• How beautiful you are, what to answer. The correct reaction to compliments from men



    Don’t look for the “double bottom” of praise, accept good words, which the girl told you as true. Don't convince your interlocutor that you don't deserve compliments. Indeed, in this case there is a danger of convincing the young lady that you are right! Increase your self-esteem so you don't feel awkward when you hear praise.

    The response to praise should be simple and short. You don’t need long and detailed stories about how you regularly go to training and what exercises you do there in order to achieve such muscle volume that. If they complimented your hairstyle, don’t explain which hairdresser you went to, just say that you also like it and it’s very good that you have similar taste.

    Thank the girl for her kind words and her attention to your person. Rejoice from the bottom of your heart, because people usually give compliments to please nice person. Just don’t remain indifferent and indifferent; with such a reaction you can offend the girl.

    If it seemed to you that the praise was a little forced and insincere, think about why these words were said and for what purpose. Maybe the girl just couldn’t say the prepared phrase with feeling. You don’t need to immediately think about the bad, it’s better to cheer up the person with a return compliment, start casual conversation to relieve tension.

    To show a girl that you appreciate her words, smile and look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Tag her too positive traits: “Katya, it’s so good that at least someone notices my efforts to look better! I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that kind girl, but was embarrassed to talk about it!”

    A good joke will always come to your aid in response to a compliment: “I’m trying to adopt your style, but I can’t find a dress!” Lightly touch the girl’s hand or give her a warm hug; in this case, you won’t even need words.


    • The art of responding to compliments
    • how do you respond to compliments

    Complimenting a girl is a beautiful and romantic gesture of expressing your admiration for her in one aspect or another. The choice and presentation of compliments should be approached responsibly, since the outcome of your future relationship may depend on this.


    Try to pay attention to the girl’s appearance more often. For example, if she changed her hairstyle, hair color, or got her nails done, be sure to say so. Try to express short but very precise compliments, for example, “What beautiful hair!”, “This color suits you,” etc. You can say the phrase in a humorous tone and with a smile on your face. If you are in a close relationship with a girl, you can add a suitable gesture to your words, for example, running your hand through her hair, taking her hand, etc.

    One of the most important aspects who certainly demand compliments from a man is appearance girls. Most likely, when she meets you, she will wear a new dress or suit, various jewelry and decorations. You don't have to name every detail you liked. You can, for example, casually touch her necklace or earrings, gently hug her waist and only then make a compliment about this or that thing. The smell of her perfume also deserves special attention. You might even say it's your favorite scent.

    There are two details that girls most often expect to hear compliments about: their eyes, smile and hands. For example, you can say that today she smiles in a special way, and this smile is simply impossible. Also, in advance, before meeting a girl, come up with an interesting compliment about her eyes, for example, say that they are your favorite color, or that you are drowning in her gaze and are ready to look into her eyes all the time. Be sure to note that the girl has a gentle and smooth skin, taking her hand.

    You need to respond to compliments sincerely and with a smile on your face. Even if pleasant words did not make the proper impression, then you should still thank them for them, because the person wanted to please his interlocutor. All you have to do is say “thank you” for his efforts.

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    Compliments can be different: about appearance, character, behavior, but each of them must always be answered. These can be words of gratitude and mutual compliments.

    How to properly respond to a guy's compliment

    You can respond to a compliment or praise in different ways, but in some situations (a man is much older than a girl, an official reception, a person does not have a sense of humor) original answers will be inappropriate and it is better to limit yourself to ordinary embarrassment and the word “thank you.”

    The reaction to a compliment or praise should not be too violent. Fake delight or stupid giggling will be perceived by your interlocutor as mockery. There is no need to show disdain, even if the compliment turned out to be inappropriate and unpleasant.

    In addition to the banal phrases “thank you, I’m very pleased” or “thank you”, you can respond to pleasant words with return compliments. For example, in response to a compliment “Your hair is so beautiful!” you can give the answer “you have an excellent figure” or even “thin, aristocratic fingers.”

    You can answer in an original way if you turn the interlocutor’s attention to your strengths and qualities: “I also shine with my mind” or “what eyes I have! You can drown in them.” If a girl constantly hears stereotyped phrases from men, then she needs to react to such statements calmly and naturally: “yes, I am like that,” “you are already the thousandth person who told me about my beautiful eyes", "soon I will form a club of admirers of my hair."

    How can you answer the question “how are you?” in an original way?

    Options for responding to praise

    How to respond to praise in an original and humorous way using words of gratitude:

    • Yes, yes, give me compliments. I love nice words, thank you for the pleasure.
    • I thank you sincerely, from the heart and to the soul.
    • Your (your) kindness knows no bounds.
    • Thank you, I’m shocked by myself!
    • Who will get such a miracle?
    • I know, thanks for reminding me.
    • (Man's name), you are a ladies' man! I'm flattered.
    • I'm crazy about myself too.

    How to answer the question “how are you feeling” in an original and funny way?

    Replies to a compliment about appearance

    To the compliment “you are so beautiful!” You can answer with these original phrases:

    • I need to thank my parents for making me such a smart and beautiful person.
    • Mercy, as you, sir, accurately noticed! I wouldn't pay attention to this in my life.
    • It's nice to hear, and most importantly, very unexpected.
    • How original, I have never heard anything like this addressed to me!
    • Are you sure you're not flattering me? Well, thanks if you're not joking.
    • Thank you, my mood has improved significantly!
    • You haven't seen me without clothes yet.
    • Yeah, I can save the whole world alone!
    • My outer beauty pales in comparison to my inner self.
    • Yes, and beauty is a terrible force! So beware of me.

    You need to say words of gratitude calmly or with a smile on your face and a little irony in your voice (depending on the situation). You cannot ignore pleasant words, otherwise the person will be offended and will no longer give compliments.

    Answers for flirting

    If a girl wants to flirt with a man who complimented her, then she can tell the guy one of these phrases:

    • You made me blush, I was embarrassed.
    • After your words, I feel like Miss Universe.
    • Stop it now, otherwise my self-esteem will increase to cosmic proportions.
    • Wow, such pleasant words made me feel hot.
    • Yes, I am a treasure, but no one has found this treasure yet.
    • Talk, talk, don't stop.
    • Is this all I deserve? You are stingy with compliments.
    • It's you who underestimate me.
    • Yes, someone would be lucky to have such a wife.
    • There’s nowhere to test me, I’m so golden.

    You need to say these words with an ironic intonation, in a joking tone and be slightly flirtatious with the man so that he correctly understands the words of gratitude.

    We continue the theme of attractiveness. A girl’s attractiveness can be created from even the smallest details, and even by reacting to a compliment, a girl can show how low or, conversely, how high her self-esteem is.

    And in this article we will talk about how to respond to men's compliments correctly and with dignity.

    We have already talked about how important it is to demonstrate to men that you value and respect yourself (I advise you to read the articles “” and “”).

    Why is it important to be able to respond correctly to men’s compliments?

    A girl who refuses compliments and begins to assure a man that she is unworthy of such words demonstrates her low self-esteem:

    - You have one beautiful smile!

    - What? I have? There is no need to flatter me, my teeth are crooked, and my smile is the most ordinary...

    (And the man looks: “Oh, but the teeth are really uneven... And since she says that the smile is ordinary... I guess it really seemed to me...")

    -You look amazing!

    - I? Well, well, I look terrible, I don’t understand how I’m dressed, bags under my eyes... Don’t embarrass me, this is not true...

    (And let the man answer: “No, you’re wrong, you’re beautiful!”, he will think something else: “Wow, there really are bags under the eyes, but I didn’t even notice... And he thinks that he looks bad - there is, apparently, a reason , since she is so unsure of herself").

    It turns out that even if a girl’s self-esteem is all right, and in response to a compliment she simply begins to “flirt” (as it seems to her), showing embarrassment and awkwardness, the response thoughts in the man’s head will not be what she expects (although his response the words will certainly be pleasant).

    Reaction to your reaction

    Remember one important thing: your reaction to compliments also causes one or another response in a man’s head .

    Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the possible reactions of a man. And you shouldn’t think that if a girl begins to belittle herself in response to a compliment, then the man will think: “Oh, she’s so beautiful and sweet!” - No, this will not happen.

    In fact, a man will have a reaction (conscious or subconscious) of searching for and evaluating the shortcomings mentioned by the girl (although if the girl responded to a compliment differently, he would not have noticed these shortcomings at all), as well as the reaction of re-evaluating his vision of the girl, because the brain will set a completely reasonable question: “Hmm, maybe I was really mistaken?..”

    Oh, did they really give me a compliment?..

    Another huge disadvantage of not reacting to compliments correctly is that the girl demonstrates her unaccustomed attitude towards compliments .

    And any man, even if he doesn’t admit it to you, wants a girl so that others would envy him: look, what an amazing girl he got! And if a girl is not used to compliments, then other men definitely don’t think she’s amazing.

    So stop reacting to compliments by not accepting them and putting yourself down!

    But there is another side: when a girl demonstrates her excessive self-confidence, casually throwing in response to a compliment: “Even without you, I know that I’m beautiful...” or “I shouldn’t have said it, it’s obvious!”

    Such a reaction is equally unacceptable, because such a reaction shows that the man’s words mean absolutely nothing to the girl, and also demonstrates the girl’s bad manners, her rudeness and that very excessive self-confidence that men do not like in girls.

    What is the correct reaction to compliments from men?

    By responding correctly to a compliment, you can show:

    • that you value yourself highly,
    • that you are used to compliments (which means other men find you attractive),
    • that you cannot be won over by ordinary words, because you deserve much more (unlike girls who melt from any compliments).

    How to respond to a man's compliment?

    And it’s very simple to respond to a compliment correctly: you just need to smile warmly in response, slightly nod your head and softly say something like: “Yes, thank you)” or better yet, just “Thank you!”, as if completely agreeing with the words of your interlocutor, but still showing that you are pleased to hear such a compliment once again.

    Thus, you must show that you have long known about your dignity (which the man talks about in a compliment), and other men also know about it, i.e. you are accustomed to both your dignity and compliments about it.

    No: “Oh my God, really? And say something else nice!”, “No one has ever said that to me!”, “Oh, how nice it is to hear this!”, no “This is not true, it sticks out there and it’s crooked here...”, “Why Are you deceiving me?”, “Don’t flatter me” and no: “Well, otherwise!”, “I know!”, “You’re not the first, you’re not the last to tell me this!”

    Let the man see that you know your worth and will not melt from his words alone. To conquer standing girl, you need more than beautiful words.

    True, for this it is not enough just to be able to respond to compliments correctly. So if you want to learn how to make an impression gorgeous woman, with your communication, attract the opposite sex like a magnet, and avoid making critical mistakes - find out secrets of delicious communication with men.

    The correct response to a compliment is not everything

    Imagine that you are a man. And you tell some girl that she looks great. And she answers correctly: “thank you” with a sweet smile and kind face.

    But at the same time her body shrank, hunched over, her hands nervously reached into her pockets, her eyes darted around the floor. This ruins everything.

    The body always betrays our true reactions if we have not taught it to behave beautifully on an ongoing basis. Yes, yes, you can learn this! And with just your gestures and feminine movements you can stand out among thousands of girls and make men think about you.

    And one more important thing about compliments:

    Let me remind you once again that men also love compliments. And compliments to men are good at any stage of a relationship ( and especially in marriage ):

    • to speed up falling in love with you
    • to express that you appreciate him
    • to motivate a man to new achievements
    • to “stroking” the male ego
    • to create a pleasant anchor on you

    Don't underestimate the importance of compliments in our lives: they can strengthen relationships even more, open us up, breathe strength into us, make us happier... And it works both ways.

    But what’s funny is that most of us girls are dumb when it comes to complimenting a man. And compliments like “you are so beautiful” or “this jacket suits you very well!” do not roll, because these compliments are not a recognition of his masculine strength, his personal qualities or achievements (and if recognition of our attractiveness is important for us girls, then recognition of their own merits is much more important for men).

    If you are as stupid with compliments as I was once, read the article with concrete examples. Mutual praise is a very useful thing for relationships!

    Don’t forget to please your loved ones with compliments and allow yourself to be complimented) And, of course, because he charges you happy relationship;)

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    Nice to hear from you nice words. However, not all representatives of the fair sex can adequately respond to compliments addressed to them. Some begin to feel shy, some begin to argue, some begin to smile bashfully. In this article we will tell you how to respond to a man’s compliment correctly and with dignity, so as not to look disarmed and unsure of yourself.

    What is a compliment? Translated from French, this word means “praise.” Therefore, when people compliment you, it means they want to express their admiration for you.

    When we hear compliments addressed to us, our mood immediately improves and our level of self-esteem increases. But the truth is that our reaction depends less on the content of the compliment, and more on the intonation in which it is delivered.

    To begin with, we suggest you figure out what these same compliments are, because you cannot react to each of them in the same way:

    1. A sincere compliment is praise that may sound spontaneous, but you cannot hide the smile on your face from it, because it touches the soul.
    2. An unnatural compliment is flattery that sounds humiliating and unpleasant. The person who says it wants to emphasize his personal hostility.
    3. A hidden compliment is praise that may not be heard, or the person says it, trying to somehow hide his true intentions.
    4. A business compliment is praise for work, the purpose of which is to inspire an employee in order to increase his motivation and ability to work.

    How to respond to a compliment to a girl?

    When you hear a compliment addressed to you, you need to be able to quickly analyze it in order to understand why it was given and respond accordingly. We will show you how to respond to compliments correctly:

    1. If you hear something very pleasant, then you should not immediately perceive these words as flattery. Try to internally believe in them to raise your self-esteem or simply improve your mood for the whole day.
    2. Show joy when you hear pleasant words addressed to you. Let the person who told you them see that they made you feel good. Even if he said them with malicious intent, he will be very hurt that the flattering compliment did not offend you, but, on the contrary, inspired you.
    3. Thank the person who complimented you. Just say thank you or express your appreciation in some other way. We will share with you examples of how to respond to a compliment:
    • “Your praise is the highest reward!”
    • “I am very pleased to hear such words from you! Thank you!"
    • “There is someone to learn from!”
    • “Your words made me blush, but I won’t hide the fact that I am very pleased to hear them!”

    1. If your close friend compliments you, then simply hug her and express your gratitude.
    2. There are situations when public transport there are a lot of people, and someone out of sorts starts to be rude to you: “A beauty has been found,” “Look at what a princess.” You can respond to such a “compliment” with humor: “Oh, you have such a kind look! Sorry for making you nervous and angry!”
    3. Never look away from the person who is complimenting you, lest he think that you are indifferent to him.
    4. If you hear some kind of backhanded compliment addressed to you, for example: “What kind of pretty haircut", then there is no need to figure out what the author of the words said meant. This can ruin the relationship between you.
    5. You shouldn't go to extremes when you hear a compliment addressed to you. There is no need to be shy, nor should you turn your nose up.
    6. Behave as naturally as possible when you are praised, and never remain silent. Be sure to answer something, because you cannot deprive the person who just praised you of attention.
    7. If the situation when you were given a compliment confuses you and you cannot find what to answer, this means that you are too self-critical of yourself. It's time to learn to love yourself.

    How not to respond to compliments?

    Many girls don’t know how to behave at all when they get compliments. Their behavior is largely explained by strict upbringing or simply insufficient social adaptation.

    We will list you the main mistakes that girls make when they receive compliments:

    • The beauties begin to object to what they heard. If you were told that you look lovely, you don’t need to convince a man of this. By doing this, you will not only show that you don’t love yourself at all, but will also make the young man feel ridiculous.
    • The girl begins to make excuses. Why do this if you were told that you have beautiful eyes or a great handbag? There is no need to tell the whole backstory of how you managed to achieve what you are praised for. A compliment is a reason for pride, not shame.
    • Some ladies simply ignore what they are told. This is acceptable if you were given some kind of incomprehensible compliment by men sitting on a bench in a drunken stupor. But, if you were praised by a normal person with whom you work together or are just friends, then you should respond to him somehow so that he is not offended. Ignoring is the most terrible and unpleasant reaction.
    • There are also representatives of the fair sex who, having heard a compliment addressed to them, begin to react too emotionally to it - jumping, screaming, rejoicing - this is unnecessary. Be discreet. Your smile alone is enough.

    Why does it happen that girls cannot respond correctly to pleasant words addressed to them? We can identify several main reasons:

    1. The person giving the compliment is personally unpleasant to the girl. The same reaction occurs if the person saying something pleasant or flattering is not personally known to the fair sex.
    2. The girl has very low self-esteem. Someone inspired her that she is not beautiful, smart or talented enough, so when she hears the opposite words addressed to her, it causes her a negative reaction, embarrassment, and so on.
    3. Awkwardness. This reaction occurs in a girl who was raised very strictly. If her parents did not allow her to communicate with the opposite sex long time, then any compliment said to her will make her feel guilty.
    4. Too high self-esteem. If a girl hears that she is just pretty, and not an incredible beauty, this upsets her very much, she begins to be offended, upset, and overthink herself. At this moment, she doesn’t care at all what the person who complimented her thinks, and in return saw some kind of inadequate reaction.
    5. Suspicion. When a girl has been disappointed and betrayed many times in her life, she no longer believes a single positive word spoken to her. Here psychological problem, which may need to be addressed by doctors.
    6. The girl thinks that the compliment she said obliges her in some way. Believe me, even if a man tries to gain your affection in this way, these are his personal problems. You shouldn't take anything he says seriously. Keep the feeling self-esteem, let the person know that you already know that you are beautiful, but in moderation so that he does not think that you are a bitch or an arrogant person.
    7. A girl tries to stop a man when he is about to say something nice to her. This cannot be done. In this way you will simply show disrespect for young man. He has the right to say whatever he wants. You must listen and only then react somehow.
    8. The girl already has a man, and she thinks that compliments from other men are some kind of betrayal. This is wrong. On the contrary, always accept compliments. Your man needs to know that he likes you, that you are desired and the effects. This way you will always feel self-respect.

    A woman is born to be admired! And each of us must accept this as a fact in order to be able to respond to compliments in an original way. On the contrary, inspire men, shock them, let them take their breath away from your natural beauty and talent. Listen to your address beautiful words praise and don’t worry, even if they are said insincerely, try to find positivity in them, personal benefit and believe in it internally.

    Video: “Compliments: how to respond to compliments?”

    The world and the people in it have changed. We are often indifferent to each other, and if a person hears a compliment addressed to him, he becomes embarrassed and mumbles words of gratitude. We will tell you how to adequately respond to a compliment and what to respond.

    How to respond to a compliment - the wrong reaction

    First, learn how not to respond to praise:

    • never make excuses. You are sure that it is impossible to admire you, but this is a mistaken opinion. Your self-esteem is low - that’s the problem. You received a compliment from friends or strangers deservedly;
    • don't say the praise isn't true. The person complimented your hair or makeup. And you told him in response that there was nothing special and no one had talked about it before. These words are a provocation for further praise;
    • don't be offended. Even if you don’t like the compliment, don’t shout at the person or attack him with your fists. Just ignore his words or smile and say “Thank you”;
    • Do not frighten the person with excessive joy from a compliment addressed to you. There is no need to thank your interlocutor loudly and kiss him all over the cheeks.

    Responding to a compliment correctly

    You heard praise addressed to you. Try to straighten your shoulders and look kindly into the eyes of your interlocutor. Smile sincerely, and the person will feel that his words are pleasant to you. If you feel embarrassed, say, “I'm a little confused,” followed by words of gratitude.

    Respond to a compliment like this:

    • "Thank you! I’m pleased to know that you think so”;
    • "Thank you! I appreciate your attentions";
    • “It’s very difficult for me to work on this project (article and the like), but thank you for understanding.” Another option is “Thank you, I tried so hard.” These words of gratitude will be a response to your boss or employee’s praise for your work;
    • "Thank you! I’m so pleased to hear this”;
    • "Thank you! The pleasant words lifted my spirits.”

    We respond correctly to a compliment to different interlocutors

    Your answer may depend on the person from whose lips the praise came;

    • a compliment from a friend. Hug her and thank her sincerely;
    • a compliment from a business partner. Modestly say: “I follow your example!”
    • a compliment from a loved one. Words of gratitude are complemented by a passionate kiss;
    • a compliment from a stranger. When a stranger lavishes your praise, nod your head and say, “Yes, thank you!” These words will let him know that you know about your beautiful dress, hairstyle and the like;
    • compliment from friends. You can answer with a joke. For example: “Thank you! I'm crazy about my hairdresser too." Another option is “I always try to look good, but I can’t keep up with you.”

    It will be easier for you to respond to praise from a friend or relative. Even if the answer is stupid, sincerity will correct the delicate state of affairs.

    How to respond to a dubious compliment

    Dubious and even insulting compliments are not directed at you. Remember this. They indicate the lack of self-confidence of the person who said something stupid. Don’t answer with anger, but don’t leave malicious words unanswered. Answer options:

    • “I know that you want to compliment me, but it’s not clear what you said. Maybe we can just talk?” These words will force the interlocutor to start a conversation with you, and you will understand why he is rude;
    • “I may have been lucky, but it wasn’t luck that brought me success, it was hard work.” Use these words to respond to the caustic praise of your work colleagues if they are jealous of your success.

    If you hear a sarcastic compliment from a stranger on the street, just walk by. You will show him by your appearance that you ignore such people and do not want to communicate with them.

    Correctly responding to compliments is a real art. If there are no words, just smile, look at your interlocutor and shake his hand in a friendly manner. He will understand everything.

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