• Summary of educational activities on origami in a preparatory school group with general underdevelopment of speech “Gifts of Autumn (vegetables and fruits).” Paper construction in the senior group


    Elena Bondareva
    Summary of a design lesson in the preparatory school group “Harvest” (design by design)

    Educational area : "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical Culture".

    Educational activities: familiarization with the surroundings, design.

    Target: teach children design according to a model.



    To consolidate the signs of autumn,

    Expand children's knowledge about vegetables,

    Practice solving riddles about vegetables;


    Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination,

    Fine motor skills of fingers,

    Ability to work according to a model;


    Cultivate neatness

    Develop the ability to finish what you start.

    Preliminary work: conversations about fruits and berries, d/i “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”, d/i "The Fourth Wheel".

    Equipment: basket with fruits and berries (apple, pear, watermelon, currant, plum, orange, Lego.

    Handout: Lego.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Guys! It's a beautiful day! It's not so hot anymore. Tell me what time of year it is now?

    Children: Autumn.

    Educator: Why autumn? What signs of autumn do you know?

    Children: the leaves have changed their color, it rains often, a cold wind blows, it’s cold outside, the days have become shorter, birds are flying away to warmer climes. Educator: What gifts does autumn give us?

    (Children's answers.)

    Educator: Guys, in this basket I have something for you and to help you find out what’s there, I’ll tell you riddles?

    Riddles about fruits and berries:

    Same with a fist, a red barrel,

    Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet... (apple)

    Boxers know everything about her

    With her they develop their blow.

    Even though she's clumsy

    But it looks like a fruit (pear)

    He looks like a red ball

    Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

    It contains a useful vitamin -

    It's ripe (orange)

    Balls hang on the branches,

    Turned blue from the heat (plum).

    He sighs very heavily -

    So the poor thing got fat,

    What green vest

    I put it on myself with difficulty (watermelon)

    A lush bush of black berries -

    They taste good. (black currant).

    Educator: Guys, tell me in one word what’s in the basket?

    Children: fruits, berries.

    Educator: Where do you think fruits and berries grow?

    Children: In the garden.

    Educator: Here! You guys are so great! What time of year is it collected? harvest in the garden?

    Children: In autumn.

    Fizminutka « Harvest» :

    Let's go to the garden let's reap the harvest(walking).

    We'll drag carrots (dragged)

    And we'll dig up some potatoes (digging).

    We'll cut a head of cabbage (cut off)

    Round, juicy, very tasty (draw a circle with hands)

    Let's pick a little sorrel (tear)

    And let's go back along the path (walking).

    Educator: Guys, this year is very good harvest fruits and without your help we cannot cope with the cleaning. I offer you to help collect vegetable harvest. Let's go to the table. (Children sit at tables.)

    Educator: each of you can pick the fruits and berries that you love most. I suggest you think carefully and remember what this vegetable looks like (shape, color) and collect it from Lego constructor.

    Independent work of children. Help in case of difficulty.

    Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job. You got wonderful fruits and berries, just like the real thing.

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of an integrated lesson on familiarization with the environment and design in a preparatory group for school with mental retardation Topic: “Vegetables” Purpose: summarizing children’s existing knowledge about vegetables. Objectives: Educational area " Cognitive development» 1. Fasten.

    Abstract of GCD for designing from paper according to the plan “The Fairytale City of King Guidon” Abstract of the GCD for designing from paper (according to the plan) “The Fairytale City of King Guidon” (Making a desktop model of an architectural model.

    Goal: To teach children to construct crafts from natural material. Objectives: - In the process of work, develop children's attention, creativity.

    Abstract of the GCD for constructing the “Temperem for Santa Claus” in the preparatory school group Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 1" in the city of Kostroma. The topic is directly organized.

    Summary of GCD for design in the preparatory school group “Let's build a house” Notes on design in a preparatory school group. Goal: 1. Learn to see the appearance of your street, village. See the peculiarities of buildings.

    Goal: develop creative thinking children, creative imagination, emotional responsiveness. Objectives: introduce new technology drawing.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    kindergarten combined type No. 226 “Kapitoshka”


    organized educational activities

    topic: "Vegetables"

    /school preparatory group/

    Prepared by:

    Alimova R.N.

    Ulyanovsk, 2015


    1 .Continue to teach children to use different-textured (corrugated) paper to make three-dimensional objects based on a plan - diagram.

    2 . To develop the ability to correlate color schemes with the content component of the activity.

    3. Develop the ability to plan your activities by selecting necessary materials using blanks.

    Material and equipment:corrugated paper, blanks with a sheet outline, glue - pencil, scissors, stroke, plan - diagram of the sequence of making a vegetable, disk by Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov No. 6

    Teacher training:

    Acquaintance with manufacturing technology, watching video materials;

    Making a diagram;

    Preparation of materials and equipment;

    Memorizing poems about vegetables with children using diagrams.

    Selection of background music and musical physical education

    V. - Dear guys! Remember the poem about vegetables that we taught.

    (children recite Tuwim’s poem “Vegetables”)

    D. - The hostess came from the market one day.

    The hostess brought home from the market:

    Potatoes, cabbage, peas,

    Parsley and beets. Oh!...

    Here the vegetables started an argument on the table -

    Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

    Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas

    Parsley or beets. Oh!...

    Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

    And with this knife she began to chop:

    Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

    Parsley and beets. Oh!...

    Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

    Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

    Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

    Parsley and beets. Oh!...

    And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

    V. - Well done, you remembered it well.

    V. - And now I want to invite you to make vegetables with your own hands from paper.

    I offer you unusual paper - corrugated. Look at it, pick it up, feel it, pull it slightly. This property of paper will be useful to us when making crafts.

    D. - feel, stroke and pull the paper.

    V. - As a result of the work, you should get the following vegetables - radishes, beets and turnips.

    Let's look at them, what color are they, what shape is the vegetable, what kind of leaves does it have, what do they feel like?

    D. - For example, radishes are red, round shape with a pointed tail, green leaves of an elongated shape; if you stroke it, it is smooth.

    How to make these vegetables?

    And the diagrams that helped us learn poetry will help us in this difficult task.

    V. - Look at the first picture - this is all you need for work. Name it.

    D. – Corrugated paper, glue, scissors, napkin, flagella.

    V. - Second picture - we make a lump (ball) out of paper by crumpling it in our hands; this will be a preparation for a vegetable.

    Q. – Tell me what you see in the third picture?

    D. - Cut out the leaves with scissors and glue the flagella to the leaves.

    V. – That’s right, using scissors we cut out the vegetable leaves along the contour. You must cut two leaves and glue flagella to them so that the leaves are strong.

    V. – In the next picture we wrap the finished ball in colored paper. If the paper is red, it will be a radish; if the paper is burgundy, it will be beets; and if it is yellow, it will be a turnip.

    Then we make one end sharp by twisting the paper, and the other by pinching it with our fingers.

    V. – Now look at the next picture. What do you see?

    D. – We connect all the details.

    V. - Well done, we correctly connect the vegetable preparation, its two sheets using glue - a pencil.

    V. – If you do everything correctly, you will get radishes, turnips and beets like this.

    V. – Now let’s rest a little

    Physical education lesson “Gardeners”

    Ekaterina and Sergey Zheleznov “Music with Mom”

    Disc No. 6 song No. 52 - 53

    V. – Now I suggest you make your own vegetables for autumn holiday. Everything you need is in front of you. And the sequence of what follows what can be seen in the pictures. They will be your assistants and will always give you advice. You can start making crafts.

    The music plays, the children do their work, the teacher helps.

    V.- Everyone turned out to be wonderful vegetables, let’s take a look and say who got the best one.

    Danil, which craft did you like best? Why?

    D. – I liked Nastya’s radish because she chose the right color and made the ends correctly (one is sharp, the other is not). The craft is made very neatly and beautifully.

    V.- Now let’s put all the vegetables in a basket for our autumn holiday.

    Municipal budget preschool educational institution

    Combined kindergarten No. 125 "Rostochek"

    Summary of educational activities on origami in preparatoryto school group with general underdevelopment speeches

    “Gifts of Autumn” (vegetables and fruits)



    Fedulova Galina Aleksandrovna

    Tolyatti 2015Summary of educational activities on origami in a preparatory school group with general underdevelopment of speech “Gifts of Autumn” - (vegetables and fruits).Tasks: To develop in children the ability to correctly fold paper, work with scissors and glue; Develop the ability to work accurately.Promote the development of small arm muscles.Cultivate interest in paper plastic.Reinforce the concepts of “sound” and “word”. Differentiation of these concepts.Equipment and material: Dummy vegetables, fruits, berries, baskets 3 pcs.; subject pictures- berries, sheets of paper according to the color of vegetables and fruits 10x10. Collaborative Activity Builder Finger game:"Fingers say hello."

    Teacher: - Today we will talk about vegetables and fruits and I suggest you do a facial exercise: Say:Teacher: - What do vegetables grow from?Teacher: -I turn you into small vegetable seeds. Squat down. The warm sun warmed the seeds, and the rain poured down. The seeds grew and grew and became plants.The sun was very hot, our plants withered... Suddenly it began to rain, the plants came to life and reached for the sun. Wonderful vegetables grew in the garden.Teacher: Guys, where do vegetables grow?Name the vegetables that you know? Show me the fatty vegetablesAnd now skinny vegetablesTeacher:- Get your hands ready, let's play. I'll call different words, and you clap your hands when you hear the name of the vegetables. (desk, radish, turnip, pen, cucumber, tomato, hat, etc.). Well done! It works out very well.DO YOU like bananas? oranges? pineapples ? Name them in one word.Now let's remember the name of the fruits that I haven't named yet.Di. "Find and Decompose" Guys, look what a big harvest we have reaped. Our task is to sort through the entire harvest and put it into baskets by color.In the left basket only orange vegetables and fruits,to the right, only red and pink.and in the basket in the middle, only green ones.The teacher checks the assignment.

    Before the start of the lesson, children perform finger exercises.

    Children accept the teacher's offer.

    Vegetables grow from seeds.

    the children rise slowly.Slowly raise your hands up, the plants reach towards the sun. Tighten your arms and fingers.Drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down to the floor.the children sit down.

    In the garden, in the ground.Carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. puff out your cheeks. suck in your cheeks)


    These are fruits. (apple, pear peach, apricot, avacado, etc.)children collect the harvest in baskets to the music.

    The teacher offers to rest.Physical education minute."IN THE GARDEN" The children walked, walked, walked( children walk in place) They went into the garden.They found cabbage (they bent down and picked vegetables)We found cucumbers, collected all the tomatoes, Found zucchini Everything was put in basketsAnd we went home ( walking in place) Teacher- Guess and repeat the pure sayings.Or-or-or - they picked the red one………Jean-jan-jan - lying in the garden bed.......Ets-ets-ets – we ate delicious…………Ok-ok-ok, we brought a lot……..An-an-an- I bought……….-Teacher: - What were the pure talk about?-Teacher: Guess riddles and answers are on your tables.They look like cucumbers
    They only grow in ligaments,
    And these fruits for breakfast
    They serve the monkeys. (bananas)Red, kids, but not poppy.
    In the garden - not beetroot.
    Juicy tasty sir.
    Did you guess it? (Tomato) Even though he didn’t see the ink,
    Suddenly turned purple
    They love vegetables Vanya, Jean...
    So this is... (Eggplant)It happens, children, different -
    Yellow, grass and red.
    Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,
    You need to know his habits.
    And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
    Did you guess it? This is... (pepper)
    Round, rosy,
    I'm growing on a branch.
    Adults love me
    And little children.
    Teacher: What were the riddles?Teacher: - Who can tell me what is on your tables?Teacher: -What do you need to take for work?Teacher: - I suggest you do the work yourself, looking at the diagram.Teacher: - And now I suggest placing your crafts on a plate and in a vase. Methods and techniques:- artistic word;- didactic games; - mimic game; - pure talk; - finger game; - physical education minute; - surprise moment;

    pepper apple banana tomato eggplant

    List of used literature

    1. N.B. Ryabko. Classes on visual arts preschooler - Paper plastic. Pedagogical Society of Russia Moscow, 2009

    2.I.V.Novikov. Paper construction in kindergarten. Yaroslavl Development Academy, 2006

    Materials used and Internet resources

    1.http://tvoyrebenok.ru/origami.shtml(operational diagrams) 1 part.
    Educator: Guys, a letter has arrived to our kindergarten, from the land of fairy tales. Kolobok writes to us. Do you want to know what's in the letter? The teacher reads the letter:
    Trouble happened in a fairy tale!
    The animals disappeared and scattered in all directions.
    Help! Return the little animals to the fairy tale, I, Kolobok, sent you a hint."
    Educator: Do you want to help the animals? Do you know in which fairy tale the disaster happened?
    Children: No!
    Educator: We have to find out. Today you and I will conduct an investigation like detectives: solve riddles, think, search. Let's remember the Russians folk tales, where the main characters are animals.
    Exercise “Name a fairy tale”
    Children: “Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.
    Educator: You named a lot of fairy tales, but it’s not clear which of them had trouble? We need to get to the land of fairy tales, and a hint, a magic map sent by Kolobok, will help us with this.
    We take the card out of the envelope and examine it on the table.
    Educator: What do you see on the map? Children: Numbers, pictures, directions. Children name numbers. Educator: What number should we start the search with?
    They look around, looking for the first symbol in the group.
    “Magic Stone” and the inscription “Land of Fairy Tales”. Nearby there is an inscription and arrows indicating “right” and “left”.
    Educator: This is - magic stone, which opens the way to the land of fairy tales. If we do right choice- let's find ourselves in the land of fairy tales. Listen carefully to what is written here.
    “If you go to the left, you will lose everything and disappear yourself.
    If you go to the right, you will find what you are looking for!”
    Part 2.
    Go right, find the second symbol. A chest with the number 2 on it.
    Educator: This is a fabulous chest with riddles. Let's open it. The one who solves the riddle will take a picture of his hero.
    1. Small stature,
    A long tail.
    Collects crumbs
    Hiding from the cat. (Mouse)
    2. White in winter,
    Gray in summer.
    Doesn't offend anyone
    And he himself is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
    3. Prowls through the forest day and night.
    Searches for prey day and night.
    He walks and wanders silently.
    The ears are gray and erect. (Wolf)
    4. A cunning cheat,
    Red head.
    Fluffy tail is beautiful,
    Who is this? (Fox)
    5. Who lives in the deep forest,
    Clumsy, clubfooted.
    In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
    And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)
    Educator: Now guys, put the pictures on the table. What fairy tale do you think these animals are from?
    The children answer. "Kolobok" "Teremok". (If “Teremok”, why is there no frog)
    Educator: It’s not clear, which fairy tale is in trouble? What is the next number on the card? They go further, find the number three and an envelope with an assignment from “Kolobok”.
    Game "What's extra"
    Four pictures with the plot of the fairy tale “Kolobok” and one “Teremok”.
    The teacher lays out the pictures on the table and looks at them with the children.
    Educator: Find the extra picture. Why is she redundant? Now, can you tell me, in which fairy tale did the disaster happen? You speak somewhat uncertainly. Listen to the hint:
    Once upon a time in a dense forest
    A house grew up under a bush.
    What kind of miracle house is this?
    Animals settled in it.
    The mouse and the bunny are happy,
    And the fox, the top is happy.
    This is a fairy tale (Teremok).
    We identified a fairy tale in which trouble happened. There is only one problem left: how to return the animals to the fairy tale? Let's look at the Kolobok map. Number 4 is the hint symbol “Forest Workshop”. The children look around and find the Forest Workshop.
    Part 3.
    Educator: This is the “Forest Workshop”. But there is no master. Look, there are “animal heads” blanks, but no body. We will make the body. Sit down at the tables. Let's get our fingers ready for work.
    Finger game
    I have ten fingers (show fingers)
    How much can I do!
    If you want, I’ll show you (fingers open, turn your hands, towards you, away from you)
    And I’ll tell you about it.
    I can clench my fists (we clench and unclench our fists)
    And then open them,
    I can intertwine, (we interlace our fingers, clasp our hands together)
    Or I can hide them (put them behind my back)
    I can fly (lift up, bend and straighten my hands)
    And then fall (down and shake your tassels)
    And then I’ll fold it quietly (we fold our hands on our knees in a boat, putting one into the other) On my knees, like a kitten.
    Educator: What is on the table? (paper - according to the color of the animals, glue)
    We will assemble the figurine of the body according to the master’s model. "Orchard".

    Program content:

    1. Introduce children to paper of different qualities for different purposes.
    2. Conduct experiments with different types of paper and find out how the properties of each of them are related to the use of this material.
    3. Enrich the child's sensory skills.
    4. Strengthen children's ability to crumple paper.
    5. Development of attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, spatial imagination.
    6. Development fine motor skills hands
    7. Development of artistic taste, creativity and children's imagination and curiosity.
    8. Expand children's life experiences.
    9. Expand communication skills children.

    Materials: napkins, writing paper, drawing paper, cardboard, colored squares, containers with water, scissors for each child, drawing of a tree, glue.

    Preliminary work:

    Pay attention to paper in everyday life.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1 part.

    Guys, today in our kindergarten, a package arrived in our group from a dragon from a paper country. Let's see what's in it. (The teacher opens the parcel, there are different types papers and letters).

    Let's read the letter first:

    "Dear Guys! I couldn't come to visit you, but I sent you different types of paper. I really want you to continue experimenting with paper and learn the properties different types paper. And the inhabitants of the paper country ask you to decorate this tree.

    Thank you,

    Your little dragon."

    Children look at different types of paper and touch it.

    What do all types of paper have in common? What is the difference? Preschoolers themselves suggest ways to test the properties of paper.

    Then a series of experiments is carried out:

    Children fold different types of paper (napkin paper folds easier and can be folded more times than other types; drawing paper is difficult to fold);

    Pieces of paper are crumpled (which one is easier to crumple? Compare what happens);

    Pieces of paper are dipped into a bowl of water (which one gets wet faster?);

    The task is given to tear the squares from different paper(in which case do you need to make more efforts?);

    The paper is cut with scissors;

    You need to throw squares of the same size (which one falls faster and why?);

    You should blow on small pieces of different paper (which one is lighter?).

    Well done boys. We conducted various experiments with you and learned a lot of interesting things about paper.

    The teacher concludes that paper varies in quality, purpose, and properties; paper is a fragile material: it tears easily, wrinkles, and gets wet.

    Part 2.

    Let's now see what else is in the package?

    Children take out colored squares and a drawing of a tree.

    Guys, how are we going to decorate the tree for the residents of the paper country? (children offer their options).

    You already know how to crumple paper. Let's roll colored balls.

    What are they like? (for fruits).

    What fruit do your balls resemble?

    Children identify the resulting fruits. Someone got a pear, an orange, an apple, etc.

    Well done, you are very observant. Now let's glue these fruits onto this tree.

    Part 3.

    Children glue fruits.

    Guys, look at the tree we got (photo 2). Various fruits hang on one tree: “Miracle Tree.” Residents of the paper country will be very happy.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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