you consider your own handwriting ugly, understand its inclination and the location of each letter:

    • If your letters are located strictly vertical, then you are considered a calm and calm person. You are often indifferent to other people.
    • If your letters have slight tilt to the right, then you react softly to the world. You are not particularly restrained, because before you show certain emotions, you first think carefully about everything.
    • Letters slanted strongly to the right indicates that you are constantly emotionally tense and impulsive.
    • Did your letters look while you were writing? left, then you are considered a cold person. You protect yourself as much as possible from external stimuli and often act selfishly towards other people.

    How to recognize a person’s character by letters and combinations of letters: description with examples

    • If every letter in the document connected with each other, then you have a consistent, logical character. You are conservative in some views and have a complex perception of everything that is new to you.
    • If in your handwriting moderate number of spaces between letters, then your thinking is considered quite deep, plus adaptive. This indicates that you know how to bring the desired and the actual into harmony.
    • If in your handwriting a lot of gaps between letters, then you have figurative concrete thinking. Your actions are unpredictable, you are a dreamy person, you strive to pay more attention to yourself and produce best impression of people.

    • If the distance between letters is very large, then you are afraid to contact other people. Get acquainted with a certain person causes difficulties for you, but after you get close to him, he seems like an interesting person to you.
    • Slight spacing between letters indicates that you are an open person. You like to let people get very close to you and you love it when you have a lot of people to talk to.

    What does the pressure of handwriting say about a person’s character?

    Particular attention should be paid to the pressure of letters in handwriting. Remember that it is pressure that characterizes the real emotions of each person.

    • If you press hard when you write, then your emotions are constant and stable in any sensation.
    • If you write without putting too much pressure on your pen or pencil, then you are someone who can be easily influenced by people. As a rule, you choose for yourself an area in which the manifestation of intelligence is required. You are a sensitive person and do not have deep feelings. They are simply not familiar to you.

    What does sharp handwriting say about your character?

    If your letters are sharp, then you are an aggressive person. But at the same time, you are very observant, cunning and intellectually developed. But what you are definitely missing is good attitude to the people who surround you. You are wary and distrustful of others.

    You are also considered a fairly educated person, intelligent and insightful. Remember that people who have sharp letters are not at all interested in the point of view of other people.

    If you belong to this category, you are probably focusing solely on your own needs. You don't like being taught and believe that you are always right about everything.

    What does sweeping handwriting say about your character?

    • Sweeping handwriting, as a rule, belongs to those people who have slight notes of masculinity. If you have this type of handwriting, it means that you are a proud person and like to strive for self-government.
    • In addition, the sweep of the letters suggests that you dream of constantly being in leading roles, regardless of the industry.

    IMPORTANT: Sweeping handwriting is typical romantic person, who never notices the shortcomings of other people and constantly looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.

    In a word, you are a true strategist, you are inclined to think globally, love to think systematically and are an enterprising person. You cannot be angry with people for very long and remember grievances, and you are also one of the eccentrics, you have a tender heart and a vulnerable soul.

    What does large handwriting say about your character?

    Handwriting with large letters, as a rule, occurs exclusively in sociable individuals who have high self-esteem.

    • You count leader and you are not particularly modest from other people
    • You are an open, warm-hearted and confident person
    • you are enough smart, but you have absolutely no cunning

    • You are not devoid of responsiveness, generosity and kindness. The main traits of your character are carelessness and kindness. In some situations you are very trusting and do not always understand people
    • You are sensitive, impractical and soft.
    • Do you like people to pay attention to you?

    What does small handwriting say about your character?

    Handwriting as small as beads will indicate the following character traits:

    • You are calculating and observant
    • You may have visual impairment
    • You have an analytical mind and are pedantic
    • You have a fairly high attention span, which means you pay attention to all the details.
    • You do not like noise and large companies, as you experience some difficulty when communicating with strangers
    • You do not often show your own character, only in exceptional situations

    Very often people with such handwriting shy natures. As a rule, small letters are characteristic of individuals who value their own inner world. The behavior of such people is interesting and at the same time familiar: modesty and restraint are their main character traits.

    You can also say about such people that they are petty, cold-blooded, reserved and secretive. At the same time, such people are beautiful, smart and interesting during the conversation. In extreme and difficult situations these individuals even become cruel and authoritarian leaders.

    What does round handwriting say about your character?

    Now let's tell you a little about those people who write in round letters:

    • Most often, such handwriting is found in kind and cheerful people. Does this concern you? Then you are cunning and do not like intrigue. You treat the people around you almost like a mother, with kindness and special understanding.
    • Round handwriting suggests that you love to constantly go through life only with an open soul.
    • Round handwriting with straight and clear lines, located vertically or slightly tilted to the right indicate that you are a thorough and strong person.

    • You do not like conflicts and constantly give in during arguments. You easily meet people, make contact and communicate without problems.
    • Round, pot-bellied handwriting is one of those individuals who fit perfectly into any work team. You are even considered to some extent a “vest” for those who want to cry.

    What does printed handwriting say about character?

    As a rule, when filling out some forms and documents, people write in block letters. But there are individuals who write in such handwriting all the time. Any printed letter looks neat, in some cases perfect. But what does this method of writing mean?

    So, if you prefer to write in printed handwriting, your letters are usually accompanied by neatness and aesthetics. Most likely, you write letters with an angle and separately. Many people may even feel like you are writing in a computer font. Often, documents and postcards are filled out using this handwriting.

    • But if your handwriting contains only printed letters , this indicates that you have a touch of productivity in your character.
    • Of course, your psychological character depends on several factors, for example, how you form your own handwriting, press while writing, distribute text on paper, and so on.

    • In general, you have well-developed self-control. You like to carefully monitor your own behavior, how you speak and show emotions. Therefore, you are considered a sincere person.
    • Sometimes you even lack spontaneity, as you think through and calculate every step you take.
    • Perhaps you are constantly accompanied by a “mask”, with the help of which you want to draw attention to yourself. You are dependent on other people's assessments, you don't like being criticized and are sensitive to it.

    In some situations, there are people who have low self-esteem, with a lot of complexes, anxiety, and a need for protection. Let us note that such people have perfectionism, that is, something that prevents them from being a truly happy person.

    What does unclear, illegible, bad handwriting say about your character?

    Incomprehensible, illegible and bad handwriting, which resembles a scribble, says a lot. You have exactly this handwriting, which means you:

    • Unbalanced, hot-tempered person
    • As a rule, you like to stick to one or another daily routine
    • You can get up very early in the morning and go to bed late, for example, at 12 o’clock at night
    • It’s hard to push yourself into certain limits

    • At work you often conflict with other employees, quarrel and make troubles
    • You are exactly the kind of person with whom it is difficult to establish a normal relationship.
    • There is really a big plus in this handwriting - you are considered a genius. Know that many famous geniuses had exactly this handwriting

    What does different, different types of handwriting say about character?

    For many people, this trait indicates that they have temporary, minor changes that were provoked by certain factors. Remember that Variability in handwriting varies. Let's take a look at what character traits you have if you have the following handwriting:

    • You very often feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Sometimes you use a different style of writing letters, which automatically fits into the whole process. Perhaps your self-esteem is too high, or maybe you, on the contrary, are not confident in yourself. You are a hidden person, even unreliable.
    • If you have different, different types of handwriting spontaneously, it means you are an open person, free and never feel the need. You just live, don’t bother yourself with trifles. If you are in a very stressful situation, your handwriting will change, but such distinctive features will be negligible. It will be immediately clear that this handwriting exactly yours.

    What does beautiful handwriting say about your character?

    Typically, beautiful handwriting is very similar to fancy drawings. If your handwriting is very neat, letter by letter, as if written by a professional, with curls and precise lines, then you are the kind of person for whom family comes first.

    • You are an ideal family man.
    • You are a sensitive person and distinguished by accuracy.
    • You are characterized by willpower and calmness.
    • In front of everyone positive qualities of your own character, you are not considered strong man. You lack independence and determination.

    • You constantly need good support, a person who can listen and understand you at any moment.
    • You have a calm and smooth life; ups and downs never happen to you.
    • At work, you are respected and liked by other employees because you are submissive and efficient.

    What does curly handwriting say about your character?

    Curls are present in many letters when writing. Let's look at the most common options for using them.

    • The curls at the bottom of the letters are small. You have independent thinking. You like to look for something simpler for yourself. Do not like lies and falsehood, appreciate other people for what they were able to achieve. You are resourceful in new things and can adapt to situations that have unexpectedly changed.
    • A narrow curl at the bottom of the letter. This sign indicates that you have sharp thinking and strive for spiritual values. Love family and home, try to stick only to the circle of your friends and relatives.

    • Wide curl at the bottom of the letter. You are a striving nature, you are aimed at satisfying your own material needs and emotions. You also love when others notice you.
    • A disproportionate curl at the bottom of a letter. You never get attached to the work, you don’t like it at all.
    • A disproportionate small curl at the bottom and top of the letter. You are independent, limiting yourself to very little whenever possible.

    What does angular handwriting say about your character?

    Angular handwriting indicates the following character traits of a person:

    • If you have angular handwriting, it means you love to compete, strive for independence and have a critical mind.

    IMPORTANT: If your handwriting combines angular and round letters, it means you know how to charm the people around you, you have a hospitable nature and good taste. If you still press hard on the pen while writing, it means you like to be in control both at home and at work.

    • You adore independence and always fulfill your own desires.
    • The only downside to the character of a person with angular handwriting is selfishness. You are independent, therefore, you do not tolerate anyone telling you what to do.

    What does coherent handwriting say about character?

    If you decide to define your own character, be sure to pay attention to the consistency of the letters:

    • If you write all the letters connected, then you are a straightforward person. You prevail in logical thinking. You may be adventurous and have no problem criticizing people.
    • Your intuition is perfectly developed.
    • If you write all the letters together and at the same time like to emphasize them, then you are an executive person.
    • You always carefully carry out the work that is assigned to you. In your personal life you are lucky, however, if you decide to break off a relationship, you never change your mind.
    • Your thinking is well developed.
    • If you like to write coherently and at the same time compactly, then you are exactly the kind of person who does not like strangers trying to enter her life. Finding the key to your heart is very difficult.

    What does clumsy handwriting say about your character?

    Nowadays, exquisite and beautiful handwriting is a rarity. And here clumsy handwriting occurs quite often. Are you part of this group of people? Then study your own character.

    • If you have disorganized, clumsy and very small handwriting, you are an indecisive and timid person. You immediately retreat if certain difficulties arise in front of you.
    • If you have very unkempt handwriting that is hard to read, then you are indecisive, unbalanced, but you are neat and can think well logically.

    • You are a very talented person and have some abilities.
    • Is your handwriting difficult to read? Then you like to hide things from people.
    • You also do not care about your own speech and how you behave among friends and acquaintances.

    What does crooked handwriting say about your character?

    Crooked handwriting is mainly present in thinkers who have a pronounced emotional load. If you write in crooked letters, it means you are emotionally unstable and sloppy.

    You have low self-esteem, and for some reason you are often unbalanced. Often such handwriting evokes associations with creativity, and may even be a sign of great eccentricity. Many people claim that such handwriting is characteristic of very smart people.

    What does ugly handwriting say about your character?

    Ugly handwriting is usually found in men. But it is not always the case.

    • Do you have ugly handwriting? Then you are a generous person, but also short-sighted. You are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, often make mistakes or find yourself in ridiculous, difficult situations.
    • You are a great friend and comrade. You love laughter and fun. Come to the aid of those who ask you for help.
    • You are an active person, inquisitive, and have a cheerful character.
    • Ugly handwriting also suggests that you are energetic, carefree, and nervous at the same time.
    • You prefer independence.

    What does sloppy handwriting say about your character?

    Sloppy handwriting, almost like the previous version. Mostly those who write sloppily are those who write quickly. If you also write quickly and sloppily, then it is worth highlighting the following character traits:

    • You are a serene person, you try to be guided only by real events.
    • You love random luck and work solely on inspiration.
    • You have an emotional sense of foreboding and are also skeptical about the future.
    • You are a harsh and sometimes even very hot-tempered person.

    What does straight, unslanted handwriting say about your character?

    Vertical handwriting to some extent even looks unnatural. Do you write without any slant at all? Then learn a little about your own temper.

    • You are rational and emotional. You calmly analyze every situation and weigh everything before making a decision
    • You are a thoughtful person, have complete control over yourself, are reserved
    • You are a narcissist, you are not at all interested in people's opinions

    • There is a balance in your character between your heart and your mind.
    • Also, direct handwriting indicates that you look at all things soberly, in a word, you are a realist

    What does handwriting slanted to the left say about your character?

    Most people write with a slant to the right when writing, but there are also those who write the other way around - to the left. If this sounds like you, then you have the following personality type:

    • You are outwardly hiding behind a “mask” of inaccessibility. You are cold emotionally.
    • If you have a slight slope in left side, then you are a courageous person. When making important decisions, you are guided only by your own mind.
    • Your letters are tilted strongly to the left, then you are a touchy person, vindictive, constantly dissatisfied with yourself and people. You are melancholic, you are in a bad mood very often.
    • You are proud, you have almost no inclination towards art.

    Determining character by handwriting: test

    We invite you to take a short test and determine what kind of handwriting you have.

    • Quickly write a sentence consisting of 8 words
    • Write the same sentence again, but very slowly
    • Draw a small animal
    • Without hesitation, draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper
    • Draw the road so that there is a direction arrow on it

    First, compare the first and second text. If they are very similar, then you easily react to changing circumstances. If they are different, then your mood often changes.

    • Round letters they say that you easily compromise. Angular letters- they say that you are rude and have strength of character.
    • In the image of the animal, pay special attention to the details: bows, mustaches. They usually talk about immaturity.
    • If in geometric figure There is angles, then you are not satisfied with your own realization of desires. Round figures characterized by developed willpower and the ability to see things through to the end.

    Video: Determining a person’s character by handwriting

    Graphology is a science that allows, through the analysis of handwriting, to learn a lot of information about a person. Knowledge of graphology can also be used like a lie detector to understand whether a person is telling the truth or not.

    Handwriting analysis with examples in graphology

    Thanks to numerous studies and generalization of information, experts were able to identify the most common handwritings.

    Handwriting option No. 1 and No. 2

    Such handwritings are most often found in teenage girls. Such people in life are focused on themselves and their feelings. They are stubborn and selfish, but this is mainly due to the desire to achieve independence. The authors of such handwritings also worry about their appearance and image.

    Handwriting option No. 3

    In graphology, analysis of this handwriting allows us to find out that its author often hides behind “masks” in life. Such people also have a calculating nature, so they successfully manipulate others, unnoticed by the victims themselves. The authors of this style live with stereotypes in mind.

    Handwriting option No. 4

    This handwriting is mainly characteristic of young women. They live with a constant sense of duty. Owners of this style are characterized by extreme self-criticism, and they are ready to make self-sacrifice in any situation.

    Handwriting option No. 5

    Graphological analysis of the handwriting suggests that it was written by adult woman. Such people experience and do not know how to express their own individuality. The owner of this handwriting is tense and incapable of spontaneous decisions.

    Handwriting option No. 6

    An analysis of the handwriting indicates that it was written by an emotional person who always tries to keep his own emotions under control. He is characterized by increased restraint and self-criticism. For the owner of this handwriting, respect and recognition from others is very important.

    Handwriting option No. 7

    A graphology specialist assures that the author of the handwriting is a man who likes to dominate in life. Character analysis based on handwriting allows you to find out that the author prefers to be a winner in life. Such people are poorly oriented in everyday life and like to talk a lot, but without hesitation they interrupt the interlocutor. A man does not think about the future, what is important to him is what is happening “here and now” and he is also prone to mood swings.

    Handwriting option No. 8

    Unusual handwriting, which indicates that its author is an individualist. He is characterized by a feeling of superiority. In relationships with other people, the author of the handwriting shows insensitivity. He often plays a role and tries to look smarter in the eyes of others.

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