• System-vector psychology. How to keep the man you love close to you? How to keep your husband in the family


    Sometimes I read articles on the Internet; the topic “How to survive betrayal” is in quite high demand. I can't recommend anything on this topic. However, as in any matter, it is much easier and cheaper to prevent something than to worry and deal with the consequences later. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about relationships and how to keep a husband in the family, about work, infidelity or the condition of teeth. Prevention is much cheaper than cure.

    In general, if you brush your teeth twice a day and reduce your intake of sweets, then your teeth will be fine, at least your dental expenses will be significantly reduced.

    Based on this principle, you can derive rules on how to build relationships between a man and a woman, and how to keep your husband from cheating. I will present my suggestions based on my experience and the experience of my friends, and you can adjust them to suit yourself.

    Such a man, if he changes a woman every week, will accumulate several hundred stories of “victories” during his life. Because of their enormous external display and “activity,” one gets the impression that all men are “goats,” etc. Sometimes such philanderers get together, at the same job, etc. (and they are attracted to each other, like any people with similar views). And then it is impossible to convince a woman who has been working among the “Don Juans” for a long time.

    But I assure you, such men are approximately 1 in 40, or even less. My article does not apply to them. The remaining overwhelming number of men cheat on women when they are pushed to do so in one way or another by the women themselves. So, how to keep your husband from cheating and save your family?

    Rule one. There is no need to provoke betrayal.

    I already wrote about this once, but since the topic offends many women, I will repeat it briefly. I sometimes get the impression that some women just need their husband, or man, to cheat with another woman.

    IN otherwise It is very difficult for me to explain the following examples from life.

    Classic example. A woman invites, or at least does not object, to a pretty (or even not very pretty, it doesn’t matter) girl come and stay at their house for a few weeks, or even months. This is usually best friend or a “poor relative” who came to go to college. Well, of course, not necessarily to college. This may be the need to undergo treatment, care for a relative, look for work and housing, which for some reason is still not available, etc. and so on.

    I understand that many women by nature love to take care of the weak. And a person also has something unnecessary for happy life quality, like a feeling of guilt. How can she refuse someone, even under the threat of collapse? family life? Even if after this you can’t keep your husband in the family? But, at least then, don’t be surprised if you find out about your husband’s infidelity with this same “poor relative.”

    From my point of view, this is a real provocation. I myself have heard of several betrayals in such situations. Moreover, men themselves were not inclined to look for other women. They lived with their wife for decades and did not take any active steps to find other women. And maybe they would never do it.

    As I already said, this is a fairly classic situation. Either at the beginning of a relationship, when it has not yet consolidated, a woman introduces her man to her friends, or her friends (relatives, etc.) are invited home to stay. Sometimes there are even cases when a wife sends her husband to a sanatorium to rest alone for a month. (You may remember the film “Love and Doves”).

    Women, please explain why you are doing this? Do you want to save your family? Do you want to avoid betrayal in your family? Then I don’t even understand you, honestly.

    Cut off such situations and you will save yourself from a lot of problems. Always look at the consequences of your decisions, especially when friends or relatives approach you with a request to live with you. Is it really a couple of days? Or is this just an excuse to then stay a couple more days and more?

    How will the presence of a stranger in the house for a long time affect your relationship with your husband? I assure you that nothing good will come of this, even if no betrayal is expected (for example, if this is your mother or grandmother).

    Rule two. Please don't interfere with a man's hobbies.
    A man and a woman started dating. The woman turned a blind eye to the man’s passion for fishing, skiing, pigeon breeding, etc. However, after the wedding, quite often the wife begins to gradually restore order in the house. And sometimes, first of all, innovations include, in her opinion, the “useless” activities of men, which are of no use to the family, and even waste family money.

    My advice, don't touch his hobbies. It’s better, of course, if you share them with him at least as
    a spectator admiring the big fish he caught and how far the man could run on skis. (Well, accordingly, you don't). And if you can’t separate it, it means you didn’t try hard.

    Minimal advice, just don’t touch the man’s hobbies and turn a blind eye to any expenses for them.

    Rule three. Be present, like a wife, in all areas of your man’s life, just don’t bother him.

    For example, be sure to wear wedding rings(if you are married, of course). Ask your husband to wear the ring too. After all, for many women (not all), a married man is not suitable as a partner.

    Give your husband a photo of your family together so he can put it on his desk. I have a photograph on my desk in my office of me and my wife. Firstly When I look at a picture of my wife and I, I concentrate on pleasant and happy moments. Secondly, seeing how I hug my wife in the photo, I want to see her in reality and hug her. And thirdly, some situations and questions naturally disappear if a new employee appears.

    Once every couple of months, visit your husband at work, maybe even meet his colleagues, or go to a party (corporate event), if it is customary to invite wives there.

    These techniques in themselves, separately from others, are not very powerful, but I recommend using them, since they are very simple and do not take much time and attention.

    I once read one of Litvak’s books, where he writes about myths about men. In his opinion, a man is a lazy animal who likes to come home after work, eat and sit on the sofa to watch TV or read the newspaper. And if a man cheats on a woman, then the first question he asks the woman who came to him for a consultation sounds something like this: “What did you do to make this lazy animal leave home, take risks, spend money, etc., to find another woman?”.

    I agree with him very much. The vast majority of men will never go looking for another woman if everything is fine at home.

    And even more, if everything is good and even satisfactory at home, then they won’t go anywhere.

    And even if it’s satisfactory, and sometimes it’s bad, they won’t go either.

    Ideally, a man’s home is a place where he takes a break from the outside world, in which he runs after prey, and sometimes the prey runs after him.

    I jokingly called a woman’s character trait of creating an intolerable environment in the family “bitchiness.” I note that “bitchiness” is sometimes the strongest in those women who are confident in their charm and good manners. From famous examples the main character in the film " Love affair at work" (In the first episode).

    How to make sure that the relationship is good? There are a lot of articles about this on our website “Sunny Hands”, read it. In short, work on the habit of “joking” and subtly ironizing a man, arguing with him with or without reason, teaching him, how and what needs to be done, criticized, etc.

    Rule five. Learn to communicate with a man and understand the psychology of men.

    Let me try to explain this science of communicating with men in one sentence. A man should feel like a hero with his woman.

    Communication should be such that you can communicate a lot, on almost any topic and it is interesting for both of you, you should often say the same thing at the same time, often guess what the man thinks or wants.

    And a little more. A man is not a woman. Women - study men and the psychology of men - they are different. Not better and not worse, but others. If you know them well, or rather even one man, then problems with betrayal will bypass your family.

    Rule six. Pay attention to sex.

    This rule seems obvious, but nevertheless, there are quite a few a large number of women who violate it. (We are not talking about illness, etc., when this is really impossible).

    I'm not saying that a wife must be a super lover. However, if a man does not have sex for months due to a woman’s fault, then most likely he will involuntarily begin to look at other women,
    even if he is a staunch family man. And the question of how to keep your husband from cheating when there are no intimate relationships, becomes rhetorical. Sex is important for a man. By the way, the same as for many women.

    The only difference here is in the psychology of men and women. If advice for a man on establishing sexual relations with a woman usually boil down to the fact that a man has learned to talk and communicate with a woman in general, and about love and sex in particular, then for women the advice may be the opposite. You can build a relationship with a man, starting with sex, and then gradually move on to communication. In general, men have a lot of things arranged upside down.

    It happens that women complain that their husband does not pester them and does not show attention. Here also read the articles on the site, or better yet, buy the book “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? The most intimate men's secrets and secrets" and try to understand the reason for your man’s behavior. Perhaps you criticize him a lot and constantly for everything he does. Perhaps you make fun of his hobbies or some of his masculine qualities. A lot of things are possible, but more on that in another article.

    Rule seven. Take care of yourself, develop, watch your weight and appearance.

    I was thinking whether to write this rule or not. I never want to write only one-sidedly. After all, many men by the age of 30, and I’m not even talking about 40-50 years old, have acquired a belly of decent size. And, nevertheless, if you want to keep your husband from cheating, watch your weight and figure. This will increase your self-esteem, improve your health and significantly reduce the risk of a man cheating on you.

    There are men who like plump women. This is easy to determine. If when you met, you already had a decent weight, then your man most likely likes your figure.

    But if you were slim when you got married, then most likely your husband likes slim women. Exercise, watch your diet, and everything will be fine.

    And yet, many women do typical mistake. Over time, they stop taking care of their lives, stop paying attention to themselves. This should under no circumstances be done, even if your man convinces you that he is interested in you for who you are. Yes, perhaps now he is interested in you, but if you do not develop for several years in a row, do not constantly grow and change, and at the same time, if your man strives for something, then sooner or later he will become bored with you. It also happens the other way around, but more on that another time.

    So, dear ladies, take time for yourself – your beloved. Go dancing, study English language, do yoga, develop your needs and talents. If you have no time to be bored, you won’t nag your husband either, and besides, you will become an example and inspiration for him in many ways.

    After all, in order to keep SUCH a woman, your man, whether you want it or not, will have to match you. When should I look at other women, when should I guard my own?

    That's probably all the rules. Maybe you have your own observations on this issue, then you can present them in the form of an article and send them to the site administrator [email protected]. If the article is interesting, correct and if it does not contain sweeping criticism and generalizations about women or men, then we will publish it.

    Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

    How to keep your husband from cheating? This is possible at any age and in a variety of situations. The world of secrets and advice is now available to you.

    Every woman can eliminate her husband’s infidelity. But for this you always need to do a lot of work.

    If you are ready to work without accepting laziness and letting things take their course, then check out a number of tips that will help not only forget about infidelity, but also generally improve relationships within the family.

    Don't provoke

    Often women themselves give their husbands the green light to cheat. To help you understand what we're talking about, check out these common mistakes:

    • prohibitions in sexual life;
    • constant moral pressure;
    • criticism of his masculine nature (qualities, figure, character, behavior in bed, etc.);
    • discussion of females (“She’s so cool...”, “She has such a figure! We all envy her!”);
    • your flirting with representatives of the opposite sex (texting, smiling, flirting, hugging, etc.);
    • lack of jealousy – indifference (“Who needs you like that?!”, “Where can you get away from me?!”);
    • excessive jealousy (he will think that if every time he receives an unreasonable punishment, then maybe it’s time to commit a crime).

    Don't forbid your husband's hobbies

    First, you must understand that to prevent betrayal, you need to become an excellent friend for him, whom he will not want to betray. And such a person will always respect his interests.

    Here it is necessary to understand that it is these hobbies that feed him with additional energy, satisfy his inner world, allow him to relax and receive a charge of positive emotions.

    It will be great if you share his interests with him. But, since this is most often impossible, do not nag him and give him the right to personal space. You simply have no choice. Otherwise, your discontent will gradually begin to oppress him, and you are unlikely to be able to save your family.

    If his hobby is unacceptable to your standards, try to talk to him very carefully, summing it up gently. If possible, offer him Alternative option recreation.

    Be present but not annoying

    Being present in his life at all times is necessary in order to minimize the possibility that he will think about others.

    It's actually very simple:

    • ask about his affairs, but unobtrusively;
    • leave wishes or love notes on the refrigerator, mirror, etc.;
    • remind yourself via SMS or MMS;
    • have fun in his company, etc.

    But you need to remind yourself in an intriguing way, more often at unexpected moments, and you should do this quite infrequently, otherwise it will look very intrusive.

    To avoid quickly boring your spouse, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • You should alternate the above methods and come up with something of your own;
    • if you see that your story is boring for him, do not insist that he listen to you (don’t be offended - everyone has different interests);
    • do not pester him at inappropriate moments;
    • the purpose of your messages is to direct them to his personality (complements, sweet words, praise, etc.).

    Atmosphere in the house

    This is where he should strive after all his deeds. This requires a lot of effort, but the main thing is to start, and later it will all become a habit. So:

    • meet and see him off with a kiss and warm words;
    • unobtrusively ask how his day was;
    • food should always be prepared for his arrival;
    • order and comfort are also important requirements;
    • eliminate scandals and hassles;
    • put yourself in order before his arrival;
    • Don’t whine or complain about problems all the time;
    • If you have children, they should be dressed to look neat.

    Learn to understand his psychology

    This is necessary to become the dearest and closest person to your husband. In this case, there are great guarantees that he will not be morally able to betray you.

    The following tips will help you achieve this result:

    1. Ask, why does he definitely do this and think exactly this. If possible, do not accompany this with unnecessary comments (“I would do it this way”, “This is completely wrong”). This is his point of view and you must respect it. Gradually you will be able to observe the course of his thoughts and actions.
    2. Don't be stubborn. Don't insist on your opinion. You can express it, but do not hammer into your spouse that only you are right in a certain situation. This hits a man's ego hard, which leads to a loss of connection between you.

    Pay attention to sex

    This factor is very important if you want to keep your husband from cheating. After all, sex is very important for a man. This is why you should know what is within your power.

    1. Go for experiments that your husband suggests. If they are unacceptable for you, stop and think, because he may start looking for it on the side. Do you need this? Try it and give in to your feelings. Think how pleasant two things will be for your spouse: the process itself, and the fact that you are going for it!
    2. Improve your skills. Video lessons, articles, forums, etc. are suitable for this. Surely you will find a lot there interesting nuances that people are not used to talking about in society.
    3. Ask him about his desires. Perhaps he has long dreamed of something like this, but does not dare to offer you. Having learned his secrets, you can become the most exquisite lover for him, whom he will not want to exchange for anyone.
    4. Don't refuse sex. Even if you quarreled, even if you have no desire, even if you are busy. A man's desire should be limited very rarely and for good reasons.

    Pay attention to what you do after sex. It will be great if you just lie there, stroking your man, rather than burdening him with problems or immediately running to the bathroom.

    Take care of yourself

    If it’s clear about image and hairstyle, then there are also things that a woman unconsciously does not pay attention to:

    Good to know!
    Often women like to say: “You fell in love with me like this, so now put up with it.” True, but they themselves, most likely, then tried not only to behave a little differently, but also to look very good! It is not clear why some women let themselves go after marriage, because at the beginning of family life there was time and desire for everything.

    1. Trust your husband. But this should not be done blindly. For example, you should not completely ignore those stories where your husband allegedly flirted with another woman. Do your best to find out the details. But please, without fanaticism.
    2. Don't be overly jealous. There is no need to run to the phone as soon as he receives an SMS, feverishly follow his every step, etc. He will quickly get tired of this.
    3. Talk to your husband about your torment.. Tell me how painful it will be for you if he cheats, what you think will happen in your life after this (they say that you will leave without talking, your life will collapse, you will not be able to forgive him). Secure this with the pitiful conclusion that, above all, your children will suffer. The entire conversation should take place calmly (!), in the form of reasoning.
    4. Remain a mystery. So that he does not think about cheating, you must always remain for him an ideal, luxurious and worthy woman, to whom he will strive with all his fibers. It is important to do this throughout your life, so that even in the most desperate period for a man after 40 years, you will be able to keep him.

    In conclusion, I would like to advise you to save this article and return to it from time to time. After all, you probably focused your attention on only some of the points. And in order to keep your husband from cheating, you need to adhere to as many of these rules as possible.

    Nobody says that you need to change your life right now. Just gradually start improving over time.

    Do you know how or have you learned to attract, but you don’t know how to keep a man and his attention on you? Men get acquainted, but at some stage disappear or leave? If the answer is “yes,” then I wrote this article just for you.

    How to keep love in a relationship? How to be desirable not only for the first week, first month or first year? How to become a real woman from whom a man will not even think of leaving?
    In fact, it's simple. Read and complete the simple tasks that I have prepared for you.

    Do you agree with me that There are two extremes of girls' behavior at the stage that comes after attracting a man?

    1. “Independent woman”. I can do everything myself, I can see right through men, I’m smart, successful.

    And this is the girl that attracted me. Will she be able to keep a man?

    Usually, a man near such a woman does not feel needed. After all, her condition conveys - I’m great, I have everything, with or without you - what’s the difference.

    The girl gives the man freedom, but does not show the need for him.

    2. “Woman Servant”. The one that “looks into the mouth” of a man. Does everything for him. He tries very hard. Why is that? The girl unconsciously sets an example: “You see, I care about you and I want you to take care of me the same way.”

    A woman shows a man’s need, but does not give him freedom. The man feels indebted.

    Example from life

    I've been talking to a girl for a couple of weeks. She looks great, even women turn to look at her. But!

    He constantly writes to me, asks questions in the style of: “Do you miss me?”, “When will we meet?”, goes on vacation and asks: “What gift should I bring you?” etc. I feel obligated. This is not a man's condition.

    It is noteworthy that that most women jump from one extreme to the other.

    “I do everything for him, but he doesn’t appreciate such a scoundrel. He also left me. That’s it, now I’ll be a bitch.” She becomes a bitch, but there is still no happiness.

    How to keep a guy

    Train in yourself feminine qualities. Truly feminine. In other words, become a Real Woman.

    1. Self-sufficiency

    First of all, a woman should feel good about herself. If a woman has emptiness inside, and she tries to keep a man only for the purpose of “not being left alone,” then this is a trap.

    Strive for harmony with yourself. Develop yourself.

    Write at least 20 hobbies in the comments What do you do or can do for yourself, to develop your good mood?

    2. Attractiveness

    The woman attracted the man. The goal: to become even more attractive. Again, for yourself, first of all.

    It's about making every inch attractive female body, face, hair, etc. This also applies to the style of clothing, makeup, gestures, manners, and gait.

    Men see everything and note everything, even if they don’t say it.


    Unfortunately, friends lie to you in 90% of cases. When I made an anonymous vote at the request of a friend, she was surprised. Her friends told her one thing, eh.

    3. Sex

    A real woman loves sex and gets pleasure, joy and satisfaction from it. She wants her man and broadcasts her desire. By the way, this is the nuance that makes it impossible to keep a man at a distance.

    I’ll write it as correctly as possible now, but guess what word I wanted to write instead of:

    You must be depraved in bed. Dot. Don't you know how? Learn. Hundreds of videos on YouTube. I also recommend an article about and about.


    Write to men you've had sex with before and ask for honest feedback.

    Scary? This is fine. Do it.

    4. Condition

    I write about this all the time. This is the basics. What does the man next to you get? Ordinary, dull, everything goes by itself. Or are you a woman who influences? How do you keep a man interested in you?

    Understand, the more you convey faith in a man, admire him, show joy (even in small things), the more successful this man becomes. And the more “trophies” he will bring to your feet.


    Choose 10 men from the phone book or from social networks (preferably they don’t have girlfriends). It is especially important to do this if it causes discomfort.

    So, send them this message right now:

    Hello, “Name”. I looked at your profile on social networks. I want to tell you that you are very strong man. I admire you and believe in your success!

    Just a message. A few lines. From a woman's mouth. This is incredible power!

    Key Thoughts

    — “Independent” and “Servant” are two extremes in which many women find themselves

    - There is a way Real woman” - to attract a man, to keep a man, for the happiness of both women and men. - lifelong

    —Are you a self-sufficient woman? (not to be confused with arrogance)

    —Are you an attractive woman?

    — Do you know how to enjoy sex?

    — What state do you emit and “inspire” in your man?

    If you have read this far, then my efforts are not in vain. Thank you and good luck!

    Have questions? Write in the comments.

    Read the top materials on my blog:

    Getting a man to like you, charm him, and even make him fall in love with you is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It’s a completely different matter to keep a loved one, to become for him the only one with whom he wants to spend his whole life.
    And the main difficulty on the way to a joint “happily ever after” is the fear of a serious relationship among many modern men. But there are other pitfalls that can easily break your boat in the ocean of Love. How to keep a man and live a long and happy life together with him will be discussed further.
    Was there a prince: how to understand whether a man is worth keeping
    First of all, let’s decide with you who you need to keep close to you, and who it’s better to let go right away, without wasting precious time and energy. To do this, use our three simple rules.
    Rule #1: Take your time!
    It is no secret that a woman in love tends to idealize her lover. Under the pressure of male charm and a cocktail of raging hormones, we all lose our heads and do not notice his shortcomings. But he is not ideal, and very soon, what seemed unnoticed and even cute will literally become terribly annoying. Therefore, try not to make plans for the future with a man earlier than six months into your relationship with him. If you believe research, this is exactly how much time ours needs endocrine system to get used to the hormonal explosion caused by an excess of love feelings.
    Rule #2: Be honest with yourself
    So, after about 6 months, your relationship will have become a little stronger, you will know each other well enough, and your hormones will have subsided - it’s time to think about the future. This is the perfect time to ask yourself a simple question: “Do I want to be with this man for the rest of my life?” If in response to this, butterflies flutter in your stomach, and images of your children together appear in your head, then move on to the next point. If you don’t experience anything like this, then reconsider your relationship; it’s quite possible that it has long outlived its usefulness. Just be honest with yourself. Your happiness depends on it!
    Rule #3: Make sure there is reciprocity
    The third rule is the most important condition for a happy life together. Therefore, you need to make sure that your and his views on relationships completely coincide. In other words, you must be sure that you are together solely out of mutual pure love, and not because you have been seeking his attention for a long time and he is simply comfortable with you. How to understand that the feelings are mutual? Just trust your intuition and analyze your relationship a little. It is advisable to do this while alone with your thoughts. You can also additionally resort to a simple exercise: divide a sheet of paper into two columns and write down in them everything that each of you brings to your relationship. Ideally, both columns should become approximately the same size. A significant advantage goes in one direction - this is a reason to think about harmonizing your relationship with your loved one.

    If you are sure that this man is the love of your life, then the matter remains small. You need to make sure that your lover comes to the same conclusion. It is advisable to do this carefully and unnoticed, otherwise men are gentle and timid creatures, and they must certainly be prepared for “happily ever after.” And you need to prepare in such a way that until the end of his days he is sure that he himself made the fateful decision to make you his wife. And I was right.
    Now that the presence of a prince is beyond doubt, it’s time to talk about how to keep a man next to you, preferably for life. And to do this, you first need to understand why modern men are in no hurry to part with their bachelor status even when they already have a wonderful and, most importantly, beloved woman next to them. As cliché as it may sound, it’s all about fear. Fear Serious relationships- a fairly strong psychological barrier that can be very difficult for a man to cross alone. It can manifest itself in completely different ways. For example, in cheerful revelry and constant change sexual partners. Or he may be “hiding” in a civil marriage that lasts for decades without a stamp in his passport. There are also cases when this very fear forces men to even break off relations with their love, so as not to switch to new stage relationships.
    Reasons for men's fear of serious relationships
    One of the main reasons for such fear is a bad experience. In other words, unhappy love. Therefore, it would be useful to ask young man whether there was something similar in his life and how he survived this mental wound. If the breakup occurred relatively recently, then you should not rush into the rapid development of your relationship.

    In addition, fear of a serious relationship in men may arise due to a distorted view of family life. For example, if a man has already had an unsuccessful marriage or his parents/friends/relatives have gone through a painful divorce. In this case, he may literally believe that marriage destroys the relationship and will not strive to create it. Your main task will be to destroy this illusion. It is very important to show your loved one that marital relations depend on the mutual efforts of two people, and can be very happy.
    The idea of ​​a cheerful single life imposed by advertising and the media completes our triad of the main reasons for the fear of serious relationships in men. We are talking about an artificially created and so attractive playboy lifestyle: lots of girlfriends, no obligations, fun and no responsibility. If this is the reason, then your task is to show your loved one another world. A world of mutual love and harmony in which you can achieve true happiness. How to do it? The following simple tips will help.
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    It's time to move on to practical advice that will help you realize your dream of a happy life together with your lover. But keep in mind that they only work if your love feelings with a man are mutual, and the relationship develops. Let’s immediately say that their implementation will require good willpower and sometimes self-sacrifice from you. Therefore, be ready to work on yourself for the benefit of your love. And remember that you can’t keep a man with a child, or blackmail, or money. Only mutual love and respect can make a couple happy for life!
    Tip #1: Be versatile!
    What is the difference between a beloved woman and a mistress or wife? The fact that she skillfully combines both of these roles. And she also knows how to be a close friend, a cheerful girlfriend, a caring mother, a sympathetic sister, a fair critic, a loyal ally for her beloved man... This list can be continued for a long time, but its main meaning is clear - you need to be able to be multifaceted with your loved one. Don't focus on just one role, like the girl he's dating. Guys can go on dates with you for years, but none of them will ever decide to propose to you for one simple reason - you don’t show anything different. Therefore, if you want to keep a man, be ready to cook him borscht, listen to his problems, and look after him when he’s sick. And all this despite the fact that you are “just dating.”
    Tip #2: Don't force things
    One of the most common women's mistakes- haste in relationships. On the one hand, it’s understandable: age is running out, your friends are all already married, your parents are buzzing about their grandchildren... And you’ve been dating for a long time - it’s definitely time to get married. But having come to this thought, in no case should you put pressure on a man, much less blackmail him. In principle, this advice works at every new stage of a relationship, and not just when it comes to marriage. So never rush! Give your man time to mature for cohabitation/marriage/children. In the meantime, no one forbids you to gently and carefully guide him in the right direction with your kindness and care.

    Tip #3: Stay interesting and mysterious
    There is nothing more boring for a man than a monotonous life with a woman about whom he knows everything. Therefore, cultivate mystery and mystery in yourself. We are talking, first of all, about a variety of hobbies and interests that will help you always remain interesting to your loved one. The ideal option is if some of your hobbies completely coincide or overlap with the interests of your lover.
    Also try to surprise your man from time to time. Surprises can be very different: from a new hairstyle and unexpected hair color to the purchase of a certificate for a joint parachute jump. A little hint: for the surprise to be a success, be sure to make sure that your loved one will be happy about it. This can be done carefully through indirect questions to him or his close friends.
    Tip #4: Stay fit
    Start with the basic - everyday appearance. Once and for all, say a firm “no” to peeling nail polish, disheveled hair and a dirty robe in his presence. By the way, there is nothing wrong with appearing in front of your loved one without makeup. But doing that same makeup/manicure/coloring/epilation while wearing it is absolutely not worth it. Firstly, these are far from the most attractive procedures. And secondly, such activities very often seriously scare men away. Therefore, it is better to let your little beauty secrets remain with you, and your lover will only see the finished result.

    Also, take care of your body. Ideally, try to maintain the forms with which you once conquered him. But remember that a couple of extra kilos are not as bad as rough skin and cracked heels. So be sure to take care of yourself! Remember that well-groomed woman already a beauty.
    Tip #5: Shared traditions
    Nothing brings a couple together like little ones. family traditions and rituals. Let it start with a simple Sunday tea party in a cozy cafe or a Saturday evening watching your favorite TV series. The main thing is that it becomes truly traditional, and therefore a regular pastime for both of you. Gradually add new joint rituals to your relationship that bring pleasure equally to each of you. And very soon they will become traditions that will bind you even more.
    Tip #6: Have a Positive Attitude
    Men don’t like problematic ladies who strive to cry on their shoulders or complain about their bitter fate every time they meet. Everyone doesn't like it. Accept this fact and stay on a positive wave most of the time with your loved one. Firstly, mom and her friends can cry, but it’s better to spend time with your loved one in something more interesting. And, secondly, demonstrating an optimistic attitude in difficult situation, you thereby show the man that he can always count on your common sense and support in difficult times. Well, thirdly, by stopping complaining in the company of your loved one about all sorts of minor troubles, you automatically become stronger in spirit.

    Tip #7: Don't dissolve!
    Another factor that repels men is the complete dissolution of a woman. This could be dissolution in a spouse, children, everyday life or work. The worst thing is that by dissolving, a woman loses her boundaries and ceases to be an interesting person. Therefore, no matter how much you like a guy, no matter how much you want to make your loved one the meaning of your life, always remain an integral person. Remember, no man will appreciate such sacrifices. And what’s even worse, at one point they will simply consider you as service personnel, with whom they are so comfortable, but so boring. Well, what from boring women men run like fire, you already know from our advice number three.
    Tip #8: Home comfort
    Whatever one may say, only caring ones female hands are able to create that unique home comfort that men value so much. Therefore, make every effort to ensure that your shared home becomes a real home for your beloved. Keep the apartment clean, his clothes neat, and be sure to learn how to cook his favorite dishes. For most men, this will be more than enough. And don’t think that we are urging you to plunge headlong into household affairs and forget about your beloved self. Learn to manage your time correctly and then you will be able to accomplish a lot! Including taking care of yourself and meeting with friends.

    Tip #9: Criticize carefully
    Criticism of a lover is a dangerous thing. Especially if you criticize harshly and constantly. Believe me, not a single man will tolerate a woman next to him who regularly nags him. Therefore, if you criticize your lover, then try to do it as carefully and constructively as possible. For example, don’t just point out his mistakes, but offer a solution that will help avoid similar negative experiences in the future. Remember that a man will treat a calm and reasonable conversation much more carefully than an emotional hysteria. In addition, having mastered the ability to criticize correctly, you can take an important place as a trusted advisor in the life of a loved one.
    Tip #10: Give your man freedom
    This is one of the most important advice how to keep a man close to you. What do we mean by “giving freedom”? First of all, a man has the ability to make important decisions on his own and the lack of total control on the part of a woman. Learn to trust your lover and don't keep him on a short leash. He should have the opportunity, for example, to watch football with friends without you and your endless calls. It is also important not to impose your views on life on your loved one and make plans for the future for him. Always remember that your loved one is an adult and accomplished man, capable of making important decisions on his own. And your task is to become faithful to him and loving person, whose opinion he will be ready to listen to, and not his second mother. Therefore, be guided more often by this principle in relationships. And very soon you will personally see its effectiveness!

    How to keep a man? How to make the faithful forget to even think about others and instead surrender completely and completely to the one who truly loves him more than life itself? These and many other questions plague girls, especially those who suffer from this bright feeling. Well, this is a serious topic and should be discussed in more detail.

    Understand the essence of the problem

    To begin with, I would like to understand the nature of the issue. Many girls are puzzled by how to keep a man, but a few (and these, it must be said, are very wise and reasonable people) decide to first think about the situation. After all, if the faithful began to move away, there is a reason for this. Not always logical, sometimes offensive and unreasonable, but it exists. It is unlikely that the guy will voice it himself, although such honest, sincere examples do exist. But if he is silent or evasive, then before you can keep the man, you will need to solve this riddle.

    Maybe the reason lies precisely in the girl. But her boyfriend, like a gentleman, does not want to offend his chosen one. In any case, the first step is to talk to him. Unobtrusively, softly. You can start something like this: “I began to notice that something strange is happening in our relationship. Maybe it just seems to me, and I will be happy if I’m wrong.” And then you can express your guesses. After his answer, it will be possible to think further. If the young man confirmed his fears and said what exactly he was not happy with, then he must act in a certain, specific direction. Of course, it may be unpleasant to hear the reason, but what can you do, few people like the truth. But the truth will be revealed, and that’s a plus. But if the guy doesn’t say anything, remains silent, or answers what you really imagined, it will be more difficult. Most likely, he just doesn't want to talk about it. But it’s difficult to deceive a woman’s instincts. So you have to think for yourself, just like solving the problem. Well, how to keep a man?

    Communication and psychological problems

    It is no secret that problems in relationships often arise due to misunderstandings, disrespect, scandals, quarrels and swearing. And in many cases, all this, oddly enough, has no basis. Perhaps your young man is too jealous and he began to cool down because he “twisted” himself. No guy wants to feel deceived, much less think that he was cheated on.

    Well, even if this is not the case, you will have to come to terms with this character trait of your loved one and do everything possible to divert suspicion from yourself: be nearby more often, answer the phone with names mentioned, tell him who is calling, who is writing, etc. .d. Well, if there is no such possibility, then how to keep your beloved man in this case? There is only one way - to constantly prove your love.

    Of course, it is not suitable for every girl: the reason may be pride, self-esteem, etc. However, if we are talking about love, you can certainly sacrifice them. Words, actions - whatever. In the end, the man will understand that you are truly faithful to him, and will stop starting quarrels and scandals based on vain suspicions. Of course, you should not expect immediate results, but gradually the problem will be solved. The main thing is to do everything sincerely and from the heart. The guys feel it. And they believe.

    Saving relationships

    Whole books are written about how to win a man and keep him. Why? Because every girl knows that attracting a guy’s attention is not so difficult, but making him stay with her forever is more difficult. They say that a man is like a ball. If the girl lets go of it from her hands, it will bloom. And vice versa.

    We must remember that we will have to sacrifice something. After all, you can do almost anything for your loved one. Dedicate as much time to him as you need, sometimes at the expense of your interests and hobbies, communication with other people and other activities. In general, give all of yourself to him. But it is important not to live with rose-colored glasses and perceive reality as it is. It is necessary to pay attention to everything that happens in the relationship. Otherwise, you may miss some very important detail. In order to maintain relationships, it is necessary to constantly analyze them.

    Novelty and freshness in relationships

    The monotony gets boring. Everyone knows this. Every person constantly wants something new. And if a girl can satisfy this desire with some nice purchase, then guys most often solve the problem differently: they are looking for novelty in a relationship. And God forbid it occurs to him to find another girl. In addition, the conquering instinct will kick in here. New fun - trying to woo another girl. Even if only for a while, so that later you can return to your beloved. For some (not all, of course) guys, this is absolutely normal. But for loving girl- real punishment and pain. How to keep a man who considers the above described normal? Not that difficult.

    You need to increase your importance in the eyes of your boyfriend. The method by which this can be achieved is not suitable for all men, this should be noted right away. We can call them this: jealous hunters. These are not the ones who will tear off the head of anyone who comes closer than a kilometer to his lady love. These are the guys who like their lover to attract the attention of other men. This behavior seems to say: “You have excellent taste, you know a lot about women, you are lucky that she is yours!” A similar situation can be provoked by asking a friend to play along.

    You also need to remember the desire for novelty. You can just take it and change. Surely the girl knows what attracts her boyfriend to representatives of the fair half of humanity. Moreover, changes can be both external and internal. You can reconsider your character: strengthen or weaken some qualities. Make your gaze more confident, be convinced of your own uniqueness, become stronger, more independent, more bitchy. Of course, it’s best if these changes appear after some separation (let’s say both haven’t seen each other for a week or two). This would be more logical than if both he and she fell asleep together in the same bed, and eight hours later the girl suddenly woke up with a different character.

    Overall, it's worth thinking about. In fact, the answer to the question of how to fall in love with and keep a man is extremely simple. You just need to become the girl he will never get tired of loving.

    Regain your value

    If we talk about how to keep a man, we cannot help but note a point that can be conditionally designated as fear of loss. You can try to keep your lover in some tension, make him remember that you are valuable. Just not in direct text, of course. This can be done in different ways: starting with the one mentioned above (collecting admiring glances of other men), ending with the “closer-further” method.

    It consists of being as tender, sweet, loving and affectionate with him for a certain time, and then suddenly disappearing. If he calls, he will answer dryly and restrainedly, making the excuse: “I can’t talk right now.” He asks for a meeting - to come up with something more important. But the main thing here is not to overdo it with deadlines. For some guys, half a day of this “game” is enough, for others, even a week is not enough. It all depends on the character. Is it possible to keep a man this way? Quite. As soon as he feels that there is a possibility of losing his beloved, the one who values ​​him and belongs only to him, he will have fear and a desire to return everything.

    You can also take an intentional break. Make him miss you. Everyone knows that if people see each other too often, it gets boring. Some people begin to feel the desire to take a break from this regime after a month, others after a year. If a girl feels that her boyfriend is starting to lose interest in her, it’s time to “go on a business trip” for a week or two. Due to a “busy work schedule,” I only have five minutes a day to talk. “Dear, I’m sorry, it’s really inconvenient for me, but when I return, we’ll meet and we’ll definitely make up for what we’ve lost! After all, it’s only fortnight, it’s okay,” this final phrase will make him worry. He was used to seeing his beloved every day, and then suddenly there was such a sudden break. Definitely, the man will miss you. He may not say this, but after “returning from a business trip,” the girl herself will feel it.

    Mistakes of girls who lost their heads

    Well, there are plenty of ways to restore the former spice to your relationship with your boyfriend. The above is just a minimum. However, how to keep a married man? Unfortunately, this is a fairly common question. Will a child keep a man who already has a family? The idea, I must say, is crazy. And many girls, who have lost their heads over a married man, decide to do such an act - get pregnant from him and try to keep their lover with this “joyful” news for him.

    This is a fatal mistake. This can only ruin everything. Married man will understand what he has done (although there is a 99% chance that he will require confirmation, because many decide to deceive in this way in order to keep their happiness), and will disappear, giving money for an abortion.

    In general, it must be said, an affair with a young man who officially has a wife is an ignoble and low matter. For a girl, this means being a “backup option.” In any case, even if he stopped loving his official soul mate, his wife has more rights to him than you. Most of these novels ended in failure. Sometimes even a wife cannot keep a man with a child, but here the chances are slim. There, in marriage, he has stability, a family, perhaps even children, and what he found on the side is most likely just the diversity mentioned above. There is something new. But if a girl decides to fake a pregnancy, then it’s better not to do it. Otherwise, you can remain a single mother without child support.

    Guys with character

    Many girls, puzzled by how to attract and keep a man, begin to look for answers from the stars, that is, look at the horoscope. Sometimes this can really help. Whatever one may say, representatives of certain zodiac signs are similar to each other. Of course, for a more accurate decision, you should also know your lover’s affiliation with the Chinese horoscope, as well as other nuances (starting with the time of birth and ending with your favorite color), but general knowledge is also not bad. Well, it’s worth talking about how to keep a Gemini, Taurus and Capricorn man.

    Let's start with Gemini. What, or rather, who do they like? Beautiful girls, with whom it is interesting to flirt. The chosen one must be smart, educated, independent, competent in those areas that concern them, and, importantly, it is necessary that she thinks outside the box. A girl should also be open and sincere and trust her boyfriend. If we talk about how to keep a Gemini man, then we can say one thing with confidence: he should always be told only the truth. And there is no need to limit his freedom. Geminis hate it when things are forbidden to them. Be that as it may, these men are not prone to deep feelings. We must accept this. So, if you want to keep such a guy, you need to be the most interesting person possible, constantly improve yourself, develop and surprise him with something new every day. There are no perfect girls for Geminis. For them, there are ideal life partners - those who will become everything to them: friend, support, and support. He will agree to be with such a lady for the rest of his life. By the way, the same can be said about Capricorns. Only they are perhaps more jealous, and intimate relationships play a greater role for them than for Gemini.

    Taurus - we should talk in more detail about these personalities. An incredibly jealous owner, always suspicious of dishonesty, who can only be retained by love, truth and loyalty, of which we must constantly remind him. Saying that he is the one and only, the best and most beloved, that no one else is needed and that even if you were offered 10 million dollars, you would still choose him. This warms the soul of Taurus. If a girl wants to have a long and happy relationship, you will have to love him, constantly proving this with both words and actions. In general, I must say, Taurus are excellent loving guys. Only their feelings and trust must be won. What was mentioned above. But one thing can be said with confidence: there will certainly not be boredom and routine in a relationship with a Taurus. This is an eternal fireworks display of emotions and feelings.

    Soft and sensual

    Libra and Sagittarius are perhaps the most sensual signs of the Zodiac of all 12 existing ones. And exactly in the sequence indicated. How to keep a Libra man? It’s as simple as that: you won’t even need to do anything for this if he himself is crazy about his beloved. The fact is that representatives of this sign (both boys and girls) are very vulnerable and emotional, although they try their best to hide it. And since they are excellent actors, distinguished by such qualities as cunning and resourcefulness, they do it perfectly. But when they are left alone with themselves, it is the most heartbreaking flow of emotions that can be.

    Moreover, a Libra guy is easy to win, even if he has not paid attention to you before. You need to be active, take initiative, charm him with all your might and show that you care about him. Compliments will also not be superfluous; on the contrary, these guys “love with their ears.” Libras are those people who love because they are loved. It’s a paradox, but such amazing personalities also exist. So find with them mutual language very easy. However, you shouldn't play with them. Despite all their gentleness, openness and sensuality, these people, when offended and angry, are capable of strong revenge.

    How to keep Sagittarius? It is also easy to conquer a man of this zodiac sign. This is a dreamy person. An emotional guy who loves communication. So, if you want to become his chosen one, you need to turn into his like-minded woman and reliable partner. Be sure to support his interests, tastes and preferences. If he is a football fan of Bayern Munich, and you, it turns out, also dote on this team, then this suddenly revealed fact will significantly increase your value in his eyes. Also, do not forget about softness and tenderness. The Sagittarius girl is a sophisticated lady, but confident in herself.

    Unpredictability and initiative

    These are two words that perfectly describe the Aquarius man. He can surprise anyone with his unexpected actions. We can talk forever about how to keep an Aquarius man. The fact is that these guys are representatives of the most unstable sign of the Zodiac. And if you have already started a relationship with him, you will have to realize that this is a game. A very difficult quest in which you will have to prove yourself in the same way as in the case of Gemini. With Aquarius you need to be interesting, original, surprising and surprising. For him, a girl is not just a friend and partner. This is an object for study. For Aquarius, it is necessary to always be a mystery and a riddle. And when he solves one of them, then it is necessary to immediately provide him with another. Aquarius should not be bored in a relationship, which is why they usually choose extraordinary individuals. If that's you, great. If not, you will have to work on yourself, your character, behavior, habits and, perhaps, even your lifestyle.

    How can you keep a Virgo man - that person from whom you wouldn’t expect fairy tales? We'll have to work hard. First, you need to accept the fact that a Virgo guy is someone who carefully hides his thoughts, especially his dreams. He is not a romantic or an optimist. And it won’t become that way, so there’s no need to try to change it. Of course, not all Virgos are pedants and realists who think skeptically. However, these traits appear quite often in their character. Why are Virgo guys so attractive? Because they are very caring. And for many girls this is precisely the main thing. So, if you want to gain support in the form of this person, you will have to come to terms with his habit of criticizing everything. And you will have to open up to him.


    Unfortunately, there are often cases when girls are puzzled by the question of how to keep their loved one near them. And everyone solves this problem in their own way. Some - by conversation, which is sometimes quite enough. Others begin to fight, to save the relationship with all their might: by changing themselves, their usual way of life, their character, their appearance, just so that their loved one will pay attention to his girlfriend again. Still others let everything take its course, hoping that the problem will solve itself. However, be that as it may, one should not lose hope. There are no relationships without difficulties. We are all human, and sometimes every person has a healthy desire to leave. But in this case, it is necessary to understand the essence of the problem and remember why it all began. Sometimes guys save relationships, sometimes girls save them, but the main thing here is the mutual desire to preserve shared happiness. Then everything will work out.

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