• Modern knight: how to win a woman's love. How to win a woman's heart


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    Get her attention

    There are many myths in the field of relationships, among which there is a myth that tells us that a man should shower a girl with compliments every second, hold her hand while walking and fulfill all her wishes. Girls either immediately transfer such guys to the category of friends, or simply consider them wimps and break off the relationship. Of course, it is undeniable that girls are attracted to rough guys. However, this is undoubtedly only the first time after meeting, after which girls usually cannot stand rudeness and push such guys away from them. How should you behave? You need to behave courageously and not be a wimp, but at the same time remain a gentleman. There is no need to ask her permission unless there is a real need, but you still need to help her get up, get dressed, or at least notify her of your plans. So, first date. What do we have to do?

    Don't be late

    Meet her on time. If she is late, tell her off as a joke. It is advisable to give her some small gift. Of course, give an iPhone or Jewelry It’s not worth it on the first date - the girl may regard this as an attempt on your part to buy her. However, you can check the girl this way. If she is happy with an expensive gift, then she herself is not averse to selling herself; if she is offended, the girl is normal and you can continue dating her. Although, of course, such checks should not be carried out. Give her a bouquet of flowers or any other gift that can evoke positive emotions in the girl.

    Win her personal time

    Undoubtedly, you need to pay attention to the girl - go to the movies with her, sometimes pick her up from work and walk together. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it. The main thing is not to be intrusive, because, as you know, girls don’t like this most of all. In general, girls like to wait for their “prince,” so you can even disappear for a while and then appear with a big teddy bear and a huge bouquet colors. However, you need to be careful here. You need to put yourself in a decent appearance, since girls are very happy at such moments, and therefore, perhaps, you will end up at her house not only for tea.

    Survive quarrels

    After you start dating, you, like all couples, need to get used to each other. At this stage, quarrels are possible in which you will have to make concessions to your beloved. However, be careful and control yourself. If you begin to unrequitedly and constantly make concessions to her, your relationship will fall apart. You are a man, not a mattress that women despise. Try to make sure that for every one of your concessions there are two of her concessions. This is the only way she can love you in the future. Otherwise, no matter how much you earn, what gifts you give, she will simply become uninterested in you. She will stop seeing you as a man.

    Don't relax

    If you have gone through all the quarrels and have been together for a long time, this does not mean that you can relax. You shouldn't walk around wearing torn panties. Continue to wash and shave as you did before you met her. Rest assured, she will answer you the same way. You want to have a slim, attractive and well-groomed wife? Comply! Also, do not forget to compliment her - a woman becomes unhappy if she does not feel that she is loved. Try not to introduce everyday life into your relationship and then you can live a happy life with her.

    Of course, it is also possible that you will be refused at the first stage. However, what are you risking? Nothing! And in return you can get a girl with whom you will be happy for the rest of your life. So get your butt off the couch and go conquer your beloved!

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    A virtuous girl does not run after boys:

    Has anyone ever seen a mousetrap chasing a mouse?

    1. Do not believe the coldness of the gaze and do not be afraid of its “inaccessibility”. In most cases, this is a defensive reaction that has become a habit. Do not be afraid of arrogant beauties, few people dare to attack them and therefore they are even more partial to a man’s courtship.

    Any woman is lonely at heart, dreams of spiritual or physical intimacy with a man, suffers from a lack of attention to herself and dreams of a brave, persistent man. Sometimes a woman resists in order to prolong the pleasure.

    You can always find something attractive in every woman, tell her what attracts her. In general, without preparing at least a couple of compliments for a woman, you should not approach her. Don't be afraid of repetition, there's never too much of a good thing.

    3. A woman’s resistance can have several reasons: 1) she doesn’t like the man at all; 2) so as not to seem too accessible (“to fill your price”); 3) check the seriousness of the suitor’s intentions; 4) get to know him better, because overcoming difficulties forces him to show intelligence and other personality traits.

    Note that of the four reasons, only one has a negative connotation. How to avoid this case is described in 4.1, and will be discussed below.

    4. A man’s big mistake when courting a woman is restraint in expressing his feelings for her. A woman lives by emotions, and she needs them. So give them to her! Without them, your murderous naked logic is worth little.

    Talk to her about your feelings and openly empathize with her. Allow her to speak out and doubt, but in the end, with your confidence, dispel all her doubts.

    5. Be tactful and courteous, because women are very vulnerable.

    When Napoleon Bonaparte once tactlessly asked a secular, flighty beauty: “Do you still love men?”, she sarcastically answered him: “Yes, but if they are well brought up.”

    6. When alone with a woman, be active and courageous, help her remain bashful, and so that her conscience does not torment her, take all the blame upon yourself (“After all, men are so impudent!”).


    A woman needs to be approached just as much as you do. And not only when she is free, because this shows her that men like her.

    True, women prefer to be approached by men whom they themselves have chosen. And if she didn’t have time to do this, then so that you turn out to be her type, that is, she likes you.

    If you used something from the previous section, then you have a better chance of success.

    However, in order to overcome the initial alienation, a man must go through a number of stages that are not always clearly expressed, but are always present. Here they are: searching for a woman, collecting information about her, getting to know her, courtship directly, decisive action.

    Search for a woman

    A man searches for a woman constantly and most often along the route: apartment - work - store - apartment. As a result, the likelihood of dating is low, since the woman is in a hurry, tired, and often not in the mood, especially immediately after work. It is necessary to look for her where the density of women is maximum, there is a choice and the opportunity to talk to her. Here are some places for such a search: restaurants, cafes, discos, beaches, parks, hotels, hostels, canteens; parties, weddings, anniversaries, sports grounds and halls, tourist routes, playgrounds; libraries, museums, concerts, cinemas; trains, electric trains, buses, etc. A great way to meet a woman is your car. By accepting your services, a woman psychologically becomes your debtor. In addition, a sense of ownership makes even the most timid men bold. The main thing in such a search is activity and consistency.

    A woman’s age is a matter of taste and chance, but insecure men are still better off looking for balanced, older women. They will smooth out their clumsy attempts, tactfully teach them to communicate with themselves, reassure them like a mother, and forgive them for possible “failures” at the decisive moment.

    Such men should be wary of expansive and unpredictable women, who, if contact is unsuccessful, with their lack of restraint can cause severe mental trauma and make them even more insecure.

    For women over 30, the minimum requirements for a man’s external characteristics (and for others) are lower than for younger women.

    Collection of information

    It is necessary to observe the woman you like and determine her readiness for contact in general and with you in particular. Clear signs Such readiness is: her gaze in search mode, demonstrative provocative actions, noticeable changes in her behavior after discovering interest in her (fussiness, excessive businesslikeness, emphasized indifference, demonstrative interest in something, fear of looking you in the eyes, loud laughter or conversation, etc.).

    The color, quality of clothing, jewelry will tell you about her social and marital status, dominant character traits, aesthetics and tastes. Movements and speech are about her character, erudition and upbringing, self-confidence. If your voice conflicts with your appearance, trust the voice. The more attention a woman pays to her appearance, the better her war paint, the more she wants to be liked and the more pleasant male attention is for her.

    You can use both covert surveillance of her and interviewing people who know her. It’s not difficult, for example, to get the old ladies who sit at her doorstep talking for days and lead them to tell a story about your chosen one.

    Attracting attention and affection

    You can often hear men complaining about the difficulty of meeting a woman, that she is unavailable and won’t even want to talk to him. In fact, any man who has even a little courage, character and knowledge about female psychology, can easily get acquainted. The main thing is to decide to contact her and impress her before or during the dating process.

    A.V. Suvorov said: “To surprise means to win.” To surprise means to interest her in you, because if there is no interest in you, then there is no impression. To do this, you need to stand out from the surrounding background with contrast.

    1. With your “plumage” - fashionable, elegant clothes, shoes polished to a shine, hairstyle, beard, mustache, etc.

    2. Social and financial situation.

    3. Demonstrative attention to her person (admiring glance, actions, compliments), which is based on your recognition of her exclusivity.

    4. With the general interest of other men in her, there is an emphasized indifference to her.

    5. Unusual behavior(gallantry, courage, timidity, efficiency, helplessness).

    6. Emotional state(thoughtfulness, sensuality, cheerfulness, excitability, singing or playing musical instruments, dancing, empathy with her).

    7. Poems selected for her (not to mention written by yourself - if you can, of course).

    When attracting the attention and affection of a woman, it is necessary to constantly remember the peculiarities of the female psyche: the important role for her is the process of communication itself, and not just its result; increased sensitivity to the opinions of others. The main values ​​for a woman: family, children. Women pay a lot of attention to what men consider trivial. A woman gives preference not to her own actions, but to forcing a man to act. Women significantly more men are subject to superstitions, religion, and react more sharply to all kinds of sensations. Messages about this arouse their increased interest.

    How to determine that a woman is ready to date

    An indicator of this are the so-called “preening gestures”. For women, the most common are smoothing or straightening hair and clothes; looking at yourself in the mirror, turning in front of it or looking at yourself from the side; hip swaying; slowly crossing and spreading legs in front of a man; stroking yourself on your calves, knees, thighs. Balancing a shoe on your toes tells a man, “Your presence makes me feel comfortable.” If you want to test this, do something to make the woman feel uncomfortable and you will see how quickly the shoe will come on.

    Other women express the same thing by sitting with one leg tucked under them. Add to this direct eye contact and you will understand: the lady is definitely interested in you.

    You can read more about gestures in the books by A. Pease and J. Nirenberg, given in the list of references.

    Some advice for overweight men

    Not everyone views a full figure as an asset. In any case, in order not to look “wider across you,” some restrictions on clothing are recommended.

    Creating the desired image

    Some techniques that allow you to inspire women's trust and affection work at the subconscious level, and therefore are effective. Psychotherapist Igor Vagin gives the following recommendations.

    1. First of all, you need to clearly know who your chosen one would like to see in you. It’s stupid to appear before a thirty-year-old single woman in the role of a reckless young philanderer, if you can see from her eyes that all she can think about is getting married. It's another matter if she has family life everything is in order - a non-drinking husband, healthy children, financial security. Then it is likely that from time to time she has a desire to break out of the routine, and here she needs a fatal lover who can take her away from the world of everyday life and everyday life. The role that is relevant in our time is that of a protector, a patron, who takes upon himself the burden of many worries.

    2. Women love it when a man plays the role of a hero, a boss, a master, a benefactor, but they react poorly when they are played as a victim, a servant, a shirtless guy or a jester. It's no secret that weak and insecure gentlemen rarely enjoy success - unless the maternal instinct kicks in, but it deserves better, more natural application. Therefore, it is recommended to demonstrate strength, courage and determination, but not in relation to herself, but to others. It is better to remain gentle with her, but sometimes, when turning to someone with a request, make it clear that this is, in fact, an order.

    After such demonstrations of strength, it will be useful to remember that as a child you were weak and defenseless and were offended by your peers. The female imagination itself will complete the portrait of a strong-willed man who has overcome life’s circumstances and strengthened his character. In addition, the fairer sex loves to listen to stories about participation in hostilities, fights, risky journeys and other adventures. Alas, women are ready to endure boasting and bluff, just so as not to be bored.

    3. From the very beginning of dating, you need to behave with a woman like a child. To make it clear that you are more mature, use a calm smile and a confident voice. Pronounce the name of your interlocutor as if she were your daughter, both with the help of intonations and with the help of diminutive forms of the name.

    4. To enhance the effect, talk less and listen more. Some women are ready to talk about themselves for hours, taking open, relaxed poses, climbing with their feet in a chair or on the sofa.

    5. Trust and disposition towards you will increase if you immerse yourself in the memories of childhood and school period, talk about graduation party, first kiss or some other romantic experience. At the same time, slow down your gestures, lower your voice, adding bewitching shades to it, and look more closely at your interlocutor. (These are techniques that put the interlocutor into a trance, that is, a relaxed, weak-willed state.) But the main thing is to imagine how your erotic desire is transmitted to her.

    Tell us about a couple you know: how unusually they met, how their relationship developed and how happy they are with each other. You should never talk about your past sexual experiences yourself and praise other ladies in front of yours if you want to succeed with her. If you have a family, don’t hide it, say only good things about it. Many women like to discuss issues of family and morality, and they are attracted to men who express their moral principles firmly and confidently.

    Sometimes paradoxical behavior is effective, that is, the discrepancy between your image and some words and actions. If you watched the movie “Pulp Fiction,” you probably noticed this contrast: in it, the bandits have endless conversations about God. This is a typical example of paradoxical behavior that sometimes simply fascinates women.

    To shift the conversation to an erotic topic, use all the techniques described above, and then tell the lady some beautiful story, reminiscent of your relationship with her. You can offer her comic sexuality tests, based on the results of which you can declare that she is either very sexy or completely frigid. In any case, you will not leave her indifferent.

    Action tactics

    It depends on many factors, and above all, on the type of woman. There are a great many of them, but they are all a combination (in different proportions) of two diametrically opposed types.

    The first of them is the “shark woman”, self-confident, attractive, active and the most dangerous for men. Her self-confidence, beauty and aggressiveness evoke in men an ineradicable desire (with an admixture of sweet horror) to be swallowed up by her. She feels among them, like a shark in a school of game fish, and chooses her own victim. But she, like any predator, can be taken to bait that would attract her attention and which would have the honor of being eaten by this dangerous woman.

    The opposite type is the “sheep woman”, insecure, passive and weak-willed. For this reason, it usually goes to the first active man. Pressure is all that is needed to own it.

    Your experience cannot be discounted either. First, meet women with whom you are not too worried and at least understand something. Get to know a few easier women and you will lose your fear of the rest, because if you immediately put an inexperienced boxer in front of a serious opponent, he will probably receive a heavy knockout. “Chop the tree yourself” and build up your skills gradually.

    It is also necessary to take into account that twenty-year-old girls are waiting for their princes. After thirty, women become more flexible. But it is more difficult for them to give birth to healthy children. In addition, the absence of a family at this age is often associated with a difficult character.

    If you are completely inexperienced or your feelings of love have greatly influenced your determination and intelligence, then ask someone to introduce you to femme fatale. This person should warn her about your condition in advance so that she will treat you more leniently. It’s even better when such an acquaintance takes place in fun company– Alcohol will relieve stiffness.

    But the best thing is personal acquaintance; it makes the greatest impression on a woman. A woman is especially impressed by an acquaintance when a man shows a woman his determination, his courage.

    If this does not work out, then we must prepare for a long, daily courtship, and organize a siege of her heart. But even if such an acquaintance does not bring immediate results, it allows you to show the woman the strength of your attraction to her and your masculine character. And she will probably not ignore your efforts in the future, since in her heart she will be glad of your desperate audacity. It’s not every day that she gets the opportunity to feel like a desirable woman, for whom a man is willing to do anything.

    By analogy with the attraction of opposite charges, a number of questions arise: “By what principle does mutual attraction arise between a man and a woman? How does this mechanism of attraction between people of the opposite sex actually work? Who is really attracted to whom? Why do men feel attracted or attracted to certain women? What is love? How to attract the attention of the woman you love?

    “Genius is simplicity”, or Everything ingenious is simple

    Natural laws are simple and universal. The simplicity lies in the fact that nature can only count to two - day-night, up-down, good-evil, love-hate, plus or minus, man-woman. Universality can be traced through examples of different levels of interaction of matter, ranging from the simplest forms of inanimate nature to the most complex forms of living nature, such as human society.

    More from school curriculum We know from physics that, according to Coulomb’s law, like electric charges repel, and attraction arises between unlike ones. Thus, lighter and more mobile electrons are attracted to massive protons, thereby forming stable compounds that have completely new properties. By the way, it is on this principle that all the diversity of matter is built - from atoms and molecules to more complex structures.

    Thanks to the bright minds of scientists, we know most of the laws of inanimate and living nature. As for man, his relationships in society and his mental structure, here we have many unsolved mysteries that need to be answered. One of the most interesting aspects of human relationships is the relationship between a man and a woman.

    By analogy with the attraction of opposite charges, a number of questions arise: “By what principle does mutual attraction arise between a man and a woman? How does this mechanism of attraction between people of the opposite sex actually work? Who is really attracted to whom? Why do men feel attracted or attracted to certain women? What is love? How to attract the attention of the woman you love? The answers to these are not easy, but current issues can be obtained by contacting System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

    Chemistry of love - attraction pheromones

    Special smells play a decisive role in choosing the opposite sex. human body– pheromones. As Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology explains, there are two types: attraction pheromones and ranking pheromones. The primary thing for a man when choosing a woman is sexual attraction to her (attraction pheromones), and for a woman - social status men (ranking pheromones).

    According to modern research data, each person has his own personal smell, which is an individual identifier for each person and speaks about the state of the body, and especially its reproductive system. Unconsciously, by smell, we are able to choose exactly the partner with whom we will have a more stable couple and healthier children. Nature has endowed us with this mechanism so that each new generation is physically stronger and adapted to environmental conditions than their parents.

    The vomeronasal organ (vomer), which is located at the tip of the nose and has a direct connection with the brain, is responsible for the ability to detect the smell of other people in humans. If an individual of the opposite sex suits you most favorably for procreation, then she will have a “pleasant smell,” that is, you will be unconsciously attracted to this person. Fixation of this smell leads to the release of hormones of happiness and joy, so being close to the person to whom we are attracted gives us bright feelings that we call love.

    And vice versa, separation from a loved one, according to the principle of action, is sometimes equated to the withdrawal of a drug addict, when a person wants to receive pleasure, but cannot. The difference is that drug addiction is an artificial and destructive way of obtaining pleasure, and love is natural and creative.

    High social status is the way to a woman’s heart

    System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that through procreation, a woman preserves her human appearance. Motherhood makes life meaningful for most women. Therefore, when a girl demands stability, security, and material wealth from her man, she is working not for herself, but to ensure the survival of their future children.

    Sometimes men, based on their negative experiences, consider women cynical and materialistic, as if they only need material wealth and money. But in order to be pregnant for nine months, give birth in pain, and then raise children, you need guarantees in the form of a reliable man who can provide for the family. Indeed, during the period of motherhood, a woman has limited opportunities and cannot earn money and raise children at the same time.

    There is a basic law of nature, according to which every living creature wants to continue itself in space and time, that is, to pass on its genes to its offspring. A man can realize this priority desire only through a woman. For donating his genetic material, a man is guaranteed to receive an orgasm, which is the highest pleasure that can be obtained naturally through the body.

    Men who have a higher social status have a more pronounced and “pleasant” odor. According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, this smell arises due to ranking pheromones. For a woman, when choosing a soul mate, ranking pheromones compared to attraction pheromones are of decisive importance. The degree of realization of a man in society determines how ranked he is, what level in the social pyramid and food hierarchy he occupies.

    As we already wrote above, the relationship between a man and a woman is regulated by smells. In fact, a man has a chance to win a woman’s heart if the woman herself wants it. If a woman sees a worthy candidate in front of her, then her body begins to secrete pheromones and attract only this specific man. A man will certainly feel this, which will result in mutual sympathy, love, relationships, marriage, family.

    Women are different

    For better fitness Nature has endowed us with different properties to environmental conditions. Each person has his own innate desires, which affect the type of thinking, choice of activity, and sexuality. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines eight groups of desires and human properties, or vectors, which have their own unique characteristics.

    Thus, according to given vectors, both men and women will have different desires and, accordingly, ways of obtaining pleasure from life. After all, man was created as the principle of pleasure. That is, fulfilling innate desires through socially useful activities, realizing our natural qualities gives us the opportunity to get maximum pleasure from life and feel happy.

    Depending on the presence of different vectors in the human psyche, corresponding life priorities are built, which must be taken into account when communicating with the opposite sex. It is very important to understand what kind of woman is in front of you. This will help you care for it properly. A woman with a skin vector loves expensive gifts, with an anal vector - constancy and care, with a visual vector - flowers and going to the theater together, with a sound vector - solitude under the starry sky. A complete understanding of the importance of innate desires for women is revealed by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

    The art of giving compliments

    As we have already said, the social status of a man is important for all women, which gives her a feeling of security and safety. For this, women are ready to sacrifice a lot, but for long term relationship This is not enough. Something else is needed!

    Dear men, if you want to win the heart of your beloved woman, you need to learn to recognize her true desires. This will allow you to communicate with your future soulmate in the most optimal way, taking into account her deepest desires and life priorities.

    All men know that women love compliments. They can be of great help in winning the heart of your beloved. Expressing a compliment correctly means emphasizing important feature woman, resonate with her values ​​and priorities. In order for a compliment to hit the nail on the head, you need to know the desires of your chosen one. For example, for a woman with, it is important to emphasize her attractive, “status”, chic appearance. If a woman with anal vector invites you to dinner, you should definitely praise how delicious she cooked. A woman is very emotional, so it would be a compliment for her if you say how bright and sensual she is.

    Knowledge of psychological characteristics is the key to the heart of the woman you love

    To create strong relationships with the opposite sex, a man must also know his innate properties, or vectors, which are ours hidden talents. By realizing his innate qualities through socially useful activities, that is, at work and in society, every man is able to take his rightful place in the sun. And as we already know, a high social rank significantly increases a man’s chances of getting consent to a relationship even from the most unapproachable woman.

    For various reasons, sometimes it is not possible to understand your characteristics; it is difficult to understand what you really want from life. This makes it difficult to choose the type of activity that would provide the opportunity to simultaneously receive decent income and pleasure from the work done. Thanks to the modern knowledge of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, we have a unique opportunity to finally understand ourselves.

    People who have completed training in System-Vector Psychology confirm that the knowledge gained is capable of adjusting the life scenario in better side. Having realized their innate vectors, many men have the opportunity to more successfully realize their properties in society. This is expressed in obtaining the desired position, more interesting work, salary increases, increased business profits, career advancement. A deep, conscious understanding of human nature makes it possible to find oneself in the profession and in life and build happy couple relationships.

    Thus, with the help of studying System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, every man can better understand himself and the characteristics of other people. Such knowledge will help you accurately determine your place in society, find the optimal method of implementation and type of activity. The end result of such a transformation will be filled with positivity, happy life. The surrounding people, including many beautiful women, will instantly feel these changes, and they will be pleased to come into contact and communicate with a balanced, fulfilled person.

    If you are interested in how to find the way to yourself and the heart of the most desirable woman, we invite you to attend free introductory online lectures on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link:

    The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

    Yes, every girl is an individual, and her approach should always be her own. But this does not mean that you will not now have in your hands the right recipe for winning absolutely any girl! After all, they all have the same nature. As for feelings, everything is quite simple, so if you want to win a beautiful, modest, or any girl in general, even if she doesn’t reciprocate, you will succeed, you just need to do it right!

    And then you met a girl. You overcame your fears, you managed to quit good conversation. You even managed to make a date and prepare for it. Perhaps I've already gone out with this girl a couple of times. But you didn’t feel reciprocity. A fairly logical question arises: how to win a girl. What should you talk to her about? Should you give compliments? What should be the algorithm of your actions? Let's talk about everything in order, but let's start with developing a plan to win a girl.

    Your appearance

    The first impression can be made both with words and appearance. And the last thing is far from least important for a girl. It is very important to look good to win a girl. I think you already know all this, but just in case, I’ll remind you so that you don’t miss anything.

    There are no trifles here, the girl will pay attention to everything.

    1. Clean ironed stylish clothes. Girls love guys who have taste and know how to dress. At the same time, clothing should be simple and comfortable. The best option– shirt with open sleeves and trousers.
    2. Use deodorant. And even if it says that the effect lasts 48 hours, still use it before a date.
    3. Subtle aroma men's perfume– a great option for girls. Even better if it comes with pheromones. Remember yourself, you like to inhale women's perfume.
    4. Polished shoes. Girls pay attention to this too.
    5. As for the beard, everything is ambiguous. Some people like a long beard, others are a fan of a clean-shaven face. In any case, if you shave, try not to cut yourself. If you have a beard, make it look well-groomed.
    6. Bring accessories that give you a luxurious feel. These could be good wrist watch, gas lighter, Sunglasses and so on.

    Many guys generally have trouble with clothes. If you want to dress really stylishly, find a friend among your friends and acquaintances who dresses the way you like. So ask you to dress her up in the store. She will be happy to choose clothes for you for such an important matter as winning someone’s heart. I recommend you read my article about what kind of guys girls like.

    What to talk about?

    Now we come to the most important thing. No matter how you look, you still won’t be able to win a girl with your appearance alone, and that’s why you you will have to use another tool - language.

    What can you talk to a girl about to earn her trust?

    1. At the initial stage, try to pay more attention to talking about her. Remember that all people are selfish and love to talk about themselves. Take advantage of this. She will talk, and you will listen carefully and nod at the right moments. Ask her about work, studies, hobbies. She will enthusiastically tell you about all this in most cases.
    2. In contrast, talk about yourself, about what you do. It’s better to think through topics for conversation from the beginning. Introduce her to yourself, to your essence and present her in a favorable light.
    3. Girls love life stories very much. You can use this. Tell her stories where yours showed up better quality. Courage, generosity, and perseverance are relevant. Tell us about how you achieved any results.
    4. Don’t forget to talk to her about abstract topics. Be a little dreamer, talk to her about stars, dreams, childhood.

    In general, you can talk to a girl about anything, but some topics are quite dangerous. And here's the list.

    1. War, weapons, sports. For the most part, these are exclusively male topics, and it would be harmful for a girl to be interested in football or the success of the military operations of American soldiers.
    2. Computer games. Also one of the specific topics, only for those interested. If it turns out that the girl is playing the same game as you, then you can talk in this case. In others it is prohibited. This topic of conversation will also cause boredom.
    3. Other specific topics related to your work or business or study. The reaction will be the same.
    4. You should not talk about her relatives. This is a rather personal topic, and it is very easy to slip up and ruin the mood of the girl, and yourself too. If she wants, she will tell you everything herself.

    Better yet, read my article on what to talk about with a girl.


    You definitely need to compliment any girl if you really want to win her over. In the right situation a good compliment is a great mood for the whole day. And you should be taught how to do it the right compliments, who in general throughout life will help you achieve what you want.

    A compliment to a girl should concern specific details. The girl was clearly preparing for a date. And if not, then she probably has something outstanding. If not, then why did you even go on a date with her? And it’s worth giving compliments about this outstanding element. It can be anything:

    • style;
    • makeup;
    • smile;
    • hairstyle;
    • cloth;
    • legs;
    • shoes and so on.

    It is important that the detail really catches the eye and is attractive. Remember that a compliment can be given not only around appearance . If she said something really funny, you can say that she is very witty. And this is just one example of many. Don't get hung up on one detail. And there is no need to shower you with compliments. Over time it starts to get annoying.


    Also a very important, even integral part of communicating with a girl. Every girl loves to be touched, and even if she claims that this is not so. The main thing is to touch it correctly, and the girl will melt.

    At the very beginning, touch her hands, hug her. Already in the first minutes of meeting you, you should touch her. Just no rudeness, this is not your bro from the area. Touches should be gentle and sensual.
    As your nonverbal communication develops, explore new areas. Touch your shoulders, your back. When you move from getting to know each other to building rapport, try to hug her as often as possible. Touch your hair, stroke from roots to ends. Many girls really like it. Kisses are also very important. Lips, cheeks, neck, shoulders. All this should come into play. Further more. Stroke her legs, back, go lower, gradually approach even the most closed areas.

    With the help of touches it is quite easy to win a girl and then drag her into bed. It is enough just to gradually develop non-verbal communication, and everything will happen by itself.

    How to touch a girl on a date? Very simple. Practice “accidental” touches. Sometimes touch her with your shoulder, your legs, when you laugh, put your hand on her. You can also invite her to nonverbal communication almost officially. Invite her to tell fortunes on her hand. And it doesn’t matter at all that you can’t do it. In any case, she will be interested, and she will agree, and then come up with something funny. You can offer her a little massage. Start with your arms and move higher, further to your back. And you don’t need a higher education for this, just touch gently. After you relax her, she will most likely agree to go to your home, and then everything for which your meetings were started will happen.

    I hope my tips on how to win a girl will help you seduce a beautiful or even modest representative of the fair sex.

    To please a woman, it is not at all necessary to study a mountain of psychological literature or copy the macho fighters of Hollywood films. It's enough to be a man. It would seem: what is simpler? The only trouble is that under women’s spells, conquerors, breadwinners, and defenders are rapidly turning into a kind of libido essence in pure form. As they say, you can’t argue against nature, but sometimes it’s simply necessary to restrain your instincts: after all, if there is no conqueror, there is no interest. The girl needs foreplay, but with special effects and other pleasant “applications”. It's something like a bonus system. Passed the level and received a bonus in your piggy bank. And if you are reading this article now, it means that you definitely need to improve your karma and learn these 10 tips on how to please a girl.

    1. Appearance

    Everyone is the same here: both sexes collect information about the new external signs. 7 seconds - and the picture is ready, the puzzle is complete. You can’t immediately reveal the multifaceted soul, you can’t show the brain, but the face, the figure - everything is in reality. Take care of yourself. This is the lot of not only women, but also self-respecting men. There is no need to remind once again that unwashed hair bad smell No one likes a stretched pullover.

    2. Gallant manners

    The fashion for “bad” guys is over. And whether there was such a thing is still a big question. But a gentleman who shakes a lady’s hand when getting out of a car, holds the door, helps her put on a coat, will a priori please even the most glamorous little thing. It is clear that good manners and a sense of tact do not come easy, but you simply must remember the basics.

    3. It’s corny, but - flowers!

    Perhaps this point should be highlighted. Well, how can you please a girl if you don’t emphasize her beauty, even with a bouquet and not a diamond necklace? - the simplest, most effective and inexpensive means to save any situation or to establish new contact. Bring flowers not only for the occasion, but also simply because it is Wednesday evening or scientists have discovered a new star.

    4. Listen to her

    Everything she says makes sense, no matter what nonsense (in your opinion) she is talking. “Oh, what a pity for the children dying of hunger in Africa!” - a reason to admire her kindness. “It’s kind of cool here,” offer your jacket (“How caring he is,” is already running through her head). And remember. How? - Have you forgotten that tomorrow is her friend’s aunt’s birthday? Everything that concerns the man of interest is important to her. Try to be just as attentive to her life.

    5. Sound accompaniment

    This is not about the music that plays in your car (although this is important), but about WHAT and HOW you say. The timbre of the voice and the pace of speech are identified from the first seconds of communication. And if the interlocutor does not like these sound signals on a subconscious level, then the meaningful side of the conversation can save the situation. It is not at all necessary to talk about quantum mechanics. Just avoid “bro” words, obscene language, and below-the-belt jokes, especially if you barely know each other. But to compliments - a definite “yes”. Speak them sincerely, to the point - and then they will be more than just beautiful words.

    6. Look for signals

    Girls are more emotional than men. This may be to your advantage. Even if she carefully tries to hide her feelings at first, the woman is still easy to read. The main thing is to be attentive and recognize the signs of the female subconscious in time. Touching hair, licking lips, copying the interlocutor's gestures, open postures, active conversation - all this sure signs sympathy. You see that everything is going as it should, feel free to proceed to other means to win the girl.

    7. Self-confidence

    This is the key to your success in everything. A self-sufficient, balanced, reasonable man is especially attractive to the opposite sex. If you are not confident in yourself, then how can a girl be confident in you? The one she needs knows what she wants and how to achieve it. So know and achieve. Calm and confident. So you can melt the heart of any beauty and learn how to conquer an inaccessible girl!

    8. Know how to stand out in some way

    Yes, boredom and monotony kill relationships. And an extraordinary person who can perform magic tricks, walk on his hands, speaks Hindi or sends only paper letters- this is already, you know, arousing interest. And the point is not that she may be interested in the state of your mental health. Most of the fair sex find it boring to just live according to the rules, schedule and walk along the beaten path.

    Know how to surprise with unpredictability. Come up with some funny tricks. For example, when she leans over to kiss you again, say something like “Yes, we know you women. You only need one thing!” Or ask an unexpected, even stupid, question: “Which is tastier: stirring sugar in tea clockwise or counterclockwise?” The initiative is welcome. Increase your karma: spontaneous (and adequate!) actions, sudden ones add flavor to life. Hobbies and travel broaden your horizons, you will have something to talk about - and now you are no longer just a nice guy, but a multifaceted personality.

    9. Be yourself. Naturalness suits everyone

    Leave pick-up tricks a thing of the past. Girls are not so stupid as not to see through you with these hackneyed “tricks”. Behave as naturally as possible, while not forgetting about all the above points. Feel free to scratch your nose or sneeze - we are all human. Laugh when it’s funny, say what you want to say, in a word, be alive. Much has already been said about how to conquer a girl with your mind, but no one has canceled a simple sense of humor and natural behavior!

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