• Environmental education of preschoolers through play. Game as a method of environmental education


    The idea of ​​including games in the learning process has long attracted the attention of teachers. K.D. Ushinsky has repeatedly emphasized the ease with which children acquire knowledge if it is accompanied by play. Leading domestic teachers A.S. shared the same opinion. Makarenko, E.I. Tikheyeva, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya et al. Understanding the feasibility of using games in teaching children up to school age posed the problem of developing didactic games for researchers, the purpose of which is to provide best conditions acquisition of knowledge, mental skills and abilities. Research by E.I. Udaltsova, F.N. Bleher, A.I. Sorokina, A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova,

    A.K. Bondarenko et al. found that didactic games, along with other types of activities, can be used to solve various educational problems: developing mental skills, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new situations. A didactic game can be a form of organizing learning, a method of consolidating knowledge, and a means of developing moral-volitional, collectivist qualities.

    Research by A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko et al. show that the specificity didactic game as educational is contained in its structure, which contains, along with gaming learning objectives. It has been established that any arbitrary change in the relationships between the structural elements of the game (for example, a shift in emphasis from gaming to educational tasks, non-compliance with the rules, restriction of game actions, etc.) leads to its destruction and turns it into a system of exercises.

    The fragility of didactic games, which turn into exercises under the pressure of the need to solve educational problems, the focus mainly on consolidating children’s existing knowledge, and not on imparting new ones to them, encourages us to expand the search for connections between learning and play, in particular with role-playing as the main type of preschool play. period. This search is being carried out by various researchers; it is especially important for environmental education - a new direction in preschool pedagogy.

    Possibility of using role-playing games in environmental education children is based on a number of theoretical principles.

    Firstly, the game, in the words of A.V. Zaporozhets, this is an emotional activity, the understanding of which is necessary for the implementation of a full-fledged educational process. He emphasizes that the effectiveness of training largely depends on emotional attitude child to this process: to the teacher who teaches, to the task that he gives to the children, to the whole situation of the lesson. Undoubtedly, the inclusion of elements of role-playing games in the process of forming children's ideas about nature will create emotional background, which will provide a more effective result of knowledge acquisition. A.V. Zaporozhets asserts: emotional manifestations influence not only the level of intellectual development, but also - more broadly - on mental activity child and his creative abilities.

    Important and back side phenomena: environmental knowledge that evokes an emotional reaction in children is more likely to be included in their independent play activity and become its content than knowledge, the impact of which affects only the intellectual side of the preschooler’s personality. S.L. Rubinstein confirms this position: play is a child’s activity, which means it is an expression of his attitude to the surrounding reality.

    It can be argued that the roots of gaming activity go back to learning, during which preschoolers receive information about the surrounding reality and can master patterns of constructing any elements of the game (playing with toys, constructing plots, implementing role-playing actions, etc.).

    A particularly close connection between play and learning is visible in the approach of E.V. Zvorygina and S.L. Novoselova. The complex method of game management they proposed includes four elements, two of which (knowledge formation and educational games) are included in the scope of direct educational activities.

    Research by I.A. Komarova showed that the optimal form of including role-playing games in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature are game-based learning situations (GES), which are created by the teacher to solve specific didactic problems of natural history classes and observations. Three types of IOS have been identified, the use of which has different didactic capabilities. These are IOS built using analogue toys; dolls depicting literary characters; various variants of the “Journey” plot.

    The main characteristic of the first type of IOS is the use of analogue toys that depict various natural objects. It should be noted that there is a huge variety of animal toys and a very limited number of plant toys. The main point of using this kind of game is to compare a living object with a non-living analogue. In this case, the toy helps to distinguish between ideas of a fairy-tale-toy and realistic nature, helps to understand the specifics of the living, and develop the ability to act correctly (in different ways) with a living object and object. The latter characteristic makes it possible in some cases to use toys as handouts (children can pick up a toy fish but cannot pick up a live fish that swims in an aquarium), which is especially important for younger preschoolers.

    Creating game situations with analogue toys comes down to comparing a living object with a toy image according to a variety of parameters: appearance, living conditions, way of functioning (behavior), way of interacting with it.

    Attention should be paid to the parallel use of a toy and a living object. A toy does not replace anyone; just like an animal (or plant), it concentrates attention and is equally a meaningful element of learning, which creates favorable conditions for finding differences.

    The materials show that a figurative toy can perform a certain didactic function in the environmental educational process of a kindergarten. It becomes an important attribute of direct educational activities, in which children acquire knowledge about animals and plants.

    In this case, the requirements for it are as follows. The toy must be recognizable - regardless of the material and type of execution, it must display characteristic species-typical features of the structure of an animal or plant, mainly the shape of individual parts of the object, by which recognition of a specific species occurs. The toy must be aesthetically pleasing - answer modern requirements design, to evoke positive emotions in the child. When working on the creation of IOS and their inclusion in the practice of environmental education, teachers can use suitable toys as demonstration and handout material.

    By including this IOS, the teacher achieves the following pedagogical effect.

    • - Full implementation of the didactic task: the vast majority of children get an idea of ​​the life and adaptability of the brown bear (its structure, behavior, lifestyle, size) to various factors habitats, the main ones being the forest ecosystem and seasonally changing weather and climatic conditions.
    • - Clarification and deepening of ideas about the difference between a living animal and a toy, dividing fairy-tale-toy and realistic ideas.
    • - Easy and highly effective training for preschoolers thanks to play motivation and the inclusion of an indirect learning mechanism: all information about brown bears was transferred to the bear, the teacher did not teach the children, he taught the toy together with them.
    • - Rapid activation of the intellectual capabilities and abilities of all preschool children.
    • - Development of children's play activity: the teacher acted with the toy, spoke for it, and conducted a dialogue with it.

    The second type of IOS is associated with the use of dolls depicting characters literary works, well known to children. Analysis of practice in preschool institutions classes to introduce children to nature in different age groups, specially undertaken by I.A. Komarova, showed that educators often use story toys: dolls, characters from familiar fairy tales (Pinocchio, Dunno, Parsley, etc.) to arouse interest and attract children’s attention to the didactic goal of the lesson. It was discovered that the role game characters in teaching is excessively small: they perform mainly an entertainment function, and in some cases even interfere with the solution of program tasks of the lesson. Meanwhile, the heroes of their favorite fairy tales, short stories, and filmstrips are perceived by children emotionally, excite the imagination, and become objects of imitation. This is indicated by many researchers who have studied the influence of literary works on the play of preschoolers and their behavior (T.A. Markova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya,

    L.P. Bochkareva, O.K. Zinchenko, A.M. Vinogradova, etc.).

    The selected literary characters are interesting because with their help you can activate cognitive activity children. The literary biography of each of them allows us to use either his strong (Cippolino’s awareness) or weak (Neznaika’s ignorance) side of their behavior in the fairy tale. Thus, a literary hero introduced during direct educational activities is simply a cute toy that entertains the children, and a character with a certain character. He is interesting to children because in a completely new situation he shows his previous typical characteristics, in other words, he acts in his role. This is why Carlson and Dunno find themselves in situations where the knowledge and help of children is needed. These moments are especially good because preschoolers change their position: from being taught, they turn into teaching. Changing positions acts as a positive factor in learning - children’s mental activity is activated. The use of a character doll based on his literary biography is an indirect form of teaching children, entirely based on the fairly strong play motivation of preschoolers.

    The third type of IOS is various options travel games: “Trip to the exhibition”, “Expedition to Africa (to the North Pole)”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Journey to the sea”, etc. In all cases, this is a plot-didactic game (or fragments thereof) included in direct educational activities, observations, work. Essentially, all kinds of travel is the only type of game, the plot and roles of which allow for direct learning of children and the transfer of new knowledge. In each specific case, the plot of the game assumes the following: children visit new places, get acquainted with new phenomena and objects as excursionists, tourists, visitors, etc. As part of role-playing behavior, children examine, listen to explanations, and “take photographs.” The teacher, taking on the role of a tour guide, leader of a tourist group, experienced traveler, etc., tells and shows the preschoolers everything new for which they set off on their journey. In IOS of this type, paraphernalia in the form of homemade cameras, telescopes and binoculars is of great help: children fit into the role better and perform more game actions. “Optical devices”, due to the fact that they limit the viewing space with a lens, create good visual conditions for observation. In addition, photography involves the production of “photographs” - the creation by children of art products based on impressions.

    All designated types of play-based learning situations require the teacher to prepare: thinking about the plot of play actions with toys, dolls, paraphernalia, techniques for creating and maintaining an imaginary situation, and emotional entry into the role.

    So, a game as a method of environmental education is a game specially organized by the teacher and included in the process of learning about nature and interacting with it. This form of educational play between a teacher and children, which has a specific didactic goal, i.e., a play-based learning situation, is characterized by the following:

    has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events or a fairy-tale literary work that is well known to preschoolers;

    the game uses the necessary toys and paraphernalia; space and subject environment are specially organized for it;

    The teacher conducts the game: announces the title and plot, distributes roles, takes on one role and plays it throughout the entire IOS, maintains an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;

    The teacher directs the entire game: monitors the development of the plot, the performance of roles by children, role relationships, saturates the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions, through which the didactic goal is achieved.

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    Game as a method of environmental education for younger preschoolers


    Even twenty years ago about ecology and environmental education There was no talk of preschoolers. At present, it has become one of the important areas of preschool pedagogy and is implemented in many preschool institutions in the country. Almost all modern comprehensive, basic programs have sections on environmental education of preschool children; there are a number additional programs. Regional and city conferences on environmental issues are held, special courses are taught in pedagogical universities and colleges; environmental teachers have appeared in a number of preschool institutions.

    Preschool institutions today are called upon to show persistence in educating a new generation, which has a special vision of the world as an object of constant concern. The formation of environmental consciousness is the most important task of a preschool institution at the present time. There are a lot of environmental problems now. And not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world. This happens because kindergarten has always paid little attention to environmental education. The current environmental situation is such that it is no longer possible to do without radical and comprehensive changes in almost all aspects of social life.

    The achievement of the first seven years is the formation of self-awareness: the child distinguishes himself from the objective world, begins to understand his place in the circle of close and familiar people, consciously navigate the surrounding objective-natural world, and isolate its values.

    During this period, the foundations for interaction with nature are laid; with the help of adults, the child begins to recognize it as a common value for all people.

    Game will help satisfy children's curiosity, involve the child in active exploration of the world around him, and help him master ways of understanding the connections between objects and phenomena. By reflecting impressions of life phenomena in images of play, children experience aesthetic and moral feelings. The game contributes to children’s in-depth experience and expansion of their understanding of the world.

    Lately there has been an intense creative process In Kazakhstan. Teachers and ecologists are developing environmental education programs for children, taking into account local natural and social conditions, national traditions.

    1. Theoretical backgroundusegames in environmentalraising children

    Success in the environmental education of 2-3 year old children is ensured, first of all, by the teacher’s understanding of their psychophysiological characteristics. Children of this age are trusting and spontaneous, easily engage in practical activities together with an adult, react emotionally to his kind, unhurried tone, and willingly repeat his words and actions.

    The leading factor in intellectual development a child of this age is a concrete image of an object and actions with it. Words must follow actions - then the situation as a whole becomes clear to the baby and is assimilated by him. It follows that the leading activities in the environmental education of younger preschoolers are repeatedly repeated sensory examination of objects, natural objects and practical manipulation with them. Everything that can be given to children is offered to them for examination, in which the teacher includes as many senses as possible. Children take natural vegetables and fruits in their hands, stroke and examine them, squeeze, smell, taste, listen to how they creak or rustle, i.e. examine them in all sensory ways. The teacher labels each sensation with a word and asks the children to repeat after it.

    The relationship between play (the leading activity of preschool children) and the process of accumulating ideas about nature is a little-researched issue, but promising. It can be assumed that finding optimal ways to include elements of role-playing games in the process of teaching and forming a system of ideas about nature in preschoolers will become effective means raising children: will ensure the improvement of methods of preschool natural history; will enrich the content and methods of independent play activities of younger preschoolers. A particularly important achievement in this case may be a more successful education in children of a caring attitude towards plants, animals and the entire natural environment, which is important for solving issues of environmental education of children.

    IN last decades Leading psychologists and teachers have paid close attention to the play activities of preschoolers. D.B. Elkonin revealed the social nature and mechanism of formation of plot-role play in age development child. The researcher established the influence of gaming activities on the mental development of a preschooler, in particular on intellectual, moral and volitional development.

    In the life of preschool children, play is a leading activity. Play is an emotional activity: a child playing is in a good mood, active and friendly. The effectiveness of introducing children to nature largely depends on their emotional attitude towards the teacher who teaches, gives tasks, organizes observations and practical interaction with plants and animals. Therefore, the first point, which combines two aspects of pedagogy (play and familiarization with nature), is to “immerse” children in their favorite activity and create a favorable emotional background for the perception of “natural” content.

    The second significant point is related to the development of children’s attitude towards nature, which, within the framework of environmental education, is the end result. Psychologists consider play activity as a manifestation of a child’s existing positive attitude towards the content that it contains. Everything that children like, everything that impresses them, is transformed into the practice of a plot or some other game. Therefore, if preschoolers organized a game based on a natural history plot (zoo, farm, circus, etc.), this means that the resulting ideas turned out to be vivid, memorable, evoked an emotional response, and were transformed into an attitude that provoked it.

    In turn, the assimilation of knowledge about nature through games that evoke emotions cannot but influence the formation of a careful and attentive attitude towards objects of the flora and fauna. And environmental knowledge, which evokes an emotional reaction in children, will enter into their independent play and become its content, better than knowledge whose impact affects only the intellectual sphere.

    Play and environmental education are in some respects opposite: during play, the child is relaxed, he can take initiative, perform any actions that could make the game better or worse, but no one will get hurt, i.e. he is physically and morally not limited in this activity. Understanding nature and interacting with it require taking into account the specifics of a living organism and therefore impose many prohibitions and limit the child’s practical activities. That is why play interaction with living beings, learning about nature in a playful way must be built according to certain rules.

    The idea of ​​including games in the learning process has long attracted the attention of educators. K.D. Ushinsky and many other leading teachers have repeatedly emphasized the ease with which children acquire knowledge if accompanied by play. The position of understanding the feasibility of using games in teaching preschool children led researchers to the problem of developing didactic games, the purpose of which is to provide the best conditions for mastering various concepts, developing skills and abilities. With the help of didactic games, various educational tasks are also solved: the formation of children’s mental activity skills, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new situations. A didactic game can be a form of organizing learning, a method of consolidating knowledge, and a means of developing moral-volitional, collectivist qualities.

    Two points - the need for children to acquire knowledge about nature and mastery of ways to implement it in play - link play activities with environmental education. R.I. Zhukovskaya saw a direct connection between knowledge and play. She identified the need for special game-activities, which were a learning stage in the development of independent role-playing games for preschoolers. The inclusion of various structural elements of play (playing with toys, creating an imaginary situation, acting out a plot, role-playing actions and relationships) into the content of a lesson on the initiative of an adult will serve as a play model for children, a unique form of educational play.

    There is no doubt that the more often the teacher uses the game in the classroom, the more successful and varied his findings are, the more effective their influence on independent play activity will be.

    An analysis of the games recommended for kindergartens shows that they are extremely diverse in form and content. There are games with and without a specific plot. In the latter, game actions and rules are more clearly expressed. The basis of the plot game is the plot of some events, for the reproduction of which children are assigned the appropriate roles. An example would be the following games: “Fruit-Vegetables”, “Seeds”, “Flowers”, “Vegetable Storage”. In these games, children take on the roles of sellers, buyers, and workers.

    Environmental education can also be carried out by introducing elements of role-playing games into the process of teaching younger preschoolers and developing in them a consciously correct attitude towards plants and animals, towards themselves as part of nature, towards materials of natural origin and objects made from them.

    Joint research with I.A. Komarova showed that the optimal form of introducing role-playing games into the process of introducing preschoolers to nature are play-based learning situations. They are created by the teacher to solve specific didactic problems included in natural history classes and observations.

    Three types of IOS have been identified, the use of which has different didactic capabilities. These are IOSs built using analogue toys, dolls depicting literary characters, and various versions of the “Journey” plot.

    The first type of IOS is the use of analogue toys depicting various natural objects. There are a huge number of animal toys and a very limited number of plant toys. The main point of using this kind of toys is to compare a living object with a non-living analogue. In this case, the toy helps to distinguish between ideas of a fairy-tale-toy and realistic nature, helps to understand the specifics of the living, and develop the ability to act correctly with a living object or subject. The latter characteristic makes it possible in some cases to use toys as handout material, which is especially important for younger preschoolers.

    Special attention should be paid to the parallel use of a toy and a living object. A toy does not replace anyone; it, like an animal (or plant), focuses the child’s attention on itself and is equally a meaningful element of learning, which creates favorable conditions for finding differences between a toy and a living object. The use of a toy in a lesson must be in full accordance with its functional purpose: it helps to create play situations, reproduce play actions, and role-playing relationships.

    So, research shows that a figurative toy can perform a certain didactic function in the environmental-educational process preschool education. It becomes an important attribute of classes in which children acquire knowledge about animals and plants.

    The second type of IOS is associated with the use of dolls depicting characters from literary works that are well known to children. Teachers often use story toys: dolls, characters from familiar fairy tales (Pinocchio, Dunno, Parsley, etc.) to arouse interest and attract children's attention to the didactic goal of the lesson. But the role of game characters in learning is very small: they perform mainly an entertainment function, and in some cases interfere with the solution of program tasks of the lesson.

    It was suggested that dolls-characters of some fairy tales, based on their literary biography, could be successfully used in nature classes. For this purpose, Cippolino, Dunno, and Carlson were chosen. The choice of these characters is not accidental.

    Chippolino is very attractive to children and they like him for his courage, resourcefulness, and friendliness. In addition, its resemblance to an onion helps children to better understand the difference between a natural vegetable and its toy image. Cippolino knows a lot about vegetables, and the guys are always happy to meet him, as they are sure that Cippolino will tell them something interesting.

    Carlson is, in a sense, the opposite character. He is known to the guys as a big braggart, a spoiler and a merry fellow.

    It is no coincidence that Dunno bears her name. He boasts a lot about his abilities, but in fact, he is often unable to solve even the simplest issues.

    It was assumed that these fairy-tale characters would be used in classes not for the purpose of entertainment, but as conditions that ensure the solution of didactic problems.

    Thus, a literary hero brought to the lesson is not just a cute toy that entertains the children, but a character with a certain character and form of expression. He is interesting to children because in a completely new situation he manifests himself with his typical characteristics, that is, he acts in his “role.” This is why Carlson and Dunno constantly find themselves in situations where knowledge and help from the guys are needed. Such moments are especially good because children change their position in learning: from being taught, they turn into teaching. Changing positions acts as a positive learning factor - the mental activity of the children is activated. The use of a character doll based on his literary biography is an indirect form of teaching children, based entirely on the fairly strong play motivation of younger preschoolers.

    The third type of IOS is various variants of the travel game: “Trip to an exhibition”, “Expedition to Africa (or to the North Pole)”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Journey to the sea” and much more. In all cases, this is a plot-based didactic game (or its fragments), present in classes, in observations, and in work. Essentially, all kinds of travel are the only type of game, the plot and roles of which allow for direct teaching of children and the transfer of new knowledge.

    In each specific case, the plot of the game is thought out in such a way that children visit new places, get acquainted with new phenomena and objects as travelers, sightseers, tourists, visitors, etc. The teacher, taking on the role of a guide, tells and shows the preschoolers everything interesting for which they set off on their journey. In this type of IOS, paraphernalia in the form of homemade cameras, telescopes and binoculars can be of great help.

    All designated types of play-based learning situations require the teacher to prepare: thinking about the plot, play actions with toys, dolls, paraphernalia, techniques for creating and maintaining an imaginary situation, and emotional entry into the role. Training using IOS can, in some cases, go beyond the allotted time - this is not dangerous, since good performance Games, creating an emotional mood in children, provide maximum developmental effect.

    2. Types of games

    preschooler game literary education

    A variety of games are widely used to introduce children to nature. In the practice of preschool education, two groups of games are used - games with ready-made content and rules and creative games.

    Games with ready-made content and rules. From this group of games, didactic and outdoor games are used to introduce children to nature.

    D i d a c t i c h e s games- games with rules that have ready-made content. In the process of didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, and expand their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, and animals. At the same time, games contribute to the development of memory, attention, observation, teach children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions, activate various mental processes, enrich their vocabulary, and contribute to the development of the ability to play together. Games give kids the opportunity to operate with natural objects themselves, compare them, and note changes in individual external signs. Many games teach younger preschoolers the ability to generalize and classify.

    Didactic games can be played with children both collectively and individually, making them more complex taking into account the age of the children. Complication should come through the expansion of knowledge and the development of mental operations and actions. Didactic games are carried out during leisure hours, during classes and walks.

    Games-activities are conducted according to a specific program content. The teacher plays a leading role in them. The game form makes such activities entertaining; learning occurs in the process of following game rules and actions. Games and activities are held in all age groups.

    Based on the nature of the material used, didactic games are divided into subject games, board-printed and verbal.

    SUBJECTS games- these are games using various items nature (leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, vegetables). Examples of such games include “Tops and Roots”, “Confusion”, “Wonderful Bag”, “Test the Taste”, etc. IN subject games children’s ideas about the properties and qualities of certain natural objects are clarified, specified and enriched.

    It is good for younger children to give simple tasks (“Find a tree by a leaf”, “Test the taste”, “Find the same color”, “Bring a yellow leaf”, “Arrange the leaves in order - the largest, the smallest, the smallest”, etc.). d.), which allow children to practice distinguishing objects by qualities and properties. The tasks contribute to the formation of sensory skills and develop observation skills. They are carried out with the entire group of children and with part of it. Special meaning game exercises have in the junior and middle groups.

    Board-printed games- these are games such as lotto, dominoes, cut and paired pictures (“Zoological Lotto”, “Botanical Lotto”, “Four Seasons”, “Kids”, “Plants”, “Pick a Leaf”, etc.).

    In these games, children’s knowledge about plants, animals, and inanimate natural phenomena is clarified, systematized, and classified. Games are accompanied by a word, which either precedes the perception of a picture or is combined with it (children develop the ability to reconstruct an image using a word), and this requires a quick reaction and mobilization of knowledge. Such games are intended for a small number of players and are used in Everyday life. In the younger group, children most often select pictures depicting flowers, vegetables, fruits, animals in pairs or on a common card. In the older group, a lot of space is given to games where children classify objects and make generalizations.

    Word games- these are games whose content is a variety of knowledge and the word itself. They are carried out to consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects. In some games, knowledge about nature is enriched and systematized. Verbal games develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, and coherent speech. These are games like “Who flies, runs and jumps?”, “What kind of bird is this?”, “When does this happen?”, “In the water, in the air, on the ground”, “Necessary - not necessary”, etc.

    Outdoor games nature studies are associated with imitation of the habits of animals and their way of life. Some reflect phenomena of inanimate nature. Such games include, for example, “Hen with Chicks”, “Mice and Cat”, “Sunshine and Rain”, “Wolves and Sheep”, etc. By imitating actions, imitating sounds, children consolidate knowledge; The joy gained during the game helps to deepen interest in nature.

    Creative games with natural history content. Creative games related to nature are of great importance for the development of children. In them, preschoolers reflect the impressions received in the process of classes and everyday life. The main feature of creative games: they are organized and conducted on the initiative of the children themselves, who act independently. During games, children acquire knowledge about the work of adults in nature (work on a poultry farm, in a pigsty, a greenhouse, etc.), the process of realizing the importance of the work of adults takes place, and a positive attitude towards it is formed.

    The independent nature of creative games does not allow the teacher to use them as a method of teaching children new knowledge, skills and abilities, but they help to identify the degree to which children have mastered certain knowledge and relationships.

    The teacher should take a closer look at creative games in order to further take into account what knowledge the children have sufficiently acquired and what needs to be clarified and expanded.

    During the lunchtime content of games, the teacher enriches knowledge about the work of adults on excursions, walks, showing filmstrips, and reading books. The games of younger preschoolers are especially influenced by the stories adults tell them about their work. Live communication with people arouses children’s interest in their work and helps enrich the content of games. In addition, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the development of creative games with natural history content: groups should have special sets of toys - animals, vegetables, fruits, agricultural machines, etc.

    One type of creative games is construction games with natural materials (sand, snow, clay, pebbles, cones, etc.). In these games, children learn the properties and qualities of materials and improve their sensory experience. The teacher, directing such a game, gives knowledge to children not in a ready-made form, but through search actions.

    Construction games can serve as the basis for setting up experiments that are organized to resolve emerging questions: why does snow form in some conditions, but not in others? Why is water liquid and solid? Why do ice and snow turn into water in a warm room?

    In each age group, conditions should be created for playing with natural materials at all times of the year. These are sandy courtyards, tables, rubber figures of people and animals, plywood silhouettes of houses and trees, pine cones, twigs, acorns, burdocks, metal frames used to sculpt snow figures, seals for creating “pictures” in the snow, equipment for making colored ice etc.

    The value of natural material lies in the possibility of its varied use, which helps children discover more and more new properties and qualities of objects. The teacher must help students in the selection and use of natural materials.

    3. Methods of teaching the game

    The teacher carefully introduces the game as a method of environmental education. At this age, story play is just beginning, it is not yet the leading activity, so the teacher’s task is to select simple and familiar images, play actions and words for IOS through which the environmental content will be expressed. The best images for this purpose are the images of the fairy tales “Ryaba the Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”.

    From the very beginning of the year, the teacher in both the first and second junior groups repeatedly tells and acts out fairy tales with bi-ba-bo dolls, starting with “Turnip”. The grandfather, who grew a good turnip in his garden, “comes” to classes with a “fruit and vegetable” theme (not only turnips grow in his garden, but apples and various berries grow in his garden), introduces children to a variety of fruits, and participates in examines them, gives them a try and generally treats children kindly.

    The theme of domestic animals is easy to imagine with the help of Baba and Grandfather from “Ryaba the Chicken”, who, in addition to chickens, have a cow, a goat, a horse and other animals. Either Grandfather or Baba “comes” to classes, they talk about a cow with a calf, then about a goat with kids, show how they feed them with grass, hay, and water. The teacher gives the children the opportunity to participate in these operations as assistants - they feed toy (or depicted in the picture) cows and goats with hay, graze them, build barns for them, and imitate their actions and sounds. This game allows children to explore rural reality, develops their gaming skills, imagination, and consolidates their knowledge of fairy tales.

    Every new game needs to be taught to children. Training is gradual.

    In younger groups, at the first stage, the teacher plays the game together with the children. As the game progresses, he communicates one rule and immediately implements it; during repeated plays, he communicates additional rules. At the second stage, the teacher switches off from active participation in the game - he leads from the side: helps the children, directs the game. At the third stage, children play independently. The teacher only observes the actions of preschoolers. When interest in the game disappears, the teacher gives a new version of it.

    The technology of environmental education for younger preschoolers includes the following components:

    * various cycles of observations in everyday life (aquarium fish, ornamental birds, spruce on the site in winter, autumn flowering plants, spring primroses). Each cycle includes 3-5 observations and allows children to gain the first concrete knowledge about these natural objects;

    * monthly (for one week) observations of weather phenomena, which are accompanied by daily keeping of a calendar (using pictograms) and dressing a cardboard doll;

    * participation in feeding wintering birds and observing them, which are recorded in a special calendar with picture cards with their image every day for 1-2 weeks at the height of winter feeding;

    * sprouting onions in winter and creating a calendar for their growth: observations of growing onions are carried out for 4-5 weeks (once a week) by a teacher in the presence of children and sketches are made with their help;

    * joint activities of the teacher with children in a corner of nature to care for indoor plants and an aquarium - children become familiar with labor operations and understand their significance for living beings;

    * telling and acting out folk tales, looking at illustrations in books;

    * conducting environmental classes once every two weeks;

    * carrying out environmental leisure activities.

    4. Practice of creation andusing game-based learning situationsdifferent types

    Game-based learning situations with analogue toys

    1. “Live and toy fish: comparison appearance" IOS can be used in nursery and secondary groups.

    Didactic goal: to give children an idea of ​​the structure of fish and the main parts of its body.

    Children look at the fish in the aquarium, the teacher asks questions: what kind of body does the fish have? Where's the head? Where's the tail? What is he like? What do the fish have on their heads? Where is their back and where is their belly? What do fish have?

    The teacher hands out toy fish to everyone, asks them to look at them from all sides, and trace the outline of the toy with their finger. Show and circle all parts of the body in turn. The teacher clarifies: “Head in front, tail in back, fins on back, tail, abdomen. Back on top, belly below. On the head there is a mouth, eyes, gill covers.” He asks how a toy fish differs from fish in an aquarium. Invites children to play with the fish themselves.

    2. “Live and toy fish: comparison of behavior.” IOS for junior and senior groups.

    Didactic goal: to identify with children the main differences: living fish live in water, swim independently and eat food; toy fish are not alive, they stand on a shelf, in a closet, and cannot swim on their own.

    Define various ways interactions with live and toy fish: you can pick up toy fish and play with them in different ways (pretend to feed them, put them to bed, roll them, talk to them). You cannot take live fish out of the water - they will die. They need to be fed, the aquarium cleaned for them, and you can watch them.

    The teacher invites the children to watch aquarium fish and asks where they live (in the water, in the aquarium). Reports that other fish live in the kindergarten. He invites you to find them, tell them what kind of fish they are and where their habitat is (toy fish, they live on shelves in the closet, in the play corner).

    Everyone is watching the fish in the aquarium. The teacher asks to tell what the fish do. Offers to find out: can toy fish swim? They pour water into a basin, put out toys, and observe. The teacher clarifies: fish do not swim, but lie on the water: they cannot swim on their own, since inanimate ones are toys.

    Then they feed the aquarium fish and watch them eat the food. The teacher also offers to feed the fish in the basin, pour food into the toys, and observe. The teacher clarifies: they don’t eat because they can’t really eat, they are lifeless. But you can feed them pretend - cook porridge for them in the doll's corner. You can play with them - they are toys. You can hold them in your hands (after all, they are objects) and not worry about their life: they are inanimate. You can’t play with fish in an aquarium: you can look at them, you can sprinkle food on them, but you can’t take them out of the water: they are living animals - they can die.

    The teacher lets the children go and says that they can play with toy fish or observe live fish on their own.

    3. “Comparison of live and hatchery fish” - IOS for junior - middle groups.

    Didactic goal: to clarify with children the understanding that living fish are creatures, animals.

    They have a need for food, air, they are adapted to live in water - they have a smooth, streamlined, elongated body covered with scales; the head in front is pointed, passes into the body (no neck); there are many fins on the body that help move in the water; fish breathe air in the water using gills. They reproduce by giving birth to young or laying eggs. Pisces can feel - see, hear, detect an obstacle at a distance. Fish behave differently: they look for food, swim fast and slow, hide, rest, and sometimes fight. The wind-up fish is not living, it is made from artificial material, cannot eat, feel, swim, or produce offspring. She can swim if she is turned on: people have come up with a mechanism that allows the toy to move in the water.

    The teacher first asks for aquarium fish, then demonstrates a wind-up fish in a basin of water. He asks to compare the fish: to say first how they differ, then how they are similar. For each correct answer, children receive chips. After the children have exhausted all the knowledge, the teacher sums it up: “The most important thing: there are live fish in the aquarium. These are animals. They feed, swim, bear offspring, and are well adapted to life in water. A lifeless fish, a beautiful mechanical toy, swims in the basin. This is an item that was made by a person. The toy does not feel anything and cannot do anything on its own, without a factory.”

    After searching for signs of similarity, the teacher clarifies: “Live and hatchery fish are similar only in appearance (in shape, structure and swimming).”

    In conclusion, the children count the chips, line up in decreasing order, take turns winding up and launching the toy. The child who has the most chips does this first.

    Game-based learning situations using literary characters

    Younger preschoolers have many favorite, well-known characters from fairy tales and books. A number of them are also cartoon characters. The biographical features of such literary characters can be used in natural history topics, to create situations that make it possible to clarify or expand children's ideas, to evoke good feelings towards plants, animals - towards wildlife. When developing IOS, it is important to use the most characteristic behavior fairy-tale heroes. For this purpose, they are given a brief description of, which will help the teacher create his own IOS.

    Dr. Aibolit

    Preschoolers associate the image of Aibolit with the idea of ​​a good doctor who treats animals and takes care of them. Each doctor's office has an Aibolit doll with the famous suitcase, which contains a lot of doctor's supplies. This character can easily be included in a variety of play-based learning situations with children of different preschool ages. As part of the game actions of a “specialist doctor,” Aibolit can perform a very important (for environmental education) function - to give an example of the correct examination of his patients (that is, plants and animals - inhabitants of corners of nature), making a diagnosis (that is, determining the condition of living beings based on various external signs) and methods of treatment, writing prescriptions with various recommendations.

    IOS paraphernalia plays a big role in the development of the game with Aibolit: the doll itself should be medium in size, wearing a white robe and cap, glasses and a beard are desirable, symbolizing learning and kindness. Aibolit's suitcase, in addition to the traditional set, contains recipes (small blank pieces of paper), a pen, a stick for loosening the soil, a water thermometer, cotton wool, plastic scissors, safety knife etc. With Aibolit there should be an ambulance with green crosses on the sides (symbolizing help to nature). The authority of Aibolit for children (due to frequent use) is very great, so IOS with Aibolit completely absorb the attention of any preschoolers. Classes with the game go better if a second adult is involved, playing the role of Aibolit.

    “Aibolit examines houseplants».

    Didactic goal: to teach children to carefully examine plants, find signs of their unhealthy condition, draw a conclusion about the lack of any conditions, find a way to improve their health, cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, understand that they are living organisms that need good conditions life.

    The teacher informs the children that Aibolit has arrived at the kindergarten and is visiting the groups and inspecting the plants. It is proposed to remove the toys and restore order in order to welcome the guest. There is a knock and Aibolit is brought in by car. He says hello and says that spring has come, many plants have weakened over the winter. Therefore, he considers it his duty to help them and advise the children on how to properly care for the plants. The teacher asks the children to be present when inspecting the plants and to help him. He says: “Now we’ll see together where they stand and what they look like. You will name them, and I will check the soil, their leaves, stems, and tell you if they are healthy. If necessary, I will write out prescriptions.” Aibolit carefully examines each plant in turn, assesses the soil, the degree of illumination, and indicates signs of trouble. Can shake the plant out of the pot and inspect the root system. Finds out how often and with what water the flowers are watered, whether spraying, loosening, and fertilizing are done. Makes recommendations for each plant.


    Kolobok, as the hero of a famous fairy tale, is interesting for two reasons: the fact that he meets various forest animals on his way, and the fact that he is a bread product, baked from flour.

    “Kolobok delves into the life of forest inhabitants: the beginning of a journey.” IOS for the younger group.

    Didactic goal: to give children an initial understanding of the characteristics of the life of a hare and a wolf in the forest.

    The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that a guest has come to the group - a beautiful, ruddy Kolobok. The guest says hello and wants to tell the children an important thing: “Girls and boys, of course you know that I was eaten by a fox many times. I'm already tired of this, I decided to become smart - I don't sit on her nose anymore. It turned out that you can roll away from it the same way as from others - you just have to sing the song to the end. Let's sing together:

    I, Kolobok, Kolobok:

    The barn was swept, the bottom of the barrel was scraped.

    I left my grandmother and left my grandfather.

    I left the hare and left the wolf.

    I left the bear and I left you too, fox!

    I rolled and rolled, the fox only saw me! That's how I became smart and began to think: how does everyone live in the forest? I roll and roll along the path, but I don’t know anything about the forest. So I came to you. I know that all the teachers tell the little kids everything.”

    The teacher invites the children to show Kolobok a picture about a hare in the forest and tell him how he lives there, what he eats, what he does in winter and summer. Everyone looks at the picture, the teacher encourages the children to make statements, supplements their answers with short explanations, addressing mainly Kolobok.

    Game-based learning situations such as travel

    The plot of a travel game is traditional for preschoolers, numerous variations of which are acceptable for children different ages. At the same time, their attention can be focused on different points: performing travel actions; maintain role relationships during the trip. The attention of the players can be focused on the various, including new, impressions that travelers receive during the trip. This side of the game can be successfully used for didactic purposes of introducing children to nature.

    Examples of games: “Zoo Babies”, “Walk in the Forest”, “Visiting an Exhibition”.

    5. The role of games in environmental education of younger preschoolers

    Preschool childhood is a period of play. This type of activity in childhood prevails over all other activities of the child. The game has an effect on small child developmental impact. In outdoor games, coordination of movements is improved, motor skills and abilities are developed, and strength and endurance are developed. In role-playing games, a preschooler introduces himself to social world adults. In an instant he can become a driver, salesman, doctor, fireman. The child embodies his knowledge in the field of work and activities of adults, with the participation of creativity and imagination, into the practice of an interesting game. Peer games become especially exciting when children distribute roles and reproduce not only professional actions, but also their relationships. There are also so-called didactic games that contain a specific mental task. Cut-out pictures, various board-printed and word games train children’s thinking abilities, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new situations, develop their memory and attention. Didactic games are most often joint games that require 2-3 or even more participants. All joint games develop sociability in the child, the ability to build relationships, and obey the rules established in the game.

    An important role in children’s knowledge of natural objects is played by practical modeling actions, when the teacher depicts with his hands the shape, size, height or length of natural objects: he “draws” a round tomato, an apple, a long carrot, a large round watermelon or a head of cabbage in the air. Asks the children to do the same with their hands - movements and actions reinforce what the eyes see and what is indicated by the word.

    Play brings great joy to a child because it gives him the opportunity to be active. Preschoolers really like games in the family circle. At home, you can play verbal and didactic games with preschoolers. They can be very different and fit into a variety of everyday situations. Important feature Such games provide the opportunity to develop with their help a preschooler’s speech and various thought processes, the ability to analyze and describe; they teach children to generalize a phenomenon, classify objects, and assign them to one category or another. (“When does this happen?”, “What is round in nature?”, “What is it?”, “What is the third?”, “Name it in one word”). In all cases, there is pleasant communication and insight into the world of interests of the preschooler.

    With children 3-4 years old, it is advisable to combine didactic games with movement. When organizing various games, an adult must remember that the child will be active and enjoy it only if the game is based on information familiar to him. In this case, he will develop speed of reaction, orientation, and the ability to use the wealth of existing knowledge. Children will be interested in games with natural materials. While walking in the forest, children will be happy to collect cones, acorns, twigs, maple seeds, and burdocks. All this is material for crafts. Using figurines, you can act out familiar fairy tales with your child (“Kolobok”, “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, etc.). Such activities develop creative abilities of a constructive and literary nature in the preschooler.


    The advantages of playful learning over traditional viewing of slides or looking at pictures are obvious: against the backdrop of positive emotions caused by playful motives, children gain new knowledge about nature. Preschoolers master the method of play in practice by participating in the creation of an imaginary situation. Game travel in the forest, sea, Arctic, exhibition - this is a practical model correct behavior in nature, in the halls of the museum. The last circumstance has special meaning in terms of environmental education of children. It can be assumed that alternating such a model game and real walks into nature, following the same rules, will help preschoolers develop a consciously correct attitude, for example, towards the forest and its inhabitants as a single ecosystem. “For a child at this stage of his mental development,” writes A.N. Leontyev, - there is no abstract theoretical activities abstract contemplative cognition, and therefore awareness appears in him primarily in the form of action. A child who masters the world around him is a child who strives to act in this world.” The view of a child’s play activity as modeling the behavior of adults due to the inability to engage in the real process of their activity is the view of all leading child psychologists. With the help of didactic games, various educational tasks are solved: mental skills are formed, the ability to use acquired knowledge in a new situation. The inclusion of elements of role-playing play in the process of forming children's ideas about nature undoubtedly creates an emotional background that will provide a more effective result of knowledge acquisition. A game that evokes an emotional reaction forms in children a positive attitude towards the animal and plant world.

    List of used literature

    1. Nikolaeva S.N. The place of play in the environmental education of preschool children: a manual for specialists. according to planks education / S.N. Nikolaev. - M.:, 1998. - 43 p.

    2. Nikolaeva S.N. Relevance of environmental education of preschool children / S.N. Nikolaev. - Lower Novgorod: Academy of Development, 1991. - 56 p.

    3. Kotlyakov V. Live according to the laws of nature / V. Kotlyakov. St. Petersburg: Science and Life, 2000. No. 9.

    4. Bondarenko A.K. Verbal didactic games / A.K. Bondarenko. - M.: Nauka, 1984. - 86 p.

    5. Dryazgunova V.A. How to introduce preschoolers to nature / V.A. Dryazgunova, P.G. Samorukova. - M.: Education of a preschooler, 1997. - 64 p.

    6. Lulich M.V. About nature for children / M.V. Lulic. - M.: Education, 1994. - 87 p.

    7. Methods of introducing children to nature in kindergarten: textbook. manual for teachers schools / Ed. P.G. Samorukova. - M.: Education, 1998. - 222 p.

    8. Nikolaeva S.N. How to introduce a child to nature / S.N. Nikolaev. - M.: New School, 1996. - 63 p.

    9. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: Proc. aid for students higher Textbook Establishments / V.S. Mukhina. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 454 p.

    10. Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy: textbook allowance / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 432 p.

    Posted on Allbest.ru


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    “The game is a huge bright window through which

    a life-giving stream flows into the child’s spiritual world

    ideas, concepts about the surrounding world. The game is

    a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity"

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky




    “The game is a huge bright window through which

    a life-giving stream flows into the child’s spiritual world

    ideas, concepts about the surrounding world. The game is

    a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity"

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    Among the methods that contribute to the formation of preschoolers the beginning ecological culture, refers to the game. This is the most natural and joyful activity that shapes the character of children, affordable way processing impressions received from the surrounding world.

    Mastering knowledge about nature through play cannot but have an impact on the formation in preschoolers of a careful, attentive attitude towards objects of the flora and fauna.

    Currently, many of the manuals demonstrate only some aspects of educational work with children in nature, carried out mainly through didactic games. My observations of children’s independent play activities showed that the information about nature that children receive in classes is rarely included in the game, there are no stories of a natural history nature, and children do not take on the roles of people regulating the relationship between man and nature. Therefore, when working with children, I actively use environmental games. They differ in content and organization, rules, the nature of children’s manifestations, the impact on the child, the types of objects used, etc. One of the most important points was the inclusion of a regional component in the content of the games. I have made an attempt to present the games used from 2 positions - theoretical and practical:

    Show the importance and possibility of using a whole range of different different types gaming activities within the framework of environmental education;

    Present specific examples and reveal the mechanism in the practice of working with children.

    All games with environmental content are aimed at:

    To enrich environmental ideas and involve children in environmentally-oriented activities;

    To educate children’s emotional and value-based attitude towards nature.

    Travel gamessuitable for children of different preschool ages. When organizing such games, I focus on the following points:

    • performing travel actions (thinking through stops or stations, mode of transport, tickets, distribution of roles);
    • maintaining role relationships during the trip.

    The main link in such games is an imaginary situation, which I support throughout the entire journey with the following techniques: walking through an imaginary forest; changing clothes; accommodation for the night; setting for careful walking (swamp); compliance with the rules of behavior (do not step on ants, do not crush flowers, listen to birdsong). The themes of travel games can be very diverse, depending on the interest and age of the children.

    In my work I use the following travel games: “Zoo”; “Journey through the Dergachev land”; “Photo hunt in the forest”; “Journey to the Altata River”; "Expedition to the North"; “A trip around the world” (through natural areas) and others. During such games, children take on the roles of expedition members or transform into real travelers. They show readiness to take off, set sail, think through the things and objects they need on the road. During our travels, we make a number of stops, navigate using diagrams, maps, get acquainted with the flora and fauna, and provide assistance to those in need.

    The main point in travel games is the creation of a problematic situation or provocation. For example, how can you put out a fire, how can you save animals? And after returning, the children reflect their impressions of the trip in drawings.

    Ecological games with toysare mainly aimed at comparing living objects and realistic images of animals and plants with analogue toys. The toy helps create play situations, reproduce play actions, and role-playing relationships. For example,

    "Meeting with the Christmas tree." During the walk, we organized a meeting between a toy tree and a live tree. At first, we examined, compared, noted the beauty of the living spruce, and determined the conditions necessary for its growth. The guys were especially interested in problematic questions: Can people hurt a spruce tree? How? Children develop their imagination, come up with incredible stories, appeals to people, letters of appeal. Participated in the “Christmas tree - green needle” campaign.

    Ecological games using literary characters, where are the literary charactersIn our game situations, children's favorite characters from cartoons and literary works appear. In the younger group it is Kolobok, Winnie the Pooh, Aibolit, then Cheburashka, Dunno. We assign the characters a role, which in the created game situation take on the function of a protector of animals, plants, or the heroes act as those who do not know, do not understand, looking for clues and help from children. For example, Dunno in a box brings earth that is covered with ice. Problem: all the residents of the flower city grow flowers, so Dunno decided to take part. Will he succeed? How can I help you? What is needed for this? The result was the children's desire to plant flowers.

    As a rule, in such play situations, children are always involved in practical activities, during which they clarify everything the necessary conditions for plant growth (water, heat, soil, light) and ways to care for them. The themes of the game situations are varied: “Aibolit treats indoor plants”, “Kolobok’s journey through the forest”.

    In scientific and educational gamesChildren of older preschool age feel an increased need. In such games there are elements of competition (2 or 3 teams). This makes it possible to discuss the problem, find the right solution, and convincingly defend the point of view of your team. I regulate the duration of such games based on the desires and interest of the children. We organize games like television programs, for example: “Own Game”, “Field of Miracles”, “Braining”, and we also come up with our own: “Ecological ABC Book”, “Ecological Kaleidoscope”, “Experts of the Native Land”, “Treasures of the Dergachev Land” and others.

    Sports and entertainment gamesorganized jointly with the instructor physical culture. I involve children of senior preschool age in the process of such play activities, since they are aimed not only at clarifying and mastering environmental concepts, but also at performing basic types of movements, performing various physical exercise(running, jumping, climbing, jumping, etc.) During relay tasks, children develop speed of reactions, thinking, and dexterity. For example:“Ecological relay race”, “Rescuers”, “Rescue service”, “Ecological races”. In almost any role-playing game with environmental contentit is possible to solve the problems of environmental education. The main thing is to create appropriate conditions, attributes, a game problem situation and bring it into the content of the current role-playing game. For example, in the game “Mail” I solve environmental education problems using the following situation. Children know that many animals (pigeons, dogs) can deliver mail in the same way as people and vehicles. During the game, I inform you that the dog Bug brought the news: during a fire in the forest, many animals and plants were damaged. The task is to collect a parcel for animals and plants and send it to the forest. Children are happy to get involved in activities, collect medications (bandages, cotton wool, iodine, etc.)

    Among the works of art that we introduce children to are environmental fairy tales, which children enjoy acting out and dramatizing. Therefore, we widely use the role-playing game “Theater”. We post an announcement in advance, distribute tickets, prepare costumes for the artists, and involve parents in such activities.

    But children are especially interested in showing a fairy tale that includes a problematic situation. For example, when showing the fairy tale “Turnip”: grandfather had a bad harvest this year, the turnip did not grow. How can I help him?

    At first, the problem puzzled the children, but then the children began to come up with various situations and stories. This contributes to the development of children's creative imagination and emotional and value-based attitude towards nature.

    Didactic gamesare an effective means of environmental education. We conduct games with a small subgroup, in a variable manner, taking into account the children’s development of environmental ideas.

    I'll introduce you to some games that use a regional component. For example:“Fun Train”, “Ecological Canteen”, “Birds of Our Land”.

    Active and dynamic gamessystematized according to the time of year, the ecological calendar and taking into account the use of the regional component. For example, “The Journey of a Droplet and a Cloud”, the purpose of which is to consolidate material about the water cycle in nature, develop imagination, and an emotional attitude towards nature.

    Thus, the use of environmental games in working with children ensures:

    • the ability to assimilate environmental concepts;
    • development of interest in nature and a value-based attitude towards it;
    • children's ability to demonstrate independence, initiative, cooperation, ability to accept right decisions, monitor and evaluate the results of their own environmental activities;
    • the possibility of enriching the content and methods of independent play activities of preschoolers.


    1. Nikolaeva S.N. The place of play in the environmental education of preschool children. - M., 1996 - 48 p.
    2. Usova A.P. The role of play in raising children. - M.: Education, 1976. - 96 p.

    A game -

    as a method of environmental education for children of senior preschool age

    Students prepared:

    Groups302 DO

    Migunova L.A.

    Bilych G.V.

    In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including positive

    attitude towards nature and the surrounding world.

    Kindergarten is the first link in continuous environmental education systems.

    Therefore, educators are faced with the task formation of the foundations of ecological culture among preschoolers.

    In conversations with the guys about how you shouldn’t behave in relation to nature, everyone unanimously answers that you need to take care of it, protect it, and not hurt anything living.

    However, observations show that in practice the picture is completely different:

    boy at the station

    from his kindergarten, he runs up to the tree, grabs its low branch, and with all his strength, swings it, the cracking of the poor tree does not even bother the child.

    Methods of environmental education is going through the process of its active formation, searching for new methods of working with children, which allow them to form the beginnings of an ecological culture.

    Such methods include

    gaming activity,

    which, according to psychologists

    (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev)

    predominates in preschool childhood.

    In the life of preschool children

    the game is-

    leading activity.

    This means that environmental education of children in kindergarten must be based on game based with great inclusion in pedagogical process different types of games, since children learn the material better through play.

    Games will help

    solving educational problems:

    formation of children’s mental activity skills, acquisition of new knowledge,

    correct use of acquired knowledge

    In various situations, the development of mental activity in preschool children.

    Understanding the feasibility of using games for learning preschool children

    age, researchers are developing educational games, which help children master various concepts and develop relevant skills and abilities.

    For development game form learning needs to be taken care of

    not only about fulfilling didactic tasks and game rules, but also about making the game interesting

    In a role-playing game in an environmental

    In raising children, according to A.V. Zaporozhets, play is an emotional activity, and emotions influence not only the level of intellectual development, but also the child’s mental activity and his creative capabilities.

    In almost any role-playing game

    environmental problems can be solved,

    the main thing for this is to create appropriate

    conditions. "Jager" (forester)

    Games - travel.

    These games are suitable for children of all ages.

    Travel is a purposeful movement somewhere.

    This could be a trip to the intended place,

    overcoming space and time.

    "An extraordinary journey through the seasons"

    "Journey around the Arctic"

    “A trip around the world” (about natural areas)

    . Game situations using

    literary characters.

    Literary characters in games

    loved ones perform in situations

    cartoon characters and literary works for children.

    In the younger groups - kolobok,

    Winnie the Pooh, bunny, etc. The themes of gaming situations are varied.

    For example: “The bun is rolling through the fields,

    through the meadows, along the roads. I collected a lot of medicinal herbs,

    but he doesn’t know what they’re called. Let's help him"

    In scientific educational games.

    children are interested

    older age.

    There are elements here


    children defend their point

    view, teams discuss

    and find the right ones

    These games are organized

    by type of television:

    "Field of Dreams",

    "What? Where? When?",

    Didactic games

    give the opportunity

    preschool children to operate

    objects of nature,

    compare them, note changes in individual external signs.

    During the game, children's attitude towards natural objects changes noticeably.

    In observing nature, a clear and accurate idea of ​​objects and natural phenomena is laid in the minds of children: in living nature, everything is interconnected, individual objects and phenomena are interdependent, the organism and the environment are an inextricable whole.

    “I picked a flower and it withered.

    I caught a bug

    And he died in my palm.

    And then I realized

    What to touch nature

    You can only do it with your heart."




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    Game activity as a method of environmental education of preschool children

    Theoretical basis for using games to introduce nature

    The idea of ​​including games in the learning process has long attracted the attention of teachers. K.D. Ushinsky has repeatedly emphasized the ease with which children acquire knowledge if it is accompanied by play. The same opinion was shared by leading domestic teachers A.S. Makarenko, E.I. Tikheyeva, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya and others. Understanding the feasibility of using games in teaching preschool children has confronted researchers with the problem of developing didactic games, the purpose of which is to provide the best conditions for the acquisition of knowledge, mental skills and abilities. Research by E.I. Udaltsova, F.N. Bleher, A.I. Sorokina, A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko and others found that the didactic game, along with the lesson, can be used to solve various educational problems: developing mental skills, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new situations. A didactic game can be a form of organizing learning, a method of consolidating knowledge, and a means of developing moral-volitional, collectivist qualities.

    Research by A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko and others shows that the specificity of a didactic game as an educational game lies in its structure, which contains educational tasks along with game ones. It has been established that any arbitrary change in the relationships between the structural elements of the game (for example, a shift in emphasis from gaming to educational tasks, non-compliance with the rules, restriction of game actions, etc.) leads to its destruction and turns it into a system of exercises.

    The fragility of didactic games, which turn into exercises under the pressure of the need to solve educational problems, the focus mainly on consolidating children’s existing knowledge, and not on imparting new ones to them, encourages us to expand the search for connections between learning and play, in particular with role-playing as the main type of preschool play. period. This search is being carried out by various researchers; it is especially important for environmental education - a new direction in preschool pedagogy.

    The possibility of using role-playing games in environmental education of children is based on a number of theoretical principles.

    Firstly, the game, in the words of A.V. Zaporozhets, is an emotional activity, the understanding of which is necessary for real

    lization of a full-fledged educational process. He emphasizes that the effectiveness of teaching largely depends on the child’s emotional attitude to this process: to the teacher who teaches, to the task he gives to the children, to the whole situation of the lesson. Undoubtedly, the inclusion of elements of role-playing games in the process of forming ideas in children

    about nature will create an emotional background that will provide a more effective result of learning knowledge. A.V. Zaporozhets states: emotional manifestations affect not only the level of intellectual development, but also, more broadly, the child’s mental activity and his creative abilities.

    Mastering knowledge about nature through a game that evokes an emotional response cannot but have an impact on the formation of the correct attitude towards objects of the flora and fauna. Confirmation is the study of L. A. Abrahamyan, who showed that through the game a positive attitude towards people around him, new positive emotions and feelings are easily formed.

    The other side of the phenomenon is also important: environmental knowledge that evokes an emotional reaction in children is more likely to be included in their independent play activity and become its content than knowledge, the impact of which affects only the intellectual side of the preschooler’s personality. S. L. Rubinstein confirms this position: play is a child’s activity, which means it is an expression of his attitude to the surrounding reality.

    “The motives of gaming activity reflect a more direct relationship of the individual to the environment: the significance of certain aspects of it is experienced in gaming activity on the basis of a more direct relationship to their own internal content. In the game, only actions are performed whose goals are significant for the individual in terms of their own internal content.”

    Secondly, teachers and psychologists have identified the structure of a role-playing game (imaginary situation, plot, role, game actions performed with certain attributes). In the developed form of independent play activity of older preschoolers, all these elements are functionally interconnected in a single game process. Researchers have shown that the first stage of game management is the formation of the necessary range of knowledge about any aspect of reality, which serves as a source for constructing game plots. Next, through direct or indirect intervention, the adult teaches children to carry out play actions with objects, role-playing actions and relationships.

    Two points - the need to acquire knowledge about nature and master the ways of their implementation in the game - close the game

    activities with environmental education. It can be argued that the roots of gaming activity go back to learning, during which preschoolers receive information about the surrounding reality and can master patterns of constructing any elements of the game (playing with toys, constructing plots, implementing role-playing actions, etc.). R.I. Zhukovskaya came closest to solving this issue in her research, who saw a direct connection between classes and games, as well as the need for special game-activities, which were a learning stage in the development of independent role-playing games for preschoolers. Research by A.N. Frolova confirms this position.

    This is also evidenced by the studies of N. Ya. Mikhailenko, E.V. Zvorygina and S.L. Novoselova, which provide for educational games as one of the means of guiding the formation of independent gaming activities. A particularly close connection between play and learning is visible in the approach of E. V. Zvorygina and S. L. Novoselova. The comprehensive game management method they proposed includes four elements, two of which (knowledge building and educational games) fall within the scope of the classroom.

    Thus, the inclusion of role-playing games in the learning process, in particular in ecology classes, in no way contradicts the formation of independent gaming activities. On the contrary, the implementation of program content by including various game elements into a lesson on the initiative of an adult will serve as a game model for children, a unique form of educational game, which will undoubtedly influence the content of subsequent games and the formation of the ability to independently implement game plans. There is no doubt: the more often the teacher uses the game in the classroom, the more successful and varied his findings are, the more effective their influence on the independent play activity of children.

    What elements of role-playing games should be given preference in environmental classes? Depending on the educational task of the lesson, its program content, the plot side of the game, fairy-tale or literary characters, role relationships, etc. can be equally involved. In any case, the nature of the game is entirely determined by the logic of constructing the lesson, which is aimed at achieving a didactic goal. Therefore, from the very beginning to the end, the course of the game is regulated, it is determined by the teacher: he thinks through, prepares, organizes and directs the game in the right direction. For any age, play in the classroom is the play of the teacher with the children (children “follow” the adult), in contrast to independent play activity (the teacher, even in the case of direct

    effective guidance of the game, “follows” the preschoolers). With this emphasis, the role of the teacher during the lesson is extremely responsible, because the entire process of conducting the game depends only on him. The idea will remain unrealized if the plot does not interest children, does not evoke an emotional response in them, if role behavior is violated, etc.

    In this regard, special mention should be made about the meaning of roles. According to D.B. Elkonin, the role is “the central phenomenon of the plot-role-playing game.” Realization of the role creates a responsible motive for the game. The deployment of role-playing actions is carried out in accordance with rules that reflect the “logic of real action and real relationships.” With the development of play activity (to older preschool age), the rule of behavior becomes the central core of the role. These theoretical principles should be taken into account when using a role-playing game or its individual elements in the learning process. Underestimating them can lead to the destruction of play in the classroom. In this regard, it is necessary to return to the didactic game.

    An analysis of the games recommended for kindergartens shows that they are extremely diverse in form and content; among them there are plot and non-plot. In the latter, game actions and rules are clearly expressed. The basis of the plot game is the plot of events, for the reproduction of which children are assigned roles. Obviously, the plot and role distribution bring the didactic game closer to the plot-role game. An example would be store games (“Vegetables and Fruits”, “Seeds”, “Flowers”), as well as “Cannery”, “Vegetable Storage”, etc. In them, children take on the roles of buyers, sellers, workers, department heads, but the actions that they must perform in accordance with them cannot essentially be called role-playing, since they are limited in scope and do not develop the storyline. In a number of cases (if we take a role-playing game as a standard), such actions look somewhat unnatural. For example, a child buyer “bought” a houseplant in the “Flowers” ​​store, describing it. What should he do with the purchase? Especially if it is a large plant that the child should not lift (both for the sake of protecting his health and for the purpose of caring for the plants).

    So, on the one hand, there is a tendency - and it should be noted as positive - to bring the didactic game closer to the role-playing game, using its structural components for learning. On the other hand, insufficient elaboration of the form of their inclusion in the didactic task of the lesson is obvious. As a result, the educational goal predominates over the gaming goal, which does not allow the game itself to be built to its full potential, the plot to develop, and the role-playing behavior of children.

    D. B. Elkonin, analyzing the research of N.Ya. Mikhailenko agrees that the beginning of playing a role can only be considered the behavior of children that contains not one, but several role-playing actions. In older preschool age, when children have the needs and skills to play a role in an expanded form, its artificial limitation for didactic purposes can cause their dissatisfaction.

    The development of the idea of ​​​​combining both games is found in the studies of A. A. Smolentseva, in which, on the initiative of the teacher, free time various role-playing games, and mathematical operations of measurement, counting, etc. are meticulously entered into them. They are performed as role-playing actions, but, unlike similar ones in a free plot-role-playing game, they are not collapsed, conditional. The teacher ensures that measurement operations are carried out carefully, as required by mathematical knowledge. That is why the author classifies these games as plot-based and didactic. Considering the specifics of such games (organized on the initiative of an adult, prepared, monitored and controlled by him), we can assume that they can periodically take place in the practice of kindergartens, which will undoubtedly have a two-way developmental impact on children: on improving mathematical knowledge and on the development gaming activity in general. In our opinion, this is one of the options for successfully combining didactic and gaming tasks in an activity that is actually a role-playing game.

    In the field of environmental education, a search is being made for ways to introduce elements of role-playing games into the learning process of preschoolers and to form in them a consciously correct attitude towards plants and animals, towards themselves as part of nature, towards materials of natural origin and objects made from them.

    Various types of game-based learning situations (GES)

    A study by I. A. Komarova showed that the optimal form of including role-playing games in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature are game-based learning situations (GTS), which are created by the teacher to solve specific didactic problems of natural history classes and observations. Three types of IOS have been identified, the use of which has different didactic capabilities. These are IOS built using analogue toys; dolls depicting literary characters; various variants of the “Journey” plot.

    The main characteristic of IOS of the first type is the use of analogue toys that depict various objects.

    you are nature. It should be noted that there is a huge variety of animal toys and a very limited number of plant toys. The main point of using this kind of toys is to compare a living object with a non-living analogue. In this case, the toy helps to distinguish between ideas of a fairy-tale-toy and realistic nature, helps to understand the specifics of the living, and develop the ability to act correctly (in different ways) with a living object and object. The latter characteristic makes it possible in some cases to use toys as handouts (children can pick up a toy fish, but cannot pick up a live fish that swims in an aquarium), which is especially important for younger preschoolers.

    Creating game situations with analogue toys comes down to comparing a living object with a toy image according to a variety of parameters: appearance, living conditions, method of functioning (behavior), method of interaction with it.

    Attention should be paid to the parallel use of a toy and a living object. A toy does not replace anyone; just like an animal (or plant), it concentrates attention and is equally a meaningful element of learning, which creates favorable conditions for finding differences.

    A variety of IOS included in classes have shown that an analogue toy can be used for didactic purposes in the formation of realistic ideas about animals in children of different preschool ages. What is important is the way it is included in the lesson, when the toy is contrasted with either a living animal or an animal realistically depicted in a painting. The moment of contrast ensures the separation of fairy-tale-toy and realistic tendencies in knowledge about this type of animal. At the same time, it is important that the use of a toy in a lesson fully corresponds to its functional purposes: the toy helps to create play situations, reproduce play actions, and role-playing relationships.

    Note that the use of analogue toys may be more successful in some cases and less successful in others. Their presence is appropriate whenever the conversation in class is based on specific knowledge acquired during the observation process. Analog toys are especially effective when direct communication with an animal is impossible. Children are happy to hold a toy fish, bird, or bunny in their hands, since the opportunity to pick up live such animals is excluded. And, conversely, they pay little attention to a toy puppy if there is a live dog in the lesson that they can pet and hold by the paw.

    So, the materials show that a figurative toy can perform a certain didactic function in the environmental educational process of a kindergarten. It becomes an important attribute of classes in which children acquire knowledge about animals and plants. In this case, the requirements for it are as follows. The toy must be recognizable - regardless of the material and type of execution, it must display characteristic species-typical signs of the structure of an animal or plant, mainly the shape of individual parts of the object, by which recognition of a specific species occurs. The toy must be aesthetically pleasing - meet modern design requirements and evoke positive emotions in the child. When working on the creation of IOS and their inclusion in the practice of environmental education, teachers can use suitable toys as demonstration and handout material.

    For example, children senior group they look at a picture in which a mother bear bathes a bear cub in the river, grabbing him by the collar with her teeth. The teacher is faced with a program task: to form in preschoolers realistic ideas about the life of a brown bear in the forest. The teacher brings to class soft toy- a cute bear, reports that he doesn’t want to live in kindergarten anymore, doesn’t want to sit on the shelf and eat porridge from doll dishes. He wants to go into the forest and live there like real bears - the dolls told him about this. An adult invites the children to tell the toy bear everything they know about brown bears, about their life in the forest at different times of the year, show him a picture, explain what a forest is, what a mother bear and a bear cub do and why.

    What happens after the inclusion of an analogue toy in the learning process of preschoolers? How does the situation affect the children? What happens is this:

    Children develop a positive emotional state when they see a cute toy and its intentions.

    Preschoolers get involved in the game (they are always ready for it) and are surprised at the “naivety” of the bear - after all, at the age of 5-6 they have some experience in visiting the forest and know something about bears.

    The cognitive and speech activity of children increases: they willingly tell the toy everything they know, what they see in the picture, listen carefully to the additions and explanations of the teacher, who tells not them, but the bear, how difficult it is to live in the forest, how brown bears get food, how they lie on the winter in a den, how a mother bear gives birth to cubs at this time and how she takes care of them.

    By including this IOS in the lesson, the teacher achieves the following pedagogical effect.

    Full implementation of the didactic task: the vast majority of children gain an understanding of the life and adaptability of the brown bear (its structure, behavior, lifestyle, size) to various environmental factors, the main of which are the forest ecosystem and seasonally changing weather and climatic conditions.

    Clarification and deepening of ideas about the difference between a living animal and a toy, dividing fairy-tale-toy and realistic ideas.

    Easy and highly effective training for preschoolers thanks to play motivation and the inclusion of an indirect learning mechanism: all information about brown bears was transferred to the bear, the teacher did not teach the children, he taught the toy together with them.

    Rapid activation of the intellectual capabilities and abilities of all preschool children.

    Development of children's play activity: the teacher acted with the toy, spoke for it, and conducted a dialogue with it.

    Using the game method, the teacher nevertheless achieved an effect thanks to the right combination techniques in this IOS and special training:

    thought out the plot of the game, which included the program content of the lesson;

    chose a cute toy, thought through its actions and words;

    during the lesson he played two roles at the same time - a bear and a teacher, easily switched from one to another;

    performed playful actions with the toy: he turned the bear cub towards the talking children (he listens to them), brought it to the picture (he examines it), showed objects in the picture with his paw, was capricious (“I want to go to the forest, I want to go to the forest”, “I want to go to the den. .." etc.).

    For a greater learning effect, the teacher should leave the toy and picture in the group for 1 - 2 days and allow them to be used in the game. In this case, the children will definitely play and reinforce the content that they learned in the lesson (they will train the bear, they will find a mother bear for him, they will feed him honey and raspberries, they will show him bushes and trees on the site, they will teach him to climb them, they will build a den from snow, etc.).

    The teacher will achieve significant results in children’s understanding and assimilation of material if they use the technique of comparing the structural features of a toy and a real animal. For example, the teacher says to the bear, looking at the children: “You can’t live in the forest - you’re small, you won’t be able to find food or protect yourself. Bears are huge and strong animals (points with his hand above himself). Look at your paws. Where are your claws? And the brown bear has strong paws with huge claws. With a blow of his paw he can kill a deer. With the help of their claws, the cubs climb the tree. Open your mouth, show your teeth.

    What? You don't open it! He probably has no teeth at all, but he’s heading off to the forest! Etc."

    The second type of IOS is associated with the use of dolls depicting characters from literary works that are well known to children. An analysis of the practice of conducting classes in preschool institutions to familiarize children with nature in different age groups, specially undertaken by I.A. Komarova, showed that educators often use story toys: dolls, characters from familiar fairy tales (Pinocchio, Dunno, Parsley, etc.), to arouse interest and attract children's attention to the didactic purpose of the lesson. At the same time, it was discovered that the role of game characters in learning is extremely small: they mainly perform an entertainment function, and in some cases even interfere with solving the program tasks of the lesson. Meanwhile, the heroes of their favorite fairy tales, short stories, and filmstrips are perceived by children emotionally, excite the imagination, and become objects of imitation. This is indicated by many researchers who have studied the influence of literary works on the play of preschool children and their behavior (T.A. Markova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, L.P. Bochkareva, O.K. Zinchenko, A.M. Vinogradova, etc.) .

    I.A. Komarova made the assumption that dolls - characters of some fairy tales, based on their literary biography, can be successfully used in natural history classes. For this purpose, Cippolino, Dunno, and Carlson were chosen. The choice of these characters is not accidental.

    Cippolino, the hero of the fairy tale of the same name by G. Rodari, is very attractive to children. They like him for his courage, resourcefulness, and friendliness. In addition, its resemblance to an onion helps to better understand the difference between a natural vegetable and its toy image. Cippolino knows a lot about vegetables, and children are always happy to meet him: they are sure that Cippolino will tell something interesting.

    Carlson is, in a sense, the antipode of Chippolino. He is familiar to children from the book by Astrid Lindgren and from the cartoon as a braggart, a spoiler and a merry fellow.

    Dunno, the hero of N. Nosov’s book, bears his name for a reason. He boasts a lot about his abilities, but in fact, he is often unable to solve the simplest problems.

    It was assumed that these fairy-tale characters would be used in classes not for the purpose of entertainment, but as factors that ensure the solution of didactic problems, i.e., the dolls should fit into the course of classes based on the program content. A study by L.P. Strelkova, who studied the influence of literary works on the emotional development of preschool children, demonstrates not only the relevance, but also the expediency of holding games-conversations after reading fairy tales

    between children and dolls. At the same time, the researcher considers it quite appropriate when talking with children to go beyond the plot of fairy tales, to transfer conversations to real events in the lives of children, their manifestations in a group of peers. The author strongly emphasizes: an adult should speak on behalf of a negative character; children imitate only positive characters and thereby practice good deeds at the level of pronunciation and emotional assessments.

    The selected literary characters are interesting because with their help you can activate the cognitive activity of children. The literary biography of each of them allows us to use either his strong (Cippolino’s awareness) or weak (Neznaika’s ignorance) side of their behavior in the fairy tale. Thus, a literary character brought to the lesson is just a cute toy that entertains the children, but also a character with a certain character. He is interesting to children because in a completely new situation he shows his previous typical characteristics, in other words, he acts in his role. This is why Carlson and Dunno find themselves in situations where the knowledge and help of children is needed. These moments are especially good because preschoolers change their position: from being taught, they turn into teaching. Changing positions acts as a positive factor in learning - children’s mental activity is activated. In a traditional lesson, the teacher is always above the children: he asks questions, teaches, explains, tells - he is an adult and smarter. But when Dunno and Carlson ask “stupid” questions, make ridiculous assumptions, and show complete ignorance of events, the children are already above them. This ratio gives preschoolers confidence, they gain authority in their own eyes. Children do not take into account what kind of Dunno the teacher is talking about - they are at the mercy of the game situation, and therefore confidently and extensively speak out, complement, explain and thereby practice applying their knowledge, clarifying and consolidating it. In other words, the use of a character doll based on his literary biography is an indirect form of teaching children, entirely based on the fairly strong play motivation of preschoolers.

    The third type of IOS is various versions of the travel game: “Trip to an exhibition”, “Expedition to Africa (to the North Pole)”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Journey to the sea”, etc. In all cases, this is a plot-based didactic game (or its fragments), included in classes, observations, work. Essentially, all kinds of travel is the only type of game, the plot and roles of which allow for direct learning of children and the transfer of new knowledge. In each specific case, the plot of the game is presupposed

    It means the following: children visit new places, get acquainted with new phenomena and objects as excursionists, tourists, visitors, etc. As part of role-playing behavior, children examine, listen to explanations, and “take photographs.” The teacher, taking on the role of a tour guide, leader of a tourist group, experienced traveler, etc., tells and shows the preschoolers everything new for which they set off on their journey. In IOS of this type, paraphernalia in the form of homemade cameras, telescopes and binoculars is of great help: children fit into the role better and perform more game actions. “Optical devices”, due to the fact that they limit the viewing space with a lens, create good visual conditions for observation. In addition, photography involves the production of “photographs” - the creation by children of art products based on impressions.

    All designated types of play-based learning situations require the teacher to prepare: thinking about the plot of play actions with toys, dolls, paraphernalia, techniques for creating and maintaining an imaginary situation, and emotional entry into the role. Even if training using ITS in some cases goes beyond the allotted time, children do not get tired, since good performance games, creating a positive emotional mood, provide maximum developmental effect.

    So, a game as a method of environmental education is a game specially organized by the teacher and included in the process of learning about nature and interacting with it. This form of educational game between a teacher and children, which has a specific didactic goal, i.e. game learning situation is characterized by the following:

    has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events or a fairy-tale literary work that is well known to preschoolers;

    the game uses the necessary toys and paraphernalia; space and subject environment are specially organized for it;

    The teacher conducts the game: announces the title and plot, distributes roles, takes on one role and plays it throughout the entire IOS, maintains an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;

    5) the teacher directs the entire game: monitors the development of the plot, the children’s performance of roles, role relationships, saturates the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions, through which the didactic goal is achieved.

    Games with rules and their role in environmental education

    In developing children’s emotional and interested attitude towards nature, the teacher uses not only role-playing games, but also all other types of games.

    Games with rules - moving, plot-moving, didactic (tabletop-printed, verbal, etc.) - are of great developmental importance.

    Research by N. Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova, O. Petrova showed that the central link of such games - the rules - is the main factor in the developmental impact on children. The child learns to subordinate his behavior to rules, i.e. develops voluntariness. It is the rules that encourage the child to be active: to focus his attention on the game task, to quickly respond (with movement, in words) to the game situation. The rules force children to obey circumstances - to give up the place of the leader in time, to the loser to leave the game, to monitor the results of other participants.

    Organizing games with rules presupposes the participation of an adult in them - his role is especially important in the first stages, when a new game and children must understand its content and rules, and then master them in order to easily apply them in practice. In the game, an adult plays two roles: a participant with equal rights with the children and an organizer. An adult is a bearer of gaming skills, therefore unquestioning and constant (but friendly) compliance with the rules is the main condition for organizing and conducting such games. At first, the teacher reminds the children of the rules of the game before it starts and clarifies them as the game progresses.

    The second condition that allows children to easily join the game and obey its rules is its frequent, repeated repetition. This is what provides the players with a positive emotional tone and a high degree of arbitrariness in behavior. Frequent repetition of the game develops children's independence - they begin to play it without an adult.

    The teacher must remember that learning the rules and subordinating their behavior to them is not easy for children: they quickly begin to notice their partners breaking the rules and do not notice how they themselves break them. Therefore, repeating the rules, patiently explaining them, and clarifying them for quite a long time are an organizational point.

    In playing with rules, children learn ways to interact with each other and regulate joint activities (for example, objectively - using a counting rhyme - to determine the beginner or the driver). Mastering games with rules for older preschoolers is a way to enter the children's community: children, I know -

    playing games, those who know how to organize them, who are fair in fulfilling the rules to themselves and others, easily find friends, and enjoy authority among children. The inability to play is a personal trauma for a child, since he is rejected by his peers, his self-esteem decreases, and negativism arises, which is difficult to respond to psychological and pedagogical correction.

    Among games with rules, didactic games have been studied more than others (A.I. Sorokina, V.N. Avanesova, V.A. Dryazgunova, A.K. Bondarenko, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.O. Smirnova, etc.). All researchers recognize the important educational and developmental function of didactic games. A.K. Bondarenko emphasizes: such a game can be considered as a teaching method, as a form of organizing training. It is an independent play activity and has a comprehensive impact on the development of the child’s personality. The researcher identifies the structure of the game: a didactic task, game rules, game actions.

    Considering the importance of a game with rules, the first place in its structure, apparently, should be given to the rules that determine its course and effectiveness. Then - game actions that create interest and evoke an emotional response from the participants in the game. And only in third place can a didactic task be placed. Conventionally, we can say that game rules and game actions are components of the structure of the game for children, and the didactic task is a component of its structure for adults, since it is he who determines what, with the help of the content of the game, can be developed in children (what knowledge, skills to consolidate). , skills). In independent play activities, children want to enjoy the game, so they are guided by play actions and clear rules and, of course, are not guided by the didactic task.

    In environmental education, games with rules can occupy an important place in the overall system. They provide an opportunity to present various natural phenomena obtained during observations and reading literature. Such games can play a big role in the development of various mental skills of preschoolers: the ability to analyze, compare, classify, and categorize.

    With the kids, the teacher conducts very simple outdoor games, one way or another based on ideas about nature. These games reinforce the first grains of knowledge that children gain through observation.

    With older preschoolers, the teacher can play various printed board games (“Zoological Lotto”, etc.), giving them the opportunity to play independently only when they have learned to strictly follow the rules.

    Verbal and didactic games can be varied - they can brighten up leisure time, a walk in the rain, forced

    given, do not require any conditions or equipment. They are best carried out with older preschoolers who already have a fairly wide range of ideas about nature and in whom an image of an object appears behind a word. These games intensively develop thinking: flexibility and dynamism of ideas, the ability to attract and use existing knowledge, the ability to compare and combine objects according to a variety of criteria. They develop attention and reaction speed.

    Games of description riddles are interesting - in them children practice their ability to highlight characteristic features objects, calling them in words, cultivate attention.

    There are a number of collections from which the teacher can choose games with natural content, with the didactic task needed at the time.

    Control questions

    What is the connection between play and children's awareness of nature?

    What is the importance of play in preschool childhood? Why should it be used in environmental education of children? Can play be a method of environmental education? What educational results can be obtained using this method?

    How do role-playing games differ from games with rules? How are these and other games used in environmental education of children?

    What is a game-based learning situation? What are its main characteristics? What types of IOS can be distinguished? How should a teacher prepare to conduct different IOS?

    What is the value of games with rules? What impact do they have on the development of a child’s personality?

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