• Secret friend. Game "Secret Friend" in a family camp


    To big company Colleagues or friends, no one was left without a gift; many resorted to playing “Secret Santa”.

    The meaning is simple. Each player receives the name of the person for whom he must prepare a gift. You can carry out this stage - using names on pieces of paper and a hat - or use a special application with mailing or mailing.

    If you want to receive useful gifts, then, in addition to names, you can indicate your hobbies and interests. It is also worth setting a limit on the value of the gift in advance, so that there are no offenses because you were given a coupon for shawarma, and you bought a collectible bottle of wine as a gift.

    One of the main conditions is non-disclosure of your name. After all, this is Secret Santa! Take pride in your gift somewhere deep within yourself. Well, or at least wait until the chimes strike.

    On the one hand, such a game makes the task easier: you only need to buy a gift for one person. But what if you don't know him well? Lifehacker has collected 25 ideas for you.

    1. Board game


    11. Bath bomb set


    Original, beautiful, fragrant - this gift will please any girl.

    What to buy

    12. Anti-stress toy


    This toy is suitable for both a housewife and a business woman. The most popular options are toys in the shape of animals.

    What to buy

    13. Bath accessories


    Many people like to go to the bathhouse or sauna, so a set of bath accessories will come in handy. You can choose a steam room hat, a broom or a set of oils. Or you can give the whole set as a gift.

    What to buy

    • Bath station “Doctor Bath”, 1,268 rubles →

    14. Pocket USB cooler


    This refrigerator can easily fit a bottle of soda, a candy bar, or a sandwich with perishable ingredients. Not exactly a winter option. But you don’t give a gift for one day.

    What to buy

    15. Multitool


    A gift suitable for active young people - those who are used to free time spend on hikes or trips.

    What to buy

    16. Certificate


    Impressions are a very valuable gift. Give a certificate for a photo shoot with a husky, a cooking master class, a trip to a private cinema or go-karting.

    17. Constructor


    The constructor is entertainment not only for children, but also for adults. He develops logical thinking, creativity and fine motor skills.

    What to buy

    18. Fun socks


    Socks are the most primitive gift if you choose them without imagination. But bright New Year's socks with Christmas trees, Santa, reindeer or gingerbread cookies will please everyone. These cannot be given as gifts on February 23rd!

    What to buy

    19. Notebook


    A great gift for managers and just those who like to take notes and make plans. If you can’t decide on a style, give a plain classic one.

    Everyone writes their name on a piece of paper so that it is clear who they mean. All the notes are put in one pile (a hat, a box, in general, some kind of container), and everyone takes one for themselves and does not show it to anyone. Care should be taken to ensure that no one pulls himself out. From this moment on, the person written on the piece of paper becomes a secret friend. You must always, constantly and methodically give him gifts, show signs of attention, write notes, wish him bon appetit and good night, you must provide him with comfort and good mood. But all this must be done in such a way that he will never guess who is writing to him.

    (play for a certain time, day or even shift)

    Rules of the game: In the morning at the general meeting the start of the game is announced. Each participant in the game draws lots (sheets of paper are prepared in advance on which the names of all the players and the names of their squads are written down). Thus, each player recognizes his secret friend.

    Throughout the day or another period, the player’s task is to please his secret friend, but so that he does not guess who is doing it.

    Note: as a pleasant thing, you can send a “live letter” (ask someone to convey it in words), ask muses. leader to sing a song, present a gift. At an evening club, secret friends meet, who then all sing songs to “friendship” together.

    (a few days)

    Goal: internal team unity, the formation of warm, friendly relationships in the group.

    Materials: small identical sheets of paper, pens.

    All group members write their names on separate pieces of paper, wrap them up and put them together, then each group member pulls out a piece of paper with the name of another member, who becomes his “secret friend.” For your secret friend, you need to make various pleasant surprises and small gifts, but unnoticed by him.

    The game can last for several days.

    At the end of the game, all participants express their guesses about who their secret friend was, and then announce their true secret friends.

    Make mailboxes out of boxes and place pens, paper and envelopes in a visible place.

    The game begins before the start of the event (camp, conference, etc.) and continues throughout the duration of the event.

    Write the names of the camp participants on pieces of paper, mix them up and invite the participants to choose a “secret friend”. The essence of the game is to give your “secret friend” maximum attention (gifts, notes, postcards, surprises), but not to “expose yourself.”

    Letters, cards and notes are dropped into the mailbox and delivered to recipients by postmen several times a day.

    At the end of the event, the “secret friend” of each participant is publicly guessed.

    A very interesting, and most importantly, enjoyable game for any age (including counselors). It all starts like this: pieces of paper with the names of all the players are thrown into a hat (usually it is replaced by a Panama hat). Each participant draws a piece of paper and does not tell anyone whose name is written on it, because it is this person that he will have to look after... secretly (hence the name). Courtship can be different: cards, gifts, a poster on the door in the dining room, flowers on the table, etc. and so on.

    It all ends with a friendly discussion, where everyone in turn talks about how they looked after him and whether he guessed who it was.

    They also did a very good thing: first the counselors looked after each other for half a day, and then the children started. Seeing how the counselors did this, the guys caught fire and played with more interest.

    Write down the first and last name of each squad member on separate pieces of paper. Fold the sheets so that they cannot be read. Place the folded pieces of paper in a box and walk around, asking everyone to pull out one folded piece of paper. After reading it, the participant must not tell anyone the name written on it. If someone has drawn out his name, he can fold the drawn piece of paper back and draw out another piece of paper. It is explained to everyone that the person whose name they drew out will henceforth become their “secret friend.” Over the next three days, everyone should, without revealing themselves, show as much attention as possible to their “secret friends” so that they feel like the most the right people in the world. Every day you need to do at least one a pleasant surprise to my friend. The more seriously they take this task, the more they pour their souls into caring for their secret friend, the greater will be their joy when they see how their love and care brings happiness to others. After three days, you can try to guess who their “secret friend” was.

    The competition can be held both in a group and in the entire camp over several days.

    Conducting the competition:

    Write down the names of all participants on separate small pieces of paper, then they are rolled up, mixed, and everyone pulls out one piece of paper with someone's name. The participant becomes a “secret friend” to that person. Why Secret - because absolutely no one should know whose friend he is - it is kept secret until the end of the competition. The task of the “secret friend” throughout the game is to show attention and do something nice for his friend, but so that he does not guess who is doing it.

    For example:

    Small gifts (sweets, cookies, bouquets, etc.);

    - ask the leader to sing a song for this person;

    - writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

    It is advisable that after the children become familiar with the names of their secret friends, they should write down their name on pieces of paper and hand these pieces of paper over to the host of the competition. For convenience, the presenter can make a list in which he will write down the names of the participants and their secret friends; one must also leave one empty column in the list.

    Completion of the competition

    At the end of the competition, all participants must be given blank pieces of paper on which they must write their name and the name of the one who, in their opinion, was a secret friend. Next, the presenter fills out the third column in the form drawn up at the beginning of the competition and upon completion, the results are announced; all participants will be very interested to know whether they guessed the name of their friend. Also, this competition can give the name of the friendliest person on the shift - this is the person whose name is indicated the greatest number of times. Number of players: the more, the more interesting

    In short, the rules (it’s a game within your squad, but of course you can also play between squads): counselors participate at will, but in principle they also have to)) the names of all participants are written on pieces of paper, then put into a common hat, piece of paper, mug, etc. and everyone chooses a name for themselves. and within the prescribed period (the entire trip, a couple of days) gives gifts to his friend in a way that he didn’t really guess.

    The game is good for getting to know each other better. It can be carried out both in a group and in the entire camp over several days or even the entire stream. The names of all participants are written on separate small pieces of paper, then they are rolled up, mixed, and each player pulls out one piece of paper with someone’s name. The player becomes a “secret friend” to this person. Secret because absolutely no one should know whose friend he is - it is kept secret until the end of the shift. The task of the “secret friend” is to show attention and do something nice to your friend throughout the game, but so that he doesn’t guess who is doing it.

    For example:

    • small gifts (sweets, cookies, bouquets, etc.);
    • ask music director sing a song for that person;
    • writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

    The “friend” himself also receives signs of attention, because... in turn, someone also pulled out a note with his name. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards and shares their impressions.

    My dear Secret Friend!..

    We know how and love to be friends, so our team is very comfortable. To guys better friend we knew and understood each other, we organize interesting events. One of the undisputed leaders is the game “Secret Friend”.

    Everyone likes cute surprises and pleasant surprises. Everyone feels especially good if someone takes care of them and anticipates their desires. If this “someone” is a mysterious stranger, the situation becomes especially intriguing and even exciting! Each child receives the unique right to be in these two roles at the same time: the role of the one who receives mysterious signs of attention, and the one who provides them. A participant in the “Secret Friend” game (the composition of participants is determined on the basis of voluntary application letters) through a Very Secret Voting finds out the name of his personal Secret Friend. For the next week, this person becomes the “center of the universe” for him: he will pamper him with attentions and surprises to make him feel good and joyful. The main condition: all this must be done INCOGNITO! That is, so that until the very end of the game, the Secret Friend would never find out who was looking after him all these days. In parallel with this, he himself becomes a Secret Friend for someone, so two sources of positivity open up for him: pleasing others and receiving signs of attention himself.

    The shape and size of surprises does not matter: from funny pictures to a flower, from a real craft to an ephemeral pleasant surprise... Big pleasures and small ones, serious and absurd, homemade or purchased, tasty or ephemeral - there are no restrictions! The main thing is that it makes the life of your Secret Friend brighter and more enjoyable.

    For those who want to help their Secret Friend decide on the theme of surprises, there is a special Wall Newspaper of Secret Friends hanging in the relaxation room, where you can not only exchange thanks to anonymous wizards, but also write useful information, in the style: “I, Olga Novodvorskaya, love the film “The Lord of the Rings,” British cats, tulips and ice cream.” Agree, after reading such a message, it will be much easier for the Secret Friend to choose surprises for Olga.

    The finale of the game “Secret Friend” is a whole action. At a predetermined time, all participants are invited to a room where an emotional and funny revelation of Secret Friends takes place: it becomes clear who was whose Secret Friend. There is no limit to positivity, surprise and joy! The final chord is the “Map of Secret Friends”: photographs of the participants pasted onto whatman paper are connected by arrows, showing who was who’s Secret Friend. Of course, after such a game, the impressions last for a long time, and friendship from a secret becomes obvious!

    The main goal of this game is to do good to your secret friend. :) Each participant fills out a questionnaire. Leaves information about himself and his interests in it! :) Show in full.. Before the start of the game, each participant receives a secret friend. This will be done by drawing lots. Your task is to do all kinds of acts of kindness. These can be both material and spiritual things, they can be compliments, they can be some kind of congratulations, or just pleasant and interesting things. You can show your kindness either with your own hands or by asking someone else..=) The main thing is that it is your initiative! =)

    If you have received some kind gesture, then you MUST continue the chain and show kindness to your secret friend. This will create a "Vicious Circle".

    You need to think carefully about whether there is enough kindness in your heart to show it for 6 whole days!=

    The game will take place for a week and at the end we will conduct a survey on which gift seemed the most memorable, and on the final day your task is to make the brightest and most memorable gift (you must make this gift personally yourself)

    The rules are simple.

    Each child draws a ticket with the first and last name of a peer, for whom he should become a secret friend. During the week, he can give his secret friend small gifts made with his own hands, give compliments, and help with some task. Required condition The game's requirement is to do this in such a way that it is impossible to guess who the secret friend is. You can send notes and gifts through the teacher. At the beginning of next month, during class, the secret is revealed.

    The children really enjoyed the game. In the first days they tried to find out in any way who his secret friend was. Then they began to give gifts and souvenirs and pay compliments. But so that the secret friends wouldn’t guess, they complimented everyone. After all, the most important task was to make sure that as much as possible more people I thought that they were secret friends. Only two children admitted whose secret friends they were, the rest stood firm, because it was not easy to withstand the curiosity of those interested. The week dragged on for a very long time for the guys.

    One girl became the winner; as many as five people called her their secret friend, including her secret friend.

    Ethical and psychological exercise-game "My Secret Friend"

    Goal: promoting the transfer of communication methods and manifestations of friendship into life.

    • help students understand the value of unconditional love, the value and joy of giving without expecting anything in return;
    • teach to establish relationships based on the selfless ability to give before receiving something;
    • develop the ability to interpret the behavior of others;
    • help the children accept self-commitment and take responsibility for its fulfillment;
    • cultivate deep feelings of affection and emotional closeness to each other.

    Core values:

    • understanding
    • good
    • friendship
    • goodwill
    • self-knowledge

    Key competencies:

    • provide all possible assistance to people, take care of family and friends;
    • build friendly relationships with yourself, with people and the world around you;
    • support friendly relations at home, in the immediate environment, in joint activities based on the principles of morality and norms of spirituality; be aware of the negativity of quarrels and conflicts, be able to overcome them and interact on the basis of cooperation and agreement;
    • value friendship and communication, be patient, forgive insults and misunderstandings; be able to listen and understand another person.

    Stage I (main).

    1. Organizing a conversation “What does it mean to be friends?” During the discussion, the guys draw conclusions about what friendship is, what qualities a friend should have, what friendship gives a person, etc. Thus, it goes preparatory work to the beginning of the ethical-psychological exercise-game “My Secret Friend”.

    2. Write down the first and last names of each person on a separate piece of paper, including the teacher. Fold the sheets so that they cannot be read.

    3.Place notes with names in a casket (open box) and walk around the room so that each child pulls out a note. Having seen a name on it, the child should not tell it to anyone. If someone draws out their name, they must roll up the paper again, put it back and pull it out again.

    4. Explain to the children that the person whose name they drew out becomes from now on their “secret friend.” The counselor pulls the last note from the box.

    5. Explain to the squad that over the next week everyone should, without giving themselves away, show as much attention as possible to their “secret friends” so that they feel like the most needed people in the world. You can write poems for them, give them small gifts, treat, do everything to make a friend feel needed and loved.

    6. Every day you need to give at least one pleasant surprise to your friend. Explain to the children that the more they invest themselves and their souls in caring for a secret friend, the greater their joy will be when they see how their attention and care bring happiness to others.

    7.Development of rules for participation in the exercise-game.

    Approximate rules for participating in the game

    • Mandatory activity for each participant;
    • Guessing the “Secret Friend” is prohibited;
    • Show signs of attention not only to your “Secret Friend”, etc.;

    8. Conduct a reflection of the participants on the last day of the exercise-game

    Introduction. Circle of joy. Greetings and wishes of the meeting participants to each other.

    IN last days The life of our squad was not quite ordinary, and the reason is connected with this chest, it united us all.

    • Why do you think we have gathered today?
    • What is the meaning of the “My Secret Friend” exercise?

    Background music is playing.

    Creative activity.

    And now comes the exciting moment. After all, we all want to know who we were a secret friend for? Probably, each of you has your own assumptions and hypotheses. So let's check them out. Go up to the person who, in your opinion, has been secretly showing you signs of attention all this time, and ask if your guess is correct. As you confirm your guess, return to your seat.

    Hypothesis testing is free, direct communication between meeting participants.

    Background music is playing.

    Creative activity.

    So, the secret is revealed. And now I propose to once again show attention to my secret friend. Go to the table and take an unfinished wish card from a peer who was your secret friend in the exercise game. Write to him the kindest, warmest and sincere wishes, and then place it in the “Friendship Gallery”. Use all available space.

    Secret admirer

    Players write down their names on pieces of paper. The sheets of paper with names are folded into a hat. Each player takes one piece of paper from the hat. The piece of paper changes if it contains the name of the participant who pulled it out of the hat. The player becomes a secret friend for that. Whose name is written on a piece of paper pulled from a hat. The role of a secret friend is that he must show signs of attention (gifts, compliments, etc.) to this person, while remaining unknown. At the end of the game, the players gather for discussion. Each of the participants speaks out on the topic of who could be his secret friend. The game can continue for an unlimited amount of time. It is also possible for each player to make two secret friends. IN in this case Players write their name twice and take two pieces of paper from a hat. The game will be more interesting if the draw is carried out separately between boys and girls. In this case, everyone will have a friend of the opposite sex.

    This game is very exciting and unusual, all participants in the game are written down on separate identical pieces of paper (circles, squares, hearts), and after mixing these tickets well, the presenter distributes them to the players, pulling out one of the players, you must give it to him secretly from him and others symbolic gifts(postcards, notes, chocolates), after three days all participants gather in a favorable environment, the leader stands up (he also takes part in the game), and says they gave me this and that and I think it’s this person, if he was wrong, his secret friend stands up and gives him the final gift, after which says what they gave him and who he thinks did it... So in a circle they give gifts to secret friends, it turns out very fun and cool!

    P.S. Explain the rules well to the players before starting the game!

    We have many families in the camp at the same time,
    someone came for the first time,
    others are coming for the third or even fifth time.
    In the first days we play getting to know each other,
    Lately we've been writing to each other nice words in family notebooks,
    and in the middle of the camp we start playing “secret friend”.

    Each family receives a card with a photo of the other family and their address in the camp (house 3, room 121 or "berendey no. 3" or house 312).
    After that, you need to come up with something interesting and enjoyable for that family.
    From one family to another.
    You can have one gift, you can have several...
    And then the creativity begins.

    Adults and children secretly study the habits of their “secret friends”,
    waiting for them to go to the river,
    and then unexpectedly they bring a bouquet of wild flowers to their table,
    a glass of strawberries or a picture.

    Someone discovers that their door is covered with candy,
    and someone is looking for a treasure based on a series of notes...

    There are a lot of strawberries, but it’s still nice to get a handful of berries!
    How nice it is to find a children’s picture or rhyme in front of the door in the morning!

    "Good morning" poster

    fruit animal
    or an envelope with small homemade toys.

    As a result, someone sneaks down the corridor at night and hangs gifts on the door or slips a note under the door,
    someone brings berries or a bouquet to the table,
    and someone asks the messenger to hand over a bag, to maintain secrecy.

    Everyone walks around and wonders who these mysterious secret friends are,
    and they themselves try to come up with something new and unusual.
    The world is filled with miracles, and children are happy that they can make someone’s life a little better and more fun...

    The purpose of the event: to develop a culture of relationships, respect for peers, older and younger, the need for good manners;

    developing the ability to communicate correctly with others, analyze a speech situation; choose gifts for people of different genders and ages;

    promote the assimilation of norms of moral behavior, rules of etiquette, develop Creative skills students.

    Progress of the event.

    Game "Secret Friend"

    This game is played in advance. A month before the scheduled date of the class hour, each student is assigned (by lot) a secret friend. Who has become your “secret friend” must be kept secret. Over the course of a month, the guys prepare and secretly transfer small gifts, souvenirs, and notes to their wards through third parties. good wishes, postcards, etc.

    The class hour begins with the “secret” being revealed - everyone finds out who exactly showed them signs of attention during the month.

    Exchange of impressions and feelings from participating in the game.

    Introductory conversation.

    What is a gift, what is it for?

    New Year, name day, registration,

    Admission to the University. Christmas:

    Give something to your loved ones -

    Any celebration will do here.

    In general - to make life bright

    For both women and men,

    We need to give gifts to loved ones

    Every day and for no reason

    A gift is a thing (flowers, souvenirs, books, etc.) that is a sign of attention shown to you. Gifts play a special role in a person’s life, because they are designed to bring joy, a smile, and cheer up a person.

    What holidays do you know? Let's select and write them in

    Family (birthday, housewarming, wedding...). Professional (days of teacher, doctor...). Religious (Easter, Christmas, Trinity...). Folk (Maslenitsa, New Year...).

    Do you like receiving gifts?

    (Students' answers)

    Do you like giving gifts?

    Teacher. It’s very good if you like to please your loved ones, and, following a wonderful tradition, you give each other gifts. The reason for them may be birthdays, March 8, New Year, housewarming, wedding. With our gift we emphasize our love and attention to those to whom we give it. Anyone who knows how to give gifts and does it with soul receives great satisfaction from this process. The choice of a gift should be taken seriously. Show imagination, ingenuity, and wit. Don't put off finding a gift until later. In a hurry, you can buy something awkward. Getting ready for festive event, study the tastes and interests of the person to whom you are going to give a gift.

    Pre-prepared students read an excerpt from A. Aleksin’s story “Mimosa”

    Andrey had a vague idea of ​​what exactly to give to women for the holiday. He got into trouble more than once with gifts. True, Klava always thanked him for a very long time, but then she behaved somehow strangely. For example, with a theater bag given by Andrei, she only went to the store, and never to the theater. She did not wear the perfume he gave her. But this year Andrei was lucky. A few days before the holiday, Klava said: “This morning, I saw they were selling mimosas. These are my most favorite flowers. You know, each flower looks like a fairy-tale little chicken sitting on a branch.” “Are these your favorite flowers?” Andrey asked mechanically, without looking up from the newspaper. “I tell you about this every spring,” Klava was offended.

    Andrey remembered this conversation on the evening of March 7th. He knew what he needed to give Klava: he would give her mimosas, her favorite flowers.

    Why do you think the hero was unable to give the desired gift to his friend?

    Choosing the right gift is an art. You cannot ask the question: “What should I give you?” After such a question, awkwardness may arise.

    How can you find out what a person would like to receive as a gift? What gifts can you give to your family?

    In a family you can give everything, including underwear. You can even choose a gift together with the person for whom it is intended. For father and mother, of course, the most pleasant gift would be one that speaks of a child’s tender sense of respect and love for their parents. This could be academic success, a hand-made flower, a postcard, a drawing, or a portrait.

    What gifts do girls get? Why?

    It is best to give girls flowers, small souvenirs that you can make with your own hands, and not gifts bought with mother’s money.

    1 student. What gifts can you choose?

    2 student. Gifts for official occasions: flowers (in a basket or cut), gift book edition, crystal glassware, Wall Clock, radio, expensive sweets.

    1 student. Gastronomic gifts: cake, good teas, coffee, chocolate, homemade jam.

    2 student. Cosmetics: good cologne, lotion, perfume, powder, cosmetic bag, set of eye shadows, rare shampoo. You have to be quite careful with these gifts.

    1 student. You can give them only if you know for sure that the person to whom you intend to present them does not suffer from allergies and is ready to use cosmetics.

    2 student. You can donate items of clothing and accessories: scarf, gloves, men's shirt, bag, slippers, socks, headscarf, cufflinks, jewelry, manicure set, purse.

    1 student. Living gifts: kitten, puppy, birds, fish. But you cannot give animals as gifts without discussing this idea in advance with the person for whom the gift is intended.

    2 student. Very popular practical gifts: umbrella, iron, thermos, electric kettle, dinnerware, tablecloth with napkins.

    1 student. When returning from a trip, relatives and close friends are brought small souvenirs or postcards.

    3 student. The cost of the gift does not matter much and depends only on your capabilities.

    4 student. But try not to give expensive gifts to people who will not be able to reciprocate the same, and this will make them feel awkward.

    3 student. But an overly trivial gift speaks of your excessive frugality.

    4 student. Expensive collective gifts are very common, most often given to people for housewarmings, weddings, and anniversaries.

    3 student. Children are very easy to please - they are happy with any book, candy, or toy.

    4 student. A gift can influence the formation of their interests: a globe will spark a passion for geography, a set of stamps will mark the beginning of a collection, a tennis racket or skates can contribute to a passion for sports.

    3 student. You shouldn't give money. Only when you are sure that they will be spent on the right thing, an exception may be made.

    4 student. One of the most universal gifts- book. It can be presented to any person and for any occasion. Try to choose any recently released, beautifully designed gift edition.

    3 student. When choosing a gift, do not forget about the age of the person you are looking for a gift for. This doesn't mean there are things specifically designed for the young and old

    4 student. But you need to show a certain tact so as not to put an old man in an awkward position by giving him a shirt that is too bright or to offend a woman by giving her an “old lady’s” brooch.

    3 student. It is important to decorate the gift beautifully and tastefully: wrap it in bright colorful paper and tie it with a colored ribbon.

    4 student. Remember to remove the price tag or receipt from the gift if possible. The receipt can only be retained if the gift is an item sold with a warranty period.

    3 student. You need to be able not only to choose, but also to give gifts. How you present your gift determines the effect it will have.

    4 student. It is better to give the gift in person, but if necessary, you can transfer it through someone. The main thing is that your gift does not arrive late.

    3 student. When you come to visit, do not secretly put the gift somewhere in a corner, but hand it over when greeting the owner, or immediately after undressing. Don't forget to say a few kind words.

    - Tell me, guys, is it necessary to be able to accept and give gifts? Are there rules for giving and accepting gifts?

    Game "Parcel"

    Papers with the names of objects are prepared in advance. They are put in a box. The driver addresses the participants in the game: “You have received a package with a gift. What will you do with him? After the child answers, the driver takes out one of the pieces of paper and reads out what was in the parcel.

    4 student. It is important to be able not only to give, but also to accept gifts. Having received a gift, immediately, in the presence of the giver, unwrap it, praise and thank it.

    3 student. It is very impolite to put a gift aside without even unwrapping it.

    4 student. If the gift is not to your taste, try not to reveal your dissatisfaction with a single hint. Try to accept any gift with a smile.

    3 student. When expressing gratitude and admiration for a gift, do not embarrass guests who arrive with more modest gifts or no gifts at all.

    4 student. If you are presented with flowers, immediately place them in a vase, having first removed the wrapper.

    3 student. If you are presented with candy or cake, do not forget to treat those present.

    4 student. If for some reason you do not consider it possible to accept a gift, then refuse it decisively, but tactfully, maintaining complete calm.

    3 student. It would be wrong to hesitate at first and then still accept the gift. If you have irrevocably decided not to accept a gift (you don’t want to feel obligated), then you must explain the refusal firmly but politely.

    Teacher. People say: “It’s not a gift that’s precious, it’s attention that’s precious.” Absolutely fair words. But attention is precisely expressed in the desire to choose a gift that will delight its recipient. Let's learn to do something nice for the people around us.

    Creative work “Dream Gift” (Children draw for 5-7 minutes)

    Show each other the gifts of their dreams

    Folk wisdom stores many proverbs and sayings about gifts ( homework, children introduce each other to them, comment)

    A gift is not a purchase: they do not criticize, but praise.

    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Gifts love gifts.

    The gift of the gift awaits.

    They give gifts - they see gifts.

    To accept gifts is to give back (From the dictionary)

    Accept little things, but give them big things (with a treat, a gift).

    The sweetest gifts are those whose value lies in the giver himself -

    Donate a lot of money - what to put into the water.

    A fly in your drink or food is a gift.

    A fly in cabbage soup is a gift or treat.

    New things appeared on the nails (white marks, meaning, according to superstition, gifts).

    They don't complain about the gift.

    The newlyweds need to collect gunya (about wedding gifts).

    The chemistry of blondes gave us blondes.

    Don't give with gold, give with affection.

    A gift is not precious, but love is precious.

    An unexpected gift is very pleasant.

    They don’t ask about the price of the gift.

    Betrothed, that given.

    From the sweet kumanka there is a shard and a patch, and that’s a gift.

    The recipient of the gift does not express dissatisfaction.

    It is not difficult to accept a gift, but it is much more difficult to respond to it with dignity.

    It will pass - as if it will illuminate the sun, look at it and give it away in rubles.

    An eyelash will fall out - it will be a gift.

    You'll get along with the smart one, but at least give him a gift and drive him away!

    They catch birds with nets, and girls with gifts.

    You'll get the job done sooner if you give it to a judge.

    Happy is not the one who receives a gift, but the one who gives a gift.

    All people enjoy receiving gifts from friends and family, but it is important to remember how to accept gifts correctly so as not to offend the giver. And it’s even better to give gifts to your loved ones more often and get joy and pleasure from it.

    In Rus', since ancient times, it has always been customary to give gifts. Remember: in the story “Khor and Kalinich,” Kalinich brought a bunch of wild strawberries as a gift to his friend Khor. The author admits that he did not expect such “tenderness” from the man. We must preserve this wonderful tradition of giving.

    In family camps, in addition to the main program, we play the game “Secret Friend”. Who is this secret friend in the camp?

    Game "Secret Friend": rules.

    The last name and family composition of the camp participants, as well as their place of residence, are written on the pieces of paper. For example: The Ivanovs - mother Natalya, father Alexander, son Ilya 6 years old, daughter Varya 4 years old. Building 2, number 25.

    A representative from each family draws out one piece of paper - the family that becomes their secret friend throughout the shift.

    What to give to a secret friend?

    It is customary to write notes to your secret friends with all sorts of “pleasants” to lift your spirits and give (ideally homemade) small gifts that are discreetly placed in the “For Secret Friends” box.

    There are two options here. At summer camps, we have one mailbox in a common place, from which the guys, the “postmen,” deliver mail. In the winter camp, where we all lived in one common house, the participants brought mailboxes from home and attached them to the door of their room.

    This is what Vera, a mother of three daughters, a participant in the first (summer) and second (winter) camps, told us about the game Secret Friend:

    — You learned about this game before the camp. Tell us how you prepared for it, what was the preliminary preparation and how long did it take?

    The name of the game itself - “secret friend” - sounds very intriguing. I immediately wanted to support this intrigue. Therefore, for the game I came up with something similar to an advent calendar, that is, in letters to secret friends I decided to write small tasks, for the completion of which I would give surprise prizes. I bought prizes in advance, something inexpensive, suitable for both boys and girls. I collected a small bag, which I took to camp. For assignments, I brought with me two books with riddles and puzzles. That's all the preparation.

    — What were the difficulties of preparing for the game?

    The difficulty was that it was unknown how many children there would be in a friendly family and, accordingly, how many prizes and souvenirs would be needed, as well as for what age the tasks should be selected.

    — What was the role of children in preparing gifts and letters to secret friends?

    My eldest daughter (12 years old) helped me the most. We discussed with her what to write, and with her I checked whether it was possible to solve this or that riddle. The middle daughter helped sign, decorate and secretly deliver letters to their address.

    — Where did you look for gift ideas?

    There were no problems with ideas. We often hold children's birthday parties, and the children just come to visit to play, so I periodically buy small trinkets, for which there is a special box at home.

    There are gifts that require virtually no cost. For example:

    - do the coloring yourself and attach 3 pencils;

    - cut out the silhouette of an animal from cardboard (such as a stencil) and add a pencil with an eraser;

    - draw a labyrinth (at the end, glue a pocket in which to put candy);

    - make a homemade keychain or bracelet;

    - write a little fairy tale;

    - fold a paper toy (origami) and so on.

    Children can make such gifts for friends themselves or with a little help from their parents.

    — How much time did you spend in the camp making homemade gifts and letter writing?

    Not much. My older daughters and I spent our quiet time writing letters, wrapping and making homemade gifts. Sometimes they made letters with tasks and gifts for several days in advance, and then all that was left was to quietly deliver the mail.

    — What gifts did you give to your secret friends?

    They gave balls, candy, notebooks, pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, small toys (like those made from Kinders), as well as hand-made bracelets, postcards, small puzzles, coloring books and angels.

    —What did they write about in the letters?

    In the letters I mainly gave tasks, and also wrote good wishes.

    — Was it interesting for the children to participate in this game throughout the camp?

    Yes very. The intrigue continued throughout the entire shift. Every day new assumptions were made, investigations were carried out, and so on.

    - How are you Do you think why a secret friend game is needed in a family camp space?

    You know, in modern life this is probably lacking. Thanks to this game, children learn to give, do something for another person, and care. It is very important. And now almost no one receives letters by mail. Now this is a whole event. I was convinced that this game was interesting for children. Promotes a surge of ideas and generally supports a creative atmosphere.

    And this is how Katya L., an eleven-year-old participant in the first and second camps about the game “Secret Friend”, answered our questions:

    — You and your mother knew about this game even before the camp. Was there any preliminary preparation for the game and how long did it take?

    There was no preliminary preparation. Before the first camp, we didn’t really understand what this game was, what to write about in letters and what to give to a secret friend. But before the second camp, on the contrary, we already knew and decided to do everything on the spot, based on the family who would be our friends.

    - And what is this game? How do you understand it? Is she interesting? Is this game even necessary?

    The game "Secret Friend" is extremely interesting and exciting! It makes you more attentive to the people who have become your secret friends. Notice what interests them, what they love, in order to come up with something to give them. But the most exciting thing is to speculate about who your secret friend is, and every day (and more than once) to look in your mailbox to see if there is a letter for you. We were identified on both the first and second shifts, but neither one nor the other time we could guess who our friend was. Everyone, both adults and children, wondered. And this game is also very necessary. On the one hand, you care about other people, try to please them, and on the other hand, you yourself are happy when you receive gifts and notes. But the most interesting thing is to guess and confirm your guess on the last day!

    — What did you give and what did you write in letters to your secret friends?

    Mom wrote letters, mostly wishes. Have a good day. And I made the gifts (although by the second camp my mother also got carried away and joined in making gifts). Most of the gifts were homemade: they made what Anya Bykova taught us at daytime gatherings (bracelets, dolls, angels, homemade paintings), but there were also a couple of blanks (stickers and a small soft toy).

    — Are you planning for summer camp How to prepare for this game (will you make preparations for a gift for a secret friend) or again based on the family on the spot?

    For this camp, I decided to prepare in advance. I already realized that you can prepare homemade gifts that will suit both boys and girls of any age, but I won’t say which ones yet :) I would like to come up with something unusual, because it’s very nice when you hear how secret friends are happy with your gifts, they don’t know from whom and try to guess who gave it... The main thing here is not to give yourself away :)

    It was also noticed that with each subsequent camp, with each subsequent shift, the Secret Friend game begins to gain new momentum, because it is so nice to write and receive simple handwritten letters, give and receive gifts, know that you have friends who care about you, take care of yourself, and a SECRET, of course, that must be preserved at all costs.

    As for our family, the most memorable gift from our secret friend in the camp was an Ode to our son Savva:
    Savva is beautiful,
    Savva strength,
    Savva does everything beautifully,
    Savva - Basilio,
    Savva is a wolf
    Savva knows a lot about dinosaurs.

    Svetlana Matveeva.

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