• Project of environmental actions in kindergarten. Environmental actions as a means of socialization of preschool children. Environmental project “Save the planet from garbage”


    Turkina Valentina Vasilievna
    Job title: teacher
    Educational institution: MADOU"117 Kindergarten combined type"Teremok"
    Locality: Angarsk, Irkutsk region
    Name of material: article
    Subject: Environmental action as a means of formation ecological culture preschoolers
    Publication date: 07.04.2017
    Chapter: preschool education

    Environmental action as a means of formation

    ecological culture of preschoolers

    Turkina Valentina Vasilievna

    MADOU No. 117 combined kindergarten “Teremok”, Angarsk

    S. N. Nikolaeva



    culture - “this is the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in

    to all its diversity, to people who protect and create.”






    S.L. Rubinstein,

    A.N. Leontiev,

    V.N. Myasishcheva,

    S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Yasvin and others consider the attitude towards nature


    personality. Attitude always has an emotional connotation, it is subjective







    consciously correct






    child, including environmental (social) action.

    “A social action is a series of interconnected and planned

    actions aimed at achieving specific results in solving

    socially significant problem over a certain period of time.”

    Dzyaloshinsky I.M.


    shares are



    aimed at preserving the environment. During the promotions



    natural history

    are being formed

    environmental culture skills, active life position. Shares serve

    environmental propaganda among parents who become active





    we use

    the following algorithm for organizing an environmental action:

    Definition problematic situation(“zones of concern”). Problem

    should be very specific and understandable for preschoolers.

    Analysis and research of a problem situation. Analyzing the problem,

    it is necessary to find out and systematize information on it.

    Determining the long-term goals of the environmental action.








    Determining forms of attracting attention to environmental problems.

    Development of the main idea, plan, and activities of the environmental campaign.

    Determining the result of an environmental action, carrying out








    carrying out


    I suggest

    to your attention


    carrying out

    environmental event with preschoolers on the theme “Protect the birds.”







    Several options have been proposed (we will help trees, birds, animals). IN

    helping our little bird brothers.

    If we know more about the characteristics of bird life, then we will have


    Let's organize




    independently choose topics for research.








    educational literature, etc.) were included in the environmental action plan

    making leaflets and posters urging people not to feed birds

    only in winter, but also in early spring, booklets “Take care of birds”, they were offered

    parents of preschool institutions. Made warning signs

    on bird protection for children and adults who do not know the rules of behavior in

    nature or simply forgotten: “Don’t make noise in the forest!”, “Don’t touch the chicks in

    nests!”, “Don’t catch birds!”, “Don’t destroy bird nests!”, “Don’t kill

    birds! and others. Conducted a research conference on the topic “What are we



    preschool institution.


    "TV Channel"



    video and photo reports about how the environmental campaign is taking place.


    propaganda teams


    let's build



    birdhouses and hang them on the territory of adults and pupils

    the entire preschool. One day, made together

    parents and children, birdhouses were hung on the territory of the preschool

    institutions and a nearby park.






    little books: “What benefits do birds bring?”, “Riddles - answers”,

    “Poems about Birds”, coloring books “Birds”, etc.




    pupils presented their individual educational projects,




    made and presented bird protection signs to children from other groups,


    propaganda teams,



    environmental action.





    practical skills to help birds, the need to show kindness,

    sensitivity and respect for everything around you. Pupils











    1.Zenina T. “Environmental actions in working with preschoolers: from experience

    [Det. garden N 403 Moscow] / /Preschool education. - 2002. - No7. - P. 18 - 21.

    2. Nikolaev




    children." – M.: Academy, 2009.

    3. Nikolaeva S.N. “Young ecologist. System of work in preparatory

    school kindergarten group. For working with children aged 6 - 7 years old", pp. 62 - 63.









    education" - //Preschool education. - 2010 - N5.

    Kryuchkovskaya Svetlana Eduardovna,

    senior teacher,

    MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Rainbow",

    Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region





    (from work experience)

    An effective means of solving problems of socialization of preschool children are environmental actions.

    In preschool age, there is an active accumulation of communication experience.

    A child of preschool age is emotionally responsive, and taking into account this feature preschool age, we include it in personally significant aspects environmental education based on spiritual and moral human values, where the main motive is the productive activity of the student himself, his parents and loved ones. Environmental actions are the basis of such relationships.

    Teachers of our preschool educational institution use actions as pedagogical technologies and motivate students to productive activities in environmental education and socialization.

    Environmental actions in our preschool institution have become one of the main and effective forms of work in the context: “Children - teachers - parents - social institutions”, an effective means of solving problems of socialization of preschool children.

    Environmental actions are event-significant events aimed at preserving the environment. During their implementation, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, they develop environmental culture skills and an active life position.

    The promotions also serve as environmental propaganda among parents, who become active helpers.

    Preschool children take an feasible, productive part in the events (which is extremely rare in preschool age), which is understandable to them, affects their interests, their life activities.

    Translated into "action" means action.

    Promotions are complex events that are implemented through all types of children's activities and have a certain length in time, which makes them especially valuable.

    The choice of this form of work is not accidental.
    The promotions are aimed at developing an active positive position in life towards nature and help the child understand that the state of the environment around us depends on him;
    actions make it possible to achieve not mechanical memorization of the rules of behavior in nature, but conscious knowledge of these rules;
    actions allow children to see examples of a caring attitude towards nature on the part of adults and themselves develop a positive attitude towards nature, a desire to protect and care for it.

    When organizing environmental events, we try to adhere to the following principles:

    Meaningfulness. It is necessary that all participants understand what exactly they are doing and why.

    Lack of competitive spirit. Participants in the action should be determined to enjoy the common cause, and not to receive best place in the ranking.

    Safety. For example, you cannot clean up broken glass and cigarette butts on the river bank or near a bus stop.

    Reasonableness. If the action is related to cleaning the shore, then you should not move garbage from one heap to another, changing only its location. If you are collecting batteries, you need to know where they can be sent later.

    Systematicity. Consistency is a mandatory feature of stocks. You can't achieve much with a one-time campaign.

    Publicity. The action must find a response. It is extremely important for preschoolers to know that their ideas and work results are approved by others.

    As part of the environmental campaign, various activities are always held with both children and parents: conversations, excursions, looking at paintings, photographs, drawing environmental leaflets, drawings on the theme of the campaign, didactic games, holidays, etc.

    The teachers of our preschool institution have developed and implemented the following campaigns: “Give hope to the homeless”, “Feed the pets of the eco-center of the Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve”, “Ptitsegrad”, “Our feeding trough for every little bird!”, “Second life for unnecessary things”, “ Primroses”, “Let’s preserve the green outfit of Mezhdurechensk”, “Alley of graduates”, “Tree-memory”, “Battery hunters”, “Collect - hand over - recycle!”, “Alley of saved trees”, “Kindergarten - flower garden”, “ Our favorite vegetable garden”, etc.

    Action plan


    Theme of the action


    Feed the pet of the eco-center of the Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve


    Give hope to the homeless


    Every little bird has our feeder!


    Let's preserve the green outfit of Mezhdurechensk


    Battery Hunters


    Second life for unnecessary things


    Give hope to the homeless




    Alley of saved trees


    Memory tree

    Alumni Alley

    Kindergarten flower garden!


    Let's collect, hand over, and recycle!


    « Clean coast»


    Our harvest is not bad

    Ecological action

    “Feed the pet of the eco-center of the Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve”

    Held in September and or March.


    Target: formation in preschoolers of ideas about mercy, that wild animals also need human help.


    Help children understand how people can help wild animals;

    Action plan:

    · have a rock with an environmental scientist, an employee of the ecocenter of the Kuznetsky Alatau nature reserve;

    · watching a film about the Kuznetsky Alatau State Nature Reserve;

    · conversations with children about animals of their native land, looking at images of animals;

    · presentation “The Red Book of Kuzbass”;

    · reading works by V. Bianchi, G. Skrebitsky and others about animals;

    · drawing leaflets on the topic “Everyone is important for the forest!”;

    · green procession “Everyone is important for the forest”:

    · collection of food for the inhabitants of the eco-center (vegetables, cereals, bread)

    · excursion to the eco-center for pupils of preparatory school and senior groups, transfer of collected feed to the eco-center staff;

    · writing poems about the inhabitants of the eco-center as a reflection.

    For 1 campaign, we usually collect about 50 kilograms of feed: vegetables (carrots, cabbage, potatoes), cereals, bread, crackers, nuts.

    As a result of the action, pupils of the school preparatory group in 2016 composed poems:

    Early morning kids

    Ecocenter meets,

    The beast is waiting for our children

    Everyone is bored in the enclosures:

    Elk, deer,

    Deer, wild boar,

    Squirrels and rabbits,

    Petya the goat -

    Everything from us

    Delicious gifts are waiting.

    Vera P., 6 years old

    We fed cabbage


    Todzha and the North are quite

    happy to have a treat

    Christina K, 6 years old

    We treated the deer with bread and carrots,

    They take food from their hands very, very deftly.

    Arina A., 6 years old

    You won't see a bunny in the white snow,

    He cleverly hid himself in his winter coat,

    Only the tips of the ears and the eyes turn black,

    We will lure the nimble fellow to us with a carrot.

    Dima V., 6 years old

    We fed the moose

    bread and cabbage

    He ate with pleasure

    It was delicious.

    Maxim A., 6 years old

    We treated the rabbits to cabbage and carrots

    They chew everything very, very deftly.

    Danil K., 6 years old

    The little rabbits are not afraid of us,

    And they come close

    Have fun meeting and feeding radishes.

    Vera N., 6 years old

    There lives a goat in the eco-center, his name is Petrusha,

    The goat is wonderful, kind, obedient.

    Once upon a time he made people laugh in the arena,

    Now it's fun

    at the children's eco-center.

    Veronica P., 6 years old

    We enjoyed visiting the museum,
    There we learned a lot about the Kuzbass region.
    On this day we became smarter and kinder,
    And our nature is both simple and beautiful.

    We were met here by a bear

    And the fox, and the wolf, the sable, the squirrel,

    And a lynx, and a marten, and there was also a deer

    And of course elk, mink, hedgehog

    and various birds.

    Vika V., 6 years old, Tanya P, 6 years old

    Ecocenter taught us to love and take care

    Smaller brothers, all those who are weaker,

    And now it is in our power to protect nature,

    Then we will become twice as strong.

    Andrey Kh., 6 years old

    Ecological action

    "Give the Homeless Hope"

    Held in October and March.

    Participants: pupils, parents and MBDOU employee.

    Target: formation in preschoolers of ideas about mercy, that homeless animals are in great need of human help.


    Help children understand what help people can provide to homeless animals and that people are responsible for the fact that pets end up on the street;

    Develop the ability to evaluate the behavior of others and one’s own actions;

    To instill in children kindness, empathy, good-heartedness, and a positive attitude towards those in need of our help.

    Action plan:

    - meeting with volunteers of a non-profit charity organization helping homeless animals“Ark – will they survive or die? It's up to you!;

    - watching a film of homeless animals;

    - conversations with children about pets and how to care for them;

    - reading works by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky and others about animals;

    - excursion to the “Cat and Dog” veterinary clinic;

    - educational games about pets;

    - caring for animals in the living area of ​​the MBDOU (daily);

    - learning the song “It’s not easy to be kind”;

    - drawing pets;

    - compiling stories and fairy tales about pets;

    - collection of food and medicine for homeless animals;

    During the event, the children will learn what a great job volunteers do: they collect food for homeless animals, find new owners for cats and dogs who will never take the animal out into the street, treat sick animals, and sterilize adult cats and dogs.

    Veterinarians - real doctors Aibolit - provide great assistance in the treatment and sterilization of stray animals.

    With everyone's efforts, more than 50 kilograms of feed are usually collected. Medicines, bandages, and cotton wool are also collected for treating animals.

    All collected food is given to a volunteer of the group “Ark – will they survive or die? It's up to you! Irina Ryadnova. She transports all the food to its intended destination.

    During the campaign, 16 families of our pupils were replenished with new residents: 7 puppies and 9 kittens were adopted. 3 families became active volunteers of the group “Ark – will they survive or die? It’s up to you!”, homeless animals are accepted for foster care.

    When children take an active part in helping homeless animals, you can be sure that they will grow up caring, kind, caring, will never offend an animal and will never drive it out onto the street, will not leave the weak without their protection, the one who depends entirely on us people.

    “All the cat-tails sincerely thank kindergarten No. 3 “Rainbow” for the “Good” campaign. THANK YOU very much to all the children, parents and teachers! Guys, you are great! Thank you for the gifts

    From the album Thank you all! for any help to homeless animals of the “Ark” group - will they survive or die? It's up to you!



    Class! 1






    Class! 1

    Ecological action

    “Every little bird has our feeder!”

    It is carried out in November so that throughout the winter there is an opportunity to feed the birds arriving at the MBDOU site.

    Participants: Pupils, parents, employees of MBDOU.

    Target: developing skills in practical environmental activities, developing in students an understanding of the importance of bird conservation.


    To attract the attention of pupils and their parents to the problems of wintering birds, to help wintering birds survive the cold period;

    To instill in children kindness, empathy, good-heartedness, and a positive attitude towards those in need of our help.

    Action plan:

    - looking at pictures of wintering birds;

    - bird watching on a walk;

    - presentation “Wintering Birds”;

    - drawing leaflets “Let's help the birds in winter”

    - participation in the drawing competition of the environmental campaign “Let's Help Birds in Winter”;

    - competition for making bird feeders “Bird Canteen”;

    - green march “Help the bird in winter”;

    - making edible bird feeders;

    - placement of feeders on the site of the preschool educational institution and the territory of adjacent houses;

    - daily feeding of birds.

    In November 2017, during the action, children together with their parents made 29 feeders from waste material and 96 edible feeders, which were placed on the territory of the MBDOU. Every day, children feed the birds and observe which birds fly to the bird canteen.

    Ecological action

    “Save the Christmas tree, the green needle!”

    Held in December before the New Year holidays.

    Participants: parents, students, MBDOU employees

    Target: To attract the attention of children and parents to environmental protection and respect for nature. Raise the level of environmental awareness through increased creative activity.
    - cultivate love and respect for nature;
    - generate knowledge about the environmental problem;
    - develop a desire to preserve nature, a sense of empathy;
    - show the importance of trees for forest inhabitants and humans.
    Action plan :
    - lesson “Forest is our wealth”;
    - conversations: “What is made from wood?”, “Forests of Kuzbass”;
    - watching cartoons;
    - reading stories, fairy tales, memorizing poems”;
    - drawing leaflets “Save the Christmas tree”, “Forest beauty”;

    Modeling: “New Year Tree”, “Forest Dwellers Greet New Year»;
    - campaign “Give the forest a gift, leave a Christmas tree for the forest!” (collecting Christmas trees for the inhabitants of the eco-center);
    - green procession “Save the Christmas tree!” (interview with passers-by on the street “Which Christmas tree will you use to celebrate the New Year?”);

    Didactic games: “For whom is a Christmas tree a home?”, “Trees and bushes”, “Recognize a tree”, “Structure of a tree”;
    - viewing illustrations;
    - excursions to the forest, to the park;

    Conversation about memories of excursions spent in summer period time, looking at photographs;

    Master class for parents: “DIY Christmas tree”;
    - consultations for parents: “Joint creativity”;
    "New Year's surprises";
    - an exhibition of Christmas trees made together with parents: “New Year’s Fantasy.”

    In 2017, 85 families out of 105 took part in the competition for Christmas trees made from waste materials. 85 Christmas trees were made from various materials: foil, dough, paper, plasticine, pasta, pencils, ice cream sticks, plastic bottles and cups, etc.

    All families had New Year trees installed: 15 families had live ones, 90 had artificial ones. After the holidays, the families who installed natural Christmas trees sent them to the ecocenter of the Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve to feed animals.

    The children drew and distributed 65 leaflets to city residents on the topic “Save the Christmas tree.”

    Ecological action

    "Battery Hunters"

    It is held from February, throughout the year.

    Aimed at collecting used batteries (batteries) for further transportation to a collection and recycling point.

    Participants: pupils, parents, MBDOU employees.

    Target: Forming in preschoolers ideas about the harm used batteries cause to the earth.


    Help children understand how people can reduce the harm they cause to the earth, plants and animals by throwing away garbage;

    Develop the ability to evaluate the behavior of others and one’s own actions;

    To instill in children the ability to care about the future.

    Action plan:

    Ppresentation “The benefits and harms of batteries”;

    Deducational game “How the battery appeared”;

    ABOUTtorture with batteries (“Wind the watch”, “Flashlight”, “Telephone”, etc.);

    ANDpreparing, together with parents, wall newspapers “The benefits and harms of batteries”;

    Bconversation with an ecologist;

    WITHcollection of used batteries (within a year), with their periodic transfer for recycling through the Total shopping center.

    In the 2016-2017 academic year, 215 used batteries were collected and recycled.

    Pupils have an understanding of the dangers of used batteries and know that they need to be recycled.

    Ecological action

    "The second life of unnecessary things"

    Held in February

    Participants: pupils, parents, MBDOU employees

    Target: developing in children a special attitude towards unnecessary things - not as usual garbage, but as valuable secondary raw materials.


    - teach to see, appreciate and create beauty with your own hands;

    - develop imagination and creativity;

    - to instill in children the need to bring elements of beauty into the environment and their everyday life.

    Action plan:

    Acleaning campaign for the kindergarten territory;

    ABOUTsetting up a workshop where materials for work are located;

    Rwork of the wizards' workshop;

    Beseda “Journey into the past of dolls”, “Mother’s Day”, “Theater and its dolls”.

    WITHcreation of the Malvina puppet theater;

    WITHcreation of the album “Technological maps for making crafts”;

    - Andmaking crafts for the exhibition “The Second Life of Unnecessary Things”;

    - yparticipation in the city creative competition “Beauty will save the world”;

    - Ocreating the exhibition “The Second Life of Unnecessary Things”;

    - Pperformance of the play “Teremok” for children of younger groups;

    - uhexcursions of kindergarten students to the exhibition “The Second Life of Unnecessary Things” at the city local history museum.

    Every year, 97% of families take part in the event. At the exhibitions you can see crafts made from paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic dishes, corks and other materials. The imagination of our participants is limitless. A lot of aids for games and activities are made by children and their parents from recycled materials.

    Ecological action:


    Held in March-April.

    Participants: pupils, parents, MBDOU employees, social partners.

    Target: instilling in preschoolers a caring attitude towards birds and attracting birds to the city.

    Objectives of the Promotion :

    - promote ideas of attracting birds to the city among preschoolers;

    - involve children and parents in practical environmental activities;

    - instill in children a desire to take care of birds.

    Promotion plan:

    - Rdrawing leaflets “Meet feathered friends!”;

    - Ppresentation " Migratory birds»;

    - Watching cartoons “Studying migratory birds”, “Spring Tale”, “Grey Neck”;

    - Vvideo lesson “Migratory Birds”;

    - competition for the best birdhouse;

    - Rplacement of birdhouses on the territory of MBDOU and on the territory of nearby houses;

    - sgreen march “Meeting the Birds” with interviews of townspeople about the benefits of birds and the need to help them;

    - Andmaking cranes from dough for the Bird Festival;

    - Pbird breeding ground;

    - Rlearning poetry;

    - hshadow of fiction by writers V. Bianki, V. Skrebitsky,

    G. Snegireva;

    - nobservation of birds arriving at the MBDOU site:

    - Withjoint event with students of MBOU “Gymnasium No. 6 named after. S.F. Venzeleva" and employees of TPTU "Ptitsegrad";

    - deducational games “Birds are flying.”

    During the action in April 2017, 16 birdhouses were made, which were placed both on the territory of the MBDOU and on the territory of neighboring houses.

    Ecological action

    "Alley of Saved Trees"

    Held in April-May, September-October.

    Participants: pupils, parents, employees of MBDOU, social partners (Mezhdurechenskoye forestry and CJSC "Artel Prospectors "Golden Pole"), MKU "Mezhdurechensky Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management"

    Target: Show preschoolers the importance of using paper sparingly and the possibility of reusing it.

    Objectives of the action :

    - diversify the forms of interaction and cooperation between the kindergarten and the SUN;

    -promote the unity of the child-parent team in the process of joint activities;

    -to form prerequisites for environmental awareness in preschool children;

    -expand children's understanding of relationships in nature;

    -build skills labor activity;

    - to cultivate a desire to protect nature.

    Promotion plan:

    - conducting conversations on environmental topics for children: “What do you know about trees?”, “What are trees for?”, “How paper is made,” “How to save a tree,” etc.;

    - conducting continuous educational activities “Journey to the Past of Paper”;

    - viewing multimedia presentations and cartoons: “The sheet on which we draw”, “Rules of behavior in nature”;

    - production methodological manuals: “Types of paper”, “History of paper”;

    - conducting a sociological survey of parents on the topic “Attitude of Mezhdurechensk residents towards the use of a natural resource – forests in the pulp and paper industry”:

    - organizing creative productive activities with children on the topic “The tree that I will save”;

    - production and distribution of thematic leaflets calling for participation in the action;

    - creation of containers for collecting paper;

    - making a leaflet “We make paper ourselves”;

    - conducting a master class “Do-it-yourself paper”;

    - “Knizhkina Hospital”;

    - organizing and conducting collection of waste paper in kindergarten during the week.

    In total, parents and children collected and handed over 235 kg in the 2016-2017 school year. waste paper.

    As a reward for the returned waste paper, 10 thuja seedlings, 8 lilac bushes, and 3 birch seedlings were planted on the territory of the MBDOU.

    Pupils from MBDOU, together with teachers, care for the seedlings, watering them daily.

    Ecological action

    "Memory Tree"

    Held from April 22 to May 15.

    Participants : pupils, parents, MBDOU employees, war and home front veterans, social partners (ZAO "SPHERE").

    Target: patriotic education of preschool children, continuity of generations.
    Contents of the promotion : planting personalized trees by WWII veterans and memorial trees to commemorate the 71st anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.
    Promotion plan:

    - uhexcursion to the Museum of Military Glory;

    - VVictory Exhibition: exhibition of photographs of WWII participants, relatives of students, photographs of awards;

    - Withcreation of an exposition of the mini-museum “Branches of Troops”;

    - Vexhibition of books about the Second World War in book corners;

    - Vexhibition of military posters;

    - hshadow of fiction about the Second World War;

    - Rlooking at photographs and events of the Second World War;

    - Pwatching the cartoons “A Soldier’s Tale”, “Strong in Spirit Are Stronger than Walls”, “Cornflower”, “The Legend of the Old Lighthouse”;

    - Todrawing competition “We need PEACE!”;

    - ToReaders' course (reading poems about the war) (children 5-7 years old);

    - Vlaying flowers at the monument to those killed in the Second World War;

    - Vmeeting with WWII participants: stories from veterans, concert for veterans, tea party;

    - Ptree settlement, delivery of personalized certificates.

    6 named oak trees were planted. All the oak trees have taken root. Veterans come to look at their trees and visit the guys. Children take care of the oak trees and water them.

    Ecological action

    "Kindergarten - flower garden"

    Held in May–June.

    Participants: pupils, parents, MBDOU employees, social partners (ZAO TC “Sibiryak”).

    Target: Blandscaping and landscaping of the kindergarten territory, creation of a comfortable landscape area for the implementation of environmental and moral education of preschool children.


    - creation of an environmentally friendly environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

    - creating conditions for effective environmental education of preschool children, promoting the development of an environmental culture and a conscious attitude towards nature;

    - promoting cooperation between children and adults. Involve parents to create a comfortable landscape area;

    - implementation of labor education of children in the process of caring for green spaces;

    - propaganda of environmental protection and formation of ecological culture of the population.

    Promotion plan:

    - Withboron and sowing seeds for annual flower seedlings;

    - Rlooking at photographs of flowers;

    - Rpainting flowers;

    - Vplanting seedlings in flower beds;

    - ytaking care of plants: loosening, watering;

    - nobserving the growth of flowers in flower beds;

    - slearning poems about flowers;

    - Andmaking “Flowers” ​​costumes;

    - Pflower hat arad (entertainment);

    - Pflower festival

    During the campaign, both annual plants (petunias, nasturtiums, marigolds, dahlias, marigolds, asters) and perennials (lilies, daffodils, irises, peonies, Turkish carnations, lupins, crocuses, zinnias, lilies of the valley) are planted.

    In the fall, seeds are collected for sowing next spring.

    Ecological action

    “Let's collect! Let's rent! Let's recycle!!”

    Held from April to July.

    Participants: pupils, parents, employees, social partners (ZAO Sfera)

    Target: Prevent environmental pollution from plastic utensils, paper and other household waste.


    - expand the understanding of children and adults about the dangers of abandoned plastic dishes, paper and other household waste to the environment.

    - fto develop a sense of responsibility for the purity of the nature around us.

    - Pintroduce different ways making crafts and flowers from plastic dishes, paper, household waste.

    - Pto attract parents and children to environmental and creative activities.

    Promotion plan:

    - nmonitoring the cleanliness of the preschool site, the adjacent territory, in the city;

    - Pviewing the slideshow “Garbage”, “What harm does garbage cause to the environment”, films “Islands of garbage in the oceans”, “Three plastic bottles, or the plastic cycle in nature”, etc.;

    - Tocompetition for the best suit made from waste material;

    - Rdrawing leaflets “Let's clear the city of garbage”;

    - Rseparate garbage collection: plastic bottles, waste paper, household waste;

    - Tocompetition “Second life of unnecessary things;

    - sgreen procession “Let’s gather! Let's rent! Let’s recycle!” interviewing citizens about the dangers of garbage;

    - sgreen subbotnik on the territory of the MBDOU.

    During the campaign, 56 kg were collected and donated. waste paper, 186 plastic bottles.

    Parents made beautiful crafts and costumes for the summer carnival from household waste.

    Pupils of MBDOU took part in a fashion show of costumes made from plastic dishes at the opening of the city stage of the “Let's Collect! Let's rent! Let's recycle!
    Children have a conscious desire not to leave trash behind.

    Ecological action

    “Our harvest is not bad”

    Held from May to October. Ends with "Autumn Ball".

    Participants: pupils, MBDOU employees, parents.

    Target: Expanding children's ideas about the world around them and instilling work skills through the joint creation of a vegetable garden on the territory of the kindergarten.


    - fforming ideas about the work carried out in the garden at different times of the year;

    - show the practical importance of vegetable crops for humans and animals;

    - Vto instill in children a hard work ethic and a desire to provide all possible assistance in growing food for the inhabitants of the living area.

    Promotion plan:

    - preparing seeds for planting in the garden;

    - Ppreparing beds for sowing (adults together with children);

    - Rlooking at pictures of vegetables;

    - deducational games “Wonderful bag”, “Find out by taste”, “What grows in the garden”, etc.;

    - hshadow of the works of N. Nosov, Y. Tuvim, B. Zhidkov, RNS and others about vegetables;

    - Pwatching the cartoons “Funny Garden”, “Miracle Animal Gardeners”, “Funny Vegetables”, etc.;

    - Psowing seeds into beds (adults together with children);

    - Pdigging beds;

    - Polives and vegetable crops (children together with adults);

    - nobserving the growth of vegetables;

    - Withharvest boron;

    - Tocompetition “Gifts of Autumn” (crafts from vegetables);

    - Autumn Ball.

    Every year, potatoes, carrots, beets, beans, peas, zucchini, sunflowers, dill, parsley, and pumpkin are planted in the beds.

    Children grow crops for the inhabitants of the living corner: Stepashka’s rabbit, guinea pig Stesha, Vasily's hamster, Anastasia Filippovna's parrot.

    Almost 92% of families take part in the “Gifts of Autumn” competition (they make crafts from vegetables), mothers present dishes from vegetables.

    Interaction with social partners:


    Environmental actions in kindergarten.

    "True education consists

    not only in the rules,

    how much in exercises"

    Our preschool institution presents experience in working with children in the field of environmental education, as well as an unconventional form of working with the parent community, where environmental actions are considered as a socially significant event. A clear form of expression of the attitude of environmental culture is the activity of the child, as well as all participants in the environmental process. The presence of elements of environmental information in the content of an activity serves as an indicator of its attitude to the natural world, people, and oneself. A variety of activities naturally connects environmental education with the entire process of development of the child’s personality. An adult, and above all a family, is for a child a play partner, a role model, and an expert in assessing knowledge, skills, behavior and attitude. One cannot keep in mind that kindergarten is the first social institution in a child’s life. The child’s first contact with the sociocultural environment occurs in the family. It is there that the child acquires norms of behavior and relationships. The formation of an ecological culture depends on how high-quality the process of assimilation of social rules, actions, and relationships will be. A promotion is a socially significant, active, complex, event-based event. Has an extension in time. In our preschool, environmental events take place throughout the school year. During the events, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. The promotions serve as good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of their parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves. The action takes place under its own motto and has visual propaganda (leaflets, posters, memos). The content of the promotions includes holidays, entertainment, quizzes, exhibitions, competitions dedicated to the objects of the promotion. The purpose of environmental actions is to form the foundations of environmental culture, consciousness and worldview of preschool children.
    Objectives: to form cognitive interest, communication skills, humanistic attitude towards nature, aesthetic and practical responsiveness, instilling work skills. Algorithm for carrying out promotions:
     purpose (each action has its own purpose);  tasks (general and specific are performed);  object (what is directed at - birds, trees...);  participants (children + parents, employees + children + parents);  stages: 1. Preparatory (development of a plan to achieve the goal, collection of information, volume and accumulation of material, cost estimate); 2. Organizational and practical (i.e. activity-based, implementation of the activity plan); 3. Analytical (summarizing, reflection. Can take the form of awards, making a photo album, video, making homemade books, holding exhibitions, etc.).
    1. “A seed and a grain in reserve!” (collecting seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds); 2. “Good winter for birds” (feeding wintering birds. In the group there is a container where children and parents bring food for birds. In the “Panorama of Good Deeds”, educators note their gratitude to active families).
    1. “Christmas tree - green needle” (in defense of the Christmas tree, children make posters and take them home. Along the way they can hang them in a public place. The final stage can take the form of a competition and exhibition - “Christmas tree - green needle”); 2. “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, observing the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).
    1. “Close the tap tightly so that the ocean doesn’t leak out!”
    (March 22 is International Water Day.” The campaign may start earlier and end with the “Water Magician” holiday. Posters, experimental activities- the rein is life-giving force).
    2. “My favorite is a clean city!” (this city action “Clean City” is held traditionally, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: we clean the territory, improve the landscaping and landscaping). 3. “A palace for every singer!” (together with parents, making and attaching birdhouses. Can be placed in the yard of your house, in the country). 4. In the spring, the environmental campaign “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​begins (the campaign begins in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).
    1. “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(laying out flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings). 2. “Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!” (a call on how to behave in the forest, careful handling of fire in the forest. Fire causes indelible harm to nature, its inhabitants, and people).
    All environmental events and actions are held under the common motto: “Only together, only in harmony, we need to help nature!” “Let’s, friends, wherever we live, let’s plant trees and create gardens. Let's strive for this, So that both animals and birds love us, And trust us everywhere, Like their best friends!

    “Environmental actions in working with preschoolers”

    1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..4
    2. Shares as a form of working with children.
    1. Principles of organizing environmental actions……………… 4-5
    2. Environmental actions in our kindergarten……………… 5-9
    1. Application.
    1. Plan of conduct……………………………………………………….. 10

    3.1.2. Scenario for the performance “Winter’s Tale of the Magic Forest”……… 11-16

    3.1.2.Leisure scenario “Winter in the forest”……………………………………………………… 16-20

    3.1.2. Scenario of the ecological holiday “Around the living Christmas tree”……….. 21-25

    1. Plan of the event…………………………………………………………….. 26-27

    3.3.1. Plan of the event……………………………………………………… 28

    3.3.2. Questionnaire for parents……………………………………………………………… 28-29

    1. Plan of conduct……………………………………………………….. 30
    2. Ecological holiday “Priceless and necessary water for everyone”…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31-38
    1. Plan of the event……………………………………………………… 39
    2. Entertainment scenario “Cat Concert Moore-Moore”………. 40-47
    1. Environmental campaign “Let's decorate the house with flowers”
    1. Plan of implementation……………………………………………………. 48-49
    1. Environmental campaign “Smart Look at Garbage”
    1. Plan of the event…………………………………………………………………… 50
    2. Questionnaire for parents…………………………………………………………… 50
    3. Project “What to do with garbage?”…………………………… 51-60
    4. Entertainment script “It’s better to stop littering now, kids”………………………………………………………………………………………… 61-65
    1. Environmental campaign “Kindergarten – Blooming Garden”
    1. Regulations on the competition “Best Flowerbed”……… 66-67
    1. Environmental campaign “Recovered forest”
    1. Plan of the event………………………………………………………….. 68


    Our kindergarten has been paying special attention to the problems of environmental education for preschoolers for many years.

    Implementing the program S.N. Nikolaeva “Young Ecologist”, we collectively use various forms and methods of working with children: excursions, observations, projects, competitions, experiences, experiments, work in nature, environmental didactic games, modeling, holidays, environmental events.

    Carrying out environmental campaigns in our preschool has become one of the interesting forms of work.

    Translated into Russian, “action” means action.

    Environmental actions as a form of work with children

    Promotions are socially significant events that are held in a preschool institution by its employees and children (participation of parents is also possible). Most often, promotions are complex events that extend over a certain period of time, which makes them especially valuable. Preschool children can take part in activities that are understandable to them and that affect their interests and their livelihoods.

    When organizing environmental events, we try to adhere to the following principles:

    Meaningfulness. It is necessary that all participants understand what exactly they are doing and why.

    Lack of competitive spirit.Participants in the action should be focused on the pleasure of doing something together, and not on getting a better place in the ranking.

    Safety. For example, you cannot clean up broken glass and cigarette butts on the river bank or near a bus stop.

    Reasonableness. If the action is related to cleaning the shore of a reservoir, then you should not move garbage from one heap to another, changing only its location. If you are collecting batteries, you need to know where they can be sent later.

    Systematicity. Consistency is a mandatory feature of stocks. You can't achieve much with a one-time campaign.

    Publicity. The action must find a response. It is extremely important for preschoolers to know that their ideas and work results are approved by others.

    « Green Christmas tree is a living needle"- an action against the senseless cutting down of fir trees before the New Year. This campaign (developed by S.N. Nikolaeva) traditionally takes place here from the beginning of December and lasts 1.5 months. Along with observations, conversations, making posters, holding a holiday around a live spruce tree on the site, counting ruined fir trees, we stage and show fairy tales. Thus, the fate of the little Christmas tree from “Winter’s Tale of the Magic Forest” touched the hearts of not only children, but also adults.

    The following actions have been developed and implemented by teachers:“Let’s help the birds”, “Take care of the primroses”, “Take care”, “Cat’s house”, “Let’s decorate the house with flowers”, “Kindergarten - a blooming garden”, “A smart look at garbage”, “Returned forest”.

    "Let's help the birds"February was chosen for this promotion. After all, it is precisely during this winter season, when the birds have eaten up all their reserves, and the cold and snowfalls are in no hurry to recede, that it is especially difficult for them. This is where people should come to the aid of feathered friends. As part of the event, a competition was announced for the most original bird feeder, in which almost all parents took an active part, showing skill and imagination. Someone built a feeder out of waste materials such as plastic bottles, cans, and packaging. New Year's gifts, cakes. And some parents, apparently, spent more than one hour in the workshop, making not only beautiful, but also durable wooden feeders.

    By the way, even before the event, the birds were friends with the students of Skazka. After all, we start feeding the birds in October.

    The action did not end with the conclusion of the competition. It continued by feeding birds near houses and in the gardens of our preschool children.

    Promotion "Take care of the primroses"was organized in early spring. To find out what parents know about primroses, whether they like to collect bouquets, whether they encourage their children in this hobby, and whether they know the consequences of mass collection of flowers, we conducted a survey (“Primroses near us”). And then they made a plan for the action.

    • We set up a stand called “Primroses – Heralds of Spring,” which made us look at the problem of protecting primroses with new eyes.
    • We developed and conducted excursions into the forest with the aim of getting to know the forest primroses (anemone, lily of the valley, liverwort) and caring for them.
    • We planted forest primroses (liverwort, anemone) on the site and observed them.
    • We organized targeted walks to the flower garden, where we introduced the children to the garden’s primroses (primrose, crocus, hyacinth)
    • Children and their parents designed thematic albums.

    Action "Bereginya" was born as a reaction to the irrational use of water by children and adults.

    A number of activities were developed within its framework.

    A series of classes was organized for children: “This sorceress is water”, “Where does water live?”, “Who needs water?” The children got acquainted with the properties of water and its transformations, learned that there is a lot of water on Earth, but very little suitable for drinking. They learned that water is life.

    To consolidate knowledge, didactic games were carried out (“Water is not water”, “Find who lives in water”, etc.)

    Young and middle-aged children drew “portraits of water,” and older children drew posters in defense of water.

    We read to children environmental fairy tales by N. Ryzhova “Once upon a time there was a river”, “How did people offend a river?”; T. Nikolaeva “The Adventure of a Droplet” with subsequent conversations about an economical and careful attitude to water.

    We organized a “Bereginya” raid with older children - we walked through the kindergarten and checked how the employees and children use water.

    As a result of the work, the holiday “Priceless and necessary water” was held.

    Promotion “Cat House”. When we started it, we wanted to teach children proper communication with an animal: gentleness, unobtrusiveness, the ability to take into account the desires of a four-legged friend, feel his condition, empathize with him. Often, an excess of feelings combined with a lack of knowledge about the needs and lifestyle of an animal leads to the child “tormenting him.”

    Like any other, this action began with a theoretical block: educators implemented the “Our Furry Friends” project; talked with children about a person’s responsibility for those who live nearby; To maintain interest, we used didactic exercises and games (“Good and bad”, “Let’s come up with a name for the cat”, “Auction of songs about cats”, “Cat’s relatives”).

    The staff together with the children decorated the “Cat’s Living Room” in the music room. Photos are posted here, Stuffed Toys, paintings, books, children's drawings dedicated to cats. “The living room” was visited by all preschool children, even the smallest ones.

    For a joint useful activity Parents and children were united by the “Cat House” competition, the goal of which is to decorate the life of domestic cats. We were once again convinced of the inexhaustible imagination and creativity of parents - toys, rugs, houses made of cardboard boxes, structures for games, climbing, sharpening claws, hunting and much more!

    Completed the event “Cat Concert “Mur-Mur”.

    As part of an environmental campaign“Let’s decorate the “house” with flowers”We developed and carried out the following activities:

    • Conversations with children;
    • Targeted walks;
    • Excursion to the forest;
    • Site cleaning work day

    With our older children, we often go on Nature Walks. We are in the forest, by the river, in the meadow, by the pond, traveling along the streets of the village, and, as a rule, we come across piles of garbage everywhere. Children understand that this is bad, and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? What to do with him? To try to solve the “garbage problem” in 2010, we held an environmental campaign"A Smart Look at Garbage". (see Attachment). As part of this action, the project “What to do with garbage?” was developed. The project participants included children from the senior and preparatory groups. Now, the development of this project is used annually by teachers.

    Promotion "Kindergarten - a blooming garden", the goal of which was to intensify the activities of the MDOU TsRR kindergarten in landscaping and landscaping the territory, to create comfortable conditions for the education and development of preschool children, took place from May to August. As part of the campaign, we planned and held a review competition “Best Flowerbed”.

    "Returned Forest"The purpose of this action: to bring children to understand the importance of forests in human life; to cultivate a caring attitude towards objects made of wood. In the ecological room we created a mini museum “Trees”, where we designed the following exhibitions “Living Tree. It feeds, grows, multiplies”, “Who needs trees in the forest?”, “Why do people cut down trees?” In addition, we conducted classes with children: “Wooden objects”; “Getting to know wooden toys” ( average age); “Take care of wooden objects”; “We treat paper with care” (older age); “Forest in human life” (preparatory age), as well as an excursion to the forest and arboretum. The event ended with the planting of trees and shrubs in group plots.

    Thus, the active life position of the adult members of our team is consistently passed on to the children. From conversations with children and their parents, we understand that children have begun to behave more carefully in nature, treat plants and animals more carefully, try not to harm them, and react violently to negative actions.


    Environmental campaign “Green Christmas tree - living needle”

    Event plan:

    1. Collective production of the album “Christmas tree” - complex lesson in the middle group.
    2. Making posters on the topic: “Let's save the Christmas tree - the beauty of our forests” - a comprehensive lesson for the senior and preparatory groups.
    3. “Through good deeds you can become young ecologists” - classes in the senior and preparatory groups.
    4. Carrying out observation cycles of spruce (on site).
    5. Hanging posters in support of living fir trees in a kindergarten. Communication with village residents on issues of preserving living fir trees.
    6. A dramatization of the fairy tale “Winter’s Tale of the Magic Forest.” (Leisure activities for older children “Winter in the Forest.”)
    7. New Year's party for dolls (leisure for children), held after the children's party.
    8. Walking around the hospital area. Goal: count how many Christmas trees were thrown away after the New Year.
    9. Let's decorate the Christmas tree in the kindergarten area.
    10. New Year's celebration around a spruce tree on the site (held after the New Year

    "Winter's Tale of the Magic Forest"

    Scenario .

    An ecological tale in three acts. (based on the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen).

    Characters:Christmas tree, bunny, squirrel, bird, servants, guests.

    Action 1

    Music is playing. Winter forest.

    From the author. If you believe fairy tales, what miracles can happen on New Year’s Eve in a dense winter forest. Like a magic book, it opens its snowy pages. On this night, birds and animals speak in human voices. Just know how to lie in wait and spy.

    Quiet. I will tell you a fairy tale about a wonderful little Christmas tree that grew in this forest. Her place was good, there was plenty of air and light; Her friends grew around her - they ate from the pine trees. But the Christmas tree really wanted to grow up quickly; it didn’t think about the warm sun or the fresh air. People came to the forest, sat down under the tree to rest and always said: “What a nice tree!”

    A year has passed, and one knee has been added to the Christmas tree; another year has passed, and another one has been added: so, by the number of knees, you can find out how many years they have been eating.

    Christmas tree . Oh, if only I were as big as other trees! Then I would spread my branches wide, raise my head high, and I would be able to see far, far around! Birds would build nests in my branches, and when the wind blows, I would nod my head just as importantly as others!

    Hare ( slapping paw against paw). Cold, cold, cold! The frost is breathtaking; your paws freeze as you run toward the snow. Squirrel, squirrel, let's play burners, call out to the sun, invite spring!

    Squirrel . Come on hare. Who will burn first?

    Hare . Who will get it? We'll count.

    Music is playing.

    Squirrel . Consider it like that, count it!

    Oblique, oblique, don’t go barefoot, but go with shoes on, wrap up your little paws.

    If you wear shoes, the wolves will not find the hare, and the bear will not find you.

    Come out - you'll burn!

    They play a kind of music on the burners.

    Hare . Horus, burn clearly so that it does not go out.

    Look at the sky - the birds are flying, the bells are ringing!

    Squirrel . Catch it, you won't catch it! You won't catch up!

    The squirrel picks a pine cone from the tree and runs away.

    Squirrel . This is for lunch, thank you, Christmas tree.

    Hare . Where are you going, where are you going? You can’t do that, it’s not fair!I'm not playing with you anymore.

    The howl of a wolf is heard.

    Hare . Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! Where should I hide? (Dashes around.)

    Christmas tree. Come to me, I will hide you.

    The hare hides, the tree covers him with arms-like branches. The howling stops. The bunny runs away.

    Hare (running away). Thank you, Christmas tree, you helped me out. I ran home to a warm hole.

    The sound of an axe.

    From the author . Woodcutters appeared in the forest, they cut down the largest trees. Each time the Christmas tree trembled with fear as huge trees fell to the ground with noise and crackling. Then they were placed on firewood and taken away from the forest.

    Christmas tree. Where? For what?

    A bird flies.

    Christmas tree. Do you know where those trees were taken? Haven't you met them?

    Bird . I think, yes! I met many new ships at sea with magnificent high masts. They smelled of spruce and pine, that's where they are!

    Christmas tree. Oh, I wish I could grow up and go to sea as soon as possible!

    Bird . Last winter, on New Year's Eve, they cut down a very small Christmas tree, it was even smaller than you.

    Christmas tree. And what? Where were they taking her?

    Bird . I know. I know, I was in the city and looked into the windows! I know where they took her. They placed it in the middle of a warm room and decorated it with the most wonderful things - gilded apples, honey gingerbread and lots of candles!

    Christmas tree. And then? And then? What happened to her then?

    Bird . And I didn’t see anything else! But it was incredible!

    Christmas tree. Maybe I will follow the same brilliant path! It's better than sailing on the sea. Oh, I’m just languishing with melancholy and impatience! I wish the New Year would come soon! Oh, if only I were already standing, decorated with all these delights, in a warm room! And what's next? Then, surely, it will be even better, otherwise, why bother dressing me up! Just what exactly will happen? Oh, how I yearn and am torn from here! I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!

    Bird . Enjoy your youth! Rejoice in your healthy growth, your youth and vitality.

    Christmas tree. I don’t want to, I don’t want to be happy, quickly, quickly grow up!

    The lights go out and the music starts playing.

    Act 2

    Room. The light comes on.

    Christmas tree. Oh, how painful it is! Where I am? Room!

    Servant 1. Wonderful Christmas tree! This is exactly what we need!

    Servant 2. Let's decorate it, because the holiday is coming. Look how gilded the apples are.

    Servant 1. And I have nuts and sweets.

    Servant 2. And here are the candles. And how the Christmas tree will sparkle and shine when they are lit!

    Christmas tree. Oh! How beautiful everything is. If only the evening would come quickly and the candles would be lit. What's next? Will other trees from the forest come here to admire me? Will my familiar bird fly to the window?

    The servant lights the candles.

    Christmas tree. Oh! Oh! How painful! How much my green needles burn.

    Servant 1. Hurry up, put out the candles quickly: the tree might catch fire. And we will get it from the owners.

    The candles were extinguished.

    Servant 2. Soon the guests will arrive and the holiday will begin.

    The servants leave, music sounds, and guests enter the room.

    Guest 1. What a beautiful Christmas tree!

    Guest 2. There are so many toys and gifts on it.

    They circle around the tree and tear off gifts.

    Guest 1. I need a nut.

    Guest 2. And for me an apple...

    Christmas tree. What are they doing? What does it mean? And I? What should I do? My poor twigs, they broke them.

    Guest 1. I am so tired.

    Guest 2. The holiday is over. It's time to sleep.

    The music stops, the guests leave. The lights go out and the music starts playing.

    Act 3

    The light comes on. Forest. The Christmas tree is lying down.

    Christmas tree. So cold! The ground hardened and became covered with snow: that means it’s impossible to plant me again. I'll lie here until spring. And then good people They'll put me in prison. They are kind? Just how terribly cold it is here, cold and empty. And how fun it was!

    Hare . Cold! Cold! Cold!

    Squirrel . Look, the old Christmas tree is lying around. She wasn't here before. Where is she from?

    Christmas tree. I'm not old at all! Don't you recognize me? After all, I grew up in this forest. You played next to me, I fed you and hid you in my branches.

    Hare and squirrel together. Is it really you? You won't be recognized, what happened to you?

    Birdie. Your branches are broken, your needles have turned yellow, and what a beauty you were! I so dreamed of making my nest in your branches.

    Squirrel . And I loved your delicious pine cones so much...

    Hare . Who will help me now, hide me from the wolf?

    Christmas tree. Yes, perhaps my life was not bad then. It hurts me very much, it’s sad to part with my native forest, with the corner where I grew up. I know that I will never see my dear friends again: firs and pines, bushes, flowers, the sun and you, my Dear friends. How hard, how sad.

    Together . Poor, poor little stupid Christmas tree. What a pity for her.

    Music is playing.

    "Winter in the Forest"


    Senior preschool age

    Target . Strengthen children's ideas about the life of animals in winter. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

    Preliminary work.Looking at paintings from the series “Wild Animals in Winter. Reading: N. Sladkov “Forest Tales”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Winter in the Forest”, S. Mikhalkov “Christmas Tree”.

    Material . Magic wand. Panel depicting a snow-covered forest. Costumes of Winter, spruce, hares, squirrels, foxes, crows, sparrows. Elements of hall decoration. Images of mushrooms and berries, cones for decorating a spruce tree.

    Leisure progress.


    In this house there are a hundred aspens, a hundred birches and a hundred rowan trees, pines, spruce and oaks, Herbs, berries, mushrooms. There are many inhabitants in it. Name this house. (Forest)

    Look, here's the answer! It's cold in the forest, winter is in charge here.

    Child .

    Children really like the cold beauty. He teaches them how to make snowballs, gives them sleds and skates, makes friends with blizzards and blizzards, and leaves only in the spring.

    Music is playing. An adult dressed as Winter enters.

    Winter . I am Zimushka-winter, I walk through the fields, through the forests in soft snowy felt boots, I step quietly, inaudibly. Wherever I go, the frost is crackling, the snow is falling. I swept all the roads and dusted the trees! How could I see the forest inhabitants, find out how they prepared for my arrival? Educator. Children, let's help Winter! You will solve my riddles, and she will be able to meet the forest inhabitants.

    One color in winter and summer. ( Spruce)

    Tick-tweet! Jump to the grains!

    Peck - don't be shy! Who is this? ( Sparrow )

    A person known to everyone -

    She's a local screamer.

    He will see a dark cloud,

    Will fly up to the green spruce

    And he looks as if from a throne.

    Who is she? (Crow .)

    You and I will recognize the animal

    According to two such signs:

    He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

    And in a red fur coat - in the summer. ( Squirrel .)

    The scythe has no den,

    He doesn't need a hole.

    Legs save you from enemies,

    And from hunger - bark. ( Hare .)

    A dangerous beast in a red fur coat.

    The snow is cleared, there are enough mice. ( Fox .)

    Educator . It's cold, two sparrows can't get warm

    One of the sparrows flaps its wings, jumps, and pretends that it is getting colder. The other sits, motionless, ruffled.

    1st sparrow. Why are you sitting? Let's fly, maybe we'll warm up.

    2nd sparrow. Why should I warm myself? It's like I'm wearing a fur coat!

    Educator . The sparrow froze, looking at his comrade: where is his fur coat? Nothing is visible except down and feathers.

    1st sparrow. Maybe he's really warm since he's not shivering? I’ll try to get ruffed up too.

    Sits next to the 2nd sparrow.

    Educator . The sparrows are sitting, huddled together, not moving. Fluffy feathers and down help them keep warm and not freeze.

    Winter . Yes, it is difficult for birds to stay warm in the forest in winter and get food from under the snow. You kids, try to make bird feeders and don’t forget to put bird food in them. It's not just birds that are cold in winter.

    To prevent the bushes and trees from freezing in the bitter frost, I covered them with a blanket of snow.

    Spruce . - Christmas tree. In winter and summer I show off in my spiky green outfit. Forest animals hide under my branches. Squirrels feast on my seeds, they are taken out of cones and pecked by crossbills and woodpeckers.

    A child in a crow costume runs out

    Educator . Look, the crow flew in, maybe she also wanted to try some spruce seeds?

    Crow . I will try to get seeds from the cones, I can have lunch in the city at the feeder. And I flew into the forest to find out the news and swing on your tree top.

    Spruce . Please don't swing, you'll break my top!

    Crow . Just think, they'll cut you down anyway.

    Spruce. Who?

    Crow . Don’t you know that on New Year’s Eve people come to the forest to buy Christmas trees? And you grow up in a clearing, in plain sight.

    Spruce . Noya has been growing here for many years, and no one has touched me yet.

    Crow . Kar-kar. Well, so touched.

    Spruce. Oh, I'm afraid!

    A crow flies up to the sparrows.

    Crow . Sit and warm yourself. Fly with me to the city, there are feeders hanging near the houses, let's eat.

    The sparrows and the crow fly away. A girl dressed as a fox comes out into a forest clearing.

    Fox . I am a little fox-sister, soft coat, red tail. I run through the winter forest, catching mice - mice.

    Spruce . Foxy, hello! A crow told me that on New Year's Eve people cut down Christmas trees in the forest! This is true?

    Fox . Yes, it happens, I saw a tree stump in a neighboring clearing in the summer.

    Spruce . Tell me what to do, where to hide? I cannot fly away like birds or hide like animals.

    Fox . Don't be afraid, Christmas tree, maybe no one will touch you. Oh, I hear something rustling under the snow, probably a mouse.

    The fox runs away. Hares jump out into the clearing.

    1st hare

    Poor little bunny jumps under the trees

    In a white, short, light coat.

    The oblique man has no mittens, no hat,

    Only his quick paws keep him warm.

    2nd hare Hey Christmas tree! Why are you sad, did you lower the branches?

    Spruce . How can I not be sad? I'm afraid they'll cut me down on New Year's Eve.

    1st hare Need to come up with something!

    2nd hare Let's run, let's find the squirrel, she's smart, maybe she'll recommend something.

    The hares run behind a tree and return with a squirrel. A crow and sparrows fly up, a fox comes.

    Squirrel . What's happened?

    Spruce . The crow says they will cut me down.

    Squirrel . Don't be afraid, they won't cut it down! The titmouse told me that the New Year has already arrived. She recently flew into the city and saw people in their houses and on the streets having fun and dancing around decorated artificial Christmas trees.

    Spruce . So no one will cut me down? How good! It’s just a pity that no one has ever decorated me, and I don’t know what the New Year holiday is.

    Squirrel ( addresses animals and birds) Let's decorate our Christmas tree so that it calms down.

    The animals decorate the spruce with images of mushrooms and berries, and cones.

    Winter . And I prepared sparkling frost for the Christmas tree.

    He hangs tinsel on her

    Fox . Oh, what a beautiful tree we have! Let's get into a round dance and sing a song about her

    Winter . Hear the snow creaking, these are children skiing.

    Children come out imitating the movements of skiers.

    Spruce . It's probably behind me.

    Animals and birds (all together ). What are you doing in our forest? Why did you come? We will not give you our Christmas tree!

    Children . Hello. We, friends of nature, came to admire the winter forest. Christmas tree, don’t be afraid, we won’t hurt you.

    Educator . Children, when you return to the group, draw special signs so that everyone who comes to the forest knows: you cannot cut down Christmas trees.

    Now join the forest dwellers in a round dance and sing a song about our Christmas tree.

    Children join the round dance and sing the “Christmas Tree” song

    Ecological holiday scenario

    "Around a live Christmas tree"

    Target . To create a joyful mood in children, to create a desire to participate in the holiday, to enjoy winter, the beauty of winter nature, winter games, awaken the imagination of children, fill them with strong emotional impressions, develop the creative manifestations of each child, cultivate a love of nature - caring for spruce in winter, a sense of responsibility, organization, active attention, cohesion and mutual assistance.

    Organization . The holiday is held in the kindergarten area around a live Christmas tree, and children of senior preschool age participate in it.

    Equipment . Colored pieces of ice and homemade toys for decorating the Christmas tree, hockey sticks according to the number of children, two pucks, a goal, two shovels, a chest for a surprise.


    Children go outside and approach the Christmas tree.

    Educator . What a beautiful, fluffy Christmas tree. Let's dress her up with toys and colored pieces of ice. Guys, we danced at the party with an artificial Christmas tree, let's have some fun around our live Christmas tree today. She is so fluffy, fragrant, beautiful. Let's read poems to the Christmas tree, guys.

    Christmas tree (T. Volchina)

    Before the holiday, winter for the green Christmas tree

    I sewed the white dress myself without a needle.

    The Christmas tree shook off the white snow with a bow

    And she stands most beautifully in a green dress.

    The Christmas tree knows this: how well she is dressed for the New Year!

    First snow (A. Gunali)

    In the morning I looked at the light: the yard was dressed for winter.

    I opened the doors wide, I looked into the garden, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

    But! Look, miracles - the heavens have fallen!

    There was a cloud above us, but it was under our feet!

    Christmas tree (E. Trutneva)

    A Christmas tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

    She has silver needles in winter,

    The pieces of ice are knocking on her cones,

    A snow coat lies on the shoulders.

    A bunny and his hare lived under a Christmas tree.

    A flock of tap dancers flew in from the fields.

    Wolves also came to the tree in winter.

    We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    Is it good for you, Christmas tree?

    Educator draws children's attention to the fact that the poems are outdated, since they glorify the cut down Christmas tree. He suggests changing a few lines to reflect the new, caring attitude toward her.

    Educator . We did not bring the Christmas tree home from the forest.

    We decorated the Christmas tree in a new outfit -

    The sparkles glow on the thick needles.

    The fun began, songs and dances began,

    Is it good for you, Christmas tree?

    The Snowman (adult) appears. Says hello to the children and the Christmas tree. She draws attention to how elegant and festive the Christmas tree is, and praises the children for their attention to the Christmas tree and for the toys they gave it.

    Snowman . Guys, how fun you are, I love funny guys and all kinds of games.

    I must admit, I’m tired of standing alone with nothing to do.

    I am a difficult snowman, I am a mischievous snowman.

    I want to know what the guys do in winter.

    Children . We won't say where we were. And we’ll show you what we did on the spot, together we’ll do it like this.

    Game "Entertainers"

    Children (walk in a circle around the Christmas tree, holding hands):

    In an even circle, one after another we go step by step,

    Let's stand still and do this together.

    Lowering their hands, the children stop and show movements that imitate a skier's step, hitting with a stick, or playing with snowballs. The snowman guesses: the first time he gives the wrong answer, then he gives the correct answer.

    Snowman . Guys, the Christmas tree really likes riddles. Do you like to solve riddles?

    Children . Yes .

    (Snowman rings the bell.)

    The bell is icy, it is always with me everywhere.

    Ding-dong, ding-dong, he gives out riddles.

    Listen, guys, to my riddles:

    What kind of girl is this: not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

    She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round.

    Children Christmas tree!

    Snowman . That's right, you guessed it. (Rings the bell.)

    Without planks, without axes, the bridge across the river is ready.

    The bridge is like blue glass: slippery, fun, light.

    Children . Ice.

    Snowman . That's right, you guessed it. (Rings the bell.)

    The star spun in the air a little,

    She sat down and melted on my palm.

    Children . Snowflake.

    Snowman .

    I'm a wizard, a snowman, I'm used to the snow, to the cold,

    Now I’ll spin you all around and turn you into snowflakes. Ooh-ooh

    A blizzard, a blizzard is spreading along the road.

    You snowflakes will spin around and all gather in a snowdrift.

    Children run around the area, imitating the whirling of snowflakes. After the words “And gather in the snowdrift,” the children gather in the “snowdrift.” The snowman smacks the children.

    Oh, what a nice com. I'll sit on it! He pretends to want to sit down, the children run away in different directions. The game is repeated three times times.

    Snowman . Hey, snowflakes, cold ones, give me a piece of ice.

    Children give the snowman a piece of ice that looks like a puck. The snowman invites the children to play it.Game "Don't let the ice out of the circle."Children with hockey sticks stand around a snowman. The snowman tries to throw a piece of ice out of the circle with his stick, the children use their sticks to stop it. The snowman praises the guys for their dexterity.

    Snowman . We invite all children to hockey, to hockey.

    Children are divided into two teams. One team plays, the other is sick, then they change. The snowman stands in the goal, and the children try to hit the puck into the goal with their stick. Fans count the number of times the puck hits the goal. The team that scores the most points wins.

    Snowman . The frost is not great - but it doesn’t tell you to stand.

    "Racing with the puck." Relay race.

    Attraction “Carry the snowball on a shovel and don’t drop it.”

    Snowman . Oh, you guys are so fast and dexterous. And I'll see how accurate you are.

    Never be discouraged. Hit the target with snowballs.

    Game "Throwing snowballs at a target."

    Snowman . We played with you, rejoiced and cheered up the Christmas tree.


    New Year tree, don’t be sad in vain,

    We are your cheerful, loyal friends.

    So sparkle with a rainbow, joyful for us,

    Be happy, Christmas tree, just like we are now.

    Snowman . There under the bottom branch my secret lies!

    Educator. Guys, let's see what the secret of the Christmas tree is under the bottom branch.

    Children look under the tree, find a “surprise”, and thank the tree for the gift.

    Snowman . So it’s time for me to say goodbye, it’s time to return to the forest clearing.

    Children say goodbye to the snowman and goodbye to the Christmas tree.

    Environmental campaign “Let's help birds”

    Event plan:

    1. Daily feeding of birds on the site.
    2. Conducting cycles of observations of birds flying to the feeder.

    Younger age:

    • Who flies to the site and to the feeder? (Learn to distinguish between a crow, a sparrow, a dove)

    Average age:

    • What birds fly to the site?
    • Which crow and which sparrow?
    • How do birds feed at the feeder? (Behavior: some behave boldly, others cautiously.
    • What sounds do birds make?
    • How many legs do birds have and how do they walk?
    • Bird tracks in the snow.
    • How many wings do birds have and how do they fly?

    Older age:

    • What birds come to the feeders?
    • We look for bird tracks and compare them with animal and human tracks. (Bird tracks look like crosses)
    • How do birds move on land? (Sparrow - jumps, dove - takes frequent steps, crow - rare steps)
    • How do birds fly? (What they look like during flight - differently than on the ground; they fly because they flap their wings, pushing them off the air)
    • When are birds visible? (In the snow, in the sky; sitting on branches they become less noticeable)

    Preparatory age:

    • Comparison of birds by appearance
    • Features of eating food. (They eat at the feeder, under the feeder, fly away with the food)
    • Peculiarities of relationships in a flock (They quarrel, feed nearby, drive each other away)
    • How do different birds scream?
    • How do they move on the ground and other places?
    • How do you take off and land?
    1. Working with the calendar. Bird watching.
    2. Competition for the most original feeder. (among parents)

    What to plan when working on the topic “Birds” (recommendations)

    • Making bread piggy banks
    • Collecting and drying wheat bread crumbs to feed birds.
    • Making feeders
    • Making homemade books about the birds of our region
    • Selection of poems about birds
    • Making up riddles about birds
    • Design of the group “Bird Book”
    • Release of the environmental newspaper “Feed the Birds in Winter”
    • Crossword puzzles about birds
    • Compiling family crosswords about wintering and migratory birds.

    Environmental campaign “Take care of primroses”

    Event plan:

    1. Questioning of parents “Primroses near us”
    2. Design of the stand “Primroses – harbingers of spring”
    3. Excursions to the forest ( Acquaintance with forest primroses: anemone, lily of the valley, liverwort, coltsfoot, swimsuit; reinforcing the rules of behavior in the forest, instilling respect for flowers)
    4. Targeted walks to the kindergarten flower garden along the streets of the village.(Introduction to the primroses of the garden: primrose, tulip, daffodil)
    5. Planting forest primroses on the site and observing them.
    6. Design of thematic albums(with the involvement of parents)
    7. To consolidate knowledge about primroses
    • Didactic games: “Gardener”, “Find and Name”, “Guess by Description”, etc.
    • Children's drawings (Can be arranged in albums)
    • Children invent stories and fairy tales about primroses.

    Questionnaire for parents

    1. Do you like to take walks in the forest?
    2. What time of year do you prefer to be in the forest?(All year round. Summer. Spring. Autumn)
    3. Does the forest attract you in spring?
    4. Do you know the names of forest flowers?
    5. What primroses do you know?
    6. Do you know why primroses have bright colors and a pleasant smell? What is this connected with?
    7. Do you like picking flowers? Do you encourage children in their hobby of collecting bouquets?
    8. What do you do when you see a clearing with beautiful flowers?(I’ll pick up a big bouquet. I’ll pick one flower. I’ll admire it and leave.
    9. Do you know the consequences of mass flower picking?
    10. Have you ever thought that a plucked flower is a “prisoner sentenced to death”?
    11. Are you included in preschool work to protect primroses?

    Environmental campaign "Bereginya"

    Action plan:

    1. Classes.

    Younger age – conversation “Who needs water?”

    Middle age – “Who needs water?”

    (Introduce the properties of water and its wonderful transformations; that there is a lot of water on planet Earth, but little suitable for drinking; water is life; Every living thing needs water, but only clean water)

    1. Drawing: “Portraits of Water» (junior and middle age)

    "Posters in defense of water"(older age)

    1. Didactic games: “Find who lives in the water”, “Water is not water”
    2. Reading environmental fairy tales by N. Ryzhova “Once upon a time there was a river”, “How people offended the river”; T. Nikolaeva “The Adventure of a Droplet”
    3. A conversation about economical and careful use of water.
    4. Organize a “Bereginya” raid with older children(Walk through the kindergarten and check how the employees and children use water.)
    5. Targeted walks to the pond and river.
    6. Holiday: “Priceless and necessary water for everyone”

    Ecological holiday

    “Invaluable and necessary water for everyone”

    (To the sound of a cheerful march, children enter the hall and sit on chairs)

    Leading . Children, we have gathered for a holiday - it’s nice to have fun on such a fine spring day! But what kind of holiday is it now? Maybe New Year? I know, guys, that an important person has come to us - the queen! Are you interested in knowing which queen this is? And me too. Let's call her and clap our hands loudly.

    (To the music of the waltz, Queen Water appears dancing in the hall.)

    Queen Water : Hello guys! Do you recognize me? Probably not. I am needed in heaven and on earth. Nobody or anything can do without me. I am needed by everyone, everyone, everyone

    One to swim

    For others - to quench their thirst,

    The third is to wash something,

    And for housewives - to cook different dishes!

    Who am I?

    Leading.We guessed right, this is Queen Water. Look how beautiful she is! And our holiday is dedicated to the Queen of Water. Mother Queen, the children know a lot about you. Sit down and listen to them, they will tell you who needs water and why.

    - Who needs water? Who can't live without water?

    Why do plants and animals need water?

    What do people do with water?

    (The guest carefully watches the children’s answers and is surprised that they know a lot about her.)

    Queen Water.Well done boys. You said everything correctly: plants need to be watered, otherwise they will dry out. Animals drink water, and some (fish, for example) live in it. People need water constantly: to drink, to wash, to cook, to harden themselves and to relax near water. No living creature can survive without water. That is why I am the Queen on earth and in heaven, the Queen of all nature. Do you know where I meet on earth, where do they get water from? Yes, that’s right – I exist on the earth and underground. On earth these are rivers and streams, seas and oceans, lakes and ponds. I also flow underground – there I am especially clean and transparent. People dig wells and lift water from the depths with buckets.

    Leading.Mother Queen, and the guys know about this.

    Child reading

    Pozharova's poem "The Well"

    Get down, bucket, low

    Get up, bucket, big!

    Scoop up some cold water

    For seedlings for green

    We need water for the garden,

    For cow and horse

    Drink, Savraska, drink Buryonushka,

    Drink up to the bottom, dears!

    Queen Water.In some places I break through the ground - then it turns out to be a spring. People and animals know that spring water is the purest and most delicious, so they come to the spring to drink. People protect springs. Why am I a queen not only on earth, but also in heaven?

    Leading.Queen Water and you guys, listen... (child’s name) and you will immediately understand everything

    The child goes out and reads

    poem by G. Ladonshchikov “On a hot day”

    The field is sunny and quiet,

    The hot day dries the earth.

    Buckwheat became thoughtful,

    Barley hung its head,

    And they don’t see what’s above the forest

    The cloud rose like a mountain,

    What a sadness, they're coming very soon

    The rain will dispel the mischief

    Queen Water.Now you understand that I am also in the sky when clouds are crawling across it. And now, guys, I present to you my sons. I have four sons - they are all my own sons, all from the water, but they are so different from each other that they do not consider themselves brothers. You know from too. Try now to guess the riddle about the first son -

    Without a path and without a road

    The longest legged one walks

    Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness.

    Only feet on the ground. (Rain)

    Leading.Mother Queen, I also know the riddle about your first son:

    He walks and we run.

    He'll catch up anyway!

    We rush to the house to take refuge.

    He will knock on our window.

    And on the roof, knock and knock!

    No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

    Queen Water.What, you guys really won’t let my son come to the party? Don't be afraid, we won't get you wet today, Fon has come to have fun with you. Clap your hands and he will come running. (A child comes running in a rain suit)

    Rain. First I will tell you my riddles, and then, if you guess them, I will play with you.

    First the shine

    Behind the shine is a crackling sound

    Behind the crackling splash (Storm)

    The gates rose -

    Beauty to the whole world (Rainbow)

    If it rains, we don’t bother -

    We splash briskly through the puddles,

    The sun will shine -

    We should stand under the coat rack.

    (Rubber boots)

    Leading.Rain, you have good riddles. Now let's play. The game will be like this. You sit aside and wait. Children will walk in the clearing: pick berries, sunbathe, run. As soon as I say, “The cloud is approaching, the rain is starting,” you run and try to catch up with the guys. Whoever you touch will be considered soaked to the skin. And you guys, run away from the rain to your houses - to the chairs.

    Playing with the rain (2-3 times)

    Queen Water.Now I will call my second son. Guess who he is?

    He is fluffy, silver,

    But don't touch him with your hand:

    It will become a little bit clean

    How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow)

    (The children guess. A child appears in a snow suit.)

    - This is my second son. Look how handsome you are. Why do you think the brothers don’t know each other? When does it rain? When does it snow? Of course, they almost never occur: one happens in the summer, when it’s warm, and the other happens in the winter, when it’s cold. Snow, how can we amuse the guys? After all, they are celebrating!

    Snow. First I’ll ask a riddle, and then... - you’ll see

    Stars are falling from the sky,

    They will lie down in the fields.

    Let him hide under them

    Black earth

    Many, many stars

    Thin as glass;

    The stars are cold,

    And the earth is warm! (Snowflakes)

    Snow. Snowflakes, my friends, run out to me!

    Dance of snowflakes

    Queen Water.Son, snowball, sit down, rest, and let your snowflake friends rest too. And we will call another brother. Guess who he is?

    No boards, no axes

    The bridge across the river is ready

    The bridge is like blue glass!

    Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)

    (Children guess the riddle, a boy appears in an Ice costume)

    Queen Water.Here he is, my third son - handsome, sparkling all over, but very cold. Well, son-Ice, will you please the guys with something?

    Ice. First, I’ll tell the guys riddles, and then I’ll tell them something interesting.

    Fishes live warmly in winter:

    The roof is thick glass.

    (Ice on the river)

    There's a commotion in the yard -

    Peas are falling from the sky (hail)

    The kids sat on the ledge

    And they keep growing downwards


    Leading.That's right, hail is small round pieces of ice that fall like snow or rain from a cloud. That is why the Ice boy can destroy all the young shoots in the garden.

    Ice. Now, guys, I’ll tell you something interesting. Of course, none of you have been to the ice country. And on planet Earth, where you live, there are 2 poles - North and South. Eternal cold and ice reign there. The North Pole is an ocean covered with a thick, thick layer of ice that never melts. It is called the Arctic Ocean. The South Pole is a continent, solid land. It's called Antarctica. But this earth is also covered with a thick layer of eternal ice, which also never melts. In Antarctica - at the South Pole, it is even colder than at the North Pole. Now listen to my musical riddles. Guess who they are about and where those about whom the songs will be heard live. And let's all sing along and dance together.

    Song "About Bears"(Zatsepina and Derbeneva)

    (Children sing along and pretend to be polar bears)

    Song "About Penguins"(Music by Kuprevich)

    (Children sing along and pretend to be penguins)

    Queen Water.Guys, my last son is really tired of waiting. Son, run here quickly(a boy in a Fog costume runs in)

    - Children, who is he, this son of mine? I will help you, tell you where and when you can meet him. It often occurs in the fall and covers the entire ground. It often occurs in the fall and covers the entire ground. You go out into the street and you can’t see anything – everything has disappeared. It also happens in the summer: on cold evenings and in the mornings. It can often be found in the river valley. Did you guess it? Of course it's fog. He is also my water son.

    Fog. Everyone asked riddles, and I will tell you my “foggy riddles:

    Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere

    Here the cotton wool is lower - and the rain is closer.


    Not prickly, light blue

    Hanging in the bushes...(Frost)

    Fog. I want to clarify: clouds are thick, thick fog. Beautiful frost is created when fog settles on tree branches during severe frost. You can also see fog at home when the kettle is boiling. After all, steam from a kettle is also fog, only it disappears quickly. I, too, like other brothers, have a musical greeting for you.

    Song "White-winged horses" (music Shainsky, words by Kozlov)

    Leading.Fog Boy and you guys, listen to Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “Clouds”

    Clouds, clouds -

    curly sides,

    Curly clouds,

    Whole, holey,

    Soft, airy -

    Obedient to the wind.

    I'm lying in a clearing

    I'm looking at you from the grass.

    I lie there dreaming.

    Why don't I fly

    Like these clouds?

    ...Clouds to any country

    Through mountains, oceans

    Can easily fly:

    Higher, lower - whatever you want!

    On a dark night - without fire!

    The sky is all free for them

    And at any time of the day.

    Queen Water.Children, now we will play together. Let us become water. But what kind of water, guess the riddle.

    I'm running like I'm running down a flight of stairs

    Ringing on the stones.

    From afar by song

    Do you recognize me (Creek)

    Game "Stream"

    (You can hear screaming and crying. Fedora runs into the hall, casually dressed, in dirtyapron, with her face, arms and legs stained with soot, on her shaggyhead with a dirty scarf. She looks around, rushes to differentsides)

    Fedora. Oh! What a disaster!! All the dishes were gone from the house. Guys, didn’t go through the plates, saucers, pots and pans here. Oh, trouble! Where can I look for them?!

    Queen Water.Who are you? Why are we like this? Why are you so dirty?

    Leading.Guys, tell Queen Water: who is this unpleasant aunt?

    (this is Fedora from the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. She did not wash her dishes. The dishes endured for a long time, and finally ran away from Fedora. So Fedora is looking for her)

    Queen Water.Fedora, calm down, stay with us. We'll get you straightened out. I think that if you change, make friends with water, the dishes will return to you.

    Leading.Well, guys, are you ready to help Fedora? Okay, then let's get her some water to wash her face with.

    Attraction: “Bring water with a spoon.”

    (Carry from bucket to basin while music is playing. 2-3 times.)

    Queen Water.Aunt Fedora, the children brought a lot of water - let’s wash, get yourself in order.

    Leading.While Fedora is washing her face, listen to what a wonderful hymn to water was written by K.I. Chukovsky

    Eternal glory to the water!

    Long live scented soap

    And a fluffy half-length,

    And tooth powder

    And a thick comb!

    Let's wash and splash

    Swim, dive, tumble

    In the tub, in the trough, in the tub,

    In a river, stream, ocean,

    And in the bath, in the bath

    Anytime and anywhere -

    Eternal glory to the water!

    (Fedora washes herself. Queen Water shows everyone a clean scarf, an apron, slippers and a beautiful dish towel. Fedora gets dressed)

    Queen Water.Guys, look how clean and beautiful Fedora is in her new clothes. I am sure that the dishes will return to the neat housewife! I thank you for such a wonderful holiday and ask you to accept a treat from me.

    (Fedora helps treat the children)

    Environmental campaign “Cat House”

    1. Classes:
    • Project on the topic: “Our four-legged friends”
    • Conversation about “our little brothers”(about a person’s responsibility for those who live nearby.)
    1. Decoration of the "Cat's Living Room" in the music room(photos, paintings, books dedicated to cats, soft toys)
    2. Didactic exercises and games
    • "Good bad"
    • “Come up with a beautiful nickname for the cat”
    • Auction of songs about cats
    • “Name the cat’s relatives.
    1. Drawing on the theme: “My furry friend”
    2. Composing descriptive stories “I have a cat”
    3. Reading fiction(Stories about the cat Murka - I.K. Manina - zh. “Child in kindergarten” No. 5 2003, p. 42)
    4. Competition "Cat House" among parents(toys, rugs, houses made of cardboard, boxes, structures for games, climbing, sharpening claws, hunting, etc.).
    5. Entertainment for children: Cat concert “Mur-mur”

    Entertainment script

    Cat concert “Mur-mur”


    Two green lights wander along the cornice at night

    You can see two green lights from below.

    Two green lights light up on the roof -

    And the mice rush like an arrow, escaping from the attic(R.Sef)

    -Whose are these beautiful lights?(cats)

    - What do you know about domestic cats?

    A cat has been living next to a person for a long time. She has soft, fluffy fur, but very sharp claws and teeth. A cat will always be able to punish the offender and protect itself.

    Children read V. Prikhodko’s poem “About a Cat”

    What do you know about the cat?

    A little bit of everything, probably.

    The cat is the first to enter the house

    And he lives in it for a long time.

    Sometimes he meows, sometimes he plays,

    It's running away somewhere

    Disappears far away

    And when he comes back,

    That's neatly from the saucer

    Drinks raw milk

    And he allows me to pet you,

    And it doesn’t interfere with work,

    The floorboard doesn't creak,

    And lies down on the pillow

    Something soft for your ear

    He says in a whisper and sleeps

    For those who are kind and gentle with cats

    Can a cat become a friend?

    But the offender, however,

    Maybe the cat will give change!

    Leading.Remember how the magnificent, long whiskers of cats always catch the eye.

    Like a cat's mustache of remarkable beauty!

    White teeth, bold eyes!

    A cat has an average of 12 whiskers on each side of its face. The whiskers act like real antennas. They pick up sounds, help cats navigate in space, and jump easily. With the help of its whiskers, a cat receives the information it needs about everything that surrounds it - about objects, their size and shape, about wind, about temperature, about distance. Thanks to her whiskers, she doesn't miss when she hunts. This is why you shouldn't trim your mustache!

    Attraction "Theater Makeup"

    (use a black or brown cosmetic pencil to write whiskers on your face to look like cats

    Song-game “Funny kittens”

    We are funny kittens, we are always too lazy to work.

    We are funny kittens, we play all day long.

    Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we are always too lazy to work.

    Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we play all day long.

    Leading.Of course, it must be said that when we remember a cat, we always remember a mouse, because mice are cats’ favorite food.

    "Cat's Answer" (Chorus and soloists)

    Cat, cat, do you want some porridge?

    “Meow, meow, I like birds!”

    Cat, cat, do you want a donut?

    “Meow, meow, better give me the mouse!”

    Cats have one answer:

    “Meow” - yes and “meow” - no!

    However, if the cat is not gloomy,

    He will tell you: “Pur-mur-mur”

    Leading.Scientists have calculated that one cat that hunts mice saves up to 10 tons of grain from them. In England, cats that protected food warehouses from mice were on government pay. And in Australia, a cat that has served as a warehouse guard for several years is entitled to a lifelong pension, which is given out in milk, meat and broth.

    There are cats that do not want to eat mice, meat and other food they need. What happens to them then - we will now find out

    Song "Cat has a sweet tooth"

    Leading.Cats always exist so inseparably next to mice that there is even a special expression “cat and mouse”, which in our country means the well-known game “Trap”.

    Game "Traps"

    1. Hush, mouse, hush, mouse!

    The cat is sitting on our roof!

    Old cat, fat cat

    Sings a song loudly


    Mur-mur-meow/ 3 times

    I understand everyone

    1. He slyly narrowed his eyes,

    He'll probably be watching over us!

    Old cat, fat cat

    Sings a song loudly


    1. But today, Vaska is angry,

    You won't catch a single one.

    You won't catch it, you won't catch it,

    You won't catch a single one!

    Leading.The cat has good vision, hearing and smell. Her visual acuity is 6 times higher than that of a human, and her hearing is three times sharper. She perfectly distinguishes color shades. The cat is exceptionally well prepared for its main “profession” - a hunter in the twilight, at dusk.

    The cat smells the mouse spirit

    Screwing your gaze into the darkness

    Just like the headlights of a car

    Her eyes are burning.

    Poem by V. Druk “Jolly Mice”

    (accompanied by playing the metallophone)

    Cheerful mice climbed onto the roof

    And they climb higher, and higher, and higher.

    They are not afraid of heights at all!

    What brave mice, however!

    The cats said, climbing up after them.

    Leading.The cat is a small and unique predator that was first domesticated in Ancient Egypt many, many years ago. The cat still has strong and agile relatives in the wild: tiger, leopard, lynx, panther, snow leopard.

    Children read funny poems

    I make way for her

    When I meet you at the gate.

    If he wants, let him pass.

    Suddenly he will take it and help

    He will call Brother Tiger.

    Suddenly from a park or square,

    From the yard around the corner

    Black Panther will come out

    He will ask: “Murka, how are you?”

    Suddenly they come to visit her

    Uncle leopard and aunt lynx

    They will sit down to have lunch together...

    Be sure to be careful here!

    The cat runs around with excitement

    Half a day at the reel

    And she herself is related to the cheetah.

    The mighty lion is related.

    Riddle-song “Live Motor”

    What kind of motor is this?

    Am I too lazy to start it?

    What kind of motor is this?

    Works all day?

    No switch needed

    Switch or cord

    I stroked him with my hand -

    He started up “Pur-r-r”

    Song "Cat" to the words of W. Mayor

    The purring of cats is healing. It heals people, helps them calm down, heals wounds and broken bones. The cat often comes and lies down on its own. sore spot. When you pet a cat, your bad mood simply disappears!

    The sound of a purring cat -

    The very favorite sound.

    This is not “tra-ta-ta” for you!

    This is not “knock-knock-knock”!

    I'm sad about boom-boom

    I often frown from “there-there”

    Creating an eerie noise

    Creating a terrible din!

    If a cat suddenly notices,

    That I am sad and gloomy,

    He'll sing a song right away

    Titled: “Pur-mur!”

    (soundtrack of a cat purring, children stroking their toys)

    Cat Minuet

    Leading.And now, I propose to listen to the story about one kitten, which Masha, her mother and grandfather will tell us.


    I found a kitten in the garden...

    He meowed subtly, subtly,

    He meowed and trembled.

    Maybe he was beaten

    Or they forgot to let you into the house,

    Or did he run away himself? Mother!

    Mother. Better not ask

    Where you got it, take it there.

    Girl.In the summer I wouldn't ask

    But now it's dark and damp! Mother!

    Mother.I have worries

    Without a kitten, your mouth is full!

    Where do forest animals live?

    Girl.In a hole... In a lair... In a cave

    Or in some hollow

    Stay warm with your mother!

    And this animal

    No feeder, no coddle...

    Mother.Stop this bagpipes!

    (Grandfather appears)

    Grandfather. What's all the noise and no fight?

    Why is the child in tears?

    Girl.I found a kitten in the garden

    Only mom...

    Grandfather.Stop, stop, stop!

    Where is this foundling? Oh!

    What a terrible beast!

    That's what we'll do now!

    Go to your room and wash yourself

    And calm down a little.

    Let the foundling splash

    Don't forget the milk...

    (Girl leaves)

    Grandfather(to Mom)Have you forgotten

    How was it in our family?

    Two dogs, two cats,

    Chickens, geese. Beauty!

    I can't believe that...

    Mother.Cats have germs in their fur!

    Both dogs and cats are all contagious!...

    Grandfather.Are you saying these words?

    Evil without love for animals

    Children grow up...


    Cast your doubts away

    Let the cat stay...

    Well, where should he go?

    Let's leave it, then?


    Grandfather.Granddaughter, come here!

    (A girl appears)

    We are adopting a cat!

    If every child

    We were allowed to adopt a kitten,

    There would be no animal left

    Without a feeder and a codend.

    Leading. Almost all people have pets. And therefore, how a person treats his pet, we can say whether he is a good person or a bad one. A caring owner treats his little friend, plays with him, takes him for walks, and calls him affectionately. Living with his four-legged friend, a person becomes kinder and better. Let's try not to offend animals and remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

    Ecological action

    "Let's decorate the house with flowers"


    Show children that people (children and adults) are living beings, they need good conditions, good conditions, good “home”. Such a “house” is an apartment, a courtyard near the house, a group room, a kindergarten site, a nearby forest where children walk. You need to love your “home”, take care of it, keep it clean and beautiful. The owners of the “house” are people: adults and children, they put things in order, cleanliness, and decorate it.

    Action plan.

    1 .Conversation about the fact that children are alive (like plants and animals), they need: a warm and clean room, fresh air, delicious food, beauty and comfort, various objects and toys so that they feel good, do not get sick, and do what they love . Such conditions exist in the kindergarten group, which means the group is a good “home” for children.

    Everyone walks around the group’s premises together, noting what creates beauty and comfort, how the nanny, teacher and children maintain cleanliness. They look into the bedroom - pay attention to the fresh air, clean linen, and the neat appearance of the beds. They arrange vases with blossoming branches, make some small rearrangements of furniture and things to make it more convenient to play, draw, and relax. They note that they create special beauty houseplants, they also improve the air in the group room.

    They conclude: a group room is a good “home” for children, everyone should take care of it.

    2 . A targeted walk around the kindergarten site and a conversation on the topic “The site is our “home.” It should be green, beautiful, clean and comfortable.” The teacher and children walk around the entire territory, inspect it, plan: where to remove garbage, where to plant flowers, where to make additional benches, how to improve the playground, physical education area, how to plant landscaping at the central entrance, etc.

    3 . Excursion to the forest.

    “The forest is also our “home”, because in it we relax, gain strength and beauty, we need to take care of it”

    Purpose of the excursion:

    1. Show children the awakening nature - primroses, swelling buds, flowering trees and shrubs, unfolding leaves. Connect the condition of plants, their growth with increasing favorable conditions: increasing daylight (amount of light), heat, abundance of moisture; clarify ideas about protected plants.
    2. Develop observation skills, interest in various natural phenomena, and the ability to notice their changes.
    3. Develop an aesthetic perception of nature, the ability to notice beauty, enjoy it, and protect it.
    4. To cultivate a desire to protect and preserve the forest through practical actions, to teach how to observe the rules of behavior in the forest.
    5. Community work day for cleaning the kindergarten site: clearing lawns, digging up trees, trimming bushes, making plantings. The team of adults at the preschool institution, children and their parents take part in the cleanup.

    Ecological action

    "A Smart Look at Garbage"

    Purpose of the action:

    Expand children's knowledge about the interdependence of the natural world and human activities, both economic and environmental. To form ideas about the feasibility of recycling household and household waste.

    Action plan:

    Questioning parents

    Working with children on the project: “What to do with garbage?”

    Learning the poem “Garbage Fantasy” by Andrei Usachev

    Exhibition “Waste handicrafts” (crafts made from waste materials)

    Making posters on the topic: “In order for you to feel the joy of tomorrow, the Earth must be clean and the air must be clean.”

    Competition among children of senior and preparatory groups “It’s better to get out of the habit of littering now, kids”

    Questionnaire for surveying parents:

    1. Do you consider the problem of garbage to be a pressing problem of our time?

    2. Are there enough garbage containers and trash cans in our village? If no, where do you think they are lacking?

    3. How do you feel about separate waste collection and are you ready to sort the waste yourself?

    4. Do you draw children’s attention to environmentally friendly behavior with garbage? (i.e. the need to throw garbage in specially designated places

    Project summary:competition “It’s better to litter”

    Now get out of the habit kids"

    1. Where does garbage come from?

    D/I “Ecological traffic light”(Situations are proposed, it is necessary to evaluate the behavior in nature -1. Vova and Ira were walking in the garden. Suddenly they saw: the boys climbed onto a rowan tree and began to pick green berries. One branch broke under the weight of the children. “Get off and leave!” - said Vova and Ira. A handful of green berries flew at them, but they repeated their words again. The boys ran away. And in the evening, Vova and Ira consulted with dad on how to help the broken rowan tree. Do you think Vova and Ira behaved correctly?

    2. Anya liked colorful moths. She took a net, caught several insects, put them in a jar and closed the lid on the jar. In the morning she saw dead moths at the bottom of the jar. They were no longer as beautiful as when they fluttered in the meadow. Anya threw the jar of moths into the trash bin. How do you evaluate the girl's actions?

    3. Julia and her dad were walking through the meadow and saw a bird that was restlessly flying from place to place. “She’s so worried because her nest is somewhere nearby,” dad said. “Let's look for her nest,” Julia asked. “The bird won’t like it,” said Dad. – When we get home, I’ll show you a book about birds. There are photographs of their nests there.” Do you think dad did the right thing?

    4. Vanya and Tolik were walking in the forest. “I’m hungry,” said Vanya. “Let’s have a snack now,” Tolik responded and offered Vanya a pack of cookies and a box of juice. The boys ate, drank juice and moved on. And in the forest clearing, after their lunch, there were juice boxes and pieces of paper from cookies. How do you evaluate the boys' actions?

    Educator. Where do you think the garbage comes from?

    Children. People throw away used bags, cleanings, scraps, written notebooks and much, much more.

    Educator. What happens if the trash is not picked up? (Children's assumptions). How to call garbage in other words?

    Children. Litter, waste, refuse, rubbish, waste material.

    Educator. Most often, this waste ends up in the trash can, then in the container. Where do containers with garbage go?

    Children.To the landfill.

    Educator.Do you think landfill is good or bad?

    Children. Garbage dumps are necessary, but they pollute the land, air and water. There are a lot of rats and dogs in the landfill. No person should live near a landfill.

    1. What kind of garbage is there?

    (Remember what was discussed at the last meeting)

    Each person on our planet throws out approximately a ton of garbage every year - the full back of a truck. There are several billion inhabitants on the planet. Can you imagine how much garbage accumulates on the ground? Probably, humanity will soon have to save itself from garbage

    (The teacher reads A. Usachev’s poem “Garbage Fantasy”)

    Let's figure out what people throw away, what kind of garbage is it? (Children list. The teacher summarizes.)

    • Everything that ends up in the trash can from the kitchen is kitchen waste (or food scraps)
    • There is also solid household waste - glass, plastic, metal, paper, etc.
    • After renovations and construction, construction waste appears - tiles, plaster, bricks and much more.
    1. Sorting trash from our group's trash can

    (A trash bin is brought in, containing glass bottles and tin cans, an electric light bulb, cardboard box candy bottles, napkins, candy wrappers, candy wrappers,

    scraps of colored paper, newspapers, foil, tin cans, broken pencils, plastic toy parts, scraps of fabric, plastic bags, food waste (cracker, apple core.)

    Educator. Let's look at the contents of our group's trash can. How much waste has accumulated today?

    The teacher puts on rubber gloves, spreads an oilcloth on the floor and lays out the contents of the basket on it.

    Educator. Look what beautiful box We threw it out from under the sweets. How much money do you think was spent on its production? What is it made of? What is cardboard made from? (Children's answers). Cardboard, foil, paints used in the manufacture of this box, the work of the artist and the workers who createdher - they cost a little cheaper than packaged onescandy in it. A lot of labor and money was also spent on making these juice jars (shows). Tell me, is all the trash in the trash the same? How are discarded items different?

    Children. They are made from various materials. They were used in different ways. There are large and small objects here.

    Educator. Let's sort the garbage.

    Group objects according to the material from which they are made

    4. How can you use items that end up in the trash bin?

    Educator. At the last “collection” we sorted the garbage from our trash can.

    What to do with the garbage, of which there is so much? Maybe it can be used somehow?(Children's guesses)

    Educator. In the American state of Kentucky, a children's book hero was invented - Superman named Ray Cycle. He helps children empty city landfills of items that are recycled and reused. When properly sorted and recycled, waste produces many valuable items.

    Are there items in our recycling bin that can be reused?(Children's guesses)What does a housekeeper do with old newspapers and magazines?

    Children. Newspapers are spread on the floor during renovations. Use old newspapers to light the stove. You can cut out pictures from magazines.

    Educator. What is waste paper? Does your family collect waste paper? What is scrap metal? How is it processed? Who of your friends handed over scrap metal to a collection point? (Children's answers) What to do with a glass bottle?

    Children. It can be returned to the store. Glass bottles and jars are washed and juice, milk and kefir are poured into them again, and broken bottles are melted into new ones.

    Educator. How can you use plastic bottles?

    Children. Cut and cover the seedlings with them. Make bird feeders.

    Educator. Is there any way to use broken toys?(Children's guesses)Tell us what Andrei Bakhmetyev makes from unnecessary things in the program “Crazy Hands”?

    (Children's answers)

    5. Let's make new paper from waste paper

    Educator. What new did you learn at the morning meeting yesterday?

    Children. We learned that waste can be non-polluting if it is reused. Garbage must be sorted.

    D\U "Roll the ball"(The teacher rolls the ball, naming the garbage, and the child to whom the ball rolled says how it can be used)

    Educator. Let's try to reuse some of the items in our trash can. Look how much paper there is in it. Shall we make new paper from this waste paper?(Yes)Making paper is a long process. First you need to shred the waste paper and soak it in water.

    Children tear the paper into small pieces and place it in a bowl of water.

    Educator. Cover the basin with oilcloth. Let the paper soak. Tomorrow we will beat the paper pulp with a mixer, add whitewash, a little wallpaper glue and strain the resulting mixture through a metal mesh with small cells. The water will drain and we will spread the remaining paper pulp evenly onto a cloth napkin. Cover it with another napkin, placingsomething heavy on top. After two or three days the paper will dry. Let's iron it with an iron and draw on it.

    6. The most dangerous garbage

    D/u “Roll the ball” (Whoever the ball rolled to should tell how the named waste can be used.Old newspapers - for repair, put into waste paper; old magazines - cut out pictures and recycle; old washing machine– sell for scrap metal; glass juice jar - use for canning at home or take to a collection point, etc.)

    Currently, some types of waste are used as fuel for power plants. Do you think it is possible to burn plastic bottles and plastic bags?

    Children. It is forbidden. When they burn, they release smoke, which is harmful to all living things.

    Educator. We often see garbage being buried in the ground. Why do they do this? Is everything rotting in the ground? Which items in our basket will rot faster?(Children's guesses)Food waste rots quickly, plastic and polyethylene will lie in the ground for hundreds of years.

    Let's conduct an experiment: bury paper, a plastic bag, and an apple core in the ground.

    (Place the above-mentioned garbage in transparent containers with moist soil)

    Let's think about what kind of garbage is the most dangerous?

    (Children's reasoning)

    The most dangerous is plastic waste. They accumulate very quickly because people use a lot of disposable tableware, plastic bottles, bags, etc. You cannot burn plastic. When burned, toxic gas is released. There is no point in burying it in the ground; plastic does not decompose.

    Think and tell me what makes clocks tick, toys move, cameras work and much more? Thanks to electric batteries, of course. What do we do with used batteries?(Answers)But the usedelectric batteries are very dangerous - they contain toxic substances(heavy metals), which pose a threat to our health and nature. Therefore, under no circumstances should they be thrown into the trash or left in nature. Used batteries must be handed over to special collection points.

    7. Eco-labels on packages

    Our trash cans contain a lot of waste that used to be packaging - various boxes, cans, bottles, bags, etc. If you look closely at the packaging, you can see various icons on them. The packaging of many products contains environmental labels.
    Some eco-labels for packaging materials indicate that the disposal of these materials is environmentally friendly. Others urge us not to litter, to recycle used products, and to support various environmental initiatives. Still others warn about substances and materials hazardous to the environment, or, conversely, indicate their absence.


    The Green Dot symbol indicates that the packaging material is recyclable.

    The symbol in the form of a triangle with three arrows, indicating a closed cycle (creation - use - disposal), indicates that this packaging is suitable for subsequent recycling.

    The sign with a glass and fork on it indicates that the product is made of non-toxic material and can come into contact with food.

    This sign means that the packaging should be thrown into the trash. Next to it they sometimes write: “Keep your country clean!” or just "Thank you."

    The sign “Do not throw away! Hand over to a special recycling point” indicates the need for separate collection and disposal of used power supplies (batteries and accumulators) containing certain hazardous substances, such as mercury, cadmium, lead.

    This sign is placed on packaging made from recycled materials.

    This is what the first Russian eco-label “Life Leaf” looks like - a trademark of environmental quality of products, which appeared in 2001 in St. Petersburg.

    D/u "Environmental and road signs"(Each child takes a card with a picture of a sign from the tray. If he gets a road sign, then places it on a black card (sheet of cardboard), and if an environmental sign, then puts it on a green card. Then everyone together checks the correctness of the task and remembers the meaning of environmental signs)


    for children of senior and preparatory groups

    Decor:exhibits of the exhibition "Waste handicrafts"

    Attributes and materials:screen, projector, computer, videos, cartoons, slides, Internet materials; 2 red hoops, 2 blue hoops, garbage containers, 2 tables, 2 boards, magnets, environmental signs, various garbage ( plastic cups, aluminum cans, paper, etc.)

    Organization:in the form of a competition in which two teams (6 children each) from the senior and preparatory groups participate. The teams come up with their own logos, names, and business cards.


    Leading.Our society is often called a society of superconsumers. Why? Yes, because we are constantly new types, new brands of goods, and we throw away old, but still quite suitable things. Each of us spends 20 tons of raw materials per year, and most of it (up to 97%) goes... to waste!(At this time, on the screen, slides depicting nature are replaced by images of garbage dumps. Music plays.)

    Is there a way out of this situation? Today, there is garbage in all countries; it simply does not have time to be processed naturally. How can we help the Earth? We will try to answer all these questions during our competition “Better get out of the habit of littering now, kids!”

    Introducing the teams

    Leading.(Introduces teams and jury members. Each team shows its business card"

    Intellectual warm-up

    • Where does garbage come from?
    • What types of garbage do you know?(Household solid waste: glass, plastic, metal, etc. kitchen waste, construction waste)
    • Where does the garbage go? Describe his journey.(Trash bag - trash container - landfill.

    Let's collect trash together!

    Children watch a fragment of the cartoon “Mysterious Planet”, after which garbage lover Mor appears in the hall, holding a bag in his hands.

    Leading.Hello! Excuse me, who are you?

    Mor.My name is Mor. I flew to you from another planet, because you have a lot of garbage on Earth. And I love him very much!

    After all, garbage is the main decoration of your planet.(Mor takes garbage out of the bag and throws it around the hall. Then he shows off his costume, like at a fashion show.)

    Leading.We don't agree with you. Garbage dumps pollute the land, air and water. Therefore, our guys try to follow the main rule of the Little Prince: “Get up in the morning, wash your face, get dressed, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order!” Right, guys?(Yes.)

    Then the teams receive the next task - to collect garbage (at speed) into hoops that lie on the floor. One team collects garbage in a blue hoop, the other in a red hoop.

    Such different garbage

    (Teams take turns answering questions)

    • Tell us what materials the packaging is made from and tell us what inscriptions help you find out about it
    • What kind of waste is the most dangerous - glass, plastic, paper, metal?
    • How can you deal with accumulated garbage?(Convert)
    • What needs to be done with garbage to recycle it?(Sort)

    Let's sort the garbage together!

    (In the hall there are blue and red containers (each team has a container of its own color) with symbols. The teams’ task is to sort out the garbage that lies in the hoops. You need to put glass in a container with a circle, paper with a square, and plastic with an oval , with a triangle - metal. Participants of the competition stand in front of containers near special landmarks - bright cones. Team members take turns running to the hoop with garbage, take a package or a jar and carry it to the container with the required statutory sign. The team that is not only fast wins. , but also sorts the garbage correctly.

    What does the sign say?

    Leading.Guys, you know that many packages have special environmental labels - signs. Assignment for teams: among the signs lying on the table, choose only environmental signs.

    Mor.And I'll time it. You are given one minute to complete.

    Waste area at the factory

    Leading.The garbage is collected and sorted. Now we need to send it for recycling.

    Mor.Where will all this garbage be recycled?

    (In special factories. Plastic, metal, broken glass will be melted down, and then new things will be made. Old paper - waste paper - will also be recycled. It will be converted into new paper - packaging.)

    Watch a film about how a processing plant works

    Leading.Look, Mor - the children made this paper themselves from waste paper.

    Of course, it is very important to reuse and recycle old things and materials throughout the city and throughout the country. This requires factories and special equipment. But in order to use waste material in your own apartment or in a kindergarten, desire and imagination are enough. Therefore, children and parents took part in the “Waste Crafts” exhibition.

    Well, while our jury is summing up the results of the competition, we will conduct a small experiment.(Mohr hands out crumpled pieces of paper to the children)

    Look how clean, beautiful and cozy it is in our room. Now, throw the papers on the floor. How has the hall changed? Each child threw only one small piece of paper, but the hall immediately ceased to be beautiful and cozy. The same thing is happening on our streets. Streets and parks with trash lying around will never be beautiful.

    (The jury announces the results of the competition)

    Children(alternately)reading a poem by A. Usachev"Trash Fantasy"

    Children (one by one).

    sticks -

    to landfills.

    Worse things will happen

    on the planet...

    from a rocket

    Never throw away peels, skins,

    sticks -

    Our cities will quickly turn into

    to landfills.

    If you litter now, then pretty soon

    Garbage mountains may grow here.

    But when they start flying to school on a rocket -

    Worse things will happen

    on the planet...

    How will they throw it up into space?

    from a rocket

    Ecological action

    "Kindergarten - a blooming garden"


    about holding a review competition

    "The best flowerbed"

    Purpose of the show:

    • To intensify the activities of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Skazka" in the improvement and landscaping of the territory.
    • Create comfortable conditions for the upbringing and development of preschool children.

    General provisions

    Participants of the Competition are educators, children and parents of all age groups.

    Procedure and timing of the Competition

    The competition is held from 8.08 to 15.08

    Composition of the competition committee:

    Chairman of the Commission– Gustova G.V. - head of the kindergarten.

    Members of the commission:

    Pykhova T.I. - senior teacher;

    Tikhomirova I.N. - psychologist;

    Eremeeva S.V. – environmental educator


    The winners of the competition are the groups - participants who have scored the maximum number of points.

    The winners of the competition are awarded with Certificates and memorable prizes.

    Rules of work of the commission.

    Each indicator is assessed using a 3-point system.

    Ecological action

    "Returned Forest"

    Event plan:

    1. Classes
    • "Wooden objects"; “Getting to know wooden toys”(average age)
    • “Take care of wooden objects”; “We treat paper with care”(older age)
    • "Forest in human life"(preparatory age)
    1. Excursions to the forest
    2. Visit to the Wood Museum(Exhibitions: “A living tree”, “Who needs trees in the forest”, “Why do they cut down trees in the forest”)
    3. Consultation for teachers “Trees and shrubs on the territory of a kindergarten”
    4. Working with children in a group on the project “Trees are our friends”
    5. Planting trees and shrubs on plots.

    Zvonar Lidiya Vasilievna
    Job title: teacher
    Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 "Spikelet"
    Locality: KHMAO - Yugra, Tyumen region, Nefteyugansk
    Name of material: article
    Subject:"Environmental actions in kindergarten
    Publication date: 19.01.2018
    Chapter: preschool education

    Environmental actions in kindergarten

    Environmental education of the younger generation in last years goes to

    first plan, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation in general. Preschool

    age is considered the most favorable in terms of the formation of environmental

    culture. The child spends most of his time in preschool,

    which allows him to imbue every moment of his stay in kindergarten with love and

    respect for nature. Today, various forms are used

    teaching children, forming environmental consciousness and activating

    cognitive needs of preschoolers: excursions, various targeted walks,

    environmental events, holidays, entertainment, lessons of kindness, exhibitions.

    I consider environmental protection to be an interesting and effective form of work.

    (environmental) actions - socially significant events carried out by employees

    and children, parents.

    What is an environmental action?

    An environmental action is a socially significant complex event. Promotion

    may affect the circle of listeners and characters: children of one kindergarten group,

    children and their parents of one or more kindergartens, residents of a microdistrict, city of the country and

    even the whole world. The promotion allows you to integrate information from different areas knowledge for

    solutions to one problem and apply them in practice. The object of the action may be

    trees, birds, plants, kindergarten territory. These events are usually

    timed to coincide with any dates or events of public importance.

    Target: creating conditions for the formation of environmental culture, consciousness and



    to form cognitive interest, communication skills, humanistic

    attitude, aesthetic responsiveness

    develop positive emotional attitude to nature, the desire to protect it and

    look after her.

    Algorithm for holding promotions

    purpose (each action has its own purpose);

    tasks (general and specific are performed);

    object (what are they aimed at - birds, trees...);

    participants (children - parents - employees - children - parents);

    Any promotion includes the following stages:

    1. Preparatory stage:

    The text of the announcement about the beginning of the action is drawn up and posted, indicating the topic, purpose,

    period, composition of participants, conditions;

    Equipment and materials and an action plan are being prepared.

    2. Cognitive and research stage (organizational):

    Organization of observations, experiences, experiments, classes, conversations, reading


    Solving logical, problematic problems.

    3. Practical activity stage:

    Production of posters in defense of the objects of the action;

    - “ecological mail” - correspondence with the objects of the action;

    Development of rules, exercise in labor actions; - staging of works,

    leisure, holidays;

    Exhibition of drawings, books

    Crafts, newspapers, collages, photo exhibition;



    Reflection. (can take the form of an award ceremony, production of a photo album,

    video films, making homemade books, holding exhibitions, etc.).



    “A seed and a grain in reserve!” (collecting seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds,

    seed for feeding birds);

    “Good winter for birds” (feeding wintering birds. In the group there is a container where

    children and parents bring food for birds. In the “Panorama of Good Deeds”, educators

    express gratitude to active families).


    “The Christmas tree is a green needle” (in defense of the Christmas tree, children make posters and carry

    home. Along the way they might hang you in a public place. The final stage

    can get in shape

    Vitamins on the windowsill" competition and exhibition - "Christmas tree - green needle");

    “(growing onions for yourself, observing the growth of onions in different conditions,

    maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).


    water". The promotion may start earlier and end with the “Sorceress” holiday

    water". Posters, experimental activities are the life-giving force).

    “My favorite is a clean city!” (this is the city campaign “Clean City” taking place

    traditionally, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: cleaning

    territory, landscaping and landscaping).

    “A palace for every singer!” (together with parents production and

    attaching birdhouses. You can stick it in the yard of your house, in your country house).

    In the spring, the environmental campaign “Let’s decorate the planet with flowers” ​​begins (beginning

    promotions in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).


    “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(layout of flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings,

    planting care).

    “Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!” (call on how to behave in the forest,

    careful handling of fire in the forest. Fire causes lasting harm to nature,

    its inhabitants, people).

    A wide range of structural components of the action allows this work to be done

    the most interesting and attractive.

    The structural components of environmental actions are both methods and forms

    environmental education. I would like to dwell on the most interesting ones in more detail.

    Ecological excursions-expeditions.

    The goal is to find answers to the questions posed, accumulate information, teach

    formation of ideas about the surrounding natural conditions, terrain,

    conditions, ecological situation, presence of animals and plants. During the expedition

    children can prepare medicinal herbs, collect natural material For

    collections, explore plants, soil, water in different conditions (including

    favorable environmental conditions: along a fence, in a vacant lot, etc.).

    In addition to living nature, inanimate objects can also become objects of research

    nature: granite boulders, stones; sand scree; wind and water, their variety

    impact on nature.

    For environmental expeditions, as a rule, special equipment is required: a magnifying glass,

    pencil, felt-tip pen; several plexiglass plates, a folder for the herbarium; boxes;

    packages; camera, etc.

    Expeditions are most often planned in a school preparatory group. Results of work

    arrange in the form of albums, drawings, collections.

    Environmental exhibitions and expositions.

    The goal is to become familiar with natural phenomena that are inaccessible to children.

    Exhibitions and displays include material designed for working with children and

    with adults.

    The topic can be very diverse: “The forest is man’s friend”; "The riches of the subsoil

    our Earth"; "Space"; “Man and his good deeds on Earth”; "Native spaces" and

    The exhibition may include works of art, works by children and

    educators, various collections. The exhibition usually serves as an excellent backdrop for

    conversations with children, for excursions that can be conducted not only by the teacher, but also

    Ecological Museum.

    It is a real school of nature for a child. The following are appropriate in the museum:

    exhibitions: flora (herbarium); rare, endangered plant species and

    animals (albums and photographs); minerals and rocks(children's collections); water,

    its use, protection (illustrations); green pharmacy (medicinal herbs);

    ecosystems (models); environmental disasters and disasters (albums, illustrations).

    Such material allows children to visually present a wide variety of

    topics: “Who are conservationists”; "Blue and green patrols, their activities",

    “Animal life in the forest”; “The Mysterious World of Insects”, etc.

    But no museum can replace communication with living nature. And this is of great importance

    have environmental observations.

    Ecological observations.

    The goal is to form an understanding of animals and plants as living organisms,

    show the relationships that exist in nature.

    It is important to consider the observed object from all points of view: for example, in observations of

    plants, the following cycles can be distinguished: name (interesting information,

    associated with the name); classification (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant);

    appearance, parts, purpose; conditions necessary for growth and development; Wednesday

    a habitat; plant as a habitat for animals; plant as food for animals;

    methods of seed dispersal, reproduction; meaning in human life; As a person

    helps plants; rules of behavior in nature.

    In observations of animals, it is advisable to find out the following: name

    (interesting information related to the name); appearance, features;

    classification (insects, birds, fish, mammals); way to travel,

    adaptation of limbs to the method of movement; way of getting food,

    adaptation to the method of obtaining food; food, habitat, adaptation to

    habitat; reproduction; relationships that exist in nature; meaning in life

    person; the role of humans in the lives of animals; rules of behavior in nature.

    Ecological knowledge is the basis of environmental consciousness, but only

    Educating children is not enough; it is necessary to introduce them to practical


    Lessons in kindness.

    Conducted individually or with a small subgroup of children (older) in

    moments of their appeal to the natural world.

    Goals: develop interest in nature; create positive emotional

    attitude towards her, the desire to protect her and take care of her; cultivate sensitivity and feeling


    Such events that affect the child’s soul should not be verbose;

    can be combined with music, perception of works of art.

    The duration is not regulated (from one to several minutes depending on

    the child’s mood on a given topic).

    The topic of kindness lessons: “What does it mean to be kind?”; "When I was kind

    Does the child treat nature with care?”; “What is beauty?”; “Why is a flower beautiful?”;

    "The Beauty of Man"; "Harmony of Colors"; "Harmony of Sounds"; "How amazing

    frog?"; “What is fear?”; “How do animals that experience fear behave?”;

    “When are they afraid?”; “What should you do to avoid scaring animals?”; "How are you

    Do you feel the love of your loved ones?”; “How do you show love to animals?”;

    “Love - what does it mean?”; "Ornament of the Earth"; “Are rules needed in life?”; "What you

    do you feel it when you step on the ground?”; “What do you feel when you hug a tree?”;

    “What do you feel when you look at the sky?”; “What did nature tell you?” and etc.

    Ecological games.

    Role-playing environmental games based on social content modeling

    environmental activities, for example the game “City Building” (its participants

    perform the roles of builders, architects, city residents; the goal of the game is to form

    the idea that construction can only be carried out if

    compliance with environmental standards and regulations).

    Simulation environmental games are based on environmental simulation

    activities. The game "Ecosystem of a Reservoir" allows you to trace the role of each

    component of this system, model the consequences of anthropogenic impact on

    biocenoses, and the game “Ecological Pyramids” helps show food chains (child

    clearly sees that disruption of one link in the food chain leads to death

    the rest).

    Competitive environmental games stimulate the activity of their participants in

    acquisition and demonstration of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities. These include:

    auction competition, marathon competition, KVN, environmental quiz, “Field of Miracles”, etc.

    Travel games are widely used in the practice of preschool institutions, in

    in which children, with the help of TSO, get to the North Pole, to the bottom of the ocean, etc.

    When working with preschoolers, didactic games are of great importance: “Who is where?”

    lives? “Flies, runs, jumps” (about the adaptation of animals to their environment);

    “Living - nonliving”; “Birds – fish – animals” (for classification according to given characteristics);

    “What comes first, what comes next” (growth and development of living organisms); "Choose right

    road" (about the rules of behavior in nature), etc.

    Environmental posters.

    How to awaken civic engagement in children towards all living things? I think that

    Each child can “speak out” on this topic in a drawing or sketch. Sketch

    work is the primary source of awakening children’s activity aimed at fighting

    for environmental protection.

    Many people are surprised when they learn that children will draw environmental posters. After all

    An environmental poster is a serious thing. Why does the child need it? But, after thinking, we realized

    that this is correct. A child cannot be isolated from the problems of life. Small man

    looks into the world and often sees (especially on TV) things that his imagination cannot even imagine

    can accept (burning taiga, dying, oil-stained birds, ruined

    fish). All this traumatizes the child’s psyche. One of the ways to get rid of this

    nervous stress and there may be environmental drawings-posters in which the child

    calls for effective assistance environment, which means he himself makes an attempt not

    harm your “home” and those who live and grow next to it.”

    Children's drawings do not leave anyone indifferent. You can call this type of work

    gymnastics for the mind, which, among other things, shapes personal qualities

    Environmental actions are a truly effective form of work

    on developing children’s ideas about the relationship between man and nature,

    Ecological trail

    An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural

    conditions where there are environmentally significant natural objects.

    Main types

    Children's activities during walks on the trail are play, experiment, observation.

    On these routes you can introduce children and adults to the diversity of plants and

    animals, the connections that exist between them, imagine in practice

    environmental activities. The ecological trail is designed primarily for

    organized passage. When choosing a route, accessibility is taken into account,

    emotional intensity and information capacity.

    The ecological trail occupies an important place in the savings system of every child

    personal experience, environmentally correct interaction with the nature of the nearest

    environment that is safe both for the child and for nature itself, in accordance with

    their interests, inclinations, level of cognitive development.

    The objects of the ecological path can be: different kinds tree species,

    (alleys, garden, corner of the forest; shrubs; floral plants of various shapes and selection

    flower beds; rock gardens; small reservoirs (artificial); corner of the meadow; corner

    untouched nature; anthill; a bed with medicinal plants; garden,

    individual beautiful flowering plants, etc.

    Stages of creating and designing a path:

    1) Detailed examination of the territory of the kindergarten and identification of the most

    interesting objects.

    2) Drawing up a map of the path with the route and all its objects:

    general, which will be located in the methodological room, and diagrams in groups, taking into account

    age of children, in groups of senior preschool age there may be a layout

    ecological path.

    3) Together with the children, choose the owner of the path - a fairy-tale character.

    4) Drawing up a passport of all points of the path.

    5) Making callout signs indicating each point.

    Working on an ecological trail allows you to solve the following tasks: educate

    love and respect for the nature of the native land, to develop behavioral skills in

    nature, healthy lifestyle, caring for nature and its inhabitants, expand children’s knowledge about the meaning

    each object of nature, to give an idea of ​​the interconnection of phenomena in nature.

    Develop aesthetic feelings, imagination, attention.

    Children observe nature in different seasons of the year, live in it, and enjoy it. Reading

    fairy tales and poems, learning proverbs and sayings, singing songs, participating in games

    allow children to expand their understanding of the natural environment and help express

    attitude towards him in a bright emotional form. In summer, on an ecological

    Along the way, educators instill in children a love of work.

    Labor activity on an ecological trail in summer

    1. Natural history work

    Caring for garden beds (loosening, watering, weeding, thinning).

    Caring for flowers on an ecological trail.

    Collecting grass seeds to feed birds in the winter garden.

    Harvesting in the garden.

    Preparation of medicinal herbs.

    Collecting fallen leaves and twigs for the herbarium from various trees and shrubs.

    2. Household work

    Washing research equipment (jars, cups, etc.)

    3. Environmental work

    Production of environmental signs and installation of them on the ecological trail.

    Inspection of vegetable crops (for pests) and treatment (by the teacher) with infusion

    their herbs, onion and garlic peels.

    Inspecting ant paths and feeding the ants.

    Operation “Broken Branch” (tying and covering broken branches).

    4. Manual labor

    Making crafts from natural materials.

    Application made from natural materials.

    Use walks to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and

    improving children's health in the fresh air.

    Use observations of wildlife to develop sensory skills

    every child.

    Introduce various objects of living nature and show its relationship with

    the surrounding world.

    Make the child’s communication with nature safe for the child and nature itself.

    To form feelings of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, care and

    respect for nature.

    Develop the ability to convey your impressions of communication with nature in

    drawings, crafts, stories and other creative works.

    Conduct observations on the path at different times of the year, games, excursions,

    research, drama classes and other activities.

    In our preschool, environmental campaigns take place throughout the entire




    natural history






    serve as good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children

    They see the attitude of the parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves.

    The action takes place under its own motto, has visual propaganda (leaflets, posters,

    memos). The content of the promotions includes holidays, entertainment, quizzes, exhibitions,

    competitions dedicated to the objects of the action. (slide)

    Carrying out an environmental campaign in a kindergarten helps to promote

    the progressive development of children's cognitive interest in the natural world,

    fostering respect for plants, animals and birds, developing

    skills in environmental activities, as well as revaluation of worldviews

    guidelines (perception of oneself as part of nature, understanding of the relationship between man and

    nature). Thus, this activity is aimed at creating conditions for development

    child, opening up opportunities for him successful socialization, comprehensive

    personal development.

    All environmental events and promotions are held under the common motto: “Only together,

    just together, we need to help nature!”

    “Come on, friends, wherever we live,

    We will plant trees and create gardens.

    Let's strive for this

    So that both the beast and the bird love us,

    And they trusted us everywhere,

    Like your best friends!”

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