• Congratulations to the company on its anniversary. Anniversary of the enterprise: official congratulations. Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a woman (happy anniversary)


    For the anniversary evening
    Now we are gathered.
    He became a family for us,
    After all, we have been together all our lives.
    Among the most worthy
    You are always ahead
    In the cohort of the restless
    And with a flame in my chest!
    In labor of successful duty
    At this enterprise
    You have achieved so much!
    So let's drink to victory!

    Today is our dear anniversary,
    We would like to congratulate our company
    Happy this day. Today is her birthday
    Two new tens. To the tavern
    Let's go together - a big team
    Celebrate today's holiday.
    And every employee brought congratulations,
    And many different gifts.

    Your team celebrates their anniversary today
    And this word reflects a lot:
    And overtime, and mad rush,
    And the bonus that all of you are entitled to,
    God grant, to everyone many times and more than once,
    To everyone personally and for the entire organization.
    Let the labor process flourish
    For the benefit of the entire earthly civilization!

    We are 15 years old today!
    Not too much, and not too little.
    I wish that to spite the enemies
    Our entire company prospered!
    Everyone worked for 15 years,
    To get together now, like this
    We are here, in all our glory,
    And enjoy this date!
    Please accept this great gift,
    This is a wonderful greeting.
    Let our company be bright
    A path without sadness and worries!

    On a significant day for our company,
    On the Jubilee Day, at the festive hour;
    Brothers at work have gathered here,
    To announce congratulations from us!
    We sincerely congratulate you! And the necessary ones
    We would like to wish you peaceful blessings!
    And we will flourish and grow together -
    We are happy to help you!

    Today is a dear holiday,
    We welcome him with all our hearts,
    The company is already ten years old today,
    And we are all with you today.
    But our company is not simple,
    She is very dear to us
    We wish her prosperity,
    Good profit from full.
    We bring our congratulations to her,
    After all, 10 years is the initial period,
    And we will meet fifteen more,
    And twenty-five, God willing.

    Today is the organization's anniversary!
    Everyone gathered to celebrate this holiday,
    And rewarding a lot of people
    A worthy response to their work will be.
    We would like to solemnly congratulate you!
    Thank you for your successful work!
    You have made us so happy for many years!
    And deserved rewards await you!

    5 years is a long time for a company
    The budget is already sustainable
    Please accept my congratulations,
    And many many years to you!
    So that crises do not concern
    And orders were delivered on time
    So that everyone can drive a PEUGEOT
    And so that everyone has their own island!

    Congratulations on the anniversary of the enterprise,
    Let it grow rapidly upward,
    Let curses not touch evil people,
    Let there be only success in development!
    So that transactions are only successful and large,
    Falls... so that they are not about you!
    So that everything is clear, correct and thoughtful,
    From the bottom of my heart “Happy Anniversary!”

    Today your company turns
    Fifteen years, and this congratulation
    Dedicated to a company like yours.
    I couldn't think of anything better
    Why run your own business the way you do?
    And I will happily remember this lesson,
    What did I take with me while working for you?

    You knew a lot of competitors
    And there were many different troubles,
    Well, today within your walls,
    A pleasant ringing laugh sounds.
    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    Your employees have arrived,
    For them you are sweeter every year,
    With you we are full of hope.
    The company is 15 years old today,
    Please accept my humble congratulations,
    And know that you and I are together,
    For your entire long, long time.

    Happy anniversary of your company
    We begin to congratulate.
    You should make films about her,
    To surprise with an example.
    Everything is fine and working
    The team is a perfect choice.
    And you live by work,
    Well, what kind of conversation is there?
    We wish you prosperity,
    New creative ideas,
    And there is still a wish,
    Expand quickly.

    We've been making our way for a long time,
    We fought our competitors fairly
    And now it's time to take a break,
    It’s flattering to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
    Everyone worked tirelessly
    Cleaner, driver, and secretary.
    We stood as a wall for each other
    So that now, looking at the calendar,
    See the date. Together - 20 years!
    Please accept congratulations from me!
    I wish you further victories,
    And even, smooth roads of life!

    Congratulations to the organization on its anniversary!
    I wish you success in your business!
    And let the sun warm you with its warmth,
    So that fear does not touch uncertainty!
    I wish the organization eternal life,
    Let her prosper every day!
    I wish you a true, brilliant thought,
    Health, happiness and victories in full!

    How to pay attention to an anniversary,
    When the decade is over!
    This is an important anniversary for the company,
    Deeds and friends - there is nothing stronger!
    We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
    May all ideas be good.
    More than once you will surprise us all,
    You will make a splash in at its best!

    Congratulations to the company on its anniversary!
    Not like Pushkin, Tyutchev - as we can:
    Firm, at least you are very young,
    Live and prosper forever!
    You only have your word before the deed,
    Everything in promotion projects is new;
    Yes, partners - from cool to local -
    They wear bright and famous brands.
    Whatever the company you do,
    The opinion of employees is not a small thing,
    Because your shots are aces:
    We've read a lot of books!
    Let's repeat our wishes:
    Don't let inflation bother you
    Don’t stretch out your legs, dear,
    Having paid all taxes to the treasury!
    We want to act slowly
    But easy, confident, successful!
    To be richer and more beautiful to you -
    Our last wish!!!

    Become dearer, dearer:
    So few are happy -
    Celebrate a bright anniversary!!!

    Our company - Small child,
    She turns five today
    Despite his age, already from the cradle
    We are the main competitor in the market.
    We are famous for the seriousness of our work
    And well-established service regulations,
    We work from Saturday to Saturday,
    Please accept my greetings, my dear friend.

    Anniversary - an important event in the life of every person, which happens only once every five years. Many people may not celebrate their Birthdays, but Anniversaries are never forgotten because they are special dates. I want to congratulate you on your significant event, and also wish you patience and endurance, because you have an incredibly difficult professional activity. But the most important thing is that you have truly found your calling in life. Remember that not every person manages to realize themselves and their potential, but you are a pleasant exception to the rule. I would like to wish you to continue to work in the same spirit in order to reach an even more serious level. Wish you good health, love and happiness. Let all this always be present in your life, filling it with bright colors and interesting events. Happy holiday to you! Let everything work out as it should.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

    Happy anniversary birthday to you! I wish you more new opportunities, interesting projects, and their successful implementation. May life bring you love and inspiration, may you have enough strength to accept them fully, and most importantly, use them for good. Well, and happiness, of course, as the basis of all of the above!

    Happy Anniversary! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life’s adversities be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

    Today is your Anniversary, which means that another interesting stage in your life has passed, but at the same time the next one is coming - no less important and interesting. I want to congratulate you on your significant event, and also wish you good health, happiness and the fulfillment of every dream. I know that you like to dream and make plans for your life, so I want you to achieve all this. Let everything in your life develop according to the scenario that you have already drawn up for yourself. Don’t let anything scare you when solving certain issues, because difficulties always arise, but you need to be able to cope with them. And you are one of those people who never stop at anything. We are all proud of you and your hard work. Patience and perseverance! Happy holiday, dear hero of the day! Have a nice holiday and good mood.

    Happy Anniversary! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all your dreams come true. May your life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

    On your anniversary birthday, I sincerely wish you a clear ocean of happiness, a noisy sea of ​​fun and an endless river of prosperity! So that every day you are pleased with unexpected and very pleasant news, your mood never fades and the people around you deliver only positive emotions!

    One of my friends absent-mindedly celebrated her fiftieth birthday when she was only forty-nine. And when she discovered the mistake, she was not at all saddened. And she called her mistake a rehearsal. Dear hero of the day! I wish not to be sad that I will live another year. And treat this with ease and humor, like my friend. I wish you love, happiness, goodness and the fulfillment of all your plans. Happy anniversary!

    Our dear hero of the day, I want to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event in your life. An anniversary does not happen very often, so you need to approach the issue of celebrating this day with special responsibility. Today you have decided to celebrate a holiday to gather all your loved ones and relatives. I want to express my admiration and say that I am proud of you and your determination. Let nothing lead you astray, but only give you strength so that you continue to achieve what you have set for yourself. Let this Anniversary mark for you the beginning of some new stage in your life, the beginning of new victories and achievements. Remember that many people look up to you, so you must stay on track. I wish you patience, perseverance and good luck in all your endeavors. You deserve to conquer all the peaks of this world. And so it will be, you'll see.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, your loved ones to give you attention, joy, warmth and affection, your friends to surround you with sincere understanding and support, your colleagues to respect and value you. Let everything that seemed impossible come true, and let the most desired things happen!

    Happy anniversary dear! Accept it from me heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course - warm regards! What do you dream about? Let everything come true! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and most loved by your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

    Congratulations on the anniversary! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish that all your dreams come true, that every day brings many pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded only by kind and necessary people. And also luck. Good luck in everything and always. And so that every business started ends successfully!

    I want to congratulate you on your significant day, on your anniversary. I remember when we were younger, we thought that the Jubilee was celebrated only by those who turned sixty years old. You are clearly not sixty today, but at the same time you are celebrating your Anniversary. I want to congratulate you and say that no matter how old you get, you will always remain the same positive, bright, interesting person who knows how to achieve your goals. Let it always be like this! And you’re never afraid of anything, so you’ve managed to try a lot in life. It seems to me that you will still have time to prove yourself many times, you will have time to prove that you are very strong man, which is not so easy to stop. I wish you a great mood on this anniversary holiday of yours. Today we will walk until the morning, we will have fun, because you have become so grown up.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! I sincerely wish you the most better days, bringing with them a rosy mood, luck, love and endless happy time. May your health only grow stronger, the beauty of your soul not fade, may life present wonderful gifts and let you live simply like in a fairy tale.

    There is a saying: let your words be in God’s ears. I really hope that my speech is now being listened to carefully and recorded in the heavenly office. Dear hero of the day, I wish you to be healthy, happy, beautiful, successful, energetic and cheerful. May all that is good in you be multiplied by the number of candles in the cake. And the wishes you make right now - God bless you. Happy wonderful holiday to you!

    They say that our life is a series of black and white stripes. Let the black stripes be only caviar on the white bread, and the white stripes be the scatterings of diamonds on the pillow. I wish you to drive through life in a car of success and prosperity. Let luxury surround you not only on the outside, let your soul be luxurious. Happy birthday to you, more positive emotions. Beautiful gifts, warm and sincere words. I congratulate you on your birth and wish you more pleasant and unpredictable moments.

    First of all, I would like to note that there is nothing wrong with the word “anniversary”. Once upon a time this was a very scary word for us, because it seemed to us that old age was approaching. But five years is also an anniversary, so now it has become clear that there is nothing terrible about it. I want to congratulate you on this special day, on this Anniversary and wish you exclusively what you yourself dream of. I know that you have set huge goals for yourself that you are now moving towards, but at the same time you often want to leave everything. But I won’t let you do this, because you spent too much effort and energy. You have no right to stop halfway. I wish you more health. You love extreme sports with us, so your health sometimes suffers from this. Let everything be wonderful for you, then we will be calm for you.

    Wonderful, kind, wonderful and bright man, I congratulate you on your anniversary. I wish that gray clouds in life do not hang over you, that the city of your soul always feels cozy and beautiful, that there is not a single reason for your heart to worry. So that those people you admire love and appreciate you in return.

    He who doesn't take risks, doesn't win, doesn't lose, and certainly doesn't drink champagne. But, fortunately, our hero of the day is not from this category of people. He drinks champagne, knows how to take risks and is endowed with a serious will to win. Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you good health and always win in all situations. May fortune never leave you alone. Be the darling of fate!

    On this birthday, everyone wants to tell you as many warm and sincere words as possible. I won't be an exception. I wish you nice people nearby, understanding and support, prosperity. Let there be a home where you will be loved and waited for, no matter what. Paradise life, less worries. More dreams, more confidence tomorrow, strength, positivity and bright thoughts. Let good mood will be the norm, and the health of your relatives will not make you upset. Congratulations on your birth into this world!

    » Congratulations on the anniversary of the enterprise in official prose

    Congratulations to the plant on its anniversary in prose

    We sincerely congratulate the team and management of the plant on their anniversary! Let this significant date become another step forward on the path to exploring new horizons, improving well-being, increasing profits, and fulfilling all your plans and projects. We wish you good luck and prosperity!

    Friends and comrades, today is a wonderful day, the anniversary of our plant. I sincerely congratulate everyone and wish us all stability and prosperity, successful activities, hard work, responsibility, attentiveness, prosperity and good luck. May our plant stand firmly on its feet, may work bring you joy, may each of you feel like a sought-after and happy person.

    My dear and respected, I congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our plant. I would like to wish everyone brave enthusiasm and hard work, high salaries and achievement of all goals, brilliant performance results and eternal prosperity of the plant, respect and mutual understanding in teams.

    Congratulations to you, friends, on the anniversary of our plant. I sincerely wish everyone prosperity and goodness, quality work and high performance results, great ideas and good luck, unquenchable strength and a friendly atmosphere in the team.

    From the bottom of my heart I congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our plant and wish for long years gallant activity and quality work, common good and high determination, significant achievements and brilliant results, high salaries and happiness in your homes.

    Congratulations, dear comrades, on the anniversary of the plant to all of us. I sincerely wish you long prosperity and advanced work, great success and undoubted good luck, brave achievements and quality results. Let everyone work and work hard, receive a high salary, honor and respect.

    Dear comrades, responsible employees and wonderful people, today I congratulate everyone on our common holiday - the anniversary of our plant. Let it be famous for its brave work and our great work, let each of us approach our activities with enthusiasm and diligent zeal, let every day be marked by high results and excellent quality. I wish everyone peace, health and prosperity.

    For your wonderful team, headed by the director, today, on such a wonderful day, is a significant date - the anniversary of the plant. Your company is thriving, the quality of the products is always excellent, what can you wish for? Perhaps, stay the same course and continue to delight consumers of your products, and let the financial return please you!

    Your plant, a small but very important and necessary industrial facility, grew and developed very successfully, and finally reached its anniversary. I would like to congratulate the plant team on this wonderful holiday. Please accept our wishes for prosperity and success!

    This plant is a place where people who actually create goods work, and not just “shifting pieces of paper” and “trading air.” No, you can find real hard workers here. Therefore, we congratulate the entire plant on its anniversary and wish it prosperity and increased capacity.

    Congratulations on the company's anniversary in prose

    Today is a wonderful event - the anniversary of our Company. I cordially congratulate everyone and wish them joint success, respect for each other, mutual understanding, general prosperity, a favorable atmosphere in our team, good luck and good health to everyone.

    Today I sincerely congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our company. May our team always be friendly and strong, may everyone strive for hard and high-quality work, high income and unbreakable success. I wish our company long-term prosperity, excellent income and prosperity.

    On this day, I cordially congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our company. I would like to wish you confident goals and rational use of common forces, successful activities and high profits, bright luck and creative ideas, joint successes and prosperity, good health to each of you and sincere happiness.

    Congratulations, dear comrades, on the anniversary of our company. I wish everyone gallant enthusiasm and high performance results, creative ideas and excellent work, team friendship and mutual understanding, personal benefit and happy life. May our company prosper and generate high income.

    On this day, I congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our company. I want to wish you wonderful activity without hindrances and obstacles, well-being and eternal prosperity. Let everyone be devoted to their work, and in return receive high income, let our company please us all with great successes and large incomes.

    Today we celebrate the anniversary of our company. It seemed like just yesterday it was nothing more than an idea that came into someone’s head, and now - now we are celebrating our anniversary together. Let him be just one in a series of many, many more. Happy holiday to everyone who is part of this team and this company.

    Dear comrades, I congratulate everyone on the anniversary of the company and wish you long prosperity and stable success, excellent opportunities and brilliant prospects, great ideas and creative ideas, a friendly team and high profits.

    Congratulations on the anniversary of the company and wish you all, friends, I want strong friendship in the team and mutual respect, eternal prosperity and effective development, high enthusiasm for work and great dedication, huge profits and stable income.

    Today I want to congratulate all of us on the anniversary of our company from the bottom of my heart. I wish us further confident prosperity and stable income, unhindered activity and well-being, respect and understanding in our team, great happiness and love in everyone’s personal life.

    My dear friends, today I want to congratulate everyone on the company’s anniversary and wish everyone health and happiness, hard work and brave enthusiasm, personal benefit and good luck. May our company please us with prosperity, excellent profits and income for many years to come.

    Congratulations on the anniversary of the enterprise

    The horses are dying from work,
    The brain slides to one side.
    We are resting today
    Celebrating an important day.
    Let it grow faster
    Our companies are capital.
    Every time with more income
    The block is closing.
    Competitors are not a hindrance
    Let's win one, two, three!
    We wish everyone success,
    Develop and grow.

    Let anyone today say:
    The company does not knit brooms.
    We wish the team
    Prospects and positivity.
    Overtake competitors
    Constantly flourish
    To make wallets swell,
    May your thoughts be light.
    To make this life a joy
    And work is just a thrill,
    I can handle all the tasks.
    Happiness, joy, good luck.

    Let me congratulate you today on a significant event - the day of your company. May success accompany you and your endeavors from this day forward. I wish that you continue to move faithfully and purposefully towards your tasks and solve them with ease. I wish you to always be on top and that even your competitors admire you. Happy holiday to you!

    Happy anniversary today,
    I would like to acknowledge everyone who is here today.
    Those who worked tirelessly.
    There is great power in such work!
    We all tried to make our company
    Grew and developed every day,
    To significantly increase sales,
    So that production volume also increases!
    I wish everyone good and prosperity,
    Big salaries, and triple the profits,
    So that there is an incentive for better efforts,
    And we were friendly in our work!

    On the company's birthday it is worth remembering
    Everyone who, sparing no effort,
    Made a huge contribution to the development,
    He made a contribution, even if it was a small one.
    The team is in the process of formation,
    Became united, like a single organism, -
    No intrigue, discord, laziness,
    Squabbles that slow down and drag down.
    We wish the company prosperity,
    Growth no matter what -
    For work as a reward and effort.
    May everything be fine with you!

    Hard work
    It starts in the morning.
    The company is an undisputed leader,
    Things are going well.
    But today for a minute
    People are relaxing
    The company celebrates its day
    We wish all year round:
    Don't slow down,
    And increase the salary,
    To be afloat without effort,
    And strong workers for you.

    Congratulations to your company,
    Happy birthday gentlemen,
    We wish you prosperity
    Always be at the forefront!
    To be proud of the company,
    Your entire friendly team,
    So that income strives upward,
    Increasing positivity!

    Let the company be famous
    Let everyone know its name
    And open activity
    Attracts clients to you.
    Don't let competitors interfere
    And the crisis does not bother the company,
    Dividends are growing higher and higher
    Skillfully increasing profits!
    Happy Company Day to everyone,
    May success never leave you!

    The company - to grow stronger, prosper,
    Overtake competitors.
    So that everything goes smoothly, without problems,
    It's good for everyone.
    And brilliant ideas for you,
    And high bonuses,
    And swollen wallets,
    And so that everyone is healthy!

    We wish business to rise up,
    Employees - just to swim in bucks,
    To the entire team - warmth of relationships,
    Easy work, achievements, accomplishments,
    And there was no end to clients,
    So that the sky is always blue.
    Let the projects bring a lot of profit,
    And fortunately, let the road be open!

    May our company prosper
    And success awaits us in everything!
    Let the competitors retreat
    Whatever one may say, we are leading!
    Let the company bring us income,
    So that we make capital!
    Let our work be beneficial,
    May we bring only good!

    Congratulations on Company Day

    We wish the company to prosper,
    Reach real heights.
    So that competitors do not interfere,
    So that everyone knows and respects.
    Stability and inspiration,
    Good luck, determination, luck.
    Always keep your nose to the wind
    And don’t lose optimism!

    Happy birthday to your company!
    Prosperity, luck,
    Transactions - profitable and large,
    And in business - success along the way.
    May all plans come true
    There will be profit constantly
    Competitors are inferior
    The company is honored and respected.
    Assets are being expanded
    The prospects are amazing.
    Let your company live
    For many years, year after year.

    Dear employees and dear colleagues, congratulations on Company Day. I wish us all many more successful and productive days. May luck and success accompany us, may enthusiasm and strength never leave us. I wish our company further prosperity, and each of you - health, happiness, love, family prosperity and, of course, effective work.

    Today is everyone's birthday,
    After all, our company is us!
    Activity, ambition, zeal
    In one rush we are complete!
    And once we've reached the top,
    Then at this anniversary hour
    We will remember dear dates,
    What connected us forever:
    How our company was created,
    As if she walked towards the goal without bending,
    How you didn’t give in to your competitors,
    How she flourished and lived.
    Let's remain one!
    And may our friendly team
    Always brings the matter together
    Energy and positivity!

    Today is a special day -
    It's the company's birthday.
    The whole team is in high spirits,
    I'm in a great mood.
    We wish you stability,
    Always stay afloat
    Good luck, efficiency
    For many years.
    Let the work progress
    Things are moving forward
    All the best will come true.
    May happiness come to you!

    I want to congratulate you on Company Day, friends!
    Reliable people are at the helm,
    You have a close-knit and friendly team,
    Positive at work.
    I wish you to continue to grow, prosper,
    There are no problems with competitors at all.
    Good luck, stability, peace, goodness.
    And solve all matters with a creative touch!

    I want to congratulate you on Company Day from the bottom of my heart,
    I wish you great success in your business,
    More prospects, creative ideas.
    So that there is a team of reliable people!
    Let your plans keep pace with success,
    Customers are sending armfuls of orders.
    Always prosper, always be on top.
    I wish you all the best, and even doubly so.

    There is reason for congratulations -
    It's our company's birthday!
    We want to wish her
    Live long and prosper.
    Develop very quickly
    Don't be afraid of competitors
    Everyone in the team should be friends,
    Pay bonuses more often.

    Positive, creative,
    More creative ideas
    And the most faithful partners,
    Let profits grow faster -
    This is what we want on company day
    We all wish together
    And also about achievements
    I really want to say.
    There is a company, the company has a date,
    But it wasn’t once.
    And now everyone respects
    They wish you prosperity.
    To sum it up: keep it up -
    Open branches
    Including abroad
    After all, there is no need to waste time on trifles.
    To become a shark you need to be noble,
    This is clear to everyone.

    I would like to congratulate you on Company Day.
    Let's remember the decisive hour,
    When you were preparing to announce to everyone:
    “The idea is ripe, there will be company!”
    Your path of development was difficult, thorny,
    But you didn’t give up and only went up.
    We have already achieved good results,
    We wish you to increase them soon.
    Don't let your competitors bother you,
    But they only inspire us to move forward.
    Let your profits grow by leaps and bounds,
    Clients come to you for services.
    Growth, development, and prosperity to you,
    And good luck to all your endeavors.
    And let there be no limit to perfection,
    Good luck to everyone personally and to your business.

    It’s a pleasure to congratulate such a team,
    He is very united, he is a bright asset!
    To ensure that the company always prospers,
    Let's raise our glasses soon!
    Take a decisive step forward,
    And let your work bring you good luck.
    Just increase your capital
    Work hard, relax to the fullest.
    A wonderful career to all employees!
    Real success, without any problems.
    Let the company's life be as sweet as jam!

    Official birthday greetings in prose

    Always both sad and pleasant
    Celebrate your birthday:
    Years go by forever,
    Just have time to count them.
    But time seems to flow
    Nothing can hold you back.
    Today is your birthday
    We want to wish you happiness,
    Good luck, joy, success,
    To be healthy and not to know troubles,
    Obstacles in life and obstacles
    Easy and quick to remove,
    More laughter, less sadness...
    And never lose heart. Congratulating you on your birthday,

    And reaching high peaks.

    A stable life in full abundance. We cordially congratulate you on your upcoming birthday!
    May success accompany you in all your endeavors! May they always be with you faithful friends and reliable partners! On this beautiful day, your closest people will gather around you and give you the most sincere wishes!
    Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Birthday from our entire team!
    We believe that under your leadership our company is able to withstand any crisis!
    We sincerely wish you well-being and good health. May you always have reliable friends next to you, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your activities.
    May good luck, love and happiness always accompany you! Someone like you - cheerful, smart, energetic,
    It's nice to admire and admire!
    Let everything be great
    Always, not only on this bright holiday!
    Let life become even more beautiful and brighter,
    Surprises surprise more often,
    Let wonderful gifts please you
    And everything that helps to be happy! Dear ____________________!
    Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
    Let your most cherished dreams come true, and let your work bring only pleasure. Let there be enough time for relaxation and family, and let an ideal balance be maintained between all areas of life!
    Let luck knock on your life, open the doors to it, and it will stay with you forever! Open the doors to health, success, and sincere smiles! When your birthday comes,
    Everyone remembers - relatives, friends.
    Colleagues in a bustle of excitement,
    We are a family in this profession!
    Happy birthday to you,
    We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts!
    May happiness flutter like a butterfly,
    It flies into your palm in silence! A special day for you - birth,
    We solemnly congratulate him!
    How old you are is not a secret at all,
    We want to continue to look like this!
    You are attractive, you are wise,
    And the ladies cast languid glances after me,
    You were born for success and glory,
    And everyone respects you for this! Dear ____________________!
    I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
    I wish you success and prosperity, the implementation of your most daring plans, the implementation of all your endeavors. Let your business qualities, leadership talent, trust and support of colleagues, partners, and loyalty of friends become a reliable basis for new achievements.
    Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, inexhaustible love of life, and prosperity. It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
    To be the best, the winner, the wall,
    A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
    Strategist between peace and war.
    To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
    To be rich, but... do not spare money.
    To be slim, elegant and... careless.
    Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
    We wish you... patience
    In solving your life problems.
    I wish you health, love and inspiration.
    Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best! You can’t escape Anniversaries in life,
    They will overtake everyone like birds,
    But the main thing is to carry it through the years
    Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
    We want to wish you now
    Good health and good luck,
    Joy and loyal friends,
    Let the work progress to boot. Dear ____________________!
    We warmly and cordially congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary!
    Your sensitive and conscientious attitude to work, coupled with high efficiency, created your reputation as a competent worker, and rare personal qualities, responsiveness, warmth, and at the same time exactingness and adherence to principles in solving problems and assigned tasks, have earned you respect from management and our entire team.
    May luck accompany every day of your life, and may your soul remain young for many, many years!
    Peace and goodness to you and your home! Your Anniversary is just a little bit,
    But the years were not lived in vain.
    It's been a long road,
    Great things have been done.
    Let life always be like this:
    So that the years go by and you don’t count them,
    Never grew old at heart
    And they would never sigh bitterly. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, their unbending perseverance and indestructible spirit! The caring attitude of the older generation towards the fate of their Motherland should be for everyone a shining example patriotism and the strength of the people's faith!
    The veterans paid a great price for the Victory; many are no longer with us today! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly! Allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on this significant event. It should be noted that being a teacher has always been an honor. Being a teacher is not given to everyone. Being a teacher is a lot of work, because throughout his life, a teacher constantly improves and increases his knowledge, passing it on to more than one generation of students and, to some extent, being responsible for their future fate and the level of their professionalism. Therefore, I would like to wish you great scientific and creative achievements, sincere friends and colleagues, excellent students, and, of course, good health, happiness and prosperity! Working in the social sector has always been difficult! The ability to understand every person who applies, the ability to listen patiently, help, support - these are the irreplaceable qualities of a social worker!
    I sincerely wish you to always remain the same: kind, attentive, sensitive! Let the attention you give to people every day result in personal happiness, respect and well-being for you! May all your dreams and hopes come true! I want to congratulate you on your birthday in a simple way, but with heartfelt words. It seems to me that you have everything for complete happiness! Therefore, I wish you to experience many wonderful moments and minutes in life that will bring you great joy and pleasure! Love your life, your loved ones, friends and always be loved! ___________(Name)! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you that you will not encounter grief, troubles and anxieties on your path in life! May happiness, joy, and success always be with you! I also want to wish you success in your work and comfort in your family! So that old age does not come to visit your home, live long and happily! Please accept our most warm congratulations Happy birthday!!!
    Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights!!!
    May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, may all the good things in your life be preserved and may the moments of joy, love and optimism multiply.
    We wish that Luck, Success and Inspiration be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life.
    Perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems!!! We wish you spiritual vigor,
    Good luck in everyday life,
    Always good health,
    Never lose heart.
    We wish you good health
    And happy fine days,
    Let there be happiness in your home
    And many devoted friends. Sometimes our congratulations are beyond our strength
    On special, joyful days
    Reveal the full depth of that meaning
    Which they must bear.
    But may your life always be light
    In the circle of family, in the circle of great friends.
    Let him sprinkle a smile of happiness many times
    The same light of the same good days. Years pass, and nothing is forgotten,
    No matter how hard you try, life doesn’t want to give,
    But every time a birthday comes,
    To believe again, to win again.
    So let it be bright and joyful,
    Like a ray of sunshine in a frozen window.
    And there is no need to be sad about anything at all,
    Trusting the coming spring. We cordially congratulate you on
    Happy upcoming birthday!
    May success accompany you in all your endeavors!
    May you always have loyal friends and reliable partners by your side!
    Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Be healthy and lucky beyond measure!

    Life shines brightly and always. Be healthy and lucky beyond measure!
    We wish you success, bright faith,
    And let your guiding star
    Life shines brightly and always. May the sun always shine on you,
    And may the years continue endlessly,
    Let it come to your door nowhere and never
    Neither old age nor illness will come knocking. Congratulating you on your birthday,
    Today we wish you with all our hearts
    Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
    And reaching high peaks.
    So that always, both at work and at home
    Things were in perfect order!
    Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
    A stable life in full abundance. Please accept congratulations on this day, it is only yours,
    Without a doubt, we wish in life to have courage,
    So that everything always works out, there were huge plans,
    What was planned came true, and good luck, only her!
    Let there be steel in the mood, let the calendar make you happy,
    And a smile in the morning! In general, a mountain of joy! We wish you health, love and warmth,
    So that life is interesting and long,
    So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
    So that the house is protected from grief and troubles. Congratulations,
    A piece of our warmth.
    We wish you good health,
    Comfort, happiness and kindness.

    happy anniversary of the company

    Happy company anniversary
    Celebrates creation now
    Proud, Anniversary Birthday.
    Our best company is
    There is no doubt about its stability.
    There is nothing more stable, stronger than her -
    Among all other organizations.
    Everyone put a part of their soul into it
    And she knows no tricks.
    May she continue to bloom like this,
    It brought profit and income.
    So that it flies accurately like an arrow -
    There is power and strength in the friendship of the team

    Happy anniversary of the company
    Our company has an anniversary,
    The years have flown by so quickly.
    We wish her new ideas,
    So that workers don’t get sick.
    Let the company prosper
    And gives people joy and happiness
    Let every day from year to year,
    New people are coming into it!
    Let problems and worries
    They pass her by
    Let the work be profitable
    And the company will become global!

    A toast to the company's success
    For so many years we have been fighting for profit,
    We have gone through so many difficulties.
    We started from the bottom and instantly
    Rush to our heights!
    So let's raise our glasses
    For those who are with us today!
    For the success of our common work,
    Happy anniversary to our company!

    Congratulations on the plant's anniversary
    We celebrate the plant's anniversary,
    We all wish him prosperity!
    May our handsome plant live!
    So that all the people are proud of him!
    To open up prospects
    In front of our friendly team!
    Well-being is growing!
    And always be lucky in everything!
    We wish everything to production
    Gain power and momentum!
    And he is famous for his deeds,
    Get even more profit!

    In everyday life, problems, routine, work is always in full swing,
    But at the hour of the anniversary it’s nice to remember all these years.
    A time of victories and achievements, overcoming obstacles,
    You are happy every day in your friendly team!
    Let the business grow, prosper, profits strive upward,
    And the future will certainly be a huge success!

    On your anniversary - we wish you prosperity,
    And great prospects for the year!
    Good luck and financial stability!
    And let the money flow like a river!
    Good news and new plans!
    Let this year be eventful!
    And may fate get rid of all the unnecessary ones,
    Vanities and unnecessary hassle!

    Our company is young,
    Just gaining experience
    Celebrating the first anniversary
    Gathering all your friends!
    And we wish you such a happy day
    Accurate solutions and powerful ideas!
    Great opportunities, new strengths
    May it bring an anniversary!!!

    The company is celebrating its anniversary!
    And the day of open doors.
    The director is in soap and steam,
    And the speeches are loud and in the hall
    Flowers in baskets and balls
    And a lot of different tinsel.
    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    We regret that it’s not in the same “shop”
    We are with you. We would have one too
    Joint anniversary now.

    We would like to congratulate you on your anniversary
    Your glorious, strong team,
    Let the moonlight over the alley,
    Only positivity shines for you!
    May it not smolder for many years
    Your inner core is love,
    For your strength and patience
    Let's raise our glasses again.
    For your affectionate glances,
    For achievements in business,
    Behind important work and for awards
    Low bow and praise to you!

    Anniversary of our wonderful company,
    We will remember this date!
    And the reserve will never fade!
    Let's shout "Hurray" three times!
    May our company continue to prosper!
    We put all our souls into it
    Without hackwork, without laziness and falsehood -
    We have achieved great success!

    Congratulations on the day of the enterprise - anniversary, jubilee

    L your favorite company is celebrating its birthday, and you want to shine at a gala evening, surprise management and colleagues with an extraordinary speech, then we know how to help you. Use small congratulations as a template for creating your own. Don’t be afraid to supplement your holiday words with facts from the life of your particular enterprise or unusual funny stories. At the end, it would be nice to express gratitude for the invaluable experience and the opportunity to communicate and work in a wonderful team. It will always be pleasant to listen to such a speech, and it will definitely make the right impression. The main thing is that the words of congratulations are not flattery and come from pure thoughts. Good luck to you!

    We are proud of our company,
    And we congratulate him today!
    We strive to be the best at work,
    And, now celebrating the celebration,
    We really want to wish you prosperity,
    And wish you well on your anniversary!
    We know our efforts will pay off,
    May the enterprise be blessed!

    Our company works together
    We always carry out the plan!
    Today we need to celebrate the holiday,
    Let the years pass
    Happy birthday, our company
    Congratulations, we want to wish
    Orders, work, salaries, good luck,
    Let there be grace in everything!

    The company is our second home,
    We work together here together,
    And we will celebrate with shock labor,
    Honor his anniversary!
    May it always flourish
    And he lives for the good of the people,
    May the years only bring success,
    We believe he will definitely come!

    There will be a holiday in every workshop,
    We've had a great year working!
    And now he notes
    Birthday for all the people!
    Congratulate the enterprise
    We want with all our hearts,
    To glorify him for centuries
    And reach all the peaks!

    We go to work every morning
    We work hard so that later,
    We were able to celebrate, leaving worries behind,
    Happy holiday, congratulating our home,
    (After all, that’s what we consider him to be),
    Happy birthday, enterprise! We
    We all together now dream of only one thing -
    Work hard for the good of the country!

    We wish the company
    Have a great birthday celebration!
    And congratulations on this date,
    We will work properly!
    Always have something to be proud of,
    So that success awaits us ahead,
    We will strive for better
    It’s not a sin to celebrate a holiday!

    Happy Birthday, enterprise!
    Eh, I wish I had thrown a banquet,
    Would you embrace me in a hug?
    All your friendly team!
    A thousand years since you were founded,
    Everything in business is honorable...
    I would like to establish you again, but
    That's why, when you exist?!
    And you have the best products
    You persecute the world and the country,
    So we'll have a drink for the occasion
    On par with the president!
    And the last little one,
    No longer holding on to two,
    For customers, intermediaries,
    Your faithful dealers.
    Prosper by paying taxes and
    Become dearer, dearer:
    So few are happy -
    Celebrate a bright anniversary!!!

    Time flew by. You are blooming!
    Many difficulties along the way
    I had to meet you - and pass!
    Now you won't get lost!
    Stand firmly on your feet,
    Your competitors are not a hindrance.
    Cartel promotes success
    In business, an ever-increasing scope awaits.
    Reliable course! And we wish
    Celebrating the company's anniversary,
    So that you can control it,
    The income effect has become stronger!

    There is no more pleasant order -
    So all people are good:
    Happy Birthday Enterprise
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
    For a whole year the plan was quietly made -
    Everyone has dividends
    So we celebrate in departments,
    Every workshop is dressed up.
    Prosper and hello, dear,
    In every destiny you live,
    Well, with all our might
    We are glad to help you with this!!!

    Car service company

    Car service company
    The car is very reliable
    Otherwise, what kind of riding is it?
    But nevertheless, he too
    It may break sometimes.
    Then it requires repair.
    And of course we are in a hurry to come to you
    providing you with the front
    Car restoration.
    And we leave ready,
    Looks like a brand new car.
    And very, very true,
    We are grateful to you for that.
    Oh, if only you knew
    How the people respect you!
    We would definitely be lost without you.
    Or we switched to walking...

    Congratulations on the topic

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    I want to congratulate you on Company Day, friends!
    Reliable people are at the helm,
    You have a close-knit and friendly team,
    Positive at work.

    There are a lot of companies in the world,
    But one thing is important for us.
    She is stable, steel
    And let it always be like this.

    Congratulations to the management,
    Our entire friendly team.
    We wish the company excellence
    And a great surge of energy.

    We wish you prosperity
    And financial heights.
    In the team - understanding,
    Good luck for the whole year.

    Happy Company Day. I wish you many, many more years of confident activity, determination for success, high reputation and impeccable quality. May there always be an opportunity to implement grandiose plans, may nothing be difficult or impossible for your company. Creative ideas, responsible employees, good prospects and good luck just in case.

    I would like to congratulate you on Company Day.
    Let's remember the decisive hour,
    When you were preparing to announce to everyone:
    “The idea is ripe, there will be company!”

    Your path of development was difficult, thorny,
    But you didn’t give up and only went up.
    We have already achieved good results,
    We wish you to increase them soon.

    Don't let your competitors bother you,
    But they only inspire us to move forward.
    Let your profits grow by leaps and bounds,
    Clients come to you for services.

    Growth, development, and prosperity to you,
    And good luck to all your endeavors.
    And let there be no limit to perfection,
    Good luck to everyone personally and to your business.

    Company Day is our corporate holiday.
    Its development is the merit of each of us.
    We may not always agree with each other,
    But everyone is capable of maintaining the relationship.

    Let's wish prosperity together
    And so that the income pleases everyone.
    May everyone live up to their expectations
    And the whole team will experience unprecedented success.

    May the path to triumph not be strewn with roses,
    We can handle any problem.
    Solving difficulties with work issues,
    One team - loyal, friendly, businesslike.

    Let anyone today say:
    The company does not knit brooms.
    We wish the team
    Prospects and positivity.

    Overtake competitors
    Constantly flourish
    To make wallets swell,
    May your thoughts be light.

    To make this life a joy
    And work is just a thrill,
    I can handle all the tasks.
    Happiness, joy, good luck.

    I want to congratulate you on Company Day from the bottom of my heart,
    I wish you great success in your business,
    More prospects, creative ideas.
    So that there is a team of reliable people!

    Let your plans keep pace with success,
    Customers are sending armfuls of orders.
    Always prosper, always be on top.
    I wish you all the best, and even doubly so.

    How much we had to go through
    So that our company can be formed.
    Difficulties along the way
    They fly in my memory like stills from a movie.

    I would like to wish all of us,
    For our company to prosper,
    So that success accompanies business,
    After all, we are professionals in this matter.

    Let the flow of customers increase
    Well, competitors don’t interfere,
    Let your instincts never let you down,
    Well, profits are only increasing.

    I wish the company prosperity,
    Let him withstand all the tests,
    Let her not be in danger of ruin,
    And expansion lies ahead.
    Employees get big salaries
    It's so nice to be rich!

    The birth of the company is a great date,
    And we rush to celebrate year after year.
    We wish you success, work, results,
    Work, the desire to win in everything.

    We wish you profit from new clients
    Always replenished the quarter's piggy bank,
    So that there are fewer problematic moments
    In work, communication and capital.

    On the company's birthday it is worth remembering
    Everyone who, sparing no effort,
    Made a huge contribution to the development,
    He made a contribution, even if it was a small one.

    The team is in the process of formation,
    Became united, like a single organism, -
    No intrigue, discord, laziness,
    Squabbles that slow down and drag down.

    We wish the company prosperity,
    Growth no matter what -
    For work as a reward and effort.
    May everything be fine with you!

    Women don't age over the years
    Just wrinkles around the eyes.
    Today we congratulate you on your anniversary
    The most beautiful of us!

    There were a lot of wishes:
    Happiness and good luck and love.
    Believe me, you have become more beautiful over the years.
    The main thing is not the appearance, but the inside.

    But inside you are always young.
    Can a heart grow old?
    We are celebrating our anniversary today,
    Let's have fun and make noise!

    The woman who is the best in the world,
    Happy anniversary today.
    On this day, solemn and bright,
    We wish you the best blessings and happiness.
    As always, be excellent
    Kind, gentle, stylish, dear.
    May it always, at any time of the year,
    The sun of happiness warms with warmth.

    Congratulating such a woman,
    I'm taking a lot of risks now.
    I know I'm not eighteen anymore
    I don’t believe it and I’m afraid to admit it.
    I am glad to congratulate you on your anniversary,
    And forward along the avenue of life
    Always walk with the right step
    Let there be only joys ahead.
    Let beauty not fade,
    Let luck soar sharply,
    Let success in life not disappear.

    Glory to our hero of the day!
    To our hero of the day - Honor!
    May the hero of the day always have
    There will be countless joys!
    So that health is health,
    So that fun is so fun,
    A whole cartload of money,
    Laughter means tears!

    Happy Anniversary to you dear
    Be happy in spite of all troubles
    Be happy with your family
    Be happy with your dream
    Be healthy, beautiful, desirable
    Be fun and mischievous
    And becoming wiser over the years
    Stay always young.

    You are a woman! And you are always beautiful -
    Goddess of dreams, queen of beauty.
    After all, nature did not create in vain
    Exciting tender features.
    Please accept congratulations on your anniversary,
    Be happy and forever young.
    Love and endless luck
    Don't let your house be ignored.

    Happy Anniversary, dear!
    It's unlikely that the woman is different
    Can be just as cute!
    We wish there was
    You are endlessly happy
    Remained young forever
    May your anniversary year
    It will only bring joy!

    Happy Anniversary, our lady,
    We congratulate you.
    So much beauty and charm
    You always exude.
    We wish you, lady,
    So much happiness for the neighbors
    They only talked about you...
    And they always gave flowers
    All. Cause you're so cool
    Beautiful lady!

    For a woman on her anniversary,
    There is both joy and sadness in the soul.
    You have become brighter and wiser,
    And yet I feel a little sorry for myself:

    Will not be over 18
    It won't even be 23.
    And you can’t keep up with the years,
    If you don’t tell the time, “freeze.”

    We want to wish today,
    Run without slowing down your life.
    Love, create and admire,
    Let success be your reward.

    We wish you all on your anniversary
    Health, long days, luck and light,
    So that with the love of loved ones and friends
    Your soul has always been warmed.
    So that you never know trouble,
    Do not drink from the cup of bitter suffering,
    And God's grace overshadowed
    All your thoughts, feelings and actions!

    Happy Anniversary, dear!
    Oh, how beautiful
    You today and always
    Like the first star.

    Please accept congratulations:
    For happiness and fun
    Your house was always full
    There would be laughter and joy in him.

    Be healthy, gentle, sweet,
    Kind, affectionate, happy,
    To get from life
    Only flowers and grace.

    Happy anniversary
    And we want to wish from the bottom of our hearts,
    To the sun, moon and all the stars
    You could shine in a peaceful sky.
    Love, respect, recognition
    Deserved by honest work,
    You remember about duty first,
    About personal conveniences - later.
    You are known as a true friend,
    Ready to come to the rescue,
    Ready to sacrifice a lot,
    Just to ward off trouble.
    Beloved and loving mother,
    Tender and faithful wife,
    In eternal worries, anxieties -
    Nobody knows you differently.
    With your characteristic tenacity
    Big things were decided.
    For your courage, for your patience
    Honor to you, and honor, and praise!

    Happy Anniversary, my beloved!
    I'll tell you without hiding:
    How kind you are, dear,
    How much I love you!

    Let life seem bright to you,
    Like the sunniest day.
    Love will be by your side
    And your heart will become warmer.

    And life is a long branch
    The leaves are reaching towards the sun.
    Be healthy and happy,
    Just the way you like it.

    You are celebrating an anniversary
    And you look eighteen!
    I can't help but admire
    Your blooming beauty.

    Fate is coming your way
    Gods most beautiful nectar -
    Drink of eternal youth,
    Immortality is a precious gift.

    And I'm warmed by hope -
    Adversity will pass by,
    And again I'm over eighteen
    I'll be drinking in twenty years!

    I congratulate you on your anniversary,
    With all my heart I wish you:
    Shine, love and be loved,
    Like that star, unique.
    Bloom like May nature,
    And don’t grow old year after year,
    Be healthy, happy in marriage,
    Still succeed at work,
    And never lose heart!

    The woman's age is only this:
    How much he feels with his heart, soul
    So let the years pass -
    Stay always young!
    On the eve of the feast, we wish,
    With all my heart I wish you health,
    Happiness and sunny days
    We wish you a happy anniversary!

    They don’t ask how old a woman is.
    She is always beautiful, young,
    Even if they are marked with gray hair and wrinkles
    The years have flown by so unnoticed.
    Everything was in them - stagnation and change,
    And you live with a bright character,
    Survived adversity, change,
    Raised two children to their feet.
    What more could you wish for?
    With all my heart, from us:
    Live, work, don't get sick,
    To celebrate the hundredth anniversary.

    Today is a round date
    The woman is bright and light.
    Today is the day when you need
    To be the most noticeable in the world.

    Let them suddenly give gifts
    Only those that you secretly desired.
    And all the warmth and attention
    So that your loved ones give.

    Have a magical mood,
    It’s amazing, it’s like living in a fairy tale.
    Happy anniversary to you!
    Live in love and care!

    Friendly, sociable, beautiful,
    He will always give you a kind, warm look.
    There is confidence and strength in the voice,
    And I’m not used to retreating back.

    They say you are 18 today?
    Are you blooming like a snowdrop in the Jurassic?
    I wish you to sing, dance and smile,
    So that sadness disappears like a haze in the wind.

    I wish you happiness, joy, enthusiasm,
    Good health for many years to come.
    Let life be a path without slopes,
    And only gives love a big bouquet!

    Let everything happen that the hero of the day wants:
    Hope, faith and dreams flight.
    Go forward in a victorious gallant march.
    Take from life everything it gives.

    Your anniversary is not years,
    Your anniversary is the youth of nature,
    Your anniversary is the youth of the earth,
    May your spring garden bloom!
    To avoid adversity,
    So that the gloomy weather does not touch you,
    Life so a fairy tale was,
    Happiness, success, luck, goodness!

    Dear, Happy Anniversary!
    We wish you good mood
    Only great things always
    And health for years,
    Let your eyes shine with happiness,
    And the path leads you
    Despite any obstacles
    Only to luck and success.

    Happy Anniversary
    And we wish you to be healthy,
    To be beautiful, young,
    Be a shining star.
    Be very kind, tolerant,
    Always be the most loved.
    Smile to the whole world
    Enjoy your life.

    On her anniversary she became an important lady.
    You, who rushed to help in difficult times.
    You have gained wisdom over the years,
    Making us kinder in life.
    And from this tenderness of heart
    My soul became lighter.
    It's not often you meet someone more humane
    Among busy people.
    Into the ocean called Eternity
    Our years are running away.
    Elixir of longevity - warmth,
    He always helps people.

    You have become more beautiful over the years,
    Our sun, our joy!
    Without sparing compliments,
    Happy anniversary!

    Let the road be easy
    Anxiety will pass by,
    More happy events
    Live in pleasure.

    Travel, dream,
    Never be discouraged.
    Mischievous mood
    Happiness, light, inspiration!

    Friends and co-workers; without sparing words,
    They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
    You are light and joyful, full of happiness.
    Your advice is important and necessary for us.
    Your family loves and appreciates you -
    Reliable, faithful friends of yours.
    We all wish you health and strength.
    So that you always have everything you want,
    So that youth, happiness, luck, success
    Fate has always given you without hindrance!

    Happy Anniversary, with a round date
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
    Be healthy and rich
    Cheerfully, live cheerfully.

    At home - strength and understanding,
    And concerns from relatives.
    At work - prosperity,
    Extraordinary awards.

    Let smiles and hugs
    Warm without fire
    We sincerely wish you happiness,
    Happy Birthday to You!

    Today is your birthday,
    Most best holiday, Anniversary!
    It’s like there’s a spring sun in the sky,
    You shine among your colleagues and friends,
    Bright, radiant, beautiful,
    You deserve the highest praise!
    Warm in heart, clear in soul,
    The embodiment of feminine beauty.
    Whatever you think will come true,
    You can handle everything, Girlfriend!
    So let the whole world admire you,
    "Be happy!" – I’m shouting to the whole world!

    We congratulate you, dear, on your anniversary,
    We wish you happiness and love.
    And we wish you many, many more years
    So that they are only remembered as good.

    So that your health doesn’t go wrong,
    To have enough strength for everything.
    So that grief does not visit you,
    So that age forgets about you.

    For more smiles
    So that love continues to live.
    So that happiness lasts as long as possible,
    To make your eyes shine even brighter.

    No! It's not the woman's fault
    When this date comes -
    The calendar is to blame here.
    And you, contrary to all dates,
    Everyone is still young at heart,
    Slender, graceful and light.
    We won’t wish you much,
    Your advantages cannot be counted.
    So stay, for God's sake,
    Always the way you are!
    And age is not a problem,
    We will survive all the anniversaries!
    After all, the most important thing in life is always
    So that your soul does not grow old.

    Happy Anniversary!
    We wish you joy,
    A sea of ​​life victories,
    Let the angel protect you from troubles.
    We wish you good luck
    And health to boot.
    May success always reign,
    Let life be without interference!

    We wish you to be happy,
    To be a woman loved
    Keep tenderness under your heart,
    Love your children.
    Years do not age loyalty,
    Years do not age tenderness,
    May the heat of the sublime soul
    Will come back to you again!

    On this day, you celebrate your anniversary,
    I wish you joy and happiness,
    Love, health all year round
    And also, protection from adversity.
    Stay as beautiful as you are
    Sweet and beloved by all.
    And let the years go by
    You never grow old in your soul!

    The woman has one anniversary -
    Coming of age day...
    Other numbers don't suit her
    Even if it’s a round century.

    Colleagues, relatives and friends
    This is just a relief:
    In the postcard “eighteen” he wrote -
    And I was not mistaken with the date of birth!

    But in our rare case
    We got into trouble:
    Eighteen girl
    It doesn't look like anything!

    She's sixteen at most
    Carefree youthful years
    In honor of beauty and tenderness
    Today's banquet!

    In honor of a beautiful woman
    Both externally and in soul,
    We gathered for a holiday
    Great company.

    Poems and songs for you,
    And toasts, and words...
    So that as in careless youth
    My head was spinning!

    Happy anniversary! On this date
    Even more beautiful than you were.

    Graceful as a panther
    Temperamental like a lioness.
    Let the gentlemen sigh,
    And the beloved is proud.

    The years have no power over you,
    Only talents are revealed.
    Let them lie down at the feet of the beautiful
    And furs and diamonds.

    Anxiety will be replaced by happiness,
    Only from joy - excitement.
    Let the roads lead you
    From dreams to fulfillment.

    Anniversaries are coming,
    Without asking us
    What we may regret,
    What are we waiting for with bated breath?
    May your anniversary be clear
    And full of happiness and flowers,
    Like the most long-awaited holiday,
    Like a song of joy without words.
    And many years to you, dear,
    And new meetings on the earthly journey,
    So that you never get tired,
    You continued to bring light.

    Happy anniversary, dear!
    This date is not simple,
    We all remembered her
    It's no joke - it's an anniversary!

    Let's put jokes aside
    And we will congratulate you with him.
    But accept your wishes
    There are more than enough jokes in them.

    Porsche - to ride in it,
    Money - to swim in it,
    Villa - to relax,
    And men - to delight.

    Dear, sweet, dear,
    We congratulate you on your anniversary!
    On this joyful and sunny day,
    We'll drop by to see you.
    Be smiling, beautiful,
    And beloved and happy!
    Don't regret the past
    Your life will become brighter.
    And much love to you,
    May you remain young at heart!

    Flowers, smiles, congratulations
    Warmth of soul and kindness
    Accept from us on your birthday,
    On your anniversary day of the year.
    We wish you happiness and health,
    Greet every day with a smile,
    And the anniversary (after all, it doesn’t happen often)
    Celebrate with friends.
    Love, attention from your spouse,
    Warmth to family and friends.
    So that the evil blizzard does not touch you,
    Mental strength, kindness.
    We wish you not to give up for years,
    May life be filled with spring.
    And at the same time stay
    A good, loving wife.

    Congratulations on your anniversary
    On this day and at this hour.
    And accept it quickly
    Wishes from us.

    We want to be beautiful
    Stylish, bright, young
    And, of course, happy
    This life is not easy.

    Let pleasant moments
    Everyone will be remembered soon
    It's not just a birthday,
    And happy anniversary!

    We wish you strength and inspiration,
    Huge love, a sea of ​​happiness,
    Attention from loved ones and participation.

    May your home be a full cup,
    There will be luck in your life.
    Have good weather at home,
    Let adversity pass by.

    The champagne is flowing like a river,
    After all, what a holiday we have!
    Colleagues, relatives, friends
    Wishing you a joyful day!

    On your wonderful anniversary
    Many friends gathered
    Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
    Leave your wishes.
    So that with every new year
    You were loved more by God
    To be so beautiful
    So beautiful and loved
    So lovely and tender
    As we see today.
    To smile your soul
    Warmed me up even in the cold,
    And so that all dreams and goals
    They came true for the anniversary!

    On this anniversary birthday
    We, ladies, want to congratulate you.
    Our gifts are unprepossessing
    Leave it as a long lasting memory.

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