• How to do a quest at home? Step-by-step instructions and ready-made options. Interesting quest tasks. Indoor quest tasks


    Home birthday - cozy family celebration. Children feel comfortable at home, because the environment is familiar and everything they need is at hand. And it’s easier for parents when the birthday boy and guests are within the apartment - they don’t have to catch them around the entertainment center or make sure they don’t end up in some dangerous place in nature. But all children love competitions and entertainment, which are not so easy to do in an apartment. The way out is to arrange a quest for children at home. You can organize an exciting adventure in one room, or you can make the entire apartment, including the balcony and bathroom, a field of action.

    The home quest does not provide any active and moving tasks, because the space for action is limited. For him, it is better to select logic problems, riddles, crosswords and other similar tasks.

    For example and inspiration, here is a quest for children at home, the scenario of which can be studied below.

    Our quest will be divided into five stages. This is the amount recommended by professionals who work with children. In general, there can be from 3 to 10 stages, but we took the average value so that the participants did not go through the adventure too quickly, but children may get tired of a scenario that is too long. The quest has no specific theme, which means you can decorate it in the style of your holiday. Main character- a wise Owl who hid a treasure and gives clues to the children to find it.

    First stage

    We are preparing an envelope with the text of the first stage. We also print an image of an owl on the printer. You can copy it directly from here, saving it to your computer and printing it out. You also need to print out the hint text from the first stage. Then we glue the picture with the owl onto the cardboard, and on the other side the printed hint. We cut the cardboard and get a finished puzzle, which can be placed in an envelope along with the text of the task.

    Second phase

    For the second stage, we print out the alphabet with decoding of numbers and encrypted words.

    Here are the words of the riddle:

    And here is the transcript:

    We also print the text of the assignment, wrap it all together in a package, and stick it under any chair with tape.

    Third stage

    For the third stage, you will need a thick bag or several bags in which we will wrap the task so that it does not get wet, because the clue will be in a kettle of water.

    We hide pieces of paper with words and numbers in the bag - each one has one word and one number. First you need to think about what the children will count. These could be steps between floors, flower pots on all the windows in the apartment, books on a shelf, etc. Here you need to look at what you have at home that can be counted. We also select several household items or interior items and write their names on pieces of paper with numbers. On a piece of paper with the correct number we write the item in which the next clue is hidden. Let's take a refrigerator as an example.

    Fourth stage

    We place the printed message from the Owl in a visible place or attach it to the refrigerator with a magnet. We hide a secret letter in the refrigerator. To make it more interesting for children to search, hide it more securely, for example, in a jar of something. Then the participants will have to open all the banks. And yes, after the quest you will have to clean out the refrigerator)

    The note hidden in the refrigerator looks like this:

    Fifth stage

    For the fifth stage, we prepare four pieces of paper with the letters: Ш, К, А, Ф. We hide the letters in different parts washing machine - some in the drum, and some in the compartment for washing powder. You can also glue the letter on back wall or mix with laundry.

    We also print out the message from the Owl and put it on the typewriter or stick it with tape in a visible place.

    Completion of the quest - hide the treasure in the closet. You can choose any closet available in the apartment, just do not hide the treasure deep on the shelf so that the children do not have to turn over the entire contents of the closet, and you will have to clean it up after the holiday.

    What to use as treasure?

    Since we have many participants, the contents of the treasure should be enough for everyone. Universal option- sweets. You can add souvenirs, small toys, and for girls, elastic bands and hair clips.

    You can order prizes with a photo of the birthday person - refrigerator magnets, key rings, cups. Such personalized souvenirs will remain for little guests as a memory of the holiday.

    First stage

    We will prepare an envelope for him with the first task. The presenter opens the envelope and reads the task.

    “Dear participants! We begin an adventure that will lead you to the treasure trove of the wise Owl. And the first task from Owl is to collect her portrait.”

    Participants assemble a puzzle with an image of an owl. On the back of the puzzle there is a clue that will lead to the next task.

    Hint text: “You were sitting on the clue, but didn’t notice it.” Children must guess that the clue is somewhere in the chairs and they must find it. The task is complicated by the fact that there are many chairs, and the next task is only under one of them.

    Second phase

    The presenter reads Owl's task: Guys, you did a great job with the first task! It's your turn to unravel the message that will lead you to the next stage.

    Children guess the words and put them together into the phrase “Blows bubbles and boils quickly”. Now we need to guess what it is. I think children will cope with this task quickly and understand that this is a teapot. Which means our next hiding place is in the teapot.

    Third stage

    In the teapot, the children find a package with a note from the wise Owl.

    The presenter reads a message to the participants:

    “Dear children! At this stage, several clues await you at once, but only one of them is correct. The code will tell you which one it is. You will find out the code if you correctly count all the flowers on the windowsills in the apartment (all the steps, all the benches, all the books, etc.)”

    Kids count and determine the correct number and the correct clue. If, as in our example, you took a refrigerator, then the children go to the refrigerator.

    Fourth stage

    The presenter reads a message from Owl: “Dear participants! I see that you overcome all difficulties with ease and each time you become closer to my treasure. But this task is not so simple. You will have to try hard to get the next clue. I have a secret letter for you to find. But finding it is not enough, you also have to read it. But you can’t read it that easily. To do this, you will need one item that every home has, but which one you need to guess.”

    The guys are looking for a secret letter in the refrigerator. When they find it, they must figure out for themselves that they can read it using a mirror. We find a mirror in the apartment and read the riddle. The answer to the riddle is washing machine, which means the next clue is hidden precisely for it. We go to the washing machine.

    The fifth stage is the final one

    Presenter: “Well, guys, you’re almost there! You just have to go through one stage and guess where the treasure is hidden. And the scattered letters will help you guess. They hid, so they need to be found, combined into a word that will point you to the place where you will find the treasures.”

    Participants look for letters hidden on washing machine and in it. The letters make up the word “Closet,” which means the prize is waiting for them in the closet. The whole team goes to the closet, where we find a box with treasure.

    As you can see, preparing such a quest yourself is very simple. All you need to do is print out everything you need by simply copying it directly from here to your computer. All messages from the Owl can be indicated by a picture of the Owl itself. If you decide to decorate the holiday in any theme, you can replace the Owl with another hero, the quest script will not suffer from this.

    Have a fun and exciting holiday!

    Quest “Detective School!”

    Quest completion time a - about 60 minutes
    Number of participants- up to 15 people
    Quest is a modern mix theme party and a traditional celebration with a guest presenter. Its basis is achieving a set goal through overcoming a series of tasks or puzzles gradually, step by step. Thanks to the unusual format of the event, each child will have to be active. As a result, the holiday will become not only entertaining, but also developmental.
    Age: from 8 to 14 years.
    Events using this scenario can be organized:
    At school;
    in the apartment;
    in a children's cafe;
    on the street, etc.
    Props: Letter, task cards, code, rope maze.

    Event scenario

    The presenter reads the letter to the children.
    Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am Sherlock Holmes, I invite you to take a course at my detective school. Why you? Yes, because everyone talks about your insight, intelligence, dexterity and cunning.
    I really need such helpers, but I have to make sure that you really are what they say you are.
    To do this, pass my tests!
    Host: Well, guys, it turns out that getting into Sherlock Holmes school is not so easy. Are you ready to take the test? They should probably be attached to the letter (opens the envelope and takes out cards with tasks). And here are the tests themselves. So, let's begin!!!

    1st card:
    Task 1. “Try - don’t make a mistake.”
    A good detective must be very attentive. Let's see how attentive you are!

    The presenter asks the guys sitting in the hall:
    - Can you now repeat three short phrases after me?
    Nobody doubts this, of course. “Twice two is four,” says the presenter. Everyone confidently repeats this first phrase.
    “Three times three is nine,” he says. There was no error again, everything was repeated.
    “Well, you were wrong,” the presenter joyfully declares. The guys are perplexed: “Why?” The presenter explains: “Well, you were mistaken” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated it.” Well, if someone is very attentive and repeats it, then he gets a prize - candy

    2nd card:
    Task 2. “Plasticine dolls” Without mastering the secrets of conspiracy, you will not become a good intelligence officer. One of the components of conspiracy is the ability to transform.
    During the task you will have to turn into a plasticine doll. The exercise consists of three stages.
    At the first signal, you become a plasticine doll that was kept in a cold place. It is clear that the material has lost its plasticity, it is hard and cruel.
    The second signal from the presenter marks the beginning of work with the dolls. It will change your poses, but don't forget that the frozen shape will make it more difficult and she will have to feel some resistance from the material!
    The third signal is the beginning of the last stage of the exercise. Imagine that in the room where our plasticine dolls are located, all the heating devices were turned on at the same time. What, did you feel feverish? That's right, dolls experience something similar too! What's happening to them? They begin to soften. As a result, the entire doll “drains” onto the floor and turns into some kind of shapeless mass.
    3rd card:
    Task 3. “Get into character” To establish the identity of the criminal, many detectives get used to his image. The same thing awaits you now. A description of a criminal is read to you, you listen carefully to the description, then you portray this criminal.
    1. His gait could not be confused with any other, since he moved somehow spasmodically, and his head was always tilted somewhat to the right. And he also constantly sang: “And I love girls...”
    2. He had a charming smile. He had a slight limp on his left leg. The weakness in his character was that he constantly unbuttoned and fastened the buttons on the collar of his shirt.
    3. His gait could be called a cockroach step. One pant leg was rolled up above the knees. The first thing that caught your eye when meeting him was that he was shaking like a leaf and muttering something under his breath.
    4. It was a tall man with his head held high and his chest wide. He always kept his hands in his pockets and only occasionally took out his left hand to scratch the back of his head. At the same time, his eyes darted around different sides, A right leg twitched occasionally.

    4th Card:
    Task 4. “Screen of transformations.”
    For this task you will need to go on stage.
    You must prove yourself in the ability to radically change your image.
    Let's say an old man comes backstage and a little boy comes out. The cat disappears behind the scenes, and a mouse jumps out squeaking. The actress, shivering from the cold, hides behind the scenes, only to reappear a second later, exhausted from the heat.

    5th card:
    Task 5. “Chatterbox - a find for a spy”
    The ability to keep one's mouth shut is one of the main qualities of a detective. Some people have it from birth, while others will have to develop it.
    The leader, having placed chairs in a circle with his assistants, invites all the cadets to sit on them. A chair is also placed in the center of the circle - for the instructor. He conducts an “interrogation with passion,” asking questions to the listeners around him in such a way as to take them by surprise. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that it is not the one to whom the question is addressed that must answer, but his neighbor, for example, on the right. In addition, questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no,” and color names are prohibited.
    Encouragement will be given to those who have never made a mistake and who have given accurate answers without delay.
    Question options:
    1.Is a square a rectangle?
    2. Is the earth spherical?
    3. Does the cow give clear milk?
    4. Do you know how to cook scrambled eggs?
    5. Do you prefer black or red currants?
    6. Is it true that your name is Natalya?
    7. Does the frog cackle?
    8. Does the Volga flow into the Caspian Sea?
    9. Is an apple a fruit?
    10. Can you keep secrets?

    6th card:
    In the next two tasks you will have to show both detective and theatrical talents.
    Task 6. “Receiving guests”
    One of you will be the owner of the house. He has to receive guests. Who are these guests? This is where the problem lies. The fact is that when the owner walks out the door, you and I will determine what role each of the actors got. They can be anyone and anything: relatives of the owner of the apartment, his friends or enemies, service workers, presidents, inanimate objects, feelings, seasons... Our imagination is limitless here. Having determined the roles of the guests, we will invite the owner of the apartment to return to the room and ask, within, say, 5-10 minutes, to determine what kind of guests came to him today.
    How to determine the image of a guest? Firstly, the actors playing the guests will have to come up with some kind of plastic image for their character, so the nature of the movements will already be some kind of clue. Also, consider using vocal expression. During the game, the host can ask the guests various questions - all together or separately, at his discretion. When answering questions, guests continue to play their roles and try to remain incognito. That is, the guests’ answers should be at the level of hints, clarifications, but not open “removing the mask.” If, within the allotted time, the host manages to identify the images of the guests, he emerges from the game as a winner.
    7th card:
    Task 7. “An incident at a mountain resort.”
    You need to split into two teams. One team will stage a proposed crime, and the second team will have to solve it.
    Crime scenario:
    The owner of the sanatorium, Ekaterina, calls detective Ulyana on the phone.
    Ekaterina: “Hello! Is this detective Ulyana? Hello! The owner of the sanatorium, Ekaterina, is speaking to you. Could you please come urgently?”
    Ulyana approaches Ekaterina’s sanatorium and looks around.
    Ulyana: “Hm, this place is secluded... and there are no traces!”
    Ekaterina: “At night all my savings disappeared. One of the guests took advantage of my sound sleep. The ski season is ending, and there are only three guests in the sanatorium.”
    Ulyana: “Do they know anything about your habits?”
    Ekaterina: “Only that I take sleeping pills at night.”
    Ulyana: “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this matter.”
    Ulyana comes to the first guest, Anna, who has just woken up.

    Ulyana: “Did you spend the night here?”
    Anna: “Yes, I didn’t go out. It snowed all night, I slept peacefully.”
    Ksenia, the second vacationer, has already made her own coffee and is having breakfast.
    Ulyana: “What do you think about the disappearance?”
    Ksenia: “I just found out about her from you. I slept soundly all night."
    The third guest, Eva, was absent all night.
    Ulyana: “Was there any suspicious noise at night?”
    Eva: “I don’t know! I spent the night with friends in a neighboring village and returned only in the morning.”
    Ulyana goes to the center of the hall.
    Ulyana: “I already know who stole the money. And you?"
    Answer: Eva stole the money. Otherwise, why would she need to lie that she had been out all night and had just returned? She is exposed in a lie by the untouched snow cover that Ulyana saw when approaching the sanatorium.

    8th Card:
    Task 8. “Alarm”
    You need to quietly and unnoticed enter the bandits’ lair and pick up the mysterious package.”
    The entrance to the lair is blocked by a special security system.
    The security system is an ordinary underwear elastic, which I used to tighten the entrance, leaving small cells into which you can crawl (not without difficulty).
    The package is at the end of the maze. The students' task is to get to it without touching the edge of the elastic band.

    Children pass the last test, take the package, unwrap it and find nice gifts inside (Diplomas for young detectives).

    Interesting ideas - how to make a quest at home for children. Original scripts for a birthday. Do children's party unforgettable.

    The bicycle is gathering dust in the corner, rolled under the bed, forgotten by everyone. soccer ball, skates are rusting somewhere on the mezzanine, and your child sits all day long, buried in a computer monitor, not noticing anything around. A familiar picture, isn't it? Unfortunately, modern children preferred virtual reality to active games, walks with friends and reading books. And this is damaged vision, a curved spine, torn nerves, an inability to communicate and live in society. How to overcome addiction and restore interest in young gamers Everyday life? There is a way out: invite them to play a quest for children, but not on a computer screen, but at home, in a real environment. We hope everyone, without exception, will enjoy this exciting adventure.

    Interesting quest ideas for home and apartment

    For a children's holiday, be it a birthday, New Year or Halloween turned out to be fun and unforgettable, you don’t have to go somewhere, spend money and gather a big company. Organize a quest at home or at your dacha - an adventure for children. A little creative imagination will turn the apartment into Pirates' ship, impenetrable jungle or Hogwarts castle, and your child and guests will go on an exciting journey full of adventure. On the way to achieving the final goal, the guys will have to overcome difficult obstacles and solve a lot of confusing problems. To prevent the game from being boring and disorganized, parents will have to do a lot of preliminary work: come up with a scenario, select interesting tasks and puzzles, and prepare the necessary props. That's why original ideas It's worth taking note, they will be especially useful for home quests.

    All modern children know and love the story of the famous boy wizard, so they will not mind visiting the Hogwarts School of Wizardry with Harry Potter.

    From the very beginning, you need to create intrigue in order to awaken a keen interest in the game among the children. For example, read a note from Dumbledore that a gift to the birthday boy will reveal a spell that children will learn only after going through a difficult path of trials. Let the magic phrase be “celebration incipit” (“the holiday begins”). Participants will receive it, syllable by syllable, as a reward for completed tasks that resonate with the theme of the quest, for example:

    1. “Brew the potion.” The essence of the competition is to reveal invisible letters written on a blank sheet of paper with soda, slightly diluted with water. Dropping the “scroll” into the potion, we will see the first syllable "SE". You can prepare a decoction according to the attached recipe by mixing “Salamander Blood” (red grape juice) with “Mandrake Juice” (white grape juice), adding two tears of a phoenix bird (plain water).
    2. “Message from the Owl” - check the mailbox, in which you need to put the “Daily Prophet” newspaper in advance, with the written syllable « L.E.».
    3. Find “YINALEZH OLAKREZ” - a mirror of desires, on which the next part of the spell is written in lipstick.

    We complete the tasks until we collect the entire phrase. It is more interesting to play in the twilight, moving from room to room and illuminating your path with a lamp in the form of an old lantern. As a result, the gift will be opened and presented to the birthday person.

    Spy quest

    This game is about logic, speed and originality of thinking, as well as intelligence. You need to combine tasks with an exciting, mysterious plot, for example, about how a certain villain decided to destroy the world and developed a deadly virus. He prepared the antidote only for himself and keeps the formula strictly secret. The task of the spies is to find a life-saving medicine and neutralize the criminal.

    Passions are also running high because the spies have limited time: if they fail to solve the secret code in 15 minutes, the safe will blow up.

    Pirate quest

    Of course, this is a treasure hunt. To find it you need a map. Old Captain Flint did everything to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, cutting it into pieces and safely hiding each of them. Where? This is what the young pirates have to find out, using various tips and completing exciting tasks:

    1. The first part of the map is hidden in an ice cave, where the frost crackles, the wind blows, and the cold chills to the bones. You need to guess that we are talking about a refrigerator.
    2. Show the children an encrypted phrase where special signs are depicted instead of letters. Using the key, you need to decode the inscription: “The card is hidden behind the mirror.”
    3. A bottle with a valuable message was caught from the sea: “an old palm tree grows on the island (any indoor flower), stand with your back to it, looking at the mountain (which is visible in the window), count 3 steps to the left, 5 straight, 4 to the right. There you will find the treasured document.”

    When the entire card is collected, you need to turn it over reverse side and read in a mirror image where treasures are hidden - cookies, candies, fruits, small souvenirs, folded in a chest or suitcase.

    Culinary quest

    This is not typical for childhood an adventure, the essence of which is to independently create delicious and simple dishes. To prevent the activity from turning into ordinary cooking, you need, as in any other quest, to come up with a plot and interesting tasks.

    You can make an adventure based on children's cartoon"Ratatouille" Let's start with the story of how a mother found in her closet a page from an old book by a famous chef with an interesting task for children. Having completed it, the kids will find the next page. Tests can be very diverse:

    • first you have to undergo initiation into a cook, for which you need to solve a crossword puzzle on a culinary theme;
    • make your own canapés on skewers, unusual sandwiches, fruit salads and even bake pizza;
    • alternate the culinary process with funny competitions, like “Restore the text”, where random words are written in the salad recipe instead of ingredients: boil a spoon in its uniform, add a glass of onions and pickled buttons...

    The most pleasant moment is that the prepared culinary masterpieces are then eaten in the company of friends.

    Alice in Wonderland

    This fairy tale, beloved by many, can easily come to life within the walls of your apartment: according to legend, children find themselves in a strange dream of a sleeping little girl, Alice. You can create a world through the looking glass using special decorations: miniature signs, many clocks, playing cards hanging everywhere, hats and mirrors, a chessboard.

    The tests are interesting and unusual:

    It’s good to take photos during the game, capturing particularly interesting moments.

    Musical quest

    Music brings bright colors into our lives, creates a mood, and energizes us. But the trouble is, an evil wind came, picked up and scattered all the notes around. With such a legend you can start an educational game - an adventure for children younger age. To find the notes, you need to complete a wide variety of tasks:

    • guess which cartoon the melody is from;
    • identify a musical instrument by its sound;
    • solve puzzles or charades;
    • learn and finish the song by the first words.

    After each stage passed, one note is returned, which must be placed back on the staff. When all the signs are collected, children can be awarded prizes in the form of medals, musical toy instruments or books.

    Scientific quest

    It will arouse great interest among middle-aged children, especially if you make a competent selection of tasks and experiments:

    Such experiments, combined with a fascinating plot, will convey new knowledge to children in an accessible form and will certainly instill an interest in science.

    Ecological quest

    How to present serious global topics to kids in an accessible way? Of course, in the form of an exciting game. You can start your journey with the story that messengers from the future have appeared on our planet. They warned that the Earth was on the verge of disaster, and if no help was given, it would die in a few years. Young environmentalists begin their landing:

    For each stage you need to receive an icon, which is a piece of the image of our planet. When a single picture emerges, the Earth will be saved.

    New Year's quest

    The quest begins with a message from Santa Claus asking him to find new Year gifts, which Barmaley stole. Tips like: follow the star, go to the cold land eternal ice, find the polar bear, listen to what the snowflakes are saying, lead children to various challenges. It can be:

    Although the quest is held in an apartment, you can give children a little exercise by offering competitions in the form of a maze or relay race. Having covered the distance, the baby hangs the toy on an impromptu Christmas tree.

    For completing each stage of the test, the children receive cards with letters, from which at the end of the game they form a clue word.

    To make it interesting for everyone

    When choosing a topic and tasks for a home quest, do not forget to take into account age and individual characteristics child.

    Quest for children 4–5 years old

    The game should not tire the baby or bore him, therefore:

    1. The quest will take no more than 30 minutes.
    2. Carefully consider the theme; children of this age are close to: fairy tales, New Year's gifts, animals, music.
    3. Tasks should be feasible and interesting, based on the child’s ability to navigate in space, perform basic tasks on fine motor skills, arrange pictures in sequence, assemble parts into a whole, build according to a model, shade, paint.
    4. Logic competitions must be alternated with physical activity.
    5. It is recommended to use more colorful illustrations, pictures and decorations, since children of this age have visual-figurative thinking.
    6. Not all five year old kids can read, so it is better to do tasks and tips in the form of images or audio explanations.

    If it is difficult for a child to get comfortable in an unfamiliar company, he can participate together with his mother.

    Children's quest for 7–9 years old

    The leading activity is still the game, but it needs to be organized competently:

    1. The high activity of children of this age, combined with increased fatigue, requires frequent changes of activities. Therefore, as with younger children, we alternate tasks for intelligence with physical exercise. The game should not last longer than 40 minutes.
    2. Logic, abstract thinking, speech, and eye development develop, which becomes the basis for complicating tasks. But all of them must be solvable, otherwise the child will lose all interest in the game.
    3. The attention of younger schoolchildren quickly dissipates, so quest tasks should not be drawn out in time; if necessary, it is worth recalling the essence of the test.

    Children of this age are characterized by increased emotionality and receptivity. Therefore, an adult must be vigilant in order to prevent conflicts and praise and support the baby in a timely manner.

    Quest for children 10–13 years old

    This age coincides with the onset of puberty, so hormonal background child's body unstable, which should be taken into account when choosing quest tests:

    1. Due to increased fatigue, monotonous tasks or those involving excessive physical activity are not suitable for children.
    2. The nervous system of middle-aged participants is very sensitive. Therefore, you should avoid excessive passions, violent emotions, conflict situations.
    3. The duration of the quest can be increased to an hour by including seven to eight stages.
    4. Topics should be selected taking into account the interests of the child.

    The principles of organizing quests at any age should be their safety, the absence of elements of horror or violence that traumatize the child’s psyche, as well as mandatory adult supervision.

    Difference between quests for boys and girls

    We will not discover anything new by saying that the choice of games for boys and girls is noticeably different, it’s all about psychological characteristics children. Representatives of the stronger sex usually prefer:

    It should be noted that most quests are universal and combine tests and stages that will be equally interesting to both boys and girls.

    Of course, you can take your child to a private questroom - a club where professional actors organize children's leisure activities. And for 3 – 5 thousand rubles, organize a grandiose high-tech show for the company with optical illusions, light and sound effects. But free home quest will be no worse, because you created it with great love, putting in the soul and warmth of a parent’s heart.

    A quest is a game consisting of several tasks (levels) united by one storyline. Each completed level provides a key (hint) to the next task or overall goal.

    As a rule, there can be 7 - 10 such levels, but there may be fewer, or there may be more, depending on their complexity and the age of the players. The main thing is that the quest does not get boring for its participants, so its duration usually takes no more than 1.5 - 2 hours.

    Advantages of the quest at home:

    1) Easily accessible props - you can use everything you have in the house.

    2) Minimum costs

    3) You don't need to go anywhere.

    4) One person or several teams can play, if the size of the room allows.

    Step-by-step instructions "How to make a quest at home?"

    Step 1. Come up with a plot for the quest at home: script and game mechanism

    You can play around the holiday itself, as well as your favorite films or cartoons. Thus, you can congratulate the birthday person, make an offer, surprise and entertain guests, and conduct a ransom.

    Particular attention should be paid to the spectacular finale. Possible options scenario ending:

    Find a gift or ring;

    Solve a crime, find a treasure, save a princess from a terrible dragon - any plot of your favorite fairy tales.

    Open the room with the bride;

    Save the birthday cake from being captured by monsters;

    Sometimes the desired ending can lead to a plot idea.

    Step 3. Prepare the necessary props

    Following the script, you need to prepare in advance everything you need to carry it out, put the clues in their places, and hide the surprise for the ending.

    You can send themed invitations to players in advance to not only invite them, but also set them up for the upcoming adventure.

    In order not to get confused and miss anything, it is better to lay out the clues in the order in which they are mentioned in the script. It is best to write down this sequence, as well as the correct answers.

    Ready-made sets and scenarios

    You can purchase ready-made quests with the necessary tasks, materials and detailed instructions on our website. All that remains is to carefully hide everything and enjoy the game.

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