• Anniversary script "double joy" material on the topic. Scenario for congratulating the head of a preschool team on her birthday Scenario for celebrating the birthday of the head of a preschool educational institution


    Tatiana Gracheva
    Leader's anniversary kindergarten

    Anniversary of the head of the kindergarten

    The hall is elegantly decorated with balloons, wall newspapers, and festive greeting banners. Employees line up near the entrance, on the sides.

    There's a song playing "Birthday" I. Alegrova, enters hero of the day, she is escorted to the throne.

    1. All around, while you were walking, the flowers were fragrant.

    And we have just collected a bouquet of roses for you.

    (They give roses, there is a small table with a vase nearby)

    2. Birthday is on the doorstep,

    The birthday has arrived

    Birthday on the way

    The anniversary has already arrived.

    3. And today through these doors

    He looked in slowly.

    Congratulations to the hero of the day!


    All in unison: Hooray!

    And with the sun the favorite time has come.

    Lightning plays in the sky in the morning,

    Which means it’s time to be born!

    5. In May, flowers delight our eyes,

    There is dew of unearthly beauty on the grass,

    And the rainbow will be in spite of all thunderstorms...

    You are lucky to be born in May!

    6. We are happy to congratulate you, and on your dear day

    We wish you great luck!

    Let there be health, love and honor!

    And everything else, of course, will come!

    Everyone who has read the poems joins hands and forms a circle around Jubilee. Singing a song "Loaf"

    We baked a loaf of bread for our manager!

    This is the width, this is the supper, this is the lowness, this is the height.

    Loaf, loaf, take our loaf!

    (An employee in a Russian costume brings in a loaf and hands it over Jubilee)

    7. Believe it or not.

    Standing in a dense garden

    A cheerful, kind home...

    Not a house, a palace with children,

    With flowers by the porch.

    How many children? In bulk,

    Like the seeds of a cucumber...

    Cheerful and not so cheerful, pugnacious and snotty.

    Who will be dragged in their hands, who will be carried in a sleigh.

    Who pees in pantyhose, and who pees on the potty,

    Let’s face it, these dolls are living well.

    And who rules that kingdom? You ask me. Applause for her friends!

    (Everyone applauds)

    Kindergarten is life(says first and last name head) . Today on her anniversary the children were among the first to arrive preparatory group. They want to congratulate their beloved manager.

    (Children enter and stand in the middle of the hall)

    1st child: Congratulations on Anniversary! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

    You are the most beautiful in the kindergarten! You are a man of great soul!

    2nd child: May the sun always shine on you, and may your century last up to a hundred years,

    May trouble and sorrow never knock on your doors!

    3rd child: And for you today, let the songs sound at the holiday,

    Greetings from the grown-up preschool children!

    (Children perform a song, then bow, run up to the manager, hug her. Then leave)

    8. Friends and employees, without sparing words,

    They give you joy every day anniversary!

    You are full of light and joy, happiness,

    For us, you are always very, very necessary!

    Loves you, appreciates you kindergarten family,

    And we wish, without hiding from you,

    So that youth, happiness, luck, success,

    Fate has always given you without hindrance!

    Song "Weather in the house"

    1. Let Anniversary Today the date will leave a good mark on your soul.

    We wish everything that life rich: health, happiness, peace, for long years.


    The most important thing is the weather in the house, and everything else is vanity.

    There is a team, and everything else can be easily resolved with the help of an umbrella. - 2 times.

    2. So that you are warmed every day with the love of loved ones and acquaintances and the sun.

    So that it would be warm and peaceful in the house, and the winds of trouble would fly past.


    The most important thing is the weather in the house, everything else is vanity,

    And there is a family, and everything else can be easily settled with the help of an umbrella. - 2 times.

    3. Let anniversary brings only happiness, not a drop of sadness, not a single tear.

    We wish for spiritual wealth and participation, loving with all our hearts.


    The most important thing is the weather in the house, and everything else is vanity,

    We have you, and everything else can be easily settled with the help of an umbrella. - 2 times.

    9. Anniversary - what word?! This is a holiday, a celebration!

    In a day anniversary We are ready to bring you only joy and warmth.

    This round date in life is your solemn anniversary.

    This means a lot has been taken from life, even more has been given to it!

    10. Good, earthly happiness to you,

    There are so many joys to count!

    And we wish you a lot of health!

    Don't lose what you have!

    We wish you happiness and goodness,

    And the eternal joy of blooming,

    Smiles, sun and warmth

    In your Holy holiday- Birthday!


    Dear (Name and patronymic! Having heard about anniversary, the ambassador of Sultan Sib-Al-Kharuf from Tmutarakan has arrived to you with a letter of credence. (Oriental music sounds, the ambassador enters)

    The ambassador unrolls the scroll and is reading:

    “Oh, tireless (says the name! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and deeds, oh priestess kindergarten hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of a river! Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept my wishes, may my words not offend your ears... You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave life to your daughter and raised her worthy and respected by people... You open the eyes of children and your subjects to the world, show them the path of goodness in life... Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy... May your granddaughter, great-grandson and future great-grandchildren bring joy you. May you live forever, like the cypress trees in mine gardens. If you get bored with your harem, then I will always wait for you and make you the eldest wife in my harem! Oh, may your years be long.” Sultan of Sib-Al-Kharuf.

    (The Ambassador bows and leaves)


    We know that raising children in Japan is considered the best education. And today on anniversary Teachers from the land of the rising sun have come to you.

    (To a Japanese melody, 2 Japanese women with fans enter and bow)

    Japanese teachers want to congratulate our (First and middle name hero of the day) and read her his poems - Japanese haiku.

    (Japanese women speak Japanese, the presenter translates)(Options phrases: 1. Kosi-masi-kuku. 2. Okari-ma-ta-ta. 3. Nani-mani-ka. 4. Makushi-sushi. 5 Nanny-roll-nya. 6. Nishi-tashi-oshi Japan-mama. 7. Itoshi-ita-sakura.)

    1. Clouds of flower bouquets. The anniversary has come to you! And everyone was waiting for him!

    2. How tender and beautiful anniversary morning...Even if you're stuck in a traffic jam.

    3. At your place anniversary...But how honorable your work is.

    4. How wonderful the world is, but work is better.

    5. Spring – flowers all around. We see you in the meadow in the summer expanse garden with a hoe in hand weeding flowers.

    6. To yours Anniversary suits you well! Look, how prettier you have become!

    7. Many years to you! To live well! A good life is even better!

    As a sign of honor and respect, our Japanese colleagues want to give you wind chimes (fan for the hero of the day with fans) and the fruit of Japanese sakura - cherry cake. (*give a cake, bow and leave)


    Dear! Our kids from the nursery really want to congratulate you. They are very shy and I ask everyone present in this room not to embarrass them.

    (Kids come out - two dressed adults with bows and aprons. They come in holding hands and sit on chairs. They perform a song to the tune "Old Grandmothers".

    1. We usually sit on potties all day.

    We look at each other and groan as usual.

    We sit, do things, and are even timid.

    We all go to nurseries and have no regrets - 2 times.


    And our world aunt is in charge,

    She is always interested in how you live.

    Auntie, auntie, we respect you,

    And that’s why we’re performing here now! - 2 times.

    2. We wish you goodness, happiness and health,

    And the salary should be as big as a cow’s tongue.

    We wish you long years and a clear road.

    And also so that appearance was always wonderful – 2 times.


    Let your boss always respect you too.

    And let the parents not offend you in the garden.

    Live well and do not be discouraged.

    If they give you a reprimand, sneeze on it! - 2 times.

    Chorus: (children bow and leave)

    Reader No. 11.

    Manage the children's gardening is a feat and work,

    Such people are deservedly called heroes.

    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work,

    We blame you a little for the fast passage of time.

    We wish you well, prosperity,

    Good luck, inspiration and strength.

    And so that every day to come

    Brought luck and joy.

    And we want to say: "Thank you"

    For your attention and kindness.

    Achievement of plans and great discoveries

    In our beloved kindergarten.

    Let your dreams come true

    And all misfortunes will disappear!

    We wish you a lot of kindness,

    We wish you a lot of happiness!

    Song “Let the years fly by”

    The hall is decorated with fresh flowers. In the center there is a chair for the hero of the day. A red carpet leads to the chair. Next to the chair there is a vase with flowers, on the other side there is a coffee table to put flowers and gifts on. All the employees are in the hall.

    The waltz from the movie “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” sounds. To this music, the hero of the day is led into the hall along the path, you can dance a waltz with the hero of the day, then bring him to a chair and invite him to sit down.

    You can’t escape an anniversary in life -
    They will overtake everyone like a bird.
    But the main thing is to carry it through life
    Warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.
    We have gathered in this hall,
    Tatyana..., about your anniversary.
    Today he overtook you.

    1. The road to the anniversary is not easy,
    Sometimes it gets harder
    Sometimes it’s easier, but in general -
    This is the path of discovery and victory.

    2. And it was done. Here he burst with light,
    He gave flowers and greetings,
    And it became the answer to all questions.
    And he brought a covenant on the path forward.

    3. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
    Joy, health, beauty,
    So that the fire in the hot eyes does not go out,
    And the best dreams came true.

    4. We all wish you great happiness,
    Many, many bright days.
    We wish you to smile often,
    Don't be upset over trifles,
    Don't be nervous and don't get sick,
    And, in general, to live and not grow old.

    5. May the sun always shine on you,
    And the century will last up to a hundred years,
    Let never come to your doors
    Trouble and grief don't knock.

    Happy anniversary to you!

    Word to the leader. The order to award the hero of the day with a prize is read out. Awarded certificate of honor with a bouquet of flowers.

    Tatyana..., our students came to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

    Music sounds, children enter, holding handmade gifts. Children approach the hero of the day.

    1st child.
    Because our home is a kindergarten
    It was more beautiful year after year,
    2nd child.
    We want to say “thank you”
    Tatiana... ours!
    3rd child.
    Thank you for giving paint to teachers,
    And they paint everything in the garden.
    4th child.
    Thank you for screwing in the light bulbs yourself,
    When Uncle Lesha the electrician doesn't come.
    5th child.
    Thank you also for turning off the water,
    When the pipe starts to leak.
    Thank you for what you do
    This will not be counted until evening.

    All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena “Let them run clumsily...”. Children give gifts. The hero of the day treats them to sweets and thanks them.

    Man, like a star, is born
    Among the unclear, alarming milkiness.
    Begins at infinity
    And it ends at infinity.
    Created by generations
    Century after century, the Earth is imperishable.
    Man, like a star, is born
    So that the Universe becomes brighter.
    (D. Golubev).

    And it became brighter in the Universe, because... (date) 19__ a girl Tanya was born to dad (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in a village (city). (Showing a photo of a newborn.)

    What was the secret of this girl’s name? “Tatyana” translated from Greek means “organizer”, “founder”. And it began to grow... by leaps and bounds. And the hours turned into days, days into years. 7 years have already passed... What happened at seven years...?

    The hero of the day.
    I entered the first grade of school no.

    How did you study?
    (The hero of the day answers.)
    What happened to you at 9 years old?

    If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then the phonogram of the song is played with the words:
    A scarlet tie bloomed on his chest.
    Youth rages like the spring years.

    And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatyana...?

    The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows the photo. The presenter asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before she started work.

    And ___ month ___ day ___ year Tatyana entered... to work in kindergarten No. .... She began her labor activity from office...

    The employees come out and sing a song: “Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka...”, based on the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the film “Carnival Night”. To lose - dance movements - arms straight, hands to the sides, take turns placing the left foot on the toe, placing the right one. The same in the other direction.

    Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
    Her case was like this:
    She was a wonderful nanny
    And a simple girl.
    Worked as an accountant
    And now now
    In a wonderful kindergarten
    The caretaker is now with us.

    Tra-la-la, la.
    Oh, how we hasten to congratulate
    Worker quickly.
    Today is our dear Tanya's anniversary.
    Tanya's birthday
    And a holiday for the soul.
    Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
    Let me congratulate you.

    Funny yellow leaves
    Spinning in the yard.
    The dawn burns with gold
    In September time.
    And the song of autumn flows
    The aroma of apples.
    And beckons, beckons with tenderness
    Fragrant grapes.

    Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
    We wish you on your holiday
    Be also kind, affectionate,
    Beautiful, young.
    We also wish you, Tanechka,
    Happy many years to come.
    From all my kindergarten colleagues
    Our warm greetings.
    Lyrics of the song by A. Chistyakova.

    Beautiful, sincere, desirable,
    With a hot sparkle in his eyes.
    Tatyana can arrange everything -
    Both the house and the scope of the holiday.
    Tatiana...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the shores of the distant Nile.

    A melody from Egypt sounds. 2 concubines come in and behind them is the pharaoh. Clothes are made from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. Concubines have brooms instead of fans. They sweep the path for Pharaoh, then they will fan Pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

    The waters of the Nile quickly brought my boat to the shores of the Quiet Don, having heard about this event.
    (Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)

    Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and actions, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who came into the world, gave life to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. You have a strict, businesslike order in your working male harem, O unseduced of the unseduced. May the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and may your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to your left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. Oh, cordial and humane in providing washers, sweepers, rowers, dust-wipers and floor-sweepers! May your trail forever be green, and may your voice delight our sinful souls with the cry: “Get the washing up and dishes for the meal!” Let your granddaughter and future grandchildren make you happy! May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And let your subjects make sculptural compositions from the dried ones and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the occasion.

    Instructions for the medal:
    1. Medals are allocated the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all the neighbors can see the medal.
    2. The recipient of this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.
    3. The recipient of the medal squints, as a rule, in home environment, on the days of family celebrations, on the days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.
    Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

    The pharaoh places a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then leaves to the music. His concubines sweep the path in front of him.

    May your dreams come true
    And all misfortunes will disappear!
    We wish you a lot of kindness,
    We wish you a lot of happiness!
    And we give you flowers from everyone
    And warm sympathy.

    The hero of the day is given a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the tune of “I’m standing at a stop.”

    Friends and relatives are sitting
    Sparkling wine flows,
    And there is a long way left behind.
    Words of greeting sound
    Where are you, cherished years?
    What has passed cannot be returned. (2 times)
    As a sign of our attention,
    Please accept my wishes.
    Live many years to the joy of everyone.
    May the years be like a snowstorm.
    Everyone is turning gray
    And youth warms the light! (2 times)
    Indispensable happiness to you,
    Unchanged success,
    We wish you great luck many times over.
    Good health to you,
    Hopes and personal happiness,
    May youth never leave you! (2 times)
    Let adversity be forgotten
    And all your wishes will come true.
    And let there never be grief.
    Love if you love
    Live the way you want
    And always be cheerful! (2 times)
    Everyone (chanting):
    Happy anniversary to you!

    At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...”.

    We didn't come in vain
    This is clear to everyone -
    And we sat down at this table.
    Congratulate the hero of the day
    And leave it as a memory
    This song that we will sing.

    Let the years not age you,
    In life, be visible.
    Sorry, birthday
    Only once a year!

    The hero of the day, our friend,
    Come out to our circle
    And pour us some stronger wine.
    It's not often that we're here
    Let's get together
    On your solemn anniversary!

    We congratulate you
    And, of course, we wish
    Remain the same as you are:
    Modest, kind and sweet,
    Patient, beautiful.
    We cannot count all your merits.

    Let your life flow
    And without sorrows and without troubles!
    May your health be strong
    For fifty years!

    Kindergarten is like a home,
    Don't rush home
    The manager has a job
    Available on weekdays and Saturdays.

    But today is a day of fun -
    It's your birthday today!
    Congratulations from us,
    Please accept this good hour.

    We wish you personal success,
    Excellent at work too.
    Enthusiasm, positivity,
    May you always have enough strength!

    Happy birthday, our dear manager, not just of the kindergarten, but of this entire wonderful world of children's joys and undertakings. We wish you to always be a person of kindness and a smile, a woman of charm and tenderness. Let there always be cheerfulness in your soul children's party, and in the heart - peace and happiness.

    Now we need to congratulate
    Lady in charge of the kindergarten!
    Happy Birthday! Good luck to you,
    Smile in the morning

    Relax in the evenings
    Stay with us forever,
    You are absolutely the highest class,
    We respect and love you!

    We wish you on your birthday
    All the best, love, warmth in the soul,
    Let the mood soar upward,
    May life be more beautiful!

    May your work give you joy,
    And even though the whole kindergarten is on you,
    Let all the problems and worries
    The decision is simple, without obstacles!

    You are the mistress of a huge house,
    Where children hear cheerful laughter.
    Happy birthday to you, dear,
    We wish you a lot of different happiness:

    Happiness is being needed
    Happiness is being irresistible,
    Happiness is being irreplaceable,
    Happiness - to be your beloved children!

    The captain steers the ship skillfully.
    You are a captain for the garden, a master of words and deeds.
    It's always a difficult job,
    But you will find affection and care for everyone.

    Your birthday is your holiday, so relax.
    And today, don’t rule anything anymore.
    This day will be joyful and bright for you,
    There will be nice words, cute gifts.

    Keep it up, our captain! - we wish you.
    We congratulate you on your birthday from the bottom of our hearts.
    We only want to sail further under your flag,
    The team will take an oath of allegiance to you.

    Manage a kindergarten -
    Difficult task,
    I want to wish you
    Happiness and luck.

    Only good things at work
    More positive,
    So that you are always cheerful,
    And life was beautiful!

    You are in charge of the garden,
    Your work is very hard:
    Responsible for our children
    Watching them grow.

    On your wonderful birthday
    We want to wish you
    Strength, energy, health
    And get less tired!

    To have enough time
    You should be the manager of the kindergarten,
    And stay beautiful
    And keep your family!

    Nice, sweet, kind,
    The manager of a wonderful kindergarten,
    We congratulate you on your birthday,
    We wish you joy, fun, songs!

    Let all the dreams come true,
    All problems are solved
    After all, the children sincerely love you,
    This kindergarten will not be forgotten!

    We wish you good dawns,
    And warm, clear days.
    There are new plans in your work,
    Large and creative ideas!

    You are the manager of the garden,
    Lord, you, kindergarten,
    Best of all, we know it
    Happy birthday!

    You are from the soul and from the heart
    Do your duty.
    More laughter, happiness for you,
    And less hassle!

    Let there be enough energy
    For many, many more years
    May it always warm your soul
    Grace, love and light!

    Scenario for kindergarten anniversary - 40 years

    Scenario for the kindergarten's 40th anniversary without the participation of children

    Introductory part(presentation)
    Presenter 1: Good evening!
    Presenter 2 Hello, dear friends!
    We gathered today in the hall,
    To celebrate our anniversary,
    So that they say it again today,
    There is nothing more beautiful and nothing more fun,
    There is no one more beloved than our garden.
    We are glad that you are with us now,
    Those who know our kindergarten from the cradle.
    We welcome everyone today,
    Our guests and kindergarten employees.
    2: Today is a holiday in our house,
    And the doors here are open for guests.
    Well, not for us best gift,
    Than seeing the faces of all your friends!
    Let the Wind of Change change something,
    Someone left, leaving a good trail.
    But everyone present knows:
    Everyone is here. We have no strangers here!
    1: Not so long ago - 40 years ago
    A wonderful kindergarten was built.
    Children rush from home here,
    And in the evening there’s no way to get away.
    The teachers here are excellent specialists,
    And the nannies are caring and affectionate.
    It's cozy here, beautiful and bright.
    We are very lucky with this garden!
    And on our anniversary we want to raise a glass
    Let our garden grow and prosper!!!
    (short pause to fill glasses)

    2: Happy anniversary, children's island,
    Kindergarten, country of children!
    You remain in our past
    In what is in my memory.
    There were tears for no reason
    Because in truth,
    In childhood, ladies and men
    They also cry sometimes.
    Without reason and to the point -
    Mom's not here, he suddenly got into a fight.
    IN childhood Problems -
    This is not just a sound for you.
    Ball games on the veranda,
    A mess of loud screams,
    New Year's outfits -
    Everything is so important to me!
    Be, kindergarten, children's happiness,
    So that in the morning the kids
    Without tears, shouting “Hello!”
    Eat porridge to your heart's content!
    And now, having measured the years,
    We are in a hurry for the anniversary!
    The doors are always open here,
    It's getting even warmer here!
    Happy anniversary! HOORAY!

    Today we remember our childhood,
    Your friends, girlfriends, and the taste of that semolina porridge, and the same quiet hour.
    Probably today, forty years later
    You would lie down with pleasure in that children's bed.
    Some grandchildren today are in preschool,
    And the same teacher, and the same quiet hour.
    And again this polka, and again Santa Claus
    How great it is to return to our childhood again, even for an hour.

    A graduate of the kindergarten “Fairy Tale” welcomes you - _____________ (Song “Birthday”) (the presenter hands over a small gift)
    1: TOAST We want to sincerely wish
    You don’t know sorrows and troubles.
    So that happiness comes to kindergarten,
    And all the grief went away
    Many more years to live
    And only give joy to children
    I'm making a toast now
    And I suggest you fill your glasses!

    We raise our toast to kindergarten,
    May spring always bloom in your soul
    So that life for us will be a blooming May
    Let's drink our glasses down to the bottom.

    Presenter 2 What date 40 is serious and important?
    And someone wants to tell us:
    “It’s time for you citizens to grow up!”
    But we will seriously tell you,
    What does anyone communicate with children?
    You have to be a “child” yourself,
    Or does anyone doubt it?
    0 and 4 equal 4 years, and 4 is:
    Joking, laughing and playing,
    Or does anyone doubt it?
    Today we will show you.
    What's with the jokes and songs?
    It's easier for all of us to live in the world
    And life is more interesting for everyone!

    A smiling girl with a blanket and a grandfather with a pillow come onto the stage. They hold hands and bow.
    Grandfather: It’s dark outside, everyone has been snoring for a long time,
    It's time, granddaughter, to go to bed!
    Granddaughter: Why, grandpa, I can’t sleep!
    So I can sleep, read something to me!
    Grandfather: I’ll read it! What about?
    Granddaughter: Yes, even Agnia Barto!
    Grandfather: Well, let's creep! (lay down a blanket, pillow) At this time the melody “Good night, kids” sounds. The granddaughter lies down on the blanket, sideways, facing the audience, hand under her cheek. The grandfather stands over his granddaughter.
    Grandfather: It’s time to sleep, the bull fell asleep and lay down next to the cow.
    The sleepy bear lay down in bed and quietly began to suck its paw.
    The dogs sleep until dawn, everyone has eaten too much!
    Tired gazelles are sleeping and have eaten a pack of blendamed. (granddaughter stops smiling)
    Granddaughter: Grandfather!
    Grandfather: Huh?
    Granddaughter: You promised to tell a fairy tale! I no longer wanted to sleep!
    Grandfather: Close your eyes quickly... Listen, granddaughter, to my fairy tale...
    I want to talk about kindergarten, I’m sticking out from kindergarten!
    Grandfather: I know a lot of fairy tales, but my memory is bad!
    What can I forget...
    Granddaughter: Don't be tormented!
    Grandfather: Well, so be it!
    The granddaughter sits down on the bed, the grandfather next to him on a chair.
    Grandfather: In general, so! In some kingdom, in some state
    Somewhere on the edge of the village...beyond the seas, beyond the forests
    The girl lived alone...with thirty heroes...
    It used to be thirty-three, three died in love!
    She looks as slender as a matchstick... but she laid an egg!
    Granddaughter: Grandfather! You're obviously overheated! Or I ate too much viscose!
    Come on about kindergarten! If you don’t remember, remember!!!
    Grandfather: Calm down, dear! I know everything about kindergarten!
    Well...just memory problems...
    Granddaughter: Well, grandfather, give it to me!
    Grandfather: I must be getting old! By the way, I got an idea!
    Two neighbors live here, but they drink a lot...
    But when they sober up, they know how to tell fairy tales.
    Hey! Neighbors, gentlemen, please come here!

    2 buffoons come out to the music
    1. Someone called us? Answer!
    2. If you are called, pour it!
    Granddaughter: Who is this?
    Grandfather: These are two from the casket, identical in appearance
    I want to ask you... to put my granddaughter to sleep!
    1. Oooh! This is for the vet!
    Grandfather: In general, whatever you want, but tell her a fairy tale,
    So that she yawns once and quietly falls asleep.
    2. We know about a hundred fairy tales, what should I tell you about?
    Granddaughter: I’ve told you a thousand times that there should be a kindergarten there!
    1. Take your seats, there will be another fairy tale!
    Sleep, my joy, sleep, the lights in the house have gone out,
    Close your eyes quickly, sleep, my joy, sleep.
    Sing, bye-bye, pour, bye-bye,
    Light it up, bye-bye, come on, come on!
    You adult girl, do what you want, BANZAI!
    Granddaughter: (dances during the song)
    This is cool! I'm ready to listen to the story!
    Grandfather: I didn’t understand one thing! Are you already that?
    After all, she’s still a baby, she’s only 6 years old!
    Granddaughter: Who is this little girl here? Maybe I'm short
    But I'm a cool girl, I read Cosmopolitan,
    And I want to tell you – stop wagging your tongue!
    I look like I’m 6 years old, but in my brain I’m still thirty-five!
    By the way, I watch TV from morning to night.
    I've seen something like this, your jaw would drop.
    In general, I know how to live, who to hang out with, and who to be friends with!
    It is useless to argue with me - the woman is always right!
    So, I won’t sleep, I’ll play in kindergarten!
    Start the story, brothers, I'm off to change my clothes! (goes to music)
    Grandfather: Oh yes, granddaughter, yes! Her mother will kill me!
    My mother brought her granddaughter to visit us of her own free will...
    Tomorrow morning, when I wake up, I’ll take care of my upbringing!
    I’ll raise the question point blank if I remember, because sclerosis!
    That's it, guys, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, but I'm not saying goodbye! (goes to music)
    Buffoons: This is how we opened the holiday with humor,
    And we want that on this day you
    They looked at us a little differently
    After all, we respect and love all of you!
    We want a little warmth and soul,
    May your and our dreams come true,
    So that kind word not just now
    We could have heard, dear ones, from you.
    For so many years we have all become family
    We are with you in joy and with you in sorrow
    You and I are responsible for our children,
    So we will be more tolerant and warmer towards each other.
    And on this day we want to raise a toast,
    May our garden grow and prosper!!

    Song "Wind"
    Buffoons: 1-2-3-4-5, time to start the fairy tale!
    (voice behind the scene)
    Kindergarten celebrates its anniversary!
    Invites you to plunge into childhood.
    Memories make everyone feel warmer,
    They make us smile.

    The first toy and potty,
    The first kiss from Dima on the cheek,
    The very first poem I learned,
    And tears alone over the semolina...

    This is childhood! How to forget him?
    How can I forget kindergarten? Bunnies, Snowflakes...
    We will keep the photos
    Without hiding sincere giggles!
    Presentation (story from the beginning)
    Ved:(behind the scenes) The floor for congratulations goes to the head of our kindergarten, Irina Valentinovna Georgieva.
    Congratulatory words from the manager:
    Dear friends, dear guests, colleagues and employees. Today is our special day! We are celebrating the 40th anniversary of our kindergarten.
    Kindergarten is home to sweet, kind, smart, cheerful, noisy, wonderful children. Everything we do in our kindergarten is for their sake, so that they grow and develop.
    Kindergarten is parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this.
    Kindergarten is staff. The most hardworking, creative, capable of everything, people who care about their work with their souls, and who love children.
    Kindergarten is a family. And like any family, we have our own traditions.
    A kindergarten is a unique system that provides care, supervision, nutrition, education and health improvement for a child. No system performs so many functions simultaneously.
    A kindergarten is a living organism that breathes, feels, rejoices, and grieves. We try to penetrate every heart, instill joy, love and kindness in it.

    Give knowledge, skills, love

    And so now with all my heart
    Presentation of certificates by committee
    There are distinguished guests at our anniversary and now I would like to give the floor of congratulations.....
    (congratulations, awards) Administration of the city, district, region.
    Leading: I want to say a toast to the guests,
    For family and friends.
    You allow in your honor
    It's a fun toast to read to you.
    Wish you good health -
    This is the first. Second -
    Wish you fulfillment
    All your hopes and accomplishments!
    Let's raise a cheerful toast today,
    Today we will raise a toast in verse.
    So that every guest is so happy
    What I couldn’t say in three words.
    There will be happiness today - like a bird,
    The plumage has a blue shine.
    There will be joy circling nearby,
    It's good that we have a lot
    Both guests and friends today!
    So let's raise a toast to this!
    And let's fill the glasses with clinking!
    This holiday is fun and simple!

    (teachers leave the room)
    A grandfather and granddaughter appear on stage.
    Grandfather: Well, my joy, are you shedding tears? Tell your grandfather what your granddaughter wants?
    Granddaughter: I don’t want to sit at home, twirl in front of the mirror, try on outfits. I want to work!
    Grandfather: Again for his own! Where have you seen this before for children to work? The neighbors will laugh at me! Maybe you should see a doctor.
    Granddaughter: I still want it that way!
    I want... I want... I want to work in kindergarten!
    Grandfather: Girl, come to your senses, you can’t do anything!
    Granddaughter: And I’ll go to work... as a teacher! There is nothing complicated here.
    Just think - raising children! One or two - and everything worked out!
    Grandfather: Hey, neighbors, come here, we’ll rehearse now!
    Two neighbor buffoons bring out a table, an easel with a blank sheet of paper, pencils and sit down at the tables.
    Granddaughter: Hello, kids! (The buffoons look at each other in bewilderment.)
    Grandfather: Should I knock you on the head? (The buffoons draw their heads into their shoulders.)
    Don't press yourself: imagine that you have become children again.
    The buffoons look at each other again, smile and begin to lightly push each other.
    Granddaughter: Quiet, children. We will learn tongue twisters. Repeat after me:
    “Mother gave Romasha the whey from the yogurt.” (The buffoons don’t succeed.) What are you saying? I can't understand anything. Repeat after me: “The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style.” (The buffoons mutter something unintelligible.) How stupid you are! I'd rather teach a drawing lesson. Today we will draw my grandfather. (Draws a funny face, buffoons add funny details to the portrait.)
    Grandfather: Oh, baby, you better not be a teacher!
    Presenter: Dear girl, the profession of a teacher is very difficult and complex.
    A teacher-educator needs to know a lot himself, master various “funny” professions in order to teach his students something. Look at teachers and you will understand: on their fragile shoulders they bear full responsibility for the younger generation. Surrounded by twenty “whys,” you need to find answers to all your questions, write plans, and prepare for classes! And this list can go on for a long time!
    (The buffoons, having played themselves out, run away.)
    Granddaughter: Wait, children, it’s still too early to go for a walk! Grandfather, catch them! (they run away from the hall)
    Ved: Every child is a droplet, a ray,
    Gathered together - a bright spring.
    What will they carry to the running river of life?
    Just think about it for a moment.
    They will be a pure, crystal river,
    Or like a pond with stagnant water,
    Will they become a lake with a mirror-like surface,
    Maybe by the sea with a steep wave...
    Everything that is pledged will all return to us,
    When we sow good things, we will reap good things.
    Let your heart smile with joy again,
    Having met a drop of my stream!
    Presentation " Magic world childhood" part 3

    We welcome the best teachers of different categories, ages and sizes (4 teams)
    Team 1 is our pride - the trainees! The numbers indicate them teaching experience work. (emblem on the chest) Some of the numbers are shocking - they coincide with the anniversary date of the kindergarten!
    Team 2 – the younger generation, who want to continue what they started, frankly shocking us with their beauty and youth. This is our hope - the young specialists of our kindergarten.
    Team 3 – work experience 30-20 years
    Team 4 – enthusiasts - 20-10 years of experience
    1 Presenter: Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?
    By the number of years lived?
    Well, if you are full of vigor,
    If you love the whole world?
    If your world is filled with colors,
    Where is black missing?
    If you don't skimp on caresses
    And dreamy, like a poet,
    If you always strive for something new,
    And peace does not attract you -
    Then you are a specialist from God.
    Always remain like this!
    2 Presenter: All people need our profession,
    It is undoubtedly important, but difficult.
    One after another, worries come.
    And sketch out a plan, prepare classes,
    So that children can understand it better...
    And then it’s time to take you for a walk,
    And something to entertain and captivate them along the way.
    And you often have to joke, smile,
    Even though sometimes I’m not inclined to laugh,
    Our profession is difficult, but important.
    Undoubtedly, all people need it.

    (An image of a person appears on the screen)
    After numerous observations of homosapiens, a subspecies of “educators”, scientists summarized some of their observations and published their works. It turns out that almost all teachers vomit on themselves from time to time.
    hair (tears off the hair of the person on the screen). They work tirelessly and if there is no result, they give up (we remove the hands from the picture). And if everything went well, they may lose their heads (we remove our heads). When they come home after work, they stretch out their legs (remove their legs). Many people break their backs (remove the body) And what remains after all this? That's right - the heart!
    And with this heart, every day they come to work, they are ready again and again: to pull their legs, to strain their backs, to pull themselves together, to style their hair and raise their heads high to meet a new day and each child. And the main thing is to smile.
    Teachers read poetry:
    1 - A simple cozy town,
    Regular kindergarten...
    But only at first glance.

    2 - Believe it or not,
    Having crossed the threshold,
    I open the door to a fairy tale
    And so on from year to year.

    3 - I thank my fate,
    Weaving the thread of life,
    I was lucky to be happy
    Which means living the fairy tale!

    4 - Years pass in succession
    Under the shade of poplars.
    My graduates come to me
    They take their children.

    5. Educator is our profession,
    And, sometimes, without titles or awards.
    We still love our job
    And we all hurry to kindergarten.

    6. Year after year passes in worries.
    Everything for them - for their own children
    We study and implement
    Innovations of today.

    7.And in the flow of current life
    Let us not forget about the peace of the soul,
    To be sensitive, kind, brave
    The babies came out.

    8. From the sad and despondent
    And the work is of little use!
    You don't know how to have fun -
    So you are not a teacher!

    9. Never forget
    What Makarenko said:
    "I would be gloomy teachers,
    He was not allowed near children! »

    10 – I sincerely congratulate you
    All my colleagues and friends!
    Prosper, beloved kindergarten!
    We are celebrating our anniversary!

    Song of teachers
    Song about teachers (Childhood never ends)
    1. Let's sing this song about us about girls
    How we started going to kindergarten again.
    How we started playing with dolls again,
    And read a fairy tale about a pockmarked hen.
    Childhood is returning to us
    Even though we are many years old.
    And he won’t part with us /2 times/
    It won't say goodbye, no! /2 times/

    2. From now on, be friends with kids for the rest of your life,
    Laugh and sing, dance in circles.
    We'll open it for them amazing world
    Aibolit and Moidodyr will come to visit us.

    3. Years will pass, the kids will grow up
    The ships will go on a space voyage.
    And maybe they will remember the star worlds
    About us, kindergarten teachers.

    Teachers go to their places
    Leading: Today in our hall there are specialists who have worked in our kindergarten for many years. We are very glad that you are with us again today. And the word for congratulations is given......

    Ved.: You all need to ask for praise today,
    Listen to the constellation of names:
    Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Maria, Tatyana,
    Nina, Elena, Oksana, Love!
    For your loyalty to the garden, I bow to you!
    We wish everyone to be healthy,
    And our kindergarten - more home be in love!
    After all, this work is a second family,
    And don’t let your husbands be jealous of you!
    So let's raise a glass to the wonderful specialists of the Skazka kindergarten, both those working and those who are now on a well-deserved rest!
    Granddaughter: I agree, difficult work. I'll go and work as a nanny. What's so difficult about it? I fed the children, washed the dishes, waved the mop - and went home! (All words are accompanied by actions.)
    Grandfather: Do what you want! Just let's practice first.
    Music from Cinderella sounds
    The granddaughter puts on an apron, tousles her hair, and takes a mop.
    Leading: It's not easy being a junior teacher! After all, there is so much to do in a day: dress the children, undress them, feed them, wash the floors, wipe the dust, keep the tools in order. In general, our nannies are real Cinderellas!
    Granddaughter: What kind of life is my life? There is no end or edge.
    I plow here like a horse - I wash, I take out the trash,
    In the morning I went to the kitchen, got a ton of porridge,
    She took off the dirty linen and laid out clean clothes,
    Damn, I didn’t even smoke...
    To tidy up here, to wash there, my God, how scary it is to live!!!
    Sings: I clean from morning until evening, I don’t straighten my tired shoulders,
    I wash and clean and iron, I run around in the sweat of my brow all day,
    Here it’s spit on, here it’s dirty, I rub it with a brush and smear it with domestos,
    I glue wallpaper and paint skirting boards, there will be no end in sight!
    Oh! If I could become a manager, I would never have to clean again!
    If only I had gone to the seas right away, what a life would have begun then!
    But! The boss will come to our group soon,
    That's why I walk around like a fool,
    I need to wash, boil and soak,
    I'm like a servant in this house!
    Ironing, plowing and weeding and hilling,
    How you dogs tortured me!
    I already look like a scarecrow!
    I look worse than Baba Yaga!
    I'm so tired of cleaning!
    And vacuuming and sweeping!
    And wipe! And squeeze!
    I want to escape!!! (leave)

    Leading: We present to you " Golden mean"team - junior teachers." - You are the glorious workers who give your children your selfless love.
    (junior teachers go on stage)
    Our dear nannies!
    We wish you joy always.
    We wish you well with all our hearts!
    And so that you don't have sadness
    And so that the children do not upset you.
    And so that you are always in a great mood.

    1. I work as a junior assistant in the garden.
    And I’m just popularly called a nanny.
    But I would like to tell you, friends,
    How important work is to everyone is my work!

    2. And wipe the dust and wash the dishes,
    and you won’t forget a lot of things along the way.
    I set the tables, I make the bed,
    I always help the kids with everything.

    3. I keep both the group and the bedroom clean,
    and so that order is at its best!
    So that the children are always clean and comfortable,
    so that it is fresh and beautiful around.
    And the kids often help me!
    And the kids grow up hardworking!

    4. I’ve been spinning on a wheel all day like a squirrel,
    But time flies - two minutes per second!
    Anyone who has tried it knows.
    And we saw everything!
    How difficult my work is,
    but I won't regret it!

    5. After all, beauty is so pleasant,
    but it doesn’t happen without difficulty!
    Here's my short story,
    about the one who is only called nanny...
    I hope you at least a little
    and they recognized my work)
    Leading: And we also know about you that you know how to have fun yourself and light up others with joyful enthusiasm.
    Number from junior teachers.- DANCE
    Teacher assistants go to their places
    Host: Thank you very much,
    We value you very much.
    In all matters, the credit is yours,
    You are our favorite nannies!

    Always take care of your children
    You give important tips.
    You help without fail
    And you understand right away.

    For this we wish you happiness,
    After all, the kindergarten has become part of you.
    May your days pass brightly
    And every moment will be a gift!
    And now I propose to raise a glass to the most best helpers educators of all times and peoples!
    Presenter: A word of congratulations – Teremok Kindergarten
    Presenter: We would like to give the floor to those
    Who leads labor, seemingly invisible,
    To the soldiers of the invisible front,
    Without them ours kindergarten will disappear!!
    To our laundresses, watchmen, workers,
    Everyone who lives here with us gives their hearts to children!
    Song (sung by the watchmen and the laundry)
    Presenter: You see, girl: everything is not so simple!
    Granddaughter: Well, is there easy work in kindergarten? In the kitchen, for example.
    Why don't I peel the potatoes? Or I won’t mix some borscht... no
    I’ll mix it... I won’t mix it? (To the music, he puts on a robe and cap, takes a large saucepan, puts it in front of him, takes the ladle in his hands)
    And today we will have... There will be a new game:
    All the girls are cooks, and the boys are cooks.

    We put on robes and caps on our heads.
    And the pots with scoops were laid out on the tables.

    Our cubes are potatoes, and carrots are pencils.
    Even a ball will become an onion - Our soup will be delicious.

    Let's salt everything, stir it, pour it into plates.
    We'll have fun sitting the dolls down and feeding them before bed.

    We are cooks today, We are cooks today!
    Why couldn’t I cook edible soup?
    Who will tell me the secret? What is the reason, what is the problem?
    I'll remove the pan from the stove. All! Game over! (he leaves and takes away the pan (drags) this blog without his grandfather!)
    Host: And our cooks feed the children very tasty, that’s why our children are ruddy and pretty! Please welcome our wonderful kitchen staff! (go on stage)
    The magic of cooking
    They manage it skillfully here.
    Everything that was fried was boiled
    It was delicious.
    Causes appetite
    Cook's miracles
    And looks enviously
    Ronald from McDonald's.
    So that the dinner is cooked delicious,
    And potatoes and cabbage
    Someone has to buy it
    Don't forget about the sausages.
    The storekeeper knows this
    All products are on time
    Buy in a timely manner.
    And what can I say?
    You, Yulia Olegovna, have everything in stock.
    Praise and honor to you for that!
    Number from the chefs (report on the work done + verse)
    Host: We will say thank you again and again,
    That the children were always fed, healthy,
    And they have rosy smiles!
    And I wish you on your working days
    We wish good luck and joy to everyone!
    So that the kindergarten does not have problems with finances!
    To make you pancakes, beshbarmak,
    It would be just a trifle for the whole kindergarten!
    And we wish you less adversity,
    More smiles and joys to you,
    Today we bow to the ground to the chefs!
    A word of congratulations – school 1 and 2
    Granddaughter: Yes, it’s difficult in the kitchen... Perhaps I’ll become a nurse. Just think: I gave you a pill, smeared it with brilliant green, gave me an injection - and everyone is healthy!
    Grandfather: Hey, bring the tools! My granddaughter will rehearse!
    Presenter: No way! I won’t even allow you to rehearse here! Health is the most precious thing we and our children have. This requires special knowledge and skills.
    There is no more important thing in the world,
    How to bring joy to people
    Treat and take pity on the sick,
    Not everyone can be like this!
    Vaccinations and injections,
    Measure your blood pressure and listen to your pulse!
    Give the potion, add drops,
    The temperature suddenly rose
    Everyone is calling the nurse again!
    Let me introduce you to our nurses – …………………………….
    Word Honey. Sisters

    Leading: Thank you for your concern,
    Thank you for your efforts,
    For your modest work,
    There are fruits for your smiles.
    We give you a lot of patience,
    Fewer seriously ill patients
    So that every kind word
    It turned into flowers for you.

    So that the matter always argues,
    So that they will wait for you at home with love,
    And there was joy in work,
    So that sorrows bypass you!
    Presenter: The floor for congratulations is given by DK

    The Granddaughter comes out wearing glasses and holding a magazine, singing:
    For the caretaker to the music of the song "Chauffeur's Song"
    The wind blows through the village with dust,
    But always in place in heat and cold
    The man who can do anything in the world
    Our indispensable caretaker in the kindergarten!
    Chorus: The caretaker is not afraid of rain and slush,
    Frost and ice are not scary,
    She will never cry
    Everything the kindergarten needs can be found!
    Kindergarten requires both balls and notebooks
    Children love to play, draw...
    The caretaker will always be fine
    Even the impossible can be achieved!
    All! It's decided! I will play deputy manager for economic affairs!

    A nurse comes out unexpectedly
    So! Attention! Today we have a lecture on the prevention of rheumatism in children!
    Presenter: Dear Ekaterina Yuryevna! But today is our anniversary! And we have just started talking about the administrative block of our kindergarten!
    Honey. Sister: What should I do? For failure to comply with the plan, my boss will deprive me of my bonus!
    Leading: Or maybe you can give us a lecture, but not about children, but...let's say...about an accountant!!!
    Nurse: Well, good! I was told to give a lecture, I will give it, I will make the lecture accessible! I will throw out the children and insert accountants!
    Prevention of rheumatism in children... excuse accountants... Rheumatism, it is rheumatism, both in children and in accountants... Prevention of rheumatism in.....accountants should begin during the period....intrauterine life..... Of particular importance, especially in the first year life...has the organization of nutrition...since the child, oh, the accountant is not yet adapted to digest food....An accountant....is born...with a not yet sufficiently developed...central nervous system...., therefore, for the purpose of hardening, he needs to be accustomed to the actions of the room temperature...leaving him for 1-2 minutes...naked!....The accountant...is much more sensitive to the lack of oxygen...than other people...With a lack of oxygen, the accountant turns blue..., shortness of breath appears, the ears get cold, and the back...of the accountant ...Regarding liquids, it must be said... that the younger the accountant, the more liquid he consumes... On average, a small... accountant... needs 150 grams..... yeah.... 150 grams of liquid….per kilogram of weight….Is that a lot of something!?!....even for an accountant……And after this, the accountant begins to hold his head very early!....And the larger the head...the more difficult it is hold her...she leans to the sides...usually to the left, so the accountant cannot sit in one place for a long time!...And if he has not yet learned to walk,...he usually sits until he is one year old...This is what you need to know in order to protect your children ….My little accountant…..for rheumatism, thank you for your attention! Thank you!
    Leading: We present our esteemed administration to thunderous applause:
    So that the balance always converges,
    The kindergarten did not go bankrupt.
    Accountants are working
    In the accounting department in the morning.
    Teachers' salaries,
    And the parents are paid,
    We urgently need to calculate
    And hand out receipts...

    Working day at the caretaker's
    It's very difficult to predict.
    The flood is a threat,
    Then the plumbing again,
    The battery burst here,
    There is an audit going on.
    We didn’t have time to look back,
    The garden is closed for renovation.
    How can you live without a caretaker?
    We say thank you!

    A word from the accounting department and the caretaker

    Leading: The floor for congratulations goes to the Novoladozhsky House Children's creativity
    Grandfather: I stayed too long! And I will play the senior teacher! Or a methodologist! There’s definitely nothing to do here: hand out papers with tasks left and right. That's all the work. I even know this song.
    The “Song about the Methodist” is performed to the tune of “Here is someone coming down the hill.”
    But who showed up?
    Probably the methodologist is coming...
    And all the people became wary:
    God willing, it will pass today!
    He will come up and quietly say:
    “You need to do this and that,
    Here's a piece of paper with the task,
    I’ll bring more tomorrow.”
    But our garden is held in high esteem everywhere,
    And our rating is so high!
    Always at work, always at work
    Our wonderful teacher!
    Presenter: Dear, you can’t even imagine how difficult and responsible the work of a senior teacher is! In order for educators to “survive” in modern reality, they must have a huge amount of knowledge. To draw up an annual plan and manage the work of a large teaching staff, you need to be aware of latest technologies, know about new and long-tested methodological developments, “shovel” mountains of literature. We present our deputy head of educational work– Kuvshinova Svetlana Nikolaevna.
    The speech of the methodologist and the presentation of certificates at the institution
    Presenter: The word for congratulations goes to the Library + Museum

    Granddaughter comes out:
    Well! So, I will be the manager. Sit in your office and manage your team: you go there, you go there!
    Presenter: Well! Try to sit in the manager's chair for at least five minutes.
    The granddaughter sits down in a chair and takes a relaxed pose.
    Granddaughter: At six in the morning the phone rang.
    Oh, why did you interrupt my sleep?
    I say: “Hello! What do you want?”
    And they say: “From kindergarten!”
    The storekeeper didn't show up for work
    His birthday was on Saturday!

    I'm going to the garden with my neighbors in their car,
    I watch life through the window,
    Crush, almost broke a rib,
    I got lucky this morning!

    And then our supply manager called,
    And with tears he asked:
    "I have no more strength,
    The rain was drizzling again,
    I didn't take out the trash
    I didn't cut all the grass,
    He wore out his galoshes."

    My friend, isn't it for you?
    last week
    we gave out a couple
    excellent galoshes???
    -Oh, the ones from last week,
    We only put it on twice,
    What to do, Chinese quality,
    Frivolous, like a circus show!

    And then the kids called,
    -We didn’t get our books yesterday.

    And then there was a call from GORONO
    -Find a window in your work
    And welcome to our carpet,
    We have a difficult conversation with you.

    And then the mayor of the capital called,
    He told me his tales,
    Called urgently for a meeting,
    He took thirty-three promises from me.

    I'm on the bus again to Gorono,
    I found a window in the notebook,
    Dancing the Bolero as we walked,
    Figaro sang a verse to himself.

    And then the methodologist called,
    - We need an artist on schedule,
    Maybe even a famous soloist.
    Yes, we have a swindler,
    He's probably definitely an artist,
    The stand has been ordered and the money has been paid,
    Two nails are just hammered in.

    Another nurse called
    The kids got sick yesterday
    He says the midge has bitten,
    The groups ran around in a hurry,
    I tore all the bandages yesterday,
    And I wrote the application again:
    Well, when will they send iodine and cotton wool?
    Tell me what am I guilty of?

    And again the mayor of the capital says,
    You look so tired.
    You need to rest a little,
    Your problem is close to my heart.
    Run like a centipede
    Accept newcomers a little more!
    Let's move all the beds,
    Thirty children in a group is enough!

    And such rubbish
    All day long, ding-dee-lazy...
    ding-dee-lazy, ding-dee-lazy
    Then the worker will call
    Then the assistant will call,
    Then the watchman will call...

    And recently two mamzels
    They called and sang:
    Everyone's broken

    Oh, are you in your right mind, mamzeli?
    The carousels didn't break down
    And the buildings survived!
    Mamzeli, you shouldn’t make a fuss,
    And next week
    Arrived for a cleanup day
    And painted the swing!

    But they didn’t listen to mamzeli
    And they were still making noise:
    All swings
    Did it creak?

    What stupid mamzels!

    But yesterday music worker,
    She refused to go to the cleanup.
    Says there's a hole in the piano,
    About two, one and a half centimeters.
    We need costumes, performances,
    We sing in choral performance!

    The cooks called and said
    Today, unfortunately, we made a mistake!
    We wonder what to feed the children,
    We’ll call you, maybe we’ll find out something!

    Educators and teachers,
    They call me on the way, on the way,
    Find a live beaver
    His kids really ask for it.
    To the drum - drum sticks,
    The speech therapist asks for new cards!

    The nanny asks to update the bucket,
    The janitor asks him to inspire him,
    Everyone in the city needs to be sobered up,
    And the fence needs to be fenced,
    The mayor of the city cannot be angered!

    I have no peace at night and during the day,
    A cell phone rings.
    I'll plunge headlong into the conversation,
    First one will call, then the other.

    I have time to charge my phone,
    I get a microphone for the children,
    I love our kindergarten with all my heart!

    I would like to take a nap, rest a little,
    I would like to take a sip of hot tea.
    But only I'm over the threshold,
    A mobile phone rings.

    Who's speaking?
    -What's happened?
    - Trouble! Trouble!
    -To our school
    The Star is coming!
    A decent reception is needed urgently,
    Help us all overtime....
    Take the kids quickly
    And run to the second school...

    OK OK. Run Run.
    If I can, I'll help
    I'll bake a cake and bring it,
    I'll bring the kids along!

    This is the ambush, guys,
    Be the head of a kindergarten!

    Presenter: Yes, I couldn’t sit in the manager’s chair for even five minutes! The head of a modern kindergarten has the most responsible and difficult job. You must be able to manage a large team of employees, find mutual language with parents, negotiate with plumbers and builders. And now the floor is again given to the head of our kindergarten, Irina Valentinovna Georgieva.
    For the manager:
    Today we will talk about years...
    What do years mean?.. Let them rush forward...
    The word “live” is always beautiful for us,
    Memories of those years will return to us...
    We prefer moving forward -
    With the winds of change, rush towards the goal,
    And if the hour strikes for a stop,
    That's just to catch my breath.
    Our work is interesting and difficult,
    We will continue to raise children,
    After all, in the life of a teacher there is one goal -
    Give knowledge, skills, love
    Still small good people.
    But, in general, it's not a matter of years,
    And the fact is that the garden is celebrating its anniversary
    And so now with all my heart
    I congratulate my entire team on the holiday!!!
    Presentation No. 4

    Grandfather and Granddaughter + Presenters come out
    Granddaughter: I couldn’t even think that working in a kindergarten could cause such difficulties!
    Grandfather: Baby, you ended up in a “Fairy Tale”!
    Granddaughter: Well, let us grow up.
    We don't know how to be bored.
    We wish you sunshine, friends.
    Grandfather: On your special anniversary
    We will repeat powerfully,
    That you can’t live in the world without childhood.
    Read in order:
    Granddaughter: We told you a fairy tale
    They sang and danced a lot,
    1 Ved.: How did the grandfather and granddaughter live after the fairy tale?
    We wouldn't want to know!
    2 Vedas. But I can only tell you that we can all live like this!
    1 Vedas: And so that life is like in a fairy tale,
    You need to add some color to it
    But only bright colors– it will immediately be BEAUTY!
    Granddaughter: I just wish I knew where to get these paints!
    Grandfather: Don’t be clever here, just live happily!
    1 Vedas: Chat with your friends and smile more often!
    2 Vedas: After all, it is known that laughter cures everyone from illness!
    They sing: You know, everything will still be there, the south wind will still blow
    And he will conjure happiness for you, and even take you to the ball.
    And it will force us to meet, and it will force us to meet
    No trouble in the world can cool our hearts!
    The fairy tale is that it’s just like in life,
    But in the fairy tale the ending is known.
    But in life, well, even if you try to guess, it’s useless,
    Granddaughter: But it’s more interesting this way! (Bow, leave)
    They haven't done it for forty years,
    But is it possible to simply congratulate?
    It's hard to stay away
    If the garden is better - no!
    There is no one more beloved or more precious!
    Let another hundred years pass,
    But there is no replacement for you.
    We wish you to go successfully,
    Your business from year to year.
    The decisions were not hasty.
    There would be a ford at the crossing.
    We want everything to be okay
    To live in a happy streak.
    And concluding my short toast,
    We wish you to be at your best!

    Galina Paryushkina
    Scenario for the anniversary of the head of the kindergarten

    « Anniversary of Lyudmila Anatolyevna»

    Why in our laundry

    Is it crowded in the morning?

    Everyone is frying something, steaming

    They fuss endlessly

    Hurry up and peel the potatoes.

    Mayonnaise here

    We head of our

    Celebrating anniversary!

    Two fives stood in a row, they look beautiful,

    They mince about each other, oh, what a miracle!

    Two fives, five, yes five,

    And we want to congratulate you loudly.

    The word for congratulations is given to the senior teacher kindergarten Svetlana Borisovna.

    Congratulations from the methodologist (Presentation of flowers)

    On the occasion of celebrations, fireworks are usually given

    Now is just such a case

    Mark anniversary date

    A cannon salvo would do no good

    But a volley of champagne corks is better!

    Let's pour...and lift the container,

    On let's see the hero of the day

    And we will stand quietly before her

    And let's shout "S" congratulations on your anniversary!

    (1 toast)

    Two fives in anniversary, we hasten to congratulate you soon

    You are our dear colleague, a loving mother to our daughter,

    Spouse faithful wife, and for him there is no one more dear to you!

    You treat everyone with a reverent soul, you are irreplaceable for everyone,

    Still today hero of the day and we want to say to you:

    We all cannot pass up such a valuable specimen!

    After all, the team is rich in you and I would like to hope

    That at sixty and seventy nothing about you will change

    The soul will remain with you, and this is your luggage and treasure.

    And there are no trends to fade away, your mind is powerful and rich

    And we look into the future with optimism, we want to see you in good health!

    (2 toast to health hero of the day)

    The table is set, colleagues are sitting

    Together at the big table

    For Lyudmila Anatolyevna

    Let's sing a song together!

    Congratulatory song

    If your life is like replaying a film a few years ago

    You were just a girl then, tender, tender like a spring garden

    Because even now you are as young as you once were,

    And enthusiasm and kindness, this is what you are rich in!

    In this wonderful anniversary noon, we'll tear away the voices from singing,

    Congratulations, flowers, toasts, and a glass of wine!

    You are our mentor and friend, we respect you very much,

    And for your high fives, we drink to the fullest!

    Our wishes for a happy birthday according to the signs of ancient times,

    As if by pike’s command, they must come true exactly,

    May luck always smile on you,

    May you win a million, and a house and a dacha to boot!


    In our children's always lives in the garden good fairy tale, and today the fairy tale celebrates with us anniversary our dear Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

    Believe it or don't believe it.

    Standing in a dense garden

    Cheerful, kind home,

    Not a house, a palace with children,

    Cars on the porch

    How many children? In bulk!

    Like the grains in a cucumber,

    Merry and not so much.

    Pugnacious and in snot,

    Whom they will drag in their hands,

    Who is being transported in strollers?

    Who pees in pantyhose

    And who goes to the potty?

    These dolls live

    Let's just say it's good.

    After all, they are fed here, sung,

    Then they'll go to bed,

    And they will tell a fairy tale,

    And they will take you to bed,

    Well, life is like raspberries,

    Well, what else can I say?

    This is the picture.

    Let's continue to interpret

    And who rules that kingdom?

    You ask me, the Queen there is Lyudmila, a crown for her, friends!

    (The hero of the day is asked to rise, put a crown on her) Touche!


    3 A toast to our glorious queen.


    Our glorious queen

    All you know friends

    She will be born today

    It was not in vain that I was lucky,

    Life runs after her at a gallop,

    Luda rushes ahead,

    So that old age with shortness of breath

    You can't catch up with her on the way.


    Dear Lyudmila Anatolyevna!

    Dear queen, your subjects have prepared musical and not so musical gifts for you.

    (Adults come out dressed as children).

    Hello, what are you doing here? That's why you're preventing us from sleeping, it's clear they're drinking wine.

    And they make a melting pot when adults have a birthday, they always drink wine, then dance, then fall asleep, and then we can eat all the candy and taste the wine.

    But children are not allowed to drink wine!

    And I’m just here and there to eat!

    Enough chatter, let's congratulate Aunt Luda!

    Congratulates Lyudmila Anatolyevna

    Our favorite kindergarten.

    Sends greetings to you, dear,

    Junior, nursery squad.

    We promise to listen to you,

    Always go to the potty

    When everyone has eaten the porridge,

    We'll take the cups away.

    Be healthy, Aunt Luda

    Many, many more days

    We promise that we will come

    To you on the hundredth anniversary!

    (Sing to the tune "Let run clumsily").


    Let him laugh today

    The sun is a red speck,

    Nightingales sing songs in chorus

    We wish you health

    We promise with love

    Don't forget your instructions.


    It's not just a birthday here

    Aunt Luda Anniversary,

    Give us candy and cookies

    And pour a little.


    Most of us love detective stories. We read them with rapture, watching them frozen on TV screens, and therefore we know that there are no ideal crimes. It happens: attackers always leave at least some traces. I had the misfortune to encounter the actions of criminals elements: prepared for anniversary a selection of songs was stolen. To our joy, we managed to find the last words of each line of the first verses. Here is one of them:: birth, give, spring, talk

    And so I propose to restore the stolen songs.

    Dawn, fire, somewhere, accordion. “It’s like everything froze until dawn”

    Corner, house, about the one with the cat "Once upon a time there was a time"

    Glass, walk, light, alley. "Old Maple"

    Have fun, trouble, settled, neighbor. "How can we not have fun"

    Light, frost, bears, axis. "Somewhere in this world"

    Yellow, gentle, echo, heights. “You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly, the moon looks into the

    All, is, is, all. All covered with greenery, absolutely all, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean.

    And now Lyudmila Anatolyevna is congratulated by the honored guests of the Pioneers holiday - pensioners!

    (Pensioners appear with a drum and a bugle)

    Ved: Who keeps pace together?

    Give way to pensioners!

    Ved: Who walks together in a row?

    Our retirement team!

    Ved: Squad, stand at attention! Alignment with hero of the day!

    Dear Lyudmila Anatolyevna, are you ready to join our detachment of pioneers - pensioners?

    L.A.: Always ready!

    (To the beat of a drum and the sounds of a bugle, a red tie is tied around her neck)

    Congratulations on your honorary title of Russian Pensioner! Applause!

    Get your ears ready, we'll sing ditties for you!

    1 : Someone regrets youth

    And the years gone by

    Well, ours The hero of the day is still young!

    2 : I go out to dance in a circle,

    Move aside dear friend

    To the hero of the day I wish you a hundred friends and a hundred girlfriends!

    1 : Fifty-five, or twenty-five, what's the difference?

    You make men fall in love with you the same way!

    2 : For you the second five is added to the first,

    And this immediately increases your income!

    The accordion plays well, the heel knocks well,

    with a kiss hero of the day for her gorgeous look!

    Anatolievna: Anniversary you have tired me out,

    I'm leaving for maternity leave for the next three days!


    Well, friends,

    Finished anniversary,

    And the quiet hour is coming to an end

    The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

    So our life passes quietly,

    But we will not regret the past,

    We look forward to the coming day,

    No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,

    Only those who walk can overcome a difficult road.

    Once again with anniversary, see you again.

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