• Proper communication with the guy who rejected you. Where do divorced women with children and single mothers come from?


    Since ancient times, a man has been a breadwinner, a conqueror. Wooing a woman is a natural instinct. By nature, a man is loving. Ever since younger age, they begin to express themselves, show signs of attention to girls, give gifts, and look for an approach to the person they like. Despite such similarities, everyone chooses their own path for this. Alone at sight beautiful lady they approach her and offer to meet her directly, others invite her to drink coffee or tea, others invite her to go somewhere. Problems begin if they receive a refusal in response. Some men perceive this as a blow to their pride. After a refusal, some people stop taking the initiative and getting to know girls altogether, some perceive a soft refusal as a game and don’t attach any importance to it, others react inappropriately, can be rude to the woman or begin to humiliate her.

    In any case, a man’s reaction directly depends on the behavior of women.

    Reasons for rudeness

    IN modern society people are used to taking care only of themselves. Few people care about other people's feelings. When faced with a woman with high self-esteem, the guy begins to literally beg for affection. Time passes, the courtship begins to get boring, his nerves are on edge, and he has an outburst of emotions. This is where the reproaches, insults and rudeness begin.

    The wealth of the partner can also be the reason for this behavior. Not every man can tolerate a companion richer than himself. Trying to please, he does not find the funds, is not able to fulfill all requests and is refused. The reaction is anger and rudeness.

    It’s not surprising, because the man wasted time and money to no avail.

    The inability to gain favor with oneself is another reason for rudeness, which appears with the understanding that the lady preferred another man.

    Sometimes it happens that the acquaintance was successful, signs of attention, flirting, the invitation was accepted, but the girl simply does not come to the meeting and does not pick up the phone. The man is indignant because he was deceived. Yes, unfortunately, there are women who simply stroke their pride in this way. The rudeness of men in response to such an act can be forgiven.

    The next reason for a man’s abusive behavior is emotional problems. Some men simply take revenge on all the girls in a row for past failures. And each next one only makes the situation worse.

    In any case, whatever the motives for refusal, you should not react and respond with rudeness. You can reconsider your behavior and change it. More experience, more chances of success. Perhaps another refusal is a good impetus for moving to the next level.

    The truth is that both men and women cheat. True, men do this more often and do not feel shame or guilt.
    In order to understand why men lie, you need to understand why men lie and why women lie.


    Although both men and women cheat, there are important gender differences when it comes to deception. Sex differences that influence deception are based on two major biological differences between men and women.

    Firstly, men and women differ physiologically. Men can produce hundreds of millions of sperm per day. And women reproduce about a million eggs, but only a fraction, about one egg, is released every 28 days, during a short period of time - from puberty to menopause - that has the potential to create life. Simply put, women have about 400 viable eggs (and with pregnancy, about 20), while men are capable of fathering an unlimited number of children.

    The second major biological difference is pregnancy. Embryos grow and develop in a woman, not a man. For men, reproduction takes only a few minutes of effort, while for women this period increases to 9 months.

    From a biological point of view, men can constantly and quickly engage in reproduction, while women are much more limited in their ability to do so.

    These biological differences influence our psychological desires before invention modern forms birth control and still influence our unconscious sexual desires Today. Men are more likely than women to think about sex and fantasize about sex with multiple partners.

    Given these basic biological differences, here are the key differences between men and women when it comes to cheating:
    Men are less likely than women to be afraid of deceiving their partner, since they subconsciously think that if they lose one partner, they can find another.
    Men are more likely to find a one-night stand. The female brain is tuned to long term relationship.
    Men tolerate deception less emotionally than women, so they don’t think about how bad it is to deceive.

    Video on the topic

    You have a beloved man. It seems that everything is fine in your relationship, but for some reason you do not receive gifts from your loved one. You do not consider yourself mercantile, but the lack of material signs of attention is still upsetting. It’s worth thinking about why a man doesn’t give you gifts?

    1. The simplest reason: your man is in serious financial difficulties. You can guess this from indirect signs, or he himself admits it. Any of us may find ourselves in a financial crisis, so you should treat this problem with understanding if you really care about a man. Perhaps your patience will be rewarded later.
    2. Stinginess as a character trait. It's more difficult here. The point is definitely not about you, but about the fact that for such a man, unnecessary spending is, in principle, unacceptable. He is not used to giving, but he himself is happy to receive gifts. It is unlikely that with your generosity you can inspire such a man to reciprocate signs of attention; you just need to voice your desires without hesitation.
    3. A common situation. A man does not consider it necessary to bother about gifts, because he gets everything he needs from you without additional spending on gifts. You love him, have long come to terms with this situation and accept him as he is. The man loves you too. But he’s already accustomed to the fact that you are kind, caring, understanding, and don’t demand anything in return for your love, so why should he bother then? He can take you to the cinema or a cafe, give you flowers for your birthday and March 8th. However, you have a chance to receive an expensive gift from him: you need to tell him about your dream at a convenient moment.
    4. The most bad reason. A man doesn't have plans with you in the first place. Serious relationships, so he is not going to spend money on gifts. It is a long-known fact: if a man really appreciates and loves a woman, he will invest his money in her and will find an opportunity to please her even in a difficult financial situation.

    Hello it's again Lesha Dar.

    In this article, I will answer the question ""

    By the way, if you want find the man you love


    I'll answer you personally.

    My personal email: [email protected] (everything is free)

    In this article I won't touch on weak men and henpecked, in this article I will talk about a worthy strong man, who, as a result of the first meeting, decided not to date the girl again!

    And so that you understand me, I will give several situations from life!

    Situation No. 1 (worthy man)

    And so you are walking and you are because of your great love (since before that you had not met a guy for three years, and you haven't had sex in about the same amount of time), you start complimenting him, looking at him with super loving eyes!

    You constantly flatter him very clumsily(that any fool will notice this), although you are seeing the guy for the first time and know absolutely nothing about him...

    After meeting, you start bombarding him with thousands of text messages(in which you confess how much you adore and love him, etc.), constantly calling him on business and without business!

    And then the guy realizes that this girl sick, she is very needy and obsessed with him, and concludes that you need to stay away from such a girl!

    And he calls her and says that they are different and do not suit each other!

    But since the girl is sick with this guy, she ignores this phrase and continues to flood him with SMS, but the guy no longer answers them!

    So, back to the question " What if a man refuses to meet?»

    Situation No. 2 (worthy man)

    A man met you, and he really liked you, and so he invited you on a first date.

    But after the date the guy from conversation with the girl I came to a disappointing conclusion. Namely:

    This girl completely lost my femininity and chose male type development.

    She is very arrogant and always thinks she is right and the main one in the relationship, she never listens to the man and constantly tries to argue.

    The girl is very independent, does everything according to his own understanding!

    In order for a man to make a decision, he constantly has to prove to her that he is right and spend a lot of effort on it! But because of disrespect for the man, such a girl does not trust the guy’s decisions and constantly emphasizes this!

    She strives with all her might to build a career for herself., earn a lot of money, wants his own apartment, car, etc.

    She doesn't want to have children since her career will not allow such luxury. This girl works hard from 6 in the morning until late at night. Naturally, she has no time to cook and clean.

    In the end, the man refuses to meet her next time, since there is no point in this, she is completely unsuitable for him, since he needs a feminine slave girl!

    Conclusion: If you don’t know how to behave with a worthy man, then only weaklings and henpecked people will meet with you, about whom you will sooner or later wipe your feet!

    This article is just a small part of what is on my site, it contains a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with a man, without wasting your time.


    By the way, if you want find the man you love or want to change your boyfriend/husband in better side right now then


    If you have a question for me, then write, I I'll answer you personally. I have been giving advice to girls for 5 years, I have a lot of experience. (all confidential). Copy my email from here below and write.

    My personal email: [email protected] (everything is free)

    What girls say about the articles:

    “Thank you so much Lesha!!! The advice from your articles is useful, it changes your own psychology and attitude towards the world and men. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
    Anna, Ukraine

    “Lesha, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of how girls behave with guys. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with men and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)”
    Katya, Minsk.

    How to refuse a man? How to do this so that a man admires a girl? How not to lower a man's self-esteem? How to make him more confident after your refusal?

    First of all, I want to thank you for the fact that this issue is important to you. After all, many girls don’t think at all about how to refuse a man correctly. Well, she refused and that’s good. Let him go through the forest.

    A heartbreaking backstory about how a girl rejected me.

    Walking around the city one evening, a woman has a great view from behind. Legs, beautiful blonde hair, dressed with taste, gait. Interest arose, and even more fear enveloped my body.

    Fear of approach - as it is called in pickup artist circles. This is an uncontrolled process. To get rid of fear, you just need to meet it halfway. Which is what I did.

    “Hello,” I said. To which he received in response a surprised, slightly irritated face and silence. “Hello,” I repeated. And again her silence and businesslike, pretentious appearance.
    “Are you always this serious?” - I ask in a joking manner.
    “I just don’t see the point in communicating!” - she snapped.
    "Understood. Then excuse me,” slowing down.

    Let's analyze why the girl refused me?


    She didn't like me outwardly.

    She wasn't in the right mood.

    I communicated incorrectly.

    I was not persistent (not to be confused with obsession).

    She has a man.

    This is the norm for her.

    Understand, that he could have been more persistent and perhaps everything would have worked out, because this is a woman. But I didn’t want to chat for show or to boost my self-esteem.

    I was interested in the person. She showed herself as she is. Personally, I was not inspired. Looks good on the outside though.

    Let's imagine in my place young man, who is not interested in psychology as deeply as I am.

    Guy 20 years old. He works as a sales manager, earns $500, thinks about his business, he has everything ahead of him.

    And here he is walking around the city center. I saw a girl. He liked her. He's scared. He makes an attempt to communicate. But the girl didn’t like the guy...

    What are her options?

    1. Refuse the man, as usual.

    2. It’s the “right” way to refuse a man.

    I described option 1, plus or minus, in my story above.

    Now let’s look at option 2, which is actually why I wrote this material.

    How to politely refuse a man...

    ...and inspire him

    Technique“Compliment - Program - Compliment”

    What's the point?

    Compliment (masculine quality, not appearance) - You are such a brave man

    Program- But I have a young man and everything is fine with us / But at this period of my life I have other priorities / But I like older men.

    Compliment— I’m convinced that a confident man like you will definitely find a worthy girl

    How do you like this?

    What happened in both the first and second cases? Both there and there - the girl refused the man.

    What are the feelings, conclusions, self-esteem as a result of refusing a man in option 1?

    It’s unpleasant, I’m not worthy, I was rejected, it’s better not to take the first step towards girls (so as not to get “pain” again).

    In option 2?

    A surge of strength, plus confidence, even greater respect and love for female(and personally to you), the desire to take the first step towards girls (after all, it’s so cool).

    More examples from life on how to refuse a man

    Na: Come and visit.

    Option 1 (typical).

    Fuck you! / Oh God, you’re like everyone else / You only need sex!

    Option 2 (correct).

    You are such a straight man, but I do it only out of love, although I’m sure you’re like that strong man like you, he will definitely find what he is looking for

    How to refuse a married man

    Option 1 (typical)

    I don’t communicate with married people, period / Better take care of your wife! / I hate men who cheat on their wives

    Option 2 (correct)

    You are a man who brings true strength, but I can only create relationships with a free man I am sure that such a charming man will be able to achieve what he wants in life without any difficulties

    Girls, questions to yourself:

    1. I want to refuse a man with a purpose

    a) increase your self-esteem

    b) we are different, we are not on the same path

    2. After refusing a man, I want him

    a) thought how unworthy he was

    b) became even more confident

    If you still decide to use option of refusing a man #1 (typical) and “don’t strain yourself,” don’t be surprised why there are infantile men and boys around you with all the ensuing consequences.

    Girls! I wish you to be surrounded only by strong and worthy men. All in your hands.

    Have you read the article, but still don’t understand how to refuse a man in your case? Write this case in the comments and I will definitely answer.

    Read the top materials on my blog:

    Hello, dear girls! We all sometimes find ourselves in situations where we have to say “no” to someone. They don't always arrive on time the right words and most often the refusal seems rude or unreasonable. Of course, it is impossible to prepare for any situation, but today I would like to talk to you about how to refuse a man with dignity. After all, by refusing, you can not only lower his self-esteem, but also forever discourage him from approaching girls.

    Cause - effect

    First, I suggest you think about why you are refusing. Quite often, I have witnessed situations where a girl says “no” with her words, but shows “yes” with her whole appearance. Therefore, you must clearly understand why you want to reject this or that proposal from a man, be it an invitation to a date or a conversation about intimacy.

    I don’t recommend you play “inaccessibility”. Girls think what more to a man If you refuse, the harder he will try. If you say no for these reasons, then be extremely careful in your expressions.

    First of all, not all guys take hints. Secondly, you may be considered frivolous or too flighty, because today no, but tomorrow yes. Moreover, do not get carried away with such tactics if you are in a long-term relationship.

    One of my friends tried to date him in a proposal, but was always looking for an opportunity to see him and make eye contact with him. She just wanted to play a game of flirting with him. But the man didn’t understand why she was refusing him, while she was constantly sending nonverbal signals.

    If you decide to reject a man’s proposal, then do it clearly, intelligibly and accessible. Don't hesitate, don't fawn, and don't try to justify your refusal. But now we’ll find out how to do this competently and beautifully, so as not to offend a man.

    Correct tactics

    What do girls usually do? They just send you to hell, sometimes even rudely and uncivilized. If you don’t want to seem tactless, then your refusal must include a compliment to the man, not just his appearance, but his masculine qualities.

    If you don't know how to compliment guys, that's okay. Read the article “t” and you will always be able to find the right words in any situation.

    So, your refusal should consist of a compliment, a short explanation of your negative answer, and a supportive phrase. Let's look at it with an example.

    For example, a guy approached you on the street and offers to meet you.

    1. The first option: simply ignore him or say “I don’t see the point in communicating, goodbye.”
    2. Second option: “You must be very brave if you are not afraid to approach girls on the street. Sorry, but I already have a boyfriend, but I’m sure that such a brave and confident man will definitely be able to find a worthy girl.”

    Agree, the second option looks much more polite, tactful and correct. The guy realized that you are not ready to communicate with him, but he did not have self-doubt, he will not think that there is something wrong with him.

    So in sex, you also need to be able to refuse correctly so that no further problems arise. If this is a stranger in front of you, then the answer will be approximately in the same form as above: you are so straightforward and frank, but I only do this with my loved one, I have no doubt that such a confident man will be able to find what he is looking for.

    Common Mistakes

    Coarseness. This is the most common mistake girls make. It is forbidden to be rude, call names or get personal under any circumstances. No matter how difficult it may be for you to communicate with a person, even if he does not understand your refusals at all and continues to pester you with his attention, never allow yourself to resort to insults.

    Most likely, this is your first and last meeting, why make a scandal out of it? Try to remain polite and cultured in any situation. Remember that you can always resort to humor. This is especially important when communicating with a loved one.

    Blurred phrase. Sometimes it’s difficult for girls to immediately and directly refuse handsome guy, For example. Therefore, the girl does not directly say “no”, but beats around the bush. You need to speak directly, specifically and to the point. What do you want to tell a man: let's remain friends; I need a break now; we need to break up.

    Try to speak directly. So, one of my friends could not directly refuse money to a guy. She couldn’t say a clear “no,” so she kept coming up with some phrases.

    Discrepancy between behavior and words. I talked about this above. When a girl says “no”, but with all her appearance continues to show interest in a man. Read the article "". Of course, it's more about married women who decided to get distracted on the side, but you will probably find many useful thoughts for yourself.

    What does your refusal phrase usually look like? Have you ever heard a refusal addressed to you?

    I wish you patience and self-control in any situation.
    All the best!

    It so happened that within one week two different men shared the same idea with me, namely: women are terribly offended if a man refuses them sex.

    For some reason, women are convinced that every man dreams of getting into their panties! You won't believe it, they get offended when I don't respond to their hints.

    Let's think: 1) why men refuse an offer to sleep with a lady; and 2) why women are so offended.

    Why does a man refuse sex?
    There could be a million reasons, but I will name the most common:

    1. A woman does not fit into a man’s type
    He loves blonde-haired fools, and the lady seducing him is a fiery brunette who loves to command. The man responds well to the proposal itself. But he does not feel excited; he is embarrassed by the woman’s appearance, manners or words. In short, it doesn't light up. " Well, I can’t want all women!»

    2. Bad timing
    If a man is tired, stressed or very “in his head”, then it is not so easy for him to switch to his body and feel the girl. It is especially difficult to get aroused if the girl herself " not in the body" Women often use sex to attach a man to them. If communication takes place at head level and at an unfortunate moment for a man, then the chances of getting rejected are greater.

    3. Obligation
    « I’m 46 years old, I’ve had quite a lot of women in my life, and about 3 years ago I stopped meeting girls altogether. I just don't expect anything good from this anymore.
    You meet, you court, you achieve... A love commitment. What's the end result?
    Slurred sex one-two-three-four... Moreover, in this sex I have to strain a lot to bring me to orgasm, and a lot of other things I have to do... And all this for the sake of a second orgasm. It turns out not sex, but some kind of miner's work.
    Some girls I know even get offended at me when I say that I don’t need sex»

    If a man does not receive pleasure from sex himself, but all the time " works”, in order to earn the lady’s approval, then the proposal to make love will not cause delight.

    Men refuse for obvious reasons, and girls have enough “ try on“These reasons are for yourself, so as not to be offended. Ladies reject gentlemen a hundred times more often for reasons that are much less explainable.

    Why is refusal of sex so offensive?

    1. Impact on the EGO
    Women are sure that men always want sex. If a man refused, it means that there is something wrong with her as a woman. An unpleasant chain of thoughts starts: I’m ugly, unsexy, fat, he wants someone else, not me, this is humiliating, etc.

    This is the main reason for resentment, although a man’s refusal, of course, does not characterize the woman herself in any way.

    2. Refusal makes it impossible to manipulate a man.
    If a woman uses sex as a means to obtain material benefits in the form of money, career, marriage, etc., then refusal puts her in a dead end. How else to lure him if he doesn’t want the main thing?

    3. Sexual dissatisfaction
    If a woman herself is aroused and really wants sex, then a man’s refusal is perceived very painfully. Sexual arousal seeks a way out, and, not finding it, starts a destructive process.

    To summarize: a man can refuse sex.

    Girls! Take it easy. He is not a “creep” and did not want to offend you, and you are still attractive to hundreds of men. You have someone to make love with.

    Men! You don't do anything wrong when you say no. Try to do this respectfully. "You are beautiful …

    • I'm exhausted today
    • I'm absolutely not ready for love right now
    • I have difficult period in life
    • I don’t want to reassure you, because I don’t plan a serious relationship.

    Make your refusal beautiful.

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