• List of things for a boy's sports camp. How to get your child ready for winter camp. Things you shouldn't take to summer camp


    If you visit your child during your shift, you can safely reduce the number of things so that there will be enough until the mother’s next visit. With the exception of shoes and warm clothes, which should always be in one copy in case of cold weather.

    It is convenient for small children to put their underwear for each day of the week in separate bags - underpants, socks, a T-shirt, a T-shirt.

    To prevent things from getting lost, put the child’s initials on the tags with a permanent marker or sewn on tags with the first and last name. In the same way, you can use a marker to mark toys and personal hygiene items. Be sure to show your child what his mark looks like on things. Put a list of things your child has in your suitcase and backpack. This will help you get ready for the return journey without loss.

    You can sew a tag with the child’s name, surname and parents’ phone number on a bag, suitcase and backpack.

    To teach your child to plan his vacation, pack his things with him. Let him bring whatever he thinks is necessary, and then discuss what will be useful and what will not. When packing a bag with your child, explain what, why and where you are putting it, so it will be easier for him to navigate his things.

    There should be exactly as many things in the bag as can fit there, if you don’t fold them and leave them at random. This is necessary so that a child who does not yet know how to rationally use space can pack his things himself at the end of the shift. Therefore, limit yourself to only the essentials; do not take a larger suitcase. Firstly, it will be easier for the child to move it if necessary, and secondly, it will be difficult to put the bulky suitcase in the closet.

    If you don’t know whether you will need this or that thing, ask yourself the question: “Would I take it on a hike?” If the answer is no, then you can easily do without it in the camp.

    Distribute with your child what you put in your carry-on luggage and what in your main luggage. It is better to put documents, money, water, a hat, a spare T-shirt, a jacket, a phone with a charger, napkins and some food in your hand luggage. The rest goes to your luggage.

    What you need to take to camp from hygiene items

    With today's selection of cosmetics and hygiene products, your suitcase can be filled to capacity with them. But what’s great about summer is that you can use everything to a minimum and give your skin a chance to rest. However, there are things that you can’t do without even on a hike or a tent camp. This:

    1. Toothbrush and toothpaste.
    2. Soap in a soap dish.
    3. Toilet paper.
    4. Shampoo.
    5. Washcloth.
    6. Comb.
    7. Shower cap. They will also come in handy if the camp has a swimming pool, river or sea.
    8. Towel for shower or beach. For the face and legs - issued at the camp along with bed linen. Check this with the camp administration.
    9. Sun cream.
    10. Mosquito spray.
    11. For older children - antiperspirant deodorant.
    12. Wet and dry wipes.
    13. Girls from 10 years old - pads for critical days. Even if your period is not supposed to start on time, changes in climate and environment can trigger their appearance, so be sure to put in pads.
    14. If your child rubs his feet (this usually happens to girls), put on bactericidal patches.
    15. Older girls are already starting to put on makeup, put a small set of simple cosmetics and a mirror. In summer foundation and it’s better not to use powder, let your face breathe.
    16. Other things your child needs are cotton pads, ear sticks, face toner, hand cream, hair clips and so on.

    Discuss with your child what you should take with you to camp and what you shouldn’t. But! Make sure that the items from points 1 – 10 are in the suitcase.

    It happens that when going to camp for the first time, the youngest children may become embarrassed at night due to excitement and not wake up in time to go to the toilet. If you know that your child has such a problem, take with you several disposable waterproof diapers to place under the sheets and not get the mattress wet. Warn the counselors about the possible situation. Ask them to immediately put a diaper under the sheet, just in case, and tell them what time it is best to wake the child up for the toilet. There is nothing unusual about this. Teachers of junior units in the camp often encounter this. In just a few days, as a rule, everything returns to normal.

    Soon summer holidays and many of you have already made sure that your child spends this time with pleasure and benefit. It's time to think about what things your child needs in his suitcase! Where to begin? The most important rule: “Give your child only the most necessary things on the road!” Second rule: sign children's clothes (http://metki-etiketki.ru/index.php?task=cat).

    Our Label Tags (http://metki-etiketki.ru/index.php) are suitable for this. The inscriptions on them can be printed in different colors and fonts. We also produce labels for foreign camps. At the same time, not only the first and last name can be printed on the sticker, but also a drawing-icon, according to which the child can easily independently identify his things. Personal stickers (http://metki-etiketki.ru/index.php?task=cat) are firmly and permanently attached using an iron and are completely safe for the child. It is very comfortable.

    You will need to sign everything that the child takes with him: clothes, shoes, hygiene items and other personal items. So, what are we going to sign, that is, take with us to the camp on vacation? Below we provide a list of things your children will need.

    - Briefs – 7-10 pcs.;
    - Cotton socks – 7-10 pairs;
    - T-shirts or T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
    - Sweater;
    - Shirt/turtleneck – 1-2 pcs.;
    - Sports suit;
    - Headdress;
    - Jeans or trousers – 2 pcs.;
    - Light scarf and gloves/mittens;
    - Jacket;
    - Pajamas or sleepwear;
    - Girls tights – 3-4 pieces;
    - Boys - long johns;
    - Swimsuits for girls and swimming trunks for boys;
    - A set of weekend clothes.

    - Comfortable shoes for walking;
    - Indoor shoes – slippers;
    - Light sports shoes;
    - Slates for the pool.

    - Toothpaste. Small tube 50-75 ml;
    - Toothbrush;
    - Soap in a soap dish;
    - Shampoo in a small package or several single-use sachets;
    - A small comb;
    - Disposable handkerchiefs – 2-3 packs;
    - Towels – 2 pcs. One for washing, the other for showering and going to the pool;
    - Small scissors.

    A paperback book or favorite magazine (if the child loves to read);
    Several additional bags (for dirty clothes, for example);
    Spool of thread;

    Do not give your child a lot of money (it is better to give it to the teacher for safekeeping, if this is provided for in the schedule);
    You should also not give expensive things to the camp;
    Do not put various medications (if your son or daughter is prescribed to take any medications, write down detailed diagram and attach it to the medications. Be sure to notify teachers and other responsible persons about this and ask them to follow up).
    Don't forget to put everything Required documents, first of all, the ticket itself. Instead of a birth certificate and insurance policy, include copies of them.
    Compose full list all things and put them in the children's suitcase. This will help the child with return fees.
    Of course, this list is not universal, but we tried to take into account maximum amount questions that arise when preparing for camp.
    We will be grateful if you share your experience of training camps

    The main problem with fees in winter Kid `s camp It’s not that you’ll forget to take some things on your trip, but that many of them won’t come back. Accept this loss in advance. Choose cheaper things, say goodbye to each of them. Cry over your beautiful new hat... Then write list of things. Usually the camp recommends a list of necessary items, but this does not mean that you should not make your own list.

    It is advisable to keep one copy of the list for yourself, and give the other to the child - with your signature. In case of missing items, the child must describe their signs in a statement addressed to the camp administration. Experience shows that just before departure, some guests may engage in theft. Many, seizing the moment, rummage through their already collected bags. At this time you need to be especially vigilant! In the event of theft, counselors are required to urgently inform the administration in order to have time to arrange an inspection of the belongings of those departing who have come under suspicion. However, in such cases they begin to claim that this player is their own. And only with the list and application will it be possible to prove your property.

    Advice: Try not to give new things to children of junior units. It often happens that the child cannot identify them, and after leaving, the camp administration collects a carload of “nobody’s” panties, socks, T-shirts, sweaters and even jackets.

    During the process of getting ready, you must discuss with your child the choice of things, their functions, and the appropriateness of their use. But do not turn the training camp into a reason for scandals, reproaches, or a fight for your authority. Let him take what he wants from their things - but with the awareness of full responsibility for them.

    Advice: It often happens that the size, weight and number of suitcases are several times greater than the size, weight and number of children in the squad. It's not very good. Do not forget that the winter shift is short, and there is no need to take a lot of things, and the child will carry all his things himself.

    List of things for a trip to children's winter camp

    A good list is half the price. Let it have the following sections:

    1. CLOTHING:

    Warm jacket. Preferably with a hood.
    - Spare warm jacket. The first one may have a zipper break, or it may get wet while hiking or outdoors. While the first jacket is drying, you will need a spare one.
    - Warm hat. Preferably two. Very warm (for severe frosts, for hiking) and regular. At a children's winter camp, very often you just need to walk to the dining room or to the nearest building. To do this, you don’t have to dress like you would for the North Pole.
    - Warm pants: jeans or trousers. Again, it is advisable that some pants be very warm, and the other just warm. Boys also need to remember to wear underpants, and girls - warm tights.
    - Scarf.
    - Gloves. It is advisable to have 2 pairs - thin (for everyday use) and thick (for long-term outdoor use).
    - Warm jacket, sweatshirt or sweater.
    - Shirts. Considering that the winter shift at a children's camp is not very long, you can take 1-2, no more.
    - Tracksuit (sports jacket, sweatpants, sports shorts)
    - T-shirts (or tank tops) - wear under a shirt, or under a sweater, or simply for sports. Preferably 2-3 pieces.
    - Boys should wear swimming trunks for swimming in the pool; girls should wear one-piece swimsuits.
    - Underwear. Preferably, at the rate of 1 panty for 1-2 days. Your child won’t wash his underpants at camp (that’s not why he’s going there), so at least let him just change them every 1-2 days and put the dirty ones in a bag.
    - Cotton socks - at the rate of 1 pair for 1 day. Your child will also not wash his socks, nor will he wash his underpants. In addition, socks often end up wet after walking.
    - Warm socks (woolen) - 2-3 pairs. For hiking or long walks.

    The girls add some more items to this list that only they themselves understand. We only recommend taking nightgown or pajamas.

    It is advisable to mark things.

    Decide for yourself how much to take. The main thing is to take more socks, panties and swimming trunks. It’s good if clothes have zippered pockets. It's bad if the fly has buttons. Clothes should be comfortable. Without unnecessary ties and fasteners - so that you can quickly put it on and take it off. Convince your child to hang thick clothes in the closet on hangers - after all, in bags, especially if it is damp, they acquire a musty smell.

    2. SHOES:

    Sports shoes for the street (sneakers with laces)
    - Sports shoes for the gym (not warm, comfortable)
    - Warm boots(for walks in the forest).
    - Shoes for the pool (rubber slippers, flip-flops or flip-flops);
    - Slippers.

    Advice: Children should not be given rubber boots to winter camp. They make your feet smell bad, and children will abuse them because they are the easiest to put on - no laces or fasteners. If the winter turns out to be without snow, but with puddles, it is still better to get by with good waterproof winter boots.

    3. HYGIENE:

    - Toothbrush in a case. Preferably 2-3, because they often get lost, disappear, forgotten.
    - Liquid soap.
    - Washcloth.
    - Shower gel, shampoo in a small plastic bottle which closes well. But disposable bags are better, because a large bottle will spill on the road or be forgotten in the shower.
    - Comb.
    - Bath towel.
    - Toilet paper (you probably won't need a whole roll).
    - Pool cap.
    - Pool glasses
    - Handkerchiefs, preferably disposable ones.
    - For young men - a razor. For girls - pads, tampons. And readiness for bleeding beyond the deadline.
    - For teenagers - deodorant: roll-on antiperspirant with a weak aroma.
    - Safety scissors. It will be useful to cut your nails or cut off a band-aid. Just under no circumstances give them to counselors to cut out paper tinsel! - the scissors will not return...

    *Make copies of all documents.

    Personal documents (certificate, passport, international passport)
    - Medical certificate.
    - Questionnaire. Some camps require a description chronic diseases child, allergies, personal preferences, hobbies and other individual qualities.
    - Agreement with the rules and regulations of the camp.
    - A copy of the medical policy.
    - A travel package.
    - To cross the border - notarized consent from the parents.
    - Money. If this is provided for by the rules, they must be handed over to the accompanying or other responsible person - and the amount must be signed. The money that remains with the child should be kept in zippered pockets of clothing - and this clothing should not be left unattended. The worst way to carry money is in a wallet in the outer pocket of your bag. The only thing worse than this is in the fist.
    - A notebook for drawing. Pens, pencils.
    - Magazine, look through it. Or a small book - for those who like to read.
    - A few decent photos of your adventures to show new friends.
    - A note in the bag: parents’ full name, phone number, home address, camp address. In case they lose or mix up a bag, suitcase, or maybe even the child himself - many do not remember this information!

    5. ITEMS

    IN Children's camp is not allowed Jewelry and expensive equipment. But if a young traveler stubbornly carries with him a player, a digital camera or a gold chain, let him take care of them - and keep them with responsible people, or never doesn't let you out of your attention. A player or a phone are wild animals. All you have to do is take them out for a walk without a leash, or leave them charging - and then turn away for a minute, and they will immediately run away!

    Advice: Mobile phones should not be given to children at winter camp. In some camps they are banned because they cause too much trouble. Teach your child to address all his problems to the counselors, and not to call home and complain that his shoelace came undone, Petya hit Kolya, and Masha was scolded by the counselor.

    Games, toys - small in size, ones that you wouldn’t be too sorry to lose. It is best to take a soft toy with you.
    - Something for the New Year's masquerade. Jokes.
    - Threads of two colors and a couple of needles.
    - Adhesive plaster.
    - Backpack with a volume of 25-40 l. (if there is a hike in the camp)
    - Flashlight.
    - Icon with name.

    6. FOOD

    Children usually don’t travel very far to winter camp, which means the journey won’t be long.
    If the bus ride takes no more than 3 hours, you should not give your child any food. If the trip is still long, then there is no need to give perishable food.


    Before sitting down on the walkway, remove your luggage container from the storage area. On a hike, of course, you need backpacks, but if you don’t need to carry things very far, then a bag with pockets and a shoulder strap is much more convenient. It's best to take big bag(in luggage) and a small backpack (carry-on luggage). If the child still cannot lift the bag, then a suitcase with wheels will do. Instruct your child how to use it and how to get the handle. Explain that you can’t have suitcase races, you can’t jump along curbs and stairs.

    Wipe off the dust. Check the locks and zippers. Hem it so that the zipper does not come apart on the other side, smear it with soap, this way the dog glides better. Check the handles, strengthen them so that they do not come off on the way. Sign the luggage. And hide it away from the cat, otherwise it will definitely mark it with urine.

    So. We must remember that all small and large things can be stolen, broken, or lost. Therefore, do not get attached to them, take losses calmly. But if after the trip everything returns safe and sound, there will be a reason to be pleasantly surprised! Do not take anything heavy, perishable, secretly intimate (which could become a subject of ridicule), or especially valuable.
    If the camp is nearby, it’s okay if you forget to put something in. You can always sit down and bring something to your child. At the same time, meet him if you are very bored!

    Have a nice trip!

    Your child is preparing to go to children's camp and the question immediately arises: What to take with him to summer camp? Let's together make a list of things that are needed in a children's camp. The list will be long, but if you feel like we haven’t taken something into account, write to us and we will definitely add the right thing.

    List of things to take to summer camp


    • travel package;
    • medical certificate from a pediatrician and medical certificate;
    • birth certificate or passport


    The child stays in the camp for about 3 weeks - that's 21 days, and the weather can give a lot of surprises, so the list of clothes will be large. When choosing clothes, you need to take into account not only the weather, but also the fact that children get dirty much faster than adults, and there will be no opportunity to do laundry at summer camp.

    • several changes of underwear (3-4 pieces): T-shirts, T-shirts, panties, socks), for girls - pajamas;
    • shorts and skirts;
    • swimsuit, swimming trunks;
    • headdress - Panama hat or baseball cap;
    • tracksuit (light or warmer depending on the month of summer);
    • clothes for cool weather - a sweatshirt or warm jacket, windbreaker, trousers or jeans;
    • elegant clothes for discos or parties.


    You should not take a lot of shoes to summer camp. Most often, the child runs the entire shift in one pair of shoes.

    • sandals or light shoes;
    • sneakers;
    • flip-flops (flip-flops) for going to the pool or the beach.

    Personal care products

    • soap in a soap dish, washcloth;
    • toothpaste and brush;
    • shampoo (in a small volume or pour some into a small container);
    • toilet paper, handkerchiefs;
    • bath towel and hand towel;
    • comb;
    • manicure set (believe me, you will have to do a manicure in 3 weeks),
    • pads, tampons (for teenage girls).


    • sun cream;
    • spray (cream) against mosquitoes and ticks, mosquito repellent plates for rooms;
    • girls usually take cosmetics (cream, mascara, lipstick), as well as hair clips and adhesive tape.

    Other things for camp

    • If possible, you need to give your child a phone (simpler, because the child can easily lose it). By phone you can always find out about your child and contact teachers through him. Don't forget to top up your balance!
    • Some money.
    • If there is a sea or lake (river) near the camp, you need to take a bedding or mat on which you can sunbathe.
    • Favorite hobby: books, magazines, player, knitting, felt-tip pens and notepad, etc.

    Well, what would we do without some goodies? You can give your child dry cookies, chips, candies and other sweets, which can be stored for about a week at room temperature.

    Things you shouldn't take to summer camp

    In this list we will present a number of things that are either prohibited at summer camp or that it is better not to take with you.

    • Expensive jewelry (gold earrings, chains, rings).
    • Knives, scissors and other sharp objects.
    • Firecrackers and any other explosives.
    • Cigarettes, lighters and any other flammable substances.
    • Any alcoholic drinks and beer.
    • Any narcotic substances.

    Summer holidays are a long-awaited event for every child. This is the time for carefree games and fun activities, exciting travels and vivid impressions, new acquaintances and amazing discoveries. In an effort to diversify the leisure time of young restless children, many parents send them to children's camps. After all, there children can have a great rest and gain strength, being under the watchful supervision of adults. While waiting for a trip, little travelers ask themselves the logical question of what to take to camp. And any caring parents want to provide their children with everything they need. To help kids and adults, we provide a detailed list of necessary things.


    First of all, you should put your birth certificate and passport, if you have one. The last document may be useful for checking against lists or for an emergency if the child suddenly gets lost. A medical policy will guarantee the provision of qualified medical care. Also, in order to go to the camp, it is necessary to issue a certificate of the established form about the health status of the young traveler. It is important to mention that several photocopies should be made of each document.

    Mandatory papers also include a completed application form with detailed information about the child and parents. As a rule, in addition to contact information, it contains information about individual characteristics baby, past illnesses and surgeries, level of physical fitness, etc. A ticket to the camp and parental consent for the trip should also be attached to other papers. It is recommended to distribute the money in such a way that the child retains part of the funds for small expenses. The main amount should be handed over to the accompanying person against receipt.

    If a small tourist goes on vacation abroad, it is important to take care in advance of obtaining a foreign passport and consent for the child to travel, which requires notarization. It would be a good idea to attach a tag to the suitcase indicating the details of the traveler and his parents in case the luggage is lost. If your child is going to vacation in the country, you should place a note with coordinates inside his bag.

    Clothes and shoes

    Since even in the summer months the weather in our latitudes can be very changeable, it is necessary to prepare several sets of things for the young traveler in case of hot and cold weather. A traveling wardrobe should be selected in such a way that the child does not lack anything. Things for the camp should be durable and practical, because little fidgets will certainly test them with “fire, water and copper pipes.” In general, the category of mandatory clothing items includes:

    • T-shirts (at least three);
    • shorts/skirts;
    • swimsuit/swimming trunks;
    • sports uniform;
    • jeans/trousers;
    • warm sweaters, turtlenecks, long sleeve shirts;
    • headdress;
    • several pairs of socks and underwear;
    • pajamas/shirt;
    • weekend suit/beautiful dress for a disco or holiday.

    It is advisable to package all things in different packages depending on their purpose. It is quite obvious that underwear cannot be combined with warm clothes, and casual wardrobe should be kept separate from festive outfits. The right approach to the distribution of things will greatly facilitate their search upon arrival at the place. It is also necessary to provide your child with a sealed bag for dirty clothes and teach him to do his own laundry. small items wardrobe However, if the toddler is still too small and is not able to take care of himself, you should prepare for him a sufficient number of sets of changeable underwear for every day.

    As for shoes for camp, they should be as comfortable as possible. Sneakers, sandals or sandals, light washable slippers - this is the standard set for travel. If your child's vacation will take place in a mountainous or forest area, it would be a good idea to take a pair of rubber boots with you in case of rainy weather.


    When answering the question of what to pack for a child’s camp, one cannot fail to mention hygiene supplies. Of course, you can’t do without such basic things as soap, toothpaste, brush, washcloth, shampoo and toilet paper. In addition, it is worth prudently stocking up on disposable paper tissues and wet wipes. To wash things, it is better to take laundry soap rather than powder, because some problems may arise with the latter due to its flowability.

    Towels for hands, body and face are also included in the category of required items. Moisturizing and sunscreens, as well as remedies against insect bites, will save the child from unnecessary problems. It would be appropriate for girls to take a pocket mirror, a comb, elastic bands and hair clips, hygienic lipstick, and, if necessary, other cosmetics. More full information about what young representatives of the fair sex can take with them is presented in the video.

    Particular attention should be paid to the process of collecting a compact travel first aid kit in case of unexpected injuries and other damage. It should include such basic components as antiseptics, bandage, cotton wool and adhesive tape. Since there is a pharmacy at each camp, you do not need to take a lot of different medications with you. The exception is situations when a child suffers from any disease and cannot do without certain medications. It is advisable to hand over the medicines to the accompanying person, providing him with the necessary instructions for administration.

    You can’t do a camp without such an integral attribute as mobile phone. In addition to communicating with family, it can also perform many other functions. Camera, video camera, player, games, Internet - all this is now concentrated in one modern device. In addition, you can give your child a modest set of unbreakable utensils, consisting of a mug, spoon and plate. As for food, you should exclude any perishable foods from the list. Since recreation areas usually have small shops and kiosks, there is no need to provide your child with all kinds of sweets and favorite delicacies. In the presence of pocket money he will be able to purchase everything he needs himself.

    Children often classify their favorite toys and paraphernalia for leisure as essential items. Why not, because far from home, young travelers strive to surround themselves with things familiar and dear to their hearts. Books and magazines, albums and drawing pencils, soccer ball and tennis rackets - all these little things will help not only make your child’s vacation more varied, but also make new acquaintances.

    What you shouldn't take

    First of all, any expensive items, be it jewelry or fancy gadgets, should be classified as unnecessary items. After all, even in a children’s camp, sometimes thefts occur, and no one is immune from accidental loss and damage to valuable items. Of course, in our rapidly developing world it is impossible to do without technical devices, but on vacation it is better to refrain from using them. All kinds of laptops, tablets and game consoles will only distract the child from communicating with peers.

    You should also not take roller blades, skateboards, scooters or other accessories with you that increase the risk of injury. This also includes toy weapons that shoot rubber bullets, as well as any piercing or cutting objects. Hefty books and encyclopedias should hardly be included in the list of required attributes; they will only weigh down the child’s luggage.

    Perfume and cosmetical tools in glass bottles it is also better to leave at home, as well as Personal diary, the content of which is sure to arouse curiosity among peers. Prohibited items include matches, lighters, pyrotechnics and electric heating devices, not to mention cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Strong drugs and tranquilizers are also included in this list.

    Thus, getting a child ready for camp is a rather troublesome process that requires taking into account many little things. Often, caring parents strive to provide the young traveler with everything he needs, filling his bag with a lot of useful, but not always necessary, things. Such care causes problems associated with transporting heavy trunks. Where is it better to take a couple out of your suitcase? warm sweaters and an extra bottle of juice, rather than creating additional stress on your child’s back.

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