• Lesson summary for the middle group on introducing adults to labor. Topic: “Important professions.” Methodology for introducing preschoolers to the work of adults



    4.1 Excursions and conversations with people of different professions

    4.2 Observations

    4.3 Joint activities


    Practical material


    Makarenko A.S. in his work he noted that proper education is necessarily labor education, since work has always been the basis of life.

    Mandatory quality in every way developed person- great hard work. When forming this most important quality of character, one should not forget one of the axioms of pedagogy: it is impossible to cultivate hard work only with verbal maxims. The solution to many issues of labor education of the younger generation significantly depends on a correct understanding of the functions, goals and psychological content of child labor.

    The work of a preschooler has its own specifics. Preparing a child for work means forming his psychological readiness to work. Psychological readiness for work means a level of personal development that is sufficient for the successful development of any type of productive work.

    The formation of higher human feelings occurs in the process of the child’s assimilation of social values, social requirements, and norms accepted in society. The child acquires a unique system of standards: he evaluates them emotionally as attractive or repulsive, as good or evil, as beautiful or ugly. Children always show interest in social reality. The first significant means is social reality itself, which influences the child and feeds his mind and soul. The main thing is to show children the social world “from the inside” and help the child accumulate social experience and understand his place in this world. Labor too social phenomenon. Work is a manifestation of people’s care for each other. Diverse reality allows the child to directly experience and feel the need to follow certain norms and rules in order to achieve important and interesting goals. The strongest emotional experiences cause the child to have relationships with adults based on joint actions. Emotional and verbal contact is the central link that forms the child’s motives for a business form of communication. Communication and activity serve as a school of feelings and the transfer of social experience of life among people. The child learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude towards the environment, to show his abilities.

    One of the main tasks of labor education for preschoolers is to familiarize adults with the labor and develop respect for it. Starting from kindergarten, children learn to handle the simplest tools, study the properties various materials, acquire self-service skills, keep the group clean and tidy, take care of flowers, help set tables, and put away toys. At home, they help their parents, performing both permanent and temporary tasks within their power. An important role in the labor education of children is played by the family and the power of the example of parents. Favorable conditions for labor education are created in those families where parents work successfully in their specialty, love their profession, and tell their children about work. Let parents deeply understand that their own conscientious attitude towards work responsibilities and an emphatically respectful attitude towards the work of others have a huge influence on their children. A cheerful work atmosphere and personal example from adults are a very important incentive for a child.

    Of course, the vast majority of children do not have the opportunity to observe the work of their fathers and mothers in public production, but adults already have a lot of things to do that can and should happen in front of their children. Seeing how their elders work, they will happily work with them to clean the room, do laundry, prepare dinner, and dig in the garden. Having the example of their parents before them, children strive to be hardworking and benefit people.

    1. The importance of labor in the development of a child

    There are many forms of work that comprehensively develop the child’s body, sharpen the mind, and strengthen the child’s health. Work plays a great role in the development of a child’s abilities.

    Abilities develop mainly in conditions of leading activity: in preschool age - in play, in primary and secondary school age- in learning, in youth - in vocational training.

    Real work is always about overcoming. And the baby also needs to be taught to overcome - to overcome the resistance of the material, his own inability, the unattractiveness of work, fatigue.

    An adult is capable of such overcoming because he has a sufficiently developed sense of duty (both in relation to members of his family and in relation to society), because he is able to see an attractive end result, because in work he asserts himself and finds self-expression . And for many other reasons, an adult is able to cope with the immediate urge to quit work if it arises.

    The baby simply doesn’t have this whole support system yet. We must gradually develop it through our entire education. But this can be done based on what the child has, on the opportunities that are given to him by virtue of the laws age development.

    When instilling in children the habit of work, we must remember not only that they grow up to be hardworking, but also that the motives that motivate them to work are highly moral. Because only high motives force us to set big and serious goals in life, help us cope with temporary setbacks, and overcome difficulties.

    Hard work is one of the most important moral qualities personality. A person who does not possess this quality is a moral cripple. But the meaning and content of labor education is precisely to instill in the child, together with the habit of work, highly moral motives that encourage work.

    Social motives should play a predominant role in instilling hard work. Working for others, for the society of which you are a part, has a beneficial effect on the formation of personality. It brings deep moral satisfaction, awareness of one’s need, necessity, inspires a person to great achievements, raises him in his own eyes.

    The social life of a child begins in preschool childhood. The tasks he carries out in kindergarten and at home related to his interests children's group or families, are aimed at public benefit.

    Therefore, one of the main tasks of the family is to support in every possible way the child’s desire to participate in public life, try to ensure that he lives in the interests of the team, so that he takes his place in it.

    Firstly, a child already four or five years old can do a lot with his own hands; This does not mean, of course, that before that you shouldn’t think about the baby’s work - it’s just that at this age the results of his work can be quite real, he can, say, become a real assistant to adults in their household chores. (Although at first, of course, the efforts to organize a child’s work, to teach him certain work skills, do not directly pay for themselves: it would be easier for an adult to do something himself. But this is only at the beginning!)

    Secondly, work does not impoverish the life of a preschooler, but, on the contrary, enriches it - with new impressions, new reasons for play, new motives artistic creativity, new facets of relationships with people.

    Education for work and in work is the most important, irreplaceable means of comprehensive personal development.

    The tasks of labor education are not limited to developing a certain range (even a fairly wide one) of skills and abilities; permeating the entire life of a child, it is diverse. And although in everyday family life different sides it is fused together, let's call these sides one after the other.

    2. Familiarize children with the work of adults

    We are preparing our child so that in due time - no matter how distant that time may seem to us now - he can boldly enter into an independent life. This means that we want our child:

    I understood that labor and work occupy a very important place in people’s lives, that labor is, in fact, the basis of life;

    Respected everyone who works and appreciated the fruits of their labor;

    I would like to get acquainted with what they can be various works what people of different professions do, with what tools and machines and what is the result;

    He was ready to work himself - both because he liked it, it was interesting, and because it was necessary;

    I would learn to work, mastering the necessary skills, I would work, benefiting people, and I would develop my working abilities.

    The central link of knowledge about social reality is knowledge about labor activity of people. This content of knowledge is of enduring importance in the socialization of the individual. Such knowledge provides an understanding of the tasks of society, the place of each person in solving these problems, an understanding of the importance of work in the life of society and each person. This determines the development of social perception, interest in people’s work, attitude towards work, and the results of work already in preschool age.

    “Knowledge about work, the attitudes of adults towards it, motives, the direction of work, reflected in images, begin to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, objects created by people. Hence, knowledge about the work of adults should occupy one of leading places in educational work kindergarten..." writes V.I. Loginova.

    The author has identified and defined five levels, stages of children's developing knowledge about work as a phenomenon of social reality. The position of V. I. Loginova, which should be recognized as very valuable, is expressed in her following words:

    "Knowledge about social reality forms the basis of human consciousness, is essential component in the structure of personality, act as an internal condition for the formation of its social orientation and attitude towards the world. It was, in particular, found that interest in work, the development of cognitive activity, and the ability to practically carry out accessible labor processes depend on the level of knowledge about work (increasing the level of knowledge is accompanied by increased interest in performing labor processes).

    In the absence of thoughtful management of children's development, the level of knowledge about adult work even among six-year-olds may remain no higher than at the first level, whereas with a scientifically based construction of pedagogical work, three-year-olds exceed the first level, four-year-olds reach the second, five-year-olds exceed the third level, and six-year-olds are very close. approaching the fourth."

    Thus, the “availability” of knowledge about the work of adults is not a sign of only the most knowable objective reality, but a consequence of more or less good pedagogical work.

    N. S. Pryazhnikov writes: “... when determining a possible object of career guidance research, one can proceed from the assumption of a multi-level organization of the psyche, which in its different manifestations (and at different levels) is characterized by the ability to independence, autonomy, unpredictability, internal activity and reflection...” .

    “Early (children’s) career guidance is carried out in advance, when there are still many years left before the actual choice of profession. It is mainly of an informational nature (general acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude a joint discussion of the child’s dreams and experience acquired in some fields labor activity

    (in terms of self-care, when working in the country, studying in a circle, etc.). In such a professional consultation, it is quite possible to use psychodiagnostic techniques, but not so much to draw up professional consultation recommendations, but to increase the child’s interest in his psychological qualities and their development. Naturally,

    that the results of such research can be used by teachers and parents in further work with children."

    N. N. Zakharov highlights the tasks of career guidance for children preschool age: to familiarize children with professions, in accordance with age characteristics, to instill a love of work effort, to develop an interest in work and basic labor skills in some areas of work. The purpose of early career guidance is to develop in a child emotional attitude to the professional world, he must be given the opportunity to use his strengths in available activities.

    In developing the idea of ​​continuous vocational guidance when introducing variable and specialized education, it is advisable, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s psychological development, to carry out early vocational guidance for the child in a preschool educational institution. Software developers preschool education include in various sections of this document information about the activities of adults, their work, working conditions and goals, the formation of work skills, etc. for the purpose of the overall development of children and their orientation in professional activity adults.

    The most significant contribution to the development of the concept of “early vocational guidance” was made by E. A. Klimov. He developed a periodization of the age development of a person or subject of labor. Pre-professional development, according to this periodization, includes: the pre-game stage, the game stage, the mastery stage educational activities, optant or option stage.

    In the last 15-20 years, the following have been implemented in preschool educational institutions: “Program of education and training in kindergarten” (edited by Gerbova, M.A. Vasilyeva, Komarova); partial programs - such as the "Rainbow", "Development", "Childhood" program. From the analysis of each individual program it is clear that, for all their merits, the issue of familiarizing children with the work of adults and their professions is given indirect attention in most of them. A more specific formulation of tasks in this educational direction is noted in the “Childhood” program.

    “The program of education and training in kindergarten” (edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova) provides for the formation of children’s ideas about the work of adults in the process of classes, which to some extent can be considered as an element of forming ideas about the world of professions. It introduces children aged 5-7 years to the work of people in their immediate environment and their professions (from 2 to 12 professions). In general, all its sections, where children get acquainted with the work of adults in classes, give a rather limited idea of ​​the professional activities of adults, of the world of professions, and in the “Game” section such a task is not set at all.

    This direction is presented more fully in the “Childhood” program. In general, the most common programs in preschool educational institutions provide for familiarizing children with the work of adults and certain professions, but not at the level of a separate task, but incidentally and on a limited scale. For all their merits, none of the programs targets more full use opportunities for gaming activities to form preschoolers’ ideas about the world of professions.

    3. A living example of the adults around you

    Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children specific knowledge and ideas about work and to instill respect for the work of adults, teach them to value it, and arouse interest and love for work. At the same time, the task is solved to influence the behavior of children - to create a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully.

    How can we achieve educational effectiveness when introducing children to the work of adults?

    The work activities of adults, which children can directly observe, usually have a more effective impact. Living and quite attractive examples are more likely to evoke imitation. For example, conversations about how a nanny and laundress work increased the children's neatness when eating and washing. At the same time, children often motivate their actions with the desire to make the nanny’s work easier. This demonstrates the manifestation of attention and respect for work not in words, but in deeds. Children's behavior is indirectly influenced by observations of adults' work.

    For children younger age a strong influence is exerted by the example of household work of adults (cleaning, cooking, etc.), as well as various actions medical workers(doctor, sister). This work is understandable to children, since it is aimed at satisfying their personal needs, there are many interesting actions in it, and it can be often observed. There are many points in it that are closely related to the behavior of the children themselves in maintaining cleanliness, order, and observing hygiene rules. Children's games show that they, on their own initiative, imitate the work of adults.

    Older people are less interested in household work. But it is necessary to use it, since in the process of this work the attention of children is recorded (through observation and conversations) on such aspects as the organization of work, responsibility, collective coherence, etc.

    In addition to everyday household work, children should be introduced to the work that takes place within the walls of a kindergarten, but is of a more episodic nature, for example, an electrician, a carpenter, a glazier, etc. You can show children how a carpenter repairs furniture and toys, how a painter paints walls, a glazier inserts glass, etc.

    The older the children, the more they are attracted to the work that takes place outside the walls of the kindergarten. In games, children imitate the actions of builders and transport workers. Skillfully organized observations of this work are of great importance for the formation of the general labor orientation and activities of the children themselves. The greatest influence is exerted by constantly acting impressions, observations of the work that takes place in the immediate environment.

    It is important to evoke in children a sense of admiration for the wonderful transformations that occur as a result of labor: old dirty walls are covered with new plaster, paint becomes beautiful and attractive; a street covered with snow, after clearing, opens up its spaces again for the free movement of vehicles and pedestrians, a piece of cloth in the hands of a seamstress turns into a piece of clothing, etc.

    So gradually children begin to understand the meaning of work. They see his results and become infected with his enthusiasm.

    When familiarizing yourself with a work, it is very important to be gradual in expanding information. It should be borne in mind that the abundance of impressions leads to the fact that children receive fragmentary, superficial information that has little impact on the formation correct attitude to work, to develop skills and abilities.

    During the observation process it is necessary to give a small amount of information, gradually expanding and deepening it, supplementing what is known with new knowledge, consolidating the old. Only with such a gradual deepening of children into a cognizable phenomenon is it possible for them to develop the correct ideas about work, the correct attitude towards it.

    It is important that this complication of content is expressed not only in an increase in the volume of cognitive material, but also in a gradual change in its nature, in an ever greater depth into the essence of the observed phenomena. Children are initially attracted to the external side of work - the visible actions of people, tools, materials. The working person himself, his attitude to work, relationships with other people usually escape the attention of children.

    In the preschool years, children show a keen interest in the work of adults; they strive to imitate in play and everyday life and want to do something themselves. Up to the age of seven, they can easily master simple labor skills in self-care, maintaining cleanliness and order, and caring for plants.

    Older preschoolers successfully perform simple duties in serving the team, are already capable of basic responsibility for the assigned task, and can overcome minor difficulties in work. Children experience joy from labor effort, realizing the usefulness of their actions, and show a careful attitude towards the results of the work of adults.

    To create a positive attitude and work habit vital importance has a living example of surrounding adults, direct contact with their work. But it is possible to cultivate psychological readiness for work in children only in the process of activity.

    It is necessary to create proper working conditions for children.

    In kindergarten, children work together. It is necessary to create conditions at home for several children to work together. In common work, friendships between children become stronger, a desire arises to help each other; it is easier to prevent the development of such negative qualities as boasting, laziness, selfishness.

    Kindergartens have all the opportunities for the most rational organization of household work for adults. This work clearly expresses its social character, so the everyday work of kindergarten staff has many advantages in its impact on children compared to everyday work carried out in the family.

    In the family, the child more or less regularly observes cooking, washing and mending linen, sewing clothes, he sees how cleanliness and order are maintained in the room. Artistic and technical work often takes place in families (sawing, equipment repair, design, etc.).

    Thus, the child can observe the labor process itself and see how adults work.

    In kindergartens, for hygienic reasons, cleaning the premises, cooking, washing, sewing and repairing clothes, supplies, furniture, etc., is carried out in special rooms or at times when children are absent (walking, going home).

    It is necessary to create conditions under which children could use life-giving examples of adult behavior.

    In a kindergarten, a significant part of the work of adults does not take place in front of children. Therefore, educators are looking for ways and forms of bringing the labor of adults working in kindergarten closer to children, intensifying its influence on the formation of labor skills in children, and outlining the principles, forms and content of adult labor performed with children or together with them.

    There are different ways possible here.

    The first way is widely practiced in kindergarten - this is a specially organized in the classroom showing children the varied work of adults, observations, organized visits to the kitchen, pantry, doctor's office and an explanation of its significance. Children are shown cooking, washing clothes, repairing and sewing clothes, cleaning the area, repairing furniture and toys. Such organized displays with the aim of familiarizing children with the work of adults are provided for in the kindergarten program.

    Observations of the work of adults in kindergarten are of great educational importance: they clarify children’s ideas, awaken curiosity and interest in the activities of adults, and contribute to the development of a positive attitude and respect for their work.

    Classes help develop a child’s desire to imitate adults in their behavior. In children of younger groups this is most clearly manifested in play, in older children - in performing work tasks.

    Young children do not perceive all adult work as work. Children of preschool age, even older ones, usually do not evaluate mental work or organizational work as work. If you don’t have special conversations with them, then they have a poor understanding of what the “work” of a teacher, head, etc. consists of.

    The second way is the direct organization of joint activities of adults and children.

    By joint work we mean such activity between adults and children, when the teacher acts not only as a person organizing and directing the work of children, but also as a direct participant in the labor process.

    When selecting types of work for joint activities of adults and children, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles: work should be natural for children, necessary, vitally significant; it must be acceptable from a general pedagogical and hygienic point of view; it should easily and naturally carry out joint activities with a certain division of functions between children and adults.

    The joint activities of children and adults can be carried out in the process of domestic work, work in nature, work in the maintenance of games and activities.

    Household work: maintaining cleanliness and order in the group and on the site, changing clean linen, washing small items, minor repairs to linen and clothing, preparing some dishes.

    Labor on maintenance of games and activities: joint preparation of material for classes, repair of toys, books, manuals, production of homemade toys and manuals.

    Work in nature: caring for animals, plants in a corner of nature and in the garden, flower garden, berry garden.

    An important point when selecting types of work for joint activities of adults and children is the compliance of a particular work with general pedagogical principles and hygiene requirements. Children should not perform work that requires heavy workload, uncomfortable working positions, eye strain, or very monotonous, imaginative actions.

    Skillful selection of the content of a lesson on getting to know the environment is very important factor creating a positive work orientation in preschool children. At the same time, it is very important how this content is brought to the consciousness of children, what techniques the teacher uses.

    Only then will children love work if it is accompanied by an optimistic mood, if both the process of work and its results are pleasing. This largely depends on whether we have revealed to the baby the interesting, exciting, entertaining aspects of what he is doing; Did you manage to get the game to help?

    4. Methods for introducing children to the work of adults

    In his educational work I use different methods introducing children to the work of adults, taking into account their age characteristics.

    4.1 Excursions and meetings with people of different professions

    In my educational work, I attach great importance to getting to know the work of adults, their professions through excursions and conversations with people of different professions.

    According to D.B. Elkonin, in the preschool years there is a kind of closure of the connection between the objective world and the world of human relations. Therefore, familiarizing preschoolers with the work of adults plays an important role in establishing their contacts with the adult world. The formation of children's systemic knowledge about the work of adults involves familiarizing preschoolers with specific labor processes and transforming a person's subject of labor into a product (the result of labor). Systematic knowledge about labor makes it possible for older preschoolers to establish a connection between the result of labor and money. Adults receive money for their work.

    Most effective ways familiarizing children with the work of adults - observations and excursions, which provide the greatest clarity of ideas, the maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by children. What is visually perceived, however, requires interpretation. In the process of further conversations, through the teacher’s stories, the information obtained during observations is clarified, consolidated, and supplemented.

    Introducing the child into the world of objects and showing how they are created by adults in the process of labor, you can conduct the following excursions and conversations:

    1. Excursion to the treatment room.

    Children will learn:

    - The following are stored in the treatment room: bandage, cotton wool, syringes, thermometer, tablets, iodine. All medications in the treatment room are stored in the refrigerator; vaccinations and injections are also given in the treatment room. It's very clean and sterile.

    2. Conversation with the kindergarten nurse.

    Children will learn:

    - what does she do: notes children, makes menus, gives vaccinations, treats wounds, monitors children's health, fortifies food in the kitchen for children, brings vaccines for vaccinations.

    - nurse uniform: white robe, mandatory headdress, gloves if she is giving an injection or vaccination.

    3. Excursion to the studio.

    Children will learn:

    Different types of fabrics, centimeter, sewing machines, overlock, threads, needles for sewing machines, needles for hand sewing, patterns, patterns.

    The atelier is a large room, the workshops are noisy, sewing machines are working. The receptionist takes the order, the cutter does the cutting. In the fitting room they try on clothes.

    4. Conversation with the seamstress.

    Children will learn:

    - necessary for seamstress work: threads, needles, pattern, scissors, chalk, fabric, sewing machine, overlock.

    - The results of the seamstress' work are: bedding, costumes for parties in kindergarten.

    5. Excursion to the library.

    Children will learn:

    - what's in the library: forms, racks, catalogs, shelves, photocopiers, cards, favorite books.

    6. Conversation with a bibliographer.

    Children will learn:

    - What do bibliographers do?. Bibliographers organize educational, scientific, colorful exhibitions dedicated to children's writers and poets, exhibitions of children's drawings, and children's parties.

    7. Excursion to the workshop.

    The children saw that the workshop had: (shelves, boards, chairs, manuals). We watched how, right before our eyes, the boards turned into a certain object, a product.

    8. Conversation with a carpenter.

    Children get to know:

    With tools (hammer, nails, plane, chisel, drill, screws, nuts, screwdriver, hacksaw).

    Children will learn:

    A carpenter uses many tools in his work. Each tool has its own name and application. Without tools, it is impossible to perform any action so that the work brings benefits to people.

    9. Excursion to the traffic light.

    Children get to know:

    With a traffic police car.

    Children will learn:

    Concepts: traffic light, pedestrian crossing, traffic controller, signal, traffic safety, roadside, rod, uniform, siren, inspector.

    The intersection of roads is called a crossroads. This is the busiest place and there are usually traffic lights here. Street crossings are marked with zebra lines and road signs. All participants must know and follow the rules traffic.

    10. Conversation with the traffic police inspector.

    Children will learn:

    Pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, pedestrian, passenger, road signs, transport, traffic police inspector.

    Where you can and cannot play. Playing on the pavement is dangerous. Road signs help both drivers and pedestrians.

    11. Conversation with the hairdresser

    Children will learn:

    For work, a hairdresser needs: scissors, hair dryer, varnish, gel, comb, hair dye.

    The hairdresser does haircuts, hairstyles, highlights, and model haircuts.

    When a person pretty haircut, self-confidence increases, the mood is good. It's nice to look at yourself in the mirror, well-groomed appearance.

    12. Conversation with a credit representative.

    Children will learn:

    What is: banknotes, cash collection machine, ATM, bank, money, loan, interest, check, plastic card.

    The bank lends money to buyers for important matters and purchases: an apartment, furniture, education. Buyers then pay the bank back in small amounts each month.

    13. Conversation with an enthusiastic person.

    Children will learn:

    People may have different hobbies and interests. Some people like to dig in the garden, pick berries, and grow flowers.

    Vegetable garden (seedlings, fertilizers, beds, seeds).

    4.2 Observations

    It is very important to select for observation the content of work that is most educationally valuable and understandable to children; it makes them want to imitate the work behavior of adults. Impressions must be repeated, therefore the content of work must be distributed in a number of activities, skillfully dosed in each of them, gradually increase and deepen.

    Purposeful observations and excursions outside the group, introducing children to the work of adults, contribute to the accumulation of vivid emotional impressions. During excursions to the studio, to the library, to the traffic light, to the carpenter's workshop, to the store, the children showed active dialogue and interest in professions. While communicating with the carpenter and the traffic police inspector, the children paid attention to their uniform and reasoned with the carpenter so as not to get their clothes dirty, and with the inspector so that drivers could see the inspector from afar. The educational effectiveness of familiarization with work depends not only on what kind of work is observed, but also on which aspects of it the children’s attention is directed to. When visiting a carpenter's workshop, the children noticed the general order and carefully thought-out work - all the tools were arranged in cells, each tool had its own house. The adult involved the children in the labor process he carried out, giving them feasible instructions and establishing basic cooperation. When children have the opportunity to actively act themselves, they receive more accurate and complete ideas about the work of adults and begin to imitate them. The children hammered in nails themselves, worked with a drill and a plane. Feeling the joy of hard work and the results of their actions, the children decided that at home they would help their dads. And during the renovation of the apartment, the children proudly named the tools and imitated the adults when performing labor actions. Some boys were very interested in the work of a carpenter, they thought and decided to become carpenters when they grew up. Other children were interested in the work of a traffic police inspector; they turned on the signal on the car, worked with a baton, and sat behind the wheel of a police car. The children decided to maintain order on the streets of the city. To enhance the emotional impact on children, I used children's fiction and encyclopedias. She brought me to the understanding that any activity of adults has the result of labor for society - to be healthy, to work and relax better, to dress beautifully and comfortably. Have a beautiful hairstyle, be protected, be safe. The work of adults deserves respect and gratitude, and the objects and things they make must be protected.

    The children admired the wonderful transformations that occurred as a result of labor: a rough board turned into a smooth one; a piece of fabric in the hands of a seamstress turns into a piece of clothing, multi-colored threads in the hands of a passionate person draw an intricate pattern. All this is crucial for instilling in a preschooler a value-based attitude towards the work of adults, promotes rapprochement between children and adults, and a greater understanding by the child of the world of adults.

    In the process of observation, it is important to focus children’s attention on those aspects of adult labor that are of greatest importance for instilling in children the correct attitude towards work, for the formation of their own labor behavior. Observing the work of adults has a positive effect on the behavior of children, on their attitude towards people and things. Children carefully water the flowers so as not to flood the floor; when working with plasticine, try not to litter; If someone makes a mess, he cleans up after himself without a reminder.

    In the younger group, children can prepare material for some activities: cut paper for drawing, sharpen pencils, prepare plasticine; as needed, but systematically, do simple repairs to toys, books and manuals. The work of a teacher is not yet designed to actively involve children in work; they mainly observe the actions of an adult. To make the influence of his example more effective, the teacher uses various techniques: he accompanies his actions with explanations, talks with the children, gives the children small instructions (bring a pencil, spread glue on a strip of paper, etc.). This activity of the teacher does not go unnoticed by the children. It attracts the attention of at least some of the children. Children watch the work, ask questions, want to help. But the most important thing is that they gradually develop a caring attitude towards things and a desire to do something themselves.

    4.3 Joint activities

    No matter how great the role of the teacher’s work behavior is, the possibilities of using his personal example in the younger group are very limited. Children three years old require great care, constant attention, supervision. They are not yet sufficiently independent in their activities, so the teacher has to spend a lot of energy organizing games and everyday processes. It is important for the teacher of the younger group to make maximum use of the example of work behavior of other kindergarten workers, especially the nanny. This is a person close to children, whose care they feel every day. A very large part of her work systematically takes place in front of children.

    This work is visual and understandable both in the nature of the actions and in the clearly tangible results; it contains many elements close to the skills taught to children (for example, the skills of maintaining cleanliness and order). Therefore, the nanny’s example can quickly find a response and reinforcement in the child’s behavior. In addition, it is quite easy to include children in the everyday work of a nanny, giving them simple tasks. Direct participation in work, joint activity of an adult and children makes the nanny’s example especially effective.

    The most favorable conditions arise when an adult involves children in the labor process he carries out, giving the children feasible instructions, establishing basic cooperation. Children aged 3-4 years carry out individual work assignments; duty duties are gradually introduced for older children.

    Involvement in pedagogical process, in addition to the teacher, and other kindergarten workers, raised the question of the appropriateness of some new forms of labor education. Nowadays, duty and group-wide collective work are the most accepted.

    Work that can be done by children together with teachers.

    Plant care. The teacher brings large plants, washes high-lying leaves and polluted window sills; children bring small plants, wipe down the branches located below, and wash the window sills (middle and older groups).

    Repairing toys. An adult stitches the corners cardboard boxes, the children cover them with paper. When repairing doll clothes, children sew buttons and ties.

    Preparing for drawing and working with glue. The teacher mixes paints, makes glue, fixes pencils; Children cut paper and pour glue into cups.

    Cleaning the area. The janitor clears the area, the children remove the snow. The nanny washes the benches and veranda, the children rake up and take away branches and dry leaves.

    In those kindergartens where adults set an example of enthusiasm, children acquire a taste for work, they develop psychological readiness for it, and this is perhaps the most important thing in labor education.

    Children who will not rejoice in the labor process, but will also feel its benefits for themselves and others, for the common cause, will value the work of adults more.

    Children especially become more interested in the observed work of adults if they can take at least a small part in it.

    The emotionality of excursions and observations increases if children can satisfy their need for activity. In the process of activity, they become more aware of phenomena. Some kind of participation in labor can be achieved during many excursions. When watching with children, for example, the work on improving a city park, you should involve them in collecting flower seeds and fallen leaves, and help adults in planting bushes.

    However, excursions and conversations are not enough to instill a positive attitude towards work and to arouse in children the desire to work themselves. Only the combination of the formation of correct ideas about the work of adults and the development of labor skills and habits in children provides the necessary educational effect.

    Labor education, based on the example of adults, does not lead to “over-adulting” of children, overloading them with overwhelming tasks and knowledge. Both in content and form, this education takes into account the characteristics of preschool children.

    Thus, familiarization with the work of adults and children’s own activities should be closely intertwined.

    5. Play as a means of introducing adults to work

    For preschool children, the main activity is play.

    Game is a historical activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

    Games, and primarily role-playing games, are indispensable in the education of preschoolers. They bring an element of creativity into children's actions.

    Work is closely related to play. In play, children reflect the work of adults.

    One of the main types of games where children get acquainted with the work of adults is a role-playing game.

    Let's consider some aspects of children's acquaintance with the work of adults and the peculiarities of professions with the help of role-playing games.

    The plot-role-playing game is of an independent creative nature. The children themselves create the game. It can be long-term or short-term. Children's independence is manifested in active and original reproduction of the world around them. This reproduction depends on imagination, conditions, knowledge and life and play experience. The independent nature of the game gives an inner feeling of freedom. Creativity is manifested in the transformation of a child into the image of an adult, whose role he took.

    The structure of a plot-role-playing game.

    1. Concept

    4. Game actions

    5. Game rules.

    Stages of development:

    Stage 1 Preparatory – ends by the age of two, characterized by solitary play. The main skills that characterize this level: monotonous, often repeated actions. Children willingly play with adults.

    Stage 2 Brief interaction in the game. Several people unite, an idea emerges, children obey the demands of those around them, but the plots are mostly everyday and the associations are short-lived.

    Stage 3 Long-term interaction in the game. Children unite based on the actions and content of the game. Responsible attitude. Correctly evaluate their own and others' actions. Roles are clearly defined and assigned before the game.

    Stage 4 director's game (senior preschool age.) Children unite in groups of 5 - 6 people. Interest is built on the basis of personal sympathies, children know how to negotiate, distribute roles, follow rules, actions are coordinated. The game is not only repetitive, but also constantly evolving.

    Role-playing games require preliminary preparation of children. After all, it is clear that children who have not had time to become acquainted with the specialty of, for example, a policeman, will not be able to play the role of a policeman.

    Preparation for games in the profession takes place wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even if minimal, but based on which it is already possible to recreate in the game at least a remote semblance of this type of human activity.

    This process can be conditionally represented as a complex consisting of the following components:

    Obtaining information about professions from parents;

    Kindergarten teachers;

    From peers and older children;

    From my own observations of parents, relatives, other adults;

    Acquiring additional skills that are not directly related to the theme of the game, but which can be used in it (making toys, modeling, drawing, the ability to make appliques, etc.).

    The informative influence of parents can manifest itself in all types of their educational activities, because at every step we are faced with the need to give the child information about a particular profession. These are, first of all, accessible conversations about yourself, your work, explanations of fairy tales, works of children's fiction, illustrations for them, cartoons, filmstrips, i.e. everything seen and heard.

    Most often, children play games collectively, which has a great effect, since the creative efforts of the children merge into a single whole and information is exchanged with each other. Both boys and girls are equally interested in story-based games.

    During the game, roles change, this helps to increase children's interest in various aspects of the profession in which the game is played. If necessary, adults regulate the changing of roles in the game and do not allow children to stay in the same role. Periodic changes in the composition of the players contribute to their further mutual influence on each other, expanding the volume of information absorbed during the game.

    In general, the game has a cognitive and educational impact on the child throughout its entire duration: from the emergence of the desire to play to the post-game period.

    The plot-role-playing game process can be considered as follows: pre-game (selective) period, preparatory period, the game itself. This also includes the post-game influence of this game on the child, such as: impressions, discussion, clarification of what is interesting or unclear. The desire to organize a similar game at home, in the yard, etc.

    One of the main functions of the teacher during the game is to maintain a certain “tone” of the game. It shouldn't become uninteresting. It is better to stop the game than to let it continue when the children's interest decreases.

    After an interesting game, the child remains impressed for a long time.

    Preschoolers spend almost all their time playing games. Therefore, the formation of children’s basic ideas about the world around them occurs mainly through play. Understanding the work of adults, developing the most elementary ideas about their professions, or rather even the rudiments of them, is possible only during the game.

    Games held in kindergarten are planned by the “Kindergarten Education Program,” which indicates the age-related dynamics of the education of preschoolers, including character plot-role games.

    In the second junior group, games are developed that depict the work of adults in kindergarten, the work of drivers, and pilots. Children in the game begin to repeat the actions of people of different specialties.

    In the middle group, games with a more complex plot appear: building a house (the work of builders), transporting passengers and goods (bus and truck drivers), the work of doctors, nurses, and salespeople. Children begin to come up with simple plots themselves and make some necessary items and toys for games.

    IN senior group Games that show the work of institutions (shop, pharmacy, clinic) are encouraged. Games are being improved that reflect individual professions (salesman, postman, actor, doctor, policeman, driver, sailor, pilot). In games on the theme "transport" the knowledge of traffic rules is improved. Children learn to fulfill their plans and play in accordance with the role. In games, children try to imitate the professions of their parents.

    And finally, preschoolers of the seventh year of life continue to depict in role-playing games the work of family members, everyday life, and the work of people. Ideas about different specialties are expanding and deepening: pilots fly airplanes; on a ship there is a captain, a navigator, a sailor, etc. Children’s ability to outline the theme of the game themselves develops; children learn to combine their immediate life impressions with knowledge acquired from stories, paintings, and books.

    So, in the age aspect, role-playing games in various professions proceed with a gradual complication of its content and character.

    The teacher needs to create conditions for the game so that it becomes an exciting activity.

    Creating conditions includes enriching children with realities about the environment: objects, phenomena; in addition, children should know about the relationships between people. To achieve this goal I use the following methods: observation; excursions; meetings with people of different professions; reading literature; a story about relationships between people, about the activities of people of different professions using photographs and films; staging.

    When introducing children to the work of adults, educators, as a rule, use visual methods, skillfully combining them with verbal ones (stories, conversations); specific gravity the latter may increase when working with older children. A special place among verbal methods is occupied by the use of children's fiction.

    Reading works of fiction plays an important role in shaping children’s work orientation. With its emotionality, imagery, and liveliness, a children's book infects children with the enthusiasm of work: it awakens interest, respect for work, and the desire to imitate the heroes literary works, like them, work well.

    An indelible impression on children is made by the images of modest heroes from the works of S. Marshak - fireman Kuzma ("Fire"), postman ("Mail"), S. Mikhalkov - Uncle Styopa the policeman.

    Mayakovsky speaks surprisingly simply and deeply with children about the work of a carpenter, a carpenter, an engineer, a doctor, about a worker and a conductor, about a driver and a pilot, leading children to the idea that “everyone’s work is needed equally” and that “what one cannot do - Let's do it together."

    Behind last years Our children's writers have created a significant number of works about labor. These works help to instill in children interest and respect for the work of adults, and arouse the desire to imitate them. This is where the theatrical play comes into play.

    A theatrical game is a game in which children act out a plot from a literary source.

    The uniqueness of this type of game lies in the fact that children take roles and reproduce them in the sequence in which they are given in the work. This is a creative game, as the child conveys the image in his own way.

    The structure of the plot-role-playing game and the dramatization game is similar. The only difference is that in a role-playing game the plot is from life, and in a theatrical game the plot is from a book.

    Requirements for a literary work for dramatization:

    1. A literary work must be accessible and understandable childhood experience. The characters are similar in mood and experiences;

    2. Imagery of the work (vivid images of characters and episodes);

    3. The presence of monologues and dialogues;

    4. Dynamic plot development (quick change of events, conflict, struggle between good and evil).

    In order to introduce children to the professions and activities of adults, short works are selected for dramatization.

    A didactic game is an educational game.

    The meaning of didactic games is to promote the assimilation and strengthening of children’s knowledge, skills, development mental abilities. Didactic play is a means of all-round development of a child.

    A didactic game develops children's speech; replenishes and activates the child’s vocabulary; forms correct pronunciation, develops coherent speech.

    The didactic task - the main element of the didactic game - is determined by the purpose of educational and training influence. Didactic tasks are varied: acquaintance with the surrounding world, acquaintance with nature, acquaintance with the professions of adults, with the way of life of people.

    IN preschool pedagogy didactic games are divided into three main types:

    1. Games with objects

    2. Board and printed games

    3. Word games

    Games with objects

    Toys and real objects are used; by playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects.

    To solve the didactic problem - getting to know the professions of adults, I use the following games with objects: “Assemble a hairdresser’s set” (toy scissors, combs, hair dryer, varnish, curlers - children choose from a variety of different objects). “Builder” (from a variety of objects, children choose those that can be seen at a construction site - toy ones - a brick, a crane, a tractor). Children also interact with dolls wearing clothes of people from different professions. While playing with them, children analyze and draw conclusions why a person of a particular profession needs this type of clothing. For example: Why does a builder need a helmet? Does the cook need an apron and cap?

    Board and printed games

    Types of board and printed games:

    1. Selection of pictures in pairs. The simplest task in this game is to find two completely identical ones among different pictures. Gradually the task becomes more difficult. The child combines pictures not only by external features, but also by meaning. For example, given 3 pictures with the image of Aibolit, one of them does not have a briefcase in the doctor’s hands, children must choose two other pictures.

    2. Selection of pictures based on common characteristics. A connection is established between objects. For example, “What does the doctor need?”, “What does the hairdresser need?”, “What is in the store,” etc. Children select pictures with corresponding objects.

    3. Memorizing the composition and number of pictures. For example, in the game “Guess which picture was hidden?” Children must remember the contents of the pictures, and then name the one that will be removed from the table. This type effectively promotes memory development.

    4. Making cut-out pictures and cubes. To solve the didactic task of getting to know the professions of adults, these pictures can be on topics of various professions. This type effectively promotes the development of logical thinking in children.

    5. Description, story about the picture showing actions and movements. Objectives: development of children's speech, imagination, creativity. For example, the game "Guess who it is?" The child depicts the sound and movement of what is planned.

    Word games

    Built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, because Such games require the use of previously acquired knowledge. Children independently solve a variety of mental problems. They describe objects, guess from the description, find signs of similarities and differences, group objects according to various criteria.

    Thus, play is the most important means of development, training and education of preschool children. And it is an integral means of introducing children to the professions of adults.

    The world of professions in society is a complex, dynamic, constantly evolving system.

    Attitudes towards the profession are developed in the process of socialization of the individual, which also covers the preschool period. Children are greatly influenced by an adult’s emotional attitude to work. Introducing children to the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant socio-emotional means of introducing them to the world of adults, and children gaining experience communicating with people. Children get the opportunity to expand and clarify knowledge about professions and vocabulary. Casual conversation adults with children ensures development children's thinking, the ability to establish simple connections and relationships, arouses interest in the work activities of adults. Goodwill, interested attitude to children's questions, encouraging speech in dialogue allows them to overcome isolation, shyness, and indecisiveness in children.

    Preschool age is the most favorable for pedagogical influence. Children learn to love work, respect any type of human activity, become acquainted (mainly during play) with the simplest but most characteristic features of professions, and acquire skills that will be developed at school.

    list of literature

    1. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment / N.V. Aleshina.-M.: “Pedagogical Society of Russia”, 2000.- 128 p.

    2. Education of a preschooler at work / Ed. V.G.Nechaeva.-M.: Education, 1974.-192 p.

    3. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. / V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina / Ed. T.I.Babaeva, Z.A.Mikhailova, L.M.Gurovich. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Aktsident", 1995.-288p.

    4. Zakharov N.N. Vocational guidance for preschoolers / N.N. Zakharov. - M.: Education, 1988.

    5. Kondrashov V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Educational and methodological manual/ V.P. Kondrashov.-Balashov: Nikolaev Publishing House, 2004.

    6. Loginova V., Misharina L. Formation of ideas about the work of adults / V. Loginova, L. Misharina // Preschool education. - 1978. - No. 10. - p. 56-63.

    7. The world of childhood. Preschooler. / Ed. A. G. Khripkova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

    7. Potapova T.V. Conversations about professions with children 4-7 years old / T.V. Potapova.-M.: TC Sfera, 2008.- 64 p.

    8. Program of training and education in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyevo, V.V. Geryuova, T.S. Komarova. - 5th edition, corrected and supplemented. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. - 208 p.

    9. Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional and personal self-determination / N.S. Pryazhnikov. - Voronezh, 1996.

    10. Fedorenko V. Formation of ideas about professions. / V. Fedorenko // Preschool education. - 1978. - No. 10. - p. 64-69.

    Introduction 3

    1. Theoretical basis labor education of preschool children 5

    1.1 Contribution of domestic teachers to the development of problems of labor education of preschool children 5

    1.2 The role of labor education in the moral development of the personality of a preschool child 10

    1.3 Features of work to familiarize children with the work of adults in accordance with modern educational programs 14

    Bibliographic list of references 18


    Childhood is the most important period human life,

    not preparation for the future life,

    but a real, bright, original, unique life.

    B. A. Sukhomlinsky

    A mandatory quality of a comprehensively developed person is great hard work. When forming this most important quality of character, one should not forget one of the axioms of pedagogy: it is impossible to cultivate hard work only with verbal maxims. The solution to many issues of labor education of the younger generation significantly depends on a correct understanding of the functions, goals and psychological content of child labor.

    The work of a preschooler has its own specifics. Preparing a child for work means forming his psychological readiness to work. Psychological readiness for work means a level of personal development that is sufficient for the successful development of any type of productive work.

    There are many forms of work that comprehensively develop the child’s body, sharpen the mind, and strengthen the child’s health. Work plays a great role in the development of a child’s abilities. Abilities develop mainly in conditions of leading activity: in preschool age - in play, in primary and secondary school age - in learning, in adolescence - in vocational training.

    The formation of abilities is carried out in one activity or another. In the process of work, for example, the distribution of attention becomes wider, and its switching becomes faster.

    The role of labor in the development of thinking is great. As labor skills are mastered, new forms develop: technical, practical, logical.

    The need for activity is a feature mental development any healthy child. Learning the world, he strives to act in this world.

    There is a large distance between the described property of a child’s mental development, i.e., a craving for activity, and hard work, and it is impossible to put an equal sign between these two concepts. The task of educators is to transform this natural inclination, which is only a prerequisite for hard work, through certain pedagogical measures into one of the most important personality qualities.

    Real work is always about overcoming. And the baby also needs to be taught to overcome - to overcome the resistance of the material, his own inability, the unattractiveness of work, fatigue.

    An adult is capable of such overcoming because he has a sufficiently developed sense of duty (both in relation to members of his family and in relation to society), because he is able to see an attractive final result behind an unattractive, let’s say, labor operation, because in At work, he asserts himself, finds self-expression, and for many other reasons, an adult is able to cope with the immediate urge to quit work, if it arises.

    The baby simply doesn’t have this whole support system yet. We need to post it penno - all upbringing - to develop. But this can be done based on what the child has, on the opportunities that are given to him due to the laws of age-related development.

    Only then will children love work if it is accompanied by an optimistic mood, if both the process of work and its results are pleasing. This largely depends on whether we have revealed to the baby the interesting, exciting, entertaining aspects of what he is doing; Did you manage to get the game to help?

    1. Theoretical foundations of labor education of preschool children

    "Early (children's) career guidance is carried out in advance, when there are still many years left before the actual choice of profession. Mainly it is of an informational nature (general acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude a joint discussion of the child’s dreams and experiences acquired in some types of work activity (in terms of self-care, when working in the country, activities in a circle, etc. .). In such a professional consultation, it is quite possible to use psychodiagnostic techniques, but not so much to draw up professional consultation recommendations, but to increase the child’s interest in his psychological qualities and their development. Naturally, the results of such studies can be used by teachers and parents in further work with children. "

    N. N. Zakharov highlights the tasks of career guidance for preschool children: to familiarize children with professions, instill a love of work effort in accordance with age characteristics, to develop an interest in work and basic labor skills in some areas of work activity. The purpose of early career guidance is to form a child’s emotional attitude towards the professional world; he should be given the opportunity to use his strengths in available activities.

    In developing the idea of ​​continuous vocational guidance when introducing variable and specialized education, it is advisable, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s psychological development, to carry out early vocational guidance for the child in a preschool educational institution. Developers of preschool education programs include in various sections of this document information about the activities of adults, their work, working conditions and goals, the formation of work skills, etc. for the purpose of the overall development of children and their orientation in the professional activities of adults.

    The most significant contribution to the development of the concept of “early vocational guidance” was made by E. A. Klimov. He developed a periodization of the age development of a person or subject of labor. Pre-professional development, according to this periodization, includes: the stage of pre-game, the stage of play, the stage of mastery of educational activities, the stage of optant or option.

    In the last 15-20 years, preschool educational institutions have been implementing the mandatory “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” (edited by M.A. Vasilyeva) and partial programs - such as the “Rainbow”, “Development”, “Childhood” program , "Cobweb", "Wonderland".

    From the analysis of each individual program it is clear that, despite all their merits, the issue of familiarizing children with the work of adults and their professions in most of them is given indirect attention. A more specific formulation of tasks in this educational direction is noted in the “Childhood” program and the M.A. program. Vasilyeva.

    M.A. program Vasilyeva provides for the formation of children’s ideas about the work of adults in the process of classes, which to some extent can be considered as an element of the formation of ideas about the world of professions. It introduces children aged 5-7 years to the work of people in their immediate environment and their professions (from 2 to 12 professions). Despite the universality of M.A. Vasilyeva’s program as a whole, all sections of it, where children in classes become familiar with the work of adults, give a rather limited idea of ​​the professional activities of adults, of the world of professions, and in the “Game” section such a task is not set at all.

    This direction is presented more fully in the “Childhood” program. In general, the most common programs in preschool educational institutions provide for familiarizing children with the work of adults and certain professions, but not at the level of a separate task, but incidentally and on a limited scale. For all their merits, none of the programs is aimed at more fully using the possibilities of gaming activities to form preschoolers’ ideas about the world of professions.

    Based on the analysis of the listed shortcomings of existing programs, a portional game educational program was compiled preschool educational program“The World of Professions”, which includes an introduction, formulation of tasks and ways of their implementation according to the years of a child’s life, a recommended list of games and an approximate level of ideas about the professional activities of adults, formed through career guidance role-playing games.

    Bibliographic list of references

      Dialogues about education. / Ed. V. N. Stoletova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1985.

      Zakharov N.N. Vocational guidance for preschoolers. - M., 1988.

      Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination - R n/D, 1996.

      Kondrashov V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Educational and methodological manual. - Balashov: Nikolaev Publishing House, 2004.

      Loginova, V.I. Formation of ideas about the work of adults / V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina // Preschool education. - 1978. - No. 10.

      The world of childhood. Preschooler. / Ed. A. G. Khripkova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

      Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional and personal self-determination. - M.: Voronezh, 1996. Program of training and education in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. - M., 1986.

    Of great importance for instilling in children a positive attitude towards work are the methods of managing it and how systematically it is organized.

    Usually, it is quite easy for an adult to make children want to work. This is explained by the desire of preschoolers to be active practical action, to imitate adults, sincere trust in them, and their increased emotionality.

    At the same time, in children, notes V.P. Kondrashov, there is a discrepancy between the desire to work and the ability to take part in work. Thus, the desire to work develops faster than mastery of work skills. Insufficient compared to an adult physical development, unstable attention, lack of self-control, underdeveloped willpower - all this leads to the fact that children, although they have a great desire to work, are unable to do this and are switched off from the labor process ahead of time. As a result, their work often ends in failure and, therefore, does not bring them joy or satisfaction. And a person who does not experience the joy of success in work will never love work and will strive to get rid of it.

    When organizing the work of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the feasibility of work, timely switching to other types of work, changing working positions (this relieves physical fatigue and promotes concentration), and the correct alternation of work and rest for children.

    In educational work, various methods are used to introduce children to the work of adults, taking into account their age characteristics.

    • 2 Observations
    • 3 Joint activities
    • 4 Game

    In educational work, great importance is attached to getting to know the work of adults and their professions through excursions and conversations with people of different professions.

    According to D.B. Elkonin, in the preschool years there is a kind of closure of the connection between the objective world and the world of human relations. Therefore, familiarizing preschoolers with the work of adults plays an important role in establishing their contacts with the adult world. The formation of children's systemic knowledge about the work of adults involves familiarizing preschoolers with specific labor processes and transforming a person's subject of labor into a product (the result of labor). Systematic knowledge about labor makes it possible for older preschoolers to establish a connection between the result of labor and money. Adults receive money for their work.

    The most effective ways to familiarize children with the work of adults are observations and excursions, which provide the greatest clarity of ideas and the maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by children. What is visually perceived, however, requires interpretation. In the process of further conversations, through the teacher’s stories, the information obtained during observations is clarified, consolidated, and supplemented.

    By introducing a child into the world of objects and showing how they are created by adults in the process of labor, according to Loginova, the following excursions and conversations can be held (Table 2):

    Table 2. Excursions and conversations to familiarize adults with labor.

    Excursion purpose


    1. Excursion to the treatment room.

    The treatment room contains: bandage, cotton wool, syringes, thermometer, tablets, iodine. All medications in the treatment room are stored in the refrigerator; vaccinations and injections are also given in the treatment room. It's very clean and sterile.

    2. Conversation with the kindergarten nurse.

    • - what she does: notes children, makes menus, gives vaccinations, treats wounds, monitors children’s health, fortifies food in the kitchen for children, brings vaccines for vaccinations.
    • - nurse's uniform: white coat, mandatory headdress, gloves if she is giving an injection or vaccination.

    3. Excursion to the studio.

    • - different types of fabrics, centimeter, sewing machines, overlock, threads, needles for sewing machines, needles for hand sewing, patterns, patterns.
    • - the studio is a large room, the workshops are noisy, sewing machines are working. The receptionist takes the order, the cutter does the cutting. In the fitting room they try on clothes.

    4. Conversation with the seamstress.

    • - to work, a seamstress needs: threads, needles, pattern, scissors, chalk, fabric, sewing machine, overlocker.
    • - the result of the seamstress’s work is: bedding, costumes for parties in kindergarten.

    5. Excursion to the library.

    What is in the library: forms, shelves, catalogs, shelves, photocopiers, cards, favorite books.

    6. Conversation with a bibliographer.

    What do bibliographers do? Bibliographers organize educational, scientific, colorful exhibitions dedicated to children's writers and poets, exhibitions of children's drawings, and children's parties.

    7. Excursion to the workshop.

    The children saw that the workshop had: (shelves, boards, chairs, manuals). We watched how, right before our eyes, the boards turned into a certain object, a product.

    8. Conversation with a carpenter.

    Children get to know:

    With tools (hammer, nails, plane, chisel, drill, screws, nuts, screwdriver, hacksaw).

    Children will learn:

    A carpenter uses many tools in his work. Each tool has its own name and application. Without tools, it is impossible to perform any action so that the work brings benefits to people.

    9. Excursion to the traffic light.

    Children get to know:

    With a traffic police car.

    Children will learn:

    • - concepts: traffic light, pedestrian crossing, traffic controller, signal, traffic safety, roadside, baton, uniform, siren, inspector.
    • - The intersection of roads is called a crossroads. This is the busiest place and there are usually traffic lights here. Street crossings are marked with zebra lines and road signs. All road users must know and follow the rules.

    10. Conversation with the traffic police inspector.

    Children will learn:

    • - pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, pedestrian, passenger, road signs, transport, traffic police inspector.
    • - where you can and cannot play. Playing on the pavement is dangerous. Road signs help both drivers and pedestrians.

    11. Conversation with the hairdresser

    Children will learn:

    • - a hairdresser needs for work: scissors, hair dryer, varnish, gel, comb, hair dye.
    • - the hairdresser does haircuts, hairstyles, highlights, model haircuts.
    • - When a person has a beautiful hairstyle, self-confidence increases and the mood is good. It's nice to look at yourself in the mirror, well-groomed appearance.

    12. Conversation with a credit representative.

    Children will learn:

    • - what is: banknotes, cash collection machine, ATM, bank, money, loan, interest, check, plastic card.
    • - the bank lends money to customers for important matters and purchases: an apartment, furniture, training. Buyers then pay the bank back in small amounts each month.

    13. Conversation with an enthusiastic person.

    Children will learn:

    • - People may have different hobbies and interests. Some people like to dig in the garden, pick berries, and grow flowers.
    • - vegetable garden (seedlings, fertilizers, beds, seeds).

    After the excursions, notes N.N. Zakharov, during which children observe the work of many kindergarten employees, a conversation should be held during which the children’s ideas about the professions of adults working in the kindergarten should be clarified. The teacher, addressing the children, says: “Children, you were in the kitchen, you saw how the cook and his assistant worked, you were in the pantry, in the medical room, in the manager’s office. Name who else works in kindergarten. (Children call.) What are they doing? The guys talk, then the teacher summarizes: “All the adults in kindergarten work together. Everyone is trying to make sure that you grow up as good children, so that later you study well, work, and do a lot of useful things for all people.”

    In this conversation, it is very important to use the children’s experience. After all, they receive a lot of impressions every day, drawing them from personal observations, stories from adults, radio and television programs. The teacher’s task is to carefully study the children’s independently accumulated knowledge, take it into account when planning lessons, and use it to instill the principles of hard work and other valuable moral qualitiesЇ respect for people and their work, careful attitude towards things created by the labor of adults, nurturing love for the Motherland. Based on the life experience of children, the teacher provides them with active work in the classroom, the depth of experience, reveals the personal attitude of the children to what is said in the conversation.

    The next method of introducing children to the work of adults is observation. It is very important to select for observation the content of work that is most educationally valuable and understandable to children; it makes them want to imitate the work behavior of adults. Impressions must be repeated, therefore the content of work must be distributed in a number of activities, skillfully dosed in each of them, gradually increase and deepen.

    According to V.P. Kondrashov, targeted observations, excursions outside the group, introducing children to the work of adults, contribute to the accumulation of vivid emotional impressions. During excursions to the studio, to the library, to the traffic light, to the carpenter's workshop, to the store, the children showed active dialogue and interest in professions. In the process of observation, it is important to focus children’s attention on those aspects of adult labor that are of greatest importance for instilling in children the correct attitude towards work, for the formation of their own labor behavior. Observing the work of adults has a positive effect on the behavior of children, on their attitude towards people and things. Children carefully water the flowers so as not to flood the floor; when working with plasticine, try not to litter; If someone makes a mess, he cleans up after himself without a reminder.

    In the older group, together with the children, material can be prepared for some activities: cutting paper for drawing, sharpening pencils, preparing plasticine; as needed, but systematically, do simple repairs to toys, books and manuals. The work of a teacher is not yet designed to actively involve children in work; they mainly observe the actions of an adult. To make the influence of his example more effective, the teacher uses various techniques: he accompanies his actions with explanations, talks with the children, gives the children small instructions (bring a pencil, spread glue on a strip of paper, etc.). This activity of the teacher does not go unnoticed by the children. It attracts the attention of at least some of the children. Children watch the work, ask questions, want to help. But the most important thing is that they gradually develop a caring attitude towards things and a desire to do something themselves.

    Joint activities are another method of introducing children to the work of adults. This work is visual and understandable both in the nature of the actions and in the clearly tangible results; it contains many elements close to the skills taught to children (for example, the skills of maintaining cleanliness and order). The most favorable conditions arise when an adult involves children in the labor process he performs, giving the children feasible instructions and establishing cooperation. Children carry out separate work assignments, and duty duties are gradually introduced for children.

    Involvement in the pedagogical process, in addition to the teacher, and other kindergarten workers, raised the question of the appropriateness of some new forms of labor education. Nowadays, duty and group-wide collective work are the most accepted.

    Work that, according to V.P. Kondrashov, can be performed by children together with teachers:

    • 1. Plant care. The teacher brings large plants, washes high-lying leaves and polluted window sills; children bring small plants, wipe down the branches located below, and wash the window sills (middle and older groups).
    • 2. Repairing toys. An adult sews the corners of cardboard boxes, children cover them with paper. When repairing doll clothes, children sew buttons and ties.
    • 3. Preparation for drawing and working with glue. The teacher mixes paints, makes glue, fixes pencils; Children cut paper and pour glue into cups.
    • 4. Cleaning the area. The janitor clears the area, the children remove the snow. The nanny washes the benches and veranda, the children rake up and take away branches and dry leaves.

    Children who will not rejoice in the labor process, but will also feel its benefits for themselves and others, for the common cause, will value the work of adults more. Children especially become more interested in the observed work of adults if they can take at least a small part in it.

    The emotionality of excursions and observations increases if children can satisfy their need for activity. In the process of activity, they become more aware of phenomena. Some participation in labor can be achieved during many excursions. When watching with children, for example, the work on improving a city park, you should involve them in collecting flower seeds and fallen leaves, and help adults in planting bushes.

    However, excursions and conversations are not enough to instill a positive attitude towards work and to arouse in children the desire to work themselves. Only the combination of the formation of correct ideas about the work of adults and the development of labor skills and habits in children provides the necessary educational effect.

    Play is another method of introducing children to the work of adults. Game is a historical activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

    Games, and primarily role-playing games, are indispensable in the education of preschoolers. They bring an element of creativity into children's actions. Work is closely related to play. In play, children reflect the work of adults. One of the main types of games where children get acquainted with the work of adults is a role-playing game.

    In the older group, games that show the work of institutions (shop, pharmacy, clinic) are encouraged. Games are being improved that reflect individual professions (salesman, postman, actor, doctor, policeman, driver, sailor, pilot). In games on the theme "transport" the knowledge of traffic rules is improved. Children learn to fulfill their plans and play in accordance with the role. In games, children try to imitate the professions of their parents.

    And finally, preschoolers of the sixth year of life continue to depict in role-playing games the work of family members, everyday life, and the work of people. Ideas about different specialties are expanding and deepening: pilots fly airplanes; on a ship there is a captain, a navigator, a sailor, etc. Children’s ability to outline the theme of the game themselves develops; children learn to combine their immediate life impressions with knowledge acquired from stories, paintings, and books.

    So, in the age aspect, role-playing games in various professions proceed with a gradual complication of its content and character.

    The teacher needs to create conditions for the game so that it becomes an exciting activity.

    Creating conditions includes enriching children with realities about the environment: objects, phenomena; in addition, children should know about the relationships between people. To achieve this goal I use the following methods: observation; excursions; meetings with people of different professions; reading literature; a story about relationships between people, about the activities of people of different professions using photographs and films; staging.

    When introducing children to the work of adults, educators, as a rule, use visual methods, skillfully combining them with verbal ones (stories, conversations); the proportion of the latter may increase when working with older children. A special place among verbal methods is occupied by the use of children's fiction.

    Reading works of fiction plays an important role in shaping children’s work orientation. With its emotionality, imagery, and liveliness, a children's book infects children with the enthusiasm of work: it awakens interest, respect for work, the desire to imitate the heroes of literary works, like them, to work well.

    Labor education, based on the example of adults, does not lead to “over-adulting” of children, overloading them with overwhelming tasks and knowledge. Both in content and form, this education takes into account the characteristics of preschool children. Thus, familiarization with the work of adults and children’s own activities should be closely intertwined. Play is the most important means of development, training and education of preschool children. And it is an integral means of introducing children to the professions of adults.

    Consequently, the main methods for introducing preschoolers to the work of adults are:

    • 1 Excursions and meetings with people of different professions
    • 2 Observations
    • 3 Joint activities
    • 4. Game

    Work to form ideas about the social significance of work should be carried out consistently. The first stage is teaching children the ability to see the result in every labor process, expect it to appear, and understand why it is needed.

    The second stage is to teach children to see the focus of work on achieving results; it is advisable to use the following techniques when organizing observations of the work of adults (according to N.S. Pryazhnikov):

    • 1. Create situations when children have a need for items that are not available. For example, the new doll that the children want to take for a walk does not have a hat, which means that it cannot be taken with them, it will become cold. Such a “problematic” situation will direct children’s attention to finding the right object.
    • 2. Create the desired item in the presence of children (in in this case sew a hat that does not exist and the need for which has been identified). Waiting for the appearance of the desired object causes children to actively focus their attention on the result of labor, the expectation of this result, which allows them to connect the labor process with its result - obtaining the desired object.
    • 3. Use the thing created in front of the children in accordance with its purpose and the needs of the children (the doll is given a hat, the doll is warm, and the children can take it for a walk).

    Children of senior preschool age develop the ability to express a broader judgment about the importance of certain types of work, to justify their necessity and their attitude towards them: “We need a nanny because she does everything for us: she sets up the beds so that we can rest, washes the cups so that they are clean, so that we eat when we need to. So that they don’t get sick, so that they grow well. So that everything is clean. The nanny needs help so that she doesn’t get tired. I'm helping the nanny." Generalization: a nanny is needed so that children do not get sick - based on specific knowledge about labor processes and their results.

    The third stage is the formation of generalized ideas about the meaning of work based on knowledge large quantity its types, diversity and the value of its results for people. Here, along with observations, indirect familiarization of children with different types of labor in the production of a wide variety of things, materials, and their interdependence is widely used. At this time, the social division of labor is actually introduced and the role of its different types in meeting human needs is shown. For example, to make a dress, you need fabric; to make it you need cotton. Some people grow cotton, others make cloth, and others sew clothes. Sellers sell ready-made items and make sure that people can choose and buy what they need.

    As a result of the theoretical research and analysis scheduling(Appendix 1) we can conclude that preschool teachers set the task of familiarizing children with the work of adults:

    • - formation of moral and labor qualities of children
    • - promoting the expansion and clarification of ideas about different types labor,
    • - creating conditions for consolidating ideas about labor actions performed by adults, about the results of labor, about the name of equipment, tools and materials necessary for work,
    • - generalization of ideas about the work of adults based on familiarity with the basics of economics, agriculture, transport, industry, etc.;

    To solve software problems labor education are used different shapes methodological work: seminars, consultations, shows, competitions, master classes, open screenings, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

    Labor education, based on the example of adults, does not lead to “over-adulting” of children, overloading them with overwhelming tasks and knowledge. Both in content and form, this education takes into account the characteristics of preschool children.

    Thus, familiarization with the work of adults and children’s own activities should be closely intertwined. By organizing work activities, educators ensure the comprehensive development of children, help them gain confidence in their abilities, develop vital skills and abilities, and cultivate responsibility and independence. Teachers try to organize children’s work in such a way that it activates them physical strength and mental activity, brought joy, made one feel significant and competent.

    Long-term planning for introducing work to adults

    in the younger group

    Adult work in kindergarten

    Form ideas about kindergarten employees (teacher, nanny, janitor, laundress, musical director, instructor physical culture, nurse, etc.), about the labor processes performed by each of them, tools; develop children’s cognitive interest in the work of adults in kindergarten; cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults, a desire to provide all possible assistance.

    Give children an idea of ​​the work of a teacher: know songs and poems, games and counting rhymes, be able to cut out paper, glue, draw, sew and embroider. The teacher must love and understand the child. Understand the result of the teacher’s work - smart, kind, skillful and inquisitive children.

    Teacher's story.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Reading: Z. Alexandrova “Katya in the manger”,

    E. Yankovskaya “I go to kindergarten.”

    Plot-role-playing game " Kindergarten».


    Introducing the work of babysitting

    Give specific ideas to the children: the nanny cleans the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, cleans the sinks with paste, washes the windows, door, etc. note the conscientious attitude of adults towards their work.

    Observing the work of the nanny, helping the nanny.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Teacher's story.

    Productive activity: helping the nanny (household work).


    Work Observation nurse

    Consolidate performances: listens with a phonendoscope, measures temperature, gives medicine, smears abrasions, makes bandages, instills medicine, measures temperature, height, keeps notes in a card. Enter into the active dictionary: bandage, pipette, thermometer, tablet, ointment, brilliant green, stadiometer, scales, medical record. Using the example of adult work to cultivate mutual assistance, humane feelings, and respect for each other.

    Tour of the kindergarten, observation.

    A teacher's story about the work of a nurse.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Conversation “Who works where”

    Thematic role-playing game “Polyclinic”, “Kindergarten”

    Washerwoman's work

    To form in children ideas about the content and structure of a laundress’s work, about the nature of the washing labor process (purpose, material, household appliances, result); talk about the dangers of household electrical appliances and careful handling of them; cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of a laundress.

    Tour of the kindergarten, observation.

    Teacher's story.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Helping the nanny wash the doll's clothes.

    Reading: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “I am my mother’s only son.”

    Did. game “Who needs what for work”


    An introduction to the work of a chef

    Give specific ideas to the children: the cook makes minced meat using an electric meat grinder, makes cutlets, pies, cuts vegetables using a vegetable cutter, prepares some dish - pilaf, meatballs. Introduce children to household appliances that make the cook’s work easier. Cultivate respect for the work of adults and the results of their work.

    Targeted visit to the kitchen, observation.

    Teacher's story.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Conversation about the work of a cook

    Plot-role-playing games “Family”, “Kindergarten”


    Driver's profession

    Form ideas about the profession of a driver; drives the car, unloads cargo, puts the car in order, fills water, repairs - inflates, changes the tire. The driver must know the rules of the road well; To become a driver you need to study.


    Teacher's story.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Reading: A. Barto “Truck”, “We’ll build the plane ourselves”, “Ship”, B. Zhoder “Chauffeur”

    Plot-role-playing games “Family”, “Kindergarten”


    Military profession

    Clarify children’s ideas about the profession of fathers and grandfathers; about the military profession. To form ideas about the features of military service: soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, and overcome obstacles. The military is a very honorable profession, they are the defenders of our Motherland; Many books have been written about the military and many interesting films have been made. To instill in children a desire to bring joy to their father (grandfather) and give gifts.

    Teacher's story.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Reading: Z. Aleksandrova “Watch”, S. Marshak “Border Guards”, G. Boyko “We are about to fly”, A. Barto “Airplane”, A. Nekhoda “Pilots”


    Professions of mothers

    To form children’s ideas about the work and professions of their mothers and women in kindergarten; to cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance to the mother, to take care, to bring joy with her actions and actions.

    Teacher's story.

    Conversation “This is what a mother is, truly golden”

    Photo exhibition “Our Mothers”.

    Reading: Y. Akim “Mom”, G. Vieru “Mom’s Day”, M. Evenson “Who Will Help”, S. Baruzdina “Mother’s Work”.

    Role-playing game "Family".


    Getting to know the salesperson's struggles

    Introduce children to the work of store workers - sellers, cashiers. A seller is a person who sells us various things and products. We pay the cashier for the goods purchased in the store. To instill in children a sense of respect for working people.

    Target walk to the store.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Teacher's story.

    Role-playing games “Groceries Store”, “Vegetable Store”

    Observing the work of adults in landscaping, painting, landscaping, and cleaning.

    (Introduction to the work of a janitor)

    Develop observation skills and the ability to reflect your impressions of the work of adults in play activities.


    Targeted walk around the kindergarten.

    Looking at illustrations.

    Help in cleaning the kindergarten area.


    How people work (consolidating knowledge about the professions of kindergarten employees, driver, hairdresser, salesperson)

    Introduce people of various professions to the work process; consolidate ideas about the results of labor, equipment, tools and materials necessary for work. Develop curiosity and the desire to imitate adults.

    Examination of illustrations and objects for the work of people of different professions.

    Did. game “Who needs what for work”, “Professions”, “What is the subject needed for”.

    Conversation with children “What will you be when you grow up?”, “Who works in kindergarten”, “What professions do we know”

    Reading: S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, Y. Tuvim “Everything for everyone”, “Table”

    Role-playing games“Kindergarten”, “Shop”, “Chauffeurs”, “Hairdresser”

    By organizing such observations 1-2 times a quarter during the year, the teacher instills in children respect for working people, develops a willingness to help, and the ability to evaluate the results of work.

    Street cleaner. When observing the work of a janitor at different times of the year, the nature of his work is noted, the names and purpose of his work equipment are clarified. The teacher talks about the results and importance of the janitor’s work for all people, and offers to help him. The janitor is involved in the educational process: he demonstrates labor skills and helps children master them; Having finished the work, he thanks everyone for their help.

    Laundress. From time to time, children watch the laundress at work. In this case, the process itself is hidden from the child’s eyes, only the results are visible (clean laundry hung out), but the children understand the meaning of her actions, since children can observe the labor process at home, and in the warm season reproduce it in their own play actions. Why does the laundry need to be dried, where does the laundress hang the laundry, what does she use to fasten it on the line, what will she do with it later - the adult first asks all these questions, and then clarifies each of the children’s answers, emphasizing that everyone is grateful to the laundress for her work.

    Chauffeur. Children are interested in and understand the work of the driver who drives different cars(snow removal, watering, etc.). It's interesting too workplace, and the way he drives the car. During observation, the results of his labor efforts become clear and obvious to the children.

    Builder. Observations of his work activities take place at a considerable distance from the construction site. Children see and understand what kind of cargo cars bring, how workers unload building material with the help of a crane, and how they build the walls of a house. The teacher only comments, clarifies what is being built and for whom it is being built. Then the children listen to a story about the content of the builder’s work, the significance of its results, which are somewhat distant in time, but are still understandable to the children. The teacher explains why a builder needs a helmet, high boots, and mittens.

    Children are interested in the work of adults and older children in the garden, flower bed in the warm season. They enjoy the opportunity to be involved in the overall work process: planting large legumes in the spring and harvesting in the fall. In the warm season, kids help older children water the plants.

    Different types of work activity among people of different professions, a change of environment (street, farm yard, vegetable garden, flower garden) activate cognitive activity, maintain a strong interest in observations throughout the year. With each observation, vivid impressions are accumulated, vocabulary is expanded, and mental operations are activated. Children learn to see the expediency of a clear sequence of work actions of an adult, for example, until the janitor sweeps the paths, he will not collect garbage and throw it in the trash bin; the laundress will only remove linen that is already dry; the driver waters the streets in dry weather, etc. The teacher helps children understand the seasonality of certain labor activities: in the spring they plant seedlings, sow seeds, and harvest in the fall.

    In the teacher’s story, it constantly sounds: work brings a person joy, a feeling of satisfaction from a job well done; people are proud of the results of their work.

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