• Test which man suits your personality. What kind of man do I need in terms of character?

    "Man Lover"

    This guy can be seen from afar. The “man lover” is independent and daring. At the same time, he shows himself to be a gallant gentleman, knows how to behave around a woman so that she feels like number one. Women immediately pay attention to the “male lover”. He is afraid of obligations and avoids them. He is easily frightened by the words “wedding”, “child”, “parents”, “future”. He will be delightful in bed and can be a very pleasant conversationalist, but he will never allow you to claim his freedom, and you don’t need that.

    If you choose a “male lover”, then you accept the terms of the game, when everyone is for himself. He won’t come to change your tire (he has a lot of things to do, and even if not, you won’t know about it simply because it wouldn’t occur to you to ask him about it, because there are special services). More than anything else, he cares about himself. If today this is your type, then we will add only one thing: a relationship without responsibility is an irresponsible relationship. What can happen? A “male lover” can “go into the fog,” disappear for no apparent reason, without any explanation, and not pick up the phone. You will never know what really happened. What else? An attachment may occur that will very quickly push him away.

    Each man has a special character, a certain upbringing and temperament. You may like brutal and independent handsome men, but if you marry them, you may end up completely unhappy just because this type of man is completely unsuitable for you. So we can fully explain the painful question that constantly spins in the heads of those women who are in the process of actively searching for their soulmate: “Which man is right for me?” It turns out that the answer to this question can be easily obtained using the usual psychological test.

    You might be interested to immediately read:

    Psychological test “What type of man is right for me?”

    1. Which dating method do you consider the most acceptable for yourself?

    a) with a bouquet of flowers presented secretly – 1 point;

    b) in a nightclub – 2 points;

    c) a long and piercing look, inviting you to make an acquaintance – 3 points;

    d) an unexpected acquaintance, which, as it turns out later, was planned in advance - 4 points.

    2. What kind of courtship and attention do you expect from a man?

    a) flowers, declarations of love, permanent gentle sms on the phone – 1 point;

    b) exciting touches, passionate kisses, tight hugs – 2 points;

    c) meetings from work, regular calls, dinners at a restaurant – 3 points;

    d) dates on the roofs of houses or abandoned vacant lots, joint games of chess or billiards - 4 points.

    3. When you are next to a man, what do you want most?

    a) tell him about a new work that you just started reading - 1 point;

    b) have passionate sex with him – 2 points;

    c) see him at your feet – 3 points;

    d) win against him in the next argument - 4 points.

    4. How do you imagine a night of love?

    a) mandatory candlelight dinner – 1 point;

    b) violent passion all night long – 2 points;

    c) with a champagne bath with rose petals – 3 points;

    d) during breaks you can play computer games– 4 points.

    5. How would you like a man to behave with you among friends and acquaintances?

    a) to gently hold your hand and not let go – 1 point;

    b) to flirt and turn on you with just one glance - 2 points;

    c) to let everyone know that you are the most beautiful, unique and the only one in his life - 3 points;

    d) casually, modestly, with dignity and with all his strength, he would let you know that he wants to leave here with you as soon as possible - 4 points.

    6. What is your sign that your relationship is getting serious?

    a) he introduced you to his family – 1 point;

    b) he already knows what you expect from him in bed – 2 points;

    c) he gives exactly what you want - 3 points;

    d) he finally confessed his love to you – 4 points.

    7. How do you feel about the lipstick mark on his collar?

    a) it will be stressful for you, you will cry all night, and the next morning you will start a scandal - 1 point;

    b) return from work smelling like strangers men's perfume– 2 points;

    c) this is the machinations of envious people, you do not doubt him - 3 points;

    d) this is his problem, not yours – 4 points.

    8. While walking together, you unexpectedly run into his ex-girlfriend - what reaction do you expect from him?

    a) he should lower his eyes, and not even look at her, and squeeze your hand tighter - 1 point;

    b) let him greet her impudently and boldly and kiss you in front of her - 2 points;

    c) he won’t even notice her, but ideally he had no one at all before you, he is a monogamous person, and you are the only love in his life - 3 points;

    d) let them talk, they probably have something to talk about after the breakup - 4 points.

    Results of the psychological test “What type of man suits me?”

    8-12 points

    Only sensitive romantic can make up the happiness of your whole life and understand the depth of your vulnerable nature. And do not despair in your search: modern knights also exist, you just need to recognize them and see them in the men around you. You need someone who will read romantic poems on moonlit nights, will sit with you after midnight and have intimate conversations, and will certainly not forget the day you met. A rude lout and a walking Casanova will only break your heart, so make no mistake!

    13-20 points

    But your type of man is that brutal and stylish handsome man Lovelace. Crazy and sexy, he will be able to give you such pleasure, the existence of which you never even knew existed before. You need a bright, beautiful, rich life, which only this type of man can provide you with. Yes, he will flirt with other women, but this will only spur you on, and your passion will only flare brighter. But with a boring romantic, you will soon wither away and long-term stress is guaranteed.

    21-26 points

    You painfully chew on your pencil and ask yourself the same question: “What type of man is right for me?” Calm down: you need conqueror, who will long and persistently first seek you out, and then endure all your whims. It will give you reliability and confidence in relationships. Behind this you will feel calm and warm, like behind a stone wall. He will prepare coffee for you in the morning and fluff up the feather bed in the evening. Only with him you will feel like a real queen.

    27-32 points

    Search secret agent- only such a man can make such an intelligent and highly intelligent woman like you happy. Intrigues, psychological mysteries, intellectual duels and labyrinths - this is what will make your life truly filled with meaning. You will never be bored with him, and your bright and interesting marriage will be very strong. Most often, such men are laconic, serious and achieve a lot in life, so he will also be able to provide you with all material things.

    Results calculated, type suitable man has been defined, and your internal search engine has probably already considered all the options that in one way or another fit the description of your type. Well, the question is “Which man is right for me?” has lost its relevance, and a new one pops up: “Which of your friends fits the this type? We wish you a successful search, direct guidance and an accurate hit - right to the heart!


    What kind of man do I need?

    April 2017

    And again I raise the topic of women, eternal and often insoluble. This does not mean at all that men do not have questions about their chosen one, but according to my very modest observations of men in my own consulting practice, they are embarrassed to think about it, let alone talk about it out loud. But women’s nature is such that we are looking for our man, for us this is a question of the survival of our children, which means we bear responsibility not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.

    It’s a strange thing, we are growing up, we see many male characters, types, it is obvious that some leave us indifferent, others cause denial, others cause interest, others desire to get carried away and be his chosen one. But this does not mean at all that we understand at all what kind of man we need. And if you don’t believe me, then look at the divorce statistics: on average, every third marriage in the world does not live up to its 10th anniversary; in Russia, every second marriage breaks up. It is obvious that we do not separate because of a good life, in most cases because it is difficult for us to understand each other; over time, the distance begins to grow, and recognition of “our own” in him disappears...

    Do you even need to understand what you expect from a relationship with a man, that is, what qualities should be present in him for you to feel comfortable? If you are used to experiments, you still have a lot of enthusiasm for life and you are ready to simply fall in love, and then come what may, then you can do without any analysis, because the heart is an authoritative guide, but not always the most productive. However, the mind can also easily fail, because life is not mathematics, sometimes two plus two is not four at all, so the approach should be combined, without soloing the mind or heart, let them be in harmony.

    But astrology tells us very well about our harmony. It is clear that taking and examining a single horoscope will not be at all revealing, therefore in this article I will present universal theses, that is, I have given the characteristics of a man from the woman’s sun sign, and it is better even if you read for the sign of your ascendant (if you know it) .


    For a woman of this type, men who are less active and lighter in temperament are very suitable. If you really have the power of Mars, then you don’t need a male leader, otherwise there will be more than one leader in your couple, and you don’t spare your competitors and don’t really like them. Therefore, you should pay attention to men who know how to get along, are more diplomatic and tactful than you. Of course, you need a man who will bring constancy and stability into your life, but at the same time will not reproach you for your impulsiveness and harshness. He should not be a soft and dependent person, you will quickly stop respecting such people, but you don’t need conservatives either, because you are a woman of independent character and unpredictable behavior. Alternatively, look for an adventurer, but remember that the initiative in your couple should belong to you, so the man should be more inspired than inspired. You love to take risks, race cars and get into fights, even verbal ones. That's what, but your man should not have the same weaknesses and even, on the contrary, be so impartial as to quickly prevent the flames of conflict arising in you with one of his indifferent glances.

    Don’t look for passion or ebullient energy in a man; you will quickly get tired in the arms of this fiery engine. Look for a sociable person with a good sense of humor and low self-esteem. It is desirable that he likes to be and live in one place and calmly withstands the routine, but dramatic changes endured it painlessly, having a sincere interest in them.


    You are a person who is accustomed to standing firmly on his feet, who loves to eat delicious food, dress well, and have strong but spacious walls to maintain his peace and comfort. Your life can be very measured and predictable, it’s no secret that you make it so yourself. For complete happiness, you lack constancy in relationships and its physical side. So the first criterion for you should be the temperament of your chosen one - it’s great if he is full of strength, healthy and wants the same. Sex is an important part of life for you, like all physical pleasures in general. At the same time, in men you like efficiency and a rational approach to money, but you shouldn’t be greedy or even stingy with you, you definitely won’t like it if they start saving on you. It’s great if a man is not obsessed with healthy lifestyle and sports, because the most delicious food is also the most unhealthy, but you really like to pamper yourself and feel special pleasure when pampering your chosen one. That is, look for a man who is generous but economical, passionate but not carried away, kind but not naive.

    Your man should take care of the wealth in the family and give priority to the needs of you and your children. You can provide a man with a respectable life, excellent cuisine and an amazing break from career storms, but for this a man must definitely have above-average ambitions and be very efficient. At the same time, you will be appointed accountant in the family and will not give this prerogative to anyone. It is advisable if, as a sign of your devotion and Great love the man will give you expensive gifts. No matter how embarrassed you may be, you love an expensive, comfortable life, and if a man can provide it, then he will clearly be respected and appreciated by you.


    You've probably been called at least once in your life particularly frivolous and frivolous. Don't be offended, but you have these qualities, although you are an analytical person, even an overly mental one. What you can be sure of is that you think too much and talk too much. Communication is the basis of your life, at some points, its source. If they put you under lock and key and take away your phone, you won’t last long without damage to your psyche and physical well-being. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at those men who are not against communication, but talk in doses, and simply prefer to be listeners and only sometimes summarize the flow of incoming information. Such a partner will surprisingly harmoniously complement and encourage you. Of course, you are looking for an intellectual, what to talk about with an uneducated person who is not greedy for knowledge? Moreover, a man who will quickly become emotional and feel more than speak will not suit you. You can talk about anything, immediately promoting the topic to 1000 likes per post, but it’s difficult for you to discuss and describe feelings, because you are too mental. So look for a man who is a listener, but very logical and down to earth.

    Pay attention to how your chosen one imagines himself life together, because you are not the most devoted and zealous housewife. Your home is filled with friends telephone conversations and a collection of small souvenirs you brought from different parts of the world, but meanwhile the refrigerator may be empty. You don’t like being told about your responsibilities; you get bored with them, although you can pretend for a long time that it’s important to you. Therefore, it is better to immediately agree that unnecessary demands for order, food and family traditions not for you. Look for a man who will understand and support this.


    You are the most family-oriented sign of the horoscope and that is why you need a man whom you can easily trust, and who will become your soulmate forever. Your main value is safety. If you think that this is the basic need of every woman, then you are a little wrong. Of course, a woman has a lunar nature, but still, your need for security and that of an Aries woman are very different. You need a family vitally, but you are so afraid of betrayal that you often run away from the crown. Because you need a man who is reliable like a rock, strong like a beast and kind like biological father. By the way, in a man you really tend to look for paternal protection or, on the contrary, to overprotect him, easily assigning the maternal function to yourself and becoming both his mother and his wife. The main thing is that your man is your protector and a very congenial person; you will probably be pleased if he is an authoritative figure; you tend to make him such in your couple and contribute to the growth of his success in society. The main thing is not to dissolve in it and do not forget about your personal space.

    Your home should always be nourishing, peaceful and very cozy. This means that you need a man who is not scandalous, patient and very loving family. But with a gentle person, you will quickly develop fears for yourself and for your children, and if he is also a little lazy, you will not notice how you will become the only breadwinner in the family. Be sure to pay attention to how your chosen one relates to money and his own career; he should want to move forward and be confident enough in himself not to break down and scare you. His attitude towards finances should be even, but with a touch of greed. That is, he should not be prone to squandering and thoughtless spending.


    You are a woman of royal blood, or at least of habits and expectations. Love for you is an important and very serious topic, because your chosen one should be as good as you. Perhaps the topic of personal life for no other sign is as important and selective as yours. There is a reason for this, you must be 100% - appearance, Lifestyle, social status, creative activity - all this should arouse admiration and even envy of others. It is clear that a man should also be an object of desire not only for you, but also for your entire environment, and maybe the city, or better yet, the entire country. You are drawn to successful men with the prefix “mega”, cool, and in some ways very narcissistic. But this is not about bad guys, rather, we are talking about a very self-sufficient and slightly eccentric man. You are attracted to men who are independent and a little cold. You love courtship and gifts, you love the scale of such attention, but victory over men of this type is especially pleasant and joyful for you. Life together should consist of celebrations and creativity for you; in your case, routine kills feelings and commitment, so don’t try to find yourself a conservative patriarch, you will quickly become disillusioned with life with him. Look for a modern man, moderately independent, who is looking for a partner not for borscht, but for moving forward together.

    You will be a wonderful match for a man who has been building a career all his life and is obliged to have a woman “in the feast, and in the world, and in good people" You know how to put on a face and play along with your chosen one, even if there is no agreement, but there is great respect for him. You are not easy to win, but you are very loyal to a person if you nevertheless made a choice in his favor.


    You know how to be very critical and equally evaluative. At work, this is probably why you are valued. There should be critics in the team, so you will enrich any activity with your very detailed comments, but in your personal life this may interfere with you. Moreover, you are for purity, both physical and moral, trying to do everything according to the rules and not go to any extreme, you often give the impression of a sterile person - no emotions, no passion, no vices. So you expect a man who is purely irrational, although you are unlikely to admit it. It is clear that it is very difficult for you to come to terms with someone else’s illogicality, but you have a whole car of cause-and-effect relationships, why else do you need the same quality in your partner? Only a deeply feeling and somewhere very vulnerable person will understand your soul. No, I’m not offering you a weakling as your chosen one. I offer you a person who will accept your nature as it is, will not retrain you, much less reproach you, but will patiently instill in you compassion and flexibility in your approach to judgments about other people, simplicity in relationships and light joy from the little things in life that are annoying to you. It is useful for you if a very important thing for a man is to serve and sacrifice himself for the sake of you or your joint plans. Only such nobility and compliance can melt your heart and confuse your mind.

    You deny yourself a lot in life, you are in a hurry to do more, do more work, save money, buy an apartment, a car, but you don’t have time to rejoice. Your man should be a man of a broad soul, be able to rest well and also work diligently. But let him spend money much easier than you, otherwise your life will never find a place for travel, beautiful outfits and interesting adventures.


    There should be a lot of friendly communication in your life, your doors should always be open to friends and colleagues. You love society, the public. Do not tolerate loneliness and do not tolerate silent interlocutors well. A man should also love all this or be not against this lifestyle. It is very possible that you will not have the desire to sit at home, you are always drawn to go somewhere or go somewhere, which means that a man should support this, under no circumstances leaving you alone.


    Do you need passions or quiet joys? family life... The fact is that you are a person of extremes, you need both, because endless tragedies will tire you, and a quiet life will put you to sleep and deprive you of creativity. Yes, it’s not easy with you, you always demand that there be a new turn, another transformation - separation, and then a passionate reunion, cooling, and then a sizzling penetration into each other. Not everyone can withstand such a pace, but there are such daredevils, there is no doubt about it. You need a person who is self-possessed and very risky. Logic should be a priority for such a man, but he should have a weakness - risk, noble and calculated. Perhaps such a man may seem too predictable to you at first, but this is nothing more than a first impression. In fact, an important component of such a person is the heart of a true adventurer, but calculating and very reasonable. Love for your chosen one will be an important and very intimate matter, you expect passions to burn inside your bedroom, but you don’t like publicity in such moments, so you need an accomplice, someone who will have the same needs as you, but outwardly be calm and even impenetrable.

    In general, you should experience all the difficulties and difficulties together, and it is important that your man really changes after every fateful turn. You don’t understand people who remain the same all their lives, hold on to their beliefs, and do not respond to change. Your chosen one should be a deep, but restrained person and very well in control of his feelings and experiences. You like to play a game of secrets and secrets with your man, so his silence and impenetrability will only arouse your interest and feelings.


    You are always in a hurry to get somewhere, you have a lot to do, you want to learn a lot and get to know a lot of things in life. You are certainly a little adventurous and do not like a calm, settled life. Give you adventures. If you expect me to match you with an adventurer like you, then it’s in vain. Let’s start with the fact that you definitely don’t need a conservative who has chosen his sofa and the “Wait for Me” program on the main channel of the country. You will forgive your dad for this, but not your chosen one. You need a mobile person, there is no doubt about that. He should easily respond to your thirst for travel and excitement, but he should not be too carried away and even a little boring and cautious. Only such a person nearby can protect you from a wrong step, the risk of which is very high given your temperament. Your logic is not simply feminine, it is far from the very meaning of this word. In your picture of the world, everything is completely clear and consistent, but for others you are an absolutely inexplicable phenomenon. This is precisely why someone should take on the main work of being rational, let it be your man and let it be easy for him, because it’s familiar. And the news is the most creative ideas will remain only your prerogative and you simply have no competitors.

    You are so fast-paced and always passionate about something that it is difficult for you to focus on everyday matters. Your chosen one should be able, without being too zealous, to return you to the family, to himself and to yours. family responsibilities. Sometimes you just need to fry someone's potatoes and watch an old comedy on a cozy couch, enjoy simple things and catch yourself thinking that your best person next to you here and now and this is where real happiness lies.


    A business girl like you needs a reliable support and sensitive care. Despite the fact that you feel a little sorry for yourself, your character is iron, inside you are like steel. You are certainly one of the most patient signs and know a lot about marathon racing, but while you are running, fighting, defending and attacking, your heart demands that someone understand you, accept you and see you as a weak creature with the right to make mistakes. You need a man who is kind and warm-hearted. You will very quickly drive someone who is too soft to the point of complete despair and fall out of love; someone who is too tough will get such bruises that you won’t want to repeat the experience at all, so you should look golden mean. A man’s external credentials are not important to you, although you do not tolerate parasites, his hard work and devotion to the idea of ​​family and marriage are much more important to you. A man should be much more involved in family affairs than you. You learn to build love, and at the same time a family, gradually, sometimes going too far in your desire to be an authoritative figure among your relatives. Sometimes it seems to you that no one loves you at all; your man should celebrate such moments and support you, demonstrate his need for your company and the importance of your presence in his life. Love is an important and very difficult feeling for you; it would be nice if your chosen one was a person with a big heart and a subtle soul.

    It is important for you to be weak, even dependent. How can you learn this without a partner? But the partner must also be a person who understands that you are a warrior, but under the armor there is a lot of unspent love and warmth, the main thing is not to frighten you off with rudeness or coldness. You need a man-father, but without moralizing and parental tyranny. You must be loved completely and trusted very much, and this can only be done psychologically mature man.


    Does anyone know how dear your freedom and independence are to you? Does any man realize how valuable your privacy is to you? But this does not mean at all that you do not want a partner, that you are not waiting for the one... You are probably in the most difficult situation for harmonious relations. After all, it is very important that your partner is as freedom-loving and independent as you are, but at the same time has a need for your company and respects your opinion. It will be very important for you not to rush into making a choice; it must be correct, otherwise you may lose interest in partnerships for a long time. A man should be very mature psychologically and want a woman who is independent, friendly, and has an unconventional view of relationships as a partner. It’s great if he no longer needs parental care, doesn’t suffer from traditionalism and doesn’t see a woman as the creator of wonderful borscht and herring under a fur coat. Look for someone who is intellectual, a little selfish, very responsible, respects his decisions and is committed to his choices. Oddly enough, you should be bound by freedom, each should have their own business, their own personal space, and each should be interested in the personality of the other. Conversations, dialogues, knowledge, discussions and similar hobbies - this is what will be the material of your foundation.


    Your sensitivity and emotionality probably create difficulties for you. Sometimes you completely withdraw into yourself, and sometimes you completely dissolve in those around you, living in their interests. It is difficult for you to understand what you feel at any given moment - a bottomless ocean of emotions of varying quality and intensity is contained within you. You are very amorous by nature and very trusting, this confuses men and repels them a little. It is important for you not to become dependent on the feeling you have for a particular person. Given your excessive irrationality, you need someone who will promptly point out to you that you have crossed certain boundaries and you are no longer at all environmentally friendly towards yourself or towards him. Emotional stability is important for your man, and maybe even frustration, although you won’t tolerate someone who is too callous around you. Your chosen one should have well-developed logic, but he should be able to stop analyzing everything in time and simply calm you down kind words. Your man should have a very specific goal in life and see ways to achieve it.

    Each man has a special character, a certain upbringing and temperament. You may like brutal and independent handsome men, but if you marry them, you may end up completely unhappy just because this type of man is completely unsuitable for you. So we can fully explain the painful question that constantly spins in the heads of those women who are in the process of actively searching for their soulmate: “Which man is right for me?” It turns out that the answer to this question can be easily obtained using a conventional psychological test.

    Psychological test “What type of man is right for me?”

    1. Which dating method do you consider the most acceptable for yourself?

    a) with a bouquet of flowers presented secretly – 1 point;

    b) in a nightclub – 2 points;

    c) a long and piercing look, inviting you to make an acquaintance – 3 points;

    d) an unexpected acquaintance, which, as it turns out later, was planned in advance - 4 points.

    2. What kind of courtship and attention do you expect from a man?

    a) flowers, declarations of love, constant tender SMS on the phone – 1 point;

    b) exciting touches, passionate kisses, tight hugs – 2 points;

    c) meetings from work, regular calls, dinners at a restaurant – 3 points;

    d) dates on the roofs of houses or abandoned vacant lots, joint games of chess or billiards - 4 points.

    3. When you are next to a man, what do you want most?

    a) tell him about a new work that you just started reading - 1 point;

    b) have passionate sex with him – 2 points;

    c) see him at your feet – 3 points;

    d) win against him in the next argument - 4 points.

    4. How do you imagine a night of love?

    a) mandatory candlelight dinner – 1 point;

    b) violent passion all night long – 2 points;

    c) with a champagne bath with rose petals – 3 points;

    d) during breaks you can play computer games – 4 points.

    5. How would you like a man to behave with you among friends and acquaintances?

    a) to gently hold your hand and not let go – 1 point;

    b) to flirt and turn on you with just one glance - 2 points;

    c) to let everyone know that you are the most beautiful, unique and the only one in his life - 3 points;

    d) casually, modestly, with dignity and with all his strength, he would let you know that he wants to leave here with you as soon as possible - 4 points.

    6. What is your sign that your relationship is getting serious?

    a) he introduced you to his family – 1 point;

    b) he already knows what you expect from him in bed – 2 points;

    c) he gives exactly what you want - 3 points;

    d) he finally confessed his love to you – 4 points.

    7. How do you feel about the lipstick mark on his collar?

    a) it will be stressful for you, you will cry all night, and the next morning you will start a scandal - 1 point;

    b) return from work smelling of someone else’s men’s perfume – 2 points;

    c) this is the machinations of envious people, you do not doubt him - 3 points;

    d) this is his problem, not yours – 4 points.

    8. While walking together, you unexpectedly run into his ex-girlfriend - what reaction do you expect from him?

    a) he should lower his eyes, and not even look at her, and squeeze your hand tighter - 1 point;

    b) let him greet her impudently and boldly and kiss you in front of her - 2 points;

    c) he won’t even notice her, but ideally he had no one at all before you, he is a monogamous person, and you are the only love in his life - 3 points;

    d) let them talk, they probably have something to talk about after the breakup - 4 points.

    Results of the psychological test “What type of man suits me?”

    8-12 points

    Only sensitive romantic can make up the happiness of your whole life and understand the depth of your vulnerable nature. And in no case do not despair in your search: modern knights also exist, you just need to recognize them and see them in the men around you. You need someone who will read romantic poems on moonlit nights, will sit with you after midnight and have intimate conversations, and will certainly not forget the day you met. A rude lout and a walking Casanova will only break your heart, so make no mistake!

    13-20 points

    But your type of man is that brutal and stylish handsome man Lovelace. Crazy and sexy, he will be able to give you such pleasure, the existence of which you never even knew existed before. You need a bright, beautiful, rich life, which only this type of man can provide you with. Yes, he will flirt with other women, but this will only spur you on, and your passion will only flare brighter. But with a boring romantic, you will soon wither away and long-term stress is guaranteed.

    21-26 points

    You painfully chew on your pencil and ask yourself the same question: “What type of man is right for me?” Calm down: you need conqueror, who will long and persistently first seek you out, and then endure all your whims. It will give you reliability and confidence in relationships. Behind this you will feel calm and warm, like behind a stone wall. He will prepare coffee for you in the morning and fluff up the feather bed in the evening. Only with him you will feel like a real queen.

    27-32 points

    Search secret agent- only such a man can make such an intelligent and highly intelligent woman like you happy. Intrigues, psychological riddles, intellectual duels and labyrinths - this is what will make your life truly filled with meaning. You will never be bored with him, and your bright and interesting marriage will be very strong. Most often, such men are laconic, serious and achieve a lot in life, so he will also be able to provide you with all material things.

    The results have been calculated, the type of suitable man has been determined, and your internal search engine has probably already considered all the options that in one way or another fit the description of your type. Well, the question is “Which man is right for me?” has lost its relevance, and a new one pops up: “Which of your friends fits this type?” We wish you a successful search, direct guidance and an accurate hit - right to the heart!

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    We wish you happiness :)

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