• Mini-project "Parental Self-Government Day" methodological development on the topic. Project “Kindergarten in the hands of children - an hour of self-government Project day of self-government in a preschool with parents


    ShBOU Lyceum No. 1367
    Project “Day of Self-Government in kindergarten(Day of the Understudy)"
    Compiled by: teacher for interaction with parents Gasanova M.F.
    Family and kindergarten - two important institutions socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, their interaction is necessary. But often the family and the kindergarten do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work.
    To establish unity, it is necessary for parents to clearly understand what a kindergarten is, how children’s lives are organized there, what tasks are solved by teachers, what children do during the day, and what requirements are imposed on their behavior.
    In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten and constantly keep them informed of all events. Both parties want to receive the same result at the end of kindergarten: a healthy, smart, proactive and morally adequate child who can successfully continue his education at school. The search for new forms of working with parents remains always relevant. In this regard, there is a need to take a different look at the problem interaction between preschool educational institutions with parents with the aim of creating partnerships “family - kindergarten” in the joint education of preschoolers.
    To solve problems and involve parents in a single space child development in preschool educational institutions I propose systematic, targeted interaction with parents, where it is necessary to outline work in three directions: 1. Work with by the preschool educational institution team on organizing interaction with families, familiarizing teachers with the system of new forms of working with parents. 2. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents. 3. Involving parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, working together to exchange experiences.
    One of the new forms of work to involve parents in the educational process was the holding of Understudy Day in preschool educational institutions.
    This form of work will allow the kindergarten to most fully reveal the content of the teacher’s activities. Visually demonstrate innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, help parents understand the need for cooperation between kindergarten and family.
    The main goal of the event is to educate parents and involve them in the educational process in preschool educational institutions through innovative forms. You need to start the event with:
    – develop regulations on the day of the understudy;
    - conduct active work with parents to involve them in this event;
    – identify alternate parents;
    – introduce them to the detailed daily routine of children in kindergarten, the responsibilities of the teacher, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, and safety precautions when conducting educational activities;
    – hold consultations with parents on holding an understudy day.
    Hypothesis: with the emergence of a new innovative form of interaction with parents, their level of awareness in matters of upbringing, training and development of their children will increase, and will provide an opportunity to involve parents in the life of the kindergarten. This form of work allows you to most fully reveal the content of the teacher’s activities, clearly demonstrate innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, and help parents understand the need for cooperation between kindergarten and family.
    Involving parents in the educational process in preschool educational institutions through an innovative form. Origin new tradition Preschool educational institution - Parental Self-Government Day.
    Improve the pedagogical culture of parents.
    Expand parents' understanding of professional activity employees of preschool educational institutions.
    Strengthen partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.
    Teachers should prepare participating parents for Self-Government Day - provide information about educational activities, give recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for carrying out the selected routine moment, classes, walks.
    Involve older and older children preparatory group to participate in the events of the “Day of Self-Government in Preschool Educational Institutions” project.
    Participants: teachers, parents, children.
    Project implementation period: 1 month
    Project type: social.
    Distribution of duties:
    Head structural unit - approves the plan for Self-Government Day in the subsidiary.
    The TB instructor instructs the participants: instructions on protecting the life and health of children, on TB, PPB
    Teachers prepare participants for Self-Government Day (introduce parents to the daily routine, a set of morning exercises, the organization of educational activities and routine moments, and joint activities (didactic and outdoor games).
    Parents conduct morning reception, morning exercises, regime moments, walk, didactic and outdoor games. It must be said that each of the understudies must play the role of a teacher for at least 2 hours at various intervals of the daily routine. This event takes place in absolutely all kindergarten groups, including nursery groups and short-stay groups.
    Children participate in events within the framework of the “Day of Self-Government in Preschool” project.
    Stage 1: Preparatory – 1 week
    immediately - discussion general issues related to the organization of self-government day;
    development of regulations on self-government day;
    drawing up an action plan, preparing for events;
    individual meetings with parents.
    Stage 2: Basic – 2 weeks
    1 Week:
    distribution of roles between parents;
    Week 2:
    familiarizing parents with the activities of teachers;
    instructing parents - participants on protecting the life and health of children, on TB, PPB.
    Week 3:
    Holding a self-government day.
    From the beginning of the working day, substitute teachers (parents of students) must be actively involved in teaching activities:
    hold a morning reception for children;
    regime moments;
    outdoor games;
    didactic games;
    creatively approach the organization of educational activities;
    skillfully organize a walk with children
    Stage 3: Final – 1 day.
    Summing up, conclusions
    Methodological support for project activities:
    Comprehensively – thematic planning according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – 1 junior group, 2nd junior group, middle group, senior group, preparatory group.
    Expected Result:
    Parents' ideas about the professional activities of preschool educational institutions employees have expanded, an understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of a teacher have been formed.
    The partnership between the preschool educational institution and parents has been strengthened.
    Increased pedagogical culture parents (have an idea about the peculiarities of children's developmental psychology, have basic knowledge of how to organize free time children).
    Teachers became closer and united with parents on issues of raising children and became their reliable assistants.
    Children, despite the presence of their parents, behave actively and complete all tasks with pleasure.
    Broadcast of the project:
    throughout the day, organize filming or photography of the event to create a slide show “Day of an Understudy in Kindergarten.”
    reviews in the “Preschool Educational Institution Review Book”.
    Project prospects: replenishment of equipment in the teaching room - portfolio of the project “Self-Government Day in Kindergarten”.
    End the day by summing up the results at a five-minute pedagogical meeting, where understudies will share their opinions and impressions, fill out questionnaires, and then they will be solemnly presented with thanks.
    The chosen form of work will allow parents to assess the difficulties of teaching. Parents will become direct participants in the educational educational process their children, feeling more competent in raising children. The partnership between the preschool educational institution and parents will be strengthened. An understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of a teacher will be formed.
    And if a similar event with parents and its analysis are carried out in the future (universal desire), we assume that gradually this will give certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” will become active participants in pedagogical events and assistants to the teacher and administration of the preschool educational institution, so how this will create an atmosphere of mutual respect. And of course, this will help create favorable conditions for increasing the pedagogical and psychological literacy of parents in raising and educating children, involving parents in planning and organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions.

    Attached files

    Solodovnik Elena Nikolaevna
    Job title: teacher
    Educational institution: MADO "Pinocchio"
    Locality: Kogalym
    Name of material: Methodological development
    Subject:"Self-Government Day" as an innovative form of working with parents.
    Publication date: 26.04.2017
    Chapter: preschool education

    “Self-Government Day” as an innovative form of working with parents.

    This mini-project will be of interest to teachers of preschool institutions and


    Solodovnik Elena Nikolaevna

    Teacher of the children's educational institution "Pinocchio"

    Cities of Kogalym

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Education (clause 3.2.5.) states that work with parents should have

    differentiated approach, take into account social status, microclimate















    non-traditional forms working with parents of kindergarten students

    promotes more effective interaction between teachers and parents,

    their professional rapprochement. Therefore, in our group it was decided













    child. Here he receives an education, acquires communication skills




    activity. However, how effectively will the child master these





    Harmonious development preschooler without the active participation of his parents in


    p ro c e s s


    But the family and kindergarten do not always have enough mutual understanding, patience,



    are only interested in the child’s nutrition; they believe that kindergarten is a place where

    are looking after



    To establish unity, it is necessary that parents clearly understand

    understand what a kindergarten is, how children’s lives are organized there, what

    are being decided



    P r e d i v l i y u t s i





    like-minded people





    keep up to date with all events.

    Hypothesis – with the emergence of a new innovative form of interaction with

    parents, their level of awareness in matters of education will increase,

    education and development of their children, will provide an opportunity to involve parents in




    to uncover





    innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, to help understand





    Involving parents in the educational process in preschool educational institutions

    through innovative form.

    The emergence of a new tradition of preschool educational institutions - Parental Self-Government Day.

    1 . INCREASE



    R o d i t e l e y.






    employees of preschool educational institutions.





    4. Prepare participating parents for Self-Government Day - provide



    methods and techniques for conducting routine moments, classes, walks.

    5.Attract children senior group to participate in the project event

    "Self-Government Day"

    Participants: teacher, parents, children.

    Project implementation period: 09.22.2016 - 09.29.2016

    Project type: social.

    Distribution of duties:

    Teacher – preparing participants for Self-Government Day (introduces parents

    with a daily routine, a complex of morning exercises, with the organization of educational activities and








    carry out






    p r o g u l k u,

    d i d a c t i c h e s k i e


    Children participate in events within the framework of the “Self-Government Day” project.

    Stage 1: Preparatory.

    1. Parent meeting - discussion of issues related to the organization

    "Self-Government Day"



    carrying out


    3.Individual meetings with parents.

    To prepare for the “Self-Government Day”, it was organized

    next work:

    – participants in the educational process are prepared;

    – parents are familiarized with the activities of teachers;

    – individual meetings were held with parents to conduct

    educational activities;

    – roles are distributed between parents;

    – instructions were given to parents-participants on life and health protection

    children, safety precautions, fire safety rules;

    – an event plan has been drawn up, where parents have divided their responsibilities

    to participate in a variety of regime moments:

    Stage 2: Basic.

    Holding “Self-Government Day”.

    From the beginning of the working day, substitute teachers (parents of pupils

    senior group) were actively involved in teaching activities. On

    at first glance, everything was as always: charging, educational activities,

    walk. But! All these regime moments were carried out not by teachers, but

    parents. Parents had a unique opportunity to visit

    place as a teacher and look at the life of a kindergarten “from the inside”.

    1. Conduct a morning reception for children;

    2. Morning exercises;

    3. Regime moments;

    4. outdoor games;

    5. didactic games;

    6. take a creative approach to organizing educational activities;

    7. skillfully organize a walk with children

    Stage 3: Final.

    The event showed that:

    – parents’ ideas about professional activities have expanded

    employees of preschool educational institutions, an understanding of the importance of this profession has formed


    v o s p i t a t e l;

    – partnerships between the kindergarten and parents have been strengthened;

    – the pedagogical culture of parents has improved (they have ideas about






    o r g a n i z o v a t


    children) ;

    – there was a rapprochement and unification between teachers and parents on issues

    raising children.

    Thus, the use of non-traditional forms of work in kindergarten


    psychological and pedagogical



    parental competence





    Comprehensive thematic planning according to the program “From birth to

    schools" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva –

    senior group.

    Expected Result:

    In modern conditions, the task of modernization preschool education






    “kindergarten – family”, aimed at the active inclusion of parents




    cooperation, mutual understanding between teachers and parents can be achieved

    high results.

    Feedback from the teacher's assistant.




    holding such an event is more difficult, children need supervision, they are not

    may be left alone, without a teacher. We decided to involve parents who

    willingly agreed to participate in our event. Surely there is

    those parents who are always dissatisfied with something are chosen from among them

    "understudies". The parents did it well, it was interesting to watch them. Children

    just great guys, when the “understudies” found it difficult, the children took the initiative

    their hands and helped them. Children, despite the presence of their parents, led

    carried out



    the children's condition was top level. This day was memorable and brought

    great joy for children, parents and teachers. The teachers became close and





    reliable assistants.


    R o d i t e l e y

    carried out


    I mother of many children, I have four children. Ideas about kindergarten

    I wasn't there. I always thought that children play and draw in the garden. Turns out,

    that here they really work with children, develop and improve their health.

    It was very interesting for me to be an understudy teacher. Now I realized that

    this is not an easy job, you need to do everything, remember everything and relate to your

    work creatively.

    Sincerely, Vagina Anna Yurievna.




    event. Now I realized that raising children is not so easy, and even


    carrying out

    it seemed

    It's clear. But in fact, it is very difficult, there are so many children, all different. Some



    A week


    A week


    For the second year in our Kindergarten No. 55, there is a tradition -

    Best regards, T. A

    Self-government Day as an innovative

    form of interaction between preschool teacher and

    parents of pupils"

    Conference “Project activities in educational institution- 2016"

    Nomination " Pedagogical project in a preschool institution"

    Involving parents in educational work kindergarten is necessary first of all

    for children. Children look with love and gratitude at their parents, who are so

    they can do a lot, they know, which are revealed from a completely different side than at home


    This project was very important for everyone: for me as a group teacher, for parents and

    for children. “Educators” from among parents

    had the opportunity to immerse myself in the educational environment,

    feel the importance and responsibility of the pedagogical process and look from the inside

    on the activities of teachers and all kindergarten staff.

    They were able to observe their child, see how he behaves in the nursery

    team, what kind of relationships he has with other children. Such a connection

    between kindergarten and family is beneficial for children, and turns parents into first

    teacher assistants.


    Project name:“Self-Government Day as an innovative form of interaction

    preschool teacher with parents of pupils"

    Project type: practice-oriented.

    Project type: medium term.

    Project completion time: December 2015 – January 2016

    Project Manager: Danilova Anna Mikhailovna, teacher.

    Project participants: Teacher Anna Mikhailovna Danilova, physical education instructor

    culture Kudryavtseva Elena Konstantinovna, parents and children of the secondary group “God’s


    Location: MBDOU No. 6 “Firefly”, Gadzhievo city.

    Objective of the project: Pedagogical education of parents with their involvement in

    educational process in preschool educational institutions through innovative forms of work.

    Project objectives:

    involve parents in participation in the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

    contribute to improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

    expand parents’ ideas about the teaching activities of employees

    form traditions of preschool educational institutions;

    strengthen partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

    Expected results:

    an active position of parents to participate in educational

    educational process of preschool educational institutions;

    the pedagogical culture of parents will improve;

    Parents’ ideas about the teaching activities of employees will expand

    teachers, parents, children will take part in the formation of new traditions in preschool educational institutions;

    Closer relationships will be established between the preschool educational institution and parents.

    Providing project activities:

    Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012 No.

    Federal State educational standard preschool

    education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated

    17.10.2013, № 1155

    Educational program of preschool education MBDOU No. 6 “Firefly”,

    developed taking into account the exemplary educational program of preschool

    education “From birth to school” (edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S.

    Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva), adopted at a meeting of the pedagogical council

    (minutes No. 1 of September 29, 2015), approved by Order of the head No. 138 dated

    Stage 1 - preparatory.

    Conduct a survey among parents of group students on the topic “Is it easy

    to be a teacher?

    Create an initiative group among parents participating in the project.

    Determine the date of Self-Government Day in middle group"Ladybugs".

    Introduce participating parents to calendar and thematic planning for

    the selected date for Self-Government Day.

    Distribute roles among participating parents.

    Plan the organization of activities of the teacher and instructor

    physical culture.

    Introduce participating parents to life and health protection instructions

    Stage 2 - main

    The stage involves holding Self-Government Day in accordance with the plan

    educational process.

    Stage 3 - final

    Publication on the preschool website

    Summing up the results of the project.

    Project activity product

    on the preschool website;

    creation of the book “Self-Government Day”.

    Project implementation schedule

    Form of organization


    Questionnaire for parents “Is it easy to be a teacher?”

    Teacher, parents

    Creation of an initiative group among participating parents and

    choosing a date for Self-Government Day

    Teacher, parents:

    Shishmintseva G.S.,

    Gushchina E.I.

    Kosarikova S.V.

    Pankova A. D.

    Kolesova T.G.

    Dukhnivskaya O.A.

    Familiarization of participating parents with the calendar-thematic

    planning for 01/20/2015

    Distribution of roles among parents of participants:

    Teacher, participants

    initiative group

    Individual consultations with each Day participant

    self-government for carrying out regime moments, organizing

    The presence of parents during educational activities with

    Teacher, instructor

    physical culture,

    participants of the initiative

    Mini-council with participants of Self-Government Day, holding

    Teacher, instructor

    instructions on protecting the life and health of children.

    physical culture,

    participants of the initiative

    Celebrating Self-Government Day

    Reception of children, morning exercises, breakfast, conversation about

    wintering birds - Shishmintseva G.S.

    Conducting educational activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world,

    theme: “A flock of bullfinches” - Kolesova T.S.

    Conducting GCD in physical culture - Gushchina E.I.

    Walk, lunch, -Kosarikova S.V.

    Invigorating gymnastics, afternoon snack - Pankova A.D.

    Outdoor games, dinner - Dukhnivskaya O.A.

    Teacher, instructor

    physical culture,

    participants of the initiative

    groups, middle group children


    Summing up: reviews, wishes, future prospects.

    Head of MBDOU No. 6

    "Firefly", teacher,

    physical instructor

    culture, participants

    initiative group, children

    Publication on the preschool educational institution website


    Creation of the book “Self-Government Day”



    This project was very important for everyone: for me, as a group teacher, for parents and

    for children. “Educators” from among the parents had the opportunity to immerse themselves in

    educational environment, feel the importance and responsibility

    pedagogical process and look from the inside at the activities of teachers and everything

    kindergarten staff. They were able to watch their child, see how he

    behaves in children's team what kind of relationships does he have with others?

    children. Such a connection between the kindergarten and the family benefits, first of all, children, and

    turns parents into first helpers.

    Annex 1

    Dear parents!

    We invite you to answer the questions in this questionnaire. The information obtained will help

    implementation of various forms of cooperation between your family and preschool institution.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

    1. Last name, first name and age of the child.

    2. Who answers the questionnaire questions (father, mother)?

    4. What do you find most difficult about being a teacher?

    5. What qualities should a teacher have?

    6. Do you consider joint activities in kindergarten necessary?

    8. What forms of kindergarten work with parents do you know?

    9. Would you like to try yourself as a teacher and take part in the Day?


    10. What type of activity would you like to carry out?

    11. What help do you need in preparation?

    Appendix 2. Analysis of the questionnaire “Is it easy to be a teacher?”

    19 people took part in the survey, 3 fathers and 16 mothers.

    To the question “What do they find most difficult about being a teacher?” majority

    of the parents surveyed consider preparation for daily classes and their

    conducting, as well as organizing large quantity children,

    To the question “What qualities should a teacher have?” Almost everyone has answers

    the same - be child-friendly, caring, responsive, ready

    listen to the child, parents, love your profession, help with advice in education and

    child development.

    To the question “Do you consider joint activities in kindergarten necessary?”, all

    the parents surveyed answered “Yes.”

    To the question “What forms of work of a kindergarten with parents do you know?”, the answers were:

    parent meetings; survey; conversations; project activities; trainings; clubs

    by interest; open classes etc.

    To the question “Would you like to try yourself as a teacher and take part in the Day

    Self-government?”, the majority of parents answered that they want to try.

    To the question “What type of activity would you like to carry out?” parents chose more

    light activities, for example, exercise, walking, physical education

    To the question “What kind of help do you need in preparation?” the parents' answers were

    individual consultations with teachers, mini-council with Day participants


    Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions were made:

    Parents are interested and ready to participate in the proposed form of work -

    holding Self-Government Day in a group.

    Appendix 3. Carrying out morning exercises (Shishmintseva Galina Sergeevna)

    Game complex “Journey across the sea-ocean”

    Introductory part: “Let’s go to the pier.”

    Walking in a circle (back and forth, in place), cross-stepping, back-to-front, on toes, on

    heels, bearish (on the outside of the foot). Changing the type of walking at the signal of a tambourine or

    clap your hands. Easy jogging (can be done on the spot)

    "Where is the ship?"

    I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt, look forward.


    1 – turn the head to the right.

    2 – return to I.P.

    3 – turn the head to the left.

    4 – return to I.P.

    Repeat: 3 times in each direction.

    2. "Baggage"


    1 – clench your hands into fists.

    2 – raise both arms to the sides.

    3 – lower your hands.

    4 – return to I.P.

    Repeat: 4 times.

    3. "Mast"

    IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.


    1-2 – left hand on the belt; slope in left side; the right hand goes up.

    3-4 – right hand on the belt; slope in right side; the left hand goes up.

    Repeat: 4-5 times.

    4. "Up and down"

    IP: sitting on the floor, arms bent, resting on elbows.


    1 – raise both legs up.

    2 – return to i. P.

    Appendix 4. Conducting GCD to familiarize yourself with the outside world (Kolesova

    Tatyana Gennadievna)

    Subject: A flock of bullfinches on rowan branches.

    Target: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds.

    Tasks: Teach children to identify the characteristic features of the bullfinch and recognize them;

    Create a desire to watch birds flying to the site and feed

    their; Develop interest in the life of wintering birds; Cultivate a friendly attitude towards

    Material: A painting depicting birds: a sparrow and a bullfinch. Painting depicting

    bullfinch for each child. Sheets of paper, paints: brown and red.

    Napkin, cotton buds, a jar of water.

    Progress of the lesson

    Educator: Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you listen carefully and guess

    Let me be a small bird,

    I, friends, have a habit -

    When the cold starts,

    Straight from the north here.

    Who is this guys? (Bullfinch).

    Educator: Correct. This is a bullfinch. Children, you and I often watched birds,

    arriving at the site. What birds did you see in the kindergarten area? (Answers

    Educator: Today we will talk about another amazingly beautiful bird. She

    It rarely flies to our site, but it’s impossible not to notice it. Look at the picture, what

    do you see birds?

    Yes, these are sparrows and bullfinches. The bullfinch can be recognized by its bright color; the chest of bullfinches is

    males are bright red, and females are dark gray. Bullfinches are very friendly birds, so

    They most often fly in a flock. What do you think a flock is?

    A flock is many birds that fly together. People noticed: a flock of people will arrive

    bullfinches, which means the first snow will fall soon. In winter, bullfinches approach housing

    human, so they can be observed. Bullfinches jump short on the ground


    Yes, bullfinches feed on the seeds of various grasses, trees, and shrubs. Bullfinches are very

    love rowan berries. The bullfinch does not eat the pulp of the berries, but only takes out the grains from the berries,

    therefore, there is often a lot of pulp from the berries scattered around the rowan.

    2. Now, I will give all of you a picture of a bullfinch. What do you think?

    What do bullfinches eat? (Children's answers).

    Educator: Let's feed the bullfinches with rowan - let's draw a lot of berries

    First, look carefully at how to draw a rowan. Let's start drawing from the beginning

    There is a rowan branch in the air from the left side to the right, then I draw the branches. And then, let's begin

    draw round, red beautiful berries. Now let's dip the brush in brown

    paint, then paint a sprig of rowan, rinse the brush in water and pick up red

    paint in a brush, draw rowan berries. Now, everyone, start drawing on pieces of paper, for whom

    it will be difficult, I will come and help.

    Physical education minute

    The birds have flown

    They flapped their wings. (2 times)

    3. Now, there are more rowan berries, and bullfinches can eat them. If you will be

    be careful, you can see and observe bullfinches in the yard, in the children's area

    garden, at home from the window of these beautiful red-breasted birds. If you ever see these

    birds, you will never forget the beauty of these birds.

    Lesson summary

    Educator: Did you like the lesson? How about drawing rowan berries? Was it difficult

    draw a rowan branch? What birds did we talk about in class? Will you be able to

    recognize these birds if you see them? Well done, everyone’s drawings turned out very beautifully, like

    real rowan berries. The lesson is over.

    Appendix 5. Conducting a game-lesson in physical education (Gushchina Ekaterina


    One two three four five -

    We're going camping again.

    So it pulls us to freedom

    Look for adventures.

    Only the weak, friends,

    You can't go on our hike.

    You train first

    Run and compete.

    Look at us all

    We are athletes of the highest class!

    1. Let's start warming up before the hike!

    We walk in a circle: on our toes, on our heels, “like a bear.” Swing your arms, rotate your head,

    squat, jump.

    2. Now the first stop. We'll do some exercises to test your strength.

    and endurance.

    Tilts to the sides, forward, backward. We stand on one leg, holding our breath. Sitting and stretching

    to the toes (legs together, straight). Raise your legs 30 degrees, leaning on your hands.

    3. Now we are training to overcome various obstacles.

    crawl across a bridge over a mountain river (we crawl on a bench on our stomach, helping

    only with your hands)

    overcome the winding path (jumping over the rope on the right and left)

    walk along a narrow mountain road (walk along a bench at a side step)

    disguise yourself as spiders (we walk on our hands and feet)

    disguise yourself as poisonous frogs (we jump from a sitting position).

    4. Now we will split into 2 teams to find out which team is stronger and faster.

    Jumping with a ball between your legs. The first one throws the ball between the legs of the rest of the team.

    The latter catches and runs forward, launching the ball.

    It turns out that all the children here are strong and brave! You can go hiking with these guys!

    Well done, and now you need to go to the group to eat the tourist’s breakfast!

    Appendix 6. Carrying out gymnastics after sleep (Pankova Anna Dmitrievna)

    In cribs

    1. I.p.: Sitting, cross your legs in Turkish style. Top finger right hand show

    follow the trajectory of its movement with your eyes. The first drop fell - drop!

    Do the same with the other hand.

    And the second one came running - drop!

    2. IP: the same. Look up with your eyes without raising your head.

    We looked at the sky

    The droplets sang “drip-drip”,

    Faces got wet.

    3. IP: the same. Wipe your face with your hands and get to your feet.

    We wiped them off.

    Near the cribs

    4. I.p.: o. With. Show with your hands, look down.

    Look, your shoes are wet.

    5. I.p.: o.s. Raise and lower your shoulders.

    Let's move our shoulders together

    And shake off all the droplets.

    6. I.p.: o.s. Run in place. Repeat 3-4 times

    Let's run away from the rain.

    7 . I.p.: o.s. Squats.

    Let's sit under a bush.

    Breathing exercise

    8. "Little Frog." I.P. – main stand. Imagine how the frog makes quick

    sudden jumps. Sit down slightly, sigh, push off and jump with both legs

    moving forward. As you exhale, slowly say “K-v-a-a-a.”

    Walking along the path of “Health”

    Appendix 7. Conducting outdoor games with children (Olga Dukhnivskaya



    Children stand in a circle and hold hands. While the music is playing, they move in a circle. When

    the music stops, the adult calls someone’s name (Julia). Then all the children

    releasing their hands, they run to Yulia and stand around her in a tight circle, since Yulia is a magnet.

    Then the game resumes.

    Every child should be a magnet.

    "Tender Paws"

    An adult picks up 6-7 small items different textures: a piece of fur, a tassel,

    glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is offered

    bare your arm up to the elbow. The adult explains that an “animal” will walk along the hand and touch

    tender paws. You have to guess with your eyes closed which “animal” touched your hand

    - guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant.

    Game option: the “animal” will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can exchange with

    child in places.

    "Wonderful bag"

    Children are encouraged to consider small toys, which he then puts into a bag.

    Children take turns feeling one of the toys in the bag, name it, and

    then they take it out and show the toy to all group members.

    The task can be complicated by asking the children to get a certain toy; or

    first remember and name a toy, and then find it and get it.

    "Humpty Dumpty"

    Children stand in a circle at a distance arm's length from each other and turn the body

    right and left. The arms dangle freely along the body. The adult says:

    Humpty Dumpty hung on the wall,

    Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep.

    The children fall onto the carpet.

    The exercise is repeated several times. The adult makes sure that the children are in

    relaxed posture.

    "Annoying Fly"

    Imagine that you are lying on the beach, the sun is warming you, you don’t want to move.

    Suddenly a fly flew in and sat on my forehead. To shoo away a fly, wiggle your eyebrows. Fly

    circle around your eyes - blink them. Flew to one cheek, then to the other -

    move your lips, puff out your cheeks. Sit on your chin - move your jaw, etc.

    "Fist - palm - rib"

    On command, children place the palms of both hands on the table, clench them into fists, and place them edge-on.

    The tempo and sequence of hand positions change. Then the adult confuses the children: with his

    He shows one thing with his hands and says something else. Children should listen carefully and not

    be wrong.

    "Shouters - whisperers - silencers"

    You need to make three silhouettes of a palm from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, blue. This

    signals. When an adult raises a red palm, a “chant”, you can run, shout,

    make a lot of noise; yellow palm, “whisper”, means that you can move quietly and

    whisper; blue palm, “silent”, encourages children to freeze in place or lie down on the floor

    and don't move. The game should end with silence.

    Book “Day of Self-Government in Preschool Educational Institutions”


    The family and kindergarten do not always have enough mutual understanding and patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child’s nutrition; they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work.
    To establish unity, it is necessary for parents to clearly understand what a kindergarten is, how children’s lives are organized there, what tasks are solved by teachers, what children do during the day, and what requirements are imposed on their behavior.
    In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten.
    On September 27, Preschool Worker's Day, we decided to organize “Parental Self-Government Day” in our kindergarten in preparatory groups.

    At the birth of a new innovative form of interaction with parents, as a day of self-government, we thought about how the level of education of parents in matters of upbringing, training and development of their children would increase, and would provide an opportunity to involve parents in the life of the kindergarten. This form of work allows you to most fully reveal the content of the teacher’s activities, clearly show the forms, methods and techniques of working with children, and help parents understand the need for cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

    To prepare for the “Self-Government Day” the following work was organized:
    – participants in the educational process are prepared;
    – parents are familiarized with the activities of teachers;
    – individual meetings were held with parents to conduct educational activities;
    – roles are distributed between parents;
    – parents were instructed on protecting the life and health of children, on safety precautions, and fire safety rules;
    – an action plan has been drawn up, where parents have distributed their responsibilities for participation in various routine moments.

    Holding “Self-Government Day”.
    At the beginning of the working day, substitute teachers (parents of students in our groups) were actively involved in teaching activities. At first glance, everything was as usual: exercises, educational activities, a walk. But! All these regime moments were carried out not by teachers, but by parents. Parents had a unique opportunity to be in the teacher’s shoes and look at the life of the kindergarten “from the inside”:
    1. Conduct a morning reception for children.
    2. Do morning exercises.
    3. Conduct educational activities at restricted times.
    4. Take a creative approach to organizing educational activities.
    5. Skillfully organize a walk with children.

    From call from teachers of the preparatory group “Fidgets”

    On September 27, 2017, our group “Fidgets” held “Self-Government Day”, leisure time for Teacher’s Day “Journey into the world of a preschool worker”. On this day, we decided to involve parents who willingly agreed to participate in our event. The parents did it well, it was interesting to watch them. The kids are just great! When the “understudies” found it difficult, the children took the initiative and helped them. Despite the presence of their parents, the children behaved actively, completed all tasks with pleasure, and their emotional state was at the highest level. Parents took an active part throughout the working day, strictly observing the regime.

    From 07.00, two parents played the “role” of educators, organized a morning reception for the children, and conducted morning exercises with musical accompaniment (they chose the compositions themselves) in the gym.

    Parents conducted ECD on FEMP using methodological manuals and workbooks. We completed interesting mathematical tasks, used physical exercises and finger exercises.

    Parents escorted their children to the hall for music lesson, where they also took an active part.

    The parents organized a day outing with lots of physical and verbal games.

    Feedback from teachers of the preparatory group "Luchiki"

    On September 27, 2017, our group “Luchiki” held “Self-Government Day”, leisure time for Teacher’s Day “Journey into the world of a preschool worker”. On this day, we decided to involve parents who willingly agreed to participate in our event. The parents did it well, it was interesting to watch them. The children really enjoyed everything that happened and received a lot of positive emotions. The children especially remembered morning exercises in the “Disco” style, construction on the theme “Humpty Dumpty”, and outdoor games while walking. Parents and children showed themselves to be very active, watching what was happening with interest. We hope that this event will become traditional in our kindergarten.

    Morning exercises in the “Disco” style

    Conducting GCD - developing speech on the topic “My favorite fairy tales”

    Construction on the theme “Humpty Dumpty”


    This day was memorable and brought great joy to children, parents and teachers. The children reacted with curiosity and attention to the appearance of “new” teachers, obeyed and took part in new games and entertainment with pleasure. Teachers became closer and united with parents on issues of raising children and became their reliable assistants. Each child asked his mother to come the next day in the “role” of a teacher; parents want to participate in such events with desire and enthusiasm. We hope that such days will become a tradition in our kindergarten.

    Mini-project - “Self-Government Day” in kindergarten.

    Author: Shtokolova Larisa Viktorovna, teacher of the 1st category of MKDOU No. 3 “Malinovo Ozero kindergarten”, Altai Territory, Mikhailovsky district, Malinovoye Ozero rp.

    I bring to your attention the experience of holding “Self-Government Day” as an innovative form of working with parents. This mini-project will be of interest to preschool teachers and parents.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Education (clause 3.2.5.) states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of parental interest activities of preschool educational institutions, improving the culture of family pedagogical literacy.
    The transition to new forms of relations between parents and teachers will make pedagogical process more free and flexible. The use of non-traditional forms of work with parents of kindergarten students contributes to more effective interaction between teachers and parents and their professional rapprochement. Therefore, in our group it was decided to hold a “Self-Government Day” dedicated to “Preschool Worker Day”.
    Today, a new system of preschool education is being established in society. Preschool plays an important role in the development of a child. Here he receives an education, acquires communication skills with other children and adults, and learns to organize his own activities. However, how effectively a child will master these skills depends on the family’s attitude towards the preschool institution. The harmonious development of a preschooler without the active participation of his parents in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is impossible.
    But families and kindergartens do not always have enough mutual understanding and patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work.
    To establish unity, it is necessary for parents to clearly understand what a kindergarten is, how children’s lives are organized there, what tasks are solved by teachers, what children do during the day, and what requirements are imposed on their behavior.
    In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten and constantly keep them informed of all events.

    Hypothesis– with the emergence of a new innovative form of interaction with parents, the level of their awareness in matters of education, training and development of their children will increase, and will provide an opportunity to involve parents in the life of the kindergarten. This form of work allows you to most fully reveal the content of the teacher’s activities, clearly demonstrate innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, and help parents understand the need for cooperation between kindergarten and family.

    Involving parents in the educational process in preschool educational institutions through an innovative form.
    The emergence of a new tradition of preschool educational institutions - Parental Self-Government Day.

    1.Improve the pedagogical culture of parents.
    2. Expand parents’ ideas about the professional activities of preschool employees.
    3.Strengthen partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.
    4. Prepare participating parents for Self-Government Day - provide information about educational activities, give recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for conducting routine moments, classes, walks.
    5.Invite children from the senior group to participate in the “Self-Government Day” project event.
    Participants: teacher, parents, children.

    Project implementation period: 09.22.2016-09.29.2016
    Project type: social.

    Distribution of duties:
    Teacher - preparing participants for Self-Government Day (introduces parents to the daily routine, a set of morning exercises, the organization of educational activities and routine moments, and joint activities (didactic and outdoor games).
    Parents conduct morning reception, morning exercises, routine moments, walks, didactic and outdoor games.
    Children participate in events within the framework of the “Self-Government Day” project.

    Stage 1: Preparatory.
    1. Parent meeting - discussion of issues related to the organization of “Self-Government Day”;
    2. Drawing up a plan, preparing for the event;
    3.Individual meetings with parents.

    To prepare for the “Self-Government Day” the following work was organized:
    – participants in the educational process are prepared;
    – parents are familiarized with the activities of teachers;
    – individual meetings were held with parents to conduct educational activities;
    – roles are distributed between parents;
    – parent participants were instructed on protecting the life and health of children, on safety precautions, and fire safety rules;
    – an event plan has been drawn up, where parents have distributed their responsibilities for participation in various routine moments:

    Stage 2: Basic.
    Holding “Self-Government Day”.
    From the beginning of the working day, substitute teachers (parents of senior group pupils) were actively involved in teaching activities. At first glance, everything was as usual: exercises, educational activities, a walk. But! All these regime moments were carried out not by teachers, but by parents. Parents had a unique opportunity to be in the teacher’s shoes and look at the life of the kindergarten “from the inside.”
    1. Conduct a morning reception for children;
    2. Morning exercises;
    3. Regime moments;
    4. outdoor games;
    5. didactic games;
    6. take a creative approach to organizing educational activities;
    7. skillfully organize a walk with children.

    Stage 3: Final.
    The event showed that:
    – parents’ ideas about the professional activities of preschool educational institution employees have expanded, an understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of a teacher have been formed;
    – partnerships between the kindergarten and parents have been strengthened;
    – the pedagogical culture of parents has improved (they have an idea about the peculiarities of children’s developmental psychology, they have basic knowledge of how to organize their children’s free time);
    – there was a rapprochement and unification of teachers with parents on issues of raising children.
    Thus, the use of non-traditional forms of work in kindergarten provides psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increases the competence of parents

    Methodological support for project activities:
    Integrated thematic planning according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – senior group.

    Expected Result:
    In modern conditions, the task of modernizing preschool education is the development of dialogue partnership interaction in the “kindergarten - family” system, aimed at the active inclusion of parents (legal representatives) in the life of the kindergarten. Only in close cooperation and mutual understanding between teachers and parents can high results be achieved.

    Feedback from the teacher's assistant.
    The school annually holds “Self-Government Day”; in kindergarten it is more difficult to hold such an event; children need supervision, they cannot be left alone, without a teacher. We decided to involve parents who willingly agreed to participate in our event. Surely there are parents who are always dissatisfied with something, and “understudies” were selected from among them. The parents did it well, it was interesting to watch them. The children were simply great; when the “understudies” found it difficult, the children took the initiative into their own hands and helped them. The children, despite the presence of their parents, behaved actively and completed all tasks with pleasure. Emotional condition the children were at the highest level. This day was memorable and brought great joy to children, parents and teachers. Teachers became closer and united with parents on issues of raising children and became their reliable assistants.

    Project participants: children of the preparatory group, their parents, staff of the preschool institution.

    Completion time: two weeks.

    Goal: development of co-creative processes in the child-adult team, development of subject-subject relationships with children, the emergence of a new tradition of preschool educational institutions - conducting "Day of Self-Government"


    1. create conditions for the formation and development of a child-adult team;
    2. develop activity, independence of children, the desire to take an active life position in society;
    3. to cultivate in children a culture of relationships, the ability to constructively solve problems, disputes and contradictions.

    Annotation. Traditions like "Day of Self-Government" , contribute to the development of good people, trust relationships between children and adults, allow them to develop a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance, and the ability to resolve conflicts. In the case of preschoolers, "Day of Self-Government" can last no more than one hour, but it is preceded by a long preparation; at the end of the event, participants discuss their impressions and results.

    Problematization. The holiday is approaching - Preschool Worker's Day. You can come up with an unusual and pleasant gift for kindergarten workers.

    Goal setting. The guys offer to hold "Day of Self-Government" - find yourself in the role of kindergarten employees, take on their responsibilities, giving them the opportunity to take a short break from work.

    Planning. To accomplish your plans well, you need to get to know the professions better. preschool workers, discuss all the details: date, range of participants, their roles. Everyone needs to try themselves in their chosen role, "rehearse" .

    Implementation of the plan. Preliminary work on the project involves close cooperation with parents - conversations with children about the professions of preschool workers, participation in a parent meeting.

    During group classes, the teacher conducts individual and group conversations on topics "Guess the profession" , "Who needs what for work" , “What we can learn from adults, “Our kindergarten” . There are tours of the offices of the director, deputies, medical unit, laundry, and kitchen. The teacher talks in detail about the kindergarten management model and the methods of interaction between its employees. Children publish a wall newspaper with a photo report about the work of the kindergarten.

    After becoming familiar with the responsibilities of the kindergarten staff and the staff themselves, the teacher conducts a mini-survey of children “Who will I be today?” . During the discussion of the project, its participants are determined (which of the children can be trusted with whose position), date and time "Day of Self-Government" , a uniform for each participant, his circle job responsibilities, ways to build relationships with other project participants.

    Separately, a general conversation is held about the work of kindergarten employees.

    Shortly before "Day of Self-Government" internship with children (one or two children "work" paired with kindergarten staff for one hour). At the same time, it is important that during the internship, the guys witness visits to the corresponding offices by other employees and see examples of interaction.

    Presentation. Upon completion of the project, a press conference is held with the participation of teachers and children. All project participants talk about their impressions, what they liked or didn’t like. Everyone tries together to find the reasons for possible dissatisfaction. At the end of the press conference, participants formulate wishes - parting words for future participants "Day of Self-Government" .

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