• Schools for moms and dads. Reasons for unusual behavior of pregnant women


    Pregnancy: rules of conduct
    Pregnancy is the happiest, but also the most anxious time in a woman’s life. On the one hand, this period is accompanied by the joy of expecting a miracle, on the other hand, by the fear of the unknown. If a pregnant woman is supported loving husband, family and friends, fear recedes, and if a woman is lonely, it can take over all the thoughts of the expectant mother, poisoning her every day.

    Perhaps our advice will help someone understand that pregnancy is not a disease, that almost any problem can be solved if you treat it calmly. One wise man said: “The problem is not the problem, but our attitude towards it.” Make this your motto.

    Let's take a closer look at what you can and cannot do during pregnancy.

    During pregnancy it is unacceptable:

    1) Smoking, drinking strong alcoholic drinks, using drugs. These substances adversely affect the development of the child’s nervous system. Women who smoke are much more likely to give birth to premature babies and children with gastrointestinal pathologies. Newborns whose mothers smoke sometimes have an allergy to mother's milk, and alcoholics and drug addicts may have a child with congenital addiction, not to mention developmental defects.

    2) It’s pointless, absurd and cruel to blame a child for his own unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, among unwanted children, whose mothers until the very birth could not come to terms with the appearance of a child (even if they later fell in love with him), various mental and nervous disorders and suicidal tendencies are much more common.

    3) You can’t do heavy physical work, especially associated with heavy lifting. Even if the pregnancy proceeds safely, in the last trimester the uterus is in an overstretched state, and strong muscle contraction can simply push the baby out, causing premature birth, or cause placental abruption. For the same reason, it is undesirable to engage in sports that involve the risk of falling (alpine skiing, cycling, speed skating, etc.). At the same time, calm cycling and skiing up to 6-7 months of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but is also desirable, as it trains perineal muscles, helps maintain physical fitness, promotes better oxygen supply to the fetus.

    4) Avoid thoughts about an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy or fetal pathology. Increased nervousness and emotionality are common to all pregnant women, but if bad thoughts prevent you from enjoying future motherhood, consult a psychotherapist. You can take sedatives of herbal origin. A decoction of valerian or motherwort is best (especially if you are prone to high blood pressure).

    5) You cannot neglect the advice of doctors, although it is also undesirable to follow them blindly. It is better if you are monitored by a specialist you can trust. When one of my friends found herself in a position for the second time, all the gynecologists insisted on an abortion, since she had a spiral before it. What horrors they imagined for her! But she left the baby, because she was sure of the birth of a wonderful daughter, and she turned out to be right. Another friend was offered waterlogging for a long period of time, as tests showed the presence of fetal malformations. Fortunately, the woman also refused such a step and gave birth to a healthy boy. Trust your instincts and never rush. If you doubt the recommendations made, consult another doctor, and then draw your own conclusions. Doctors are people too, sometimes they can make mistakes.

    6) Don’t torment yourself with thoughts that you won’t be able to cope, that you won’t have anything to live on. Even if you are alone, you can always find a way out. There will definitely be an experienced woman friend who will help you at first. In many cities, day care groups have been introduced in orphanages, where you can take your child, like to a kindergarten, and calmly go to work. Many people will be happy to help and give things to their grown children. You can find work from home, including via the Internet. There are no hopeless situations! Instead of wasting your nerve cells (especially since it is not harmless for the baby), make a list of necessary things, find in advance a person who will help you and whom you can entrust the child with, try to save some money so that you can stay for at least a month with the baby and recover after childbirth. Believe me, the birth of a child opens up such reserves of strength and talents in a woman that you are not even aware of right now!

    I would like to highlight several controversial issues:

    Can I drink beer and wine? Yes, if the beer is non-alcoholic (it contains a lot of B vitamins, it has a mild diuretic effect, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system), but not more than 0.33 l/day. Natural red wine in small quantities previously prescribed for the threat of miscarriage, severe neuroses (calms, contains a large number of minerals and vitamins). But I emphasize that the wine should be natural and consumed only when necessary and in small quantities (about 100 ml).

    If future mom knits, will there be an entanglement of the umbilical cord? No. All their lives, women have prepared a dowry for the baby on their own, and there is no harm from this.

    Can't cross your legs? Yes. The blood circulation of the pelvic organs is disrupted, which can lead to a change in the position of the fetus latest dates pregnancy for pathology.

    Can't you raise your hands up? If you just do gymnastics, do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, there will be no harm. It is not advisable to do work that requires raising your arms. For example, hanging laundry, especially on recent months pregnancy and in the presence of unfavorable factors (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetus, late gestosis). Severe muscle tension combined with tension can trigger placental abruption or premature birth. In addition, such a habitual task for us as hanging laundry requires energy expenditure, like chopping wood.

    Before this, we only talked about what a pregnant woman should not do, and we ended up with a fairly impressive list. Don't be upset, dear women. There are many more things you can do!

    Walk as much as you like, but you need to return home before you get tired. Walking should be enjoyable and not exhausting.

    Rest every time you feel tired, and no one will dare accuse you of laziness.

    Surround yourself beautiful things, look at flowers more often, listen to beautiful music, classics, and your child will be born beautiful and calm.

    Listen to your food preferences, but don’t take things to the point of absurdity. When you eat, you feed not only yourself, but also your baby, and cakes and sweets are unlikely to benefit him. But you can eat fruit in any quantity.

    A pregnant woman needs to get a good night's sleep. If you can't get enough sleep at night, go to bed during the day. By the way, a pregnant woman's working day should be shortened by one hour.

    Exercise. This will help you keep in shape, improve your baby’s blood supply, and provide optimal conditions for his development and your well-being. Just remember the sense of proportion! The most optimal sport is swimming. It provides relief to the spine and joints, improves immunity and mood, and allows you to train muscles without risk to the child. But that doesn't mean you have to compete in swimming competitions!

    The most important thing that a future mother should do is to love herself and her child. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. After giving birth, you will never be so close again. With every centimeter of their growth, children move away from their parents. They have their own character, their own view of the world. This is normal and right, but sometimes you start to miss those times when you went to bed and woke up together, ate together and understood each other without words. Don't rush the time! Everything has its turn. And when problems arise, don't be discouraged. Remember that even “if you are eaten by a fish, there are always at least two options.”

    The most best time in the life of the expectant mother, because during this period all relatives and especially the husband are obliged to indulge any of her whims and whims. Is it really important to completely indulge a pregnant woman’s weaknesses? And what consequences can this lead to?

    Often, pregnancy becomes a difficult ordeal not only for the woman herself, but also for her loved ones and relatives. This happens because the expectant mother makes too many claims and demands on her environment, which are often not only biased, but sometimes absurd. However, she knows that any desire of a pregnant woman is law and must be satisfied in as soon as possible, and she unconsciously begins to manipulate her loved ones, relying on this attitude.

    Naturally, the husband gets the lion's share of the work of satisfying the whims of the mother of his unborn child. And if he more or less copes with this task, then the rest of the pregnant woman’s environment suffers to a lesser extent. If for some reason the husband does not meet the expectations placed on him, the woman can switch her attention to relatives - her own parents, friends, relatives.

    To childless friends and relatives who are generally not particularly interested in this side of life, such claims from the expectant mother may seem unfounded. IN best case scenario they will not react to them in any way; at worst, they will either stop communicating or show certain emotional reactions and dissatisfaction. This, in turn, can cause new conflicts and a whole tangle of new negative feelings, claims and grievances. As a result, worries and negative experiences for both parties.

    In addition, surrounding childless women and men may develop a negative attitude towards the psychology of pregnancy in principle, since for 9 months they observed an unsightly picture of the relationships and conflicts of two people, and maybe they themselves participated in this interaction. Of course, such an idea can be worked out and destroyed, but the degree of sensitivity and suggestibility varies from person to person.

    There may also be negative consequences for the expectant mother herself. For example, if a pregnant woman emotionally manipulates her husband, and the husband steadfastly endures it, then later, when the pregnancy ends and completely different everyday life begins, and the woman continues her usual pattern of interaction, the husband’s reaction and actions may be completely different. At best, he stops responding to his wife’s pressure and requests, pointing out to her directly that her time has passed, that is, the pregnancy is over, and now he is not obliged to fulfill all his wife’s whims and endure her emotional swings. In the worst case, he may enter into an open conflict, completely withdraw from household chores, from communicating with the child and raising him. Frequent absences, late arrivals, and sometimes a mistress may appear. There are frequent cases of spouses divorcing in the first year after the birth of a child precisely because conflicts between them during pregnancy and the postpartum period remain unresolved.

    It is also important to remember that the constantly present negative background of the expectant mother’s mood is a stress factor that will negatively affect the health of the unborn child. After all, stress hormones constantly released into the mother’s blood pass through the placenta into the child’s body, and the child’s negative experience of going through this period is recorded.

    The question arises why some pregnant women exhibit inappropriate behavior, expressed by emotional manipulation, resentment towards their husbands, sometimes open conflicts, aggression, and even a depressive background mood. There could be many reasons for this.

    Of course, the objectively strongest impact is exerted by hormonal surges, which are closely related to the emotional level. However, such surges cannot be daily and regular and, as a rule, appear only at the beginning and end of pregnancy, when the body prepares first for gestation and then for birth, and all its systems, including the hormonal one, are rebuilt.

    A more common reason is the lack of development of relationships and role positions between spouses, which existed and was not conscious and resolved even before pregnancy. In this case, changes in hormonal background they are simply superimposed on emotional blocks and thereby only activate what already existed in a latent form.

    The degree of awareness of both spouses, the ability to find compromises in communication, the desire for mutual understanding - all this can become a good diagnostic tool for the problem of inadequate claims and demands of a pregnant woman, as well as a way to work through them.

    And finally, another important question in this topic - what is considered reasonable demands and whims, and what is classified as inadequate? Obviously, any demands and requests regarding the regime, safety, health and psychological comfort of a pregnant woman and her unborn child are reasonable and objective.

    If the expectant mother constantly accuses everyone around her and especially her husband of lack of care and love, but in fact this is not the case, if she demands impossible things, for example, her husband’s presence nearby 24 hours a day, or communication only with her, or his complete refusal from their interests, then these requirements may have a manipulative nature and can become the basis for conflicts and negative emotions.

    In any case, it is important for both spouses to understand that a harmonious pregnancy, and therefore a healthy baby, means the absence of strong conflicts in the family, the ability to show and accept care, as well as a feeling of emotional comfort and happiness within.



    In order for your pregnancy to be a joy and proceed without problems, only a few conditions must be met:

    1.regular visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist, implementation of all his recommendations and prescriptions;

    2. correct mode work and rest;

    3. maintaining personal hygiene;

    4. rational nutrition;

    5. performing gymnastic exercises;

    6. good psychological climate in the family, help from your family members;

    7. positive attitude towards a favorable outcome of the upcoming birth.


    A healthy pregnant woman can do normal work. Moderate physical activity trains your muscles and activates your activity. internal organs and increases the overall tone of the body. But you need to avoid work that involves standing on your feet for a long time, lifting heavy objects, as well as exposure to chemicals, dust, radiation and other factors that can harm your baby. There is a list of jobs from which a woman is legally exempt during pregnancy, with transfer to easier work and retention. wages. It is prohibited to send on business trips, attract overtime work, work at night, weekends and holidays.

    It is not advisable to do housework that requires frequent bending. When doing “sedentary” work, it is useful to place your feet on a bench or a chair, which will protect them from venous stagnation of blood and the development of varicose veins.

    During pregnancy, you may notice that you get tired easily,

    feel sleepy. Adequate sleep is very beneficial for both you and your child. The optimal duration of night sleep is not

    less than 8–9 hours, even better if you find the opportunity for an additional afternoon nap.

    During this period, the need for oxygen increases greatly - now not only you, but also the unborn baby needs it, so ventilate the rooms, take more walks fresh air. It is best if the walks are short but frequent.

    A favorable atmosphere in your home is very important, without family conflicts and stress. With the onset of pregnancy, the psychological perception of certain situations that previously left you indifferent becomes more acute. Your relatives, and especially your husband, should understand this very well and surround you with attention, care, and tenderness.

    Don't worry if you notice a decrease in interest in sexual contacts: This is completely natural during pregnancy. The rhythm of sexual intercourse will depend on the woman’s health. Sexual activity is not recommended in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy to avoid spontaneous abortion and in the last 2 months due to the risk of premature termination and infection of the woman’s genital tract.

    Beware of influenza and other infectious diseases.

    Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

    You should not take any medications without a doctor's prescription. But you don’t need to think that any medications are prohibited during pregnancy - there are simply medications that can have a harmful effect on the unborn child and cause developmental defects in his body. Only the doctor decides what medications to take and in what doses.


    Clothing should not restrict the chest and stomach. The bra size should be changed as the volume of the mammary glands increases. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. Shoes should be comfortable, with wide low heels.

    Frequent changes of underwear and bed linen are required.

    Body care. High level The hormone progesterone causes an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Take a warm shower 2 times a day, it is advisable to shave the hair under your arms. If you have dry skin, you can use a moisturizing lotion. You will have to refuse hot baths and sauna visits - these pleasures are dangerous, they can lead to premature termination of pregnancy. The external genitalia require special care - they need to be washed several times a day. At the same time, try not to use a strong upward jet of shower.

    Oral and dental care. It is recommended to brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and rinse your mouth after every meal. An examination by a dentist and sanitation of the oral cavity are required.

    Preparing the mammary glands and nipples for feeding a baby consists of daily washing them with water at room temperature, rubbing terry towel and taking air baths before bed (leave the mammary glands open for 10–15 minutes).

    Pull out flat or inverted nipples with clean fingers 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes, after lubricating them with cosmetic cream.

    Nutrition for a pregnant woman is of great importance normal development fetus and maternal health. Inadequate nutrition leads to miscarriages, decreased fetal weight, and increases the frequency of child loss after childbirth.

    Excessive food consumption causes an increase in the newborn’s body weight, which in turn complicates childbirth: the birth canal and the child are injured.

    In the first half of pregnancy, a woman’s diet should not differ significantly from that before pregnancy. You can allow spicy and salty foods; if you have nausea, it is better to eat food in the morning while lying down. Strong tea, coffee, and alcohol should be excluded. Limit foods that cause allergies: citrus fruits, chocolate, etc.

    During pregnancy, it is advisable to increase fluid intake to 2 liters per day to prevent infection. urinary tract. Acidified drinks are useful: cranberry or lingonberry juice, lemon tea, kidney tea. IN late dates During pregnancy, the amount of drinking should be reduced to 1200–1500 ml, and the consumption of table salt should be limited to 5-8 g per day. It is advisable that boiled or stewed foods predominate in your diet.

    With an increase in the weight of the fetus and uterus, the need for protein increases to 120 g per day. Proteins are rich in meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, and plant products - legumes, cabbage, buckwheat, oatmeal. At the end of pregnancy, you should limit your consumption of meat, especially fried meat and mushroom dishes. The amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 500g per day, and if the pregnant woman is overweight, 300g. It is advisable to obtain carbohydrates in foods rich in fiber (bread, wholemeal flour, vegetables, fruits, cereals). From 14 weeks of pregnancy it is necessary to reduce the consumption of confectionery products and sweets; the amount of sugar should not exceed 40-50g. Reimbursement of energy costs is provided by fats; their consumption increases, but should not exceed 85 g per day. Among vegetable fats, sunflower and olive oil, from animals - creamy and baked. Lamb, beef lard, margarine should not be included in the diet.

    Especially great attention It is necessary to ensure sufficient vitamin content in food. It is good for you to eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Servings can be as small as an apple, or a small cup of grapes, or two large spoons of fruit salad, or one glass (150 ml) fresh juice, or a little bit of any greens, or a cup of vegetable salad. Fiber, which is rich in plant foods, will help your intestines function.

    A pregnant woman's body needs large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and iron, so the daily diet should include dairy products and foods rich in iron.

    Even the most ideal diet will not be able to give your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs. In consultation with your doctor, you must take vitamin and mineral complexes.


    Hygienic gymnastics is indicated during normal pregnancy. It strengthens the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor, which facilitates the birth process. It is important that the exercises do not make you tired or short of breath. Try not to engage in sports where falls or injuries are possible, such as cross-country skiing or horse riding. At the same time, calm cycling will not harm you, and you can swim without any harm to your health even until the 9th month of pregnancy. Before choosing gymnastic exercises, consult your doctor. Exercise sets vary depending on the stage of pregnancy.


    In the first 16 weeks of pregnancy, the main goal of gymnastics is to teach you proper breathing and the ability to tense and relax your muscles; These skills will be useful to you during childbirth.

    The first type of breathing is slow and deep. Place your hands with your fingers spread at your sides chest and inhale

    so deep that your hands feel how the entire chest is filled with air. Then exhale slowly.

    The second type of breathing is shallow. It involves mainly the upper chest. Place your palms on your shoulders and try to take a few quick breaths in and out so that your hands feel your shoulders move up and down. You will need the ability to control your breathing during childbirth.

    Another technique that is useful for you to master is relaxation. If you learn to control your muscles in advance, then you will have proper rest between contractions during childbirth and will protect yourself from ruptures. To completely relax, imagine a situation that gives you a feeling of absolute comfort, for example, relaxing on the beach under the warming sun, swimming in warm water. Sit comfortably in a chair with a headrest, place your relaxed arms on the armrests, and place your feet slightly apart.

    First you need to relax your facial muscles - perform the so-called “relaxation mask”. Keep your forehead relaxed, lower your eyelids, keep your gaze inward and downward, gently place your tongue on your upper teeth and let your lower jaw drop slightly. After several attempts, you will easily succeed in this technique. Having created a “relaxation mask”, relax the muscles of the back of your head and neck, imagine that your arms and legs are hanging freely, and relax them too.

    Mini-training for tension and relaxation using the Nikolaev-Lamaza method is carried out lying or sitting:

    1. Consistently tighten your feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, crotch, hands, forearms, shoulders, face. At the same time, focus your attention on the part of the body that you are straining. Then, in the same sequence, relax the muscles, concentrating on them.

    4. Tense right leg and left arm and relax your left leg and right hand, then do the opposite. Relax according to your inner command.


    In the second half of pregnancy, perform exercises that will increase the flexibility of the spine and pelvic joints.

    1. Get on your knees and lean on your hands. Exhale and arch your back, moving your pelvis forward. After a few seconds, return to the starting position and inhale. This exercise not only develops pelvic mobility, but also helps relieve back pain.

    2. Squatting, spread your feet apart. The back should be straight, hands clasped in front at knee level. Without lifting your heels from the floor, push your thighs apart with your elbows. This exercise will improve the mobility of the hip joints and strengthen the muscles of the back and hips.

    3. Sitting on a chair, tense and then relax the muscles of the perineum,

    repeat the exercise 10–15 times. It can be performed standing, lying down or sitting. This exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which will be very useful during childbirth.

    More details about exercises useful to you are described on the website of the “Code of Health and Longevity” - www.kzid.ru.


    Childbirth is physical labor, so you need to learn how to use energy sparingly. There is no need to be afraid of labor pain: fear interferes with the correct course of labor, and you can learn to manage painful contractions in advance. Following some rules of behavior during childbirth will help you.


    At the beginning of labor, while contractions are still short and infrequent, you can choose the body position that is most comfortable for you. You should not lie on your back for a long time, as in this position the fetus compresses the mother's large blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the placenta. In the active stage of labor, when contractions are frequent, try to change your body position and lie more on your side. If the doctor allows it, walk around, stand, leaning on a chair, kneel, leaning on your hands. When a woman in labor alternates between walking and lying down (alternating an active body posture with a resting posture), childbirth is less painful.

    During childbirth, the baby's head is pressed down bladder, and urine quickly accumulates in it. A full bladder, in turn, prevents the baby's head from descending into the pelvic cavity. So try to urinate every 2-3 hours.


    Your ability to breathe correctly is of great importance for the well-being of the child during childbirth. During contractions, when the uterus contracts, he receives less oxygen and suffers from this. While the contractions are long and not very frequent, you need to breathe deeply so that the blood is well saturated with oxygen. When the contractions become more intense, take several deep breaths in and out at the beginning of the contraction, and as it increases, switch to shallow breathing. Between

    During contractions, try to relax as much as possible.


    During childbirth, you will benefit from relaxation techniques that you already know about. Use self-hypnosis formulas. Tell yourself: “I am calm. Contractions are a sign of normal labor activity. Gradually they will intensify. My breathing is even and deep. The muscles are relaxed. The fight will now end, and I will rest.” Contrary to common misconception, childbirth is not necessarily accompanied by pain; in approximately 20% of women they pass painlessly. There are several techniques that will allow you to significantly reduce the feeling of contraction.


    1. Deep and rhythmic breathing. Inhale through your nose for a long time, exhale through your mouth briefly, 16-18 times per minute.

    2. Stroking the lower half of the abdomen in the form of light tangential movements with your fingertips. Hand movements are made from the midline of the abdomen above the bosom outward and upward, combined with correct breathing. When moving outward along the abdominal wall, inhale; when the hands return to their original position (through the air), exhale. As the strength of the contractions increases, the gesture becomes wider, the breath is deeper.

    3.Pressing the “pain points” while lying on your back:

    a) protrusions of the crest bone of the pelvis (anterosuperior iliac spines) on the inner surface thumbs both hands, with the palm and the other four fingers located along the thigh.

    Pressure and vibrating movements are carried out during contractions simultaneously with deep breathing.

    b) on the outer corners of the lumbar rhombus, for which the woman in labor should place her hands clenched into fists under her lower back, facing back surfaces up.

    4.Massage of the lower back is performed in the form of rubbing or stroking it in the position of the woman in labor on her side or in the form of jerky movements from top to bottom in a sitting position.


    In the second stage of labor, with the beginning of pushing, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath and push until there is enough air in your lungs. To intensify the pushing, you should press your chin to your chest, rest your feet on the supports, and pull the handles (edges) of the bed towards you with your hands. Repeat this technique as long as the pushing continues. If you can push 3 times during the push, the push will be most effective. But when the baby’s head begins to appear, pushing should be stopped at the command of the midwife. Now efforts are unnecessary - they will lead to too rapid exit of the head from the vagina, which threatens tissue ruptures. To ease the effort, breathe quickly and shallowly through your mouth, just like a dog breathes on a hot day.

    Pregnancy – physiological phenomenon. However, it does not always proceed normally. And this largely depends on whether the woman follows the rules of personal hygiene. The expectant mother must be under the supervision of a doctor and follow all his advice.

    Work and rest schedule. In the first half of pregnancy, a woman can perform normal daily work both at work and at home. However, to avoid exhaustion of the central nervous system and sleep disturbances, you should not be overtired.

    Heavy physical labor, carrying heavy loads, working in hot workshops at a factory, prolonged cooling, work associated with severe shaking of the body - all this is harmful for pregnant women. Night work is also contraindicated, as provided for in our Labor Code.

    You should not eat heavily before going to bed. The room where a pregnant woman sleeps must be well ventilated, the temperature in it should not be higher than 18 - 19 °C.

    During the entire period of pregnancy, it is prohibited to drink coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages.

    A pregnant woman has an increased need for oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to spend 2–3 hours daily in the fresh air.

    An active regimen that prepares the pregnant woman’s body for physical activity is of great importance. The main elements of an active regime are physical exercise in combination with natural factors (sun, air, water).

    In women who constantly exercise, childbirth is much easier and faster. During daily walks, the duration of which is constantly increasing, you need to ensure that they do not cause fatigue.

    Pregnant women are prohibited from sports activities that require great physical and nervous stress: skating, skiing, rowing, horse riding and cycling.

    Particularly useful are systematic physical exercises, which have a positive effect on the respiratory system - they strengthen the respiratory muscles of the chest. This is especially important in the last months of pregnancy. In a word, physical exercises contribute to the proper functioning of the entire body of a pregnant woman and prepare her for the upcoming birth.

    But don't forget that before you start physical exercise, you need to see a doctor antenatal clinic and perform exercises under his supervision.

    Physical exercises should be done in the morning after using the toilet (to empty the bowels and bladder); 20 - 30 minutes before the start of gymnastics, drink a glass of sweet tea and eat a small piece of black bread with butter.

    IN last days During pregnancy, a woman should rest more and avoid tiring walks, especially in the evening and in cold weather. It is very important to learn to control your breathing, as this will be useful during childbirth. It is recommended to practice taking deep breaths and learn to hold your exhalation longer.

    Infectious diseases are very dangerous on the eve of childbirth. Therefore, pregnant women, especially towards the end of pregnancy, need to avoid contact with infectious patients.

    Sexual activity during pregnancy should be kept to a minimum. Sexual intercourse causes a sharp rush of blood to the genitals, as a result ovum may detach from the wall of the uterus, bleeding and miscarriage are possible. In the first two months of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the wall of the uterus, sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited. They are also dangerous in the last two months of pregnancy, as early passage may occur. amniotic fluid and there is a danger of microbes entering the woman’s genitals. All this can lead to premature birth and postpartum diseases.

    In case of threat of miscarriage sex life prohibited.

    A healthy woman during pregnancy can do housework, but not do laundry, lift heavy objects, or wash floors. At the same time, it is not difficult for her to prepare dinner, iron, wipe off dust, and do light physical work in the garden.

    The expectant mother must strictly observe personal hygiene. Clean skin facilitates the work of the kidneys in removing harmful metabolic products from the body, and also prevents the development of infectious diseases. Therefore, you need to wash regularly, preferably in the shower. Pregnant women's clothing should be clean and loose. Under no circumstances should you use tight bras, tightening belts, leotards with a tight elastic band, or shoes with high heels. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended, especially for repeat pregnant women, to wear a bandage that prevents excessive stretching of the abdominal wall. It is supposed to be put on in the morning while lying down, and taken off at night.

    It is very important to prepare the mammary glands for their future function. To do this, from the first weeks of pregnancy, it is useful to wash your nipples daily with water at room temperature and soap, and then wipe with a dry, hard towel. In this way, the development of cracks and inflammatory processes (mastitis) is prevented. If a pregnant woman’s nipples are inverted or flat, they are lubricated with Vaseline and massaged 2–3 times a day with clean, washed hands. Massage is performed with the thumb and forefinger by grasping the nipple and pulling outward. The duration of the procedure is 3 – 4 minutes.

    Now let’s talk about psychoprophylactic preparation for pregnant women. It is well known that balanced women in labor behave calmly, do not experience fear, and therefore their labor proceeds with little pain. Women with increased excitability of the nervous system fear the approach of childbirth. Their pain sensitivity threshold is low, so contractions, even the initial ones, are perceived by them as severe pain. Explanations, acting on the cerebral cortex, make it possible to remove the psychogenic component of labor pain, feelings of fear, anxiety, and create positive emotions. All this helps the doctor conduct childbirth. The success of preventive training is largely determined by the conscious attitude of the pregnant woman, her desire to learn methods of behavior during childbirth and techniques that promote pain relief.

    Pregnancy is the happiest, but also the most anxious time in a woman’s life. On the one hand, this period is accompanied by the joy of expecting a miracle, on the other hand, by the fear of the unknown. If a pregnant woman is supported by a loving husband, family and friends, fear recedes, but if a woman is lonely, it can take over all the thoughts of the expectant mother, poisoning her every day.

    Perhaps our advice will help someone understand that it is not a disease, that almost any problem can be solved if you treat it calmly. One wise man said: “The problem is not the problem, but our attitude towards it.” Make this your motto.

    Let's take a closer look at what you can and cannot do during pregnancy.

    Not allowed during pregnancy:

    1) Smoking, drinking strong alcoholic drinks, using drugs. These substances adversely affect the development of the child’s nervous system. Women who smoke are much more likely to give birth to premature babies and children with gastrointestinal pathologies. Newborns whose mothers smoke sometimes have an allergy to mother's milk, and alcoholics and drug addicts may have a child with congenital addiction, not to mention developmental defects.

    2) It is pointless, absurd and cruel to blame the baby for your own unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, among unwanted children, whose mothers until the very birth could not come to terms with the appearance of a child (even if they later fell in love with him), various mental and nervous disorders and suicidal tendencies are much more common.

    3) You cannot perform heavy physical work, especially related to heavy lifting. Even if the pregnancy proceeds well, in the last trimester the uterus is in an overstretched state, and strong muscle contractions can simply push the baby out, causing premature birth, or cause placental abruption. For the same reason, it is undesirable to engage in sports that involve the risk of falling (alpine skiing, cycling, speed skating, etc.). At the same time, calm cycling and skiing up to 6-7 months of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but is also desirable, as it trains perineal muscles, helps maintain physical fitness, promotes better oxygen supply to the fetus.

    4) Avoid thoughts about an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy or fetal pathology. Increased nervousness and emotionality are common to all pregnant women, but if bad thoughts prevent you from enjoying future motherhood, consult a psychotherapist. You can take sedatives of herbal origin. A decoction of valerian or motherwort is best (especially if you are prone to high blood pressure).

    5) You cannot neglect the advice of doctors, although it is also undesirable to follow them blindly. It is better if you are monitored by a specialist you can trust. When one of my friends found herself in a position for the second time, all the gynecologists insisted on an abortion, since she had a spiral before it. What horrors they imagined for her! But she left the baby, because she was sure of the birth of a wonderful daughter, and she turned out to be right. Another friend was offered waterlogging for a long period of time, as tests showed the presence of fetal malformations. Fortunately, the woman also refused such a step and gave birth to a healthy boy. Trust your instincts and never rush. If you doubt the recommendations made, consult another doctor, and then draw your own conclusions.

    6) Don’t torment yourself with thoughts that you won’t be able to cope, that you won’t have anything to live on. Even if you are alone, you can always find a way out. There will definitely be an experienced woman friend who will help you at first. In many cities, day care groups have been introduced in orphanages, where you can take your child, like to a kindergarten, and calmly go to work. Many people will be happy to help and give things to their grown children. You can find work from home, including via the Internet. There are no hopeless situations! Instead of wasting your nerve cells (especially since it is not harmless for the baby), make a list of necessary things, find in advance a person who will help you and whom you can entrust the child with, try to save some money so that you can stay for at least a month with the baby and recover after childbirth. Believe me, the birth of a child opens up such reserves of strength and talents in a woman that you are not even aware of right now!

    Doctors are people too, sometimes they can make mistakes.

    I would like to highlight several controversial issues: - Can I drink beer and wine?

    - If the expectant mother knits, will the umbilical cord be entangled? No. All their lives, women have prepared a dowry for the baby on their own, and there is no harm from this.

    - You can’t cross your legs? Yes. The blood circulation of the pelvic organs is disrupted, which can lead to a change in the position of the fetus in the last stages of pregnancy to pathological.

    - You can’t raise your hands up? If you just exercise, do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, there will be no harm. It is not advisable to do work that requires raising your arms. For example, hang up the laundry, especially in the last months of pregnancy and in the presence of unfavorable factors (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, late gestosis). Severe muscle tension combined with tension can trigger placental abruption or premature birth. In addition, such a habitual task for us as hanging laundry requires energy expenditure, like chopping wood.

    Before that, we only talked about that, and we ended up with a fairly impressive list. Don't be upset, dear women. There are many more things you can do!

    Walk as much as you like, but you need to return home before you get tired. Walking should be enjoyable and not exhausting.

    Rest every time you feel tired, and no one will dare accuse you of laziness.

    Surround yourself with beautiful things, look at flowers more often, listen to beautiful music, classics, and your child will be born beautiful and calm.

    Listen to yours, but don’t take things to the point of absurdity. When you eat, you feed not only yourself, but also your baby, and cakes and sweets are unlikely to benefit him. But you can eat fruit in any quantity.

    A pregnant woman needs to get a good night's sleep. If you can't get enough sleep at night, go to bed during the day. By the way, a pregnant woman's working day should be shortened by one hour.

    Exercise. This will help you keep in shape, improve your baby’s blood supply, and provide optimal conditions for his development and your well-being. Just remember the sense of proportion! The most optimal sport is swimming. It provides relief to the spine and joints, improves immunity and mood, and allows you to train muscles without risk to the child. But that doesn't mean you have to compete in swimming competitions!

    The most important thing that a future mother should do is to love herself and her child. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. After giving birth, you will never be so close again. With every centimeter of their growth, children move away from their parents. They have their own character, their own view of the world. This is normal and right, but sometimes you start to miss those times when you went to bed and woke up together, ate together and understood each other without words. Don't rush the time! Everything has its turn. And when problems arise, don't be discouraged. Remember that even “if you are eaten by a fish, there are always at least two options.”

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