• Behavior of wise women towards their men. Golden rules of a wise wife


    Life is full of challenges and surprises. Of course, every woman wants to be happy, dreams of true love And strong marriage. It often happens that at the very beginning of a relationship, a woman turns a blind eye to some minor little things that do not suit her. After all, she is completely absorbed in a wave of feelings. However, over time, these very little things can become a stumbling block in a relationship with your loved one. Irritation, disagreements and misunderstandings arise. To get out of this situation without harming the relationship, wisdom is required from every woman. So, what is a wise woman like?

    By nature, women are incredibly emotional creatures. Sometimes this feature often interferes in personal relationships. It is also worth noting that not every clever woman is a wise woman. A wise woman is required to be able to be far-sighted, to be able to cope with her emotions, to be a woman, after all, and not to compete in anything with her man. Below is a list of personal qualities that a wise woman possesses.

    A wise woman is faithful, restrained, and does absolutely everything for the well-being of her family. It is her mood that creates the weather in the family.

    . A wise woman is aware that family life involves cooperation. She understands that spouses do not owe anyone anything, because marriage, in her opinion, is based on deep understanding, respect and love.

    . A wise woman is ready for dedication; she puts all of herself into building a strong and happy family.

    . Women are creators by nature. A wise woman is aware of the responsibility entrusted to her. Her main tools are patience, understanding, love and sincerity. To be loved, to love, to develop relationships is inherent in her nature.

    . A wise woman knows very well that women and men love differently. Knowing this feature, she will not demand and expect from her husband those actions that correspond to the ideas of women’s love.

    . IN family life Irritation often breaks into communication between spouses. It arises only for the reason that one of the spouses did not live up to the hopes of the other. And this happens because too much hope was placed on the first one. A wise woman realizes that irritation is nothing more than a sign bad upbringing. She understands perfectly well that this emotion is completely inappropriate and tries to deal with it immediately.

    . A wise woman knows that no people are perfect and she is no exception. Therefore, she knows how to forgive her loved one.

    . Patience is one of the main qualities of a wise woman. It is this quality that allows her to keep her emotions under control. Although sometimes it is worth throwing away all wisdom and turning to the mind. What if the person next to you is not worthy of you? Thus, patience can be both a woman's greatest asset and her worst enemy.

    . A wise woman is a woman who knows how to live in harmony with herself and with the world around her. She is able to smooth out the situation and avoid a stupid conflict.

    . A wise woman knows how to be slow, smooth, sexy. She knows how to show weakness and create the impression of insecurity. She is alien to the desire to manage everything, to compete with her partner.

    As you can see, female wisdom presupposes the presence of a huge number of personal qualities. The path to gaining feminine wisdom is not hard work on yourself, but love. If you truly fall in love, you will notice how your (even the most explosive) character changes dramatically next to the man you love.


    The concept of a “wise woman” is different from the concept of a “smart woman”. After all, a wise woman understands that there are situations when there is no need to be smart at all (in any case, try not to show off your mental capacity- leave it for achieving career heights).

    Ancient philosophers said: “Women are smart and cunning by nature, but men are taught by reading books.”

    To skillfully guide a man’s actions, you should not resort to the advice of healers or girlfriends. Achieve desired result simple things that women sometimes don’t think about will help.

    So, what kind of wise woman is she, what is her wisdom, how to become wise in a relationship with a man and live a happy life.

    1. Right choice men

    Often girls (especially young and inexperienced) are attracted to gentlemen who cannot be influenced. They are usually quite charming, cheerful, and give gifts to girls beautiful compliments, presented good gifts. But attempts to set such individuals in a serious mood do not bring the desired result.Initially, a wise woman chooses the right man, which does not need to be changed, just directed a little - very subtly and not intrusively.

    2. Calm, only calm

    A wise woman preserves peace in the home, a pleasant atmosphere in communication, does not provoke and avoids emotionally tense environments. Creates a comfortable microclimate, peace of mind family relationships so that everyone in the household wants to go home. We also include offense here - an offended woman cannot be wise.

    3. Patience and endurance

    You flirt with a man and see his interest, but he himself does not take any measures. Be patient, wait, give him the opportunity to make a decision and take the first step, all you need to do is “give the green light.” Once having made a decision for him, you will be forced to do this forever. Consider whether this is necessary. A wise woman makes sure that her man is at his best, knows how to take responsibility, and at his own request.

    4. Beauty is a terrible force

    A wise woman always works on her appearance, takes care of herself, selects the right clothes. She doesn’t choose one that is too revealing, with deep necklines and other vulgar details. Remember: in everything you need to observe moderation. Also with makeup, it should not be flashy, but its complete absence is undesirable. A man should like what he sees. Wisdom is needed in everything.

    5. Make up, make up, make up

    You quarreled and both fell silent. It’s hard for you to bear the silence, it starts to get annoying, and you decide to go ahead and make peace. Remember: during silence, men calm down, at least most of them. Repeat to yourself: “Now he is silent and calms down, I also calm down.” This will help prevent both of you from causing trouble in the heat of the moment, and you won’t delete his favorite game on the computer or hit him with a rolling pin, as was previously intended. A wise woman has the strength to wait for the moment, and then go for reconciliation.

    6. Freedom

    A wise woman does not take away a man's freedom. She doesn’t forbid spending time with one of her friends, and doesn’t forcefully plan his leisure time, and won’t look at him with displeasure when he comes home from work at the wrong time. Remember: you need to trust a man, respect him as a person. After all, these actions lead to the fact that he will do everything the other way around, as if Small child, hide and lie even more, resulting in conflict.

    7. Lack of imperative method in colloquial speech

    A wise woman will never rule over a man. Instead of the usual “Go buy some bread”, she will say: “Darling, I wanted to make cutlets, but I forgot that we ran out of bread. Could you buy it? In the meantime, I’ll prepare the other ingredients.” The goal has been achieved. And here another wonderful mechanism comes into play - a joint action that brings you together spiritually - a wise woman knows about this.

    8. The weaker sex - oh, these weak strong women

    A woman is designed in such a way that she often needs help. If you use this weakness correctly, you can successfully manipulate your man. As a result, a simple “Darling, please help me screw in the light bulb” will awaken in a man a feeling of pride in himself - they need him, they cannot live without him. Remember the saying “a woman’s strength is in her weakness.” Also, a wise woman always thanks her man for good deeds.

    9. The path to the heart

    Many women know that they shouldn’t pester a man and ask him for anything (buy a fur coat, go to the sea, etc.)… until he has had a good meal. There is one more thing to remember: you should not interrupt a man while eating, this will reduce the whole effect to “no”. It’s worth making sure that the food is delicious, perhaps with a glass of wine, and that you’re in a mood for a pleasant conversation, so that the answer is a definite “yes” to your desired and dear woman. Perhaps it's already feminine tricks, a wise woman is not deprived of them.

    10. Sincerity and caring

    A wise woman treats her man sincerely and openly, but at the same time does not forget that it is better to “chat” about many things with her friends rather than burden her beloved with unnecessary information about choosing tights. It’s better to show attention - ask how his working day was, what tasty things to cook for him. Men appreciate this wise, caring behavior.

    This is how it is formed.

    Next to a wise woman, a man is inspired to do new good deeds towards his beloved and becomes more successful. And a woman blossoms from happy life- in caring for each other, mutual understanding and love.

    Everyone knows that it is pleasant to communicate with smart and wise people. And if she is also an attractive woman, and wisdom attracts and captivates her. What is the attraction of such people? Is wisdom good or bad? What secrets do wise women know?

    Secrets and rules wise women:

    1. A wise woman loves and accepts herself. Her desire for perfection is not a struggle, but a means of recognizing self-love.

    2. A wise woman is a woman who lives in harmony with herself and with those around her, a woman who knows how to extract pleasure from even the smallest things, to give pleasure in the smallest things. A woman who knows how to reconcile and extinguish a growing explosion, a woman who does not get into “postures of resentment”, because dignity is in actions.

    3.She is self-sufficient. She likes the work she is doing, because it was not for nothing that she chose it. She realizes herself and enjoys it. Next to her, most likely, is an equally self-sufficient person.

    4. A wise woman does not skimp on gratitude, not taking all wonderful qualities for granted. Next to someone like this, a man blossoms, feeling needed. And sincere admiration inspires him to new actions.

    5. A wise woman remembers that a worthy man does not need to be saved! He doesn’t need help finding himself, he doesn’t have unhealed heart wounds that you have to heal. She remembers that a man who quickly falls in love can just as quickly fall out of love. She knows how to distinguish a potential partner from a potential destroyer of her life.

    6. A wise woman is patient. Patience is the main quality of women, a quality that men practically do not possess. Patience is the main bonus in life. Patience is waiting for the right moment, it is the ability to control your emotions, of which women have many. A wise woman would prefer to talk, discuss the problem, and find a solution together, rather than making scenes with insults and breaking dishes.

    7. A wise woman listens and hears others. He tries to understand them, sees in each person not only the disadvantages, but also the advantages.

    8. A wise woman avoids acquaintances that clearly lead to trouble. Stay away from philanderers, alcoholics, married men and from those men who try to subjugate you to their influence or cause pain.

    9. A wise woman knows how to forgive her man, understanding that all people are not perfect and she is no exception. A wise woman does not humiliate a man or compare him with others. Knows how to forgive, because experience shows that ideals exist only in our heads, but not in reality. Concedes in small things to win in big things.

    10. She should gently but confidently talk about her irritations and grievances to her man, trying not to “get hung up” on her emotions.

    11. A wise or intelligent woman is reserved, faithful, and will do everything for the well-being of the family.

    12. A wise woman is sure that the weather in the house largely depends on her. Therefore, in no case does he transfer his bad mood to his loved ones.

    13. A wise woman is convinced that family relationships involve interaction, cooperation, and compromise. She creates relationships: after all a happy family– not a given, but painstaking work. The tools with which she creates the weather in the house are love, respect, desire to understand, tact, and patience.

    14. A wise woman understands that a person is shaped by his environment - society. He communicates with happy married couples, with women who manage to remain feminine and loved.

    15. A wise woman is the one they say about - “neck”. Wherever he turns, the “head” - the husband - looks there. Such a woman knows how to push her husband to make decisions so that he does not notice any pressure from her.

    16. A wise woman does not wash dirty linen in public. She understands that by turning her friends against her husband, she is striking herself, because the family is one whole.

    17. A wise woman does not compete with a man, does not prove her superiority, does not strive to win.

    18. A wise woman does not choose a man with the prospect of changing him. There is only one way to change a person - by changing yourself. A wise woman loves herself, knowing that there will be a man with the qualities she needs.

    19. A wise woman understands that a man needs personal space to be alone. Usually women worry, feeling that the man is moving away from them. They try to meet halfway, being offended if a man does not want to discuss the reasons. How a wise, happy woman behaves: she knows how to wait, knowing that a man sometimes withdraws into himself, and is silent not because his wife is indifferent to him, but because he sincerely does not want to shift the burden of his problems onto her fragile shoulders. A wise woman appreciates this.

    20. A wise woman understands that her husband is not her property. Supports him, trusts him, does not keep him on a short leash. He knows that a person needs his own psychological space, the opportunity to do what he loves (hunting, football, cars).

    21. A wise woman will not always show her intelligence; she knows how to use her main weapon - weakness, and does not follow the lead of hormones. She knows when to wait and when to act. She almost never relies on a man’s feelings of guilt, knowing that love and respect have a great price.

    22. A wise woman asks for advice, asks for support and help from a man, and gives him the opportunity to feel needed. This is the most important thing for a man! Although many are mistaken in believing that the main thing is sex and good cuisine.

    23.How a wise man, she understands that both in relationships and in work, the main thing is not to show her superiority, but to be able to create an atmosphere of love and comfort around her.

    24. A wise woman does not dissolve in her man. She understands that, once dissolved, sugar makes the tea sweeter, but no one remembers it anymore. A wise woman always remains an interesting person: for her husband, and for those around her, and, first of all, for herself.

    25. A wise woman does not devote herself entirely to children. She understands that she should be an example of a happy and fulfilled person for them. As a mother, she strives to be an interesting person for her children.

    26. A wise woman knows that in marriage no one owes anyone, because marriage should be based on love and on a deep understanding and respect for the goals of life together, and the independent goals in each individual’s life.

    27. A wise woman knows that irritation is a sign of a bad mood, she knows that irritation is inappropriate anywhere and never. And if it suddenly arises, then you need to deal with it by sincerely looking inside yourself, because no one else is to blame for this.

    28. A wise woman, in a crisis situation, will very subtly show her husband the direction of the right life, and support him in his intention to get there.

    29. A wise woman, seeing her husband’s mistake, will support, encourage, and sometimes pretend that she didn’t notice anything.

    30. A wise woman knows that men and women love differently. And knowing this, she does not expect or demand from her husband actions that should correspond specifically to women’s ideas about love.

    31. A wise woman does not demand from a man actions that are contrary to his nature.

    32. A wise woman will not fight the influence of her mother-in-law, defend her independence from her parents, and will not quarrel with them because of their advice. She will learn to smile, listen silently, and agree. And do it your own way. With love.

    33. A wise woman does not interfere in the lives of her adult children, does not give them unsolicited advice and recommendations, and does not tell them how to raise children correctly. She allows children to gain their own life experience and supports them in any situation.

    34. A wise woman does not want to change the whole world, to remake all the people around her. She begins to change herself. And accepts others as they are.

    35. A wise woman recommends ending a relationship if she and a man are more often bad than good. If he humiliates, her feelings and pride suffer. If he doesn’t strive to please her with something, and she finds it more pleasant to remember the past than to live in the present.

    36. A wise woman knows that love and suffering are not the same thing. She knows that lovers who are free to leave whenever they want will always return. Lovers who are free in their feelings always remain interesting. She knows that if you constantly tell a man that you miss him, she will not be interesting to this man.

    37. A wise woman does not repeat endlessly: “You don’t love me anymore” - this can be easily convinced.

    38. A wise woman is not suspicious - this is annoying and repulsive.

    She doesn't investigate where he was yesterday and what he did.

    39. A wise woman does not make reproaches in a tearful tone, does not try to show that she is unhappy because of a man. The martyr is not attractive, you want to get rid of her.

    40. A wise woman is not jealous. Jealousy occurs when a person lacks something. And even if a feeling of jealousy has settled deep in her soul, she will calm down, understand that her man can be trusted, and will never show her jealousy to her beloved.

    Wisdom and happiness to you, dear women!!!

    Svetlana Georgievna Gubanova

    And what comes of it, I promised to tell you about men. I am happy to fulfill my promise - today we will talk about what men really want, not the opinion of Helen Andelin.

    Some readers in the comments expressed the opinion that the blogger should speak from his personal experience. Although I don’t agree with this and was going to write an article about what men want in a completely different format, I decided to listen and write about personal experience. For a change.

    Preface: my friendship with men

    I admit that all my life - from the time I can remember to this day, I have been doing something absolutely “unnatural” - communicating and making friends with men. Yes, I just talked and made friends, without any “second thoughts”. At first they were boys, then young men and adults. They were strangers and free men, completely different and social status, both in terms of education and worldview...

    Due to my natural sociability and eventful life, I have seen a lot of men. Yes, I know that there are men who deny the very possibility friendship between a man and a woman, but you can also find them mutual language. We have been friends with some men for decades, while communication with others was short-lived. And I was a confidant in their heartfelt secrets - even those that they do not reveal to male friends.

    I was friends with men not because I wasn’t successful “as a woman” - there were no problems with that, but I myself like very few “like men”. I was simply interested in communicating with men, and natural harmfulness also played a role - once they told me that it was impossible to understand men, and I decided to refute this. What you will read below are the conclusions drawn from this personal communication. I hope that men will forgive me for revealing their secrets?

    What do men want?

    So, what do our men want?? What do you think they talk about when it comes to relationships with their wives and lovers? They are upset that the woman does not understand them, does not share their interests, that there is nothing to talk about with her. No one has yet complained that his wife is smart, but one complains that she is a fool. The most common complaints: "She's lying to me" And “She doesn’t care about me as a person”.

    I have never heard from a man that she “does not respect the Man in him” or does not wear a dress, but I saw indignation that she was trying to manipulate him by different means. By the way, overly “obedient”, relationship-dependent and selflessly helpful women who try to please them do not cause delight in men either. They may boast about it in company, but at the level of relationships it depresses and disappoints them - everyone! We talked about this in the article.

    What kind of male friends do you think gave me advice when I shared difficulties in my relationships? “Accept” or reconcile? Cook borscht or put on perfume? Show your weakness and dependence? You guessed wrong! The advice has always been the same: “Talk to him directly - he should understand (explain).”

    Conclusion: What do men want? sincerity . And what they get is... a set of feminine tricks.

    Yes, men are outraged when they are constantly criticized and tried to remake, scandalized and demanded. But this is a matter of banal tact, and not a specifically male feature. We also won’t like it if we are rudely criticized all the time, right? Another thing is that men have this tact more often, and therefore women should be reminded of it. This is almost the only sensible point made by Helen Andelin - which, however, is understandable even without her.

    Men are not so dependent on relationships that they make it a problem. And if a woman behaves scandalously, then they want her at least didn’t get on their nerves. Men really breathe freely when a woman stops doing this - but this does not mean that all happiness for them lies in silence at home, and they don’t need anything else.

    Men and women's wisdom

    Women sometimes resent the fact that men do not respect them and treat them in a consumerist way. But often a woman herself, having picked up “wisdom” in women’s trainings and advice from magazines, considers himself only a food processor, an air conditioner for “creating an atmosphere” and a decoration all rolled into one - but not a person who could be respected. And if men are not rude to women, then, most often, it is only because respect myself , not them.

    Often the only thing that interests a woman since childhood is: how to become so irresistible that she can more firmly “ensnare” a man. Do you think men don't see these tricks? They see almost everyone, but they are silent about it and play along, because they have long despaired that normal human relationships with a woman are possible. They are content with what they have - they simply enjoy the comfort that is created for them.

    “Women’s wisdom” inspires us that an intelligent, successful and self-confident man wants to have a life partner in the form of a fluffy, homely creature who looks into his mouth, brings him slippers, creates an atmosphere and cannot put two words together, except “You’re right, dear ! Some are flattered by having such a creature nearby, I don’t argue - but these are just men with “problems,” to put it mildly, no matter how hard you try...

    Women's wisdom says that in this way we help a man become successful and self-confident. But why do you think that without you he does not and cannot have confidence and success? What kind of conceit is this? If he is successful, then by his own choice; if he is not, then too. Yes, we can hinder him or help him in this, but we shouldn’t take on so much - our role in this matter is not decisive or even leading.

    A normal - morally and mentally complete man - does not simply need a well-groomed “keeper of the hearth”, fixated on her “femininity” and concerned only with order, dinners, children and preventing his whims. He needs an ally - a full-fledged partner with whom he can together withstand the vicissitudes of life and build something. He wants to have a companion with whom he can consult, who he can rely on, who he can trust, who understands his interests, respects him as a person and is self-respecting. This does not exclude the division of economic responsibilities, which also has its place.

    But when everything living together comes down to these responsibilities - to fulfilling the roles of wife and husband, the man rightly begins to suspect that they married him only so that he would provide, hammer nails and pay compliments. For which you, of course, “pay” him with borscht, cleaning and “attention to his needs”... - but personally, you, excuse me, “don’t give a damn” about him!

    He feels stuffy and lonely in that “atmosphere” that so much effort is spent creating, and you can’t even imagine with what pleasure he communicates with some employee who is not concerned with seeing him as a man - an object of attraction, but respects him and shares his interests. If he still hasn’t left for this employee, it’s not because of his great “love” for you and “fascination” with your “femininity,” but for completely different reasons. Make no mistake, for all their weaknesses, men are not animals.

    Do you know why there are no trainings for men encouraging them to “become a real man”? Because no man consciously has no doubt that he - real. He considers himself courageous simply because he was born male - and not a single “guru” can prove him otherwise. Just as he doesn’t need to be constantly reminded that he is a man in order to make him feel (although, of course, they also enjoy compliments).

    In this, men are wiser than us, and it would be worth learning common sense from them. Nature is for that nature that it does not need to be artificially grafted onto itself - it is already There is from birth. It is culture that needs to be instilled, not nature. Who convinced women that they were initially deprived of “nature”? If you try to fight with her, you will get tired! But nature in man must know its place—by no means the first.

    I’ve written so much that you’re already confused, what do men want? Summarize. As for relationships, it turns out that deep down men want the same things women want. They enter into relationships with the goal, first of all, to have relationship, no matter how funny it sounds. Sincere, human relationships based on mutual trust and respect, and not a well-staged performance, behind the scenes of which the loneliness of the two of them is hidden.

    P.S. I foresee that you will begin to be interested in the details of my personal life. Of the relationships I've had with men, the healthiest ones were those that began with simple friendship, and not straight away with "romance." No, this is not what “wise women” advise: “When you meet a man suitable for far-reaching goals, don’t immediately jump into bed, don’t show it, but lead him on a hook, talk to him for a while, get to know him better...” They began with normal human friendship - without sexual overtones. And when inevitable conflicts arose later, regarding “gender roles,” friendship (that is, respect and trust) remained, and relationships could continue to be built on this. With those with whom it immediately began with sexual interest and romance (yes, this happened to me too) - this is where everything naturally ended, despite following the “wise advice”.

    Do not forget subscribe— there will be a lot more interesting things about men and women. Now it’s your turn - I’m waiting for your comments! Particularly interesting is the opinion of men about what men want :)

    © Nadezhda Dyachenko

    The feeling of love is so individual and intimate that it seems as if our heart does not need anyone’s advice on how to properly love a man. You just need to love as you know how, as you feel. And yet I would like to focus on the subtleties that exist in the relationship between a man and a woman.

    The feeling of love inspires, gives incredible emotions, a sea of ​​​​joy. But why does it sometimes happen differently, and happiness turns into tragedies, family troubles, exhausting quarrels that bring mental pain?

    They say that advice is easy to give, but difficult to follow, especially if it relates to relationships between men and women. Otherwise, there would be disproportionately more people happy and satisfied with life. However, even dozens of efficient and wise advice They are unlikely to bear the desired fruits if you do not let them pass through you, penetrate them, and harmonize them with your inner self.

    If in your unconscious thinking there is a low assessment of a man, you do not feel respect for him, then any attempts to become the right wife for him will not lead to a harmonious relationship and will not give a feeling of happiness.

    Advice should be aimed at helping a woman, first of all, understand herself, identify existing shortcomings and complexes, and fully understand feminine essence and perceptions of men. However, we must not forget that relationships undoubtedly depend on the internal state of each partner, the feeling of comfort or, conversely, discomfort.

    A man’s desire to be near a woman and to do the maximum possible for her and for his family is determined by how much he feels like a man when he is next to his soul mate. This state of a man depends on how his partner positions herself. Only when she feels like a wise woman does she see a man in her partner. But we are responsible for what is going on inside us, and we take care of our deep state and mood exclusively ourselves.

    In this regard, you should first think about us, women, and then take apart the other half of humanity piece by piece and delve into the topic of why and how they love and what psychologists mean by the phrase: how to love a man correctly.

    12 main rules of a wise woman

    1. Relationships with a man should not be transformed into continuous responsibilities; you should not deprive yourself of elements of joy.

    Having taken on a huge amount of work with overtime, and then all the household chores and everyday problems, you feel happy woman in such a marathon it cannot. Regular overwork and constant lack of sleep cause energy exhaustion. And in such a state it is a priori impossible to have any good mood, nor joy. As a result, the negativity spills out on loved ones, in particular on a man.

    2. Be sure to listen to yourself and your desires.

    Often, many women bend over backwards to please and help their household, without paying any attention to their own person. When it brings joy and satisfaction, charging you with energy, great! But such actions often give a different result: caring for others is exhausting and tiring.

    In this case, there is only one recipe - remember and take care of yourself. How to do this? To begin with, relieve yourself of some of the responsibilities by redistributing them among all family members. The second step is to learn to refuse, saying a decisive “no,” and also to determine the boundaries of personal space both in the real and in the inner world.

    3. Don’t be obsessive in love, don’t burden your partner with it, but don’t demand constant attention and care from a man.

    A woman should be wise, possessing an inner world filled with calm, balance, and harmony. The ingrained fear of being unnecessary, of being left alone, and the rejection of life without the presence of a man will play a cruel joke on you. Against your will, you will complicate, worsen relationships, and therefore spoil your own existence.

    The formula for proper love for a man is based on partnership. You cannot get lost, lose yourself in a relationship, trying to become inseparable with your partner, encroaching on his personal space, and your own too. Every woman needs, like air, to have her own interesting life. You should not sacrifice your favorite hobbies, refuse to communicate, distance yourself from friends, focusing exclusively on a man as the most important object in life, forgetting about everything in the world and about yourself, in particular.

    4. Learn to take care of your inner state and enjoy doing your homework.

    For example, if you are working on preparing food, then set yourself in such a way that this procedure brings you joy, and is not a chore aimed at bungling something so that the family does not go hungry.

    You definitely need to learn to experience pleasant emotions from any work you do. Be sure to carve out some time for yourself in the morning to sit with a cup of morning coffee or tea, savoring it to set yourself up positively for the day ahead.

    5. Don't hold a grudge. Proper communication is a whole science; mastering it, a person becomes successful.

    Relationships with a man are no exception. Therefore, you need to learn this wisdom. Of course, it is very difficult to restrain your emotions when you have been offended, insulted, or upset.

    You must strive to ensure that your inner world is always normal; you cannot accumulate and conceal grievances and past pain in it. They need to be dealt with in time and released. It is also necessary to get rid of the snares of negative attitudes, they so often interfere with rejoicing and enjoying life. If you manage to free yourself from them, it means you will gain the ability to control yourself and your words.

    When a woman is offended, she is in pain, she tries to get rid of these painful sensations, clinging to the living and causing pain to the man. And he makes an irreparable mistake, since further mutual understanding becomes impossible.

    The correct communication with a man will be your message about your feelings. You should say: “I am terribly angry,” “I am furious,” or “I feel offended.” After this, you should definitely explain the cause of this condition and offer a solution that is acceptable to you.

    This approach preserves your partner’s masculine dignity, while accusations against him always have a negative impact. Negative influence on a man and lead to a more serious aggravation of relations and mutual grievances. You should defend your point of view, your interests, and desires peacefully and correctly.

    6. When talking with a man, be sure to control your facial expressions and intonations in your voice.

    In addition to verbal communication, there is also a meaningful language of facial expressions and gestures. Sometimes he is so eloquent that he can communicate much more than phrases, and convey to his partner the real attitude towards him that is hidden deep inside you. Often we cannot even imagine what lies inside us and that these deep-seated feelings are not always positive.

    The bottom line is that you are mistaken in thinking that you are building your relationship with a certain man. In fact, you build them based on the attitudes that were learned in the family where you grew up. They are absorbed from the mother, formed based on how she treated her spouse, and men in general.

    7. When communicating with a man, maximum openness is assumed without omissions or hints of feelings and desires, since men do not understand women’s insinuations.

    Often complexes do not allow a woman to ask for something. She is convinced that a man is obliged to guess about her aspirations and desires. But self-confident and wise women do not speak in broad strokes, but directly state their desires, and do the right thing, because even the Gospel says: “Ask, and it will be given to you...”

    But the requests must be sincere. And you should always be prepared for a refusal, but at the same time not allow yourself to be gnawed by doubts about the possibility of your request not being fulfilled. And have patience, you need to cultivate it in yourself, because you cannot count on a man’s agility to fulfill your desires. Each individual processes information differently. One will need a couple of days to comprehend and implement your request, while another will have to wait several months for the result.

    Therefore, they expressed their request - and immediately forgot. But if this is important to you, then you can write out your desire on a piece of paper and attach it in a visible place. This will become a kind of reminder.

    Women who are confident in themselves practically do not allow the possibility of refusal, but still, if they are faced with such a circumstance, they are not too upset about it. In any case, they do not regard this case as if they are not loved. Sincere requests addressed to a man make him feel needed, and, therefore, give confidence and strengthen the man’s condition.

    8. The ability to be grateful, the ability to sincerely express gratitude and rejoice at a man’s faithful actions, and not focus on shortcomings, is another principle that explains how to love a man correctly.

    Living together under one roof often leads to the fact that a man begins to be considered by his partner as her property, everything he does is taken for granted. As a result, these important words, like “thank you” or “thank you” fall out of the vocabulary. But even if they are pronounced, they often become just routine, but should sound sincerely, from the bottom of the heart.

    How simply we thank other people, sometimes strangers, for any service, and we are so stingy with words of gratitude for our man.

    9. Do not describe your man negatively to his mother and girlfriends, creating a negative image.

    First of all, in this case you yourself do not appear in the most at its best, because it was your choice. The other side of the coin: you form a negative characterization of your partner, turning your loved ones against him. Therefore, if a crack appears in your relationship with a man, you are unlikely to find necessary support if desired, do not lose them. Most likely, they will convince you otherwise, claiming that he is not worth you, he is not a match for you. So there is no need to wash dirty linen in public.

    10. Find out a love language that your partner understands.

    For example, your efforts to perfect order in the apartment, will be perceived by your spouse in a completely different way than you expected. It's important to him that you cook his favorite dish for dinner, but you didn't because you were busy cleaning and he feels unwanted. And on the contrary, the other will not pay attention to the new tasty dish, but he will notice that you didn’t wash his shirt.

    It is impossible, and there is no need to be perfect in everything; it is quite enough to understand for yourself in what ways your partner feels your care and love especially keenly. This is the wisdom of a woman.

    11. Respect is an essential part of a good relationship, so respect your man.

    This feeling, unlike spiritual closeness, is based on actual successes and achievements. They can be in any area and do not necessarily come down to the material aspect. Every person has some traits for which he can be respected. This could be kindness, neatness, practicality and much more. But the main thing is that the woman looks at them and appreciates them. From this it is clear that respect for a partner is expressed in not violating his personal space and fulfilling his wishes.

    It should be noted that men react very sensitively to pressure; in the case of onslaught and pressure, their reaction is stubbornness. Therefore, a wise woman will never press on her partner. Why, if you can formulate your desires and express them respectfully and correctly, leaving the choice to the man.

    12. And the last of the 12 rules of a wise woman says: cast aside all doubts and believe in your beloved man, in his talent, in his abilities.

    To believe means to discern in a person his potential. If you cannot find any talent or simply do not believe that a man is capable of realizing himself, then it is better not to link your fate with him, he is simply not yours. And you didn’t notice his talents only because your visual acuity is different.

    And now I will summarize and answer the question why a woman is obliged to take care, first of all, of herself. The answer lies on the surface: yes, because a man is very sensitive to a woman’s mood and condition, although in reality he tries not to show it.

    Almost everything a man does, he does for a woman, his family. And his desire to see his soulmate in a joyful and happy state becomes quite understandable. If a woman is constantly depressed, tired and nervous, then this is transformed into information: “I am a bad husband,” “She is unhappy with me.” And it’s unlikely that anyone will enjoy feeling unable to make the woman they love happy.

    And how often do women make an unforgivable mistake, demonstratively showing their dissatisfaction and naively believing that this will make a man think and change his behavior. As a result, they get a completely different effect: the spouse withdraws into himself.

    Hence the conclusion follows that in search of a recipe for solving the problem of how to love a man correctly, a woman is simply obliged to pay attention not only to her appearance, but also to deal with her inner world. Only by living in harmony with yourself can you create harmonious relationships with a man.

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