• What does the color eggplant go with in clothes? Eggplant is a bold and stylish hair color


      Eggplant color always goes well with these colors:

      The main thing when choosing a color is to remember the rule of three. What’s remarkable is that eggplant can be either a primary or an additional color.

      But the best combinations are:

      The eggplant color is deep and luxurious. However, it does not go well with all colors. In clothes it goes well with mustard, pale pink shades, brown, blue, blue, green.

      In clothes, you need to be able to combine and wear this color, and be confident in yourself.

      Some options for combining eggplant color in the interior.

      Eggplant color in clothes and interiors goes very well in mixes with white, purple, light brown and blue. It goes very beautifully and richly with black - this particular combination has become fashionable now. This can also be combined in the interior!

      Eggplant color is associated with luxury and splendor.

      In clothes, it is correct to combine eggplant color with colors such as:

      In the interior, eggplant color goes best with:

    • Very deep saturated color. Classic looks great black and white combination eggplant color:

      with soft pink, gray, herbal green:

      with modest splashes of aquamarine and lemon color:

      Blends perfectly with blue:

      and brown:

      and with dark blue:

      Eggplant color it is a deep purple or warm brownish purple.

      Eggplant color goes well with white and cream, blue, delicate yellow, soft blue, natural pistachio, black or brown.

      To avoid it being too dark and overwhelming interior, it is advisable to dilute eggplant with light shades. Then the room will look more airy.

      Eggplant- this is a rich and deep color, which in itself attracts attention and does not need to be emphasized. But the color of the eggplant can be shaded with a bright green color; this combination is perfect for evening dress. If the eggplant color needs to be worn during the day, then it can be calmed down with the help of light tones; white and light beige colors will cope with this role perfectly.

      If you use eggplant color in the interior, then its combination with rich pistachio tones will be bold; this design is perfect for the living room:

      And if you add more white to the eggplant color, then the space will visually increase, which will be a huge plus for small rooms.

      Eggplant color is extremely unusual because it is not used so often in interiors or clothing. Despite the fact that this color is darker, its richness and saturation do not make the room or outfit gloomy.

      Eggplant color will harmonize perfectly with white, green, blue, deep dark blue, etc.

      The eggplant color is incredibly attractive with its enchanting depth of color and it is very picky when choosing its color partner, but this is permissible for its great persona.

      The most best colors, which in combination with eggplant play in unison shown in this small compact and very useful color palette plate.

      Combine colors correctly and you will always be tastefully dressed and live in the harmonious interior of your home!

      Eggplant color in clothes. Who suits eggplant color in clothes?

      Most designers agree that color schemes that use either analogous (similar) colors or so-called complementary (opposite) colors look most harmonious.

      Colors that are created by combining the same primary colors are considered analogous. For example, purple is a mixture of red and blue. Similar to purple will be the colors created using various shades red and blue, for example: eggplant, lavender, periwinkle.

      Complementary colors are on opposite sides of the color wheel. A striking example combinations of complementary flowers - Pansy flower. Look how beautifully purple (or eggplant, depending on the variety) and yellow are combined in them.

      Also of great importance in the combination of colors (this applies to both clothing and interior design) is their intensity. Bright colors look better with bright ones, pastels look better with pastels.

    The eggplant color is a dark tone that consists of violet and purple shades. Oddly enough, its components are opposite to each other. Thus, purple represents peace and tranquility. Red is the color of passion and energy. What does eggplant contain?

    Color Features

    This rich shade has a positive effect on a person. With its help, you can easily improve your mood, even create a festive mood in your soul. At the same time, the eggplant color is designed to restrain excessive emotions and, accordingly, calm.

    Therefore, you need to wear clothes of this shade with pleasure:

    • When you're in a bad mood.
    • When I got up on the wrong foot.
    • When you want a holiday.
    • When emotions go over the edge.

    Eggplant color in clothes: who suits it?

    The eggplant color (the photo proves this) suits many. It always looks interesting, if, of course, the items and their style are chosen correctly to fit the figure. A girl with any color type, hair shade, even body type can afford to wear eggplant clothes. The exception is white-skinned blondes. If the shade is too saturated, the skin will become excessively pale and take on an unhealthy appearance.

    This shade looks great in a variety of styles:

    • Businesslike.
    • Romantic.
    • Evening.
    • Vintage.
    • Gothic.

    With it you can create an aura of mystery. You just need to choose the right shade correctly. How lighter skin, the cooler the eggplant should be. On the contrary, dark-skinned people can safely wear rich, bright shades of this color. Red-haired beauties should choose eggplant clothes if their skin is porcelain (has a very light and delicate tone). Blondes with gray and blue eyes It is preferable to choose delicate eggplant shades with a deviation towards pink.

    Cool shade

    You can successfully combine the color of eggplant with other shades if you decide what type it belongs to. After all, grapes, pansies, even a real eggplant in the garden are all completely its varieties. In the fashion world, it is customary to divide colors into warm and cool. This will help you choose the right combinations. So, if there are cold notes, then what color does eggplant go with in clothes? It could be:

    • light blue;
    • black;
    • white;
    • grey;
    • cream;
    • blue.

    Warm shade

    Warm eggplant color - what color goes with clothes? The photo clearly shows that in this case you can safely select things in the following shades:

    • golden;
    • yellow;
    • pink;
    • red;
    • brick;
    • cherry;
    • terracotta;
    • orange;
    • burgundy;
    • crimson;
    • green.

    Eggplant color in clothes: what to combine with? Rules for selecting accessories

    The eggplant color is very bright and catchy. That is why you need to select accessories for it carefully. They should have neutral shades, but this rule does not always apply. Suitable items for eggplant-colored outfits:

    • brooches, straps, rings, earrings, scarves of the same color scheme;
    • For a bold look, bright yellow accessories are ideal;
    • you can consider fuchsia-colored shoes and jewelry;
    • Any metallic shade goes well with eggplant;
    • Leopard prints on accessories will help add extravagance to the image;
    • and if you want to look extraordinary, then you can always take an emerald bag and put on shoes of the same tone.

    For girls the best shoes Suits and dresses in eggplant color will be paired with classic pumps. It's better if they are the same shade. Young creatures can experiment with metallic elements on shoes.

    We combine color in clothes with makeup

    The eggplant shade carries notes of sexuality. And if you wear the right clothes, you'll also need some amazing makeup. Before you make it, you need to decide on a color palette. To do this, it is recommended to be guided by eye color:

    • green and gray - then makeup in pink and purple shades will come in handy;
    • brown - in this case it is advisable to choose flesh and silver tones.

    Whatever the outfit, you should always be guided by the rule: “we place the emphasis either on the lips or on the eyes.” Hence there are 2 makeup options:

    1. It is necessary to draw an outline on the eyes. A black or very dark purple pencil is suitable for this. The upper contour should go into the arrow (what length it will be is up to the girl). The moving part of the eyelid should be covered with lilac shadows. You need to take several shades. In this case, the darkest one is applied from the outside and carefully shaded. If the eyes are deep-set, then at the inner corner you can apply shadows of a light shade (close to white). A pearl highlight is applied under the eyebrows on the outside of the eyes. Next, the eyelashes are covered black ink. To complete the makeup, apply mocha blush and light pink lipstick.
    2. Another makeup option combines purple and golden shades. First you need to apply shadows: purple on the eyelids and golden under the eyebrows. Next, we highlight the look with eyeliner or a special pencil. Depending on the color of your eyes, you need to choose its shade. Green-eyed beauties can choose a black or dark gray option. It will be ideal for blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls Blue colour contour pencil or eyeliner. To complete the makeup, cover your lips with golden-pink lipstick.

    Fashionable look

    The color eggplant (the photo proves this) is used in a variety of fashionable looks this season. With its help you can create an image for any occasion.

    You can choose a dress for the office. This can be either a slightly fitted model with a flared skirt, or a sheath style (you can even have a peplum). For both cases, you should wear pumps on your feet. It is better to choose accessories as modest as possible. These could be small silver earrings or a metal chain. You can complement the look with a light silk scarf or a thick gray jacket.

    You can dress bolder for a party. We put on a bandeau or corset in combination with a light multi-layer or chiffon skirt. We select extravagant accessories for this outfit: stiletto heels golden hue and a brown belt.

    For walks and romantic date A light and small flowy dress with a high waist is suitable. You can replace this option with a blouse and pleated skirt. Along with this you should definitely choose matching accessories: snow-white beads, a beige handbag or clutch and golden shoes or sandals.

    Eggplant color is considered universal. It suits everyone: slim, plump, tall and petite, hot brunettes and gentle blondes. With its help it is easy to create any image, from business to extravagant. Everyone can find a worthy use for it in clothing. That is why it has long been included in the basic and classic wardrobe of every person: be it a man or a woman.

    Rich, dark eggplant shade is ideal for decorating kitchens. Thanks to the combination of red and blue tones, it is much deeper than standard purple and greatly enlivens the interior.

    In this article we have collected a selection of photos of the most successful design solutions for eggplant-colored kitchens.

    Features of eggplant cuisine

    First of all, you need to understand what the color of eggplant looks like and what it is. Thanks to the combination of two tones, a very rich and multifaceted shade is obtained.

    Eggplant - multifaceted and rich shade

    Depending on the framing, eggplant can become almost lilac or fade into a rich dark purple light.

    The perception of eggplant color depends on the rest of the kitchen design
    • In small spaces, it is better to use eggplant as a color accent., without giving him the main role. This shade is quite dark, so even with a glossy texture it will visually make an already small kitchen smaller.
    • It is very important to choose the right lighting- otherwise the eggplant color will turn out too dull and will lose its beauty. Use not only ceiling lights, but also various types backlight This way you will add volume to the kitchen, and the eggplant surfaces will sparkle with the full depth of tone.
    • Be careful when choosing combinations of tones. Eggplant looks great in combination with light tones. In addition, a variety of bright colors- orange, yellow, red. In this case, the interior will have to be planned carefully so that the kitchen does not turn out to be too colorful.
    • Avoid combining eggplant with dark colors, if this is not provided for by the style of the room. Such a kitchen may turn out to be too gloomy and uncomfortable. In addition, psychologists have proven that rooms where dark colors, have a depressing effect on the human psyche - take this into account when designing.
    • The richer and brighter the eggplant, the less it should be. Of course, there are certain successful exceptions - we will talk about them below. Still, try to choose such tones for small interior details so as not to tire your eyes too much.
    • Like anyone dark shade, eggplant visually attracts the eye if it has streaks and stains. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you will have to clean the kitchen more often than when using more familiar colors - beige, brown.

    Eggplant looks especially good as a complementary color

    However, despite all the difficulties, eggplant shades can look very advantageous. Let's look at the most successful ideas for using it in the kitchen interior in the following photo collection.

    A color scheme

    To reveal the beauty of the eggplant tone, you need to choose the right palette for the rest of the design.


    Visually, white will soften the harshness of the eggplant tone, making it lighter and airier. This combination can be used even in small kitchens.

    Experiment with the ratio of shades. The kitchen looks impressive, where the facades below are decorated in eggplant color, and on top - white. An abundance of white with bright eggplant elements is suitable.

    White softens the harshness of the eggplant tone

    It is better to choose cool tones - pure white, silver, pearl.


    Various shades of gray go well with eggplant. Try using this technique: the richer the tone of the eggplant, the lighter the gray should be. For example, smoky or mother-of-pearl.

    Options for combinations with gray

    Muted and dark eggplant colors harmonize well with wet asphalt, charcoal or pewter gray.


    Eggplant with black is best decorated in: in execution, such a solution may seem too gloomy and dull. By the way, nutritionists joke that a kitchen in these colors is ideal for those who want to lose weight - the combination suppresses appetite.

    Eggplant gloss combined with black

    We're not sure that's fair - the combination looks very impressive, you just need to be careful when planning the design.

    Yellow, orange, golden, green

    The combination of eggplant with yellow, orange, golden, and green looks bright and unusual. Feel free to combine them in any proportion, add white or metallic elements.

    This design is suitable for modern styles registration - , . Considering the bright and saturated color palette, give up the abundance decorative elements- otherwise the room will look overloaded.

    Light green

    The combination of eggplant and light green looks very fresh. However, such a bright solution requires a certain approach: add gold, scarlet or fuchsia to make the combination look harmonious. And remember that in in this case There should be one dominant color - the rest are best used as small inserts.

    In general, find suitable option The color combination for eggplant is not too difficult - the main thing is to choose tones that will highlight its features and not overshadow them.

    Eggplant color in the kitchen interior

    No less important than correctly combining eggplant with other colors is to place it harmoniously in the kitchen.

    Most often, the eggplant shade is used for decoration. In this case, you can experiment: matte or glossy texture, various decorative handles, printing or airbrushing.

    Eggplant facades

    Be guided general rules interior design: for spacious kitchens, choose matte facades; a small eggplant-colored kitchen looks better in gloss.

    Matte kitchen Small glossy kitchen

    If you decorate the facades in an eggplant shade, the tabletop can be made of wood, stone or its imitation. Oddly enough, an otherwise capricious color harmonizes perfectly with natural materials.

    Tabletops in the form natural materials

    An eggplant-colored corner kitchen will look better in a matte texture: when reflected in a glossy surface, the tone may be unsightly distorted.

    Corner kitchens look better in a matte version

    But for straight sets, choose gloss - thanks to the shine, the color will sparkle.

    Straight headsets look better in gloss

    If facades made in this way seem too provocative to you, use eggplant to finish the apron. In this case he will become bright shade, but will not be too conspicuous. This technique is even suitable for kitchens, whereas eggplant is usually more suitable for modern interiors.

    Eggplant apron

    The material for the apron can be absolutely anything: false panels, painted wood, tiles - eggplant allows such experiments. However, if you opt for the latter option, you will have to very carefully cover all the seams. Otherwise, errors will be obvious against a bright background.

    Another interesting option— an eggplant-colored glass panel with a printed print and hidden lighting. This way you will get a rich and voluminous pattern that will become a real decoration of your kitchen.

    Eggplant panel

    A bold and extraordinary solution is the eggplant-colored floor. Choose materials that are suitable for the kitchen and harmonize with the rest of the interior. However, keep in mind that in this case it is better for you to refuse to use eggplant in other interior elements. The floor is too significant a part, so if you paint the facades in the same tone, the kitchen will visually merge and appear lower.

    The eggplant floor should not clash with the rest of the interior elements

    The exception is small decorative items, subtle color accents or cropped eggplant-colored curtains. If you want to hang long curtains, it is better to paint the floor in a different tone. Otherwise you will get the same effect as with facades.

    Curtains to match the color of the kitchen

    Eggplant countertops with white or gray facades look very original. True, you will have to take care of the work surface very carefully - even the slightest stains are visible on the eggplant, especially if you opted for a glossy texture.

    Eggplant countertops need to be washed frequently

    If you want to decorate your kitchen in white or gray tones, experiment with the color of the ceiling. A very stylish solution is a glossy stretch ceiling in the shade of juicy eggplant. If you wish, you can install hidden lighting on it or even design it in the form of a fashionable starry sky: small LED bulbs reveal the depth of the eggplant color, making it multifaceted and complex.

    Eggplant hair color has not gone out of fashion for several years. Bold, sophisticated, stylish - it will make you noticeable, mysterious and chic.

    What is the eggplant shade?

    The eggplant shade is stylish combination purple with red, brown or burgundy. Despite the fact that the fashion of the upcoming season offers naturalness, it is still popular among modern fashionistas - both young and mature. Being quite bright and rich, eggplant does not look cheap or vulgar. On the contrary, a more noble and elegant tone cannot be found in the entire palette. In addition, it suits women of all color types, gives volume to the hair, and a beautiful shine to the eyes.

    Eggplant has three very beautiful shades. We hope these photos will help you get a more accurate picture of them.


    Eggplant purple

    Eggplant red

    Who is eggplant suitable for?

    Who suits eggplant color? On brunettes and brown-haired women with skin of cool tones, it looks incomparable, as it gives dark strands very beautiful undertone. Also, ladies with green, brown and hazel eyes should take a closer look at this shade. This combination looks the most natural and harmonious.

    For women with warm skin tones and blue, light brown and gray eyes, they should pay attention to the eggplant color with red and brown notes.

    Please know that the result of painting depends entirely on the original color. On a dark base, the eggplant will be smooth and deep, but on a light base it will be too bright, intense and flashy. In the latter case, it can be used for unusual coloring in a duet with red, green, orange or blue.

    How to get eggplant color?

    When deciding to dye your strands an eggplant shade, you need to consider several important points– it can add years and highlight imperfections (inflammation, acne, scars, etc.). The face should be clean, well-groomed and healthy. If everything is ok, you can safely proceed to the further procedure. There are a number of tools available for this.

    The following video will tell you how to properly dye your hair in purple using tonic:

    Tint preparations

    A variety of tinted cosmetics (tonics, shampoos, mousses, balms, foams) are perfect for those who are afraid to make bold experiments. They make it easy to change your look and evaluate the result. If it doesn't suit you, you can quickly remove the eggplant tint.

    There is a slight difference between all these means. So, shampoos initially give a very light tone. But with each new wash it becomes brighter. But mousse, tonic and balm do the opposite. Being very bright and saturated in the first days, they are gradually washed off from the strands (after 4-6 hair washes).

    The most popular tint preparations include:

    • Tinted shampoo “Kapous Life Color”;
    • Tinted shampoo “Irida M de Lux”;
    • Balm “Tonic”;
    • Keune mousse.

    Permanent paints

    Permanent paint provides a more durable and irreversible effect. In this case, it will no longer be possible to get rid of eggplant by simply washing your hair. You'll either have to repaint it or go with what you have. After permanent dyeing, the color will delight you for at least 1-2 months. To maintain its brightness, just apply tonic or shampoo.

    • Palette Delux 880;
    • Fiona 4.98;
    • Wellaton 5/66;
    • Palette RFE3;
    • Florex 6.0;
    • Syoss 3-3;
    • Acme color Rowan;
    • Estel;
    • Wella 3/66 – Eggplant
    • Loreal Preference
    • Color Variete 4.7 Eggplant
    • Elea Professional Color & CARE;
    • Slavia.

    Experts recommend strictly following the instructions - do not overexpose the product, but also do not keep it on less. due dates. This will allow you to get beautiful shade medium intensity. This rule is especially relevant for fair-haired ladies.

    Natural compositions

    Change with help natural remedies can rightfully be called the safest way of reincarnation. If you are a fan of this particular method, pay attention to the tinted henna “Eggplant”. The dye, consisting of plant materials, includes organic salts, antioxidants, microelements and other active substances, and therefore will only bring significant benefits to the strands. But remember, the results from using henna may be unexpected. Most often it depends on the thickness of the hair and the original shade. So, you can get pure eggplant color only on light brown hair. Red-haired and brown-haired women will be able to acquire a dark eggplant tone, and brunettes can expect purple notes.

    To make the result of henna more predictable, be sure to adhere to the following important rules:

    • About 3 weeks before the procedure, avoid any chemical dyes and straightening or curling compounds;
    • Henna is applied to clean and dry hair;
    • To fix the pigment, do not wash your hair for the next 4 days after coloring.

    Attention! When dyeing at home, a good result will only be achieved with monochrome dyeing. More complex techniques(highlighting, coloring, ombre) is best left to a hairdresser.

    Want to try eggplant hair color for yourself? Then it won't hurt you to familiarize yourself with useful tips from professional stylists.

    • Tip 1. When painting, follow the unshakable rule - the cooler the skin tone, the richer the paint.
    • Tip 2. If you are not ready for dramatic changes, try highlights or ombre.
    • Tip 3. Eggplant pigment loses its saturation very quickly, so it needs to be regularly maintained with the help of tint products.
    • Tip 4. Be sure to complement the look with appropriate makeup. For him you need to choose pale lipstick and shadows dark colors. The main thing is not to overdo it! Too bright make-up in combination with eggplant hair looks very vulgar.
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