• The child has a high temperature. Normal temperature for a 5 month old baby with high fever


    In children under the first year of life, thermoregulation processes are just being formed, which is expressed in deviations from the usual values ​​(36.6). Normal temperature for a baby it is within 36-37.7 degrees. A decrease or increase in these values ​​indicates the development of viral and infectious diseases, overwork, overheating or hypothermia, stress.

    The normal temperature varies depending on age.

    Normal temperature in children under one year of age

    Complete formation of thermoregulation processes in infants ends before 1 year of life. During this period, large fluctuations in the temperature of a small organism - from 36 to 37.7 - normal phenomenon, provided that the child is active, eats and sleeps well, nothing bothers him.

    The thermometer readings depend on the method of measuring temperature:

    • in the armpit (main method) – 36.3-37.4;
    • in the rectum - rectal temperature - 36.7-37.7;
    • in the mouth (oral) – 36.5-37.3.

    In the first days of a newborn’s life, the readings on the thermometer reach 37.3-37.7 degrees. This is considered normal, since it is difficult for a small organism to immediately get used to the temperature of the external environment, which differs from the mother’s womb. Every month, the thermoregulation centers improve their work and slowly approach the generally accepted norm.

    Even eating for small child this is energy consumption and, as a result, an increase in temperature

    Frequent causes of deviations from the norm are:

    1. Immature thermoregulatory system– in infants up to a month old, the temperature reaches 37.7, in the first month of life and the next two months it is 37-37.5;
    2. Eating is work for a baby and why smaller child, those more energy spend money Body temperature often rises while eating, especially in a child. breastfeeding. The baby makes maximum effort while sucking the breast.
    3. Overheating - excessively wrapping the baby in hot weather or in a warm room leads to the fact that heat exchange is hampered and the baby overheats. Most often, children affected are up to a month old, from 1 to 4 months.
    4. – the vast majority of vaccinations cause an increase in degrees from 37.5 to 38 and above.
    5. – during the growth of incisors, canines and molars, the thermometer readings are above 37.0. In some cases, an increase to 38-39 degrees is possible. At this time, there is a runny nose with clear snot, increased salivation, but often teething occurs without snot. The high temperature lasts no more than 3 days.

    Lack of fluids in hot weather and during active recreation also stimulate excessive heat production in the body.

    In addition to external facts, thermoregulation centers are influenced by pathological conditions body:

    Constipation can lead to fever

    • colds - occur with cough, nasal discharge, deterioration in general health;
    • intestinal infections;
    • childhood diseases - measles, mumps, scarlet fever, rotavirus;
    • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, ears,.

    If the onset of fever occurs without symptoms, the child is in good health, and the readings on the thermometer do not exceed 38 degrees - there is no reason to worry, but it is better to monitor the baby.

    Reduced body temperature

    Normal temperature should be at least 36 degrees. Deviations from this norm occur for the following reasons:

    • transient decrease in degrees– occurs in the first hours after birth;
    • imperfection of the thermoregulation system– observed in both one-month-old, two-month-old and three-month-old infants;
    • hypothermia– prolonged exposure of children to the cold leads to a slowdown in the formation of heat in the body;
    • past infectious diseases– usually the temperature drops due to its artificial reduction with antipyretic drugs;
    • bedtime, waking up– when a child is sleeping, his body temperature is the lowest, so you should not carry out measurement manipulations during sleep or immediately upon awakening;
    • overdose vasoconstrictor drops from a runny nose.

    Hypothermia causes a drop in temperature, which is also not normal

    Viral diseases can cause a decrease in body temperature. Indicators below 36 degrees remain for up to 4 days, accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy of the baby.

    Komarovsky about temperature in infants

    Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends not to reduce the fever if the readings on the thermometer are below 38.5. When a virus enters the body, the immune system actively produces interferon, which is needed to suppress pathogens. Its highest concentration in the blood is achieved on the 2nd day of disease development. If you actively lower the temperature at this time, the child’s defenses decrease and the disease progresses.

    Panadol is an antipyretic for infants

    Use caution to reduce the temperature with antipyretic medications - the dosage of medications for a one-month (two to three month old) child is less than for a six-month or one-year-old baby.

    What to do if an infant has a low temperature?

    A decrease in body temperature is usually accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness and moodiness. To improve the condition, it is recommended to carry out a set of measures.

    1. Warm the child. Clothing and bedding must be dry.
    2. Monitor the temperature in the room (at least 20 degrees).
    3. Maintain a sleep schedule. Infants and infants should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day.

    To avoid a drop in temperature, monitor the temperature around the child and dress him warmly

    Low thermometer readings that are observed long time and are accompanied by a deterioration in the child’s condition, capable of inhibiting mental and physical development. To avoid a threat to life, parents should not ignore the slightest manifestations of illness.

    Body temperature in children under one year old varies between 36-37.7 degrees. This is a normal state, since the thermoregulation system is not yet fully formed. Parents should be alerted to indicators above 37.7 or below 36 if they are accompanied by a deterioration in the child’s condition - runny nose, cough, lethargy, moodiness, drowsiness. Depending on the cause of the deviations, a treatment method is selected - without drugs or with the use of antipyretics.

    Thus, if a child at 5 months has a body temperature of 37 degrees, there is no need to worry. Examine the baby - does he look painful? Does he eat and sleep well? Does he show interest in the world around him? If you answered yes to these questions, rest assured that everything is fine with your child. This temperature can persist for the first year or two of life, gradually approaching “adult temperature.”

    If the body temperature of a 5-month-old child exceeds 37.5 C, it is necessary to consider the possibility of overheating or illness.

    If the living conditions are comfortable (the room is not stuffy, the air temperature is not higher than 22 C, the child is dressed in light clothing, eats well enough, drinks water), the reason probably lies in a disease that needs to be identified as soon as possible.

    Causes of fever

    Thus, thermometry readings reaching 38 degrees almost 100% indicate illness. The cause of fever can be determined based on the accompanying symptoms:

    The symptoms of many diseases in infants are blurred, without clear clinical picture. Very often this makes diagnosis difficult. At the same time, many diseases of infants develop rapidly, so not a minute can be lost.


    When trying to treat a fever, you need to be aware that heat- just a symptom, not a disease.

    In most cases, relieving fever is not a cure, and sometimes even worsens the course of the disease.

    Thus, pediatricians recommend lowering the temperature in infants from three months old if it reaches 39 degrees. If a child has a disease of the heart or nervous system, you need to bring it down to 38.5 C. What to do if a child at 5 months has a temperature of 38 C? Treat the underlying disease. So, if a patient has otitis media, pneumonia or kidney inflammation, antibiotics are needed. They must be prescribed by a doctor! By the way, it is strongly not recommended to take an antipyretic drug and antibiotics at the same time. The reasons for this are simple - an antipyretic will reduce the temperature to normal, regardless of whether the bacterial focus is destroyed. In such a situation, it becomes very difficult to understand whether the antibiotic is effective. If antibiotics work, then within the first 3 days of treatment the temperature should drop to normal levels.

    You can also use physical methods cooling - drinking plenty of fluids, fresh air, getting rid of excess clothes and blankets. Use rubbing only after consulting a pediatrician - not all doctors approve of this method, because in some situations it can only cause harm.

    If you cannot determine the cause of your baby’s fever, seek help from your pediatrician. Self-medication in in this case unacceptable - do not experiment with your child’s health.

    How to choose an antipyretic drug?

    Parents should be prepared for a situation where the child's body temperature suddenly increases. IN home medicine cabinet It is worth having in stock effective antipyretic drugs approved for use in infancy.

    These drugs include paracetamol and ibuprofen. At the same time, ibuprofen is considered a stronger substance (but also has more side effects).

    • resort to using antipyretics only if necessary, do not give the child a pill “just in case” if he has 37.6 C;
    • if at 38.5 C the baby behaves normally (does not refuse food, does not cry, is calm), it is not necessary to lower the temperature;
    • if the patient is vomiting (in infants this is a common reaction to fever), use an antipyretic drug in the form of rectal suppositories, if diarrhea - in the form of syrup;
    • strictly adhere to the dosage calculated based on the patient’s age and weight;
    • syrups begin to act the fastest (after 20-30 minutes), but their effect lasts for 3-4 hours;
    • rectal suppositories work more slowly, but their effect lasts longer;
    • If you couldn’t relieve the fever, and the child’s temperature is 39 C, call a doctor.

    Thus, fever in infants does not occur out of nowhere and requires careful attention. At the same time, in most cases, simply reducing the fever is not enough - treatment is necessary, aimed at the cause of the disease.

    An urgent task for every young parent is Maintaining the correct temperature of the baby immediately after birth.

    The first months of life are very important in a child's life. It is during this period that all processes in the body associated with physiology complete their formation.

    The newborn begins to get used to life outside the womb, so parents need to help the baby smoothly adapt to the outside world.

    The newborn begins to get used to life outside the womb, so parents need to help the baby smoothly adapt to the outside world. Therefore it is necessary know normal temperature indicators for infants.

    What's important to remember?

    As adults, we have more control over our body temperature. When we are too cold, we shiver to warm ourselves up. When we get too hot, we sweat to help cool down. Over time, newborns will develop the same ability to regulate body temperature. Until then, parents should monitor their infant's body temperature for signs of fever, which may indicate a more serious complication or illness.

    A fever of 4 or higher in an infant less than 29 days old is a medical emergency.

    Your child's age helps determine fever. Here are recommendations for babies and children of different ages. Your baby's ability to regulate body temperature is not yet fully developed. Fever should be used as a warning sign that something may be wrong.

    Providing comfortable conditions

    Normal body temperature in a baby 1 month after birth strongly depends on the state of the surrounding world. Therefore, young parents should carefully monitor the maintenance of a certain state of thermal conditions.

    Infections Fever is a common symptom of infection in adults and children, but only about half of newborns with an infection will develop a fever. If your baby was born prematurely, he or she may have a low body temperature with infection or other signs such as changes in behavior, feeding, or color.

    Overheating Some well-intentioned parents use too many blankets or layers of clothing for fear that their baby is not warm enough. In some cases, these extra layers can cause your newborn to overheat.

    • At home, near heaters, or near vents.
    • In the car if your baby is overloaded or if it is warm outside.
    If your baby is overheated, he or she may have a hot, red, or flushed face. To prevent overheating, keep rooms at normal temperatures, approximately 72 to 75 degrees.

    It includes:

    If these rules are followed, parents can rest easy - the newborn's temperature will not exceed normal values.

    How to measure?

    Normal The temperature of a 1 month old baby can vary throughout the day. It is necessary to correctly measure this indicator of the body’s condition in order to prevent obtaining incorrect values.

    A good guideline is to dress your baby in 1 more layer than you are comfortable with. Low fluid intake or dehydration Increased body temperature in newborns can also be caused by dehydration, excessive loss of water. Be vigilant during the second or third day after birth to make sure your baby is drinking enough fluids. Liquids should be in the form of breast milk or formula. Never give your child any other liquids without first talking to your doctor.

    If fluids are not replaced with increased feed, dehydration may occur. In extreme cases, intravenous fluids may be needed to treat dehydration. If your baby does not create at least 4 wet diapers per day, contact your baby's doctor for an evaluation.

    Errors can be eliminated by measuring temperature during sleep. Increased parameters of this indicator are provided as a result of feeding or bathing a newborn, after taking a walk in the fresh air, while crying. That's why It is optimal to take measurements on an infant 30 minutes after performing these procedures.

    Bacterial meningitis Although it is rare, a fever may be a sign that your child has bacterial or viral meningitis. This disease can be severe and life-threatening, depending on the cause. If you suspect it, doctors can evaluate your child to determine if it is present.

    Taking your baby's temperature

    If your child or toddler is 3 years old or younger, it is best to insert the thermometer into the child's anus when taking the temperature rectally. This method is accurate and will give a quick reading of your baby's core temperature. Oral and rectal thermometers are designed differently and should never be used interchangeably. Avoid using oral thermometers to take your baby's temperature rectally as this may cause injury or discomfort.

    The normal temperature of a 1 month old baby can vary throughout the day.

    To find out the temperature in the armpit, The thermometer should be placed between the hand and the child’s body in the direction from the forearm to the elbow . The skin itself in the area where the thermometer is installed must be wiped.

    To get your child, follow these steps. Place your hand next to your baby's head on his or her back and separate your baby's buttocks with your thumb and finger. Using your other hand, gently insert the lubricated end of the thermometer bulb an inch at a time to get past the anal sphincter muscle. Hold the thermometer with one hand on your baby's buttocks so that the thermometer moves with your baby. Use your other hand to calm your baby and prevent movement. Never leave a child unattended with a rectal thermometer inserted. Sudden movements or changes in position may cause the thermometer to rupture. Hold the thermometer for at least one minute or until the thermometer's electronic timer beeps or beeps. Remove the thermometer and wipe the lamp. Read the thermometer immediately and record the temperature, date and time of day. Disinfect the thermometer by rubbing alcohol or a similar strong antiseptic solution.

    • Place your baby on his stomach, lowering him to your lap or changing the table.
    • Stop working immediately if the thermometer meets any resistance.
    • Point the thermometer at your child's Navy.
    Different Types of Thermometers There are many types of thermometers available: some of the options are rectal, oral, ear and forehead.

    The rectal method is a little more complicated than the previous one. During this procedure, it is advisable instead of the usual mercury thermometers use electronic ones that have a soft tip.

    Normal indicators

    Immediately after birth, the baby's temperature is the same as that of the mother. Subsequently, this indicator can range from 36 to 38 degrees. Such jumps are explained by the physiology of each baby, the special course of the process of adaptation to the external environment and the maintenance of a certain thermal regime by parents.

    Armpit thermometers can be used to measure the temperature of infants aged 3 years and older. Other types of thermometers, such as ear thermometers, may not be as ideal for newborns and require careful placement of the device to obtain an accurate reading. Skin strips that press on the skin to measure temperature are not recommended for infants. Use the recommendations above to call a doctor. In the meantime, here are some steps you can take to lower your baby's fever.

    The temperature indicator can range from 36 to 38 degrees.

    In infants, the process of thermoregulation is not sufficiently complete, therefore their temperature depends on the external environment. Wrapping the baby in diapers promotes comfortable adaptation to the outside world. Routine child care will ensure that the body temperature is maintained at the correct level.

    Avoid baths with cold water or alcohol because this can cause your baby to shiver and actually increase their body temperature.

    • Give your baby a bath in warm water.
    • Change your baby to light and comfortable clothes.
    • Make sure dehydration is not to blame by giving your child enough fluids.
    Over-the-counter medications for fever Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used in appropriate dosages to control fever.
    • Acetaminophen can be given to infants for 3 months.
    • Children younger than 6 months should not be given ibuprofen.
    Always read the instructions on the bottle or package and check with your doctor to make sure you are giving the appropriate dose. Do not give more than the recommended dose of any medicine or give it more often than recommended.

    The average value of this indicator in an infant is determined by carrying out a similar procedure three times throughout the day. The baby’s usual numbers of 36.6 are established after 12 months. Before this, when measuring in the armpit, the thermometer will show a value in the region of 36-37.3. Using the rectal method of measurement, this indicator will be in the range of 36.9-37.6 degrees. Normal temperature in the baby's mouth after birth up to 1 month is considered 36.6-37.2 degrees .

    Never give your child aspirin to treat a fever.

    Aspirin has been linked to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially serious disease that affects the nervous system and can be debilitating or even fatal in children. As your child's parent, you know your child better than anyone else. If your child unusual behavior or symptoms, always consult your physician.

    Methodist Physicians Clinic - Hawthorne Court. Bendlin enjoys working with children and their parents. She always enjoyed taking care of children. I've always liked medicine, but more importantly, I've always liked children,” Dr. Bendlin said. During my pediatric rotation, this was the “aha” moment. According to Dr. Bendlin, Working with children is fun. If you're wondering what a fever is in your newborn or older child, you first need to know how to take your baby's temperature.

    Reasons for rising temperature

    If a baby’s value exceeds normal parameters, this does not mean that the child has an infectious disease.

    There are a number of reasons why the temperature rises in infants. Among them:

    • cry;
    • body overheating ;
    • appearance of teeth;
    • influence or vaccine reaction ;
    • colic.

    Low performance

    A decrease in the baby's body temperature can be explained by the child's hypothermia. Also similar parameters indicate general weakness of the body. This indicator in a baby during sleep is always significantly lower than during the day. That's why there is no reason to panic.

    Find your baby's temperature using forehead tapes

    The traditional "under the tongue" method did not work with a newborn or even an older child, so you need to get creative. Here are some ways to take your baby's temperature. These disposable strips are placed on the child's forehead and the guide will tell you if your child has it. However, these strips can be very inaccurate, and many parents choose not to use them if they have another thermometer.

    Find your baby's temperature with an ear thermometer

    These thermometers are designed to be placed in the ear canal and can provide accurate measurements. If you use this type of thermometer, the normal temperature ranges from 5 to 2 degrees.

    Find your baby's temperature under your armpit

    You can find your baby's temperature the traditional way or by placing it under your armpit. You just need to place the end of the thermometer under your baby's arm and leave it there for about five minutes. Normal temperature occurs when using this method. If the temperature measures 100 and stays there for more than one day, you should call your doctor.

    The baby is easily exposed to hypothermia and overheating.

    Average Deviations from the norm are allowed within 10 divisions (1 degree) . You should consult a doctor if additional symptoms of the disease occur.: lethargy, poor appetite, constant crying.

    Find your baby's temperature with a temporary thermometer

    A temporary thermometer is an easy way to take the temperature of your newborn or older child. To use this, you simply pass the thermometer across your child's forehead to their ear. These thermometers are considered more accurate than an ear thermometer and can provide an instant temperature reading.

    How to avoid taking your baby's temperature?

    Older medical guidelines recommended that parents transfer the temperature of a newborn or older child rectally, but accurate alternatives now mean this is not necessary. Additionally, parents should not take their baby's temperature by placing a thermometer in the baby's mouth because it can be dangerous.


    The normal temperature of a baby 1 month after birth often fluctuates. It is important for young parents to remember that this instability often depends on many external factors. The baby is easily exposed to hypothermia and overheating. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the child’s surroundings and maintain a stable thermal regime.

    How do you know if room temperature is enough?

    The ideal room temperature for a newborn is 65 to 70 degrees. If your baby seems too hot, try turning the thermostat down a degree or two, but if he's cold to the touch, it's important to turn up the heat. One of the signs of illness is high or low body temperature. Taking your baby's or baby's armpit temperature with a digital thermometer is the easiest and safest way to check if the temperature is normal.

    It is not recommended to take a child or a child's temperature by placing a thermometer in the ear or on the skin. Rectal thermometers can cause intestinal damage if not used properly. Ear and fever thermometers may not give an accurate reading in children under 2 years of age. Glass thermometers are not recommended as they may break.

    Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

    High is a reason to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. This especially applies to those cases when the readings exceed 39 degrees. But even a slightly higher than normal temperature is a cause for serious concern if it is accompanied by signs such as sudden seizures in the baby, rolling eyes, difficulty breathing, an unknown rash or spots on the skin. In addition, a temperature that has risen as a result of heatstroke is a reason to urgently call the doctor.

    Of course, you should not self-medicate, especially if you do not know what caused warning signs. But if the baby has a high fever, you need to try to bring down the temperature before the ambulance arrives. For parents prone to panic, we note: high fever starts at 38 degrees, and a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees indicates that the body is successfully fighting the infection.

    How to bring down the temperature?

    A baby with a high temperature should not be wrapped in blankets! This will only make the situation worse. Open him up, undress him - of course, making sure that there are no drafts in the room.

    Vinegar lotions are an effective way to relieve heat. To make them, you need to soak clean rags in vinegar diluted with a small amount of water and wrap them around the child’s wrists and ankles. There are children for whom such lotions do not work at all; they need to rub diluted vinegar all over their body (in this case, more water is required). This effective method can be used without fear - it is safe for the child’s body, but it takes some time for the temperature to drop.

    Water for wiping or lotions should not be cold; room temperature is ideal.

    You can use an air conditioner or fan to create the coolness in the room that your child needs. It is important that it does not blow on him.

    If all else fails, you can use antipyretics. Under no circumstances should you give aspirin to a five-month-old baby, it is dangerous for him! It is also undesirable to use analgin or paracetamol without a doctor’s instructions, as they have serious side effects. To choose an antipyretic drug, call your doctor or ask this question when you call an ambulance. Remember, pills in childhood are not to be joked about.

    What's important to remember?

    Heat causes severe dehydration in children. For babies under six months old, this is especially dangerous, because they still feed only on mother's milk. If the baby does not want to take the breast, there is no need to force him, but offer it again from time to time.

    Small 5 month old baby has fever could be because he's starting to teethe, so check his gums. If they are red and swollen, it means the problem is in the teeth, and there is no need to call a doctor, everything will go away on its own. To make your child feel better, you can lubricate his gums with a special product.

    Maria Plintus, Female, 1 year

    Hello! We have a child, 5 months old, it all started on April 21, the temperature rose to 38.9, the doctor said the throat was not red, the lungs were clean, they inserted Cefekon D suppositories at a temperature, and Veferon in the morning and evening for 5 days, Aquamaris in the nose. A week later, the temperature was 37.1-37.2, constantly low-grade. After some time, the temperature returned to normal, and we no longer measured it. We started receiving at home a course of massage and electrophoresis with nicotine and dibazole (to treat hypotonicity). But on day 2 the temperature rose to 37.4, and my cheeks became pink, so I had to cancel everything. And for the last two weeks the temperature has been constant at 37.1-37.5. They called a doctor, the doctor said a red throat, hyperemic and diathesis on the cheeks. She prescribed Viferon suppositories in the morning and evening, Miramistin in the neck, Aquamaris in the nose, Fluditec syrup, Suprastin 1/4 morning and evening, Enterosgel 1 teaspoon three times a day, calcium gluconate 1/4 tablet once a day. On the third day of treatment, the temperature in the evening rose to 38 degrees for two days, then the doctor came again and said the throat was the same, but there was harsh breathing, the lungs were clear and he prescribed the antibiotic Cedex suspension 2.5 ml. 1 time a day for 7 days, mycosist on the 3rd and 6th day of antibiotics, 1/2 capsule 50 mg, Enterozermina, 1 ampoule in the mouth for 10 days. After the antibiotic, the temperature did not decrease, and on the third day of the antibiotic we went and donated blood to the baby from finger on general analysis. According to the results of the analysis: HT 35% Hemoglobin 113 Erythrocytes 3.7 Color. Indicator 0.9 Platelets 488 Leukocytes 7.2 Bands 5 Segmented 25 Eisenophils 2 Lymphocytes 64 Monocytes 4 COE 8 On the 4th day of antibiotics, the temperature dropped to 36.9-37, but after two days again in the afternoon 37.4, and in the evening 37.8. Please tell me what causes such temperature fluctuations in five one month old baby? Did the doctor prescribe adequate treatment, with a very strong antibiotic? And please tell me what we should do? The child's weight at 5 months is 8.5 kg. Thank you in advance. We will be waiting for your response.

    Hello! Viferon --that's right--it's for fighting viruses and restoring the immune system, cefekon is the right remedy, because it's based on . But, if the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, I would still advise Nurofen; further treatment also corresponds to the situation, in my opinion. How is the child feeling now? All the best! Sincerely, Butuzova Olesya

    Maria Plintus

    Thank you very much for your answer. The temperature during sleep in the child is 36.8-36.9, while awake 37.1-37.5. and this is on day 6 of antibiotics. The child is a little whiny and has bowel movements more frequently. The smell of the stool has also changed, apparently due to the effects of antibiotics. The child is exclusively on breastfeeding, now I supplement with water. Now I began to notice that the child sweats in his sleep, his entire back is wet. We also drink drops of Vitamin D3 - 3 drops, at first we drank Aquadetrim, now we drink Koledan as a preventive measure against rickets. The child was diagnosed initial stage rickets., stage of height. Please tell me what causes this temperature fluctuation? And in the blood test, platelets are elevated, band cells are slightly elevated, and lymphocytes are at the upper limit of normal. Please tell me what could cause this? We also submitted stool for analysis 2 weeks ago, the results were: Neutral fats +++, starch +, leukocytes 1-2. And they tested the urine, the urine was normal. We are very worried about the child. Thank you. We will be waiting for your response.

    It is known that the temperature of newborn babies does not correspond to the normal value of 36.6 degrees. This is explained by the fact that after birth, the child’s body gradually goes through stages of adaptation to the environment. The temperature in the first month after birth can vary from 36 to 38 degrees, which is a normal process that does not require significant measures. After the child turns 1 month old, the temperature normalizes and corresponds to the range from 36.8 to 37.4 degrees. In this material we will pay attention to the question of what the temperature values ​​​​should be in children at 5 months, and what to do if its readings are higher than normal.

    Fever in children of different ages: what determines its changes

    Body temperature readings depend not only on whether a person is healthy or sick, but also on age. Children who were born ahead of schedule, that is, premature babies, are predominantly exposed to environmental factors. Such children are often diagnosed with low body temperature from 36 to 36.5 degrees. If premature baby body temperature stays below 36 degrees for a long time, you should see a doctor. You will need to undergo an examination to identify abnormalities in your baby.

    In children under one year of age, temperature fluctuations depend on various factors, for example, daily fluctuations. Early in the morning, if you measure the baby’s body temperature, its value will be significantly lower than the thermometer readings in the evening. This is due to the fact that at night the body rests, as a result of which there is no physical activity, which means temperatures will be 0.1-1.8 degrees lower than in the evening.

    During the day, when a child under one year of age is active and mobile, his body temperature can reach values ​​of up to 38 degrees. If parents, after measuring, discover a value of 38 degrees, then do not immediately panic. It is necessary to repeat the measurement procedure after some time, when the baby calms down a little.

    It is important to know! To make sure whether the baby is sick or not, measurements should be taken mainly during sleep.

    In children from birth to one year, a process of thermoregulation adjustment is observed. The mobility and activity of a child surprises parents. When the heat exchange process has not yet been corrected, excess heat leaves the body through evaporation. If the room temperature is above 24-25 degrees, then the baby, who is wrapped in a blanket, will sweat. A child's sweating indicates that the baby is hot, so appropriate measures should be taken to regulate the temperature in the room.

    Features of correct measurement

    The normal temperature of a child is an important factor, based on changes in which parents can promptly determine the child’s health status. To find out what your child's body temperature is, you should measure it. Exist various ways measurements, although many give preference to the classic method - under the arm.

    The axillary method can be used to measure a baby up to one year old during sleep or feeding, especially if a mercury thermometer is used. For correct measurements, the device should be placed on the side of the body where there is no close contact with the mother. The tip of the device should be located strictly in the armpit, after which it should be pressed with the baby’s hand. When measuring, it is recommended to remove the child’s outer clothing if the room maintains a microclimate of 18 to 22 degrees. What is the normal temperature for a 5 month old baby? At 5 months, temperature readings in the armpit should be 37.2-37.5 degrees.

    With each new month, heat transfer indicators will normalize, so let’s consider its main values:

    • A child's temperature at 8 months should correspond to the norm of 37.1-37.3 degrees. In an 8-month-old child, a temperature of 37 degrees is absolutely normal. Parents should not panic if its value is above 37.5 degrees while the baby is awake. Do not forget that the most correct value can be obtained by taking readings during sleep.
    • The temperature of a child at 9 months is not significantly different from a baby at 8 months, and should be 36.9-37.2 degrees.
    • The normal temperature for 10 months is an average of 37 degrees.
    • In children aged 11-12 months, temperature readings should correspond to a value from 36.8 to 37 degrees.

    It is important to take into account that the above indicates normal values ​​​​for the axillary method of measuring fever. In addition to the classical method, the temperature in children is measured:

    • In the oral cavity, the value of which should be equal to the norm of 36.5-37.4 degrees for children at 8 months.
    • In the large intestine through the anus. At 8 months the norm is 37.7 degrees.
    • In the ear canal. This is the most objective method of measurement, since it can be used to obtain the most accurate values. The temperature in the ear should not exceed 37.5 degrees.

    Even if, after taking measurements, parents have doubts about the baby’s health, they should consult a doctor. It is also necessary to monitor the baby’s condition; if he plays, is awake and eats well, then a thermometer reading of 38 degrees does not mean that the baby is sick.

    When should you take your temperature?

    Parents should know what temperature is normal for their baby. Do not overuse the thermometer frequently. If there is no reason to take measurements, then it is not worth doing. After all, even a slight deviation from the norm causes a lot of unjustified suspicions in the mother.

    The main reason for measuring temperature is a change in the child's condition. If the baby turns pale, becomes capricious, lethargic, then you should pay attention to him Special attention. Mom should place her palm or lips on her forehead to feel whether there is a little bit of heat or not. Of course, it is impossible to determine the exact value in this way, so you should resort to using a thermometer. It is not so important which thermometer is used to measure temperature, be it mercury or electronic. The main thing is that the procedure is carried out the right way.

    If the baby shows signs of illness, then parents should monitor the condition of their baby at night. After all, symptoms of high fever during illness often appear mainly at night. At the first signs of illness, you should call a doctor or go to the hospital.

    What to do if your child has a high fever

    To reduce your child's fever, you should take the following steps:

    1. Create a baby comfortable conditions. The temperature and humidity in the room should be normalized. Provide regular ventilation, but without creating drafts.
    2. You cannot wrap your baby in warm blankets if the temperature in the room is maintained.
    3. Inform your local doctor that your child is sick and has a fever.
    4. In extreme heat, it is necessary to give the child fluids regularly: juices, compotes, water. This will eliminate dangerous consequences extreme heat – dehydration.
    5. Carry out wraps from a vinegar solution. The forehead and legs should be moistened.
    6. Resort to the use of antipyretic drugs: suppositories and syrups.
    7. If your baby begins to show signs of seizures, you should open his mouth. In case of severe convulsions, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance.
    8. It is necessary to feed the baby if he has an appetite. If the child does not want to eat, then you should not stuff him. At high temperatures, symptoms of vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea may appear.

    In children under the age of one year, the norm of temperature readings has its own characteristic features. Every mother should know what the optimal body temperature is for her child. It is necessary to control not only body temperature, but also monitor the baby’s condition. And remember that the normal temperature of a child aged 5 months will never correspond strictly to one value. This is due to the physiology of the child’s body.

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