• Treatment of runny nose in infants with breast milk. Is it possible to drip breast milk into the nose of infants with a runny nose?


    Almost always the very first sign colds children have a runny nose, and most parents try to cure it without using medications. One of these folk remedies is breast milk. Currently widely used breast milk from a runny nose, because it contains a large number of useful substances– immunoglobulins and antibodies that produce local immunity in the child’s nose.

    Is this remedy effective?

    Despite the prevalence of this method of treating a runny nose in infants, some mothers still doubt its effectiveness, so they wonder whether breast milk really helps with a runny nose. According to pediatricians, mother's milk can increase the baby's body's defenses, but it cannot be used as a medicine because it does not affect the mucous membranes. therapeutic effect.

    In fact, milk is never used as a medicine; it does not even have a strong disinfectant effect on the mucous membrane. Some experts even talk about the dangers of using this method of therapy, since milk can clog the nasal passages, making it difficult for the child to breathe through the nose. In addition, it is known that milk is a favorable environment for the development of various microorganisms and bacteria. Also, milk cannot be a medicine for the reason that the concentration of protective organisms in the mucus contained in the nasal cavity is much higher than in breast milk.

    It will be much more beneficial if milk is not dripped into the nose, but simply fed to the child, because in this way the baby’s body produces antibodies that create a barrier to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, even if the mother gets sick, there is no need to interrupt breastfeeding, however, young mothers have a question about whether a cold is transmitted through breast milk to the baby. To which pediatricians give a unanimous answer: milk protects the child’s body from the effects of pathogenic bacteria.

    How to treat a runny nose?

    Place breast milk into the baby's nose, 2 drops into each nostril several times a day.

    However, there is another category of women who are of the opinion that there is no better medicine for their child than breast milk. They are confident that milk has high antibacterial properties, due to which pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. When treating a runny nose with breast milk, the baby is traditionally instilled into the nasal cavity. You need to drip several times a day, 2 drops in each nasal passage. You can use it in pure form or dilute it with saline solution in a ratio of 1: 1. Before treating a runny nose with this method, you should free the child’s nose from the mucus accumulated in it, thoroughly rinsing the nasal cavity.

    Even if this remedy does not have a therapeutic effect on the nose, it will moisturize it well, improving breathing when the nasopharynx is congested. The use of breast milk will help soften the crusts that have formed on the mucous membrane of the baby's nose, as well as thin the mucus. After the nose has been dripped, the accumulated mucus should be removed using a rubber bulb.

    Using this method when treating a runny nose, you should not count on a quick recovery, since this method most likely has a preventive effect than a therapeutic one. This therapy should be used very carefully; it is best to dilute the milk with saline solution, since if it gets into the paranasal sinuses, it can turn into a curdled mass, which is very difficult to eliminate.

    A runny nose is a common illness among infants. To be more precise, this is not a disease, but a common symptom of a number of various diseases. Adults rarely pay attention to such a trifle, but even they sometimes suffer from a stuffy nose. It’s even harder for kids when they have a runny nose. There is an old folk remedy - breast milk in the nose, which relieves a runny nose. How true is this?

    Runny nose in infants

    Many diseases in children occur differently than in adults. It is not for nothing that there is a separate specialization for the treatment of children. A runny nose in this situation is no exception.

    In infants, the nasal passages are narrower, and the mucous membrane swells much faster during illness. Newborns are not yet able to breathe through their mouths; moreover, it is impossible to drink milk and breathe through their mouth at the same time. When a child's nose is clogged, his appetite spoils - he either does not take the breast at all, or. Due to lack of nutrition, the baby begins to lose weight and become weaker, the immune system weakens, and the disease drags on more and more.

    The baby's sleep pattern is disrupted, he does not get enough sleep and becomes very capricious and whiny. Tears only make the runny nose worse. Such young children cannot yet be taught to blow their nose into a tissue, and clearing the nasal passages is not so easy.

    Often a runny nose is also accompanied by. If the disease is not treated for a long time, complications may arise in the form. There is a high probability that the baby in this condition will get sick and bacterial infection.

    Is it beneficial to drip breast milk into your nose?

    When our great-grandmothers lived, medicine was not as well developed as it is in our time. Diseases were then treated with folk remedies, healthy recipes were kept in every family. Breast milk was a popular treatment for children's runny nose. You should just put it in your nose when you have a runny nose and wait for it to go away on its own. Adults also used this method. The logic was simple - since breast milk is useful, then it can be used for treatment.

    This method is still popular, but not all modern mothers trust it. Medicine has debunked the myth about the benefits of milk dropped into the nose. Pediatricians say that milk in no way cures a runny nose. Moreover, breast milk can cause harm:

    1. Milk getting into the baby’s nose can aggravate the situation by blocking the nasal passages;
    2. Bacteria thrive in a dairy environment, so milk is not only useless, but also dangerous;
    3. The last argument is that nasal mucus in the baby’s nose has much stronger protective properties than milk.

    Despite this, some continue to treat a runny nose using old methods. So can breast milk cure the disease? In very rare cases - when a runny nose is already going away. Milk can also soften crusts in the nasal passages. However, more suitable drugs will do the same job well.

    Of course, mother's milk is good for the baby, but it is better to consume it naturally. It contains many immunoglobulins, which strengthen the baby’s immunity and allow the body to more successfully resist diseases.

    Can a baby get a runny nose from its mother?
    Many mothers are also interested in another question - if they themselves have caught a cold and have a runny nose, is it worth breastfeeding their children during this period? Some fear that the baby may become infected from mother's milk. In fact, the fears are unfounded - the disease cannot be transmitted this way. During a runny nose, you can calmly feed your child, this will only make him healthier.

    How to treat a runny nose?

    Since milk is completely recognized useless means When treating a runny nose, you should resort to other methods to get rid of the disease. It is impossible to let such a seemingly frivolous illness take its course. The baby’s nose must be cleaned, since he cannot do it himself.

    What is needed for quick treatment runny nose:

    • environment and environmental conditions favorable for recovery;
    • cleansing the nose of snot and crusts;
    • disinfection of the nasal passages;
    • improving nasal breathing, if necessary.

    Air humidification

    To successfully treat a runny nose, it is necessary to monitor the humidity level in the place where the baby spends the longest time. As a rule, this is a children's room. It is necessary to maintain the correct microclimate so that the child not only recovers faster, but also gets sick as little as possible. The room should not be hot, the air should be cool, but not cold.

    In dry and hot conditions, nasal mucus in the nostrils dries out and is very difficult to remove from the nose. The crusts make it harder for the baby to breathe. It is also important that nasal mucus contains many useful substances that actively fight pathogens. To perform its protective function, the mucus must be viscous and cover the entire nasal mucosa.

    It is very good if you have an automatic humidifier. In winter, when the heating season begins, apartments become too dry.

    In the summer, if the baby normal temperature, and it’s warm enough outside, you can go for a walk or at least go out onto the balcony. If you are going for a walk, make sure that your baby and other children do not come into contact with each other. A runny nose is a consequence of a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets, so your child can infect other children.

    Illness is not the most best time to harden. Keep your baby's feet dry and warm by wearing warm socks or soft woolen slippers. The fact is that there are reflex points on the feet that are directly connected by the nose. Therefore, it is impossible to overcool the baby’s feet.

    To prevent nasal mucus from thickening and to perform its protective functions, the newborn must drink more. If the baby is very small, put him to the breast more often.

    Older children need to be given more warm drinks. At the same time, you can drip drops into your nose with a moisturizing effect; if they are not available, you can use the usual one.

    Cleaning the nasal passages

    While the baby cannot blow his nose on his own, it is the parents’ job to remove mucus from the nose. Many people use cotton wool for this purpose. They are good, but only as a last resort when nothing else is at hand. Flagella will help, but they don't clean the nose very well.

    More effective method nasal cleansing - special aspirators. Before clearing mucus from your nose, you need to drip moisturizing drops or spray into your nasal passages, then remove the contents using a thin tube.

    For children under 1 year of age, it is better to drip drops; injecting a spray can be unpleasant and painful for the baby. Using a tubular aspirator, you will not damage the mucous membrane; air will not be able to get inside through the tube, the pressure in which is regulated by your breathing. Which aspirators are best for clearing the nose:

    • Quicks;
    • Salin.

    Aspirators that can be found on sale may have different designs. Instead of store-bought ones, you can use an ordinary small rubber enema. After squeezing the air out of it, carefully insert the tip into the nostril and release the compression - the mucus itself will be sucked inside.

    Usually, to get rid of snot, it is enough to regularly clean and moisturize your nose and monitor the microclimate in the room, then the runny nose will go away quickly. If you see that the disease has dragged on, you should move on to more serious measures.

    How to disinfect your nose?

    If the previous methods did not help, and the runny nose still bothers the baby, you need to use more by strong means. Pediatricians most often advise using such products as Sialor and. These drops are harmless to the baby, disinfect well and speed up recovery.

    Watch the color of the mucus coming out of your nose. If it is transparent or whitish, it's okay. But as soon as a yellow or green tint appears, you should immediately consult your doctor. A change in color is a sign of a bacterial infection.

    Other ways to relieve nasal congestion

    If a baby has severe nasal congestion, and aspiration does not have the desired effect, then the problem is not in the amount of mucus, but in the swelling of the nasal mucosa itself. Swelling does not always appear with a runny nose; it can be mild and hardly manifest itself, or be very strong, interfering with normal breathing. To relieve swelling, you need to use drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. It is best to drip them at night so that the baby sleeps well.

    What can you put in your nose?

    • 0,01%;
    • Nazol baby drops;
    • Otrivin baby drops;

    Dosage: one drop in one nostril.

    A well-timed nose drop will allow you to breathe better and get rid of a runny nose faster. When using drops, be aware that they are addictive and become ineffective with prolonged use. They should be placed in the child’s nose only when necessary. Do not use them as a prophylactic.

    When a baby's nose starts running snot, a new mother has something to worry about. It seems that there is an urgent need to find a cure, otherwise in three hours the child will certainly have laryngitis, otitis media and sinusitis at the same time.

    The situation is aggravated by the fact that in many cases, first of all, a young mother asks her friends for advice, looks for an answer on the Internet, or learns a grandmother’s advice: “Drip breast milk into the baby’s nose and everything will be fine.”

    Everyone has heard that mother’s milk is good for the baby, promotes the development of immunity, provides the baby with protection from viruses and has a comprehensive positive effect on his body, but not everyone understands well that this is caused by protective antibodies to diseases that the mother’s body produces and which the child receives it with milk. The logic of the proposal to drop milk into the baby’s nose is simple: milk is healthy, which means that now we will drop it into the baby’s nose and it will kill all the bacteria there. This is milk, it cannot be harmful to newborns.

    In fact

    The composition of breast milk is not much different from the composition of cow's milk. It is less fatty and good for our children. Therefore, if milk helped with a runny nose, advice to drop diluted cow's milk into the nose would be very popular.

    But this remedy does not help. Does not kill bacteria, does not relieve swelling, does not help relieve inflammation. On the contrary, milk is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which can multiply faster in it, which causes, accordingly, the rapid progression of a runny nose and the development of complications, and the mucus produced in a child’s nasal passages contains a much larger number of beneficial microorganisms that help in the fight against the disease.

    Possible benefits

    The only way to use milk for a runny nose rationally and without harming the child is to use it as a mucolytic and moisturizer. In this role, it helps - not as good as products that can be bought at the pharmacy, but good enough for treatment at home. It is necessary to dilute the milk with saline solution in a ratio of one to one and drip it into the baby’s nose twice a day. You need to do it like this:

    1. Express the milk and dilute it with saline, stirring well.
    2. Use a pipette to collect a few drops.
    3. Carefully, holding the baby's head, insert the tip of the pipette into his nose.
    4. Drop two drops - more will simply not benefit the body.

    After the procedure, the pipette must be washed. The consequences will be as follows:

    1. The mucus will become more liquid, which will facilitate its rapid removal from the body and make it easier for the baby to breathe.
    2. The dry crusts that occur if the air the baby breathes is too dry and the mucus dries out before it has time to leave the nose will soften.

    Some time after the procedure, accumulated mucus should be removed using a rubber bulb. This is easy to do - you need to lubricate the tip of the bulb with Vaseline, release the air from it, insert the tip into the baby’s nose and carefully, smoothly open your hand.

    The main thing is to do this gently enough so that a sudden drop in pressure does not damage the walls of the blood vessels. If after the procedure the child still has softened crusts in his nose, you should use cotton swabs and milk, which helps in this situation. Need to:

    1. Take cotton pads, which are better suited than cotton wool, because they do not fray or fall apart into fibers, and roll them into two thin flagella along the diameter of the baby’s nostrils.
    2. Dip them in breast milk diluted with saline and insert them into the nose.
    3. Leave for a while so that the dry mucus has time to soften and fall off the mucous membrane.
    4. Carefully twist the flagella a couple of times and carefully pull them out.

    The procedure should be carried out when the child is calm and not fidgeting. A good solution would be to involve an assistant who can distract the child from what is happening with his nose.

    But a much more effective therapy would be to simply feed the baby milk (it is also effective if the mother also has a runny nose - this, due to the increased amount of antibodies in the blood, will be an excellent help for the baby’s body in the fight against the disease), while simultaneously contacting a pediatrician , who can make a diagnosis and prescribe official treatment that will help with a runny nose.


    If treatment with milk was nevertheless carried out, this could lead to the following consequences:

    1. Rapid development of pathogenic bacteria in the favorable environment created for them by breast milk.
    2. Complications caused by the penetration of milk that has turned into a curdled mass into the depths of the nasal passages.
    3. Difficulties with breathing caused by the fact that milk can clog the baby’s nasal passages - which are already quite thin and easily stop allowing air to pass through.

    In what cases is it strictly prohibited to drip milk?

    You should not use milk even for instillation and clearing of the nose if the child has:

    1. Acute lactose intolerance, which manifests itself as an allergy and can cause reactions from rash and itching to angioedema.
    2. Signs of complications caused by a runny nose - bad smell from mucus, yellowish or greenish tinge of snot, crying for seemingly no reason, drowsiness, passivity, lethargy, attempts to touch the ear or forehead, watery eyes, photophobia. Treatment with milk in case of complications can only worsen the situation.
    3. Physiological runny nose caused by the influence of the external environment. In this case, it is much more effective than dropping milk in and rinsing the baby’s nose with it to set the humidity in the room to 60% and the temperature to 22 degrees. In this case, the runny nose will go away on its own and treatment with milk for a runny nose will not be needed.

    Instead of self-medicating with home recipes, the child should be shown to a doctor and find out what treatment he really needs and will not cause negative consequences.

    People often have a runny nose different ages. It cannot be considered a separate disease. This is only a symptom of various pathologies. And if adults often do not pay attention to this phenomenon, having acquired only an extra handkerchief, then children younger age They suffer a lot from a clogged nose. Of course, babies cannot eat and sleep normally, which is always accompanied by loud crying. To treat this unpleasant phenomenon, many parents resort to traditional methods of treatment. One of them is breast milk for runny nose in infants. This treatment method causes a lot of controversy among doctors. Some of them still recommend it to mothers, while others respond very categorically.

    Features of the course of a runny nose in infants

    Most diseases occur in infants completely differently than in adults. This is due to unformed immunity, as well as to the structural features of some organs. That is why a specialized doctor deals with childhood diseases.

    In small children, the nasal passages are very narrow, but the mucous membrane swells very quickly and severely during various diseases. Babies cannot breathe normally through their mouths; moreover, it is simply impossible to drink milk and try to breathe through their mouth at the same time. It is this factor that explains why the baby refuses to eat during a runny nose or is reluctant to breastfeed. U infant A runny nose can cause weight loss, weakness and decreased immunity.

    Babies with a clogged nose have severe sleep disturbances. They become whiny and capricious, and, as you know, tears clog your nose even more. It turns out to be a vicious circle, and the disease drags on greatly. Little children do not yet know how to blow their nose, and it is very difficult for them to clean their nose properly.

    Infants need to treat a runny nose as quickly as possible. IN otherwise This unpleasant phenomenon may be accompanied by pharyngitis or otitis media. Often everything is complicated by a bacterial infection. Such complications are associated with the structural features of the organs of the nasopharynx and ears. Not only are all these organs in close proximity to each other, but they are also interconnected.

    To clear mucus from the nasal passages of children, use a small rubber bulb with a special attachment. This aspirator creates negative pressure in the nose and simulates blowing your nose.

    Is it possible to drip breast milk into the spout?

    Dropping breast milk into the nose for a runny nose in a newborn is one of the traditional methods of treatment. Just a hundred years ago, medicine was not very developed, so every family carefully collected and stored traditional methods treatment. Such recipes were passed down from generation to generation, and eventually survived to this day. Some of them are used unchanged, others have been slightly improved.

    Since ancient times, runny noses in infants have been treated with fresh mother's milk. They put drops in the child’s nose several times a day and waited for the runny nose to go away. This method of treatment was often practiced by adults. Many people trusted this method of treatment for one simple reason. After all, if breast milk is very healthy, then it can definitely treat some diseases.

    In children, runny noses are still treated with breast milk, but it must be said that not all mothers trust this method of treatment. Experts have long refuted the myth about the benefits of breast milk dripping into the nose. Leading pediatricians say that breast milk cannot cure a runny nose. Moreover, when instilled into a baby's nose, it can cause harm.

    1. When dropped into the nose, milk dries out and further clogs the nasal passages. This leads to severe nasal congestion.
    2. Bacteria multiply quickly in a dairy environment. And the nose is an ideal environment for their life; it is humid and warm. Therefore, such treatment will quickly lead to bacterial rhinitis.
    3. The mucus that is secreted from the nose has greater protective properties than instilled milk.

    Despite all these arguments, some mothers still resort to this method of treatment in the old fashioned way. But leading pediatricians recommend abandoning this method of treatment and resorting to drugs that are more suitable for children. Most often, infants are recommended to treat their nose with sea water.

    Dr. Komarovsky believes that you should not drip breast milk into your nose. This product does not have disinfectant properties and therefore is absolutely ineffective in treating a runny nose.

    For adherents of traditional methods

    There is a certain group of mothers who consider all medications to be harmful chemicals. Such mothers only treat themselves folk recipes And they treat their children the same way. Such women drip breast milk into the baby’s nose when the baby has a runny nose, believing that it is more effective and safe means simply no.

    Mothers who resort to their grandmother’s method of treatment are sure that milk has a strong antibacterial effect, thanks to which a runny nose is cured in short term. In this case, the baby’s nose is instilled with fresh mother’s milk several times a day. Optimally every three hours. To do this, it is decanted. Place in a pipette and pour 2 drops into each nasal passage. Milk can be dripped either pure or diluted. If necessary, it is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with saline solution.

    Before instillation of breast milk, the baby’s nose is thoroughly cleared of mucus using an aspirator.

    Even if dropping breast milk into a baby’s nose does not provide a therapeutic effect, it can still be beneficial. The liquid moisturizes the mucous membrane and makes breathing easier. After instillation, the dried crusts in the nose soften, and the mucus becomes less frequent and easier to remove with an aspirator. 5-10 minutes after instillation, the nasal passages must be cleaned using a syringe or a small rubber bulb.

    When resorting to this method of treatment, you should not expect an immediate recovery. Milk is dripped into a child's nose as a preventive measure.

    If you want to put breast milk in your baby’s nose, then the product must first be diluted by half with saline solution. When using milk in its pure form, it can turn sour and curdle in the nose, and removing such clots is very problematic.

    How to treat a runny nose in a baby

    Since, according to many pediatricians, breast milk is completely useless in treating a runny nose, you need to resort to other methods of treating this pathological condition. You can’t ignore a runny nose, thinking that it will go away on its own. In this case, there is a high probability of developing serious complications. The baby's nose should be cleaned and treated, since he cannot blow his nose.

    To quickly cure a runny nose in a baby, you need to follow these recommendations:

    • It is necessary to create optimal conditions for the recovery of a small child.
    • Regularly clean the nose of crusts and mucus using an aspirator and cotton swabs soaked in petroleum jelly.
    • Disinfect nasal passages.
    • If necessary, use medications that normalize nasal breathing.

    To make a runny nose go away faster, you should monitor the temperature and humidity in the children's room. The room should not be hot, but the baby should not freeze, the optimal temperature is 21 degrees.

    In addition, it is very important to ensure that the room has normal humidity. This figure must be at least 50%. It is worth understanding that if the air is too dry, the mucus quickly thickens and turns into dry crusts that prevent the baby from breathing through his nose.

    To humidify the air, you can use a special household humidifier, or you can simply hang wet terry towels on hot heating radiators.

    In the summer, you should often go for a walk with a sick baby, and you need to make sure that the baby does not come into contact with other children. Against the background of a severely weakened immune system, the child becomes susceptible to any infections.

    Cleaning the spout

    If your baby has a runny nose, you need to clean his nose many times a day. For this purpose, use a special aspirator or a small rubber bulb. Crusts in the nose are cleaned using cotton flagellum, which is pre-moistened in vegetable or vaseline oil.

    Before clearing the nose of crusts and mucus, the nasal passages should be instilled with the following drugs:

    • Otrivin.
    • Salin.

    If there are no such drugs in the house, then you can prepare a weak saline solution. It is prepared at the rate of ½ teaspoon of salt per glass of water.

    Disinfection of the spout

    It has already been absolutely proven that breast milk is not suitable for disinfecting the nasal passages, so you need to be treated with medications.

    When treating a baby, it is very important to monitor the nature of the mucus coming out of the nose. If it is colorless, then there is nothing wrong with it. As soon as the mucus turns greenish or yellowish, you should consult a doctor. This color always indicates a bacterial infection.

    To eliminate edema, infants are often prescribed Nazivin or Nazol Baby. If necessary, Vibrocil may be prescribed.

    Our great-grandmothers used breast milk to treat runny noses in children. This method has been passed down from generation to generation and has survived to this day. Now the myth about the usefulness of such treatment has been dispelled, but many mothers still resort to it. To prevent the child’s condition from worsening, it is worth consulting a doctor before using any traditional recipes.

    Breast milk is a remedy that is still used by some mothers as a cure for runny nose for newborns. Most doctors are skeptical about this method, arguing for the lack of effectiveness of putting milk in the baby’s nose.

    Is it possible to drip milk into a baby's nose? Is this treatment effective? What can replace breast milk? How to bury it correctly? What does Dr. Komarovsky think about the benefits of breast milk for runny noses in infants?

    Is it possible to put breast milk in the nose when a child has a runny nose?

    A runny nose in an infant is a symptom of an infectious or viral disease. Children have a very hard time with nasal congestion - their sleep and appetite worsen, general health. The only way to relieve this symptom is to drain the nasal passages due to the lack of nose blowing skill.

    Despite the fact that pharmacies offer many nasal drops and sprays, some mothers still believe that breast milk for a runny nose is the most effective remedy. They argue their point of view by the presence of immunostimulating substances in milk. However, the benefits of such instillation are questionable.

    The case for breast milk treatment

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    Treatment with breast milk is imposed on young mothers by the older generation - grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who always used it for a runny nose in their infants. They argue that previously there were no such quantities of medicines in pharmacies, but children got sick less.

    Views modern parents have changed significantly. The only argument for treating a runny nose with milk is its ability, like any other liquid, to moisturize the nasal mucosa, due to which intensive removal of crusts occurs. Many grandmothers are also confident that it has a strong antibacterial effect, but this opinion has no scientific evidence.

    What do opponents of this therapy method say?

    Many young mothers and doctors claim that this method is not beneficial. In some cases, this method of treatment can lead to serious consequences. These include:

    The effectiveness of sanitizing the nasal passages depends on the contents of the drug. Drops and sprays containing saline solution or sea ​​salt. Breast milk enriched with immunoglobulins is beneficial only when it enters the intestines, where it promotes the formation of healthy microflora. Accordingly, a nursing mother should put her baby to her breast as often as possible in order to strengthen the immune system and help the baby get rid of the disease as quickly as possible.

    Rules for the procedure

    If the mother is still confident in the effectiveness of the procedure, she should first study all the rules for its implementation. For instillation you will need fresh expressed milk. It is a favorable habitat for various microorganisms that, when suitable conditions begin to multiply and subsequently cause harm to health. If milk has been at room temperature for half a day, it cannot be used.

    For the procedure, milk is used in pure or diluted form. For newborn children, experts recommend diluting it with sodium chloride, sterile or boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. In its pure form, it can change consistency and curdle.

    Before using nose drops, it must be cleared of mucus using a baby bulb or aspirator. Some parents resort to using cotton wool coated with baby oil to remove mucus buildup from the nasal passages. Instillations should be carried out at intervals of 3 hours, i.e. 4-6 times a day. To carry out the procedure you will need a pipette. No more than 2 drops can be administered into each nasal passage at a time.

    When using milk as the main remedy against the common cold, parents should monitor changes in the child’s condition during therapy. If desired result is not observed several days after the start of treatment, the mother should consult a doctor.

    In what cases is it strictly forbidden to drip milk into a child’s nose?

    Lack of effectiveness is not the only problem that a mother using this method may encounter. Worsening of the condition, development of complications in the form of inflammatory diseases upper and lower respiratory tract - this is not the entire list of consequences from using breast milk for instillation. First of all, they concern those children for whom this method of treating a runny nose is contraindicated - these are small patients with:

    Komarovsky's opinion

    Dr. Komarovsky outlined his vision of the effectiveness of nasal instillation of breast milk in his own book. He is skeptical about this method of treating a runny nose, claiming that milk does not have disinfecting properties, because this has not been proven by anyone. Young mothers take up this method due to inexperience, fatigue or hopelessness. Having tried all the expensive drops and sprays against the runny nose, which do not have an immediate effect, nursing mothers, in search of a reliable remedy, turn to their parents, and they recommend to them their proven method, with which they used to treat all family members.

    Dr. Komarovsky focuses on constant humidification of the room where he sleeps and plays. Small child. For instillation, he recommends using only saline solution.

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