• Our games. Topic: Clothes, shoes. Didactic games in speech therapy work



    1. “Whose, whose, whose, whose?”(use of possessive pronouns).

    Whose hat is this? - My.

    Whose gloves are these? - My.

    Whose scarf is this? - My.

    Whose coat is this? - My.

    2. “Mine, mine, mine”

    Match as many objects as possible to the pronouns:

    mine is a hat...;

    mine is a scarf...;

    mine are boots... .

    3. “One is many” (use of plural nouns):

    glove - ...; sock - ....scarf - scarves; a cap - ...;

    4. “Pick up a sign.”

    Jacket (what?) - red, warm, knitted, woolen, elegant... .

    Boots (what?) - brown, new, rubber, beautiful... .

    Scarf (what?) - ....

    Coat (what?) - .

    5. “Find the extra object”

    In front of you in the picture different clothes, but one item is not clothing. Cover this excess item with your palm. What did you cover? Why? A teapot (ball) is not clothing.

    6. “Give me a word.”

    Guess what word needs to be completed to make a fable song.

    The animals went to the market

    View new product.

    Piglet in a fur coat

    And the dog is in ... (skirt).

    Cat in a jacket

    The mouse is in... (take it).

    Kitty in earrings,

    A cow in... (boots).

    Lamb in a caftan,

    Goat in... (sarafan)

    7. “Choose shoes for every season.”

    8. "Snowball"

    The game is played with a ball.

    Children take turns passing the ball to each other, naming the item of clothing. Each subsequent player repeats the words named by previous participants, adding his own new word.

    For example:

    1) Hat.

    2) Hat, dress.

    3) Hat, dress, trousers, etc.

    9. “Let’s decorate the clown’s costume”

    10. “I know 5 names of clothes/shoes”

    To play, you need a medium-sized ball that bounces well off the ground so that you can hit it comfortably with your palm.

    The guys agree on the order of passing the ball and the sequence of topics.

    The first player starts mint with one hand touch the ball to the ground (in the manner of dribbling a ball in basketball) or throw the ball up, saying:

    I know five names of clothes. dress - one, trousers - two, coat - three, gloves - four, T-shirt - five.

    If a player gets lost, misses the ball or thinks for a long time, then the ball passes to the next participant.

    11. Relay race “Pack up a doll for a walk”

    For this game you need to divide the participants into 2 (or more) teams. Prepare a doll and clothes for each team. Participants take turns running up to the doll, putting 1 piece of clothing on it and returning to their team. The team whose doll is dressed first wins.

    After completing the relay race, you can invite the teams to tell what their doll is wearing.

    12. . Sedentary game “1,2,3,4,5! We need to quickly run into the circle

    On playground a circle is indicated.

    The presenter says the words: “1,2,3,4,5! We need to quickly run into the circle

    Those who have….(white socks, Velcro shoes, have pockets.)

    The participant who has the named signs on his clothing runs into a circle.

    13. Round dance.

    The children dance in a circle, the adult says:

    “Masha walked along the path,
    Masha found some slippers.
    Masha tried on slippers,
    I put it on a little and started limping.
    Masha began to choose,
    Who should I give the slippers to?
    Cole slippers are good:
    “Here, put it on and dance.”

    The shoes are given to the person whose name is named.

    14. "Spot the Differences"

    15. Finger game “Once upon a time in a house”

    Once upon a time we lived in a house (We clench and unclench our fists.)

    Little gnomes:

    Currents, peaks, faces,

    Chicky, mickey. ( We bend the fingers, starting with the thumbs, on both hands at the same time.)

    One two three four five. (We straighten our fingers)

    The gnomes began to wash (Rub your fists together)


    We bend our fingers (one finger for each line), starting with the thumbs on both hands at the same time.



    Chicky socks,

    Mickey was smart

    He brought water to everyone.

    Outdoor games

    • Game "Who's Dressed in What". This game requires several participants. The presenter says: “Whoever is wearing a red T-shirt, sit down,” or “Whoever is wearing green pants, clap your hands.” The player whose color is named must perform the given actions.
    • Round dance. The children dance in a circle, the adult says:

    “Masha walked along the path,
    Masha found some slippers.
    Masha tried on slippers,
    I put it on a little and started limping.
    Masha began to choose,
    Who should I give the slippers to?
    Cole slippers are good:
    “Here, put it on and dance.”

    The shoes are given to the person whose name is named.

    • Paths. We put several scarves on the floor - these were our paths. And they ran and jumped on them. We found a short-long path, wide-narrow.

    Home clothes

    Take clothes out of your closet. Lay it out in front of your child. Introduce your baby to the names: collar, sleeve, sleeves, pocket, pockets, button, buttons, zipper, hood. Tell your little one that there are outerwear and underwear. The upper one is so called because we wear it on top, the lower one – below, under clothes. Look at the pictures on the clothes, talk about what they are made of. Name the color of the clothes at the same time, count the sleeves, pockets, buttons. Tell your child what seasonal clothing is. Let him guess what time of year they wear it. these clothes(hat, jacket - in winter, cap, T-shirt - in summer).

    Game "Suits"

    Draw separately the details of the costume: blouses and skirts, T-shirts and shorts, jacket and trousers. The main thing is that the details of the costume are the same color, pattern, etc. (T-shirt with red polka dots and shorts are the same). Mix all the details. Ask your child to choose the right costumes. Start with 2-3 and gradually increase complexity.

    Game "Find a Pair"

    Get out the different shoes you have in your house. Lay them out on the floor and ask your child to find the pairs. If your child easily copes with the task, sort the shoes - with laces, with a lock, with a buckle, etc.

    Another version of the game is to lay out the socks in front of the baby and invite him to find the pairs. A little later, add mom’s socks, let the child not only sort them into pairs, but also separate the small ones from the large ones.

    Talk to your child about what else comes in pairs: arms, legs, ears, glasses, etc.

    Logic games:

    • Separate the mittens from the gloves.

    • We sort clothes according to the principle: large, small, medium (we select trousers for the doll from three options).

    • We sort according to the principle: long, medium, short (scarf).
    • Game "What's extra?" — (jacket, skirt, sweater and scissors).
    • Game "Continue the Row"
    • Game “Connecters” (we draw pairs of clothes, the child’s task is to connect the same ones with each other).

    • Puzzles – draw clothes, cut them into 3-4 pieces and you’re done.
    • We count the number of things in the bags (we draw several bags, “fill” each one, invite the child to put the numbers into the bags).
    • We are looking for shades for clothes.
    • Game "Singular and Plural". Call the child the object in the singular, and he in the plural. For example: shoe - boots.
    • Game "What's missing?" Place clothes or shoes in front of the baby. Take one away - what's missing? Another option is to swap shoes - what has changed?
    • Game "What's Hidden" Take several hats and hide any object or toy under one of them. Let the baby try to guess where she is.


    Applications can be varied. We made these with our child.

    Let's draw

    • Draw the clothes, but do not add any detail. Ask your child: “What’s missing?”
    • Draw clothes without details, invite your child to draw them himself. For example: we drew a jacket, and the child finishes drawing buttons, pockets, and collar. Game for children over 3 years old.
    • Take some paints and cotton swab. Dip a stick into paint and draw dots and stripes on clothes.

    Developing motor skills

    Game "Fringe for scarves." Cut out strips of paper and paint them. Invite your child to use scissors to cut the fringe (draw to what extent) at the ends of the scarf.

    Game "Professions"

    We are talking about who makes and sews clothes.

    Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Clothes, shoes, hats.”

    Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
    Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
    Description of work: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Clothes, shoes, hats.” This material will help educators, children and their parents consolidate children’s knowledge about clothing, shoes and hats in game form.

    Didactic game: lotto “Clothes”.

    Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about the variety of clothes, the ability to distinguish and find the right clothes.
    Didactic material: Playing field (4 pcs.), divided into 6 squares with images various clothes, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).

    Progress of the game: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or presenter names the clothes shown on the card. Whoever finds the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
    Didactic game: lotto “Shoes and hats.”

    Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about the variety of shoes and hats, the ability to distinguish and find the right shoes and hats.
    Didactic material: The playing field (4 pieces), divided into 6 squares with images of various shoes and hats, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pieces).

    Progress of the game: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or presenter names the headdress or shoes shown on the card. Whoever finds the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
    Didactic game “Dress Tanya and Vanya according to the season.”
    Target: Formation of children’s ideas about clothing, hats and shoes, their connection with the season and weather.
    Didactic material: Cards depicting clothes, shoes and hats, 30 pieces and four playing fields depicting Vanya, Tanya and the season.

    Progress of the game: Arrange cards with images of clothes, shoes and hats in accordance with the season and gender (for the girl Tanya to the right of the playing field, and for the boy Vanya to the left).
    Didactic game “Guess the clothes, shoes or headdress”
    Target: Developing the ability to describe clothes, hats or shoes and recognize them by description.
    Didactic material: Cards depicting clothes, shoes and hats.
    Progress of the game: The teacher gives the children cards with pictures of clothes, shoes and hats. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The teacher invites one child to describe what is shown in his picture, or to ask a riddle. The other children must guess what is in the picture.
    For example: This is a headdress that girls wear in summer. It is made of straw. (Straw hat).
    These are shoes that boys and girls wear in spring or autumn after rain. It is tall and made of rubber. (Rubber boots).
    Didactic game “Collect a picture”
    Target: Development logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
    Didactic material: Cards depicting clothes, shoes and hats, cut into several parts.
    Progress of the game: Game for children from 3 years old. Children are given game cards cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (according to the age and abilities of the child). Having collected the picture, the child tells what he collected.
    For example: Dress Green colour- these are clothes.
    Boots yellow color, rubber are shoes.
    Hat with ear flaps gray- This is a headdress.
    Didactic game “The fifth odd one”
    Target: Development of skills to classify clothes, shoes and hats according to essential characteristics.
    Didactic material: Cards depicting 5 types of clothing, shoes and hats, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to another group.
    Progress of the game: The children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is shown on them and determine which image is superfluous. Name the remaining images in one word.” Each participant eliminates the unnecessary image in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player to complete. For each correctly completed task they give a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.
    For example: The card shows sandals, a raincoat, sneakers, flip flops and boots. The extra coat is because it is clothing and the rest is shoes.


    "Cloth. Studio"

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    “Card index of outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the topic “Clothing. Studio""

    Card index of outdoor games and finger gymnastics

    on this topic

    "Cloth. Studio"

    Target: development of general and fine motor skills; coordination of speech with movement; work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

    Topics of calendar-thematic planning (for which this card file is offered):"Cloth. Studio"

    Outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the topic “Clothing. Studio".

    Outdoor games (physical education minutes).

    Outdoor game "Dress"

    The teacher pronounces the text and performs the movements, and the children imitate him, finishing words and phrases.

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Outdoor game "Pants"

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Outdoor game "Hats"

    We became chickens in yellow hats,

    (The child flaps his arms like a chicken’s wings.)

    In white hats we became little hares,

    (Shows bunny ears)

    We became mushrooms in red caps,

    (Joins his hands above his head.)

    In black hats there are blueberries on the hummocks,

    (Squats down.)

    In blue caps they became raindrops

    (Stands up and puts his hands on his belt.)

    And they easily galloped along the paths.

    (Jumps forward on two legs.)

    Physical exercise “At Matryosha’s sister”

    At Matryosha's sister's

    Around the village fables:

    A duck walks in a skirt

    In a warm sheepskin coat,

    The chicken is in a vest,

    Cockerel - in a beret,

    Goat - in a sundress,

    Zainka - in a caftan,

    And all of them are more beautiful

    Cow in matting.

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Physical exercise “Care”

    "Don't cry, my doll"

    Don't cry, my doll, you are left alone.

    I can't play with you

    I need to re-wash:

    Your dresses and socks, your skirts and stockings,

    Sweater, mittens, jacket,

    A cap, a colored beret.

    I'll pour a little water

    I'll pour the powder into a basin.

    I’ll whip up some snow foam, wash it and go.

    While the sun is shining,

    I'll pull the rope.

    I'll attach the clothes to it,

    I'll dry everything with the breeze.

    The two of us worked together

    Now we will rest.

    Physical exercise “We will wash the handkerchiefs”

    We will wash the handkerchiefs

    Let's rub them hard, hard.

    And then we squeeze

    We'll wring out the handkerchiefs.

    And now we are all handkerchiefs

    We'll take it to the rope.

    Let all the handkerchiefs dry,

    In the meantime, we'll rest.

    Now let's iron the scarves,

    We will iron it.

    We'll wave our handkerchiefs,

    Let's have fun dancing with them.

    Yu. A. Fadeeva

    Physical exercise “Washing”

    Children perform actions in accordance with the meaning of the poem

    Oh, my clothes got dirty

    We didn't take care of her

    Treated her carelessly

    Crumpled, dirty in dust.

    We need to save her

    And put it in order.

    Pour water into a basin,

    Pour in the powder.

    We will soak all our clothes,

    Rub the stains thoroughly

    Let's wash, rinse,

    Let's squeeze it out and shake it.

    And then easily and deftly

    We'll hang everything on ropes.

    While the clothes are drying

    We will dance and spin.

    Physical exercise “Frost”

    It's frosty outside in the morning.

    You can freeze your nose.

    (Rub your nose with your hand)

    Hat, jacket and boots –

    Our feet won't freeze.

    (Imitate the movements of getting dressed)

    We will jump and gallop,

    Keep our feet warm.

    (Jump on two legs while moving forward)

    N. F. Yurchenko

    Physical exercise “Slob”

    Children walk in circles

    Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, clean up after yourself!

    (walk in a circle one after another)

    Your hands are lazy

    (clap hands)

    Belt and trousers under the table


    The shirt is not in the closet,

    (“draw” a quadrilateral)

    Nikolai is a slob.

    (they shake their finger and shake their head)

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Physical exercise “Let the animals go to the market”

    The animals went to the market

    View new product.

    Piglet in a fur coat

    And the dog is in ... (skirt).

    Cat in a jacket

    The mouse is in... (take it).

    Kitty in earrings,

    A cow in... (boots).

    Lamb in a caftan,

    Goat in... (sarafan)

    Physical exercise "Walk"

    We walked in winter - we put on fur coats,

    They put on fur coats and played snowballs.

    We walked in the spring - we put on raincoats,

    They put on raincoats and counted the puddles.

    In the summer we walked - we put on shorts,

    We walked through the meadow and caught butterflies .

    Physical exercise “Sew clothes”

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Finger gymnastics.

    Finger gymnastics “Washing”

    I'll wash it thoroughly

    (Fist movements, imitation of washing)

    Shirt, jacket and T-shirt,

    (Rub all fingers one by one)

    Sweater and trousers -

    My hands are tired.

    (Shaking hands)

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Finger gymnastics “Clothes”

    O. I. Krupenchuk

    Finger gymnastics “Alenka”

    Educator. Look how many things Alenka has done. Let's list them.

    Alenka - little one

    Nimble, fast:

    I applied water

    I finished the sundress,

    Knitted a sock

    I picked berries

    Finished the song

    (Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

    It ripened everywhere.

    She cares about hunting.

    (Clap your palms, hit your fists against each other - 2 times)

    N.V. Nishcheva

    Finger game “Once upon a time in a house”

    We lived in a house

    Little gnomes:

    (We clench and unclench our fists.)

    Currents, peaks, faces,

    Chicky, mickey.

    (We bend the fingers, starting with the thumbs, on both hands at the same time.)

    One two three four five.

    (We straighten our fingers)

    The gnomes began to wash

    (Rub your fists together)




    Chicky socks,

    Mickey was smart

    He brought water to everyone

    (We bend our fingers, one finger for each line, starting with the thumbs on both hands at the same time)

    A. Dorozhkina

    Finger game “I’m putting on a glove”

    Finger game “Masha put on a mitten”


      Konovalenko, V.V. Articulation, finger gymnastics and breathing-voice exercises. – M., 2014. – 16 p.

      Krupenchuk, O. I. Training fingers - developing speech! Junior group kindergarten. – St. Petersburg, 2015 – 32 p.

      Krupenchuk, O. I. Training fingers - developing speech! Middle kindergarten group. – St. Petersburg, 2015 – 32 p.

      Nishcheva, N.V. Modern system correctional work in speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment speech (from 3 to 7 years)). – St. Petersburg. , 2013. – 624 p.

      Novikovskaya, O. A. Home speech therapist. Pure twisters, tongue twisters, finger games, poems for speech development / O. Novikovskaya. – M.: 2015. – 96 p.

      Savelyeva, E. A. Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg. , 2013. – 64 p.

    Compiled by: Teacher of MADOU No. 4 “Kindergarten combined type", Agafonova Yana Borisovna

    According to the new requirements of FGT, children in classes should do as much as possible, so for this I have developed and reworked folk outdoor games that can be used in classes to develop speech on a specific lexical topic. I hope that the games I have selected will help you conduct classes by activating the physical activity of children.

    Organization of motor activity of children during a speech therapy session using outdoor games

    Everyone knows this saying: “Movement is life.” A mobile person is an active person, manages to do everything, gets less tired.

    Our education system aims to educate comprehensively developed person, but the child is already in preschool age experiences the harmful effects of physical inactivity. According to psychologists Small child- activist. His activity is expressed primarily in movements. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intensely intellectual development. Speech development is also directly related to speech development. Therefore, new federal government requirements include organizing motor activity in class.

    It is most effective to include outdoor games in classes.

    Like any didactic game, it is aimed at achieving certain educational and training goals. The use of outdoor games in the classroom helps to increase children's performance, relieve stress, and facilitate switching from one activity to another.

    Outdoor games in speech development classes can be used as an element of a lesson, as a physical education moment, or as a reinforcement of the material covered.

    In a playful form, thinking proceeds faster, and new educational material is absorbed more firmly and remembered more easily.

    Speech games include outdoor games with speech content, Russian folk games, round dance games, didactic, verbal, board-printing, dramatization games, nursery rhyme games with fingers, etc.

    Any outdoor game can be adapted to the lexical topic of the week and used in joint activities with the child.

    I offer you outdoor games for speech development: folk games, ball games, original games.

    Folk outdoor games- call active work thoughts contribute to broadening one’s horizons and clarifying ideas about the world around us. Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor; the movements are precise and figurative. Each folk game begins with a counting rhyme, a melodious and funny sing-along, and entertaining dialogues. They are firmly and quickly remembered by children and pronounced in Everyday life, this develops memory and speech. Folklore passed on orally from generation to generation and never grows old.


    Goal: activation of the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives on a given topic, development of auditory attention and memory.

    The presenter says:

    They sent you 100 rubles.
    Buy what you want,
    Black, don't take white,
    Don't say "yes" or "no"!

    After these words the following dialogue is given:

    What does the bakery sell? (children in a circle, they say what can be sold in a bakery)
    - Bread, loaf, rolls.
    - What kind of bread is sold in the bakery?
    - Soft, fresh, fragrant, crispy, toasted.

    In order to see which of the children is answering, you can use a ball or a stick.

    A similar game can be played on the topic “Food”, “Clothing”, “Fruits and Vegetables”


    Goal: activation of the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives on a given topic, coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender, number, development of higher mental functions.

    Children come up with the color of a certain paint (you can come up with a certain material, taste, depending on the topic, the goal that the teacher has set for himself). A buyer is selected from among the children, he comes and says:

    Knock Knock!
    - Who's there?
    - Buyer.
    - Why did you come?
    - For paint.
    - For what?
    - For blue.

    If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then the paint goes to him, but she can redeem herself if she names (depending on the topic) 5 names of clothes blue color or 5 dishes made from potatoes.


    Goal: activation of the vocabulary of verbs on the topic, development of higher mental functions.

    The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

    - Who's there?
    - Mail!
    - Where?
    - From the city. What are they doing in the city? (from school, garden, vegetable garden)

    Children in a circle must say that in the city they dance, sing, jump... That child who takes a long time to find the word to become a postman.

    "Needle, thread, knot"

    Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns on the topic, the development of higher mental functions.

    Children playing stand in a circle, holding hands. Using a counting table, children choose a needle, thread and knot.

    A thread, a needle, a knot stand in a circle, the rest of the children take each other’s hands and pass through the circle of thread, a needle, a knot, naming different types of clothes (winter, summer, clothes for a boy or a girl), the child who could not name the right one clothes become in a circle.

    "Get your hat"

    Goal: to develop children’s vocabulary, differentiate objects according to certain characteristics, develop higher mental functions, general motor skills.

    Children are divided into two teams. There are objects of different categories on the table, for example, hats and clothes. Children must collect their own items in each team. Children playing move towards the table in pairs, either jumping, walking, or walking on their toes.


    Goal: development of auditory perception, to form diminutive forms of nouns.

    Children stand in a circle and say the chant:

    Firstborns, firstborns,
    Little pigeons were flying
    On fresh dew,
    In someone else's lane,
    There are cups, nuts,
    Honey, sugar

    When the last word is said, everyone must be silent. The leader spins in a circle with his eyes closed, in front of whom he stops, this child must call him. The host must guess who called him and call him affectionately.


    Goal: develops children's vocabulary on a given topic.

    Children are divided into two walls, they move towards each other, singing the words:

    The shuttle is running
    The earth is shaking
    She sews and sews.
    amuses us.

    The rest of the children try to run between the shuttle, naming words on the topic that they agreed on in advance.


    Goal: to activate the vocabulary of adjectives, to be able to describe an object according to certain characteristics.

    Children choose a fish, this player is placed in a circle. Children stand in a circle, the teacher shows a picture of a vegetable, a toy, but so that the fish does not see the picture. Whenever the fish swims up to him, the child begins to describe the object without naming it. If the fish guesses the object, it swims into the circle.


    Goal: activation of the vocabulary, development of verbal and auditory memory.

    Two gate children are chosen for the game; the rest are mothers and children playing.

    The gate children raise their clasped hands up and say:

    Heaven, heaven, I'm missing it,
    And I leave the last ones.
    The mother herself will pass
    And he will see the children through.

    Children stand up like a train and walk through the gates, last child stops at the gate and names a word on the topic, for example: bus, and the child stands up to them. Gradually, all the children become masters and remember the words that the engine called.

    "Blind Man's Bluff Porters"

    Goal: sensory development, perception development.

    Toys on a specific topic are laid out on the table. Children are blindfolded; with their eyes closed, the child must describe the object by touch and guess it.


    Goal: development of vocabulary, development of general motor skills, forming the plural of nouns.

    Children squat in circles cut out and arranged in a circle. The leading player jumps on one leg in a circle, the player near whom the leading player stopped must name many instead of one object. If the person sitting makes a mistake, he becomes the leader.

    "We sell pots"

    Goal: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to coordinate nouns with numerals.

    Children are divided into pairs: the seller and the potty. Children sit in a circle. Children have potties subject pictures on a given topic. The presenter approaches one of their hosts and begins a conversation:

    Hey buddy, sell the pot!
    - Buy it.
    - How many rubles should I give you?
    - Give me three. (Give me five...)

    The presenter must correctly match the name of the picture with the number guessed by the owner: three buses, five carriages.

    "Guess and catch up"

    Goal: development of phonemic hearing.

    The players sit on the bench. The driver sits in front. He is blindfolded. One of the players approaches the driver and calls him by name. The driver must guess who it is.
    If he guessed right, he quickly takes off the bandage and catches up with the runner. If the driver says the player's name incorrectly, then another player comes up.


    Goal: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to be able to form sentences on the topic.

    Two children sit opposite each other on chairs. Legs are extended forward, toes up. A duck is chosen, the rest of the children are ducklings.

    The duck calls her ducklings with a tongue twister:

    Faster, faster, ducklings,
    Faster, faster, wild feathers.

    The ducklings stand one after another and walk across the bridge, making sentences about the time of year or on a certain topic.

    Ball games for speech development

    Ball games- very useful for the development of children with speech disorders. The ball helps to diversify correctional work, activates fine and gross motor skills, spatial orientation, attention, helps to establish contact with children, and normalizes the behavior of hyperactive children.

    "Big Ball"

    Goal: to activate the vocabulary of verbs, the development of general motor skills and higher mental functions.

    Children stand in a circle with a ball in their hands. The presenter calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children. Children throw the ball in a circle, naming the actions that an object called the leader can perform (snowing, falling, melting, crunching, sparkling).

    “Throw the ball and name the animals”

    Goal: to activate the vocabulary on this topic.

    You can choose any other generalizing concept.

    The presenter thinks of the category he has chosen; the children must throw the ball and name the words that correspond to the general concept.


    Goal: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, select antonyms for words.

    The players are divided into two teams. Some call the word -sign: high, and the other team calls the opposite sign: low.

    "Rolling the Ball"

    The speech therapist sets a task: for example, name as many as possible beautiful words about mom (What kind of mom?). Children take turns rolling the ball into a hoop, naming adjectives.

    "Ball in a circle"

    Goal: to activate the dictionary on the topic.

    Children sit on the table, and the driver stands behind the circle and holds the ball. The driver names a general concept and throws the ball to one of the sitting players. Children must name words that are suitable for this general concept as quickly as possible. The player who holds the ball becomes the leader.

    "I know five names"

    Goal: activation of the dictionary on a given topic.

    Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle with the speech therapist holding the ball, he begins the task “I know five names of fruits,” after which the ball is passed around the circle, each child must name five fruits.

    "Jump over the ditch"

    Goal: development of verbal vocabulary, development of general motor skills, learning to select antonyms.

    Two jump ropes are laid out on the floor parallel to each other. Children are divided into two teams. The first child jumps over the ditch, calling out the verb, and next child names the opposite verb: stands - walks, shaves - puts down.

    "Magic Circle"

    Goal: learn to come up with sentences, activate verbal vocabulary, expand your vocabulary on a given topic.

    Material: multi-colored circle, consisting of sectors of different colors.

    The guys stand along the edge of a multi-colored circle. The speech therapist suggests imagining that the circle is a flowerbed. The child thinks of a flower that has the color of any sector, names the plant and its flowers rolls the ball into the corresponding sector.

    Speech therapist: A red rose grew in the flowerbed - the ball rolls into the red sector.

    To complicate matters, verb vocabulary is used: not only is the name and color pronounced, but it is also said what is happening to the flower: it has grown, formed a bud, smells good, blooms.


    Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to write a short descriptive story using simple and complex sentences in speech

    How to play: Children stand in two circles. There are two or three people in the outer circle. The rest are in the internal. One circle moves clockwise, the other counterclockwise.

    The outer circle recites the rhyme:

    Carousel, spin around,
    And then stop.
    Who can guess the word?
    He joins us in a friendly circle.

    Then a child from the outer circle asks a short riddle - a description of the object. Children from the outer circle guess the riddle; if they guess it, they stand in the inner circle.

    “Show, guess and repeat”

    Goal: to activate vocabulary on a given topic, develop general motor skills, and be able to coordinate movements and speech.

    Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, a leader is chosen, he thinks of a profession (or some fruit, dishes), but does not name it, but only shows it with gestures. Children must guess the hidden object and show that the child who guessed first becomes the leader.

    "Shoe salesman"

    Goal: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to coordinate nouns with adjectives and numerals, to be able to describe an object according to its main features.

    Progress of the game: A shoe seller is selected, he has different shoes, which is exhibited in front of the children. The guys remember what shoes are sold in the store, then the shoes are put away under the counter. The seller asks how many sandals, felt boots, and boots he had in the store. Then each child describes the shoes they want to buy. According to the description, the seller must sell the shoes correctly.

    "Magic Traces"

    Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to form possessive adjectives.

    Progress of the game: In front of the children are carved footprints of different animals. Children are asked to follow the tracks, naming whose tracks they are - wolf's, hare's. If the children correctly name the tracks, then this animal is waiting for them at the end of the path.

    "Who's clever"

    Goal: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, teach to generalize, classify.

    Progress of the game: Children are divided into teams and determine who will collect which category. The speech therapist has objects of different categories on his table. At the teacher’s command, one participant from the team comes to the table and collects only those items that are necessary for his category.

    “I fly, I go, I swim”

    Goal: develop gross motor skills, activate vocabulary on the topic.

    How to play: Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist names the transport, and the children must show how the transport moves.

    “We’ll go visit”

    Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic.

    Progress of the game: Children line up in a long chain and follow the teacher, saying the words: “We’ll go on a visit and take our friends with us.” We'll find out who lives in the house. Knock-knock, knock-knock.” Who lives in the house? A man lives in a house who works on an excavator. Afterwards we remember who lived in each house.


    Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic; agree nouns with numerals.

    Progress of the game: A snail is drawn in front of the children - hopscotch from one to ten. The speech therapist suggests counting an object to ten. The child jumps onto the first square and counts: one orange, two oranges, etc.

    "Color Range"

    Goal: agree nouns with adjectives.

    Progress of the game: Multi-colored figures are located in front of the children. The speech therapist names the fruit, and the children must say what color it is and run up to the figure of the desired color.

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