• Methodological development (junior group) on the topic: Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age. Algorithm for washing hands in kindergarten in pictures


    Abstract operating moment"Washing."

    Middle group


    1.Continue to teach children to wash their hands when dirty and before eating,

    Dry your hands with a personal towel.

    2. Consolidate knowledge about individual personal hygiene items (washcloth,

    Soap, comb, toothbrush, towel).

    3. Make children aware of the importance of following hygiene procedures.

    4. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

    5. Use knowledge of nursery rhymes and poems.

    6. Promote positive emotions in children from

    The washing process.

    Washroom equipment: soap dishes,

    Pieces of soap,

    Towels for each child,

    Poster “Rules of washing”

    Progress of the regime moment.

    1. In a group.

    Now we have come from the street. We walked, played, changed clothes, and put everything neatly in the lockers.

    Do all the children look neat? (they tucked their T-shirts into their shorts, pulled up their tights, the girls straightened the elastic bands in their hair). Now you are all beautiful and neat.

    Can we sit down at the table for dinner? (no, they didn’t wash their hands).

    What happens if you don't wash your hands? (children's answers).

    In order for a person to look clean and neat, and for germs not to enter the body, he must follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    What is this? (children's answers).

    Rules of personal hygiene - when a person keeps his face, hands, body, and teeth clean.

    Name personal hygiene items. (soap, washcloth, comb, toothbrush, towel)

    When is it necessary to wash your hands? (as you get dirty, after using the toilet, after coming from outside, before eating).

    2. Finger gymnastics“What do children need to wash themselves clean?”

    What will children need?

    To wash your face clean?

    We need some water.

    What washes dirt off your hands?

    Soap helps children.

    They washed themselves cleanly.

    What did the children wipe with? A towel.

    We're going to the washroom

    We'll find soap and a towel now!

    3. In the washroom.

    Let's tell you how to wash your hands properly.

    “Rules of washing” (poster)

    • Roll up your sleeves
    • Get your hands wet
    • Take soap and lather your hands until foam appears.
    • Rub your palms back side, between fingers
    • Rinse off foam without splashing water
    • Dry your hands with your towel

    Children, 2 at a time, go to the sinks and begin to wash their hands.

    4. Poems, nursery rhymes

    What friends do we have in our washroom?


    Soap has care

    Soap goes to work.

    He soaps and washes the children,

    He often invites you to visit.

    Accept the invitation

    Don't forget the soap.


    Terry, fragrant, soft, fluffy.

    Loves to get wet

    Where, what to wipe wet.


    Clear water is flowing,

    We know how to wash ourselves.

    Remember the rule: Wash your hands before eating,

    Dirty hands threaten disaster.

    5. Summary.

    Show your palms.

    How pure and beautiful you all are.

    Now we can go to lunch

    Institute of Economics, Management and Law

    Study practice report


    Student of group K 351

    Minnullina Alina Airatovna

    I checked

    Kozina Dilya Magsumovna


    2) Drawing up an outline of educational activities for the physical development of preschool children. 3) Organization and implementation of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping) aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills and promoting health.

    4) Organization and conduct of physical culture and health activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games, hardening).

    5) Filling out a pedagogical observation card for the child’s health.

    6) Development of a didactic manual for the physical development of a child.

    7) List of used literature

    1. Introduction

    I, Alina Airatovna Minnullina, did an internship at the Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

    Objectives: Educational practice is to form the student's future educator and teacher in the preschool education system personal and professional readiness to carry out the main types of his professional activities.

    On the basis of preschool and primary education laboratories, a classroom of theoretical and methodological foundations of preschool education.

    2. Drawing up a plan outline of nodes on the physical development of preschoolers.

    Planning lessons.

    First week;

    Purpose: Training in balance, practicing jumping.

    Tasks: Form a column one at a time, learn to run, practice balance, practice jumping.

      Introductory part:

      Formation in a line

      Walking in a circle; on toes, on heels.

    Running in circles.

      Main part:

      General developmental exercise.

      Balance exercise (walking on a plank)

    Jumping exercise (in place and with advancements)

    Final part:

    Low activity game with crawling elements.

    Second week;

    Purpose: Training in jumping exercises, throwing exercises.

    Tasks: Form a column one at a time, learn to run, practice balance, practice jumping.

      Tasks: Forming in a column, learning to jump, practicing throwing.

      Linear formation.

      Snake walking

    Running in circles.

      Main part:

      Running in circles

      Jumping exercise (jumping over objects)

    Jumping exercise (in place and with advancements)

    A medium activity game with throwing elements.

    Third week;

    Purpose: Training in throwing exercises, practicing balance.

    Tasks: Forming in a column one at a time, learning to throw, balance exercise.

    Tasks: Form a column one at a time, learn to run, practice balance, practice jumping.

      Checkerboard formation.

      Warm up.

      Walking and running in circles.

    Running in circles.

      Developmental exercise

      Throwing exercise (throwing a ball at a target)

      Balance exercise (walking on a plank)

    Final part: Low activity game with elements of balance.

    Fourth week;

    Purpose: Learning to climb, practice balance.

    Tasks: Form a column, practice balance.

    Tasks: Form a column one at a time, learn to run, practice balance, practice jumping.

      Formation in a line.

      Walking like a train

      Walking in a circle; on toes, on heels.

    Running in circles.

      Developmental exercise.

      Climbing exercise (over obstacle)

    Final part: High activity game with elements.

    3.Organization and implementation of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping) aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills and promoting health.

    Organization of washing

    The organization of washing is carried out gradually, in small groups. First, children are explained (reminded) about the rules for washing:

      Roll up your sleeves before washing;

      Wet your hands with water;

      Lather your hands well (until foam forms);

      Rinse off the soap over the sink;

      Squeeze the water from your hands over the sink (do not shake the water off your hands);

      Dry your hands with a personal towel;

      Keep the washroom clean and tidy.

    During the process, make sure that there are 2 - 3 children at the sink so that they do not push each other. Make comments if necessary. Children should use their own towel and hang it carefully in its place. Specify the name of the washing accessories (soap, soap dish, towel, sink), color, shape of the material (what the soap dish is made of), other properties (warm, cold water).

    When planning cultural and hygienic skills in the process of washing, the teacher must be guided by the Program of his group, taking into account the developmental characteristics of children, and use a variety of techniques for guiding their activities.

    Forming in children the habit of keeping their bodies clean, their clothes neat, and their hairstyles neat; Brush your teeth yourself, keep your nails clean; When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.


    Children of the older group, together with the teacher and his assistant, begin to master the skills of table setting, that is, they are on duty in the dining room, put on specially sewn aprons and set the table, put the necessary dishes and lay out the cutlery on the right side (spoons, forks and knives). Knives are safe for children with a dull blade. Children from the older group should be able to use cutlery correctly. When all the children’s work is finished, the assistant teacher pours out the prepared food. The children sit down to eat, and at the table the teacher talks with them about what they are eating, what this dish is made from, and what is healthy in it.

    Catering in kindergarten must be combined with proper nutrition child in the family. We must strive to ensure that homemade meals complement the kindergarten diet. To do this, we post menus in groups every day. Parents should give their child food in the evening (dinner) that he did not eat in kindergarten.

    The quality of food preparation, its compliance with the physiological needs of children for basic nutrients, the sanitary condition of the catering unit, compliance with personal hygiene rules by workers and the organization of meals for children in groups are monitored by the head of the kindergarten. Brokerage of finished products is carried out daily by a commission specially created for this purpose with entries in the appropriate journal. There are also all technological maps for preparing dishes.

    Organization of dressing

    Experience has shown that in different age groups ah, the attention of teachers and junior teachers is drawn primarily to the children: they are taught to undress while sitting on chairs, in a certain sequence, without unnecessary fuss, haste and pranks. The teacher invites older children to help the kids (for educational purposes).

    When getting ready for a walk, it is advisable to dress the children gradually and send them in subgroups with a junior teacher. The teacher himself trains the younger children in the skills of proper and consistent dressing, carrying out targeted work in this regard.

    Thus, organizing meals, washing, dressing and undressing children in a multi-age group requires great skill of the teacher, clarity and coordination of the work of all service personnel, the creation of a calm and friendly environment, and attentive attitude of adults towards all children, especially the younger ones. All this is important because in the short time that is allocated according to the schedule for carrying out these vital processes, it is necessary not only to properly and quickly serve the children, feed them, clothe them, etc., but also, in accordance with program requirements, to ensure the formation of the necessary children of every age cultural and hygienic skills. Habits should be developed in children during daily activities correct behavior in a team, friendly relationships. It is important:

    The teacher must clearly understand the scope of program requirements for each group;

    When forming a skill, children should focus their attention on improving individual skills, primarily those that children have little or no command of;

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills is a complex and lengthy process. Some skills are formed throughout preschool childhood (to use equipment correctly, etc.), while others are important to develop at a certain age, and on their basis new tasks will be solved in the future;

    When developing skills, the principle of gradualness should be observed - from simple to complex, i.e. skills that develop throughout preschool age, from year to year they expand in scope and become more complicated by the teacher’s requirements for their implementation (for example, in children 3-5 years old the ability to dress and undress correctly is developing, and older children are tasked with doing this quickly).

    When developing skills, use an individual approach to each child;

    Depending on the specific tasks in relation to the students of your group, it is necessary to select a method of pedagogical influence (in some cases - demonstration, in others - reminder, etc.);

    Create a favorable environment for developing personal hygiene skills (beautiful scented soap, calm tone of an adult, etc.);

    Children are taught to be independent, they use their desire healthy child do everything yourself;

    Seniors require control over the quality of skills: to do everything thoroughly, quickly, but carefully, without reminding adults;

    Requirements for children should be constant and the same for all adults raising children (including parents).

    Organization nap;

    With a lack of sleep (1.5 hours a day), the endurance of nerve cells in children weakens, decreased activity, and lethargy occur. Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to neurotic disorders. Therefore, the total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12 - 12.5 hours, of which 2 - 2.5 hours are allocated to daytime sleep.

    When organizing daytime sleep, the following rules are taken into account:

    1. when preparing children for bed, the environment should be calm, noisy games are excluded 30 minutes before bedtime;

    2. children with poor health are the first to sit down at the dinner table, so that they then go to bed first;

    3. Before going to bed, the bedroom is ventilated with a decrease in the air temperature in the room by 3 - 5 degrees;

    4. while children are sleeping, the presence of a teacher (or assistant teacher) in the bedroom is mandatory;

    5. It is necessary to properly wake up the children, give them the opportunity to lie down for 5–10 minutes, but do not keep them in bed.

    Victoria Zhikhareva
    Article “Features of organizing the regime in groups early age»

    Terms and conditions Features of the organization of the regime in early age groups.

    For normal development child and strengthening his health important:

    1. execution regime throughout the entire period of raising children in a preschool institution, starting from early age;

    2. maintaining constancy, consistency and gradualism in implementation regime processes. Consistency must be maintained not only in terms of daily routine, but also in terms of consistency of requirements from all personnel groups.

    The main task group personnel when organizing security moments is concern for the health and physical well-being of the child. This promotes:

    Timeliness of food intake;

    Timeliness and sufficient duration of daytime sleep;

    Correspondence of children's clothing to the microclimate in group and season outside.

    Principles for effective distribution of responsibilities between staff groups:

    The teacher works in the area where the pedagogical requirements are more complex and responsible. The teacher must do the bulk of the work in the initial period of developing independence skills.

    The teacher's assistant serves children who have already partially mastered the skill.

    Basic principles organization of the regime in early age groups:

    1. Ensure the unity of health and educational work.

    2. Ensure unity and consistency of approach on the part of ALL educators, and exactly:


    Continuity in the work of all personnel groups.

    3. Ensure frequent and mostly individual communication between the child and adults, especially during the adaptation period;

    4. Ensure friendly communication between an adult and a child, creating a favorable emotional environment in group. Communication should be predominantly smooth, calm, affectionate and emotional. There's no need to be afraid kind words addressed to children. But we must remember that they must go from a pure heart. Avoid stock words and phrases!

    5. Ensure correct adult behavior. Remember the golden rule: the behavior of an adult is a role model for a child. A child is a mirror, in play he copies the actions of adults, especially negative sides (this is how parents find out what is happening in the kindergarten).

    6. Ensure that children are in an active, cheerful state group.

    At regime organization certain rules:

    1. Each of regime moments should take place in the background of the game.

    2. When conducting regime processes is taken first subgroup children of the smallest and most weakened, slow and, on the contrary, easily excitable children;

    3. Provide for uniformity of requirements on the part of adults raising a child in children's institution and at home.

    4. Create a certain mindset in children to carry out a particular process (do not injure the nervous system).

    5. Implementation of any regime The process should proceed without fuss. Adults should accompany their actions with gentle, unhurried speech.

    6. Build the child’s confidence that everything will work out, he will be able to complete this or that action to the end. Notice something new that the child has already learned.

    7. It is necessary to remember about hygiene requirements: to the premises (compliance with the schedule of wet cleaning, ventilation); to the size of furniture in accordance with height; to the appearance of children and adults; to the feeding process, etc.

    8. Use such a method of relationship between an adult and a child as mother therapy.

    9. Individual communication and approach to children must be observed. The teacher must be able to pay attention to all children, while at the same time providing frequent communication with each individual, master specific methods group education

    10. To successfully develop cultural and hygienic skills, their systematic reinforcement is necessary.

    Specifics organization of regime processes.

    Organization of a walk.

    Stay on fresh air improves health and hardens organism, comprehensively develops children, activates their motor activity and cognitive abilities.

    Gathering children for a walk (like return) is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Every day, about 15% of staff time is spent dressing children. Therefore, rationality is very important organizing this process. The most convenient method is considered to be the so-called frontal method of dressing children, when they simultaneously put on leggings, shoes, sweaters, and lastly a coat. (jackets) and hats. At the same time, we should not forget about maintaining consistency and gradualism, as well as an individual approach to children.

    Organization of the feeding process.

    The feeding process is not only a process of satisfying hunger. During meals, an adult should impart knowledge to children and expand their understanding and vocabulary. Tell them the names of the dishes, their quality and state: sweet, tasty, hot, salty, etc.

    During feeding, the tables at which children sit should be divided between the teacher and the teacher's assistant to observe and provide the necessary assistance. Children who sit down at the table first should finish eating earlier. Otherwise, the rule according to which younger and weaker children are put to bed first is violated. Adults must be able to properly feed children. Under no circumstances should you hang over your child! You need to take a high chair, sit next to the child, and feed him with a clean spoon (another).

    Don't forget to pay attention to moral education based on imitation. WITH early childhood, it is necessary to cultivate correct behavior during food: eat silently, do not disturb others, be careful, etc.

    It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the process of eating and towards food. Children should not be force-fed.

    Organization direct educational activities.

    Classes in early age groups are carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening, lasting 10 minutes for subgroups. The assistant teacher plays a big role here, since the rest of the children are under her supervision.

    The teacher must use various techniques to maintain an optimal state of excitability, protecting children from fatigue, which can arise when children are constantly in a group if in the process organizations upbringing mistakes were made.

    Organization physiological treatment and washing.

    It is necessary to monitor the regularity of physiological procedures, but remember that no more than 3-4 children should be in the toilet room at the same time and no more than 3-4 minutes. Mass planting is carried out before the start of direct educational activities, a walk, after its completion, before going to bed and after getting up.

    At organizations During the washing process with children, a teacher and an assistant teacher must be present, since two skill: Wash your hands and face properly and dry your hands properly with a towel.

    The material will be useful to the teacher, assistant teacher, and head of physical education. All routine moments in the preschool educational institution are described in detail (morning reception, gymnastics, organization of washing, organization of meals, organization of dressing, walk, daytime nap). The recommendations were drawn up based on the experience of V.V. Raeva, L.G. Naugolnykh.



    Recommendations for holding routine moments in different age groups.

    Morning reception

    Target: Gradual entry of the child into the life of a child, creating a calm psychological comfortable mood in each child, strengthening the intimate and personal contact of the teacher with each child.

    The teacher draws attention to appearance children, the fact that the children who came did not forget to say hello, cultivates a culture of communication in children: talk quietly, do not shout. Makes sure that all children find interesting activities, do not walk around idle, and do not interfere with others. If it is difficult for a child to choose an activity, help him: offer a toy, connect him to playing children, clarify with whom he would like to play, give the child an assignment. Creates conditions for varied and interesting activities for children.

    1. Possible morning meeting tasks.

    1. Formation of friendly relations between children, creation of an atmosphere of support and cooperation between children and adults, creation of an overall positive emotional background, a feeling of psychological comfort.

    2. Communication with children.

    3. Give children the opportunity to speak out and listen to each other, to empathize with each other.

    4. Give new information.

    5. Solving some educational problems (expanding children's ideas, developing speech, logical thinking etc.)

    6. Maintaining a new topic.

    7. Get information about children’s development, their interests and other characteristics.

    8. Formation of motivation.

    9. Organization of planning of children's activities.

    10. Solve some socio-psychological problems (organize the choice of partners).

    11. Have fun.

    Now we would like to dwell a little on the first task of the morning gathering - developing a sense of community. Educators work to develop a sense of community in children every day because they expect children to:

    They knew each other's names. Children learn each other's names and use them when communicating, and then learn about the interests and feelings of others.

    They kept the order. Children begin to learn how to take turns doing things. As they grow older, they often begin to give way to each other without arguing or interrupting the game.

    Shared with each other. Children learn to share with each other the attention of the teacher, the opportunity to talk with him alone, a place at the table for games, and toys.

    They moved, making room for their comrade. Children learn to join small groups of children playing in a constructive manner.

    Others were invited to join. Children learn to invite others to join in their play.

    They showed their affection to others. Children learn to greet others and show interest in them.

    Collaborated. Children collaborate with each other on various projects, solve problems together, and play together as a team or group.

    Resolved conflicts. Children learn that discussing each other's problems, feelings, and points of view helps them effectively resolve conflicts.


    1. How to start the day right.

    The tone of the whole day, as a rule, is set from the very first minutes. Children come to kindergarten with very different moods and with very different impressions of the events of the early morning. Take all this into account, help children learn and “digest” this experience, and then the day can turn out more successfully for the child.

    1. How to prevent problems.

    Greet each child and accompanying parent personally, looking them in the eyes and calling them by name.

    If this is acceptable and natural for you and the child, then physical contact is helpful: hug the child, or pat him on the shoulder, or shake his hand. (This way you let him know that his presence is noticed and important to you).

    If suddenly the children come right away large group, send them to choose one of the activities you have prepared. Try to ensure that all activities offered to children do not entail a lot of mess, and children can quickly clean up after themselves.

    Free choice should be included in the schedule early time. After all, children always look forward to the activity that they like best. If a child sees all these tempting materials around him, prepared interesting tasks and friends, but at the same time cannot immediately enter into interaction with them, then for him this is simply unbearable. Children may get out of control, act out, do stupid things, or act out. If you give your children the opportunity to do something of their own free choice from the very early morning, this will save you from many behavioral problems.

    Children who find it difficult to part with their parents when they come to kindergarten:

    Encourage parents to stay for five to ten minutes at the daycare when they drop off or pick up their child. Invite them to talk to teachers and play with children. This will help smooth out a difficult transition for the child. However, at the same time, as soon as the adult has already kissed the child goodbye, he must leave decisively and without delay.

    If the child is still acting up when it’s time for the adult to leave, take the child’s hand or arm around the shoulders and say, “I’m really glad you came here. And now it’s time for parents to go to work, and for children to go to kindergarten or school. You'll see your mom soon when she comes to pick you up. Let’s go see what you can do today!” And, waving goodbye to your mother, quickly take the child away.

    Another way to make the moment of separation easier for a child is to allow him to bring some “soothing” thing from home, for example, a favorite soft toy. You can also give him some object that would symbolize his parents for him - it could be a photo of mom and dad, or some object from mom’s purse or dad’s pocket. Something like a spare apartment key can work well here - then the child will know that mom or dad will definitely have to come for him - after all, maybe the fear that they will “forget” to take him is the reason for the fear that the child experiences when parting.

    1. Chaos: when there is too much going on at once.

    Parents want to talk to you, several kids demand that you pay attention to them, two kids got into a fight and are chasing each other around the group! Common situation? After all, all educators at one time or another have experienced something like this.

    Remember that your child and his interests should always come first. Adults will always wait. Of course, you need to greet and talk to adults every day, but if at the moment you are concerned about the safety or behavior of the children, then ask the junior teacher to take care of them urgently, or, after apologizing, avoid talking with the adult.

    To prevent children from once again trying to attract attention in every way, be sure to warmly greet each child when he arrives. Try to ensure that the children can start the lesson themselves according to the daily routine. Teach children to help each other. (A great rule for preschoolers might be: “Before you ask me, ask three of your friends for help.” This rule will help children become more independent and teach them to communicate better with each other.)

    2. Circular collection: how to find an individual approach to each child when working with a group.

    Goal: to create a sense of community in children, as well as create a favorable psychological climate in the group.

    1. How to prevent problems

    Your group meeting shouldn't be too long!) For most young children, the maximum amount of time they can focus their attention is five to ten minutes. For children of senior preschool age, this period is from ten to fifteen minutes). Best at the beginning school year Allow only a few minutes for a group meeting, gradually increasing its duration.

    It is better to hold several short circle gatherings with small groups of children than one long gathering with the entire group. Brief gatherings with small groups of children will allow you to give each child more individual attention and give each child more opportunities to speak up.

    In order to outline for children the space where they will sit during the collection, stick adhesive tape to the floor in the shape of a circle. If you need more specific space boundaries, apply strips of tape to the floor according to the number of children. (This will allow you to designate a personal space for each child, and there will be no reason for children to fight for space. Some groups of children, especially older preschool age ones, prefer to sit on chairs arranged in a circle).

    Install one or two simple rules and constantly remind children of them at the beginning of the group meeting. This could be: “Don't wave your arms” or “Don't interrupt each other.”

    Don't use group time to teach children specific skills. The most effective way to use this time is to sing together, play group games, listen to stories, plan what you will do during the day, discuss the rules of behavior in the group, and distribute responsibilities for the day.

    Start your group gathering with a fairly fun and active, but not too “violent” game, which requires children to concentrate and actively participate, but at the same time they should not sit still and quiet. You can use a game called “Clap Like Me.” Everyone sits in a circle. You tap or clap a rhythmic tune and then ask the children to play it back. Make the rhythm more difficult each time. Over time, give some children the opportunity to conduct this game themselves. After playing for a couple of minutes, move on to the main topic of your collection.

    In case the topic of the gathering you have planned suddenly turns out to be not interesting for the children, you should always have some kind of “backup option” or move on to the next planned lesson.

    1. How to cope with existing problems.

    Children get distracted, fight or chat with each other:

    The most common reason why children become distracted, chatter, and fight with each other during a group gathering is boredom. Therefore, follow the rule already mentioned above: keep the group meeting short and interesting.

    Children, who usually always hurt each other and distract each other, should be seated further away during a group gathering. If necessary, distribute the seats yourself, who sits where in the circle.

    Focus on those children who behave well. Don't pay too much attention to those who behave badly.

    Don’t forget to remind the guys the rules you introduced.

    Start gathering without waiting for everyone to sit down and shut up. To get children's attention, first raise your voice, but then, as soon as you see that the children have calmed down and started listening, start speaking normally and calmly.

    At the very beginning of the meeting, remind the children that each of them will have the opportunity to speak as soon as you finish speaking.

    During group games, do not forget to give the children the opportunity to act as a “teacher” and decide what the whole group will do.

    To attract children's attention, use “non-verbal” means - gestures. For example, the signal “attention” can be the following: a raised hand, an exclamation mark.

    Always try to let children talk and move more. Encourage their active participation during the circle meeting. If you read it well famous story, do not read some phrases to the end - let the children finish them themselves. Ask questions periodically to give children an extra chance to talk.

    1. Restlessness

    For a variety of reasons, some children are unable to sit still for more than a few seconds. Prepare a quiet activity for these children that requires some movement, such as a folded picture or drawing materials, somewhere where the child will not distract the attention of the whole group. (This is not encouragement or, on the contrary, punishment, this is a manifestation of an individual approach to the child, satisfaction of his urgent needs).

    For some overly active children, it helps to calm down and concentrate if they sit on an adult’s lap during collection.

    Let some restless children begin to participate in a group gathering with other children, and then, when you feel that they are already at the limit of their capabilities, you can give them the choice of doing some other quiet activity or listening a little more with them. everyone. Keep in mind that the length of time that such a child can remain in the circle with everyone else should gradually increase as you work on the causes of the problem.

    1. If the teacher is interrupted

    Ignore the first time someone tries to interrupt you (unless, of course, the child needs to go to the toilet or some other extreme circumstance arises). But if the child interrupts you a second time, then most likely he will continue to interrupt you until he gets his way. Therefore, you should only respond to his second attempt. You should tell your child that what he is saying is very interesting or important.

    Remember why the child tried to interrupt you. Later in the day, talk to him and discuss how he could have done things differently without interrupting you or distracting others.

    Morning exercises

    A mandatory component of physical education and health work during the day.

    It removes residual inhibition after a night's sleep; provides training of all muscles, which helps to develop good posture; prepares the child’s body for subsequent stress.

    Morning exercises are introduced into the daily routine from the first junior group and are organized daily with children of all age groups. Its duration, load intensity, number of exercises and repetition depend on the age of the children.

    Instructions for organizing the event

    morning exercises in different age groups

    1st and 2nd junior groups

    Middle group

    Senior group

    Preparatory group

    1 junior group

    1. Duration 4-5 minutes.

    2. General developmental simulation exercises 3-4.

    3. Walking in a flock, scattered, formation in a circle, scattered.

    4. Slow run for 20-30 seconds. - 1 floor G.; 30-40 sec. - 2nd floor G.

    5. From 2nd half. years old uses small play objects for general developmental exercises.

    6. Jumping in place 2 times for 15-20 seconds. with a rest break.

    7. Final walk.

    8. Dosage of performing exercises 4-5 times

    2nd junior group

    1. Duration 5-6 minutes.

    2. Set of exercises 4-5.

    3. Walking, jumping, running are required.

    4. Walking different ways, with a change of direction, on tiptoes, in a column one after another, in different directions.

    5. Form one behind the other, scattered, in a circle.

    6. Walking alternates with leisurely running: 30-40 seconds. - 1 floor G.; 50-60 sec. - 2nd floor G.

    7. Dosage of exercises – 5-6 times.

    8. Final part: jumping in place 2 times for 15-20 seconds. with rest, running.

    1. Duration 6-8 minutes.

    2. General developmental exercises 4-5.

    3. Walking, running, jumping in place.

    4. Walking in pairs, scattered, on toes, on heels, side step and other ways.

    5. Slow, easy jog for 1 minute. - 1st half of the year; 1.5 min. - 2nd floor of the year.

    6. Formation in links 2 floors. of the year; formation in a circle - 1 floor. year (and all types of formations recommended in the 2nd junior group).

    7. Dosage of performing exercises 4-6 times.

    8. General developmental exercises are performed from different positions.

    9. Jump in place 15-20 times, alternating with walking.

    10. The final part is walking, outdoor play or running at an average pace.

    1. Duration 8-10 minutes.

    2. General developmental exercises 5-6.

    3. Various walking exercises: changing tempo, direction, on toes, heels, raising knees high, attention exercises.

    4. Easy jogging at a slow pace for 1.5-2 minutes.

    5. Running at medium speed after general developmental exercises.

    6. Formation in links, in a checkerboard pattern (links take a step forward after one).

    7. Exercises are performed from different starting positions, with and without objects.

    8. Dosage 5-6 times.

    9. Various types of jumps 20-30, 30-40 seconds. in alternation with walking.

    10. Final part: walking, running at medium speed, performing dance movements, outdoor play.

    1. Duration 10-12 minutes.

    2. The number of general developmental exercises is 6-7.

    3. Dosage 6-8 times.

    4. Running at a slow pace, alternating with walking for 2-3 minutes.

    5. Run at an average pace after performing general developmental exercises for 2-3 minutes. Nonstop.

    6. After running, breathing exercises (in the final part).

    7. Jumping 30-40 times with two to four repetitions after a walking pause.

    Offer variety and complexity in rhythmic patterns.

    8. Widely use exercises with a variety of equipment.

    Note: if you plan to jump in the final part, then do not run.

    9. Plan various ways walking, see senior group and program

    As can be seen from the table, the duration and content of morning exercises are different for children of different ages, therefore, it is advisable to conduct it in a mixed group first with children 3-4 years old, then with 5-6 year olds. Where there are no conditions for this, morning exercises can be carried out simultaneously with the entire group. In this case, it is necessary to take into account different requirements for the quality, pace, and duration of exercises. Usually the younger ones do the exercises fewer times than the older ones. Older children are also required to perform movements more accurately and efficiently. In order for older children to be able to do the exercises more times, they are asked to start doing the exercises alone and show the kids how to do it correctly, then they do the same exercise with the kids.

    There may be cases when more complex exercises are introduced into the gymnastics complex only for older people. While the elders perform such exercises, the kids watch and rest. This technique also justifies itself when more complex exercises are planned at the end of the gymnastics and the elders perform them after the kids go to wash.

    Thus, teachers of different age groups, when selecting exercises in the method of directing morning exercises, should proceed from existing general guidelines, but at the same time take into account the age composition of their group.

    Organization of washing

    One of the important elements in remote control mode. Helps to instill sustainable hygiene skills, develop independence, and foster mutual assistance. It is carried out in a differentiated manner, but children must learn the rules that are common to all:

    Enter the washroom gradually, in small groups;

    Children wash their hands first, elders help and teach them;

    Don’t linger at the sink: the other children are waiting;

    Wash your hands, roll up your sleeves, do not spill on the floor.


    An essential component of the daily routine. The entire process associated with feeding children is of great educational importance. Children are taught the important hygiene skills of washing their hands before eating, rinsing their mouths after eating, and using cutlery and napkins; They are taught to chew food thoroughly, eat carefully and sit correctly at the table.

    Of great importance when carrying out the feeding process is everything that includes the concept"food aesthetics"

    During their stay in a preschool institution, the child learns to behave properly at the table, use utensils (spoon, knife, fork), and acquires certain food culture skills.

    Issues of nutritional aesthetics should be given attention, starting with groups of young children. The earlier a child develops correct eating habits, the more firmly they will become established and become a habit.

    It is important that your baby develops a positive attitude towards eating so that he is not irritated or tired by the time he feeds. To do this, educators must take care to create a calm environment in the group. Before eating, you should avoid noisy games and strong impressions, which can inhibit the production of digestive juices in children and suppress the food reflex.

    20-30 minutes before the next meal, children are returned from a walk or activities and games are stopped. This time is used to create a certain mood in children that is conducive to eating.

    Before eating, children put their clothes in order, wash their hands thoroughly, and the attendants take whatever part they can in setting the table. Each child has a permanent place at the table.

    During feeding, it is important to create in children good mood. To do this, the preschool institution must have beautiful, comfortable, stable dishes and cutlery that are appropriate in size for the age of the children. The tables are covered with tablecloths or napkins, and vases of flowers are placed. The dishes are served beautifully presented, not very hot, but not cold either. To decorate dishes, it is advisable to use fresh herbs, brightly colored vegetables and fruits.

    During the feeding process, the teacher should not rush the children or distract them with extraneous conversations or comments. During feeding, children are told about the pleasant appearance, taste, smell of food, its usefulness, and they try to focus each child’s attention on food. It is necessary to monitor children’s behavior at the table, maintain cleanliness and tidiness, teach them to chew food well and not swallow it big pieces, eat everything that is offered.

    Children's compliance hygiene requirements- one of the responsibilities of the teacher during the feeding process. This is especially important in groups of young children, when children are actively developing and consolidating skills and habits. Young children are taught to sit quietly at the table, skillfully use a napkin, chew with their mouth closed, and not talk while eating. Children learn to use cutlery: from 1.5 to 2 years old they eat with a spoon on their own, from 3 years old they use a fork. IN preschool groups Children are given a full cutlery set (knives should not be sharp). Children of the senior and preparatory school groups should be able to use a knife and fork correctly, holding it as if right hand, and in the left hand.

    After finishing the meal, the children carefully blot their mouths with a napkin and wipe their hands, thank them for the food and leave the table. Children should not be allowed to leave the table with a piece of bread or other food, including fruits or berries, cookies or candy.

    When feeding children, especially young children, it is necessary to follow the sequence of processes and not force preschoolers to sit at the table for a long time waiting for the meal to start or a change of dishes. The next dish is served immediately after the previous one is eaten. Children who finish eating before others can be allowed to leave the table and engage in quiet play.

    Educators pay great attention to children with decreased appetite. When feeding such children, it is especially important to follow the recommended age-specific portion sizes and take into account individual tastes and habits. Too much a large number of food can only scare the child away from eating and lead to an even greater decrease in appetite.

    You should not force feed your baby, entertain him while eating with toys, pictures, tell fairy tales, etc. When a child's attention is distracted, the production of digestive juices is inhibited and the food reflex is suppressed.

    Children with poor appetite can be offered during meals a small amount of water or fruit juice so they can wash down their hearty meals. In some cases, the child may be offered a second course first so that he or she eats the more nutritious part of the meal before he or she loses interest in eating.

    When feeding a child with poor appetite, his tastes and habits are taken into account: you should try to give his most favorite dish, necessary cases ordering it from the kitchen. Such a child is patiently accustomed to others useful products. Sometimes it is allowed to mix what the child needs the most nutritious dish (meat, egg, cottage cheese) with fruit puree, juice or other product that the child likes. Older children are explained in an accessible form the need to first eat this or that dish or part of it, and the child is praised if he has eaten everything without a trace.

    For this purpose, the following rules must be observed:

    Everything you need for catering (including in the prescribed manner arrange tables, set them correctly for children of each age, etc.) prepare for the moment when children begin to wash their hands.

    Washing and seating at the table should be done gradually, starting with younger children and those who eat slowly.

    Do not keep children after finishing the meal.

    Prepare food for younger children in advance (cut meat, pancakes, etc.).

    The procedure for serving children, the requirements of the teacher and junior teacher must be uniform and constant.

    Thus, systematic, purposeful management of children’s nutrition makes it possible to train them in many good deeds, instill stable hygienic skills, expand their everyday orientation, and solve the problems of moral education.

    Organization of dressing

    Experience has shown that in groups of different ages, the attention of teachers and junior teachers is drawn primarily to children: they are taught to undress while sitting on chairs, in a certain sequence, without unnecessary fuss, haste and pranks. The teacher invites older children to help the kids (for educational purposes).

    When getting ready for a walk, it is advisable to dress the children gradually and send them in subgroups with a junior teacher. The teacher himself trains the younger children in the skills of proper and consistent dressing, carrying out targeted work in this regard.

    Thus, organizing meals, washing, dressing and undressing children in a multi-age group requires great skill of the teacher, clarity and coordination of the work of all service personnel, the creation of a calm and friendly environment, and attentive attitude of adults towards all children, especially the younger ones. All this is important because in the short time that is allocated according to the schedule for carrying out these vital processes, it is necessary not only to properly and quickly serve the children, feed them, clothe them, etc., but also, in accordance with program requirements, to ensure the formation of the necessary children of every age cultural and hygienic skills. In the process of daily activities, children should develop habits of correct behavior in a team and friendly relationships. It is important:

    The teacher must clearly understand the scope of program requirements for each group;

    When forming a skill, children should focus their attention on improving individual skills, primarily those that children have little or no command of;

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills is a complex and lengthy process. Some skills are formed throughout preschool childhood (to use equipment correctly, etc.), while others are important to develop at a certain age, and on their basis new tasks will be solved in the future;

    When developing skills, the principle of gradualness should be observed - from simple to complex, i.e. skills that are developed throughout preschool age expand in scope from year to year and are complicated by the teacher’s requirements for their implementation (for example, in children 3-5 years old, the ability to dress and undress correctly is formed, and older children are tasked with doing this quickly).

    When developing skills, use an individual approach to each child;

    Depending on the specific tasks in relation to the students of your group, you need to select a methodology pedagogical impact(in some cases – a display, in others – a reminder, etc.);

    Create a favorable environment for developing personal hygiene skills (beautiful scented soap, calm tone of an adult, etc.);

    Children are taught to be independent, using the desire of a healthy child to do everything themselves;

    Seniors require control over the quality of skills: to do everything thoroughly, quickly, but carefully, without reminding adults;

    Requirements for children should be constant and the same for all adults raising children (including parents).

    List of cultural, hygienic and labor skills for preschool children

    Age group


    Personal hygiene


    Food cultures

    Labor activity

    First junior group

    When reminded with the help of adults, washes hands before eating and after getting dirty, and wipes them dry. He washes his face, uses an individual towel and handkerchief. Wipes his feet at the entrance

    Takes off and puts on clothes in a certain order, unbuttons and fastens buttons in front, unlaces shoes, folds clothes. Notices untidiness in clothes, puts himself in order with the help of adults

    Eats independently and neatly, holds a spoon in his right hand, chews food thoroughly, uses a napkin with an adult reminder, says thanks after eating

    Carry out the simplest instructions for adults, help bring toys to the playground, bring and put away materials for activities, collect paper from the floor, leaves on the site. Helps the nanny put chairs on the tables and bring plates of bread. Lays out pencils, boards, puts away toys. Collects sticks and stones from the area

    Second junior group

    When washing hands and washing, roll up sleeves, do not splash water, do not wet clothes, and use soap. Knows how to dry himself with a towel and hangs it in a certain place. Brushes teeth, uses a handkerchief in a timely manner

    Dresses and undresses independently in a certain sequence with a little help, neatly folds and hangs clothes, and turns them right side out. Tries to correct problems with clothing himself, and if necessary, turns to adults

    Chews food well with his mouth closed, uses a fork, and wipes his lips and fingers with a napkin without prompting. Leaving the table, he thanks and quietly pushes in his chair.

    Maintains order in the group room and on the site, removes toys, books, and building materials. Handles objects with care. She sets the table with the adults, lays out spoons and napkins, arranges bread bins, and puts away tea dishes on the utility table after meals. Waters plants, gives food to fish and birds. Collects leaves and garbage on the site, provides assistance to adults

    Middle group

    Washes thoroughly, washes hands properly before eating as they become dirty, after using the toilet, knows how to use a comb and a handkerchief, brushes his teeth at night, covers his mouth with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing, and turns away

    Greater independence in self-care (undressing, dressing, fastening buttons, tying shoes). Protects clothes and shoes. Noticing problems in clothes, he eliminates them independently, with the help of an adult puts clothes in order (cleans, dries)

    Independence increases, knows how to properly use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, takes food little by little, eats quietly, rinses mouth with water after eating

    Waters flowers, feeds animals, changes their water. Maintains order in the group and on the site, takes part in cleaning them, wipes chairs and building materials with a damp cloth. Washes toys, washes doll clothes, helps the teacher repair books. He is on duty in the dining room. Helps the nanny lay out napkins, hang towels, and makes the bed. On duty for classes

    Senior group

    He keeps his body clean, knows how to wash his feet, brushes his teeth thoroughly, and rinses his mouth after eating without being asked. He asks to change his handkerchief in a timely manner and tidies up his hair. Performs wet rubdowns up to the waist independently

    Improves the skills acquired earlier, cleans a coat, learns to wash socks and a scarf. Dresses and undresses quickly, correctly and neatly puts clothes in the closet, puts shoes away, takes care of shoes (washes, cleans) and sports equipment. Tactfully tells a friend about a problem in his suit or shoes, helps to eliminate them

    He sits down at the table in a neat manner with clean hands and combed hair. Eats carefully, skillfully using cutlery. Maintains correct posture at the table, does not disturb friends, and provides assistance if necessary

    Maintains cleanliness and order in the group. Independently and conscientiously performs the duties of the duty officer and fully sets the table. Sweeps and clears paths of debris and snow in winter. Regularly performs some duties at home: makes the bed, toys, books, waters the plants, helps set the table. Does everything he can himself, without requiring help from elders

    Preparatory group for school

    Developed the habit of independently, quickly and thoroughly performing previously acquired skills

    He quickly dresses, undresses, keeps clothes and shoes clean, sews on a button, washes socks, an apron, and a scarf. Must always be neat, tidy, and have an attractive appearance

    Consolidating and improving previously acquired skills. Sits straight at the table, does not put his elbows on the table, takes bread from a common dish with his hands and eats, breaking off pieces

    Consolidating and improving previously acquired skills. On the site: digs up beds and flower beds, plants seedlings, seeds, waters, weeds, hills. Take care of order in the group and at home

    Preparing for the walk

    Before children go to get dressed, it is necessary:

    Give instructions for upcoming activities;

    Invite the children to put their toys away and check the order in the group with the children;

    Remind and clarify with children the rules of conduct in the dressing room.

    To dress children independently, it is necessary to create a comfortable environment: each child should sit near his own locker, you should ensure that children do not scatter their clothes, but take them gradually, as they dress, and do not forget to put spare shoes in the closet. In the process of dressing, maintain a conversation with children in order to clarify and consolidate the names of clothes, their purpose, the names of individual parts of clothing, consolidate and activate children's vocabulary (left sleeve, right sleeve, buttons, left-right shoe, etc.).

    It is very important that educators and parents of children support the child’s desire for independence, do not extinguish it by criticizing the child’s still inept actions, and do not undermine self-confidence by expressing dissatisfaction with slowness.

    Adult task – help the child notice the growth of his achievements, feel the joy of experiencing success in self-care activities.

    Research work at the preschool educational institution made it possible to identifybasic pedagogical conditions formation of basic self-control and self-esteemfor younger preschoolers:

    Consistent development by the child of self-service activities from micro to holistic labor process;

    The teacher has a variety of techniques that stimulate the child’s desire for independence, mastering methods of self-control, evaluating the result and its correction to achieve satisfactory quality;

    Flexible change in the tactics of pedagogical leadership in relation to a particular child, depending on his skill, emotional mood, individual characteristics;

    Creation of a developmental material environment in the group that provides stimulation of control, testing and assessment skills in different types children's activities (self-care work, play);

    Interaction between the teacher and the parents of the children.

    It helps to induce a positive emotional state in children short poems and nursery rhymes:

    I'm already 4 years old

    I can dress myself.

    If the weather is warm, -

    I run into the yard without a coat;

    If the wind blows hard,

    If there is slush or rain;

    I won't go to kindergarten

    Without a coat and without galoshes.

    Deep - not shallow,

    Ships in saucers:

    Luke head,

    red carrot,

    Parsley, potatoes

    And a little grains

    Here the boat is sailing,

    Swims right into your mouth!

    (I. Tokmakova)

    I'm early this morning

    I washed my face from the tap!

    I can do it myself now

    Wash your face and neck.

    (A. Kuznetsova)

    For development fine motor skills appropriate teaching aids, providing game form exercises in fastening, lacing, tying.

    Pictures of clothes and shoes pasted on the lockers in the dressing room help children control the sequence of actions in the process of dressing for a walk, ensuring a rational sequence of actions.

    Learning basic self-control unfolds as a sequential process - a gradual transition of control and evaluative functions from an adult to a child:

    Control and evaluation of children’s activities by adults (“Let’s check, did you make good “soap gloves”?);

    Monitoring and evaluating children's activities on behalf of game character(“Oh, your shoes have quarreled, your socks are in different sides looking. How can we reconcile them?");

    Joint assessment by an adult and a child of a peer’s activities (as a rule, children easily notice the mistakes of another);

    Development of basic self-control.

    Important to remember , teaching children self-care requires a lot of patience, calmness, and understanding of the child from the teacher.

    Foster a culture of communication in children. Remind them of the words “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”.

    Before going out for a walk, most dressed children should pay attention to their appearance.

    Organization of a walk

    Walking occupies an important place in the daily routine and is effective means comprehensive development of children. In order to make the most effective use of walks, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for varied and meaningful outdoor activities for children of all age groups (games, work, observations, etc.).

    During a walk, as well as indoors, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, play interestingly with their peers and with older children, work, observe the phenomena of life around them, etc., creates conditions for a varied motor activity all children of age subgroups. It is important:

    Monitor physical activity, alternate games and activities of varying degrees of mobility, do not allow children, imitating their elders, to perform harmful and difficult movements for them (hanging on their hands, climbing high stairs);

    It is advisable to conduct outdoor games with younger children in the middle of a walk, and with older children immediately after entering the area or at the end of the walk, before returning to the group.

    Depending on the purpose and physical activity, outdoor games can be played with all children (3-7 years old), with two adjacent subgroups (with children 3-5 years old) and separately with one group.

    Preference should be given to games with two or one subgroup, because in this case, it is easier to take into account the different capabilities of children. It is important that outdoor games with the oldest children are planned and carried out separately several times during the week, because When organizing games together, physical activity in older children turns out to be insufficient.

    During the walk, it is necessary to observe the content of children's games, the interaction of children in the game. Monitor the change in activity so that children do not get too excited or overheat.

    It must be remembered that 30 minutes before the end of the walk it is necessary to transfer the children to a calmer activity. Here you can conduct observations, word games, and conversations with children.

    Systematic walks outside the site are very useful.

    Before leaving for a walk, you need to make sure that all the children’s toys are put back in their place. Give children instructions for upcoming activities. Remind children that when entering the kindergarten premises, they must wipe their feet well, go to the group quietly, and do not shout. In the dressing room, make sure that all children undress quickly, independently, and carefully put their things in the closet. Educate children careful handling for personal items. When all the children have undressed, it is necessary to check how the children followed the instructions, give an assessment to the children, and if necessary, invite the child to clean up the closet.

    Organization of daytime sleep

    Daytime sleep is necessary for the proper development of preschool children. It provides rest after a long period of active wakefulness, as well as the child’s accumulation of strength and energy for further activities in the afternoon. Sleep should take place in a well-ventilated area, protected from direct sunlight and bright light.

    In the multi-age group mode, the duration of daytime sleep for younger children is reduced compared to regular same-age groups, so it is especially important to create favorable conditions for children of the younger subgroup to quickly fall asleep and restful sleep. They should be the first to be prepared for bed and put to bed.

    It is important to remember that children are better attuned to sleep if a calm environment is created in the group during preparation for it. To do this, children are taught to calmly do the afternoon toilet, undress and neatly fold their clothes, not run, and not talk loudly.

    The rule is to maintain silence and not disturb children from falling asleep and sleeping - this is also mandatory for service personnel.

    In this regard, you should consider when and where to wash dishes, how to combine children's sleep and cleaning up the group after lunch, and how to ensure supervision of sleeping children.

    It must be remembered that shortening or lengthening daytime sleep is harmful to the child’s health and disorganizes the life of the group, creating additional difficulties in carrying out educational work in the evening.

    Organization of joint and independent activities of children after naps– it’s not an easy and responsible task.

    The teacher must not only take care of the clear rise of children and hardening procedures, but also combine the organization of independent activities of children of different ages (games, work, etc.) with joint activities.

    It is important to pay Special attention organizing independent activities and forming positive relationships between children of different ages, seeing the different interests and capabilities of children, enriching and clarifying their ideas, and developing skills.

    Organizing an evening walk

    It is also carefully thought out, like the daytime, so that children do not get bored and, at the same time, do not get overexcited, they can play a variety of games, work, observe their surroundings, etc.

    Thus, organize the life of children in a multi-age kindergarten group in such a way as to make it calm and bright, meaningful and interesting, closely linking daily life with learning, play, work - the most important task of the educator. And the skillful use of all positive aspects joint education of children of different ages will contribute to the formation of correct relationships in the team, children’s interest in joint games, common activities, and collective work activities.

    But all this does not happen by itself, but is the result of the daily and painstaking work of the teacher, proper organization life and independent activities of children.

    1. The elders provide assistance to the younger ones at their request; this means that they do not refuse help, but do not impose it either.
    2. The younger ones do not interfere with the older ones working and playing. The principle of respect for older children is very important for their psychological comfort, since they often have to face demands from adults to give in to the kids.
    3. In the group, it is strictly forbidden to take toys from another child, beat and insult anyone in any situation, break other people’s buildings, spoil the products of other children’s labor, and take his personal belongings and toys brought from home without the owner’s permission. All adults working in the group strictly monitor compliance with this rule.
    4. Younger children are always welcome to attend and participate as best they can in any activity, as long as they do not interfere with older children.

    When organizing the lives of children, their varied active activities, the teacher must, first of all, take care of the protection and strengthening of the health of each child, his full-fledged physical development, about creating a cheerful, cheerful mood.

    Summary of the regime moment “Washing” in the early age group

    Target: developing skills to wash hands independently



    • Improve the skills of washing your hands and face yourself.
    • Teach children to correctly name toilet items.
    • Continue to develop the skill of using an individual towel and comb.
    • Continue teaching children to answer simple questions.
    • Activate words in children’s speech that denote action: wash, roll up sleeves, soap, rinse off the soap, comb your hair.


    • Develop memory and thinking
    • Develop independence and tactile sensations.
    • Develop vocabulary


    • Develop cultural and hygienic skills.

    Enrich vocabulary:fragrant, smooth soap, towel.

    Methodical techniques:

    Game situation, demonstration of the teacher, actions of the teacher together with the children, questions from the teacher and answers from the children, explanation, showing toilet items, reading nursery rhymes, excerpts from poems, providing children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when reading familiar nursery rhymes and poems.

    Preliminary work:

    Conversations about the purpose of soap, about what it is like; examination story pictures with an image of objects used for washing, using for this didactic games“Wonderful bag”, “Let’s teach Katya to wash herself”, “Misha visiting Masha”, “Bathing dolls”. We got acquainted with water, its properties, where you can find it. We learned new sedentary games “We woke up...”, “Wash basin” (the gray bunny is washing his face, apparently going to visit....). Learning nursery rhymes, finger game, reading excerpts from the poem by K. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, A. and P. Barto “The Dirty Girl” and other works.

    GCD move


    Activities of the teacher

    Children's activities

    Methodical techniques


    Guys, how beautiful, neat, neat you are. I see you are in a good mood today.”

    Let's play with you a little.

    Hello sun!

    (hands raised up)

    Hello, me! (handles to yourself)

    Hello, my teacher! (handles in front of you)

    Hello, grass and meadow!

    (shaking hands below)

    Hello, my dear friend! (extending arms to the sides)

    Well done! We greeted each other.

    Guys, today I didn’t come to you alone, Doctor Aibolit came with me.

    (shows Aibolit’s toy)

    He wants to see how we can wash our hands.

    Well, should the guys show the doctor how we wash ourselves?

    Children stand in a circle on the carpet

    Repeat the movements after the teacher


    Organizing time

    Emotional mood

    Surprise moment

    Topic message


    The teacher and the children go to the washroom.

    What should we do before washing our hands?

    That's right, you need to roll up your sleeves so as not to get your clothes wet.

    Vanya, show me how to roll up my sleeves.

    Who doesn't roll up his sleeve,

    He won't get any water!

    Well, we rolled up our sleeves. Now, let's show you how to wash your hands, one palm washes the other.

    Finger gymnastics: “Washing hands”

    “Oh water, water, water! (rhythmically rub our palms together to imitate “hand washing”)

    Let's always be clean!

    Splash to the right, splash to the left! (clench your fingers into a fist, then straighten your fingers with force, as if shaking off water)

    Our body became wet!

    With a fluffy towel (vigorous movements imitate drying each hand in turn with a towel)

    Let's wipe our hands very quickly!

    The teacher goes to the tap and reads a nursery rhyme:

    “We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

    Where is the water hiding here?

    Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves,

    Palms, palms

    Use soap to wash crumbs"

    First, we wet our hands with water, then we wash our hands with soap and rub one palm against the other. And after that, wash off the foam with water and don’t forget to shake your hands.

    Look guys, what kind of handles are these?

    It's like wearing white gloves. Well, now wash off the foam from your hands and wash your face.

    Reading nursery rhyme:

    Water, water,

    Wash my face!

    To make your eyes sparkle,

    To make your cheeks red,

    So that your mouth laughs,

    And the tooth bit.

    Well done boys! Let's show our hands to Dr. Aibolit.

    Game to develop sound pronunciation

    How does water flow from the tap?

    How does water sizzle in a kettle?

    How does the rain fall?

    Well done guys, Aibolit was pleased with you.

    Let's say goodbye to him until we meet again

    The children go to the washroom.

    Roll up your sleeves

    all the children roll up their sleeves.

    Doing finger exercises

    Children wash their hands with soap.


    After washing, the children come up to the toy Aibolit and show him clean hands and face.



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