• Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and graphomotor skills in children of the sixth year of life with general speech underdevelopment and musculoskeletal disorders. Lexical topic: “Winter


    Abstract speech therapy session V senior group on the topic " Winter fun»

    Objectives: Correctional educational objectives:

    Consolidating the idea of ​​winter and its signs

    Activation and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Winter”, “Winter fun”

    Development of linguistic sense through the formation of related words

    Forming nouns and adjectives using diminutives suffixes);

    Development of coherent speech, practice composing complex sentences with the conjunction A

    Enrich your vocabulary.

    Corrective and developmental tasks:

    Development of visual and auditory attention and memory, sense of rhyme, visual perception and attention, logical thinking.

    Develop fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, smoothness and force of exhalation

    Develop speech breathing

    Development personal qualities: curiosity, activity, ability to apply acquired knowledge in independent activities, development of the ability for self-esteem and introspection, independence

    Development of dialogic speech

    Correctional and educational tasks:

    Develop memory; independence, confidence.

    Cultivating a sustainable interest in the activity, the desire for active activity, independence in decision making

    Formation of collective skills creative activity mutual understanding, goodwill, independence.

    Equipment: snowballs for throwing, snowballs of different sizes with written letters, snowflakes with pictures, pictures depicting children's fun in summer and winter, images of large and small snowmen, a riddle picture, snowflakes for breathing

    Progress of the lesson:

    I. Organizational moment.

    The speech therapist rings the bell to attract the children's attention.

    WITH Good morning! The day has begun!

    First of all, we drive away laziness!

    Don't yawn in class

    Nice, clear answer!

    Boys sit first, then girls.

    II. Main part:

    1. Message about the topic of the lesson:

    Like on a hill, on a mountain.

    In the wide yard,

    Some on sleds, some on skis,

    Who is higher, who is lower,

    Some are quieter, some are running,

    Some on ice, some on snow.

    Down the hill - wow, up the hill - wow!

    Bang! Breathtaking!

    What is this poem about? (This poem is about winter games, fun that children really love in winter)

    At what time of year can you ski down the mountain? (You can ride down the mountain in winter).

    What do you like to play in winter? (I love to play in the snow. I love to skate. I love to sled down the mountain).

    Guys, today we will talk to you about winter and winter fun.

    2. Conversation based on the picture:

    Look at the picture. What time of year does it depict? (The picture shows winter)

    How did you understand that the picture depicts winter? (There is snow, the children are dressed warmly, the river is frozen and covered with ice).

    What is the cost of the day? (The day is clear, winter, frosty, cold)

    Who is shown in the picture? (The picture shows children)

    Tell us what the children are doing? (Children make a snowman, sled, ski, skate, play snowballs)

    What do you think the mood of the children is? (The children's mood is cheerful, perky, joyful)

    How did the artist depict it? (The children smile and frolic. They have fun playing together.)

    3. Formation of qualitative adjectives. Game “Which one? Which?"

    Guys, now I will tell you the words, and you will have to name the signs of these objects or phenomena.

    Winter (what) (Cold, frosty, snowy, cheerful, joyful, long, icy)

    Snow (what) (White, fluffy, soft, clean, silver, sparkling)

    Frost (what kind) (Strong, angry, strong, weak, crackling, biting)

    “The autumn ship set sail,

    And the rivers were frozen in December.

    The calendar starts

    Month named January.

    A shawl curls in a white blizzard,

    February came covered in snow"

    They didn’t raise me - they made me out of snow.

    Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.

    The eyes are coals, the hands are knots.

    Cold big. Who am i? (Snowman)

    Exercise "Snowmen".

    The goal is to teach how to regulate muscle tone and facial muscles. The snowman enjoys the snow and frost. Puff out your cheeks and have a cheerful expression in your eyes.

    Sad snowman in spring. Move the corners of your lips down. Convey a sad look.

    The snowman saw an icicle. Stick your sharp tongue out of your mouth as far as possible and hold it in this position for 5 counts.

    The snowman loves to ride on an ice sled (we do the “Cup” exercise).

    A snowman rolled down a hill on an ice sled (exercise “Slide”).

    Winter fun (finger gymnastics)

    What do we like to do in winter? (claps hands)

    Play snowballs, run skiing (alternately connect the thumb

    with the others)

    Skating on ice,

    Race down the mountain on a sled

    Sculpt a snow woman

    Fun in winter! (bend and straighten palms)

    We don't want to go home! (claps hands)

    Physical education minute.

    Speech therapist: Children, all stand up in a circle,

    Start your physical education minute.

    (Children stand in a circle).

    “Winter has finally come, Children spread their arms to the sides

    The houses have become white, they fold their hands over their heads

    It's snowing outside, moving their hands from top to bottom

    A street cleaner sweeps the street, imitates

    We are sledding, squatting, arms extended forward

    We write circles on the skating rink, put our hands behind our backs, slowly spin

    We deftly ski, Imitate

    And we all play snowballs. Making and throwing snowballs

    Guess a riddle.

    Speech therapist: Winter is a frosty time, but it brings a lot of games, entertainment and fun to people. Now I’ll tell you riddles about winter fun, and you guess them.

    The speech therapist reads:

    My new friends are both brilliant and light,

    And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of the frost. (Skates)

    Two new two-meter maple soles:

    Put two feet on them - and run through the big snow. (Skis)

    Oh, it's snowing! I'm bringing out my friend horse.

    I lead the horse through the yard by a rope-bridle,

    I fly down the hill on it, and drag it back. (Sled)

    Who rushes quickly through the snow and isn’t afraid of falling through? (Skier)

    “Why is it called that?” Formation of complex words.

    Skater - runs on skates; luger - rides on a sled; skier - skiing; hockey player - plays hockey; figure skater - engages in figure skating.

    "One is many." Education plural IS in the genitive case.

    Skier - skiers - skiers, etc.

    "Check". Coordination of IS with numerals.

    One speed skater - two speed skaters - five speed skaters.

    One luger - two lugers - five lugers.

    One skier - two skiers - five skiers.

    One hockey player - two hockey players - five hockey players.

    One skater - two skaters - five skaters.

    "Who needs what." Use of the dative case IS.

    A hockey player needs a stick; Need skates...; sled - …; skis - …; washer - …

    “Correct the mistake.” Development logical thinking, auditory attention.

    A skier needs a stick. A skater needs skis. The luger needs skates. A hockey player needs a sled. In winter, children ski, bike, make a snow woman, jump rope, play hockey, football, sunbathe, and build a snow fort.

    “Finish the sentence.” Declension of IS in units. number.

    We decided to build a snowman. We attached a carrot nose to our... (snowman). We showed our neighbors our... (snowman).

    We played with... (snowman).

    We talked about...(snowman).

    Result: What great guys you are! We completed the tasks. What games did you like best?

    Nomination " Methodical work at preschool educational institution"

    The educational lesson was planned taking into account FGT and was conducted as a final lesson lexical topic"Winter" in the senior speech therapy group.

    The main part ends with a surprise from Mother Winter and moves into productive activity that continues for several days. Children practice making winter subject pictures from semolina, figurines of wild animals and trees cut out of colored paper.


      Expand children's understanding of characteristic features winter.

      Learn to find these signs yourself; teach to analyze, compare with signs of other seasons, and draw conclusions.

      Develop a cognitive interest in observing nature and experimenting; Creative skills in productive activities; coherent speech; muscles fine motor skills; aesthetic taste.

      Form life safety.

      Foster mutual assistance, friendliness, and tolerance.

    Planned results: children actively compare, draw conclusions, are interested in classification games, and compose complex sentences; actively observe natural objects, share stories from personal experience; measure the paths of other cars; with interest they create new paintings from semolina “Animals in the Forest”, “Night”, “Blizzard”; experiment with straws, blowing out new images of different configurations; children actively communicate, new sympathies are formed in the children's team.

    Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Reading", "Music", " Artistic creativity", "Socialization", "Communication", "Health", "Safety".

    Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, educational and research, musical and artistic, reading.

    Motivation: a winter picture appears in the group with a task from Mother Winter (if the children complete all the game tasks, she will teach them to draw in an interesting way).

    I. Now you will hear a story - a riddle. Try to guess what time of year we are talking about.

      Gray clouds stretched across the sky and let's cover the ground with white fluffy snow. The paths are white, thin ice the river covered itself, became silent, and fell asleep like in a fairy tale. The trees were dressed in snow coats and hats. The sun came out into the sky, the snowflakes sparkled, the children ran out on sleds and skated, played in the snow, and there was so much fun here, it was frosty - not frost.

    What time of year is the story about? How did you guess? What are these fur coats and hats on the trees?

    1. We know an interesting poem about winter (with movement). Can you help me tell it?

    Came, fell apart,
    In clumps, hung on the branches of oak trees,
    Lay down in wavy carpets
    Among the fields, around the hills... (A.S. Pushkin)

    - What kind of mischief is this Mother Winter? Let's play?

    2. Didactic game “Find the right picture.”

    Select pictures depicting what you think are Mother Winter’s pranks and place them on this table.

    White fluffy snow
    Spinning in the air
    And the ground is quiet
    Falls, lies down.
    Snow. (I. Surikov)

    Ride in the snow- I'll grow up.
    Heat it on the fire- I'll be lost.

    It grows upside down.
    It grows not in summer, but in winter.
    The sun will bake her-
    She will cry and die.

    The water turned to ice.
    Long-eared gray bunny
    Turned into a white bunny.
    The bear stopped roaring.
    A bear hibernated in the forest.
    Animals are preparing for winter.

    Transparent like glass
    Why don't you put it in the window?

    3. Conversation and experience.

    I would like to draw your attention to this prank of Mother Winter. Is there ice on the road? What it is? How do you think this word came about? Black ice - bare ice.

    It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,
    Because it's icy
    But it falls beautifully.
    Why isn't anyone happy?
    (V. Berestov)

    Is it difficult or easy to stop on an icy road? Why? Can you ride on asphalt? Why? Does the group have a smooth surface like ice? Linoleum, table... - smooth and easy to roll cars. On what surface do cars roll poorly? On the carpet. Why? Rough. Let's imagine the floor - ice, and the carpet - asphalt. Let's take the cars for a ride and measure their path (marking the braking distance of both cars on the diagram).

    Conclusion: on a smooth surface the path is longer.

    - Which road will we be safe on: on asphalt in summer or on icy winter?

    Conclusion: You must move carefully on a slippery surface and be sure to watch the traffic light.

    4. What picture is missing here? Let's play in the snowstorm.

    Everything is spinning faster
    White blizzard.
    Everything was covered with snow
    Yes, shiny silver.

    Breathing game “Blow a snowflake.”

    I draw the children’s attention to the remaining snowflakes.

    Why didn't they fly off? Does this happen in nature? If snowflakes get caught on each other, what happens? (Snowdrift).

    5. Psychological sketch “Snowdrift”. To the sounds of a snowstorm, children pretend to be a snowdrift: a snowdrift has grown, a snowdrift has melted.

    6. Imitation game “Skiers”.

    III. Productive activity: making a picture from semolina.

    And here is a surprise from Mother Winter (examination of semolina, materials for work). Do you want to learn how to create an unusual picture?

    The image in the painting may vary. It may have several names. We don't need paints, although it will be colored. We will paint with our hands, if necessary, we will use brushes, sticks, stacks and straws for blowing. Our painting will have one feature: it cannot be hung on the wall.

    Children create a picture to the music of “December” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

    Conclusion: This picture cannot be hung, because the grain images are crumbling.


      N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Complex classes.

      A.A.Vakhrushev, E.E.Kochemasova, Yu.A.Akimova, I.K.Belova. Hello world!

      G. Ladonshchikov. Winter pictures.

      Reader on children's literature.

    Integration of educational areas:“Socialization”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Music”.

    Target: speech development, formation of the sound side of speech

    Correctional educational tasks:

    • Clarify and expand your understanding of winter and its signs.
    • Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, compose sentences, select feature words and action words.
    • Improve the grammatical structure of speech, automate the sound [c], learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    Corrective and developmental tasks:

    • Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, fine and gross motor skills, breathing and correct speech exhalation, coordination of speech with movement.

    Correctional and educational tasks:

    • Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, nurturing a love of nature.

    Equipment: multimedia projector, computer with speakers, tape recorder, Snow Maiden costume, snowflakes, 2 chests, 2 snowdrifts, bell, didactic game“Mittens”, cut snowflake, napkins with images of snowflakes, snowballs, cards with images of the sun and clouds, plates for handouts, the melody “Silver Snowflakes”, accompanying presentation in Microsoft Office Power Point.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizational moment

    The speech therapist enters the group dressed as the Snow Maiden, meets the children and conducts a greeting ritual.

    I, the girl, am the Snow Maiden.

    My outfit is made of lace.

    I came to you guys

    In a wonderful kindergarten!

    Let's get acquainted.

    Show me your palms.

    My name is Margarita Sergeevna, what is your name?

    (children touch their palms and say their names).

    2. Main part.

    1. Transformation into snowflakes.

    - Well, here we are. Will you play with me?

    - Will you be my snowflakes?

    — I have a magic bell.

    Ring my bell,

    Turn everyone into snowflakes

    (children spin and turn into snowflakes).

    Today we will be helped by a computer and we will play with it, so we definitely need to do gymnastics for our eyes. Sit down near the screen.

    2. Gymnastics for the eyes.

    Blink your right eye, and now your left, and now close your eyes very, very tightly, open them. Look left and right without turning your head, and then up and down.

    3. Articulation gymnastics.

    Attention to the screen. (Slide No. 2)

    "Exercise Snowmen"

    1. The snowman rejoices in the snow and frost (smile, cheerful expression in his eyes).

    2. The snowman is sad (drop the corners of his lips down and convey a sad mood).

    4. Riddle

    And now, my children, guess the riddle.

    All made of snow alone,

    His nose is not ordinary,

    A little warmer will cry in an instant.

    Who is this? (snowman)

    Slide No. 3 (animated short film about a snowman).

    5. Conversation about winter.

    Slide No. 4 (image of nature in winter).

    The Snow Maiden asks the children questions:

    - What do you guys think, what time of year is it now?

    - How did you guess?

    — What winter months do you know?

    - Name the signs of winter.

    — What holidays do we celebrate in winter?

    — What winter fun do you know?

    — What do you like to play in winter?

    6. Exercise “Call me kindly”

    I call out a word, throw a snowball to one of you, and when you return the snowball to me, you call this word affectionately. For example: wind - breeze.

    Snow-..., icicle-..., sled-..., slide -..., frost-..., winter-..., cold-..., Snow Maiden-..., ice-...

    7. Exercise “Divide words into syllables”

    Get your hands ready, now we will find the best long word. To do this, we divide the words into syllables by clapping.

    snow, sleigh, traces, frost, so-sul-ka, snow-go-vik, snow-gu-roch-ka.

    What was the longest word? (Snow Maiden).

    8. Speech game with the word snow “Say the word” (Slides No. 5-13)

    Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, snow falls to the ground.

    Fluffs, silver...snowflakes keep flying from the sky.

    On the path to the meadow, a snowball is quietly falling.

    This is fun for the guys, the snow is getting stronger and stronger.

    Everyone is running a race, everyone wants to play... snowballs.

    It’s like... a snowman dressed up in a white down jacket.

    Nearby there is a snowy figure - this is a girl... Snow Maiden.

    In the snow, look, with a red breast... bullfinches.

    As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, the entire Earth was decorated with... snow.

    9. Dance “Silver Snowflakes”.

    Come out all the snowflakes to me. We are going to dance. Take two snowflakes. Children dance the snowflake dance with the Snow Maiden.

    10. Motor exercise “Snowdrift”.

    The snow is spinning, the snow is spinning,

    Snow, snow, snow,

    Animals and birds are happy about the snow,

    And the guys most of all!

    Here are the snowflakes flying,

    Spun and fell!

    Janitor, janitor, help!

    Run for the shovel!

    The janitor quickly ran up

    I collected snow with a shovel.

    That snowdrift stood in its place.

    Snowy snowdrift, magical.

    Ring our bell,

    Show me what’s in the snowdrift...

    (The Snow Maiden removes the snowdrift, and there is a chest, in the chest there are napkins with the image of snowflakes).

    11. Logorhythmic game “My Snowball”.

    I'm playing with a napkin

    And I collect it into a ball,

    One more time, just one more time!

    It turns out... snowball!

    We'll take the snow now,

    Let's play, my friend!

    12. Breathing exercise"Snowflake".

    And now we will blow correctly. Do you know how? We take in air through the nose and exhale through the mouth, sponges into the tube.

    A weak breeze blew and a snowball flew towards you. Let's have a real snowfall. One, two, three, let's blow...

    Now warm your hands with warm air, blow on your palms.

    13. Exercise “Decorate a mitten for the Snowman” (Slide No. 14).

    (Children take mittens of different colors, find a pair and go to the tables)

    14. Finger gymnastics“We went for a walk in the yard.”

    One two three four five.

    We went for a walk in the yard.

    They sculpted a snow woman,

    The birds were fed crumbs,

    Then we rode down the hill,

    And they were also lying in the snow,

    Everyone came home covered in snow,

    We ate soup and went to bed.

    Now decorate your mittens with the same pattern.

    15. Exercise “Collect a Snowflake” (Slide No. 15).

    - Oh, guys, my snowflake crumbled. Can you help me put it together?

    Children help collect a picture of a snowflake on the carpet.

    3. Bottom line.

    - Look, guys, and another snowdrift has appeared nearby.

    For it to melt you need to answer the question:

    Did you enjoy playing with me? What did you enjoy playing the most?

    What's your mood? Take the sunshine if you liked playing, the cloud if you didn’t. And put them around the snowdrift.

    Ring our bell,

    Show me what's in the snowdrift.

    (The Snow Maiden removes the snowdrift, and there is a chest with gifts for the children).

    I really enjoyed playing with you. These are gifts for you and your friends in the group from Snegurochka. I will definitely come to visit you again.


    Presentation Notes: Slide No. 13 - sound film; Slides No. 14, No. 15 are used as a hint for students; they can be turned on after completing the task to check the correctness of completion.

    Goals: Formation of lexical and grammatical categories and graphomotor skills.

    • Strengthen ideas about winter and its signs.
    • Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.
    • Practice forming nouns with diminutive suffixes; in the formation of the plural of nouns; in the formation of relative adjectives; in the selection of words-actions and words-attributes to the word-subject; in making simple sentences.
    • Learn to coordinate the word with the movement.
    • Develop visual attention, thinking, fine and gross motor skills, grapho-motor skills.
    • Develop the ability to listen to comrades and answer questions in complete sentences.

    Dictionary: winter, December, January, February, snow, frost, ice, hoarfrost, sky, stars, moon, day, night, ice, patterns, fringe, snowflakes, snowman, skis, sleds, skates, snowballs, birds, animals, winter hut, feeder, clothing, snowfall, drifts, blizzard, storm, blizzard, blizzard, cold, rivers, lakes, flakes, fun, cold;

    frosty, cold, harsh, fierce, blizzard, icy, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling, loose, slippery;

    sweeps, blows, howls, falls, spins, flies, freezes, howls, cleans, rake, slides, creaks, sparkles.

    Equipment: Toys (Lilu doll - popuas), subject pictures, pencils, colored pencils, handout cards.

    Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations about winter, guessing winter-themed riddles, talking about paintings with winter landscapes.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment

    Speech therapist: Today we have a guest in class - a girl Lilu from hot Africa. There is never winter or snow there. Let's tell her about winter and show her pictures, and then play games. Lilu brought us a letter, but she can’t understand what it says.

    2. Game “Letter from Mother Winter”

    Speech therapist: It was Mother Winter who sent you a letter and asks you to tell:

    What and why happens in winter;

    Do you know the signs of Mother Winter?

    Meet winter and winter and answer quickly:

    What day? (Short.) What’s the night like? (Long.) What always happens in winter? (Snow.)

    Who doesn't sing on the branches? (Birds.) Why is it snowing? (Freezing.)

    And the trees look bare? (The leaves have flown off.)

    Who sleeps in the forest until spring? (Bear, hedgehog, badger.)

    What is the river covered with? (Ice.) And what clouds? (Snowy, heavy.)

    How do people dress? (People wear warm clothes winter clothes and shoes.)

    How do children have fun? (Children sled, skate, ski, build a snowman and play snowballs.)

    3. (demo table )

    Children come up to the board and look at the picture.

    Speech therapist: Give an answer about the picture: is everything here true or not?

    Who is upset here, who is afraid, who is surprised, who is having fun?

    Children's answers: The girl is having fun - she is skating.

    The boy is having fun - he is rolling a snowball and making a snowman.

    The bear sleeps in winter and does not collect flowers. (Does not happen.) etc.

    4. Physical exercise “Winter”

    The speech therapist and the children recite the text and perform the movements.

    Speech therapist: Let's imagine that we went out onto a snowy path and warmed up.

    We'll warm up a little

    We will clap our hands

    Let's stamp our feet

    And let's give ourselves a pat.

    5. Game “Winter fun with winter words”

    Speech therapist: Rather call all subjects winter,

    Play games with these words.

    Game "Greedy"

    Game "One - Many"

    Game “Name it kindly”

    Game "What's Missing"

    Game "On the contrary"

    Game “Hide the syllables in your palms.”

    The speech therapist starts the game:

    I'll drive now

    Say the words out loud

    The word needs to be repeated

    And divide it into parts.

    The speech therapist pronounces words (lexical material on the topic “Winter”), and the children divide the words into syllables by clapping their hands.

    6. Game "Circle the snowdrifts"(handout cards)

    Speech therapist: Guys, look at the snowdrifts the blizzard has made. Let's circle them.

    Draw a line without interruption

    Quickly circle all the snowdrifts.

    (Children draw a line with a blue pencil.)

    7. Game “Snow Page”

    Speech therapist: Look at the picture on the board. And name all the snow pictures and explain.

    Why did you choose this picture?

    Find objects made of snow

    And circle with a pointer.

    (Snowball, snowman, snowy (slide),

    Snow Maiden, snow... (cloud)...)

    8. Game “What kind of snow is there?”(handout cards )

    Speech therapist: Tell Lil about the snow.

    Which does it snow? Say it slowly.

    And for every sign color the triangle.

    Children receive cards and name the attribute words, and then color the triangle on their card with a colored pencil.

    Sign words: light, white, fluffy, sparkling, shiny, loose, dense, sticky, crumbly...

    9. Game “We walk - we call actions” ( handout cards for task 7, 8)

    Children name action words and circle the arrow with a blue pencil.

    Speech therapist: What does snow do? Try to say

    Follow all action arrows.

    Action words: goes, flies, pours, lies down, falls, spins, creaks, melts, sticks, molds...

    10. Game “Complete the snowflake”(handout cards )

    Speech therapist: The snowflakes have melted - complete the pictures.

    Children draw snowflakes and count how many snowflakes they have completed.

    11. Game "Snow Fortress"(demo table)

    The speech therapist asks to look at the table on the board. Draw the path along which Vanya must exit the labyrinth. Children follow the path with a pointer and pronounce words (prefixed verbs to the word walked):

    Speech therapist: Vanya built a fortress, he tried so hard,

    What ended up in a snowy maze.

    Help him a little - lead the path to the exit.

    Vanya went out to the right, went to the left, turned right and walked along the wall, walked forward for a long time, passed through the opening in the wall, walked to the left, walked, walked. And he left the labyrinth.

    12. Game “Finish the sentence”(demo table)

    Speech therapist: Complete the sentence with one of these words.

    Your story about snow and winter will be ready.

    On the street...
    We waited...
    White color...
    We are glad...
    We admire...
    We are thinking about...

    13. Game “Tell and Draw”

    Speech therapist: Listen to the story about how Petya made a snowman. Let's retell the story and draw the snowman.

    Story: “A lot of snow fell. Petya went outside. He began to sculpt a snowman. First I rolled a large ball, then a medium one, and then a small one. Instead of eyes he inserted pebbles, instead of a nose - a carrot, instead of a mouth - a twig. The snowman turned out beautiful.”

    Speech therapist: To make a snowman, you need to be very precise.

    Outline the lumps and don’t leave the dotted line.

    Draw the smallest lump yourself, my friend!

    Draw the eyes and nose and don’t forget about the mouth!

    14. Summary of the lesson

    The speech therapist sums up the lesson. And asks the children to tell us what they remembered during the lesson and which game they liked more than others.

    Are the tasks completed without errors?
    Well done, paint your smile!


    1. Kiseleva G. A. “Knizhka-uchishka”, Publishing House “Knigolyub”, 2007.
    2. Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten. Activities with children general underdevelopment speech. A manual for speech therapists”, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

    A series of logorhythmic lessons on the lexical topic "Winter" for preschoolers 5-6 years old

    Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

    Target: activation of vocabulary on the lexical topic “Winter”, development of phrasal speech and thinking.

    develop empathy, communication skills, sense of pace;
    develop pitch hearing, vocal range, coordination of singing and movement;
    practice long, smooth breathing, develop articulatory motor skills;
    teach regulation muscle tone, develop plasticity, auditory attention;
    automation of assigned sounds in children's speech.

    Description: I developed a series of these logorhythmic exercises for older children preschool age and is a cycle of continuation of logorhythmics in the senior speech therapy group. These sessions were conducted in conjunction with musical director DOW. This work will be useful to speech therapists, educators, and music directors.

    Lesson No. 1 “Winter”


    consolidate children’s knowledge about winter and its signs, enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic “Winter,” develop dialogical speech and thinking;
    exercise children in the formation of verbs in the past tense form;
    learn to correlate movements with text;
    produce the correct air stream;
    develop pitch hearing, vocal range, coordination of singing and movement.

    Equipment: painting “Winter”, ball, cotton balls.

    Progress of the lesson
    1. Organization of the start of the lesson.

    Children stand in a circle.

    2. Creative training.
    Conversation about winter (consolidate children’s knowledge about winter and its signs, enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic “Winter,” develop dialogical speech and thinking).

    The cold has arrived
    The water turned into ice.
    Long-eared gray bunny
    Turned into a white bunny.
    The bear stopped roaring:
    A bear hibernated in the forest.
    Who's to say, who knows
    When does this happen?
    - In winter.
    - That's right, what has winter brought us? (cold, frost, snow, ice)
    - What time of year is shown in the picture? (The picture shows winter.)
    - Tell us about the land. How does she look? (Snow covered earth).
    - What can you say about the snow lying on the ground? What is he like? Choose as many words as possible that answer the question “Which one?” Start with the word “snow” (snow is white, fluffy, cold, shiny).

    3. Vocal music playing.

    4. Creative training(continuation of conversation).
    Game "What yesterday?" (exercise children in forming verbs in the past tense form).
    - Guys, I know a lot about snow and what can happen to it. I will tell you what is happening with the snow now, and you must answer me as if it happened yesterday.
    Magic ball
    He will jump into your arms
    And ask questions.
    - Today the snow shines, but yesterday the snow sparkled.
    - It’s snowing today, but it was falling yesterday.
    - Today the snow sparkles, but yesterday it sparkled.
    - Today the snow is melting, but yesterday it was melting.
    - Today the snow crunches, but yesterday it crunched.
    - It’s snowing today, but it was snowing yesterday.

    5. Game gymnastics.

    In the trees, in the alley
    The snow flies whiter than flour,

    Soft, fragile and fluffy.

    6. Creative training(continuation of the conversation about the picture).
    - Describe the sky. What is it like? Start with the word “sky” (the sky is bright, clear, high).
    - What can you say about trees? What are they? Start with the word “trees” (trees are bare, snow-covered).
    - What birds do we see in the picture? (pigeons, titmice, bullfinches, crows, sparrows)
    - What do we call the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)
    - What word do you think the word “wintering” is derived from? (from the word winter)
    What are people doing in the park? How are they dressed? Why? (they are dressed warmly because it is cold outside)

    7. Game rhythms.
    Game “Let's warm our hands” (learn to correlate movements with text).
    - It's freezing outside in winter. Your hands are freezing in the cold, let's warm them up. To do this, you need to rub the palm of one hand against the other and clench your fists.

    Oh, you winter-winter!
    We are not afraid of you.
    We will clasp our palms together,
    Let's warm them up and move on.

    Game “Go around the snowdrifts” (learn to correlate movements with the text).

    Guys, while we were warming our hands, snow fell.

    A white swarm curled and curled Walking is normal
    He lay down on the ground and became a mountain
    We followed the trail Walking in the same direction
    And they walked around the snowdrifts Snake walking

    8. Respiratory-articulation training.

    Let's play the game "Blow the Snowflake" again.

    9. Creative training(continuation).
    - Name the winter months (December, January, February)
    - What winter month is it now? Which winter month will come second (third)?

    Game “Name the month” (remember the name of the winter months).
    Magic ball
    He will jump into your hands
    Call the winter months.

    Fast music plays, as soon as it stops, the child who still has the ball names the next winter month.

    10. Summary of the lesson.
    Vocal music playing “Farewell” (development of pitch hearing, vocal range, coordination of singing and movement).

    Lesson No. 2 “Winter. Wintering birds"

    development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction;
    consolidate children's knowledge about winter and its signs, enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “Winter. Wintering birds.”, develop dialogical speech, consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering birds, teach them to solve riddles, develop attention, thinking, imagination, enrich children’s vocabulary with adjectives on the topic “Wintering birds”;
    develop coordination of speech and movements in combination with music, a sense of tempo and rhythm;
    development of auditory attention, the ability to act according to instructions;
    development of coordination, strengthening of the muscles of the fingers and hands;
    developing the correct air stream;
    development of pitch hearing, vocal range, coordination of singing and movement

    Equipment: pictures of birds - sparrow, crow, magpie, bullfinch, tit, owl, woodpecker, penguin, hedgehog balls, snowflakes.

    Progress of the lesson

    Emotional-volitional training “Hello” (development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction).

    Children stand in a circle.
    - Let's say hello to each other.
    The children sing: “Hello, hello, don’t yawn and give me your palm!”

    At the end of the last phrase, the children become a “boat” and dance.

    2. Creative training.
    A). Conversation about winter (consolidate children’s knowledge about winter and its signs, enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic “Winter,” develop dialogical speech and thinking).

    Now guys, listen to the riddle:
    Powdered the paths
    I decorated the windows,
    Gave joy to children
    And I went for a sledding ride.
    - Autumn is over. Migratory birds we went to warmer lands, and sparrows, crows, jackdaws, and magpies stayed with us; Bullfinches and tits have arrived for the winter.
    - What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? What word does the word “wintering” come from? (from the words “winter” - “winter”)

    B). Game “Name the wintering birds” (consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering birds; enrich children’s vocabulary).

    Let's play the game “Name the wintering birds” (sparrows, crows, jackdaws, magpies, owls, bullfinches, tits, woodpeckers, pigeons).
    (Music plays, children pass the ball. The music stops - the child with the ball names a wintering bird)

    C) Guessing riddles (learning to guess riddles, developing attention and thinking).

    Now listen carefully to the riddles (the teacher shows a picture, the children say the word):
    - Chik-chirp!
    Jump to the grains!
    Peck! Don't be timid!
    Who is this?
    - Sits on a bare branch,
    He shouts to the whole yard:
    - Let me be a small bird,
    My friends, I have a habit:
    When the cold comes,
    I'm straight from the north - here.
    - This bird is like a rattle,
    The same color as birch.

    Tell me what kind of weirdo
    Does he wear a tailcoat day and night?
    - That's right - it's a penguin (shows a picture).

    3. Game rhythms.
    a) “Penguin” (development of coordination of speech and movements in combination with music, a sense of tempo and rhythm).
    - Let's turn into penguins.
    Wrap around your leg
    And turn into a penguin (children turn around).
    (To the music and text spoken by the teacher, children move first on the outside of the foot, then on the inside).
    Ice, yes ice, ice, yes ice,
    And a penguin walks on the ice.
    Slippery ice, slippery ice
    But the penguin won't fall.

    B) “Cold-hot” (development of auditory attention, the ability to act according to instructions).

    When it's cold, we put on warm clothes (the children list them).
    - When it’s very cold, we also stamp our feet (the children dance), and when it’s hot, we fan ourselves with our hands like a fan.
    (Children walk in a circle to the music. The teacher says: cold, hot. Children perform the appropriate movements).

    4. Vocal music playing.
    - Now let's sing a song about snow.
    Song “A little white snow fell” (Musical palette. No. 6/2010, p. 29)

    5. Game gymnastics.
    - And now, turn around yourself and turn into snowflakes (children spin around - “turn into snowflakes”).
    In the trees, in the alley
    The snow flies whiter than flour,
    Light-light, clean-clean,
    Soft, fragile and fluffy.
    Calm music plays, children spin around and lie down like snow.
    Mountains of snow wool stood outside the window,
    We take shovels, we clean the paths.
    Rhythmic music is playing, children are “cleaning snow.”
    The game is repeated several times.

    6. Game rimming.
    “Playing with snowballs” (development of fine muscles of the fingers).
    - It snowed a lot, we need to play snowballs.
    (Children show how it snows by rotating their hands, then “make” snowballs, pressing palm to palm, “throw a snowball” and warm their hands by rubbing them together.)

    The game “Throw a snowball and catch it” (develops coordination, strengthens the muscles of the fingers and hands).

    The teacher distributes fake snowballs and the children play the game.

    7. Respiratory-articulation training.
    Game “Blow away snowflakes” (developing the correct air stream).
    - Let's play the game “Blow away the snowflake.”
    There are cotton balls on the bench - “snowflakes”. You need to smile, put your tongue on your lower lip, and blow off the cotton wool. Don't puff out your cheeks!

    8. Creative training.
    The game “Who gives what voice?” (development of lexical and grammatical categories, replenishment of the dictionary on the topic “Wintering birds”).
    - One day the birds gathered in a flock and started an argument about who had the most beautiful voice (the story is accompanied by a display of pictures, the children repeat the voices of the birds after the teacher).
    - I am a crow: kar-kar-kar. I can croak better than anyone.
    - I am a magpie: page-page-page. I can chirp better than anyone.
    - I'm an owl: uh-uh-uh. I know how to hoot better than anyone.
    - I'm a tit: ting-ting-ting. I can tink better than anyone.
    - I am a sparrow: chirp-tweet. I can tweet better than anyone.
    - I suggest you turn into birds and tell how someone casts their voice.
    (The teacher gives the children pictures of birds. The children reproduce the text told by the teacher).

    Game “Find out by description” (enrich children’s vocabulary with adjectives on the topic “Wintering birds”).

    Bird guys differ from each other in that they have different voices. How else are they different? (size, color of feathers, structure of the beak and other parts of the body, habits)
    - Try now to guess the bird that I will describe to you.
    - Nimble, fast, dexterous, pugnacious, fighting, brave (sparrow).
    - Red-breasted, lazy, sad, sedentary (bullfinch).
    - Yellow-breasted, thin, nimble, cheerful, smart (tit).
    - Red-headed, big, smart, hibernating (woodpecker).
    - Big-eyed, sleepy, nocturnal, sedentary, hibernating (owl).

    9. Summary of the lesson.

    And now it's time to say goodbye,
    We will say to everyone: “Goodbye! Bye!"
    - Let's say goodbye, sing: goodbye! (step by step chanting).

    Lesson No. 3 “Winter” (continued)

    development and activation of attention;
    education of visual-spatial orientations;
    development speech breathing;
    education of prosodic components of speech, movement and music;
    development of pitch, rhythmic, timbre, dynamic hearing;
    development of coordination of speech, movement and music;
    development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions;
    development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music;
    nurturing imagination, creativity and initiative;
    development of a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;
    learning the ability to imitate and transform.

    Equipment: snowballs, hoop
    Progress of the lesson
    1. Organization of the start of the lesson.
    Emotional-volitional training “Hello” (development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction).

    Children stand in a circle.
    - Let's say hello to each other.
    The children sing: “Hello, hello, don’t yawn and give me your palm!”
    At the end of the last phrase, the children become a “boat” and dance.

    2. Speech game.
    “Getting dressed” (development of speech coordination by movement).
    Winter itself has come to us.
    Winter brought into the yard
    Fluffy snow, ice, snowballs,
    Sleds, skis and skates.
    -Let's go for a walk. But first you need to get dressed.
    Let's put warm boots on our feet.
    This is from the right leg, this is from the left leg (we stroke the leg tightly from the toe to the knee).
    Pull up your pants (pull up your clothes at the waist).
    Let's put on our coats (we stroke one hand from wrist to shoulder)
    Fur coats, (we hug ourselves tightly)
    And feather hats (we clasp our heads with both hands).
    And let’s fasten it: (rhythmically, in the center of the chest we touch the body with our fingers, as if we were marking buttons).
    Like this!
    Button to button in a row.
    Well, are you ready? This business!
    And let's go for a walk boldly!

    3. Game rhythms.
    A). Game “Snowflakes” (learn to correlate movements with text).
    - Snowflakes fell from the cloud onto the ground.
    - What are they? (small, cold, white)
    - What can snowflakes do? (spinning, falling, flying)
    - Turn around the leg and turn into snowflakes - a game is played.

    The first snowflakes are falling from the sky,
    The lungs are spinning like feathers,
    Slowly, smoothly they lie down on the ground
    The white carpet sparkles underfoot.
    (Drop your hands, bend your elbows, lower your arms. Spin. “Waves in front of you.” Sit on one knee.)

    B). Game “We’ll put on mittens” (learn to correlate movements with text).

    A lot of snow fell. Let's play in the snow! Just don’t forget to wear gloves!
    We put on our mittens flashlights
    Look at us: flashlights
    In our new mittens
    We will start a merry dance. hands on belt, spin around
    We'll clap our hands claps
    We'll stomp a little floods
    Let's dust off the mittens shake your hands
    And let's go dance again. Springs

    IN). Game “Hit the target with a snowball” (development of accuracy).
    A little white snow fell and everything became brighter.
    We sculpt, we sculpt a snowball, quickly and skillfully (they sculpt snowballs)
    Top, top, don’t yawn and throw them at me quickly (they throw snowballs at the target).

    4. Respiratory-articulation training.
    Exercise “Blizzard” (development of a smooth and long exhalation, strengthening the correct articulation of the sound [y]).
    - Hear, the blizzard and the wind are flying here.
    Who is howling there, howling,
    Does it cover all the paths?
    Who throws snow in your face
    Sweeping onto the porch?
    The blizzard is old, gray, with an ice stick,
    Blizzard hobbles Baba Yaga.
    The blizzard howls: “z-z-z-z.”
    The forest groaned from the blizzard: “mm-mm-mm” (quietly, in a high-pitched voice).
    The oak trees groan heavily: “mm-mm-mm” (loudly, in a low voice).
    The birches moan: “mm-mm-mm” (quietly, in a high-pitched voice).
    The spruce trees are making noise "sh-sh-sh-sh".
    The blizzard subsides: “s-s-s-s.”

    5. Self-massage.
    - The frost is getting angrier, as if your nose would freeze!
    It's freezing outside! Use your index finger to massage the point between the eyebrows
    Hey, quickly rub your nose On the other side
    Warm the frost off your chin! Massage the point under the lower lip
    Everyone smiled quickly! On the other side
    And let’s rub our eyes more amicably, Circular movements on the temples
    More fun, more fun. On the other side
    Well, everyone grabbed their ears,
    There is no need for us to beat our heads,
    Twisted, turned -
    So your ears are warmed up.
    Thumbs behind the ears, perform circular rotations in one direction and the other
    We warm every finger,
    Rub very, very hard.
    “remove the ring” from each finger on one hand and the other

    6. Game rhythms.
    “Go around the snowdrifts” (learn to correlate movements with the text).
    - Guys, while we were warming up, snow fell.

    A white swarm curled and curled Walking is normal
    He lay down on the ground and became a mountain
    We followed the trail Walking in the same direction
    And they walked around the snowdrifts Snake walking

    7. Vocal music playing.
    - Now let's sing a song about snow.
    Song “A little white snow fell” (Musical palette. No. 6/2010, p. 29)

    8. Game rhythms.
    Game “How We Walked” (learn to correlate movements with text).
    - Let's tell you how we walked.

    Little feet walked along the path. We walk in frequent, short steps.
    Big feet walked along the road We are taking big steps. Marking every word.
    Creak-creak, stomp-stomp!
    We fell into a snowdrift! We fall and freeze for 10-12 seconds.
    We get out of the snowdrift Let's get up.
    And we shake off our pants, Let's dust ourselves off
    And we dust off our coats,
    We also dust off our hats.
    We continue our path further. Go ahead.
    And the frost is getting stronger! We're shivering as if from the cold.
    And he bites us on the nose,
    And it pinches your ears,
    And bites your cheeks.
    You, frost-frost-frost! We shake our fingers at each other in the rhythm of the verse.
    Don't grab my nose!
    Don't pinch my ears!
    Don't bite my cheeks!
    And the frost is getting stronger, We're shivering as if from the cold.
    The blizzard calls.
    Blizzards-blizzards-blizzards-blizzards We rotate our arms in front of us with our elbows bent.
    I beat the mallets. The fists are vigorously knocking against each other.
    I'm pinning, I'm pinning.

    9. Vocal music playing.
    Game “Yes or No” (development of auditory attention based on speech material).

    You guys are loud and friendly
    Answer what is needed.

    The teacher asks a question. Children, depending on the answer, sing “Yes-yes-yes” or “No-no-no.”
    - January is the second month of winter.
    - In winter, buds appear on the trees.
    - In winter, the bear sleeps in a den.
    - In winter, birds build nests.
    - It's snowing frequently in the winter.
    - In winter the leaves turn green.
    - In winter, children go sledding.
    - December is the first month of winter.
    - After winter, spring will come.
    - February is the third month of winter.

    10. Summary of the lesson.
    A). Relaxation exercise (development of imagination).
    Children in free poses with their eyes closed listen to calm waltz music, trying to imagine the picture of softly falling snow. The teacher reads the words:
    Snowflakes are falling and spinning merrily,
    After all, the only thing dangerous for them in life is warmth.
    Snowflakes are falling, they want to laugh,
    After all, it will be so bright for everyone on earth from them!
    Snowflakes are falling, winter is already creeping
    And an angry snowstorm rushed across the fields.
    Snowflakes are falling and the heart is beating loudly:
    Winter is coming, winter is coming to us for a long time.

    B). Vocal music playing “Farewell” (development of pitch hearing, vocal range, coordination of singing and movement).

    And now it's time to say goodbye,
    We will say to everyone: “Goodbye! Bye!"
    - Let's say goodbye, sing: goodbye! (step by step chanting).

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