• Means the letter x on the palm. Letter x in Russian. Types of figurative meanings of the name “dick”


    X -bukva "X, x" in Russian is called "ha""(sometimes in abbreviations - he: hebe); is present in all Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (in Bulgarian - 22nd, in Russian - 23rd, 24th in Belarusian, in Ukrainian and Serbian - 26th, in Macedonian - 27th); also exists in the writings of a number of non-Slavic peoples.

    In the Church and Old Slavonic alphabets it is called "dick" the meaning of which is not clear: it is difficult to assume that it, as is often done, is associated with the word “cherub” (in the latter there was no yat; however, as a phonetic adaptation of soft back-linguals, yat, nevertheless, could sometimes appear in borrowed words, for example, a number of spellings are known, like German); the second version goes to Greek words like χείρ (hand) or χαι̃ρε (rejoice).
    Usually in the Cyrillic alphabet it is considered in order as the 23rd and has the form ; in the Glagolitic alphabet the 24th in a row, looks like .

    In both alphabets it corresponds to the number 600.

    The Cyrillic and Glagolitic spider-shaped letters come from the Greek Χ, χ (chi); the Glagolitic basic form has an unclear origin (usually it is also traced back to the Greek “chi”, but the complete asymmetry of the result is not clear; there is also a version with a modified Latin h).

    In ancient times there was also a 2nd type of Glagolitic style, the so-called. “arachnid” - draw a circle with 4 hooks in the corners. This form appears 4 times in monuments: in the Sinai Psalter - 3 times and in the Assemanian Gospel - 1 time. In all 40 cases, the symbol conveyed the first letter of the word “khlam”. According to the Munich Abecedary and the “ABC Prayer” by K. Preslavsky, the “arachnoid” x was a separate letter in the Glagolitic alphabet (the 33rd letter).

    The shape of the Cyrillic letter X did not vary noticeably, except that it could be written in cursive with one, continuous stroke of the pen, which usually looked similar to handwritten α. After the introduction of the civil font, the writing of the letter X began to be associated with “X,” a form of the Latin letter.

    Letter X of modern Russian language means a voiceless consonant velar fricative sound: [x] - hard or - soft (softened before i and e; combinations with ь and other softening vowels are rare and are found only in borrowings: Hübner, Huizinga, Houston, Pyhäjärvi). S s is almost incompatible: it occurs only in borrowings (Arkhyz). Combinations with e are also rare: for borrowings, variations in the spelling e/e are common: happening/happening, hash/hash, taekwondo/taekwondo, etc., and in complex words between e and x there is a syllable division: super-energetic, two-story.

    Soft sounds are less common than in Russian in other Slavic languages.

    The Serbian pronunciation of the sound X is weakened to [h] and even to the point of complete loss of sound, so initially Vuk Karadzic did not include this letter at all in the reformed Serbian alphabet, which greatly changed many words: (H)oracije, du(h)ovnik, ( x) rishћanstvo, patriarch(x), (Х) rvatsk.

    Types of figurative meanings of the name “dick”

    The specificity of the shape of the letter X contributed to the fact that its name kher was often used to designate something cross-shaped: Dahl mentions the game “heriki-oniki” (i.e., tic-tac-toe) and the phrase “legs kherom” (opposite - "wheel legs") From these same considerations comes the word pokherit (initially - to cross it out crosswise; in Leskov, for example: Vladyka crossed out the consistory decision on the appointment of an investigation).

    Like the 1st letter of the word x...y, from the 19th century. dick began to be actively used as its ancient euphemism. Thus, in the USSR, by the beginning of the 1990s, the word “her” and its derivatives (for example, “poherit”) began to be perceived by many as taboo, since the original names of the Cyrillic letters were, for the most part, forgotten by the population. This fact also left its mark on the use of the word “dick” in post-Soviet times, although the attitude towards obscene vocabulary has changed.

    The letter X, x in Russian is called “ha” (sometimes in abbreviations - he: hebe); is present in all Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (in Bulgarian - 22nd, in Russian - 23rd, 24th in Belarusian, in Ukrainian and Serbian - 26th, in Macedonian - 27th); also exists in the writings of a number of non-Slavic peoples.

    In the Church and Old Church Slavonic alphabets it is called “kher”, the meaning of which is not clear: it is difficult to assume, as is often done, that it is associated with the word “cherub” (in the latter there was no yat; however, as a phonetic adaptation of soft back-linguals, yat is everything -could sometimes appear in borrowed words, for example, a number of spellings are known, like German); the second version goes to Greek words like χείρ (hand) or χαι̃ρε (rejoice). Usually in the Cyrillic alphabet it is considered in order as the 23rd and has the form ; in the Glagolitic alphabet the 24th in a row, looks like .

    In both alphabets it corresponds to the number 600.

    The Cyrillic and Glagolitic spider-shaped letters come from the Greek Χ, χ (chi); the Glagolitic basic form has an unclear origin (usually it is also traced back to the Greek “chi”, only in this case the complete asymmetry of the result is not clear; there is also a version with a modified Latin h).

    In ancient times there was also a 2nd type of Glagolitic style, the so-called. “arachnid” - draw a circle with 4 hooks in the corners. This form appears 4 times in monuments: in the Sinai Psalter - 3 times and in the Assemanian Gospel - 1 time. In all 4 cases, the symbol conveyed the 1st letter of the word “khlam”. According to the Munich Abecedary and the “ABC Prayer” by K. Preslavsky, the “arachnoid” x was a separate letter in the Glagolitic alphabet (the 33rd letter).

    The shape of the Cyrillic letter X did not vary noticeably, except that it could be written in cursive with one, continuous stroke of the pen, which usually looked similar to handwritten α. After the introduction of the civil script, the writing of the letter X began to be associated with “X,” a form of the Latin letter.

    The letter X of the modern Russian language means a voiceless consonant velar fricative sound: [x] - hard or - soft (softened before i and e; combinations with ь and other softening vowels are rare and are found only in borrowings: Hübner, Huizinga, Houston, Pyhäjärvi) . S s is almost incompatible: it occurs only in borrowings (Arkhyz). Combinations with e are also rare: for borrowings, variations in the spelling e/e are common: happening/happening, hash/hash, taekwondo/taekwondo, etc., and in complex words between e and x there is a syllable division: super-energetic, two-story.

    Less common than in Russian is the soft sound in other Slavic languages.

    The Serbian pronunciation of the sound X is weakened to [h] and even to the point of complete loss of sound, so initially Vuk Karadzic did not include this letter at all in the reformed Serbian alphabet, which greatly changed many words: (H)oracije, du(h)ovnik, ( x) rishћanstvo, patriarch(x), (Х) rvatsk.

    Types of figurative meanings of the name “dick”

    The specificity of the shape of the letter X contributed to the fact that its name kher was often used to designate something cross-shaped: Dahl mentions the game “heriki-oniki” (i.e., tic-tac-toe) and the phrase “legs kherom” (opposite - "wheel legs") From these same considerations comes the word pokherit (initially - to cross it out crosswise; in Leskov, for example: Vladyka crossed out the consistory decision on the appointment of an investigation with a dick).

    Like the 1st letter of the word x...y, from the 19th century. dick began to be actively used as its ancient euphemism. Thus, in the USSR, by the beginning of the 1990s, the word “her” and its derivatives (for example, “poherit”) began to be perceived by many as taboo, since the original names of the Cyrillic letters were, for the most part, forgotten by the population. This fact also left its mark on the use of the word “dick” in post-Soviet times, although the attitude towards obscene vocabulary has changed.

    Warning. This story is my fantasy, all events and circumstances, even if they repeat yours to terrifying accuracy, are fictitious, and the coincidences, of which there may be quite a lot in the story, are absolutely random. When thinking through and writing the story, I had no intention of doing anything bad to you, nor did I have the intention of doing something good for you. There was only one goal: to give you consumer pleasure, which you get by simply consuming “cognitive” information in order to feel involved in something important, meaningful, useful, which will give you an additional sense of significance of your life and give you the illusion of development and “wiser” . Those of you who have been able to deceive yourself into believing that you do NOT need such an illusion, please refrain from reading the story. IN otherwise The author does not bear any responsibility for possible side effects.

    Friends, we present to your attention a continuation of the parody of all sorts of such appeals, submitted as if on behalf of very influential people or powerful beings, as well as people who communicated with them. You all understand perfectly well that this format is excellent for manipulation, and often even on the basis of such texts, entire sects or communities of believers in their creator and, as a result, in the truth of his words are formed (another shining example, except for those already mentioned in the First Message: “Anastasia”, which gave birth to a large group of sects). Once again I’m showing you how easily and simply any of you can write a similar text without straining too much.

    In the first part I used a number of classic manipulations and methods of persuading the reader; in this part I will try not only to apply the same techniques more accurately and effectively, but also to add other influence techniques. Enjoy.

    Important Warning. Once you start reading this story, you must completely complete the reading, that is, get to the very last words of the “Afterword” (but NOT necessarily in one day, time is not important). The fact is that the story contains many serious manipulation techniques and if you get drawn into this game, you can seriously suffer if you do not exit it correctly, and the keys for the correct exit will be available only to those who have completed the game completely: from the first to the last words. If you get stuck in the middle, you seriously risk your psyche, so no matter how unpleasant you feel somewhere in the middle or towards the end, I ask: be sure to read to the end in order to free yourself from obsession. If you don't have serious intention complete the game, do not start it, because the level of manipulation is so high that you may not even notice it and not understand that you are in complete trouble. Generally speaking, you play games like this every day when you read someone's educational notes, so I wasn't going to make any warnings at first, but then I realized that in in this case there is a serious difference: having read it carefully to the end, you are guaranteed to get rid of a possible obsession; you must admit, few people will give you such guarantees. Moreover, having received the last key to the most important door, behind which lies the main meaning of all my work on this blog, you will learn the terrible secret of your entire society, the problem from which I am trying to warn you. And when you find out this problem of yours, you will be glad that I have finally completed my public activities. But you need to get to the main door correctly, consistently.

    I warned you. And yes, if you are under 18, close the text, you are strictly prohibited from reading the story by this law of yours.


    Hello, my dears, the First Message was announced by me a little less than three of your earthly years ago. During this period, you managed to send many different questions to the noosphere about its contents. A significant part of these occur due to your own inattention, that is, in fact, you are asking what is directly described in the Message. A smaller number of questions appeared due to your desire to get everything ready at once, without making any associated efforts. The answers to such questions are also in the text of the Message, but, as they say, “between the lines.” It is impossible to submit these answers directly for the same reasons that are quite clearly described in the text. However, there are some questions, very few of them, that I really want to answer. My Second Message will answer all your questions about those whom you, by misunderstanding, call the Masters of the Earth and the World Behind the Scenes. Your knowledge in this matter is so insignificant that many of you do not even see the difference between the two mentioned entities and the so-called Global Predictor, believing that they are one and the same. Due to this extreme ignorance on your part, which is very detrimental to your future, I have been allowed to shed some light on this topic. Along the way, I will talk about conspiracy theories, other ways to enslave people, and how you can resist all of this. But even this will not be the main thing; the most important information, indirectly related to the Global Predictor, but still having independent significance, is presented in the last part. I can say with confidence that the Second Message makes no sense without this last part, for the sake of which I am reading it out.

    The rules are still the same: I won’t tell you anything new. Everything that has been said is already known to people and is somehow embedded in your culture. My task is only to present this information in a form that is quite convenient for most of you: popularly descriptive, without going into deep argumentation (it still won’t help those who don’t want to think and is not needed by those who know how to do it ), giving simple and meaningful examples.

    The conversation about the World Behind the Scenes will be long and will begin from afar. The fact is that it is impossible to understand this essence without understanding some important phenomena of your world. It may seem strange to you, but we will have to start by studying magic. Yes, yes, that’s right, if you don’t understand the nature of magic, you won’t be able to understand the main topic of my Message at all. Next, we will study the nature and essence of egregors, move on to the psychodynamics of society and the so-called “visualization,” that is, the materialization of desires or stable tendencies. And only after this will it be possible to reveal the main topic, and then complete it with that important information, without which the main topic makes no sense. Having accepted this outline of presentation, let us move on.

    Magic is not at all what you are used to understanding it as. The fundamentally materialistic culture of your society in vain separates the usual physical life and the “unusual” phenomena that accompany it, which cannot be explained “scientifically”. By the way, it is impossible to explain by any methods what goes beyond the boundaries of their sensitivity, but for some reason scientists who are well aware of this fact have not yet thought of applying this rule to their scientific methodology. It’s okay, there are other people who have already guessed about this, which is the reason why I have such knowledge. Now I will share it with you.

    So, the terrible secret that you hid from yourself is that magic is an influence on physical reality. That's the whole definition, as you can see, it is simple and understandable, and there is no mysticism or supernatural here.

    Let's say you need to hammer a nail. You take a nail, a hammer, apply the tip of the nail to the desired object - and perform several magical acts, expressed in the form of low-frequency vibrations of the “magic” hammer, each of which brings you closer to the desired end result through a sequence of impacts resulting from these vibrations. Let’s say another person in your place would have acted differently: he would have taken a magic wand, waved it and, through the physical vibrations of the air that accompany the casting of a spell, would have pressed a nail into the desired object in the same way. There is a difference? Actually, no, it’s just that the first method is familiar to almost every living person, and the second is familiar to only a few of you. It is the second method that you would call magical, and in reality both are, it’s just that you cannot explain the second using the methods that you studied at school and through your very limited personal experience, also obtained within the framework of the rather primitive culture of your civilization, which can safely be called primitive in comparison with its predecessor, if we talk specifically about the ability to perform magic.

    In order to better understand this important point- that there is no difference between the two described methods of hammering a nail - imagine a representative of some tribe closed in on itself from those that can still be found on the islands of the World Ocean. They practically did not see your civilization, and therefore any gadget you have, such as a smartphone, through which you can communicate with each other at a distance with audio and video communication, will be perceived in the same way as you would perceive the second method of hammering a nail. Now imagine yourself in their place and a person who sailed to your island with a pneumatic hammer, fastening wooden structures in “one touch.” Why isn't it magic? If you were a savage, for you it would be the same as for a “civilized” person a magic wand in the hands of a representative of some more developed civilization, for example, the one whose spaceship is now watching the theater of the absurd on your blue balloon. But you will learn about this absurdity a little later, when we study the main topic. Then you will see everything for yourself.

    Actually it's quite good way realize the boundaries of your ideas when you put yourself in the place of some representative of a primitive tribe or a medieval scientist, and, knowing and understanding more, compare your present self with your imaginary self from the past. And just as medieval scientists were mistaken in such elementary questions that every schoolchild now knows, you, a real, modern and experienced person, are mistaken in relation to those things that we will talk about in this Message. Believe me, I look at you in much the same way as you look at the obscurantism that reigned in the minds of primitive tribes. Although you consider yourself educated and civilized people. If you were truly educated, you wouldn't ask such questions.

    There is another technique that allows you to see the limits of your abilities. This is an application of the analogy of young children. Imagine a child who is just starting to learn how to play with a construction set. You showed him that two parts can be connected and separated. The child saw this, took two pieces and brought them to each other, expecting that they would now be connected. But that was not the case; formally applying them to each other does not bring the expected result. The child does not understand that the tenons of one part must engage with the grooves of another. You show him everything first, the child realizes that he needs to “press.” He takes the parts, presses them in the opposite direction towards each other, but nothing happens, because the tenons do not fit into the grooves, the parts need to be turned a little. At some point, the child begins to understand what’s what, and now he knows how to connect the parts. Has he learned? This is not difficult to test - give him more complex parts, where the tenons and grooves are located in a more complex way and he needs to be a little more clever to make the proper connection. And now the child can no longer connect them. Why? Because he doesn't understand general principle, he only learned to imitate you very well to connect simple parts, but he still did not understand how this happens in principle. Now imagine that you are solving some life problem. So, when you solve it, I look at you like you - at this child who just can’t understand what tenons and grooves are and how everything should be held together. You are trying to “put pressure” somewhere, “attach” somewhere, “cun” somewhere, “steal” somewhere, “deceive yourself” somewhere, and so on. It looks exactly like this child looks in front of you. It is also obvious to you that he does not yet understand the principle of connection, just as it is obvious to me that you do not yet understand the principles of life. That’s why you can’t solve your life problems, you don’t solve them, you just hammer the details of your life into each other in the hope of getting the desired connection, without even understanding how it should come true. That is why you cannot solve much simpler problems: overcome gravity, teleport, hammer a nail with the power of thought. You don't understand the general principle. However, you have one good excuse. After all, you must admit that at least the child was shown that the parts can be connected and he is purely formally trying to repeat the action accompanying this act, but no one showed you what antigravity and teleportation look like…. wait though. Really? Hm… quantum teleportation- you saw it, how an electron instantly disappears in one place and appears in another - you saw it. How light relatively calmly overcomes gravity, and although this is not anti-gravity yet, the very fact of the ability of light to move at the same constant speed in a vacuum is NOT dependent on what obstacles and slowdowns it experienced before (moving through different types substances slowing him down before he left the Earth) should have led to some thoughts, right? Why did it pick up high speed again after leaving the atmosphere? Look for the necessary tenons, grooves, and think about how you can insert one into the other. As for other problems that arise in life, here too you have ALL the necessary images and examples before your eyes. There is a huge treasure trove of cultural heritage, by looking into which you can see ALL your life situations and a hundred options for their development in all the options for the development of accompanying events imaginable for you. But no, each of your new generations thinks that their ancestors were “some kind of idiots” and solved the “wrong” problems. But let’s now, after this short educational spanking, move closer to the point.

    The most important thing for understanding magic is that matter can take on very different shapes, the overwhelming majority of which you are not currently able to perceive in the same way, and therefore your attitude towards these forms of matter is different. Everything that you can touch with your hands usually does not raise any doubts in your mind, and therefore you do not perceive as magic any effect of such matter on similar matter. For example, hammering a nail into a wooden board is a good example of magic that seems like a normal physical process to you. The process of launching a rocket into space is exactly the same in complexity, because in this process everything is completely similar: some matter tangible to your senses influences another equally “understandable” matter - and a flight occurs. Another question is that controlling such a magical act seems much more difficult than controlling a hammer, but in reality both processes are completely equal in terms of qualifications in the sphere of influencing matter, that is, they are equally primitive. More interesting and complex things come next.

    Your eyes are capable of perceiving certain radiation, which is also matter. This matter affects the matter in your eyes - and after certain (and also material) transformations in the brain, you can see the image. This kind of magic to modern man is also understandable and no longer causes surprise, although it is more complex than launching a rocket or hammering a nail. However, there are options for the interaction of matter that you perceive as supernatural, that is, it is precisely this interaction that you call magical: “antigravity,” the movement of objects “by the power of thought” at a distance, teleportation, visualization, various biofield interactions and much more.

    Unfortunately, your level of morality is not yet high enough to overcome gravity or teleport over vast distances. There is a Global Law that states that all knowledge is given only to those beings capable of perceiving it, who are guaranteed not to be able to use this knowledge to cause serious harm to the world around them. This law is called “Protection from Fools”. Your morality has given rise to precisely the kind of science that limits your ability to fly long distances into space. This same morality allows you to kill each other with atomic weapons that can quickly and reliably tear our entire planet to shreds. I say “ours” because in a certain sense I am also part of that life that is attached to the Earth, although I am not attached to it as much as you. If your morality were closer to the Righteousness of the Almighty, your science would have taken a different path of development, you would not have been able to create atomic weapons, but long ago you would have visited several stars closest to you, the distance to which you, in your feeble mind, incorrectly calculated. In reality they are much closer, but this circumstance will still not help you. Or rather, they themselves are not objectively closer, but they “become” much closer as soon as you start approaching them at a certain speed and, what is also important, with certain intentions.

    So, I explained to you why you are not ready to hear many things from the sphere of magic, and this gives me the right not to discuss them at all, but simply to mention them. I will not talk about: antigravity, teleportation, overcoming this “speed of light” of yours, extracting energy from the ether and other such things that have already been described by your science fiction writers. They took this information from the noosphere and expressed it as best they could in their stories, although I must admit, they are all very far from the real description of these processes available to other civilizations. Some other forms of magic have never been described anywhere in your culture; they don’t even have names and there are no images that I could use to describe them. These are acts of transmission of vibration to matter that give rise to very complex and indescribable disturbances of space for your science (space is also matter, and yes, vacuum is also the same), in which a new life is born. More precisely, a space is being prepared for the reception of souls, which then become material and alive in the sense that is familiar to you. You might think that this is the usual conception of a new person, but no, between this act and real conception there is the same difference as between teleportation and the usual movement on foot or in a car. Moreover, you can conceive a child only in the womb of a woman (or its artificial analogue), while the described act implies ANY point in space. So, for example, yours appeared Solar system and the place was prepared for your physical life. Then an act of creation occurred, the duration of which was several billion of your earthly years. Quite quickly, I must say, by the standards of the creature who performed this act, only a few “days” passed.

    I'll try to give another analogy. Since your thinking is discrete, you will be more comfortable thinking in terms of the "levels of development" through which the magical act passes. For example, when you crawl on the floor before the age of (approximately) one year, that is one level of movement in space. Next, you master moving on two legs, which is essentially similar to crawling, only more efficient and varied (walk, run, jump). All these options for movement are repulsion from an object, that is, converting part of the energy of your body into kinetic energy movement, spent on transforming matter around itself in such a way as to change its position in relation to it. The next level could be called the use special means(transport), allowing you to move your body more efficiently in terms of speed and distance. Now imagine the next level, which you have not yet reached - this is teleportation, that is, movement in which there are no intermediate states that are familiar to you between one position and another. This method of “level analogies” is very effective: you can depict a chain of development levels in any matter and imagine another, non-existent level for reasons of logic with elements of fantasy. This is how a dream appears, which sometimes becomes a scientific prediction and then a real discovery.

    In the same way, try to imagine the process of creation in the form of such conditional levels. At a basic level this is simple crafts with my own hands , that is, primitive ways of changing matter so that it takes the form you want. These skills can be weakly developed or highly developed. You can call people with highly developed skills masters or professionals. You may have noticed that when a certain level of perfection is achieved, or even when it is not achieved, but it is still clear that a person is trying hard, he is able to “revive” a thing, as if to make it “with soul”, and when to this you touch things, you feel an incomparable feeling, as if a person left in the thing a piece of his living self, his care, warmth and love. This is (conditionally) a different level, following the usual making of crafts. Further, this can also include the transfer of experience and knowledge; in fact, this is also a transformation of matter, but for the purpose of transmitting information, and the level of skill of the master here can also greatly exceed the abilities of an ordinary person. Therefore, when you listen to a lecture from a wise person, you get a peculiar feeling that he penetrates directly into your soul and speaks specifically for you. The next level is the deliberate (and not spontaneous) creation of egregors, which are programs that are similar to living ones, but are not living. They can influence other people and living beings, they may have signs of intelligence and a fairly developed decision-making system. We'll talk more about these entities later. The next level is the conception of a new person. This is a sacred act of preparing the physical body so that God will infuse into it a soul that desires this on its own, or is sent to fulfill a certain role in the Providence of God. Next come levels that you for the most part have not achieved, for example, the materialization of objects according to an image clearly formed in the mind. This is exactly what you call magic, although in reality it is simply a different level of mastery of the matter of space, when you master the control of biofield structures. Several people on Earth have mastered this level and are moving towards the next one: influencing dense matter from a great distance. Upon reaching this level, it becomes possible to even change the trajectories of celestial bodies, but, I assure you, people do not yet possess these abilities. Further, we can distinguish other levels that are closely related to both teleportation and overcoming gravity (moving yourself, changing the laws of your artificial physics), but an even more complex level is the creation of a material shell for settling living entities in it at any point in space. at your own discretion. To the point that with the effort of thought you can create your own system of stars and planets, properly transforming the matter of the Universe.

    Thus, for your convenience, you can divide any magical action into levels and then try to show your imagination and speculate on what the further development of a certain skill might be. Let's say, moving from trying to jump up to flying into space, you will eventually get to anti-gravity, teleportation and something else that hasn't even had a word yet. Moving from “aha” to the creation of natural human speech, you subsequently get to telepathy and a state for which, again, there is no word, when nothing needs to be said or communicated in any way, everything is simply clear to all entities of your level due to an extremely broad understanding of things, and your will reaches entities of a lower (conditionally) level of development through circumstances that turn out to be an inevitable consequence of their own actions within the part of the world given to you under your control. By controlling this part, you implement one of the possible paths prescribed by the predetermination matrix of Existence, freely choosing it to the best of your abilities and according to your morality. Do you feel where I'm going with this? In the same way, God controls you through the language of life circumstances, and the most amazing thing is that you don’t have to say anything to Him at all, He already knows everything. Everything you say is something you do for yourself, to better understand yourself. So, besides God, there are other beings to whose level you can grow... maybe. They communicate with you in the same way through the language of life circumstances; it doesn’t even make sense for them to have another language, because their “words” are “life circumstances” for you and vice versa - your actions and intentions are “words” for them. So from simple physical vibrations in the form of shaking the air, we reach such a power of the word when it acquires the ability to “create the destinies of the worlds.” Such games of “levels” can allow you to see a lot of things that you didn’t even know about, just follow the logic of the development of this or that ability and try to “define” it into the future, relying on the past. The better you understand the structure of the Matrix of Existence, the more accurate your “additional determination” will be.

    Here I would like to make a small lyrical digression in this paragraph and explain one detail of your life that is incomprehensible to many of you, since its explanation would be most appropriate here. You are accustomed to communicating with each other using the words of your natural speech, and therefore you can be cunning and deceive, including deceiving yourself. However, the creatures mentioned above, who understand everything without your words, who understand the speech of your actions, see all your deceptions. You may try to hide from yourself and other people your true intentions when making this or that choice, but you will never be able to hide it from more developed beings who perceive the language of life's circumstances. Any of your actions (including a mental act) is a “word” for them. They see right through you and, of course, answer you and conduct a dialogue with you. They respond not with words in your language that are familiar to you, and not with logical conclusions, which you are still not able to perceive honestly and correctly if they are unpleasant to you, but with certain life circumstances that you will no longer be able to get away from, this level is much higher. And if you try to resist and be cunning further, more and more new circumstances will appear that will eventually convince you. Remember what it says in the Koran? “They were cunning, and Allah was cunning, and Allah is the Best of cunning people.” I hope that this lyrical digression will help you understand the cause and essence of your life tragedies and even minor failures. Let us now return to the main presentation.

    Why is physical life needed? That is, why do you need to strive for the ability to create “living”? It is needed for the full internal development of entities created by God. Any act of thinking required for development is accompanied by the movement of matter, which then, through a cascade of influences, returns back to the entity that gave birth to it, thanks to which it can determine the quality of its thought. Since interaction between entities (until they merge into the One) is possible only through matter, it is physical life that allows each entity to establish this interaction and come to an understanding of the correct direction of its internal development, because there is no other way to do this, if not through interaction , does not exist. Being in interaction, entities understand how their thoughts affect other entities and, through feedback, determine the correctness of their own development, which is accompanied by new thoughts, and those, in turn, also affect the reality in which everyone else lives, and so on. Such a process is called “psychodynamics”: this is a management process in which subjects of management of their morality, their understanding of the nature of things and the logic of social behavior give rise to everything that is called the global historical and political process. This process gives rise to conditions for the life of entities, which they can experience as pleasant or unpleasant for themselves, as desirable or undesirable, as reasonable or unreasonable, and also define them in any other way, which ultimately is one or another variation of the division into “correct” ” and “wrong” from the position of God’s Providence in the form in which they understand It. In the process of such life in the conditions created by their psychodynamics, entities develop, eliminating their mistakes, observed in the form of reflections in the historical and political process, and gradually master more and more complex types of magic, up to the ability to generate new life at any point in space, through which by that time of their development they already know how to move completely without any obstacles. By observing the actions of the lives they create, they determine the quality of their morality, as it is reflected in the society that develops in the worlds they create. So they become even more developed, eventually reaching the level of development of God, completely merging with Him, as a result of which the development of God himself occurs, as the top of this hierarchy of self-developing entities. This process is called Globalization. In other words, the very nature of God is such that He can exist in the form determined by Himself only through the existence of the world created by Him, in which living beings, also created by Him, in the process of their evolution independently reach His level, merging with Him and making Him more more developed and perfect. Imagine this as an endless recursion, that is, endless self-similarity, in which every part of the Universe is similar to the Whole, and every living creation of God is identical to Himself in terms of the direction of development. The only difference is the level achieved.

    To summarize, let's give a definition. Physical life- this is the matrix of predetermination of the existence of the universe, uniquely embodied in the real practice of life, laid down by the Creator at the stage of formation of the World, the purpose of which is to continue the self-development of the Creator by working out His shortcomings through creation, observation and interaction with the material world and life in it. In other words, matter is an instrument of self-knowledge of God, a set of various limitations, the overcoming and overcoming of which inevitably leads to the improvement of beings who have overcome these limitations, and the living entities created by Him, to put it simply, are particles of the Creator, called to go through a certain path of development and self-knowledge, in which reflects self-development and self-knowledge of God. And the very nature of God is such that His existence is expressed precisely through self-knowledge of living beings in the material world. Ultimately, in the course of Globalization, all souls will have to merge into One soul in God.

    This is how it turns out, my dears, that all of you are particles of God, whose task is to independently reach His level of development and, merging with Him, convey to Him the new things that you learned in the course of this development, while overcoming the material limitations of the physical world in process of Globalization. And since there is no limit to perfection, the process of life turns out to be eternal, it only happens in different places differently. At the same time, if someone thinks that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything, then I have to disappoint you, this is just a small ordinary event in this part of the Universe closest to you. And it was not an explosion at all in the sense that is familiar to you, just light from distant galaxies reached you as observers by the time you became able to perceive this light. You interpreted this event as an expanding Universe, whereas no one is expanding anywhere, but simply electromagnetic waves (besides which you really don’t see anything and can’t register) are spreading in a completely different way than you think. However, you still have to find out all this on your own. Just think about this: if you put a lamp far away from you and turn it on, the light from it will not immediately reach you, but does this mean that neither the lamp nor the objects surrounding you were there until the lamp was turned on? Now imagine that the lamp is you. You were “turned on” by creating a place for your life at a certain point in space by a magical act. Who created it and when is not important, but what is important is that from this moment your purely individual “Big Bang” begins in the conditions of the Universe that existed a long time ago, which, as is typical for your self-centric worldview, you mistakenly consider the beginning of history THE WHOLE Universe.

    Do you see how it works? I tried to describe only one example of such a magical act, which has not yet been described in your science fiction works, but I was forced to simplify its meaning so much that it could be reflected in images understandable to you, however, even for this I had to go to theme of the meaning of life. It makes no sense to even try to describe other similar actions, even more complex, in this language, because the language itself fundamentally cannot even capture the images that will be needed for this, it will be like trying to scoop up water with a sieve. Let's better move on to those magical phenomena that I can describe.

    Your official scientists, due to their extreme ignorance, still deny such a phenomenon as the biofield. This is understandable, I said that the very logic of science is such that it cannot but deny such things, which are endowed with obviously false properties and then investigated through these properties. Imagine this anecdote: your scientists took a sieve for sifting flour and began to catch hydrogen with it. Of course, they could not catch any hydrogen, from which they concluded that hydrogen does not exist. You think this is funny, but the overwhelming majority of your everyday and scientific logic can be described by just such an anecdote. He also describes the attitude of scientists to the biofield: they are looking for the wrong thing, in the wrong place, and with the wrong tool, and therefore they find nothing. They had in advance endowed the hypothetical biofield with such properties through which it “can be felt,” but “to everyone’s surprise,” it was not possible to “feel.” For exactly the same reasons, atheists do not believe in God: they have previously endowed God with some characteristics and see that it is impossible to find an entity with such characteristics, and they also cannot generally correlate the existence of such an entity with what they observe in reality. The conclusion is obvious: there is no God. In fact, there is no God, but the essence that atheists depicted in their imagination. And in order to deny the nonsense that they imagined, in general, you do not need to bear the proud name of an atheist, it is enough just to live to the level of development of a three-year-old baby, which, alas, not every scientist succeeds in, even those who have lived a long life by your standards.

    By stated reason the caste of artificially mentally limited people of their own free will who call themselves “scientists” denies the biofield. Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to understand that it cannot but exist. There is a number of confirmations of this. For example, a simple theoretical argument could be structured as follows; I’ll just sketch out a diagram, and then think for yourself. Every atom in the human body emits electromagnetic waves that can be detected by your instruments. Many atoms emit many waves. The totality of this radiation forms a “glow” of the human body at a certain frequency of the electromagnetic wave. This glow is the aura, or biofield. If we add to this the fact that not all types of radiation can already be observed by your instruments, then the biofield becomes a very real object that remains only to be discovered after a theoretical prediction. However, there are also practical results of its manifestation, expressed in the fact that people located next to each other can work harmoniously on one job, when one person literally guesses what the other needs and gives him this item or carries out the action that he needs. Also, one person can solve a problem for which he is not an expert, but is close to a person who is also focused on this task. This is how the learning process occurs the right schools: the teacher just stands (sits) nearby and thinks about the task, and the student performs the actions that the teacher thinks through. From time to time, due to the imperfection of your biofields and the ability to perceive them, the teacher may ask leading questions in order to push the student out of the closed cycle of thought development, when he is stuck on one action and cannot jump out of it.

    Biofields can unite in a whole collective of people, forming a kind of powerful invisible structure of the collective. If a person with an alien biofield fits into such a structure, he may become uncomfortable, and he will probably want to leave this team. If this person has a strong developed biofield, he can destroy the collective by integrating his biofield into the collective aura. Or maybe even absorb it entirely, setting the team up for submission.

    You can talk a lot more about the biofield, but it will not bring you any benefit, because you are not yet able to see a person’s aura due to the Fool Protection rule. If you learn to see it ahead of time, you will cause each other even more harm, knowing exactly where and with what force you need to hit in order to break a person. Fortunately for you, your morality does not allow you to learn to see this structure. The same morality will never allow scientists to discover the biofield, and those people who have learned to work with it will never allow them to talk about it in such a way that someone will understand them and be able to use the knowledge to cause harm.

    Why do I talk so often about harm and the Foolproof Law? Why am I so sure that harm will certainly be done as soon as a person gets at his disposal at least one truly powerful tool? Be patient a little, I will definitely tell you about it. The answer to this question is directly related to the answer to the question about the GP and the world behind the scenes. But not so quickly, friends, you still have a lot to learn, for example, about how the biofield is connected with egregors and what a simplified act of creation in the universe generally looks like, as a result of which an egregor is created as a fake analogue of a living entity.

    So, I told you about magic. But what's the matter? Why can't you still launch fireballs, hammer nails with your mind, and unfasten girls' corsetry from a distance? Very simple, my dears. If I give you a definition of the word “freedom,” then just knowing that definition will not make you free. If I tell you what “truth” is, this will not make you a bearer of truth. Same with magic. I told you what magic is, but nowhere did it say that after this story you will immediately master it. Humble yourself.

    However, this knowledge in itself is necessary to understand the main topic.

    Since the names of future AMD Ryzen processors became known from unofficial sources, many have been haunted by one question. What does the suffix “X” mean, which is present in the names of some models? However, in the depths of the Reddit resource, it seems that the answer has been found, reports TechPowerUp. In any case, the theory described below looks very plausible.


    According to available data that has not yet been officially confirmed, some AMD Ryzen processors will be available in two versions: with and without the “X” index. For example, AMD R7 1700X and R7 1700 processors, each of which has 8 cores and 16 threads. However, the first model has a TDP of 95 W, and the cost, according to the latest unofficial data, is $382, while the model without the letter X in the name has a TDP of 65 W and is priced at $317.

    One might assume that the X suffix indicates an unlocked multiplier, but AMD previously stated that absolutely all processors of the Ryzen family will be unlocked, that is, they can be easily overclocked. One could assume that there would be some difference in the operating frequencies of processors with and without the letter X, but then what is the point in more expensive, and also “hotter” models, if anyone can overclock them to the level of an expensive model? .

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