• Abstract on pedagogy "methods of education". Brief description of some methods of education


    Education methods specific ways to influence the consciousness, feelings, behavior of schoolchildren to solve pedagogical problems in joint activities with the teacher. (N.E. Shchurkova)

    In technological terms, the method is this is a system of actions, which consists of a targeted combination of certain components. It is systematicity that becomes the key to the success and error-free method.

    There are four mandatory components that make up the system of actions that forms the method of education.

    1. This facilities education, which can be any object, phenomenon, process, concentrating in itself the achievements of human culture: a book, a word, a game, knowledge, work, the activities of children, a team. Funds amount to material the basis for constructing the method.

    2. Participants in the pedagogical process can interact in different forms : individual, group, collective, which forms organizational the basis of the method.

    3. The nature of the interaction is variable. It depends on the choice positions participants in the process, which can be purposefully constructed by the teacher. These are possible positions of organizer and performer, speaker and listener, viewer, consultant, generator of ideas, etc., where it manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent. subjectivity teachers and students.

    4. Using one method or another, the teacher addresses the inner world with the help of psychological techniques : suggestions, evaluations, comparisons, humor, hints, “I am messages”, positive reinforcement, etc.

    Attitudes and psychological techniques constitute socio-psychological the basis of the method.

    Appearing initially in the consciousness of the teacher, the method materializes and unfolds in time as means, forms of interaction, positions, and techniques are combined in practical activities. Their choice is always made within the framework of a specific situation.

    Education methods – these are specific ways of influencing the consciousness, feelings, and behavior of students in order to solve pedagogical problems in joint activities, communication between students and the teacher-educator. The choice of educational methods is carried out in accordance with pedagogical goals, which are set taking into account the educational environment, age, individual typological characteristics of students, the level of education of a particular child and the team as a whole. The method of education always depends on the specific characteristics of the child and his “social developmental situation” (L.S. Vygotsky). Finally, the method of education is always determined by the personal and professional qualities of the teacher himself. When characterizing methods of education, one cannot fail to mention the method of education. This is an integral part of the method, one of its “building blocks”.

    Choosing parenting methods is a high art, based on science. When choosing educational methods, the following conditions must be taken into account:

    1. Goals and objectives of education.

    3. Age characteristics of pupils.

    4. Level of team formation.

    5. Individual and personal characteristics of pupils.

    6. Conditions of education.

    7. Means of education.

    8. Level of teaching qualifications.

    9. Parenting time.

    10. Expected consequences.

    Pedagogy as a science has always sought to theoretically streamline a huge variety of educational methods. This problem in education theory is referred to as classification of education methods. Any classification of educational methods is based on a certain criterion, that is, the main feature, the basis on which methods are grouped and isolated.

    Based on the practical work of the teacher, N.E. Shchurkova proposes to distinguish the following groups of methods:

    1. Methods by which the consciousness of students is influenced, their views and ideas are formed, and information is quickly exchanged, - methods of persuasion.

    2. Methods by which the behavior of pupils is influenced, their activities are organized, their positive motives are stimulated, – exercise methods .

    3. Methods by which assistance is provided in self-analysis and self-esteem of the pupil - assessment methods.

    If we remember that the subject of education is the social experience of children, their activities and relationships to the world and with the world, to to oneself and with oneself (the activity-relational concept of education), then many methods of education can be grouped and built into the following system:

    First group– methods of forming the social experience of children serve to accumulate social experience by children, which is acquired through socialization: pedagogical requirement, exercise, assignment, example, situation of free choice (models a moment in real life).

    Second group - methods for children to comprehend their social experience, motivation for activity and behavior. A common feature of this group of methods is their verbal nature: story, conversation, lecture, discussion (dispute).

    Third group– methods of self-determination of a child’s personality, help the child become a subject of activity, communication, and life creativity; form in him the ability to reflect: knowledge about himself, his appearance and character, abilities and shortcomings, the limits of his capabilities. This group includes methods of self-knowledge (what do I know about myself?), methods of self-change (what kind of person do I want to be?), methods of mutual understanding (what do others think of me?).

    Fourth group– methods of stimulating and correcting children’s actions and relationships in the educational process. In the process of accumulating social experience and self-determination, the child needs pedagogical support from the teacher and parents. These educational methods will help children, together with adults, find new reserves for their activities, change their behavior, believe in their strengths and capabilities, and realize the value of their personality. Such methods are: competition, encouragement, punishment, creating a situation of success.

    The considered methods of education, undoubtedly, do not exhaust all their diversity. In the late 70s and early 80s, teachers T.E. Konnikova and G.I. Shchukin proposed a classification of educational methods, where the main criterion is the function of the method in relation to the child’s activities: methods of forming the consciousness of the individual (story, conversation, explanation, lecture, ethical conversation, suggestion, debate, example); methods of creating positive experience (exercise, training, pedagogical requirement, public opinion, assignment, educational situations); methods of stimulating activity (reward, punishment, competition).

    The famous modern innovative teacher and scientist V.A. Karakovsky proposed a classification of educational methods, the main criterion of which was the means of education and identified six groups of methods: education by word; education by situation; education by doing; education through play; education by communication; relationship education.

    Below we will dwell on the characteristics of individual methods of education.

    Ethical conversation - a method widely used in primary school, since children do not yet have complete and clear ideas about moral standards of behavior and communication.

    Ethical conversation is a discussion of moral problems in the lives of children; it is a method of forming moral ideas and concepts.

    In order for the conversation to achieve the goals set by the teacher, it is necessary to observe requirements:

    The formation of views best occurs in dialogue, so the conversation should be dialogical; We must teach children to defend their opinions, prove, argue;

    It should be problematic in nature, resolve life problems that arise in the classroom, in the relationships of children, etc.;

    When conducting a conversation, the teacher relies on the activity of children with the help of problematic questions, appealing to their life experience and learned norms of behavior and communication, well-chosen illustrative material (stories, excerpts from books, newspaper articles, etc.);

    Reliance on the life experience of children, on their relationships, on specific, real actions, events occurring in the classroom;

    Respect for the inviolability of the child’s personality, friendliness, tactfulness of the teacher;

    Educational influences must be addressed not only to the minds of children, but also to their feelings, so the conversation should be bright, emotional, and exciting;

    The teacher must have a good and clear understanding of the essence of the moral norms discussed in the conversation;

    The children themselves must draw conclusions at the end of the conversation.

    Conversation structure. We highlight several structural elements of conversation that are necessary for children to understand certain moral norms and ideas. However, this does not mean that they must be used in the order described. A conversation is not a lesson with a precisely defined structure and typology. The teacher builds it based on his own plan and logic.

    We propose the following conversation structure:

    A short introduction by the teacher, in which he introduces the topic and motivates its choice;

    Children’s statements on the topic of conversation (how they understand what, for example, friendship, sensitivity, responsibility, conscience, etc.);

    Generalization of children's answers, message, explanation by the teacher of the moral concept (idea, cultural norm) being formed. To formulate it, the teacher uses dictionaries and encyclopedias, but interprets the concept in relation to the perception of children of a certain age;

    Reading literary material that contains a vivid illustration of the moral concept discussed in the conversation;

    Discussion of what has been read, identifying the moral meaning in it (the teacher’s precise questions are very important here, forcing children to think, argue, and prove);

    Analysis of children’s actions, facts, events from the life of the class, solving moral problems, problem situations. This is the most important element of the conversation, helping to analyze the life experiences of children from the point of view of generalized moral standards;

    Independent conclusions.

    Creative game. The game affects all aspects of the child’s personality - his mind, feelings, imagination, will, behavior. According to A.S. Makarenko, what a child is like in the game, he will be like that in life, in work, when he grows up.

    Play is the source of a child’s development, a need for a growing organism. IN early age a child learns through play world of things(the purpose of objects, their properties), then, as development progresses, the the world of social life phenomena, the work of adults, their relationships.

    S.A. Shmakov identifies the sociocultural, communicative, diagnostic, self-realization (for the child), play therapy, and correctional functions of play

    What is psychological mechanism games that make them such an important method of education?

    In the game, there is obedience to internal rules that are hidden in the game role. Creative games, while seemingly free of rules, are actually governed by them. The child acts according to the rules hidden in the role: mother, doctor, teacher, seller, intelligence officer, etc. And the child takes on this role voluntarily, of his own volition. At the same time, he, being passionate about the playing role, shows activity, efficiency, organizational skills and other personal qualities. Having voluntarily assumed a play role, the child voluntarily takes on the responsibilities associated with obeying the rule.

    The educational mechanism of the role position is that it contains the best opportunity for translating the external requirements of the teacher into the internal requirements of the individual for himself.

    The requirements expressed in game form, are easier and more accessible to perceive and then implement.

    The child is reincarnated under the influence of the role he has taken on, experiencing at least temporarily the corresponding states: determination, restraint, discipline, initiative.

    The child’s desire to act “in truth”, according to internal role rules, is so strong that in the game he happily performs even those actions that in real life cause him a negative attitude. Therefore, a game situation can include actions (forms of behavior) that in real life, outside the game situation, cause a negative attitude in the child.

    The emotionally high mood that always accompanies a good game makes the life of the children's group bright and exciting. The game sharpens the desire to be together, act together, and gives rise to self-confidence.

    S.A. Shmakov formulated the conditions for pedagogical management of children's play.

    1. Children must know and understand the content that underlies the plot, plot, program of the game, and also clearly understand the characters of the characters they portray.

    2. Children need difficulties and obstacles in games in order to give an outlet for energy by overcoming them.

    3. The basis of many games is competition, competition, rivalry. Competition is the inner spring of children's games. It awakens children's ingenuity and focuses them on creativity.

    4. Children should be free from strong feelings and impulses not related to play.

    5. The game should not take precedence over other activities leading at a certain age stage.

    6. The game should have elements of humor. This is a means of overcoming the feigned skepticism of children, especially older ones. Elements of humor may be present in the names of teams, roles, ranks, in the content of the game, in misunderstandings and confusion specifically created for the game.

    7. Games need to be equipped with the necessary items, toys, gaming attributes, and gaming equipment.

    Education method – this is a way to achieve the goal of education, a way to obtain results. The goal can be achieved in different ways. How many methods (ways) of achieving the goal of education are there? Which ones will lead to the goal faster and which ones slower? What does this process depend on and how can you influence it?

    Before answering these questions, it should be taken into account that in pedagogy, in addition to the concept of “method of education,” the concept of “technique of education” is used. Reception of education – a particular expression of a method. In the process of practical activity, the method is divided into techniques that help achieve educational goals. Thus, techniques relate to methods as the particular relates to the general. For example, for the example method, the technique is meeting interesting people. For the promotion method, the reception is the presentation of a book.

    The teacher acts differently each time: he influences the student and waits for an immediate reaction in behavior; promotes, i.e. helps him; interacts – collaborates with the student. The actions of the teacher are organized in different ways, because different goals are pursued (the goal determines the choice of method); different content of activities; The age of the pupils and their characteristics are not the same and, finally, the professional skills of the teachers are also not the same.

    So, the method of education is ways of solving educational problems and implementing educational interaction.

    In the practice of the educational process, there are various methods of education: persuasion, positive example, personal example, demand, affectionate touch to the student, trust, mistrust, training, assignment, threat, forgiveness, etc.

    It is important to distinguish the true methods of raising children with disabilities. Some researchers include persuasion, exhortation, and begging as false methods of education; edification, moralizing, notation; teacher's grumbling, bullying, petty nagging; reproaches, intimidation, endless “work throughs”; drill; unorganized life of children; praising; and etc.

    It is important for the teacher to learn to control himself so as not to use effective methods influences in the process of education.

    General methods of education and their classification

    Educational methods are called general because they are used:

    • a) in working with all categories of people (schoolchildren, students, soldiers, etc.);
    • b) to solve any educational problems (moral, labor, mental, aesthetic education and etc.);
    • c) different categories of educators (parents, teachers, educators);
    • d) to solve not one, but a set of problems.

    In order to facilitate the practical use of educational methods, it is advisable to classify them. Classification of methods – this is a system of methods built on a certain basis that helps to identify the general and specific, theoretical and practical in them. Classification helps organize methods. In existing classifications, one or more aspects of the educational process are taken as a basis.

    Let's introduce some of them.

    G. I. Shchukina, Yu. K. Babansky, V. A. Slasgenin propose the following classification:

    • methods of forming consciousness (conversation, story, debate, lecture, example);
    • methods of organizing activities and forming experience social behavior(training, exercise, assignment, creation of educational situations, requirement, public opinion);
    • methods of stimulating activity and behavior (competition, encouragement, punishment).

    The Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia offers the following classification of educational methods, based on changes:

    • activity and communication (introduction of new types of activity and communication, changing their meaning, content of activity and subject of communication);
    • relationships (demonstration of relationships, delimitation of the role functions of participants in joint activities, their rights and responsibilities, preservation of the traditions and customs of the team, changes in informal interpersonal relationships);
    • components of the educational system (changes in collective goals, ideas about the team, prospects for further development).

    There are other classification approaches. The teacher’s task is to choose the most logical and effective methods for practical use.

    Let us present a group of methods that serve as the basis for various classifications. These are the methods:

    • beliefs;
    • exercises;
    • incentives;
    • punishments;
    • example.

    In practical real activity, methods appear in a complex harmonious unity, mutually complementing each other.

    By nature, education methods are divided into persuasion, exercise, encouragement, and punishment. This classification is closely related to another, which includes methods of persuasion, organizing activities, and stimulating behavior.

    A generalized classification of education methods can be presented in the following table:

    Methods of forming consciousness Methods of organizing activities and forming behavioral experience Stimulation methods
    Belief Exercise Motivation
    Story Explanation Explanation Lecture Ethical conversation Exhortation Suggestion Instruction Dispute Report Example Exercise Training Pedagogical requirement Public opinion Assignment Educational situations Competition Reward Punishment

    Brief description of some methods of education

    A story on an ethical topic, which is used primarily in elementary and middle grades, is a vivid emotional presentation of specific facts and events that have moral content. A story on an ethical topic has several functions: to serve as a source of knowledge, to enrich the moral experience of an individual with the experience of other people. Finally, another important function of the story is to serve as a way to use a positive example in education.

    Ethical conversation- a method of systematic and consistent discussion of a moral problem, involving the participation of both parties - the teacher and the student. The purpose of ethical conversation is to deepen, strengthen moral concepts, generalization and consolidation of knowledge, formation of a system of moral views and beliefs.

    Disputes- these are lively heated debates on various topics that concern students. Disputes are held in middle and high schools on political, economic, cultural, aesthetic, and legal topics.

    Example- an educational method of exceptional power. The psychological basis of the example is imitation . Thanks to it, people master social and moral experience.

    Exercise- a practical method of education, the essence of which is to repeatedly perform the required actions, bringing them to automatism. The result of the exercises is stable personality qualities - skills and habits.

    The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the following important conditions:

    1) exercise systems,

    3) accessibility and feasibility of exercises,

    4) volume,

    5) repetition frequency,

    6) control and correction,

    7) personal characteristics pupils.

    Requirement- this is a method of education with the help of which norms of behavior, expressed in personal relationships, cause, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil and the manifestation of certain qualities in him.

    Training - This is an intense exercise. It is used when it is necessary quickly and on high level create the required quality.

    Promotion can be called an expression of a positive assessment of actions. It reinforces positive skills and habits. The action of encouragement is based on the arousal of positive emotions. That is why it instills confidence, creates a pleasant mood, and increases responsibility. Types of encouragement are very diverse: approval, encouragement, praise, gratitude, granting honorary rights, awarding certificates, gifts, etc.

    Punishment- this is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent undesirable actions, slow them down, and cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people. Like other methods of education, punishment is designed to gradually transform external stimuli into internal stimuli.


    1. The essence of education methods and their classification

    The concept of education methods. In a complex and dynamic pedagogical process, the teacher has to solve countless standard and original problems of education, which are always tasks of social management, since they are addressed to harmonious development personality. As a rule, these problems have many unknowns, with a complex and variable composition of initial data and possible solutions. In order to confidently predict the desired result and make error-free, scientifically based decisions, the teacher must have professional knowledge of educational methods.

    Education methods

    Educational methods should be understood as methods of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems. Reflecting the dual nature of the pedagogical process, methods are one of those mechanisms that ensure interaction between the teacher and students. This interaction is not built on parity principles, but under the sign of the leading and guiding role of the teacher, who acts as the leader and organizer of the pedagogically appropriate life and activities of students.

    Methodical technique

    The method of education breaks down into its constituent elements (parts, details), which are called methodological techniques. In relation to the method, the techniques are of a private, subordinate nature. They have no independent pedagogical task, but obey the task pursued this method. Same methodological techniques can be used in different methods. Conversely, the same method for different teachers may include different techniques.

    Educational methods and methodological techniques are closely related to each other; they can make mutual transitions and replace each other in specific pedagogical situations. In some circumstances, the method acts as an independent way to solve a pedagogical problem, in others - as a technique that has a particular purpose. Conversation, for example, is one of the main methods of shaping consciousness, attitudes and beliefs. At the same time, it can become one of the main methodological techniques used at various stages of the implementation of the training method.

    Thus, the method includes a number of techniques, but it itself is not their simple sum. Techniques at the same time determine the uniqueness of the teacher’s working methods and give individuality to his manner. pedagogical activity. In addition, using a variety of techniques, you can bypass or smooth out the complexities of the dynamic teaching and educational process.

    Educational means

    Often methodological techniques and the methods themselves are identified with means of education, which are closely related to them and are used in unity. The means include, on the one hand, various types of activities (game, educational, labor, etc.), and on the other, a set of objects and works of material and spiritual culture used for pedagogical work (visual aids, historical, fiction and popular science literature, works of fine and musical art, technical devices, media, etc.).

    The educational process is characterized by versatility of content, exceptional richness and mobility of organizational forms. The variety of education methods is directly related to this. There are methods that reflect the content and specifics of education; There are methods directly focused on working with junior or senior schoolchildren; There are methods of working in some specific conditions. But there are also general methods of education in the education system. They are called general because their scope of application extends to the entire educational process.

    Classification of general methods of education.

    To date, an extensive scientific fund has been accumulated, revealing the essence and patterns of functioning of educational methods. Their classification helps to identify the general and the special, the essential and the accidental, the theoretical and the practical, and thereby contributes to their expedient and more effective use, helps to understand the purpose and characteristic features inherent in individual methods.

    Based on the above, we propose a system of general methods of education:

    - methods of forming the consciousness of the individual(story, conversation, lecture, debate, example method);

    - methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual(training, method of creating educational situations, pedagogical requirement, instruction, illustrations and demonstrations);

    - methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior(competition, educational game, discussion, emotional impact, encouragement, punishment, etc.);

    - methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education.

    In real conditions of the pedagogical process, methods appear in a complex and contradictory unity. The decisive importance here is not the logic of individual “solitary” means, but their harmoniously organized system. Of course, at a certain stage of the pedagogical process, one or another method can be used in a more or less isolated form. But without appropriate reinforcement by other methods, without interaction with them, it loses its purpose and slows down the movement educational process towards the intended goal.

    Methods for forming personality consciousness

    Story- this is a consistent presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. It is widely used in teaching humanitarian subjects, as well as in presenting biographical material, characterizing images, describing objects, natural phenomena, and social events. A number of requirements are imposed on the story as a method of pedagogical activity: logic, consistency and evidence of presentation; clarity, imagery, emotionality; taking into account age characteristics, including with regard to duration (10 minutes in elementary grades and 30 minutes in high school).

    Of great importance, especially in younger and middle ages, is the story when organizing value-oriented activities. By influencing the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and norms of behavior contained in it. An example of this kind of stories can be the stories of L.N. Tolstoy “Bone”, V.A. Oseyeva “Sons” and others. Three main objectives of this method can be identified when applied in educational work: to evoke positive moral feelings (empathy, sympathy, joy, pride) or indignation about negative actions and the actions of the heroes of the story; reveal the content of moral concepts and norms of behavior; present an image of moral behavior and evoke a desire to imitate a positive example.

    If the story fails to provide a clear and precise understanding in cases where it is necessary to prove the correctness of any provisions (laws, principles, rules, norms of behavior, etc.), apply method of explanation . The explanation is characterized by an evidential form of presentation, based on the use of logically related inferences that establish the truth of a given judgment. In many cases, the explanation is combined with students' observations, with questions from the teacher to the students and questions from the students to the teacher, and can develop into a conversation.

    Conversation as a method of education has been used since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the so-called catechetical conversation was widely used as the reproduction of questions and answers from a textbook or teacher’s formulations. IN modern school In this form, conversation is practically not used. This is a question-and-answer method of active interaction between teacher and students.

    The main thing in the conversation is a carefully thought-out system of questions that gradually leads students to gain new knowledge. When preparing for a conversation, the teacher, as a rule, should outline basic, additional, leading, and clarifying questions. An inductive conversation usually develops into a so-called heuristic conversation, since students, from private observations, come to general conclusions under the guidance of the teacher. When constructing a conversation deductively, a rule, a general conclusion, is first given, and then its reinforcement and argumentation are organized.

    Conversations are most widely used in educational practice. With all the richness and diversity of content, the conversations have as their main purpose to attract students themselves to evaluate events, actions, and phenomena of social life and, on this basis, to form in them an adequate attitude to the surrounding reality, to their civic, political and moral responsibilities. At the same time, the persuasive meaning of the problems discussed during the conversation will be much higher if they find support in personal experience child, in his deeds, actions, actions.

    The conversation should be based on facts that reveal the social, moral or aesthetic content of certain aspects of social life. Such facts, positive or negative, can be the activity of a certain person or a separate property of him, enshrined in the word moral rule, a generalized literary image, an organized or planned pedagogical pattern. The form of presentation of individual episodes and facts may be different, but it must certainly lead students to think, the result of which is the recognition of a certain personality quality behind this or that action. Recognition and correct assessment of personality traits requires the ability to isolate the motives and goals of a person’s behavior and compare them with generally accepted norms, analyze facts, highlight the essential features of each learned concept, and distract them from all related but secondary ones. in this case manifestations of personality.

    The conversation, as a rule, begins with a rationale for its topic, which should prepare students for the upcoming discussion as a vital and not a far-fetched matter. At the main stage of the conversation, the teacher gives a starting point, material for discussion, and then poses questions in such a way that students freely express their judgments and come to independent conclusions and generalizations. In the final speech, the teacher summarizes all the statements, formulates on their basis the most rational, from his point of view, solution to the problem under discussion, and outlines a specific program of action to consolidate the norm adopted as a result of the conversation in the practice of behavior and activities of students.

    A particular difficulty for young teacher represent individual conversations. Unfortunately, such conversations are most often held in connection with frequently arising local conflicts and violations of discipline. The teacher reacts to this kind of facts either immediately or through a delayed conversation. But it will be better if individual conversations are conducted according to a predetermined plan, in a certain system. Then they are proactive in nature, making individual adjustments to the general program of pedagogical influences.

    The story and conversation prepare the transition to a more complex method of organizing cognitive activity - the lecture.

    A lecture as a method must be distinguished from a lecture as an organizational design of interaction between a teacher and students in the educational process.

    A lecture at school is in many ways closer to a story, but at the same time it is distinguished by greater information and cognitive capacity, greater complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations, and longer duration. That is why lectures are used mainly in senior secondary schools, in evening (shift) schools, in technical schools and universities.

    Accumulating the possibility of a detailed and organized in an accessible form of systematic presentation of the essence of a particular problem of socio-political, moral, aesthetic and other content, the lecture method is widely used in extracurricular educational work. The logical center of the lecture is some theoretical generalization related to the sphere of scientific knowledge. The specific facts that form the basis of a conversation or story here serve only as an illustration or as a starting point.

    The persuasiveness of evidence and arguments, validity and compositional harmony, unfeigned pathos, the lively and sincere word of the teacher determine the ideological and emotional impact of the lectures.

    High school students respond especially sensitively to the teacher’s bright and independent style of thinking, to his ability to find an original, unexpected twist on a topic, to separate fact from opinion about fact, and to express his personal attitude to the material being communicated. The widespread development of the media has given rise to the phenomenon of increased awareness among schoolchildren about various events and aspects of the modern world. This, of course, cannot be ignored. At the same time, it is not difficult to see that to many students half-knowledge seems to be real knowledge. In these conditions, it is all the more necessary to teach schoolchildren to go beyond the obvious, to make the transition from phenomenon to essence.

    Educational methods also include discussions and disputes, although with no less reason they can be considered as methods of stimulating the cognitive and generally social activity of pupils.

    Situations of cognitive dispute and discussion, when skillfully organized, attract the attention of schoolchildren to different scientific points of view on a particular problem and encourage them to comprehend different approaches to argumentation. At the same time, they can also be created when studying ordinary issues that are not controversial at first glance, if students are asked to express their opinions about the causes of a particular phenomenon and justify their point of view on established ideas. Required condition discussions - the presence of at least two opposing opinions on the issue under discussion. Naturally, in an educational discussion the teacher should have the last word, although this does not mean that his conclusions are the ultimate truth.

    Unlike a discussion, where a well-established decision must still be made and accepted by scientific authorities, a dispute as a method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-oriented activity does not require definite and final decisions. The dispute, like the discussion, is based on a long-discovered pattern, which consists in the fact that knowledge obtained in the course of a clash of opinions and different points of view is always distinguished by a high degree of generality, durability and flexibility. The debate perfectly corresponds to the age characteristics of a high school student, whose emerging personality is characterized by a passionate search for the meaning of life, the desire not to take anything for granted, and the desire to compare facts in order to understand the truth.

    A debate gives you the opportunity to analyze concepts and arguments, defend your views, and convince other people of them. To participate in a debate, it is not enough to express your point of view; you need to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing opinion, select evidence that refutes the fallacy of one and confirms the reliability of the other point of view. Dispute teaches the courage to abandon a false point of view in the name of truth.

    In pedagogical terms, it is extremely important that the questions scheduled for discussion contain a vitally important problem that is significant for schoolchildren, truly excite them, and call for an open, sincere conversation. The topic of the debate can be suggested by the students themselves. Why does behavior not always coincide with the demands of life? Where do the indifferent come from? How to understand the words of L.N. Tolstoy’s “Calmness is spiritual meanness”? How to become the architect of your own happiness? These and other questions may well become the subject of discussion and a free and relaxed exchange of views.

    The debate requires careful preparation of both the teacher and the students. Questions submitted for discussion are prepared in advance, and it is useful to involve the schoolchildren themselves in their development and composition. On the advice of A.S. Makarenko, a teacher at a debate must be able to speak in such a way that the students feel his will, culture, and personality in his words. A real teacher is in no hurry to reject erroneous judgments, will not allow himself to rudely interfere in a dispute, or categorically impose his point of view. He must be delicate and patient, passionate and angry, calm and ironic. This manner does not offend or humiliate anyone, and does not discourage schoolchildren from participating in debates and openly expressing their views. The leader of the dispute is decidedly unsuited to the figure of silence and prohibition. Any lack of agreement leaves room for speculation, distorted guesses, and misinterpretations. The most general purpose of disputes and discussions is to create an indicative basis for creative searches and independent decisions.

    The example method is used in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process. The developing consciousness of a schoolchild is constantly looking for support in real-life, living, concrete examples that personify the ideas and ideals they are assimilating. This search is actively promoted by the phenomenon of imitation, which serves as the psychological basis of example as a method of pedagogical influence. Imitation is not blind copying: it forms in children actions of a new type, both coinciding in general terms with the ideal, and original, similar in the leading idea of ​​the example. By imitation young man social and moral goals of personal behavior and socially established methods of activity are formed.

    The nature of imitative activity changes with age, as well as in connection with the expansion of the student’s social experience, depending on his intellectual and moral development. A junior schoolchild usually chooses ready-made models to follow, influencing him by external example. Imitation in adolescents is accompanied by more or less independent judgments and is selective. In youth, imitation is significantly restructured. It becomes more conscious and critical, relies on active internal processing of perceived patterns, and is associated with the increasing role of ideological, moral and civic motives.

    At least three stages can be distinguished in the imitation mechanism. At the first stage, as a result of perceiving a specific action of another person, the student develops a subjective image of this action and a desire to do the same. However, the connection between role modeling and subsequent actions may not arise here. This connection is formed in the second stage. At the third stage, a synthesis of imitative and independent actions occurs, which is actively influenced by life and specially created educational situations.

    Thus, imitation and the example based on it can and should find worthy use in the pedagogical process. K. D. Ushinsky drew attention to this. He emphasized that educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality, that the education of the individual can only be influenced by the personality. In the eyes of schoolchildren, only that action deserves imitation that is performed by an authoritative and respected person. This fully applies to the teacher. The teacher, with all his behavior and in all his actions and actions, must serve as an example for students, be an example of high morality, conviction, culture, integrity and broad erudition.

    OOO The educational center


    Abstract on the discipline:


    On this topic:

    "Methods of education"


    Chekalova Elena Vladimirovna

    Moscow 2017


    Introduction………………………………………………………………………………… 3

      Formation of a system of educational methods……………….. 4

      Classification of education methods…………………………. 6

    3. Choice of educational methods……………………………………………………… 7

    Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 9

    Literature………………………………………………………... 11


    The word “metodos” (Greek) literally means “way to achieve a goal”, “way of action”.The method of education (from the Greek “methodos” - path) is a way of realizing the goals of education.

    In pedagogy, there are several definitions of the concept of “education method”. Some researchers believe that "education method is the means by which the educator equips students with strong moral convictions, moral habits and skills, etc.”Others determine methods of education as a set of methods and techniques for developing certain personal qualities and properties.

    The abstract is dedicated to this topical issue, as methods of education.

    The purpose of this work is to study methods of education.


      Determine the essence of the content of educational methods;

      Consider the classification of education methods;

      Consider the conditions that help in choosing educational methods.

    The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that at the present time, as well as throughout the history of pedagogy, adults are faced with a choice of methods of education. Parents and teachers try to determine for themselves which method of education to use in a given situation in relation to children.

    1. Formation of a system of educational methods.

    There is an opinion that the method of education consists of elements called methodological techniques. The techniques do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the one that the educational method is aimed at solving. The same methodological techniques can be used in different methods. The same method for different teachers may include different techniques. Techniques determine the uniqueness of educational methods and make the teacher’s style of pedagogical activity unique.

    I.P. Podlasy believes that a means of education isthis is the totality of his techniques. He writes: “A means is no longer a technique, but not yet a method. For example, work activity- a means of education, but showing, evaluating work, pointing out an error in work are techniques. The word (in the broad sense) is a means of education, but a remark, an ironic remark, a comparison are techniques. In this regard, sometimes the method of education is defined as a system of techniques and means used to achieve the goal, since in the structure of the method there are necessarily techniques and means.”

    As is well known, educational methods are understood as methods of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems. Here, methods are one of those mechanisms that ensure interaction between the teacher and students.

    There are the following methods: methods that reflect the content and specifics of education; There are methods directly focused on working with junior or senior schoolchildren; There are methods of working in some specific conditions. But there are also general methods of education, the application of which extends to the entire educational process.

    In pedagogy, for a long time, the system of educational methods was unclear. But over time, certain methodological approaches to the implementation of the educational process began to take shape.

    There are several points of view on the problem of choosing educational methods.

    One of the opinions belongs to the German teacher Johann Herbert. I. Herbert adhered to the idea that children are characterized by “wild agility” from birth. This playfulness, in his opinion, must be suppressed in the process of education by the power of the teacher’s authority. And at an early age, he recommended using various comments, suggestions, reproaches, and punishments, including physical ones, in the educational process. His name is associated with the formation of authoritarian education methods.

    Another one of the supporters of this style of education, but already in Russia in Soviet time there was professor N.D. Vinogradov. He also argued that children should be raised only by suppressing their playfulness. In this regard, along with the term “methods of education”, the term “measures of pedagogical influence” has become widely used.

    Another, opposite, point of view belongs to the French educator J.J. Rousseau. He and his supporters began to say that education should be carried out on the basis of a humane attitude towards children, giving them complete freedom. Forms such as persuasion, explanatory conversations, advice, persuasion, etc. began to appear as methods of education. This approach is reflected in the theory of “free education”. The main ideas of such education were formulated inXVIIIcentury J.J. Rousseau. One cannot but agree with J. Rousseau, who argued that educational work should include the child, his interests and aspirations. He emphasized that these desires, interests and aspirations need to be developed, enriched and improved in order to make education effective. Over time, on this basis, new, humanistic approaches to education and educational methods began to be developed in pedagogy.

    Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky brought a great contribution to Russian pedagogy and world fame. He repeatedly drew attention to this method of education as an example. Of course, K. Ushinsky is right when he asserts that a person can only be influenced by a person. He noted that an example is strong remedy education.

    P.P. Blonsky and S.T. Shatsky in his works put forward a theory of stimulating children in the process of education. Great attention was paid to keeping the child busy with interesting activities; One cannot but agree that the lack of exciting activities for children leads to a violation of discipline in the children's environment.

    Thus, pedagogy went through a long development path before effective theories and methods of education were formulated. The ideas of humanity, respect for children, and their comprehensive development formed the basis of modern pedagogy.

    2. Classification of education methods.

    A.M. Stolyarenko gave this definition in his book “ General pedagogy": "Methods of education are a set of means and techniques of uniform pedagogical influence on students in order to achieve a certain educational result." Indeed, by means of education we can understand everything that is used to influence a person: this is the word, facts, examples, documents, photographs, conditions, etc. A.M. Stolyarenko writes: “Education techniques are private ways of using methods and means. The success of using methods always depends on the conditions, pedagogical competence and authority of those applying them.”

    S.A. Smirnov, I.B. Kotova, E.N. Shiyanov note that Pedagogy has always sought to streamline the huge variety of existing methods of education. “This problem in the theory of education is called the classification of education methods.”

    To date, extensive scientific material has been accumulated that reveals the essence and patterns of functioning of educational methods. It is clear that the classification of educational methods “helps to identify the general and the particular, the essential and the accidental, the theoretical and the practical, and thereby contributes to their expedient and more effective use, helps to understand the purpose and characteristic features inherent in individual methods.”

    In pedagogy, it is customary to consider the following classification of educational methods:

      Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual (story, conversation, lecture, etc.);

      Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual (training, pedagogical requirement, instruction, demonstration, etc.);

      Methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of an individual (competition, educational game, discussion, encouragement, punishment, etc.);

      Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment in education (pedagogical observation, psychological questionnaires, etc.).

    3. Choice of education methods.

    In his book “Pedagogy” I.P. Podlasy writes: “There are no good or bad methods; not a single way of education can be declared in advance effective or ineffective without taking into account the conditions in which it is applied.” .

    Thus, the teacher proceeds from the goal and current tasks of education. It is they who determine what the set of methods for solving them should be.

    1. Must be taken into account age characteristics schoolchildren.

    2. The choice of methods is greatly influenced by the individual and personal characteristics of the students. A humane educator will strive to use methods that enable each individual to develop their abilities, preserve their individuality, and realize their own “I”.

    3. Methods significantly depend on the student’s social environment, on the group he belongs to, the level of cohesion, on the norms of relationships that develop in the family and the child’s immediate social environment.

    4. The teacher chooses only those methods with which he is familiar, which he owns, and must be confident in the success of their use. To do this, it is necessary to foresee what results the use of the method will lead to.

    5. The implementation of each method involves the use of a set of techniques that correspond to the pedagogical situation, the characteristics of students, and the individual style of the teacher’s pedagogical activity.

    In practical activities, a teacher, when choosing a method of education, is usually guided by the goals of education and its content. Based on a specific pedagogical task, the teacher himself decides which methods to adopt.

    The basis of the educational process is not the methods themselves, but their system.

    “K.D. Ushinsky believed that it was necessary to study the laws of those mental phenomena that we want to control and act in accordance with these laws and the circumstances in which we want to apply them.”

    The choice of educational methods must be prepared and assume real conditions for implementation.

    One cannot but agree with V.A. Nazaryev, who says that “ right choice is possible only if the teacher knows the basic, general methods of education, their essence and features, conditions of applicability and features for which preference is given to this particular method rather than another.”


    Educational methods and means are used not only to solve the educational problems of the younger generation, but are also used to assist adults in the processes of socialization, adaptation to new living conditions, correction of behavior style or the nature of relationships with people.

    Methods and means of education are used in conjunction. This combination is possible in the context of both a complex and a separate educational situation. For example, within educational work parents, teachers and during the educational activities of professionals in special institutions.

    The basic concepts used to understand the methods of educational influence on a person and the methods of interaction between the teacher and the pupil include methods, techniques and means of education, forms of education, methods and technology of education.

    The work examined methods of education and their classification, characteristics of methods of education.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that a combination of developmental methods and means of education should be used during the formation of the student’s personality and stimulate in him the ability to actively respond to educational influence, i.e. really be the subject of a specific situation.


    1. Nazaryeva V.A. Pedagogy. Answers to exam questions: tutorial for universities / V.A. Nazarieva.- 2nd ed., stereotype.-M.: Publishing House “Exam”, 2008.-220 p.

    2. General pedagogy: textbook for university students studying pedagogical specialties (030000) / A.M. Stolyarenko.-M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. P. 235

    3. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies: Textbook. for students higher and Wednesday ped. establishments /S.A. Smirnov, I.B. Kotova, E.N. Shiyanov and others; Ed. S.A. Smirnova. - 4th ed., revised - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. P. 302

    Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; edited by V.A. Slastenina.-M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. P.331.

    Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; edited by V.A. Slastenina.-M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. P.346.

    Nazareva V.A. Pedagogy. Answers to exam questions: textbook for universities / V.A. Nazarieva. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2008. P.78.

    To solve educational problems, you can choose different combinations of methods, techniques and means. This choice primarily depends on the specifics of the goals and objectives.

    The teacher selects and uses a system of methods in accordance with the goals set. Since they are “tools for touching the personality” (A. S. Makarenko), when choosing them it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties and characteristics of the student’s personality. There is no good or bad method. The effectiveness of solving educational problems depends on many factors and conditions, as well as on the sequence and logic of applying a set of methods.

    Classification of methods is a system of methods built on a certain basis.

    P. I. Pidkasisty offers the following grouping of educational methods:

    1) forming the worldview of students and exchanging information;

    2) organizing the activities of pupils and stimulating their motives;

    3) providing assistance to students and assessing their actions.

    By nature, education methods are divided into:

    · belief,

    · exercise,

    · encouragement

    · punishment.

    The classification of I. S. Maryenko names such groups of educational methods as:

    · explanatory-reproductive,

    · problem-situational,

    · training methods and exercises,

    · stimulation,

    · braking,

    · manuals,

    · self-education.

    Classification of education methods based on orientation (I.G. Shchukina):

    1. Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual. (story, explanation, clarification, lecture, ethical conversation, persuasion, suggestion, instruction, debate, report, example)

    Conviction presupposes logical proof of a concept, a moral position, or an assessment of what is happening. At the same time, students’ consciousness is influenced not so much by concepts and judgments as by their evidence. Students, evaluating the information received, either confirm their views, positions, or correct them.

    Conviction as a method in the educational process is implemented through various shapes, in particular, today excerpts from various literary works, historical analogies, biblical parables, and fables are used. A number of scientists are creating anthologies that contain material for the moral education of students. The method of persuasion is also used in various discussions.

    Suggestion is an emotionally charged influence on a child with the aim of creating a certain state in him or inducing him to certain actions. According to the figurative expression of V.M. Bekhterev, suggestion, in contrast to conviction, enters a person’s consciousness not from the front door, but as if from the back porch, bypassing the watchman - criticism. To suggest means to influence feelings, and through them, the mind and will of a person. Suggestion is based on the child’s needs and aspirations. This method is used quite widely in pedagogical practice. The use of the method of suggestion contributes to the formation of feelings, emotional experience required behavior.

    Suggestion can be carried out both by speech means (words, intonation, pause) and non-speech means (facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, environment, etc.).

    2. Methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior. (exercise, training, pedagogical requirement, public opinion, assignment, educational situations)

    Exercises. In mastering the experience of social behavior, activity plays a decisive role. You cannot teach a child to write by telling how others write; It is impossible to teach how to play a musical instrument by demonstrating virtuoso performance. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the following important conditions:

    1) exercise systems; 2) their content; 3) accessibility and feasibility of exercises; 4) volume; 5) repetition frequency; 6) control and correction; 7) personal characteristics of pupils; 8) place and time of exercises; 9) combinations of individual, group and collective forms of exercises; 10) motivation and stimulation of exercise.

    The adequacy of the exercises to the projected behavior is another condition for the pedagogical effectiveness of this method.

    Habituation is an intensely performed exercise. It is used when it is necessary to quickly and at a high level create the required quality. Accustoming is often accompanied by painful processes and causes dissatisfaction. All barracks education systems, for example the army, where this method is combined with punishment, are based on harsh training.

    A requirement is a method of education with the help of which norms of behavior, expressed in personal relationships, cause, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil and the manifestation of certain qualities in him.

    The form of presentation distinguishes between direct and indirect demands. A direct requirement is characterized by imperativeness, certainty, specificity, accuracy, and formulations that are understandable to students and do not allow for two different interpretations. The demand is presented in a decisive tone, and a whole range of shades is possible, which are expressed by intonation, strength of voice, and facial expressions.

    An indirect requirement (advice, request, hint, trust, approval, etc.) differs from a direct one in that the stimulus for action is not so much the requirement itself as the psychological factors caused by it: the experiences, interests, aspirations of the pupils.

    3. Methods of stimulating behavior and activity. (competition, encouragement, punishment).

    Competition is a modification of the method of educational situations and contributes to the formation of the qualities of a competitive personality. This method is based on the child’s natural needs for leadership and competition. In the process of competition, the child achieves some success in relationships with friends and acquires a new social status.

    Encouragement is the expression of a positive assessment of the actions of students. It reinforces positive skills and habits. The action of encouragement involves the arousal of positive emotions and instills confidence. Encouragement can take the form of various options: approval, praise, gratitude, granting honorary rights, rewarding. Despite its apparent simplicity, encouragement requires careful dosage and caution, since failure to use this method can be harmful to education.

    Encouragement should be a natural consequence of the student’s action, and not a consequence of his desire to receive encouragement. It is important that encouragement does not pit the student against the rest of the team. It must be fair and, as a rule, consistent with the opinion of the team. When using incentives, it is necessary to take into account the individual qualities of the recipient.

    Punishment is a component of pedagogical stimulation, the use of which should prevent undesirable actions of students, slow them down, and cause a feeling of guilt before themselves and other people.

    The following types of punishment are known: imposition of additional duties; deprivation or restriction of certain rights; expression of moral censure, condemnation.

    The punishment must be fair, carefully thought out and in no case should humiliate the dignity of the student. This is a powerful method. It is much more difficult to correct a teacher’s mistake in punishment than in any other case, so one should not rush to punish until there is complete confidence in the fairness of the punishment and its positive impact on the student’s behavior.

    Since ancient times, many philosophers have proposed their own methods of education. They, the methods, did not develop by chance, but in accordance with the way of life different nations. Therefore, there are many methods of education.

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