• Popular New Year gifts for children. What to give your child for the New Year


    Several dozen amazing gifts for children of different ages and temperaments.

    Yes, baby products are expensive. But let's be honest: a bright, spacious basket for toys is a gift not for a child, but for a mother who is tired of the chaos in the nursery. Even a fascinating puzzle is not always the object of a child’s dreams. Parents want their son to develop, but he is only five, he needs to run around the apartment with a toy gun and yell “Tra-ta-ta!”

    All children are different. Depending on the prevailing nervous processes, they, like adults, are divided into sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

    Sanguine people are cheerful chatters with an awl in one place. They easily get involved in any activity and easily switch to something else. Phlegmatic people, on the contrary, are pushers; they approach everything with feeling, sense, and balance. They can do the same thing for hours and not get tired. Choleric people are active, they like to play pranks, and it’s better with friends. Excitement and competition are what they need. They are clearly not on the same path with melancholic people, because they are sensitive and vulnerable. If they lose, they will burst into tears, and the noise and noise tires them too quickly. Melancholic people like quiet and creative activities.

    From 1 year to 4 years

    At this time, perception is actively developing, speech and visual and effective thinking are being formed. A child comprehends the world through objects. They give the baby his first ideas about shape, size, color, taste and other properties.

    After the crisis three years The leading type of activity becomes play, which is still object-manipulative. The child usually plays alone, trying on various roles.

    Play tent

    The stores have a huge selection of play tents. There are ordinary ones, similar to tourist ones.

    Available in the form of a yurt or wigwam.

    And there are tents combined with a pipe and a pool for balls. This model will appeal to active children.

    A play tent is a gift that will suit both boys and girls of any temperament. Calm children They will retire there with their favorite toys, and the restless ones will constantly climb in and out, open and close the tent, and play hide and seek.

    What to buy

    • Play tent with pipe and pool from AliExpress, 1,803 rubles →
    • Play tent with pipe and pool from BabyGo, 2,999 rubles →

    They look exactly like the real thing: they bark, meow, react to touch, walk, and sometimes even eat and go to the toilet. Only such dogs don’t need to be walked, and cats don’t go crazy in the spring.

    You can choose a model a la a plush toy or as close as possible to a living pet. The latter are more realistic, but are not suitable for allergy sufferers.

    And such a dog can be walked on a leash.

    If your child is interested in unusual pets, give him a bird with a cage, a mouse or a turtle.

    Such a gift will be not only entertainment for the child, because with the help of interactive pets, girls and boys learn to take care of animals.

    What to buy

    Musical gifts

    If a child shows an interest in music from an early age, he will be happy to find a children's guitar or synthesizer under the tree. You can give the little ones a xylophone.

    But if the child is not very musical, he will quickly get bored with such gifts. Another thing is a carpet that sings and flashes with different lights.

    If you want, dance on it, if you want, create melodies with your hands. Suitable for both sexes and group games.

    What to buy

    While melancholic and phlegmatic people can still be sat down to draw with ordinary paints or felt-tip pens, choleric and sanguine people get bored with this activity too quickly. Unless, of course, we are talking about paints that you can play around with.

    Finger paints develop fine motor skills and imagination, stimulate the creativity of kids.

    The main requirement for them is environmental friendliness. It is also good when the set includes an easel, an album with tips and other accessories for the young artist.

    In addition to the finger one, you can try others unusual techniques drawing: on a wet sheet, with splashes or stamps, and so on.

    What to buy

    • Set for painting with light from “Light Paintings”, 1,738 rubles →

    Toy kitchen for a little housewife

    After three years, the child actively tries on various social roles: moms, dads, doctors, hairdressers and so on. Gifts for role-playing games can and should be differentiated by gender.

    Girls can be given baby dolls that they will feed, bathe and put to bed. The more accessories a toy has, the more interesting it is. Take a closer look at the dolls with strollers, cribs and bathtubs.

    A gift on a culinary theme will cause no less delight. From colorful cookware sets to cut-up plastic foods and supermarket trolleys for shopping trips, there's so much you can do to help your little girl cook like her mom.

    You can buy a whole kitchen module with a stove, oven, dishes and other utensils. It is more expensive, but looks very impressive.

    What to buy

    • Doll with accessories for bathing in the bathroom from AliExpress, 472 rubles →
    • Interactive baby doll with accessories from “Karapuz”, 1,099 rubles →
    • Set of toy dishes and products from écoiffier, 1,290 rubles →
    • Set of toy dishes, equipment and products, 1,784 rubles →

    In junior preschool age children imitate adults. If a son sees his dad with a hammer or screwdriver, he will definitely want to screw, nail or saw off something too. Therefore, tool sets will be an excellent gift for boys’ role-playing games.

    This could be just a set of plastic imitation keys, files, and the like, or a set with a case or drawer (all grown-up).

    The composition of the sets is varied. Somewhere there are only screwdrivers and pliers, somewhere even a chainsaw and a helmet. There are also game modules that simulate a carpentry workshop.

    Fans of the Montessori system will love wooden tools that develop a child's cognitive abilities.

    Bright, large sets of tools will definitely attract the attention of boys, and there is plenty to choose from.

    What to buy

    • Set of wooden toy tools from AliExpress, 1,310 rubles →
    • A set of toy tools with a chainsaw from AliExpress, 595 rubles →
    • Large toy workbench with tools from HTI, 3,499 rubles →
    • Set of wooden toy tools from Classic World, 4,599 rubles →

    From 5 to 9 years

    For preschoolers, games are more complex and varied; rules and competition appear in them. Sports games and fantasy games are added to subject and role-playing games. Children are becoming increasingly interested in construction.

    At seven years old, the child again experiences a crisis. The child goes to school and learns that he, like adults, has responsibilities. Educational activities interfere with play activities. At the same time, memory is actively developing, thinking becomes visual and figurative, and then verbal and logical.

    Magnetic easel or teaching board

    Many parents buy or make busy boards for their children. Then they are replaced by magnetic and slate easels, where the child first simply draws, and later learns the alphabet and counting.

    If you already have an easel, you can give a separate educational board with the alphabet or numbers.

    And if the family doesn’t already have such a thing, this will be a great gift for boys and girls over five years old.

    What to buy

    • Educational double-sided easel with the alphabet from Zhorya, 950 rubles →

    Collection of favorite characters

    By the age of 4–5, children begin to thoughtfully watch cartoons and read magazines and books on their own or with the help of adults. Gradually, favorite characters appear, and interest in collecting awakens.

    How we once collected badges and toys from chocolate eggs, so modern children collect figurines of their favorite heroes. They just have their own idols.

    For example, many are crazy about minions, Smeshariki and Fixies.

    Girls collect figurines of fairies from the Winx Club and ponies from the animated series My Little Pony.

    Boys like bionicles, ninjago and characters " Star Wars"from LEGO, as well as car models.

    It is important to know your child and give him a character that is truly interesting to him.

    What to buy

    • Soft toy “Baby Hedgehog” from “Multi-Pulti”, 799 rubles →
    • Soft toy “Fixik Nolik” from “Multi-Pulti”, 908 rubles →
    • Set of ponies from the animated series My Little Pony from AliExpress, from 697 rubles →
    • Soft toy pony from the animated series My little Pony from Hasbro, 499 rubles →
    • Force Link set with Kylo Ren figurine and bracelet from Hasbro, 1,831 rubles →


    “They gave the child a construction set, but he opened the box and ran away,” parents often complain. The reason is that they did not take into account the temperament of their child.

    An assiduous phlegmatic person will be interested in learning how to use a wooden construction set and build a fairy-tale house, while a creative melancholic child will certainly enjoy 3D cardboard puzzles.

    For active sanguine and choleric people, a construction set with which you don’t need to sit at the table is suitable. For example, with a set of furry sticky balls you can literally model on the go.

    You can find a wide variety of construction sets that will interest both girls and boys.

    What to buy

    • Wooden construction set “Solar farm” from “Lesovichka”, 730 rubles →

    Board game

    Board games are a great pastime for the whole family. But they should also be selected taking into account individual characteristics child. The age on the box is just one guide. Remember also about the character and hobbies of the baby.

    For children who like math problems and logic tasks, you can give a wooden Tetris or a tangram puzzle for the New Year. The essence of the latter is to add the figures indicated on the cards. You can play alone, or if you have several sets, compete against the clock.

    Children with a spark need more exciting board games: from the classic kicker to adventure games with a playing field and cubes, where you need to overtake your opponents and score points. Also, boys and girls can be captivated by Jenga and various mnemonic games.

    It’s worth mentioning the popular challenge games: “Pie Face”, “Bad Dog”, “Spitting Camel” and others. The attitude of psychologists, teachers and parents towards them is ambiguous. On the one hand, it’s fun, but on the other, the educational and developmental components tend to zero. Write in the comments how you feel about challenge games.

    If you are not choosing a New Year's gift for your child, ask the parents if they approve of such games.

    What to buy

    • Children's chess for memory training from AliExpress, 844 rubles →
    • Interactive game “Spitting Camel” from Fotorama, 1,759 rubles →

    What to give a boy 5–9 years old for the New Year

    During this period, gender differentiation in children increases. Some boys may even be offended by a girl’s gift. Therefore, here are a few ideas for New Year's gifts especially for boys.

    Railroad or auto track

    There is a huge selection of railways and highways on the market. Realistic remote-controlled railways are especially popular.

    This is a classic of the genre. Who in childhood did not dream of a railway and a cool garage for cars? Such a gift will make you happy calm child, and fidgety.

    What to buy

    • Railway with remote control from AliExpress, 3,137 rubles →

    Radio-controlled toys

    By the way, about toys with remote controls. Radio-controlled helicopters, mini-quadcopters, tanks, trucks - all this will surely appeal to younger and even older boys school age.

    Are your eyes running wild? Can't choose? Then just buy a cute flying minion.

    What to buy

    • Radio-controlled racing car from Igrusha, 1,999 rubles →

    Toy walkie-talkies

    At this age, boys often play war games, pretending to be policemen or firefighters. Every boy usually has a lot of machine guns, pistols and other weapons. But walkie-talkies, which can be used to communicate with allies, will be new to many.

    Here, for example, is a model in the style of Spider-Man.

    But the walkie-talkie clock.

    What to buy

    • Set of two walkie-talkies in the style of Spider-Man from AliExpress, 647 rubles →
    • Set of two space-style radios from Igrusha, 328 rubles →

    What to give a girl 5–9 years old for the New Year

    Barbie and princess dolls

    Barbie dolls appeared in 1959, and for almost 60 years, girls all over the world have been dressing up and combing these beauties. The original Barbies are quite expensive, especially when they come with Ken, a house and other extras.

    But now there are many variations to suit every taste. In addition, dolls in the images are popular disney princesses: Anna and Elsa from Frozen, Cinderella, Rapunzel and others.

    If the girl already has such dolls, take a closer look at the accessories: furniture, clothes, jewelry, dishes, and so on.

    What to buy

    • Set of 10 accessories for Barbie doll from AliExpress, 563 rubles →
    • Dolls in the style of the cartoon “Frozen” from AliExpress, 870 rubles →

    Jewelry making kit

    At this time, girls develop an interest in needlework. Therefore, creativity kits are an excellent gift for older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

    Which children are especially looking forward to. Already in the first weeks of December, they are waiting for the moment when the Christmas tree will be decorated, anticipating a meeting with Santa Claus, gifts and an atmosphere of magic in every day. And if for them this holiday is full of miracles, then for parents New Year's Eve is a time of fuss and worries about choice New Year's gift, because they so want to please their sons and daughters!

    Most the best option to understand what your child wants - ask him directly what he would ask from Santa Claus. Or invite him to write a note and put it in the designated place “for Santa Claus.” In any case, the child’s wishes cannot be ignored: the gift should first of all please and bring pleasure, and only then be practical and useful. On the eve of the New Year, children are expecting miracles, so give them a real holiday!

    New Year gifts for children under 3 years old

    At this age, children grow before our eyes. Therefore, if you give a cute jumpsuit and a new walking hat in the style of Minion’s clothes, the child will not only like such a gift, but will also definitely not be out of place in the wardrobe. By the way, you can buy the same set of clothes for the whole family - the only difference will be in size. When the whole family puts on new clothes, you will see the baby’s reaction yourself. Just don’t forget at this moment about New Year's photos as a keepsake!

    Souvenirs for children from 3 to 6 years old

    A good gift for a girl at that age would be a doll that needs to be looked after: combed, put to bed, washed and fed. In the set you can purchase a house for a doll or a set of toy dishes and household appliances, which you can play with both at home and in the summer in the sandbox, baking sand pies.

    Boys can buy a assembled model of an airplane, car or boat. You can give a beautiful railway or racing track with a control panel that the whole family needs to assemble.

    New Year's gift for a child from 6 to 10 years old

    At this age, many children realize or already know that gifts are given to them by their parents, and not by Santa Claus. Therefore, you can invite your child to go to interesting New Year’s performances in the theater or circus. You can visit the skating rink or go sledding down the hill.

    At this age it is time to understand that good book should always be nearby, so you shouldn’t discard this gift option. Buy a New Year's book from beautiful pictures, which is not only pleasant to look at, but also which will help the child learn something new and interesting.

    Many children will enjoy simple Board games with bright cards and a simple strategy. And a board game can be not only entertaining, but also educational. A great gift at this age!

    New Year gifts for teenagers from 11 to 16 years old

    It is especially difficult for teenagers to choose gifts. But this is feasible if you know the desires, interests and hobbies of a teenager. Many people at this age already want their own computer, and many already have their own laptop. Therefore, making a gift related to a computer, for example, good headphones or a new webcam, will be a very successful and, most importantly, useful gift idea.

    Why not personalize your laptop or phone? A phone case or a designer sticker on the laptop lid can be a great gift. And if the child doesn’t have a phone yet, then this is the most best time for such a gift!

    In anticipation New Year's holidays parents are literally running off their feet in search of interesting gifts for children. Agree, finding an unusual, desirable and useful children's gift at this time is a super task that only Santa Claus can cope with quickly and easily. However, having gathered their courage and thought out in detail the most effective route for shopping, moms and dads find worthy New Year gifts for their children. But the most important role in the success of this mission is awareness of children's desires and hobbies. Agree, a 1-year-old baby and a 4-year-old child will have completely different preferences in toys. What can we say about boys and girls aged 7-10 years old! Therefore, before you go on New Year's shopping, we strongly recommend that you read our article today. In it you will find a list original gifts for children different ages for the New Year 2017. In addition, you will find out what you can give to boys and girls for the New Year in kindergarten and school.

    Options for interesting New Year gifts for boys and girls in kindergarten

    It's no secret that gifts for New Year's party In kindergarten, the parents themselves cook. At the same time, they are faced with a difficult choice of universal gifts and limited financial opportunities within the kindergarten. Options for interesting New Year gifts for boys and girls in kindergarten must be different from each other and at the same time useful. It is also important to choose delicious sweets that are safe for the health of children. Below is a list interesting options gifts to kindergarten for boys and girls for the New Year. Most of the ideas are perfect for kindergarten for children from 3-4 to 5 years old. But there are also gift options that will be relevant for younger children.

    So let's start with general recommendations for choosing gifts for kindergarten. A good New Year's gift for a kindergarten must meet several key characteristics: be useful, develop certain skills, and not contain small and dangerous parts. The following gift options meet all these requirements:

    • high-quality professional sets (doctor, policeman, fireman)
    • pyramids, cubes, puzzles (when choosing, focus on age)
    • bright educational toys, for example, construction sets like Lego Duplo
    • colorful books, large coloring books, sets for children's creativity
    • toys that develop self-service skills (kitchen set, tools, lacing)

    What to give for New Year to children 6-10 years old in elementary school

    At the age of 6-7 years, children already consciously approach the choice of a New Year's present. They are happy to write letters to Grandfather Frost and shop around for what they want in toy stores. As a rule, there are no difficulties when choosing an individual gift for your child: just read his letter to Santa Claus or ask about him personally. But the question is what to give for the New Year to children 6-10 years old in primary school, makes the parent committee think twice. It is very important to choose universal gifts for school that all children will receive with equal enthusiasm. For example, these could be construction sets, “fun science” type kits, healthy sweets and books for school. If you want to give something more original to children aged 6-10 years old in primary school for the New Year, then take a look at the following options:

    • soft toys in the form of popular cartoon characters
    • tickets to the circus, puppet theater, cinema, amusement park
    • comics, encyclopedias, popular children's books
    • stationery for school
    • sports equipment (balls, jump ropes, badminton, skates)
    • huge puzzles, puzzles, board games

    Gift ideas for a boy for New Year 2017, photo

    Of course, a boy needs to choose a gift for the New Year 2017 based on his interests, hobbies and age characteristics. For example, the best gift and the height of dreams for a boy 5-8 years old would be a transforming robot, but a teenager 11-13 years old will be delighted with a cool computer gadget. Gift ideas for boys for the New Year 2017, which you will find below along with the photo, are based precisely on the main characteristics of the choice. They include age characteristics, possible hobbies, relevance and relevance. But despite the fact that the New Year 2017 gift ideas for a boy collected below can be considered the most successful, it is worth remembering the psychological factor. No one knows their son better than parents. And if it’s difficult for them to choose a New Year’s gift for him, then they just need to take a closer look and listen more carefully to their child. Boys are mostly simple-minded and are happy to talk about the gifts they want. True, it is possible that your boy’s dream gift is among New Year's options below:

    • player, camera, phone, game console (for teenagers)
    • racing track, railway, radio-controlled helicopter (car)
    • developmental set for the type of young technician or chemist
    • model car set, collectible figurines, superhero figures
    • toy characters from your favorite cartoons

    What useful and interesting gifts to give to a girl for New Year 2017?

    Selection principle good gift on New Year's Eve for a girl is not much different from a similar process for a boy. Perhaps the only difference that exists, and which is definitely worth taking into account, concerns the practicality of the gift. It is no secret that the foundations of femininity and home management skills are laid in girls in early childhood and school. Mainly through imitation and role-playing in kindergarten and socialization at school. Therefore, among the favorite toys of girls of any age are dolls, dishes, children's cosmetics, etc. And if the question is about what to give a useful and interesting New Year 2017 gift to a girl, then any of the above gifts will be perfect. Such practical options are also suitable as New Year's gifts for girls at children's parties in kindergartens and schools. It’s another matter if you want to give not only a useful and interesting, but also an original gift to a girl for the New Year 2017. In this case, our list of original gifts for girls 1-4, 7-9, 11 years old can help:

    • interactive baby doll
    • e-book, player, headphones
    • children's jewelry and cosmetics
    • kits for needlework, making jewelry, growing flowers, etc.
    • musical instruments
    • Sports Equipment

    On the eve of the New Year holidays, we are in a hurry to buy gifts for all our loved ones and relatives. But the most important thing is to prepare a gift for the child for the New Year, because kids believe in miracles so much and wait for the moment when Santa Claus and Snow Maiden bring the long-awaited presents. They write to Santa Claus, then count the minutes until boxes with long-awaited surprises appear under the Christmas tree.

    For adults, it can be difficult to choose something that the baby will really like and will delight him for a long time. To make this task easier, you can simply read this article and choose the option that is truly closest to you.

    The best ideas for inexpensive, but original and edible surprises

    At the end of December, we are all preparing for the fact that we will need to spend almost all our savings on gifts for the New Year. Children are waiting for surprises more than anyone else in the world, because they believe so much in miracles and the fulfillment of desires, for them it does not matter at all how much a thing costs, the main thing is attention and love.

    Inexpensive gifts for children are also important and necessary, because they rejoice at every little thing given on a magical day. New Year's Eve Santa Claus. Among edible gifts for the New Year, sweets, chocolate figures of Santa Claus, tangerines, bananas and other sweets undoubtedly remain in first place. But, for example, you can give a child a more unconventional edible surprise:

    • A cup with funny New Year's images or with your favorite characters. You can also put a tasty and healthy drink in the cup.
    • Children's thermos or thermos mug.
    • A bottle of children's champagne decorated with a New Year's theme.
    • Homemade cookies in the form of various animals or other shapes.

    Such edible or semi-edible gifts are not at all difficult to prepare, the main thing is to know your preferences and tastes, because there are also some guys who are not at all suitable for gifts made from candies for the New Year. There are also children who simply cannot eat certain foods due to allergies.

    Budget paper gift ideas

    Gifts for kindergarten, as a rule, are needed to be small and inexpensive, but memorable. Children most often enjoy surprises made from paper:

    1) Magazines, books most suitable for age:

    IN younger age It is best to give cardboard or large-format books with bright illustrations;

    For preschoolers, fairy tales or tasks to prepare for school are suitable.

    2) Children's photo frames with favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons.

    3) Stationery with unusual design or execution (notebook, pen, pencil case, folder, etc.).

    4) Sets for paper crafts(origami, ready-made applications and others).

    New Year's gifts for your favorite pastime

    To give a New Year's gift to your child and please him as much as possible, you just need to know what your child likes to do most and what toy he spends a lot of time on:

    • toy camera;
    • children's musical instrument (piano, guitar, xylophone);
    • Board games;
    • puzzles (soft and small - for the little ones, more complex - for children 5-7 years old);
    • kits for weaving bracelets from rubber bands, beads and other crafts;
    • sets of hairpins for braiding.

    Options for interesting surprises

    Inexpensive gifts for the New Year can be just as interesting, unusual, and memorable for a child as more expensive options:

    1) Important little things with images of your favorite cartoon characters - Peppa Pig, Fixies, Masha and the Bear (keychain, badge, notepad, pen, puzzles and other stationery). For children from 1 to 3 years old, cartoon characters in the form of rubber toys with bathroom whistles or soft puzzles are suitable.

    2) A piggy bank in the shape of a favorite cartoon character is suitable for children of any age. It is better if a piggy bank for a child under three years old is made of durable, unbreakable materials.

    3) Pillows with a Christmas theme or with images of your favorite cartoon characters.

    4) Repeat toys (hamster, owl, Masha and others).

    Necessary inexpensive surprises

    School-age children are becoming more picky and picky, but even for them you can easily choose children's gifts for the New Year, which will undoubtedly be to their taste and will be useful in the future. Everyday life, and will not be expensive for you:

    • if your baby is partial to cooking homemade food, then you can give him a children’s kitchen set (an apron with unusual prints, towels and an oven mitt);
    • a set of high-quality children's cosmetics;
    • soap of unusual shape with pleasant aromas;
    • children's bath foam (many children love to bathe in scented foam);
    • beautiful unusual pajamas;
    • scarf or beautiful scarf;
    • for those children who cannot imagine life without their pets, you can present unusual accessories for a cat, dog, parrot or guinea pig;
    • children's watch with light;
    • headphones, radio;
    • a box for small items or a beautiful basket.

    Handmade gifts

    Children's gifts for the New Year will also be very pleasant if you make them yourself:

    • a picture drawn by you or a child with a frame;
    • unusual embroidery with cartoon characters;
    • a collage or calendar of your child’s favorite photographs and images;
    • photo album decorated in children's style;
    • modeling clay and included decorating kit;
    • homemade Christmas decorations, wreaths, Christmas trees.

    Original New Year's gift

    Finding something that a child would like and remember for a long time is quite a difficult task, because to please, you can just get by with a bag or box delicious sweets and other sweets. But sweet gifts, as a rule, are eaten very quickly, and only the packaging remains, while there are more unusual gifts for the New Year, which will delight and surprise the child for a long time:

    1) A small bowl-shaped aquarium that will be easy to care for. The greatest joy for children is the appearance of living creatures in the house, and if the issue of the appearance of a cat or dog (especially in an apartment) is quite controversial, then an aquarium is a more acceptable and prudent option. It will not only delight children every day, but also reassure adults.

    2) Kit for growing a plant. This kit already contains everything you need for growing (pot, soil, water and seeds). For a child, such a gift is not only a fascinating process of watching a flower grow, but also an opportunity to learn a lot about plants.

    3) Monitor wiper in the shape of a cute Pug dog. It's not only soft beautiful toy, but also an object with which you can easily clean dust from a monitor, laptop or TV screen, because its belly is made of a special material, which in addition reduces static electricity, which reduces surface contamination. Another plus is that the child will find it interesting and fun to clean with his soft friend, and he will be able to gradually get used to order and cleanliness.

    4) Unusual tray service. A set that includes a plate in the shape of a house, a cup in the shape of a cloud, a sun, and a fork and spoon with a handle in the shape of a herringbone. Not only will the child like this tray, but parents will no longer have to persuade the baby to eat at least one spoonful of porridge. Such a gift would be especially appropriate for those children who cannot stay still for a single minute.

    To make unusual New Year gifts from fruits for children, you can purchase or cut out unusual eyes and attach them to treats on the holiday table.

    Toys from 1 to 4 years

    It would seem very easy to present toys as gifts for the New Year, but you still need to take into account the age and hobbies of a particular child. After all, a one-year-old baby can even be damaged by toys that are intended for older children, and teenagers will not be happy at all with a soft toy.

    At the age of 1 to 4 years, children enjoy everything new that appears in the house, but especially their favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons. A wonderful New Year's gift for a child is a soft toy - a symbol of the year or a cartoon character. It is necessary to take into account the child’s mobility and give a book, educational toys for assiduous girls and wheelchairs, strollers for fidgets.

    Nowadays you can buy a wide variety of gifts for the New Year on the market. Toys that will undoubtedly delight any youngest lady are dolls, strollers, kitchen sets with utensils, and a mini-car for joint shopping in the supermarket.

    New Year's gift for a boy

    Boys from 1 to 4 years old usually love to disassemble and assemble something, study and build, so the following would be suitable for them:

    • construction kit with large parts that will be safe for one year old child and is interesting at three and four years of age;
    • ordinary cars, dump trucks and self-transporters;
    • cubes with numbers and letters, with which you can not only build something, but also absorb information.

    Christmas tree gifts for children 5-7 years old

    It is especially important to choose a New Year's gift for a girl at this age. 5 years is the age when a child already understands everything perfectly and is looking forward to the holiday and gifts under the tree, but still believes in Santa Claus and miracles. Fortunately, there are a huge number of options for children's gift, For example:

    1) A big baby doll that needs to be watered, fed, put to bed on time, and he can even talk to the child, sing songs and walk.

    2) Many girls like toys for boys. In this case, as a New Year's gift for the child, you can put both a radio-controlled car and a railroad under the tree.

    3) Kitchen set (modern toy kitchens have accompanying sounds during cooking and washing dishes in the sink - the murmur of water).

    4) Washing machine, ironing board, an iron will teach the baby to cleanliness and order and will bring joy.

    5) For girls and boys who are in constant motion, the perfect gift will be roller skates, a bicycle, a skateboard or an electric car.

    Boys aged 5-7 already like to play team games, so we can present:

    • soccer, volleyball or basketball ball;
    • stick;
    • table football or hockey;
    • darts.

    The boy will also be happy with a weapon, a water pistol, binoculars, a telescope, and a kit for an electrician or builder.

    New Year gifts for children 8-10 years old

    You need to think carefully about gifts for the New Year. 8 years is the age when you want something unusual, original and at the same time exciting and interesting. In fact, the choice for girls of this age is huge; the main thing is to know the preferences and hobbies of the young lady:

    1) Toy sewing machine for those girls who love to create and create new things with their own hands.

    2) Useful educational games (puzzles, creativity kits).

    3) Canvas, drawing paper of various sizes, paints. It is better not to give coloring books, because they kill the child’s imagination.

    4) For creative people who love to perform, you can present a set of primitive costumes for a toy stage or a puppet theater.

    For boys, cars or a complex construction set or a set of tools for creating furniture are also suitable.

    Original New Year's gift made from sweets

    Gifts made from candies for the New Year are the gift that adults usually resort to when they are confused and don’t know what to choose for their child. But also sweet gift can be made original and memorable:

    1) Buy a beautiful and unusual package in the form of a Christmas stocking, a soft toy - a symbol of the year, a house, or create it yourself.

    2) New Year's gift ideas for the New Year in the form of a pineapple made from candies or a bottle of children's champagne with candies attached. What could be better and more original, especially if such a gift is made with your own hands.

    3) A candy bouquet, you can order it on the Internet or make it yourself (take a box or a beautiful flower pot, vase and decorate it to your taste, put foam rubber or polystyrene inside, string candies and paper on skewers or wire, stick the resulting flowers into the base bouquet).

    4) A candy wreath or horseshoe. Such a wreath or horseshoe can be made using a strong wire or cardboard base as a frame, onto which you attach candies and decorate it all with tinsel and decorations on top.

    New Year's gifts for kindergarten made from candy will also become more original and memorable for kids if they are made in the form of a tree, a horseshoe for boys or a bouquet for girls.

    Hello dear readers. IN New Year's tale every child believes, and at the same time, he sincerely hopes to receive as a gift what he has been dreaming about for a long time. Loving parents They are trying in every possible way to find out about the baby’s dream in order to see such sincere joy on his face on New Year’s Eve. It will be a real surprise for a child to receive his dream on this magical night. But, if the baby does not admit his desire, and the New Year is just around the corner, then the parents will have to use their wits and choose a gift themselves. Some parents are sure that you can surprise your child with anything, and with a choice special gift It's not even worth bothering with. But this is far from true, because all children dream of something, and, as you know, New Year’s Eve is the time for all desires to come true.

    Despite all the variety of toys, today it is quite difficult to surprise a child, especially if he is no longer three, four, or five years old. Therefore, you need to figure out what to give your child on his birthday. New Year- 2018 to meet his expectations.

    In addition, each age category has its own suitable gifts. After all, with age, interests will change, which means that the needs of a growing child will grow with him.

    What to give a child for New Year 2018 - gift ideas

    Caring parents will definitely find out what their child wants to receive for the Christmas tree this year. Well, if he doesn’t want to admit it, then you can cheat and offer to write a letter to Santa Claus, to whom the kid will be happy to post a list of his wishes.

    After which, you promise to send him a letter straight to the North Pole so that Santa Claus has time to fulfill the child’s wish right before the holiday.

    Of course, such a trick will only work with the youngest children, but still, at least this way you can fulfill his wish.

    But, if the child is already growing up, and Santa Claus is nothing more than a fiction for him, then you will have to rely only on yourself.

    You will have to seriously start looking for a New Year's gift long before the onset of winter in order to have time to make a worthy choice.

    There is a list of the most popular gifts for each age category, so the choice will not be so difficult.

    The main thing here is to choose the main gift, which can later be supplemented with a set of the best New Year's sweets.

    New Year's gift for your baby - baby 5-6 years old

    This is probably the easiest age when your child will be happy with even a simple toy, just because it is new.

    But we should not forget that it is at this age that the child begins to actively develop, which means it is necessary to provide him with all the necessary “tools.”

    It is at this age that one can trace the child’s future profession. Therefore, from an early age, it is necessary to develop in him the ability to do any activity. This way you will know in which direction you need to move.

    We offer you a list of gifts that will become best helpers in shaping your baby's personality.

    1. Drawing set. May include a variety of colors intended for young children only. It is best to choose watercolors, because children of this age have a habit of putting everything in their mouths, and this type of paint is not toxic. The set will also include special soft brushes, thick paper and colored pencils of all existing colors and shades.
    1. Toy musical instruments. Such a gift will help educate a future musician, because in this way a love of music is instilled. This could be a guitar or a small children's synthesizer. Give your child drums if he dreams of them so much. But keep in mind that not everyone can stand such concerts every day, so be careful when choosing a musical instrument as a New Year's gift.
    1. Sport equipment. Of course, we are not talking about ten-kilogram weights or barbells with weights. There is enough big choice children's equipment for outdoor activities: ball, jump rope or badminton. You can even raise a future basketball player and set up a small basketball court with a real ball hoop in his room.
    1. Toy kitchen. It includes various devices in the form of household appliances, dishes and even a realistic kitchen wall. Of course, such a set is more suitable for a girl, but boys may also express a desire to cook. Maybe you have a future chef growing up, so become his first sponsor.

    In addition, depending on the gender of the child, you can choose additional gifts. For example, a boy will be delighted with a toy railroad or a brand new racing car.

    But the future fashionista will definitely like a set of children's cosmetics, all kinds of hair jewelry or a stroller for a doll.

    What to give for the New Year - a child aged 7-8 years

    He is a school student, which means some responsibility already lies on his shoulders. Even though the child has already matured, this does not mean that he has stopped believing in Santa Claus.

    If five year old baby requests are small, but at this age desires are already fully formed, so simple soft toy you can't get away with it anymore.

    Here are a few win-win gift options that your child will certainly be delighted with.

    1. Gadget. Many parents try to protect their child from excessive use of a computer or smartphone. Of course, all this can harm his health, but this does not mean that it will be so. You cannot deprive a child of his dreams, especially when each of his classmates already has their own phone. Give him a brand new tablet, which will have a huge variety of general educational games.
    1. Book. Let such a gift seem old-fashioned against the backdrop of modern gadgets, but still, interesting book with colorful illustrations it will never be out of place. Moreover, a love of reading should be instilled from childhood, and this age is the most suitable.
    1. Board game. An ideal way to distract your child from the computer and give his eyes a little rest. In addition, such a game can unite the whole family, which will diversify the usual evening. There are various board games like Monopoly that will help your child feel like a businessman.
    1. Devices for active recreation. It could be a bicycle, skates or roller skates. This age will be ideal for a child to learn to ride his first bicycle. This will help his physical development, because now, in the era of various gadgets, it is quite difficult to force a child to go outside and play with friends.

    Such options can be suitable for both girls and boys. But you can give a gift based on the interests of the growing baby.

    A girl is unlikely to refuse jewelry or a set of new outfits for her favorite dolls. But the boy will definitely be delighted with a new sophisticated computer or radio-controlled car.

    Child over 10 years old

    As the child grows, so do his desires, which are influenced by the world dictating to us fashion trends. And both adults and children follow them. A child may tell you that he wants the newest iPhone that his best friend has already bought.

    Of course, parents are not always able to satisfy the child’s wishes, but if there is still an opportunity, then the following options will help you make a choice.

    1. Musical instrument. Already during these years, the child begins to develop a musical taste, so he may express a desire to receive a guitar as a gift. We are not talking about a toy instrument, but a real expensive guitar. This decision may seem somewhat rash, but if your child has been studying at a music school for several years and is making progress in this area, then such a gift will only help his development.
    1. Skate. This activity may seem quite dangerous, but if your child has already learned to ride on his friend’s skateboard, then why not give him his own? After all, there are special areas for skateboarding that will ensure the safety of the child.
    1. Canvas and oil paints. This age makes it possible to start a career as an artist if the child has obvious talent. Surprise him professional recruitment for real artists who will help develop in this area. In addition, in this way the child will become familiar with new technology, which will be very useful to him when entering an art school.
    1. EBook. If school textbooks cause disgust in a child, which extends to fiction, then you need to approach this issue a little differently. Exactly electronic view books will help him get acquainted with the best literary works. At the same time, reading will distract him from constantly spending time playing computer games.

    At this age, a girl may require new holiday dress like fashionable classmates.

    And boys can brag among themselves about new gadgets or expensive headphones. Therefore, get ready for New Year's spending on gifts for your beloved children.

    Adolescence 11-14 years old

    A teenager is unlikely to believe in a fairy tale about Santa Claus, so he can directly ask his parents for the necessary thing.

    If the child does not know exactly what he wants to receive on New Year's Eve, then it is better for him to make a choice. After all, you simply may not get the gift right, which could turn into a scandal.

    It is best to choose a gift depending on the gender of the child, because it is during this period that the period of maturation of both the body and personality ends.

    The girl will like gifts related to her appearance.

    1. Cosmetics. The girl grows up earlier, that’s why the interest in opposite sex it occurs quite early. Therefore, she begins to carefully monitor her appearance, and applying makeup is an integral part of this process. She wants to attract the attention of others, so give her a set of high-quality cosmetics for light daytime makeup.
    1. Decorations. This could be a set of jewelry, or precious items made of gold or silver. The main thing is that jewelry will become part of her every day look. And every girl wants to show off her new precious jewelry to her classmates.
    1. Cloth. Here parents will have to spend a lot of money, because it should be stylish clothes, which means it will cost a lot. She'll be sure to point out the dress she's dreaming of, so you don't even have to choose it yourself. And you shouldn’t do this, because it’s quite difficult to please a teenager.

    Boys are more practical in this regard, so the gift is unlikely to be expensive.

    1. Music album. At this time, their musical tastes have already been formed, so their first favorite trends in music, as well as idols, appear. Find out more about his preferences in music and give him the album of his favorite band that he has been dreaming about.
    1. Player and headphones. This would be an ideal gift for a true music lover. At the same time, let him choose the desired device model himself, because you may simply not guess with its quality.
    1. Computer chair. Boys spend a lot of time playing computer games, so it is necessary to provide them with maximum comfort during such activities. Get him a quality gaming chair that will take care of his posture.

    Such gifts would be ideal for teenagers, but we should not forget that before purchasing one of them, you need to consult with your child.

    You may have made the wrong choice, so your child can name his own version of the New Year's gift.

    New Year's gift for son

    Regardless of the boy's age, it is necessary to find out what types of gifts might be ideal for him.

    A certain gender of a child implies its own hobbies and interests, which will be radically different from the other gender.

    Therefore, when choosing a gift, be sure to take into account the interests of your child.

    1. Musical equipment. My son listens to certain styles of music all the time, watches concerts of his favorite bands and documentaries? Perhaps you are growing not just a music fan, but also a future musician. Therefore, you should find out in more detail about his interests, because a boy may dream of an electric guitar or drum kit.
    1. Technical tools. If a boy shows interest in repairing equipment, then give him a set of tools that will help him solve his problems.
    1. Equipment for physical development. Passion for sports involves the purchase of various exercise equipment and special sportswear. In addition, you can present him with a high-quality sports bike.

    You should definitely take into account the interests of your son, and then you will be able to give him the most valuable gift. Show interest in his hobbies and he will tell you about his dream.

    New Year's gift for daughter

    Girls have much more demands than boys, and it is much more difficult to please them. But there is a huge choice of potential gifts.

    1. Interactive toy. From an early age, the baby tries to take care of someone the same way her mother takes care of her. So why not give her an interactive doll that will require the same care as Small child? This option, of course, is suitable for the little ones.
    1. Set of cosmetics Suitable for girls of absolutely any age, because even from an early age they try to look their best. The quality of cosmetics, depending on the age of the baby, will vary significantly.
    1. Cloth It will also be the best gift option for a young fashionista. If for a five-year-old girl you can choose a dress yourself, then adolescence give that choice to her. She will be very grateful to you for such a wonderful gift.

    You can choose a gift for a little girl according to your taste, but in adolescence you will lose this right. She will choose the thing that she likes.

    New Year is a magical time, an integral part of which is receiving special gifts.

    Children who still believe in fairy tales are especially looking forward to this holiday. The question arises about what to give your child for the New Year - 2018?

    Therefore, we, parents, must arrange an amazing holiday for our kids with the fulfillment of a child’s dream, which, most often, lies in the very a simple gift. When you see the child's eyes full of happiness, you will understand that you have chosen “the right” gift.

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