• Project in the preparatory group "Earth Day". Thematic Earth Day in the middle group. Pedagogical project on the topic: “Earth Day. Game “Migratory and wintering birds Project Earth Day in the preparatory group


    Environmental project for older preschoolers

    "Earth Day".

    Developed and conducted by educators:

    Koshelenko Irina Aleksandrovna,

    Adzhieva Elmira Yunusovna,

    The earth must be protected

    Protect in every possible way,

    Mountains, rivers and fields -

    This is all our Earth.

    Life is on it every hour,

    So it depends on all of us

    What is our concern for her -

    Every day it becomes even more important.

    Happy Earth Day,

    Take care of our Earth,

    And she answered you -

    Will protect you from various troubles!

    Relevance of the project:

    In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including

    attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. Kindergarten is the first

    part of the continuous environmental education and education,

    therefore, we, as teachers, form the foundations of culture in preschoolers

    environmental management, promoting understanding

    various aspects of human interaction with nature.

    We consider environmental education of preschoolers, first of all,

    How moral education, because at the heart of a person’s relationship to

    the natural world around him must be fundamental

    humane feelings, i.e. awareness of the value of any manifestation of life,

    desire to protect and preserve nature.

    By forming a humane attitude towards nature, we try to achieve

    every child realized that man and nature are interconnected, therefore

    caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and that which causes harm

    nature, harms humans, therefore, actions as a result

    whose common Home for all of us is being destroyed are immoral.

    We convince children that in relation to nature they take positions

    stronger side and therefore should patronize it, should

    protect and care for her, and also be able to notice the actions of other people,

    peers and adults, give them appropriate and adequate assessment.

    Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to develop in children

    humane attitude towards nature, so we involve every child in

    practical activities feasible for his age - I create conditions

    for constant and full communication of children with living nature.

    Our pedagogical task is to, together with

    parents bring their children to understand that we are all together, and each

    of us individually are responsible for the Earth, and each of us can save and

    enhance its beauty.

    Goal: expanding children’s environmental knowledge, instilling in them humane

    attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

    To develop children's ecological thinking and ability to realize

    the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment;

    to form aesthetic feelings, the ability to see the beauty of nature,

    admire her. To develop in children knowledge of norms of behavior in nature

    environment and the desire to comply with them in practical activities and in everyday life.

    Involve children in all possible participation in the conservation and protection of nature.

    Foster a caring attitude towards the natural world. Bring joy to children

    from participation in a common holiday and joint work.

    Age: 5 -6 years.

    Project type: practice-oriented, short-term.

    Implemented activities:

    Integrated OOD:

    "Journey to the North"; " Spring forest"; "African History";

    "Sorceress Water"; "The forest is our wealth."

    (Experimentation during the OOD “Sorceress Water”).

    View presentations:

    History of the Earth Day holiday;

    "Nature and Health";

    "Planet Earth is in danger."

    Compiling a story based on the painting “People’s Labor in Spring”; "Camping".

    Drawing on the topics: “Earth Festival”; “Flowers are the beauty of the Earth”;

    modeling on the theme: “The Globe”; “Flowers are the beauty of the Earth”;

    collective application “Let's keep the planet clean.”

    (Drawing on the topic: “Flowers are the beauty of the Earth”)

    (Drawing up a booklet “Rules of behavior in nature”).

    Game activity:

    Game - travel: “Hike”; outdoor game “The Earth Spins”;

    Role-playing game "Green Patrol"; didactic games “What

    has changed?”, “Good-bad”, interactive games-conversations with

    using the System Operator method.

    Target walks:

    "Spring City"

    "Nature wakes up"

    Correspondence excursions:

    "Springs of the Moscow Region"

    "Pakhra River"

    Exhibition of drawings: “Panorama of good deeds”

    Viewing filmstrips and cartoons:

    N. Kalinina “Mysteries of water”

    N. Pritulina “Hedgehog’s Gift”

    “How a goat held the Earth”

    K. Paustovsky “Badger Nose”

    Reading fiction:

    A. Block “In the meadow”

    S. Gorodetsky. "Spring Song"

    V. Zhukovsky. "Lark"

    F. Tyutchev. "Spring Waters"

    M. Zoshchenko “Great Travelers”

    E. Permyak “What are hands needed for”

    B. Zakhoder “Shaggy ABC”

    I. Tokmakova “Trees in verse”

    V. Bianchi “Masters without an axe”

    V. Stepanov “Birds in verse”

    F. Tyutchev “Spring Thunderstorm”

    Pedagogical game situations:

    Labor activity cleaning the site, planting seedlings “Let’s decorate the Earth”


    Repotting a houseplant and talking about what it needs to grow and

    plant life.

    (Work in a corner of nature “Planting seedlings of flower plants”; modeling on the theme “Flowers-

    beauty of the Earth").

    Working with parents:

    Collection of photographs and material on the topic.

    Compiling children's messages on environmental topics.

    Family participation in environmental action"Earth Hour" and in the collection campaign

    waste paper "Paper BOOM"

    Drawing competition “Panorama of good deeds”, “We are children of planet Earth”.

    Competition among parents and children for the best craft from waste material

    : “Fantasies are not trash!”

    (Message on the topic: “Flamingo is a bird in the Red Book of Russia”)

    (Participation of families of pupils in the Earth Hour campaign).

    (Exhibition of crafts “Fantasies are not trash!”

    Collection of waste paper “Paper BOOM”

    Before throwing something away, people don’t think about how much

    Over time, this garbage will bother others. Garbage will outlive us if

    we won't find any other use for it.

    Bottles, juice boxes, eggshell, old bags, newspapers - these

    things usually end up in the trash can. The boys and their parents showed

    imagination and creativity and gave garbage a second life.

    Final event:

    Exhibition of crafts “Fantasies are not trash.”


    Children have developed a sense of empathy for their native planet Earth, children

    became kinder, a sense of responsibility arose for their actions

    attitude towards nature, knowledge about ecological culture has expanded. All

    project participants reinforced the rules of behavior in nature and work skills

    with natural and waste materials.

    Municipal preschool educational institution

    “Kindergarten No. 6” in Yaroslavl

    “Save the Planet – Earth Day”

    (entertainment scenario for children senior preschool age)

    Lipatova T.A. – teacher of the highest qualification category,

    Kurapova S.B. - teacher of the first qualification category.

    Relevance of the topic:

    In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education and upbringing, therefore we, as teachers, form in preschoolers the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management, which contributes to understanding various aspects of human interaction with nature.

    Forming a humane attitude towards nature, it is necessary for every child to realize that man and nature are interconnected, therefore, caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man, therefore, actions that result in the House common to all of us is being destroyed, they are immoral.

    The teacher’s task is to, together with the parents, bring the child to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the Earth, and each of us can preserve and increase its beauty.


    to form in children a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it, environmental literacy and culture, the ability to love the world and treat it with care.


    · to form a conscious understanding of the interrelations of all living and nonliving things in nature;

    · consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature using environmental signs;

    · expand children’s understanding that a forest is a community of plants and animals living together in the same territory;

    · to form an idea of ​​the dangers of environmental pollution; about the possibility of correcting the damage done to nature on our own;

    · to educate children’s sensory-emotional reactions to the environment, a caring attitude towards nature through targeted communication with the environment;

    · cultivate aesthetic and patriotic feelings;

    · contribute to the development of feelings of empathy, mutual assistance, and the ability to act in a children's team.

    Preliminary work

    1. Targeted observations while walking. Introducing children to non-living and living nature objects. Learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature.
    2. Drawing on the theme: “Our planet Earth.”
    3. Application on the theme: “Planet Earth”.
    4. Conversations on the topic: “The Earth, our common home”, “Rules of behavior in nature”.
    5. Consultations on the topic: “Earth Day” and “Love and preserve your native nature.”
    6. Examination of a globe, world atlas, world map.
    7. Reading the book by N. Sladkov - “The Multi-Colored Land.”

    tape recorder, projector, letter from Tsar Berendey, two baskets, garbage (boxes, cones, bubbles), tree models, hoops, audio recording “Birdsong”, flowers, “Rules of Conduct in the Forest” cards.

    Progress of entertainment:

    Educator: Dear guys, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday. ( Appendix, slide 1.)

    Everyone here knows, you and me!

    You cannot offend nature!

    Let's say it together: one, two, three

    Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!

    For almost 40 years, Earth Day has been celebrated all over the world.

    In Russia, on this day they organize cleanup days, plant trees, remove garbage, hold various events, and call for solutions to environmental problems.

    Poems read by children:

    1. There is a huge house on earth

    Under the roof is blue.

    The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

    Forest and sea surf.

    2. Birds and flowers live in it,

    The cheerful sound of the stream,

    You live in that bright house,

    And all your friends.

    3.Wherever the roads lead,

    You will always be in it.

    The nature of my native land

    This house is called!

    Educator : Today we will talk to you about how we need to take care of our planet, what needs to be done so that its beauty does not fade away.

    What can we preschoolers do to make the planet bloom and turn green, so that the air is cleaner, and nature makes us happy? ( Children give their answers).

    Poems read by children:

    1. Today the kids are in a hurry to congratulate

    Our beloved planet,

    We wish you health, all the best and goodness.

    After all better than earth ours is not!

    2. Our planet earth

    Very generous and rich:

    Mountains, forests and fields -

    Our dear home, guys.

    3. Let's take care of the planet,

    There is no other like it in the world.

    Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

    We won’t let anyone offend her.

    4. We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

    This will only make us kinder.

    Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers,

    We need such a planet!

    Educator: You guys are great.

    You have now talked about the beauty of nature, about the protection of animals, birds and insects, and we invite you to play.

    Game "Frogs"

    Children are divided into 2 teams. Hoops (bumps) are laid out on the floor, at a distance. The children of each team take turns jumping from hoop to hoop to the cone. They come back running.

    Educator : Guys, while the game was on, we received a telegram:

    “Boys and girls, I invite you to the green kingdom. I will be glad to meet you, Tsar Berendey"

    Educator: Do you want to go to the green kingdom to Tsar Berendey?

    Children: Yes.

    Educator: Guys, we will go to Tsar Berendey along the Yaroslavl Children's Railway.

    But first, let's remember how to behave in the forest. I will tell you my actions, and you answer, if I answer well, you say: “Yes,” if it’s bad, then together you say: “No.”

    Game “If I come to the woods”

    If I come to the woods

    And I'll pick a daisy ( No).

    If I eat candy

    And I'll throw away the paper ( No)

    If a piece of bread

    I'll leave it on the stump ( Yes).

    If I tie a branch,

    I'll set up a peg (Yes).

    If I mess up too much

    And I’ll forget to remove it ( No).

    I love my nature

    I help her ( Yes).

    Well done, everyone answered correctly. So, what did we repeat?

    Rules of behavior in the forest.

    - Let's call them again:

    1. The first rule is don’t litter!

    2. The second rule is don’t make noise!

    3. The third rule – don’t destroy!

    Educator: Well done guys, you know how to behave in the forest, and now let's go there by train (The music “The blue carriage runs and sways” sounds).

    Educator: Well, here we are. Look how big the clearing is, well, it’s kind of strange: there are stumps, garbage, broken glass all around, ... What happened here? (Appendix, slide 2)

    Poems read by children:

    1. What happened to our forest?

    Look all around

    It was green and cozy -

    He suddenly became dirty and gray.

    2. In a forest clearing

    No flowers - just jars,

    And, as if to spite us

    Broken glass everywhere.

    Tsar Berendey enters to the music.

    Educator: Hello, what's wrong with you? Why are you so sad? And tell me, what happened to the forest?

    Berendey: Hello guys! I am Berendey, the king of the forest. I’m glad to see you as a guest, but I’ve had a big problem.

    Oh my forest, my wondrous forest!

    He was high to the skies

    The birds sang until dawn,

    The nightingales began to sing,

    Butterflies fluttered

    The bees collected honey.

    But all this is in the past. And now there is silence in the forest, only glass and garbage all around.

    Educator: Don't worry Berendey. We will help you clean up all the trash in the clearing.

    Game "Collect garbage".

    Collect garbage in garbage bags. Team 1 collects paper waste, and team 2 collects plastic waste.

    (Appendix, slide 3)

    Well done guys collected all the rubbish.

    Berendey: Thank you guys for cleaning up all the trash in the clearing.

    The birds are silent in the thicket of the forest,

    There is silence and drowsiness all around,

    How about me, guys, in the spring?

    I love to listen to birds.

    Educator: Let's help Berendey and replace the birds.

    You sparrows, chirp - “Chick-chirp.”

    You crows, caw - “Kar-kar.”

    You magpies, chirp - “Stre-ke-ke.”

    You are cuckoos, cuckoo - “Cuckoo.”

    Berendey: Thanks guys. It turned out great, and you hear, the birds returned to my forest (a soundtrack of birds singing sounds). Guys, do you want to play with me?

    Guys: Yes.

    Berendey: Our clearing (Appendix, slide 4) It has become clean and beautiful, but something is missing from it. What? (children's answers). Of course, flowers.

    Game "Collect a flower"

    Slide show - talking Earth: Look how beautiful it has become around,

    The trees and meadow are already turning green.

    The flowers bloomed and the birds began to sing,

    Beautiful butterflies flew into the forest.

    There is no need for evil, let good win,

    Let everyone be comfortable and warm.

    Educator: Guys, now I invite you to dance the general dance “Dance with Flowers” ​​(Antonov Yu.’s song “Don’t pick the flowers, don’t pick them”).

    Berendey: Oh, my forest, my wonderful forest!

    Again you are full of fairy tales and miracles!

    All the animals are having fun:

    And foxes and hares.

    Birds sing until dawn, nightingales sing.

    The whole Earth came to life

    You saved her friends!

    Thanks guys! It’s time for me to look at my possessions and bring order to the entire forest.

    Educator: And for us guys, it's time to go to kindergarten. Let's get into the carriages and go back ( to the music: “The blue carriage is running and swaying»)

    - Guys, tell us what we did today to make our Earth flourishing and singing? ( Children's answers)

    Educator: So that you remember better, Tsar Berendey gave us a memo “Rules of behavior in nature, 10 “NOT””.


    1.Let's decorate the Earth together

    Let's respect the Earth together,

    2. We forget that we have only one -

    Unique, vulnerable, alive.

    We have only one, one of our kind!

    - Guys, Tsar Berendey thanks you for your help and sent you gifts.

    Environmental entertainment for middle and high school children
    "Earth Day"

    Goal: To promote the formation ecological culture preschoolers.
    *repeat and update children's environmental knowledge;
    *promote the formation of social and communicative qualities;
    * cultivate a feeling of love for nature, a desire to protect and preserve it;
    *promote the development of thinking and memory;
    *develop fine motor skills.
    Equipment: costumes (Scarecrow, Queen Murana, ants, Voskobovich’s games (“Fonoriki”, “Miracle Crosses”), presentation “Rules of Conduct in Nature.”
    The children go into the hall.
    Educator: Guys, we have gathered with you today to celebrate Earth Day.
    1 child
    Our earth is a blue planet,
    Guys, we need to remember this.
    It must be very clean, beautiful,
    So that we could be proud of her!
    2 child
    Let's save our planet,
    We will make it more beautiful.
    The sky will become clear
    The sun is radiant!
    The forest is green forever
    And a transparent river!
    Children sing the song “We want the birds to sing”
    The little jackdaw, Karrchik, flies in.
    Oh-oh-oh trouble, trouble,
    I barely made it here.
    You, friends, hurry up and run
    Hurry to our aid!
    Educator: Wait, Karrchik, don't rush. You rushed into the hall so quickly that you didn’t say hello to the guys.
    Hello guys.
    There was once a cheerful forest,
    And now we're scared
    And walking is dangerous.
    Someone is very, very angry
    Ugly and crooked,
    Settled in the clearing
    Our forest has turned into a dump!
    The river became dirty.
    The clouds have darkened
    The animals immediately ran away,
    We were very scared
    Help us guys
    And drive away the Scarecrow1
    Educator: Guys, let's help the little jackdaw Karrchik? Then go ahead to adventure!
    Karrchik: Thank you guys, I flew to please the inhabitants of our forest, they are waiting - they can’t wait for your help!
    Educator: Well, we won’t waste any time and hit the road!
    Children march around the hall and sing a song.
    Well, wait, who's coming?
    There is no way forward for you!
    I am the Scarecrow, I scare everyone,
    I'm not missing anyone!
    I'll tell you a riddle,
    Answer without hesitation
    For an incorrect answer
    I'll put a spell on you for a hundred years!
    Educator: Guys, we need to be very careful, if you do what the Scarecrow says, then answer: it’s us, it’s us, everyone is friendly with nature. And if you don’t do this, then remain silent.
    -Who is resting by the river?
    Does it clean up the trash right away?
    -Who is walking in the forest?
    Is the anthill being ruined?
    -Who will follow the path?
    It won’t even tear off branches?
    -Who is walking along the path?
    Won't even break branches?
    -Who sat by the fire?
    And drank and ate here?
    He scattered the bottle jars,
    Didn't you clean up after yourself?
    -Who doesn’t bother animals?
    And protects nature?
    The scarecrow is crying
    Educator: Why are you crying, Scarecrow?
    I was once a boy
    I was like all the guys
    I just didn't know the rules
    Littered and broke everything,
    The forest is angry with me
    I turned into the Scarecrow!
    Educator: How can we help you?
    Music plays and Queen Murana appears.
    I know how to help trouble.
    No need to litter anywhere
    Don't break the anthill
    And don't light fires,
    And you don’t pick flowers in vain,
    Don't break the branches,
    Don't throw trash into the river
    And protect nature!
    Hello, my name is Queen Murana, I will help you disenchant the boy, but only you must remove all the garbage in the forest, look how dirty it is here!
    Educator: Let's help, guys. our Scarecrow to become human again? Then let's get to work! We need to not only collect all the garbage, but also sort it into different bags.
    You need to put round and oval-shaped garbage in the first bag, triangular in the second, rectangular and square in the third.
    Children complete the task with the game "Lanterns". Game parts are scattered on the floor. Children collect them and display them on carpet runners (circles, ovals, triangles, rectangles and squares).
    Murana: Well done guys, now tell the Scarecrow how to behave in nature.
    1 child:
    Remember, friend, you are a guest in the forest.
    Preserve its beauty
    Keep order here
    Follow all the rules!
    2nd child:
    Don't touch the anthills
    Go on your way
    And you can't scream in the forest...
    There is no need to scare the animals!
    3rd child:
    You can't destroy nests.
    Shoot birds with a slingshot
    Breaking branches from a tree
    And there’s no point in picking flowers!
    4th child:
    This is the order in the forest
    You've eaten, clean up after yourself!
    Don't throw trash into the river
    Don't leave me on the shore
    The bottle jars are a complete mess,
    Put it in your backpack quickly!
    Music sounds, two ants run in.
    1 ant:
    We are forest ants
    Serious ones like that
    We are forest orderlies,
    Everyone knows this!
    2 ant:
    Someone evil came to our forest
    And I brought my order,
    The anthill was broken,
    He hit the bird with a stone.
    1 ant:
    Here it is, here it is, quickly grab it
    Lock him up!
    Murana: Wait, wait, don’t rush, we won’t lock anyone up, now we’ll figure it out. These are the inhabitants of my country, ants. You guys need to help them, they have a lot to do, and our new friend has destroyed all their anthills.
    Educator: Guys, let's help the little ants, we have the game “Miracle Crosses” with us, we need to divide into two teams and assemble their houses for the ants.
    Murana: My ants are very hardworking, they will gladly take part in the construction, here are the diagrams of the anthills, you can start working, and you, Scarecrow, help too!
    Children are divided into teams and lay out anthills according to the diagrams on the carpet.
    Murana: Well done, you did a good job, and now let’s all sing a song for the ants together.
    The song “Don’t hurt the ant” is performed, the ants say goodbye and leave.
    Murana: Guys, in order for the Scarecrow to free himself from witchcraft, you must complete one more task: you need to clear the river of garbage. They threw a lot of things into the river: jars, flasks, bottles, an old shoe, even a pan with holes! You need to remove everything and the rivers!
    Educator: We will cope with this task, guys, go to the tables, there are diagrams in front of you various items, caught in the river. As soon as you collect an object according to the diagram, it will immediately disappear from the river, because a strong sorceress - Queen Murana - is helping us!
    Children receive diagrams and begin to collect objects from the “Miracle Crosses”; they can work while sitting on the carpet, at which time the Scarecrow dresses up as a boy.
    Murana: Well done boys. Tell me what items you pulled out of the river?
    Children call.
    Murana: So our forest has become clean! And instead of the Scarecrow, you have a new comrade!
    A boy comes in.
    Thank you so much, friends
    I became a boy again!
    I will be friends with nature,
    Protect both forest and water,
    So that our entire Earth
    She grew beautiful and blossomed!
    Educator: Let's remind our new friend once again, guys, that we need to take care of nature.
    Children tell
    Well done guys, you said everything correctly, now look at everything on the screen and remember the rules of behavior in nature.
    Presentation “Rules of behavior in nature” is shown
    And now it's time to say goodbye
    You have to go back to kindergarten.
    Take a new friend.
    Teach intelligence!
    Don't forget my advice
    And protect nature!
    Music is playing, children are marching around the hall and singing the song “It’s fun to walk together,” wow

    "World Earth Day"

    Prepared by:

    Starostenko Natalya Nikolaevna,

    teacher at MADOU "Kindergarten"

    combined type No. 10

    Shebekino, Belgorod region"

    • Information card of the project.
    • Goals and objectives of the project.
    • Project implementation stages.
    • Project implementation mechanisms.
    • Application.

    Project Information Card

    Project participants: teachers, senior group students and parents of students.

    Project type: information-practice-oriented, short-term.

    The purpose and directions of the project’s activities: the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of children of senior preschool age.

    conversations, storytelling, reading and learning poems with children,

    songs, proverbs, travel games, children do drawing, modeling and appliqué work. The project ends with the event “The Earth is our common home.”

    Venue: group room, music room, kindergarten area.

    Dates of providence: from 20.04.15 until 24.04.15

    Children's age: 5-6 years.

    Expected results: children’s knowledge about planet Earth and its natural resources is formed.

    Problem: There is a problem of forming the environmental consciousness of children.

    Objective of the project:

    Develop elementary representations about planet Earth.

    To deepen children's environmental knowledge, to instill in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

    Project objectives:

    1. Introduce the diversity of flora and fauna, its significance for all life on the planet.

    2. Deepen children’s understanding that planet Earth is our home.

    3. Foster a desire to protect our Earth.

    4. Develop research skills.

    5. Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and exploring natural objects.

    6. Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.

    7. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and the natural heritage of our region.

    Project implementation stages



    • Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
    • Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, etc.), illustrations.
    • Collection of information.

    Teacher, children, parents


    • Carrying out educational activities on the topic "Our Planet".
    • Compiling a story based on the painting “People’s Labor in Spring.”
    • Conversation “How can we help our planet?”
    • Carrying out the game “Good - bad”.
    • Reading fiction.
    • Getting to know proverbs and riddles about the Earth.
    • Organization labor activity for cleaning the area.
    • Designing a “garden on the window” in a group.
    • Transfer indoor plant and a conversation about what is necessary for the growth and life of plants.
    • Action “Second life of old things”.
    • Making crafts from waste materials.

    Teacher, children, parents


    1.Organization of an exhibition of crafts made from waste material “Fantasy”.

    2. Exhibition of drawings jointly with parents: “Planet Earth through the eyes of children”;

    3. Presentation of the project in the form of thematic educational activity “The Earth is our common home.”

    4.Analysis of project implementation, results achieved(successes and failures).

    Teacher, children, parents

    Project implementation mechanisms:

    1. Development of a work plan.

    2. Carrying out preparatory activities necessary for the implementation of the project.

    3. Design of the development environment.

    4. Carrying out planned project activities.

    5. Exhibition design.

    6. Holding a holiday.


    expand the idea that the Earth is the common home of all people and all living beings.

    To form in children the idea that nature is the main source of people’s health and well-being, that man is a reasonable owner and is responsible for everything on Earth.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the globe - a model of planet Earth.

    Cultivate friendly relationships, a positive attitude towards the world around us, towards nature.

    Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature.

    Equipment: globe, 3 balloon, tree made of colored paper, leaf templates, colored paper.

    Progress of the lesson:

    There are many holidays in the month of April. Who remembers the names of those that have already passed? (April Fool's Day, Cosmonautics Day, Easter). What other holiday will there be in April?

    Listen to the poem. It will help you find out the content of the holiday.

    You, Man, loving nature,
    At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
    On pleasure trips
    Don't trample its fields.
    Don't burn her recklessly
    And don’t trample to the bottom,
    And remember the simple truth -
    There are many of us, but she is alone.

    I take the cape off the globe.

    April 22 is International Earth Day - a holiday of clean Water, Earth and Air. A day of reminders of terrible environmental disasters, a day when every person can think about what he can do to solve environmental problems, overcoming indifference in himself.

    Who knows what environmental problems exist? (Deforestation, water, air, soil pollution).

    It is on Earth Day that it is customary to fight such problems with all our might.

    The history of this holiday is connected with the name of a resident of the American continent, John Morton. At the end of the 19th century, J. Sterling Morton moved to a desert area where lonely trees were being intensively cut down to build houses and for firewood. Morton suggested a gardening day and prizes for those who planted the most trees. This day was called Tree Day.

    During the first Tree Day, residents of the state planted about 1 million trees. In 1882, the state of Nebraska declared Arbor Day. official holiday. It was celebrated on Morton's birthday - April 22. In 1970, over 20 million people in different countries world took part in the event, which was called Earth Day.

    In 1990, the holiday became international; 200 million people from 141 countries took part in the event. In Russia, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1992.

    Russia is not only a country of forests, fields and rivers, at the same time Russia is rich in a variety of energy resources and has technologies high level for their processing. Therefore, it is important to continue to develop, but also not to ignore our nature. After all, a person, being a part of it, is responsible for it.

    Now we'll have a quiz.

    1. – We will work in three groups. Helping children separate.

    The first team remembers BEASTS, the second - FISH, the third - INSECTS. Need for a short time remember as much as possible. So, let's start.

    We're done. Team representatives come out and call in turns.

    I place magnetic chips on the board in 3 rows. The team with the most animals recorded will win.

    2. The game “Bird, Fish, Beast” is played

    (similar to the game “The Sea Is Troubled.” Children must guess which animal the presenter is depicting. Or the presenter guesses the animals that the children depicted)

    We said that we need to protect the Earth. Who even knows what the Earth is, what it is like? Maybe you know some interesting information?

    Earth, the planet on which we live; the third from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the Solar System. The earth is a sphere (ball). She is spinning. Most of the Earth is occupied by water.

    3. Game "Movement of the Earth."I have 3 balls in my hands. Now each of the 3 teams will stand in columns and receive a ball. You will need to pass the ball back to outstretched arms without turning around. The row that completes the task first wins.

    Look at the blackboard. You have already noticed that it depicts a tree without leaves. Today, in honor of the holiday, we will, as it were, plant a tree, dressing it in leaves. Now I will give you leaf templates, and you can trace and cut them out. Then we will glue them to the tree.

    It turns out that we also took part in the holiday by planting this tree.

    To summarize:

    What new did you learn in class today?

    What did you like or find interesting?

    What date is Earth Day celebrated?

    Whose name is the history of the holiday connected with?

    Why was there a need to create such a holiday?

    Think at home with your parents and tell everyone tomorrow what you personally can do to improve the environmental situation on Earth?

    Poems for preschoolers on ecology.

    * * *So that the flowers bloom in the forest,

    All spring and summer

    We won't collect

    Their large bouquets.

    If the chick is out of the nest

    Got out before the deadline

    We will help, no problem

    Don't talk, magpie.

    Although the fly agaric is harmful,

    We won't touch him.

    Suddenly you need him

    Forest dweller.

    Fragile ant house

    We must also protect it.

    He must

    Stand behind the fence.

    Bunny and hedgehog -

    Forest inhabitants

    You better not touch it!

    Keep them safe!

    Let's protect nature, preschoolers!

    We must not forget about her for a minute.

    After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers,

    This is all for us forever!

    About pollution.

    There is balance in nature

    It cannot be violated.

    This is very important in life

    For you and for me.

    What would be the balance?

    We need it with you, friends.

    Don't throw away waste

    And don't pollute the seas.

    Drive less

    And blow smoke from the factories,

    So as not to fly in the atmosphere

    And they didn't make holes there.

    Less candy wrappers and pieces of paper

    Throw it on the street!

    Train yourself, you, dexterity:

    Go straight to the trash can.

    And when you want to quit

    You don't put the paper in the basket,

    Think about nature -

    We still have to live here!

    Ecology of children,

    Very important, believe me!!!

    We must teach them

    How to protect and love nature.

    So we went for a walk,

    And the guys are picking flowers.

    We need to bail them out

    Explain who you are.

    Who cares about the forest?

    All about the same flowers,

    Teach them to admire

    Beauty is all around us.

    Well, what about the weekend?

    In nature by the river...

    Why are the guys angry?

    Are they breaking branches, tearing flowers?!

    Why dads, moms

    Aren't they forbidden to do all this?

    Why don't they appreciate

    All they have now?

    And, of course, if the children grow up

    And when we meet them, we will see

    That they love our planet,

    That they value her and take care of her...

    And then we will understand and see

    That our studies were useful.

    And what will they do to their grandchildren and children?

    Give these same truths from lesson to lesson.

    Let's try

    Teach children to fall in love with nature.

    So that every child

    Almost “from the cradle”

    I could immediately and firmly say:

    “We value nature, cherish it, cherish it


    Everything from the old pine tree by the fence

    To the big dark forest

    And from the lake to the pond -


    And also a bear and a moose,

    And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

    Even a fly - wow! –


    I love the silence on the lake

    And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

    I love picking blueberries in the forest,

    I love the badger and the fox...

    I love you forever, Environment! (L. Fadeeva)

    our planet

    There is one garden planet

    In this cold space.

    Only here the forests are noisy,

    Calling migratory birds,

    Only on her alone do they bloom,

    Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

    And dragonflies are only here

    They look into the river in surprise.

    Take care of your planet -

    After all, there is no other one like it! (Ya. Akim)

    Living Primer

    Us at any time of the year

    Wise nature teaches:

    Birds teach singing.

    A spider of patience.

    Bees in the field and in the garden

    They teach us how to work.

    And besides, in their work

    Everything is fair.

    Reflection in water

    Teaches us truthfulness.

    Snow teaches us purity.

    The sun teaches kindness:

    Every day, winter and summer,

    Gives us warmth and light.

    And in return no one

    He won't ask for anything!

    Nature has it all year round

    You need to study.

    We are trees of all species,

    All the great forest people

    They teach strong friendship. (V. Orlov)

    Temple of Nature

    There is just a temple

    There is a temple of science

    And there is also a temple of nature,

    With scaffolding reaching out

    Towards the sun and winds.

    He is holy at any time of the year,

    Open to us in hot and cold weather.

    Come here, be a little hearty,

    Do not desecrate his shrines. (A. Smirnov)

    There is so much beauty in nature -

    Take a closer look and you will understand

    Why dewy bushes

    Trembling envelops me.

    Where does the babbling stream run?

    Transparent than glass

    What about in the evening, in a field of rye,

    The quails are singing...

    Let it become to your heart

    The bird's speech is clear -

    And you will learn that

    How to take care of it all. (V. Chizhov)

    Take care of the earth!

    Take care of the earth!

    Take care!

    Lark at the blue zenith,

    Butterfly on dodder leaves,

    There are sun glares on the paths.

    A crab playing on the stones,

    Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,

    A hawk soaring over a field

    A clear moon over the river calm,

    A swallow flickering in life.

    Take care of the earth! Take care! (M. Dudin)

    Let's decorate the Earth together

    Let's decorate the Earth together,

    Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

    Let's respect the Earth together

    And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

    We forget that we have only one -

    Unique, vulnerable, alive.

    Beautiful: be it summer or winter...

    We have only one, one of our kind! (E. Smirnova)

    Even though the grass won't grow

    There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet.

    Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra.

    And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes...

    Wildlife is already half a corpse.

    The man brought her to her knees.

    We want to rake in more money.

    And what after us?



    The earth was smoking with smoke,

    The earth was puffing with steam,

    The earth was poisoned

    And shook with explosions.

    The earth cut down the forest,

    The forest ground was burning,

    The earth drowned the forest,

    Well, in a word, I went too far.

    Then she asked:

    Where's the atmosphere?

    I felt stuffy,

    Oh, I don't feel good!

    Ah, give me some oxygen

    And clean water!

    Normal weather!

    But the train has left. (R. Aldonina)

    What is the fish asking for?

    Would be friendly

    You, fisherman,

    I would treat you


    No catch,

    Without hook

    I would give a Worm! (S. Pogorelovsky)

    Proverbs and riddles about the earth

    The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

    It is not the earth that will give birth, but the year.

    Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

    Without bowing to the ground, you won’t even raise a mushroom.

    Whose land is his bread.

    Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

    He runs as if the earth is shaking beneath him.

    The earth is full of rumors, and the light is full of whims.

    Man works - the earth is not lazy; a person is lazy - the earth does not work.

    Heaven is the throne of God, earth is the footstool.

    The mother of cheese is the earth - it is impossible to say.

    The good earth will accept the earth once, and remember for nine years.

    The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

    The earth will cover the grave, but will not cover the bad glory.

    Strong, strong, and the earth will take its toll.

    Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, mother of Holy Russian land.

    She hasn’t given birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother. (Arable land)

    They beat me, toss me around, cut me, but I remain silent and cry with all my goodness. (Earth)

    Who is the richest in the world? (Arable land)

    There is a road - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow, there are meadows - you can’t mow, there is no water in the rivers and seas. (Geographic map)

    What's the fattest thing in the world? (Arable land)

    One walks, another drinks, and the third eats. (Rain, earth and grass)

    Target: instilling in children a love for planet Earth.


    Progress of the event.

    But we haven't seen anything like this yet.

    We are talking about

    Our good home

    Spacious house –

    We are also talking about this,

    Let's prove that it's not in vain

    The Earth is counting on us!

    but we didn’t know this yet.

    We are celebrating today

    Earth's birthday.

    Everyone here knows, you and me!

    You cannot offend nature!

    Children read poetry.

    Vosp : Game over. Now let's check if all the figures are in their places. Well done, you completed the task.

    Vosp: Hear, the birds began to sing. Guys, do you like listening to birds and watching them?

    (Reads riddles)


    The rivers are drying up, the grass is withering

    Where did the flowers grow yesterday?

    Nowadays there is no more grass

    Birds don't sing songs

    They don’t invite you to the forest anymore.

    Only yesterday there was a meadow here,

    Look around quickly, my friend.

    Mountains of garbage lie

    The Christmas trees look so sad

    The bunny is crying behind the hill.

    The grass grew here yesterday,

    And there was food for him

    And today there is no grass,

    We should offend nature

    It's like a bunny without food,

    And maybe without water,

    We will remain friends.

    After all, this is not possible with nature.

    children's answers)

    Vosp: You are true experts and friends of nature. Forests and meadows, mountains and plains, rivers and lakes will reveal their secrets to you - after all, you know how to appreciate the beauty of our Earth and take care of it. Do you want to play with a model of the Earth - a globe?

    Question and answer game

    When is it light outside? (in the afternoon)

    (presentation show)

    3. Competition: "Clean up the trash"

    4. Competition “Fire in the Forest”.

    Game "Ecological signs"

    - Don't tear the web.

    – Don’t light fires in the forest.

    - Don't catch insects.

    – Don’t destroy anthills.

    - Don't cut down trees.

    - Don't destroy birds' nests.

    – Don’t take animals home.



    Scenario for the environmental holiday “Earth Day”

    Goal: to educate children to love planet Earth.

    1) develop a good attitude towards planet Earth;

    2) continue to introduce the basic rules of behavior in nature;

    3) cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature.

    Design: posters and drawings by children about protecting nature, music.

    Progress of the event.

    Vosp: Hello, dear guys!

    Many times we celebrated a holiday in this hall,

    But we haven't seen anything like this yet.

    Today we celebrate Earth Day.

    We are talking about

    That the whole Earth is our common home.

    Our good home

    Spacious house –

    We all live in it from birth.

    We are also talking about this,

    That we must save our home.

    Let's prove that it's not in vain

    The Earth is counting on us!

    How many of you know what the Earth is? (children's answers) This is not just a handful of soil on which we plant plants, it is a big planet (shows with hands) called Earth. The earth is a big house where you and I live, and many, many people, each in their own state.

    Let's see how beautiful our planet Earth is.

    Film “Our home is planet earth”

    Vosp: Guys, listen, it seems that someone is knocking on our door. (Knock on the door). There's a letter at the door.

    Vosp: Letter. I wonder what it says there (reads):

    "Boys and girls, I invite you to the name day. I will be very glad to see you. Planet Earth"

    Vosp: Well? do we accept the invitation?

    Vosp.: Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,

    but we didn’t know this yet.

    We are celebrating today

    Earth's birthday.

    You guys and I will talk about how to take care of our planet Earth what needs to be done so that its beauty does not fade away.

    Everyone here knows, you and me!

    You cannot offend nature!

    So let’s say it together (one, two, three) - the children repeat

    Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!

    Children read poetry.

    Vosp: I congratulate you on this day! After all, these are jokes, dancing, laughter. It will be fun for everyone!

    First, answer the question: what can you see on planet earth? (mountains, seas, rivers, valleys).

    What colors predominate on the globe (blue, white, green).

    Animals, insects, and birds live next to us on our planet. Let's name them. (children call)

    We suggest dividing into two teams and starting our competition.

    1. Competition “Experts of the Animal World”.

    Each team has 2 playing fields: Water is blue, earth is brown. I invite the game participants to determine which animals live in water and which live on land. Baskets with a set of animals are prepared for each team. You need to take the figurine and place it on the desired field. Which team will do it faster? Attention: are the teams ready? Let's start!

    Play: Game over. Now let's check if all the figures are in their places. Well done, you completed the task.

    Vosp : Hear, the birds began to sing. Guys, do you like listening to birds and watching them?

    The planet earth offers us very tricky riddles to solve.

    (Reads riddles)

    1. He searches all day long, eats crumbs, bugs, worms. It does not fly away for the winter; it lives above the cornice. (sparrow)

    2. Grayish in color, furtive in habit,

    Screamer, hoarse, famous person. Who is she (crow)

    Z. He is wearing a bright red beret, a black satin jacket,

    He sits on a tree and knocks, knocks, knocks. (woodpecker)

    4. This is an old friend of ours, he lives on the roof of a house, long-legged, long-tailed, long-necked, voiceless. He flies to the swamp to hunt for frogs. (stork)

    Vosp: Now let’s find out if you know birds well. Birds are migratory and wintering.

    2. Here is the next “Birds” competition.

    On the table in front of you are cards with pictures of birds and two hoops next to them.

    You need to put a migratory bird in the red hoop, and a wintering bird in the blue hoop.

    Vosp: You completed the task - well done!

    And now I want to ask you guys:

    What are the names of the places where there is water on earth? ( springs, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, seas)

    What are the names of the different land areas on earth? ( fields, forests, mountains, plains, islands, continents)

    The rivers are drying up, the grass is withering

    Where did the flowers grow yesterday?

    Nowadays there is no more grass

    Birds don't sing songs

    They don’t invite you to the forest anymore.

    Only yesterday there was a meadow here,

    Look around quickly, my friend.

    Mountains of garbage lie

    The Christmas trees look so sad

    The bunny is crying behind the hill.

    The grass grew here yesterday,

    And there was food for him

    And today there is no grass,

    The bunny has no food.

    We should offend nature

    It's like a bunny without food,

    And maybe without water,

    We will remain friends.

    After all, this is not possible with nature.

    Guys, why do you think the bunny was left without food? (children's answers)

    Now I will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. Let's play the game: "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you answer. If I do well, we say “YES”; if I do badly, then “NO”.

    If I come to the forest and pick a daisy (no)

    If I eat the pie and throw away the paper (no)

    If I leave a piece of bread on the stump (yes)

    If I tie a branch, I’ll put a peg (yes)

    If I make a fire but don’t put it out (no)

    If I make a big mess and forget to clean it up (no)

    If I take out the trash, I'll dig up a jar (yes)

    I love my nature, I help it (yes)

    Play: You are true experts and friends of nature. Forests and meadows, mountains and plains, rivers and lakes will reveal their secrets to you - after all, you know how to appreciate the beauty of our Earth and take care of it. Do you want to play with a model of the Earth - a globe?

    Question and answer game

    A game is played with a ball - a ball: a question is asked and the ball is thrown.

    Who lives on earth? (animals, insects, flowers)

    Who lives underground? (worms, moles, beetles)

    Who flies above the Earth? (birds, insects)

    When is it light outside? (in the afternoon)

    Why is water needed? (drink, swim, water plants)

    What is air needed for? (necessary for breathing)

    What do bees do? (collect nectar)

    Vosp: Look what happens to nature if you don’t take care of it, if you litter it.

    (presentation show)

    Vosp: Who else, besides man, could have done this. Guys, we need to fix everything urgently, because today is Earth Day, and she will be very upset if she sees such a picture. Let's split into 2 teams and clean up the trash. Everything needs to be done quickly and carefully.

    3. Competition: "Clean up the trash"

    (2 baskets required, trash - paper and plastic)

    Vosp: Guys, look how clean it is.

    Vosp: What a good deed we did for Earth Day. I think it will be for her best gift from you guys.

    Vosp: In addition to garbage, nature also has enemies, such as fire. Look what happens to the forest during a fire. (slide show)

    Let us now turn into firefighters and save the forest inhabitants from the fire.

    4. Competition “Fire in the Forest”.

    (we take animals and insects out of the fire (from a red hoop)).

    Vosp: Very often people destroy nature, causing harm not out of malice, but out of negligence, out of ignorance.

    Game "Ecological signs"

    The teacher names the rules of behavior in nature, and the children in the team find the corresponding environmental sign. (coloring book, you can color it later).

    – Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

    - Don't tear the web.

    – Don’t light fires in the forest.

    - Don’t pick flowers in a meadow in the forest.

    - Keep silence in the forest. You can disturb the peace of animals and birds.

    - Don't catch insects.

    – Don’t destroy anthills.

    - Don't cut down trees.

    - Don't destroy birds' nests.

    – Don’t take animals home.

    Vosp: Yes, guys, we ourselves must take care and protect our beloved planet and must always remember the rules of behavior in nature.

    Vosp: Today we celebrated the birthday of our planet Earth. You know how beautiful she is at any time of the year. She gives us her fruits, her beauty. There are so many interesting things on earth: animals, plants, insects! What kind of land is different: rivers, mountains, forests and fields, seas and oceans. Life is everywhere! Fish, animals and birds do not grow flowers, do not build cities, and cannot count or draw! But how much necessary and useful they give people! How important are plants that feed and warm us. All nature pleases us and takes care of them. We must love our land and take care of it. Everyone on earth should do their important business! And we will help the earth.

    1- Let's be friends with each other

    Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow.

    Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rains,

    How the sun is friends with all of us!

    2- Let's strive for this.

    So that both animals and birds love us,

    And they trusted us everywhere as their most faithful friends!

    3- Let's save the planet!

    There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

    There is only one in the whole universe,

    It was given to us for life and friendship!

    Host: Guys, let’s sing a song for the Earth as we say goodbye.

    "Sunny Song" is performed.

    Lyrics of the song "Don't hurt anyone"

    1. Don’t offend anyone -

    Not a bee, not a fly,

    Not a snail, not a bug

    Dark belly

    Not a grasshopper in the grass,

    Galloping deftly,

    Not shining in the foliage


    Not a grasshopper in the grass,

    Galloping deftly,

    Not shining in the foliage


    2. Don’t offend anyone -

    Not a bee, not a fly,

    Not a snail, not a bug

    Dark belly

    Not a tit, not a thrush,

    Not a blind mole.

    Never and never

    Don't hurt the living.

    Not a tit, not a thrush,

    Not a blind mole.

    Never and never

    Don't hurt the living.

    Lyrics of the song "We Want the Birds to Sing"

    1. We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,

    May the skies be blue.

    So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics

    And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

    2. We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,

    And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,

    So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,

    So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

    3. We want all children on the planet to be happy.

    Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!

    We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars

    And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

    Tatiana Nagornaya

    Earth Day in kindergarten. Middle group.

    Children with flowers and doves enter the hall while singing "Stork on the Roof", stand near the chairs.

    Ved - Once upon a time there was a planet Earth

    She was pure and beautiful.

    And every spring I met my birthday

    And this holiday was a surprise to everyone.

    Today we celebrate the holiday - Earth Day, which means it’s a holiday for everyone who lives on Earth.

    1. You may be surprised

    Having learned: earth is our common home

    Animals and birds live in it

    And you and I live.

    2. Our home is our common home

    Earth where you and I live

    Just look around

    There is a river here, a green meadow there.

    3. You can’t get through the dense forest

    You won't find water in the desert

    And somewhere there is a mountain of snow

    And somewhere it’s hot even in winter.

    4. We can’t count all the miracles

    They have one name

    Forests and mountains. and seas

    Everything is called - Earth.

    5. What if you fly into space?

    That from the rocket window

    You will see our blue ball -

    Favorite planet.

    6. Everyone here knows - you and me

    You can't offend nature

    So let's say together - one, two, three

    Let's open the holiday Earth Day!

    White-sided Magpie flies in with a letter.

    Soroka - Hello guys! I'm a white-sided Magpie, I was in such a hurry! I have a telegram for you. Read, study, and come visit as soon as possible! / Flies away/

    The presenter reads the telegram:- Boys and girls, I invite you to my green kingdom. I will be very glad to see you. The old forest man.

    Children, do you want to visit the forest? Then let's go!

    Dance to a song "Beast on the tracks of any" from m/f "Masha and the Bear". /Sit down/

    7. Hello, hello good forest

    Full of fairy tales and miracles.

    We won't hurt anyone here

    And we will see your miracles.

    8. The house is open on all sides

    It is covered with a carved roof

    Come to the green house

    You will see miracles in it.

    Ved - Let's greet all the inhabitants of the forest.

    Speech game "Good morning".

    Invented by someone simply and wisely

    Say hello when meeting:

    Good morning! /Spread their arms to the sides/

    Good morning! - flowers whisper to us / Show bud /

    Good morning! - streams are babbling. / They quickly move their fingers /

    Good morning! - the bird sings to us. /Waving with crossed arms/

    Good morning - the raccoon will tell us. / Cat's paws /

    Good morning - the bee will tell us / They flap their wings /

    Good morning! How are you doing? / They spread their arms to the right and left in turn /

    Good morning to the sun and the birds / Fingers crossed overhead "Sun"/

    Good morning to smiling faces / Hands on a shelf /

    And everyone becomes kind. trusting. /Press your hands to your chest/

    Let Good morning lasts until the evening! /Spread your arms to the sides/

    Ved - Well, here we are, but first let’s remember how to behave in the forest.

    Now we'll play a game "If I come to the woods" and you will answer "YES" if I do well, or "NO" if I do something bad.

    What if I go to the woods and pick a chamomile? / No/

    What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? /No/

    What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? / Yes/

    If I tie a branch, will I put a peg? /Yes/

    What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? /No/

    What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? /No/

    If I pick up the trash, will I bury the jar? /Yes/

    I love my nature, I help it! /Yes/

    Ved - Now let’s sit quietly and listen to the music of the forest.


    Old Man-Lesovik comes out:

    Hello guys!

    Ved - Hello! Who are you, grandpa?

    Les-k: I know the forest, and I love the forest

    I invite you to visit me.

    Everything in the forest is interesting to me

    Every bush and every stump.

    I'm a cheerful old man

    Old man - Lesovichok.

    Welcome to my magical kingdom!

    And now I want to know how well you know who lives in the forest? What grows in the forest?

    1. We will always find her in the forest

    Let's go for a walk and meet

    Stands prickly like a hedgehog

    In winter in a summer dress? /Christmas tree/

    2. Not caring about the weather

    Walks in a white sundress

    And on one of the warm days

    May gives her earrings. / Birch/

    3. Moved near the flower

    All four petals

    I wanted to rip it off

    Did he take off and fly away? /Butterfly/

    4. Not a mouse, not a bird, frolicking in the forest

    Lives in trees and gnaws nuts?

    5. Who lives in the deep forest?

    Clumsy, clubfooted

    In summer he eats raspberries and honey

    Does he suck his paw in winter?

    Lesovik: What kind of bird eats harmful insects that live in trees? /Woodpecker/

    And what insects clear the forest of debris? /Ants/

    What is the name of the bear's home? /Den/

    Where do the fish live?

    What is the name of the fox's house?

    Where does the squirrel live? / in the hollow / - And the crow? /in the nest/

    What is the name of the ant's house?

    Lesovik - Well done, guys, you know everything!

    Ved - And our children also know poems and songs about forest dwellers.

    9. The woodpecker sometimes hammers the trunk

    He's looking for lunch

    Under the brown bark

    The bark beetle is hiding.

    Ahh. so that's where you are, buddy

    I'm just looking for you

    A woodpecker pecked a bark beetle

    And he saved a sick pine tree.

    10. Ants can’t be lazy

    The ant lives by work

    And the bug and the caterpillar

    Drags you to your underground home

    How can you see that he is in a hurry

    He's on his way

    Don't hurt him

    Don't touch him.

    "Forest Song".Vitlin.

    Lesovik - I also have a surprise for you.

    The Bear comes out from behind the tree.

    Who's walking in the forest? Who's stopping me from sleeping?

    Lesovik - You, bear, don’t scold us

    Better play with us!

    A game “Teddy bear, my friend”.

    Lesovik - Well, guys, I understand that you love and protect nature. Thank you for that. I want to give you these wonderful seeds that you will plant on your plots. It's time for me to leave, goodbye!

    A bad boy appears, pours garbage out of a bucket, shoots with a slingshot.

    Ved - What kind of elephant came to our forest?

    There is only noise and crackling.

    I cut off all the flowers,

    Broke branches from the tree.

    SEREZHA - I do what I want!

    Ved-Wait, you are doing very badly.

    You left rubbish everywhere.

    He picked the flowers and crushed the grass.

    Now no berries, no mushrooms

    Our people won't see it.

    Excuse me kids

    I didn’t come to your forest with evil.

    And I'll collect all the trash

    And I'll take it to the landfill.

    VED - And the guys will help you.

    One two Three.

    Collect the trash together.

    The children and Seryozha clean up the trash together. Seryozha says goodbye and runs away.

    Ved - And it’s time for us to return to kindergarten too.

    To the song "About traces" children jump onto chairs.

    11. On the planet from year to year

    Man harms nature

    And he didn’t understand, the eccentric

    That nature is not a trifle!

    Take care of your planet.

    That's it - After all, there is no other planet!

    12.- Let's be friends with each other

    Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow.

    Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rains,

    How the sun is friends with all of us!

    Let's strive for this.

    So that both animals and birds love us,

    And they trusted us everywhere,

    Like your most loyal friends!

    Let's save the planet!

    There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

    There is only one in the whole universe,

    It was given to us for life and friendship!


    1. The day opened at dawn

    Golden key

    To get it for Earth

    A ray of light for each.

    To make the palm trees grow)

    And birches with fir trees,)

    So that in the spring the nightingales

    There was a clicking sound on the branches.

    CHORUS (2 times):

    The sun is shining for everyone, (spring right-left)

    So that cheerful laughter rings out,

    The kids didn't cry.

    The sun is shining for everyone, / clap /

    So that cheerful laughter rings out,

    It shines the same. (clap)

    2. The day opened at dawn(walk in a circle holding hands)

    Golden key

    To get it for Earth,

    A ray of light for each.

    So that cheerful laughter rings out,

    The kids didn't cry)

    The sun is shining for everyone,)

    It shines the same.

    CHORUS: put the foot on the heel, clap.

    Lose - go.

    Chorus: they wave their hands at the top, clap 2 times.

    They shake their brushes.

    "World Earth Day"

    Prepared by:
    Tsyganova Olga Vladimirovna,

    teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten"

    Project Information Card

    Project participants: teachers, preschool children, parents.

    Project type: practice-oriented, short-term.

    The goal and directions of the project: the formation of the foundations of ecological culture for children of senior preschool age.

    Venue: group room, kindergarten area.

    Dates of providence:

    Children's age: 6-7 years

    Expected results: developing children's knowledge about planet Earth and its natural resources. Forming a sense of empathy, kindness towards nature, deepening knowledge about the need to preserve and increase the wealth of the Earth.

    Problem: There is a problem of forming the environmental consciousness of children.


    The earth must be protected

    Protect in every possible way,

    Mountains, rivers and fields -

    This is all our Earth.

    Life is on it every hour,

    So it depends on all of us

    What is our concern for her -

    Every day it becomes even more important.

    Happy Earth Day,

    Take care of our Earth,

    And she answered you -

    Will protect you from various troubles!

    In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education and upbringing, therefore, as a teacher, I form in preschoolers the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management, which helps to understand various aspects of human interaction with nature.

    I consider environmental education of preschoolers, first of all, as moral education, because the basis of a person’s attitude to the natural world around him should be fundamental humane feelings, that is, awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature.

    By forming a humane attitude towards nature, I try to ensure that every child realizes that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man, therefore, actions , as a result of which the Home common to all of us is destroyed, are immoral.

    I convince children that in relation to nature they occupy a position of the stronger side and therefore must patronize it, must protect it and take care of it, and also be able to notice the actions of other people, peers and adults, and give them an appropriate and adequate assessment.

    Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to develop a humane attitude towards nature in children, so I involve each child in practical activities that are feasible for his age - I create conditions for constant and full communication between children and living nature.

    As a teacher, my task is to, together with parents, bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the Earth, and each of us can preserve and enhance its beauty.

    Objective of the project:

    Development of elementary ideas about planet Earth.

    Deepening children's environmental knowledge, instilling in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

    Project objectives:

    1. Familiarization with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet.

    2. Deepening children’s understanding that planet Earth is our home.

    3. Fostering a desire to protect our Earth.

    4. Formation of research skills.

    5. Development of imagination, thinking in the process of observation, research of natural objects.

    6. Development of the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.

    7. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature and the natural heritage of our region.

    Project implementation stages



    Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.

    Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, etc.), illustrations.

    Collection of information.

    Teacher, children, parents


    Conducting educational activities on the topic “Our Planet”.

    Compiling a story based on the painting “People’s Labor in Spring.”

    Conversation “How can we help our planet?”

    Carrying out the game “Good - bad”. Games “Guess whose tail?” “Which animal do the tracks belong to?” "Dispose of trash correctly."

    Reading fiction: memorizing V. Zhukovsky’s poem “The Lark”, reading F. Tyutchev’s “Spring Waters”, A Blok “In the Meadow”, V Bianchi “Masters without an Axe”, M Zoshchenko “Great Travellers”.

    Getting to know proverbs and riddles about the Earth.

    Organization of labor activities for cleaning the site.

    Designing a “garden on the window” in a group.

    Replanting a houseplant and talking about what is necessary for plant growth and life.

    Experimentation: “Do the roots need air?” “What does the plant secrete?” “Do plants have respiratory organs?” Excursions and targeted walks“Nature wakes up” “Visiting the trees.”

    Teacher, children, parents


    1. Collage of photographs “Relaxing without harming yourself.”

    2. Exhibition of drawings jointly with parents: “My clean city.”

    3. Competition for the best didactic game on ecology.

    4. Improvement and cleaning of the kindergarten area.
    5.Lapbook “Reservoirs of the Vyksa region, its inhabitants and algae.” Lapbook presentation.

    Teacher, children, parents

    Project implementation mechanisms:

    1. Development of a work plan.

    2. Carrying out preparatory activities necessary for the implementation of the project.

    3. Design of the development environment.

    4. Carrying out planned project activities.

    5. Exhibition design.


    expand the idea that the Earth is the common home of all people and all living beings.

    To form in children the idea that nature is the main source of people’s health and well-being, that man is a reasonable owner and is responsible for everything on Earth.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the globe - a model of planet Earth.

    Cultivate friendly relationships, a positive attitude towards the world around us, towards nature.

    Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature.

    Equipment: globe, 3 balloons, colored paper tree, leaf templates, colored paper.

    Progress of the lesson:

    There are many holidays in the month of April. Who remembers the names of those that have already passed? (April Fool's Day, Cosmonautics Day, Easter). What other holiday will there be in April?

    Listen to the poem. It will help you find out the content of the holiday.

    You, Man, loving nature,
    At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
    On pleasure trips
    Don't trample its fields.
    Don't burn her recklessly
    And don’t trample to the bottom,
    And remember the simple truth -
    There are many of us, but she is alone.

    I take the cape off the globe.

    April 22 is International Earth Day - a holiday of clean Water, Earth and Air. A day of reminders of terrible environmental disasters, a day when every person can think about what he can do to solve environmental problems, overcoming indifference in himself.

    Who knows what environmental problems exist? (Deforestation, water, air, soil pollution).

    It is on Earth Day that it is customary to fight such problems with all our might.

    The history of this holiday is connected with the name of a resident of the American continent, John Morton. At the end of the 19th century, J. Sterling Morton moved to a desert area where lonely trees were being intensively cut down to build houses and for firewood. Morton suggested a gardening day and prizes for those who planted the most trees. This day was called Tree Day.

    During the first Tree Day, residents of the state planted about 1 million trees. In 1882, the state of Nebraska declared Arbor Day a state holiday. It was celebrated on Morton's birthday - April 22. In 1970, over 20 million people around the world took part in an event called Earth Day.

    In 1990, the holiday became international; 200 million people from 141 countries took part in the event. In Russia, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1992.

    Russia is not only a country of forests, fields and rivers; at the same time, Russia is rich in a variety of energy resources and has high-level technologies for their processing. Therefore, it is important to continue to develop, but also not to ignore our nature. After all, a person, being a part of it, is responsible for it.

    Now we'll have a quiz.

    1. – We will work in three groups. Helping children separate.

    The first team remembers BEASTS, the second - FISH, the third - INSECTS. You need to remember as much as possible in a short time. So, let's start.

    We're done. Team representatives come out and call in turns.

    I place magnetic chips on the board in 3 rows. The team with the most animals recorded will win.

    2. The game “Bird, fish, beast” is played

    (similar to the game “The Sea Is Troubled.” Children must guess which animal the presenter is depicting. Or the presenter guesses the animals that the children depicted)

    We said that we need to protect the Earth. Who even knows what the Earth is, what it is like? Maybe you know some interesting information?

    Earth, the planet on which we live; the third from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the Solar System. The earth is a sphere (ball). She is spinning. Most of the Earth is occupied by water.

    3. Game “Earth Movement”. I have 3 balls in my hands. Now each of the 3 teams will stand in columns and receive a ball. It will be necessary to pass the ball back with outstretched arms without turning. The row that completes the task first wins.

    Look at the blackboard. You have already noticed that it depicts a tree without leaves. Today, in honor of the holiday, we will, as it were, plant a tree, dressing it in leaves. Now I will give you leaf templates, and you can trace and cut them out. Then we will glue them to the tree.

    It turns out that we also took part in the holiday by planting this tree.

    To summarize:

    What new did you learn in class today?

    What did you like or find interesting?

    What date is Earth Day celebrated?

    Whose name is the history of the holiday connected with?

    Why was there a need to create such a holiday?

    Think at home with your parents and tell everyone tomorrow what you personally can do to improve the environmental situation on Earth?

    Poems for preschoolers on ecology.

    * * *So that the flowers bloom in the forest,

    All spring and summer

    We won't collect

    Their large bouquets.

    If the chick is out of the nest

    Got out before the deadline

    We will help, no problem

    Don't talk, magpie.

    Although the fly agaric is harmful,

    We won't touch him.

    Suddenly you need him

    Forest dweller.

    Fragile ant house

    We must also protect it.

    He must

    Stand behind the fence.

    Bunny and hedgehog -

    Forest inhabitants

    You better not touch it!

    Keep them safe!

    Let's protect nature, preschoolers!

    We must not forget about her for a minute.

    After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers,

    This is all for us forever!

    About pollution.

    There is balance in nature

    It cannot be violated.

    This is very important in life

    For you and for me.

    What would be the balance?

    We need it with you, friends.

    Don't throw away waste

    And don't pollute the seas.

    Drive less

    And blow smoke from the factories,

    So as not to fly in the atmosphere

    And they didn't make holes there.

    Less candy wrappers and pieces of paper

    Throw it on the street!

    Train yourself, you, dexterity:

    Go straight to the trash can.

    And when you want to quit

    You don't put the paper in the basket,

    Think about nature -

    We still have to live here!

    Ecology of children,

    Very important, believe me!!!

    We must teach them

    How to protect and love nature.

    So we went for a walk,

    And the guys are picking flowers.

    We need to bail them out

    Explain who you are.

    Who cares about the forest?

    All about the same flowers,

    Teach them to admire

    Beauty is all around us.

    Well, what about the weekend?

    In nature by the river...

    Why are the guys angry?

    Are they breaking branches, tearing flowers?!

    Why dads, moms

    Aren't they forbidden to do all this?

    Why don't they appreciate

    All they have now?

    And, of course, if the children grow up

    And when we meet them, we will see

    That they love our planet,

    That they value her and take care of her...

    And then we will understand and see

    That our studies were useful.

    And what will they do to their grandchildren and children?

    Give these same truths from lesson to lesson.

    Let's try

    Teach children to fall in love with nature.

    So that every child

    Almost “from the cradle”

    I could immediately and firmly say:

    “We value nature, cherish it, cherish it


    Everything from the old pine tree by the fence

    To the big dark forest

    And from the lake to the pond -


    And also a bear and a moose,

    And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

    Even a fly - wow! –


    I love the silence on the lake

    And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

    I love picking blueberries in the forest,

    I love the badger and the fox...

    I love you forever, Environment! (L. Fadeeva)

    our planet

    There is one garden planet

    In this cold space.

    Only here the forests are noisy,

    Calling migratory birds,

    Only on her alone do they bloom,

    Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

    And dragonflies are only here

    They look into the river in surprise.

    Take care of your planet -

    After all, there is no other one like it! (Ya. Akim)

    Living Primer

    Us at any time of the year

    Wise nature teaches:

    Birds teach singing.

    A spider of patience.

    Bees in the field and in the garden

    They teach us how to work.

    And besides, in their work

    Everything is fair.

    Reflection in water

    Teaches us truthfulness.

    Snow teaches us purity.

    The sun teaches kindness:

    Every day, winter and summer,

    Gives us warmth and light.

    And in return no one

    He won't ask for anything!

    Nature has it all year round

    You need to study.

    We are trees of all species,

    All the great forest people

    They teach strong friendship. (V. Orlov)

    Temple of Nature

    There is just a temple

    There is a temple of science

    And there is also a temple of nature,

    With scaffolding reaching out

    Towards the sun and winds.

    He is holy at any time of the year,

    Open to us in hot and cold weather.

    Come here, be a little hearty,

    Do not desecrate his shrines. (A. Smirnov)

    There is so much beauty in nature -

    Take a closer look and you will understand

    Why dewy bushes

    Trembling envelops me.

    Where does the babbling stream run?

    Transparent than glass

    What about in the evening, in a field of rye,

    The quails are singing...

    Let it become to your heart

    The bird's speech is clear -

    And you will learn that

    How to take care of it all. (V. Chizhov)

    Take care of the earth!

    Take care of the earth!

    Take care!

    Lark at the blue zenith,

    Butterfly on dodder leaves,

    There are sun glares on the paths.

    A crab playing on the stones,

    Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,

    A hawk soaring over a field

    A clear moon over the river calm,

    A swallow flickering in life.

    Take care of the earth! Take care! (M. Dudin)

    Let's decorate the Earth together

    Let's decorate the Earth together,

    Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

    Let's respect the Earth together

    And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

    We forget that we have only one -

    Unique, vulnerable, alive.

    Beautiful: be it summer or winter...

    We have only one, one of our kind! (E. Smirnova)

    Even though the grass won't grow

    There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet.

    Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra.

    And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes...

    Wildlife is already half a corpse.

    The man brought her to her knees.

    We want to rake in more money.

    And what after us?



    The earth was smoking with smoke,

    The earth was puffing with steam,

    The earth was poisoned

    And shook with explosions.

    The earth cut down the forest,

    The forest ground was burning,

    The earth drowned the forest,

    Well, in a word, I went too far.

    Then she asked:

    Where's the atmosphere?

    I felt stuffy,

    Oh, I don't feel good!

    Ah, give me some oxygen

    And clean water!

    Normal weather!

    But the train has left. (R. Aldonina)

    What is the fish asking for?

    Would be friendly

    You, fisherman,

    I would treat you


    No catch,

    Without hook

    I would give a Worm! (S. Pogorelovsky)

    Proverbs and riddles about the earth

    The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

    It is not the earth that will give birth, but the year.

    Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

    Without bowing to the ground, you won’t even raise a mushroom.

    Whose land is his bread.

    Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

    He runs as if the earth is shaking beneath him.

    The earth is full of rumors, and the light is full of whims.

    Man works - the earth is not lazy; a person is lazy - the earth does not work.

    Heaven is the throne of God, earth is the footstool.

    The mother of cheese is the earth - it is impossible to say.

    The good earth will accept the earth once, and remember for nine years.

    The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

    The earth will cover the grave, but will not cover the bad glory.

    Strong, strong, and the earth will take its toll.

    Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, mother of Holy Russian land.

    She hasn’t given birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother. (Arable land)

    They beat me, toss me around, cut me, but I remain silent and cry with all my goodness. (Earth)

    Who is the richest in the world? (Arable land)

    There is a road - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow, there are meadows - you can’t mow, there is no water in the rivers and seas. (Geographic map)

    What's the fattest thing in the world? (Arable land)

    One walks, another drinks, and the third eats. (Rain, earth and grass)


    "World Earth Day"

    Prepared by:

    Starostenko Natalya Nikolaevna,

    teacher at MADOU "Kindergarten"

    combined type No. 10

    Shebekino, Belgorod region"


    • Information card of the project.
    • Goals and objectives of the project.
    • Project implementation stages.
    • Project implementation mechanisms.
    • Application.

    Project Information Card

    Project participants: teachers, senior group students and parents of students.

    Project type: information-practice-oriented, short-term.

    The purpose and directions of the project’s activities: the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of children of senior preschool age.

    Brief content: during the project, children are

    conversations, storytelling, reading and learning poems with children,

    songs, proverbs, travel games, children do drawing, modeling and appliqué work. The project ends with the event “The Earth is our common home.”

    Venue: group room, music room, kindergarten area.

    Dates of providence: from 20.04.15 until 24.04.15

    Children's age: 5-6 years.

    Expected results: children’s knowledge about planet Earth and its natural resources is formed.

    Problem: There is a problem of forming the environmental consciousness of children.

    Objective of the project:

    Develop basic understanding of planet Earth.

    To deepen children's environmental knowledge, to instill in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

    Project objectives:

    1. Introduce the diversity of flora and fauna, its significance for all life on the planet.

    2. Deepen children’s understanding that planet Earth is our home.

    3. Foster a desire to protect our Earth.

    4. Develop research skills.

    5. Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and exploring natural objects.

    6. Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.

    7. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and the natural heritage of our region.

    Project implementation stages





    • Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
    • Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, etc.), illustrations.
    • Collection of information.

    Teacher, children, parents



    • Conducting educational activities on the topic “Our Planet”.
    • Compiling a story based on the painting “People’s Labor in Spring.”
    • Conversation “How can we help our planet?”
    • Carrying out the game “Good - bad”.
    • Reading fiction.
    • Getting to know proverbs and riddles about the Earth.
    • Organization of labor activities for cleaning the site.
    • Designing a “garden on the window” in a group.
    • Replanting a houseplant and talking about what is necessary for plant growth and life.
    • Action “Second life of old things”.
    • Making crafts from waste materials.

    Teacher, children, parents



    1.Organization of an exhibition of crafts made from waste material “Fantasy”.

    2. Exhibition of drawings jointly with parents: “Planet Earth through the eyes of children”;

    3. Presentation of the project in the form of thematic educational activity “The Earth is our common home.”

    4.Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes and failures).

    Teacher, children, parents

    Project implementation mechanisms:

    1. Development of a work plan.

    2. Carrying out preparatory activities necessary for the implementation of the project.

    3. Design of the development environment.

    4. Carrying out planned project activities.

    5. Exhibition design.

    6. Holding a holiday.



    expand the idea that the Earth is the common home of all people and all living beings.


    To form in children the idea that nature is the main source of people’s health and well-being, that man is a reasonable owner and is responsible for everything on Earth.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the globe - a model of planet Earth.

    Cultivate friendly relationships, a positive attitude towards the world around us, towards nature.

    Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature.

    Equipment: globe, 3 balloons, colored paper tree, leaf templates, colored paper.

    Progress of the lesson:

    There are many holidays in the month of April. Who remembers the names of those that have already passed? (April Fool's Day, Cosmonautics Day, Easter). What other holiday will there be in April?

    Listen to the poem. It will help you find out the content of the holiday.

    You, Man, loving nature,
    At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
    On pleasure trips
    Don't trample its fields.
    Don't burn her recklessly
    And don’t trample to the bottom,
    And remember the simple truth -
    There are many of us, but she is alone.

    I take the cape off the globe.

    April 22 is International Earth Day - a holiday of clean Water, Earth and Air. A day of reminders of terrible environmental disasters, a day when every person can think about what he can do to solve environmental problems, overcoming indifference in himself.

    Who knows what environmental problems exist? (Deforestation, water, air, soil pollution).

    It is on Earth Day that it is customary to fight such problems with all our might.

    The history of this holiday is connected with the name of a resident of the American continent, John Morton. At the end of the 19th century, J. Sterling Morton moved to a desert area where lonely trees were being intensively cut down to build houses and for firewood. Morton suggested a gardening day and prizes for those who planted the most trees. This day was called Tree Day.

    During the first Tree Day, residents of the state planted about 1 million trees. In 1882, the state of Nebraska declared Arbor Day a state holiday. It was celebrated on Morton's birthday - April 22. In 1970, over 20 million people around the world took part in an event called Earth Day.

    In 1990, the holiday became international; 200 million people from 141 countries took part in the event. In Russia, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1992.

    Russia is not only a country of forests, fields and rivers; at the same time, Russia is rich in a variety of energy resources and has high-level technologies for their processing. Therefore, it is important to continue to develop, but also not to ignore our nature. After all, a person, being a part of it, is responsible for it.


    Now we'll have a quiz.

    1. – We will work in three groups. Helping children separate.

    The first team remembers BEASTS, the second - FISH, the third - INSECTS. You need to remember as much as possible in a short time. So, let's start.

    We're done. Team representatives come out and call in turns.

    I place magnetic chips on the board in 3 rows. The team with the most animals recorded will win.

    2. The game “Bird, Fish, Beast” is played

    (similar to the game “The Sea Is Troubled.” Children must guess which animal the presenter is depicting. Or the presenter guesses the animals that the children depicted)

    We said that we need to protect the Earth. Who even knows what the Earth is, what it is like? Maybe you know some interesting information?

    Earth, the planet on which we live; the third from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the Solar System. The earth is a sphere (ball). She is spinning. Most of the Earth is occupied by water.

    3. Game "Movement of the Earth."I have 3 balls in my hands. Now each of the 3 teams will stand in columns and receive a ball. It will be necessary to pass the ball back with outstretched arms without turning. The row that completes the task first wins.

    Look at the blackboard. You have already noticed that it depicts a tree without leaves. Today, in honor of the holiday, we will, as it were, plant a tree, dressing it in leaves. Now I will give you leaf templates, and you can trace and cut them out. Then we will glue them to the tree.

    It turns out that we also took part in the holiday by planting this tree.

    To summarize:

    What new did you learn in class today?

    What did you like or find interesting?

    What date is Earth Day celebrated?

    Whose name is the history of the holiday connected with?

    Why was there a need to create such a holiday?

    Think at home with your parents and tell everyone tomorrow what you personally can do to improve the environmental situation on Earth?

    Poems for preschoolers on ecology.

    * * *So that the flowers bloom in the forest,

    All spring and summer

    We won't collect

    Their large bouquets.

    If the chick is out of the nest

    Got out before the deadline

    We will help, no problem

    Don't talk, magpie.

    Although the fly agaric is harmful,

    We won't touch him.

    Suddenly you need him

    Forest dweller.

    Fragile ant house

    We must also protect it.

    He must

    Stand behind the fence.

    Bunny and hedgehog -

    Forest inhabitants

    You better not touch it!

    Keep them safe!

    Let's protect nature, preschoolers!

    We must not forget about her for a minute.

    After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers,

    This is all for us forever!

    * * *

    About pollution.

    There is balance in nature

    It cannot be violated.

    This is very important in life

    For you and for me.

    What would be the balance?

    We need it with you, friends.

    Don't throw away waste

    And don't pollute the seas.

    Drive less

    And blow smoke from the factories,

    So as not to fly in the atmosphere

    And they didn't make holes there.

    Less candy wrappers and pieces of paper

    Throw it on the street!

    Train yourself, you, dexterity:

    Go straight to the trash can.

    And when you want to quit

    You don't put the paper in the basket,

    Think about nature -

    We still have to live here!

    * * *

    Ecology of children,

    Very important, believe me!!!

    We must teach them

    How to protect and love nature.

    So we went for a walk,

    And the guys are picking flowers.

    We need to bail them out

    Explain who you are.

    Who cares about the forest?

    All about the same flowers,

    Teach them to admire

    Beauty is all around us.

    Well, what about the weekend?

    In nature by the river...

    Why are the guys angry?

    Are they breaking branches, tearing flowers?!

    Why dads, moms

    Aren't they forbidden to do all this?

    Why don't they appreciate

    All they have now?

    And, of course, if the children grow up

    And when we meet them, we will see

    That they love our planet,

    That they value her and take care of her...

    And then we will understand and see

    That our studies were useful.

    And what will they do to their grandchildren and children?

    Give these same truths from lesson to lesson.

    Let's try

    Teach children to fall in love with nature.

    So that every child

    Almost “from the cradle”

    I could immediately and firmly say:

    “We value nature, cherish it, cherish it


    Everything from the old pine tree by the fence

    To the big dark forest

    And from the lake to the pond -


    And also a bear and a moose,

    And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

    Even a fly - wow! –


    I love the silence on the lake

    And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

    I love picking blueberries in the forest,

    I love the badger and the fox...

    I love you forever, Environment! (L. Fadeeva)

    our planet

    There is one garden planet

    In this cold space.

    Only here the forests are noisy,

    Calling migratory birds,

    Only on her alone do they bloom,

    Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

    And dragonflies are only here

    They look into the river in surprise.

    Take care of your planet -

    After all, there is no other one like it! (Ya. Akim)

    Living Primer

    Us at any time of the year

    Wise nature teaches:

    Birds teach singing.

    A spider of patience.

    Bees in the field and in the garden

    They teach us how to work.

    And besides, in their work

    Everything is fair.

    Reflection in water

    Teaches us truthfulness.

    Snow teaches us purity.

    The sun teaches kindness:

    Every day, winter and summer,

    Gives us warmth and light.

    And in return no one

    He won't ask for anything!

    Nature has it all year round

    You need to study.

    We are trees of all species,

    All the great forest people

    They teach strong friendship. (V. Orlov)

    Temple of Nature

    There is just a temple

    There is a temple of science

    And there is also a temple of nature,

    With scaffolding reaching out

    Towards the sun and winds.

    He is holy at any time of the year,

    Open to us in hot and cold weather.

    Come here, be a little hearty,

    Do not desecrate his shrines. (A. Smirnov)

    There is so much beauty in nature -

    Take a closer look and you will understand

    Why dewy bushes

    Trembling envelops me.

    Where does the babbling stream run?

    Transparent than glass

    What about in the evening, in a field of rye,

    The quails are singing...

    Let it become to your heart

    The bird's speech is clear -

    And you will learn that

    How to take care of it all. (V. Chizhov)

    Take care of the earth!

    Take care of the earth!

    Take care!

    Lark at the blue zenith,

    Butterfly on dodder leaves,

    There are sun glares on the paths.

    A crab playing on the stones,

    Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,

    A hawk soaring over a field

    A clear moon over the river calm,

    A swallow flickering in life.

    Take care of the earth! Take care! (M. Dudin)

    Let's decorate the Earth together

    Let's decorate the Earth together,

    Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

    Let's respect the Earth together

    And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

    We forget that we have only one -

    Unique, vulnerable, alive.

    Beautiful: be it summer or winter...

    We have only one, one of our kind! (E. Smirnova)

    Even though the grass won't grow

    There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet.

    Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra.

    And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes...

    Wildlife is already half a corpse.

    The man brought her to her knees.

    We want to rake in more money.

    And what after us?



    The earth was smoking with smoke,

    The earth was puffing with steam,

    The earth was poisoned

    And shook with explosions.

    The earth cut down the forest,

    The forest ground was burning,

    The earth drowned the forest,

    Well, in a word, I went too far.

    Then she asked:

    Where's the atmosphere?

    I felt stuffy,

    Oh, I don't feel good!

    Ah, give me some oxygen

    And clean water!

    Normal weather!

    But the train has left. (R. Aldonina)

    What is the fish asking for?

    Would be friendly

    You, fisherman,

    I would treat you


    No catch,

    Without hook

    I would give a Worm! (S. Pogorelovsky)

    Proverbs and riddles about the earth

    The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

    It is not the earth that will give birth, but the year.

    Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

    Without bowing to the ground, you won’t even raise a mushroom.

    Whose land is his bread.

    Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

    He runs as if the earth is shaking beneath him.

    The earth is full of rumors, and the light is full of whims.

    Man works - the earth is not lazy; a person is lazy - the earth does not work.

    Heaven is the throne of God, earth is the footstool.

    The mother of cheese is the earth - it is impossible to say.

    The good earth will accept the earth once, and remember for nine years.

    The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

    The earth will cover the grave, but will not cover the bad glory.

    Strong, strong, and the earth will take its toll.

    Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, mother of Holy Russian land.

    She hasn’t given birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother. (Arable land)

    They beat me, toss me around, cut me, but I remain silent and cry with all my goodness. (Earth)

    Who is the richest in the world? (Arable land)

    There is a road - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow, there are meadows - you can’t mow, there is no water in the rivers and seas. (Geographic map)

    What's the fattest thing in the world? (Arable land)

    One walks, another drinks, and the third eats. (Rain, earth and grass)

    Best teaching practices in kindergarten

    Project "Earth Day in kindergarten"

    Troshkina Ravilya Raisovna, teacher
    1st quarter category MBDOU No. 5 Leninogorsk RT


    The earth must be protected

    Protect in every possible way,

    Mountains, rivers and fields -

    This is all our Earth.

    Life is on it every hour,

    So it depends on all of us

    What is our concern for her -

    Every day it becomes even more important.

    Happy Earth Day,

    Take care of our Earth,

    And she answered you -

    Will protect you from various troubles!

    In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education and upbringing, therefore, as a teacher, I form in preschoolers the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management, which helps to understand various aspects of human interaction with nature.

    I consider environmental education of preschoolers, first of all, as moral education, because the basis of a person’s attitude to the natural world around him should be fundamental humane feelings, that is, awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature.

    By forming a humane attitude towards nature, I try to ensure that every child realizes that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man, therefore, actions , as a result of which the Home common to all of us is destroyed, are immoral.

    I convince children that in relation to nature they occupy a position of the stronger side and therefore must patronize it, must protect it and take care of it, and also be able to notice the actions of other people, peers and adults, and give them an appropriate and adequate assessment.

    Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to develop a humane attitude towards nature in children, so I involve each child in practical activities that are feasible for his age - I create conditions for constant and full communication between children and living nature.

    As a teacher, my task is to, together with parents, bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the Earth, and each of us can preserve and enhance its beauty.

    Target: To deepen children's environmental knowledge, to instill in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.


    1. To develop environmental thinking in children, the ability to understand the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment; aesthetic feelings, the ability to see the beauty of nature and admire it.
    2. To develop in children knowledge of norms of behavior in the natural environment and the desire to observe them in practical activities and in everyday life.
    3. Involve children in all possible participation in the conservation and protection of nature.
    4. Foster a caring attitude towards the natural world.
    5. Give children the joy of participating in a common holiday and working together.

    Age: 6 -7 years.

    Project type: practice – oriented, short-term.

    Implemented activities.

    GCD And OD:

    Thematic classes (integrated: P., K., X t-vo, T.)

    • History of the Earth Day holiday
    • "Nature and Health"
    • "Planet Earth is in danger"
    • Compiling a story based on the painting “People’s Labor in Spring”
    • Bas-relief sculpture “Earth Festival”

    OD situational conversations:

    • How did we relax together?
    • How are you helping planet Earth? (Game “Good - Bad”)

    Games - travel:"On a hike"

    Target walks:

    • "Spring City"
    • "Nature wakes up"

    Correspondence excursions:

    • "Springs of Elabuga"
    • "Shishkinsky places"

    Exhibition of drawings

    • "Panorama of Good Deeds"
    • "We are children of planet Earth"

    Viewing filmstrips and cartoons:

    • N. Kalinina “Mysteries of water”
    • N. Pritulina “Hedgehog’s Gift”
    • Fairy tales of the peoples of the Soviet Union “Why? Why? How?"
    • “How a goat held the Earth”
    • K. Paustovsky “Badger Nose”
    • E. Marysaev “Mama Bear”

    Reading fiction:

    • Proverbs and riddles about the earth.
    • A. Block “In the meadow”
    • S. Gorodetsky. "Spring Song"
    • V. Zhukovsky. "Lark"
    • F. Tyutchev. "Spring Waters"
    • M. Zoshchenko “Great Travelers”
    • K. Korovin “Squirrel”
    • S. Alekseev “The first night ram
    • N. Teleshov “The Best”
    • Y. Koval “Little Mermaid Herbalist”
    • Y. Koval “Stozhok”
    • E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”
    • E. Permyak “What are hands needed for”
    • Y. Tuvim – “Vegetables”
    • K. I. Chukovsky “Hedgehogs”
    • B. Zakhoder “Shaggy ABC”
    • I. Tokmakova “Trees in verse”
    • V. Bianchi “Masters without an axe”
    • V. Stepanov “Birds in verse”
    • Yu. Entin “About many six-legged animals”
    • A. S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”
    • S. Baruzdin “The Tale of the Tram”
    • V. Stepanov “Name your profession”
    • D. Rodari “What crafts smell like”
    • M. Druzhinina “What’s on our street”
    • V. Palchinskaite “The Pea House”
    • S. Mikhalkov “Sweet Tooth”
    • S. Marshak “Poems about cats”
    • F. Tyutchev “Spring Thunderstorm”


    • "Ecological traffic light"
    • Game "Rare and Endangered Animals"

    Competition games: Fun starts "Labor landing"

    Pedagogical game situations:

    • Labor activity cleaning the site, planting seedlings “Let’s decorate the Earth with flowers.”
    • Replanting a houseplant and talking about what is necessary for plant growth and life.

    SD: Making crafts from waste materials.

    Working with parents:

    • Collection of photographs and material on the topic.
    • Drawing competition “Panorama of good deeds”, “We are children of planet Earth”.
    • Decoration of the stand “April 22 Earth Day”
    • Competition among parents and children for the best craft made from garbage: “Trash Fantasy”

    Competition "Trash Fantasy"

    Before throwing something away, people don’t think about how long this garbage will bother others. Garbage will outlive us unless we find another use for it.

    Bottles, juice boxes, eggshells, old bags, newspapers - these things usually end up in the trash can. The children and their parents must show imagination and creativity and give the garbage a second life.

    Final event: Carrying out an event called “Our Home is the Earth”

    Expected Result: Feelings of empathy are formed, children will become kinder, good feelings for nature will arise, and knowledge will deepen about the need to preserve and increase the wealth of their native planet Earth.

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