• Equipment and design of the speech therapist's office. My assistant office "rechevechok" Center for the development of phonemic hearing


    Tatyana Golubeva

    Do you not live very well with sounds?

    You need help soon!

    Come to our log office -

    A speech therapist will help you!

    We don’t sit idle in the office:

    We hiss, buzz, growl,

    We divide words by syllables...

    We are not silent for a minute!

    In front of the mirror, not for the sake of beauty

    We spend so much time!

    There is a charger for skilled tongues:

    We “clack” and “start the engine”...

    Sadik had lunch. Sleeping soundly...

    The speech therapist does not sit idle!

    That's why we're always fine

    Documents, folders and notebooks!

    Passport of the speech therapy office

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The office of a speech therapist teacher is a structural unit of the methodological service of a preschool educational institution.

    1.2. The speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution is located in a room that meets pedagogical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive standards.

    1.3. The speech therapy room must be equipped program materials, educational visual aids, information resources and technical teaching aids.

    2. Goals and objectives

    2.1. The office of the teacher-speech therapist is opened in order to increase the effectiveness of correctional pedagogical impact and in accordance with program requirements for working with children with speech pathology.

    2.2. The main tasks of the office are to carry out correctional and developmental work (subgroup, individual).

    2.3. Organization of advisory and educational activities with teaching staff and parents.

    3.1. The office operates according to a plan agreed upon with the administration of the preschool educational institution.

    3.2. The office organizes frontal-subgroup and individual-subgroup classes.

    3.3. Consultations are organized for teachers of compensatory groups, a teacher-psychologist, a musical

    head, physical education instructor.

    3.4. Assistance is provided and consultations are provided for parents on issues of teaching and raising children with speech pathology.

    3.5. Methodological literature is being accumulated and summarized.

    3.6. Are being manufactured didactic games in accordance with program objectives.

    3.7. The necessary documentation is maintained.

    4. Material base

    4.1. Training equipment:

    4.2. Documentation:

    1. Work schedule with cyclogram (Approved by Head of preschool educational institution)

    2. Curriculum (Approved by Head of Preschool Educational Institution)

    3. List of group children

    4. Speech cards

    5. Individual work plan for the academic year

    6. Diagnostics (summary tables)

    7. GCD grid (Approved by Head of DOU)

    8. Long-term plan for frontal-subgroup speech therapy work (Approved by Head of Preschool Educational Institution)

    9. Individual notebooks for students

    10. Notebook of interaction with teachers

    11. Calendar plan speech therapy work

    12. Long-term plan for advisory activities

    13. Report of the teacher-speech therapist on correctional speech work (at the end of the school year)

    4.3. Programs:


    “Approximate adapted basic educational program for preschool children with severe speech impairments” edited by Professor L. V. Lopatina

    Work program of correctional and developmental education in a compensatory group for children with STD at school. (1st and 2nd year of study: senior and preparatory groups)


    Program of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children (Speech therapy work with children of levels 3, 4 speech development)/ed. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V.

    Nishcheva N.V. Program of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten for children with general underdevelopment speech (from 4 to 7 years)

    4.4. Speech Development Center

    1. Breathing simulators, toys, aids for breathing development (whistles, pipes, empty bottles, bubble and so on.)

    2. Card index of materials for automation and differentiation of sounds of late ontogenesis: whistling, hissing sounds, affricates, sonorant and iotated sounds (syllables, words, phrases, sentences, pure sayings, nursery rhymes).

    4. A card index of picture material for working on the syllabic structure of words of varying complexity.

    5. Subject pictures on lexical topics.

    6. Preposition schemes, games, story pictures to work on prepositions.

    7. Story pictures.

    8. Series of plot pictures.

    9. Schemes for describing objects.

    10. Lotto and other printed board games.

    11. Didactic games for the formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.

    12. Didactic games for developing skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    14. Handouts and material for frontal-subgroup work on developing skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    15. Cut and magnetic alphabet.

    16. Syllable tables, word cards.

    17. Masks, medallions for dramatization.

    18. A set of probes for producing sounds.

    19. Spatulas, nipples, cotton wool, cotton buds, gauze napkins.

    4.5. Center for Motor and Constructive Development

    1. Card files of articulatory gymnastics by different authors.

    3. Game "Grimassimus" ("School of Clowns") for the development of facial expressions.

    4. Planar images of objects and objects for tracing.

    5. Cut pictures.

    6. Puzzles.

    7. Cubes with pictures.

    8. Card index of graphic tasks for counting sticks, carpet grapher.

    9. “Tracks” for the development of graphomotor functions.

    10. Massage balls, massagers.

    11. Lacing toys.

    12. Mosaics and patterns for laying out patterns from them.

    13. Beads of different colors and sizes, fishing line for stringing them.

    14. Toys made from colorful clothespins.

    15. Card index finger games on lexical topics.

    16. Card file of physics minutes on lexical topics.

    17. Card file of physical minutes with prepositions.

    18. Card index of physical minutes “Alphabet”.

    4.6. Sensory Development Center

    1. Sounding toys (rattles, squeakers, whistles, pipes, bells, tambourine, drum, etc.)

    2. Sounding substitute toys.

    3. Small screen.

    5. Cards with superimposed and “noisy” images of objects on all lexical topics.

    6. Board and printed games for the development of visual perception and the prevention of disorders writing(“Recognize by the contour”, “Whose shadow?”, “What’s missing?”).

    7. Board and printed games for the development of color perception and color discrimination.

    8. Aids for developing tactile sensations

    9. “Magic bag” with small toys.

    10. Collapsible toys (matryoshka, pyramid)

    4.7. Card index of methodological literature

    A separate room is allocated for speech therapy classes. But not everyone knows how to formalize it correctly and what documentation is required. First of all, it is important to bring the premises provided for the speech therapy room into compliance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements. Another mandatory attribute is a sign on the door containing information about the specialist’s name and visiting hours. The speech therapy room should be aesthetically designed, but without unnecessary interior items, so as not to distract the attention of children during classes.


    Zoning the classroom will increase the effectiveness of correctional classes. The following layout is considered optimal:

    • Area for individual lessons. There, a speech therapist teaches each child individually. Mandatory equipment includes a table, chairs, and a wall mirror used to practice correct sound pronunciation.
    • Area for group classes. It should be larger, more spacious. It is important to have several desks, chairs, a chalkboard and individual mirrors.
    • Storage area for educational, methodological and teaching materials. A corner for placing cabinets, tables, shelves with various aids, illustrations for classes, didactic game diagrams, etc.
    • The workplace of a speech therapist teacher is designed so that the teacher feels comfortable working. Therefore it is necessary desk, chair, computer (laptop), printer.

    Passport of the speech therapy office

    When checking the work of a specialist, they pay attention not only to the quality of the classes, but also to how the workplace. Also, one of the assessment criteria is the ability to maintain documentation. One of the required documents is the passport of the speech therapy room according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What should be noted in it?

    • Rules for using the office.
    • Equipment.
    • Documentation.
    • Educational and methodological manuals.
    • Subject development environment.

    Terms of use

    • Wet cleaning of the premises should be carried out every day.
    • The office needs to be ventilated regularly.
    • Before each use, as well as after classes, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol.
    • At the end of the working day, you need to check whether the windows are closed and electrical appliances are turned off.


    So that the learning process brings positive result, the specialist must have everything necessary for the job. Therefore, there is a list of the main equipment of a speech therapy room:

    1. Desks and chairs - there should be enough for all children who are registered for classes. Furniture should be selected based on the height of students.
    2. Stands for pencils and pens - this will help teach children to keep their workspace clean.
    3. The magnetic board is located at the height level of the students.
    4. There are sufficient cabinets for manuals so that books and materials are not lying in visible places.
    5. Wall mirror for individual work - the optimal width is 50 cm, and the length is 100. It is best to place it near the window. But if this is not possible, you should place the mirror on any other wall, but with additional lighting.
    6. Individual mirrors, the size of which is 9 x 12 cm, in quantities corresponding to the number of children. Used during group classes.
    7. A table near the wall mirror, chairs for a speech therapist and a child to conduct individual lessons. In addition to additional lighting, local lighting is used.
    8. Set of speech therapy probes.
    9. Ethyl alcohol, cotton wool, bandage for cleaning instruments.
    10. Flannelograph, set of figures and pictures.
    11. Easel.
    12. Split alphabet.
    13. Visual material for examining the speech development of children, laid out in envelopes and stored in a special box.
    14. Illustrations of speech development, systematized by lexical topics.
    15. Teaching aids consisting of: symbol cards, cards with individual lessons, albums for correcting sound pronunciation.
    16. Speech games, various lottos.
    17. Educational and methodological literature.
    18. Towel, soap, wet wipes.

    Problems solved in a speech therapy room

    All of the above equipment is necessary to create optimal conditions in the classroom and help implement the following tasks:

    • comprehensive examination of children for psychomotor and speech development;
    • drawing up individual correction programs and long-term plan development for each student;
    • conducting consultations, individual, subgroup, group classes.

    Standardization educational process in the form of Federal State Educational Standards standards allows one to achieve good results. They list the necessary requirements for setting up a speech therapy room.


    The administration of the educational institution periodically carries out a verification analysis of the specialist’s work. Special attention deserves the paperwork of a speech therapist. The documents reflect the basics of correctional programs, work plans, and reports. This allows you to see the dynamics in learning, get acquainted with the composition of children attending speech therapy sessions. The list of mandatory documents for a speech therapist includes:

    1. Long-term plan for working with children for the school year.
    2. Calendar planning of training sessions.
    3. Speech card for each child with additional documents: referral to primary medical care, certificate from the pediatrician of the clinic, certificates from other specialists (ENT, ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychiatrist), characteristics from the teacher nursery group(if the child attended it).
    4. Notebook for individual work with children.
    5. Schedule of speech therapy classes.
    6. Plan for preparing the classroom for the new school year.
    7. Teacher self-education plan for the academic year.
    8. Instructions for safety and labor protection.
    9. Logs of attendance, consultations, primary diagnostics, PMPK conclusions, recording of children’s movements in the speech therapy group.
    10. Questionnaires for parents.

    What is needed to examine speech development

    Every speech therapist knows how to identify a child. To do this, the specialist must have all the necessary equipment. To consider all aspects of speech development, you will need:

    • Material for examining intelligence; in order to correctly construct correctional work, it is necessary to determine the child’s intellectual level. This will help you make a proper work plan for the academic year.
    • Materials for examining all aspects of speech development. These components include: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech.

    Subject development environment

    What is meant by this concept in a speech therapy room at a preschool educational institution? This is a creation necessary conditions for speech development. Therefore, the speech therapist’s office has all the necessary didactic games, visual materials For:

    • development of higher mental functions;
    • improving motor skills;
    • honing sound pronunciation;
    • formation of phonemic hearing and sound analysis;
    • preparation for school; formation of vocabulary (impressive and expressive): subject pictures for various lexical topics, word formation tasks, pictures for selecting antonyms and synonyms, plot pictures;
    • formation of coherent speech, its grammatical aspect.

    School speech therapist's office

    The requirements for a specialist’s workplace are the same as for preschool institutions. The speech therapy room at the school is equipped in accordance with safety requirements and sanitary and epidemiological standards. Also, the speech therapist teacher should have similar documentation, materials for examining speech development and the subject-development environment.


    The equipment of a speech therapist's workplace is slightly different from that of a preschool. This is due to the fact that the specifics of the work are slightly different: after all, in front of children school age Other educational goals are already being set:

    1. Desks, chairs according to the number of students.
    2. The chalkboard is located at the height level of first grade students. It is advisable to have a line on part of the board.
    3. Cabinets for educational and methodological literature, teaching aids, and visual materials.
    4. Wall and individual mirrors. The size and location requirements are the same as in
    5. A set of speech therapy probes, spatulas, accessories for their processing.
    6. A set of filmstrips with films, cartoons and other materials for the development of speech, acquaintance with the outside world and mathematical concepts.
    7. A screen for showing films, which should be folded up above the chalkboard when not in use.
    8. Wall mounted letters and syllabic table.
    9. Individual registers of letters and syllables for each student, sound analysis schemes.
    10. A table of uppercase and lowercase letters located above the board.
    11. Visual and illustrative material for examination and conducting classes.
    12. Sets of colored pens for each child.
    13. Didactic games.

    As you can see, the design of a school office is not much different from a preschool one. It is not advisable to hang a lot of pictures or toys on the walls - nothing should distract children from the educational process. You can make stands on which the rules of beautiful speech and the stages of speech development will be written.

    When choosing a stylish kindergarten or school, minimalism is encouraged. You can put several indoor plants. It is equally important to keep the workplace clean so that the office has a neat appearance. All items, cabinets and drawers must have labels on them that will make it clear what material is stored there. Also, the speech therapy room must have a first aid kit.

    In order to properly design the office, the speech therapist teacher should familiarize himself with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Then will be created comfortable conditions for conducting classes and activities of a specialist.

    Leitmotif Every morning I come to kindergarten and go into my office. My office is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate of which creates conditions for personal self-realization. I really like it, but I dream that someday it will be equipped with the latest technology... But that will come later. And now I’m walking down the corridor and catching the glances of my kids, so similar and at the same time so different. They are kind and sympathetic, with amazing eyes, catching my every move. They listen to my every word, copy my intonation. And then there are those who are quiet and withdrawn, scared and indifferent, but someday they will also want to communicate, talk about their toys and cartoons. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when you see the sparkle in the eyes of your kids. I'm ready to move mountains, throw away my bad mood and move forward. So, I am a speech therapist, or rather a speech therapist teacher. If you take it literally, I am a speech teacher. Or rather, the person who corrects this speech. Moreover, the correction occurs at the level of all speech units, starting with sound and ending with the sentence. The purpose of my activity is to promote the socialization of the child in society.

    I strive to be a close person, mentor and friend for my speech therapists, who will not only help correct existing speech disorders, but will also be able to find the “pearl” in every “shell”, teach them to work with full dedication, rejoice in victories and sympathize with each other in failures. Therefore, I build relationships with children on trust, respect, exactingness and fairness. The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. It accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture interpersonal relationships, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness, and a sense of humor also helps me a lot in my work. I consider myself a competent specialist who knows not only traditional, but also non-traditional forms of conducting classes, and effectively uses health-saving technologies. Speech therapy intervention based on psychophysical and individual characteristics students allows me to achieve high results. The main thing in speech therapy is that my work is result-oriented. And I not only teach the child to speak, but also restore his self-confidence. This is why speech therapists have very high job satisfaction. Seneca said: “By teaching others, we teach ourselves.” I am happy because I have the opportunity to explore the world again and again. I'm happy because I give away the warmth of my soul. I'm happy because I see the results of my work. Priority areas of my work

    This is an important office. A speech therapist works here. Not everyone knows this word, but those who know respect it. This is also the place of the teacher. There are a lot of documents here. And here the child is accepted. This is where intelligence is determined. They will find without any doubt all speech disorders. They will find without any doubt all speech disorders. And once the diagnosis is ready, work is needed, in a word. And there is a moment, it is the most important. For everyone - their own program.

    Purpose of a speech therapy room Examination of children (clarification of the etiology of the mechanisms and symptoms of speech disorders) Development of articulation skills Corrective work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation Formation of grammatically correct speech Overcoming difficulties in pronunciation of complex words Formation of coherent speech Development of skills in sound analysis and synthesis Advisory and methodological activities for employees MBDOU and parents

    Objectives of the correctional educational process Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determination of the main directions of work with each pupil. Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social, personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determination of the main directions of work with each pupil Assessing the results of helping children and determining the degree of their speech readiness for schooling Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers of the team and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-development environment Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers of the team and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-development environment Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring quality of their speech work with children Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring the quality of their speech work with children Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs

    Methodological support for the speech therapy room I. Manuals and materials for exercises aimed at developing: thinking; different types memory; different types of attention; imagination and fantasy; visual perception; auditory perception; fine (fine) motor skills of the hands; physiological (diaphragmatic) breathing; sound pronunciations; as well as materials: on teaching literacy; to prevent dysgraphia; on the formation of vocabulary; on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; on the formation of coherent speech. 2. Systematized illustrative material, selected taking into account the passage of lexical topics: subject pictures; pictures with action; story pictures; series of pictures; pictures to compose descriptive stories; toys (soft, fur, wooden, plastic) for writing stories. 3. Card indexes: word games, game exercises; finger games; games for development communication skills; poems; nursery rhymes; riddles; pure and tongue twisters; texts for automation of the delivered sound (in a syllable, word, phrase, sentence, text); other.

    4. Entertaining material: anagrams, puzzles, charades, puzzles; mnemonic tables; 5. Technical means: tape recorder; audio recordings (street sounds, nature sounds, rain, wind, etc.); 6. Materials of children's speech creativity: stories, stories invented by children; magazines, fairy tales, poems are the result of children's creativity. 7. Diagnostic materials. 8. Methodological literature: comprehensive, correctional program; methods and technologies of developmental education at the choice of a speech therapist. 9. Creative materials teaching experience. Methodological support for speech therapy room

    1. systematic (the material is systematized, a cabinet passport has been drawn up listing all the material and equipment); 2. accessibility (visual and didactic material is selected taking into account age characteristics schoolchildren); 3. variability (visual didactic material and many manuals are multivariate and can be used in different activities V different options); 4. health protection (there is basic and additional lighting (above the individual mirror), a fire alarm is installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for eye exercises, the office is easily ventilated). When organizing the correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, I was guided by the following principles:

    Exclusive author's poems How difficult it is to be a teacher, believe me, friends. I love my profession, I’ll tell you honestly. Every day in the cold and heat I rush to my favorite garden. I have been greeted by children for many years in a row. I play sounds for the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days pass, years fly by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that the kids always get an A grade at school. Believe me, friends, how difficult it is to be a teacher. I love my profession, I’ll tell you honestly. Every day in the cold and heat I rush to my favorite garden. I have been greeted by children for many years in a row. I play sounds for the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days pass, years fly by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that the kids always get an A grade at school.

    Exclusive author's poems I am a teacher - speech therapist Well, I'll tell you a secret. I like to say to kids, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lev suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that Leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth. Leva is trying so hard. And admire Leva’s sounds. He began to speak beautifully to everyone's surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about it. I'm a teacher - speech therapist. Well, I'll tell you a secret. I like to say to kids, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lev suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that Leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth. Leva is trying so hard. And admire Leva’s sounds. He began to speak beautifully to everyone's surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about it.

    Exclusive author's poems There are many professions on earth I will tell you, friends, But everyone is more important and dearer My profession I am a speech therapist, everyone needs me I am a doctor of sounds, words I will always come to help I am ready as a soldier. Always ready, ready everywhere Like the sun to shine Ready to help the guys Speak beautifully Let the sounds flow like a stream Along the ringing pebbles Let joy bring Every day Giving hope to everyone I love to help people I’ll tell you without hiding I’m proud of myself, of my work My family is proud of me!

    Hello my curious ones. My name is Elena and I am glad to welcome you to my portal. I’ll tell you a little about myself and what interesting things you will find here.

    I am a speech therapist by training, primary school teacher, I have a specialization in psychology. I have been working with children for more than 20 years, conducting face-to-face and online classes. From my practice, I can say that a speech therapist has much more tasks than just teaching a child to speak competently.

    A child's speech depends on large quantity associated factors, and the first assistant in their constant training is the parent. Any specialist of my profile will confirm this idea. To make it easy and understandable for mom to build correct communication With my baby I created “Logosad”.

    In this project, all the important information about children's speech is laid out on the shelves.

    Imagine that you and your baby are in a kindergarten with a speech therapy focus, there is only one child in the group, and the loving teacher is you. Of course, in such conditions the little one will speak quickly and competently. I have the role of advisor in this garden. I will tell you which group is best to start classes in, I will rejoice at your successes and achievements, I will carefully correct you if something goes wrong, and I will be in touch throughout the classes.

    This is what “Logosadik” is, only everything I talked about takes place online except for your classes with your baby. This project works all year round. Children from different parts of our planet study there.

    There are only two conditions for participation:

    1. you must have Internet access;
    2. and the desire to help the baby master his native language.

    * In all groups, classes await you and your child, each of which will take 20-30 minutes a day. For - 12 lessons - this is the most junior group for non-verbal children and those just starting to speak.
    * Exercises can be done at home, on a walk or while traveling.
    * There is no need to buy additional educational toys; use your imagination and find a replacement for them among those you already have.

    In “Logosadik” there is one very important one, where children from 1.5 years old study. We start the speech competently with them and their parents. From the very first words, children speak more accurately, their attention and memory develop better, and during classes, adults understand how to properly structure their communication with the child so that he understands what is said. During and after classes, children actively add new words to their speech and listen with curiosity to what others say.

    I think any support should be timely. This rule also applies to children’s speech. It’s great when parents help from the very first steps, then the child learns new skills more easily and moves more confidently to the next stages of development, communicates freely with others and chooses any activities and professions in life.

    All activities and games in “Logosadik” are multifaceted and reveal to the child new world, in which he will listen and learn, learn to pronounce sounds correctly, make sentences, expand his vocabulary and find interesting solutions to the problems assigned to him.

    Browse the site, read useful articles and come to Logosadik. See you soon!

    Speech development- one of the main conditions for the full formation of a child’s personality. A speech therapist plays an important role in correcting speech deficiencies. Its task is to differentiate the diagnosis of speech disorders and carry out corrective measures in order to improve the child’s speech skills.

    Research shows that most preschoolers have poor communication skills or have a very poor vocabulary. Due to this modern speech therapist teacher's office must be equipped with everything necessary to create a favorable speech environment that promotes the successful development of monologue speech.

    Purpose of classes in a speech therapy room

    • Improving facial muscles. Helps normalize the performance of facial muscle tissue.
    • Improving speech skills. Helps stabilize the functioning of the respiratory and vocal speech apparatus and their coordination.
    • Removing psychological barriers. Helps improve cognitive mental processes aimed at improving speech in a child.

    In modern children's private and public educational institutions The speech therapy room plays an important role in the formation and improvement of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech. Classes with a specialist help consolidate and expand the vocabulary in lexical areas, intensify the use of proposed constructions and word formation skills.

    Leading areas of the speech therapist's office in a preschool educational institution

    • Consulting teachers and psychologists on the most effective teaching of children who have any difficulties with pronunciation.
    • Analysis of speech defects in children for the purpose of selecting an individual training program.
    • Creation of a correctional development base to correct existing violations.

    Design of a speech therapist's office in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, it should include a diagnostic area, sound correction and play therapy. The main task- help children acquire coherent speech skills with the help of various teaching aids and well-chosen games.

    Important requirements for a speech therapist's office

    • Availability of advanced technical devices. Implementation modern interactive devices is the most important condition for organizing the educational process. After all, it ensures prompt processing of the issued information without wasting time.
    • No distractions. The office should look strict, but at the same time beautiful and cozy, nothing should distract from classes or cause discomfort. Everything around should create a positive, working mood in the child.
    • Time spending. The specialist is prohibited from independently extending the duration of classes with children and making various reductions between them.

    The school speech therapist's office must also comply with approved sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

    Manuals and devices for a speech therapist’s office according to the Federal State Educational Standard

    • To form sound pronunciation. A set of publications for working with speech breathing, various inflatable toys, special albums for differentiating sounds.
    • To study literacy. Various alphabets, diagrams and images for studying sentences, interactive sensory complex "Wunderkind" for mastering computer literacy.
    • For the development of phonemic awareness and sound. Signal circles for learning sounds, aids for establishing the sound in certain words, special pictures, modern interactive whiteboards, for example, speech therapy complex it-YAGA.
    • To form coherent speech. Colorful plot images, sets of texts for retelling and various modern devices.
    • For the development of visual attention and memory. This includes a variety of game elements, prefabricated pictures and puzzles, as well as cut pictures of various configurations.

    A modern speech therapist’s office, in addition to visual teaching aids, must be equipped with furniture and specialized equipment, gaming devices, interactive whiteboards and screen-sound teaching aids.

    Properly equipped specialist office- This is a cross between a classroom and a children's playroom. Professionally equipped speech therapist's office will create the most productive atmosphere for individual and group classes in kindergartens and schools.

    Items for children's development

    • Mirrors. They help the child observe his own articulatory and facial movements, and promote the development of speech skills.
    • Tables with various items. All kinds of toys, differing in color, shape and weight, help develop tactile sensations.
    • Various pinwheels, soap bubbles. May be involved here various means for the development of speech breathing.
    • Modern interactive devices. Many software systems include games for logic, attention, coherent speech, sound pronunciation, and grammatical structure.

    Modern interactive complexes and electronic devices have recently become an integral part of the speech therapist’s office at school. They, in comparison with conventional subjects, help to significantly increase children’s interest in correctional classes and facilitate classes on lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

    Speech therapists will appreciate the convenience and usefulness of using such modern speech therapy complexes as "Prodigy" And IT-YAGA from ANRO technology, complete with which comes a huge set of specialized speech therapy games and tasks: from classes on breathing and air flow to games on the surrounding world and learning to read.

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